04/03/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularMONDAY, APRIL 3, 2000 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 20, 2000 - Workshop March 20, 2000 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Designation of Locust Street as a Truck Route. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Contract Services with Grant Works for Submission of Application Regarding Texas Community Development Grant Programs 2000. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Engineering Study for Railroad Park. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Solicit Bids for Fill Dirt at Railroad Park. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-OS-00 -Amending Connect Fees for Motels. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid on Dump Truck for Streets/Parks Department. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Salary Increases for an Employee in the Electric Department, an Employee in the Street Department, and Employees in the Water Department. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): a. Evaluation of City Manager 12. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. 13. Any Other Such Matters. ,4 14. Adjourn. Rosalie ez, City Date/& Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible ani�` accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. March 31, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary I am attaching the information I received today, concerning the presentation by GrantWorks. The additional memo from Eddie on his employee, Mike Cockrell, has been added to the agenda. Eddie will address this item at the meeting. March 31, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary A Lo Rev F.ngineer�ing Sbid344 fnrRailrnad Park This item was added after the packet went out. Mr. Smith felt that the Engineering Study on Railroad Park needed to be approved before the City solicited bids for the fill dirt at Railroad Park. March 31, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary On Item #9, we deleted re awarding of the bid on the 3/4 to Pick Up. James Wood Chevrolet contacted us on Friday and advised that they had located a truck without hail damage. Mr. Smith advised to proceed with the original bid. James Wood was notified to send the truck at the original bid price of $18,028.00, March 31, 2000 To: Jack Smith. City Manager FR.: Eddie Branham, Water/wastewater Superintendent Re: Personnel During Budget Preparation, I had budgeted for additional personnel, one was to be designated for the Water Department as a Utility I worker, the other position was to be filled in the capacity of a Wastewater treatment plant operator. Due to an error, both positions were placed in the Water Department at $7.25 per hour, the position of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator cannot be filled at this hourly rate; therefore, I would like to see Mike Cockrell's hourly rate raised to $16.00 per hour. Mr. Cockrell is at the present time the only certified operator. Mike and I are awaiting results of the wastewater exam to determine if his level of certification will go from C to B. Mike has been performing this duty for the last five years, and when he was hired originally, he was told by the previous Superintendent that within three years he would be at a rate of $15.00 per hour. I feel that he is a valued employee, and deserves a reconsideration in this matter. I hope that a typographical error during budget preparation will not be a determining factor regarding this. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP MARCH 209 2000 PRESENT: Mayor to Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Steve Hollingsworth, 1. Mayor Pro Tem Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Water and Sewer Connect Fees. City Manager addressed the Council regarding connect fees, he went over a fee comparison he had done with Corinth, Denton, Aubrey and Krum. Discussion regarding the fees. Discussion. Councilman Ervin went over some rates he had received from someone in the water Department at the City of Denton, they would be comparable to Sanger's rates if Sanger's were dropped to $1,000.00 each. Councilman Garza indicated he did not understand why there was a difference in duplexes and apartments. Discussion regarding apartments and duplexes. Councilman McNeill indicated the purpose of these fees is to raise money for the new sewer plant. Discussion regarding how apartments are billed for water and sewer. City Secretary indicated they were billed on calculated minimums. Discussion regarding the impact on the sewer system. Councilman McNeill indicated by the discussion he felt maybe it should be left as is. Discussion regarding the fees. I Discuss Possible Changes to the Truck Route Ordinance, Councilman Garza indicated Billy Jack Hampton was the only one that approached the Council, he felt they should just talk about this, not the whole ordinance. He felt they should take action on the one petition, and not worry about the rest of it at this time. Mayor Pro Tem indicated they should discuss it, and make all changes at the same time. Discussion regarding Billy Jack Hampton's request, and where he parks his truck. Discussion regarding other people who drive trucks in town. Mayor Pro Tem read the current Truck Route Ordinance, and indicated that Locust Street is half of a block off the current truck route. He indicated maybe consideration should be given, but if so, what about the other situations in town. Discussion regarding current truck route. Mayor Pro Tem recessed from the workshop at 7:00 P.M. Reconvened into the workshop at 8:25 P.M. Councilman McNeill indicated he would like to see the truck route left as is, because once it is opened up, everyone will want it changed for them too. Councilman Garza indicated he would like to give Billy Jack Hampton the half block. Truck route discussed further. Councilman Higgs indicated he agreed with Councilman McNeill in that if you open it up, you got a pandora's box. Discussion continued regarding the truck route, Mayor Pro Tem indicated Billy Jack Hampton is on the truck route; however he is having to go off the route to access his property. Councilman Ervin indicated he felt it should be left as is. City Manager indicated they need to decide if they wanted to pursue the letter of the law. Councilman Garza indicated there will come a point when they will have to amend the truck routes and add more streets to it. Lengthy discussion regarding truck routes and businesses that use trucks in town, 40 Adjourn. MINUTES: CITY COUNUEL MARCH 20, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Streets/Parks Supervisor John Henderson, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Belita Morris, Ken Watson, Steve Hollingsworth, Mike Lawler. 1. Mayor Pro Tem Called Meeting to Order, City Manager Jack Smith led Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 6, 2000 b) Disbursements Councilman McNeill asked if the inventory was in place for the Electric Department. City Secretary indicated it was 98% in place, but they were still working out a few bugs. Joe Higgs moved to accept the Consent Agenda. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-05-00 -Amending Water and Sewer Connect Fees for Apartments, Motels and Nursing Homes. City Manager indicated Council needed to make a decision at some point regarding how to calculate these fees for apartments. He indicated other cities calculate these fees differently than the City of Sanger, so it's hard to compare. City Manager indicated he did not find any information regarding Nursing Homes. He continued to explain that the City will eventually need some additional affordable housing, and developers will be less likely to come with these fees as is. Discussion regarding the fees. Councilman McNeill indicated he could vote to leave it lIke it is, or drop it to $1000.00. Councilman Higgs indicated he would go with his figure of $1050.00 or $1150. Mayor Pro Tem indicated every place in town has a waiting list, and there is a need for affordable housing. He indicated he could vote for it to be lowered. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see it raised to $1000.00 each for water and sewer, and according to his calculations at this rate it will be the close to Denton's rates. Councilman Garza asked what the difference is in apartments and duplexes. Discussion. Councilman McNeill moved to deny the ordinance. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Councilman Garza asked the City Manager to come back to them with a proposal on Nursing Homes and Motels. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to Beautification Board. City Manager indicated that Nel Armstrong had asked to replace Carla Tipton because she has not been at a meeting since her appointment to the board. She recommended to appoint Jo Ann Bell. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Jo Ann Bell to fill the unexpired term of Place 7 on the Beautification Board. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to the Library Board. City Manager indicated the Home Rule Charter stated that members of boards must be residents of the City, he indicated four members of this board are not. on Councilman Ervin indicated the Charter stated that Council shall publish in April or May for appointments. Mayor Pro Tem indicated he did not have a problem with delaying or making the appointments. City Manager indicated three out of four places expire July 1, 2000, and maybe they should publish and fill the places then to comply with the Charter. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Polly Dwyer to fill Place 2, Russell Madden to fill Place 4, John Springer to fill Place 6, and Glenn Shaw to fill the unexpired term of Place 5. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Amendment to the "Appropriate Library Behavioral Guidelines." Vickie Elieson, 201 S. 1gt, indicated a Library Board member noticed someone at the Library that she felt uncomfortable about, and did some research verifying that he was a sex offender. The Board felt strongly there should be some type of formalized policy about sex offenders and how to deal with it. Mrs. Elieson indicated the procedures have already been put into effect, basically they wI ll monitor web sites that furnish this information and become aware of persons who have Library cards and are sex offenders. They will also monitor when these people are in the Library, and specifically if they have any contact with children. Councilman Jenkins asked if they intended to limit the access to the Library by the offender. Mrs. Elieson indicated they did not. City Manager indicated he had spoken with someone at the District Attorneys office, and to his knowledge, there is not a single convicted sex offender that part of their probation is to stay away from children, so they shouldn't be there anyway, and the District Attorney wants to know if they are there. Mrs. Elieson indicated she had not seen the final policy submitted. After seeing the policy, she indicated it was not what she had understood would be turned in to the Council. Discussion regarding the first sentence of the proposed amendment. Council agreed to get a legal opinion before accepting this amendment. Item tabled for legal opinion. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bids -Vehicle Bid, Backhoe Bid, and Christmas Decoration Bid. Breakdown of bids is as follows: 3/4 Ton Pick up for Code Enforcement Officer: Karl Klement Dodge- $18,988.05 James Wood Chev: $18,028.00 Jim McNatt Chev: $19,064.92 Brown Motor Co. - $20,016.75 Case 580SL Series 2 Loader Backhoe for StreetslParks Department: Future Equipment - $53,530.00 Christmas Decorations for Beautification Board: Arnett Marketing - $19,194.56* (lowered to $16,114.56) City Manager indicated the 3/4 ton pick up was for Code Enforcement, he indicated one of the Council members had asked him if a 3/4 ton was necessary. One of the things that was discussed with the Department Heads was that if one of the vehicles went down they could utilize this truck, so they bid a 3/4 ton. Brief discussion regarding the size of the truck, City Manager indicated James Wood Chevrolet had the low bid. Discussion regarding the Case Backhoe. City Manager indicated only one bid was received for $53,530.00, he also indicated they had held off on this purchase to keep the payments within budget. Discussion regarding options. City Manager indicated in budget preparation, Council had specified $18,000.00 for Christmas Decorations. He indicated $1400.00 was spent at Christmas time, which left $16,400.00. Jeff Morris spoke to Arnett Marketing and they lowered the pole ornaments from 40 to 30, which lowered the bid to $16,114.56. Motion was made by Glenn Ervin to award James Wood the bid for a 3/4 ton pick up for $18,028,00, the backhoe to Future Equipment for $53,530.00 and the bid fro Christmas Decorations to Arnett Marketing for $16,114.56, Councilman Garza seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Manager indicated Walker Texas Ranger would be filming again in Sanger. b) Councilman McNeill said thanks for the clean up job at Jack in the Box. 10. Adjourn. 31301MO, 4:17 Pi! 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Af,f,OUP?1 flrlf'iU OtSCRII'T1(IPI CRkCKii` APiOUPII 99-00390 Uil_l UTTER CORD, TllC. I-1 3189 009-29—c,32S R S D MOTOR V 'I HFAH CHE RACK 000000 I11.02 n�' Oi31�; ,)lU NCNfiI'I CNi`VROIiT I-136`i6fi 001-22-0326 9�s—Oi,,CO I.AIlSOPI ?ROOUCIS [ 1Ai32(13 00t-��—}326 9g-011k3 106;['S COP!1'RPIIES, IPlf,. 1-3();;57 04)l 'l"/._520 g ili01Q 0!lf'S Cf,P;tA1;S S, iNC, T-39A1.9 (lilt .f,206 gq O2[10 i;CPiEiIT P"PE1 CP,i�DICA i-79391 00i-1t-`;223 99 0290 'lERPIER �,'lENlCfsl I—'30413 (;OI <2 ,2?; ',4--pC.I%ff S"NGFR AU10 'r'ARI�; 1.2t;t)'/6 Oflt �1-S'ii.'S 99-0 270 AtA-OFNIOPI FIRE & SAFET I—I43RO ();1-(2-1)32S R D N�O1OR V SIrITI� I1dS?EC(Itil, 600600 12.yC R & ".1 MOTOR V ilU(S,l-lASII��RS,FUSF:i,l,UIRS,,AI_f;l;P 00i304G 2b.20 P1t1lOR TOOLS CAPP OPENER 0{10000 t4,9R Nl'r1OR TOW 24 ?AILS HIM 8S.l9 Cl;ENICiii SUPr S CRI, D75Ii11ECIC,PII 1109(a0(3 ;4.Sta C,{,EOICAI. SU�'P AC.ROSAI COR ANIPAI SilEI.IFR 03G(i(76 211i,29 R F U MOTOR V EKPkPIS[ON PIOfi,$RUSfl SEi t100(1OG �Itl' R & P1 PiOIi)R ;' c itECNRRf;E,2 PUI_i P1N 0000O0 9.0C DEPRRINEPIT 22 RPdI}',AI. COPlIROI TOiAI; `�64,80 313012000 461] PiI UfHn0R UaI GFNfRU1 fUND )FPP,RTUF1rT: 2!1 FIRf. OF_PRRTCHI FNT RF6uIAR 0EpARTIlF111 POYi1f111 RtGIST E R 5 VF(1) NDi E ITfN Gf 1. r,r,OUPyT NINE DESr,RiPTiOlI CPdfCK4 DMOUPIT g_aaS80 C,IPAS C0PR, 4492 I-49255I50DI-24-5:310 13 F, N 8llll01N UA S & 110P 00000a ia.5a y4 DOS80 CINTRS CDPR. 49? 1 492f9251 a01-24-fi`sIa R & N UIL01N hA fT & MOP 3a0aDIV, S.Sa 9`?-005P,0 CfPITO,S C0PR, 4492 I-492f,94150 001-24-5:310 R £ O rUIIDIN 111ITS & MOP a00000 5,50 99-Ga640 CO�1ak'RCIDI. SFRViCFS I-3a�161 a01->4-`:;4f ",-9-6'i31a ;III 1GN(�I� f}1FVROl,fT I I3?99i Dal-24—fi32 gq 0150tf I,(;1:lSON PRODUCTS 99 C,'i��la NNR1; UURDOC}; 49-a219a RITF-61EIwD I._14231Oa atl-7p-S?i(, I-31511 aai-24.53r'S 1-9&D999 Dal-24-53i5 gp_02'1Sa SOUTIII.)(:SiE.RN f.l-I_ �OSTI. 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NU92 I T425�idS3 OQ1-SQ S 1Q R & M GUIL01N MATS & I101' QQOQOQ 7,75 g9-0(,SUO CT1#Th,5 COrR, N492 I-092SS251 OQ1-:3Q-S31Q + & M UURO IN MRIS & MOP 000000 3,94 99-QQGQt1 CiNT05 f,OPR,U42 I-R9l;UgSQ 101. 3Q-G31Q R & M BUILDII# MftTS r, i10P QQQQOQ 3,ON S9-0Q690 COC1NFi7CIGl. SERVICE; P9-Q130Q 10GOF-PUOLIC CO, 49Qi5QQ lRblSOiv PP,60Uf,TS i-347TY';r 001-30-S:;IQ I-7>�232aa QQ1 () 535 9q-Q23I,Q SC1il.U1"CR CI#f,, f COMM, 1-1o7b2 QQ1-:SQ-{i2TS 9`3 fi301Q !`f?G AUTO DARTS I-I1311 001-1f) 532S R4-03Q1l; IJF60 RUTO PRRTs 1-11S33 0 0 1 - 3 0 S32S 44 05170 #IORihERf# I.1&2SC,T1 tt?' �(; S2r> 1,1)-06270' AAA-0FNTON FIRE & SOFFT I-113,363 i10 3I-03 S R fF fi ;UI1-DIIl if.SF Oh! IC� i1,",KFR QQQUQO %S,QQ STi?fI1 Mhil#i✓ RSPfi�I-T QC"QrQ r„l.Q„ R & M MOTOR V hlUlJyllhS#iERS,FUStS,GU;BS,"lt!RM QQQOQ ?6,213 OTSCR Ol't:P,OTI 2 NYLON CFtSFS 1=0R RROIO Q9Q0QQ 2Q,Qt'i R (x IA "OTOR V � OII F(I"(CRS QOOQQQ 1:;,65 MOTOR v AIR IITFR l70QQ41Q 20,3Q R' f� " 110TOI1 V 1tT PUMP QOQDOQ 1Ql1.74 RIM QiOR V S RFC#fRRGC,'l. PUII Pitt 0QQQ0Q P.OQ GEPQRTMFf,T 36 STRE[T'; TOII: 911,51 3j3d)�2000 $:1/ ill VE l,1)0R SET: 99 001 GENEftRI FUND AR(Ulf l: 3% I}ARKS GIIIhi' 0EPAR1NiNT PAyYi F 11 rT RI[GTS(ER VEN00R ,ARE ?I-:Ii U Gf I t`;CCuUPIT PJ�if1i iIESCftIPTTOPI CIIrC'r;a OUPdT 9-0053Ci ICY OF 0EIli 011 I-5$q3 001 ;2-r,2t1 I'sPfDSCNPE nGi 0YN0 i)1i?i 000000 St,0,00 95-01.`iS0 IOIIFIf,F IONDSf,OPE i-30:t60 001 52.5?11 !rNDSCOPE NPT 1 BORER KTI.IfR 000000 6,9b 99-01550 I0VEI,ACE IRN0SCAPE T-30360 00'1-3? 621,1 LhN0SC0PF IiAT 1 ERRTNIdAY SifRFAOf_R 11RNiS 000000 13,95 59-015&0 LOVFIOCF I.ONOSCRPF -30360 C01-^s%-5211 101fOSCfiF" f11T PE RENNiAI RYE 000000 55,9 99-01{i60 IOVEIFICE 10NOSCRPF 13C;60 001 32-5 11 InNO:SC^PE NA 1 fiNiNRI R Y F 000000 i0,71 49-4}`2330 SRNGFR 0FFIcF SIJPPIY I-06b4' 001-32-;`t21 rFAuTiFICOi10 t,ECEiPr 800K 000030 &,07 9q.C2g50 SOUT11(1)ESTFRN, 0s;ll UOBII I-30F,fii 001 32-5a20 CFIIUIAR P!10N Ri0811, ly Ph0N;:S 00 Of 000 g" 05680 iIS dt1JR3 l 001-32-5 11 BA t I=IF1-D 11A 1 8i9SF. Sc ,e1dJ000 1iiT,5_' "9 06R10 KAI-0N PROPFRTY i11,TNIEr!R T.-10Il 001 3C..}246 0Ti{ER OPFRATI 3A CLOU PRFVFUTON .IFy.i 000000 5d).00 44-07160 PROVIDENT iTI,I;NCIAI. Ifl^ 1813 00 53Q3 i3iA F[El0 Ill 24,5 TONE; ij! FItII) CONI01T10NEtot 1)00000 4ftt 99-07500 ;UNIIIT SUPPLY i i7453 301 ? 5i60 R S f1 0 H F.R PI(}Y GROUNi) EQUTPUEN1 0100000 3910 95 °9-07Soo SIII NU1T SIJPPI -Y i-17453 0;}1 ,2 .`„J1 R " fE UiP1F pI Y G'Rowo I(�UII) Ffl% 0000()0 ;4(k 9Ili I)PRR119FNT 2 i'nRK`� iOTi?I: 34�)°5,:i 3j3~j'CrsO ;f1 P ;rGIJI,IR OEifANI NI OAfFl� N l }:I;ISTCR 0R sFr; N AI 'ruN1) fit;?fir+iUi.ir1 iy VEHfCLF NAiNIffIIANG Pr16E: t0 dF!dOU4 It h Sl ij, i ijl. d{CCIJUI }ifiUE 71 JCC['17rP f,f;CCl;d 1UCUdd1 CLEAINTNdl SUR? HM HOP 0O00 0 t4.1` 49-)Oa1% CJf+"CIIS COrR id";? I 19C,9'r;1 001 ?h-0265 CLfnMJIdG SUPP DiTti & MOP J00000 7,20 q, GOO;,' Ci!JTnS COPR, ufi9C 14192i94 00J-3b C?S5 CIFS1dING ;U AT & S90P 0O0Or1u 7,20 99—V1 00 t, A 011 Pr,0DUCTS i, lfl 0i', ,F c„?S Pi Si 1'1 m 0f0Si V N u T ,wnSiiCI;S,FUSCS,U,UI l1111,ARS G0000(i '3.09 ,:"-41b2?% n(wn-OFfeS01d F[RC a SRFET f-i93F0 601-35 C32r, lNOR FQUSPME 1 CME FOR RAM OWHO 10.00 R & U MOTOR V 6 RFCHRRCIE,2 FUS1 PIN 0000G0 U.CO !iCPnRifEh,T :,b 11C};ICLF UpI}dTCIdC}!CF COTni-� 51.09 \2\9: 299 xG9 » 5 « xx«r99 x9/xNT a 2J2b Jx9 C99:«bJ»2 99EI«299 9 «; S «99 9x 99> \:«J91xx »«u29; JRS xJx ««69 Sla29@:;922 »d2; #C9«2r «JrJ99TJa2« 2225 229 22Z g259 9«5R»x»S br « « c 9 Lou SIS N Jr »2«Z 2»p««! »2«! 9»9«2! :;ldJ2;9E6239: z:;9JS:SS 222 969 5J: 2 9 9 17 »9J«« « «JSx J92 222 2£9 ifi tA IIt t r>r;rr; r fllr�rt �hS�r±I�)Idr� L"�i'rf,i�'K'. nii(jUtir "y nU,11C C rl J IIITOU9L U SUPPLY i-i) 95 Qf11_it_r2 3 rUII.DIP)f ;UpIP CL`ANING SUPPLtr"S Or:Pnr?r"�rPII Ga CommuniUy Cant.rar IU)hi.. i7.GU VF_fIpOR $F( E+U] Gr;FRRL rUrf(i nr.l"RTliE T rk't'E f R GI'ISTER PAG,L: 3 VFN f? SEf: 99 00r ENTER0RI3F. FUP?Cl F,'t;RTUFflT: i{, 11 i,r«linn vtiPiU07 ilnGi: ITEi'j !` ,;fi RCCOU111 Il C'1 Dt:CRIi'I10N C';4,ff,7r 1U0U11 99-00G70 ;&I. .lRNIIORRI Ff SUPRIY I-14196 OOR-i5 c,240 0 T H E R O?EROT1 CIFA111NG SURRIIFS 06000t) 17.4) 99-01190 HUNTCR RSSOCIGTFS 14 6452 H8-16-Sh60 FOUN FERING F GOIF COURSE ?RO,1EC'1 000000 165,S3 99 ('11El70 10WE'S COP#RRfl11S, Ih1C, I-30`.S2 008-i5 >310 [ hl SUI1I)1N 2 M1R 1C, 000R IsT0P OUST MRSi; 000000 6: S0UikWFIE I RN 13 0IL 0I-31;!>61 000-15-,Wv0 TFIi:RUChd` SFR h08IlF R11O11FS 00000i7 53.93 i)i�PORRT"F111' i.6 RUministrar.ion TOlfil; 'a1.6t9 31301?000 R,11 PU VENoOR SET 99 003 FNURPRISF SUNG GEP9RTMEld(: 10 Gata Processing RFGUAR GFPARTHENT PAYMEU I?iGI0r,R PAGE. l.q UEId(lOR PICME ITEM r rJl. ACCOUi1T NAMs. li:Sr,RiPTIOI; CHFCKK AIfdUNT 90 007'20 0ATANATIC.00M, LTA, t-033404 DDR-I9-531C> R & Mi MACHINE MONIHLY h4A1NU NANCE 0D06dD %7j1.36 S4-D�'06�9 PITNEY udllES T-NR.DD 99-D�33D SfiNri:R OFFICE SUPPLY I-1D1 ADO-19-E315 R r M MACf31NE QTRL`t CHARGES FdR N;,IITNG ;QUI 30DD00 DD01°-S21D OFFICE SUPPIC FPSON INK CART 000000 99 D241E) VrIiTNG OFFICE rROGUCTs i-3322Di D08-iC: f�3iD OFFIr,F SOFFIT 1,",BFt TAPF,CAICUTAI(iR GDDDDD 99-01910 VIKING OFFICE PROOU MT 1-313Ok 000-19-52 io OFFICE SUPPIT PERSONNEL FOIOERS,MR[i IAGELS 090001) �aDs.GD P2.SS 6431 2Ci,36 GEPARTMEidT 14 Data Processing iOTfiL: �378.bD 3J301990 211 J «9J:»62xv 9dINTREG MOOR «« 9 / \ ; a! axpP» 9x xr\1 « 6 «cI Hait v, 9 »; J «a« 9# 99! \rx9al9x Jxg99� 9R9 9x2 00 S23 9PR »99 J6««3; Jegx 96mA «## J2! 5«69 Sg5c0PR »92 a6««»; J92x x9 920r aaa EJ Saba 2afit 9R.J9 1-49399 a«««45 J9gg ap HATS :xr OHM EJ 925g 9«b 9JxS CH2a� J6«««: 9429 «JJ9 d«19R. »S») 56««2§ «49J 66J9b SE;54!»2«J a6x««r ::l99r7x52»J5JSS2JSJ9x 9aJ SJ§ 99:92ArI9x 9�99m g4A 9J! riKb9:7KJ99x29E2§ x9g «9 J6Jx9 x «Gd,bbbac, 99b 5J: q/q/2� 3130112000 1.141.7 PH y 77y( A'( T[08 ENTERPRISE FUND �.)F P AR NE N : SO Id fl�r GUTAR OFPARINfNI PAYUEhII RE6ISIIR PAfi:, i6 VENOOR hlANf IifN r,Jl ACCOUil1 ilAiF OESCRIPTIOid CiIECKE AiiriUh?T 99-00580 CINTAS COPR, u492 I-490MI'S3 008 `iS)-5:i10 R £t r, BUIlOIPi NAIS & 1101, 000000 7.75 9940580 CINTAS COPR. M 2 I-49259251 008-50-5:310 R S + BUII,OIN NA"IS & MOP 000000 3094 99-UFA0 CINTAS COPR. 492 I-�19269450 008-U0 Ui0 R F if `PAIILDIN HATS & MOP 000000 3,93 99-00590 (:ITY OF I)fNIOh! I-30411 008.50-5377 l=lAikR TESTING, BAC(ERIOIOGICAI. 1fSTING 000900 60.00 99-00640 COIiNERCIAI. SERVICES I-30487 008-S(+-53i0 P & U r3UiID1N LEASE Oil ICE HAKE R 000000 25,00 99-00750 OEAI.ER'S rLLCTRIC SUPPI (--030430 00r-50-b020 OTHER I11PR0VE 0F,A[EIL I S FiFCTRIC SUPPLY 000000 338,33- 99-00750 DFA[FR'S FI-FCIRIC SUPPI I-2.121213 008-SO-6020 01'tIER IitPR0V( 3 C0ll0UII COUPLING 000000 0.79 99 00150 OFAIER'S EtFCIRIC SUPPL I-21212t:3 000-50-6020 OTHER IfiPROVE 3 ENT CAP 000000 27.54 99 00760 0 E A L I R I S LI F C I R I C SUPPL I-112'1273 00S0-6020 0T11ER Ih1PROVV 5 S Q U A R T 0 30 ANP 000000 310,00 99-02310 SANirFR ORUf SIaR` I-3O'i5�, 9902400 SMITH'S I-6A021 99-02400 SMITH'S I-S4031 39 02450 S0U'IfWFSTERN BEI.I H081,L I-30561 Oo8-5a-s360 („s6-as-s36a 008--50-5360 a0B-Sa-552a R & it 0 iiifR R N a1IHER 5 sA6&6RFTF 1f2 BOLTS CELLULAR Pilaff; HOBILF PHONES 0(+000,9 aaa0oa B0,}00C' c,.3aoaa 17.45 3.1$ "160 iTi4RCf, I-30,20 008-50 5335 PtRMIT FffS SYSTEP FEE 00000(, 7"t.08 99.-07.820 TRACTOR 'SUPPLY CO, 1: 30378 008--50-S250 iINOR TOOLS r3EO HAT 000 0 00 79.99 99-02820 TRACTOR SUP'PL't CO, i-30378 00i-60-5250 MINOR TOOLS HITCH BAIL 00 M 9.49 99�0282i; TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. 1-30378 008-50-S 250 MINOR TOOLS TOOL is0x 8 1 G LID 000000 i:39.99 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC. l•274400 00n 50-5372 IJATfR IIFILR & i2 BFTFRS 000000 414.00 9902980 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I-274400 008-50-5350 R & H OTIIFR CLAN('5,12 RFT COUP 000000 160,F;B 99-02980 lAlAIFR PRODUCT'S INC. T-214791 008 50-6360 R EI N OTHER COUPLINGS 00 M 131,10 9 9 - 0 2 9 8 0 tx!ATfR PRODUCTS INC. I - 2 1 7 91 R & U OTHER AN6LF STOPS 00iT000 150.00 99-02980 UAIER PRODUCTS INC. I-274791 R & N OTHER SOO FT LINE 000000 120.00 OCP,,RiNENT 50 lJat€r TOl'tI; '1,74t,',32 ;J30(2000 4:i.7 Pr REGULAR DFPARTNriIT PAYriINT REGISTER VI_IIUD SEIc 99 008 ENTERPRISF FUND 0E17ARII'll fi"IIT: 62 Waste plater CoIIectloil PAGF; I VEtl)pi ilhUE tiPU 8 G(L ACCOOIIT iIRFfE UFSCRIPTSOII C'rIFCIL AUOUiIi 99-627;0 SRRGE't1I-SOh!ELL, TUC. I-1562707 M8 5 2-6260 S A F E T UIPU '16 RAIII SUITS U00000 24R,60 9S-02)0 blAIER PROdUCiS IfIC. I-27S79i OOE-S2-60)0 >Eb!Ei4 U9IE1 & 266 F""? PVC PIPI 000000 85u,d0 99-02988 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I-`[74791. HPi-52-6M S+I'!ER "AFIN f CLAY BOOTS 000000 8:3.8Q 9q..�T2S80 IkAIER PR0bUCTS IIIC. I-271791 608-62--6070 SE4!ER IAI!l 12 PVC BOOTS 000000 88,88 9EPARIUENT S? Waste Wate1� Co1.lerl:iol� TOTAL: 776,36 1 5312000 4;17 P( ?FGULRR 0EnARTUEHl PAYMEUT REGISTER VC110OR SET, 99 008 INN Rr1IS;_ FUllil 0FRRRIi3E11T, 64 Waste ddTtmen I6 VENfiOf? MRPik iT1:h fi11. GCCDULII Nf;fc. DESf,Ril?l?0Ll f,HFCYO ::",IOULIT' SS-000S0 GONIEY SAND It GRfit Vfw(. 1-30H69 00& 54-5325 R C N SEd•!ER P 1 7fl iR?ID 000400 306.85 Sig-00Gfi�0 81)RRUS i-M75 60N-S4-S323 CHEUICOL SUPP 8LERCH,0ISTILLED WATER 000000 56,79 SS-01500 1ft41SDN ?RODUCTS i-14237Y,0 00fi1-64-5375 R R U U07DR V NUiS,410SHERS,fUSES,8UL8S,GLtTJtH @00000 SS-0S4[0 SRHGER AUTO ?R'dTS I-29017 002-aH-53ZS R S U HDT0 V 0?L FILTTR 000000 S9-Cb270 0Rfi-DEil10id FIRE fii S(3EE'T T-1.4380 008 �SU ':31 R f, ,", i'DTOR V �i RECMSIRGF.,2 ?Illl Rlil 0000(S0 b.S9 4.00 DFR,SRTITENT Sq Glasf;p LlateiTreatment: TOTRL: 40H,43 13012000 4:11 PN VFN0OR SE1: 99 00$ OEPARTHENT: 58 :NTFRPRISE 1 110 EIe trie 0s1)artin6n. REGULAR 1)EPARI11E1fI PAY MEhIC REGISTER PAGE; f(i VEINOOi1 NAHE iTEM j; G�I ACCOU111 IIAfiE Dt".SCRIPTION CHECK{, i;HOUNI 99-00050 CONLFY SAND Ft GRAVEL. I1-30S49 008�513--6020 OTHER 1HPROVE 2 TfL SAND 000000 260,00 95-06580 CINTAS COPR. 0492 I-44255153 008-58-5310 R R U BUILOIN MAIS R MOP 000000 1,15 99 00580 CILTNS C0PR. 4A92 I-49259251 008-S85 0 R & H 8U11,01N HAIS & MOP 000000 3,93 99 00580 CINIA'S C0PR. 0492 1492S9450 008-68 531.0 R & Y F;I1Il01N, HATS & `t1UP 000000 3.94 99-00640 COMHERCIA1. SCRVICFS 130481 008- g-5345 LEASE EQUIPHE LEASE ON ICE TAKER 000000 2 S * 00 99-00650 CONrINi:NTAI RESEARCH CO 1-014SP3-1 008-68--6260 SAFETY EQUIPr MSOS EOIDER 000000 S.00 or_130750 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPI I-2121213 008-58--602f! OTHER I H P R 0 v 1 3TERHINAL ADAPTER Ol00000 1.16 99-00750 OFALFR'S ELECTRIC SUPPI. 1-304300 003 5&-602tf OTHER IMPROVE DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPLY 000000 338.33 99-0"i500 LAWS0N PR0n[ICIS I--1423280 008-58-532S R i; M MOTOR V NUTS,I^IASHERS,E!1SES,0UL Qj A,IAR11 000000 2ti.20 S 99-02350 Sf,HIUiER =tlG, i; COMM, I-1S2f}2 008 5,1, 5245 0-(HER OPEhikTl ? NYLON CAStS FOR hRiiDIO 000000 20.00 99-02400 sMIIH'I - S 3 9 3 1 003-5E;-602t1 OT{TER IMPROVE 2 SILICON` CAULK 000000 6091 99•-0t400 SHIIHIS I - 5 3 P 4 4 008�84 020 OTHER IMPROVE 5 FUSES FOR SNIOER LIGHTS 000000 4.95 99 0, 00 SMITH'S I--54029 008-68 6020 OTHER IMPROVE ELECTRICAL COUPLINGS 000000 2.3& �2160 `1)UTHI^1FSTERN BELL MOOII- I-30S61 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TILE MOBILE PHONES 000000 106.36 99 02690 TECHIINF I-1.404042 008-58-6020 OTHER IITPR0V1 300 VINYL STICKERS,T00 WFOGE 000000 31i.00 99-02690 TECHL THE I--1404102 008-58-6020 Of11FR IMPROVE ISO SQUARE 14ASHFRS 000000 46,60 99-02690 TECH1111F 1-1404427 008-58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE 2500' GUY 1^1IRF 000000 376,00 991-02690 1FCHIINIF I-1404141 008--S8-6020 OTHER IMPROVE TO 4 PLY v(OIdELS 000000 72.50 99-02690 TECH[ INC I-140456I 008-58-6020 0 1 H F R IMPROVE 25 STIRRUP CIAHPS 000000 1824S0 99-03020 1=1ESCO i-103830 008-68-6020 OTHER IMPROV,`. FLORESCENT LAW)' CONTROL CELL 000000 230.00 99-03020 blFSCO I-703830 00$-58-6020 UTHt�-R TMPROVF SPLICES,COUPIINCS,CAPS,FUSCS 000000 331.36 94-03020 WESCb 1 103830 008 S,'- 020 OTHER IMPROVE COPPFR,UACHINE 801TS 000000 617.75 9 9 - 0 3 0 2 0 IlESC0 I-703830 008 58-fi020 0 1 M F R IMPROVE" l^lEAIHER HEAOS,CRIMPIIS,CONNEC1 300000 283.00 99-0302;1 1i11:SC0 1-703830 008-'.}8-6020 OTHER Id111,R0VE 111001) 8' ARilly S 000000 1,2 2.50 99-03026IJFSCO 1-103830 0?)8-58-5020 OTHER IMPROVE 704045010?591,104584,t045> ; 000000 2,000.00 99-03020 W=SCO I-703830 008 SFi-60'tf1 OTHER IMPROVE 711720 000000 345.50 99-03020 TIE SC0 i 710402 008-SEA-6020 0-1`HER 111PR0VE 50 2" HEI'Al IOCKRINGS 000000 20.50 99 03110 FuiuRT FQuIPMErdT I-t10.18 ti5 !,j00 ;ANGEP t'Rlll(1IlG �OI;PRhI'f 1-.t19/ 0.i 008-58-J)L .7 008 58-5260 99.06`!90 REO WING 1-30486 00l SP-5255 9�7 05350 IX LKCAVATIOH SAFETY 'Y I-403 008-68-5420 F270 AAA-DEIITOId FIRE & SAFET I-14380 OOE {35;-53`25 99-06420 AIRf,RAET DYNAMICS f,ORP. I-5S0T9 001; 58-5:345 R a i P10TOR V 2 TFE'Cii FOR BACKHOE 000000 SAEE1'f EQUIP`4 30 PADS OAII.Y Vr".HICLE IHSPFCT 000000 RPP�n u00 jS ; K,,` COITRACIUAL S MESSAGE FEES FOR FEB %000 0410000 R F"1101OR V 5 RFGHARGi,,2 I�UI.L PI1! 000000 Lr_ASF kQUIPIiE /_4 R080LIGnTS 000000 (i6 ,33 1a15.56 15J.55 9.60 2fi4,00 3�30(2000 4,11 1'i Ri_GUTAR DIPARIiEN( PA`tHF11T RF6ISIkR v 00 R SEI; 99 600 F.NT[RPRISE FUPfD DEPARINEIIT, 50 El�et�ic OeparCment PAGE; 20 WNW,, N A M F ITEM G(1. OCCOUIi1 iIANE OESCRIPTIOrd CHI:r,K+! Al10UNT 99-05I40 OFFICE NAX 130435 04$-6r1-5210 OrFICE SIIPPLI 2 INf( CARTS FOR PRINTER 'T04000 73,4& 99-OS9?0 TX ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE I-3060302 000-58-5365 99-07470 TEHPO iNSTRUPfEidT I-1i0I 000-58-5246 TRAfISEORNFRS REPAIR 3 TRAf1SFORMERS 060000 OTHER OPEitAT1 hODEH f,ARI.F FOR VOLThGE RECORD 00(4d}00 b3O,6t 93.48 SSI-Q'tp90 R1IERICAN SIGNAL I-1354 008-50-6245 OTfIFR OPERATI 10 PIN PLUG 06ts060 17,25 99-01490 AHERICAN '1;1GNAI I--1350 O0S-53-5245 OTHER OPERAT1 3 PRONG POWER CORM 000000 32,95i 99-07190 AMFRIC,AN SIGNAI I-1350 0001-53-5245 OTHER OPERATI FRFIf,HT 000000 8.25 OEPARTMFIIT bU F.1sCti'iC O<Pititmenl: fUTAIa; t3,Q'lo,li. VEtIpOit SET 0�)8 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTNI REPORT GRAPIO (0(Ai.; 12,b63,91 20,597.1? 3f30f2C11(1 4;11 PM RI.GUTAR 0 P A R 1 11T PAVHENT RFGISTER PAGc; 21. Gfl ACCOUNT TOTAI:i kv -. RNNUAI- 8 U 0 G F I OVER A,IitUAI 8HGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILA81£ BUU6 BUDGET AVAILABLE 8UDG 1999-2000 001-00-2111 AfP UNTFORNS, TOOLS f, 890i 99°02 001— 5-5245 OTHER O M ATTN SUPPLIES 3,83 1,000 567.5 001 15 5450 ENG1NFtRING FEES(PLATS,PRF 265.53 3,000 191.48 001-1M-5510 TFLEP[10NF SERVICES 63.93 5,560 2,598.00 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPtIFS 39,80 2,000 1,750.41_ 00?-20M245 OILIER OPERATING SUPPLIES 29.85 3,300 2,411,27 001-20-5255 4ItA,RIIN APPARIEI 296,91 4,50(1 4,091.39 001 20-5265 OR06 PREVENTION 65,14 9,804 8,823.41 001-20-5311 R & it EQUIPMENT 90.27 2,?_00 i,5r3,10 001-20-5325 R & N MOTOR VEHICLE 93.48 12,100 10,190.72 001—t'0 5345 LEASE EQitIPhEU1 277.60 24,514 20,276.65 0p1 22-5123 C1{ENICRL SUPPLIES 235.79 2,000 1,438,42 001—??-52.50 MINOR 100LS 100.9.7 600 499.83 001-22-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 228,84 1,000 551.73 001—',74-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10.91 500 395162 001 24-5235 OUTS R RE615TRAI1011 300.00 6,550 2,598.84 001-24 5310 R & H 8UI1_1)1N1, 21.50 12,000 5,71111.8Y 001-24-5325 R fr M MOTOR VEHICLE 73.80 4000 I,1123.611 001-24-5:345 LEASE EQUIPMENT 100100 60,G00 161545,00 001 2G-537M 1411lOR EQUIP"E11 24,00 15,000 13,i94.33 00i.—�4 5c�20 CELLULAR PHONE i00,41 2,000 1.,316.44 001 24 5525 PAGERS 36.00 1,200 445.79 001-26-6210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 62.00 21000 11666,19 001-26-5245 OTHER OPER A IIN(i SI)PP1,1tS 17,42 700 593.38 001,N-523M DUES & RM STRATIONS 16r,00 2,900 Ilium 001—'28-5310 R cI 1, 0UTL0111G 40.63 M00 241.32 601-28-5325 R & M VEHICLE 35 20 800 280.64 001-28-5520 CELLULAR ICIEPIt01(t 5s.18 650 .381.&0 001-30--5245 OTHER 0PI,RfiIiNG SUPPILfES20.00 1,000 5i1.11. 001..;0-5310 R f N 8UIIDII'll f} 40,63 1,200 486.77 001--:30-C)32:S R If M MOTOR VEItICLI 169.90 M,ti 795e93 001-30-5LS10 STREET i'iIINIFIIANCF 681.08 tl5,000 26 474830 001 3')-421i LANDSCAK MATER W 651,65 4,500 3,660.12 001 32-5221 PEAUTIFICATION 80ARD tk.07 2,200 1,867.t1a 001 :32-5245 0TitER OPERATING SUPPLIES 50,00 3,500 2,42;,92 001 32-5311 R 111 FQUIPMEIT 390.96 1,201a 001-32 5343 F;AII- FIELD '1AII;IENANCE 340,52 8,U00 5,i41,96 001-:32_5360 1? {; OTHER 390.95 600 109,05 001-32--5520 CF1LULAR PHONES 53.18 800 478.88 001-36-5266 C1,EANINi, SI)PPI.IES 28.50 700 1) S 37 001-36-5325 R (If M MOTOR VFHICIE i7,59 600 302.'22 001-36-1)375 IIIit0R EQUIPMENT 10.00 1,525 544.71 001-40-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPI FS I7,42 360 92.53 001-40 310 R G N 8UIt01NG 103.26 1,000 740.42 0i01 1--5213 8It110iING SUPPLIES 17.44 100 56,52 3 30 2000 Ik17 PM REGULAR OEPARTMENr PAYUECIT REGISTER PAGE; 12 YEAR ACCOUNT Rx G/f. ACCOUNT TarAls �k ANIJUAL BUDGET OILER 1;ANE AMOUNT IIUDGFT AVAILABLE RUH 008--1F-6246 OTHER OPERATiNC, SUPPLIES 17.42 i_,000 496,29 008-15-.Ci310 R & I1 BIIII,I)ING 4,62 1,126 607.09 003-1.5-6450 ENGINEERING FEES (PL.AIS,PR 2G5.53 3,000 350,82- 'f 00g.-,i5551.0 TrIEI'HOhJE SERVICES 63.9:5 5,666 2,b18,64 005.19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 299.25 2,000 62.2,65 008--19-5315 R & i MACH I N F S 579,35 8,520 6,692.13 008-36`5265 C I E A N I N G SUPPI1FS 2ll,so 700 5'15,36 008 3 6 - 5 3 2 5 R b M ROTOR VEHICLE 1.1.59 600 287.r7 008-36-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 10,00 1,525 534.55 008 50-5250 MINOR TOOLS 229.47 2,600 1,063,21 008-60-5310 R & M BUILDING 40.62 2,000 1,281,52 609-50 5335 PERMIT FEES 72.08 4,000 2,186.57 OOi-,0-5366 R & M 0 1 H F R 87i.91 46,000 24,250.38, 008-50-5372 WATER NFTFR & LOXES 4"i4,00 8 000 2,255,33 W3--50-5371 WATER TESTING 60.00 41000 3,509.00 008-50 65`t0 CELLULAR PHONE 53.15 900 571,81 00--60-6020 0111ER IMPROVEMENT) 0,00 0 0.00 008-S 2-5260 SAFETY EQUIPNEMIT 249,60 6,000 4,334,59 008-�J2-60]0 iE4JFR MAIN & MANHOLES 525,16 3,000 1,966 7 4 008-54-5223 CHEOICAL SUPPLIES 16.79 5,000 3,5i1,71 0E3-64-5325 R 1, 1 U0T0R VEHICLE 1i,79 1,750 1,01.7,15 00B—SG-5329 R & N SEUER PLAT#T 3+15,85 8,000 7,06i,37 008-68 5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73,98 1,000 232,54 008-68-5245 0 1 H F R OPERATING SUPPIIES 176.93 2,250 I? 75.32 003--58-6255 WEARING APPAREL 155,55 3,8,00 457.75 00r—S8 [5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 150,56 4,250 3,016.33 008-58—S3I0 R & N 8UIL01'NG i6,62 12,000 3,713.36 008-68-6325 R & N MOTOR VEHICLE 101,53 i0,000 7,206,04 008-58-5345 LEASE EQUIPMENT 289,00 99,000 68,400,14 008 68-5365 TRANSFORMERS 638,67 28,500 20,517,60 008-58-SQO CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50,03 5,000 1,812.44 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 106.36 2,000 1,286441 t}1WIS 8-6020 01HFR INPR0VFNFiI1 6,687,88 1100000 12Pi 933,19 '° 1999 2000 YEAR IOTAf.S *� 20,597.77 '* UEPARTMF.LdT T0�(ALS "x ACG't NAtE AHOIJNT 001 s10i-15 NON-DEPARTNEIdTAI f,Oh;ICdIS'iRATIiC1 419.02 353.29 001-20 POLJCE 883,05 ANNUAL SUDGET OVER BUDGEI AVAILABLE 8110G 3/N1 2 M' I'I7 PH REGOI.o-1R DEPORTMENT Pfi W N T REGISTER POGE; 2; PA!R(11 E II( TO Tf51- x:a f;CCT 1VRHE. fiMOUhlI OOt-1? Rt1INRl CONTROL 5b4.00 H61 2a EIRE i)EP(�RTHFNT 726 52 001-2u 11U11ICIPA COURT 79.42 001-28 291.01 O0t-3N SIRtETS 911a 61 001-32 PARKS 3,885.:33 001-36 VEHIC(L HOIIN N1)NCE S6,09 001--40 Sll H U N CENTER 120.SD 001-41 Community CSntBr 11.44 001 TOT;.. GEN R 11 L FUN 7,944.36 008-16 Fdministratian 35t.S0 008-t9 Dat.a Processing 670.60 0�98-36 Vehicle Maintenance 56.09 OOD-SO dater 1.,741.32 00$-S7 Uesta Water Cnll_ection 115.3ii 302-54 llaste dater fl'eatmtill t 404.4'S OOP -SS Electric Department S,4H6.i.1 GOH TOTAL ENTERPRISE E11ND 12,6u 41 TOT7i_ 20,591,77 U ERRORS ^} EtdD OE REPORT `� To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Truck Routes This item is back on the agenda at the request of Billy Jack Hampton. This was discussed in length at the City Council workshop on March 20, 2000. I think City Council was vague as to what direction staff should take. To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Contract Services with Grant Works Brian Grimes will hopefully answer any questions concerning any availability on grants in the future. To remind City Council, the City has applied twice for grants through Municipal Services for the Texas community Development Grant, and did not get funded. To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Solicitation of Bids Councilman Ervin requested this Item be on the agenda concerning fill dirt for Railroad Park. The 4B Board can not obligate funds until they have a cost for the project and approval from City Council to pursue. To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Connect Fees for Motels The only change on the attached Ordinance is that the connect fees for Motels was dropped to $300.00 per habitable unit. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. it, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 (UTILITIES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY,TEXAS, MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas that. Section 2, subsections A &Bare hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION II A. RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS A. WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install, or cause to be installed, and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm, or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties as prescribed in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Sanger City Code. The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the average cost thereof Such sum is to be determined and collected by the utility department and shall be at the following rates: Tap charges for sizes up to 1"------------------------------------------------ $1500.00 Additional meter for Sprinkler system ---------------------------------------- $ 350.00 Charge for meter, box, and connections-------------�--------------------- Actual Cost Charge for Water Connect Fees (User Fee}------------------------------------ $ 20.00 Charge for service interruption supervision- ---------------------------------- $ 35.00 -1- All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent .water accounts. All meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the City. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00). B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right -of --way, if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. The City of Sanger shall charge fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) for each connection. SECTION II B. COMMERCIAL WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS A. WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install, or cause to be installed, and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm, or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties as prescribed in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Sanger City Code. The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the average cost thereof Such sum is to be determined and collected by the utility department and shall be at the following rates. 1. Duplexes Tap charges for all sizes up to 2"--------------------------------------------- $350.00 Plus $ 1150.00 for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 2"-------------------------------- $100.00 Plus $ 1150.00 for each habitable unit 2. Apartments Tap charges for all sizes up to 2"--------------------------------------------- $350.00 -2- Plus $ 1150000 for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 2"-------------------------------- $100.00 Plus $ 1150.00 for each habitable unit 3. Motels Tap charges for all sizes up to 0 Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit The following list shall apply to all other commercial taps: Upto 1" line------------------------------------•-------------------------- $ 1500.00 1 '/2 "line----------�------------------------------------------------------- $ 2000.00 2" line--------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ZS00.00 3 « line -------------------------- ----------------------------------------- $ 3100000 4" line --------------------------------------------------------- $ 3800.00--------------- 6" line---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 5200.00 8" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 6400.00 Charge for meter, box, and connections-------------------------------- Actual Cost Charge for Water Connect Fees (User Fee}-------------------------------- $ 20.00 Charge for service interruption supervision-------------------------------- $ 35.00 All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. All meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the City. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00). -3- B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right -of --way, if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary lime. 1. Duplexes Tap charges for all sizes up to 4"----------------------------------------------- $400.00 Plus $ 1100.00 for each habitable unit Phis $ 1100.00 for each habitable unit Plus $ 1100.00 for each habitable unit Phis $ 1100.00 for each habitable unit 3. Motels Tapcharges for all sizes up to 2"--------------------------------------------- $400.00 Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 2"-------------------------------- $100,00 Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit The following list shall apply to all other commercial taps: 4" line----------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1500.00 6" line---------------------------------------------------------------------- It 3000.00 8" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 6000.00 10" line---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 8250.00 -4- Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts necessary for installation. The property owner shall install a service line, with clean -out fitting, at his or her expense to the City's lateral, in accordance with City regulations and subject to the inspection of the City, and shall hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the structure to the property line. SECTION III All water funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for new storage facilities, new pump stations, purchase of easements or main trunk lines and disbursed only after specific approval by the City Council. All sewer funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for new sewer plant, additions to sewer plant, purchase of easements or main trunk limes to plant and disbursed only after specific approval by the City Council. SECTION IV All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION V It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the vAd judgment decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION VI Whenever in this Ordnance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or whenever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State. Each day constitutes a separate offense. -5- This Ordinance will take affect immediately after the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the 3� day of April, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, ATTEST: Rose Chavez, City Secretary -6- Tommy Kincaid, Mayor To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Bids on Dump Truck We received two bids on Dump Trucks for the Streets Department. One is from International bid as specified for $43,184.00. The second one is from Sterling Corporation (Hollingsworth Trucking) bid over specifications for $54,757.57. Copies of specs on both trucks are attached. Date of Bid Opening: Time: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: Sa 201 Bolivar Baer. TX 76266 �, 1 oo uthorized Signa GAl I 1111T III', &JA19 March 1792000 Prepared For: CITY OF SANGER TEXAS JOHN HENDERSON :0. BOX 578 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TX 76266 (940)458-7930 Presented By: Southwest Int'1 Trucks Calvin Lewis 2105 No. Central Expressway McKinney, TX 75069 (972)5424201 Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with the following quotation on a new International truck. I am sure the following detailed specification will meet your operational requirements, and I look forward to serving your business needs. Model Profile 20014700 4x2 (SA475) DIMENSION: Wheelbase: 152, CA: 84, Axle to Frame: 63 ENGINE, DIESEL: {International Electronic T 444E HT} 49 State, 230 HP @ 2300/2600 RPM, 6051b-ftTorque @ 1500 RPM, 2600 RPM Governed Speed, 238 Peak (Max) TRANSMISSION, MANUAL: {Intemational 6-PLUS (BS066-7B)} 7-Speed Manual; with Overdrive CLUTCH: {Eaton Fuller SAS1402} Two -Plate, Stamped Angle Spring; Ceramic, 14" Diameter, 8-Spring Free Travel Damper, With 1.75" Spline, Mechanical Pull Type Control and With Kwik-Adjust(Manual) Feature 8601b-ft Torque Capacity AXLE, FRONT, I -BEAM TYPE: {International I400SG} 10,0004b Capacity AXLE, REAR, SINGLE: {Spicer J190-S} Single Reduction 19,000-1b Capacity, With 190 Wheel Ends Gear Ratio: 6.14 6 g yYi � 4 CAB: Conventional, Steel TIRE, FRONT: (2) 11R22.5 UNISTEEL G159 (GOODYEAR) 501 rev/mile, load range G, 14 ply TIRE, REAR: (4) 11R22.5 UNISTEEL G124 (GOODYEAR) 499 rev/mile, load range G, 14 ply SUSPENSION, RR, SPRING, SINGLE: Vari-Rate; 23,5004b Capacity, FRAME REINFORCEMENT: Partial Outer Inverted "L", High Strength Low Alloy Steel (50,000 PSI Yield); 9.500" x 3.310" x 0.250", 140" & 152" WB 03/16/2000 13*06 FAX 19404582908 SEU Z02 03. �, 5A47S40 Dow C1mwu, Modd 4700 4X2 with 112 Whodam,114 CA, sk 63 Axh to Fmme 01s" Tow HOOK, FRONT (2) rmw Mmatot r ;oIAAL DION8 OILLD t/ 02ADC 03AC0 D4091 04174 o4A2A `/ M41i VV/ 0430C r/ OSAAA L% D$CAL 65FRH 1/ 07AAY t/ 08000 JOss 15 �08544 OtIC}CS to/PI EP V104RDc ✓OBWAU OSWDH; J 0MAM U9107 y10060 0761 FRANC RAILS Hwh Smog& Lew M" Stool (50,vm PSI Yam; 10.000 x J.000` a 0.250-,140 0 1!2' WH FRAhQ RZ�TiO3tC!!MEN'T rffrL t Oar lUVwwU 'L', iS/b Strenitl► Low Alby lHeol tS0,000 PSt Yiolttx 9.500• x 3.310• x 0.250', 140• dE 1$2" WS 9LlAdPSQ, FROM? Fvti Width, AecodyatatioI 9ue1; 0.142' M►t.oixl TAioltoae • �, ,,, ra • FROM, i 000 r , •. 01 *�I= SI�IIJG wt4FEL 2•Spolce, B{tek; tt►M Dittri. BTEF.RING GF.AFC {Roo 7AS-441 Power t:IOAA LIQHTER ALTERNATOR (=jeloo•Rcmr Ai>wiG 22-St' 12•Volt 100 As1p. Cepxoiry • FxWT>rtro raltna, Foxy:: P�.w•c scl�arlAnc• PT•1 single caa�. Deeigtt 100 PAIIJT TYPE 13•ae C:oat/Cket Coot, t-2 Tone l Prop�Wi: 4?9 f 03i16/2000 13:06 FAX 19404562906 SEU Z 03 am 40 11L,DL t:LVPCH (Slikin iulla 5AS)402) TwaPWs, 1.750 S'Plm. Maahutioal Putt Type Coettrd 4d W � n� title. freat�4� DumroteiTa� Tree Tee) pr�prr, Wig 12691 AIR CLEANER Dual ] lcnrxTt Caaay Heavy Duly With Raaicuoo drtiac is Gb 4lld Ve�vakr ✓144 ENOYNB, DZSEL (Llbrmt 001 F.i40ttOAk T 444E Kr) 49 Stalk 230 HP Q 23M6M R;9 60S MI RPM Cvv&u d Speed bB Tagus ®1lOo RP14 12T9G FAN DRIVE 49612Witrrr DD•26) Woo" j/ 12UG14 'IHRanu, HAND COMMOL Ekcumr c v12vV0 RADIATOR Weida4 Down plow , PROW SyssfM 374 Sqla Ana aed 297 Sqb Cb&p Air Cooler 12UXB FMIERAL FMISS1ONS for 1996 Mid RwW lakrmtiotteJ T4441;, m466E ST, D7466E kf) and 53OMRD Howir� FAsiaes Witb r2 Btu 12VV14 i- - . / I3MCG YRANS1vtDSS10N, l.SgrlUAL {Interyrtiowl 6-PLUS (&SOW79)) 7•Spwd MamW%4 whb Owdryw 1 13WIA TRANSKCSSMOIL (EmGardSOW)Synowtic- 1 thru21,"Puts V/14044 AXLPop REAR. SDrAS (Spam 1190•S) sing]* Redwiion 19,0w1b capacity, Willi 190 Wbed EndY Over Ratio 6414 /143AN SUSPENSION, RR, SPRJN04 SML$ VMvRata; ?3,swlb Ctr agy, V 14$Z9 SPFX4QS. REARAIT2QLIARy MuhUf*[; 4,500*ib Capacity L/ 14 WLH AXL>:, REA8, LURE (EmOW 73 W90) Syt+gumic bil; 30 ftv 39,99 Potts 1/15SAC FUEL TAM Top Dow, Reetaagulw, Stud, SO U,S. 081.1 169 L Capacity With Ceuta $tap; 1 S.O' Took Depth, hGmdw Right Side, Linder Cab /16030 CAB Convmiooal, Stoll, SW Wide (,16660 OLASS, ALL WINDOWS Tinled L//16CCA COLOR, LW MOR Quaft Hfmn ✓160AH LGRAORS (2) RmW4ulAr, West Caest Type, 16' z 7• Si:* with 1024 Wide Spicing, Paiatad Head and Painted Stow Bsackou. t/ 16HAA GAUGE CLUSTER English wob Etagiish Electronic Speedoroaler and with Tsctavic t f'ac Aar Broke Chrism /16SAD SPAT, FRONT iiWcH (Inw=11onal) Full Wtdth; V nyt Wits Printed Vinyl ]Want, With Fixed Beak �16Wn CAB SOUND INSULAWN Includes Drib Imulaim end Engine Covo► lnsutator V16WKB AIR CMSIDMOHER (lntensWorl BicaMis) Wilh latgml Hater A De m#W t /t6WMJ M=0k CONVEX (2) Swiklm Sttx14 9' Dimmer, Mounted Below Primary Mirrors. t//16WRA CAB II4TF UOR 7REM Vacatioml /16ZAA ACCESS, CAB brivo k Pu6enger Sides 2 Pr�opaaL• 4'i! 03/16/2000 13:06 Aar A FAX 19404582908 SELi �04 /27527 WM�MS, FRONT DISC, 22,S• PajaW 314e1, 10•Stud 11.25' ( 8C)1.25 DC Ring: With Stc9 I Hu6p t/ /2832) WHIL , RXAoR AUAL RISC: 22,5' Pei%W still, 1043tud (I 1.23' gC) 5.25 DC Ryan With Swi Hot 29580 wMML SFALS, FRONT (Iawaatiwnl) MaLubrimad Wbul 8ot& uw 719509 WHBFl, SEALS, REAR (SWNM Ouudml Oil Lubrioetad Wlwl Sagiopa 302690179 (2) TME. FROW I IR22 S / tJNfSjE]rj, GI $0 (GOODYFsAR) 501 tevADi load rands G, I4 Ply V 7302690192 (4) TIRE, REAR t IRZ2.51)NIS7Z:F.1, d l2d (OpphVR") 499 mfmk load MW o, 14 ply Cab Schwmik 100A0 IAX&a ao 1: 92I9, WWMR W}pn Cbeaaia Scb wtic WA an tle 0 y. 3 Trapaab �79 O3116/ 2000 M06 FAX 19404582908 SEC (bos 'Ten Foot Dump Body Consisting of The Following: 6.0 - 8.0 Cubic Yard Capacity 30" Plain Sides With Vertical Post 36" Straight Double Acting Tailgate r t_ S rov C- A /it, '77w eCG G xk, rz G- A7� e� r/ 24" Full Width Cab Protector /Front Mounted Telescopic Hydraulic Cylinder voe�Weld in Rear Hinge ,,,,Tank, Hoses, & Oil ,/Air Shift Pto For Manual Transmission Wlair Operated Tailgate Latch ,/Direct Mount 010244.0 Pump ✓console Mounted Lever Controls For Pump t/10 Ga. 50,000# Sides And Ends Voop�3116" 50,000# Floor �/Clearanee Lights r/Mud Flaps ack up Alarm Safety Body Prop t,/ Paint Color 6 9 EE /All Installed on Truck Financisd Summm MamhI 2000 INURNMOAL 20014700 . Description Net Sales Price: Please feel free to contact me regarding these specifications should your interests or needs change. la confident you will be pleased with the quality and service of an International vehicle. c a �- v, kl.,- lam, Approved by Seller: Official Title and Date Authorized Signature This proposal is not binding upon the seller without Seller's Authorized Signature. Accepted by Purchaser: Firm or Business Name Official Title and Date i � Proposal: 479 e ,�. - S7F'PLiNC C'C�ti`(MtAT1tNt - ItOPIMV-2 PAPS 1 V6NICLE ID: 3FWVJNpA5T/+P59169 ..� �,��1����s�� 1 i SOLD T0: �i1Ti�i7;ia:7' —� 1: NI' /': • PFlIC>Z LSVEG !MFDRMA?ION 111VOICP, it0. , ....485059 1NYOic� �'iE.......01/23/9p T90 MO.............!`45345 J1 MODQ. •0..............J19S13 T.M(iIME !i!lt.........41CSt0932S Atlll.b IAC....3?. TNOlL#A !KP POi[0...................... BiALJtSA IlV!'1.6T...........11R1 OOIMC_'IG8.820t1 . , - - - . , ...l100051 c•'• :�1 O1 PRL-2111 S9'FRLIAd f3FECFiZO VRTt 1.OU, c� bi3 Pi. !1 02 119-004 Ft'EL/WATBit SEPARATOR LOCATED AT Wl B(3C N/C Ald(S 1(UDBL 03 001-620 31i!RL2AG A?613 - CitnRniR 73,Gb1.00 Ob 995-01K 47'1!itLIMO OH�i11GitWAY NARI11i1(TY STD OS 002-00?. 9i"I BACX �IXLE - TF2AC"I'aR 3TD 06 019-998 NU TRUCK PROVISIOfi PACKhGP. H/C 07 OO:i-001 LNf PRIMARY STEERIflG LOCATRON N/C Surd � �1' f �t. ��,, � �::� � ;;. , � t�.: 1 d. - _-_-�._..,.J.l..M.__..ri.i+L�..csvM...,H:k1w.cM40al.-.-..-.�.l.u...... ..�•�..r�r... ..�.i.� - �......_...,.__......_ ._ .. .._ •'� i1 tx 114\ i'I:i Tt;1 1 % � NO it l.l. G�. NO � 90 CUPWUMMUM „'�RWCLX 101 u{�7yDAB9111P'S41H9 IMV0ICR 1>)1TK.....--04/23/99 Qq il�1? 08 101-IC6 CI►? C-12 355 PP @ 1800 Prn 20681000 1350 Wri M 12Vo F" ae FrA/Mp" N/C 09 100-355 main 6t7nim 3551tr R/(iIM1R �RIIFR}tRT 10 I09-017 i3pnom m+"w" om r7u, cnr 10.00 11 104-002 TOlR1DC► IMPR I N MUMS) (" Olt PAR 47.00 12 014-ors MAL ATR Ivry= Tup""m Lu Aro pI 811M M/C 91aoeK"r"m AIR C Arp*M rleM4M WTO 13 IWO" nm s0 II AIR C A M 315.00 14 124-3L1 M .12T 1Io a" 3+ Mf aLTRw71l w "17v 1"000 Mlttzil� mom Co Oeti IT comma rim 16 0!Al R YaIIl11A" M/AVW !!!labia 16 292�117 (2) o WAM 1150 MM 31 12V 1W 12S(YWA 124.00 17 290-029 ft" *MFRAM WD MC IPSUM BAIL 67.00 19 2f1-014 Or w1m /IM cAH I* Lg/R8 !'R1IItt RAIL 52.00 M MUM 70 WN IIAAIL 19 306eAM CD' I sts?m TSOYIM4'IDiv 0IDrw W I C 20 PNR > MOLAM 8M"v 10 IIImi►m 44.00 21 Symeme L8OtJ1 m M lfitPMO j•' 22 18040403 wmw It cm is Ina DMP'wo GIl1Mic 324.00 ri w c%vm o 7 Spun, Ai1J Pitw, llOM'T ms 23 Msak9ft mom •306" PILor Sam" 19.00 24 mnm MR 11097Cz�90 25 101-002 r129:M 7Ivq w/mcTM IC HM AT CLUTCH 12.00 ;;. p8L1�R ilslE14RI1tA 26 107-015 DN 13.2 CIN 001PREBROR (SERIES 550) STD 21 W98 001 IN D•2 #275707 AIR fopMPRESM GOVERNOR 11.00 • 6 lay FE11 28 192-M BLSC MG 1N?I4QAL VA91MItG rs DSRlI?lE PRC)TdCT N/C ;,:� IlTe?EIi 29 128*002 JIICYRS CMRPlIi WW TIMI8 2.425.00 016-003 dIAS'1`Qilt trU180011tD. NIlFf1I.>R 99.00 " ' RIb/! MT1�D MIBIlIt2t't. lI�110!!t 31 Twee L CAwi11IT IM" rim wvcw 165.00 32 239-M CD11M W=V9T SIAi" H! ONT N/C " 33 33820&w( MM M MT PV COMMAT SPWS 34 235-W3 SIN%ill9 VMTIOWM ONTIOAM WED P/C 35 I MTJ<AM bti MT - PR !fi m e )TACK SOLTKD To 36 PRMB 37 • R NRi.QOIf Fi7ii171U6 T 466.00 38 •. P!?t7QII►R 2" EXTRA CT.r.xc!AUCE r" 39 •• STA177 TO FAIRIFG kn�...._:�.. _. - _ _— ........_..4+_.�a.`...5«��a+..• _d.... w.....w.wsm-w..:ww..� ��_a.w '-er --.k. _ __ _ .:....+ii:ur � - �...L: ..d;: L ` not CODI� r) ry I i`i'. I>l:l 1F:1 S7.: RO :1111 66i RO/ 90 i � - S7F.ALIYG r�Ri'OFtJ1T7!)N - XOPINV-2 PACE 3 �'VE7{1CLE tD: 2FWWJvUA5YAF59169 IHVOICF NO...........485059 iMVOICE DATE.......04/23/99 40 23T-051 al 42 43 242-011 �a 45 Z73-023 46 276-021 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 �; 65 66 67 69 69 110-001 114-009 118-001 120-018 266-044 103-01G 171-007 172-002 261-002 138-030 140-038 155-019 146-00,1 109-005 YtiRTIC1IL CURVBU Tllli.t'IFE(8i, R!t 5ID8 (5 I r czt,e tsut 1 oft txa ,� t .ft S I ntrs 1 nn �L t>JTii 1 llFE ACCU$$AL CI�RMI''S (nt 'NQfPi,R1! OUl'[.ET IMSiIU.L OOIHiAi [MI.R7' f (P!t PRIIiCP ALv11Iru� mtPPt.�IxAtr.�IFe �IeLI> HRTtiT SAP.ILD, Ut>d+F7RRn Tf) t7tWitR INI.RT PIPE NORTOti HT/B Apf►A11T'A� AIR OF6R1►YtBD ONJOFi 6rQINB t7tH trt.it't�ll At1TOtIt4TIC CDTi?itOL M/O OA$N B11 M/HOii'T�OM tIG300 SOLEE1fOID, tt0f1 troGIMB lfOUttxBD OMIT PRIMARY IyND BE!`t)NDIIkIi 1'gEL PILTtiR (?l1IT iNFL PRZ1IP.ti FVItF TI'11 3PIpKte'R II KOt1P.t. 6o pYFltfl£. i)iL lL7R tiTO oM ittt f'R11ttt? FY?AtrnR[1 OF FNpNA' hXLE FUt.[. Ft.Oli QiL FII,TEr, Ft.L?P.TGUARt) WC- 2l 21 tYx)I.hNT F [ t TItR 1050 SQ-IN COFPER/ftRt)?5 Ei.�DIATOEi AttTI^tr'RN..'6ZR TO -34P. FLt:�2C�IJIAU R9 8t3 R.X'IKND$A 8>�RVICS t3tX)t�ttPl'�/b"iRLL£NE GLiCOL c>`9c1�s tlGlt$ sTRIeE' c�nf..ntom tloeurs NC�9 ti9 - tiirttTi�t r I`hRf!Rct t�ititt�' I FAY! 4 29 3 f311T'P� AT:iB f3TRIFl3 C`fX�L�Afd? • ft49F,S 35 Ct}1<tiT'1t�T 'IbRQttti c't.hKPl2.' - (CL1t)t..bt{T Ua�' itI@'f��Cti�PTPB ST>s'pltlxl� C4�IIR�'it A7R c�id?R FLUft$iNC3 NI17i' DO"<"11'1�'T TR�,fTr.>T+sJr.. t�trrJr,R QA11!p'7�8 t3a>�9�'i11T�t T[tft¢rIF. Cl,.�d`IF'QT PPIILLIP9� 15t7o N7kTi'1r�lg VOLT' TAMP. TYl`E $lIQY2t$ C7pot,AltT Fltt�ltl!'�t7.'P.it HO�,K3 - 11'Ab2KE:Et BttNRIPAN ii�Q3 FNftINi{ RF.iI't'P.R Rf`i�RfiTrr'1.R tNr11�N7'Ft) U1VDt?Tr LF.A'2 sAN�i Dt�OR w/cvtrr 8nntvc�It T.zaxT ItfhlL�tRt)k�t E2AND 1Fi0 tmr AIt4 sTtfrTt?ft (w�'/Lass) 3RV'125't CIi7'RL V71LVE G Fit 2.93 AIR I.INE3 a ADiA STA�'f8R CUTOUT 60 t3JiLL0A (6 CU FTi RT6Et.. AIR S'CART 1'A2tY, LH SIDE NE><;Il 24" DIntie'I'Ett T/1HY, FtJC'AL TYP1c FROt1T E!ttt3lNt? hOtittT:�, TR)tNSK138I0?t & 1?QU I F}IENT 70 342-073 Fttt..LE-',R T-14607A T1U1Hgt{I45�I0T1 71 353-012 VEHiCLF IA7'ERFACE WII22t1G F'OR 130C ONLY W/0 CIRCUIT Ac:Ct?9R B!1X C�l� 63.OD M/C M/C �9.00 11/C 276.uU N/r. 360.00 N/C li/C b/C 57.00 57.00 12.00 13.00 498.00 N/C 5, tJ93.00 37.00 N/C STD -194.00 N/C „ t; - S7F.ALIYG r�Ri'OFtJ1T7!)N - XOPINV-2 PACE 3 �'VE7{1CLE tD: 2FWWJvUA5YAF59169 IHVOICF NO...........485059 iMVOICE DATE.......04/23/99 40 23T-051 al 42 43 242-011 �a 45 Z73-023 46 276-021 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 �; 65 66 67 69 69 110-001 114-009 118-001 120-018 266-044 103-01G 171-007 172-002 261-002 138-030 140-038 155-019 146-00,1 109-005 YtiRTIC1IL CURVBU Tllli.t'IFE(8i, R!t 5ID8 (5 I r czt,e tsut 1 oft txa ,� t .ft S I ntrs 1 nn �L t>JTii 1 llFE ACCU$$AL CI�RMI''S (nt 'NQfPi,R1! OUl'[.ET IMSiIU.L OOIHiAi [MI.R7' f (P!t PRIIiCP ALv11Iru� mtPPt.�IxAtr.�IFe �IeLI> HRTtiT SAP.ILD, Ut>d+F7RRn Tf) t7tWitR INI.RT PIPE NORTOti HT/B Apf►A11T'A� AIR OF6R1►YtBD ONJOFi 6rQINB t7tH trt.it't�ll At1TOtIt4TIC CDTi?itOL M/O OA$N B11 M/HOii'T�OM tIG300 SOLEE1fOID, tt0f1 troGIMB lfOUttxBD OMIT PRIMARY IyND BE!`t)NDIIkIi 1'gEL PILTtiR (?l1IT iNFL PRZ1IP.ti FVItF TI'11 3PIpKte'R II KOt1P.t. 6o pYFltfl£. i)iL lL7R tiTO oM ittt f'R11ttt? FY?AtrnR[1 OF FNpNA' hXLE FUt.[. Ft.Oli QiL FII,TEr, Ft.L?P.TGUARt) WC- 2l 21 tYx)I.hNT F [ t TItR 1050 SQ-IN COFPER/ftRt)?5 Ei.�DIATOEi AttTI^tr'RN..'6ZR TO -34P. FLt:�2C�IJIAU R9 8t3 R.X'IKND$A 8>�RVICS t3tX)t�ttPl'�/b"iRLL£NE GLiCOL c>`9c1�s tlGlt$ sTRIeE' c�nf..ntom tloeurs NC�9 ti9 - tiirttTi�t r I`hRf!Rct t�ititt�' I FAY! 4 29 3 f311T'P� AT:iB f3TRIFl3 C`fX�L�Afd? • ft49F,S 35 Ct}1<tiT'1t�T 'IbRQttti c't.hKPl2.' - (CL1t)t..bt{T Ua�' itI@'f��Cti�PTPB ST>s'pltlxl� C4�IIR�'it A7R c�id?R FLUft$iNC3 NI17i' DO"<"11'1�'T TR�,fTr.>T+sJr.. t�trrJr,R QA11!p'7�8 t3a>�9�'i11T�t T[tft¢rIF. Cl,.�d`IF'QT PPIILLIP9� 15t7o N7kTi'1r�lg VOLT' TAMP. TYl`E $lIQY2t$ C7pot,AltT Fltt�ltl!'�t7.'P.it HO�,K3 - 11'Ab2KE:Et BttNRIPAN ii�Q3 FNftINi{ RF.iI't'P.R Rf`i�RfiTrr'1.R tNr11�N7'Ft) U1VDt?Tr LF.A'2 sAN�i Dt�OR w/cvtrr 8nntvc�It T.zaxT ItfhlL�tRt)k�t E2AND 1Fi0 tmr AIt4 sTtfrTt?ft (w�'/Lass) 3RV'125't CIi7'RL V71LVE G Fit 2.93 AIR I.INE3 a ADiA STA�'f8R CUTOUT 60 t3JiLL0A (6 CU FTi RT6Et.. AIR S'CART 1'A2tY, LH SIDE NE><;Il 24" DIntie'I'Ett T/1HY, FtJC'AL TYP1c FROt1T E!ttt3lNt? hOtittT:�, TR)tNSK138I0?t & 1?QU I F}IENT 70 342-073 Fttt..LE-',R T-14607A T1U1Hgt{I45�I0T1 71 353-012 VEHiCLF IA7'ERFACE WII22t1G F'OR 130C ONLY W/0 CIRCUIT Ac:Ct?9R B!1X C�l� 63.OD M/C M/C �9.00 11/C 276.uU N/r. 360.00 N/C li/C b/C 57.00 57.00 12.00 13.00 498.00 N/C 5, tJ93.00 37.00 N/C STD -194.00 N/C „ t; STFT)).11y; rt;PT('R)ITI��N - xoP1NV-2 PAGE 4 1vs 2r WJW1iA5TAr5f•Ql,G 1hV . O DATEDATF..... A85059 INv�il�'E ......OA/23/99 rv?tT ANI.F, 5115i'?:I�' iI)" rs;'III"I) II? 72 400-007 NEH1T'(.41 1'r-941 ilx)1('t AA1 F P 12,000# 297.00 ( Ix )CI!wmta ) 13 TRW e000 MAG LINY./TtF Rot) FNV!; W/DXTT 74 402-021 )1P.RITM IS x 5 Q� (,*I:;T ;Plt)Fn CA" FRT 107.00 BFYS, rmto AMCROR, rXs"D 5110►?s (ROCKi(E:i.1.) N/C 75 403-003 ABEx ARP 931-167 MINT PRAYE LINING 76 427-001 PIiON'T MAKI DUST S111 FLUS 18. 00 77 40S-003 HA D" AlrTt71FATIC FrOwl SLAC"v At�)US?E�.^• 27.00 79 INSTALL NEVER A6I7"H ON nRAKE gri.INFs 29.00 79 409-001 S'fF.RM (MARD I AN UP (11 I Gil PERF ORI " F 1 N/C Me" OIL SKAF 4 80 419-003 RAYRS cMrrRIfUSH 07TPOAPD YMNT 397.00 MME WINS (MOTOR WIIt:cL) 91 'S)6-013 TRW T?Ma 05 POWER STEM i NG STD 92 534-011 2 QT P/8 RESERVOIR Y/DECAL SPEY:IFTIH': N/C DEMOX' 3-w OR EQU I V FLUID ((MN -VAT) 8) 620 01S MOM 1tAP5RL8Ar iI MT SUSMS ION STD 94 619-007 (6) "OOMM ROLLER !SPRING PINS 6 IMMINGS 306.00 T"l flustImloM BS 410-001 !'R XT ATi" AB""RB STD REAA AaCLIi, snsPRliS Intl 1, P,QU I PxRNT 86 {20-Z27 MF.R'ITtii1 I)S-20h-16f> R'P.nR 23000�► STD 07 386-037 SPiCER SVI,250 MAIN D"IVF.I.IHF. (12) 344.00 HALF min B9 452~9919 NG TRACTION VQUAL17.?'FI x/C 99 S95-03S WORIL ATNTNETICP SAx 50u rRT ANIX� 260.00 AND T-PANITMISSiOti. SAC 75w-renal 11R AXI..l'(S) 90 423-044 M6RITl)P 16.Sx8 04 f'A<I"i `+rinm ITN IM00 "AR PRYIF, DBt. ANCIII)ti, rAFl•D 9H()1:9 (i)la) 91 433-016 A810t A" 3030-197 Min RRAyr t.iNiNG N/C 92 434-003 STAMMMY RRAre CIiAMrVM t.00ATION N/c 93 451-002 IiATP4 CMITRiFUSP. 0117P7)ARD REAR 397.00 QRAKB Mix8 (M07OR WIIFF.L) 94 425-002 REAR i)*tARK DUST Sii I P.LPg 113000 95 440-002 STtMFM GIIAM AN 11P (!! l Ml PERFOMIANCF.) 146.00 PRAR 011, ^PALS 96 426-043 ANCMPInl: Lir"F*AL TrttP" PR(Y)r 1--DRIVE 72.00 AMI.P. sPRIN(3-PRKG cvT1A1"(PF.r1c H/oRn)(GP. AI.F.RT 97 429-003 HALDF.)I A11T0MATIC RPRP SL.ArY. Art.)IiSTFf? ; 28.00 g$ INSTAT.L IiF:VER SFI77 tilt PPAYF F11i01HF.S 99 416-003 PROS TOPQ SPIttDLF, V11765 FMI(T 101D 158000 REAR AMES 500� I1 Iv I la', nl I \t:i (:C � en :I•LI, f>Gl)f0.�90 — I TRIFI.ITFt; `n tY�F2�7tON — X0`PINV-2 PAG6 5 i; VEHICLE ID: 2FWWJWDA5YAF59169 I11V010E pO........._.485Q59 INVOICE DATE__-___004/23/99 100 622- FIAT STERLING 21,000f TRPER'-1.F.Rf' RF'r? SPRING Sill RUSPENSION W/o itRLI`I:R to 101 621-002 SPRING; BUSPF.NSION - I _00w AXLE: :PACRR N/t' 102 421-309 3.00 AnX RATIO N/C • 103 439-001 BEAR 8HOC X Af',ac)PBERS- 0119 AXLE N/C 104 PER Clow"T SPpC9 69.00 BRAKE sTsm - 105 490-241 QRPDIX 49/4111 AAS WITH TAAL'PION omTmL 582-00 "RA FIT 106 413-014 BW gRN IFIM R RIPAVE QU ICIr R14t.BA3E VALVE N/r 107 432-001 RP-R1 RX&P PfrtO URTIONING VALVE WITH 09000 I 'S-8 Psi CRACK Prm?3URE 106 480-056 BW AD-I1' BTt11XE LINR AIR DRYER W/HEATER 62loCO �,° � pRO^rtvx mlrux.n 109 460-001 SIRM AIR BRAVE PffoM OI FFS N/C 120 VLV CAP23 ON AIR TANVS,SCIIRADFP. 440V 19400 Ill 4771111012. SLOAN 9000 MANIIAL PRA I N VALVF5 N/PULL 69000 CABLE ALL. TAMA 11.2 CTIM TOI FRi' PEKRi.1M SUPMrAIR START 1AMK It 113 405-006 MAD HAXV - OATP!F?�ni, CfA�IFt3IeCi MIYN 149.UU NII'TAL xtf TAM A1Ti) .1.00 ! 7g150 T'IL7`HFt Id did 114 S]l9ftm f2'160 tiL'f m 11T'D da R'f9;R XN ;t`":: '• 115 481-999 Cflwoo TMILl1R APR puarf Vic 116 12' . f441 A`73151.5 CUILpTI TRIFIV AIR ROSES 15.00 j 11? TPAILt1R MR" pf*fv l k*qAtt FR vilmo `d 37.00 119 F'f1 TI.LIPS I2-tX►F3'tr • 12--en'i345 m AD MAIM 51 * 00 119 476-999 Nt, AIf# *&q1t 1PRFmR !1/C 120 494-999 CF9*M "AIFA C1!'R+IR R f;►.Kf1 HARA q"MACM N/CIF w; 121 PVC PIP1 ii6llMAIM fim,11PR 103.00 ` 122 297-014 I'NTI.I.Trs T�VAT *,TrT,'1CLE N/C II'F�I.Ot'.1(,'�iI it!fAts t�IR Tv111f?rrit 123 30311111999 Cd9`[v>'I TRATI*RR MVYT 4 RPrrlf N/C 124 Afl7lt. PtIUM i6-77.01" PP'CP V11MV TO T/L 125 310-999 Cd6'.IM tbILRR KNCTRICA1:.. C*BLR N/C j 126 12' 4'l 111 * i4hi12 I1ttx'1�t�[dIIt.IC COIF ELEC 32.00 ; 127 CZii,11L63 tr Pta 9T#RtdiT IMO AT RtD EMCLE IF 11 v .Food 0 yy��ppIF, Ib y. 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TANK (^•) f. f O1111'HF'IQ T 160 206-152 70 (:ALI Ort / 7.f, I I.!'ihit 11x,t1HThIIFt —35.00 FUEL TANK — R)t 161 204-152 70 PALLOR / 264 LITER AI.IININUF! 980.00 FUEL TANK — I,11 162 218-002 24" DIAQCTIM 1"IM, TANKS) STD 163 215-005 PLAIN ALUNIN1111/1"AINTED STEEL FURL TANK, W/C PAIIi'TFD BANDS 164 FUEL TMM STRAPS rNTD BLACK BY Y 165 ENDOR 166 207-010 TIMM 3` DIA. FTTAJM MM7, W/Fl kNGE p/C 197 210-009 Flflt<OTO u"IN COCKR FOR DUAL T'ANK9 97.u0 168 122-1AA JAVCO 392 FU/WTT7 SRP W/120V PPR000n" 607.00 G RETURN FUEL NEAT V/Tri't PWATIC CONT 169 216-009 DUAL, SIMMOV & RRITM TUFT. LINES N/C 170 232-515 15 DALLAIIS ADDITIONAL FUEL 42.00 171 202-010 PARKBN HANNIFIN 0793 SUY'FLY AND RETURN 124.00 FUEL ROSES WITH PRA.SS FITTING3 FPDNT TIRFS, HUA3, 4f1JPELS 172 093—OC3 FRONT TIRESs (300DYC,11R G3g7R 142.00 11X24.5 14 PLY RADIAL (MATCHED KAR1tP.U) I73 514-020 11R24.5 14 PLY RAUIIIL FR044T TI1M N/C 174 418-002 OOM—MST HIGH CAPACITY ALU'HIHUM FRONT N/C KUM 275 HALT, —SEA.- TO 111113—PILOT CONVERTIBLE 188.00 176 502-2.46 FRONT WHLB: ACC 274061"KossoUl ' 24.5X8.25 30.00 10—BALL SEAT POWMR WRITE 2—HAND REAR TIRES. HUH'ti, KfltiP,L.R 177 094—OC4 REAR TIR1G5: CA')OI)YF?AR 016711 456.00 11X24.5 14 PLV RADIAL (MPl7'CNED IlARK6D) 1710 516-020 11R24.5 14 PL4 R110IAL RP,1►'IR TIM N/C 119 450-001 COMass 1rT ALURIF" PPAR MOM 245.00 180 BALL —SEAT TO M-so-PILOT COMVMISLE 181 QUOTE PRICE QUM PtIM"1x 11RT 5903091042 182 505-248 RP.AR WNL8e ACC 24.5718.25 60.00 10—BALL SFAT F`O f"M VHITP. 2—PM 183 498-081 !IRD TR-571D 8TP.M9T NTI V2R C".1; I:4iT&REAR 61.00 FI NYLON VNL GUARDS ALL IMTMPACES /• i . �iklYrrd4ia6Jdif�l6t<.1� .rfl�di)fi�bRiliy+.rL=QNr.�. _ �...Lt..A_.... �.. 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M1FhIUN cSI71S'HITB 219 92A-C13 STERLING VALAIU('R PAMRt. 220 7135-004 OttI9f9ION OF CIGAR LI(Arlf' O) C'Nt.Y 221 637-998 140 STORAGR6 CAFI IAT.I:ti WALI.,IXYWFR 222 639-998 NO STORAM(%B INT,RA WhMelI)WER 223 697-001 IWORD STORAGF. 224 636-998 NO ST'OR>l;4B- I HT, I.H WALL, UPI' 13R 22S 638-998 Mt) STOII £-CAS INT,tRH WALLeUPi'ER 226 741=019 COAT lf=(9), CAS 227 693-027 NIJP POCUT. LEFT DOOR, MOLDER 228 920-004 SMOAt OMM 9111111116 229 VIRR TROILOP LOAM OIQBgCny TO PLAsmm 230 QUOTE P1ticz R *UWMps Ilttl, 9"3091042 231 720-007 FMI)CAP �i160l1C FIRE WITIM(OVIMIER VITH ACMW. Ittw273/273A 9RKT A BAV0 232 700-002 1RtATMr .VW**M A11t1 WA CO1f0ITIOMBR 233 . 701-001, . 87[141fDi�ROMIP& MX"r :e 234 703-003 RUIN MVW CtSftWI.S. A/C VITH R�GIR�tII:l1?IOiQ 1[1R O#t:ff 235 130-005 CLIKAT'8t WN'!l20L 210 2CY1 • A/C N9PI�SOR . 236 702-009 AM CMITIONINa PROTELTION tMIT W/$LINK C ME DtAdR0821C24,R-13fit'•t<1/Tt rH o PITTING 237 295-001 AMUTXC 8$L?-i4PSIft CIA TUI P 13MM M 239 324-066 WINUrtMf AC"VAM.0 PMMAI>F" LnT. sm C)V*R LH DOOR 239 W/' 1�`!l 409 �3PI 240 722-(W Tt!!IA"tiIm A P*F PK7`1tx 1 14/0 FTAIIRS 241 756-093 WM.TTOW% C'i7$Mt j9`AIF* II MID SAM DR1VtER A'F.AT KI'TR ACTIVE AIR LUMP SIIFPUI27! 242 .760 ].AEG WXTIONIIL MID SACK HOti-9U$P PAS.1 SEAT - N/ i 9otslp`OR 243 758-056 PAN X ALL WMtMA CIATR MIYEP #F:RT 6fli'1i!It, 0I711 FULL PA TP t lrAI(;n 244 761--o% BLXK k ' ,K URA CI.M TKIIS IMM SVAT cxr ,- WITTI PFULL FACII MUM 245 763-011 3 '011t2 14ri.?i*A*:F P- RTPM Gt?TFMCiM Im rtrt�a � �� fIRk4'I1irL'Ib 246 540-02o a�sty>z 4 cif t(tt7^) PLACY '96"T.Pillu WHM(s) COtl'I7Ntt3 4 I KS'Ii�'Up!'w1�i3 247 017-01B STt9tLI►n';! Ot'TIMhi iPC)OttD t3ltltGE IFSTRQTiC{ItT pAC7CitR$ w �'I)OXDIIAD CALIbtlA'i10N 248 734-006 WiT C(4A'I`l I9 3T'RIMEN r PARF.L NI7H FLAT r Wit STU N/C H/C M/C N/C 149000 H/C N/C N/C 000 �Z000 1�7.00 833woo W/C N/C 67000 295000 293000 95.00 50000 STD 252.00 37too 37000 N/C STD OTOQJ (L)'v I INI'; 11%I�1 t't:l tiff : NO "rlil•1, G�/90/S)U ,.AICLP_ I0: S'TERIL I RC3 [� >fltORATIntI - )WPINV-2 PAGE 10 465059 2 i 1f iil7MOJ►5 41U' S9) G`� I M VU F Cr DAIS ...... . DASji W)VI t'E!D ggAKf. (7i'RC1: VALVE. - 2W0{ 0 RgLCh:A':g ?I'i'+" gttl'TCtt 2*�l 199-'002 252 149-015 2•�3 844-9� 254 947-99A 255 149-01S 256 257 749�005 250 2S9 70007 260 752-002 2Ei 329-002 262 402wWl 263 993-011 2�s a49-vle 1 9TD 9TD -11-00 N/C 25000 36000 91000 69.00 34.00 STD 29g.00 20.00 344.00 PAinY 172.00 PAINT1 c4TTA 910LID mt,c) I 142.DO 268 tf6'5-000 � ��, �: It1077H nq 9oo-2Pv 270000 WIT? TRfr'm 9000 270 9W2IA CIW910 IAA "I Nam°"D N/C Oman IltflOM S000 N1C Z71 9152-992 tMST !>�Ii rjL PAI11T t v1! II v0R rHN I TES N /C PAINTS 272 966-992 RIM 1tN1�1GL N371311 273 964-2VK RUNPl4t P�►21rT: 11nr'uB 5000 H/C NED TI'TIVIIIItiN NRT 274 979-2PN AEM DEVICE PA"tT0 MI3?")li YRI;B INRON 5000 235.00 27S 969-029 C11F COIL-VA4 HEST DF.caus ADDITIOVNL SPMIFICnLIOK_t N/C 276 990-000 IN-gvnvlCE PERMP%?fFT: By I�RC'Mny l �, t i 1 �✓ C_.� I10(�J • � .. - srr:gr.tMr c'cyT>f�c�R.11ii0l1 - lDOI`111v-2 P11t� 11 �� + • V6HIC2,S IU: 2F1MJWi)i►5iAF59169 IJ lJ t•, V„� {. �. i•. F' y.. �': aNN�3; .. ii�'f::.� �'.. iy F_e7:.:��r1 e: IMYOICS MC1...,.......�85059 ' In01CB CM'fE.......0�/2�/99 I s 109 .'S97.00 S � �+ u.i�::r.:1u.1.,rr.7`- .�u�...:...Nk/u:rt{.'J�e,. •I tl. tu_..........Ja��.,...�.a....•���...•._.....u_. _.. t:. .... .. ... � CJ�' rc.1 � �t I •) O,)fi 1:14ti''I11'1 7i�'a %{' � NO :IaJ, fS0/$0/00 Ten Foot Dump Bodv Consisting of'1'he 1 ollowing: 6.0 - 8.0 Cubic Yard Capacity 30" Plain Sides With Vertical Post 36" Straight Double Acting Tailgate Manual Tailgate Latch 24" Full Width Cab Protector Front Mounted Telescopic Hydraulic Cylinder Weld in Rear Hinge Tank, Hoses, & Oil Air Shift Pto For Manual Transmission W/air Operated Tailgate Latch Direct Mount G l 02- l -2.0 Pump Console Mounted Lever Controls For Pump 10 Ga. 50,000# Sides And Ends 3/16" 50,000# Floor Clearance Lights Mud Flaps Back up Alarm Safety Body Prop Paint Color All Installed on Truck v �- 9 Ya - 3 � 7 --L't 3� To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Bid on Pick up for Code Enforcement Officer. At the March 20`'' Council meeting, a bid was awarded to James Wood Chevrolet fora 2000 Chevrolet Pick Up at a price of $18,028.00; however, the bidder did not indicate this vehicle had been hail damaged. We are requesting the Council re award the bid. Breakdown was as follows: Karl Klement Dodge - $18,988.05 James Wood - $18,028.00 Jim McNatt Chev. - $1904.92 Brown Motor Co. - $20,016.75 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manger Re: Salary Increases Attached are the Department Head requests on Salary Increases for their employees. MEMO T0a Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent DATE: March 24I 2000 SUBJECT: Budgeted Pay Raises On April 1, 2000, I will have four employees that should receive budgeted pay raises. Ronnie Grace will advance from Apprentice 2 we Step 1 to Apprentice 2 - Step 2 and will go from $12.85 per hour to $13.84 per hour. Mark Griffith will advance from Apprentice 1 - Step 2 to Apprentice 2 - Step 1 and will go from $12.16 per hour to i2.85 per h aber is sc se-fromjlG.0 e o 0 ur. Mike Prater should advance from Apprentice 2 an Step 2 to Apprentice 3 = `` p g pay m to $15.50 Ste 1. Mike should o to a rate of a of $14.76. I would like to take hi r hour because of the Foreman duties he has undertaken. We have additionity_ monies because o the co-op worker pose ion a is no going o e i ed. All of these employees have been an assett to my department and the City of Sanger. They are well deserved of their raises. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. CC: Rose Chavez MEMO T0: Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: John Henderson, Street and Parks Supervisor �. DATE: March 30, 2000 SUBJECT: Jason Boldin There was a miscommunication in the budget this year for my Foreman, Jason Boldin. I had put in to have him receive foreman pay and is doing a real good job- for, the City of Sanger and is a hard worker. I would like to take his pay from $9.45 per hour to, $10.45 per hour. I would appreciate you taking this into consideration. To: Jack Smith. City Manager FR: Eddie Branham, Water/wastewater Superintendent Re: Personnel As of February 1, 2000 Vince Villanueva resigned his position of Animal Control Officer. In Budget preparation, when figuring the salary for this employee, I did not take into consideration the additional pay for animal control. When Mr. Villanueva resigned his position, his pay was reduced by 1.44 per hour, leaving him at an hourly rate of $9.86. Mr. Villanueva is my foreman, and I would like to bring him up to $11.50 per hour. � ga ��.� �... tl --3 V � « � � �� Law Offices of Ronald J. Neiman, P.C. 386 W. Main / P.O. Box 777 Lewisville, Texas 75067 Ronald J. Neiman Ph.: 972/436-1558 Ric Gonzalez Fax: 972/436-1349 March 27, 2000 Mr. Jack Smith, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 .Sanger TvXus, 762 yF REF: Library guidelines Dear Mr. Smith; I reviewed the proposed amendment to the Library Guidelines (guidelines) and offer the following comments. 1. The guideline proposes to have all library patrons sign in (register) upon entering the library. These names will be compared to a list of registered sex offenders. The identified sex offenders entering the library will be excluded from using the Sanger Public Library. 2. I understand the need to protect children from perceived harms and the need is well founded. Parental instinct to protect our young is paramount to their healthy growth and entry into society and this ordinance appears designed to offer such protection. 3. However well intended, all ordinances are considered "state actions" and as such must conform to the U.S. Px Texas Constitutions. At issue here is the legality of the proposed guideline. Since Sanger is a government and wishes to enact a law [library guideline], it is considered a "state action" and subject to the U.S. and Texas Constitutions specifically the 14' Am. "14`" amendment does not apply to private actions, however discriminatory or wrongful, but does apply to actions taken by the state". Shelley v. Kramer, 334 U.S. 1, (1948). Thus, this guideline must be pass "constitutional muster". Mr. Jack Smith, City Manager Library guidelines Page Two 4. Principally, the 14amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects all person's "privileges and immunities". "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws". U.S. Constitution Art. XIV, § 1. 5. Because the guideline proposes to maintain an alphabetical list of library patrons, they must register or sign in when entering the library. This mandatory "signing in" has a "chilling effect" on the constitutional rights of all citizens; i.e., a government is forcing citizens to register their names upon a government document when they enter or use a public facility. Some citizens may be reticent to register their names and are thus denied access to a library that may maintain books purchased with federal or state funds. (see para. 10 infra for information on publicly funded libraries). Any state action having a "chilling effect" on the free exercise of constitutionally protected privileges and immunities is unconstitutional. 6. The guideline is vague as to its manner and means of regulated conduct; it is vague as to why the ordinance is created, what specific conduct is prohibited, what actions will be taken by the government, etc. It may be considered "void for vagueness" because the guideline, although well intentioned, is not constructed to define clear and definite state actions that are predicated on clear and actionable conduct committed by registered sex offenders. If a law is determined void for vagueness it is unconstitutional. 7. This guideline restricts citizen's property interests (freedom of movement) because certain citizens will not be allowed to enter the public library. Before eliminating life, liberty or property interests, the state must follow "due process". Due process is the mechanism where a person to be deprived of some interest, like freedom of movement, has occasion to present argument for retaining their interest. "State must grant parolee or probationer an evidentiary hearing when revoking parole or probation". Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471 (1977). If the City of Sanger seeks to "prevent the attendance of this person [identified registered sex offender]", it seeks to restrain bodily movements (right to travel & freedom of movement) and therefore the person restrained must have an evidentiary hearing before such restriction can take place. Without provision for an evidentiary hearing, the guideline lacks due process and is unconstitutional. Mr. Jack Smith, City Manager Library guidelines Page Three 8. U. S. Constitution Art. 1, § 10, Cl.l, states, "No State shall ... pass any Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law...". A bill of attainder is a legislative act that inflicts punishment without a judicial trial upon named individuals or an easily ascertainable group for pAst conduct. Here, the guideline prevents certain people from enjoying the public library because of a1st actions. The guideline is a bill of attainder. The Supreme Court invalidated the Lundrum-Griffin Act which forbid members of the Communist party from serving as officers in labor unions; it was considered a bill of attainder (legislative punishment) and thus unconstitutional_ U.S. v. Lovett, 328 U.S. 303 (1946). 9. Moreover, the guideline is "ex post facto" because it retroactively alters criminal law in a substantially prejudicial manner. A registered sex offender will have penalties ascribed as their offense dictates. These penalties (sentences) are definite judicial fiats. If the City of Sanger enacts additional punitive regulations on certain people by specifically denying them access to a public library, the regulation is an ex post facto administration of a criminal sentence and thus unconstitutional. 10. Although well intentioned, this guideline is unconstitutional on several grounds. If the public library receives federal or state funds to purchase library books, equipment, funds programs, etc., the problem is exacerbated because federal and state funds are denied to certain persons which causes other constitutional problems to arise. I conferred with Paul Jordan, Program Administrator of the Texas Department of Health Sex Offender Program in Austin. He confirmed my thoughts on the guideline but added that if the sex offender preys on children, they will be precluded from any contact with children or judicially restrained from entering into those circumstances that may place them in proximity to children. The courts, fully aware of the problem and incorporating parental instinct to safeguard young children, have taken steps to keep sex offenders from children and future crimes. Although the execution of judicial sentences cannot guarantee total immunity from crimes, it minimizes the opportunity for commission of such offenses. Mr. Jack Smith, City Manager Library guidelines Page Four I see the intent of the Library Board to protect children. However if this guideline is enacted, it will open a Pandora's Box of legal quagmires. I suggest the guideline be dismissed. Please call me if you have questions. Sincerely yours, JERKY L. CARLTON GRECORY M. CLIFT ROBERTI. DAMS ROCGE DUNN ROBERT L. EDEN IENNiFER L. GABEL DANIEL A. KNOTT DEMIAN S. CARBON �/Is. Yolanda regson Claims Sp ialist TEXAS ICIPAL LEAGUE P.O. B x 149194 Texas 78714-9194 MATTHEWS, CARLTON, STEIN, SHIELS, PEARCE, DUNN & KNOTT, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 8131 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE 700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 TELEPHONE: (972) 234-3400 TELECOPIER: (972)234-1750 March 27, 2000 TOM D. MATTHEWS (1910.1988) TOM D. MATTHEWS, JR. ASHLEY B. McCLAM D. RAY MURPHY PAUL K. PEARCE, JR. THOMAS A. SHIELS KENNETH R. STEIN KARENJ.TRACY LITIGATIONSTATUS REPORT Re: Cause No. 99-40291-362; Thomas Tipton and Miyoka Tipton vs. City of Sanger, Texas TML Claim No. 9700039082 Our File No. 1730/54973 Dear Ms Gregson: I wanted to take this opportunity to bring you up to date in the above -styled cause. This case was filed by Thomas Tipton and his wife Miyoka as a result of a sewer backup that occurred at their residence in Sanger, Denton County, Texas. In their Original Petition, the Plaintiffs allege that the sanitary sewer service to their home was operated and maintained by the City. Further, they "regularly" paid the City for such service and employees of the City had come to their property on occasion to service and repair the sanitary sewer and wastewater system. On October 25, 1997, the Plaintiffs allege that they experienced a substantial sewage and wastewater backup into their home. Said backup allegedly caused numerous rooms in their home to be flooded with raw sewage and wastewater. The Plaintiffs contend that the backup, as well as their damages, was proximately caused by (1) the negligent acts or omissions of unknown City employees responsible for maintaining the sanitary sewer service to their residence; (2) the defective condition or improper use of tangible property, specifically including, but not limited to, pipes, valves and caps of the City sanitary sewer system in and around their residence; and (3) a premise defect of the sanitary sewer lines and systems providing service to their home. We are fortunate that the Plaintiffs have not amended their pleadings to allege a claim based on an alleged nuisance or a taking, or damaging, claim under Art. l § 17 of the Texas Constitution. Hopefully, they will not amend their pleadings. As a result of the sewage and wastewater backup, the Plaintiffs contend that their home was structurally damaged. Further, there was damage to their personal effects. Additionally, the Plaintiffs contend that they incurred unspecified injuries, as well as emotional anguish and trauma, as a direct result of the backup. As a result of the foregoing, the Plaintiffs contend they are entitled to recover an unspecified amount of damages for their past medical expenses; physical pain and suffering in the past and future; mental anguish in the past and future; loss of household services in the past and future; fear of future disease; and cost of 0 Ms. Yolanda Gregson March 27, 2000 Page 2 medical monitoring in the future. In a letter dated October 8, 1997, Martin Strahan, who was representing the Plaintiffs at the time, stated that they had incurred the following damages: 1. Damage to home (wails, carpet, floors, fixtures) $ 4,326.00 2. Household items (furniture, records, clothes, etc.) $ 5,316.93 3. Medical bills (stress, sickness, personal injury) $ 3,500.00 4. Prescriptions (stress, pain) $ 321.62 5. Clean-up expenses (packing materials, storage rental, etc.) $ 1 342.66 6. Loss of service (Plaintiff and his wife) $11,488.00 7. Mileage $ 160.33 8. Loss of service (family and friends) $ 1,534.36 9. Mental anguish/Pain and suffering (Thomas Tipton) $12,500.00 (Miyoka Tipton) $12,500.00 (Craig Tipton) $12,500.00 (Brian Tipton) $12,500.00 10. Future Medical Expenses (Mr. Tipton) 20 000.00 TOTAL $97,989.90 In my opinion, the Plaintiffs' alleged damages are highly inflated. As stated in my prior status report, Craig and Brian Tipton are not parties to this lawsuit. Secondly, despite several requests by Ms. Kelty, the Plaintiffs never produced any documentation of medical treatment or medical expenses that they allegedly incurred as a result of the backup. Finally, I do not know what the Plaintiffs are referring to in regard to their claim for loss of services in the amount of $11,488 and loss of services of family and friends in the amount of $1,534.36. In any event, the Plaintiffs' insurance carrier paid them a total of $6,291.32 for their property damage. Said payment by the Plaintiffs' insurance carrier is further evidence of the fact that the alleged damages for which they seek recovery herein are highly inflated. This suit was originally filed by an attorney named Mark G. Mann. On or about March 21, 1999, an Order was signed by the Court granting Mr. Mann's Motion to Withdraw as the Plaintiffs' Attorney of Record. Additionally, disclosures were served on each Plaintiff on or about May 19, 1999. To date, they have not filed any responses whatsoever. At this time, we have essentially two options. One option is to nothing. The other option is to file a Motion for Summary Judgment in hopes of obtaining a final disposition herein. As we discussed, I recommend that we proceed with the filing of said Motion. Specifically, the Torts Claim Act is applicable herein. Under the provisions of the Act, the City has retained its governmental immunity except in two instances. First, the City's immunity has been waived for property damage, personal injury or death proximately caused by the wrongful act, omission or negligence of an employee acting within the scope of his employment if the damage, injury or death arises from the operation or use of amotor-driven vehicle, or motor -driven equipment, and the employee would be personally liable to the claimant according to Texas law. TEx.Ctv.PxAc.&REM.C.§101.021(1)(A)(B). In this case there is no allegation that the Plaintiffs' alleged injuries or damages were caused by the use oroperation ofmotor-driven equipment. Secondly, the City's immunity has been waived for personal injury or death caused by a condition or use of tangible real, or personal, property if the governmental unit would, were it a private person, be liable to the Plaintiff according to Texas law. Please note that the City is not liable under the Torts Claim Act for property damage caused by a use or condition of property. Therefore, as their case is presently pled, the Plaintiffs are not entitled to recover for their alleged property damages as a matter of law. ������p��,� � 1��1 �!d Ms. Yolanda Gregson March 27, 2000 Page 3 As stated above, the Plaintiffs have alleged that they incurred personal injuries as a result of the backup in question. If, in fact, they have incurred such injuries, said claims fall within the City's limited waiver of immunity and the Plaintiffs will be able to present its evidence concerning their alleged personal injuries to the trier of fact. However, if the Plaintiffs are seeking to recover for mental anguish based solely on negligent conduct that caused damage to their property, their claim is not compensable as a matter of law. City of Tyler vs. Likes, 962 S. W.2d 489,497-500 (Tex. 1998). In any event, we will also allege that the incident in question was proximately caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence of the Plaintiffs. Specifically, they were placed on notice in November, 1994, that installation of a "back -flow preventer" would prevent any future backups. Despite this knowledge, the Plaintiffs failed to install said device on their service line. We urge that such failure was negligence and bars their recovery herein. As we discussed, I have begun work on the City's Motion for Summary Judgment. I anticipate that it be filed within the next three to four weeks. The Motion will be based on the fact that the City is immune from liability for the Plaintiffs' property damage. Additionally, we will contend that any alleged personal injury arose out of the City's alleged negligence which caused the Plaintiffs' property damage and is, therefore, not compensable as a matter of law. Alternatively, we will assert in our Motion that there is no evidence which gives rise to liability on the part of the City. If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, �-��--c. PAUL K. PEARCE, JR. PKP/mez T.•123311117301549731Letterslstatus report 3.27.00.wpd cc: Ms. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary/Fund Contact CITY OF BANGER 201 Oliver Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Mar-29-00 05:11P P.O1 FAX 3, �%0/0 DAT FF_:� jam{ 1 C CI l LP (-i QED D fi .; Tr): (� I l�� rnx. '� FK(1M: pNf,hie MeSI�{i ��' mj=L 1 WIL"i. 1 Of 1 NAMNAI WAUtiVART(Wo ." Wn��ninf,7i �N. 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If you haven't already done so, please mail your photo, bio and any personal connection or statement you would like to share about organ and tissue donation. Millennium Mayorthon 58'L Bc�achland Blvd. Vero Beach, FL 32963 Or em7i1 to arakaw a�7ussm.net [3est wishes, The Millennium Mayorthon T