06/12/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-SpecialAGENDA CITY COUNCIL = SPECIAL CALLED MONDAY, DUNE 129 2000 6:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Approving the Inducement and Development Agreement with Walmart Stores East, Inc. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Approving Interlocal Agreement with Denton County Regarding Reconstruction and Extension of View Road. 3. 4. Any Other Such Matters. Adjourn. Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458=7930 for further information. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL CALLED MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2000 6:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Approving the Inducement Walmart Stores East, Inc. 3. Any Other Such Matters. 4. Adjourn. c Chavez, Time 1 Development Agreement with !l This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spac a available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services mutt be made 48 fNrs p for to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 'S8-7930 for fu he ormation. June 8, 2000 To : Honorable Mayor &Members of City Council Fr. Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Police Chief Appointment I would like to inform City Council that I am officially appointing Curtis Amyx, Police Chief for the City of Sanger. Curtis has been acting in this capacity since the retirement of Benny Erwin on January 31, 2000. Curtis has assumed these responsibilities with the leadership that is necessary to succeed in this position. Curtis' salary will be adjusted accordingly. NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARDI HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1800 LINCOLN PLAZA 500 NORTH AKARD DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 (214) 965-9900 (214) 965.0010 FAX PLEASE DELIVER TliE FOLLOWING TO: NAME: COMPANY: FAX NO.: DATE: Jack Smith City of Sanger 1.940.458.4],80 June 12, 2000 FR011ri: H. Louis Nichols TRANSMITTED BY: Jamie Delbridge NUMBER OF PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): 6 COMMENTS: RE: Inducement and IDevelopment Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. IF YOiJ DO NOT RECEIVE ALL Tii>♦.PAGE9, PLEASE CALL: JAMIE DELBRIDCE AT (21�) t36G3327 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE is ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OFTHI: INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE, IF THE RECIPIENT IS NOT THE INTENDED R6CIPIF.NT, YOU AR$ HEREBY NOTIflED THAT ANY DISTRIBUTION, DISSEMMATION GR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, IF YOU FIAVE RECEIVED THIS IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY PHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Attorneys t4 Counselors at Law 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 North Abrd Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) %5.9900 Fax (214)965-0010 trmil NJDHS®NJDHS.com June 12, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE (940} 458-4X80 AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Mr. Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Inducement and Development Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. Dear Mr. Smith: , VVe have reviewed the proposed Inducement and Development Agreement subnnitted by Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. in connection with a distribution center to be constructed near Sanger. After reviewing the proposed Agreement, we make the following comments and suggestions. On page 1, is a provision showing consideration of $I.00 and other good and valuable consideration. 1 do not believe that the consideration should be recited as $1.00, but the paragraph should provide as follows, to -wit: "Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual obligations assumed by the parties herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:" Pazagraph I containing Sections A, B, C, and D obligates the City and County, at its expense, to provide certain utility services. The City has obligated itself to provide telephone service, electrical service, water and fire protection, and sanitary sewer main extensions. The City cannot enter into an agreement to provide these facilities unless it has current funds on hand payable out of current revenues or if it is incurring an obligation payable beyond this current fiscal year it is necessary to adopt an ordinance to provide the levy of tax in an amount sufficient to establish a sinking fund to retire the indebtedness. The fact that the City has plans to obtain Texas Capital Funds or funds from other sources does not change the fact that it is assuming that an unqualified obligation to JUN I vU1D 17.4G PR 1111.nu1_J J�mJUTI c&- � .r M � . W.. -- Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger June 12, 2000 Page 2 provide these facilities if it is not able to obtain funds from another source. It is suggested that Section I B, C, and D contain an added provision as follows, to -wit. "The obligation of the City under this section is contingent upon the City obtaining Texas Capital Funds in an amount sufficient to fund such improvements." If the City enters into an agreement to provide certain facilities and do not have funds on hand, and does not make a provision for levying a tax in an amount sufficient to establish sinking fund to retire said indebtedness, such Agreement is unenforceable as being in violation of the Texas Constitution. Section II A provides the City and County will install signal lights at the truck entrance on Lois Road. Does the City have funds on hand within which to meet this obligation? The same requirement with regard to having funds on hand applies to this obligation and would be unenforceable unless the City has current funds on hand at the time the contract is entered into or will have such funds on hand within the current fiscal year. The contract would not be enforceable unless the City puts in a provision and adopts an ordinance for the levy of tax in an amount sufficient to establish a sinking fund to retire the indebtedness. Section III B provides for landscaping and provides that any new landscaping requirements will not supersede the provision of this contract. The City cannot by contract agree that a party will not be bound by future landscaping ordinances. The City cannot contract away its legislative police powers to adopt ordinances, and if a new ordinance should be adopted regarding landscaping, the City cannot by contract agree that it the ordinance would not be enforceable against a named individual. Section III E contains a provision with regard to future zoning. The City cannot contract away its zoning powers. ?he City cannot agree to zone property in a certain manner. Public policy prevents such agreements being enforceable and any such agreement that would restrict the ability of the City to enact and enforce its zoning regulations would be unenforceable. Section IV obligates the City to provide certain temporary office space. Does the City have funds on hand out of cuaent revenues to provide for these facilities? If the City does not have current funds on hand, then the same requirement would apply to this obligation as prior obligations with regard to necessity of having sufficient current funds on hand to meet the obligation or it must provide for the levy of a tax to establish a sinking fund to meet the obligation. w Paragraph V obligates the City to provide at its own expense or at the expense of some party other than the Company the sum of $1,000,000.00 to subsidize the land purchase of the subject site. It is my understanding that the City is relying upon the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation to provide these funds. It is suggested that the following language be added to this section with regard to these funds and to provide as follows, to -wit: 34416 NICiiOLS, JACKSON, AILLARD, HAGER & SMTTH, L..L.I? .,�LJN Id nb 1z>'LfC rm mY .rtuL7 J�rNJwll � v... .... �� .. .� Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger June 12, 2000 Page 3 "The obligation of the City under this section is contingent upon the Sanger Texas Industrial Development Corporation providing the funds for the grant of $1,000,000.00 to the Company to subsidize the purchase of the subject site. In the event the Company does VT develop and operate the distribution center in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Capital Funds grant, the Company will refund to the Industrial Development Corporation the amount of such grant, plus interest at the rate of ten percent per year from the date of such grant, and expenses incurred by the City or the Industrial Development Corporation." In the same Section V, a reference is made to the situation where the City or County may use federal or state funds other than Texas Capital Funds to assist in financing the obligations. It is suggested that the following be considered to be added to this section to provide as follows, to - wit: "Should the City elect to use federal or state funds other than Texas Capital Funds, the Company will meet all requirements and conditions imposed upon the City, County, or Company as a condition to making available the federal or state funds other than Texas Capital Funds to assist in financing the obligations made herein." Section V also obligates the City io provide $1,000,000.00 or have the sum provided at the expense of some other party at closing to subsidize the land purchase of the subject site. It further provides that the grant is not contingent upon employment quotas or other specific requirements except the successful development of the distribution center project. This section also provides that the City is planning on using Texas Capital Funds for infrastructure improvements and that the Company will meet all requirement for Texas Capital Funds. It is suggested the following language be added to this paragraph, to -wit: "In the event the City elects to use Texas Capital Funds to finance infrastructure improvements, and obtains a Texas Capital Funds grant, the Company agrees to meet all requirements and conditions imposed upon the City or the Company as a condition to the making of a Texas Capital Funds grant for the project, and to sign the grant contract." Section VI provides for tax abatement and real property tax exemption. This section obligates the City to adopt a tax abatement plan and to grant a 50% tax abatement from the assessed value of all real and personal property for ten years. This tax abatement is not limited to new improvements or personal property, but includes all property, real or personal, including the land purchased under this Agreement. It is my understanding the City has not.yet adopted a tax abatement plan or program and this would have to be done prior to the entering into a tax abatement agreement with the Company. Any tax abatement agreement entered into with the Company would have to conform to the tax abatement plan or policy adopted by the City Council. 34416 - NICI-IOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER &SMITH, L.L.P. Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger June 12, 2000 Page 4 Section VII provides for taxes on the facility. It provides that until the end of the assessment year in which the facility construction is complete and the distribution center is ready for operation, there will be no taxes on an incomplete facility. It is our opinion that the City cannot agree that there will be no taxes on an incomplete facility. The land and incomplete facility will be subject to taxation on the same basis as other land and improvements in the City. Section VII also makes a provision for the method of appraising the property for tax purposes. The City cannot agree on the method of valuation of the property for tax purposes. This is a function of the Denton County Appraisal District. Section XV contains a severability clause and provides that in the event any section is illegal or unenforceable, that there will be automatically added to the Agreement sections similar to the terms or provisions declared illegal and unenforceable. In our opinion, the City cannot agree to automatically add conditions to the contract without such changes being approved by the City Council. The customary severability clause provides that in the event any part of the contract is declared to be void and unenforceable, it shall not affect the remaining provisions of the contract. There should be no provision in the contract that would provide for an automatic change in the terms and conditions and provisions of the contract. Section XVII, Operations, provides the nothing contained in the Agreement shall be construed to contain a covenant either express or implied to either commence operation of a business or thereafter continuously operate a business on the property. in our opinion, the City cannot make grants as proposed for the benefit of Company without there being an obligation on the part of the Company to use the funds and facilities for the purposes authorized. The City cannot make a grant of Rinds or obligate itself to spend public funds without some obligation on the part of the grantee to use the funds and properties for the purposes authorized. There should be a period of time when the Company is obligated to operate the distribution center and a recapture provision for the cost of the land and infrastructure improvements if the Company does not construct and operate the distribution center in compliance with this Agreement, and with conditions and requirements of the Texas Capital Funds grant or any conditions imposed on grants of other federal or state funds. Section XVII provides for future expansions. It provides that future expansions shall be subject to all the terms and provisions of this Agreement. In this connection, it is suggested that this section be eliminated or be rewritten to provide that future expansion shall be subject to new inducement and development agreements. Future City Council should not be bound by an agreement with regard to future expansions without there being some time limit or other restrictions placed upon when such future expansions are to be constructed. Conditions and 34416 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMTTH, L.L.P. ju4 1G vu 1.7•N� rR IYijt moLA4 LA. L mN Ga•+ .n.+.+ wav ... ar.v-,..v-,aw •-- -- Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger June 12, 2000 Page 5 circumstances may change in the future that would make it undesirable for both the City and Company to bind itself to future inducement and development agreements without any limitation on such obligation. With the exception of those provisions which have been indicated to be unenforceable unless the City has funds on hand or adopts an ordinance to establish a tax for sinking fund, the other provisions in this letter are mere suggestions to be considered by the City Council in entering into such Agreement. If you have any questions or desire to further discuss these matters, please let me know. HLN/jld Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Frj4fA A OY,W�iv oTuis NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMTTH, L.L.P. 34416 ** TOTAL PAGE.06 ** Un/ UJ/ : YUuu V f; 17 V M U I V 1 L ' =P4.JO410U t\V�JV� vVt THE STATE Or TEXAS ) a �I TI-IIS AGREEMEP�IT is made a11d entered by ay�d between Denton County, Texas, a political subdivision of the State of. Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "C®LINTY," and the City of Sanger, Texas, a political subdivisionjentity loctated within Denton County, Texas, duly organized and authorized under the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY." WITNESSETI-I that the COUNTY and CITY proposE to construct roads between Lois and Chisum Roan as described on Exhibit "A", hereinafter referred to as the ".ORO ECT." WHEREAS, the CDUIdTY is a duly organized and political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of county government and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County, Texas; and W�iif AREAS, the C1TY is a duly organized municipality an Denton Counry, Texas, engaged in the provision of municipal and related services for the benefit of the citizens of the CITY; and WHIERrAS, th.e CUUNT Y anti the CITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A. Gove4.i44ne4tt Coc�.eI Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act; which provides authorization for ally local government to contisaet with one or more local goverranents to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and. NOW, THEItEFORIr, COUNTY AND CITY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter statecl, agree and understand as follows. ICA City af' Sanger Page 1 YJO/ YJ7/ CViuy1 U ( . 1J L) P9 1. 1 V 1 L "7 zm7"JUY I UU I. The term of this Agreement is becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signings makes the respective agreements fully executed. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving thirty (30) days advance notice to the other party. II. CITY and COUNTY hereby agree that the scope of the project shall be limited to the construction of an extension of View Road eastward approxizmately 2500 feet from the Intersection 35 (I-35) service road. ltl. COUNTY understands and agrees that the COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agent and/or representatives or the CITY. IV. CITY 'Understands and agrees that the CITY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives ehall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agent and/or representatives ar the COUNTY. V. COUNTY agrees to contribute from current funds for the Project an amount not w exceed TII.REE 4HUNDRED I AND NO/00 UOLLAIS (L100,000.00) for its completion. COUNTY shall make payment .for Project from current Denton County Funds for the construction of an extension of VIEW Road eastward approximately 2500 feet from the Intersection 35 service road. VI. The CITY will oversee the construction a£ tare Project; cooperate with Texas Departxnen.t of Tranepoxtation agents to assrxre the Project is built and conforms with applicable specifications; and administer the timely payment of labor and materials for the Project. VII. ILA. Ciiy of ganger Aagc 2 Ube b7l eVAJU YJ f: 1 z:) V H t, 1 V 1 L. 7 =1"J0410W 11� 6� W �' The COUNTY agrees to and accepts full. responsibility :for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all COUNTY employees and agents, subcontractors, :�n_./or contract labborers, and for those of all other persons doing work Bander a contract or agreement with the COUNTY. VIII. The CITY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of. all CITY employees and agents, subcontractors, anti/or contract laborers, Lind for those of 1.t1 other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the CITY. IX, This agreement is not intended to extenct the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither the COUNTY nor the CSTY waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immuluty or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims made by third parties. X. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the COUNTY and the CITY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by the governing bodies of both the COUNTY and the CITY or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. The validity of this agreement and of any of its tcxms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the IaGVS of tl,a �tatA of T?x.8. Further tb my nn.T1e.'%t chwll 1�a �n,Esr(nrmabla i ne44 County, Texas. xTz. In tlzc event that any portion of thus agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the Intent of the panties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. xiTl. The undersigned officer and/or agents o:f the pities hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this ICA City of Sanger {O01mvdmu !j (: lz) V H '. l V I L � 74JO41OU flu JJ"f wu%4 agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been drily passed and tire now in full force and effect. EXECUTED in duplicate originals this, the day of 2000. BOUNTY Denton County, Texas 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 CrTY City of Sanger 201 Bolivar (P.O. Box 578) Sanger, Texas 76266 Honorable Kirk Wilson Honorable Tommy Kincaid Denton County Judge Mayo:, City of. Sanger Acting on behalf of and by authority of the Acting on behalf of and by Commissioners Court of Denton County, the authority of the CITY. Texas. ATTEST: Dy: Penton County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: If Assistant District Attorney ICA City of Sanger ATTEST: By: Narne: Title: Page 4 ejp/ y)=f/ GYJYJCI YJ f 1J U n l.. 1 V 1 L '� 7•Y`Jo'Yt UYJ AUDI I kJA ZY CERTIFICATE 1 hereby certify that kau a are available in the amount of $3001000.00 to accomplish arid. pay the obligation of Denton Coun.ly under this contract. �a*!ies Vella CaUrdy Auditor IGA City of Sanger Page 5 UO/ C17/ 4UYJCJ VJ r . 1,J u n 7 t • • toil III f " IROJECT" Construction of an extension of VILW Road eastward approximately 2500feet from its curxent ixltersection with Interstate Highway. 35 service road. l�tt pity oi'Saage�• w• INDUCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the _ day ofJune, 2000, by and between the City of Sanger, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas 76266, (the "City"), Denton County,110 W. Hickory Street, Denton; Texas (the "County") and Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc., (the "Company"). WHEREAS, the City and County are desirous of the Company locating and constructing a distribution center near Sanger in Denton County, Texas, on certain property more particularly described in Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Company has obtained options to purchase certain real property (the "Property") for the construction of a distribution center ("Project") situated near Sanger, which is more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made apart hereof; and, WHEREAS, the Company has requested the -City and County to make and obtain certain development commitments and service improvements for the benefit of the Company's proposed Project; and,. WHEREAS, City and County are authorized to enter into this Agreement with the Company as attested by Texas State Law; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable. consideration hereinafter specified, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. UTILITY SERVICES As an inducement to the Companyto locate a distribution center near Sanger, the City and County shall, bythe dates indicated.below, provide at its own expense, or SHALL HAVE PROVIDED AT THE EXPENSE OF SOME PARTY OTHER THAN THE COMPANY except as. noted elsewhere in this agreement, the below listed services. A. Telephone Service: Permanent telephone service capable of providing 200 pair service and a T-1. format to a termination location in the bung designated by the Company within 60 days of submission of the final project utility plans to the utility or no later than February 1, 2001: Temporary service of 50 pair will be provided to a point on the property designated by the. Company not later than June 26, 2000. Exhibit B to this Agreement, attached hereto and. made a part hereof, is the commitment from Sprint to provide the desired service within -the specific time period, to waive all connection fees .and service deposits and release all easements on the Property not required for the Company's telephone service. B. Electrical Service: Primary electric service capable of providing for a demand load of 3,000 kw of 480/277 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire power provided to locations on the property designated by the Company within 60 days of submission of final plans to the utility or not later than February 1, 2001. Power shall be available from two independent sources. G:UOB�99E0771WP�da001 swr68.doc 1 06/07/2000 The contract for the above service will be no longer than two (2) years and shall exclude the Company from any requirement to pay exit fees or any other charges related to the electric companies wholesale contract in the event of retail electric competition becoming legally available or the electric company changing its wholesale supplier. A partial load of 2,000 M shall be available from one source on the permanent on -site facilities by October 1, 2000. Temporary electrical service of 120/240 Volts, 100 amperes, single phase to service up to 20 construction trailers and 277/480 volts, 200 amperes, three phase to service each of two concrete batch plants shall be provided to points designated by the Company not later than June 26, 2000. Temporary service connections may be from a single source system. C. Water/Fire Protection: The City agrees to provide a water line main extension to a point . on the Property, to be designated by the Company. Said main shall be at least a 12" diameter main. All expenses required to provide the above main, including but not limited to, engineering design, booster pumps, elevated or ground level storage, and other necessary appurtenances shall be at the sole cost and expense of the City. The water line main extension shall be provided to the property within 60 days of submission of site plans. to the utility or no later than December 1, 2000, subject to an act of God, action of the elements or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the City. The water line main extension shall extend from Lois Road to at least the northern property line of the Property.. The Company agrees to grant a 40 foot wide utility easement along and adjacent. to the railroad right of way. The City hereby agrees to waive all connection fees, impact fees, tap fees and service deposits related to the supply of water for this project. The City shall provide the Company, for construction, a water supply of 600 gallons per minute at 40 pounds per square inch. The at service shall be provided at the site within 30 days of receipt of notice from the Company requesting such service or no later than July 14, 2000. D. Sanitary Sewer Main Extension: The City agrees to provide a sanitary sewer main extension to a point on the Property to be designated by the Company. Said main shall have the capacity to receive an average of 30,000 gallons per day of outfall sewer flow from the proposed facility: The City agrees to provide this service, including but not limited to, boring under Lois Road, gravity mains, engineering design, force mains, lift stations, and other necessary appurtenances at its sole cost and expense, and agrees that the service shall be provided to the site within 90 days of receipt of such notice from the Company requesting such service, but in no event later than December 1, 2000, subject to an act of God, action of the elements or any causes beyond the control of the City. The Company agrees to provide a 20 foot utility easement along and adjacent to the Interstate 35 right of way at the Property's frontage with the right of way. The City hereby agrees to waive all connection fees, impact fees, tap fees and service deposits .for sanitary sewer service for this project. G:UOB\99E077\WPUda001 swr68.doc 2 06/07/2000 II, INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICE GUARANTEES A. Roads and Signals: As an inducement to the Company to locate a distribution center in the City of Sanger, the County shall, by the dates indicated below, provide at its own expense, or SHALL HAVE PROVIDED AT THE EXPENSE OF SOME PARTY OTHER THAN THE COMPANY, the following road work The County agrees to make all improvements to Interstate 35 interchange with 481 with Lois Road, generally shown on Exhibit C. These improvements will include all design, paving, grading and drainage within the public right of way. The improvements are subject to Texas Department of Transportation approval and work will be initiated prior to December 1, 2000. and completed by June 1, 2001. The County further agrees to improve Lois Road for 2-12 foot lanes with 6' wide shoulders from Interstate 35 to the railroad track. The improvements will accommodate a 60 foot wide truck entrance with an acceleration and left turn lane. All improvements will be constructed to Texas Department of Transportation standards and specifications and will accommodate 80,000 pound truck loads. 'The City and County agree to install signal lights at the truck entrance ontoLois Road. This light will be designed and constructed at City and County's expense when traffic flow warrants are met. B. Construction Access: During the construction of the project upon the Property, access will be permitted from Interstate Highway 35 Service Road and Lois Road at points.which will be determined by the Company: City and County agree that any damage resulting from normal wear and tear from construction traffic on these roads shall not be the responsibility of the Company. 1114 PLAN REVIEWS, PERMITTING, AND FEES A; Reviews: The County. shall designate. a single point of contact within the City and County's design, review, and+permit system through which the Company will submit all permitting requests, studies, drawings, etc. While it is acknowledged that this point of contact will not have review or permitting authority for many of the requirements, the point of contact will act as the focal point to channel all of the Company's submittals to the proper agencies. Further, the point of contact shall assist in tracking and statusing the various permits and reviews while they are being processed. Additionally, the County agrees to designate a single local contact to coordinate applications and implementation of all inducements, grants and incentives related to the Project. This point of contact shall assist in tracking and statusing submittal dates, approval dates, and implementation dates. In the event that the County elects to use a third party, outside consultant to review or to assist in the review of drawings and plans, County and its designated agencies shall retain the right to overrule the decisions of the consultant. Such authority shall be invoked if, in the opinion of the County, its designated agencies, or, the Company, the consultant's G:U08�99E0771WP1ida001swr68.doc 3 O6/07/2000 decisions violate the nature and intent of this agreement, or the decisions exceed the intent and the requirements of the County's development regulations and laws. Should a difference of review opinion arise, the Company shall file, with the appropriate designated agency, a written brief explaining how the submitted plans meet all requirements, and why the review comments are inappropriate. Within five (5) working days of receiving the brief, the designated agency shall either render a decision or forward the matter to the County for resolution. The County, within two weeks of receiving the referral, will issue its decision if needed. B. Landscaping: The Company and the City and County agree that there are no existing landscaping ordinances which will be applied to the Project. Native vegetation existing at the property's perimeter boundaries shall be allowed to remain in place where possible. The landscaping requirements of this document shall take precedence over any and all ordinances, which may be enacted after the signing of this document. C: Local Permitting Time Frames: The County shall complete all reviews and permitting within its jurisdictions within ten (10) working days from the receipt of finished drawings and permit requests. The County shall assist in expediting any permits not under their jurisdiction, but which may require County's input or participation. D. Fees. The following fees will apply. to all phases of this agreement, to the prime contractors and the subcontractors thereof: 1: Review and Permit Fees: The County and the Company acknowledge that there are various plan review and construction building permit fees required by the County; including site plan review, mechanical permit, building and sign permit, electrical permit, and plumbing permit. For this project, the County agrees that the above listed local plan review and construction and building permit fees, as well as any other local fees associated with these functions, shallnot exceed $500.00. 2. The City agrees to waive all fees. 3. Miscellaneous Fees: The County and the Company jointly agree that there are no known county -controlled miscellaneous fees, expressly including impact fees, which are commonly charged to development activities, but which are not directly associated with specific projects. The County agrees that the Company will not be responsible for any fees other than those described in Paragraph III.D1 above. E. Zoning: The City and County acknowledge that the Property is currently in the County and has no official zoning. Further, the City acknowledges that rezoning to Industrial 2, will be necessary at the time of annexation. Further, the City understands and acknowledges the Company's concern that the Property remain zoned for its intended use and the Company acknowledges that this document cannot be binding on future City elected or appointed official. Therefore, the City agrees, the zoning being successfully changed to industrial use and during the term of ownership by the Company, City will cooperate and use its best efforts to not subsequently change the zoning or modify industrial use definitions to prevent or restrict warehousing or distribution activities as required by the Company at the Property. G:UOB199E0771WP�da001 swr68.doc 4 06/07/2000 K F. Annexation: The Company acknowledges the Property is not annexed into the City of Sanger and understands that the City does wish to consider annexation. IV. TEMPORARY OFFICE SPACE The City will provide temporary office space of approximately 5,000 square feet (3,000 square feet . of office and 2,000 square feet of storage) for a period of approximately 120 days at no cost to the Company. The space shall be available beginning January 1, 2001. V. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE As an inducement to the Company to locate a distribution center near Sanger, the City .shall provide at its own expense, or SHALL HAVE PROVIDED AT THE EXPENSE OF SOME PARTY OTHER THAN THE COMPANY, $1,000,000 (One million dollars) at closing to subsidize the land purchase of.the subject site. This grant is not contingent upon employment quotas or other specific requirements except the successful development of the distribution center project: Should the City or County elect to use federal or state funds other than Texas Capital Funds to assist in financing the obligations made -herein, the Company shall cooperate with the City or County only to the extent the Company's corporate policy will permit, at the Company's sole discretion. The Company's refusal to assist or execute any documents in regard to any application for such funding shall not relieve the City or County of their obligations hereunder. The Company, acknowledges that the. City, is planning on, using Texas Capital Funds for. infrastructure improvements. The Company will meet all requirements for the Texas Capital Funds. If the Company elects to discloseany discretionary information such information shall be considered confidential and held so by the City or County to the extent permitted by Texas law. It is understood that no provider. of, or performance under. this Agreement shall subject the Company to any Affirmative Action obligation applicable to government contractors or recipients of financial assistance under any federal, .state or local statute, regulation, ordinance, .or executive order. VI. TAX ABATEMENT/REAL PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION The City and _County individually and jointly agree. to begin the necessary process to grant a ten year tax exemption on the Company's total real and personal property as permitted by City and. County. No school taxes are to be abated as part of the incentives for this project. The abatement will be 50% of assessed value of all real and personal property for ten years beginning the full tax year following theproject's completion. VI1. TAXES Until the end of the assessment year in which facility construction is complete and the distribution center is ready for operation, there will be no taxes levied on the incomplete facility or on any G:UOB�99E077\WP�da001 swr68.doc 5 06l07/2000 N' improvements to the Property. For assessment years ending between purchase time of the Property by the Company and the facility's operational readiness, the land will be taxed at the "current use" rate which will be that rate which was in effect at the time the land was acquired by the Company. State law requires that assessed value be based on the true value of the Property as of January 1 st of each calendar year. The assessed value will be negotiated in the future based upon the fair market value of the Property. The fair market value of the property and the Project being the amount at which the Property would change hands between a willing Buyer and a willing Seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts. State Law also prescribes that an unfinished facility be taxed at its percentage of completion based on its market value not simply its cost to date. VI11. JOB TRAINING The. City and County agree to cooperate with and assist the Company in obtaining, for the Company and its employees, job training and job training funds through . the Jobs Training, Partnership Act and other federal and state programs, but it is recognized that the City and County do not control the funding or job training in connection with this program. IX. JURISDICTION This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.. X. FREEPORT EXEMPTION SUPPORT The City and County agree to cooperate with, and assist the Company in making application for and obtaining a. Freeport Exemption for the inventory stored in the Company's Project should an inventory or ad valorem tax be exacted by the State. Such cooperation shall include working .with the Company and applying for necessaryState waivers or enacting applicable local legislation. XI. NOTICES Any notice hereunder shall be given in writing to the party for whom it is intended, in person or by certified mail, at the following addresses or such future addresses as may be designated in writing: Mr. Wiley Lott Dir. Of Econ. And Community Dev. Jack Smith, City Manager Notice shall be deemed received upon actual receipt or upon refusal of receipt. G:UOB\99E077\WP\ida001 swr68.doc 6 O6/07/2000 XII. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSION This Agreement shall be binding upon and ensure to the benefit of the heirs, successors, administrators, executors, and assigns of the respective parties. All rights hereunder may be assigned by the Company without restriction to any wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, provided that notice of each assignment shall be given in writing to the City, but no other assignment shall be effective without the City's written approval and consent. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Xlll. TIME OF ESSENCE ACCEPTANCE Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this Agreement. The City and County shall have five (5) days from date of receipt of this Agreement to accept and agree in writing .to the terms and conditions herein, provided that the. Company may, in writing, extend the time for acceptance. XIV. MODIFICATION/ENTIRE AGREEMENT EXPRESSED No modification of this Agreement -shall be valid or binding unless such modlficatlon !s in writing, duly dated, and signed by both parties. . This constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.. Neither party shall be bound by any term,, conditions, statement, or representatives, oral or written, not herein contained. XV. SEVERABILITY If any term or provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the legality, validity, or enforceability of the remaining terms or provisions of -this Agreement shall not be affected thereby; and in lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable term or provision, there shall be added automatically to this Agreement, a legal, valid, or enforceable term or provision, as simllar as possible to the term or provision declared illegal, invalid, or unenforceable. XVI. PARAGRAPH HEADINGS The paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall in no way enlarge or limit the scope or meaning of the various and several paragraphs contained hereof. XVII. OPERATIONS It is expressly agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to contain a covenantI either express or implied, to either commence the operation of a business or thereafter continuously operate a business on the Property. The City recognizes and agrees that the Company may, at its sole discretion and at any time during the term of this Agreement cease the operation of its business in accordance with state law on the Property and City hereby waives any legal action for damage or for equitable relief which might be available to the City because of such cessation of business activity by the Company as well as any other agreement that the Company enters into except as specifically set forth in this Agreement. G:U06\99E077\WPUda001 swr68.doc 0 06/07/2000 • � - H G:\JOB\99E077\WP1ida001swr68.doc 8 06/07/2000 , � r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and as authorized respectively by the Sanger City Council and Denton County Commissioners. Court, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. ATTEST: City of Sanger By: Mayor ' ATTEST: Denton County By; Cynthia Mitchell, County Clerk/Deputy Clerk Kirk Wilson, County Judge The Company ..ATTEST: . By: Wiley Lott, Director of Community &Economic Dev. G:UOB\99E0771WPUda001 swr68.doc 9 06/07/2000 _.._. law .._.._.._..all domb._. 'I :i i i i i i w _ �� 3 Am No L- L....._.._..........._.._....._........_........_.._.._..f� mdPP ._.._.._.._.._. low ---- t3 Or offile'*Pwat A, .., . t 9 POP N Yi i ii I ���' t al l u i 't_eee_-e.� t . -Flo Alt PIP li ____ _� 11 r---4•o i i li it 'Pool Pool Pool Pool OPPOP 6 go1 IX It • - 7 1 1 1 IF INo' 1 IY It AP , � 1 kowlabooP {{{ 1 IY I t � c� _toIX It 1 ,• I I m ;. II {I i t i i� ITITtT_: ilXi It i Ido IIIt I. ,J Pool, It IT_IT_I T' r--do"`s �'�/t i i i fTiT(T; 1 fill t IIIW4. to - (� - I tl i fT1T__I T' ,ts Ist � 1 ! I It .. { .�► i 41 JJ. L t_1. Ll Jl.Ll.PIP its t � ! �.••: r T 1-r' T 1'"1' I-t T't-'I' T � u? \ 1 - (tT1 71JJ.L111JJ.1 t�� 1� II II-T+•ti-i•t-I-F•t-F++�•i�' ' `�..a« t fT1I_ rlT;ri Ti;.T j I II r T_ 1'1* _T t'I'f_ t T_TTT_- 1 n `A__• all It •IJ•LIJ.t_11.L41JJ:! j `. i Ni ii fT1'TT1-1'romrI'T1;' i t 4 :_" — 11aJ.LIJ.Lt1.Lll i ``` I4 it on i I I 11"I"IT(T F(T It i Ii i _ rot 1l "14 rl '('r TT"r'T 11 Iow m •• • IC J Poll 1 Li�I/ t �S YI 1 % • • 1 11 ( ( *' -- 1 II I 1 I s.I 1 ' ~Pool �\ ! I gilligllillqlqqllllilqqillqllqmllqqiqq_mggflmgmqqmqlllllqqql q � '� � � I ftftl iI i- IXI t Ic`= 2l7 ACRES BAN [1'O BE ISSUED ON SPRINT'S LETTERHEAD] [Date] Mr. Wiley Lott " Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. Sam M. Walton Development Complex 2001 S: E..10th Street, Department 8904 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712-6489 Reference: Proposed Distribution Center Dear Mr. Lott: This letter confirms Sprint's commitment .to provide telephone service to the proposed distribution center located near Sanger as follows: 1. Permanent telephone service capable of providing 200 pair service and a T-1 format to a termination location in the building designated by the Company.within 60 days of submission of the final plans to the utility or no. later than / /2000. . 2. Temporary service of 50 pair shall be provided to a point on the Property designated by the Company not ater than _/_/2000: 3. The temporary service line installation to a central gang station and removal shall be at no cost to the Company or:Company's contractors. 4. All normal connection fees and service deposits will be waived for this project. Sincerely,. Exhibit B I-96N Hv� Q Wm r [n ••,"�. Ojos m .............. ..I m +i m mZ a � Z. 0 m i i i i i. i j i i i i i. i m r c IE m rTl n v ztn m mZi Z . 1 A Q . N w Z O 0 m _ m _ o m j o .r. x m on m LOIS ROAD BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS m SANGER, TEXAS w MINIMUM OPTION q N CUP Carter p Burgess •.�°:. .m{ CNfIEJt 8 BURGESS. INC. Mti�l� 1W.-40. 06/09/2000 07:15 D A CIVIL wo 94584180 N0.554 D02 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DLNTON ) INTERLONZAC, COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY Op BANGER AND D13NTON COUNTY, TEXAS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXTENSION OF VIEW ROAD TI-T.IS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between Denton County, Texas, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY;' and the City of Sanger, Texas, a political subdivision/entity located within Denton County, Texas, duly organized and authorized under the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY." WITNESSETI-f khat khc CO�LTNTY and CITY pxopose to construct roads between Lois and Chisum Road ras described on Exhibit "A", hereinafter referred to as the "1 PROJECT." WI-IEREAS, the COUNTY is a duly orgal�ized and political subdivision of the State of TexaF engaged in the administration of county government and related services .for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County, Texas; and WHEREAS, the CITY is a duly organized municipality in Denton County, Texas, engaged in the provision of municipal and related services for. the benefit of the citizens of the CITY; and WHERrAS, the COUNTY and the CITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A. Government Code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act; which provides authorization for any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and. NOW, THEREI~OR>r, COUNTY AND CITY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree and understand as .follows ICA City of Sanger Page 1 06/09/2000 07*15 D A CIVIL ,� 94584180 M5 I. The term of this Agreement is becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the respective agreements fully executed. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving thirty (30) days advance notice to the other party. II. CITY and COUNTY hereby agree that the scope of the project shall be limited to the construction of an extension of View Road eastward approximately 2500 feet from the Intersection 35 (I-35) service road. III. COUNTY understands and agrees that the COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agent and/or representatives or the CITY. IV. CITY understands and agrees that the CITY, its employees, servants, agents, anti representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agent and/or representatives or the COUNTY. V. COUNTY agrees to contribute from current funds for the Project an amount not to exceed THREE HUNDRED TI-i4U5ANDI AND NO/00 DOLLARS (S300,000.00) for its completion. COUNTY shall make payment for Project from current Denton County Funds for the construction of an extension of VIEW Road eastward approximately 2500 feet from the Intersection 35 service road. VI. The CITY will oversee the construction of the Project; caaperate with Texas Department of Transportation agents to assure the Project is built and conforms with applicable specifications; and administer the timely payment of labor and materials for the Project. VII. ICA. City of Sanger Aage 2 06/09/2000 07:15 D A CIVIL -+ 94584180 N0.554 D04 The COUNTY agrees to and accepts full responsibility For the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all COUNTY employees and agents, subcontractors, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the COUNTY. VIII. The CITY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all CITY employees and agents, subcontractors, and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the CITY. IX< This agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the parties beyond that provided by law. Neither the COUNTY nor the CITY waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immututy or defetue that would otherwise be available to it against claims made by third parties. X. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the COUNTY and the CITY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by the governing bodies of both the COUNTY and the CITY or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. XI. The validity of this agreement and of any of ite terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable in Denton County, Texas. XiI. In tale event that any portion of this agreement sliall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining poi tiorts shall remain valid and. in full force and effect to the extent possible. X11I. The undersigned officer Znd/or agents of d1e parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary autl�ority fio execute this ICA City of Sanger Page 3 06/09/2000 07:15 D A CIVIL ,� 94584180 N0.554 D05 agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. EXECUTED in duplicate originals this, the __ _ day of 2000. BOUNTY Denton County, Texas 110 West hickory Denton, Texas 76201 13y: 1-ionorable Kirk Wilson Denton County Judge Acting on behalf of and by authority of the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas. ATTEST: By: Denton County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney CITY City of Sanger 201 Bolivar (RD. Box 578) Sanger, Texas 76266 By: norable Tommy Kincaid Mayor, City of Sanger Acting on behalf of and by the luthority of the CITY. ATTEST: 13y: Name: Title: tCA City of Sanger Page 4 36/09/2000 07:15 D A CIVIL '* 945e4leo N0.554 906 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that kuilde are available in the amount of $300,000.00 to accomplish and. pay the obligation of Denton County under this contract. James SNells County Auditor IGA City of Sanger Page 5 06/09/2000 07:15 D A CIVIL 94584180 N0.554 007 rXMIDI 1 1 "PROJECT" Construction of all extension of VILW Road eastward approximately 2500feet from its current intersection with Interstate HighwayL 35 service road. ICA City of Sanger INDUCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the _ day ofJune, 2000, by and between the City of Sanger, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, Texas 76266, (the "City"), Denton County, 110 W. Hickory Street, Denton, Texas (the "County") and Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc., (the "Company"). WHEREAS, the City and County are desirous of the Company, locating and constructing a distribution center near Sanger in Denton County, Texas, on certain property more particularly described in, Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Company has obtained options to purchase certain real property (the "Property"') for the construction of a distribution center ("Project") situated near Sanger, which is more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made apart hereof; and, WHEREAS, the Company has requested the City and County to make and obtain certain development commitments and service improvements for the benefit of the Company's proposed Project; and,. WHEREAS, City and County are authorized to enter into this Agreement with the Company as attested by Texas State Law; NOW THEREFORE, for and inconsideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration hereinafter specified, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: I. UTILITY SERVICES As an inducement to the Company to locate a distribution center near Sanger, the City and County shall,. by the dates indicated below, provide at its own expense, or SHALL HAVE PROVIDED AT THE EXPENSE OF SOME PARTY OTHER THAN THE COMPANY except as noted elsewhere in this agreement, the below listed services: A. Telephone Service. Permanent telephone service capable of providing 200 pair service and a T-'-format to a termination location in the building designated by the Company within 60 days of submission of the final project utility plans to the utility or no later than February 1, 2001: Temporary service of 50 pair will be provided to a point on the property designated bythe. Company not later than June 26, 2000. Exhibit B to this Agreement, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is the commitment from Sprint to provide the desired service withinthe specific time period, to waive all connection fees .and service deposits and release all easements on the Property not required for the Company's telephone service. B. Electrical Service: Primary electric service capable of providing for a demand load of 3,000 kw of 480/277 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire power provided to locations on the property designated by the Company within 60 days of submission of final plans to the utility or not later than February 1, 2001. Power shall be available from two independent sources. G:UOB\99E077\W P\ida001 swr68.doc 1 06/07/2000 The contract for the above service will be no longer than two (2) years and shall exclude the Company from any requirement to pay exit fees or any other charges related to the electric companies wholesale contract in the event of retail electric competition becoming legally, available or the electric company changing its wholesale supplier. A partial load of 2,000 kw shall be available from one source on the permanent on -site facilities by October 1, 2000. Temporary electrical service of 120/240 Volts,100 amperes, single phase to service up to 20 construction trailers and 277/480 volts, 200 amperes, three phase to service each of two concrete batch plants shall be provided to points designated by the Company not later than June 26, 2000. Temporary service connections may be from a single source system. C. Water/Fire Protection: The City agrees to provide a water line main extension to a point, on the Property to be designated by the Company. Said main shall be at least a 12'' diameter main. All expenses required to provide the above main; including but not limited to, engineering design, booster pumps, elevated or ground. level storage, and other necessary appurtenances shall be at the sole cost and expense of the City. The water line main extension shall be provided to the property within 60 days of submission of site plans_ to the utility or no later than December 1, 2000, subject to an act of God, action of the elements or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the City. The water, line main extension shall extend from Lois Road to at least the northern property line of the Property., The Company agrees to grant a 40 foot wide utility easement along and adjacent to the railroad right of way. The City hereby agrees to waive all connection fees, impact fees, tap fees and service deposits related to the supply of water for this project. The City shall provide the Company, for construction, a water supply of 600 gallons per minute at 40 pounds per square inch. The above service shall be provided at the site within 30 days of receipt of notice from the Company requesting such service or no later than July 14, 2000. D. Sanitary Sewer Main Extension: The City agrees to provide a sanitary sewer main extension to a point on the Property to be designated by the Company. Said main shall have the capacity to receive an average of 30,000 gallons per day of outfall sewer flow from the proposed facility: The City agrees to provide this service, including but not limited to, boring under Lois Road, gravity mains, engineering design, force mains, lift stations, and other necessary appurtenances at its sole cost and expense, and agrees that the service shall be provided.to the site within 90 days of receipt of such notice from the Company requesting such service, but in no event later than December 1, 2000, subject to an act of God, action of the elements or any causes beyond the control of the City. The Company agrees to provide a 20 foot utility easement along and adjacent to the Interstate 35 right of way at the Property's frontage with the right of way. The City hereby agrees to waive all connection fees, impact fees, tap fees and service deposits for sanitary sewer service for this. project. G:U06199E077\WP\ida001 swr68.doc F� 06/07/2000 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICE GUARANTEES A. Roads and Signals: As an inducement to the Company to locate a distribution center in the City of Sanger, the County shall, by the dates indicated below, provide at its own expense, or SHALL HAVE PROVIDED AT THE EXPENSE OF SOME PARTY OTHER THAN THE COMPANY, the following road work The County agrees to make all improvements to Interstate 35 interchange with 481 with Lois Road, generally shown on Exhibit C. These improvements will include all design, paving, grading and drainage within the public right of way. The improvements are subject to Texas Department of Transportation approval and work will be initiated prior to December 1; 2000.and completed by June 1, 2001. The County further agrees to improve Lois Road for 2-12 foot lanes with 6' wide shoulders from Interstate 35 to the railroad track. The improvements will accommodate a 60 foot wide truck entrance with an acceleration and left turn. lane. All improvements will be constructed to Texas Department of Transportation standards and specifications and will accommodate 80,000 pound truck loads. The City and County agree to install signal lights at the truck entrance ontoLois Road. This light will be designed and constructed at City and County's expense when traffic, flow warrants are met. B. Construction Access: During the construction of the project upon the Property, access will be permitted from Interstate Highway 35 Service Road and Lois Road at points which will be determined bythe Company: City and County agree that any damage resulting from normal wear and tear from construction traffic on these roads shall not be the responsibility of the Company. PLAN REVIEWS, PERMITTING, AND FEES A. Reviews. The County. shall designate. a single point of contact within the City and County's design, review, and permit system through which the Company will submit all permitting requests, studies, drawings, etc. While it is acknowledged that this point of contact will not have review or permitting authority for many of the requirements, the point of contact will act as the focal point to channel all of the Company's submittals to the proper agencies. Further, the point of contact shall assist in tracking and statusing the various permits and reviews while they are being processed. Additionally, the County agrees to. designate a single local contact to coordinate applications and implementation of all inducements, grants and incentives related to :the Project. This point of contact shall assist in tracking and statusing submittal. dates, approval dates, and implementation dates. In the event that the County elects to use a third party, outside consultant to review or to assist in the review of drawings and plans, County and its designated agencies shall retain the right to overrule the decisions of the consultant. Such authority shall be invoked if, in the opinion of the County, its designated agencies, or the Company, the consultant's G:WOB\99E077\WP\ida001 swr68.doc 3 osio7iz000 decisions violate the nature and intent of this agreement, or the decisions exceed the intent and the requirements of the County's development regulations and laws. Should a difference of review opinion arise, the Company shall file, with the appropriate designated agency, a written brief explaining how the submitted plans meet all requirements, and why the review comments are inappropriate. Within five (5) working days of receiving the brief, the designated agency shall either render a decision or forward the matter to the County for resolution. The County, within two weeks of receiving the referral, will issue its decision if needed. B. Landscaping: The Company, and the City and County agree that there are no existing landscaping ordinances which will be applied to the Project. Native vegetation existing at the property's perimeter boundaries shall be allowed to remain in place where possible' The landscaping requirements of this document shall take precedence over any and all ordinances, which may be enacted after the signing of this document. C. Local Permitting Time Frames: The County shall complete all reviews and permitting within its jurisdictions within ten (10) working days from the receipt of finished drawings and permit requests. The County shall assist in expediting any permits not under their ,jurisdiction, but which may require County's input or participation. D. Fees: The following fees will apply to'all phases of this agreement, to the prime contractors and the: subcontractors thereof: 1: Review and Permit Fees: The County and the Company acknowledge that there are various plan review and construction building permit fees required by the County; including site plan review, mechanical permit, building and sign permit, electrical permit, and plumbing permit. For this project, the County agrees that the above listed local plan review and construction and.building permit fees; as well as any other local fees associated with these functions, shallnot exceed $500.00, 2. The City agrees to waive all fees. 39, Miscellaneous Fees: The County and the Company jointly agree that there are no known county -controlled miscellaneous fees, expressly including impact fees, which are commonly charged to development activities, but which are not directly associated with specific projects. The County agrees that the Company will not be responsible for any fees other than those described in Paragraph III.D1 'ab-ove. E. Zoning: The City and County acknowledge that the Property is currently in the County and has no official zoning. Further, the City acknowledges that rezoning to Industrial 2, will be ; necessary at the time of annexation. Further, the City understands and acknowledges the Company's concern that the Property remain zoned for its intended use and the Company acknowledges that this document cannot be binding on future City elected or appointed official. Therefore, the City agrees, the zoning being successfully changed to industrial use and during the term of ownership by the Company, City will cooperate and use its best efforts to not subsequently change the zoning or modify industrial use definitions to prevent or restrict warehousing or distribution activities as required by the Company at the Property: GAJOB\99E077\WPVda001 swr68.doc 4 06/07/2000 F. Annexation: The Company acknowledges the Property is not annexed into the City of Sanger and understands that the City does wish to,consider annexation. IV. TEMPORARY OFFICE SPACE The Citywill provide temporary office space of approximately 5,000 square feet (3,000 square feet of office and 2,000 square feet of storage) for a period of approximately 120 days at no cost to the Company. The space shall be available beginning January 1,.2001. V. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE As an inducement to the Company to locate a distribution center near Sanger, the City .shall provide at its own expense; or SHALL HAVE PROVIDED AT THE EXPENSE OF SOME PARTY OTHER THAN THE COMPANY, $1,000,000 (One million dollars) at closing to subsidize the land purchase of. the subject site. This grant is not contingent upon employment quotas or other specific requirements except the successful development of the distribution center project. Should the City or County elect to use federal or state funds other than Texas Capital Funds to assist in financing the obligations made herein, the Company shall cooperate with the City or County only to the extent the Company's corporate policy will permit, at the Company's sole discretion. The Company's refusal to assist or execute any documents in regard to any application for such funding shall not relieve the City or County of their obligations hereunder. . The Company acknowledges that the City is planning on, using Texas #Capital Funds for infrastructure improvements. The Company will meet all requirements for the Texas .Capital Funds. If the Company elects to disclose. any, discretionary information such information shall be considered confidential and held so by the City or County to the extent permitted by Texas law. It is understood that no provider of, or performance under this Agreement shall subject the Company to any Affirmative Action obligation applicable to government contractors or recipients of financial assistance under any federal, state or local statute, regulation, ordinance, .or executive order. VI. TAX ABATEMENT/REAL PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION The City and County individually and jointly agree to begin the necessary process to grant a ten . year tax exemption on the Company's total real and personal property as permitted by City and. County. No school taxes are to be abated as part of the incentives for this project. The abatement will be 50% of assessed value .of all real and personal property for ten years beginning the full tax year following theproject's completion. VII. TAXES Until the end of the assessment year in which facility construction is complete and the distribution center is ready for operation, there will be no taxes levied on the incomplete facility or on any GAJ0B\99E077\WRda001 swr68.d0c 5 06/07/2000 improvements to the Property. For assessment years ending between purchase: time of the Property by the Company and the facility's operational readiness, the land will be taxed at the It use" rate which will be that rate which was in effect at the time the land was acquired by the Company. State law requires that assessed value be based on the true value of the Property as of January 1 st of each calendar year. The assessed value will be negotiated in the future based upon the fair market value of the Property. The fair market value of the property and the Project being the amount at which the Property would change hands between a willing Buyer and a willing Seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts. State Law also prescribes that an unfinished facility be taxed at its percentage of completion based on its market value not simply its cost to date. Villa JOB TRAINING The City and County agree to cooperate with and assist the Company in obtaining, for the Company and its employees, job training and job training funds through.the Jobs Training Partnership Act and other federal and state programs, but it is recognized that the City and County do not control the funding or job training in connection with this program. IX. JURISDICTION This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. X. FREEPORT EXEMPTION SUPPORT. The City and County agree to cooperate with and assist the Company in making application for and obtaining a Freeport Exemption for the inventory stored in the Company's Project should an inventory or ad valorem tax be exacted by the State. Such cooperation shall include working with the Company and applying for necessary State waivers or enacting applicable local legislation. XI. NOTICES Any notice hereunder shall be given in writing to the party for whom it is intended, in person or by certified mail, at the following addresses or such future addresses as may be designated in writing: Mr. Wiley Lott Jack Smith, City Manager Dir. Of Econ. And Community Dev, 201 Bolivar . Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. Sanger, Texas 76266 2001 Southeast 10th Street And Bentonville, AR 72712 Robert Schell Assistant District Attorney P.O. Box 2850 Denton County, Texas 76202 Notice shall be deemed received upon actual receipt or upon refusal of receipt. G:UOB\99E077\WP\ida001 swr68.doc 06/07/2000 XI11. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSION This Agreement shall be binding upon and ensure to the benefit of the heirs, successors, administrators, executors, and assigns of the respective parties. All rights hereunder may be assigned by the Company without restriction to any wholly owned subsidiary.of the Company, provided that notice of each assignment shall be given in writing to the City, but no other assignment shall be effective without the City's written approval and consent. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. TIME OF ESSENCE ACCEPTANCE Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this Agreement. The City and County shall have five (5) days from date of receipt of this Agreement to accept and agree in writing to the terms and conditions herein, provided that ithe. Company may, in writing, extend the time for acceptance. XIV.. MODIFICATION/ENTIRE AGREEMENT EXPRESSED' No modification of this Agreement -shall be valid or binding unless such modification is in writing, duly dated, and signed by both parties. XV. XVI. This constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Neither party shall be bound by any term, conditions, statement, or representatives, oral or written, not herein contained. SEVERABILITY If any term or provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable; the legality, validity, or enforceability of the remaining terms or provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby; and in lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable term or, provision, L there shall be added automatically to this Agreement, a legal, valid, or enforceable term or provision, as similar as possible to the term or provision declared illegal, invalid,. or unenforceable. PARAGRAPH HEADINGS The paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall in no way enlarge or limit the scope or meaning of the various and several paragraphs contained hereof. XVIL OPERATIONS It is expressly agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed .fo contain a covenantI either express or implied, to either commence the operation of a business or thereafter continuously operate a business on the Property. The City recognizes and agrees that the Company may, at its sole discretion and at any during the term of this Agreement cease the operation of its business in accordance with state law on the Property and City hereby waives any legal action for damage or for equitable relief which might be available to the City because of such cessation of business activity by the Company as well as any other agreement that the Company enters into except as specifically set forth in this Agreement. 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II '� ee / '�II'I 't'jII��''IIj'�' ,1'I'''''11'', I� p 1 i�\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' 'II�I�UIIIIIIIII��� 1 II ; ' E���� _ _________ 'I'I II'lII"'ul" I 1 ~ �•,1 � i IIIIIIIIIOIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II � ;^ �� � � 0 700 1400 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET BANGER SITE BANGER, TEXAS EXHIBIT A 06/02/00 [TO, BE ISSUED ON SPRINT'S LETTERHEAD] [Date] Mr. Wiley Lott Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. Sam M. Walton Development Complex 2001 S.E. 1 Oth Street, Department 8904 Bentonville, Arkansas 72712-6489 Reference: Proposed Distribution Center Dear Mr. Lott: This letter confirms Sprint's commitment .to provide telephone service to the proposed distribution center located near Sanger as follows: . 1. Permanent telephone service capable of providing 200 pair service and a TA format to .a termination location in the building designated by the Company within 60 days of submission of the final plans to the utility or no. later than / /2000. 2. Temporary service of 50 pair shall be provided to a point on the Property designated by the Company not Jater than _/_12000. 3. The temporary service line installation to a central gang station and removal shall be at no cost to the Company or:Company's contractors. 4. All normal connection' fees and service deposits will be waived for this project. Sincerely, Exhibit B ` P o _SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND I-35W I-35W a o 0 SERVICE 0 b .• Fn r rn rn mz z m - m Z. o. a m i i .. i i i . - i i i i i .c .. m i x n m m i m mZi Z - i z z O 0 i I Wmi Z .m x i m v _ m i z i x m LOIS ROAD BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS m SANGER, TEXAS w MINIMUM OPTION AD Rn N Cmm CarternBurgess m ..„ to CARTER 6 BURGESS, INC. fcn EXH IBIT C