02/07/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2000 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: January 18, 2000 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments for Fiscal Year 1998/1999. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Audit -Presented by Bill Spore. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Auditor for Fiscal Year 1999I2000. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from the Sanger Area Historical Society to Apply for Submission of Application of the Sanger Library Building located at 403 71b Street to the National Register of Historical Places. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from the Sanger Area Historical Society to Seek Information Concerning Cost of Replacement of the Foundation on the Sanger Library Building at 403 7' Street, 9. Cansider and Possible Action Regarding a Release of Lien on Property Located at 603 N. 10`" Street. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for Capacitor Banks and Equipment. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments flu* Chief and Assistant Fire Chief. 12. Consider And Possible Action Regarding Renewing the EMS Continued Education Contract with ABC Resources. 13. Consider and Possible Action �n Ordinance 02-01-00-Amending Water and Sewer Tap Fees for Apartments and Motels. 14. Consider and Possible Action on City Manager's Evaluation Form. 15. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): a. Evaluation of City Manager 16. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session, 17. Any Other Such Matters. 18. Adjourn. Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 18, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn EI•Vling Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Andy Garza ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez. Police Chief Benny Erwin, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Streets Supervisor John Henderson, Vince Villanueva, Ken Cornell, Lisa Hardy, Woodrow Barton, Shelley Ruland, Tye DeBerry, Judge Kirk Wilson, County Commissioner Jeff Krueger. 1. Mayor Pro Tem Called Meeting to Order, City Manager Jack Smith led the Invocation, followed by the Mayor Pro Tem leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 20,1999 & January 10, 2000 - Workshop b) Disbursements Councilman McNeill indicated pages 41-43 in the packet are not disbursements, but are in the packet strictly for information. City Manager did note a correction that the payment to Jeff Morris should be to Lovelace Nursery. Discussion regarding circumstances that led to the damages. The City Manager indicated the damage was caused by City Employees while trying to repair a sewer line in the street. They could not locate the connection, and the crew apparently had to dig on Mr. Morris' property in order to locate the connection. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 (DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY): a. Three Hundred Acres of Commercial Property North of Lois Rd. Between I-35 and Santa Fe Railroad. Mayor Pro Tem indicated that City Council would not go into Executive Session regarding this item due to the City Attorney not being present, and that this item was not in nature to require an executive session. Therefore, proceed with discussion on this item. Mayor Pro Tem advised that County Commissioner Jeff Krueger and Judge Kirk Wilson were present and could give City Council an update or knowledge on this item. County Commissioner addressed City Council and indicated they wanted to approach the City Council in executive session and are not prepared to make any statements concerning this item in open session. Mayor Pro Tem indicated that in the best interest of the City, this item should be discussed in the presence of the City Attorney in executive session. He apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused. He indicated also, that due to certain circumstances in the past and by the advise of the City Attorney, it is necessary that he be present. Discussion to recess meeting and not adjourn. County Commissioner stressed the importance of this item, and how it needs to be approached in a timely manner. Consensus of City Council to recess after the City Council meeting unt411:00 tomorrow. . RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. No Action Taken. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #01-01-00 -Authorizing Loan from GNB. Mayor Pro Tem read Caption of Ordinance as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF FUNDS; Councilman Higgs made a motion to approve Resolution 01-Ol-00 -Authorizing the Loan from GNB. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Payment of Real Estate Taxes on Chambers' Property Donated to the City. Councilman McNeill moved to approve payment of real estate taxes on Chambers' Property. Councilman Higgs seconded. 8. Appointment of Members to Parks Board. Mayor Pro Tem made the following appointments to the Parks Board: Patti Sliger Jim Kastell Penny Juarez 9. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Alternate City Judge. Councilman Ervin addressed this item and indicated that our Home Rule Charter provides for an alternate judge and felt like the City Council should give this some consideration. City Manager indicated that Councilman Ervin had approached him about the possibility of appointing an alternate judge since the Charter allows for one, he indicated due to the juvenile cases and the workload of Judge Spindle he wanted the Council to give this some consideration, not necessarily to take action, but to consider at a future meeting. Mayor Pro Tem indicated that this item has been discussed in the past for the necessity of an alternate Municipal Court Judge. The remedy was that there were options available from other municipalities, who could cover at times of emergencies or necessity. Councilman Ervin expressed the need for this appointment. Mayor Pro Tent instructed City Manager to discuss this item with Judge Spindle, and get any recommendations he might have on the direction the City Council might proceed. No Action taken, will put as future agenda item. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Addition to the Personnel Policy Regarding Payment of Sick Leave at Retirement. City Manager addressed this item in regards to section 3.04 Sick Leave of the personnel policy relating to retirement. He indicated that by adding Item (H) it referenced that any employee who retired from the City of Sanger and has eight (8) years of continuous service with the City will be compensated for their accrued sick leave at their current daily rate, not to exceed ninety (90) days. The method of payment shall be at the discretion of the City. Councilman Ervin expressed some concerns on this benefit and felt the city should check with other cities and see how their benefits apply in regards to vacation and sick leave . City Manager to get the information and report back. Discussed Motion made by Councilman Garza to approve this addition to the personnel policy in regards to sick leave at retirement. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion Carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid for Water/Wastewater Department. City Manager indicated this item was re published and no bids were received with the utility bed. Discussion followed concerning the previous bids received as follows: Carl HIements $17,849.00 Glenn Polk/Gainesville $19,332.50 Bill Utter Ford $189063.00 James Wood $189643.72 Jim McNatt $185139.00 HGAC $18,985.99 City Manager made recommendation to award bid to Karl Klements. Councilman Ervin made motion to award bid to Karl Klements in the amount of $179849.00. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): a. Evaluation of City Manager City Council convened into executive session at 7:53 P.M. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Reconvened at 8:24 P.M. from executive session. Mayor Pro Tem indicated there were no items to discuss. Reschedule for future meeting. Form needs to be revised. 14. Any Other Such Matters. a) Councilman Higgs addressed the problem concerning dogs running loose in town. Discussion. b) Councilman Higgs also addressed the problem regarding trash around Jack in the Box. Mayor Pro Tem asked whose responsibility it is to pick up trash around the community. City Manager indicated it is the City's responsibility if it is in the R.O.W. Discussion followed. c) Mayor Pro Tem thanked Vince Villanueva for taking care of the problem on Duck Creek Rd. concerning a limb that was hanging out in the road. Vince Villanueva indicated that when Councilman Jenkins approached him with the problem, he called John Henderson and he immediately went and cut the limb. Mayor Pro Tem again expressed appreciation. d) Councilman Ervin asked when the City going to get started on annexation. City Secretary indicated that it is on her list of things to do, and she will get it done prior to January 1, 2001. Discussion 15. Mayor Pro Tem recessed meeting for 1:00 tomorrow, January 19, 2000 to continue action of City Council. RECONVENE AT 1:00 ON JANUARY 19, 2000. PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carrol McNeill, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Judge Kirk Wilson, City Attorney Louis Nichols 3. Continued Discussion, and it was addressed under Item U.. Mayor Kincaid reconvened City Council meeting at 1:00 P.M, which was recessed yesterday, January 18, 2000, City Attorney advised City Council can only recess for 24 hours, and only one time. City Attorney addressed City Council and Judge Wilson, he indicated that he understood there was an item on the agenda for executive session that referenced the real estate section of the Open Meetings Act that had to do with certain property located and identified in general terms. Mr. Nichols indicated that it is his understanding the property is not being purchased by the City, but by the 4A Board. Judge Wilson indicated the decision has not been made and City Council must meet under executive session to make that decision. Mr. Nichols indicated if the purpose of the item on the agenda was to approve the project for the 4B (4A) Board it is not an item to be discussed in executive session; therefore, City Council is not entitled to go into executive session to discuss this item. The fact that it discloses a project that is being considered by the 4B (4A) Board or by some company is not a sufficient basis to go into closed session. Mr. Nichols proceeded to quote the law that referenced deliberation of real estate, it governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of property if their deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiation with a third person." it Nichols further explained what this statement implied in regards to executives session. Mr. Nichols indicated that in executive session City Council does not negotiate with a third person. The purpose is not to negotiate but for City Council to deliberate among themselves on any plans and how far they want to proceed. Mr. Nichols gave another brief example and explained that the notification in regards to executive session on the agenda was pretty close to not being sufficient to put the public on notice of what the City Council is considering. City Council is really considering a project for the 4 A Board, and in his opinion City Council can not go into executive session to consider a project for the 4A Board. In his opinion, if the City Council needs to deliberate, then it needs to be in open session. If the purpose of this item being on the agenda was for the City Council to approve this as a project for the 4A Board, then it should have been put on the agenda as such. The public would then be given notice and City Council can not go into executive session to consider it. Mr. Nichols again reiterated that City Council can not go into executive session to deliberate or negotiate real estate with a third party. Judge Wilson proceeded to address City Council in Public to communicate certain things with City Council and allow them to meet with 4A Board at a future time with proper posting done, then communicate with Mayor and City Manager following the meeting. Discussion concerning minutes and open records. Judge Wilson referenced the prospective client for the 360 acres on Lois & Chisam Rd. The sites have been narrowed to three sites and Sanger is still the number one site to be considered. Judge Wilson indicated they probably need o meet with both the 4A & 4B Boards. He also indicated that they will probably know the prospective company's name within sixty days. However, there is an option that has to be executed prior to the February 3, 2000 meeting, and if the option is not executed, which is the 200 acres of land the company needs, Sanger will be ruled out. Discussion followed concerning the 200 acre option, the cost of the property, and if the 4A Board will commit to purchase the property. Judge Wilson addressed other issues of impact fees, stubbing utilities, assistance with tax incentives, an annexation table, and road improvements on frontage. Judge Wilson indicated County Commissioner Krueger did have some figures on commitment for roads. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adjourn. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. dGZ3y 9 G 9 <ag dt d <»mqy« N6 y+I.ga 01 "'I MN y6U;ERer # SgEg WOMB Gy; i 1: 16� E O G ! 01 ( qlN f DH IF GyG of Swy9 O g r ±Nyw 69G4 WC§C« » 9;#J BAGS I6m BAGS eyy§ m2 S 01-9GNUJ . kyGPa91A. TOTAL S2S ;PM/ NO °;1.0 Pif R1EOULAR DLPARiMENL PAYM44EAT 11,01c:fLR PAOI !f ovov, r),u t rt 1JNI!i 3001 GUNIFRAL [AMO 11.'_! 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M MOTOR 'a Oil, FUTEP 000000 2100 '��-03b40 PIi!'i 1TITC!1 T--30075 001-30-5?C'i WC;ARiNl� AI'PA;, 5 NA:'1E: Odd SNTRI! 000000 i0;10 "'0;�,40 PIdD STT1'CN J:.."007 C01--3C'-'al:'C•i WEt'tRI'dG i�Pf'i1R 1�' DRt1'i h'dAVY CAPS 000000 71`'„00 PRO cJTTC1i ) 30075 t101.-30_5255 WEARING IAPPA!, 5 RE"tOyr NAMES 000000 J.0,00 '9 0,19i.0 1JU1t TfX T(tlli'.K P. F..il1IE'ME: ).—C;1.h01 1001..30-; 25 R i, I4 ?Oir1R It '}r.AT DFLT 000000 i._i1.,<i9 ',Q .'--04936 KAUF'E4Nfi,9d T!. i;F 1:-59l,5jt 001-30--5•:Ml R:' ?!1TOIr 4 I.IE:S 0t10000,1,ry �'cj• O'i4�'0 '=iAldCaF:R AUTO PART'!; ):--D?79f�5 00:i.-30•:'S It b i1 MDTDR to ' KEY'; 000000 <�, IC) '�-t)�';?t} SA'dOE.R AlfiO Pr7Rl'8 T-D?F;013 001-.:i0•;i•:;'`i �)f 14OTDR u 1 il1LI=R Ai?i 000000 !;1,,;3;'i '9405420 SANGF:f; AUTO PARTS T•-D?701; C01-30 5 "5 R t, M MOTOR U CIIRB UT FLOAT G•00000 :A,Io '94 4L'0 SANGER AUTO PARTS --D"t11 `9 01-_30 a3? R & M NO T OR G' STOP d, Will, LIGHT 000000 8, , 03 ,n.-054"0 0ANGER AUTO PI',RTS HOR14G C01-30-53k" fi &'1 iDTDR'a STOP TAIL LICHT 000000 8 0;61 ,i L�1 1 �+I � C � P f P: ,.1 - � '}�? tlt I.... �7 v n;� tau ra.T.,L,I„�,.F�.h�D TL[I� DiI•':017,;, C: ,0-, � ••0`'f,c�0 DF'd J:VEY DTI- CD, J:fdCa 1—?'174 C01•-3C--�3' R t, 'r1 MUTOf V CNr'iidCE: OIl.. d< F 1;L I r. n R f, Ni '1D T DR U 1. `;SGAI. IiYST' L tiT-ft O0GG00 C00000 Of;PfiR'I'il:hd`i ;30 5'I•`iL'IT" TOIAL; ' 0/2000 ? 9 Pi''! RHULAR DEPART HOIT PAY'MUT REGISTER PHE 9 i,110OR CEr; 9 001 t;0dW. , FIMI, '1 PARTIMENT; ;' P^RK 'CP �dAlF: ITL:i4 C!L ACCUUU'IT rdAf7E Df;e3{;ItTPT�:ON ['F!ECI;I AI4Q1iUT '9,,001.(10 A! R TOUCH PACIVIC 110179 001 %�,? ; 25 PACERS ME RIP 000006 J.u'I 'Ci65�2000 91 DCAU!Tr'17 '00 ANIA! R�:)1'� �f90J5' �}lr,}O ),.,0;?QUA t?p11711UF..5TEfii� DE1.f., MOBIL l ,',�197; 001. ; 20 i:•Et.LUi.AR PNUi, 110R1,11 PI]ONFS 000000 ;S,F,6 ,9.�03,'10 CROTTY' INC e1-99504 001-5::'—SL� BEAUTTEiCATTO YARD UE iWE IMP`, 5s6?i ?, HAW' 000000 11/100 Dr-_PfiRi��f:t�T `�� PARf ?/003/'�'000 511.0 PH REGULAR DEPAR]"ME TI, PAYMBIT Rt::GT'0TEP, PAGE 10 .'LNDOt? 5?, 9 �' ,11�D 001 GENERAL FUNi1 4E: ART? IN'1'; 3u VEH%GLE Li,1TNT[Ifilr;: ij:j\v NAIVE ITEM ,1 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESGRTPTi:N CHECU AMOUNT v.00570 11114MCO 10'1713107 001-;,6 53r?5 R IV M MOTOR V SPARKLE 000000 1) 17 q 0U S0 CTNTA+i COPR, 49 Jm'4Y -j q"t0 t?01." rT}- "a • f.;Lf:'i 1TNli ;iI,IPP 9"007 10 DEAL.EIt'4 ELECTRIC St!F`PL 1"'?113370 001' �b 5310 R 11 BLULtITI,! BOY,,DOOR 000000 1s�2 66 '9't)!)Ta0 DE:ALI.at'a GLC('EL'.IC 51JPPL. T-"113:i71 001-3!a'"531t) R P: It BUa:LDaN ? 1.5A,20A,G0A t�13 000000 41,90 >-01`?SO TXU GAP T-30180 001"36-50 ELECTRIC f, GA GAS USAGE (100000 32b„i Y '9 01010 DARK hi!1RDOGfI T-31.M0 001-3E'-i?ri OTHER OPFIWI 1. SOCF;EI 000000 ::it)(1 n D'r?GO ;;f EE I Y-11..EEII i-11?71)" i 001-ufi 'SPlO R & MOTHER 1 SERI ICE PARTS [J'ASHU 000000?01 �t "9a03010 UF BB A!1TO PARTS T-11330 001—;3h S,,Ti I? f, elMOTOR V OIL. F:[L.TFR 000000 1.1!1 )(-0Wo10 UEB? AUTO PAMS Im11330 001-';?F-S"45 OTHER OPERATT 1 Bf, III AVITA 004000 44 �JE' )-0 3 010 UEBB AUTO PARTS 1 11131)1, 0M1311-5301) R t, N NOTOR U GRINDING DISC 000000 10,9::; �`420 SANtiFR AUTO PARTS I~D'791a i 001•' 3ti—`I3?5 R hi ROTOR V WPALA I"i001t 00t?i7{�q 8 18 '9"9051420 SANGER AUTO PARTS ) Roil 79G5 00i 3el 2S R ), M NOT OR V (,?i TRI_la1 cROUN VTC,I.ulINA GO"?ft 000000 oil ,,90 S+ 05420 UNGER AUTO PARTP l-D2214r� 001~26 `:3i5) fl 1, ?"; HOTOR All THRE"AP ROD 000000 ;•t,'i" 9"-051110 ;ANGER AUTO PART; 7-,1328'�77 001,-'3�,.;i3`'S I �, M N0i0R V BATTTERY Ot}CJ 00 ;;,!?( >�a••ej1�060 £IFN 1:'dt'Y Oi:L CO, '[laC ''a 4i0 C &R iEt_D i,NG R '• lj IiO I OR V l `i COAL. ltYS (i.I...I T "R R L, ?ti BUl.I_D:%lt rPat.ti{',Gtw D1OP, OPF:f',?Tr!G 0000i.a(l 000000 DEPARTItt�:l}T 36 VEHTCLI. i�ATNTI=lrAl1C£: TOTAL.; 'lO �i?g0U �r t i0 PPi RllitM..AR UEPART MFlI'l' PAYMENT RLGIS1411! PAGF* !E�ggR qeT; 001 i)ENrl"AL HIM UARTWNT; 40 SULLIVAN I.POFNITH. 'IiT fdAlhE ITEPi� CA ACCOUNT ?dA11it; gE'�iCRIPl:tO�l CHrL'f, Al�iaU�!T 'Y4UOA70 QXH 3UE'PL.Y I-AIt360 001, AO 245 OTHER OPCRATI PAPER TOWF;L MACH I..IidERS 000000 24 „i/, ,1fNUORAL �tF; ART�iC'P!�' ���t SWLI. I+JA�i GI"�dTER TCi T AL ?FI r,C, ; , :?rase ?aaa <<,1a PM 1%FO ELAR PEPARI'ME T PAYMENT REL4181E:R PAGf., 12 Ult ltt1 U01 Gf�IVLRAG. FUidI '1TCP, � Grlm ACClIUM M-Mr,� Df,iCR1P(i0�1 CfIE�;I', RHfllflt7 `r'190 RADIO i(tACt( 11- 300S 001 4'? :3f0 R �v 11 WlilL.01aa UIRk HU 000000 7199 'q U?i30 :"i.0?�1 U Alt�aFR Aidf. 5ANL1kR (iFFTCE f' f)F'FGGE 5H!'PLY SUPPLY aEJt'Ni Y i-a0:511 1-ONA49 �aUS?9 UpV..,a`? 5?1a OOI�h? rL*" i1FF1:CC IJPP!_:f OFHIi�P OFFICE YJPVLk " E'R1r�l'l:R TYPROR1Ftl R11*F11" ld11 1illt1, {,iO?,"0 8004a,ENhrPl(JPI aa;0 THL HNNIOR'IHY COMP(Ay 1,1y1004 00H,2; £0;0 19415's3a RAvar,ER R Clt % ' 011 1. gc)i 4l^ c'�ry; �Tos06140 AAA CUS,i'[)m `E JBIG 1-10324 001AM131a Oa000a Oaaoa0 UUUOS)0 DUQf;" 3c, Df1f]ltD aaaat,t} iiAGA�`.:f�F{; t, fi aEJRHI�Rii'ijlltt a0aa00 R s H DIl:(LDIN l..tX CANOPY FOR HOOT UTALKWAY 000000 DOOMin i BOOK 000000 Dk.PARTMI'ttT �:? 1. {hr<try 1'fi`IAL; 11 00 (10 38 1/03 9000 5110 PN ft',GULAR !DEPARTMENT PAYMPff P,EL+ISTi.R PACYE; �� NrfoR .,t, 1 , 99 001 CENERM, FUPfIi 1l-'PARTifN! ; 44 !,^mt7�ttttiiy Cnt!�r IN NAME, ITEMM t?IL ACCOUNT Mff' . DFK10fP'!IUN NE. U HOUN! '4'-90790 1IEEl1t1N C;U,[3UILOERS SUMP I 2:?3137 0013A 5310 R „ 9f 9LlILDIN 1 11;E5;14 000000 11.11+ ?�01550 1'XU CrA5 l -301S0 00'A 4 I1 EI..I::(:; i Ctl.i �. fiA GAS USAf1 Oi)0000 ,1n "901j70 LQVJE'to' COMPANIES, INC. I 001N 001-A4-,510 (t & M CU7LGIid UdlilE rth0040 Ati7,t,? ';1?AV:'110 LOUE'S CiOMPANIES, :I:NC, i 30799 001-44310 R & M 3U.tt.UIN COMM CEN{'ER 011111tlMi SUPPLIES 000000 ;3ti,3 9,02100 ;?YITH'S 15o'846 001-44,1513? 51 NLNOR EQUIPNE 53S46 UTILITY KilIFE 000000 1.,P i PETS MORRIS I--300�5" 00) V"5310 R ', m C UILDIN PETE MORRI S � FINAI, COMM CENTt: 000000 :? 181I0.00 DC:C'F+t?T'r3E;idT AA 1:ot�mtdtti�y i;ranr.rt' ifllAl_� 3�0?'i,? f5l;10 PM Rf'OTILAR DEPAR'IMINT PAYN:IaT Rirl,'J57ER PAGE, 14 '`=HOR SET; 99 - 'llP KNERAL FUND h=1'ARIiiCrtT; 6? !lr�1�i1 NAME: ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME EMOTION OTION CHECK$ AMOUNT �,-a "1r� TALC�OT �[NSPFCTTiJNS -,�f> i. 001"67_5420 ITALTM KRUG NCALTH INSPECTIONS 000O00 ?.:C00,00 i)I:I'AkTMEIlT tug H!�71 �.h Tl11AI_; i,SOU,Ut) 2!D i ?00U 5110 PM RFOULAR DE R fMF.NT PAYMENT RE6TS'CEf? - f:HBOR SlT; 99 Jf"' IOOfi C'tdl"�RPRl.tie: Ftl�l: flTi NT; 5, A0. ini 1t{' �; ilAi!E: I i Eli x G/L AC!:AOUNI NAME BE8CR:( P HON 9 00WO AIN TOUCH MOING I—?D1;9 UU�—i.S-`w`:1U TELEPHONE SE!? PAGERS "Q� 00940 DENTON PfJBLI'sk1:(NG CO, 1-2147054 UU�S—IS��`.�;?;iU APYERT 'SING UANT AD l' 1('U '!'-01920 Nz�;H[ll_S, JAGKSUP!, (IiLL.A :�;-'3097Z DUEs�jS—`�[:.'EL.Ei:TRIC t, GA GAS UBAGE UDL-1;i,..",iP LL:GAL i�ERVIC[�: l>{.IONE CDPdFliidi�NCE RE{BAftTUP? ';..�J:?UD SAN(�ER COURIER I "7 U'.3UU SIMMER C(lUf'1l:R r'.?'7 UUsJ" j` ".;?3U 'W.4,�0 MUTHIJ SiEP,N BELL MOBIL T-29975 =;-02970 {!RUING OFF(CE PRODU[,'TS I-233949 001-45"59.10 ;�;..p":'f',!J L!S ail`TRG' IMO02 UOB.ryfi_.10 '"—O'tiiUU '3ANF;f®'R Pi?NC:(Nr rrJlil'ANt' T....(7107 niU 060PO SHERT RF.YNOLBu I-3Ulb' OOFI15 ,;MO C'W.{'C'V;,k UUODU 0 UOODUU Q AB{IFRTtS1idG H�.!_!' !dAfdTEq �?UOUDU Ah{)E:RTiSi:NG HELP UANIEB ROOKKEENER!{1,M 000000 fELUPIONF SER 110BILC PHONES 000000 �J!~'1=IG'E S(1PPLI PEN",HC:ALE:!?,!_Ca0 P,APfi,N(1TE C'AB UUUUUO TELEPW!ONE SER METH LINE 000000 rJE'F.'lCfv" JP!'L.i; F.Nl�rt.!]P{.�S UUUUOU TR;;UEI_ E;!PCP1S !At?UARY' p0u'UU0 BF Pr{RTMEhdT'S A�1,,,.�ar�Lr;+?aan TBTr{I..; 44,4U bD,7i /200 REGULAR 3alygSR Pyb G +9y y» 9 JmB ; 0 ; aJ9GJ ryn «aRl ltf @ 96 R«396 gy NAR 9R f G/L ACCOM11i§± yyg GIq ryr@ At $I m9Zy DA g±±R.9E Cy!«7 MC@3y& m&M6gK1111�'yyRy§� y§ya 174 ,3 °G@29 IR9y D G3§ y« Rd)y CONTRACTUAL 9 +QyKd9g§7 mPg« oRy§ 9K y 9. � (Iyg7 SUPPLY DSGe §OaJ«g@ y@y qRO @4FOR ±yr»gK@y §yAy 6 9 Jdad S gm OFFICE e96ed Idea# M Ilk 9"y6 aF]I Rn»bO WI yR y§y§ 9 39 y¥bRA g 9b 9«Rdg IyR: yCR ggqq�/ 10 Phi 'EHOOR SET; 9? �Il�li ON F. HITRPR'ISF F I I N 0 :�LI''ARl'NiChtT; 36 vobiclo.Jdain#rnnn,. REGULAR UCI'AR'I'MUff Pffil T REi71SH NAGS; 17 LI' 1�AriE 1TFhi OIL ACCOUNT NAME IiF:8)CR,IpI10N CHEr.I�� APiOiJH'f 90,00570 rHFMGO 1. 171008 /J'-53 R M MOTOR, V SPARKL;3000000 18 ?,_00`180 f::1: lfY3 COPR, sJg7 T s? "5t?�40 001 ?� !',.':';;`_, Cl-I:A�Ii?dli 5(IPP SAFETY i�A>5 �,NOP TUL 000000 ?,�I;? `r` 007 �0 Dt=:ALE:R'W� ELE:CTR'!C f�Ul'PL P2118370 006 66-5'3lo R 4 h1 DUfLD:(Jd DOXIDOOR WNW "'9�00750 UEALtwP''a i::L.LCIE'.1C SUPPL 1 4'1111371 008 3� "J:31G R l: { 13!1'I�L73�id 7 1 A,1?04,1'�OA CB 000000 lY,U GAS-,0:180 008-06' "W E!_FCTRIG h (;A GAu HSAGE C00000 "?f�„�'s "1-011310 P1AR1 hil�lil)OLf; ).358"0 00(? 3,—S?di5 OTNI.R OPERA)). J SOCKET 000000 r:,00 i' 0;!?80 (iAhETY f(i.fL.Jd Ji?74.",:;i OOC 3G" •^,E,O R 1, H OTHER 1 GERV1C PAPi S IJABNEP, 000!?00 y-030i,t) UED( Al1TO ?'ARTS f-11330 OG"-36 i3^` R b, ki HOIOR '1 fJTL. F?LTI R 000000 � ..0;;010 11E.RC3 AUTO PARTS 1-11330 OGu 3' `1? C OTHER OPERAI i UEBB Ail TO PARTS 000000 44,97 19-030;10 UEB11 AUTO PART, %�1:?^`1 00(, W5r5 R h N MOTOR V UFHP AUTO PARTS 000000 10,n5 ;n,..tl,�n"0 9F;far;E?; ALiTO PART i;-fl"7ti'h�; Ot7"-•;3fi—•':':'.`J R ??i li0'lOR U Tlil'AI.A F)OfJK 060000 cJ,ft7 `9-0;}4;'fi {3Ah1ri 13 AUTO P ARTS :1: 13?1�'J': 00S 3f ; :"5 R ' :`i H(110R V CANOFR A!, If PA RT8; A00000 *1 ,''0 1";420 SANGER AUTO PARTS %—D28149 OOG.-36-53" R & i't MOTOR V SANGER AUTO PARTS G'00600 :3,9G, ;941511" s(IN?ER AUTO PART" r 020t77 00-Vr 3; R &'f MOTOR V 3PC GRUSIF 000000 `1.9°4 O`;}1f,0 F)EN 1VEY ?li:L. G0, is?aG 7. '9�714 ON;�6 ;"'`, R & ?, 00TOR V 1 5 GA1.. tfY"a'fll.. ,1T--ii OOOOirO i.�;,F,3 VIC'50 CXR WEf. BBC T 0062 00-36- 541.0 R rf 13UJ1,010l Lfdl A dir. DOOR OPINNG 000000 DFPA1?T?iEi1'i 31, ur,.liiClr ?iain.;nanr:j TrTAI.; 93i'.1t7 ?.10"/r'000 ti ,10 ['ii P[=;i:ULAR [IE;PARTiiml Win] REON1'H P ENDt3R 61",V 79 UNn 0019 ENTEPPI;ISF FUNr, .a%PAR'f1iF1'd'1r �;0 6J�Jir� I:hl1 NAM[ IIEM G/I_. ACCOUNT3dAhkE DF,XR1PfIL1N r'N[FC11 IMOUNI CiIIJI.k"Y `31-tND iiRAIJE:k- 007' 0-`V36 R Ir 11 OTHER FLEX PS AND 000000 :;i131!"10 `?'-900190 AIR TOUCH PiI'viffiC 1:..;?!J17? 0G� 0-55;+,, PAGER,:; 11AGP:Pi, 0010001, '°ANiEG,1' C?013.1. 00;3-50 19A2260 SKi TFLEMCTRY 7.'-1a17P o0s3 :;0 `;3b0 !u._.0n,;nrl S"iITH'5 I~ �3793 R;rtir,t) l)k11HUf:.`:ilCRis W1.1, MOW'[, 11120971i R ?e ii NO'fOR �J SPARKLE R ', N MOTOR U AIR FILIERr R � ii OiNER DUCT TAP[: ',I OTHI"R I RAN5Ma.i'1 FR J AGOR Oi�ft—a0--`;�'.•0 IiINOt IDO[. ;? RADIq 1, i;HAfti:�ER G0 1�03 I; ?N 0F24ER. 1;;1 5%17 1C;-50-Ak' tif�i3�50 1,`'"t?t7 f;F['LIJI,AIR NION 008111 PHONES `; 0?980 UA I FIR, PRONG 5 i h'C • i'-:'59440 008.50�"i3A0 -099+00 '`'-'()021ti 1`?. i;....co WATER UVER WATERPP,OOUCIS UA`FIl Pht�:J(lUl-;'IIS PPODUCT-1 PPODUCTS iNC, INC, ih1,,, INIC, T.-<?l,rsiG;O 1-'b41 I 0G01. 0 ?F'•G374 0t)? "�G- NOV.°,0 008 0V-;:13E;0 00P' ;0 `�3 360 5;c.0 !P-03010 ''1-03010 I)EBB 01.03 AUTO PARTS 1 UTO PAIRTO S I-11351 -i i31 008,150-'5325 OGi;'.U;O , ,?5 03921J MACH COMPANY I~":'31S3B 003'S0 5z 0 �`.L-O;;640 PRO 4'MM-I I'-?994, 00f3-,J0-+5255j '9-4i4fa') ?litl= Ct1C!tPr"' I �--�9937 04V Or1P,'0 1;Jt11FFh!AiJ T.10E IIV, ;,°Fr`',4 00B-;a0-,��13?c A11'f 0 Pr3RT5 t ••G ,i3 r, [;k.1? It�F:'J' OILi:1a, If _.9p974 r,,nr�--`.,G ' J9411370 i:{ C1EP'i , OF HEALTH i-30077 00;'asJ-5377 `.' 06940 f,Cl:;Fi3S PAGIM0 ?, r%NSWEPI "M7310 [kARi3(3R FRhIGNI 1110C.a ! '0'7 0 tiARIA i;O;tk'ANY I-05.`i9,i41 005-50-5";i'J P ?< %i B!J:iL.DIh1 1. S11OP WFA-fER R ?• 11 aATi:i I ?, H P ?, ii P ?, N OTHFft MAIN ?: OTHER TITHER OTHER AklAPIERIFLAG GASKET 1" RUBBER 5 PVC A PVC PACki;BiJ3N%Nw3 adYE,1RH Ss"MULF CAPS BUSHING COUPLINGS R P ?, hi ?, ii i19TOR U N 0 T 0 R Y AIP FILTER OIL [ ILTCP C;Nk.hi:iCAL SUPP �i'J0 CNLOPIhlF PD':1BEP PILLOUS UEARING APPAR 1 NAME Old CT R ?{ ii ETHER C;1D3..EP k OP HAI e.P t3Ai�iPI.E;3 R ?, N 110fi?R U lI 1RE J IN MOTOR V 7 i''.[:Y'c [1 ?Y ix iii?l.ir[; �,) 11, �Gr^I. 3`Y`'l., F k+JA'fFR Tr:,BT:ii?ii BPINtiIh!, W1TER TEST CON1'PACTkJ11*11_ QSANS(:':L"" 1.h(G 3F: YNE, R ?, k; (III HE R ; h4 3 RI146 AND LTD qt:PAR'f1TiGh1T 50 U�t,�r OOOt700 GGGOGG OnGGUG 0G(}Gt)0 n00000 G00000 00040�� GGGOOG c?0n000 G00i)00 00G000 00G000 (.00000 0°JGOi)0 000000 GG0000 000000 G000G0 00G000 0G0G00 t)000c)0 00{)OGCi 000000 0000t70 ti0tit)tiff b3,t)0 17,95 00002G' 269yy 9 9 M EL 6 EPARIM T R¥tr l Egg R PAK g 'ygk yb S d# ; ye Gy9»»EgD «A( a2 y Q«e Qi« Q 9«R9 d \ f± RR! 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ACCOLINT NAME DL5GR1PT1t1N i',HE�'t" ANOUN'L '''� 0t?),i30 AIR TOUCH PAr�:[NG l:-'017`� GOLD L�;.j `2.i PA(3E1i, PA(7ERG 000000 90�ti 4,_.00,?'A MIFIRIMN SAFETY UTILITY L-I.l.i?20 003 'iS `.;?60 SAFETY F Q 0 1 P 1 1" fIIF:RMAL LINERS 000000 9-O015)0 GHFil,C0 i-•.1.71307 ;''Ot;-R L'�,'S R „ t3 110TOR V SPARI;LF. 000000 1.2 4i "-•0;)'`.;d) DL',AL.aR'S t�L.E{aTR1C SUPPL 1•-"!fi'71 003-.L;Lz �+!.;0 'a-;91SU T'XU OAS 1�.�3��1'30 ''•'G18;ii? idl`IR-1L.,',' COt;t)UN iL;A'I'10tw'.w' s,-.iCc7 u�. 0;?:300 f3ANOER C!)UR:if:E? 02" 0 ",AUGER OFF 111 SIIPPLY TA0658 '1-0:9330 SANGER OFFIIW'E SUPPLY 1.OW16 ' P:i:,0 f3ANt"ER [!FF.(T SUPPLY M0685 SANGER Off I:CE SUPPLY 140691 ,�..�);'"�1 SCHLUTER E'tdO, A4 COMB: I--16;'4G 1) SM TH'; i 5,378E l.tts'f3 1 :301,1 !l1'...(lLlY rS J SO!ITWI~.!E ! T ER,! BELL IMOBIL 1- 29975 OOr..L a;1!; w210 OUS 3 ;?1U Ji) _)_•"Gtiu GOB-5f;-60•'.0 .c;.•{Y,!ftC!0 TEFX i-?864f,}8--5;�c;a ,q_G2{,Oi) TER 7.-%Ol,"574 0 THY i JG..?577 00F3�• SB• 52d' 'qfi90 I'Er'IIL 1i1E ) ~1.40 04 •U.Ty'a0mi "-G0(d1.0 tit'.013 A,llO PART" �" �!.7J 1000 •-Ju'"•.',1;_J ,1 0 01.0 UENB ALTO PARTS I."! 1 J, 0 009-2,--5:325 13 lit T CI EAPlf RS !-'9970 (105 i11 `;� 7 41 0550 Ix FXCAUM SON 5A.FE'I'i 9Y 1-9149 0081 t') SAt'dOEi? AI "a PART;3 '9•.OfIF"0 DEN 1l!F,'1' Ol.l, CO, INC 1..n9)74 OGf3_°iO ;'a"fi ,�,-�0!;740 OF'EI1(aE MAX1-•!1i3''?1a13 OOf3-5'I-5',j.0 ;y-nr;7)0 Ot�F10E iiAX J:�11P!#?7r�5 GOB--St;-<'1.0 �JiF!%� :itiPRCa:�E 'i 1175(! ?i,H OUODUU t9iNOR TO(!E_S 1 Ll.NE13Ald I ti?PLE S[�UARk l!RE:NLai OUOG00 EL.E'�C?ttlL' t: rA GAS USAGE 000U00 M BUILOIN iW'4;TAJJ. PHONE /ELEC L?EETING RO Gfi0000 [:CON9?i1i: l"Ir E St+` All 000000 OFFICE SUPPL1 RUBBER NANDS 000000 OTHr.R OI F' WE OFh1E.E OPF-RAT1 SUF'PL.1 S!JPPL 1NO'I'ENOOi„N1NOkt?,F'EN i`ORM HOLDERS NOTE NOOKS & O1NOEX CARDS 000000 000000 000000 O(HER f)PERAF1 VOLUME COiViGfi., SW7TCt1,h(,FOIi Woo() OTlIEP, OTNLR .ImplRoVE: MPPOYL f, P.IPE LONNteiTORS,60Y,L'W�,T0P COYER 000000 000000 CEE..HULAR TELE MONILE PHONES 000000 Dt)ES RVU T Ei_rcTRlc HETERYNG COLAY (SPAP,I;L. Gs;0000 !IiE!31 i!. Rt.rIST RK61f\ I TRUCE{ „ FOUR 1PERATIO 000000 LtiIE.S i, 11TOJ.0 RONNIE. GRACE i, LIVE PftATE1 000000 OTHER MPROW "I AMERICAN REYOUMON E..1611M5 000000 EEi t4AT11dTE11 ? tE!�t ;, REPAI:R L}:iN[JLE PHASE 000000 6t:,0U 'i5 ,17 i0w,0 1` , U0 2 750,U0 M MO�ff)R V AIR F11.TER 000000 1•',;0 P, .', Ei tiL)TOR V 01t. F'�L.TEt; GOOCGci I.l„r5 WF:ra71NG AP!AEI Ct.L:Atd11d6 ELLC'FR1C OEPT 00GOU0 90,09 COtdTt?ACTUAL S, t9L,SSAiiE hl:�� F EOI? DEC 99 000000 21:58 R tIN MOTOR V HANG FILTER 114;I:11' 000000 ;;';', sir I? b t; MOTOR V 1.h�Y'3T11.. ,)T B 00t1o0�7 ?5'„%q OF'1=10E SUPPLI t1ANriER NfIARD 000000 313,s?9 OF'F."s.Ci; a'UPPI.;. ? 1NE{ CARE GG0000 °:�18 /03/9000 lo pp. R 17ufAR Dcf)ARIMUT PAYMUT REGIS fi ►' �; s�� ,,NDUR 81 T, 99 Jlr'f) ; 006 ENTE.RPRUSE FIR0 'EPARi ENT; Fd' Elvcl-rric Departmpiit Cf' f!€ML ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME 0(:0)CRIPTfON ;A 0�4v4n Arr.:E�;s PAWINGAf�sGJLRI -�,��:, oKI-��-4:,ds��7 CDfdTRAiTUPt. Af SULIR).titl EMU WON DEPARTMENT 8 Clai.lric Deopart1wilov Vffk ��r�DaR DF'T OOF, Ff�T�RPRISE FliP1D rnT�1L; RFPITRT GRAND TOTAL Af1f�l!fd i 44 ra , 9?/t19 6,9i) 2•iO3/2000 5,10 PM Rf"001"AR DEPARIMF'N'i PAYML'NT HEIGISITER PAGE:, 29 G/l.. ACCCtUNT '(DIAL) --,-:=:C.INE 1T1sM-r v: :. wW==CiRi7UP DC1DGr.T Ait1dIlAl.. E3UDGF.T OVER ANNUAL13UD6L 1 0 r. r,AR ACCGUN NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVA114ABLE EUDG DU0GET AVA1I..ARLIV, I;IIDG ,/(10..2000 001wVW1117 GARBAGE RAGS ANONI-EXPENS O , 3 0 If1 i1 001+JF'FICE 511PPL.ICS 106,99 7:50 14l.,11. AD!!f.f?TISING '.30,65 :=,000 1,?96,BID 001" 15 24 OTHER UPF:RATI.NG SU('PL):i`3 2� 1.,000 616. a3 {i+!:+-j'i 542 I.FCA(. 1E Rl!iC'F! '+1,'}::, 15,000 11,507,(10 001 j 5510 ILL(:PNGNE ;;C:ItV GC::`:3 1k'.n,?1 'j!.-V!j0 3,:i1J.,,5I 0rr1 i j-5;"l5 FLEC'1'!?IC AN1) GAS UT1:LITILS 291 86 2,500 11920,96 IV 001-20 10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 24,9ri ?,000 t 190,'?1 001. 20-151215 FOOD 1415ti C'00 17k8,82 U01-20-5 2:35 11UE5 AND Ri 311DTRA1I(1N 45,00 +'00 7{i!`r:00 01THf;:R GPERAIING iUPPLIE`.:i �6,04 ',?1 2,Ui09.25 00J.m?0_ 2G5 DRUG F'RF'VC:NTIGN 1,6141. 9,12,00 i„;`3q,14 00I ?i) `,'w2` R & M 1'01GR Y HIC::LE 91,98 10,;:'UO `r',1101�,53 001-20-S.;L{l LEASE E(11It1'M(EIT 277160 24,a1.4 :?;)h ,i",00 001-90.. 55 ? i PAGERS 34 , 7 500 .131119. 06 001 :', gel OFFICE SUPPIL:CFS 1,9J, ( 50 148110" 4VI521 FOOD! 6 68 600 14n OF. )4 ff01 ,4 5,?3 DUES ! CiFGIS'CRhI":ECII! 1,h-'7,9? b;.`_ p 1,;'/47,1:' 00'1. 2/1 ci"ii OTHER C1PEfiAi"ING SUPPC.IES `'S1. Ui 4 7`"0 ?,1�7„?9 r 5 Y:' 001 :�i 510 R !t M !3U"iL.D:ENG h59,9,, J.2',000 ,7�.,,1;1 U01 "?4-532 R r, MOTOR VEHICLE 14410 41000 2,373 17 001 ;?q 51%"; MINOR FOUIPH["i'!T 4?,00 1.000 J 4,1)1)6, '1 001-114"5520 S(:LI.IJI"AR PHONE: 106,h:3 ',00() 1, 520,'i') OOj'-26- ?10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 24,96 2;00() 1;/6r3,04 00 i. 2h-i ?" i DUES !. REGVISIT RATION 40, 00 `i00 4:?6 , 04} OTHER OPERATING SIIPPI..IF8 24,88 700 6i:j :1 001 ?6-1503:3•`.i R !• M EQUIPMENT 34100 1 i(!0) 406,00 .`J?10 OFFICf' SUPPLIES 69197 400 (101 DUES b RFGISTf7Ai'IOrdS 69,45 900 1,661.110 00j_')4.-J4;?J R !, M VImHI.LLC: z10 L;00 400,3? 001-1251,5i20 CEI-.LU1.AR TFLFPHONE 54,7: !11),! 487 9';1 010 V.28-Y525 1"AGL'R5 12,61 00i-'4.0-:"I:'`.ii UEARING APPAREL 30,9180 2,'L'0 1 2'88,5w 001 ;30.. 310 li !, rl D(IIC.DING 4•`1?100 1,el 1 ;1.,t1? MOTOR VENICLF. HE'l 1150.11V/ 4L10 99639 001.Ill 0-;=,;I::"5 R ilk M MOTOR VFFI:)Wt.1' 618496 a,000 1,�;1.C,`f`i 001 `t�0- ;'4470 44TRF-E'1 fiA:(ldi'CNAtdL'C 5I9? 4;:;,000 :?'1.`?11) 9 001-;0 5^'75 MINOR EQUIPMENT 3J194 3,000 ',I;111,{iG OW .?Om 441?0 CgN'i ftACTUAI.. SLRV i {)t)J.":10 5525 PAGERS 11131 300 90 00i-3'-`7%r!1 DFAUTI:FICATION BOARD 97,i)0 ? ''q0 1;1i'/5,i, 001-3*2 5520 'CE;LLULA R PHONES 3 , 56 000` 5P, � S) ? 4!{11 3? 52 f'ttCF:RS 11 4,1 300 ?52, 9,� 00.1-;16' j;%;i OTHER OPFRATI:(`,6 SIIPI'LIF:S 49,93 ;00 191'i,;".`.i Id 00J t, ;:.6, C.,-FANINu uUrPLIE.� , r�. ; 00 , ,,, �� ?1000 Eii1.0 PI' REGOLAR LiCI)F�RiliCftl PAY111PPP,"N'i Is'"GISIER PAGE 494 'I:AR nWA)Uei I rifiriE 001 -61 R 14 DUILDI1di; 00t*••t"443`?5 t)01 3!J ('01 10--5245 oot-.4R_E;M 001--4''-50425 00.t 4�? 151.E 53.10 R 1, 1i DUE RIC' OTHER OE'EItar MAGAZINES R & N 11J7'!Il VEHICLE ?: GAC, UPI H,*H'f OPERATING SUPPLIES LifUPPLIE'3 & HIBSCRIPTIONS BUILOIN '�' 001-.12-4050 001-4A;-•531 BOOKS BUILDING )OF 4 )-- 00;? 11 5515 v'0 52140, ELECTR:iC HEALTH OFFICE 4 GAS UT10T.IES; SERVICE'S SUPPLIES, (10It 1.`i 5:230 ADUFR(IS+.HG 000• Vj5 00E;-1.5 008-1.'3 00n-1,`.-i511 008 4,1 9 {i0 "o J 0- 5240 LA'1`, 5510 5":10 52 15 (RAVEL 1.LGAL IIaLEPHGNI I'LE'C111IC OFFICE iiTLIER EXPENSE SERU�I•E.i FR�'ICES d GAS EI'll 11_I.1'IES SUPPI. F 0PERAt Tj I N G c:UPPI_ ATE S 00G.-IQPP-015 0{)11 19 008-36-5245 u�4i?0 R & 1d c0NIRA101 OTHER MACIITNE UA1_ tSERUICc OPERATING SUPPLIES 0083b-`i`)b5 c)0s 36 5310 [;LEANING R Et 1 ISI Pl_I.L4, BUILDING 36 0081,3h ;v,,je ,50 R de l R de li HL±CQR !)E"MCLE. OTHER 0010,6 008--50 .l. 52?; El..ECTRIC to GAS UTILITY[" CHEICAI.. SUPPIP. IE MINOR TOE11.4S 0080- 50 5255 IJCr"?HK, APPAREL 0o13--W 3�o R ' M R E. M MOTOR VMYCoLE 01,11H 008-150 5377 (1ATC R TESTING OWP50 5420 00850-55j0 CONTRACTUAL. SERUICFS CELLULAR PHONE I SL.JW p 008 5�1 5310 STATION 1': I QTOR UEHIt:LE: R m BUILDING 0N(t_;;;4 _ JGF 9 R €e G ;.+EU R PLANT Gil. ACCOUNT TOTr1L5 AI�OI.IPd 4'f9,bi 0311W 7o,�a 60: as 17,00 3'2 99 , �770 p 27 1,79 i1.19 i,�oo,00 '16 , 39 30 , 65 15,00 41 125 ! i,01 113 ,,q, 97 I,40 199,6' ?76,;i9 b3,00 792" 99 )•10 71," " 4 0 0 4711, 81 ?,91.3,)A 6'2 42,1 1s1,70 1,98 7,99 AP1PdJAI.. ruDGET goo !,00 .00 cl �) 300 400 940 5,0U0 9,611 :'oo M oi) 3,vloo rdo ^,000 ?. ,P 14? 000 5 560 ; 5oo 000 500 ,o `too 0 �C10 700 Cl 100 FA /�� () b'J'J ^,000 , ?,000 000 000 000 ,000 9?;000 900 b,000 ?0,000 1,000 L±,000 Bf1OGE'( ±.1VE:R Ai�AZLArLE DuaG 9(PP �iw) 1:'9, ,7b ?p8,y1 oC,lt'(! 1,500,00 ao/I , i16 it); d.6 0111,6o 69 ,)el 1,9.0,90 394 i5' 5,26 /I* ,o3 Jf)d �.,,b0 1Yr)t18 t.+ r.!65ti•t ?r , 6'1',� , 33 , 764 00 60,u19,3,') 1 154 69 19,9.'(3,80 735 , 46 ,1 :rGi!?Llf'HIJU I1AL BUDI.;ET I;ifiIGF I' OQFR AUAIi..AE,1..E 130.I013 2!(73!2U00 S;IU PM RE:rUL,'If! DE[AR1ML'N'F PAYFiLN'F RLCISTER ACCOUNT TOTALS u um-f_It'1L 1 fF:EfIF,"",-" �:: IwvWmm e:r;RC)Iif' 1iUUCE:I=W-mow ANNUAL DUDOLT OVER AN('liiAl. f31i11 if�'I' t)t1EP f.:AR ACCOUNTNAME riMJUPIT PUDGLT AVAILADLC BUi?U CUUOET A4,•A.LL.AULIm k3U;1(, ()FFTC.0 3UPPLIE:{i 11262 1,OOn 00 �J '.;?35 fl!Jf !, °EG1''3T°��IIUfIU 1,"310,OU 1.' 40o it) 'lo:3,7: r r rt r, a ' ; (I 'H �' I 4; I 1 1 i� ; 1 + "wi 1 YO 3, )U, >,t ,::9,; f.Tf.Lf lfRAT Q11ii 1 f Nf_..f:S %34 (4 -, 0 !l 1 e r.•ic MI �y'Tool o c� 5 5 n, n���ti 1 U011'-J!1`•J,:',r0 MIN!1R TOOL t, fi)1 r ,0 :,!UO : , h.�., �)1 008-;il3 "L;4 !Jf ARTEdU APf'ARFf. 90.09 3,CP00 cl:%6,1,5 008,-59.5260 SAFETY E01HI)MCNT 261)0 4,rno '3,Ji)6,.50 QOU'`iU�5 31.0 R L. M fiit)11101016 1.0i1 50 !7,On 191947,•".3a nnC .`S1i-;3?5 R "= M MOTOR MULE 101,,19 10,0U() 1'16"?t1 81 523-�5 MLFkR i"ALMIENd 11CL 71,00 �7,7JU 1,r1f�/95 4}09 i�3— a?a CONTRACTUAL ':IVRO ICE.s 66,31 'i,000 '3, :': (11lta'3 OUEi .`iE1 5v 0 (:L')7NOr4.IC D UE:LOPHEaNT 75100 9,`;00 6:71 )IW*1 LLF:G I'IC & UA5 11T'iL.1TIE 9;,1i 4,00U a,'d,')'r' IN 0010 XIP-1 20 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 1.I`4,84 `?,OOa) 1147D,71 t}Qg" f.- 5?5 9{)1 110/ It; 00(I11(1460,20 [?TNER IMPROKMENTS 931 170,OU0 Ii3l,54't; Ii 1999-.:000 YEAR TnTAi. ki ":7,4?6,90 0E-.P-ARTMINT Tn1A1,S ACG'( idAISF. AMOUi.1T U01 NON—OFMP.TKN1'AL Ui)1 15 A1IMTN I5T RA I10N 041 a)O POI I �'E 00i 7,' AtIliiAl. CC)FITRtiI_ 1 96 001-94 FIRE DEPAR1411PI'I" t)Ui-26 NUN:i.C.PAL COURT 1.?3t01 rl 001 28 LNFURCEMF !T/INSPFI; I T I N ?Q 3. � rt0:; "0 a�F!'LE1'u 19,0;; U01-- ? I'JlPo5 00'; ,;6 UEf ICLE M INTf:NANCE 39 tii14 001 -40 ,MIA. TUAN CENTER '4, UO i 442 531J0 001-4�1 (:Oh1I1U11?'iY Calt�'r 3,02'3,?.;i 001--62 E1r:<ilth 1. 00O O0 001 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1451506,26 00947-1.11 413IS7 001r;1119 0ap-I PI'rtrar>4i.11g 311,1.3 0013`-�36 Utah?.in1� ?Sal)iI:�nan�.e '�;Ey,'}? 00•``i0 !)ai ui,136,i,J. 9yy 99 M CRZR«@G+mPAYMEEfEG Ay; S 9 ±@Reef mtl[3 9 w«g y& �9 y6E y Smb a 9n ± y99 « y+ aJ,QGrCea9{ C R % 4 CA yg gy#«yrgn $1 Im± 9 §6u2 9 37 \y9 dy g,M64 9/d30 February 3, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Gity Council Fr: Samantha Renz, Administrative Assistant Re: Amendments to Budget The Budget will be amended for any Department that was 10% over budget. The revenues will be amended to off set the expenditures. The auditor will be present to explain. See attached amendments. 1 2 3 � S 6 ;, . t I I ' ..._�_ -. __ ____-__.. __________________ _i ____..____._.._____-.__._..__ -____ _ _.__y._ .. } - �••�'_ -_- � �__ __:._�. _.__ _ -_ _.�.... .... _ _ ___�_rt_ _ t. .-.. - ���Nk f � � �1i7- 13rO�� L 667 � I � 3 r.3',s�l►�,�►e� � --- _ __ -- . __ _. �_. .. I ! � I � '� 5 ' �cr��. 4 � 6 S62 ; _ ,� _ .. __.._ . �J � p o ? o 7 e �d� � -- �-� - — — - -- 9 ,; � � i � i. -i-_ _____ ___..�_ • ... --- - —.y-_..._- __t_y_- ____ _ -- - . - ._y.__ __ -- ___{____ _ --- - -- _._�_-_ _.__�_ tr � � � � � � � `� �� 12 � - � _ _ ___ .__. _ _ _ _ __ — . __ - _ _-__ __�.-..___ -_.�.�.-_ __._ __ ..._ _ _ ._. «__ ___ _ e _ � �_. _ _- _ ____ .-. -____- ._._._---.—_�--___..__—.____.___--________________-__ i RE � 13 � _ � � - . -__T. - - _ - - - - -- ----- - - . _ _._ - _ - - -- --- ---- - - �' � � � 16 � -'- '-- -- - '- ---" - -- --- _ ___ _ - i _ i -r t —. -_-_ __.,_._--�.________..__--_________ � � , f . 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I I 25 i I 26 _ — , I 27 � I I 2e , 29 30 II 31 , 1 ' I 32 i I fl I 33 34 35 I 1.. 44 j 10 PRINTED IN U.S .A PO BOX BOO 5006 IVORY RISRiRd1R, . nv "7u nt 1.A�331•i2fl0 February 3, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Samantha Renz, Administrative Assistant Re: Requests from the Sanger Area Historical Society Nel Armstrong will be present at the meeting to address the Council regarding Item #7 and Item #8. February 3, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Samantha Renz, Administrative Assistant Re: Release of lien Lydia Bertie Sullivan has passed away, the Homeowner's agreement according to the Grant Rehabilitation Program states that the City will release the lien if the owner passes away. This Property is located at 603 N. 1W" St. Staff recommends release of lien. RELEASE OF CLAIM AND LIEN State of Texas )( County of Denton )( On the day of , 2000, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas by majority vote approved that the City of Sanger release any claim and lien against certain property located at and owned by rehabilitation of such property. (owner) associated with the Furthermore, the City Council of Sanger, Texas has found that all terms and conditions of the Homeowner's Agreement executed between the City of Sanger, Texas and said owner on the day of , 2000, have been satisfied and that the deferred loan granted by such agreement be fully forgiven. ATTEST: City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, I A 76266 Date of Bid Opening: I Cl-) �r, I Time: 1 0t U5 BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: �,�L I 55 --- 1 411 MEMO T0: Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Jeff Morris, Fire Chief DATE: January 20, 2000 SUBJECT: Officer Elections r u�� �k�, This is to inform you that on January 18, 2000, Oft:tcer elections were held for the Sanger Fire Department. The positions up for election were Chief and Assistant Chief. I was re-elected to the Chiefs position and David Pennington was elected as Assistant Chief which was held by Eddie Branham. This will become effective on February 1, 2000. If you have any questions, let me know. T0: Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Jeff Morris, Fire Chief DATE: January 20I 2000 SUBJECT: EMS Contract It is time to renew our EMS continued education contract. This service has been provided to us by ABC Resources in the past and we would like to continue with them. I have attached a copy for you and the Council to review. Please contact me if you or the Council has any questions. I will sign and return upon approval. .THE OF ""' ABC ' r t t t t Education Contract COUNTYOF DENTON wHEREAS, Sanger Fire Department, (the "Service") is $duly incorporated corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas; and WTIEREAS, the Service provides Ernergemy Medical Services ("EMS"} by and through its Fire Department; and WHEREAS, ABC Resources ("ABC"), is a business that provides Texas Department of Health approved Continuing Education; and W'fIEREAS, the Service and ABC desire to enter itttQ this Con#ract for the purpose of establishing the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the service and ABC in providing Continuing Education ("CI to the EMS personnel of the service. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in the consideration of the mutual promises .and covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the Service and ABC do hereby CONTRACT, COVENANT, WARRANT, AND AGREE as follows: I. GENERAL AGREEA�NTS RandyParks Protocol r1 shall provide i a document sY 1 t ftt theyhave ■ and understand ■ Protocol. B. ABC will provide CE hours which are approved by the Texas Department of Health for credit towards recertification of the Services EMS personnel. The CE will also meet the educational needs of the Service's EMS personnel as determined by Dr. Randy Parle QI program. C_ CE will be provided by ABC approved CE Ins#ruc#ors, coder the medical direction of Dr. Randy Park. CE evaluation forms will be available at all CE offerings to give EMS personnel the opportunity to provide ABC with feedback concerning the instructor, material covered and the class. I?. The CE provided. by ABC will consist of lecture and practice on the skills required for State certification and will be given on the fourth Tuesday of each month ABC will design the lecture and skills practice to meet the Texas Department of Healthis two and four year requirements. III III 111111111 ' 1 r ■' ii. 1' ► i 11: i 1 ! ■ r i ■ � :1 / 1 1 t / � /'.1= rr-rr. 1 t -t t � ei .LIrIt r; �.. • r:t ♦' provided 1 e' dates and times 1 the surrounding Fire Departments CE cIr■ ■ by ABC. If at the end 1 the reportingperiod an EMS personnel does not required number t' of hours. due to non:r r 1: !1 CE can be arranged at an additional 1 / i r, with payment `r r advance. r F. At the end of their individual State two year CE reporting period, all EMS personnel will be issued documentation from ABC which will substantiate the topics and number of CE hours associated with those topics that the EMS personnel has accrued through ABC. This documentation will serve as appropriate documentation of hours/topics for the State required two year reporting period. f . Personnel successfiilly completing the state required number of CE hours � one hundred -twenty (120) hours over the four year recertification period for EMT-ls, eighty (80) hours over four year recertification period for EMTs, and forty (40) hours over the four year recertification period for ECAs, and passing the required skills evaluation prior to his/her certification expiration date will be certified by ABC to take the State CE Evaluation. H ABC will not be financially 1Iespons�l10 far testing EMS personnel who have ntissed the skills validation opportunity during scheduled CE classes. I. The Service understands that ABC valida#es ail skitls required for State recertification and that the cost of skills validation is an additional cost and will be billed separately. The Service also understands that State skills should be tested within 180 days of recertification date. Each member should contact their EMS Coordinator or the offices of ABC to.schedule skills validation, J. ABC is not responsible for fees required for the Service's EMS personnePs re+�ertification (for the skills exam, written CE evaluation, and/or any other fees). State fees will be the sole responsibility of the EMS personnel, Service, or both ( as defined by the Service's own policies/procedures). • : rr. r' 1 - Ir �! }► 1'wtrr- • [tt+ 'It' �:rr r .r/ u. •/ r- personnel CE credit hours for -those runs. Continuing education credit hours will be awarded based tr / r TDH rules in effect at time ' of .'Mr personnel evaluat • r L. Additional CE credit hours may be certified through ABC by attending outside courses or seminars approved in advance by ABC if required verification and/or course information is provided to ABC. recertification •:t -Rowevcr., ther t rr% Ir wLL be based upon data rewived from the and ABC will not be responsible for errom N. The service will be responsible for notifying the ABG CE Coordinator of the need to complete the apprnprisM State required paperwork for that service`s ravl personnel needing W recertify. The responsibility for recertification of the service's EMS personnel rests with the service. 4. ABC will keep track of all CE hours accrued through ABC CE Classes_ ABC_ will also keep records of recertification dates of all personnel. Responsibility far timely recertification of the Service's EMS personnel rests entirely with the service. II. COST A. The Service agrees to pay ABC a Continuing F.ducatian fee of � 1,440.00 for the contract period. One (1 }three-hour Continuing Education program will be scheduled per month during the contract period_ This foe is to be paid at the option of the Service. on a monthly basis($120.00 due on the first of the month, starting January 1, 2000), semi-annual basis ($720.00 due January 1, 2000 and $720.00 due July 1, 2000), or annual basis ($1,440.00 due January 1, 2000). The cost for Continuing Education is based upon $40.00 per hour for up to 12 scheduled students. III. 1NDE:MNIEICATIQN A The Service agrees to indemnify ABC against and hold ABC harmless from any and all actions, damages, injuries,, c1a� lawsuits, judgments, or causes of actionof any nature alleged or 2 0000045 !"i ! 1 ! 11 :i' 1' + ! ! i 1!`f !"• !"1 1 t" • t 1 ,rnployees, in the executionand performance of this contract, B. ABC agrees to indemnify the Service against and hold the Service bless from any and all actions, damages, injuries, claims, lawsuits, judgments or causes of action of any nature alleged or sustained by any person arising out of or occasioned negligent acts of the ABC, its agents or employees, in the execution and performance of this contract. t F.%O%t A4� 4ip TV 4It...tl: J1 Jt t 1 :11 E fl 1 'bw-LAIII liabilitY, workers compensation and professional liability insurance, protecting itself and its thoseemployees against any claim for damages arising by -reason of personal injury or death occasioned directly or indirectly mi connection with the performance of its services, including ! provided p1 this Contract, V. 1�G ' AT1aI�I Up' C;(�AITRACT 1� - I! t 1 1 1 1 1 R t e. t!. 1 1 1 1 1 herein. t R 1 le • 1 - tt 1.. - + t t " t . 1 � 1 • - ! e / - i t - n :: t / without causto the other .' party. The Contractshall terminate thirty1 days w! notice has been received. ABC shall re-firrid a portion of the fees ort a prI basis calculated from the termination date, approval,notice,, { :+. or demand from on party to the other, !e consent a! ! 1notice, request or demand must be in writing to be effective and shall be deemed to have beeri-given when personally deliveW to the party to be notified or on the second business R. y after it is enclosed mi an envelope,addressed to the party{ be f 1 1" 1 at the address forth belowt4Dr% J such address !! • may have been designated by written notice), property stamped, f t and deposited in. the United States !!. certified mad, return receipt requested The address of each party for purposes hereof is as fbilows IF ABC: ABC Resources ervice: Sanaer Fire Derartme.nt. 705 Chateau Ct. P.O.B1' 578. Denton;76201 ' • 1/ D. Venue for any action under this Contract shall be in Denton County, Texas, Kalil I 1 (Sigaaiure} Printed Naxne•�md Title ABC Resources Stanley A. Hempstead, Director IV�E?C�IOC'cal^1CIU11'1 CMEMO11 February 2, 2000 To: Tommy Kincaid Jerry Jenkins Glenn Ervin Andy Garza Joe Higgs Carroll McNeill From: Jack Smith . Subject: Revise -Tap Fees .for �►partments &Motels When we reworked the tap fees, we knew that there would be some tweaking'° that would need to be done. After talking to a few apartment builders, I -started checking with other cities about their fees for apartments versus houses. The general rule of thumb is 3U% of the -residential charge. The thought is that apartment dwellers do not use the water and sewer that a residence would. This fee will greatly effect the apartment building in our city. So I recommend that we lower the connect fees for apartments and motels to $ 300.00 each. �� :j w+ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. # 02-01-00 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIlVG CHAPTER 10 (UTII,I'IS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY,TEXAS, MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas that: Section 2, subsections A & B axe hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION II A. RESIDENTIAL WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS A. WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install, or cause to be installed, and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm., or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties as prescribed in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Sanger City Code, The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the average cost thereof. Such sum is to be determined and collected by the utility department and shall be at the following rates. Tap charges for sizes up to 1"------------------------------------------------ $1500.00 Additional meter for Sprinkler system ---------------------------------------- $ 350.00 Charge for meter, box, and connections----------------------------------- Actual Cost Charge for Water Connect Fees (User Fee)------------------------------------ $ 20.00 Charge for service interruption supervision------------------------------------ $ 35.00 All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. All meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the City. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00). B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right -of --way, if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. The City of Sanger shall charge twelve hundred fifty dollars ($1500.00) for each connection. SECTION II B. COMMERCIAL WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS A, WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install, oz cause to be installed, and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm, or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties as prescribed in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Sanger City Code, The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the average cost thereof Such sum is to be determined and collected by the utility department and shall be at the following rates: 1. Duplexes Tap charges for all sizes up to 2"--------------------------------------------- $350.00 Plus $ 1150.00 for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 2"-------------------------------- $100.00 Plus $ 1150.00 for each habitable unit 2. Apartments, Motels, etc. Tap charges for all sizes Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 2"-------------------------------- $100.00 Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit 3. All Other Commercial The following list shall apply to all other commercial taps: Upto 1"line--------------------------------�------------------------------- $ 1500.00 1 '/z "line------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 2000.00 2" line----------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 2500.00 3 "line----------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 3100.00 4" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 3800.00 6" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 5200.00 8" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 6400.00 Char a for Water Connect Fees User Fee ----------------- $ 20.00 Charge for service interruption supervision-------------------------------- $ 35.00 All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. All meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the City. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00). B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right -of --way, if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. 1. Duplexes Tap charges for all sizes up to 4"----------------------------------------------- $400.00 Plus $ 1100:QO for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 4"---------------------------------- $100.00 Plus $ 1100.00 for each habitable unit 2. Apartments, Motels, etc. Tap charges for all sizes up to 4"------------------------------+---------------- $400.00 Plus $ 300.00 for each habitable unit Tap charges for each additional inch over 4"---------------------------------- $100.00 Phis $ 300.00 for each habitable unit 3. All Other Commercial The following list shall apply to all other commercial taps: 4" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 1500.00 6" line------------ 8" line------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 6000.00 10" line---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 8250.00 Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts necessary for installation. The property owner shall install a service line, with clean-o�tt fitting, at his or her expense to the Citys lateral, m accordance with City regulations and subject to the inspection of the City, and shall hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the structure to the property line. �.'I�� Y M ► 1 I I All water funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for new storage facilities, new pump stations, purchase of easements or main trunk lines and disbursed only after specific approval by the City Council. All sewer funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in.a separate account for new sewer plant, additions to sewer plant, purchase of easements or main trunk lines to plant and disbursed only after specific approval by the City Council. SECTION N All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION V It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment decree of any court of competent Jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION VI Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or whenever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State. Each day constitutes a separate offense. This Ordinance will take affect immediately after the publication of the caption as the law is such cases provides. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the 7th day of February, 2000, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rose Chavez, City Secretary February 3, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Fr: Samantha Renz Re: City Manager Evaluation There is an evaluation form in the envelope, not bound in the packet, Councilman Jenkins asked that these forms be completely filled out prior to the evaluation. 182( Rutherford Larne s�,m�e aarr Austin,'E"exits Website: www.unLorg January 18, 2000 1' 1 TO: TML Member Cities FROM: TML Staff SUBJECT: "County Election 2000" We are writing to encourage you to initiate your own "County Election 2000" program, an effort to question the candidates for your county commissioners court about their willingness to spend county revenue inside city limits. The March 14 primary elections and the November 7 general election will help to determine the make-up of your county commissioners court. In virtually every county in Texas, these elections will be won or lost in the cities, where the majority of voters reside, It is also true that in virtually every county in Texas, the vast majority of county taxes are paid by city residents, Because city residents play such a dominant role in electing county officials and filling county coffers, it's only fair that candidates for county office clearly state their positions on spending county revenue inside the city. We encourage you to play a key role in encouraging those candidates to state their positions on this question. In the past, there has been a great deal of confusion regarding the authority of counties to spend their revenue inside a city. The fact is that counties have broad discretion to exercise powers conferred upon them, and many statutes grant such powers. For example, counties are authorized to provide and maintain courthouses, hospitals, cemeteries, jails, libraries, parks, and other facilities. Counties have the implied authority to do whatever may be necessary in exercising these powers. Several statutes address the authority of counties to construct, improve, and maintain roads and bridges. In the past, some county officials have questioned the authority of counties to spend county revenue to construct, improve, and maintain roads and bridges inside the city limits. However, there is no doubt that, with the consent of the city, these services can be provided inside the city limits, just as counties can spend their revenue on parks and other improvements inside the city limits. How can you start a "County Election 2000" program? There are several ways: ✓ Sponsor a candidate forum in conjunction with a city council meeting and ask the candidates to state their positions. ✓ Send each candidate a questionnaire and ask your local newspaper to print a summary of the responses. ✓ Write an op-ed piece for the local newspaper encouraging city residents to question the candidates about spending county tax revenue inside the city. ✓ Encourage the editor of your local newspaper to question the candidates about this issue, The bottom line is that an enormous amount of county revenue is generated by city taxpayers — both individuals and business enterprises. Those taxpayers should be able to expect returns on those investments. You can play a key role in ensuring that this important question is addressed during the campaign season. One item of caution: the Election Code prohibits the expenditure of city funds for the purpose of political advertising. Political advertising is defined as anything in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office or measure submitted to a vote of the people. Therefore, you may not use public funds to advocate the election of particular candidates. cc: TML Board of Directors zwQd tcdCwtyEledian2MU F C� i December 29, 1999 City of Sanger City Manager Larry Keesler P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear City Manager Larry Keesler, 6380 NEW COPELAND ROAD TYLER, TEXASS 75703 PHONE: (903) 561-7180 FAX: (903) 561-8636 Classic Cable works hard to provide television service at the most reasonable rates possible, while at the same time delivering the quality programming and services that you expect. Nobody likes a price adjustment. But like any other business, as we experience increased costs for goods and services, some of these costs must be passed on to our customers. Increase costs for television programming, cable equipment, insurance, vehicles and maintenance are just a few of the expenses involved in operating a cable television system. Effective February 2000, your monthly basic cable rate will be $32.81 plus applicable taxes and fees, which will also include the addition of a $ .27 copyright fee. The Copyright Office requires payment of fees for the retransmission of broadcast television stations. This fee will begin being itemized on your statement. The rate adjustment comes in response to the continuing increases in the cost of providing the programs your family currently enjoys and such necessities as network and equipment maintenance and repairs. When considering your entertainment and information needs, we urge you to take into account what an excellent value cable television represents. The fact is, cable television remains an outstanding information and entertainment bargain for your entire household. All of us at Classic Cable value you as a customer and pledge to continue providing you with the best value in home entertainment at the most reasonable rate possible. Area Manager 1400 CaEsc�N�r, sU1TE 3 DENT(�N, Z'GXaS 76201 9 4 0 3 8 3 1 5 0 8 940.387.0862 (Fax) January 10, 2000 �,C� ��� _ ��` Y� Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street PO Box 578. Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Ms. Chavez VOLUIyp �r� , !�, .� l7r, °r' r,�i.r�:N� s sriiv�x��i��� �� �� �� rFv rti' r� r3 BtznNcil Orr�cr: 217 S. ST�EMnnoNs STL. 110 LLWISVILLL, Texas 75067 9'7222 9 6 6 3 , Please offer my congratulations o the City of Sanger City Council for their: unanimous vote of approval to allocate $1,OOO to the Retired and Senior Volunteer -Program serving Denton County. Sanger now joins municipalities such as City afDenton, City of Lewisville, and Town of Flower Mound in showingnot only financial support but.also support�of volunteerism by older adults. The City Council is to be commended for their acknowledgment of the talents and experience older adults bring to the forefront in making a difference in the Denton County community. Sincerely, � r ��, � _ Diana M. Corona Executive Director DMC:js RSVP of Denton County, did not provide any goods or services, in whole or in partial consideration, for any contribution made. A PROJECT OC' 'I'FdE COPORATION FOR NATIONAL SERVICE AND AN AF�ILIA1'L OF UNITED WAY NE 940/382-2224 FAX 940/38M433 January 251 2000 Jack Schmidt City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Support Services for Seniors Dear Mr. Mayor, We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the assistance with funding for senior services in Sanger. As always, thanks for your support. Best regards, Erika Lissberger Executive Director E Uph