04/17/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2000 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: April 3, 2000 - Workshop April 3, 2000 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Removal of Tanks on Chambers' Property. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance # 04-06-00 -Amending the Sign Ordinance in Reference to Billboards. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution # 04-04-00- Regarding Loan at GNB. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-lA, 6R- 1B, & 6114C. Property is Located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of Sanger I 35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-1A, 6114B, & 6R 1C. Property is Located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket. 9. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on Property Legally Described as Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-1(to be re platted, if approved as Lot 6114A). Property is Located South of Burrus Supermarket. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on Property Legally Described as Sanger I-35 Industrial Park, Lot 6R-1 (to be replatted, if approved as Lot 6R4A). Property is Located South of Burrus Supermarket. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Amendment to Line Item 58-5420, Contractual Service, in the FY 1999-2000 Budget far the Electric Department. 12. 13. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Sid for Pick Up Truck for Streets/Parks Department. Any Other Such Matteis. Adjourn. g City & Time Posted City & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessi�ile: and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP APRII.3, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill. OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Bryan Grimes - Grant Works 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Presentation by a Representative of Grant Works Concerning Availability of Grants for this Area. Bryan Grimes, Grant Works, Inc., addressed the Council and indicated he wanted to make them aware of the grants that are available. He indicated Grant Works has a client base all over Texas, with five offices in Texas. He gave an overview of the company. Mr. Grimes explained the Texas Community Development Program, he indicated a city can apply for up to $250,000.00 to help with sewer, water, drainage or housing, and went over the requirements for applying for the grant. Discussed various projects funded at state and local levels. Discussed Planning Grant, Mr. Grimes indicated it would cover the cost of land use studies, population studies, sewer, water, streets, drainage, thoroughfares, and Zoning k Subdivision Ordinances. Mr. Grimes indicated they wrote twenty two Community Development grants last year, and twenty one of them were funded. Councilman Ervin asked how successful they had been on park grants. Mr. Grimes indicated they were marginally successful. Discussed the Home Program, Disaster Relief Grant, Capital Fund Programs, Home Partnership Programs, TXDOT Grants, and Rural Development Grants. Mr. Grimes explained the reasons to choose Grant Works, which included a wide range of grants, superior quality of service, newsletters on current issues, experience, minimize local staff efforts, and responsible fee structures. Councilman Jenkins asked when the company was started. Mr. Grimes indicated it was originally started in 1979; however, it had gone through several name changes. Discussion regarding the Texas Capital Fund Grants. Councilman Jenkins asked if they would notify the City of what grants were available and when. Mr. Grimes indicated they would, and that the City would receive a newsletter every month. Discussion. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 3, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glen Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Manger Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Sreets/Parks Supervisor John Henderson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vince Villanueva, Mike Prater, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Morris, Beverly Branch, Bryan Grimes, Mike James, B.J. Hampton, Dawn Goldstein, Jacqueline Rutherford, Randy & Patty Sliger, Shelley Ruland, Steve Hollingsworth, Jim Kastel, Rodney Patterson, Jayne Ashcraft, Julia Beavers, Curtis Gilley 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 20, 2000 - Workshop March 20, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Designation of Locust Street as a Truck Route. City Manager explained there was a workshop on this item, but no action was taken. Councilman Garza indicated they should go ahead and extend the truck route to include Locust Street. Councilman McNeill indicated if they change it, it will open it up, and everyone will want them to change it for them also. Discussion regarding current truck route. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Hampton only goes a'/Z block off of the truck route, he indicated his biggest concern was how he gets to his property, not necessarily where he parks. Discussion regarding how Mr. Hampton gets to his property. Further discussion regarding truck route. Jacquelyn Rutherford, 611 N. Locust, indicated she had not complained about Mr. Hampton; however, she did hear the noise from his truck, and it could be an issue. She indicated Billy Jack is a good neighbor and she respects his line of work, but she would rather Locust Street not be changed to a truck route. Discussion continued regarding the truck route. Councilman Jenkins suggested making a temporary change in the route strictly to handle this unique situation. Discussion regarding the change to the ordinance. Councilman Jenkins moved to extend the truck route from 5`" Street, West on Locust Street, to the Locust Street Driveway of 103 S. 6' Street for Bob tails only for the duration of JPT, Billy Jack Hampton's Company, and when the company ceases to be in business, it reverts back to the original truck route. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Contract Services with Grant Works for Submission of Application Regarding Texas Community Development Grant Programs 2000. Councilman Jenkins moved to grant the future grant requests to be applied through Grant Works for submission of applications regarding Texas Community Development Grant Programs and any and all other grants deemed necessary. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Passible Action to Approve Engineering Study for Railroad Park. City Manager showed the Council the study for Railroad Park, and explained it to them. Discussion regarding the study. Rodney Patterson, Sanger Summer League, indicated they had afield workday on March 4, 2000, and had 80 to 100 volunteers. He indicated they have received donations for the concession stand, and that they have money in reserves. They don't have a lot of money, but have lots of manpower. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Engineering Study as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimously. �. Consider and Possible Action to Solicit Bids for Fill Dirt at Railroad Park. Councilman Ervin moved to solicit bids for fill dirt at Railroad Park. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-05-00 - Amending Connect Fees for Motels. Mayor read caption: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 (UTLILTI'IES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABH rrY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. City Manager indicated the ordinance was left as it was, with the exception of motels, which were changed to $300.00 per habitable unit. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve Ordinance #03-O5-00 as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid on Dump Truck for Streets/Parks Department. Steve Holl11ngsworth,108 Colonial Heights, indicated on International's bid everything was good except for the motor. Mayor asked what the differences were. Mr. Hollingsworth explained the International was horse, which is more powerful, and has bigger tires. truck for the money, it is a $70,000.00 truck with a brakes. Discussion regarding the trucks. a 250 horse, and his was a 340 He indicated it was a lot more caterpillar engine and full air The City Mechanic indicated the Sterling truck is too much truck, and a lot bigger than what they need. Discussion regarding what the truck will be used for. City Manager recommended to go with low bid. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept the low bid of $43,184.00 for the International dump truck as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Salary Increases for an Employee in the Electric Department, an Employee in the Street Department, and Employees in the Water Department. Councilman Jenkins asked why this was brought before Council. City Manager indicated the money in the budget was not budgeted for these people, but from not hiring the other people the Council had approved the funds for. Discussion. Jeff Morris indicated the only increase in his department that is out of budget is Mike Prater, he indicated there was a question about him as a department head getting overtime, and Mike had stepped forward and taken responsibilities from him. He felt Mike should be rewarded with a little more pay for taking those extra duties. He is only asking for seventy four cents over the budgeted amount for Mike. Councilman McNeill asked if his people were licenced. Mr. Morris indicated he had given Council some salary comparisons, and explained through the Department of Labor Program, his people could get a journeyman's card after going through a four year program. The classes are through Texas A & M. Councilman Higgs moved to approve the increase for Mike Prater. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion carried unanimausly. John Henderson, Supervisor of Streets and Parks, indicated he was asking for $1.00 for Jason Boldin, his foreman. He indicated Jason is a hard worker. He indicated it was hard for him to keep people in his department, and he hasn't been able to hire anyone for the amount money in his budget. City Manager indicated Staff recommended to give the increase. Councilman Jenkins moved to grant request to move Jason Boldin to $10.45 per hour. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Eddie Branham, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, indicated when Vince resigned animal control, it brought his pay way down. He indicated he wanted to bring him back up to what he was making. He indicated Vince was his foreman. Councilman Higgs moved to accept it. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Branham indicated Mike Cockrell had been with the City for five years, and has to come in when he's on vacation. There are certain things that only he can do. Councilman Higgs moved to accept this recommendation. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Ervin advised the Department Heads to bring these requests during budget preparation this next budget year, and be sure to plan for these type increases. tt. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): a. Evaluation of City Manager Convened into Executive Session at 8:24 P.M. 12. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Reconvened into regular session at 9:30 P.M. No Action Taken. 13. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Manager indicated the way item #4 was done, there will be people in violation of the ordinance, and asked the Council if they want the ordinance enforced. Councilman Garza indicated if there were a lot of complaints take action, if not to leave it alone. b) City Manager indicated the inventory program is up and running. c) Councilman Higgs asked if they were going to let Fleetwood Homes continue to operate out of a mobile home. Discussed if it was out of conformance. Councilman McNeill indicated when it was passed, he advised Council he would be operating out of a Mobile Home, and if they were not going to allow him to operate out of it, they should have told him at that time. d) City Manager indicated there had been some concern about the cellular phones, and the electric department had two. He indicated Jeff had turned his in. Discussion. e) City Manager indicated there was a problem at the Library with the roof leaking, because it rained before the roof was completed. They had to rip out part of the sheet rock, and will have to replace part of the ceiling. The insurance company has been notified and they are taking care of it. f) Councilman Ervin indicated John's crew worked very hard at the Trash Off on Saturday, and it was appreciated. 14. Adjourn. 4114 /2000 11 4`• AM VENDOR SE'14t 9`� FUNt 1 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 15 ADMINISTRATION VEN' NAME °9-00580 CINTAS COPRt t492 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, 4492 9S••02300 SANGER COURIER 99-02300 SANGER COURIER 99••43280 US METRO REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 1 ITEH T G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECY,# I-492S9es46 401�15-5245 OTHER nPERATI BATS tMnA 004040 I•4925984Jj 001•615-5245 OTHER OPER4TI MATS & MOP 000000 1-30695 001-15_5230 ADVERTISING BIDS NO(ICES,PUBLIC HEARINGS 000000 I�461 001--15-5230 ADVERTISING HELP WANTED 000000 I_044 44i-1;-sU10 TELEPHONE SER METRO LINE 000000 99-03970 TMCCP I-2000 001-15-5235 DUES AND REGI RECERTIFICATION 000000 �*1406490 DENTON REGIONAL MEDICAL 1-30696 001-15-5440 MEDICAL SERVI 3 PRE-EMPLOYhENT PHYSICALS 000000 99-06740 OFFICE MAX I-12080973 001_15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI REQUISITION BOOKS 000000 DEPARrt1ENT i5 ADMIt1ISTRATION TnTAL; AMuur� I 43.00 ZO,00 �6 R.!2 4/14/20AO 11,26 AM VENDOR SET; 99 f11101 ; 001 GENERAL FUND OEPARTMENTI, 20 POL.ICF VEP NAME 99.400270 ANIMAL HOSPITAL 99-01070 GP.LL'S INC, 99-01070 CALL'S INC, 99-02330 SANDER OFFICE SUPPLY 5942330 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 99~03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 59-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 99~03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 59-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 9945420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 9S•405420 SANDER AUTO PARTS 99*05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 94"-0`a750 FISH h CttIRPS 99-05860 PEN IVEY OIL CO, INC E 99-406740 OFFICE MAX 99m07400 105 CAPITAL RG:GULAR DEPARTMEN14 PAYMENT REGISTER ITEM G/L ACCDUNT NAME OESCRIPtION I-13531 001a20-5265 DRUG PREVENTI VACCINATION SHOTS I-53916104 001-20-5375 MINOR EQUIPME 2 F1.41w;HLIGHTS I-53942450 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6 MINI BULB U/ PRONG I-109 001"20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI WALL MOUNT FILE HOLDER I-119 001_20-5311 R & M EQUIPME BLK I11K CARTRIDGE I-11860 001-20-5325 R h M MOTOR V OIL, FILTERS,GIL,LIGHT,DULBS I-11960 001-20-5375 R h M MOTOR V OIL FILTFRS,OIL,LIGHT,BULBS I-11860 001-2O-5325 R 4 M MOTOR V OIL, FILTERS,OIL,LIGHT ALIS I-30405 001-20-5325 R &M MOTOR V SPARK PLUGS & UIRE SET I-30405 001-20-5325 R ,M MOTOR V MIRROR AOHESIVE,MIRROR I-30560 001-20•"5325 R 6 M MOTOR V FILTER,COIL L-30606 001-20-5325 R h M MOTOR V FILTER KITS I-30611 001-2O-5265 DRUG PREVENTI 006 FOOD I'30870 001-2O-5325 R A M MOTOR V OIL, I-12080973 001-2O-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI REQUISITION BOOKS I"47229236 001-20-5345 LEASE EQUIPME COPY LEASE ! OEPARTMEhT 20 POLICE PAGE; o CHEC6(� 00a040 000000 G40000 000000 Oa0000 ad004A 00000a 04044n 04dddd 000000 000aa0 00000a 000400 4daaaa 000000 oonoon TOTALt AMOiltd't 99, S`i 1t,01 34,55 768,66 4/14/2000 11%26 AM 'JF.NUUR SET; 99 F'LRdD 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 22 ANIMAL CONTROL REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VrUN" NAME ITEM t 99�01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, 1"20520 99*003010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-11860 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-11860 ''; 99-0,"�42�? SA'IGE.R AUTO PARTS 99t605420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 99-05420 SANGER HUTO PARTS 9s 05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 99-05960 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC 9S•'05860 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC I�34330 I-3033A I-30551 I-30551 I- 20870 I-308 71 G/L ACCOUNT NAME 041 ••224020 001.•22-53?5 001-22- a325 041-22-5325 001••22-5325 401-22-5325 001-22-5325 4'JI 22-5325 001-22-5325 UESrRIPTION CHECf, DTHER IMPROVE 35 2 3/8 X G PSOT 000000 R L+ h MOTOR V OIL, FILTERS,OIL,LIGHT,DULBS 000000 P, 6 M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS,OIL,LIGHT,BUL.BS 000000 R 6 M MOTOR V GROMMET,WATER PUMP R b Oti°i�RTMENT 22 ANIMAL CONTROL 000000 000000 400000 �eoe0 004000 000400 rGTAL; 3 AMOUNT 338,80 98 0 i7,14 36,99 114,95 6,37 30,25 E,3G 593,34 000000 000000 400000 �eoe0 004000 000400 rGTAL; 3 AMOUNT 338,80 98 0 i7,14 36,99 114,95 6,37 30,25 E,3G 593,34 4/14/2000 11,26 AM VENOUR BET I, 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND UEPARTMENT1 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 VENT 14AME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPT UM CHECINE AMOUIdI ...._._..a_a_aaaam__......__zca_.......r....__aaa__:,..._____________..__....,..,_.._.._.,...._�..aaac..........»_ 99-40580 CINTAS COPR, N92 I-49250646 001-24"5310 R th M BUILDIN MATS G MOP 000000 5,50 9940580 CINTAS COPR, 1492 I-49259846 001-24-5310 R 6 M BUILDIN MATS is MOP 000000 5150 5'4-Qi074 GP.LL'4IPlCI 99-Q:?i94 RITE-4lELO '',�9-42520 S F F M A 99-0309Q AB!r KESOURCES 9'r'-•Q°�8h0 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC 1?91•05860 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC 94'�46744 OFFICE MA?; '?9•-06850 C!JMMUNITY I'HARMAt.:Y '/9-475:;0 THE PERRY f.'L�MPANY I-5L�942454 40i•-24•-5325 I•-96QQ42 QQi-14�•5375 1-306°38 041-24-5235 I-2Q24 QQ1-24�5`?45 I-30874 001�24-5;�25 I-30871 001-24-5325 I-i?i98117 401-24-5245 i-3d0''!J 001-24-5�45 I-230833 001-24-64L5 R i, M MO'(OR V 6 MINI BULB IJ1 PRONG 404000 14,3i MINOR EC�UIPME MEDIC'°AL O;tYt3E!! 00400Q 'I't,Q4 DUES 6 REGIST 23 UUES 404440 391,00 OTHER OPERATI EIiS CE fOR MARCH Q00000 f?Q,04 R 6 M MOTOR t! OIL 400440 34,25 R M MOTOR V CHAIN SAU OIL,MYSTIx 000000 6,36 OTHEt? OFERATI 26 FRAMES 440004 81,24 OTHER OPERATI 6 HEPA'lITUS BSHOTS 000000 i.45,�'0 FIRE FIGHTING 1 5' W.AY ROLLER 044004 204,80 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 1,4:I6,'16 4/14/2000 11t26 AM VENDOR ', T; 99 FUND 1 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 26 MUD}ICIPAL. COURT VuHr '= NAME 99-06:d40 OFFICE MAX i?EGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER GIL ACC:GUN'I' NAME I-12080973 001-26-5210 PAGE t `i DESCRIPTION CHEC}; AMLlUIdr C�FEICE SUPPLI REQUISITION BOOKS 000000 8,72 OEI'ARTMENT ?5 MUNICIPAL COURT TJTAL, t�,72 PAGE 6 4/14/2000 11,26 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR 180', 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL. FUND OEPARTMENTt 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION VFNV NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME 9910580 CINTAS COPR, f492 1-49259646 001-28"5310 99-00580 CINTA.S COPR, 4492 I-149259846 001-28-5310 99..05860 BEN TREY OII_ CU, INC 1-20870 001-28-532`, 99-05860 BEN TREY OIL, CO, INC F30071. OOL-'28-5325 OE','iCRIPTION R t M BUILDIN MATS & MOP R 6 M BUILGIN MATS h MOP R 6 M VEHICLE OIL R 6 M VEHICLE CHAIN SAW OIL.,NYSTIK CNECI; AMOUNT vo aaoa00 3193 000000 3 v 94 000000 30,26 040000 6 t 26 GEPARTME#;T 28 Ei�FORCEMENT/INSPECTION TOTAL.; 44,51 4/14/2000 11;26 AM VENDOR SET; ?9 FUND ; 001 GENERAL. FUND DEAARTMEflT9 30 STREFiS RE60LAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER RAGE; 7 VFN` NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT' NAME DESCRIPTION CNECK# AMOUNT 99"00580 CINTAS CQPR, $492 1-49259646 001*430P•5310 R & M BUILDIN MATS 6 MOP 000000 3,94 994NO0580 CINTAS CQPR, $492 I-49259846 001*3W5310 R & M BUILDIN MATS & MOP 000000 3293 994-00800 CoServe Electric 1-34694 001-3O�5515 ELECTRIC & GA STREET LIGHTS 000000 253494 9911070 GALL'S INC, 1"53942450 00i�30-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6 MINI BULB W/ PRONG 000000 t4,31 99-01490 LAWN LAND I-109609 00110-5325 R & M MOTOR V BEL.TS,REDLINE,HEAD ASSY 000000 238,44 99"05860 BFN IVEY Olt. CO, INC 1-30870 001-3O-5325 R 4 M MOTOR V OIL 000000 30,`8 99•t05860 BEN IVEY OIL CO. INC 1-3MWI 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V CHAIN SAW OIL,MYSTIIt 000000 6,36 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL; i�t=;?U 4/14/2000 11;26 AM VENDOR SETT 99 FUND t 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 32 PARR'; VENT.,,-, NAME 91 to,00C 0DURRUS REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PARE t Fl ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKf Ai9DUN'I' I-30586 OW32-5421 DEAUTIFICATIO DRINKS FOR TRASH OFF 000000 76,66 Dt:?ARTMENT 3u PARdS _____tot opt __r..two _ tom ______ to, _ pop ___..___ top ____ to, to, _ to, _ two _____ lot _ ow, _tot TOTP,L; Yh68 4/14/2000 11.26 AM REGULAR DEPAR'(MENT PAYMENIREGISTER PAGES 9 V[,NDOR SE1'; 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VE'.N, NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT Tov%00580 CINTAS COPR, T492 I-49259646 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS X MOP 000000 7,20 99.400580 CINTAS COPR, *492 1-49259846 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS 6 MOP 000000 /,20 99�•01010 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP I-30270 001-36-5255 WEARING APPAR 5 JEANS R SHIRTS 1 COAT 000000 145.23 9?-01810 MARK MURDOCK 1-37IZ8 001-36-5375 MINOR ENUIPME SOCKET,E;T LGT 000000 42,35 99*403010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-11060 001-36-5375 MINOR ENUIPME OIL FILTERS,OIL,LIGHT,BULBS 000000 S,3E* 9913640 PRO STITCH I-30L569 001w-36-9255 WEARING APPAR 5 SHIRTS W/ POCKE*13 NAMES 000000 36125 99-05060 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC I-308?0 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL 000000 15,10 79-05860 BEN IVEY UIL Cl INC 1%*30871 001-26-5325 R & M MOTOR V CHAIN SAW OIL,MYSTIK 000000 3.18 DEPARTMENT 6 UEHICI_E MAINTENANCE TOTAL; 265,39 4/1412000 11s26 AM VENDOR SE1'; 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 42 Library P,EGULAF DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 10 YEW NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION LHtLoK* AMOUN'1 Yf/.4015)20 LIORARY STORE 1-231255 001-42 5245 OTTER OPERATI 3 PKO DATE DUE SLIPS 000000 7,9O 99-02330 SANDER OFFICE SUPPLY 1-112 OW 42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI PE,►CIL:MARKERS,NOTFDOOK,ENVELO 000000 7.0ti GY 44050 YIDEO BY CYCLING I-597034 4n1-42-6050 BOOKS 1 YIDEO 444044 14400 9917530 ASSOC LIBRARIES PREBOUN 1-3007.01 401�424054 GOOKS 16 BOOKS 000000 W * 97 99-07550 LIFE 4 I-30375 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES t, S SUBSCRIPTION 000000 19,96 III:P�RTMENT 42 LXbrary UENDDR 5ET 401 GENEFAt. FUttO TOTAL: ;?439b 4/14/2000 11,26 AM VENDOR SL'T� 99 FUND % 008 DEPARTMENT, N/A ENTERPRISE FUND NON-DEPARTME'Ni'AI. REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE : 1.1 VENOf NAME ITEM T G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION OUAT AMOUNT YYPS0020 J,L, MATTHEUS COI: INC, I- 8070 OW004111 A/P UNIFORM,T REPLACEMENT TOOL COLRY SPARKS 000000 902,16 DE'ARTMENT NON -DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL, 90tI 4114/2000 11,26 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SETt 99 FUND t 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT# 15 Administration PASS: 12 VEND"" NAME ITEM T GlL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECV;T AIiOUN'I 99-02300 gWGER COURIER 1-20695 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING BIDS NOTIC'ES,PUBLIC HEARINGS 000000 360,00 9912300 SWER COURIER 1-461 008-15�5230 AQVERTISIN13 HELP WANTED 000000 "2,50 OC43260 US METRO I-004 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER METRO LINE 000000 43,00 99-039'Id TMCCP I-2000 d08-15-2?a DUES 6 RESIS'C EtEIiERT IE IL'A1'IOit dd0004 2t) , 00 99-06490 DENTON REGIONAL MEDICAL I-306% 00B-15-5440 MEDICAL SERVI 3 PRE-EMPLOYME?dT PHYSICALS 000000 154,57 �F..PARTMENT 15 Administration TOTAC.t 6:30,0? 4/14/2000 11,26 AM RE6LLAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT PHIDIER PAGE; 13 VENDOR Sill'; 99 I4UN4 000 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 19 Oata Prom3i ;iog VA:N" " NAME ITEM 4 11h ACCOUNT NA14E DESCRIPTION CWECh4 AMOUNT ?94406740 OFFICE MAX lm-12080973 008-i9-5214 OFFICE SUPPLI REQUISITION BOOKS 000000 8t75 DEPARTMENT i9 Data Prcces:;irg TCiTAL, D,�:7 4/14!2000 11126 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VCNtiOR SE) '; 99 liiNl� 008 ENTERPRISE FUNO DEPARTMENT; 36 Vehicle Maintenance PAGE; 14 VINP" " NAME ITEM * C/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CNf_CKf AMOUNT 0(0..00580 CINTAS COPR, W2 1-4025%46 008-3d-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS h MOP 000000 7,20 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, #492 I-49259846 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS 6 MOP 000000 7,20 9�i-01010 POSTER'S SADDLE L+HOP ', 99-01A10 PlARi{ MUROOC�( 9?.1403010 FEBB AUTO PARTS I-30270 I -#7858 I-118d0 99-03640 PRO STITCH I-30569 019w05860 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC I-30870 99-05860 BEN )REY OIL CO, INC I-30871 008•-3d-5255 FEARING APPAR 5 JL'Atd�: !4 'SHIRTS 1 COAT 000000 145,22 008-3f-5375 MINOR EQUIPME SOCE{EL EXT LOT 000000 40.i35 408-3d-;3?5 MINOR E{�UIPMI. OIL EILTEN,S,OII_,LIGHT,BULBS 000000 8 s W 008-36-5255 UEARING APPAR, 5 SHIRTS 41/ POCKETS & NAMES 000000 36,25 008-36-5325 R h M MOTOR V OIL 000000 15.09 OOS-36 3?5 R M MOTOR V CHAIN SAU OILAYSTIK 000000 3418 DEPARTMENT 3G Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL; 2d3,36 4/14/2000 11,26 AM VENDOR SET, 99 IU►dD 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 50 Water GULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 1.5 VET"' NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTIpN CNECY,# RMOI►NT 99.00050 CONLEY SAND b GRAVEL 1-30521 0084'50-5360 R M OTHER 1 T/L SAND 000000 135,00 99-00500 CARROLL. COURTS BUILDING I-32919 008 50-5220 CHEMICAL. S1►PP 10 154LD CHLORINE 000000 4�3.7;T 99�400580 CINTAS COPR, $492 1-49259646 000w50-5310 P, 6 M BUILOIN HATS & MOP 000000 3,94 9940580 CINTAS COPR, *492 1-49259046 008-5O-5310 R 6 M BUIL.DIN MATS A HOP 000000 :3,94 99-*00590 CITY OF DENTON I-30620 000-50-5345 LEASE EQUIPHE 8 WATER ANALYSES 000000 180,00 9902260 S&S TELEMETRY 1-1497 000-50-5360 R 4 M OTHER 1,5 HR LABOR UORK ON SENSER 000000 90,00 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY 1-270004 008--50-5385 DATER PORCHAS VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE 000000 2,750,14 99~02910 UPPER TRINITY I,,.270004 008-5O-5420 CONTRACTUAL. S VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE 000000 7,500,00 99-02980 DATER PRODUCTS INC, I-277378 008�50-5360 R ! M OTHER 6 GLUE CAPS 000000 14,70 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I-277378 008-50-5360 R M OTHER 100 INSERTS 000000 129,00 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I••277378 0084-50-5360 R M OTHER i 6X6 MJ 000000 69,49 9742980 WATER PRODUCTS INCt I-277378 00*'50-5360 R M OTHER 3 PVC CT 000000 416'i 91i42980 DATER PRODUCTS INC, I"277378 008-50-260 R M OTHER MEGA LUGS 000000 220,50 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC. I-277378 002�50-5360 R 6 M OTHER 6" TEE 000000 t39150 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I-277383 008s-50-5360 R M OTHER B" PVC PIPE 000000 1 845, ,00 9912980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I-277383 OOB W5372 WATER METER 4 METERS BOXES 000000 617,80 9S'2905860 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC I�30@71 008-50-5.0 R & M MOTOR V CHAIN SAW OIL,MYSTIK 000000 6936 99-06740 OFFICE MAX 1-12080973 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPL.I REQUISITION BOOKS 000000 DEPARTMENT 50 Water TOTAL% 14,220,57 4/14l2000 11,26 AM P,ECULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER V!=.NDOR stf;f; 99 FUND t t 008 ENTERPRISE FUND OEPARTMENT; 52 Waste Water Collection Vf:N`NAME ITEM 1 99•,00800 CoServe Electric 1-30694 9"1_01290 JU LIGHTING SUPPLY 1_1892 990•02260 S&S TELEMETRY 1-1493 99-05860 BEif IVEY OIL CO, INC I•43OR70 99-05850 DEN IVEY OIL CO, INC 1_30871 G!L ACCOUNT NAME 008*-52®5515 00052 -5315 one-52. 5315 008-52-5325 008-52-5325 PAGE; IE, DESCRIPTION CHU Elk AMOUNT _....._...__. ELECTRIC b GA ELECTRIC SERVICE 000000 253,94 R M LIFT ST 3.55 GAL, DRUM OF DFOD 000000 11980,00 R 6 M LIFT ST PUMP FOR UPPER LIFT STATION 000000 321 X R M MOTOR V OIL. 000000 30,25 R b M ROTOR V CHAIN SAW OIL,MYSTIK 000000 643/ OE'PARTME!?T 52 lla�te Water 1.'allpctlon 'TOTAL; '?,591,94 4/14/2000 11;26 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 1008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 54 ►haste dater Treatment vi:0 NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-02330 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 1�103 OW54-5210 99-03060 UILLIAtiS UEiSTEWATER LAB I�498d7B OOiT--54-527'J 990-05510 IESI 1-10186860 008-54-5420 DESCRIPTION gFFICE SUPPLI PENS LABORATORY SU MONTHLY TEST CONTRACTUAL S ROLL OFF RENTAL PAGE: 17 cHEcr� 000000 000000 000000 gEPARl'P(ENT 54 4iaste dater Treatp�3nt TOTAL; AMOIINT 9,21 t}0 42'.i, 94 t,025,15 4!14/2000 11,26 AN VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 00e DEPARTMENT, 58 NAME ENTERPRISE FUND Electric Department S99••00 580 CINTAS COPR, *492 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, t492 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER ITEM # ril, ACCOUNT NAMF, I-49259646 008-58-5310 1*49259846 008-50-5310 PAGE; 18 QE5CRIPIION CHECK# AMOUNT R M BUILDIN MATS & MOP 000000 3,94 R & M BUILDIN MATS & MOP 000000 3t94 99•'00750 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPL I-2122729 008-58-6020 UTHER IMPROVE OFFSET idIPPLES,STEEL LOC 000000 6,08 99-01240 INLAND TRUCX PARTS CU, 1-73059 008-58-532`; R & M MOTOR V CLUTCH ASSY 000000 'iO3,11 99-01320 J,L, MATTHEWS CO., INC, I-38070 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS TOOLS 000000 147,17 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-30489 003-58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 9 2X4X8 000000 26.32 99' 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC, 1"30488 008-584020 OTHER IMPROVE 2 4X4X8 HARD BOARD 000000 24496 99-01570 LOVE'S COMPANIES, INC, i-30488 009-59-66020 OTHER IMPROVE 1 DOOR KNOB 000000 7.28 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES; INC, I-30642 008-584020 OTHER IMPROVE 9 STOP RUST 000000 29,43 99-02140 RADIO SNACK 1&630591 008-5(3-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 2 WAY SPLITTER 000000 4t99 99~02140 RADIO SHACK I-30593 000-58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE' 2 TWIST ON 000000 2.98 99•002300 SANGER COURIER I-1461. 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVE FEB & MAR SPORTS PADE,HELP WAN 000000 100200 99..02330 SANGEk OFFICE SUPPLY 1-108,110 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 2 TAPE DISPENSERS 000000 12,22 99-02330 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 1-108,110 008-58•-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI PENS,GLUE STICKS 000000 3.45 99,-02350 SCHLUTER ENO, & COMM, 1-16269 008-58-5245 OTHER OPERATI 1 BATTERY FOR RADIO 000000 50,00 99- 10 ROBERT A. SINGLETARY, P 1-00-01 008-593 5420 CONIRA.CTUAL 5 SOUTHWEST ESTATES ,SUB5(ATfOil 000000 220,00 s 5c'..02400 SMITH'S I-539?5 008w58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 75 I14" itUTS 000004 3,00 99-02400 9MI"TH`5 153990 008-C�8-6020 U'1HER IMPROVE SCREWy,NUTS,Bt)LiS,53992 000000 7,80 99-02400 SMITH'S 1-53994 008-58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 3 SPRAY PAINT 000000 10,47 99-02400 SMITH'S 1-54049 008"584020 OTHER IMPROVE 1LB SCREWS 000000 2,99 99-02400 SMITH'S I-54051 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS 3/8" BIT 000000 i0,99 99-02690 TECH[ INE 1-1404643 008-58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 24 REO SPRAY LOCATE PAINT 000000 64180 r9**03020 WFSCD I-713089 008-584020 OTHER IMPROVE 50 PRIMARY PREFORM GRIPS 000000 61100 99-03530 JAMES WOOD AUTOPARX, INT-120931 008-59�5325 R & M MOTOR V PAN GASKET 000000 2'1.25 9?**04010 B&C UNDERGROUND 1-0248 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 150' BORES FOR SANGER LIBRARY 000000 IJ800400 99m04010 R&C UNDERGROUNG 1"249 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 60' 2003 BRROKE 000000 720,00 99-04010 B&C UNDERGROUND 1-249 008"58"5420 CONTRACTUAL S 90' 2013 LANEY 000000 1,000,00 99-04010 B&C UNDERGROUNG 1-249 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 50' 2030 i.ANEY 000000 600400 99-04010 B&C UNDERGROUNG I-249 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 50' 2009 LANEY 000000 600.00 99-04160 COMET CLEANERS 99-05260 RAND MATERIAI..S I-30640 008-58-5255 I-807979 99o-05350 TX EXCa1VATIQi! 0AF`TY SY I-978 008� ;i8-5310 008--55�5420 WEARING APPAR ELECT OEPT CLEANING 000000 R & M BUILDIN Fl_DDR RACY-WARENOIJSF MOTERiAI. 004000 CONTRACTUAL 5 MESSAGE FEE FOR MUCH 2O00 004000 73 ,1(, 316,38 44,84 4/1412000 11,26 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 19 VENDOR BET; 99 FUND 1 000 ENTERPRISE FUND QFPARTMENT; 59 Clectric Department VfN° NAME ITEM # Ch ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99�*05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 1-30551 008-58-5325 R h H MOTOR V GASKET 000000 0,53 99-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS I-30551 000-"iS-5325 R & M MOTOR V rXfENSION SPRING 000000 2,42 Y9~05860 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC I-30870 008�58-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL 000000 30,25 99-05860 BEN IVEY OIL CO, INC I-30871 008-58-5325 R 6 M MOTOR V CHAIN SAW OIL,MYS'TIK 000000 6133 rt9..067�10 QF•F'ICE MAX %-i2080973 008-58-5210 QEF'ICE SUPPLI RE.t�UTS%T%ON ROOKS 004000 8,72 91?47250 C&R WELDING I•68869 008-''2# 5310 R 6 M BUILOIN METAL PIPE RACKS & LABOR 000000 300100 99•40 520 W.W. CANNON, INC 1-23445 008-58-5310 R & M BLIILDIN SHELVE FOR UAREHOUSE MATERIAL 000000 21400,00 99-07540 METAL SALES 99"07540 METAL SALES Z-66205 008-58-16020 OTHER IMPROVE BOLTS,NUTS,WASHERS 000000 I-L6291 008-584020 OTHER IMPROVE 60 NUTS,BOLTS,WASHER 000000 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department TOTAL VFNOOR SET 00$ ENTERPRISE EUNO TOTAL REPORT GRAND TOTAL, 4,20 7,20 9,i35,30 28,717,30 3":911,92 4/14/2000 11126 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 YEAR ACCOUNT 1999-2000 001-15-52f0 001-15-5230 001-15-5235 OWIS-5245 00115-5440 001-15"5510 001•420~5210 001-20-5265 001-20-5311 OW20-5325 001�20-5345 0010420-5375 001-22-5325 001 "422-6020 001-24•-523 5 OW24-*5245 04t-24-5310 001-24-5325 cW24-5375 OW24m6055 001-26�520 001-28-5310 001-28•-5325 001-30-5310 001 W5325 001-3O-5515 001••32-5221 001-36"5255 001-36�5265 001-36-5325 OW36-5375 001-42-5210 001-42-5225 OOi.-•42-5245 001-42-6050 008$ W2111 008-15-5230 000-15-5235 008-15�5440 008-15-5510 008-A19p•5210 008-36-5255 OW36-5265 003-36-5325 000-26-52?b NA'iE OFFICE SUPPLIES ADVERTISING RUES AND REGISTRATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES MEDICAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES t1RUG PREVENTION R & M EQUIPMENT R G M MOTOR VEHICLE LEASE EQUIPMENT INOR EQUIPMENT R & M MOTOR VEHICLE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS DUES 6 REGISTRATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES R b M BUILDING R h M MOTOR VEHICLE MINOR EQUIPMENT FIRE FIGHTING EQUJPMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES R & M BUILO.I'NG R b M VEHICLE R !M BUILDING R d M MOTOR VEHICLE ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES BEAUTIFICATION BOARD 4!EARING APPAREL CLEANING SUPPLIES R L M MOTOR VEHICLE MINOR EQUIPMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES i?AGAZINES i SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOKS A/P UNIFGRM,TOOLS,BGOTS,EQ ADVERTISING DUES & RE61K RATIONS MEDICAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES HEARING APPAREL CLEANING SUPPLIES P, h M MOTOR VEHICLE MINOR EQUIPMENT G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS k* AMgU4T 8,72 4i2.50 2c,cc 3,20 154,58 43,00 19,73 134,14 34,95 dt0,34 186,53 182,97 ?54,54 331180 391,0o 346.44 i1,00 501944) s2, c0 204,80 8,72 7,it7 36.64 7,87 289,39 253,94 76,68 1$1148 14,40 I8,28 51,23 9,05 19,96 7.98 171,97 902.16 4t2,50 20,00 154,57 43,00 8,75 1$1,47 14,40 i8,27 49,22 _:LINE ANNUAI. BUDGET 750 1, 000 1,000 t,606 5,560 2,000 9,800 7.,200 12,100 24,514 3,500 1,000 6,000 6,550 4,750 12,000 4,000 15,000 5;000 ?,000 500 000 1,200 5,000 40,000 2,200 400 700 600 1,525 1,400 940 3:500 5,000 3,00n 1,000 1,600 5,560 2,006 400 700 b00 1 `25 ITEM BUDGET OVER AVAILABLE BUDG 423,1b 1,334.35 44`),00 5,34 , 47 1:162;92 2,539121 1,730,68 9,hr19..33 1,548,15 9,9190,38 20,09011.2 2,G09 t 0131i 297,19 5,h6t,20 2,207484 2:064,54 5,7301OR 72,72 13,162 , i113 3,837,57 i,657,47 233,45 244,00 473,90 438,91 20,313;,87 1,725, 55 6115 500,97 ;?83 , 94 493,4D ITEM BUDGET OVER AVAILABLE BUDG 423,1b 1,334.35 44`),00 5,34 , 47 1:162;92 2,539121 1,730,68 9,hr19..33 1,548,15 9,9190,38 20,09011.2 2,G09 t 0131i 297,19 5,h6t,20 2,207484 2:064,54 5,7301OR 72,72 13,162 , i113 3,837,57 i,657,47 233,45 244,00 473,90 438,91 20,313;,87 1,725, 55 6115 500,97 ;?83 , 94 493,4D b2`;,ki6 289,44 96t,96 1,;50,16 1,384,3`, 1,070,43 2,559,95 h13,90 153,65 500,9G ?h4, i0 485,33 __=GROUP Bt1D6£T====--- ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BURG 4/1412000 11,26 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 21 G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS +:a. YE4, ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT ----�=-GROUP ANNUAL BUDGET OVER, ANNUAL BUDGET AVAILABLE BUBO BUDGET 000-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0172 %7 164',94 000-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 493,75 4,500 21937,46 008%150-'z,310 R h M BUILDING 7,00 MOO 1,273,64 409-50-.�325 R 6 M MOTOR VEHICLE 6,36 MOO 1,545,59- 006-50-5345 LEASE EQUIPMENT 100,00 22,000 7,900,72 006-50�5360 R d M OTHER 2,647,04 45,000 2t,602,54 000-50-5372 HATER METER d� BOXES bi7.00 0,000 1,641,50 000-50-5305 WATER PURCHASE 2,750,14 45,000 22,9,59,69 000-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,500400 92,000 38,319,56 000-52-5315 R h M LIFT STATION 2,301,39 20,000 17,627,41 000-52-532'S R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 36,61 1,000 602,70 006••52&45515 ELECTRIC h GAS UTILITIES 253,94 4,000 1,Q57,t:5 OW54-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9421 250 240,79 008-54-•5270 LABORATORY SUPPLIES 590400 5,000 1,1;14,�I4 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 425,94 4,000 11667,27 006-a0-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29,39 1,000 ?03,15 00Ct-50-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 50,00 2,250 11225,32 006-5+3-5250 MINOR TOOLS 151,16 :�wo 2,943,76 0004-56-5255 NEARING APPAREL 73,26 3,000 390,4D 006-50-5310 R d M BUILDING 3,024:26 t2,000 S'39,09 000-50-5325 R 1 M MOTOR VEHICLE 369,09 10,000 61036,15 009-56-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,064,94 5,000 ;3,252,40- 000•"50-`'S4`;0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 100,00 9,500 6,493,05 000-50-6020 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 265,50 i10,000 128,664,10 �,;- 1,999-2400 YEAR TOTAt.B �� 32,972,91 ACCT NAME +� DEPARTMENT TOTAL;; �k U01-1`; ADMINI:STRATION +?01-'r0 POLICE 001"T22 ANIMAL CONTROL 001-•24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 001-•Z6 MUNICIPAL COURT 001.-20 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION 001-20 STREETS LETS PARXS 001.-36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 001-42 Library 001 TOTAL GENERAL FUND OOf� i1OM-DEPAP,TME1zTAL Y AMOUNT 642.00 OOf� i1OM-DEPAP,TME1zTAL Y AMOUNT 642.00 593,34 1,03I4,14 0,72 44,`It 1,20 76,60 265,39 2019 , 96 4,19S,r1 902,16 BUDGET OUOGET OVER AVAILABLE BURG 4/14/2000 11126 AM REHLAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACK, 22 kk DEPARTMENT TOTALS ACCT NAME AMOUNT 000*1ri Administration 630,07 0001 19 Data Processing C175 00836 Vehicle Maintenance 213,36 009�50 Water 14,22.0157 000-52 Waste Later Collection 2:591,94 00V54 Uaste Later Treatment 11025,15 0019 5bo Electric Departp.ent 91135,30 008 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND 25,777,30 k TOTAL *+ 32,972,92 �k ENt+ fiF KEPl1RT kk April 14, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #4 -Tanks on Chambers' Property Eagle Construction is going to fax a quote on removal of these tanks, I have not received it yet, but will have it at the meeting. April 14, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #5 -Amending the Sign Ordinance The current ordinance is not clear as to what it means to be one thousand feet apart. The state guidelines are attached along with a copy of the current regulations, and the proposed ordinance. The ordinance, if passed, will make the change that billboards must be at least one thousand feet apart on the same side of the highway. This Ordinance has been sent to the attorney for review on verbiage, he has indicated he will try to return his opinion before Monday night. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. #04-06=00 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CPI Y OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 39 PART OF ARTICLE 3.1503 (THE PART OF THE SCHEDULE CHART RELATING TO BILLBOARD TYPE SIGNS), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; CITY OF SANGER; AND ADDING SECTION (M) TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger Texas: That Chapter 3, Part of Article 3.1503 (the part of the schedule chart relating to Billboard type signs) of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texasjs hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION I § 3.1503 Schedule of Uses Permitted Type Sign Max. Sq. Ft. District Permitted Spacing Standard Permit and that section (m) shall be added to read as follows: (m) Billboard type signs may not be erected along the interstate and freeway primary highways closer than 1,000 feet apart on the same side of the highway. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV This Ordinance will take effect immediately after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1'7th day of April, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Institutional Sign. An accessory sign for the identity of a school, church, hospital or similar public or quasipublic institution. Name Plate. An accessory sign showing only the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises on which it is erected or placed. Noncomplying Sign. Any sign that is placed, located or erected on any property or structure in the City of Sanger after the effective date of this article which does not comply with the requirements of this article. Noncon ormin gn4 Any sign that is placed, located or erected on any property or structure in the City of Sanger after the effective date of this article which does not comply with the requirements of this article. Other Terms. For the purpose of this article shall have the meaning normally ascribed in the sign business. (Ordinance 01649, Section B, adopted 6-549) Portable Advertising Sign. A sign which is not permanently attached to the ground, a structure or another sign, is designed to permit removal from one location to another for reuse, does not principally refer to the sale, lease or rental of the real property upon which such sign is situated, and whose message can be changed or altered by interchangeable letters, numbers or panels. Real Estate Sign. A temporary accessory sign pertaining to the sale, rental or lease of the property on which the sign is placed. w Temporary Political Sign. A sign used exclusively to identify a candidate, place or ballot measure for a designated election. (Ordinance 01649, Section B, adopted 6-5-89) § 3.1503 Schedule of Uses Permitted The classes of zoning use districts in which the various types of signs are permitted are indicated by the following schedule: Maximum Area District Spacing Permit Name Plate � 1 ( All Districts � None � No ame Plate 50 ( B-1, B-2, Districts B-1, B-2, B-3 I None I No Apartment 50 All Districts One (1) Per Street Frontage No Business 200 B45 B-2, B-3, I-1, I-2 One (1) Per Business Yes Billboard Type 400 All Districts (with specific use t)ermits) One Thousand Feet Apart Yes Agriculture i 100 A One (1) Per Farm Yes Real Estate 18 All Districts One (1) Per Lots On Acreage One (1) Per 200' Road Frontage No Construction 60 All Districts None No Development j 200 i All Districts One (1) Per Project or One (1) for Each 100 Acres in Project No Garage/ Occasional 3 All Districts One (1) Per Lot or Tract No Portable Advertising 72 B-1, B-23 B-3 145 I-2 One (1) Per Lot or Tract No (a) No sign shall be constructed to exceed the maximum building height permitted in the specific class of zoning use district where the sign is located, except as is provided. In no event shall any sign or any supporting structure to which said sign is affixed exceed a height of sixty (60) feet. (b) No sign shall be located or constructed so as to interfere with or confuse the control of traffic on the public streets and no sign shall use a rotating beacon, beam or flashing iRumination resembling an emergency signal. (c) Any nonconforming sign which is damaged or is deteriorated to a point where its restoration cost exceeds fifty (50) percent of its replacement value shall be removed by the sign owner. (d) No billboard, posterpanel or painted bulletin structure shall contain more than one (1) sign panel facing in the same direction nor more than two (2) sign panels per structure. (e) Temporary political signs shall not be erected prior to forty-five (45) days of the election date and said signs must be removed within ten (10) days after the completion of the election, including any run-off election. Said signs may not be larger than thirty-two (32) square feet in area and not more than one (1) sign for each candidate or ballot measure may be erected on 0000 3-44 Supp. No. 1 one (1) lot or tract of land, except in the case of a corner lot on which two (2) signs shall be allowed. No political sign may be placed, erected or allowed to remain upon any portion of the public street right -of --way of the City of Sanger or upon private property if such sign conflicts with the right -of --way or line of vision of a public street. (Ordinance adopting Code) (f) No portable advertising sign shall be located within ten (10) feet of the edge of the traveled portion of any public street of the City of Sanger. (g) In the various districts zoned Business, no sign mounted at ground level shall exceed thirty-six (36) square feet in area, and no pole sign shall exceed sixty (60) square feet in area. (h) No sign shall be erected so as to project into the public right -of --way of any street or aHey. (i) No sign shall be located or erected within the required front yard, except one (1) pole sign not exceeding eighty (80) square feet in area may be erected on sites utilized by gasoline service stations, drive-in groceries or similar quick service retail establishments; however, such businesses that are located on corner lots with appropriate zoning on all sides may erect a second general business sign in the side yard, provided the second sign does not exceed sixty- five (65) square feet in area, with no dimension exceeding ten (10) feet, and not exceeding seven (7) feet in height. No portable sign shall be utilized on business lots where a second general business sign is erected. (j) One (1) garage/occasional sale sign not to exceed three (3) square feet in area shall be permitted upon the property where the sale is to take place. Any other signs at any location remote from the site of the sale are prohibited, except two (2) directional signs not to exceed (; three (3) square feet in area shall be permitted. Such directional signs shall be free-standing, not to exceed three (3) square feet in area and shall not be attached to utility poles or City sign posts; sign to be removed within three (3) days after the sale by person(s) holding the sale. (k) Development signs will be removed by the developer after completion of the development of eight -five (85) percent of the project advertised. (Ordinance 016-89, Section C, adopted 6-549) (1) The erection of billboard type signs shall require the issuance of a specific use permit. Existing signs shall not be effected by this however; should an existing sign fail to be maintained as provided for in Chapter 3, Article 3.1500, Section 3.1506 or become obsolete as provided for in Section 3.1507, said sign shall be removed anird may not be repaed or reconstructed except with a specific use permit. (Ordinance 03-95 adopted 649-95) § 3.1504 Design All signs shall be designed and constructed to wind pressures as outlined in the Uniform Building Codes the most recent edition as adopted by the City of Sanger. (Ordinance 01649, Section D, adopted 6-549) § 3.1505 Obstructing Traffic Visibility at Corners On any corner lot on which front and side yards are required, no obstruction greater than one (1) foot in diameter or width is pernutted vertically between three and one-half (3-1/2) feet and ten (10) feet above the curb grade in a triangle formed by legs of forty (40) feet extending horizontally in each direction from the property comer. (Ordinance 016-89, Section E, adopted 6-549) i 2. The maximum size limitations apply to each side of the sign structure or structures visible to approaching traffic. 3. The area shall be measured by the smallest square, rectangle, triangle, circle or combination thereof which will encompass the entire sign. 4. Signs may be placed back-to-back, side -by -side, stacked or in V-type construction with no more than two displays visible from any location on a controlled highway; such sign structure or structures may be consid- ered one sign. 5. Signs that exceed 336 square feet in area, including cut-outs, may not be stacked or placed side -by -side. See page 8 for size criteria for directional signs. Overall Height 1. The maximum overall height is 42-1f2 feet, measured from the highest point ofthe sign to the grade level of the roadway from which the sign is to be viewed. 2. The maximum height of an open roof sign having a tight or solid surface is 24 feet above the roof level. 3. The maximum height of an open roof sign, in which the uniform open area is not less than 40% of the total gross area, is 40 feet above the roof level. 4. The lowest point of a projecting sign must be at least 14 feet above grade. Spacing 1. No sign maybe heated in such a wanner as to create a safety hazard, or to obscure or otherwise interfere with the effectiveness of an official traf- fic sign, signal or device. It may not obstruct or interfere with the driver's view of approaching, merging or intersecting traffic. Signs may not be located in an area that will cause" a "driver to be unduly distracted in any way. 2. No sign may be located within 1,500•feet-of any public park, public for- est, public playground or scenic area. 3. A sign located outside an incorporated municipality may not be placed adjacent to, or within 1,000 feet of interchanges, intersections at grade and rest areas along interstate and freeway primary highways. Where there are ramps between the main traveled way of.an interstate or free- way primary highway and adjacent frontage roads, no new signs may be erected outside of incorporated municipalities in areas adjacent to said ramps, their acceleration and deceleration lanes, or within 1,000 feet Ci- 20 r r ■ M 6. 0 de thereof. Distances will be measured along the highway from the nearest point of beginning or ending of pavement widening at the exit from, or entrance to, the main traveled way. See page 41 for an illustration of ramps between the main traveled way and a frontage road: See page 42 for n illustration of typical interchanges. Signs may not be erected along the interstate and freeway primary high. ways closer than 1,500 feet apart on the same side of the highway. Signs outside of incorporated cities, towns or villages may not be erected along a nonfreeway primary highway closer than 750 feet apart on the same side of the highway. " Signs in incorporated cities, towns and villages may not be erected along a nonfreeway primary highway closer than 300 feet apart on the same of the highway. The bu above spacing between signs shall not apply to signs separated by ildings, natural surroundings or other obstructions which cause only one sign located within the specified spacing to be visible at any one time, No sign, other than an exempt sign, may be erected within 5 feet of any highway right of way line. See page 9 for spacing criteria for directional signs. Lighting 1,/w. V JJ:y a r, 'tp Pt,l KAkK tjtol Signs may be illuminated, subject to the following restrictions: 1. Signs that contain, include or are illuminated by any flashing, intermit- tent or moving light or lights or intermittent message of any nature are prohibited, except those giving only public service information such as time, date, temperature, weather or similar information. 2. Lights that are not effectively shielded so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way of a con- trolled highway and which are of such intensity or brilliance as to impair a driver's vision or interfere with a driver's operation of a motor vehicle are prohibited. 3. No sign shall be so illuminated that it interferes with the effectiveness of, or obscures, an official traffic sign, device or signal. 2l April 14, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #6 GNB Resolution Staff needs the attached Resolution adopted in order to borrow the necessary funds for the two new pickups for the Streets/Parks Department, and the Code Enforcement Officer, and the dump truck and backhoe for the Street Department. The total funds borrowed will be $132,783.50 RESOLUTION #04-0400 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF FUNDS; WHEREAS, upon Section IMAM of the Local Government Code provides that the governing body of a city such as Sanger may borrow money based upon it's own credit; WHEREAS, GNB Sanger, the City's Depository, has agreed to finance $132,783.00 plus interest of 6.35% per annum; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, necessary to execute this transaction. Tommy Kincaid is hereby authorized to sign the documents NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE CTI'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: A11 funds borrowed from Guaranty National Bank shall be provided by the terms of the Promissory Note. due and payable as PASSED ,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 17�' day of April, 2000. Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Erwin, Councilman ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Tommy Kincaid, Mayor Jerry Jenkins, Mayor Pro Tem Carroll McNeill, Councilman April 14, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #7 Replat This Replat is for the property located South of Burrus. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval on this replat request. There will be some changes regarding easements on this replat, which will be addressed at the meeting. The engineer for the requestor will be at the meeting to answer any questions. HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS etb WALNUT Hilt LANE •ONE aIEN LAKES •SUITE S00.0AlLAS, TEXAS 752Jt•IJ50. 214TJ69.91T1 •FAX 214E90 J795 6l42 MAW STREET • SUITE 105 • FRISCO, TEXAS 7503A . 972P'2-0b0 • FAX 972/712.4660 1106 CLAYTON LANE • SUITE 410E • AVSTIN, TEXA8 MT23.1033 •61214644715 • FAX 512/454.2433 April 5, 2000 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Sanger I-35 Industrial Park Rcplat Lots 6MA, 6R4B, 6R-1C 2.664 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Ms, Chavez: We have received a copy of a Rcsubdivision flat prepared by Summit Surveying, Ltd. dated April 3, 2000 of the above referenced development. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comuments may be received hom Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The project is located on the I-35 service raad south of F.M. 455 . 4. The property is currently zoned 14-2. 5. The subdivider's address should be shown on the Plat. 6. We are unclear as to why the 0.0009 acre access easement along the service road is by separate instrument. It would be preferred that this easement be a part of this replat. 7. The water line easement within Lot 6R-1C and utility easement within Lot 6R-1B dead end into Lot 6R• 1 A. What utilities aze to be within these easements? A Utility Plan (water, sewer, drainage, electric & 6 anchise) should be provided for review. Offsite utilities, if any, may require engineered plans. Additional easements may be required. 8. The IV building line on the south property line should be shown. F �S.n�er\I J3.17fdwtri�IPuk.Repl�l.wpd Ms. Rosalie Chavez Sanger I-35 Industrial Park Replat April 5, 2000 Page 2 9. Copies of permits from TxDOT for driveways and other improvements withiun the I-35 Right -of -Way should be provided to the City prior to construction. 10. It is our understanding the construction plans for Lot 6R-1B have been provided to the City for review. This concludes our review of the above referenced project. If there are any questions, please contact us at (972) 712-6400. HUNTER ASSO1CIATES`TTEEXXAS, LTD. e9efi 00 * .0 "1 446t* # p� �.... MARK D. HILL Mark D. Hill, P.E. it�'d;.s,�7S�:n o Sr. Vice President tIkFS:c1'�STEALG� cc: Mr. Joe W. Clark, R.P.L.S., Summit Surveying F:�Sin Est\ 1- ] s-tadw en � I Pak. Rep V �. wpd March 29, 2000 To: JeffMorris Fr: Samantha Renz Re: Attached replat Would you please review this replat of Lot 6R-1 of the Sanger I-35 Industrial park, and let me know if you have any comments concerning it. Thanks! (('1 (� { /orjor I output.txt Page 1 PROJECT: 00009 Figure Name: <Null> North: 5025.9988 East, 5279.0816 Course: N 87-33-33 W Distance: 342.774657 North* 5040.5974 East: 4936.6180 Course: N UmMvmo20 E Distance: 277.190383 North:5317.5368 East:4948.4123 Course: S 87-30-41 E Distance: 198.109765 North: 5308.9346 East* 5146.3352 Course: N 01-00-37 E Distance: 25.223109 North* 5334.1538 East* 5146.7799 Course: S 86-09-32 E Distance: 253.604762 North: 5317.1648 East* 5399.8150 Course: S 19-18-17 W Distance: 170.112283 North* 5156.6173 East: 5343.5771 Course: S 26A 6-44 W Distance: 145.673848 North: 5025.9988 East* 5279.0816 Perimeter: 1412.688804 Area: 116040.112843 2.663914 acres Press any key for more... Error of Closure: 0.0000010 Course. S 90-00-00 E Precision 1: 1412688804.28 Page 1 �k-IIff output.txt Page 1 PROJECT: WWI Figure Name: <Null> North: 5025.9988 East* 5279.0816 Course: N 87-33-33 W Distance: 208.000000 North: 5034.8574 East* 5071.2703 Course: N 02-26-27 E Distance: 154.000000 North* 5188.7177 East: 5077.8291 Course: S 87-33-33 E Distance: 273.164945 North* 5177.0837 East& 5350.7462 Course: S 19-18-17 W Distance: 21.685692 North: 5156.6173 East* 5343.5771 Course: S 261ww1644 W Distance: 145.673848 North:5025.9988 East:5279.0816 Perimeter: 802.524485 Area: 37241.484695 0.854947 acres Mathematical Closure we (Uses Survey Units) Error of Closure: 0.0000010 Course: S 90-00-00 E Precision 1:802524484.91 output.txt Page 1 PROJECT: 00009 Figure Name: <Null> North* 5317.1648 East: 5399.8150 Course: S 19-1 &17 W Distance: 148.426591 North: 5177.0837 East* 5350.7462 Course: N 87-33-33 W Distance: 273.164945 North: 5188.7177 East* 5077.8291 Course: N 02-26-27 E Distance: 123.078197 North:5311.6842 East:5083.0710 Course: S 87-3041 E Distance: 63.323935 North: 5308.9346 East* 5146.3352 Course: N 01-00-37 E Distance: 25.223109 North: 5334.1538 East* 5146.7799 Course: S 86-09-32 E Distance: 253.604762 North* 5317.1648 East: 5399.8150 Perimeter: 886.821538 Area: 41446.408041 0.951479 acres Mathematical Closure - (Uses Survey Units) Error of Closure: 0.0000010 Course: S 90-00-00 E Precision 1:886821537.82 Page 1 �. I - c output.txt Page 1 PROJECT: 00009 Figure Name: <Null> North* 5034.8574 East. 5071.2703 Course: N 87-33-33 W Distance: 134.774657 North: 5040.5974 East* 4936.6180 Course: N 02-2&20 E Distance: 277.190383 North: 5317.5368 ' EaSt: 4948.4123 Course: S 87-3041 E Distance: 134.785830 North:5311.6842 East:5083.0710 Course: S 02-26-27 W Distance: 277.078197 North# 5034.8574 East@ 5071.2703 Perimeter: 823.829065 Area: 37352.220107 0.857489 acres Mathematical Closure - (Uses Survey Units) Error of Closure: 0.0000010 Course: S 90-00-00 E Precision 1 * 823829065.26 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 201 Bolivar, 7:00 P-K to Consider a Replat of Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A-1241. Property is located on I.35, South of Burrus Supermarket. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing, Monday, April 17, 2000 at 201 Bolivar, 7:00 P.M, to Consider a Replat of Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I=35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A-1241. Property is located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket Rosalie Chavez City Secretary List of Property Owners: Sanger I-35 J/V % Robert r Strong II 1200 Mainplace Ste. 1600 Grapevine, TX 76051 (Lot 6R - Sanger Industrial Park) Mark Moynagh 4501 N. Mesa Denton, TX 76207 (Lot 4 - Sanger Industrial Park) John Porter Auto Sales P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 (Lots 1,2 & 3 - Sanger Industrial Park) Burros Supermarket P.O. Box 708 Sanger, TX 76266 _t _ City of March 282 2000 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez Re: Replat -Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park The Sanger City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing, at 201 Bolivar St. on the following dates: Planning and Zoning -Thursday, April 13, 2000, 7:00 PM City Council - Monday, April 17, 2000, 7:00 PM to consider a Replat of Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A-1241. Property is located on I-35, South of Burris Supermarket Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request,. please plan to aMend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you very much for your immediate attention to this request. RCar Enclosures 3oi dOLtVAR STREET BANGER, TE7LAS 76�66 94o-4Ss-793o P.O. �07[ S7a 94o-45a-4sdo FA][ PZ 04/13/00 CC 04/17/00 REPEAT REQUEST Considering a Replat of Lot VA-1 of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A4241. Property is located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket. If you disapprove of this Replat Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: ______ I approve of the Replat Request I disapprove of the Replat Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name e 0 9 F !1 E1 Y 4. N a I V) O Z VV) x Z _ r -U)d' ti I� W Z ~� WHO aW c�wv z �pOX WZ rZw W I ° U �'wz D < I0�0 J N U amz coo ¢ m 00 �Wzd m el April 145 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #9 Specific Use Permit One of the lots in the replat on Item #7 will be purchased by McDonald's. They are requesting a specific use permit to erect a sign one hundred feet tall. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend approval by a vote of 3 to 2. A representative from McDonald's will be in attendance to answer any questions. MCDonaid's March 27, 2000 Samantha Renz City of Sanger 201 Bolivar P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Proposed McDonald's Restaurant SWQ I-35 & FM 455 Sanger, TX Dear Ms. Renz: McDonald's Corporation 51 i Fast Carpenter Freeway Suite 375 Irving, Texas 75062 972/869-1888 Fax: 972/869-5380 Please accept this letter as a request for approval of the positioning, size, and height of the detached road sign for the above referenced project. Should I need to provide you with further information, please advise. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully, Joseph J. Collins Construction Project Manager Cc: file C:working:sangersignvariance 20'- " 100'-0" LEGAL NOTICE The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City %I Sanger will hold aPublic Hearing on Thursday, April 13, 2000 to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on property legally described as Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I=35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A4241. Property is located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City Council of the City of Sanger will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 17, 2000 to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on property legally described as Lot 6R-I of Sanger I=35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A4241. Property is located on 1-35, South of Bumis Supermarket Rosalie Chavez City Secretary VA List of Property Owners: Sanger I- J/V %Robert r Strong H 1200 Mainplace Ste. 1600 Grapevine, TX 76051 (Lot 6R - Sanger Industrial Park) Mazk Moynagh 4501 N. Mesa Denton, TX 76207 (Lot 4 - Sanger Industrial Park) John Porter Auto Sales P.O. Box 876 Sanger, TX 76266 (Lots 1,2 & 3 - Sanger Industrial Park) Bumas Supermarket P.O. Box 708 Sanger, TX 76266 City of March 28, 2000 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez Re: Specific Use Permit -Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I-35 Industrial Park The Sanger City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing, at 201 Bolivar St. on the following dates: Planning and Zoning -Thursday, April 13, 2000, ?:00 PM City Council - Monday, April 17, 20009 7:00 PM to consider a Specific Use Permit on Construction of a sign 100 foot tall, on Lot 6R-1 of Sanger 1-35 Industrial Park and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A 1241. Property is located on I-35, South of Burris Supermarket. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request,. please plan to attend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you very much for your immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosures Soi dOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TE7[AS 76266 94o-4sa-793o P.O. do7[ S7s 94o-4Sa-41so FA][ PZ 04/13/00 CC 04/ 17/00 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Considering a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on Lot 6R-1 of Sanger I-35 Industrial Pazk and being 2.664 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey A-1241. Property is located on I-35, South of Burrus Supermarket. If you disapprove of this Specific Use Permit Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Specific Use Permit I disapprove of the Specific Use Permit Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name April 14, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #11 -Amendment to line item 58-5420 Jeff Morris has asked for this amendment on this line item, because there have been some needed expenses that have caused this item to be overspent. There are funds available to allow for the amendment. MEMO T0: Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent DATE: April 4, 2000 SUBJECT: Line Item Amendment Per our conversation, I am requesting that line item 58-5420 be amended so that we can pay two bills to B & C Underground for bores that were done at the library for $1800.00 and one for bores that were done at the Snider Addition for $3000,00. Also, included is an invoice from Singletary Engineering for $220.00. If you have any questions, please call me. CC: Rose Chavez, City Secretary MEMO T0: Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent DATE: March 24, 2000 Per our conversation, I am requesting that line item 58-5420 be amended so that we can pay a bill to B & C Underground for bores that were done at the library. We have a balance of $1762.46 and the invoice amount is $1800.00 which would put us over budget. If you have any questions let me know. CC: Rose Chavez, City Secretary 1 P 201 Bolivar St. P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 ( 340) 458-7930 PURCH�A� E CODE Show this Purchase Order Number on all correspondence, invoices, shipping papers and packages. TE REOUISITION NO, SNIP TO afaq rORDER 30546 REQUISITIONED 9Y WHEN SHIP SHIP VIA F.O.B. POINT ACCTG. CODE TERMS OTY. ORDERED OTY RECEIVED STOCK NOJOESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 60 ' a1z 3 Paa lC � �OI I A 60 70(o oa 50' )Lniam in /a 00 X00 t. Please send copies of your invoice. 2. Order is to be entered in accordance with prices, delivery and specifications shown above. 3. Notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. AUTHORIZED B C;Nj pF Sow5r� Sco �rx 02/4244 (��.! C�,.rb •tom aOrP Curb To dOr� Cvrb To Owt _ # 4 4(Z\ DA1E 3 - 2 7- OD Orr: e A S QUANIM : , CODS �! ' ACCO SX brook i roo O I I MZ 1 +t 13 -o^0 -ry �1 �« C� rb -� w t 2OC L3etj •'.gyp 'J' O I11• f T 10�0 aaenaatant� i April 14, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #12 -Vehicle Bid This is a standard procedure, the low bidder was James Wood Chevrolet, with a bid of $18,028.00. The only other bid received was from Village Ford with a bid of $19,655.00. Staff recommends low bid. F ;/E'12=VNE�1 �irci i`-EE;'1�1t_t Colo/ Jed V zte Fe"i T 1R1J==C:U1'tl.lilt.tt' L'rUCE'55111!{ F 3; F' .L ' =V�)h or d I'ls:an .1 S(ti�)":' - Itdc;)t.tIRY t.:� COP4PLE;TE:. CNGP 5 30 VEEiI C:LE F 1=n(I) I ) ORUF,R CULfF�IRMATIOtI 2000 F-SERIES LU order 11o: 1.1.11 Pr i.oroi LY: D9 Ord FIDE: OR043 Ord PEP : 500A Ct_1s 1:./F 11:. Name: ITY SANGER RETAIL. FI E'.150 4X2 S R/C $156'71:) Y'I, OXFORD WHITE CC c: c4lLC1'I'F1 f_iEIJCE•t 2 MED GRAPHITE WORK S ErtIE S BLK AEkO MIRR: AM/F111 STER/CLk 99L. 5. 4L L'FI V8 ENG 44E ELEC 4—:7)fP AUTO 1.53 FRT LIC BRACKET 572 AIR CONDITIONER 62.7 7'7()0# PAYLOAD 607B . 4•-WHEEL A13;z T311 .LT245 BSW A-S W39 . 139" WHEELBASE 250 NC ].55U 1095 NC 80`_"r 1295 -� q.00 F 2=RC,1;1-1111 1, ( ) UI il�:'i: Or'CIf'i III PO HIJ110cm- X26 250 NC ].55U 1095 NC 80`_"r 1295 -� q.00 F 2=RC,1;1-1111 1, ( ) UI il�:'i: Or'CIf'i III PO HIJ110cm- X26 3. '1'oTAL T )TAL *THIS F1=Hel}) F2=Retu;: rr too Order r St.lbmile F'S=Add Lo L.Lbrary SO III*PRESS F4 TO SUBMIT I K (h it O��lj Dr ct1 t 12414 P:ac:1e: I of 1. BASE AIA1D OPTIONS 21355 21355 IS NOT AN INVOICE* DI`;ST AND DE;LIV j/ //o 6 �5 CITY OF BANGER P.O. BOX 1729 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 The City of Sanger will accept sealed bids at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, on the following vehicle unti12:00 P.M., March 16.2000. Please note any exceptions or explanations to the specifications in the space provided. BID SPECIFICATIONS One (1) 2000 3/4 Ton Pick -Up Truck as follows: (use the space at the left to note exceptions) One (1) 2000 Model 3/4 Ton Pick -Up ���v � 9 /��y �� Cloth Bench Seat 1/ 8 Cylinder Engine (Gas) ,,,fj" '� 7 `� � � 245 BSW All Season Tires s��� �% 104 L% Regular Ratio Axle (373) y Floor Mats 3 �� � Bed Mat. "1 jj� � t%" Spare Tire and Full Size Wheel r� Side Mirrors Both Sides (� AM/FM/Clock Radio 7700 GVWR Air Conditioning SZ �- '� Standard Fuel Tank I/ p i� �/ 139 Inch Wheel Base �j 1 4 Speed Automatic Transmission V Color White Z. � v w � l��� /( 111e�D ex / TOTAL as 3a� .55 22316. 5� MEMO: TOTAL LESS HOLDBACF'. •AND !o ��" ' AF'F'ROX WHOLESALE F I NANCE CRED I T #• -)E• # # # iE # # -iF # iE�E• •if• •3f• # iE # i6 # -�- # -iE• iF if �f• �iE iF # # # # # if• # if• # iE iE iE # iE•)f• iE iF # i INVOICE DOES NOT REFLECT DEALER'S ULTIMATE CO: REBATES, ALLOWANCES, INCENTIVES, HOLDBACK, FIt DEALER OF ADVERTISING MONIES, ALL OF WHICH MA` ###iE•###iC•#iE#it••iE-3E•#�E•#iE#iE••,�•##•lf•###iFif•##iE•if #iFiE•#iE••)E•�•##iE##i THIS MOTOR VEHICLE IS SUBJECT TO A SECURITY IP REM JF'-iKlc(:.� WOOD MOTORS, I PiC. � 1� 04/06/00 12:23 FAX 8174584180 CITY OF SANGER CITY OF 5ANGER P.O. BOX 11A7 The City %F Sanger will accept sealed bids at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, on the Following vehicle until 2:00 P.M., March 16.2000. Please note any exceptions or explanations to the specifications in the space provided. BID SPECIFICAMNS (inn n �nnn zip T.,n Uin�r TTw T'r..�.4 nn �nl�n�s n. 41.o nwnnn of t'i�n �nF! to wnt> nvnnrl-..�«n\ Vaav No jr a.aaW4 aW LV4V noI `YJV auv sraaw ua auv aVLa av aaVw VAV br/LLVaa.T (I) 2000 Model 3/4 Ton Pick -Up ,, ► ''8 Cylinder Engine (Gas) -� 245 BSW All Seasoa Tires Floor Mats ..� Spare Tire and Full Size Wheel `� Side Mirrors Both Sides i '7700 GVWR � Air Conditioning 4 Speed Automatic Transmission Color White 3 C/ 7` ' iALMN 111 • i i Jerry Jenkins Glenn Ervin i- Higgs i- subdivision ! to Chisholm Trail Elementaryschool, ' ' • to add from _water towerAcker Streettothe line onKeaton Road. ir Sincealready have an easement but will need to install a 15" line for over 1400 feet. The cost of the pipe and connections will be appro)(Imately theline on --i to bury thenew lineo-- deep so we can install this line ourselves. Because of the weight of 15" water line, we will need to use more equipment r' i11bu• !U11 no • i - rvy he site for the center. Everything went very well. He said that the company pays for •` �& ,ice • i M''. • • �' • - -1 - Vls - sschool• . • _ _run between FM455 1 • McReynolds Road to be 4 r • divided. Thecost • f the road •o . •' be r. • i f r' • milliondollars. The school would probably • • about • 1 of the cost. aV 1 imb• • ' •Lit,s • . • r i • • r he 100' sign request by McDonalds. l• - �2m