01/18/2000-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA 11 ' 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 20,1999 & January 10, 2000 - Workshop b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551,072 (DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY): a. Three Hundred Acres of Commercial Property North of Lois Rd. Between I-35 and Santa Fe Railroad. 5. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session, 6. Consider and Possible Action oa Resolution #01-01-00 -Authorizing Loan from GNB. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Payment of Real Estate Taxes on Chambers' Property Donated to the City. 8. Appointment of Members to Parks Board. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Alternate City Judge. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Addition to the Personnel Policy Regarding Payment of Sick Leave at Retirement. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid for Water/Wastewater Department. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.074 (PERSONNEL): a. Evaluation of City Manager 13. RECONVENE into Regular Session„ and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in e�kizrt6,6lirld;r"f„. Executive Session. , 14. Any Other Such Matters. 15. Adjourn. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINITTES: CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 20,1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill ABSENT: Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Police Chief Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Streets Supervisor John Henderson, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Terry Jones, Ken Cornell, Carlos Brown, Don Hall, Kim Hail, Doug Diller, Woodrow Barton, Shelley Ruland, Michael Moore, Ken Perry 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2, a) Approve Minutes: December 6,1999 - Workshop December 6,1999 November 30,1999 - Joint Meeting with SISD. b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Terry Jones, 700 N. 2"d, addressed the Council and indicated recent actions by the Council had brought some concerns to mind. He felt the manner in which Council addressed actions in the Electric Department would indicate the Council was functioning outside the new Home Rule Charter, and suggested the Council have a workshop to review the Charter. He referred to Article 4, section 4.O1 b of the Home Rule Charter, and indicated the role of the Council had changed since the adoption of the Charter, the Department heads answer to the City Manager, and the City Manager answers to the Council. He commended Jeff Morris and any other Department Head who tried to better his Department in an effort to provide for current needs, and plan for the future. He suggested the City Manager put together a workshop for the Department Heads to discuss the proper protocol for spending funds in their respective departments. He indicated a more pro active role is what the City needs, and suggested the Council bring pro active suggestions to the meetings. He would be less concerned if he knew the City Council would resolve to work together, to compromise, and have enough imagination to come up with solutions to problems that cross the Council table. 4. Consider and Possible Action for Sanger Electric Department to Donate $100A0 to Project r � lt: it, �, Graduation. City Manager indicated the churches and concerned parents and citizens had formed Project Graduation, the City can not donate funds, but the Electric Department can. Councilman Jenkins indicated this was a budgeted item. Councilman McNeill indicated it should be from all utilities, not just the Electric Department. Councilman Ervin moved to donate the �1QQ4Q from the City Utilities. Councilman Jenkins seconcied. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to consider a Specific Use Permit to Erect on Off -Premise Sign on Property Legally Described as Block 1, Lot 4, Elm Street Addition. Also Known as 403 N. Stemmons Frwy, Public Hearing open. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit to Erect on Off -Premise Sign on Property Legally Described as Block 1, Lot 4, Elm Street Addition. Also Known as 403 N. Stemmons Frwy, City Manager indicated this is a 10 foot by 40 foot sign, and the Ordinance says it has to be 1,000 feet from the closest billboard, Smith's Billboard is only 300 feet away. Doug Diller addressed the Council and indicated the state requires 150Q feet, but on the same side of the street, not a radius. Councilman Jenkins indicated the state's is not a radius, but that the Pit le is. Mayor indicated that in order for this to be legal, the Ordinance would have to be changed. Councilman Jenkins indicated it was already difficult to drive thru the parking lot, and this would add to the congestion. He does not feet this is an appropriate sign for this type of business. Discussion regarding size of sign. Councilman McNeill indicated this would be in violation of the Ordinance and he would not vote for it. Councilman McNeill moved to deny it, Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously, 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Property Legally Described as Lot 49 Block 3, Hampton Addition. Property is located at the intersection of 7' Street and Church Street, Public Hearing open. Carlos Brown, 403 S. 79 indicated he was not in opposition of the replat, but was in opposition of the setbacks. He indicated all houses there now are set back 25 feet. Discussion regarding setbacks. Don Hall, 213 Qsage, indicated he would answer any questions they might have. Councilman McNeill asked if he could take 5 feet from Lot 1, and add it to lot 2, and give it a 25 foot setback. Mr. Hall indicated if he did then he could not build the house he planned on Lot 1. Discussion. Public Rearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding � Replat on Property Legally Described as Lot 4, Block 39 Hampton Addition, Property is located at the intersection of 7d' Street and Church Street. Councilman Jenkins asked for staff s recommendation. CityManager indicated he did comply with the guidelines for SF3, and he recommends to pass. Councilman McNeill moved to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to approve the Replat. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat (Short Form) For Bucklew Freese Addition, Section Six, Lot 4R, Block A. Property is Located on Freese Dr., and is For the Sanger Church of Christ. Discussion regarding lot size. Councilman Jenkins asked what current zoning is. Staff indicated SF3. Councilman Jenkins asked for staffs recommendation. City manager recommended to approve. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Final Plat (Short Form) For Bucklew Freese Addition, Section Six, Lot 4R, Block A. Property is Located on Freese Dr., and is For the Sanger Church of Christ. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Purchase of Police Vehicles. Mayor indicated this was budgeted. Benny Erwin, Police Chief, indicated he advertised for bids in October and received no bids. He indicated he reserved two vehicles at HCAC, one at $18,897.35 and the other at $19,125.95. This does not include equipment. Councilman Ervin asked what was budgeted. City Manager indicated $7,000.00 per year. Discussion regarding budget far police cars and payoff. Councilman Ervin moved to approve purchase of two (2) police vehicles, one (1) at $1$,897.35 and one (1) at $19,125.95. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 11. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Manager indicated the City's Christmas Lunch will be Thursday, and the Council is invited. b) Councilman Jenkins suggested they meet only the third Monday in January due to the Holiday scheduling. Schedule workshop at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, January 10, 2000 to discuss Home Rule Charter and City Manager evaluation, and change the third Monday to Tuesday. c) Councilman Ervin indicated Flags are shredded at the main entrance, and the lights are out. d) Councilman Ervin indicated he had spoken with the City Manager regarding putting out a newsletter every week. City Manager asked if they could wait until after the first of the year when they hire the additional office person. 12. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES. CITY COUNCIL -WORKSHOP JAINUARY 10, 2000 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Home Rule Charter. a) Discussion regarding the position of City Council and what duties include. b) Councilman Higgs had questions regarding annexation and de -annexation of property aad if full taxes should apply to properties only serviced with water. Discussion regarding taxes. c) Councilman McNeill asked about Article II, Section 2.01(j) - In the exercise of its powers, the City may Borrow money on the faith and credit of the City by the issuance of bonds, certificates of obligation, warrants or notes of the City. Discussion regarding the definition of "notes of the City", and how funds are obligated. d) Discussion regarding how many members constitute a quorum. e) Discussion regarding ArticleSection 3.01(d) - If the mayor objects to an ordinance or resolution before the fourth day after it is adopted by the City Council, it must be reconsidered by the governing body, with entire Council present. A simple majority shall decide the issue. f) City Manager indicated Article III, Section 3.fig , regarding meetings of the City Council, may have been violated by the Council not meeting the first Monday in January. Discussion regarding regular scheduled meetings and cancellation of meetings. Discussed possibility of amending the Charter. g) Discussion regarding who will fill in for the City Manager if he was out for a period of time. City Secretary explained Council would appoint a replacement until he returned, if he is only out for the day he can be reached by cellular phone and/or pager. h) Discussion regarding Article IV, Section 4.01,B (3) - The City manager shall be responsible for and have the authority to appoint, suspend, and/or remove any of the directors of the departments of the City, after notification to the Council. Discussion regarding procedure used in recent situation with the Electric Superintendent. i) Discussion Regarding Article IX, Section 9.09 - Purchasing. Discussion regarding the building for the Electric Department. Discussion regarding the budget process, and line item expenditures. City Secretary indicated Department Heads are given Financial Reports monthly. Councilman Jen'ns indicated he did not feel Purchase Orders were being used correctly. City Manager indicated the City is in the process of implementing a requisition form. This will control the money that is spent. City Secretary explained the requisition form ,and that it will be submitted to the office prior to a purchase order being issued to the department. One of the responsibilities of the new bookkeeper will be to check those line items and make sure the funds are there. Councilman Jenkins indicated he felt more assured that finances would be monitored in the future. 3. Any Other Such Matters. 4. Adjourn. t ?Gdya 2G S ±a9 y« w qB : ON «9« b ;6 ("I N/A NON1.M: R« &@lJ2k«»b�E]JM@9<y%SR +K + 6yR all[ %I IP A Ly9Cn 27A E:wR W@WdG& t![ %9C 7u Wgf,N SCy9a 9§M§ 11 9 y9m' 2 mR yGladiJ gIJ: R» 7 2Cdy§ 216 g !I Qk»3py6 99alyAgR by; : yn ; 01 »¥f!A FUND «9Ry�R. % MAYOR, &%erin�k f% \ waf IMAM! yE§ROONTN E r S9ga aRJ AMOUNI w Q4y qat »2dy yD93x5 Eym 9@B& 2q9 7 ySlm 400000 % S 9±%» C»94 MC9dd§ll9RBl !¥hflyJ y6 Wyy d%y . «§9W 9�4R1R<y 9MAa Dldg WCgd9§ 7g« q»G JgEgRB&9RIW± [l7R24§y gfy yGRy6 G yGl�9e EIB�E�E yI»; 8f9 1. l/`000 t6 PPi i;{:iilll_t?R UEPr'iRl'f4!::id'1 i't,Yt l ldT ffl:(i(i'I [:f? 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N lrEHiCi.F: Ciir,[;C;Ttr�.NriFSE Ci.�Eif}C,FdUTs; 0€�0000 R fI uEHfr:1-!- Rol,u,NI(SISOTTclijuvi:uf B R V R 000000 lief ICE uPPl..1 INK Uf T ('i0HM nnt>nno UHf't1RT?iE;;dl' "ft EidFl?R!:EMr.�.?di/Nu'PEi;i'1f1N Tiil'r�l.t i. 00 1 /1 "i l/4?000 2, (1.6 PM I'E: IULAR UEPAR'i MLINI'i PAYMUP1' RE:GISI ER PAGE; ; 9 it 111HOR IS i.e 14 UNC I001 Gt: UAL FUND IE;PARfi'JF'IdI;I.0 E)IT I&II N: NAME 1 ILti G/L A:f;�CCIUN f Id,aME UE' CR:t P T ON C'HE:(1 ANOUN 1 :9- MI. Al, W'l'f:ON RENT I' -la 620001 001 ,0'NO/0 MINOR 0 INCH RAKES 000000 90,00 '1) !)Lt11)(1 FAIR IOIJCU PAG:[h!G -:'n976 0t)1••30- PAGERS PAGER'; 000000 19,7i1 9' 00',10 E1CiI'LC;HAidICAL I'-C•';;681 001 30-`�:,1t`) R 6 M 811f U:tId AllJUS'E PEAT Aldl'1C#1'A'(CIR SHIIP 4d)0000 14,914i '!001 6 10 '3UI1.7IN MATSHAr '00550 CihIAS Ct"R, 1#''Iti"`p0(000 t)1.0r)AAI) COI°itiE:Rf''IN, C1:Rl'1CF, I-05918 001 '0 't?,i5 1. ASE 1QUfP !.: ICE. MAKER 000000 `,i,00 (,e5, 1,in( r r; C•?+'7? 001'`10 1:. FE.LC`lR1:C . (A'7lRE:E:E LIC'EIiC, d: #.:C.Ft;! I_I,lrl:Ct: 000000 1"'t:GCi "i-00`!60 E1kN1[1C! 11iOPlIY NUUE)E L_°545;� 001-30-`S�'A,`J CITHER [ll'1�_E;AI1: CC.C!t,'I; 000000 1'?,1)0 '9-0()36'? UEwNTCJN ii'tll'E11' NOUSC 1545a 0;?1 :i0'NJ" Ai OTHER UPFRff CLC'It rK 000000 9,.".33 009�;0 ENBLRt,Y GAS COMPANY 11.14;,61 001 CO �3 0 MOTOR (,NICLE PR0PAIl11:. 114361,114400 000000 `18,41 0l� NNA'"11V PJAS COMPANY 1 1111'60 001-30 53''.0 MUIS)R YENPILE PI;MPAW OWN , ;0 0113 IE.R'IN 1 -till 5HCJP I-:r" r7 i 001-10 1` +`a UU4RUC� APPAR 2 COA"i:� 000000 ill ,,90 WON GALL'" INC, I-;�J�519iS 001-�10-i3'''S R b M MOTOR (? ? F1 A"*HL!fjH1'3 S10VIN!3 000000 )1.,�5 n.Ci'Iritj INLAND '4'll v jr ?' 1 T.-7(y1`y p:, I O S "j(1 i" i 0000001 rl� J..._.. INLAND I:+-,C1+ , ANIfS .C: a, . _ , / )01- tU-_a.., R I: EJ'1"OR 1 �E:I�k 'Gi Aa I IC IPdTERS'#AIE: UA1"iER#EY'w ? tONO ? " ±101...,� i3? R E+ INi 111010R u 3 PAI"ill?lES 000000 +9 01490 1,A1dN LAldll i-9:�414 (:�01-410—`53:,�5 R + M MOTOR V LABOR ON JOHN UEE•RL 00n000 4;a,00 J f)i..,rf) �i i td ; ()(1 n(1_r. +z 1. t l�l �•F ti-i �y±� (Jc+;� ,�,_ ,t LF C#''d . A R I~ 9 ��?J.4 i.-.. , :?.� R 1 JR (i RIN, P 00000n 2',�•'0.,V'LINN 1,1-40 L_954111 t?01-30-532' R t, M MOTOR Y 3E:RYICL; CWHIGE 000000 7,1,:t 'r-t)1 00 LAGISJ�d P1;fltllU l'3 !: !4f!2`_74t11': Sj41.lL3)I)OSL UOMP'3,NO ':3 000000 1;3,7>'. '9 0150Si I..AIlS)Jtd. PROUIIC'i ).••7,106559 0001 .325 R d< M t;C1TOR Y R0PE;t4Lj71S,SI1TTCII,CINRCEJIIN UEI;R 000000 :'6,47. 01'i70 LOUE''3 CON ANifES :CNC, J: C?3911. 001-'?0 ;t'�,5 OT11i- �]�>�1;AII UL(`�GKN PI ISTlC 3HEEI OOOOUO "1 •011170 1.C14!k:''�; ('CIMPAIgmC , JidC, 1_?`r£9% 0010 `32 M MOTOR IJ HOK REEL 000000 18 9; 19,49350 SCHH)TH ENE', Fx CON, I-16229 001.-30'`AN5 OTHFR OPFRATI RADIO 000000 'w 100 02400 SM I f I1 f-::t6:1. 0(1it,'30-5170 ST6E1T 11AINIF 4 BLt''1CII SPRAI' Pi1#tdl 000000 11,96 ,r 0;:'.90 4rER„ER CHE:MIE;AL 11006; 001 a 53 R �: M MOTOR 17 ? IlOI Ut:' TG'ER 000000 111199 0917, 8 0 011HER PRNUCICT"' INC, 1.--960 19 003.-30-1 380 STI;EE:! ::,IG?.IC :.' SHOVELS' 000000 100100 '9' 051?0 ;iilhdGGR AUTO 1'AR1" f~'7?57 001-$0 5i?5 R I, ?i MINOR Y HALOGEN UJl_U 000000 ,','!;' '){),;030 UEINAI,.0 PAIIUACK EI:RT.I'L#2 1Ill 11,`;099 001 ;'0 ��`�l0 C�TRUT MAINTE 49 +OLDS SEOC'1i~ C?AL.T 000000 1.1;:�,50 'AsG7:")0 NI' I'ERFOItiP1 PRODUCT("I'•0G;?, 04 001- 0 5"70 iRL"EI MUNTE ?el TW11 01411 PATCH 1 Ap 000000 1;1i99 2g% 'GmiyR 9 J9 ; y! «y bL O$§ y 9nC9 ¢ till' ^/N 0, M E Rq! x4d3 RReCpm Dqy \d»y Sm� ±aB I7By 3d72t,U RR 4R1NO 6 % %3790 RwuCe m C3y »@Kg yaw' A @yglBybyR My: g gACCOLI&yy y2»«lq Ry6 amgI yCy-y9 k&My@RV BULL 2G2 S&9 yyM 9±e MDa«SS Bl:MOTOR 9yM R #S yWy d35 01 3T.; Rlk ygRVRAMP SPRING 000)0� a,G yDyd/; k&;SykV±7L oMW0 ld2e R63�// r&Mgge11)900R 00000 lM,W ypegal « 2lIEJ5 P,F:L!A_AR;f1F:fC( C' YfiR'1VC Rl i;:("fl'li PAGE; :i1 .ib I %�::filiflft OF ; )10 i;i D a 001 "'DIVUL f'UND it:P RTf!rIt" T; P P6,V,FS 'I hi N,AM14 YfUll [?/L ACCOUNT FiAME '9''O A 0C LClf 1' S102`� 001 ?: +; : ; I LAGS A TEXAS & I SONLN!'J? F'L.ARi UUUUUU K6, %1 'y..QU1.(3n r�1'!7 _FQUCN PAa3tP!!3 [-"94'1b UU1-.�:7_-Fi2s Cf1f�'F IidL'I�'I'AI.1 ft!.:S ,'f�61. 0r�1.;4II CC�Ff3lCAL LiI'F haF:� 6 ,Lt�i UUUUUU t,UnUUra ;1. k?3IT4 1—{).`.i;3��?5 UU1 ;34. , 4a BALL Flha y t`''"�� 4 :;; ?.!e)e :i./CS�A',CRF!5 ODUUUU%?'lUty NiEi:CTCfUU`;Fr6i?,1Ii ? 0,i900 BI11Ii' ? ;:Bu 001 3m' `..38BALL F'f[LIi i4A `104, JJ5 j iaNAF',�CREI!'1 UUUUUU '!?"02100 GF;1'1LI'i 1'—r362 001-I21..r, £w CCALL f=�E!CA C`A 5CG2',:`i;�,',y,53�5itiA+E,aCRF;I:�S r}fj(1(10(J 1ri 'I-101)iUU `i�`i'(TH I T_`,1690 r(Y)I-3'2)-"i 1�1 I & m FLIiJ?'NME F'C.Ai�li�,(�hIGNi 6',a,trliE'4•?� UUUUUU V ;,,...UKOl ARNj:* f MARKEC')FG 1-43a;a I�F.LLtiL(aR PffJ�i f,l,!�'TLi� f'Cla1{�L; CU{}UUU I:fIR1`;I?1A'.3 !_.r!i � 91;4:i13F'3 L!! L,:l(i!di�� U00UOU OF; PAR"Ff1EfxT 2 f'F�f?K5 TOT AIL a t.,U�IG,1 1/J.3f9000 6 11% ftEC7ULAf"t IIE�?'ARiMENT f'AYMLPi'i RE;G15iL'R PAGE; 1'. TI'MOR SIT, 9 Uiyl) I001 CEIlF.hA1. EIJi;O IETARTPiM 36 VENCL, VIAi:N"fh.P!AIlCf R NAML 1(EM : G/L ACCOUNI NAME NECI(x AMOUNI 0 r,%NTAS F;OP;I, Y=iS":. [ q�?",r,O , >i,. ?€ :,�h• Ci.[s�N%NG s3UFP NN"i4) x P'OI} OOr�000 , s0 ''—O.t':�Ot) LAUSON PROOLJCTS i ]JO?) 1'� S0I �00 LANISOM PROEiUC(S g06 �59 001—:�b ' 3';:� '9SiO LOUE!S C0 PA0,Of P3, INC, 1101.; *10 U114 Iq r;wIr�AIJI.E;+:, 1NIC, T.I.,91 9 III ;9-V9 5() VERNER I311EWPAI.. FINE'? R °! t) rinTOR �� Filt�r!;,?x(.:;,tIOSF CLAHPS:I��UiS OOOOn(� R M !?OiOR Y V1PF NU'i;,`iUfIali c(RCU:tI GRKR 00000 R E: M MAR V �?S' Eu con) 000000 R ,M MOTOR V BULLII:I MAI) (la"1 ,1)ASONRY IN 1 000000 DIPAR ffiJ 36 WHIM—E MARVITNANCE {}no�nrl iO`ff,L, rIG,I3G Rr:[�Ul.t?R C1EI'r�F(Tfi3h?d!' 4't?i'eSLN'I Rf�GI;I'L:fd ' .\li(i4t ti P 99 U1�11 OOP ��E.1dG_RAL.1�U1�[� 1E.i�AItT�hF.P1T; 40 SULLIVAN l.,:NWIt Pi� 1�APih. !1"L1 C!L ACCOUNT 1dA1�9, ml)(:�1thI'll fO! CRITI;r AMOUNT AM I�*29906 00t-40`4?O C'0�!'lN,AC�IiAi.. SE'A!d 1.�74�'I;;?O9O 000000 OOO100 ukl�ftl?iME:Pli ��0 Si�_LttJFild CL�1?l�l�f; � lSJ`f'WL, ,S,OS)0,00 1/1l�LJ'000 ?;1G PIS JIN!) ! 001 KNEW,. FIND ALIF''6RTNENTit =11? rE('111. AR OLPAR r11L:N r PAYFoEN I Rr.i:,�;ti I L I Ir NAME. ): rm F G/I.. ACCOUNT twME W:o+AV�F'TMN l,Nk'r.(;v AMfIIIN'r "29E"9 �G�1._��,_.E;{' Ufla {f L?PCRATI i:( lfL,MAKCRU,!1AX VAPER 000000 �i,70 05Ly0 U41..LA5 NIMIsN!Cr NEtI(i It""27OU 001.-t2_;�?'?5 i4AGs141:NFS 5 5U(3SSR1:1'T1UCd 1)00000 1�i'r','G q OCi3 �O I!C.3diUfd RI:.CURtl C{}I1C+Nl:CLE I�29H6'� 001.-,?""5',", IMACAZMESS SUSCR7P�C000000 19i?�7': r�..,OTJ40 RAHO SHEK (MI ,tr.—;r710 r11=1 CL 51JPPU 01Sl X S 000000 9,nit? "30 Ir U;(U 51lAC.K T` a7'728 001�"�'-"�?irt 41 t, M BU11.p1N RtrR1?: l lr',t� 000000 1.7, ri 'i`!1?170 R! :[NLRT Pt3PFR •, CHC1f1GA 1.. /:.�r'?'? 013i1.- ��?6`4 CI,.L':A RN!i SUPP ( L.FAN1NG 5Ut'NE..1.E3 000000 L' ), 17 0,''3 0 'ANGER OF11CL NUPPLY 1.-00617 00109 `:�?10 C!F'FWE SUPI'LI PROM F011 LASER PRINTL:R 000000 170,00 0�?f'i0 UNGER OI-TT"GE OPI'LY -OVI17 001- 521.+) OFF+:I;L" 5UPPI..:I 10P CAC?i 000000 56,43 Or?" O SANGH OFFI:CC SUPPLY F001617 %01-'12-5210 LFF>CE Sl,!PC'L1 CUPY PAPER 000000 05,00 ,7 02TJ0 SANGLR 01*F* f C E SUPPLY 1-Oi}61.7 001-112 1132)10 OFFICE 4iIUPP+..:C JJT;3j tE SUPPL ', 000000 G U(..���02G00 STAR BOOK SCC, 001"ie'i00 POOK"D r2 BOON000000a; ,6 8 'f1u.!;:3'1!1'J SANGER PRINTING COMPANY 1--C7068 001...4,._5210 OFFICE f111P°LI P;7'f_ 000000 33 /13 03C100 DLr!C;(.+ `C'?:19. ,1 C101. "s' S:?-14 OTHER 0VPL4 AT1. `M00 BORROUFI' CARDS 00000�1 77„Iw' «s5"t0 ._IUfI;C PA'fPdF C-1 120 OOi-E' 7A1':r 01411FR !:IPHATi J011C PAYK WHO :300:Op.. 10 JiiFIN PA't'NF.. 1�2974'0 001-q2 5215 OTHER OFERATI UPC.RAIIE 2 486 COMPUTEN 000000 1000,00 4l'-jj0 MICRO MARV N1 ASSOC, I../q2";1 00)...,,t2 111,'],Y) 00FI(':i 1, DOOV 000000 "-06050 'JLLILC UY Cl'CLiNG I %sh�?169 00'I sl2_6O'A0 BOOKS " OEM 000000 11000 , ,q._0+090 FACIE (IN FILE 12215`9 001-'496050 001LIK5 1 CJO!.'K 000000 641'0 ;?'701EI''tRNING [.!`;, ? :Cm?'tG;' 001-�#? G.'P5 ClTHF.R t7fCCiAl1 R{:i1EUAl. C.l'llEfit'AIR7L 000000 i)P:PI'IRVOI I,, Lihrilry TOTAL; 1:600,1) Rai*?Ill_AR DEPAR-i P EN'l PAYMIN14 RF.:1,11,1 i k R PAGE: ; I !ItIfEIP I�r i•, ;, 4, 'iJllU G'01 f,E�PdF:I;AL f'E!EJI? Ik_ AR1'IFOr. Ail r amr!irrn '.t Ccnt.r;! !l:A P�AtSE 1'rI:P1 (VI_ ACI'r#N] MIT, YESICR:!.PTION CHF(IR, APOW111 " {!�";7r) L(lur CommliquIz, I.EIG, T 'e!Q526v OOIA4";29." BIMAJING 4UPP [;`UMhiUmf lY CF"tTICR EIUIi_BING S011P 000000 1.41,26 '?_Oj`r70 l.Q!,!! 'S [i)r1PAIr)�E'':�, 1N1;� 1-;?97';43 00"4-49;-:-i"13 V�iJTI..[l�N!: '41 1' k3tlllh RJ:PTGa,t;rJH�';1- 4 .1% 000000 l�1 9 01 '%0 E.Qi,�E:'S C(1t1PPN1H`>, '1 :!0�-4A 5;,�.t� R !i Elh�al..[i1Pd oa..Ga?dii w�LlPf'I E:':.• COMM UNTI_: 000000 A 4�Oo E!EP�RT�iE'idT �4 Comman:i.�y 11�an•it�r t!Erll]r�R 'il_r OOI. GE�I�rR,•ll. i'Ellil 1/1.3/'000 0,,1.6 Pil ENDOR SrT; 912 UI11 ; 00tl3 ; 00 rn1E:RPP rF fHIND id(ji;lfii:: C r', T iril'i All ftE:GiLAit 0GPAR1MVN'i F' yrEIN'I Ri:GtBIVIt PAGE; 16 I:i' }dA19G; 1TE}i p: G/L AC('CJLiNT NAME DEs,L:R'!P11(i}1 Uiprhl� AMi(llINI i 011 n NEIf�iCf A"5nC7Ftir5 % >gI is c?0(1 00 7 . F}1rI {.rr�; frift 0}?iC�f�L Pf�if! f:i;t, IF'E D00000 1.�:,'ih,h„ }1EPt�g•f?�Ffdi 00 Nfl{!—(7Cf�aRT"t�rElTral_ TpTAL; 10,?'J��Gti RRd(i§ %C 9 Ayf y D 9 lWR ; MR a7#gyFmn R3 Nay9;(wRdE 9 ik \ tE QR! yLyRglNAME BQ998a IBRt :|!$f m « 9§ QylRk@yRnRE g y C9yy§ WC 9 g AV giRy J 2 g y9 0)U M0 9 2a y9BagT i kySmggia yiAa d 24 ReZ900 >% I'll EyRR»3#ir!#9yE« «O2R P6b G fR6 «» 9 d# ; 98 EA9RQEEAi ±RRm9b @ G«r 24 S9 G adl fR NAME RR! G& 2BRR 9¥ QJg% RyR AMOUNT ..��.��. ?�y4y $RF D»JB uyJy9G SR mRGlyMS CC Ryy Ca ±9a» ' D99» yyR�93 �!&&yyS +)RRgR DUESMMy 2%S waxy IWIR4R 9I#im C(P67 D!I & wylC99 7 DR y9O R1,11R R &rJ6a /NyR»5000000 I ,9 «G RTNEN!9 Q«r34S6C 1 dyP gKm .�'1;)�.?!!oo `'fil) PPt RE:GULA.R UEMRfPff:P4'i f'��t'PS�.N RE01:51E;f; PARE IV UN OR sf"I'l I►fli, IOo8 E�PdTCRPRISf f�llt�li PARTliFNT; i5 Aidwinisf,111> .ou CP;' P,AME ITEP4 111.. ACUUNT NAME. TiUCRIPTION AMOUNT =11O0J40 NAT:lON RLl.NT 1 '620001 NO -,I .5310 R � M HUiLUM RAI,k:`3MA „ 1fllf l Hlclfff' 000000 41A '9-4Mino AIR IRIICH f'A� fNk 1 ?`r'ylt ot)' -1"�- `AO 111A"IiQ�►} �H' 1`66f.R± 000000 113.`J2 '1 0r)1%o [',ti JAPdI, 10IiEI.. & cl{Jf'Pl.Y 1 1?409 009 J. �24 Ctil►Eff fliliRA`(L CLEta?�JPIU H�0f'P1 1:f:'.fi 000000 11? 6413 M',*00470 CO JANITr1RAL & .'Y11-PLY 113433 009--1`•5214 f7THER OPERATI ROLL MN!31._E Hf3Ll) hf1W1:113 C?otHO ,�,..ri0730 rtAY-i lE1ERB, IidC, I-�? �R19646 O00�JP,�`w'�210 T_01t?90 RONALD J, NFIMA?! 02 00 !ANGER COURIER R I-MAO o(de-1` '" 'N 1 -0""0 GANGER OFFICE SUPPE.Y I--o061;: 009-15 lie P M1UiMITHE:RP1 f}EEf. r1QFIL I-XIe f ; 0i?r' J.;S-C N, 360 Ijto 524 5 ,9,.!);.;3,, Tk ;,TATF (fIRECTJRY PRE.5 .T-h:�45 LtFELL:F SUPPLI 2 4[_��1, RAY 'IIMER'� 00000!? Ef3AL. SC.RL'IiiE NN(1PlE Cf1P1F -rLG:CT Rfi:fa;. 000000 A[1t1GRI1:SIP!!n (�LSt1LSLt NLARIPlG (dAilTLJI 000000 ICE Su PLI , ACEA ; P1ITE{ 000000 Ic.LE:PHONE f;ER 111Of3ILt: IPHONES 000000 TLE.EPdR7�±E ;:;ER iiCi Ru f_I'r1E OTHER OPERATI PLANT- RELUER Ok°E'':',E IIPPL{ ;?000 Er7IT'i;OP! f1iRECTO¢Y' Iii;PARiiiEPaT 1. Adtt�?ni�lt'.r ion 000000 s''00000 000000 J.250 'EPdM.'1f11P !:1'; 'r'`i IIi1U I t ut1(11 -IMP If PA1tTNEN)i 1.9 1)il t:t !'['OCr?'i'.i 1. 11'J PdAP4E I`fE?) G/L. AC".1'fill�!'C iyA19111 DFSCR'14 if17aii1 f�PLCI;k A�i[lLHdC 9�0070 CIACA14Ali.(',C[ihi, LT1) '/ oOf!-1.9205 CIAIA C'R IA". 8 'If M0M'141LY' P)A.IN ILNAPdf.'1:. 000000 1/4 ,y5_i1(}i:3t SAY'-iIPrER : IPJC;, f-3!L1')A46 OC�r3-i� 'J?In !)l=F:+CE S(iNC'I.J " f)f:'Sh C1AY i%P°iNC��; 000000 :,l,,' 0?`330 "AldULR UFh`).GE S1INNLY i41062 008�I9-Y)f? QFEIICE:lIM,i CANWE L.AIBERT 000090 1Y400 'y..t1`w3T) SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY' I-+JOa?9 QSt� I9�:��'IJ 0rj:IfCE �1)i;'Lr VIV ;�(1R! 000000 ?,S' � tt?9?I UII:NINIP C!FFICE (,C'I�'i(:C �,1"I,C'!,I CLNY PANEL; (Y GRt)�'td C3A1; CfEP%tRC1iP�`rll I9 f17i;? C'rccr�=.=i.;t41 i/13/"Ot)U 6 11i1 RFT�fJLAR flf:.l'AR7)1FN'T PAYhSh:hll Rf�':fi.�'fER PAt,ft �'� 'T.:" DOR SET, 1'r 11"'PARTMFIff W, Vehicle Itai.n4d NAN'.'. 1TH $ f;li.. ACCOUNT NAME OFSCRIPTION lNFrf,� WWII 9. otVA,*,Mj CJNTA rOPR, �,491 1-119256856 008.-,f..G,h6::a rld"ANING el pp MAIfQ NO t 60000 5,'10 }1.°i�7(! l,.tlx)SO!'7 PFtOOIiCTC' T I�dU�?:?7r) 1i00_:36 a 3?5 R dr '1 M01 OR. t) Fl15Ffi r )'II "; 1-11SF rl_Ar1lM Nl.ITS 000000 6 1:1 "1 O''t500 I.AW.`:iiN f'ROOi1rT I_794h"i 59 t)QO-3h-;3? i R ,t N MOTOR U ROPf ;Itl.)I:: !!�'1'.TCfI,rI.Rf i.11 f f)RN,rt OOit000 1. i,1.'t ()I!;d/ !.OIJE GOMPAhf1[' IfNc 1 ,".'J:� Un) 3'-;"i ?` ) r' m mod!`J! v ;)`i' la 110RO 00000 �)rt f.C�lJF'" f'OhiPA)!1_L�i, l�l), l ... 29097 008-"31)"'32tJ R r4 M hi0(0ko it 1.f11%ll:'S tcomvttfd!:f:s 1,mc 01501100 t,4/1 '''?-0";'.`i(t tJf)�hlF:fj CbiE'ty.lf;Al_ r f"� pp n/ G-r-ryr OFf'ARfN):'t!T 'b ttefti[;li� 44�tiu'cr�liatt��� 1 �J;,'• ?000 3;1.,' Pl? Itf NCIIIT, OFPAR TJIVNT PAYMENT R(:C:C C1E:R PAGI1 `2 'FTi 99 *UM" ON Fill fERIM It '�F ARTJfE.IQ•I r 50 r,laGrar FJ!' MAR: La,M z (�JL ACCGIJ�lI J4AML OESCR:CPIION CHEIT3 AMOUNCf -n00�30 ai�FF MORR?•`:a 1:-;)994a' !)OC3 c�0-5 r,0 R 0 OTHER R(.:F'L.AGF FiRASti OiJ H1:1,.1-.CRf: � On0000 ri19160 9..i},�,�,nn r;fJMJ�r::Rcr.Al. �)rl!Ylrr ;g._Otii/�0 IiC'P?'fCl°1 1"I;!1rbtY N(I!J!3C: J.-`q � C?t)C•-`.;t)-;?�'0 '9 0JOJ0 '9A).0P, F(J I'131=i11;: f 't; t+E I!l?I_F, u'HOP '; SAOGLI SHOP T-9990n [ 155? C'OG-50wU;Wy)5 008-5rJ-5'44C ''; 'J1010 CAI_I..'C1 TJiC, tV-5=.ht �7', 005-50 `)::, r 19-0.',.?'!0 RIC.AJ10 TRL!G! 'A?T;i C;:J, I°-'04' 7 008-50 .;;t? i ;c:' 01 �+,9i} Lt;(JJJi I.AJdO 1'—s 0�•3(,c? 00F.- 0•��i3;',`i q..01.500 Lt`L1c;OJ? J'ROii(JC;T J. >QO:=;v naJ-n ',S?;; 0 LIM:, C,OMlAiillf�'a, ,ut<<7 00?+~':,0 `,� 0 LC!lA ' C'C'J1C i. JtE': JJJ[;, "ii ), 00C�•.`t .5�0 , OLO LOU1r n fa'JJiCAMIfS, :CJdlt, I,811 00'3-,,0--,,6 (•r'IJL'S C;f!MF'PJ4?:f:S, Jd1(;, 00; C.�,3.'`: r 1 F:L J:JtiE! Pl' T ' 41 `o f (1 l; 500 {i;!:, 3o (tANUR OfFJ:CF. `S1 PPI,,Y 1: n0 )"6 0DS : 1 0 yt37IC{';; ,r..053(.1156 0(Y 1i0 SSJJ,'J l;,gyrjn /81. W.11011011LvV 1 3l �. 111 ,JJ�„`w1C) U' L) Ta,i ••.) 1iv ... 0; 100 Cr'MIli'� % f:;.;pEla L''0� `w�0-5:) :,; ,,;_.0,?4Grr ";UU IIIU!:!.:,TFRhJ [ E:L.I. OHM, f 99 ;);' ; pn1; C,O ;er ,Y 02g20 TRACTOR 'AIPPLY CO, ): 45210002 0NJ-`iA >'9-02`J9rr UhdOf;1•trNUJPtO, iNC, ,N 0?y';it) UPPER TRINfl,I o,)y;n YERJIEIi CHL:(4IC:(L 1'i117ER'=� fir-1(;C:Rti 000o(i0 :`;",:Jr, R sJi €;LJII.I?:iL+ AO,lUS1• LlE.f?'i Ah!"fJ!::IPA•ft!R 'u'FIOP C?00000 1.�1,?� R Pt M PUJ!-ITihl KNT !p M011 000000 3,8 ft M OLJIL.('t%tJ 1,CF J"r11f:1; 0C1n0n0 'S,Ot) "3r�FC1Y Fr!J?PM CIOIsK 000000 1.;?,00 lJErrRIJJ6 F?P('i,R a ; !F:r'?i�" 000000 UkftRBT)I APPAR 5 PAII; .JE.AJ!S 000000 '.ti', "l5 ,'; tJi if01•GJi Y �" FLASNI_IO(3-iS• CHnR:CJ;13 000000 4?!,'l�' !? t; ?i MPHOR 4' I S'01(2-G"'/, 1.0-Cw v PTO 000000 tr:1.,:.?S Jr li Jil:}il'R !J 2 16 CHA:CNF3 C'u0000 351ti(r R t, M �JOTOR Y F'!.1515, TI1-:c,1-JO SF: CI.,)11i1�!i;�lI.ITS 0000t1() 1:', ) R N N_OTOR b) ROI�F,t�UTS,SU"CTr1l,CiRCU T fJUK o0rUM) ;47,01=1? R . 'i LiTII! R HLCII� �YI-ILOW C'.AUMIN Pr1M! 000000 "';,SG dFARSM:� APPAR G1.!)YEsc:! 000000 "i r4)g R f: ;°I ?'fOTOR (j CClNC SCR ()00000 1. JCJ R 14 J;OfnJt Y HYl' )!s?'aC',`,AfETY HASP)4ilrY PYLL NOW) is9 ,b 'i OTwFR IHFRMOSTAT & LAPO!v MOON Jr;7,40 !;FFi:U SUPPLI 19 FRAMES 00000n 4(),;?1. R 4, i OTfa[ R SJi),IIJ'S 000000 0 01-1 R z M OTHER `.;,'b,';',50J6611 KIsY & IV, JUw;H]: G 000000 !i,97 R °< €i (ITHI's'.R " SACK CREND: 000000 1.3,96 R r ii f.)•THFJ; I UFiiL.R SPRAYI::R 000000 6 99 !.CLL 111AR FH(JN M!:iOIL.E PNONkS 004000 :,:.r,; r, UI.APIANO APPAP ;; f0) T",1 JACKET Oo0000 169 , W R z, 11 �410i'06' t! NTPPIP6 0111 Yt-1LYF !3HAMUR 000000 WATER PURC,HNS YOL.INF, « 01MAN11 rHfiaRCl::13 000000 1.,6ol?11 J rOJ!rRAGTUAL S YnLIJliF , OChiAtdO CHARGF 000000 7 500.O0 R �. 0 00TOR Y ? LJr.IZ OF-J:CI R 006000 1,4,99 1/13/2000 .e;1,c, PM 9:NOR t11`1; 'F'1 nNFI ON ENTERPRIt 114" FRO G!1LA1 fi(:f'('tlifilE:idl PAi'tdEld'I IiLGI" 7 It EN'NAME ? IE}h 4 C�/L ACCOCINT 1dA?fif: DC`-f;ftl.PTIO�f CHI CISp AMOUNT 0sp;'.,'l0 hiAIER PROIlUC1S ItdC, C-0"O9;_}9 00P'-bQ'-'`.1;360 R 13 OTHER CL MT P COMPicirlL(} 000000 G 41 n;?9tiG UA'iE:R PRODUCTS :(f�L', 1~ }?�'f1 0013-G 'j.37' 4?Ali.:f; Mr iE:id d, rAl-U HEX OOOt}QG i.(J,t#a (-0?(?t30 idA11,R PRODUCT 1NC, 1--'4�_'v'.0 0OR-1� '',1360 R d, M GTIM IFES,VAUX"S, M11"IERS 000000 169,6i� '?_'02,"}iS} i,IATEId PRODU!'`F I:N! , T r;?�`_i`''" ;703"'S0-ia i,JA'i'ER 1'IA:(N F; t1AiUl,'= 0t)t}Q(}G 13'',QO 029C0 hiAlEli PROIIUCT3 INL', }.-:?4C�,'`'3 00#- 0-':'.�3� hAIER fiC:1Ef? t� 1CC5 ii"lkR QOQ(inrJ 3{1,f,U r 0;?'"JQ 6?A'I'f:.ld PROt1iJr'1'S ING', T. i�'CJQ t)0 -`;G i'35G Jd t`.: ;I 1THE ;-(EII R':3 !; L i1s 000000 ",' O 1 ,� 7 . 1L 1 f).,. t. t: .} :, 1 I `)G (1 - 7T (+1,7 r}f 1 J'J '. O'.9F10 P6.II:K PR[lRICf3 1.MC6 _.i0'M OGc, .0 ., ? !!A'fL'h i,L'if:R � _,:(#GtO,.• C)3 :.,:Cf, , tJr�0000 1,140 'lti n r3G iJAi'EI'? I'nililUC'!'a aNC; I ,A982`4 0GS-50-'u�'3y0 R N (OTHER LIOR ME'1L:Rf3,E?UX Yf" P'SPL 00000E !dAlt:R PRCiDUCfS 1NC, 1 'kJC,ud rrt)D-`.i0-5�3) IdAIC1 ME'1ER ip I I1C,NC:'fF*R4,SJ0):,Ptri; 11)K 000000 j/Q$, �} 1NC, i-;t53S3'3 AQ;3` G-J:31i'i WAFE!? iiA(?�? e; L_O(3,lik141t.R5;E#'-1?.,t'lr( I'IPrW 000000 !.LE',00 it r�'f11 cr �`, _r'`'�' .. S �, '',c 5 0AfER , O UC•1a I,Nt" 1 .., rEl,,,., 00c G _1,;6G f( Zt 1, OIHLfi 1,1i1 ,1,c3LR4+,f10k,r(N f it E 000000 : ,13y 9 i72'f'OO UATEId PRIJUUCf'i INC, I-'y`.13J" UATLE MI_lEN ? L1.LI',,MhI(.fta,NCi'.,i(11_ PIPE O0Q000 1,1�I:lp '( 0;'.9n0 1?ATF';R f'f1ODIJt,Jf ilvf:, 1 4?(,10'1. 007:;''3i)-;<{h0 ft t, 11 OTHER is SnD 90 000000 100,6? 10.42"80 tIATER PP0P CTS INC, i' ;?G10 1 O0S-5'0 if,'Jt R & M OTHER +1 :?irAY CLEAPI O(JIS OQOQCQ :'ti,H! (;.1029C;0 UATF:R PRODUCT 3 INC:, 1-261.091 004'-50-'`::S00 R & fi OTHER C:'10 90 000000 pllcil U ;'1C:R PROF UCFS WC 1-261,0_1 0000 - ;} i�360 !2 L; ;1 i�THEI't ri 13l_UE 000000 131. b c' 0?9ct0 IJATER f'F;OOUCIe, INC, 1 "E,10?1 OJC,'-5Q 5,"-,-,0 R is fi OTHER 6 CE1.Jk:.f; U�' OOOQOO c: W, 4" 000193 DATER PR0OUC I S INC„-"b1.G,'! 00}'-5 } ;f:360 R 1 OTHER D 1.1/8 000000 M0 PRODUCTS INC, 1-261021 00N-'50 u(:�0 R 5 11 OTHER C ;35 OLUC IE[ 000000 4 7 0';?9f30 41AIER PRODUCTS 'IhfC, I-),'61 8 0QR-' G-'W350 R E, 1'i OTHER 1O MEtaA!_UrS U0000t) 319,9Q 0;?PSg 11ATF:R PR()DiC:iS INC, :: "61Q?f COC:%-50�5:360 R L: 11 OTHER FCC 000000 1.1.4,Is, -0"il'J !JA'fER i'w,ODl1"la .I!'fC, I"In iG"F 00f'-�50 r t'0 n ii OTHER r COMP C'UP 000000 S' 0;:'0"'0 1?AT1R PRODUCTS INi:a, I-C?F,iO;(' :00-r0-5:rG fi !, li OTHER faiailF' 000000 .1..0,'ri 0 41ATEt PRODU(al� %HC, 126.1.023 �Ot- rJ "-53,�n R �, it OTHER 6 4"�L,D '150Es ELL H;?H 000QQQ O,L" (:''�t) hk1IL'R PR(!DU(_f�; 1:NL;, 1�.'(1t7;3;3 008-'``(i iS60 R i4 U(HER �M (T U;,7.4 f311SH1:NGa 000000 1f3,;3"_ S!) idATER PP,Of3!1(. TS IP!tw, i-;'Q1031 00'' 5'0--,rM7'? UATI R METER i, 6 RECT CONCtf TE: l!t LIDS 000000 ;"7,4}3 'c' 009t) 4JA'f ElPR'}DU(:I INC, I ?610t;1 0013-Ci(7 'ac", 0 f; is 11 OTHER S1';XE, fCC 000000 ;'':I,(!7? J,)_.('t 11r„1f i "G.G'7 :"`!4"` `(' �...) j ... t1.. r. !',_r"7 ii "'.Cf ni:"GC i t3 ''i' Ci li Vt' I,1 1"Y OC !:G ('� t St7 14; J,.I uJ JA`I �. i; P1%ODHu,a IrJ,.., _ ,_r;..t}iit OG� ..I.1 •.3,37,- :t;lE„ li,_i�„ �_. ,(„ „RCJ .,/,... ,.r1D,..,, 0-01DOO 3',> '9-0:1990 UAIEf; PR0[if 1Clop S INC, I-4261061, OQB_,510-jM0 11 ': 11, OTHER 1Xu ["CC 000000 lk?1,C(} ".Il OI('y 9'T`yWATER P?(DUCI;I";OGQGOJ ito'. S; OT 20 DATER PROOUC S INC., .1 2610O1. COBI.,50`'1;160 R s, 11 OTHER BALI, VALVE 000000 96,J0 ?9 i};?u;10 UAI'ER PRODUCTS IItIr l-?(-;?35'1 Q09--"Q-Fi•`3G0 R L, ii OTHEfd C(?!iP!_1.'r!C'•S t; CLAN11'S 000000 90, ?-1 :9(;0 1,1ATl:r f'Rf)11111':41 1NC, ): '7(Ta5 0Q{' `0-`i;160 R 1! 01HCR CLAMPS,CEI ILn)q E.E..,%,P:1.N:; 000000 9f7,r)Q 0?9;30 ldrilER FRODIJCI'. IIJt;, 7 ?5'r''39 OOf;..ri0 ,;?GO R �: ItTI1;=S' wew.,%1: ?�;,:' ?; '..?,)?:3?Q;"A1(3 ;'. 000000 {r0Y,70 (J;�"9(}0 4.�A1fat PROLIUi:f'w� 1_NC, i':'°9�,9 rr�Lt `.0 i�3'��5 IdAiER 1IAIN t; }57hii 00000E 1l 211.,'�;4 ,9i.',i UEC#D AUTO PARTS 1-11.:?'S O08';:?',�'S !? k• i'1 ilil'fCi! 'J OTL Eii_IEi?S 000000 ;',t}'.:) ;U.0,9..(0 C,TdO loITIFf1,, -"xA.0 r! O,n,E.IErdG AF P;R wn I,111Ra j 4,• 063:?0 TX DEM OF HF:ALi!{ 1-'(?!;71. ()()(3rWY?77 faA11=F 'IF( :I NO IA 'TEST UAI'l.R 000000 1.1A,Oo 07260 CARROLL. fWPLY C 02)''9b30 00B-540'-;i210 ('EE1I:f (,I1E'Ill. UltIOM3 CODE 000000 49<<, 7;5 _.. r .1Gr?'0 CARD!)I.L SUPLII _?9'3'0 D[14ICE SUI)PI_I 10 CHI_(JR:IK 000000 819;#, /5 i 0'J O0Of—S!6-AS?;3 11THICAL. SUPP CARROLL, SUPPLY 060000 49 ,'!5 DImFY�RI'#iE'P!i 0 Uat:nr IDTrIi.; !i!;,�,!OQO :',�L, f'1! I;k!'l!!_F1R pITARTH11�l'i PAYi�R,I RF;t��;i-IL-R PAR 26 IN 000 f NIO RPfi1S . FUND !1.PARi77FAlT; ,;2 lRl W ter f;r1I i:iu�t I fs!' NAME. J:1CM F!/L ACC OUNV14 ?d!?OF. CiE 3CN,IPTif.i�i CN( t'K� AMOIJ�l1' '�J OQ;J00 Cn5€tw� ti'?i: 1: 41797�1 CiQ3 i''G{"1 f�,l. CTRIC IV Get `�IRE:ETi I Li;fiNl.C�al i'R11:iCC (1Qi)QQQ 37„� et CiF:?iT011 TROPHY H911. SAFETY iiQUIP°i ClOCK 000000 r; nQ;3�,0 f7G:1�T(JP� Tf¢OPUY IIOUs;E !: `;�� �;; nQ,!-k.- i�'bn SAFFTY FQ1.iIPti 0,Orr OQnnpQ 11',00 . A1500 [AUTIN PRODUCT 5 F5ti•Q24Q0 sm'o(Tli,s `q..tax';' 0 VERNFR CHE4MICAl.. '4-p?��F10 lJFl1T�R Pitl)C1lJl;T.`i 1:1�G, M NOT!iR V I"!JSFS,f1US,WO F QQQQQQ 13,711' R Jr H OTFIEP: 6 146fis ON[, CRI:TF. G`Q(1iQQQ tn1011 R F, '� f`iGlllii V " (J'17 Ilf:�'.[Cf:"fi QQQQQQ f�!','9 ,r.�;F:F; ?ii=�l1J 1� QROi� LIDS nQOpQn t?'�,`Jt! ataFeTY F'tjU:CI�'i htaF( i.Y r�W�RDS QQQQQQ ;?1'�'Uft (i ?< M MOTOR V Q1.0I,J PLU68 O00000 Q:PAi'ic�E�!T 52 bl��, bla,er ?;n?ir,crial� 1]i�!.; 9 1/13/2000 ;16 Pf! IiFfiULAR [1(PAR, I'MENT PAYMIRT1 101[3:( [[1;li ;U-(ClGI) ,115U 1 99 UUH C:IdTE};PRJCL (Ui;C' i`:PACt1'ME('!T; 51 !(���ie �t(;?'tt,•,, 'j•,t:3f.?�l�;:t11 LN' UFM G L ACCOUNT NAMF. [if �"SCR"!P("1U�! [;I�fEC(;� AMGUNf 9 {W:o ('01T7�lCi4Tr REw.[:f,RCII CG ;I-GJ.1&(t UJF 54. '5 2 23 CH[g fCA1, SUPC' 1UU L3 GC!GR GRAN 000000 4111 00 "?-{1U;,ru ! GilTJ.P!( PlIAL Ci(= EPiPC11 CG 1-61.1G'� U(?3 'a.WC'i??3 CI ct .T4;AL. aUPP 6;'m GAL UD GRE;ACE_ UUUUUU 3f'!,MO ' Up6`:U CGN14:PtE:VIAL diE:uFARCH [;G !-ci1f:C pJG J4 Ci'3 C(IC:I''MIA". 3LP" ,i S(11Aftr(7 CAN • C'pUUUU L'9,U{r ">'. U i 5nU l AC�SGtd PRGUIIC"i {3 IE:I..E:M r TRi' 1-7406559 000-,,A" 3' (? ii MOTOR U ROPE',P�UfS,9W1Tr_.II:C'�:Rr'U?T BRIQ WHO 2 UUG- A-54213 CONTIRACTUAL h TTMEA LHBGl; UUUUUU nnUUUO 11.,UU Tel 1,`.i U,g R(:.Ci10AR DE.[Its INIfLNT PAYMENT PLGJS(LR PAGE; 9' PENDOR SET U011 00,3 fNTFRPR1.fiF FUNIP 11�Pit) RTMr. NIT ; 58 1eci-rit: Rep II%Iflilt DI NAMEaTEM G/L ACCOUN'T NAME AtIOUNi C)(j7'$0 A11 'IC1lIC;N FAG1:tIG C ?95'7h t)OCi rClJ. ?`j PAGF..RG PAGERS tiOGOto E1�!„?i. -t1r,1J0 ADtJAN`fAGE ItI: i UTLEif RE t1.;J tl�; 00E;-5Gt I,"-, R !, -M NUOR V DE!4 GO AL 0000 U lOf'), 0 9A031.0 PCT. tfT:CflANZrAL f-LGtrP,?. vOF .s(` R 11 M BU LO N ADJUST HUT NiffICHA OR SHOP 000000 1.4,95 'H 0UY0 13:fL1.. UTTER FORD, mcl i.-G%}j 78 008 'i11 ; 3?5 R r/ M MOTOR 'J 5Tr1R1'[ad ! 000000 1 ,:�,..r)t7"00 C1N'Tt15 rOwR, 1'r9? :--19''S6056 OnG,0-31.0 ; irt•'nf�r�+rvG f�l1�fMr-.Rr1Ai.. rE!{4f .t 1�E: Ei 7.-.51i?5N 00C?•-51;--L�..��1Ii i' 007`i0 IIhA!.4.R'.i t:L l L!i1(:; ,iiPPI_ is ,!J 1 ,�i;�4 00(1 ;,G ; 020 ;S,..UGC36r1 ;tt..01)06 DEN-i"Oii Tid`lPf1Y OI:.N I ON t ROPf,Y WOIISF POUSE T--5#5c t. ;4`,•; OG(;°-5s; -�34' 000.. (; ?^ r 01:i I 0 ,1'i 1r PtfNA I T C11E:VR01_f1 T •),L, 11ATTHEA PM '1*NC, %--:3275>3 OflIII :;,C3-1f;?A6 ;+j._01500 LPII!SGl'! PRODC1Ci!"i 1. 7r?0�'�?74 GOCi--I3—L�3r"i ?c! 00 LAIa50N f'RI;CUJr75 ):147406 i5;' 000 5b 3:% i 0RAD O SHACKIf. ;INN z, -G.?;300 l"IN :R COUP ER % 1.9774 Stffii R OFFICE 'I WPLY fIIINIA1 , 19.14n�r300 T 'i361.' 0? 10J smTTH `S 5 610 +It ?1t 0? 1U'� 5fi7iTI, `5f --,51171111 ifs 0#9460 50111PD1L.5'TlRfd UAL 'IODTL T-7999'j ,g_G"690 'I'Crlfl. LNI r{ �:'7: n TEXA; METER ', DF;.VICE r O a1��.i17 VERNER CI1 1,11fAl 00Cl-58-f:�4''i0 00f1- (�-E3;3.1 ti R b M f3L!iLE1�.1? Ml1T5 t, MC1P nt]0000 f..Cr15E EC?IJTPMf TrE: MAKER 000000 C!THE.R iMPfiOt?C C'flhlilL!IT,DLfi fr('RAf{DEIf,<?H CE) STR NOON OTHI=R IiPE!3�iTT rLOrK OOG000 O'TffF.R 0PIRf•1TI r!..0C11.. 000o0(r I ,Y 11 VJOTOI V 101PUTTON Un0U0G �AfV'''TY F0.TPM ;' PR l?.010 YFLLOW,RUGTIER GL.OIIE:S 000000 N M010R, V f BFo,,Tf S.HOSC: %LANP ,NUTf3 NOON R tv M rOTOR V ROPt ,NUTS, (IuTTrh,C%RloUf T RRKR 000000 OE'hICL" SUPPLE PHONE: I_TNI SPI_ITTI=R f-EiR F�A'`; UG0GU0 �CCINOMTr gFUF_ fiFC ;PORTS PttGE,N01.7DA1' A.[f 000000 OF'FaCf:: S'IPPL l: TNGEaf i;ARDS 000nG0 [1TNEi ?M!riiCj1ll: 1.0 CADC.F Tif:1TAP'Li:> O00Or1t1 C'.0 OIliER 'MpRr)tl(:.:3 4)gY PL UG`3,LE PLUGS 0f)t)000 006 5p-62?0 OTHER Si{PROVE 150 ROPP f100000 003 5G 60?'� OiHER 'r.1PROUE :? HANGER STRAPS 000000 110 R IMPROYl-, LOrK R:tNGS,fdU'f�i,trTPPf.rf::,,:64'/ 000000 003-5E 61140 OTHER (%PROVE 1. R;i SCREI:!S FOR STORM UAPN.TNI 000000 (?OG-(1.. i:•.'0 t f:LI..III,.AR TEI.E h{Gf15LC PNGhdE r Gt)OQOt) 445)��5 0(jfl-:5f� r,G?(1 f1THE:R IMPROIJE TRSPLf:X rAE;LI- 00000ti i; toi'i' 00(1 `r `(i) 14f;'TE'R MA1N'Tf t 1i IEIT b Ct`rPAIR SSfdG1'r. PHASC 00000p ,`,ti :t0016 00" `;I? ; 3? Tt , N MOTOR v :' DO/ 01::-% IF OOOt10tj (�,'9'i0 11.`tKJ'NG C!E•h'rGf� PW,ODUGfS-10!�5407 00G-8 u��21.0 ,r+�.•0'970 VaKiNr CaF-F1.CI,: PRODI1rT!�, 1-IU.`".407 OUf3-5f;,."1n >4+ 0;'970 t11410 OfffCf PRODUCTS i.-•i0 40'/ "i N19;O YH106 GFP" Y PRODUf!13 1-1Ci 407 0G'i (; 5^1_0 [1f F'!CE w�UPI'Ll COPY PAPER, PC15ia fS,EN11j) t+PEE 000000 Of"1�'!'C.F. SiIPPI. T. GLl1E, TAPE GTSP,F.7.1_f-- rRAY�; 000000 turf )CE: PSiJf'P!.l. FC1(-EIERfr,! TI.L C'AD:LNE'!',L.IA. TAPE 000000 OFFICE SUPPLY (41H C. OU ,r 0,1P! NS 000000 1.410 (37 (37 1/112UU0 a?,1-6 PPf !I NPOR SIT 911, '!JNU cUB PAIiTRiLi'dT; 5G FNTE:RPRISF FL'NP I.loc!Iric Dopartmc04 RLGOLAR UC:PARTIIINT PAYMENT RF,61STLR PACE ; 27 I NANF ITEM G/E. ACCOUNT NAME Uf.SL'R+I'T)C1N CHI-:CKI MUM ",429'0 YU.:ING OFFICE PROULIC;('S T-1tp-�4U7 00B-Ct8-``S21U OF'F)Ci (44UPPLI 2 URAWF.'R CAU)NFi,ACCFSI;ORY CAR UUUUUU 1.79,0 ;t; -.r).1;J)) I;lLoD A;WTO PAR i a T t 1 65 UU8 ,Jt]-v Ald I 3S hi;iTOit V ili:E I Ill I-m ;G t)UUCUU III , Oi} '9 U0U2U I,tl:'CO )-It r,F;17'r? rUC-Illi r':t}?U Cll'NI:R iFii'R(1t�F 1UU FfA(,Clltdfw EJ(1LTS UnUUfiU ;!,t1U "'�•••U,3U?U WICCiC7 ( I,)79-1 009 `.3 tSi,''t) i)THER IMPR(it)F 'w F"0 ST'ANUOFF HIiACKET'a Ot)UU00 81.U,r)U G81791 UUFAIHIR )01PROU!"t )UUU' ALUM TRT.PLE:X UUUUUU 6. 00 ;' UJU3U WFSCO ) J1794 UU8 5J-oU'?U OiHI�'h 1PiPh',OYE C-iU-iROUNU t'OUS UUUUUU ?97, U '9••U'I I,.ESC0 )- 01794 000-58W46026 OTHER 1MPRQt1)E 40 4" MAL1: 6UP1 UUUUUU 9B4O0 (dESCO !' Jt7'74 00J--OJ-5020 OTHER )IPROCrs.: 16 CIJMUM 000000 640),00 U,024 IaJF;(:tl 1-181.10a UU' `,8-6U;?!} C!IIIER 1r1PfOtrE:' 1Uf(U' .,5. lii'ii'LfY I'1!+E UUUUUU 3t1,,UU ?U ClESC!J > 45i;1.794 t)U3-ti�}3 5�?'?U OTHER :MPROUI lU°U E3LAi11: Pil TEAR J@;i�laCS UUUUUU :?"{}:U�� 'y rJt1020 liE5 aO 1.- ;? C);_' nil tE3-`,i3-bU'°1 OTHER IPI "PROYI COPPER C;R)i`il'i;T'3,CUW1'Ll:NiS UUUUUU 11a,0°i+J '9 U`<li)%%"U 11F5C0 T 9.3`:i? UOJ-, 8-6090 01H[:R MPROYE ARCHOR R011S,N'JUS UUUUUU i p3U?r7 b1EFi(;O %�t,5'3�,a,? UUB- B',tt2U OTHERi.i PFtOIsF: R(_UF' S1IFL.L3,K-1.4 t;l_f!Jia UUUUUU �?��1:°�U I.IF;;Ill +1 1; �9:31:)? ()Usl-;s3 5°;�'J I1T'iIEIt :+ iPR(�uE E.L.LC'T 0AI_L.AST,REU SHELL°_? UUUUUU :l'.?9: U 9.0012U UE of"60 1I'll I'l6 )"1) 0()01",58 -6020 O T HER TNPROYE _'" HUB,!II'S 1.20 11E:A1) UUUUUU ` 80 , UU 1: 6941155 0001-50"1-601 0 OTHER .Tr1P 0';sE :I UEi I11 >)Dl; UUUt)UU i7;': ;i(} U:l iUU I E,fd�EP a.NTING III PA -±7066 000 58m5210 OFF ICc SUPPI.1 PO UUUUUU). `9-036=0 P{10 STIMi; %-?9JuE U08 50r-.`_'.'.35 WF'AR.1NCi AF'pAR 7 ,JAC:KEMISAFETY [0605),NANFS UUUUUU ';!::,`t) "01- 1rjU Ha-,L1NF T-1251005 00B-J84020 OTHER )i��MYr, HE:A'I- CHUNIt i`Ui>UCU IUU,ii;� °14�2I'0! NIKE PRATER �--'985r, cU8-58 �," S WEART.NGs AI'PAR RUBBER BOOTS UUUUUU ;3 ,'l? '0•-05290 F;F.il E,11Ni; i-i.?U;9 cUJ-kc;F;._52 S; IJF:ARING IPPAR WOEK BOOTS FOR i{Ti;F PFA`iFR UUUUUU 1:?G,65 �P m"05a'.'9'? RFO WT.NG T•-1.3U'; ;' 008•_;;;3_S" : 5 UF.A O NGs APPAR I.1(JRV BOOTS FI]R JF.C�F I�iiJRR.TS UUUUUU i.'?(3,f1;J 'S' 0100 T F);CAVA T iON SAF . T Y 3Y T °8611. 1008 1;18— 5 i?U CONTRAG TUAL. S i ES"IAE: c FEES EOR NOV 000000 24 a 0 '9454.90 BANGER AL(TtJ PARTS T-:•17A:?6 !}'J8-58�1�a S U k{ Lf i'aTC1R'J I? l3ATTF:[F;) UUUUUU 1.�f.�i,HG ' U��`,''iCt FOFliA1NF: GtIJl:PF9FNi ) 4620IItiV 008*mC,C� �1020 OiHiw(d )MJIROVL H):ON i1)C Tul?(. E(I)Y: UUUUUU 1;)��:�ES A)RCRt1L'i UYNAPITC; I;C1RE', l i ScUr' UU°-5ti LIM)F EIQW)PFiF: '4 ROf 01..I.GMH ODUCUU "• i't00 '�' U7_'F'U 11)Gtd A R'!hiA )-:"'4;7 UUFl-E-�J.-r;,�1.0 E:CONOOIC UFIrF 2 HAPPY HOL111AY BANNE:RB UUUUUU 1,10010, 19 t PRO,JFCT GRADUATION )--;'9841 MI-m2- ^1'J ECON,7i°itC Cii�!1F PROJECT ORAUHATiON DONATION UUUUUU 0!)1Oo OEPARTE4 OT 58 E lodric U?oilrfineni: TOTAL; 9:913111)f3 VFNUOR Sr:I' 008 FNITtRPRY.SF: FUND TOTAL; 4;,1;81V/ A ..f i.113/'000 �� PM ft�luILAP IIEF'AR?1 114d'F P my11 NT' 1(F: tISIER PAG("; ?fa G/L ACCOUNT pro ( ALfi ��I -1.lNF 1 iEii ::: -:.:l. _:(FdOl1P IIUIIGF j't •-:.:: (WHUAL Bu0OFIf OVER ANNUAL )(100`1' Otf'llk 1::AR ACCOUNT HA?ir AM011Nr 8UCi13CT Ab'AI!..AHLE DUDE 131l9Of�A1 Af,'AILABLF: 1,111 G �'�;;'-2000 001-00-'164~i HUNICI@AI_, SF ',�InN[IN-C::PFNS 1'1.�'150 0 50,011 0011.0 5210 OFF :LCL SUPPLI:E 117,'30 700 7')7,(i0 001 10 'i';i 13UES A?3li 1{F!il:'.3RAlMIN 51,61 .50 i.,it '00 ,106,00 0(l1 f, 5-5'y10 OFFICE: 8.UPPI.IES 1r1,:%5 750 641 00 001" llm52'90 AI1YER-fISIN13 i. "'J 00 ,,000 ;?,4 m : 7 t)oJ6,.1'lmml245 MHLR IIPERATlNii FlUPI'LIFS 63,0" 1 1,On 70;",6? 00:1 1. i-531 � R 6 M 111H M6, 41. , 60 1,125 13;'r). 001 +a Lt:.GAI...fl1111CL1 113 IG i?too() it liF'Moo i)0�~i5- i`i10 Th:i..i l'Hl"INE yI Rl�!:CE" 1.11,3r3 5,.`.j Q 4;OG'1,1 t101 :>`i:'i.{) C?Iill tf:E Sl1PPi_l.L'4 11:18,1, All ,(}Oi) i E;5,6 t)(�I 9;0 2;5 fTI'HFR fOPFRAI':(N6 UPPLIES 1,1,6" 3,''00 All I?'% 11iON AA,000`�`OUPREt*9I i570,5C� 00111 0I-".5"10 RI=PAI:R t, MAINTENANCE PLIl",, f33. ?0 ' 00 :i7, ,1.,r ,)t,•, ..A�O..� `J11 R M € QU P?i1:NT ", i(Y ` ,2{3n 1. ,'39;{, ,6 001-10-`i3w'"� R !, ? MOlOR IfEHICL.F10,"_i00 9,'E9`i, 1 )4:i 3;:; LEAK ImQUf l'iil N'f 77 , 60 A'4 , 14 '' , 001..A10..5;375 FiIN�iR l[?UIPHEPdT 63,44 3 ;00 :3,38E',Os? �.•:, r 00Ii1-4 0-��,' PAC3E'RS ,46 001..;1"All t223 CH✓r:?•i1CAL SI.11I-,L LJ' i„?4 ?1000 001_,,. ,,4(; (IlNEit f!I'IRil(?lli _1:F:'i?iC t)ri 'i',iir 00'l� " :;:'48 OIIG P011ilO E;XI'EilSC 5'S,O;) ,`�i10 ',17t,00 001-94- 4?w?10 OFFICE" IUPPLIHI 3 , 47 i06 16E 9Ot 94 A,;;;;'.n DWS 1, FG1 "i RAT'A01 3l;Yi 00 6, 5 �0 ;3, 'l 1, o0 0(),Al (IFHF:R OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,41 4,7"0 ',31;8,3k 001. '4 `i,"' 5 411 1RTP!(i API'ARCI !�, +74. '.':i i;,00(1 Ito, 0 1,o R !. 14 BUILU IO 88,4 i Atf) (i(1 6,0;-1i.,: 041-,?4-"a3 S R €: ?iOl?1R uEHCLL ;340,T= 4,000 ;?,•"rl'i'.67 (Al A-AA24 •`.Y"til.`i LEASE EQUIF•("IFNT 1.00100 60,000 A8,0�0.1 611 OOt 1 i''l'a ?i:INOR I.[jUl;i'?iE:NT 400,`;0 Ili 000 It '1f10' rr);.?,l...r;5I'll 9 C1-4*`41.L.l1LA1't1,61?(3 001 ?4-14055 FIRE F.3OIlTI1�(i F(�iJIPNI:hli 7.3,4i1 `�;000 �1;04;',;37 0041-26 AAA `:?i.0 OFF:I:CF SLIPF'L.i:F:S 60,0€ ?,000 1, %`9; .00 001A5,''15 viH�R OPE.Rf;i.tNG SUPPLIES 19,61. 700 `30,.s9 001 26 ;4?i L.FL.AI. SEFill UICCI; ?tJ 6;OOo 0MOI00 00 -1 5"l;) OFFICE SUPPLIES A'.<'., /'S 400 Al H, iW (io'..i)0m.`Mo R 4, li LUT1.DTflO n.;), 3 1500 3SI'�,7Ji 0{Yi ?5-- 251 R ; 'M UI~FIICLIll 11v�, IAll f30ti 441 ?,07 20 CELLI!L/;;�,:; R 1ELEPHONL , b 650 542,68 j.+llAA1j IF rftt•1...`(�_.,:q, (+Tlil::il l!PE;RATtNLry ;UPPt.I:Gw, 05„?6 116000 <,4 ,0 001-30 KARIM, AP@ARLi•. 1?00190 7 0 All 14,811 001 -300AP,kM R & M 13LIILWN"(1 tI3,.1:1 1. 1, 1 090,Ill 8 0��1�'30-5:320 iifJTOR �!L-:H1;CLE FUr"L 95,01. ;,',4:30 1,,64"3,tit 001--AIII R ?a Ei LiOi(!Id 4'E=N1C14E 1,11i:',4? ,000 i ;437,91 4 ("fi !tEi;!1LAR [lEPARTPiI:hd'( NP,Yk1L•1'1•I fiF.tilLl'Fk( f'AiE; 9 kf: ii: L. Ai;r,UUI(f rj L'Ak iicGGLIi�T 001 _A Il,U'i'i'0 r}4i-•34-U�k7`�i 401-'a0--a:}'i0 t)41 ;o' 001-1 ..5;1 ?. 001.''-5329 (O i "j ) =_' 5 QO+._361-I52'5 ii �1 001�2., "'3251 b- l.r::,ti U01A.'-"210 041~A?�0'54 001 "Al rk.., 213 001."4 4'-`)310 000-I fi0., 7300 045-1.0-5:'15 {)08 1 5,-5 ' U 0()l3-4 i t)0fit ..1.5- p i.0 GOS-3b;S�65 0018 06ll-5,5 008- iol-5.?1.0 44i;"�14"5r' I! ()rjc)..A( ,'1260 40i3'-50'- 5310 "iF I.EA E E.u?t I'1;1;Pd' 3 It 10.6L 1' 11 A I INTL N A 0 C E t1INOR EQU.r PMEN1. 5T1;EEL ` f(AIR CIRIC & C'AS UT1LTIES F'A13ER5 C;HRION:AL SUPPLIES R ), M FQUiPMENT i;111 i f,'11AS I.IGUTS !=LAGS E3Af.1.. EiC!..B h+.A1,k1"1k;3dA!dCE uEL.LULAP PNGhdFS Pi')GEPS cLEAN Ih1c SUPPLIES fi E, if NOTGP 'JENTUF CONTRA rPIAL KUT.CH �, S AGA7INH L!lri("'iITIGh15 nTEl.1, OITTAHNG SUPPI..IES CLEANING SUPPLIES P 11 BU IAMG B(1C'•KS B!JILBING SUPPLIES 11 ), 4 81.1R01%, A/fj UNTFUkth1,TGUl,S,BUUIS,E:�� E06, FEES FOR BRIDAL PATH OFFICE 1;!111PL1k:`; FGGB RUES t, RFGISTRAf1.MS GFFT.CE SUPPLIES A111)r:P;1MNO HER OPERATING ';Uk'PLIE & 1, BRIA)BIG I_HAI., r, RUICf. r Tk:LEPk1UGlk:: SE'P'JIL:E�; 1JATA FPGCF.:SSThJr SUPPLIF5 C11141-1C:E. SUPPL.ILS CLEANING MPPLIES HOTGP, VEHICLE UIFICF SUPPLIES C'HE13W'AL. S!IPI'1_IFE UE ARMG APPARC14' SAFL' I' 11('Ui P(i6.1 T R F H BUI1 BNG ft £M 11014OR 16)ENIGLE l;kiU! M i r, , (10 90 ; 44 100,40 r1,)a ; 'E 19 7 M 00 6,h7 6cs3;l39 2 Y2 rn 0 IV)6L 19,T 000.00 ?57,10 tik1, 3 :'_3 ,17 i7;9E' 88 236;71, 1 r,Zf . 00 I0, VA, ; 6! c tr c ,11 /9 4,0 1i 4 he •!;. ;;50 ,10 4 490 75 l451. 1.',00 � 32 :,:, Ai�ilUA1. BUi?GF.T UUCP BU(1GF,T AVAILABLE B;JBG t A r)LJ, i.,,, 11.E 3,000 ,41910;00 h,000 5,1.3t1%�j #4,000 32,699;9,_' 44 :', t'i r 77 1, i,100 661: 00 :?00 1J91,1 1 1.,000 96,1.. 1,044 33_',3' s+,000 7,711 r'A t, c;44 iO4 ii39197 800 800r44 13 3,500 1.,(., ntY8 "If ;'.'?`; ; 3t3 III b,000, .a 0 ) 144 1.05179 9,611 ,} 9r0f, i. 7 -,1 r,r, w C 6,0 83 750 6'A 1 r'/ 000 1, )00 61t1 41 1,i.'.• 641 r71 13,000 11,970r0() 1 i00 2 o)21;1.7 ?,000 i,IA519.1 640 MI,0Js 340 ?,500 t,)817;49 3 000 1199, CD'+ , SO4 29'f ; 05 000 1,f319.`1 ON 419,00 i Y :• mv(:)WIM OUPULA.'1- Ah1NUAL BM)NI.7 (]Y$,l B!JBt:ik:T A 'A:I:I,ABI..; 3L1;1!i 1; 9.;t12004116 Pli REGULAR 1)EPAR T IiENI POTIN'i REE'lo( E'R .H f: Gi L ACCOUt? i If} 1 ALS :1.1:. PAGE 1 a(r ANNUAL 13UOGE I GVL, ACCOUNTW E AMMINIt NUO)Or'1" AVAII..ABU" [! E GOU 10-.+;35U 13ATLR 1'iAitl t!A!_l I uli,IM J.4,GOG 6.,117,26 R & 'i OTHER ,191,40 4A 000 '1;?,r'?(},in 00(too 1'i0--5;37? ldAllLR Nk:'1'k:R f li0xEs ',`i6'9,62 fl,00 1,016:',3f; 00' 5G 5'377 UATLR T `3I:1% 11.6:OG 4# 000 ;3,lli.l5l,(}0 t)()1;-•`iG,_5 >35 11A'IE R 11Rf'HA5 1 607:1$ 4 000 O,ti`,?,51. 005-50"'.W20 CfsN'IRAC14UAL SEI1V):CES' 7,'G�?,GG 4',GUG /�G,t3�,�1,'U GOu-"5t7�5520 CEI_l_U1.AR E'HOW 1�3,A1 9G0 737,6;' rAf::'I'Y t1`)(JtPA, ,,NT NO60)}l i"-"i" G J GGi3 `i'? `i3'?'S R N i013R Y ;LE 5�'l5V 1000 Z71 (lEt (}(J11_4 �;1,.i3�10 R f, ?` (i f HE;R )194 , No ;�,?(3h „'6 9)08 ;i,' J It 1:Lt:f,iR(C %: GA U1"ILt..t.(E,:.,,G;' "'3 i)()$•�:'f,G'/t? `,f411:R Lf'iIN MANHOLE i?`j„`i0 3,000 ?,�192:;J0 (}Gr3-'i' :i??;i C;EII?ll:(;AL ;'JI'1'1,J.1:':?, 1,173„"J Gi}G ;,;'(1,.:,0 R f, " E;UIL!l:lNG 11,GG 1,` O 1.,4,3G, `; R 'S 'i MOTOR VE'llUE Al Ili 1,750 1,2AU 84 (i� 320 5Cf7N'i'RIfC'MlI_ ISLRUUf "i ('9 03 u:u,C 11,000 69 ,9C3 GOl3 s ;i"10 OFF:fCF S11fPI orFS ;'9.79 1,000 !;:� ,11EE_21fijtS U(,s -50 ".. i CUM, APPARLI. { 1"'' t It 00 t0' Ill ,. , ,... ;U._`:;'.o�,G EiAFE"l'i FI�UIPtE:N'f .�'.1' `;? �,''`,() n 40 ilk 003-511-5310 R F5 N i3UI1.11.1NG 18,Ji? 4' 000 '?O,011:1118 Gf;-"lilt-`ito) i HLi"'Gj r[GLr1�3',764:77 53E;`i LLrrs31 Efll?PNl"PtT Sa,QO ".? noilV_?,6G?,3G Or}g--rift_°) 3i j ?lE:'1 L 4t fi AItdTENAN('t� 4a1, OG , %`.I 1: 95 c)Os3-55 ,'+ ?G ta(iN i l;A(','f1JAL. 5f' RVIt ES ?sa , l3�3 a : 000 3 5 l''.4 . u 1 OG),I `,fl-`5fi50 FCONOMIC OF..VL:LnPMENOI 1.:1 0 00 9;5G0 6,nif3,115 00(t-` %3 'J20 C:( l"L!J!..Alt IELl'P1J0NE 12q 6? 2,!}00 1 61.'. Fj 5 G0(t"5 5525 PAGERS (I1 21. 1.,500 1,,i11)214'1 'JINLIt :l iPR()VE:?iE'Ni ,f3'?'i',TA, ?.7G,GGG ''3''1, x1 ;'.� 1999,:?OGO YFAEt iG1-ALA; nA b>~+,lls1t3:111 fil;C'I' �:}. nE;PARTtiLid'i 7C)TAL.S ,.,. tli�?'iEi td-DE PAR 1?31�.N`1At. ?iA'ii7R L5 C;T.IY CQlJtlf;l_ ACC? INIS'i"RAi IM r UI.IC[: RNIMAJ, C ITllkGl_ I=1RE 01-.?'ARTMLIN( ANf)UNI 64°,,ln 1:1,lj, !3,liy,,)ry S'I1.to ;:' APii�?LIAL. lJ�lil:'I +J�!':l UUL?GEt AVfrll..ABLE BUD[) w ACf.'f id??4E: Al 1Ufi i FVIRCf Tc; f,::.G',. ht{'t rill 9,8 ' ; OV 00.1 316 UNCLE i'{hAI NTFAArlL,k. fa 001Ao `;f!Lf Tad CURER ,0 O 00 (fi)( r}? Librory i IOo P i)Oi.�' 1;41Pil1Uiti3Y rCa'frp ),%(, Qt)i T[}TAL GF.idFfifil_ Flli�!D ?',1 50,�I;y �O!; -,{)(j h1UPl~(1f»PAIiTI�iR:�{TAI„ f (l, ?•;'h, �,f1 Ot,�1 N 0 0 0FPARTPiUTAL 9" ,13 r t,t)„ l.ti L_ "a.. a•i ���YII altt C��y GnunE_�,, 6 1 ,�,:1 h4 OWS 1% Itaiil I'I"nGn i,t.lti ?u,j :i8 vehicle M;Jilihlailce th4114'� !!t)i '? 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Taw 76266 �°oon m=� zm O m 'U'� hP ;vef. m o +� �OwD'' ma z 1� v 0 r N r Lns. m ca OD Fes, IT I To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Date, January 12, 2000 Subject: Agenda Items Item #6 -This Resolution is needed in order to comply with GNB Requirements (see attached) Item #7 -The total property taxes due on this property are about $1,600.00, this includes City taxes. Item #8 -Recommendations for the Parks Board are: (2 members are needed) 1. Patti Slaiger 2. Jim Kastel 3. Penny Juarez Item #9 -This Item was requested by Councilman Ervin, and will be addressed by him. Item #10 - Mr. Smith will address this Item, this additional paragraph is item (H) on the attached page from the personnel policy. Item # 11 -This was republished at Council's request with a utility bed, no bids were received. Previous bids submitted are as follows: Carl Klements $17,849.00 Glenn Polk/Gainesville $19,332.50 Bill Utter Ford $185063600 James Wood $18,643.72 Jim McNatt $18,139.00 HGAC $18,985.99 Item #12 -Due to the possibility of this being a lengthy item ,Council may want to table this until the next agenda. RESOLUTION #Ol-ul-00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF FUNDS; WHEREAS, upon Section 101.005 %F the Local Government Code provides that the governing body of a city such as Sanger may borrow money based upon it's own credit; WHEREAS, GNB Sanger, the City's Depository, has agreed to finance $64,296.00 plus interest of 6% per annum; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, Tommy Kincaid is hereby authorized to sign the documents necessary to execute this transaction. NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: All funds borrowed from Guaranty National Bank shall be due and payable as provided by the terms of the Promissory Note. PASSED ,APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 18"' day of January, 2000. Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Erwin, Councilman ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Tommy Kincaid, Mayor Jerry Jenkins, Mayor Pro Tem Carroll McNeill, Councilman A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 189D, ACRES 5.2204 procedures so as not to interfere with City business. Failure to take a rest break does not constitute extra time worked during a normal eight (8) hour work period. -OIAMNR�Ikv-,- � (A) Sick leave is defined as the temporary inability of an employee to perform his/her normal duties and assignments due to personal illness or illness in his/her immediate family (household) for whom the employee is responsible. Each employee shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave per month to accumulate to a total of twelve (12) days per year. (B) Upon return to work, employees absent for three (3) or more days may be required to present a physician's statement. (C) Sick leave will be awarded on the last day of each calendaz month. (D) Sick leave may be accumulated up to ninety (90) working days. (E) Any full-time employee with more than one calendar year of service wi Il be entitled to one (1) personal holiday, if during the preceding calendar year, no more than one (1) sick day was taken by the employee. (F) Upon accumulation of ninety (90) days of sick leave (minimum of eight (8) yeazs service), all full-time employees will be allowed to return a ratio of sick days to the City at the current daily rate of pay. The following chart will be applicable to determine the number of days eligible for pay for qualifying employees for each calendar year contributing to accumulated sick days in excess of 90 days: No. Available Sick Days 12 11 10 No. Eligible Days pax 6 5 4 Less than ten (10) additional days of sick leave will not qualify for reimbursement. (G) Any employee who separates employment from the City of Sanger in good standing and has attained eight (8) years of continuous service with the City will be eligible for compensation at their current daily rate for 1/3 of their total number of accumulated sick days, not to exceed a maximum of thirty (30) days. (H) Any Employee who retires from the City of Sanger and has eight (8) years of continual service with the City will be compensated for their accrued sick leave at their current daily rate, not to exceed ninety (90) days. Method of payment shall be at the discretion of the City. �' i �' MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY DECEMBER 1999 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: John and Robert Chambers donated to the City of Sanger the lot to the north of the library. The donation is in memory of their parents, Alma Lain and William Bush Chambers. The property is intended for a future expansion of the library. Before is can be used for that purpose the city must also acquire the strip of driveway between the two lots. This strip is currently part of the property northwest of the library that housed the post office until recently, ADMINISTRATION: Attempted to prepare for the year 2000 by installing patches for Windows 95 and Windows 98, backing up all data, printing out a list of all 1999 overdues, and printing out a list of all items on loan during the first two weeks of 2000. Continued data adjustments needed because of the switch from MOLLI to Athena including adding "reference" to the format area of items that shouldn't circulate, and reentering all patron codes. Meeting attended: Denton County Library Advisory Board, 12/2, Justin SPECIAL PROJECTS: The canvas canopy that covers our front walk was damaged by a hail storm on December 2. Fortunately, it was only torn along the seams. It has been taken down, and is currently undergoing repair. The 486 computer got a memory upgrade and was connected to the network, so that we now have our first Online Public Access Catalog. Patrons may now look up books on the computer instead of the card catalog. PROGRAMS: The Storytime theme for December was "My Favorite Things". Children laced up a stocking for the "My r'avorite Holiday" program. 'They made a reindeer and jingle bell ornament for the program on "My Favorite Music". For the program on "My Favorite Gifts" they made a refrigerator magnet for Grandma; those who brought pictures of themselves from home were able to personalize theirs. For "My Favorite People" the children made a tissue paper "stained glass" suncatcher. Monthly Report Dec 98 Dec 99 BORROWER CARDS Last month 3338 3208 New cards 31 30 Cards reactivated 1 4 TOTAL 3370 3242 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 272 198 Nonfiction Videos 41 21 Adult Fiction 183 125 Interlibrary Loan 9 2 Misc. Uncataloged 0 134 Junior Fiction 85 95 Children's Nonfiction 99 115 Children's Fiction 342 278 Paperback Fiction 175 171 Magazines 3 0 Crystal 0 1 Videos 305 291 \/irlan Plavar¢ 3 1 -v- Audio Tapes 23 45 TOTAL 1540 1477 INTERNET USERS 144 93 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 5 4 Children Attending 127 57 Adults Attending 45 22 Other Programs 6 3 Number Attending 36 15 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 6 3 Number of Juniors 4 5 Number of Hours 64 52 COLLECTION Last Month 15011 15312 Books Added 109 222 Books Withdrawn 6 109 Total Books 15114 15425 Paperback Fiction 2613 2626 �lideo .^.�aterials 545 606 Audio Materials 142 190 TOTAL COLLECTION 18414 18847 REVENUE Fines $129.65 $96.05 Copies $47,40 $29.90 ILL Postage $10078 $3908 Lost Materials $3.00 New Cards $1,50 $2625 TOTAL $189633 $134.28 By Lisa Hardy If there's one thing that can be said for the late Esta Lou Morgan, a Sanger resi- dent who remained active in community affairs until the time of her death at age 85 .11998) it's that she never took "no" for an answer. This was never more apparent than when brothers John D. and Robert W. Chambers, former Sanger residents and friends of Morgan's, donated land north of the Sanger Public library to the city'I%urs- day, Dec. 9, with a stipulation made that the city use the land for the library's benefit. While presenting the city with the land, John D. Chambers made reference to the fact that Morgan, former chairwoman of the Sanger Library Board, continually urged him to donate the land to the city for that use. When Morgan's dream became a real- ity, he looked heavenward and quipped that he hoped she was happy now. The Cham- ber brothers donated the land in memory of their parents, the late Alma and William B. Chambers. According to John, his mother was a teacher and like Morgan had been a huge supporter of public libraries. In fact, he stated that she campaigned her entire adult (Continued on pg. 2) REUNION TIME -Gene and Betty Hughes (at left) and Eunice Gray (at right) enjoy spending time with former Sanger residents and "guests of honor" John and Robert Cham- bers during a Chamber of Commerce mixer Thursday, Dec. 9 in the Wilfong Building sponsored by I.H. Travel and Commonwealth Land Title Co. (More mixer photos on page 3.) Brothers' lContinuod from pg. 11 Life for a Sanger library, and when the city finally opened its first library in 1970, she received the first card. Shortly before her death Morgan penned these words about Alma Chambers: "Rarely has a personality in a small town evoked the positive it's for the benefit of the library," she explained. But, Elieson stressed that she believes there will be a time when the library will need the entire space. "1 he expansion will depend on how fast the city grows. This building should be influence on so many people of all ages good for three or four years, but there for so many years as did Alma Cnam�; ; ,are pr6je666l7S that't. 64 0pula6 .4 will hers. At be dedication ofSanger4s new 60,149, so Y 9"may.AP tip it sooner library in 1995, tribute was paid to her,' �tia�.we►�nk.". . as her inspiration and influence" still Elieson said that Sanger 4qblic lingered with some who had worked Library is about 5,000 square feet and to get it built." only slightly smaller than the size of Sanger Public Library Director what the city of Lewisville's library Vicky Elieson said that at Morgan's in- was up until six years ago. sistence, the new library was designed A gas station now stands on the so that if it needed to be expanded, it land donated by the brothers, and the could be expanded to the north, onto city is paying to have the underground the property Morgan was so sure the storage tanks beneath the gas station Chambers would donate. "That's why removed. Elieson said that she is there are no offices, or entrances or pleased that in spite of that fact, the anything major along that wall, so that city didn't think twice about accepting we can take it out and go that way," Elieson explained. The library director said that if the city decides a library expansion is not necessary and decides to sell the property, all proceeds are to go to the library. `"They have it arranged so that the donation. "I think it shows that the council is forward looking enough to know we will need it someday, and I'm very pleased about that," she said. "I also think it's a real credit to the Chamber brothers and to Esta Lou, whose vi- sion it was."