08/17/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionCITY COUNCIL. - WORKSHOP THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 2000 6:30 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Budget Workshop. 3. Adjourn. G Rosalie Chavez; City Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MEMO TO: City Council Members FROM: Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent DATE: August 15, 2000 SUBJECT: Budgeted Salaries In April, I approached the council concerning a raise for Mike Prater and at that time I had done some extensive research on pay comparison with the two utilities that we are in employee competition with. I gave the council a break down of this comparison. The salaries I proposed in this budget are a direct reflection of this survey. I feel our employees are under paid in comparison to other utility companies around us. I also feel that in order to keep a reliable and competitive utility that we have to be competitive in salaries. If not we will always be in a struggle to keep qualified personnel and in turn our citizens will suffer in quality of service. August 15, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary RP• C;i1v �f i�ent�n Pav Plan In the preparation of my salary increases, I used the City of Denton's salary schedules as a base to start. The City of Denton has staff on hand that conducts these surveys periodically from surrounding cities to develop schedules for their employees. The information is then compiled to arrive at an average. I am attaching some of their schedules for Council's review. Please take some time to look at the schedules, I feel Council will be surprised at some of the entry level salaries. The City of Denton's entry and market is where an employee can be hired, if an employee has experience the supervisor can request that he be hired at Market. The next merit range is a percentage form 0 to 5, that an employee can receive yearly depending on is performance evaluations. There are two merit ranges that an employee can reach. With this information , is now I based the information below. Candace would fall, under this schedule, in Market Band 4 Accounts Payable Representative II, she was hired January 20, 1998, and is making $10.00 per hour. This is lower than the entry level a the City of Denton. I am proposing to bring her to $24,000.00 which will bring her between Merit Range 1. Candace not only does Accounts Payable, she is also a backup for the cashier. Sheri would also be classified in Market Band 4, as Cashier II, and has been here since February 17, 1997. Her current salary is lower than the starting salary at the City of Denton. I propose to give her $24,000.00 bringing her between Merit Range 1. Esmeralda would be classified in Market Band 7 as the Collection and Billing Coordinator. She was hired on October 5,1998. Her current salary is way below the entry level at the City of Denton, and the increase I proposed is still under that entry level. I am requesting to bring her to $28,600.00. Esmeralda also backs up the cashier position in her absence. She also assists in typing some of the City Secretaries miscellaneous projects. Ranell would be classified in Market Band 5 as an Accounting Technician, she also is currently below the entry level, I am proposing to bring her to $28,600.00 which will be between the Merit Range 1. Ranell has duties of Payroll and assists with Human Resource duties. Samantha is classified in market Band 7 as an Administrative Assistant. She was hired July 1,1998. Her current salary is under Denton's entry level. My proposal would bring her to the Merit Range 1 Step. Sam has recently received her Microsoft Professional Certification, which basically means she could be classified as a Network Administrator, which that schedule is way above my reach, (page 5 of 7). Sam also is a Certified Computer Technician, which allows her to troubleshoot most all computer problems. Below is a list of the City Secretary's responsibilities that she assists me with: Assistant to the Cit;� 1`�Ianager Financial Investment Officer Accounting Operations Manager Election Officer Workers Compensation Coordinator Human Resource/ Personnel Tax Collections Grant Coordinator Local Section VIII Operator for Rental Assistance Health Inspections Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments Library Board Parks and Beautification Boards Subdivision and Platting Customer Relations Data Processing Supervisor Seriously, this is no joke. These are the City Secretary's duties at the City of Sanger, and as we are growing, these responses become greater. City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Market Salary Entry Market Merit Range 1 Merin Range 2 Band Types 90.0% 100.0% , 100%`+ ill 11 1 1 1o.0W 110% + 2010 120.0% ONO Annual 16,744.00 18,595.20 180616,00 200446 40 20,467.20 22,318.40 Monthly 11395033 11549060 1,551.33 1%703.187 1,705.60 1,859.87 2 Pay Period 644.00 715.20 716.00% 786.40 787.20 858.40 Hourly 8.05 8.94Ffl 8.95 9.83 9.84 10.73 Clerk Courier Library Clerk Parking Enforcement Officer ' Merit Range 1 - 50% base pay50% lump sum " Merit Range 2 - 25°,6 base payJ75°%lump sum 1 /12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 1 of 9 3 Annual Monthly Pay Period Houriv City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Entry ---Market 90.0% 100.0% 18740w8O 209820.8O 1:561473 1,735.07 720.80 800.80 9.01 10.01 ' Merit Range 1 - 50°6 base pay50°%lump sum •' Merit Range 2 - 25°h base pay/75% lump sum January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized. xis ZZ,8Z7,t3U 1,910.13 881.60 11.02 960.80 12001 Page 2 of 9 City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Performance Ranges Market Salary Entry Market Merit Range 1 "_.�' -_._ Merit Range 2 *".. . ---------------------- o ..._ .........+......... .... Band Types 90.0% 100.0,E 100% 010 110.0% 110%+.01¢ 120.0% Annual 20,987620 23,316080 231337060 25,646.40 25,667420 27,976.00 4, Monthly--19748.93 11943007 1,944680 2,137.20 21138993 21331433 Pay Period 807.20 896.80 897.60 986.40 987.20 1,076.00 Hourly 10.09 11.21 11.22 12.33 1 12.34 13.45 Occupation BD85 Accounts Payable Representative II CD351. Animal Control Officer AD70 Apprentice Meter Services Tech. BD95 . Assistant Court Representative _ BD30 CD65 Civilian Duty Officer CD10 Civilian Jailer CD40 Civilian Property Technician AD60 Commercial Driver BD90 Customer Service Representative' BD25 Facilities Assistant BD20' HR Representative 11 AD15 Lead Warehouse/Partsroom Attendant BD10 I F I Library Assistant AD90 Maintenance Mechanic I - WNVW CD20 Maintenance Mechanic/Solid Waste AD10 Maintenance Worker II CD60 Plant Operator I - WNVW BD50 Records Technician AD65 Residential Driver BD40 Secretary I BD80 Secretary/Criminal Investigations CD45 Traffic Signs & Markings Tech Appr BD15 Utility Dispatcher AD25 WNVW Utilities Oper II - Field Services BD70 Warehouse/Partsroom Clerk AD80 Water Meter Mechanic I CD70 Water Reclamation Technician I ' Merit Range 1 - 50% base payF�O°,6 lump sum " Merit Range 2 - 25°b base pay/75°rE lump sum 1/12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 3 of 9 City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Performance Ranges Market Salary Entry Market Merit Range 1 ". Merit Range 2 *".. Band Types 90.0% 100.0% .._.. 100% + .01 ¢ 110.0% : _ ..... 110% + .01 ¢ 120.0% Annual 231504000 26,124.80 26,145.60 28,745.60 28,766.40 31,345.60 5 Monthly 11958067 21177007 2,178.80 2,395.47 2,397.20 21612A3 Pay Period 904.00 1,004.80 1,005.60 1,105960 1,106A0 1,205.60 Hourly 11.30 12056 12.57 1182 13983 15.07 BE30 Administrative Services Representative CE95 Animal Control Officer II BE50 Assistant Court Representative II CE90 Computer Operator CE91 E I & C Apprentice CE96 Elec Metering Electrician Apprentice CE97 Elec Metering Technician Apprentice CE20 Elec Technician Apprentice - WAIVW CE45 Engineering Aide CE40 Engineering Technician I CE10 Environmental Monitoring Technician AE20 Equipment Operator CE80 Facility Maintenance Technician CE50 HR Assistant I CE94 Journey Meter Services Technician BE10 Library Assistant II CE70 Maintenance Mechanic - Garage CE93 Maintenance Technician Apprentice CE92 Operator Apprentice CE85 Public Safety Dispatcher CE65 Recreation Leader BE20 Secretary 11 BE60 Solid Waste Services Representative CE98 Substation Technician Apprentice CE30 Traffic Signs & Markings Technician CE55 Utility Line Technician Apprentice CE60 Utility Technician II AE40 W/VWV Utilities Operator III - Field Services AE30 Water Meter Mechanic II CE75 Welder/Fabricator Merit Range 1 - 50°� base pay/50°� lump sum " Merit Range 2 - 25°,6 base pay/75°,6 lump sum 1 /12100 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 4 of 9 City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8. 2000 Performance Ranges Market Salary Entry Market _ Merit Ran e 1 " Merit Range 2 .------ ................. ......... Band Types 90.0°% 100.0°% 100% + 01 ¢ 110.0% 110% + .01 ¢ 120.096 Annual 261312,00 29,244980 29,265060 32,177.610 32,198640 35,089.60 Monthly 2,192.67 21437607 21438080 21681.47: 2,683.20 2,924.13 Pay Period 11012000 11124680 11125060 1,237.60 1,238.40 1,349.60 Hourly 12.65 14.06 14.07 15.47 1 15.48 16.87 Occupation Market Band 6 NonwExempt Positions BF50 ; Administrative Secretary CF30 Animal Control_ Officer III BF80 Assistant City Secretary CF15 Chief Mechanic - Garage BF70 Court Docket Rep. CF35 Crew Leader CF96 Fleet Services Technician CF10 HR Assistant II CF95` Inspector I/Pretreatment CF50 Laboratory Technician BF10 Lead Administrative Svcs. Rep, CF98 Lead Machinist/Fabricator CF20 Lead Meter Services Technician CF55 Lead Public Safety Dispatcher BF60 Library Assistant III CF97 Maintenance Mechanic II - W/WW CF60, Maintenance Tech. I - W/WW CF80 Payroll Technician CF75 Plant Operator II - W/WW BF20 Senior Customer Services Rep, CF65 Senior Engineering Aide CF99 Senior Records Technician CF45 Senior Solid Waste Services Rep. CF25 Service Writer - Fleet Services CF40 Surveying Technician CF70 Traffic Signal Technician I CF90 Water Reclamation Tech. II CF85 WW Processing Technician ` Merit Range 1 - 50°% base pay/50°% lump sum `" Merit Range 2 - 25°% base pay/75°%lump sum 1 /12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 5 of 9 City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 CG85 Administrative Assistant CG50 Code Enforcement Officer CG98 Collection and Billing Coordinator Pr CG80 Court Clerk Coordinator CG96 Electric Metering Coordinator CG65 . Electronic Technician Apprentice CG25 Engineering Technician II CG70 Environmental Service Representative CG97 Facilities Maintenance Technician II CG55 Fire inspector CG99 HR Analyst I CG45 Inspector II/Combination CG60 Judicial Coordinator CG20 Multimedia Specialist CG75 Pollution Control Abatement Officer CG30 Public Education Officer - Fire CG90 Purchasing Assistant CG96 Senior Animal Control Officer CG35 Traffic Signal Technician II CG40 Water Reclamation Technician III ' Merit Range 1 - 50°,6 base pay/50°,U lump sum " Merit Range 2 - 25°� base pay/75°,6 lump sum January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 6 of 9 8 1 Annual Monthly Pay Period Houriv Entry 33,030.40 2,752.53 1,270.40 15.88 CH97 CH25 CH80 CH35 CH90 CH85 CH61 . CH65 CH30 CH75 �" CH51 City of Denton Non -Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 _ Market 100.0% .. 36,691.20 38,712.00 40. 3,057.60 3,059.33 3 1,411.20 1 '412.00 1 17.64 17.65 'Y P P r Communit Develo ment Ins e o E 1,&' C Technician Elect, Meter Technician Electric Metering Electrician Electrician Electronic Technician Executive Secretary to the City Mgr Facility Maintenance Technician III ` Health Inspector Heavy Equipment Mechanic Help Desk Coordinator Lead Operator - WANW Legal Assistant Maintenance Technician - Electric Maintenance Technician III - W/WW Operator - Electric Plan/GIS/Engineering Technician III Plans Examiner Regulatory Compliance Inspector/Landfill Senior Analyst - Solid Waste Senior Code Enforcement Officer Senior Combination Inspector Senior Crew Leader Substation Technician Tax Analyst Technical Assistant User Support Specialist Utility Line Technician ` Merit Range 1 - 50°,6 base payl50°% lump sum '" Merit Range 2 - 25°,b base pay/75°,6 lump sum -11096 +.01 t 40,372.80 3,364.40 1,552.80 19.41 1: 1 ,693.60 21.17 1/12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 7 of 9 City of Denton Non.Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Merit Range 1 - 50%base payF.�O°h lump sum "" Merit Range 2 - 25% base payl75%lump sum 1 /12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 8 of 9 City of Denton Non=Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 " Merit Range 1 - 50% base pay/50% lump sum `" Merit Range 2 - 25% base pay/75%lump sum 1 /12N0 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls Page 9 of 9 City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Performance Ranges Market Salary Entry Market F" Merit Range 1 " Merit Range 2 Band Types 90.0% 100.0% 100% + .011t 110.0% - 110% + 01 120.0% IP Annual 26,312,00 29124408 29,26596 32,177.E 32,198.4 35,089.E 6 Monthly 21192067 2143700 29438.8 2,681.4 2168392 2,924.1 Pay Period 1,012.00 1112468 1,125.E 1,237.E 1,238.4 1,349.E Hourly 12.65 14.0 14.0 15.4 15.4 16.8 Performance Ranges Market Salary Entry Market Merit Range 1 * Merit Range 2 ** - ...__.. .......... Band Types 90.0% ---- I,..mown 100.0% ......... 100% + IQ ¢ ...... ... 110.0% 110% + .01 ¢ 120.0% Annual 291473660 32,73992 32,76OmOO 36,004080 36,025060 39,29162 7 Monthly 21456013 2,728.2 2,730.0 3,000.4 3,002.1 3127402 Pay Period 0 11133660 1,259.2 1,260.0 1138468 1138506 1,511.2 Hourly 1 15.7 15.7 17.31 17.3 18.8 DG45' Buyer DG50 Librarian I DG25 Personal Computer Analyst DG65 Program Specialist - Community Devel. DG40 Recreation Specialist I MG10 Warehouse Supervisor DG55 Zoning Officer " Merit Range 1 - 50°� base pay/50°ti lump sum "" Merit Range 2 - 25°� base pay/75°ro lump sum January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Exempt Pay Plans Page 1 of 7 Aarket I Salary Band Types 8 1 Annual Monthly Pay Period Hourly City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Entry Market 90.0% I M0% 33,030. 2,752. 1,270. 15. 36,691.2 3,057.6 1,411.2 17.6 Performance Ranges erit,Ran9a 1 Im _Merit Rwe 0% +601 110 10%+.01¢ 36,712.0, 40,40,372.8( 3,059.3 3,3,364.4( 1141240 1,1,552.8( 17.E 19.4' . ;,- DH2O ... Accountant l MH2O Computer Operations Supervisor DH45 Crime Analyst. MH40 Customer Service Supervisor DH90 Family Services Coordinator DH75 HR Analyst 11 DH85 Human Services Coordinator DH50 Librarian II DH40 Management Assistant DH70 Public Information Specialist DH10 Recreation Specialist 11 DH80 Recycling Coordinator DH60 Safety Specialist MH30 Solid Waste Supervisor DH65 Systems Administrator/Library DH55 Treasury Analyst I ' Merit Range 1 - 50°% base pay/50°� lump sum *' Merit Range 2 - 25°% base pay/75°� lump sum ire z 00000 20.0% 44,033.E 3,669.4 1,8916 21A 1 /12A70 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Exempt Pay Plans Page 2 of 7 Band 9 1 Annual Monthly Pay Period Hourly City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 rmance Ra Entry Market Merit Range 1 ".,.,. 90.0% 100.0% 100% + solo"] 110,00/0 "Is110% 01 ¢ �- 120.0% 36,982.40 41,080,0C 41,100480 451198:41 3,081.87 3,423.3 3,425.0 3,766451 11422,40 1,580.0 1,580.8 1,738,41 17.78 19.7 193621.74 ': " DI95 " 'Accountant II D160 Administrative Services Coordinator D170 Assistant City Attorney 1 D125 City Secretary D146 Community Development Coordinator. D175 Computer Applications Trainer `D150 Construction Project Coordinator D145 Development Officer D136 Engineering Technologist D165 Financial Analyst D180 Health Benefits Administrator D120 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist D130 Human Resources Generalist M130 Landfill Manager D135 Librarian III D185 Marketing Specialist M135 Parks Supervisor D155 Planner I M120 Plans Examiner Supervisor D115 Programmer Analyst D190 Public Transportation Coordinator M140 Recreation Center Supervisor M125 Streets Supervisor D140 Utility Services Coordinator Merit Range 1 - 50°� base pay/50°� lump sum " Merit Range 2 - 25°ro base pay/75°�, lump sum 45,219.2 3,76892 1,739.2 21.7 49,296. 108. 896. 23. 4, 1, 1 /12l00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Exempt Pay Plans Page 3 of 7 City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Nertormance ranges Market Salary Entry Market Merit Range 1 " _. _ _ _Merit Range 2 ** 0%00%+.01 Band Types 90.0% 100.0% 10'¢ lt00%d 1109E+.01¢ 120.09E Annual 41,412.80 46,009.E 46,030;4 50,606.4 50,627.2 55,203.2 10 Monthly 3145160 3,834.1 3,835.8 4;2�.7.2 4121809 4,600.2 Pay Period 11592080 1,769.6 1,770A 19946,4 1,947.2 2,123.2 Hourly 19.91 22.1 22.1 24,3 24.3 26.5 DJ15 DJ35 DJ45 DJ25 DJ30 MJ50 MJ45 DJ60 DJ50 DJ55 MJ80 MJ30_ DJ65 DJ10 DJ40 MJ60 DJ75 DJ70 MJ10 I ` Accounting Operations Manager Airport Manager Assistant City Attorney II Assistant Fire Marshal Code Enforcement Manager Engineer Associate I Environmental Services Project Mgr. Fleet Services Manager Kee_ p Denton Beautiful Coordinator Librarian IV Main Street Coordinator Meter Field Services Supervisor Parks Program Area Manager Planner II Senior Buyer Senior Programmer Analyst Solid Waste Collections Manager Utility Comm. & Spec. Project Coord, Utility Safety/Training Coordinator Water Production Maintenance Supv. ' Merit Range 1 - 50% base pay/50%lump sum '" Merit Ranye 2 - 25°,6 base pay/75°h lump sum January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized, As -Exempt Pay Plans Page 4 of 7 City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Performance Ranges Market salary Entry Market Merit Range 1 " _. _ Merit .Range Band Types 90.0% 100.0% 100% + .01 ¢ 110.0% 110% + .01 ¢ 120.0% Annual 46,384000 51,542a4O 51,563920 561700080 561721s60 1859210 1 Monthly 31865.34129592 4,296.9 4172590 4,726.8 5115499 Pay Period 1,784.01198244 1,983.2 2,180.8 2118196 2,379.2 Hourly 22931 2467E 24.74 27.2 2727129.7 DK15 "Assistant city Attorney n! DK97 Cash and Debt Administrator g,. MK80 Communications Manager DK98 Community Relations Coord./Eco. Dev. MK96 Drainage Manager DK35 Economic Development Coordinator MK60 Electric Distribution Manager MK55 Electric Prod. E I & C Manager MK50 Electric Prod, Maint, Manager DK99 Engineer Associate II MK20 Engineer Tech, Supervisor DK55 Environmental Compliance Admin. .i . DK20 Environmental Services Coordinator MK46 Library Adult Services Coordinator MK45 Library Youth Services Coordinator MK15 Manager of Electric Production Oper. DK65 Manager of Marketing Services MK65 Metering Operations Manager DK45 I Municipal Court Administrator DK70 Network Administrator bK96 Occupational Health Services Admin. DK85 Planner III DK40 Public Information Officer MK25 Reprographic Services Manager DK80 Senior Grants Accountant DK50 Senior Utility Administrator MK70 Substation/Oper/Communications Mgr. DK25 Systems Programmer DK86 Utilities Public Communications Coord. DK30 Utility Cost Analyst DK60 Utility Rate Administrator MK95 Wastewater Collections Manager MK85 Water Distribution Systems Manager DK95 Web Master MK90 Wtr Meter & Cross Connect Control Mgr " Merit Range 1 - 50°� payl50°� lump s�rfOrmance ` Merit Range 2 - 25% �se se pay/75°,6 lump sum ges 1/12100 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetlzed.xls -Exempt Pay Plans Page 5 of 7 `771 City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Market Salary Entry Market Range 1 Merit Rang 2''". _ Band Types 90.0% 100.0% ^Merit l00% + ti1'¢? 110 0% 11100/0 + .ot ¢ 120.0% Annual 51,937960 57,69902C 571720 0 63,46048 63,481.6 6%2412 12 Monthly 41328013 4,808.2 '4,810.0 5,288,q 5,290.13 5,770.2 Pay Period 1199706 2,219.2 2,22q,0 2,440�8 2,441.6 2,663.2 Hourly 24.9 27.7 , , 27.7 L 30.51 30.5 33.2 Motto DL45 .; Applications Program Manager DL35 Assistant to the City Manager DL50 Chief Accountant DL40 Community Development Administrator DL20 Construction Projects Manager ML30 Facilities Manager ML25 Fire Marshal ML60 Fleets Superintendent DL30 Internal Auditor ML35 Parks and Recreation Superintendent ML65 Purchasing Agent DL55 Regulatory Compliance & Lab Manager DL10 Risk Manager ML55 Transportation Manager DL70 Utility Services Administrator ML70 Utility Services Manager/Cust, Svc, MINI Wastewater Reclamation Manager ML20 Water Production Manager Merlt Range 1 - 50°% base pay50°% lump sum "' Merit Range 2 - 25°,6 base pay/75°,6 lump sum 1 /12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Exempt Pay Plans Page 6 of 7 City of Denton Exempt Pay Plan January 8, 2000 Nertormance ranges Market Salary Entry Market 4 Me�rlt ag9�� .__.Merit Range 2,"* _ Sir Band Types----so.o%---- .---100.0 -.. �. �+ tr d �110%+.01¢� 120.0% Annual 58,177.E 64,646.4If,6k` 2� 71,136.077,581 3 Monthly 4,848.13 5,387.2 $� $ f4MfIIIAIlWo JI 1 51928:0 6148 Pay Period 22237660 2,486.4 8� 2; 3a 2,73600 2198 Hourly 27.9 31.0 ��`T 3N', it{� , 34.2 3 MM30 � Building Official MM15 � Electric Distribution Superintendent DM25 � Electric Resource Planning MM20 Metering/Substation Superintendent DM15 j Senior Engineer MM25 Technology Services Manager ` Merit Range 1 - 50% base pay50%lump sum " Merit Range 2 - 25°,6 base pay/75°,6 lump sum 1 /12l00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized Axis" Exempt Pay Plans Page 7 of 7 City of Denton Executive Pay Plan January 8, 2000 1 /12/C)0 January S - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Executive Pay Plan Page 1 of 4 City of Denton Executive Pay Plan January 8, 2000 JG55 �°; _ ="` Assistant Police Chief J 330 Director of Economic Development JG80 ' Director of Facilities Management J 375 Director of Financial/Administrative Services JG45 Director of Fiscal Operations J 315 Director of Human Resources JG40 Director of Library Services J 365 Director of Management and Budget JG50 Director of Mgm. and Public Inform It JG10 Director of Parks and Recreation JG60 Director of Planning JG70 Director of Solid Waste JG20.1` Director of Technology Services JG35 Director of Transportation/Engineering io 1 /12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Executive Pay Plan Page 2 of 4 1 /12/00 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Executive Pay Plan Page 2 of 4 City of Denton Executive Pay Plan January 8, 2000 JH95 �,,, , , "Director"of Electric Utilities JH30 Director of Water/Wastewater J 1220 Fire Chief JH35 First Assistant City Attorney JH2O ; Police Chief rJ1LU - ': H5,t5te7nt Luy iv�ana�ci - vunuaa J130 Asst. City Manager -Development Services J110 Asst. City. Mgr. -Fiscal & Municipal Services ance Ran 1/121U0 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Executive Pay Plan Page 3 of 4 Executive 1/12ID0 January 8 - 2000 Pay Plan - Alphabetized.xls -Executive Pay Plan Page 4 of 4