05/01/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 11 2000 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 17, 2000 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Acceptance of Sue Trego's Resignation from the Beautification Board. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Accepting Bids for Fill Dirt and Authorizing the 4B Board to Expend the Funds. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Authorizing the 4B Board to Expend Funds to Architects Phelps/Wood for Providing Construction Documents on the Ballpark Concession Pavilion, for a Maximum of $4,000.00. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #04-06-00 -Amending Sign Ordinance Relating to Billboards. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Nominees to the Appraisal Review Board for the Denton Central Appraisal District. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Soliciting Bids for Water Line Improvements from Acker St. to Keaton Rd. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Execution of Certificate Showing Changes Made Since the Series 1999 Bands on the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #05-07-00 -Removing Cap on Sewer Charges. 13. Any Other Such Adjourn. Date Si T me Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible"and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 17, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vehicle Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Greg Brown, Mike James, Joe Collins, Jay Beavers. 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Higgs led the Invocation, Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 3, 2000 - Workshop April 3, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Removal of Tanks on Chambers' Property. City Manager indicated he ad spoken with Eagle Construction, and they will send a letter indicating they will not cover the hole until it is completely clean ;however, they will not touch the tanks until they have a written contract with the City. Councilman McNeill asked how many tanks were originally bid on': City Manager indicated they had bid on three at around $5,000.00. Discussion regarding the price of removal and size of tanks. Crty Manager indicated he was looking for consent to begin removal of the tanks, he suggested during the process, while there is a hole, that the City build a fence around the property for safety. Discussion. Councilman Jenkins moved to authorize removal of tanks on Chambers' Property and authorize the City Manager to make any determination that needs to be made if additioanl tanks are found that need to be removed. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance # 04-06-00 -Amending the Sign Ordinance in Reference to Billboards. Mayor indicated he had requested this item be put on the agenda, he indicated he did not feel the City needed to be more stringent than the state regarding Billboards. Councilman Jenkins indicated he did not like Billboards, they do not bring revenues to the City, and do not do anything for the City as far as appearance. He agreed with the Cities of Denton and Dallas in banning Billboards completely. He felt he would like it to stay the same, or if not, made to be 1500 feet rather than 1000 feet. Discussion regarding Billboards. Councilman McNeill indicated he agreed with Councilman Jenkins, and that they should make it 1500 feet on the same side. Councilman Garza indicated he would like it to be a radius, rather than on the same side of the street. Discussed current sign ordinance. Councilman Ervin felt billboards should be banned. Councilman Jenkins suggested the Council think about it, and have staff come back with an ordinance of either banning billboards or making it a 1500 foot radius, and a legal opinion. By consensus of Council, action of this item postponed. 6 (7). Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R lA, 6R 1B, & 6R-1C. Property is Located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket. Public Hearing Open. Greg Brown, McDonald's Corporation, indicated he would answer any questions the Council might have. He indicated the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved the replat. Discussion regarding the paved area and parking area. Discussion regarding easements. City Manager addressed the easement running across lot 6R-1C, he indicated they had spoken with the attorney, and as long as the City gets easements in lieu of that easement the easement can be released. Staffwill get metes and bounds of easement and have it drawn up for release. Joe Collins indicated this building would be larger than the building on University, and the exterior will be different also. The building will be brick and have the mansard roof around the whole building. Councilman Jenkins asked Mr. Collins to address how litter will be handled. Mr. Collins explained the majority of the owners use a trash compactor inside the store, and then it's double bagged before it is taken out to the corral. If litter becomes a problem, the City can contact the corporate office, and they will take care of it. Public Hearing closed. 7(8). Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-lA, 611-113, & 6114C. Property is Located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket, Councilman Higgs moved to accept the plat if it meets all the Engineering requirements. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 8(9). Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on Property Legally Described as Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-1(to be re platted, if approved as Lot 6114A). Property is Located South of Burrus Supermarket. Public Hearing open. City Manager indicated the view is limited by the walkover coming from the South on the highway. Councilman Jenkins indicated there is limited view from the North also. Public Hearing closed. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on Property Legally Described as Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-1 (to be replatted, if approved as Lot 6R4A). Property is Located South of Burrus Supermarket. Staff indicated Planning and Zoning had recommended approval. Councilman McNeill moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 10(11).Considersnd Possible Action on Amendment to Line Item 58-5420, Contractual Service, in the FY 1999-2000 Budget for the Electric Department. City Manager indicated the Library parking lot lights had went out, and the underground cable was not put in any kind of conduit. The City had to bore to get the lights fixed and the cost was $1800.00, The lights in the Snider Addition also had to be put in, by a previous agreement with Mr. Snider, and that cost was $3,000.00. Discussion regarding security lights. Councilman McNeill indicated he realized amending the budget was a lot more work for Rose, but felt this is the way it needed to be done. Councilman Jenkins asked where the funds would come from. City Secretary explained the funds would come from excess revenues in the budget. City Secretary reminded the City Council that when the first amendments were made it provided excess revenues in the Enterprise Fund. Discussion regarding amendment. Councilman Jenkins moved to amend line item 58-5420, Contractual Service, in the FY 1999- 2000 budget for the electric department, increase it by $3260.00. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 11(12).Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid for Pick Up Truck for Streets/Parks Department. Discussion regarding vehicles. Councilman Ervin had brought a comparison of an 5-10 pickup and a'/2 tan pick up. John Henderson indicated when Sob was originally going to bid his truck, he wanted the smaller truck; however, Council had stated if he did get the larger truck, all departments could use the truck if needed. Councilman Ervin indicated he could not see all the trucks breaking down at once as new as they are. Tommy Belcher indicated he did not think the issue was the trucks breaking down, it was that there just were not enough trucks. Councilman Ervin asked what Mr. Hagemann would use if the other departments had his truck. Staff indicated he still had the car. Tommy Belcher indicated they need the truck during meter reading. Councilman Garza indicated meter reading and Code Enforcement is a 72 ton job, nova 3/4 ton job. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to send out for bids for a'/Z ton pick up, and see what comes back. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 12(6). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution # 04-04-00 -Regarding Loan at GNB. City Secretary indicated the dump truck &back hoe have been ordered and the Resolution is to have funds available from the bank. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve Resolution #04-04-00, in an amount of up to $132,783.50, to be used for the expenditures that they are designated for, if we come in lower we will have the money in place. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 13. Any Other Such Matters. A) Councilman Ervin indicated he had several complaints from citizens regarding miscellaneous items around town, he read the list of addresses given to him. 1. 808 Pecan -high weeds, and junk cars Street &Pecan - junk it 3. 805 Pecan - high weeds 4. 801 Peach - high weeds 5. 810 Peach - high weeds 6. 905 Peach - junk behind house 7. Corner of 10' & Peach - high weeds 8. Papa's Eatery - high weeds 9. Brush all over town 10. Street Repairs on Elm Street 1L Street Repairs on 11' Street 12. Burned house on Willow Street 13. Railroad Avenue - shell of old house B) Councilman Ervin asked if there was some way we could notify the citizens of what to do with tree Limbs and brush. John Henderson indicated he does tree limbs on Monday & Friday. C) Discussed Bradley Jackson's mechanic shop behind his house. D) City Manager indicated he needed a consensus on the lawsuit type situation that was given to them at the last City Council meeting. Consensus of Council to pursue E) Discussed traffic lights at 455 & I-35 14. Meeting Adjourned. /' /yy000 11 i s5 Ami VENOtOR Erf_1; 90 FUi\R % 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENIT; 10 'JAYOR & CTTY COUNCIL REGULAR DEPARTMEN, FAYMB11' RF.GI�TFR VE:�Ii` AhiE T1'E11 ; G/L Af;COUM NHYlE: DLSCRIPTTOf CHECh4 'I Til'-00450 BURRUS I-•30724 00i--10 5?15 FOOD FOOD FOR DISTRIBUTION MEETING 000000 M6 DFPARi7iE:i?T Itj SA7'OR CT'CY CUUNCTL TOTAL; G:3. ?/2)7/21000 11 ;,5 AM REGULAR DEPARTI liff PAYMENT REGISTER VUIDOR SET, 99 Ft1MD ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND D`PIRMENT. 10 Mayor and City Council VFNr',._ W1ME ITEM 1 G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99, 0U4v0 DUr,'RUS I t0i'4 008-f0-5215 FOOD PAGE; 14 r.HECK# AMOUNT D�=SCRIPTION FC100 FOR DISTRIDUTION MEETING 000000 0,L ID DEPARTMENT 10 hfayor and Gi'ty Cnun�il iOTAL� t,,',c PAGE; ? 41 2:%'000 11;45 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENI' PAYMENT REGISTEP, VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 15 ADMINISTRATION VENC' NAME ITEM S GJL ACCOUNT NAME 99••00470 Wl JANITORAL. t, SUPPLY I•-14434 001-I5�45245 99-00120 CINTAS COPR, 4492 I-V260044 001-15-5245 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, 1492 F49260242 001-15-&5245 99-01880 RONALD J4 NEIMAN I-30695 001-•19XwN%2 99 01920 NICHOLS, v�ACf(SON, DILt.A I-"•069? 001-15-5425 ?9--02970 VIt;ItlG OFT1_'CE PRODUCTS i-'22395 001-1C-•5210 :'`-'OJOi4 ldESf GROUP DESCRIPTION CftE:C0 AttOUNT O1ftER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 34,56 OTHER OTf?ER OPERATI OPERATI MATS 6 MOP MATS & MOP 000000 000000 1t60 1,60 f_EGAL SERVICI: REVIEWt,Rt�SEARCN !-IB GUIDELINES 000000 LEGAL. SERVTCE BARTON CASE 000000 LIFFICE '•aUFFLI F+3Li1ER5,CO,LEGA1_FAOS;LA?:}ELTAFE 000�J00 OFFICE SUPPLI LOCAL GOV CODE,TX ST PP 2000 000000 TO-iAt-; DEFARTMF.NT 15 ADMINISTRATION 162,5v 465,00 28,04 48 75 9:05 4/27f�0�10 i1;11C A►'! REGULAR DLPI RTi'SE.idi FA'iiiE:.(dT REGISTER PAGE;5 VROOR SET; 97 FIILdD ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 15 Ad7ini�tra ion WNW' 14A1IE ITEM 1 Gii, ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99'-00470 C&H JANITORAL`hYSUPPLY 1 14434 008-451-5245 OTHER OPEP.ATI CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 34,56 99--018PO RONAI D J, NEIMAN I-30698 009-13-5+525 Lrlk SERVICE REVILLEW&RESEARCH LIB GUIDELI�lES 000000 16?150 99--01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA 1-30697 008-45-5425 99--09970 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 1'422"95 0Cj8,-1 —5210 9i3"0E`040 UE014 GROUP i a34777 008 ii'.5:?10 LEGAL. SERVICE DARTOt? CfirbL 000000 OFF.II_E SIiPP{_i FOLDERS,CD,I_FGALPADS,LAGE�.TAPE 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI LOCAL. GOV CODE,TX ST PP 2000 000000 OEPARTEENT 15 As;minastr�t,nrF IOTAL� 465,00 ?8 04 48,75 4It' 27!"060 11145 A VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 001 PEPAR TENT; 20 GENERAL FUND POLICE REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGIS14E.R PRGf:' 4ENt, NAME ITEM R G/L ACCOUNT NAfiE. DESCRIPTION CHt.[aH Af4gUNT "9 00470 Ct�fi JANITORAL & SUPM Y 1-14434 001~'0-5245 OTHER OPERA-E1 CLEANING SUPPLIEr* 000000 34,56 99-01100 GggOYEAR UH!lLESALE TIRE I-111III 001 ?0~53.15 R N N�iTOR U ,1 TIRES 000000 16 ,00 99 0•01 100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE. TIRE: I-111346 001-20-5rK R t, ti MOTOR V 4 TIRES 000000 152,74 99,_01250 ItfTERSTATE BATTERIES I-28002631 001~20*-I53?5 R t N MOTOR V 1 BATTERY 000000 56'75 991•01.500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 1--7429765 001--20-N5325 R 1 O M016OR V FUSE HgLOFR,4!A.SNERS:SUITCH 000000 30,Ht 99-026:1 THE CARE CARE CEtfTER I~5527 001-20-5325 R it N MOTOR V COMPUTER SCAN 000000 30,55 `99110 97) 0If1NG Of'E'10E PRODUCTS 11-1 42'395 001 Iw 20-5210 OFFICE: SUf'PL1 FOLDEP,,S,CD;LEr'RLFADE,LAEtEE.TA`E 004040 ALI. '99~}3010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-11890 001.-20.•5 25 R E, fi MOTOR V OIL It FUEL FILTERS 000000 101P11,; =9 03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 11-111890 001-20--5325 R b M MOTOR Y OIL FUEL FILTER 000000 12,90 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-11915 001-•20--5T6 R E, M MOTOR V FREON,ANTI FREE'1_E,OIL FILTERS 000000 12,34 �r'9-035.30 JAfdES 4fOOU AUIOPRf`., 1fd i••1:1650 OOs^?0'SJ?C R � tS f{g1gR U T�_�Rt4 JiGf+!Af. ti4!!TCf1 0000��0 39,5� 9943530 JAMES UggD AUTOPARK, IN I-121650 001.-_'0•I5Kj5 R L ;M MOTOR V HANDLE O/S 000000 39,40 99 03530 JRtfES UggD Aff7gPA"f;, IN1 121650 001 ?0-5325 R 6k M MOTOR Y FLggf; MAT Flt 000000 20,5? 9-5 05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 1-302,) 001-20-5;OSt 325 R i, M MOTq;; Y HEATER f `'000000 ',31 991•05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS I••30B22 001-20-5325 R u M f;gTOR V COOLANT REPAIR 000000 0999 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL; 644,69 4/27/2060 11:45 AM REGULAR BEP'?R1'ME31T PAYPiF'dII' REGISiLR VENDOR St.T; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; '2 ANIMAL CONTROL ylNr NAME: ITEM b G/L ACCOUNT NAME: DESCRIPTION '� G01�i0 NATIONS RENT I B5G38C 001 2"-525G MINOR TOOLS; 2 MAN POST HOLE AUGER 99-01570 LOIIJE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-3052-i 001--22--52i$ DOG POUND EXP BLACK PLAS'I SHEET 99-•01570 LOWE:'S COMPANIES, INC, I-30630 001-•2.27 52`{0 MINOR TOOLS 2 GARDEN HOSES 95'-03Bb0 i'IMMERER K1IBOTA R EQLIIP I-DF�94$'? 00i.-?2-53^5 R �S ti MOTOR 4 '-�-RELAY 99-•0500 RANGER AUTO PARTS 11-30822 001--22-5325 R M MOTOR U FUEL FILTER PACE i �; CIiECK� AiiOUNT 000000 45,10 000000 39.92 000000 60,06 DEPAR7;'•iENT 22' ANIMAL CONTROL 000000 1�,51 GG0000 Ili t10 IOTA?-, 175,bi' 4/27/2000 11145 Ali VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 001 GENERAL. FUND DEPARTMENTt 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT NAME �i-"005D0 CINTAS COPR, T492 9�--905G0 CINTAS CGPR, �492 RG:GULAR DEPARTMENT PAIMI'NT REC:ISTER PAGES c EM t G/L. ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION. CIiECKli AMOUNT I-A9260044 001-424-5310 R M DUILDIN MATS b. MOP 000000 5,50 I ri9260242 091--24--5310 R cl M I UJ..DIP! MATS ?: MGP 909ri99 ` , 59 vyootao999 FIRE SUPPLY INC: I-"D077 091"24"-5364 R t M OTHER 14 SCDA TESTS 999090 3fI5,90 99-00990 FIRE SUPPLY INC, J-0077 001-24.5W R ! M OTHER ? SCOA REPAIR 000000 226,1+0 99-00990 FIRE SUPPLY INC, i•"8077 oo1-"24-45360 R !. M OTHER 28 CYLINDER TESTS 000000 440.00 99-,O1 7rul GALL'S INC, I-307<1 001-24-5325 R & !i MOTOR V 6 HALL C�ULC 00000�0 4,93 990,01070 GALL'S INC, I-"539u2946 001-24-6055 FIRE FIGHTING WITE FIRE HELMET U/ EAGLE 000000 23S',9� 99-01490 LAW'r! LArlD 99""91599 L.Al.ISiIN PRODUCTS !'"14?9i6J Cat}1•":'4-•5325 99-01570 L04lE'S COMPANIES, INC, I--39672 001-'4�'J:;rS 99-01570 LOUE'S COMPANIES, IilC, I-30672 001. 244055. 99-03010 WE4D AliiO PARTS MINOR EI�UIPME CHA.I�lSrIU RLAGES R � M MOTOR V SPRIt?G AST l4IPlGR E�UIPME 1 POLY GAS CAN FIRE FIGHTING =t UORKLIGHT U/ CORD & REEL 099090 000909 99+a9oo G00000 i-11915 001-24-53" R � ii MOTOR V FREGN:A�lTi FREE?E,ta:[I_ FILTERS 099000 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL; 30,96 41:,.'7/2000 11;4Lt A1Ii RI:PLILAR DEPARTMENT PAYMBIT RE ISfER PAC, 6 t_ VENUOR SETS 99 FUND I 1 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 26 MUNICIPAL COURT YLNP NAME ITEIf G/L ACCOUNT NAME. DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99 00470 C&H JANITORAL 1. SUPPLY I-14434 OW 26-5245 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES 000d00 34,57 99-015$0 RONALD J, NE.IMAN i4-"0698 001-'26-W5 LEGAL fNE�2VICE COURT 000000 :�`jd,00 q�'-093S0 ~ANGER OFFICE SUPPLY I-126 001-.6.-5335, R L; M EQUIPME FAX INK CARTRIDGE 000000 36,99 99—O"970 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 1-42"395 001"t) C"10 OFFICE Sl1PPL1 F(?LOFRS,CD,LEGALPAOS,LADEI.TAPE 000000 '5,04 99 06i40 MUNICIPAL SERIVES BUREA I—tws /Do 001.26-5420 CONTRACTUAL S COLLECTION FEES 000000 4L'�,OZ DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL; 39"t,4? 4/57/:'000 11;45 A�4 RE[ULAR DEP?RT3iEid1 PAYMENT R�wi?'IF4'FER VENDOR 5Eat; 99 FUND 6001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS 28 ENFORCEMENYINSPECTION VE14r' NAME ITEM = G/L ACCOUNT NAME {;''<< 00500 97 oo@o CINTAS GrN AS COPR, $492 Copra, �LI'72 i••499"60044 r-99614' 001••28--5310 001-- )Q-.'310? * —j)1504 L�?41"17N PRODUCTS I ?4;'g7C, i 001—'8— };325 99-42330 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY I-123 001—?3 5210 99•-03010 L�EDB AU'r0 r'ARTS I--11915 001—?f�-53:'S DESCRIPTION C1116ftCK41 ANOUNT R t; M M BUILDIN BUILDIN MATS x FIATS & MOP NOP 000000 000000 3,94 3,94 R ,4 N VEHICLE LAWSON 5 C/S 000000 30a86 11FFICE SUPPLI SHEET PROTECTORS, DIVIDERS 000000 9,53 R M VEHICLE FREON,ANTI FRET E,OIL FILTERS 000000 1u,34 Df'PAR'CNENT 'Z3 EFdF•OF:G'EMENT/IFtBPECTIOt� TOT;�L; �� Vvil '1 4/0)7f2000 ii 4 Ali VOID OR SET; }9 FUND 001 KNERAt, FUND 1)EPARTMENT "0 SitEEfiS VEEP' INANE: L .00So0 C114TAS COPR, =492 99-OFBO CINTAS COPR, 1492 99•-01250 INTERSTATE BATTERIES g9...0i49�J L.A41Pt LAfi?D ' 99 Oj 5OO L.AWSON PRODUCTS RE.CUI.AR DEPARTMENT FA'fiiEa?T RL:CISTER FACE ; E, ITEif -Y C/L ACCOUEIT i?AI4E DE:SGRIFI'I0N unrl'm AtiOlir I-19260011 001~30-15310 R & M BUILDI14 MATS MOP 000000 1--49260742 001-30-5310 R & tl BU.ILDIfi? MATS & MOP 000000 1'3,94 i-2f3Q02631 001..30...5325 R& M MOTOR V 1 BATTER' 000000 I-110313 001-30-5325 R ? M MOTOR V 3 WASHER FIBER &BL.ADE MED LIFT 000000 I--742'7765 001~30-5325 R h M MOTOR V METRIC C/S 000000 99-02310 :,AP?CER DRUG STQRG I-30506 95+-,02350 SCHLUTER Efi?C, & COMM, I-wI6267 ;'9-430i0 994-03010 WEBB WEBB AUTO AUTO PARS PARTS 99•-03010 WCBB AUTO PARTS Qai~3a-S37� 0ai-30-5215 Qa1-3a-5325 a0i~3Q-•53z�� '%9-03410 VERMEER Et�UIF: OF TE);AS I-D630520 Q01-30~532`. 99--03640 FRO STITCH I-3a553 'JOi 3'J-5255 qc:'••r7'3fd6a 7IMMERE'R RUBOTA t E�UIF i..DE9?57 001-,30-53?C 99--J5a_`0 SAfidGER AUTO FARTS i-3Q822 Vol SAt?CLR AUIO FHA j 3Q901 n'}-c•7ryr 04i 30-5325 fiflfi?�3R Ef��JI-F4;C 1 PKG POLRRnID FII_U QQ0000 OTIE..R OFERATI 2 BATTERIES 000000 R $ M MOTOR V OIL & FUEL FILTERS 000000 R M MOTOR V OIL & FUEL. FILTERS 000000 R ?, M MOTOR V FREOh,ANTI FREEZE,OIL FILTERS 000000 R ?, I` It MOTOR V S 11PPING 000000 REARING APPAR T..SHIRTS FOR SUMMER WORK 000000 R M MOTOR V SHAf7T,SEAL,5FIIM,FRT 000000 R �4 M MOTOR V HI'D FILTER 000000 R 7 M MOTOR V REPLACEMENT MIRROR 000000 r. JQ , ESL 3i1, 8G 14,99 i0Q,00 s,OQ DEPAP.TMEP?T 30 STREETS TOTAL; 69t3,0-1 412712000 11;45 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND : 001 GENERAL. FUND DEPARTMENT; 32 PARKS UENC:" NAME ITEM s G/L ACCOUNT NAME °5.-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO F40371--1 00I*-32�5213 9;'—DD79D DENTtiN CO, BUII.OERS !3E�PF 136D91 DD1--32--5213 99..00930 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY I-113769 001-"32,-5320 99--02400 SMITH'S I--53976 001-32•J53?.1 99**02400 SMITH'S I--54076 DD1-d32-5213 99—D3340 GENE GOH[.KE I--09321 001-32-5343 99.04660 DISCOUNT TROPHIES I-30780 001-32--5221 DESCRIPTION CHE:CKf AMOUNT E;UILDIfdG SUPP 31 SOAPSTATIONS FOR POOI. f, PARK DDDDDD H3,35 EUILDING SUPP 4XBX314 DDDDDD 19,95 MOTOR VEHICLE PROPANE: DDDDDD 55,86 R 1t M EQUIPME 6 PINS & CLIPS DDDDDD H11A BUILDING SUPP 4 KEYSw DDDDDD H,DD BALL FIELD MA ATHLETIC FIELD MARKER DDDDDD 20100 BEAUTIFICATIO MAKE. A DIFFERANCE PLAQUE DDDDDD 9,DD DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL.; 4G4:3D 4/27i2000 11:# AM VCHUOR SET; 9{) FUN lit, ; 001 DEPARTMENT: 34 GENERAL FUND POOL P,L:GULAR CiEP-^,P14CSEil1' P6�YKE: -JT PEGISTE'P PAGE, 10 VENC!" NAME. ITEM G/L ACCOUNT P,AMl:. DESC'PIFTIUN CNECKy AMUUNT `9#-41574 LURE'S COMPANIES, IPdC, I--30719 001-34 ANA 5310 R tr ii UUTl.UIld `GAL FAINT ce LRUSNE4, 404040 235,D1 99-02140 RADIO SNACK I-30604 001--34--5210 OFFICE SUPPLI RECORDER FOR POOL Chou 000000 59,96 99•A0'�400 1,ii S 15440U 001-34-5210 OFFICE SUPPl.I MASKING TAPE 000000 t,3G 99-436h4 GONt.KE PUUI. 5iFF(-'t i-46n15 441-34-52°3 CNEMICfII_ SilFF CALCIUM !!YPAN IN T440400 !."9,95 99--03660 GUNLK:E POOL. SUPPLY I-•T46527 001•-34-5224 R & M EQUIPME PROVAC COMMERICAL 000000 119,95 99-•03660 GONLKE POOL SUPPLY I-•T46527 001-•34•-5324 R & M EQUIPME TAY(.OR 6 IN 1 (2005 000000 56,06 `-,9 43664 GaNLKE PaaL, SUPPLY I T4f,52! ng1..34.-rn23 CNEMIC;L. StlPF ChL HYPO IN**1. 040000 ' ,95 99 03hb4 GONLKE POOL SUPPLY i T4b52+� 401-'-5324 R M EQUIPME SHAFT U-RING 400000 3,S?0 ?9-03660 GOFfLKE POOL, SUPPLY I--T46528 001-434 522 CHEMICAL SUPP ALG 28 14 QY 000000 3195 99-436,64 GUNL=;E POOL SUPPLY I-T465?G Crz}i'34 5324 P « M EQUIPME HANDLE PIN 000000 ',D1 9`r' 436h0 GONLKE POOL SUPPLY I-1*46528 001-34-:5324 R & M EQUIPME NANOL.E FOR P/F 000000 R,95 oo_g1666 GONLKE FOOL SUPPLY I--T4652'$ 001-N3q..5094 R & M EQUIPME MAGIC LURE SILICONE 000000 5195� DEPARTMEldT 34 PUaL TUiAL, 7i31, E�2 4/27/2000 11145 AM REGULAR DEPARTMEN1' PAYMENI REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 FUND : 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VENP NAME: ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME.: DESCRIPTION 9,-00580 CINTAS COPR, §492 I--492f0044 001403b--52b5 CLEANING SUPP BATS & MOP 9940580 CINTAS COPR, 1992 i-49900242 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS & MOP 9"-01500 LAtlSON PRODUCTS I-74'?97h5 001-36-'S32J 99-02330 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY I-122 001-36-5245 9�'-03010 WE.BB AU100 PARTS I-11915 001-36-5325 99--05030 SAFE TIRE DISP05AL CORP I-1h19'38 001-'3h-5295 PAGE: I CHE:Gf;# AMOUNT 000000 7.20 000000 7,20 R 4 M MOTOR V LAIJSON PRODUCTS 000400 OTHER OPERATI PEN, HAN13FILE LET(ER RACK 000000 R . M 140TOR V FREON,ANTI FRE:EZE,OIL FILTERS 000000 OTHER OPERA'iI 35 PASSENGER TIRES 000,1100 DEPARTMENT 3b VEHICLE FiAIN'1'£NANCE TO'f'��t.: 6.13 3h,7` { 4/27/2000 11145 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACE! 17 VENDOR SET; 99 FUM'D I008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 35 Vehicle ,iaintenance VENE'`. , NAIiE ITEM T G/L ACCOUNT NAME: DESCRIPTION CHECK: AMOUNT 99 00560 CINTAS COPR, 1499 149?60044 008-36-526 CLEANING SUP" MATS & MOP 000000 99-00500 CINTAS COPR: r492 I-49?6014'? }0D 36 5?65 CLEANING St1PP MATS ? IiOP 000000 7tN 99-01500 LAUSON PRODUCTS I-7429765 00P--36•-5"r5 R 1 M MOTOR V LAOSON PRODUCTS 000000 15.4 99-0<330 SANDER OFF.TCE S?!PF'LY 99..0"0i0 tdEEl6 AUTO PARTS I-122 008-36-`�45 OTHER OPE-RATI PEN, NANGFILF: LETTER RACK 000000 I-11915 008--36. 53?5 R �k M MOTOR V FREON,ANTI FREEZE,OIL FILTERS 000009 DEPARIMctjT .36 Vehicle Maintenance IUTAI J,.10 6,14 4127;2000 11;45 A RF:GU(.Af;' BEPARTi;E:?�!' PAYMENT REGISTE(i VENDOR SETt 99 FUit1 ; 001 GENERAL, FUND DEPARTMENT, 40 SULLIVAN CENTER YEN s 14Arit:: ITEM I G/l ACCOUNT NAME 99-03500 JACK GEORCE PLUMBING 1- 30738 001-4*0 5310 PACE; 12 DESCRIP1'i'GU CNECKR A1iCiUrIT ri BUILDIN ICE MAKER REPAIR 000000 64,B5 DEPARTriE'r!T "0 SULLIVArt CEhlTER TOTALS {fi,D� 4./'7!/, I1;45 AGi REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 13 VENDOR SET; 99 FUNi? ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT 4" Library VENW NAME ITEM $ G/L. ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECH AMOUNT 99*103330 BARER & TAYLOR 1500'385' 001-42-6050 BOOKS 6 BOO:{S 000000 130,71 99-03490 H ,U, !!IL SON CO, I-529$5846 00I-42-5225 MAGA?INES It SUBSCRIPIiOP1 ABRIDSED RE?DEP.S 000000 145,00 err 03620 CONSUMER REPORTS I-3070' 001"42-52215 MAGAZINES & S SUBSCRIPTION 000000 26,00 99-�C4 FO MICRO MARKETING ACSOC•, I-nL`r 7 001-426050 BOOKS 3 BOOKS 000000 63,33 9?.05850 XER!?X CORP. 1--171Q1712 001-42•-531' R & M OFFICE EXIT TRAY FOR COPIER, 000000 15J5 99-06040 DAVIDSON TITLES I-2870d4 00H2` 3050 BLvco 15 BOOKS 000000 263,34 DEPAF:TMENT 4' Library VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL. FUND TO'iAL; TOTAL; ?,491,78 r_. S 4l27!2000 i i ; E!L; AM VENDOR SET: 99 FUNDs 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENTS 19 Data Praco%%iing REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 16 VENT° NAME ITEM s G/L. ACCOUNT NAME: DESCRIPTION CHE:G{; Sq.-00720 DATAMATIC,COM, LTD, I H257A 008--19-531 R 4 M MACHINE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE GGGGGG 9M1700 MELTOiN SERVICES, IAdCt i-181}67 008 19 �"?}ri DATA PROCESSI 6 I M RIDBON.S GGGGGG 99-.02970 VIKING OFFICE. PRODUCTS T-422395 0081,19--SAGS DATA PROCESSI FILE ORSANIZER,D MER TRAY GGGGGG 99 G?9717 VIKIEdG OFFICE PRODUCTS I-4?2195 GG8-19 5?1G OFFICE LN PPLI FOLDERS,CD,LFGALPADSjLA1LF ELTAPE GGGGGG DEPARTMENT 19 Dn+a PT'nress Tig TOTAL; AMOUNT 174,3�� *21 12000 11,45 Ahf ENDOR CET, 019 eFUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT 5d Uater Rf:GULAR DEPARTMENT' PAY11ENT REMSTER PAGE ; 1B VLNf" fdAl`iL IILt1 G/l. H(eLOUNT NRf`fk. CHU.T: ANON'( 99,-00450 BURROS I1-30729 008-50-5360 R M OTHER DPACK BATTERIES 000000 14,9R 99-dd58d CINTAB CO;�R, F492 I-,f9w?60044 dd8-50-31.0 R L M BUIC.DIN MATS g�iOP OOOOOd ?,�=4 4''9--d0580 CI111140 COPR, s492 I-49260242 OOr;--50-`w1d R t, M BUILGIf`f MATS & s{Of' i?OOddd c„95 99-01570 LOJJE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-213524 008-50,-5260 SWETY EQUIPM BLACK BOOTS 000000 17,96 99,-01574 LOGE'S COMPANIES, INC, I-30629 008-5d-536d R & M OTHER .'ACf; CRETE 000040 944O0 99-41570 LOGE'S CUNPANIES, INC, I-30630 008-50-5160 R 6 If OTHER 2 LOCKS,1 NO?7EL 000000 6'9,82 990.01570 LOGE'S COMPANIES, ift:, I-3d728 008-450-5360 R 6 M OTHER PIPE JOINT' COMPOUND,KI;YS 000000 10,95 `7912310 SANDER DRUG STORE i-134 008o-50'-5360 R & M 0THER 2 ORY ERASE BARKERS 000000 2,43 99�,02330 SA046ER OFFICE SUPPLY I-120 d08-50-15260 SAFETY EQUIPM WIPE OFF B(1r1RO,PURPLE: PEfd 004000 39,95 99-dO2330 SANGER fl"FICE SUPPLY I--127 008--50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI oHAME O00000 2150 99.-0?400 SMITH'S I- 4469 d08-5d-C364 R tiro f4 OTHER LOC'KjSPRAi' BOTIl.: d :'? 9B 000.0 99-02400 SMITH'S I-54075 008.50-5'36d R t, ;f OTHER HASP d004dd 49 99-02"10 UPPER TRINji. I-270004R 008-50o-5L3$5 WATER PURCHA VOLUME CHARGE 000000 2,i39,24 99-02910 UPPER, TRINITY H70004R 008-'50-5420 CONTRACTUAL 9 DEMAND CHARgE 000000 71500100 DEPARTMENT 50 Uater TOTAL, 10F492,25 4!27/2000 11;45 AM REAU�LAR OEPAR'IIMENT PAYMENT RIrGISTE:R UEUOOR SET; 99 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT 52 Wa4te Water Collectzo}i PAur., 19 VI:E!Cr` NAME: ITEM GIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CNEC1tf RUILINI 91V01.500 LAUSON PRODUCTS I•47429765 008••59••5325 R t N MUM'(V L.AU)nN PROUL1CT5 a000a0 3a,8G 9g••0"94±} i.�ALLEN SAFETY SIiPP(.y Ian 134709n2 00"-2-`2G0 99,,03010 WE8B AUTO PARTS I--11890 008 52-53"5 99•-03010 UEBB AUTO PARTS 1"11915 0081-&52_53"5 gy.�138bt) ZIL11fiERER Kt15nTA � Et1L1TP I-CiE94B2 0a8-•52••53,?C 99-03860 Z1MMERER VUBOTA & EQUIP FOE9562 008&15211-5325 99-CY1260 ZIMMERER f1UBOTA & EQUIP 114f1E9574 008••52_r325 5AFETY E(�UIPEf 8 NARB NATS 000000 81,85 R it t OTOR l� OIL FUEL Fi..TERS 0000a0 R x, M MOTOR Y FREONIANTI F-REE:ZE,oIL FILTERS 000000 R � 1s ►•1nTaR u E1ELT aaaaaa R tr M MOTOR U 1 ELECTRO ,2 BELT; 000000 R M. MOTOR V PTO SUITUI 000000 Collectz,,n TOTAL ; 29?,10 412:712000 11,45 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 20 'JEN0u'R ''}ET; 99 FUND 000 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment YENVC NAME: HEM o G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT `e 004E:0 f{URR!!S 130768 008-54-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI WATER & BLEACH 000000 i7l90 99-O'365? CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-4337'.?•-1 008-54-5??3 CHEMICAL SUPP ODOR BAN 000000 247.00 f-)9"01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I•-7429765 0*8 54-•5325 R M MOTOR V LAWSON. PRODUCTS 000000 30186 9943010 WED6 AUTO PARTS I•-Ii9Ic 00fi-54-5345 R '. M MOTOb' U FREON,ANTI FRE'EZE:O:[L FT(.TERS 000000 I,',34 go'"05510 IESo; I I-10191599 000-54--5420 CONTRACTUAL S ROLL OFF 000000 �:4,44 DEPARTMENT 54 Waste Water Treatment TOTAL: 34',54 A127f2000 11,45 AM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND , 060 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 58 Electric Deuartnrrt REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYikl11' RE.GISIER PAGE; ?1 VEND"�_ NAME IIt, I'll GlL ACCOUNT' NAME: DESCRIPI'IOM CHECk,� 9911-100580 CINTAS COPR, g492 I"49?60044 408"'58-5310 R fi M BUILDIN MATS h MOP 000000 99-00580 ClhtiAS GOPR: trigil T11149260242 0()8w-585310 R & M CUIL91IN MATIS R MOP 000000 99...01320 ,1,L, MAIIHEUS CO„ INC, F41491l 408-58-5950 MINOR TOOLS IMPACT TOOL HOLDER 000000 ?°-413`20 J:L, MATI'HEUS CO„ :kN. I 4T,�4 04"'S°-5250 MINOR ?OOi "1 25' POUERTAPE 000000 AkiOUNI 3,93 n4 64,60 21:69 9='-01500 LAWSON PROk:!UCIS I-7429"l65 408-`�8-5325 R �: i; MOTOR 4' LAWSON PR!?DUC'fS ki00044 30,86 99-01500 E.AUSOP? PRODUCTS I-7430073 008--59'116020 OTHER IMPROVE 275 UiRE CONNECTORS 000000 90.04 991401570 LOUE'S CDMPANIES, INC, I1-134672 008-584020 Al HER IMPROVE 2 PEG BOARDS 000000 3:96 99111013 0 LOWE'S COMPANIES) INC. IIll 0672 008-58-5250 kMINOR TOOLS I POLY DIESEL GAS CAN 000000 8,9 rU_ �, r G CCC 1055 O {_5 , 2 OTHERIMPROVE q Y1`4 9f HOOKS (44n r 1 00 ,: 200"0 GE,:C,'P YLIt:S , I- 4„ OE +�t"�Ox.4 lf;� 7 ['UR, D Fs .- 1 9911142330 SANGER OFFI(AT SUPPLY I-125 008"5'3--5250 :MINOR TOOL BATTERIES FOR VOLTMiTER 000000 4,96 n'',-42400 SMITH'r4 1-153975 0080158-.6020 OTHER IMPROVE 79 1,`4 NUTS 000000 3100 99-42400 SMITH'S T-53990 008"55-6020 !OTHER IMPROVE SCREUS:NUTS ,raLiLTS1 53992 000000 7480 9C'..02400 Si4ITk{'S �-'S3994 448'58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 3 SPRAY PAIk11' 000000 10,47 991--102400 SMITH'S I-54049 00811158-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 11 B SCREWS 000000 2,99 9? 02400 SMITH'S I-51r51 04D-58'-5250 MINOR TOOLS ?/8° BIT 000000 10499 99-0?604 TEEX 99" 0 UEBB AUTO PARTS T'-7464006 008-58"5235 DUES :4 REGTST JEFF MORR.IS ELEC? CO�!F 000000 R & M MOTOR V FREON:ANTI FREE�E:OTE. FIE.TERfi 40000i� DEi-'r^:RTtiEill 58 Electric De?artmer�t TOIAk.; VE"ODOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUPlD TOTc�L. REPORT G[iAND TO?Al.: 150,00 12,34 19 j.94 36 , , A/27;2000 11;45 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER YEAR AGCOtIilT MAi4E G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS 4A ANNUAL BUDGET LIVER AMOUN BUDGET AVAILABLE DUDS 1'�9 -?444 GG1• cry t: 001-15--5'210 OFFICE S!PPLIES 76,79 � �t- 750 ccry 346,97 2 001.-15-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 37,76 1,000 520„'1 00114 5'•5495 LEGAL SERVICES 627,50 13,044 10,927,78 001••20p--521G OFFICE SUPPLIES 28,04 2,400 11702,57 401-''G 5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 3t#,56 13 2,376171 001 20-532•.'`s R ti4 it: MOTOR VEHICLE 584',09 12,100 9,398,29 001 22 5248 DOG POUND EXPENSE 39,92 ";540 1,='17a67 OG1^22�-'5250 MINOR TOOL; 105, 1e 4G0 ,:9t�,6r GG1-22'i. v4 R it M MOTOR 4!E.t11tt.E ?O,ol 1,040 2+.�h,3S 001--24-5310 R & M BUIL010G 11,00 12,000 5,719488 001-'24-5325 R & { MOTOR VEgIC:LE 98,13 4;000 1,u74,59 OO.t-24-5360 R ,, t>, OIHFR 110591SG 4,1vt0 d185N,95 001-24-537a MINOR EQUli'riCPtl 216,35 1;,QOG a2,945,98 001-•24-6055 FIRE: FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 251,74 5,040 2,4851 83 G41••26AKIO 001 2E.-524;= OFFICE SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 28,04 5,4, ;7 2,440 700 1,,{?9,43 5 58, B1 0011•26-5335 R t: N EQUIPMENT 36,99 11000 �6.?,41 00'1-026-54'20 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45,82 91000 4,054118 001-2G-5425 LEGAL SERVICES 250,00 6,000 41000,00 001-28•-15210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9,64 400 229,88 G01-ZS-531G R t; t9 BUILDING 7,88 500 225,57 OO:i••28-5425 R f, M VEHICLE 43,20 800 200,B0 001 30 5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES, 100,00 1,000 36'1,11 001-.3G.-5.255 WEARING APPAREL 287,50 2,750 432,71 001-30-5310 R f: M BUILDINU 7,88 1,200 471 02 00: 3G.••5; 25 R ,'� M MOTOR VEHICLE ?8716'7 5,000 151424 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIF'ME:PsT 14,99 3,444 2,B1,a,09 001-32-5213 BUILDING SUPPLIES. 111,40 8,000 7,271,82 001-32-5221_ 001•-32-5311 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD R M EQUIPMENT 9,40 8,14 2,200 1,200 1,716,55 474 < 1'2 {�01 3"-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 55,85 2,.100 8'?IF I 0011 57-5343 BAIL. FIELD MAINTENANCE 280,00 8,000 41867,96 441-•34-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 64,34 200 135,65 QG1-34-s223 GHEiiIi::A!_ SUPPLIES 2C'4,85 3,800 3,437,65 041-34--5310 R t M BUILDING 235,81 B4OOG 71764,19 001�34--I51324 EQUIPMENT rq t') r0011302,38 001.•-36-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 39,84 500 227,36 OG1,-36-•5265 CLEANING :iU!'PLIES 14,40 740 486,57 401-36-5425 R It # MOTOR 'JEt11GLE 21,56 600 262,38 001.-40--531A 001-42-•5225 R t M BUILDING MAGAZINES E, SUBSCRIPTIONS 64,85 171,00 1,G00 940 675,57 11.8,4t4 OO:i••42-5312 R n M OFFICE EQUIPMENT 15,.i5 250 ?C4,45 041-42--6050 BOOKS 457,38 J,040 1,09,".,78 008-1G 5215 FOOD 8,35 650 579,79 Aht!4UAL BUDO41 OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 412712000 11;45 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE 23 GfL ACCOUNT TV.1OLS YEAR ACCOUNT aan-15-`;21a 0081.j5 008-15'-5425 000-19"52Ci5 008,- 9 5210 0081-19-5315 008-36-5245 0a8' 36-5265 006-36--5325 000,-50-,5210 008-50-5260 048"-50-5310 008•-5a-5360 a08-50-5385 as=-5a-J4za ..C260 008-52-5325 008-54-54.?10 008'-54-5223 008-54-5325 OVU C +o r r c• nc aG8-58~525a 008-56"'5,0125 aa8•-58-ba2a 1�AME: OFl=ICE SUPPLIES OrNLR OPERATING SUPPLIES LEGAL SERVICES DA'iA PROCESSING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES R � M t`AC:HINES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR VEHICUL.E OFFICE SUPPLIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT RI M BUILDING R 4 M 014HER i!A T E R PURCHASE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SAFETY EQUIPMENT R k M MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE SUPPLIES CLIElMICAL SUPPLIES R t M MOTOR VEHICLE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES & REGISTRATIONS tiINOR TOOLS R E, M BUILDING R & M MOTOR VE};ICLE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS :+:� 1999-2aaa YEAR TOTALS of ACCT r}al_ja Oa1..15 a01-20 71 "1 22 aal-24 aa1-"26 as i ..Hq aa1-3a aal~32 aa1"34 ANNUAL BUDGET OVER Ai!nUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUBO 76,79 750 4a1163 34:56 1,a0a 455,23 6<f:`_�a 13,000 1a,9277? 139,59 4,100 1,70195 28,a4 MOO 50S,86 17413tj 81520 6,518,36 380 500 245,87 I{,4a 700 4e6,156 21,57 600 247,93 2,50 300 167,44 57,91 500 235,14 7:87 ,.000 1,265,77 18!{,73 45,000 I1,417,n1 ?:72`9,24 45;000 20;2?a,45 7,500,aa 92,000 30,819,56 Fit 1:85 ,,OOa 4,25234 21.1,'5 11000 471,?5 17,9a 25a 202,09 247,aa aaa 31270,71 43.20 1,750 973,95 34,44 4,000 I1632,83 150,aa 13,400 8,61174 111,21 `,500 2,843,54 7,87 12,a00 1/631/22 43,20 6,7i';?,95 1a,aaa rc} ,20 19,19a,3� DEPARTMENT TOTALS Rk NAME AMOUNT MAYOR 1: CI'rf COUNCIL 8,36 ADMINI'STRATIGN POLICE ANIMAL CONTROL FIRE DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL COURT ENFORC'E:MENT/INSPECTION 742.05 644,69 175.69 1,:'36,32 39Fj 60,71 4`7 STREETS 69B4Oil PAR K. S 464 , :3O PC!OL 781, 62 ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 4 9 D0 11 95 q RGULARDEPH NPAYMUff Rg:R# D+! 9 g DEPARTMENT 3TkG # RR RD« yD« 001 I#R 008�10 yCa Ama2 Wy3 093a yC2 Me34 ymy 000 3I± q Gme #± VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ±TV(iN ±#R GRw9 J«IEga »pi anti Q9 a Gdi A666»xQ, Data R«e6RIft 9 v&2R »»Rg3e Water as- eQyrQ ORb9 Q«e Q1R Re!#4 Electric Department ENTERPRISE FUND A I3R R Rngl 9,R G,a G« 3 Gg23 ¢S «E S ytm y J7 10 J».a Lq J§ %342,y 442,44 g,4E y eJ9J& April 27, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Sue Trego's resignation Attached is a copy of Sue Trego's resignation from the Beautification Board April 10, 2000 City of Sanger Mayor City of Sanger Councilmen Due to family situations, which have cut greatly into my available time, I deem it necessary to resign from the Beautification Board effective immediately. I have greatly enjoyed my 5 years on the Board, but when family needs you, you must be there. Thank you for your understanding and acceptance of my resignation Sincerely, Sue Tre o g April 275 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Appointment to Beautification Board �O VJ Nel Armstrong has recommended Kim Halffor this appointment, and staff approves of the recommendation. April 27, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Fill Dirt Bids Attached is a copy of the Fill Dirt Bids received, a breakdown is as follows: Jones & Jefferey Construction (Gene Tipton) - $42,250.00 This bid is valid thru May 20, 2000 and a bid bond was received with the bid. CIear Creek Sand - $3'7,200.00 This bid is valid thru July 20, 2000, a bond was not received with the bid; however, will be required before proceeding. JPT (Billy Jack Hampton) - $3,000.00 This bid is valid for 60 days, Mr. Hampton did not bid on the fill dirt, he bid labor only. Date of Bid Time: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: ID AMOUNT: City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 �, � I Vi c+ �S,a-5y°o C f &'J.r Cr4ee4G :sx VVC/ C ass trutcjl u/? erg ( P Sew �I s� � BID RECEIVED: �� -ZG�G v COMPANY: � 4cL/. k., f -fir) BID AMOUNT: T 3000°% BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: I�1 nature OQQQ3J City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 The City of Sanger will be accepting bids for Fill Dirt for Railroad Park located at 201 Railroad Avenue until 2*00 P.M., Thursday, April 20, 2000 at which time all bids will be opened. Bid will be awarded at the City Council meeting on May 1, 2000. x 9300 Cubic Yards of Fill L':rt x Transportation Cost Included x Delivered and dumped on site Bid Am011nt $ 45, 250.00 FOURTY FIVE THOUSAND, TWO --- DOLLARS Company Name: JONES & JEFFERY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. Address: 3801 E. McKINNEY - DENTON, TEXAS 76208 Phone. (940) 458-5128 Contact Name: GENE TIPTON I certify that this is a valid bid, good thru MAY 20, 2000 ,and that fI am awarded this bid, full payment will be due on completion. SignAture ALTERNATE ��1 -ROUGH GRADE PLUS OR MINIS 3/lOTH. ALTERNATE 442 -FINAL GRADE PLUS OR MINIS 1/lOTH. BONDING COST IS INCLUDED IN BID. ADD: .50C PER YARD ADD: .85G PER YARD * � * OLD REPUBLIC ** Old Republic Surety Company * * Old Republic Insurance Company Bond # * * * Bituminous Casualty Corporation BID BOND The American Institute of Architects, AIA Document No. A310 (February, 1970 Edition) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we JONES TN(" & JEFFERY CONSTRUCTION CO., as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Bituminous Casualty Corporation as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF BANGER as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of 5% OF BID Dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid forFILL DIRT FOR RAILROAD PARK NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. APRIL 2000 Signed and sealed this 20 day of ,„. JONES &JEFFERY CONSTRUCTION Cb., INC. Princi 6 t 'i By Title: 1dam `1 By: ORSC 21328 (5/97) Bituminous (Seal) Attorney-yh-Fact r ' 11�'I t _ - )�f'* * *.* _- - �* '��`iUMiIVOU� _ illy I I'* * * * Casualty Corporation KNOW ALt MEN BY Tf-1ESE PRESENTS: Tftat_BITI does make;:constitute and,.appoint:: '-.. —__` JEFF P._ {�Ii��!�, JAMES E ,':°ZN� , C;A its true -and lawful Attorney(s�-in Fact; with full power end authority for a - - a seal is requtrQd);'bontls, undertakings; recognizancgs arofEier writterx��bli mortgage;r�uarany bo �, g€�arantees of insiallmer� �aper_ and not�_gba abatement �ntract be ds; ��vi�ste management 6onr�s hazardous v're ri _ - - - - � _ =_ - - ALL �+IF:I=T�E� �i�k.�TRrt _ - - �1T� � N A _- A O�E`�=I�LE�I _?OLLRR��$"-Y rI#��, 0- �= `__ OEtL_F�;�TIr'r1�,- P�G�f�C�LE�S f7f= Tk+ -(�i _: aArE r� h�,�xairrin�nninr rc�a=�i��, Tyr n��„�n.T,,..T., _ _� _ �. �. -__� ,F F sign. � L�-zfay off__€ Behalf of_the coy ?� in the riatur Y� 9s� self it ��_ n horids o u N T F�' ctER -�f=: ��==__ -_ POWER OF ATE ,_ Y CORPORl�7'fdN,-fin_ Illfnois_ stock ir}suranoe cnrl -_ - __ LE€� s. �i� DE�k�Qf�, -�tX riy as surety; to execuCaantl �teliver and afirx the seal of die company T €-� E ,�t� E� � _�� A G G � �G A� -_4�� _- _ — __ 1�kS tPiJ�lEf�kT�= ��kJECL FG�R_ FIE :�B` tie °:sworn;_. cii€� ciiment is tk _ - - -- - board�of'directors Qf said eor�oEation, _ _ = = N iT( 4 Fq �Otggy -._-.._ : -- -_ .... — __. - _ -" _.t -. is - .; -. -- .. " "�n�'c ' � 6t6tdc�PFlbrlE.�-:. '{ _ - - _ 'fof SFo '- - - s _ _: _ _ GERTIFtGATE ,` - '- - _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ ._ --_ I, the undersigned, secretary of the grTUM__I_RkQtJS OASUAkTY�4RPOEA�kE7N; an Illinois stocl�:insur�fce_co>•pora the foregoing and attached power of attorney remairis in full force ancf_has not ls�e_n revoked; and futtherrtr€�c_e- that__th@ - board of directors set forth in the Power. of AfiorneX;-are now in force `- - -. = - `' ' 6 yUgE�Y- -... - _ - _ - - _ - .f .J - f,j FJ I ,� I44URi�4+I1q T� 90. - - - - _ _ - sgn� + Signed and sealed at the pity of Brookfield 20 day o� A�xi]. ''. . � , ,.M,,,a�+ - _ _. R A M E Y & K I N to INS . A S�� C.�- I N C. - '`- - Asststanl.=sec fORSC 22722 (3-97) if=. -= z� _ - 5 �R�lF�f that'= luttons �f the; - 041,18/00 08:35 FAX 8174584180 CITY OF SANGER City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 The City of Sanger will be accepting bide for F111 Dlrt for Railroad Park located at 201 Railroad Avenue until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, April 20, 2000 at which time all bids will be opened. Bid will be awarded at the City Council meeting on May 1, 2000. 9300 Cubic Yards of Fill Dirt TV%e5� are z5 �a�'d, l acUI.51 = 3 7 Z- Io0.�.5 .�.� 11 1 1 1 1•. 1 1 1 �{ • r- .1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 I l Phone: Contact N oad� a r •e kV\ Co m9. ci R. �-1 Gt r&s 0 y%e V" t u YY\ Sc1ec•{ Z 0� I '1 1 5 ealOOY ►� t ��Z59 1 I. 1 1• 1 ' I f l A I . .. • i l 1 . I 1� 1 . I 1 1 I I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mf 11 ! '-•1 1 1 •J City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 The City of Sanger will be accepting bids for Filt Dirt for Railroad Park located at 201 Railroad Avenue until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, April 20, 2000 at which time all bids will be opened. Bid will be awarded at the City Council meeting on May 1, 2000. �-' 9 Cubic Yards of Fill Dirt ansportation Cost Included Delivered and dumped on site l i iOAF WA Comps Addres Phone: Contac I certify that this is a valid bid, good thru _!/ _ /'Zu s and that f I am awarded this bid, full payment will be due on completion. Apri127, 2000 Ta: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #7 Attached is a copy of the letter from Architects Phelps/Wood indicating the maximum cos for the construction documents will be $4,000.00. ARCHITECTS March 31, 2000 Mr. Jack Smith, City Administrator City of Sanger, Texas 201 Bolivar P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Smith, I have talked with my structural engineer, and my mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineer, to determine an approximate cost to prepare construction documents for your Ballpark Concession Pavilion. Architects Phelps/Wood is offering to provide construction documents on an hourly basis with consultants at no mark up, for a maximum of $4,000.00. This will provide you with drawings sufficient for bidding and construction. Should yob have any questions, please call to discuss. Si AVPakm Frisco, Texas 75035 972/335-9382 April 27, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Sign Ordinance Attached is a copy of the Proposed Ordinance banning billboards, as of today, we have not received the legal opinion requested. a CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. #04-06-00 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 3, PART OF ARTICLE 3.1503 (THE PART OF THE SCHEDULE CHART RELATING TO BILLBOARD TYPE SIGNS), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; CITY OF SANGER; AND AMENDING SECTION (L) TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE TT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger Texas: That Chapter 3, Part of Article 3.1503 (the part of the schedule chart relating to Billboard type signs) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION I § 3.1503 Schedule of Uses Permitted Type Sign Max. Sq. Ft. District Permitted Spacing Standard Permit Required Billboard Type N/A None None NIA and that section (i) shall be amended to read as follows: (1) Billboard type signs aze prohibited in the City of Sanger beginning May 1, 2000. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith aze, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance aze severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this lst day of May, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MoxsE STREET, P O Box 2816 DENTON, TEXAS 76202-2816 MEMO TO: All Jurisdictions FROM: Joe Rogers DATE: April 11, 2000 SUBJECT: Appraisal Review Board Nominees There will be an agenda item on the May 25, 2000, Board of Directors Meeting regarding the appointment of an Appraisal Review Board Member. A position has become vacant, and we are asking all jurisdictions to send us names of nominees for our Board of Directors to choose from. To serve on the ARB, one must have lived in the appraisal district for at least two years before taking office. You don't need any special qualifications, but you may not serve on the board if you are: 1.) A current appraisal district director. 2.) A current employee or chief appraiser of the appraisal district. 3.) A current board member, employee,,or officer of a taxing unit served by the appraisal district. 4.) A current employee or officer of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Denton County has a population of over 100,000. The following additional restrictions apply. You may not serve as an ARB member: 1.) If you were a former appraisal district director. 2.) If you were a former employee or former officer of the appraisal district. 3.) If you ever appeared before the ARB for compensation. 4.) Until the fourth anniversary of the date you ceased to serve as a member or officer of a taxing unit for which the appraisal district appraises property. Please give the attached form to people that are willing and able to serve. Thank you for your suggestions. PHONE: (940) 566-0904 METRO: (972) 434-2602 FAX: (940) 387-4824 The Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District is considering you as a possible member of the Appraisal Review Board. The Board of Directors will choose one member to finish a two year term. The selection will be made at the next Board meeting. Would you please answer the following questions and return to the District as soon as possible. Name Address Address Phone Jurisdiction 1. Would you be willing to serve? If so you would need to be available from mid May until the end of July. The Board meets from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. until the roll is certified. There will also be meetings periodically throughout the year. 2. Have you ever been an officer or employee of the appraisal district. 3. Have you ever served on the appraisal districts board of directors? 4. Have you ever been a member of the governing body or an officer of a taxing unit for which the appraisal district appraises property? If so, has it been the 4rn anniversary of the date you ceased to be a member or officer? 5. Have you ever appeared before the ARB for compensation? 6. How long have you resided in Denton County? 7. 9. 10. 11. Occupation Do you have any prior experiences serving on appraisal review board or any board that has property value? Could you make a decision feelings for the taxpayer? an to do with based on evidence rather than The property tax code requires that all property be valued at 100% of market value. Could you keep this mind throughout the proceedings? Would you be necessary? _ willing to work nights and weekends if you of their decision Directors will notify The Board of in Board of Directors Denton Central Appraisal District April 2'7, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item # 10 The cost of the pipe on this project is expected to be more than $15,000.00, therefore, a bid is required. Apri1275 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item # I l This is a Certificate requiring the City Manager's and City Secretary's signature for execution. I will address this item further at the Council Meeting. i.1 Writer's Phone: 214-220-7927 Writer's Fax: 2I4-999-77927 Mr. Jack Smith City Administrator City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, Texas 76266 Vinson &Elkins ATTORNEYS AT LAW VINSON & ELKINS L.L.P. 3700 TRAMMELL CROW CENTER 2001 ROSS AVENUE DALLAS,TEXAS 75201-2975 TELEPHONE (21 a) 220-7700 FAX (214) 2204716 April 14, 2000 E-mail: rcollins@velaw.com Web: www.velaw.com Re: Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B Dear Mr. Smith: The referenced Series 2000B Bonds (the "Bonds") are in the process of being marketed to prospective purchasers. The sale of the Bonds is scheduled for April 19, 2000 and the closing for May 16, 2000. As in previous bond issues, at the time of the sale, we request the City to execute a Certificate to provide to the Attorney General of the State of Texas in connection with its review and approval of the Bonds. We are enclosing for your review and update, if necessary, one copy of the Certificate with 10 execution pages. If you were a participant in the Series 1999 Bonds, we have included a marked version of the Certificate to show you the changes we have made since the Series 1999 Bonds. Please review the Certificate and notify us of your approval or of any changes that we may need to make. Please execute and return all copies of the signature pages to the Certificate to us at your convenience, but no later than May 1, 2000. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Enclosures DALLAS AUSTIN Very truly yours, I,eG� Robert R. Collins, III BEIJING HOUSTON LONDON MOSCOW NEW YORK SINGAPORE WASHINGTON, D.C. ODMAVv1HODMA�DALLAS;362103;1 9 04/t4r90:2:30PM CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § We, the undersigned, Jack Smith and Rosalie Chavez, City Administrator and City Secretary, respectively, of the City of Sanger, Texas (the "Governmental Entity"), hereby certify as follows. 1. This certificate relates to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2000B (the "Bonds"), in the authorized aggregate original principal amount of $6,500,000. 2. The Governmental Entity has entered into a certain contract entitled "Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply Service Participating Member Contract," dated as of November 13, 1990 and amended as of May 7, 1992 (the "Contract"), with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. 3. All official action required for the execution, delivery and performance by the Governmental Entity of the Contract has been effectively taken by the Governmental Entity and the Governmental Entity is duly authorized to enter into the Contract. 4. The person executing the Contract on behalf of the Governmental Entity was on the date of the Contract a duly elected or appointed official of the Governmental Entity and was duly authorized to execute the Contract on behalf of the Governmental Entity. 5. There is no pending or, to the knowledge of the undersigned officials of the Governmental Entity, threatened action or proceeding before any court, governmental agency or department in any way contesting or affecting the authority for the execution and delivery of the Contract or the authorization, legality and validity of the Contract. 6. The Governmental Entity is not in default under any of the provisions of the Contract. 7. The gross revenues and operating expenses of the Governmental Entity's waterworks and sewer system were, for the years stated, together with other financial information relating to the Governmental Entity, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 8. The Attorney General of Texas is hereby authorized and directed to date this Certificate concurrently with the date of approval of the Bonds, and can rely on the absence of any litigation or contest pertaining to the Bonds or any other matters covered by this Certificate, and on the veracity and currency of this Certificate at the time of approval of the Bonds, unless otherwise notified. UPP450/48000 ::ODMAV�IODMA�DALLAS;761734;1 04/U/00:4:48PM EXECUTED AND DELIVERED ON By: City Administrator By: City Secretary ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Jack Smith and Rosalie Chavez, City Administrator and City Secretary, respectively, of the City of Sanger, Texas, known to me to be the persons and officers whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me in my presence that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the respective capacities therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this Notary Public, State of Texas [NOTARY SEAL] UPP450/48000 ::ODMAV�tHODMA�DALLA5;J61734; I !1 EXHIBIT A UTILITY SYSTEM OPERATING STATEMENT Revenues: Operating Expenses: Net Available for Debt Service Water Connections Sewer Connections Electric Connections REVENUE BOND DATA C[TY OF SANGER Fiscal Year End September 30, 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 $ 31990,007 $ 41027,399 $ 3,550,499 $ 3,407,258 $ 3,140,835 $ 3,245,629 $ 2,707,079 $ 2,626,773 $ 744,378 $1,320,320 $ 923,726 1,887 1,835 1,704 1,859 11807 1,674 1,980 1,965 1,626 $2,251,154 $2,131,741 $ 1,156,104 $ 1,009,094 1,624 1,614 1,585 1,640 1,598 11589 Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirements, 2000 - 2016....................................................................................... $ 233,560 Coverage of Average Requirements by 9-30-99 Net Available for Debt Service.................................................................. 119 Times Maximum Principal and Interest Requirements, 2009............................................................................................................ $ 302,210 Coverage of Maximum Requirements by 9-30-99 Net Available for Debt Service............................................................... 2.46 Times Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds Outstanding 9-30-99.................................................................................. $ 2,920,000 Interest and Sinking Fund, as of 9-30-99................................................................................................................................. $ 75,522 ReserveFund, as of 9-30-99.................................................................................................................................................... $ 243,782 UTILITY SYSTEM ...The City owns and operates its own electric distribution system. In June 1995, the City entered into an 11-year contract with the Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. whereby the City purchases electric power and energy at the rates shown below, subject to a full adjustment charge and a power adjustment on demand and energy charges. Facilities Charge $ 257.00 delivery point per month Demand Charge $ 6.75 KW of billing demand Energy Charge $ 0.04195 per KWH Also, the City generates electric power only on a standby basis for emergencies. MONTHLY ELECTRIC RATES (Effective March 1, 1999) Residential Facilities Charge $ 8.00 per month Energy Charge $ 0.0621629 per KWH Minimum Bill $ 10.00 per month Large Commercial Demand Charge $ 53.39 for first 6 KW $ 8.29 per KWH Energy Charge $ 0.0237048 per KWH for all KWH Minimum Bill $ 53.39 per month Small Commercial $ 12.50 per month $ 0.0676962 per KWH $ 12.50 per month WATER SUPPLY ... The City's source of water is five City -owned water wells. The total storage capacity is 1,150,000 gallons. In addition, the City has contracted for 0.5 mgd of water from Upper Trinity Regional Water District, which began in 1998. These water wells will be used as the City's emergency water supply. Distribution facilities include water mains varying in size from two inches to 12 inches. MONTHLY WATER RATES (Effective September 21, 1998) Gallons Rates First I,000 $ 14.25 (Minimum) Next 5,000 1.95/M Gallons Next 10,000 2.15/M Gallons Next 15,000 2.55/M Gallons Over 30,000 3.35/M Gallons SEWER SYSTEM ...The City owns u..d operates their own sewer treatment facilities. The sewer treatment plant has a maximum capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day. MONTHLY SEWER RATES (Effective September 30, 1996) Residential Gallons Rates First 1,000 $ 15.00 (Minimum) Over 1,000 1.00/M Gallons Maximum $ 25.00 Commercial Gallons Rates First 1,000 $ 21.00 (Minimum) Over 1,000 1.00/M Gallons Maximum $125.00 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. #05-0 7-00 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, UVIENDING CHAPTER 11, ARTICLE 11.500 AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 24.000, OF THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE: AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I THAT CHAPTER 11, ARTICLE 11.500 AND APPENDIX ARTICLE 24.000 OF THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 24.000 SEWER SERVICE RATES The rates to be charged by the City for sanitary sewer service are hereby established as follows: (a) Residential -Class A: Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use. The City may include similar low volume users such as churches and small business offices or stores in Class A. All Class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per monthly cycle and one dollar ($1.00) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons. (b) Commercial -Class B: Class B customers shall include commercial users such as, but not limited V. restaurants, cafes, car washes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores, and other commercial business operations as may be identified as not a Class A type user. All Class B customers of municipal wastewater facilities shall becharged aminimum ftwenty-one dollars ($21.00) per monthly cycle and one dollar ($1.00) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons. (c) Multi -family Dwellings: The amount due for multi -family dwellings shall be the Class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units. QQQQ��� SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of May, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY MARCH 2O00 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The annual report to the Texas State Library was submitted. This is the first year that the report was done in an electronic format. The form was downloaded from an internet website, I illed out on the computer and submitted online. The process took longer than previous years' paper versions did, because of a 3 hour download time, but this will probably improve in the Future. The submission took only a few seconds, and confirmation of receipt was also quick. ADMINISTRATION: Submitted the annual request for Denton County funding. Meetings attended: Collection Development Committee, 3.9, Henrietta Denton County Library Advisory Board, 3/16, Roanoke COLLECTION: The age of the nonfiction collection was determined by taking a sampling of the shelflist cards. The average copyright date is 1982, which means that the average book on the shelf is 18 years old. The last time we checked the age of the collection was in February of 1993. At that time the average was 26 years old. The average copyright date of each section is: General Knowledge 1990 Philosophy 1983 Religion 1977 Social Science 1987 Languages 1978 Science 1983 Technology 1985 The Arts 1983 Literature 1969 History 1981 Biography 1982 PROGRAMS: March's Storytime theme was "Farms". Among the highlights were playing "Farmer in the Dell", seeing a puppet show of "The Little Red Hen" (some children played the parts of the ,at, the dog and the pig) and crafts. Two of the favorite crafts were making a picture of a flower out of seeds and making a pipe -cleaner bee. Fingerplays and videos also are part of each program. Monthly Report Mar 99 Mar 2000 BORROWER CARDS Last month 2783 2734 New cards 54 42 Cards withdrawn 0 0 Cards reactivated 16 8 TOTAL 2853 2784 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 457 316 Nonfiction Videos 48 41 Adult Fiction 239 128 Interlibrary Loan 11 7 Misc. Uncataloged 1 271 Junior Fiction 100 131 Children's Nonfiction 228 202 Children's Fiction 450 428 Paperback Fiction 173 189 Magazines 42 0 Videos 434 381 Video Players 6 0 Audio Tapes 62 69 TOTAL 2251 2163 INTERNET USERS 184 149 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 9 6 Children Attending 251 134 Adults Attending 58 42 Other Programs 5 0 Number Attending 27 0 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 3 8 Number of Juniors 7 3 Number of Hours 94 70 COLLECTION Last Month 15242 15395 Books Added 109 107 Books Withdrawn 60 0 Total Books 15291 15502 Paperback Fiction 2302 2592 Video Materials 571 602 Audio Materials 171 208 TOTAL COLLECTION 18335 18904 REVENUE Fines $159.45 $188.90 Copies $57.45 $55.10 ILL Postage $10.80 $11.29 Lost Materials $3.95 $10.00 New Cards $3.50 $3.25 Xerox Rebate $5.00 TOTAL $235,15 $273.54 Continuing Education From the Texas Municipal League Please note the change of date. This workshop will be held on June 30, not on June 231 2001 Legislative Briefing Workshop June 30, 2000 Dallas This program is for city officials only. Workshop Description; This is the first TML briefing related to preparations for the 2001 Texas Legislative Session. It provides an overview of the work done by the TML Legislative Policy Committees and explores the issues most likely to affect cities during the 77th Legislature. The program will include the following sessions: • A review of the deliberations underway among the League's legislative policy committees. • An assessment of various transportation initiatives under consideration by a variety of groups. • A summary of city -related activities of the interim committees of the legislature. • A recap of state implementation of selected statutes enacted in 1999. • A seated luncheon with speaker. Hotel Information: This workshop will be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel -Dallas, located at 400 N Olive Street. To make reservations, please call the Adam's Mark at (214) 922-8000 or (800) 444-2326 and refer to the Texas Municipal League Legislative Briefing Workshop. A conference rate of $99.00 (Single) and $149 (Double) is available for reservations made by June 2, 2000. Cancellations and Substitution Policy: If you are registered and cannot attend, we encourage you to send a substitute. If you cannot send a substitute, a $45 registration cancellation fee will be assessed if written cancellation is received by June 2, 2000. No refunds will be honored after June 2, 2000. Special Accommodations: Let us know if you need special accommodations of any kind. We want to help. Vond to any special requests, we would appreciate as much advance notice as possible. Airline Reservations: Southwest Airlines, in cooperation with TML, is offering attendees to the Legislative Briefing Workshop a discount on both Southwest's low everyday unrestricted fares and Southwest's even lower restricted fares. For reservations, call (800) 433-5368 and refer to the special identifier code W6830 no later than 5 days prior to your first date of travel. Continuing Education Credit: Elected officials (mayors and councilmembers) can earn Texas Municipal League Institute (TMLI) credits for attending this workshop. Forms will be available on site. For further information on the TMLI program, please call us at (512) 719-6300, call TML's automated Fast Facts at 888-285-0898 (ask for document 201), or log on to TML's web page at vvWWArril.org . JOCCO 00 Questions: Please call us at (512) 719-6300. 6 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400 •Austin, Texas 78754-5128 512/719- 300 •Fax: 512/231-749 4 TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 2301 Legislative Briefing Workshop June 30, 2000 - Dallas Three ways to register: 1. Register online with credit card payment: www.tml.org Instructions and Information Your registration will not be processed until payment is received. 2. Fax this form with your credit card information to: (512) 231-7495 3. Mail this form and your payment to TML Administrative Services 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78754-5128 Registration Fee: $115 if received at TML by June 2, 2000. The fee will increase to $150 if received after June 2, 2000 (includes tuition, any handouts, refreshments and lunch). You may pay by check, money order, or provide credit card information in the box below. Cancellation and Substitution Policy: If you are registered and cannot attend, we encourage you to send a substitute. If you cannot send a substitute, a $45 cancellation fee will be assessed if written cancellation is received by June 2, 2000. No refunds will be honored after June 2, 2000. Questions: If you have questions, please call us at (512) 719-6300. Full Name: Title: City 1 Organization: Address: Phone: ( ) Email: Please Type or Print Below Nickname: State: Fax:( ) Please allow one week for your confirmation to be faxed. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: ❑ Mastercard ❑Visa ❑ Am Ex ❑Discover Cardholder's Name ease Print Acct# Signature Exp. Date FOR TML OFFICE USE ONLY Business Check $ Personal Check $ Total $ Date Redd Batch No. By Id# ��' "' ' Former First Lady Barbara Bush delighted the packed luncheon audience at the second annual 1 Symposium on Retirement and Social Security. Held at the magnificent George Bush School and Presidential Library at Texas A&M University, the TMRS/Bush School conference gave front- line benefits workers and elected city officials an opportunity to meet the legislators and legislative staff who make the policy that drives their retire- Leon 'Rocky' Joyner, of The Segal Company, is the ConrultrngAetuary f r TtLIRS. The following it the third of three installments ofa conversation with Rocky discussing city contrihution rates. Main Street: Let's talk about Restricted Prior Service Credit. A city has the option to adopt this provision through which members can receive service credit for almost any previous public service. Rocky: TtVfRS first started Restricted Prior Service Credit in 1991. Studies were done at that time with the cities in the System. There was virtually no impact on city contribution rates since few employees qualified for Restricted Prior Service Credit at the time. As eligible prior serv- ice expanded, we have seen Restricted Prior Service Credit pieces that averaged 10, 15, even 20 years, in one case, per employee. Main Street: So employees were starting ment programs. Speakers on the first day included economics professor Peter Ricchiuti, whose humor and wit provided a different view of the investment world, and investment expert Dr. Gary Shilling. Continued on page two ... work for a city and with their Restricted Prior Service Credit, they were instantly vested or maybe even eligi- ble to retire. Rocky: Right, and this d is a gooexample of one of the important things we consider --cultural changes. It's not changes to the Rocky Joyu TMRS plan design, assumptions we make or experience studies. It's the changes in people's habits of employment. These employees were now vested in the right to a retirement benefit, which included the city's matching funds. Main Street: Another option that can affect city contribution rates is Updated Service Credit, which keeps retirement benefits more in line with Continued on page three ... Dear Friend, Now that we are well into the year 2000, it is a pleas- ure to report that Y2K ended up being a "non event" for TMRS and its members, as well as for cities in Texas. However, the potential for Y2K related problems resulted in many of us completing a lot of valu- able upgrades to our technology sys- tems. This will allow us to do our jobs faster and better in the future. You and your fellow employees should have received your TMRS Annual Statements, and we trust that some revisions to the statements have made them more informative and easier to read. TMRS is contin- uing to work on adding capabilities and links to our Website (www.tmrs.org), and we have received much valuable input from both city officials and members. Over time, we continue to believe that this will become the most sig- nificant communication link between TMRS and its membership. However, our staff continues to pri- oritize friendly, timely personal serv- ice to our members, because no mat- ter how sophisticated technology becomes, there is no substitute for quality personal service. Thank you for the contributions you make each day that help TMRS fulfill its mission of providing retire- ment security to Texas municipal employees and their families. J440 , 2 * aA14VWlo� Gary W. Anderson Executive Director Bush School tcontinued) You newer know whom you will meet at the conference ur for7rrer President Barrh .,topped to rrrsit the FAIRS staff Continued from page one Thursday night, conferees attended a reception where they had a chance to talk to policymakers and experts and tour the Presidential Library. Experts Jeanine Raymond of NASRA, Melissa Mueller of U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett's staff, Janice Gregory of the ERISA Industry Committee and Cathie Eitelberg of The Segal Company opened the sec- ond day with a roundtable discussion 'the current state of Social Security and Medicare for public sector employees. Dr. Nancy Dickey, Immediate Past President of the American Medical Association, fol- lowed, describing the increasing chal- lenge of providing effective health care coverage for retirees. The last panel of the day was a discussion of retirement plan designs for the future, featuring Eitelberg, Gregory, Russell Bjorkman of the Miami Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust, and Rocky Joyner of The Segal Company. These experts discussed defined benefit and defined contribution plans, hybrid plans and federal initiatives like the recently proposed Retirement Savings Accounts. Barbara Bush gave a lively lunchtime address on the rewards of retirement. Following her talk, Gary Anderson, TMRS Executive Director, presented The J. J. "Jake" Pickle Award, for life- time achievement in the public pen- sion sector at the federal level, to for- mer Congressman Pickle, who gave a very entertaining reception speech, and to Congressman Bill Archer. Anderson also presented The John A. Traeger Award, for lifetime achievement in Texas government in the public pen- sion field. Named for the late Texas Senator, the first Traeger awards were presented to State Representative Edmund Kuempel, State Representative Barry Telford, and Mrs. Bernice Traeger. The next TIVIRS/Bush School con- ference will be held March 1-2, 2001, in Austin. Coinciding with the early days of the next regular session of the Texas Legislature, the event will be an excellent opportunity to visit with your state legislators. Please e-mail us at: capitol@TMRS.org if you would like to be placed on the mailing list for details. r � TMRS rLLria Street * an employee's salary at the time of retirement. You can give a city cost fig- ures for any increases in USC. Does the city need to keep adding in these costs every year? Rocky: This is hard to predict. Under TMRS, a city has the authority to approve USC �,, updates on an annual � ��� basis. That's a very important issue fora Any prlVatl city's budgeting con- mllSt InClu trol. USC has a big COStS. One tie-in with the infla- Consider th tion component of the TMRS plan design. If early in the a city is not changing so that tot its plan, for example, can be con from 6 to 7% (employee contribu- tion rate) or 1 to 1 fi (city match) and it is only adopting USC because of the change of the salary structure of the group--USC would have almost no impact in a low inflationary time frame. In the last few years, for cities that did not make plan changes, their cost increases due to USC were very, very small because salaries have remained fair- lystable. USC was created in the mid- 1970's when inflation was running 8 to 12% per year. People's retirement bene- fits were eroding away rapidly. TMRS created USC as a hedge against inflation. Main Street: Let's say I'm in a city with 2 to 1 match and we're at a 6% contribution rate. We want to go to 7% but several of our longer tenured employees, even after going to 7%, won't see an increase in their benefit from the USC. TMRS says on the USC part, there's a 3% interest accu- mulation factor. How does this work? Rocky: If the person's salary increases and annual interest paid on his TMRS account were very good early in his career, he might have account balances higher than when the USC factor is applied. Take an employ- ee that has been there 18 years, his account has been compounding at least 10% interest each year. Even though his salary over all those years was smaller than the average of his most recent three years, he is better off zation study because his account has grown de pension to a larger amount Should than using his at element most recent three year average salary discussion and compounding al Clty COStS at the 3% interest sidered. rate used in the USC calculation. �� � This is probably true as long as salary increases range from 2-3 fi %. If salary increases start bumping up 5, 6, 7% as in the mid- 1980's, then this won't happen. High inflation environments instigated the creation of USC. Main Street: That's good for the longer tenured TMRS employee in recent years but what about the new employee who plans to be with the city for 25 years? Rocky: Here's a suggestion. Have the TMRS staff pull up the replacement ratios for that ciry's employees. If the city wants its employees to retire and maintain a cer- tain standard of living at 20 or 25 years, then let the city set its bench- mark. That information will be very helpful in making a decision. Yet the concern may be that the city is competing with private indus- try for employees. In that situation, the city may wish to do a salary analy- sis of governmental workers in the area vs. private industry. Be sure to factor in salary, retirement and other benefit costs. Main Street: The city might say that a 2 to 1 match is too high. Nobody in private industry does that. Rocky: This may be, but for a true comparison, all available benefits need to be considered including stock plans and Social Security. Main Street: Our last subject is privatization. A city has privatized its water system and now it discovers that its pension costs are up. Rocky: You have to be very care- ful here. With privatization, you're cutting payroll, thereby cutting pension costs but you might not cut the rate as a percentage of payroll. Remember that you still have liabilities. There are liabilities for the employees who have already retired. Part of the workforce you cut may already be vested in future retirement benefits. Here's a very rough example. Let's say your city has $2 million in payroll and its TMRS contributions are 10% or $200,000. Your city cuts $1 million in payroll. If the TMRS rate goes from 10 % to 15%, that's $150,000. The city saves $50,000 per year. Although the rate as a percentage of payroll went up in this case, the actual dollars going out were less. Any privatization study must include pension costs. One should consider that element early in the dis- cussion so that total city costs can be considered. Leon 'Rocky "%yner it Uee President and Aetua�y with The Segal Company and the T�LIRSActuary. He it art Associate m the Society of.4cttrarie., a memder ofthe American Academy ofActrrarier andan 6nrolledActuary under ERISA, Rocky har over 20yearr of acnrarial corurdting experience with empharis ongouernmerualperrrion plaru and DROP iurr<er. He it a featrrred.,perrker at the TMRS/ George Bcuh School Symporirmr and the TrLIRS Trairrirrg Seminar. ,j For copies of the previous two parts of this interview, please a -mail us at: mainstreet@TMRS.org. TiLIRS�Ltrirr Sheet �tr April �000 �� � p The project to get mem- �� ,�,,;�-,,,� _� ber account information ��' on the TMRS Website is ?"n..`�� �"' underway. In the future, 1 � •�-•`T��•• TMRS members can visit ���a; the Website and use a �A�.�.�..� PIN number to access �•-� -��. their account and service • ° credit balances. We hope _ ,._ � to have a project comple- tion date set soon. If you would like to see a list of the account informa- tion items that will be available on-line in the future, please e-mail us at: CapitolC�TMRS.org. We will e-mail you the list and certainly look forward to your suggestions. Special thanks go to Sylvia Kendra of Richardson, Becicy de los Santos and Isabel Morales of McAllen, Judge Pat Hernandez of Plainview, and David Rodriguez, Debbie Jimenez and Lorraine Moreno of TMRS for their help in editing the new Spanish version of the T1IIRSBenefitr Gu«%. �� � � �� k z y �i� � � � f � �,j�l l��i),��)�i1,� l,a���l�- � '� �� � ,''��j # ,;i,l�l� - ' � � •..r� �� �:���� �_� �;�� �� � � f TMRS is updating its con- ference booth and we would like to get pictures of you and your fellow city employees. If you have any photos (especially group shots), please send them to Shelley Ransom at TMRS, P. O. Box 149153, Austin, TX 78714. The TMRS booth is set up at city func- tions and the TML Annual Conference. Another project underway is the TMRS video series. The first video will focus on new members and explain their TMRS benefits. Terms such as vesting, service credit and retirement eligibility are explained. Look for the video, available to TMRS Ciry Correspondents, later this year. T��IRS ill ria Street �r APrr12000 (From Lefty Pete Krnavek, LaShelle Ruiz , Carmen .lustw Gag Anderson andA&7 Ann Valentine. At TMRS, the Member Services Department has a mission statement, "Serving with Heart and Quality." In keeping with this mission, the Heart and Quality Awards Program, which recognizes those individuals who apply, practice, and demonstrate that mission, was created. The program consists of three parts: the Heart Award, which is given to a Member Services employee for excellent service; the Heart Hero Mark your calendar now to join us for what should be our best training semi- nar yet -- especially since we have per- suaded Peter Ricchiuti to grace TMRS with his wit and unique style as he dis- cusses money and finance. Peter was a speaker at the TMRS/Bush School Symposium held in February of this year in College Station. His presentation was a big hit with the audience, and overall evalua- tion responses included the words informative, entertaining and funny.' He received a ' 10' from one attendee, even though a score of only 'I through 5' was to have been assigned! For Award, given to a TMRS employee outside the Member Services Department for support that resulted in excellent service; and the Heart Sponsor Award, given to a city employee or retiree who nominates a Member Services employee who even- tually is the recipient of a Heart Award. Heart Sponsors receive a TMRS shirt of their choice. The awards are given on an ad hoc basis, and just recently were presented to Carmen Austin, City of Westlake Hills; Mike Brewer, City of Mesquite; and Pete Krnavek, LaShelle Ruiz and Mary Ann Valentine of TMRS. Mike received the Heart Sponsor Award for commending LaShelle for helping him obtain a retirement esti- mate within an hour of his request. Pete received the Heart Hero Award for being instrumental in implement- those of you who are unfamiliar with Peter Ricchiuti, he is the assistant dean at Tulane University's A. B. Freeman School of Business and his insight and humor have twice made him the school's top professor. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Money, The Wall Street Transcript and Kiplingers, and he has appeared on CNN-fn and CNBC. He even teaches investment workshops to the New Orleans Saints football team. Please join Peter along with many other Fine speakers October 9-10, 2000 at the Capitol Marriott in ing the new estimate program that LaShelle used to help Mike. Carmen received the Heart Sponsor Award for her letter thanking Mary Ann for informing her that, with service she is able to add through the proportionate retirement program, she can leave her funds with TMRS until she retires. Had Mary Ann not con- tacted Carmen about the proportionate retirement program, her only option would have been to withdraw her account and forfeit her right to a future retirement benefit. Mary Ann received the Heart Award for assisting Carmen. Congratulations, winners! If you believe that a TMRS employee has provided excellent service and would like to nominate that employee for a Heart Award, just con- tact Debbie Jimenez at TMRS. Let her know in your own words why the employee should receive this special award. You could be the next person to receive a TMRS shirt! Austin. The regis- tration fee is still only $100, and includes all seminar mate- Peter Riechit;. rials, T-shirt � (yes, we will have T-shirts again this year), breakfast, lunch, riverboat ride and dinner. Registration forms will be available soon. Come have fun in Austin, and learn a little something about retirement along the way! T L/RS rblu'n .Snrrt 1�6 APrr11000 Quite often, TMRS receives a letter from a retiree thank- ing us for "taking care of her" or for "the extra check (or two)" at the end of the year, and we really appreciate the kind words. Such was the case when we heard from Mrs. Elsie Johnston of Houston, except for one not -so -very minor detail - Mrs. Johnston is 101 years young! She worked for the City of Seguin for forty-two years, and said of her experience, "All of the employees were always treated well." She says she is truly blessed to have lived as long as she has and tries to look at the physical changes that go with age as challenges rather than handicaps. Look for more on Elsie in the May issue of Retirementwire. New Publications for City Employees TMRS is proud to announce three new publications for city employees who help us administer the TMRS retire- ment program. The TMRS Reference Guide for City Correspondents This 150-page binder contains every- thing a city correspondent needs to help active and retired city employees with their retirement benefits. Logically organized, with convenient tabs for easy reference, the Guide pro- vides sample forms, answers to com- mon questions, and step-by-step assis- tance to enroll members and help them through such tasks as beneficiary changes and preparation for retirement. Supplement to the TMRS Act and Rules A small pamphlet, designed to be inserted in the back of the TMRS Act and Rules Book, the supplement contains all the changes to TMRS law made during the 75th and 76th Regular Sessions of the Texas Legislature, as well as Rules enacted by the TMRS Board of Trustees since 1996. 1 Member Services To11 Free: 1-800-924 TMRS (8677) Fax: (512) 476-5576 Spanish Language TMRS Benefits Guide Web site: In progress, the Spanish language version of the TMRS Benefits Guide will be a valuable addition to TMRS publications. City correspondents should have already received copies of the Reference Guide and the Supplement. If you have not received these publica- tions or need additional copies, contact Caroline Toucher at TMRS or by e- mail at: mainstreet@TMRS.org. The Spanish Language guide will be provid- ed on request as soon as it is published. www.tmrs.or g E-hail: capitol@tmrs.org mainstreet@tmrs.org phonecenter@tmrs.org ation: Loc 1200 North I-35 Austin, Texas 78701 li�g Address: P.O. Box 149153 Austin, TX 78714-9153 Visit the TMRS Website at www.TMRS.org and click on the "Get an Estimate" button. After you fill out and send in the form on-line, the TMRS Phone Center will mail your estimate within 1-3 working days (except estimates for divorce). Please allow the post office time to deliver it. Click on "What's New" to see updates to the site.