07/17/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 17, 2000 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: July 3, 2000 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen`s Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Consider Sanger Chamber of Commerce Request for the Closing of Certain City Streets for the Sanger Sellabration, 5. Consider and Possible Action to Consider Sanger Chamber of Commerce Request to Use Hotel Motel Tax Funds for Advertisements in Regards to the Sanger Sellabration. 6. Consider and Possible Action for Approval of Resolution #07-09-00 for Submission of Application for the Telecommunications Infrastructure Grant 7. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #06-06-00 -Authorizing Award of an Administrative Services Contract for the City's 2001-2003 TCDP Projects, Contingent upon Grant Award, 8. Consider and Possible on the Following Appointments: Member to the Beautification Board, Municipal Judge, Municipal Court Clerk, & City Attorney. 9. Consider and Possible Action for Approval of Resolution #07-11-00, Creation of Sanger Municipal Mud District #1. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Purchase of Church of Christ Building for Proposed City Hall Facility. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Policy Procedures for Sanger Police Department, Off- Duty Security Employment. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #07-08-00- Setting Date, Time and Place of Proposed Annexations. 13. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Proposed Annexations on Properties Legally Described as Follows: BEING ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND WHICH SITUATED IN ABSTRACT 719 BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 27A, BEING 15 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 1801 S. STEMIVIONS. ABSTRACT 1241, HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, TRACT 45, BEING 2.50 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 4799 BELZ ROAD. ABSTRACT 71A, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 7, BEING 22.11 ACRES, PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON COWLING ROAD (OLD US HWY 77). - ABSTRACT 71A, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 26, BEING 29.331 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 666A, JOHNSON SURVEY, TRACT 3 & 89 BEING 35.036 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 6669 IN THE R.A. JOHNSON SURVEY, TRACT 4, BEING 43.694 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON STEMMONS RD (Eagle Farms), AND ONE MILE WEST ON BELZ ROAD, RIGHT OF WAY, AND ABSTRACT 071A, BURLESON, TRACT 6, BEING 4.0129 ACRE5 (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 940A MCKINNEY & WH.LIAMS9 TRACT 7 (HS), BEING 2.000 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 940A, MCKINNEY & WILLIAMS, TRACT 7, BEING 42.91 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 93A BURLESON, TRACT 4 & 5 (PT), BEING 16.000 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT G64A, F. JAIME, TRACT 31, BEING 9.61 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 666A, JOHNSON, TRACT 2, BEING 177.87 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 29, R BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 109, BEING 4.1277 ACRES, (KT'S) AND, ABSTRACT 29, R BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 116, BEING 3.00 ACRES (BEARD'S), AND ABSTRACT 1241. HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY. BEING FART OF A CALLED 66 ACRE TRACT H, BEING A TOTAL OF 26.1544 ACRES, TO BE KNOWN AS HERITAGE WEST ADDITION, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 6, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 2, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 1. 14. Any Other Such Matters. 15. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. July 12, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #7 Martha Drake, from Grant Works will be present to address this item concerning our grant application for administrative services.. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL DULY 39 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman, Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Craig Waggoner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Fred and Sunny Yeatts, J. B. an Shirley Haisler, Mike Walthal with GSA, Curtis and Janet Sims, Abe and Zelma Millar, Beverly Branch, Jayne Ashcraft, Mike and Brenda James, Ken Cornell 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 19, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Request Presented by Curtis Sims with Millennium Homes, and Mike Walthall with Governmental Service Agency. Curtis Sims, Millennium Homes, addressed the Council and indicated they helped small cities obtain nice rental property. He explained that for economic growth citizens were needed. He indicated the need for affordable housing has become very acute, with the Val -Mart Distribution center coming to Sanger. He explained the program and indicated they would build duplexes, instead of Single Family homes. He explained that the city has no responsibility, and in fact, there is no taxing entity standing behind them. Mr. Sims indicated Southwest Securities would do the underwriting for the bonds. The only responsibility of the City would be to establish a board to work with them. He indicated at some point the HFC would probably want to sell the property to a private investor. He explained there were numerous advantages to this type of housing, and indicated it was a unique opportunity for the City. He indicated there was the rare combination of financial ability and the growing need in the community. Discussion regarding the project. Curtis Sims explained that typically upper management would be in Dallas, and they would have someone live on site. Discussion regarding the cost of rent. Curtis Sims indicated they were proposing approximately 50 units. Discussed Boards responsibilities, and getting people to serve on the board. City Manager asked if City Council or City employees could serve on the board. Mr. Sims indicated any citizen could serve. Mr. Sims explained his role in the project, he indicated that everything is contracted out to sub contractors. Councilman Ervin asked what the value of the home will be. Mr. Sims indicated the cost of the home would be the average $40.00 to $45.00 per square foot. Discussion regarding the taxes and the income. City Manager indicated he had spoken with the Superintendent of the School District, and Mr. Biggerstaff had indicated he needs his students to increase by five percent. Councilman McNeill asked if Staff had a recommendation. City Manager indicated he did not feel Sanger had enough housing for people making $20,000.00 per year. He expressed concerns regarding the possibility of manufactured homes being moved in to the outskirts of town. He recommended approval. Discussion. Councilman Higgs indicated he sees this as a liability for the City, being that there will be no taxes; however, the City will provide police and fire protection, and street maintenance. Mr. Sims indicated the streets will be the responsibility of the development. Lengthy Discussion regarding the project. Mayor indicated he felt the Council should have a workshop on this request to discuss this further. Item tabled for future workshop. Mayor moved up item #16. Consider and Possible Action on City Funding to Build a Bandstand at City Park. Mike James, 1002 Bolivar, addressed City Council on a proposal to the Council to build a bandstand in the park, using funds from the Hotel/Motel tax. Council discussed the proposal. Mr. James indicated the bandstand would be approximately 20 X 40, and would be placed in the Northeast corner of the park. He indicated he had spoken with many citizens who were in favor of it. Mayor indicated some of the funds have been obligated to the Historical Society. Discussion regarding the request and the funds. Mr. James indicated he would like to see this completed for the Sellabration in September. Mayor indicated he had received some calls from citizens who were in opposition of this request. Discussion regarding the possibility of getting input from citizens. Council agreed they would like to hear from the citizens regarding this. Discussion regarding the gazebo in the park. Councilman McNeill suggested to advertise for input from the citizens. Mayor suggested Mr. James get with staff and decide how to get input from the citizens, put something in the paper, and stress that they would like the citizens to reply. This item rescheduled for first meeting in August. 6.(5} Consider• and Possible Action on Appointment of All Board Members. Discussion regarding the list of appointments and reappointments. List of appointments as foliowss PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Reappoint: Joe Falls Place 2 Shelley Ruland Place 4 Jack Richardson Place 6 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Reappoint: Russell Madden Place 2 Ken Perry Place 4 Rodney Dillon Place 6 Replace: We James Place 3 Reappoint• Jim Kastel Place 6 Penny Juarez Place 4 Replace• Rowdy Patterson - Place 2 (Staff recommends Ginger Burt) Reappoint• Helen Kirby Elizabeth Higgs Barbara Buchanan Nelva Higgs Reappoint• Place 2 Place 4 Place 6 Place 8 Polly Dwyer Place 2 Russell Madden Place 4 John Springer Place 6 Councilman McNeill moved to appoint Jerry Jenkins to the Board of Adjustments, and Ginger Burt to the Parks Board, and appoint the balance of the people on the list. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion regarding the Sullivan Center Board, the City Judge, and the City Physician. City Secretary indicated she would find out when they were up for appointment, and asked why the City has to have an appointment for a City Physician. The Home Rule Charter does not require this appointment. Mayor directed staff to look into it. Mayor moved to Item #9. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Annexations on Properties Legally Described as Follows: BEING ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND WHICH SITUATED IN ABSTRACT 71, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 27A, BEING 15 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 1801 S. STEMMONS. ABSTRACT 12419 HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, TRACT 45, BEING 2.50 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 4799 BELZ ROAD. ABSTRACT 71A, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 79 BEING 22.11 ACRES. PROPERTY LS LOCATED ON COWLING ROAD (OLD US HWY 77). ABSTRACT 71A, BURLESON SURVEY, TRACT 269 BEING 29.331 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 666A1 JOHNSON SURVEY, TRACT 3 & 89 BEING 35.036 ACRES, AND ABSTRACT 666, IN THE RA. JOHNSON SURVEY, TRACT 4, BEING 43.694 ACRES. PROPERTY IS LOCATED ON STEMMONS RD (Eagle Farms), AND ABSTRACT 071A, BURLESON, TRACT 6, BEING 4.0129 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 940A MCKINNEY & WILLIAMS, TRACT 7 (HS), BEING 2.000 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 940A, MCKINNEY & WILLIAMS, TRACT 7, BEING 42.91 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 93A BURLESON, TRACT 4 & 5 (PT), BEING 16.000 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 664A, F. JAIME, TRACT 31, BEING 9.61 ACRES (HALSLER), AND ABSTRACT 666A, JOHNSON, TRACT 2, BEING 177.87 ACRES (HAISLER), AND ABSTRACT 29, R BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 109, BEING 4.1277 ACRES, (KT'S) AND, ABSTRACT 29, R BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 116, BEING 3.00 ACRES (BEARD'S), AND ABSTRACT 124L HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, BEING PART OF A CALLED 66 ACRE TRACT II. BEING A TOTAL OF 26.1544 ACRE, S. TO BE KNOWN AS HERITAGE WEST ADDITION, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 69 AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A, LOT 2, AND INDIAN SPRINGS EST, BLOCK A. LOT 1. Mayor Declared Public Hearing open. J.S. Haisler,1200 Cowling Rd., spoke in opposition of the request, he indicated he did not want to be incorporated into the City Limits, they are connected to City water; however, they will drill a well, and not use the city water in lieu of being annexed. He presented a letter to City Council in opposition to the annexation. Discussion regarding the proposed annexation. City Secretary indicated the City Council had requested metes and bounds on the house and two acres about two years ago; however, she had never received them. Discussion regarding the water service, and length of time he had been serviced. Councilman McNeill asked him to consider the amount of taxes he would pay in comparison to the cost of the well. Mr. Haisler indicated he had considered it, and he would like the Council to consider not annexing his property. Mayor indicated this was strictly a public hearing, and no decision could be made tonight. Discussion. Zelma Millar indicated she had brought in metes and bounds to the City Secretary about two years ago. City Secretary indicated she had those metes and bounds; however, the county has it all connected in the legal description of the property. She indicated she will send the metes and bounds to the City Engineer, to make sure those metes and bound do legally describe that property that includes the house. Discussion regarding her property. Ms. Millar asked if there was anything she could do to not be annexed. Mayor again stated this vas only a public hearing. Public Hearing closed. 8.(b) Conduct Public Hearing to consider a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture. The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase H as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public hearing closed. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture. The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase H as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care. Councilman Higgs moved to uphold the P & Z's recommendation to deny the request. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #06-06-00 -Authorizing Award of an Administrative Services Contract for the City's 2001-2003 TCDP Projects, Contingent upon Grant Award. City Secretary indicated the Grant consultants requested this item be postponed. Item postponed. 11.(10)Consider and Possible Action on Employing Two (2) Additional Employees in the Electric Department. City Manager indicated the Electric Department needed these two additional employees before the new budget. He indicated there was a lot of electrical work to be done, and they need help. Discussion. Discussed line to Wal-Mart. Temporary line is in. Councilman Garza moved to approve the request. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12.(11)Consider and Possible Action Regarding City Council Member Attending the AMCC 35' Annual Institute in Corpus Christi on July 27th-30th, 2000. Councilman McNeill asked if there were funds to cover the cost. Staff indicated there was. Discussion regarding the conference. Councilman McNeill moved to allow Councilman Ervin to go to the AMCC 35t'' Annual Institute in Corpus Christi on July T/th-30th, 2000, Councilman Garza seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 13.(12)Cons0der and Passible Action on Material Sid for Electric Department. City Manager indicated this is by the City Attorneys recommendation, to award the individual items to the two companies. Discussion regarding the items. Councilman McNeill moved to award to Wesco the attached list for Wesco, and to Techline the attached list for Techline as indicated. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14.(13)Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for Utility Rate Study. City Manager indicated that bonds are going to require rate studies on water and sewer. It was required last time, we have only had one done. Discussion regarding the rate study. Councilman Higgs moved to bypass it. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to do a workshop regarding the study. Council agreed, and item was tabled for future workshop. 15.(14)Consider and Possible Action on Authorizing the 4A Board to Spend One Million Dollars on the Purchase of Land for the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. Councilman Ervin moved to approve the request. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 16.(15)Considersnd Possible Action on Resolution #07-07-00 -Authorizing Loan from GNB. City Secretary explained this was for the backhoe, and it was budgeted. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Resolution #07-07-00. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 17. Any Other Such Matters. Councilman Ervin indicated when Rose was on vacation, that was the first Council meeting she had ever missed, and commented on how well Sam had backed her up. 18. Meeting Adjourned. Ilu-'i i jN0 it . ... �!-•'j {... t iir'n;,i f'II`i r . Nil A :.. tii%;ft it illtI d:' • `n'• :��?li(:, :. ��.:;: _.PA A d: !. rr. t 1'i• ll.U€EMI`(: '! :;r:�`I(, t ii�..tl �: ,'.t 't tiE a Ir, T. Eta II._:: i 7lII,:;F `::5 rE(}i ..;� c.. t.x I'z. �, l E� ;'I� .. .: 1' I,IhE .tc n'i ai (�•31 .tint,.. n:.. _i it t.;, - : - C...I111 C,n IIr•C ? Er f :: i '} "f. . i "5 'ITt E nc r �•r �. .... _.. !o :;; T1 Q. Gr e., !.t t r .L 1 t'1.' i III r !!� I i�l}� l (1 1 };'1 ! fi Qdl - . 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J�t?`lfiFL: tll: l,t:'_' i..i (il _} L!^,'•l.I!ui _ �,.11} .;'if _1,i ..'_i'•-:.I41"._ -1•i5 i !!T It f io rl;'7 ?ir'_i: c,14 I;i �. rr` Lit �!.i...il i�' `.�i )r tr._j iArfx 5.. _,{r .. ... t ' �Z `t,L f t itn-Af.. - !: .f.4 !_iil_I}. [fr'"'; .. , r.J:1., t: i . © -. « ecII w y% 6 yyRE«9SyS 9iJ9 «O9d «4 I It 9G2 d«y 9B <9 l & dP » 7ge « « J3:aa1 Qs K » (yE §;Fill 9I QGt %C9 »3,«R252&GA a... o2eQGr2s!«« %»J Stt. yb6+9 G3g«! 9JJ«»ryJ .._x._ a 2IJ « y 29 2J \SQA09 SO93dw July 12, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #4 & 5 This two items wi11 be addressed by Frank Ballard, President of the Sanger Chamber of Commerce. Last year we did use Hotel Motel Tax Funds to fund the advertisements for the Chamber. July 12, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #6 This item will be addressed by Vickie Elieson our Librarian. Vickie would like the Council to consider applying for infrastructure grant funds to purchase computers, cable, and switches to allow the Library to connect with SISD TI network. This will be a fast Internet connection. Vickie will give a brief summary. I .�. �.�IT�Ci-� C�7►i1TI�D31'.17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY TO APPLY FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND BOARD GRANT WHEREAS, The Sanger Public Library realizes the importance of the future of telecommunications as a learning tool and; WHEREAS, The City of Sanger recognizes that the Sanger Public Library is the best place in which to make this educational tool available to the most people, and; WHEREAS, funding can be sought from the TelecommunicationsInfrastructure Fund Board, and; WHEREA,. The City of Sanger is aware of the understandings and assurances contained in the grant, and; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF SANGER, TEXAS; That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to submit an application to the proper authorities for funding by the TIFB grant for telecommunications. Passed and approved the 12'h day of July 2000. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary ��L F RM 4: CERTIFIED ASSURANCES The applicant hereby assures and certifies to the grant that: 1. It possesses legal authority to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. 2. It is applying for funds to purchase equipment or services that are not already in the possession of the applicant. 3. The programs contained in its application meet all requirements, that all the information is correct, that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies, and that the applicant will comply with all provisions of the grant and all other applicable federal and state laws, regulation, and guidelines. 4. Fund accounting, auditing, monitoring, and such evaluation procedures as may be necessary to keep such record as TIFB shall prescribe, shall be provided to assure fiscal control, proper management, and efficient disbursement of funds received under the grant. 5. It shall maintain such data and information and submit such reports, in such form, at such times, and containing such information as TIFB may require. 6. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family business, or other ties. 7. It will comply with Texas Government Code, Chapter 573, Vernon's 1994, by ensuring that no officer, employee, or member of the applicant's governing body or of the applicant's contractor shall vote or confirm the employment of any person related within the second degree by affinity or the third degree by consanguinity to any member of the governing body or to any other officer or employee authorized to employ or supervise such person unless otherwise expressly provided by law. 8. Will insure that all information collected, assembled or maintained by the applicant relative to the project will be available to the public during normal business hours in compliance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, Vernon's 1994, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by law. 9. It will comply with the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Vernon's 1994, which requires all regular, special or called meetings of governmental bodies to be open to the public, except as otherwise provided by law or specifically permitted in the Texas Constitution. TIFB Form/Cert Assurances (t/98) � 10. It will comply with the State of Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) as amended November, 1997, developed under the directive of the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 183, 11. It will comply with the regulation, policies, guidelines, and requirements in OMB Circulars No. A-102, A-110, A-211 A-87, A-122, A-133 and the State of Texas Single Audit Circular, as they relate to the application, acceptance and use of funds for the project. 12. It will comply with all federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination which include, but are not limited to, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1681et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), Subtitle A, Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12131-12134) and the Department of justice implementing regulation, 28 CFR Part 35, which prohibit state and local governments from refusing to allow a person with a qualified disability from participating in a service, program, or activity simply because the person has a qualified disability; the Age Discrimination Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; and the Department of justice Nondiscrimination Regulations, 28 CFR, Part 42, Subparts C, D, and G. 13. It will in the event a federal or state court or federal or state administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing, on the ground of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability against the project, forward a copy of the finding to Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board. 14. It will comply with the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) by certifying that it will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity with the grant; it will publish a statement notifying employees that these activities are prohibited in the applicant organization's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibitions and by maintaining on file the place(s) that work is performed in connection with the grant listing street address, city, county, state and zipcode. 15. It wil{comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, as applicable. 16. It will insure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized in the accomplishment of the project are not listed on the Environmental Protections Agency's (EPA) list of Violating Facilities and that it will notify the Grantor Agency of the receipt of any communication from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities indicating that a facility to be used in the project is under consideration for listing by the EPA. (EO 11738) 17. It will comply with the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102 (a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234. Section 102 (a) requires the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition proposed for use in any area that has been identified by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. Assurances (rev. 18. It will comply with the provisions of the Hatch Political Activity Act (5 U.S.C. Sections 7321- 29) which limit the political activity of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 19. It will provide an Equal Opportunity Program if required to maintain one, where the application is for $500 or more. By execution of this form the applicant certifies that it agrees to abide by the above -referenced assurances. The assurance with regard to the above laws and regulations shall obligate the applicant organization for the period during which State financial assistance is extended. Organization Name: By: Signature — Head of Governing Body Typed or Printed Name Title Date of Signature By: Signature of Authorized Official Typed or Printed Name Title Date of Signature TIFB Form/Cert Assurances (t/98) ��'�' '� , Page 3 of 3 04/22/1997 10134 80679B0097 BRYANGRIMES PAGE 01 rim • u , - until we can Pick them up. We would like to be on your c genda for July 3 wtith the following items. MM Thank you for your assistince! 04/22/1997 10034 8067980097 BRYANGRIMES PAGE 02 • AUTHORIZINGA RESOLUTION OF SANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDER • FOR PMENT PROGRAM •• N THE RECEIPT • PROGRAM F A , •MMUNITY . 2001,20021 OR /i •• WHEREAS, the TCDP has determined that the request~formproposais (RFP) process used to select service providers implementation of ' grant contracts; )rocess for applications submitted under the Community Development Fund prior to the August 111 deadline for c Program Years 2001/2002biennial funding competition, HEREAS, these five (5) points may be vital in determining whether or not the application is ielected for funding;> • )roviders will be valid for Program Years 2001 2002, and 2003; 'ection servicesbe awarded a provide TCDP project"related administrative TCDP Prograrr Year 2001, 2002,or 1/ • •1 Hal at . I• • r - r •r • services providers are fully dependent on the actual award and receipt of DP Programti1, 2002, or i! !' • Al IG�7I. City Secretary June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #9 -Proposed Annexations This is the first required Public Hearing on the proposed annexations. Attached is an Annexation Calendar for your review. Annex ti June 19, 2000 City Council will set Date and Time for Public Hearings. June 20, 2000 Must send Notice of First Public Hearing to Newspaper. (SAM) (must receive notarized affidavit from newspaper stating notice was published and the date) June 2232000 Notice will come out in Paper for first Public Hearing. (can hold hearings not less than 10 days nor more than 20 days from this date) June 27, 2000 Must send Notice of Second Public Hearing to Newspaper. (SAM) (must receive notarized affidavit from newspaper stating notice was published and the date). June 29, 2000 Post Agenda (Regular Scheduled) No later than this date. (SAM) =Notice will come out in Paper for Second Public Hearing. (can hold hearings not less than 10 days nor more than 20 days from this date) Jui 3, 2000First Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation and Proposed Service Plan. July 13, 2000 Post Agenda (Regular Scheduled) No later than this date. (SAM) JuIX 17, 2000 Second Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation and Proposed Service Plan. An interval of twenty (20) to forty (40) days is required prior to consideration of the ordinance annexing the property. When the Annexation ordinance is passed, a copy of the service plan should be attached to the ordinance. Affidavit From newspaper should be attached to the ordinance. August 7, 2000 Adopt Ordinance Annexing Property. T0a Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent DATE: June 281 2000 SUBJECT: Two Groundman Positions , LTeVO I U Due to the increased workload we are now experiencing, I am requesting that we hire two additional groundman to our department. This will allow us to split into three crews to meet the needs of customers. CC: Rose Chavez June 295 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #11 Councilman Ervin is requesting to attend the AMCC 35'`' Annual Seminar held in Corpus Christi. It will be held July 27' thru July 30th. There are funds in the budget to cover the costs. June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #12 At the regular scheduled Council meeting of June 5, 2000, the material bid for the Electric Department was not awarded to either Wesco or Techline; however, as recommended by our City Attorney, City Council must award the lowest items on each proposal to each bidder. Attached is a list from the Electric Superintendent on what needs to be awarded to each company. WESCO MATERIAL AWARDED FROM BID 51000 45.10 FIXTURE, HPS 150W PKG-B (COOPER) S1007 128.00 FIXTURE, HPS 15OW AMERICAN REVOLUTION S1010 157.00 FIXTURE, 400W MH FLOOD S1015 230.00 FIXTURE, 1000W MH FLOODLIGHT S1020 99.00 FIXTURE, 250W HPS COBRAHEAD (COOPER) S1022 28.95 FIXTURE, 300W QUARTZ FLOOD S1025 119.00 FIXTURE, 400W HPS COBRAHEAD (COOPER) S1175 3.80 CONTROL, PHOTO CELL S1185 9.00 EYE, PHOTO CELL W/MOUNTING BRACKET S1196 5.50 HOLDER, FUSE STREET LIGHTING S1313 60.00 TERMINATOR, ELBOW/ARRESTOR 15KV S1314 20.40 TERMINATOR, POTHEAD COLD SHRINK #2 S1315 20.40 TERMINATOR, POTHEAD COLD SHRINK 1/0 S1316 20.40 TERMINATOR, POTHEAD 4/0 COLD SHRINK S1317 24.00 TERMINATOR, POTHEAD 1-PIECE #2 S1318 24.00 TERMINATOR, POTHEAD 1-PIECE 1/0 S1319 24.00 TERMINATOR, POTHEAD 1-PIECE 4/0 S1327 24.00 PLUG, STAND-OFF 15KV S1331 20.00 INSERT, 15KV 200 AMP LOADBREAK S1337 28.25 SPLICE, 1/0 3 1340 31.60 SPLICE, 2/0 COLD SHRINK 175 MIL (3M) 31345 31.30 SPLICE, 2/0 COLD SHRINK 220 MIL (3M) S1350 31.30 SPLICE, 4/0 COLD SHRINK (3M) S1355 1.62 CAPS, HEAT SHRINK END #6 - 3/0 (RAYCHEM) S1360 2.27 CAPS, END HEAT SHRINK 4/0 - 750 S1365 .40 ELBOW, 3/4" X 90 DEGREE PVC S1370 .62 ELBOW, 1" X 90 DEGREE PVC S1376 105 ELBOW, 1 1/4" RIGID S1385 6.00 ELBOW, 2" X 90 DEGREE 36" SWEEP SCH 40 S1395 10.25 ELBOW, 3" X 90 DEGREE 36" SWEEP SCH 40 S1400 15.25 ELBOW, 4" X 90 DEGREE 36" SWEEP SCH 40 S1413 019 COUPLING, 3/4" PVC (LONG) S1420 .38 COUPLING, 2" PVC S1430 1.60 COUPLING, 4" PVC (LONG) S1445 1.35 COUPLING, 2" RIGID (LONG) S1446 .37 COUPLING, 1/2" RIGID (LONG) S1447 .45 COUPLING, 3/4" RIGID (LONG) S1448 .66 COUPLING, 1" RIGID (LONG) S1450 4.05 COUPLING, 3" RIGID (LONG) S1455 5.50 COUPLING, 4" RIGID (LONG) S1460 17,50 COUPLING, 6" RIGID (LONG) S1475 .36 LOCK RING, METAL 2" S1480 .88 LOCK RING, METAL 3" S1485 1.20 LOCK RING, METAL 4" S1488 2.25 CAP, 3" PVC S1500 8.60 FUSE, BAYONET 8 AMP (CO5-25KVA 1 PH) S1505 8.60 FUSE, BAYONET 8 AMP (75 KVA 3/0 C05) S1510 8.60 FUSE, BAYONET 15 AMP (C05-50KVA 1 PH) S1515 8.60 FUSE, BAYONET 25 AMP (C10-75KVA 1 PH) S1520 8.60 FUSE, BAYONET 15AMP (C08-15OKVA 3 PH) S1525 8.60 FUSE, BAYONET 25 AMP (C10-225KVA 3PH) S1530 10.20 BRACKET, MOUNTING (3M) S1540 10.75 CONNECTOR, 4 OUTLET (CMC) S1545 8.45 CONNECTOR, PEDESTAL 6 POSITION S1550 3.55 GLUE, PVC S1555 4.25 LUBRICANT, POLYWATER S1575 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #0 S1576 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #1 S1577 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #2 S1578 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #3 S1579 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #4 S1580 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #5 S1581 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #6 S1582 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #7 S1583 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #8 S1584 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS #9 S1585 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - NORTH S1586 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - SOUTH S1587 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - EAST S1588 024 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - WEST S1589 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - A PHASE S1590 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - B PHASE S1591 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - C PHASE S1592 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - FROM S1593 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS/TRANSFORMER S1594 .24 POLY LETTERS & NUMBERS - TO RISER S1621 .54 HOLDERS, POLY TAG S1622 1100 TIES, ZIP FOR POLY -TAG HOLDERS 100 PK S1628 37.90 STRING, PULL LINE (500# TUBS) S1632 .25 SLEEVE, WIRE PROTECTOR 2" S1633 .49 SLEEVE, WIRE PROTECTOR 3" S1634 .60 SLEEVE, WIRE PROTECTOR 4" S1635W 1000 SLEEVE, WIRE PROTECTOR 6" S1659 .25 STICKER, TRANSFORMER NUMBERS S1667 .20 STICKER, NUMBER 0 - 20 S1668 .20 STICKER NUMBER 1 S1669 m20 STICKER, NUMBER 2 S1670 m20 STICKER, NUMBER 3 S1671 .20 STICKER, NUMBER 4 S1672 .20 STICKER, NUMBER 5 S1673 .20 STICKER, NUMBER 6 S1674 .20 STICKER, NUMBER 7 S1675 .20 STICKER, NUMBER 8 31676 .20 STICKER, LETTER A S1677 .20 STICKER, LETTER C S1678 .20 STICKER, LETTER B S1679 .20 STICKER, LETTER F S1680 .20 STICKER, LETTER S S1681 .20 STICKER LETTER T S1725 .133 Ff" #6 ALUMINUM STR. DUPLEX OH 500' COIL 51730 .255 Ff' #6 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX O.H. 500' COIL S1735 .365 FT #2 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX O.H. 500' COIL S1740 .54 FT 1/0 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX O.H. 500' COIL S1780 .135 FT GUY WIRE 3/8" SM 250' COIL S1782 .284 FT CONDUCTOR, 10/3 TRICABLE S1790 1.30 LB #6 SOLID SOFT DRAWN BARE CU 25# SPOOL S1793 .15 FT #6 THHN COPPER STRANDED S1795 1.25 LB #6 STRAND SOFT DRAWN CU 25# SPOOL 31800 1.49 LB WIRE, TIE #6 ALUMINUM 25# BOX 31803 .23 FT #4 THHN COPPER STRANDED S1805 .33 LB #2 STRAND SOFT DRAWN BARE 25# SPOOL S1810 .34 FT #2 THHN CU 1000' SPOOL S1815 .53 FT 1/0 THHN CU 1000' SPOOL S1825 1.13 FT 4/0 THHN CU 1000' SPOOL S1830 1.59 FT 350 MCM THHN CU 1000' SPOOL S1835 2.23 FT 500 MCM THHN CU 1000' SPOOL S1938 26.00 SOCKET, 6 TERM. 1 PHASE S1955 73.00 SOCKET, 200 AMP 3/0 4 WIRE SELF CONTAINED S1965 98.75 SOCKET, 320 AMP METER BASE S1980 2.05 HUB, 1 1/2" FOR SOCKETS S1990 1.35 PLATE, HUB CLOSING FOR SOCKETS S2010 .14 6" LEAD WIRE SEAL (BROOKS) S2015 .07 METER DISCONNECT TAB AKA METER BOOT 53007 3.50 POWDER, GATORADE 21 OZ 33010 2.95 SPRAY, CABLE CLEAN S3017 6.00 PAINT, GREEN TRANSFORMER S3026 4.50 FLUID, CONTAX INHIBITING COMPOUND S4000 .33 BOLT, CARRIAGE 3/8" X 4 1/2" S4010 1.73 BOLT, OVAL EYE 5/8" X 10" S4015 1.85 BOLT, OVAL EYE 5/8" X 12" S4020 2.00 BOLT, OVAL EYE 5/8" X 14" S4025 1.79 BOLT, THIMBLE EYE 5/8" X 10" S4026 1.86 BOLT, THIMBLE EYE 5/8" X 12" S4027 3.48 BOLT, OVAL EYE 3/4" X 10" S4030 2.03 BOLT, SINGLE UPSET 5/8" X 10" S4037 .52 BOLT, MACHINE 5/8" X 8" S4059 1.14 BOLT, MACHINE 3/4" X 10" S4065 1.33 BOLT, DOUBLE ARMING 5/8" X 18" S4080 1.66 BOLT, DOUBLE ARMING 5/8" X 24" S4095 4.07 CLAMP, HOT LINE BRONZE #8 - 2/0 34105 .06 S4120 .14 S4126 .36 S4145 1.35 WASHER, ROUND 3/8" FOR CROSSARM BOLT WASHER, 2 1/4" SQUARE, 5/8" BOLT WASHER, 3" CURVED, 5/8" BOLT CLEVIS, 3-6 AKA SWINGING D S4150 1.47 CLEVIS-D AKA SQUARE D 34165 3.30 ATTACHMENT, GUY "STEEL POLE" 34170 4.63 ATTACHMENT, GUY "WOOD POLE" FISHTYPE S4175 2.35 ATTCHMENT, GUY "WOOD POLE" 34184 .30 SCREW, LAG 3/8" X 4" (HARD HEAD) S4185 .43 SCREW, LAG 1/2" X 4" (HARD HEAD) S4225 .94 PREFORM SERVICE GRIP 1/0 S4236 2.05 PIN, CROSSARM TYPE S4237 6.90 PIN, CLAMP TYPE H.D. S4242 17.35 PIN, RIDGE (FIBERGLASS) S4245 8.38 PLATE, POLE "SIDEWALK GUY" S4255 1.72 WIREHOLDER, SCREW IN TYPE (HOUSEKNOB) S4260 4.61 WIREHOLDER, TRANSFORMER TYPE S4265 2.84 WIREHOLDER, CLAMP TYPE 34270 1.85 CLAMP, WEDGE #6 42 FLEX BAIL (W-62) 34280 3.17 CLAMP, WEDGE 2/0 - 4/0 FLEXBAIL (W-40) 34290 3.15 GUARD, GUY 8' YELLOW 54294 1.75 HEAD, WEATHER 1" S4296 2.15 HEAD, WEATHER 1 1/4" 34300 4.89 HEAD, WEATHER 2" S4305 23.40 HEAD, WEATHER 3" S4310 39.50 HEAD, WEATHER 4" S4315 .046 STRAP, CONDUIT 1/2" S4325 .10 STRAP, CONDUIT 1" 54335 .18 STRAP, CONDUIT 1 1/2" 2 HOLE S4340 .201 STRAP, CONDUIT 2" 2 HOLE S4345 .38 STRAP, CONDUIT 3" 2 HOLE S4350 .59 STRAP, CONDUIT 4" 2 HOLE S4355 .40 STRAP, UNISTRUT 4" S4390 .33 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT C-TYPE #6 - #6 CU S4395 .33 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT #4 - #6 CU S4405 .43 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT #2 STR - #4 SOL CU S4415 .19 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT H-TYPE #2 - 1/0 CU S4420 2.05 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT C-TYPE 1/0 - 2/0 54425 .36 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT H-TYPE 2/0 - 4/0 CU S4440 .21 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #6 - #6 (BURNDY) 54443 .25 CONNECTOR, INSULINK 410 - 44 S4444 .25 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #8 - #4 S4445 .21 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #4 - #6 (BURNDY) S4450 .21 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #4 - #4 (BURNDY) 3 4455 .22 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #2 - #6 (BURNDY) 3 4460 .21 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #2 - #4 (BURNDY) 34465 .23 CONNECTOR, INSULINK #2 - #2 (BURNDY) 34469 .22 CONNECTOR, INSULINK 1/0 - #6 (BURNDY) S4470 .22 CONNECTOR, INSULINK 1/0 - #4 (BURNDY) S4475 .21 CONNECTOR, INSULINK 1/0 - #2 (BURNDY) S4480 .21 CONNECTOR, INSULINK 1/0 - 1/0 (BURNDY) S4497 3.60 SPLICE, AUTO 8A STR CU S4499 3.15 SPLICE, AUTO #8 SOLID CU S4500 .72 SPLICE, COMPRESSION #6 SOLID CU S4501 2.15 SPLICE, AUTO #6 SOLID CU S4503 .76 SPLICE, #6 NEUTRAL ACSR S4506 1.35 SPLICE, #4 SOLID CU (COMPRESSION) S4510 .77 SPLICE, NEUTRAL #4 ACSR (TR-63) S4515 2.58 SPLICE, AUTO #4 (RELIABLE) S4520 2.40 SPLICE, #4 CRIMP -TYPE (PRIMARY) S4522 .17 SPLICE, COMPRESSION #2 CU S4525 .53 SPLICE, #2 NEUTRAL COMPRESSION TYPE S4532 3.18 SPLICE, #2 COMPRESSION (PRIMARY) S4539 5.75 SPLICE, AUTO 1/0 CU S4540 1.68 SPLICE, HY 1/0 CRIMP -TYPE (NEUTRAL) S4550 .76 SPLICE, 2/0 - 2/0 SECONDARY (XIUZOZO) S4552 8.20 SPLICE, 2/0 AUTO S4555 4.05 SPLICE, 2/0 CRIMP -TYPE 3 4558 4.06 SPLICE, 4/0 - 4/0 SECONDARY 34565 8.20 SPLICE, 4/0 CRIMP -TYPE (BURNDY) 34573 3.95 SPLICE, 500 - 500 SECONDARY 34575 18.25 SPLICE, 477 AUTOMATIC 34580 8.90 SPLICE, AUOTO 3/8" GUY (PICKLE) S4584 3.75 DEADEND, 1*4 ACSR AUTO S4590 1.00 TERMINATOR, PIN #2 SHORT (BURNDY) 54600 1.70 TERMINATOR, PIN 2/0 ACSR LONG S4607 3.80 TERMINAL, EYEBOLT 2-350 S4608 5.50 TERMINAL, EYEBOLT 1/0 - 500 (PENN-UNION) S4615 .19 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR9 (BURNDY) S4625 .18 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR159 (BURNDY) S4630 .29 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR279 (BURNDY) S4635 .29 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR289 (BURNDY) S4640 .30 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR379 (BURNDY) S4645 .34 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR399 (BURNDY) S4650 .34 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR419 (BURNDY) S4655 .91 CONNECTOR, H-TAP 1/0 - 2/0 S4660 1.92 CONNECTOR, H-TAP 4/0 - 4/0 CU S4668 2.20 CONNECTOR, AMP TAP 4/0 - 4/0 S4670 5.00 CONNECTOR, AMP TAP 350 - 350 (AMP) S4680 14.70 CONNECTOR, AMP TAP 336 - 4/0 ACSR S4688 16.40 AMPACT, 1-477 - 2/0 S4690 16.40 CONNECTOR, AMP TAP 477 - 477 ACSR 3 4700 2.51 TAPE, 3/4" X 66' BLACK (3M) 3 4720 .44 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT #8 (KEARNEY) 34725 .44 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT #6 (KEARNEY) S4730 .50 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT #4 (KEARNEY) S4735 .65 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT #2 (KEARNEY) 54740 1.13 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT 1/0 (KEARNEY) S4745 1.68 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT 2/0 (KEARNEY) S4746 3.10 CONNECTOR, SPLIT BOLT 4/0 (KEARNEY) S4755 .20 COVER, C-5 (BURNDY) S4760 .31 COVER, C-7 (BURNDY) S4780 .95 LUG, GROUND TRANS. (PENN-UNION) S4790 1.00 LUG, SPADE SINGLE HOLE 1/0 S4795 1.00 LUG, SPADE SINGLE HOLE 2/0 54800 1.10 LUG, SPADE SINGLE HOLE 4/0 S4805 5.15 LUG, 1 HOLE 1000 MCM (SPADE) S4810 1.12 LUG, 2 HOLE #2 ACSR (BURNDY) S4815 1.36 LUG, 2 HOLE 1/0 ACSR (BURNDY) S4830 3.40 LUG, 2 HOLE 350 MCM (SPADE) 54835 3.17 LUG, 2 HOLE 477 AL/CU S4935 38.15 CUTOUT, 15KV 100 AMP S4940 59.75 CUTOUT, 15KV 200 AMP S4955 4.85 ANCHOR, 8 WAY BUST 3 4960 51.00 ANCHOR, TRIPLE HELIX; S4965 19.05 BRACKET, 1 PH F.G. STANDOFF (CUTOUT) 34974 45.00 ARM, FIBERGLASS DUAL ARM 35005 125.00 CLUSTER MOUNT, TRANSFORMER (LARGE) S5015 10.70 PR BRACE, CROSSARM 60 WOOD (LARGE) S5020 5.50 ROD, GROUND 5/8" X 8' (COPPERWELD) S5026 .94 FT CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 1 1/4" S5030 1.83 FT CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 2" S5040 5.40 FT CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 4" S5055 .54 HOLDER, METAL O.H. 5 POSITION 51200 137.00 POLE, 35' WOOD CLASS 5 S1205 170.00 POLE, 40' WOOD CLASS 4 S1210 195.00 POLE, 45' WOOD S1403 .16 FT CONDUIT, 3/4" PVC S1404 .33 FT CONDUIT, 1/4" PVC S1405 .41 FT CONDUIT, 2" PVC SCH. 40 51410Y .92 FT CONDUIT, 3" PVC SCH. 40 S1415Y 1.18 FT CONDUIT, 4" PVC SCH. 40 S1417Y 2.28 FT CONDUIT, 6" PVC SCH. 40 S1635Y 74.00 PAD, X-FORMER 42" SQUARE QUAZITE S1700 1.21 LB CONDUCTOR, 44 ACSR PRIMARY O.H. S1705 1.12 LB CONDUCTOR, 42 ACSR PRIMARY O.H. S1708 .71 FT CONDUCTOR, #2 QUADPLEX URD 1000' REEL S1713 1.10 LB CONDUCTOR, 2/0 ACSR PRIMARY O.H. 3 1715 1.09 LB CONDUCTOR, 4/0 ACSR PRIMARY O.H. S1716 1.09 LB CONDUCTOR, 4/0 ACSR PRIMARY O.H. 31717 1.54 FT CONDUCTOR, 4/0 QUADPLEX URD 51720 1.16 LB CONDUCTOR, 477 AAAC PRIMARY O.H. 31760 .24 FT #6 ALUMINUM DUPLEX URD 1000' REEL S1765 .354 FI' #6 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX URD 1000 REEL S1770 .687 FT 1/0 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX URD 1000' REEL 31775 1.076 FT 4/0 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX URD 1000' REEL S1776 1.54 FT 4/0 ALUMINUM QUADPLEX URD 1000' REEL 36000 325.00 5 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 kFORMER S6057 575.00 25 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6060 625.00 37.5 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 kFORMER S6065 795.00 50 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 kFORMER 56070 975.00 75 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 kFORMER S6091 10,900400 1000 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 kFORMER S1005 S1016 S1017 S1018 S1030 S1085 S1090 S1093 S1095 SHOO S1105 S1113 MV1,1i1 S1190 S1193 S1230 S1300 S1305 51310 S1321 S1325 26.40 168.00 155.00 398900 10.30 11.15 11.30 14.90 14.90 26.90 32.44 10.40 7435 330 89.25 10.95 19090 19090 19,90 46.15 17.60 FIXTURE, HPS 150W HEAD ONLY (COOPER) FIXTURE, 150OW MH (BALLPARK) FIXTURE, 175W MH FLOOD FIXTURE, 250W HPS SHOEBOX LAMP, 150W HPS LAMP, 25OW HPS LAMP, 40OW HPS LAMP, 175W MH wmilurtbigulloilTmm LAMP, 150OW MH GLOBE, 150W HPS SECURITY LIGHT CONTROL, PHOTO CELL (TIM&DELAY) CAP, SHORTING (BLANK) PHOTO EYE CAP, STEEL POLE TERMINATOR, ELBOW 1/0 15KV LOADBREAK TERMINATOR, ELBOW 4/0 15KV LOADBREAK TERMINATOR, 600 AMP 15KV T—BODY PLUG, BASIC INSULATION (ELASTIMOLD) S1328 25.10 PLUG, BASIC INSULATING 600 AMP S1329 203.30 RECEPTACLE, INSULATING 600 AMP S1330 31.10 FEED-THRU - 15KV (ELASTIMOLD) S1332 86.10 INSERT, 2 POSITION FEEDTHRU 15KV S1333 114.80 JUNCTION, 4 POINT" 200 AMP 51334 239.00 JUNCTION, 4 POINT 600 AMP S1335 24.20 SPLICE, #2 STRANDED S1375 .79 ELBOW, 1 1/4" X 90 DEGREE PVC S1380 2.98 ELBOW, 2" STANDARD S1390 5.89 ELBOW, 3" STANDARD S1410 22.05 ELBOW, 6" STANDARD S1412 .09 COUPLING, 1/2" PVC (LONG) S1415W .15 COUPLING, 1" PVC (LONG) S1425 1.05 COUPLING, 3" PVC (LONG) S1435 3.98 COUPLING, 5" PVC S1440 5.40 COUPLING, 6" PVC (LONG) S1449 1.102 COUPLING, 1 1/4" RIGID (LONG) S1461 .34 ADAPTOR, 1 1/4" PVC MALE S1463 .46 ADAPTOR, 2" PVC MALE S1465 1.16 ADAPTOR, 3" PVC MALE S1470 2.24 ADAPTOR, 4" PVC MALE (GARCON) S1472 5.18 ADAPTOR, 6" PVC MALE S1487 1.49 CAP, 2" PVC S1490 6.30 CAP, 4" PVC S1495 6.98 CAP, CONDUIT PVC 6" 31538 13.86 CONNECTOR, TRANS. SEC. FITS 5/8 STUD S1548 24.84 CONNECTOR, PEDESTAL 12 POSITION S1560 2.60 LUBRICANT, SILICONE GREASE S1565 .18 FLAGS, RED STAKING 100 PER BUNDLE S1570 13.70 TAPE, RED URD WARNING (6" X 1000) S1620W .48 HOLDERS, 6 CHARACTER PLASTIC STIK-ON 51645 8.78 COVER, URD PED. CONNECTOR (LARGE) S1655 97.00 VAULT, QUAZITE 32" X 19" S1658 .54 STICKER, DANGER "HIGH VOLTAGE" S1785 .23 FT X-FORMER RISEWIRE #6 ST (BIRDWIRE) S1940 65.60 SOCKET, 13 TERM. 20 AMP CT W/T SWITCH S1945 16.50 SOCKET, 100 AMP O.H. S1950 21.70 SOCKET, 200 AMP O.H. 2" HUB 51960 21.40 SOCKET, 200 AMP URD S1985 1.76 HUB, 2" FOR SOCKET S1995 1.40 COVER, CLEAR AKA FRISBEE (EKSTROM) S1999 .16 INSERT, WIRE/DEMAND SEAL PKG OF 50 S2000 .18 SEAL, METER ENDURO CLEAR AKA DEMAND S2001 .16 INSERT, RED/DEMAND SEAL PKG OF 50 52005 .16 SEAL, METER GREEN (BROOKS) PKG OF 25 S3000 2.52 POWDER, FIRE ANT (POWDERKEG) 53005 3.20 SPRAY, INSECT REPELLANT 33006 2.52 POWDER, RAINBOW FIRE ANT S3008 2.80 PAINT, RED (ELECTRIC) 20 OZ. S3009 5.05 PAINT, COLD GALVANIZED S3015 3.60 SPRAY, WASP & HORNET S3020 3.10 SPRAY, DOG REPELLANT (HALT) S3025 6.80 TOWELS, TUF 4-PLY PAPER TOWEL S3030 60.00 CS CUPS, WATER (SOLO CONE) CASE OF 500 S4002 .80 BOLT, 1/2" X 7" H.D. BRACE S4009 1.68 BOLT, OVAL EYE 5/8" X 8" S4021 2.20 BOLT, OVAL EYE 5/8" X 16" S4035 2.25 BOLT, SINGLE UPSET 5/8" X 12" S4036 2.50 BOLT, SINGLE UPSET 5/8" X 14" S4040 .55 BOLT, MACHINE 5/8" X 10" S4045 .60 BOLT, MACHINE 5/8" X 12" S4050 .68 BOLT, MACHINE 5/8" X 14" S4055 .86 BOLT, MACHINE 5/8" X 16" S4056 1.05 BOLT, MACHINE 5/8" X 18" S4060 1.25 BOLT, MACHINE 3/4" X 12" S4061 1.33 BOLT, MACHINE 3/4" X 14" S4062 1.42 BOLT, MACHINE 3/4 X 16" S4063 1.70 BOLT, MACHINE 3/4" X 18" S4070 1.40 BOLT, DOUBLE ARMING 5/8" X 20" S4075 1.50 BOLT, DOUBLE ARMING 5/8" X 22" S4083 25.80 STIRRUP, AMPACT 477/RAIL S4085 5.50 SITRRUP, HOT LINE SMALL (MACLEAN) S4090 6.25 STIRRUP, HOT LINE LARGE (MACLEAN) S4100 6.65 CLAMP, HOT LINE S4125 .285 WASHER, 3" CURVED, 5/8" BOLT S4135 .17 NUT, 5/8" SQUARE FOR MACHINE BOLT S4137 1.08 NUT, 5/8" EYE S4138 1.22 NUT, OVERHEAD GUY S4139 2.61 CLEVIS S4140 .14 NUT, LOCK 5/8" M.F. 34155 1.32 CLEVIS, K-14 34160 .58 STAPLES, POLE 1 3/4" 34180 .42 HOOK, DRIVE S4190 .58 INSULATOR, 2" SPOOL FITS K-14 S4195 .73 INSULATOR, 3" SPOOL (FITS D CLEVIS) S4200 1.70 INSULATOR, GUY STRAIN (JOHNNY BALL) S4202 17.38 INSULATOR, GUY STRAIN (FISH) 48" S4203 24.70 INSULATOR, GUY STRAIN (FISH) 84" S4205 9.75 POLYMER INSULATOR 15KV (DEADEND BELL) S4210 1.55 PREFORMED 3/8" GUY DEADEND S4215 .39 PREFORM SERVICE GRIP #4 S4216 .63 PREFORM, #4 (PRIMARY) S4220 .52 PREFORM SERVICE GRIP #2 S4221 .97 PREFORM, #2 (PRIMARY) S4227 1.39 PREFORM, 1/0 (PRIMARY) S4230 1.07 PREFORM SERVICE GRIP 2/0 S4232 1.36 PREFORM SERVICE GRIP 4/0 S4235 2.70 INSULATOR PIN TYPE 1" L.H. (2 SKIRT) S4238 6.96 PIN, BOLT TYPE 34240 3.40 PIN, POLE TOP 1" L.H. (RIDGE PIN) 34250 8.20 FITTING, END "SIDEWALK GUY" 34275 2.06 CLAMP, WEDGE 1/0 44 FLEX BAIL (W-20) S4285 4.80 GUARD, BIRD (PLASTIC LONG TYPE) S4320 .11 STRAP, CONDUIT 3/4" S4330 .25 STRAP, CONDUIT 1 1/4" 2 HOLE S4360 .62 CLAMP, GROUND ROD 5/8" (WOLFHEAD) S4380 5.30 SHOE, DEADEND (SMALL) S4385 9.90 SHOE, DEADEND (LARGE) S4387 8.47 SHOE, ANGLE S4400 .43 CONNECTOR, CRIMPIT &TYPE #2 - #6 CU S4410 .43 CRIMPIT, #2 - 2 C (BURNDY) S4485 1987 SHELLS, RED AMPACT S4490 1.87 SHELLS, BLUE AMPACT S4495 1.87 SHELLS, YELLOW AMPACT S4498 .71 SPLICE, COMPRESSION #8 SOLD CU S4505 .72 SPLICE, #6 SOLID CRIMP TYPE S4507 2.35 SPLICE, AUTO #4 SOLID CU S4523 4.54 SPLICE, AUTO #2 SOLID CU S4530 4.60 SPLICE, #2 AUTOMATIC 34535 4.60 SPLICE, #2 - #4 AUTO S4543 6.74 SPLICE, 1/0 - 1/0 COMPRESSION (PRIMARY) S4545 5.10 SPLICE, 1/0 AUTOMATIC S4560 10.04 SPLICE, 4/0 2 PIECE CRIMP TYPE S4570 10.20 SPLICE, 4/0 AUTOMATIC S4585 6.05 DEADEND, #2 - #4 AUTOMATIC S4586 5.00 DEADEND, CU AUTO ASST. S4595 .78 TERMINATOR, PIN 1/0 SHORT (BURNDY) S4605 5.68 TERMINATOR, PIN 4/0 ACSR (LONG) S4610 24.20 PADDLE, 4 HOLE 4/0 (BURNDY) S4620 .38 CONNECTOR, H-TAP WR1010 (BURNDY) S4675 12.64 CONNECTOR, AMP TAP 4/0 - 477 ACSR (AMP) 54703 5.36 TAPE, 3/4" X 66' BLACK RUBBER S4705 1.50 TAPE, 3/4" X 66' WHITE (3M) S4710 1.50 TAPE, 3/4" X 66' BLUE (3M) S4715 1.50 TAPE, 3/4" X 66' RED (3M) S4717 4.00 TAPE, SURVEYOR'S RED S4747 20.00 CONNECTOR, 1 COND/1 HOLE MT S4748 23.00 CONNECTOR, 2 COND/1 HOLE MT S4749 25.00 CONNECTOR, 3/COND/2 HOLE MT S4750 2.46 COVER, AMP TAP 3 4775 4.38 LOCK, MASTER #1KH KEYED #2326 34785 2.23 LUG, SPADE SINGLE HOLE #2 S4820 3.52 LUG, 2 HOLE 2/0 ACSR (SPADE) S4822 3.44 LUG, 2 HOLE 3/0 ACSR (SPADE) S4825 3.44 LUG, 2 HOLE 4/0 ACSR (SPADE) S4840 65.00 FOAM, INSTA KIT 2.75 MIX 25# (POLESET) S4845 1.52 FUSE, 3 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4847 1.52 FUSE, KTK 5 AMP FUSETRON S4850 1.52 FUSE, 5 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) 34855 1.52 FUSE, 6 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4857 1.52 FUSE, T-7 S4860 1.52 FUSE, 8 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4865 1.52 FUSE, 10 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4870 1.52 FUSE, 12 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4875 1.52 FUSE, 15 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4880 1.52 FUSE, 20 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4882 1.74 FUSE, 25 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4885 1.74 FUSE, 30 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4895 1.74 FUSE, 40 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) 34900 1.74 FUSE, 50 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) 34905 2.98 FUSE, 65 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4910 2.98 FUSE, 80 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4915 2.98 FUSE, 100 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) 3 4920 6.63 FUSE, 140 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) 54922 8.82 FUSE, T-150 34925 8.82 FUSE, 200 AMP TYPE T (KEARNEY) S4945 12.70 ANCHOR, 8"1 WIST TYPE S4950 9.90 ANCHOR GUY ATTACHMENT TRIPLE EYE S4970 21.00 BRACKET, 3 PH F.G. STANDOFF (CUTOUT) S4973 28.08 ARM, FIBERGLASS SINGLE PIN S4975 28.25 CROSSARM 3 3/4" X 4 3/4" X 8 (WOOD) S4980 53.90 CROSSARM FIBERGLASS 8' (NO BRACKET) S4985 87.80 CROSSARM FIBERGLASS 8' (WITH BRACKET) 54990 159.00 CROSSARM, FIBERGLASS DEADEND ARM 8' W/BRACKET S4995 29.90 CROSSARM, 3 3/4" X 4 3/4" X 8' COMP. S5000 71.00 CLUSTER MOUNT, TRANSFORMER (SMALL) S5010 4.30 BRACE, CROSSARM 28" WOOD (SMALL) S5028 1.34 FT CONDUIT, 1 1/2" RIGID S5035 3.60 FT CONDUIT, ALUMINUM 3" S5045 2125.00 SWITCH, GOAB 3 PHASE (ABB) S5067 33.00 ARRESTOR, 10KV RISER POLE W/CAP S5068 2039 ARRESTOR, 10KV DISTRIBUTION CLASS W/CAP S5070 21.95 ARRESTOR, SECONDARY SURGE S5071 .75 ARRESTOR,CAP S1125 98.00 ARM, 8' LIGHT FOR F.G. POLE W/HARDWARE S1126 77.00 ARM, STREET LIGHT STEEL 8' S1215 277.00 POLE, 40' STEEL CLASS 5 S1220 306.00 POLE, 45' STEEL CLASS 5 S1225 502.00 POLE, FIBERGLASS 35' (SHAKESPEARE) n 31226 498.00 POLE, FIBERGLASS 30' SQUARE S1610 152.00 CABINET, PRIMARY JUNCTION 1 PHASE S1615 240.00 CABINET, PRIMARY JUNCTION 3 PHASE S1620Y 72.00 SLEEVE, FIBERGLASS GROUND 1 PHASE S1625 135.00 SLEEVE, FIBERGLASS GROUND 3 PHASE S1630 132.00 PEDESTAL, URD W/CONNECTORS (ARMORCAST) S1710 1.17 CONDUCTOR, 1/0 ACSR PRIMARY O.H. S1745 1.03 FT CABLE, PRIMARY #2 15KV URD W/JACKET S1750 1.24 FT CABLE, PRIMARY 1/0 15KV URD W/JACKET S1755 1.41 FT CABLE, PRIMARY 4/0 15KV URD W/JACKET' S1777 2.05 FT 350 ALUMINUM TRIPLEX URD 1000' REEL S6005 304.00 10 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6010 360.00 15 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6015 365.00 15 KVA 1-PHASE 240/480 X-FORMER S6020 450.00 25 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6025 436.00 25 KVA 1-PHASE 240/480 X-FORMER S6030 522.00 25 KVA 1-PHASE 480 VOLT X-FORMER S6035 558.00 37.5 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6040 625.00 50 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6045 945.00 75 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6050 1510.00 100 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER 3 6055 1280.00 100 KVA 1-PHASE 240/480 X-FORMER 3 6071 3250.00 75 KVA 3-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER 36072 3219.00 75 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER S6073 3198.00 75 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6074 1606.00 100 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6075 3869.00 150 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER 56076 3983.00 150 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6077 2186.00 167 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6078 4328.00 225 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER S6079 4232.00 225 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6080 2860.00 250 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6081 5212.00 300 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER S6082 5048.00 300 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6083 3836.00 333 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6084 4744.00 500 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6085 6947.00 500 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER S6086 6808.00 500 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6087 4107.00 750 KVA 1-PHASE 120/240 X-FORMER S6088 9563.00 750 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER S6089 9496.00 750 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6090 5210.00 1000 KVA 1-PHASE 120/IAA X-FORMER S6092 11,380.00 1000 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER S6093 13,541.00 1500 KVA 3-PHASE 120/208 X-FORMER S6094 13,502.00 1500 KVA 3-PHASE 277/480 X-FORMER June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #13 There was only one (1} bid received for the Utility Rate Study. The Proposal is from Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP, and the bid amount was $28,000.00. Attached is the bid sheet they submitted. The proposal will be available at the meeting for review. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and in all causes, award the bid most favorable to the City of Sanger. Utility Rate Study Bid Amount $ 2.0 p Russell A. Hissom Printed name of Authorized Agent Agent Delivered in days Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP Representing 4600 American Parkway Madison, WI 53707 Aridness June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item # 14 As City Council is aware, approval must be given to authorize the 4A Board to expend these funds for the purchase of the land. RESOLUTION #07-07-00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF FUNDS; WHEREAS, Section 101.005 of the Local Government Code provides that the governing body of a city such as Sanger may borrow money based upon it's own credit; WHEREAS, GNB Sanger, the City's Depository, has agreed to finance $53,530.00 plus interest of 6.35% per annum; and NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF BANGER, TEXAS, THAT. R 1. Mayor Tommy Kincaid is hereby authorized to sign the documents necessary to execute this transaction; and 2. All funds borrowed from Guaranty National Bank shall be due and payable as provided by the terms of the Promissory Note. PASSED ,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 3rd day of June, 2000. Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Erwin, Councilman ATTEST. Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Tommy Kincaid, Mayor Craig Waggoner, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman June 30, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Subject: Agenda Item # 16 Mike James will be present to address this item. This was added to the agenda late Friday afternoon. Q June 21, 2000 Number 4 TEl(AS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION ITCLEOSEI CONSIDERING AN EDUCATION MANDATE CLEOSE is the state agency that develops standards and educational requirements for the licensure of law enforcement officers. It is governed by a nine -member appointed board. Recently, TCLEOSE has been re-examining the educational requirements for peace officers. The Commission is considering a rule that would require the following levels of education for initial licensing: kl Thirty semester hours credit from an accredited college or university after January 1, 2002. Sixty semester hours credit from an accredited college or university after January 1, 2006. A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university after January 1, 2010. These requirements would make it much more particularly for small and/or rural departments. difficult and expensive to recruit peace officers, Comments on these proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to: Jim Dozier, Executive Director TCLEOSE 6330 U.S. Hwy, 290 East Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78723 5 V Note, When you receive this TML Legislative Update, please make copies of it and distribute them to members of the governing body and to depart- ment heads as appropriate. TML sends only one copy to each city, and we rely on those who receive it to distribute it. Thanks for your help. Published by the Texas Municipal League 1821 Rutherford lane, Suite 400, Austin, Texos 18154S12B 15121 719-6300 A JI] 11 1►i ►11111 IllI I DESTRUCTION ASSESSMENT AND STRATEGY The State of Texas is conducting an assessment of the risk to Texas communities from terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The assessment will form the basis for a statewide strategy to meet that risk. Governor George W. Bush has requested that the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), a member of the Texas A&M University System, act as the state administrative agency for this assessment and strategy development. Dr. G. Kemble Bennett, Director, was named as the point -of -contact for Texas with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety, is providing resources and its network of disaster regions and districts to ensure that all Texas communities have the opportunity to participate in this assessment. TEEX needs the help of TML member cities to complete the task of assessing the risk and developing a strategy. No one understands the unique needs of each city better than the local leaders. Weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological, nuclear/radiological, or high - explosive devices capable of producing large numbers of casualties) could be used at any time by terrorists against Texas citizens. Local governments will bear the heaviest burden of saving lives and containing the situation, utilizing their law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, hazardous materials teams, public health assets, public works, and medical facilities. The purpose of the assessment and strategy is to help local jurisdictions obtain the resources and training needed to respond to this threat. An immediate benefit of completing the assessment and statewide strategy will be Texas' qualification for Department of Justice (DOJ) grant funds, which can be passed on to local jurisdictions for WMD-related equipment purchases. Completing a three-year statewide strategy is a requirement to receive these grant funds. However, the current three-year DOJ grant program is only the beginning of many benefits of the assessment process. The statewide strategy will examine all potential sources of resources that could assist local jurisdictions. The assessment will establish needs for presentation to Congress and the Texas Legislature. It will help local jurisdictions improve response capability by highlighting areas in which more equipment, training, or improved interlocal (mutual aid) agreements may be needed. The assessment process will begin in late June 2000 when TEEX mails the "Texas Assessment and Strategy Tool Kit" to the may of each incorporated city and to county judges. The Tool Kit contains forms and instructions for completing a local jurisdictional assessment of risks, capabilities, and needs. For a jurisdiction with a population under 5,000, there is a short -form version of the assessment. TEEX will assist local jurisdictions with the process through a series of regional visits sponsored by the Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety. The locations and dates for these visits are listed below. We ask help from members of the Texas Municipal League in publicizing these visits and in helping facilitate the assessment and strategic planning for their cities. TEEX invites local jurisdiction representatives to come and receive assistance at the visit most convenient for them. The exact location and times of each visit will be in the mail -out packet. 2 1/29/2000 3,50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER, VENDOR SET, 99 FUND , 00I GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 10 MAYOR 6 CITY COUNCIL VENDr' NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-02970 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS I �40200 40I-10-5210 DESCRIPTION PAGE, I CNEGK# AMDUtdl' OFFICE SUPPLI COUNCIL PACKET COVERS 000000 40,09 DEPARTMENT 10 MAYOR 6 CITY COUNCIL TOTAL, 40.09 6/29/2000 3,50 PM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND ; 008 DEPARTMENT, 10 REGULAR DEPARTMENI4 PAYMENT REGISTER ENTERPRISE FUND ffayor and City Council VCNP NAME: ITEM 0 G/L ACCDUNI' NAME DESCRIPl'ION 99-402970 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 1-540200 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COUNCIL PACKET COVERS ftEFAR1'MENT 10 MaYor and City Council PAGE; 15 GFIE:CK� AMOl1fdT 400044 40,10 TOTAL; 44,10 6/29/2000 3,50 PM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 15 ADMINISTRATION VEND` NAME ITEM # REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-00470 C6H JANITORAL 6 SUPPLY 1-15087 001-15-5245 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, 1492 1-49261953 00115-5245 99-01190 HUNTER ASSOCIATES I-57838 001-15-5450 9911920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA 1-32192 001-15-5425 9912460 SOUTHWESTERN DELL MOBIL I-32324 001-15-5510 9912970 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS I-563158 001-15-5210 99-04060 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS 1-3254010 001-15-5235 99-04690 SAMANTHA RENZ I-32341 001-15-5240 PAGE s 2 DESCRIPTION CHECK# OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 OTHER OPERATI MATS & MOP 000000 ENGINEERING F 1-35 IND PARK PLAT,DIS CENTER 000000 LEGAL SERVICE ABONDONMENT ORDINANCE 000000 TELEPHONE. SER MOBILE PHONES 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI COLOR FOLDERS 000000 DUES AND REGI CUSTOMER SERVICE SEMINAR 000000 TRAVEL EXPENS TRAVEL 000000 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL; AMDUtdT 34 , 86 2, 00 954,63 407, 00 71,58 18.72 49,50 4,76 1,543,05 6/29/."•.000 3,00 PM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND , 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 15 Adninistration V[aK" MANE ITEM 4 Rt:GULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER 99-00470 C&H JANITORAL 6 SUPPLY I-15087 99••01190 HUNTER ASSOCIATES I-S7838 G/L ACCOUNT NAME 408-15-5245 008-15-5450 99-41924 itICHOt.S, JACKSOM, DILLA I-•32192 048-15-5425 99'•02460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL I"32324 008-15-5510 99&•02970 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS I••563158 008-45••5210 9944060 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS I-•3254010 008,-15-5235 9..04690 SAMANTHA P,ENZ I-32341 00?-15-5240 PAGE; 16 DESCRIPTION CHECK#' AMOUNT OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 34,86 ENGINEERING F DUCKCREEK LIFT,NEETING SISO 000000 954,62 LEGAL SERVICE INVESTIGATION -IBOLIVAR WATER 000000 407,00 TEl.EPNONE SER MOBILE PHONES OFFICE SIIPPLi COLOR FOt.DERS OUE5 6 REGIST CUSTOMER SERVICE SEMINAR TRA'JEL E}PENS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 15 Administration 040000 71,59 000400 18,72 004000 49,50 000000 4,76 rOTAI., 1, 541, 05 6/29/2000 3150 PM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 20 POLICE HAME REOULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME 9940470 C&H JANITORAL G SUPPLY I-15087 001-20-5245 9910590 CITY OF BENTON I-32270 001-20 5420 99-00790 DENTON CO, BUILDERS SUPP I-36686 001-20-5375 9941100 GOODYEAR UHOLESALE TIRE I-112710 001-20-5325 99-02950 VERNER CHEMICAL 1"32141 001-20-5325 99-03230 JESWOOO OIL CO, I-32320 001-20-5320 99-04170 MIDUE.ST RADAR 6 EQUIPME I-92639 001-20-5420 99-04390 DANNY SPINDLE I-32258 001-20-5240 99-07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-32279 001-20-5325 PAGE; 3 DESCRIPTION CHECKt AMOUidT OTHER OPERAII GLEA1dING SUPPLIES 000000 34,86 CONTRACTUAL S 6 BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS 000000 90,00 MINOR EQUIPME LOCK 000040 3,97 R h M MOTOR V 2 TIRES 000000 %54 R 6 M MOTOR V 1 CASE BUG GONE 110240 000000 11,07 OR VEHICLE JESUOOD OIL CD, 000000 1,24532 CONTRACTUAL S 7 RADAR RECERT,OFFICEP, CERT 000000 330,00 TRAVEL EXPENS TRAVEL EXPENSE 000000 89,32 ft 6 M MO70P, U BALANCE 3 TIRES eO�oDD 20,85 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL; 1,884,53 6/29/2000 3s50 PM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 22 ANIMAL CONTROL. REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 4 VET, NAME ITEM f G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CNECK# mammon 99••Oi370 K••MART I••32319 041-22—`250 MINOR TOOLS 2PK FILM, CAMERA 000040 99-01370 K•-MART I-32319 001-22-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP OECON 000000 99••02400 SMITH'S I-54298 401••22•-5245 OTHER OPERATI FAUCET 404000 99-02950 VE.RNER CHEMICAL I-10245 001-22-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP 156AL CHERRY DECO 000000 DEPARTMENT 22 RNIMAt. CONTROL TOTAL; AMOUNT 57,95 4,79 3.99 215.73 6/29/2000 3,50 PM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND ; 041 DEPARTMENT, 24 GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT P,EGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER YEN NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 994-00470 Ct,H JANITORAL SUPPLY I-15087 oo1-•24-5245 OTHER OPERA14I CLEANING SUPPLIES 99-oa580 CIPJTA5 COPR, #492 I-492bi953 001-24-5314 99 408f0 DE1dTON GO. FIRE CHIEFS I 32f63 401-24 5235 99-01310 JIPiJiGNATT GHEVROLET I-148549 o0f-?4-5325 �9-01574 LOWE'S COMPANIES, TNC, I-•3224`7 0a1-24-52fQ 99-02190 RITE -WELD 1-970829 001••24••5375 99•-02400 SMITH'S I-a54f66 Q41-2M532.5 99•-02460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL I-32324 001-24-5520 99••02954 VERNER CHEMICAL I-32141 Q01-24-532`.� '99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, I-3232a 001-'�4-•5320 9S••04110 SPECIAL.Y EQUIP, SERVICE I••008923 001-24-5325 99••04110 SPECIALY EQUIP, SERVICE 1-0008923 001-24-5325 99••A"Q',0 KflUFFMAN TIRE ''99••05600 MOORS MEDICAL CORP, 99 05Gdd MOORS MEDICAL CORP, 99-05600 MOIRE MEDICAL CORP, 99•-05600 MOTRE OEDICAL CORP, 99-05600 MOTOE MEDICAL CORP, 99-05600 MOTRE MEDICAL CORP, '1 05600 MOTOE MEDICAL CORP, 99-105600 MOTRE MEDICAL CORP, 99-05600 MOIRE MEDICAL CORP, '!99010776o BODBY GENTRY'S I-32f45 Qa1-24-5325 i-910a9ab8 T--91433084 I-91433084 T-91433004 I-91433084 I.91433084 I-91433094 I-91439359 I.9150379b 001-24-5375 4d1.-24-5375 041-24-5375 a41.-24-•5375 401-24••5375 041-24-5375 00i••24-5375 0G1••24-5375 401••24-5375 I-37157 d01-24-5325 R tt M BUIt.DIN MATS h MOF DUES tREGIST MEMDEP,SHIP CUES 2040 2Q01 R 2PS MOTOR U STATE INSPECTION OFE'IGE SUPPLI TABLE LAMP MINOR EQUIPME NEDI(:AL OXYGEPJ R h M MOTOR V 2 3/8 CNAIJd PSOOKS CELLUS.AR PHGN MOBILE PHONES R h M MOi'OR V 1 CASE BUG GONE #1oZ40 MO'I.OR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CG, R 2, M MGTGR U TURN AND MARKER R h M MOTOR V MASTER DISCONNECT R 4 M MGTGR V 2 TTRE5 MINOR EQUIPME GUAZE SPONGE,SAFETY GLOVES MINOR EQUIPME 6PR SCISSORS PSINOR EQUIPME PEP{ LIGHT MINOR EQUIPME 10 X.E. SAFETY GLOVES PSINOR EQUIPME 2 BLOOD PRESSURE KITS MINOR EQUIPME. 1 GUAZE REPLACEMENT M:tNOR EQUIPME 1 STETHOSCOPE MINOR EQUIPME 11. POCKET MASKS MINOR EQUIPME MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 2, M MOTOR V 2 WHES:L ALIGN DEFARI'MENT 24 FIRE DEFARI'MEPtT PAGE; 5 CHEGf;# aodoa0 004Q00 OQ0440 044000 Q44040 044000 004400 d4oad0 Q40aa0 a000a0 440400 dOd400 aa0000 000404 d004oQ 0400a0 G04040 a44040 Od0000 04da00 Q00040 000000 04a400 "TOTAL: RMOUNT 34,67 5,50 125,40 12,50 14,80 32,a0 102,18 7 I64,G3 12,92 33,47 451,80 181,44 26.f0 5,75 133.50 39,90 38,50 13,95 J.37,39 350,42 45,ao i,982,23 6/29/2000 3:50 PM REGULAR UEPARI'hiENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUh!O z 001 GENERAL FUND OF.PARTMENTo 26 MUNICIPAL COURT YEN NAME ITEM I G/L. ACCOUNT NAME 996,05840 HURRICANE OFFICE SYSTEM I-32193 001..26-5210 PAGE: 6 UESCRIPTION CHEC(;f MUM OFFICE SUPPLI NOTARY STAMP 000000 19193 (?EPARTMEit't 26 MUNICIPAL COL►RT TUTAt_; 19I93 6/29/2000 3150 PLS RL:GUL.AR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET, 99 PAGE; 7 FUND ; OOi GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION VENT` NAME ITEM # G/L. ACCOUNT NAME 99 00580 CINTAS COPP„ 1492 1-49261953 00i-28-5310 99•-02460 SOUTHWESTER! BELL MOBIL I-32324 001-28-5520 99-02950 VERNER CHEMICAL I-32141 001-28-5325 99-03010 UEBB AUTO PARTS I-12352 001-28-•53215 99-•03230 JESWOOD OIL CD, I-432320 001-28•-5320 DESCRIPTION P h M BUILDIN MATS & MOP CELLULAR 11ELE MOBILE PHONES R tM VEHICLE 1 CASE BUG GONE 410240 R M VEHICLE AIR & OIL FILTER VENICLE FUEL JESWOOD OIL CO, CflECt%* AMOUNT 000000 3,94 000000 53,18 000000 11407 000000 4100 000000 89,76 DEPARTMENT 28 ENFOP,GEMENT/INSPECTIOt! TOTAL; 161,97 6/2912000 3,50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 8 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 001 GENERAL. FUND DEPARTMENT; 30 STREETS VEVr NA14E ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME: DESCRIPTION CHECKI AMOU14T 99w•00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I--32194 001-30-5370 STREET MAINTE 5 T/L FL.EXBASE 000000 11398,80 99 00450 BURRUS I-32049 001-30-5260 5AFETY EQUIPM 4 GATORADE 000000 15,96 99 00580 CItdTAS COPR.994 99*•02940 VALLEN SAFETY SUPPLY CO I•-3692738 001-30-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM SAFETY GLASSES 000000 60,50 99m-03230 .JESWOOD OIL CO, I-32320 001-30-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 338,96 OEPARTMEPiT 30 STREETS TOTAt.; 1,818,i6 6/29/2000 3150 PM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001. GENERAL. FUND DEPARTMENT+ 32 PARKS VEX NAME 99-01310 JIM MC14ATT CHEVROLET GULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER ITEM � G/L AGGOUNT ttAMF: I-504195 001-32-5325 II 99-01490 LAWPt LAttD I-11'3914 001-32 `;325 99-01570 LOWE.'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32195 001-32-5347 1991•01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32207 001•032-5325 990*02400 SMITH'S 1-54295 001-•32-5343 99-02464 SOUTHWES'fERPt BELL MOBIL I-3232h 001-32-5520 '', 99•-d2950 VERNER CHEMICAL I--32141 ddi-3v'••5325 99--d3d10 WEBS AUTO PARTS i-12352 001•-32-5325 990W03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, I••32320 001-'2-5320 9913530 JAMES WOOD AUTIOPARK, IN I-125265 001-32-5325 99•-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS I0032751 001-32-5325 99-06160 LONGHORN 1-32198 001-32-6015 9947740 A-•JEM INDUSTRIES INC I-28481 001-32-5343 99 1t0 A-JEM INDUSTRIES INC I-26502 001-32-5343 �yuri;,u atur+t UtYL'1 !-luG411 Utjd-:3::-J.i4� 99••07750 HOME DEFOT I-:L464h 001-32-•6015 t 99-07750 HOME DEPOT I-10B44 001-32-5343 99-07750 HOME DEPOT I-14644 041-32-6015 DESCRIPTION PAGE; 9 CHEGKf AMOUNT R b M MOTOR V DELT 000000 20,5b R LM MOTOR V 2 IDLERS 000000 36,40 VANDALISM REP PLYDOARD 000000 63,52 R t< M MOTOR V BATTERY CHARGER,GL.OVES,PROLINE 000000 31,87 BAt.L FIELD itA 3.�4 ThELL 000004 0, 49 CELLULAR PHOht MOBI!_E PHONES OODOdd 53,1.E R � M MOTOR V 1 CASE BUG GONE �10240 00000d 11,d7 R IM 14OTOR V A:(R tt O'1L FILTER 440d00 9,10 t30TOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 336,96 R h M MOTOR V ALTERNATOR 000000 147,00 R h M MOTOR V HI -POWER 11 GATES BELT 0000dd 19,15 SPRINKLER MAI GREEPt CUT OFF ttIPPLE O00d00 30,09 BAIL FIEL.O MA WEED KILLER d00000 231,50 BALL_ FIEI-O MA WEED 1(TI-LER 00040d 231, 50 L. FIELD MA 4 GREAT STUFF 000000 13,12 SPRINKLER MAI 4 PIPE THREAD TAPE 000000 5,24 BALL FIELD MA 2 CLEAR ELASTOMERIC CAULK 000000 7,96 SPRINKLER MAI 20 3/4 PVC 90 000000 9100 DEPRRTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAt.+ 1,2b0,51. 6/29/2000 31450 PM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 34 POOL REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VE:F'""' NAME ITErl f D/L ACCOUNT NAHE 99•100450 DURRUS 1-32049 001-34-5245 9912260 S&S TELEMETRY I-1516 001-34--5324 90-42400 SMITH'S 1-54277 001-34-•5245 99138`0 ADVANCE CHEMICAL I*W72593 001-34-5223 99••406360 SHARKEY'S SCREEN PRINTI 1-400 001-34-*5255 99-1 CITY OF UHITESDORO I116 001-34-5420 PAGE; 10 DESCRIPTION CHECKf AMOUNT OTHER OPERATI EAND4IDS 000000 9109 R h M EQUIPME 2 CHEM FEED ADJ PUMPS 000000 735,00 ER OPERATI SPLITTER,PLUG 000000 5478 L'HEMICAL SUPP 6 109 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 000000 775,09 UEARING APPAR T-SHIRTS FOR LIFEGUARDS 000000 245.00 COPITRACTUAL S 3 LIFEGUARD CLASSES 000000 375,00 OEPARTMEtlT 34 POOL. TOTAL; 2,144,96 6/29/2000 3;50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER, VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEND NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUN14 NAME DESCRIPTION 911•-00450 DURRUS I-32178 001-36-5325 R 6 M MOTOR V 2PK OF FILM 99-44580 CINTAS COPRI #492 I-492615'53 001-3b-52b5 C!-EANING SUPP MATS !t MOP 99-00790 DENTON CD,BlIILDERS SUPP I--36694 401-3b-5245 OTfiER OPERATI CI.AI•! HAMMER 99-02950 VERNER CHEMICAL I-32141 001-36-5325 R h M MOTOR V 1 CASE BUG GONE t10240 99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, 1-32320 001-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, DEPARTMENT 3b VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PAGE; 11 CHECKS AMOUNT 000000 13,49 000000 7,55 004400 12,00 004000 5,52 a00000 36,77 TOTAL; 75,33 } 6/29/2000 3150 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 000 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 36 Vehicle Maintenance PAGE; 18 VL'P'"nq NAhik: ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHE:C►it AMOUNT 99-A00450 DURRUS I- 178 000-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V 2PK OF FILM 400000 13,49 99.-00580 CINTAS COPR, 1492 I-49261953 008-35-5255 CLEANING SUPP MATS & MOP 000000 7,55 99 00790 QF.NTON CD,DUII.DERS SUFP i-3G694 991"02950 VERNER CHEMICAL I-32141 99-03230 JESWOOD OIL CO, J-32320 448-36-5245 OTHER OPERAI'I DE1dTON GO,DUII.DERS SUPPLY 004004 11199 008-35-5325 R is M MOTOR V I CASE DUG GONE #10240 000000 5,52 448-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE JESWOOD OIL CO, 000000 35;76 QEPARTMENT 36 "Jehicle Maintenance TOTAL; 75.31 6/29/2000 2150 PM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND , 001 GENERAL. FUND OEPARTMENT, 42 Library UEh` NAME 99-•01430 HELEN KIRBY REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RL.GISTER PAGE, 12 ITEM G/L HUWUNT NAME DESGR1PTluN CHE:GI%t AMGUNT I-30995 0**42-5222 BOARDS 6 COMM 13 LUNCHES 004000 65,00 DEPARTMENT 42 Library TOTAL, 65,00 6/29/2004 3150 PM RiGUI.AR DEPARTMENT PAYME.N11 REGISTER PAGE; 13 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 44 Community Center VEN' NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# L440 SMITH'S I••; 4?90 001••4�1-•5375 MINOR EQUIPME FLOAT VALVE 00000a 99•-a?95a VERNER CHEMICAL. I-14"00 40i•-44-52ii I_APIDSCAPE FIRE ANT KILLER 004a00 DEPARTMENT 44 Gommuni.ty Genter TOTAL; 19 49.00 15h ,99 VENDOR 5ET 041 GENERAL FUND TOTAL; i1,435,�4 6/29/2000 3150 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 14 VENDOR SET; 99 FIIIdO ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 00 NON' -DEPARTMENTAL VEhInnp NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# ONION, Nooft a*om am *"I* wo W., we mamm &a womm�"'*mw mammod *a*" wwav, No 40 aw mm4m mamwowom wo 10 14 ON *o.wm"m* wo 14 N& IN pftom &a womw am 40 Oft ON** amma. *a ammomm aw ww*m WN mama am 4ftamma ammo *mww amammm" waamaw me NO, No omawmm " am " mama ON, mm 99-401190 HUNTER ASSOCIATES I•-57838 008-00-•7300 ENG, FEES FOR BRIDAL PATH SEWER EASEMENTS 000000 DEPARTMENT OQ NON—DEPARTi4ENTAl TOTAI_s AMOUNT 4,101,89 4,101,t19 6/29/2000 3150 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 19 Data Proce:ssiug VEN' NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME 994-00720 DATAMATIC,COM, LTD, I•434344 008-49,-531.5 99•-02050 PITNEY 80WES I-JN00 008--1R-53i5 994•021.20 QUILL. 1-8605131 008-19-5205 99•-02140 RADIO SHACK 1-32263 008•49-5210 fi9•-02970 VIKING OFFICE: PRODUCTS I-•540�?00 008-•19-52i0 99-06740 OFFICE MAX I-32121 008-19-5210 PAGE; 17 DE SCRI P1'IDN CIiECK� R 3 M MACHINE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 000000 R h M MACHINE QTRLY CHARGES FOR NAILING EQUI 000000 DATA PROCESSI GREENBAR,DISKS,L.F.GAL PADS 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI 1 HEADPHONE 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI PENS,REFILL,RUBBERBANDS,L.ABEL. 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI LIVEN COVERS,TAPE,DICTIONARY 000000 DEPARTfiE:NT 19 Data Proeessi.ng TOTAL; APiOUfdT 191.,78 405,00 199,41 6,99 106,24 5h,97 6/29/2000 3;50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RECISTER VENDOR SET, 99 PAGE 19 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENTr 50 Water VEEP "l NAME ITE14 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME: 99 00580 CINTAS COPR, i492 I-49261953 008-50-5310 99-01010 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP I•-5121 008-500•5255 9941.01490 LAWN LAND I-0113990 008-50-5250 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, 1"32195 048-450-5223 99-•01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, 1-32195 008-50-5260 99-•02400 SMITH'S I-54296 008-50-5360 99-•02460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL. MOBIL I0•32324 008-500-5520 99-02900 WATER PRODUCTS INC, 1-284463 008-50-5360 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I-288517 008•-50-•5360 990-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, 1-290006 008-50-05358 99•403230 JESWOOD OIL CD, I•-32320 008•150-52'20 99-03660 GOHLKE POOL SUPPLY I-49143 448-50-5223 1 07260 CARROLL SUPPLY 1•34491 008•050-5223 DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT R M BUILDIN MATS !, MOP 000000 3193 WEARING APPAR 5PR JEANS 404400 109,/5 MINOR TOOLS WEEDEATER 0400GG CHEMICAL SUPP HOSE EMD 000044 SAFETY EQUIPM CLOVES 000000 R, M OTHER PVC 000000 CEE.LULAR PHON MOBILE PHONES 000000 R h M OTHER SADDLES ,CLAMPS ,METER SETTER 000000 R 6 M OTHER SADDLES,SEUER PIPE,GLUE COLLAR 000000 WATER MAIN 1t 2 4FT FIRE HYO 000000 OR VEHICLE JESUDOD OIL CD, 000000 CHEMICAL SUPP CALCIUM HYPO 1004 000000 CHEMICAL SUPP 10 150LB CL2 000000 33d,73 5,55 53,18 d6�,21 274,84 1,759190 871,15 1.39.95 541,i6 I?EPARTMENT 50 Water TOTAL; 4,821,58 6/29/2000 3.50 PPI REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISEER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 52 Uaste Water Collection VEE''''q NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME: 99•-00300 AUTO GLASS CENTER I--60414 008-52-5325 99-OOL50 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-906583 008-52-5315 99-'00790 DENTON CO,BUILDERS SUPP I"36694 OW'52o-5325 99-00790 DENTON CO,BUILOERS SUPP I-36694 008-52-5325 999-02940 VALLEN SAFETY SUPPLY CO I-3692738 008-52--5260 99-02950 VERNER CHEtiICAI_ T--32141 008-52-5325 990-03010 UEBB AUTO PARTS i0012352 008-52-5 325 99-03010 UEBB AUTO PARTS I-12352 008-52-5325 996-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 1-32600 000-524•5325 990-07770 CONTROL SPECIALIST, INC I-398 008-52'-5315 PAGE ; 20 DESCRIPTION CHE'Ct;* AMOUNT R t5 M MOTOR V INSTALL GLASS 000000 100,00 R E, M LIFT ST 3 GAL RID 0 GREASE 000000 168,00 R i M MOTOR V 2 WX10 000000 9,50 R Es M MOTOR V 2 3° PAINT BRUSHES 000000 5100 SAFETY EQUIPM SAFETY GLASSES 000000 R tt if MOTOR V 1 CASE_ BUG GONE t10240 000000 R t, M MOTOR V AIR & OIL FILTER 000000 R fs M MOTOR V AIR & OIL FILTER 000000 R h M MOTOR V 1 HOSE SPLICER 000000 R � N LIFT ST REPAIR ON DUCK CREEK t.IFT STAT 000000 DEPARTMENT 52 Waste Water Collection 70TA1.� 63,bb i.1,07 3,95 4,00 7,44 1 t,?H4 t 50 1,h57,12 6/29/2000 3;50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 PFlGE; 21 FUND I t 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 54 Waste !dater Treatment VENPrw , NAME ITEM T G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99•-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, 10032207 008-54,-5329 99-01680 MCNEILL'S I-42609 008--54-`3310 99..02950 VERNER CHEMICAL I-32141 008-•54-5325 99-05510 IESI I-32269 008-54-5420 DEBCRIPI'ION CHECKt AMOUNT R h M SEWER P BATTERY CHARGER,GLOVES,PROLINE 000000 69.94 R ES M BUILDIN A-C OFFICE 000000 628,00 R b. M MOTOR V I CASE BUG GONE. t10240 000000 1.1.07 GOPITRACTUAL S ROLL OFF 000000 34,44 DEPART�iENI' S4 Waste Water irE=atment TOTAL; 743,45 6/29 9000 3;50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 22 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 9 1 048 ENTERPRISE FUND DEFARTMENlT; 58 Electric Department VERPrm NAME ITEM t G/L. ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK$ AMOUNT 99-100580 CINTAS COPP$ 1492 I11149261953 40B-58-5310 R h M BUILDIN MATS h MOP 000000 3,94 99-00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC I-64279 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS AIRCONDITION D/C 000000 t1120 99•-00950 FENDER ENTERPRISES i-1097 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM 20 TRAFFIC CONES 000000 219,00 99-00950 FENDER ENTERPRISES I-1097 006•05G•05260 SAFETY EQUIPM 2 UT WORK SIGNS 000000 250,00 99-00950 FENDER ENTERPRISES I-1097 008-5B-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM LANE: CLOSED SIGN 000000 320,00 99-00950 FENDER ENTERPRISES I-1097 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM 4 DYNALITE SIGN! STAND 000000 480,00 999-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32247 00800058-5250 MINOR TOOLS 18 1/4 HOT GAL SYSTEM 000000 26264 99-01570 !.ONE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32247 00B-58-5250 MINOR POOLS 10 5/16 HIGH TEST GAL 000000 1730 991**01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32247 00811158_'5250 MINOR POOLS HEX WASHER 000000 15,88 9911101570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32247 008-58••5250 MINOR POOLS BRILL BIT SET 000000 145,38 9911101570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-32247 00B-5B••5250 MINOR TOOLS 2 13PC DEWALT SCREWDRIVER SET 000000 20,96 9911101.570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-32247 0080058-5250 MINOR TOOLS PH114LIPS 12 000000 13,64 99,-01570 L0UE'S COMPANIES, INC, I1132247 008-5B••5250 MINOR TOOLS CLEVIS HOOK 000000 11,04 991-*01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-32247 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS CLEVIS GRAB HOOK 000000 41173 996•01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. 1-32247 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS HAMMER DRILL KIT 000000 558,00 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-•32247 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS MAO SCKT DRIVER 000000 5101 99..g21.40 RADIO SHACK I-•32156 4g8•-58-•602d IMPROVEMENTS FLOOR MIKE STANG,EXT••MONO OQOOOd 31.98 99-02380 ROBE:RT A. SINGLETARY, P I-32160 008-•58••5420 CONTRACTUAL S DISTRIBUTION CTR PROJECT 000000 852300 99 0 SMITH'S I-54190 00B-58•-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 4 SPRAY PAINT 000000 15,96 99-02460 SOUTHWESTERN! BELL MOBIL I•-32324 406-58-5520 CELLULAR TELE MOBILE PHONIES 000400 106,36 ' 99•-02690 TECHLINE I-1405295 006-58-•5260 SAFETY EQUIPM 6PR GAFF GUARD FOR CLIMBERS 000000 24,30 ''99-02690 TECHLINE I-14d5607 Od8•-58-bd24 IMPROVEMENTS 9 250W HPS CO6RAHEAD,254W LAMP OOOOOQ 1,395,a0 9900002690 TECHLINE I111405608 00B000584020 IMPROVEMENTS 20 425 INSTA POLE SET 000000 1/300000 9911102690 TECHLINE I-1405661 408•058••6020 IMPROVEMENTS 50 5/8" LOCKNUT 000000 7,00 99-•42690 TECHLINE I-1405664 04B-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 1000' RISER DIRE 000000 230,00 9911102690 TECHLINE I••1405665 008-58116020 IMPROVEMENTS 50 J6" CLEVIS 000000 61100 99-02950 'dERNER CHEMICAL 99•-03g20 WE5GO 99-03230 JESWO00 I-32141 I-718278 006-58-5260 I-727985 aa8--58-•6420 I-32320 408-58••5320 99••44224 MARK GRIFFITH I-32223 000-58-5320 9910•05340 COMMERCIAL BODY I-34992 008-560-5325 {} i �•-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFETY SY I-2459 008-58-5424 99-46424 AIRCRAFT DYNAl1ICS CORP. T-56963 d08-58-5345 I R tM MOTOR V 1 CASE BUG GONE #-14240 0004d4 M01'OR VEHICLE JESWO00 OIL CO, VEHICLE GAS FOR PRESSURE DIGGER R h M MOTOR V REPLACE QUICK COUPLING CONTRftGTUAL S MESSAGE FEES FOR MAY 2400 LEASE EQUIFME RO6OLIGHTS 000004 iiAl 6/29/2000 3;50 PM REGULAR DEPARTME'N1' PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 PACE; 23 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 58 Electric Department VEt!f'```; NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-06480 SUAIM EQUIPMENT & CONST I-32162 008-58-5310 99 46930 'fK EL.Ei'I'RIC COOPERATIVE I-32161 008-58-5365 DESCRIPTION CNEC►{f AMOUNT R t 1,1 DUILDIN MATERIAL. & LOCK 000000 112:50 TRANSE'ORMERS REPAIR TRAPtSFORMERS 400400 1,180,81 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric. Department TOTAL; 9,399,25 VENDOR SET 408 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL; REPORT GRAND TOTAL; 23,396, i.A 3 ,781138 6/29/2000 3150 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 24 YEAR ACCOUNT 1999••2400 OOi-10-5210 001-15-5210 001'4 5-5235 001"15'•5240 001-15•'5245 001-15-5425 00i-15-'5450 001-t5--5510 0410-20-•5240 001•-20-5245 001-20-'5320 001-20-'5325 001"20-5375 001-20-•5420 001.422-o5223 001•-22-5245 001•'22•'5250 001-'24•-5210 001'•24-523 5 001-'24'•5245 001." 24"5310 001-24'-5320 00140124•'5325 001-24-5375 001...24 `520 00 1-26--5210 001••28-53i4 NAME OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES DUES AND REGISTRATION TRAVEL EXPENSE OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES LEOAE_ SERVICES ENGINEERING FEES(PLATS,PRE: TELEPHONE SERVICES TRAVEL EXPENSE OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL. R & M MOTOR VEHICLE FSINOR EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES rHEMICAL SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES MINOR TOOLS OFFICE SUPPLIES DUES 1, REGISTRATION. 041'HER OPERATING SUPPLIES R h M BUILDINGMOTOR VEHICLE FUEL R & M MOTOR VEHICLE MINOR EQUIPMENT CELLULAR PHONE OFFICE SUPPLIES R & M BUILDING G/L ACCDUNT TOTALS *t -_.. ===-LINE ITEM======::=_ ANNUAL BUDGET OVER AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 40,09 900 206,23 1832 750 287,54 49.50 1,004 395.50 4,76 1,500 804,00 36,86 11000 380,01 407.00 13,000 10,207,08 954,63 3)000 1,671.00- Y 71,58 5,560 1,122,44 69,32 700 199,95 34,86 3,300 2,156,61 1,245,92 81000 32,31 90,46 12,100 8,58:3,62 3197 31500 21404,80 420,00 31000 2,580,00 220,52 2,000 958,74 3199 500 79,60 57,98 600 336,69 14,80 500 70,23 !25,Od 61550 536,99 34,87 4,750 1,447,59 5,50 12,000 51670,38 164,63 2,500 1,077,87 576,34 4,000 543,25 958,91 15,000 11,888,60 l02,18 2,000 11004,30 19,93 2,000 1,511,96 3,94 500 65,08- Y 001-28-5320 00l-2$-.`,325 001-28'-5520 VEHI+.:LE FUEL R 6 M VEHICLE CELLULAR TELEPHONE 89,78 15,07 53118 2,500 804 650 2,215,58 45,39- 222,26 Y 001-30-'5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 76,46 4,000 3,720,56 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDING 3,94 1,200 205,36 0010,30-5320 041--30"5370 00!•'32on5320 001-32-5325 00l"32-'5343 001-32-5347 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL STREET MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL R & M MOTOR VEHICLE BALL FIELD MAINTENANCE VANDALISM REPLACEMENT 338,96 1,398,80 338,96 275,15 484,57 63,52 2,450 45,000 2,200 11000 81000 500 18,222,74 41362,35 488.41- 149,34- 29,48- 436,48 Y Y Y 001-32-5520 001'-32-6015 CELLULAR PHONES SPRINKLER MAINTENANCE 53,18 45,13 B00 900 319,34 946,29-' Y 001-'34••5223 001-34-5245 001-34-5255 001-34-5324 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES UEARING APPAREL R h M EQUIPMENT 775,09 14,87 245,00 735,00 31800 1,700 11500 300 836,65 61i7,66 42,00 237,89" Y 001.-34"5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 375,00 500 125,00 no -====GROUP BUDGET======= ANNUAL QL10GF.T OVER 811DGET AVAILABLE BUDG 6/29/2000 3,50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 25 k GiL ACCOUNT TOTALS *: YEA4 =LINE ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BURG 001•436-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,00 500 9,87 001-36-•5265 CLEANING SUPPLIES 7355 700 420,37 001-36-•5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 3637 750 574,36 001-36-5325 001-42-5222 R 6 M MOTOR VEHICLE BOARDS h COMMISSION 19,01 65,00 600 350 110,29 95,00 0011-44-5211 001-44-5375 008-00-7300 LANDSCAPE MINOR EQUIPMENI' ENG, FEES FOR BRIDAL PATE{ 4,101,89 149400 7199 500 300 0 37,557,109- 35L,00 290,22 Y 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 40,10 900 383,69 0084-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18,72 750 351,68 008-15-5235 DUES 6 REGISTRATIONS 49,50 1,000 450,50 008-15-5240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 4,76 1,500 766,65 0080•15-5245 008-15•-5425 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES LEGAL SERVICES 34,86 407,00 11000 13,000 10,207,09 377,12 008-15-•5450 008-15••5510 ENGINEERING FEES (PLATS,PR TELEPHONE SERVICES 954,62 71.59 31000 5,560 11670,99" 11143,10 Y 008-19-5205 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 199,41 4,100 61.7,55 008-19045210 008••19-5315 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 6 M MACHINES 170,20 596,78 2)004 8,520 357,31 79,25 0080036-5245 Ot}B 36-5265 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES 11.199 7,55 500 700 28,41 420,36 008•-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 36,76 750 574,38 0080•36-5325 R 6 M MOTOR VEHICLE 19,01 600 95,08 008-50-5223 008•-50-5250 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES MINOR TOOLS 660,96 336,73 41500 2,600 1,606,89 687,48 008'50w05255 IJEARING APPAREL 10935 31000 1,174,58 008•-50-5260 008••50-5310 SAFETY EQUIPMENT R 6 M BUILDING 80,37 3,93 2,000 500 154,77 942,13 0086-50-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 871,16 7,000 294,03 008•-50-5358 008-50-5360 WATER MAIN 6 VALES R 6 M OTHER 1,759,90 945,60 14,000 45,000 4,470,94 17,2B9,59 008-50-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 5118 900 416,33 008-52-•5260 008-52-5315 SAFETY EQUIPMENT R & M LIFT STATION 1,452,50 63,66 6,000 20,000 31697,66 14,099,63 008-520•5325 R 6 M MOTOR VEHICLE 140,96 11000 58,32- Y 008•054••5310 R h M BUILDING 628,00 1,500 580,47 008-54•-5325 R 6 M MOTOR VEHICLE 11,07 11750 212,7100 Y 008mm54 5329 R !, M SEWER PLANT 69,94 81040 6143122 008••54-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34,44 41000 1,252,20 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS 861,98 5,500 111,Bl" Y 008•-%"5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1,385,30 4,250 1,233,49 008-58-5310 R h M BUILDING 116,44 12,000 992z 68 0084•580-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 673,08 4,500 368,98 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 178,83 101000 5,279,40 008-58-5345 LEASE EQUIPMENT 264,00 99,000 53,237,88 -_-=:==GROUP BUDGE'C===--__ ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 6/29/2000 3;50 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 26 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS t* YEA;, ACCOUNT NAME L.INE ITEM-==:_____ __-====GROUP BUDGET======- ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 00B-58-'S365 TRAtdSF'ORMF:RS 1,iB0:B1 2B,E44 15,446:79 008-58-5420 008-58-5520 008-58-6024 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CELLULAR TELEPHONE: IMPROVEMENTS 932,31 106,36 3,700,14 6,260 2,000 170,000 1,965:80- 908138 116,403452 Y ��'1999-2000 YEAR TOTALS �� ACCT 001•-10 401-15 001" 20 001-22 001 124 401-26 001-28 001" 30 001-32 001"34 001-36 401-42 001 •-44 001 TOTAL 00B-00 GOf;-10 008•-15 008-19 008•436 008-50 008"52 G08-54 008- 58 408 TOTAL id0 EP.RORS �" END OF REPORT :::� 34,7B1:38 ��DEPARTMENT TOTA1..5 �� NAME AMOUNT MAYDR 6 CITY COUNCIL. 40:09 ADMINISTRATION 1,543,05 POLICE 11884,53 APJIMAL- CONTROL_ 282:49 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11902:23 MUNICIPAL COURT 19:93 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION 161:97 STREETS 1,818:16 PARKS 1,264.51 FOOL 2,144:96 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 75:33 Library 65:00 Community Center 156:99 GENEP,AL FUND 11,435:24 NON -DEPARTMENTAL 4,14189 Mayor and City Council 40:14 Administration 1154t:05 Data Processing 966.39 Vehicle Maintenance 75,31 Water 41821,58 Waste Water Collection 11657312 Waste Water Treatment 743,45 Electric Department 9:399,25 ENTERPRISE FUND 23,346,14 a TOTAL 34,781,38 June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #4 Curtis Sims will be present to conduct a presentation concerning a housing development for duplexes. If Council remembers Mr. Sims has approached City Council before on a similar development. June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #5 Iran two (2) publications in the Sanger Courier soliciting volunteers to serve on the various boards; however, I did not receive a response from any citizens who would consider serving on the boards. Jerry Jenkins has been appointed as an alternate on the Board of Adjustments, and has indicated he would like to serve as an actual member on that board. Attached is a list of appointments to be made. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Reappoint: Joe Falls Shelley Ruland Jack Richardson BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Reapt�oint: Russell Madden Ken Perry Rodney Dillon Replace: Mike James Reappoint: Jim Kastel Penny Juarez Replace: Rowdy Patterson -Staff recommends Ginger Burt i 1 t1•1 Reappoint: Helen Kirby Elizabeth Higgs Barbara Buchanan Nelva Higgs Reappoint: Polly Dwyer Russell Madden John Springer June 295 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary The Planning &Zoning Commission will hear this request on Thursday evening, staff will have their recommendation at the meeting on Monday night. Staff does not recommend approval. W801 806 N. Kenton PO Box 101 Sanger, TX 76266 Phone (940) 458 = 4729 June 12, 2000 City Council of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Administrators of Sanger, This is a formal petition to obtain a "specific use" permit as specific in the city's code book. Pilgrim's Way Baptist Church desires to put a parsonage on it's property located at Lot 2 in the Double Twins Addition Phase 2 as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey AB. - 1241, Denton County, Texas. The property is zoned Agriculture. Specifically, our request is for a permit to put a manufactured home on our property as shown in the diagram below. This home will be used as a parsonage for our pastor and his family. The church's plan is to bring in a new manufacture home purchased through Fleetwood of Sanger. Said home will be approximately 1800 square foot, vinyl sided, with a composition roof. The ground will be raised along the south and west sides of the home to give it the appearance of a site - built home. Said home will be owned and maintained by the pastor, Scott Finley. The estimated need for this housing situation is five to ten years. Our church wilt be greatly served by having a parsonage. We believe that this is our church's best course of action. We hope that the City of Sanger will recognize our need and grant our peon. We appreciate your time and consideration in this matter. ,n Cush 4 2W; Sincerely, Rev. Scott Finley Pastor Pilgrim's Way Baptist Church Church Cobble Stone Day Care I New Home t; , City of June 19, 2000 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers at 201 Bolivar St., 7:00 P.M. on June 29.2000 to consider a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase II as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care, The City of Banger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers at 201 Bolivar St., TOO P.M. on J4M&I000 to consider a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase II as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you public hearings, not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend these RC:sr Enclosure sos BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76�66 P.O. BOX S78 94o-4S8-7930 940-458-gi8o FAX Cobblestone Childcare P.O. Box 815 Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger ISD P.O. Box 188 Sanger, TX 76266 First Baptist Church P.O. Box 117 Sanger, TX 76266 John Porter Auto Sales P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 Jeff &Laura McNeill P.O. Box 358 Sanger, TX 76266 John &Elizabeth Springer P.O. Box 36 Sanger, TX 76266 Glenn &Kim Shaw P.O. Box 1121 Sanger, TX 76266 Michael Pardee 803 N. Keaton Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 PZ 06/29/00 CC 07/03/00 Considering a Specific Use Permit to put a Manufactured Home on property zoned Agriculture The Property is legally described as Lot 2, Double Twins Addition, Phase It as drawn in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Keaton Road behind Cobblestone Day Care. If you disapprove of this Specific Use Permit Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Specific Use Permit I disapprove of the Specific Use Permit Comments: S rNA THE DATE ?0 y Please Print Your Name June 29, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #8 This is the normal procedure on awarding administrative services to proceed with the grant application on the water and sewer improvements under the TDCA Grant.