01/02/2024-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 02, 2024, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Discussion on selecting Halff for conceptual designs of the proposed Porter Sports Park Phase II. 2. Discussion on a Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT for the relocation of Water and Sewer utilities for the I-35 expansion project, including the reimbursement of expenses. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION The Regular Meeting will begin following the Work Session but not earlier than 7:00 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Council with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayoral proclamations, presentations of awards and certificates, and other acknowledgments of significant accomplishments or service to the community. 3. American Legion Post 268 presenting the awards for Firefighter/Paramedic and Police Officer of the Year for 2023. 1 CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Councilmember to remove the item(s) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the Consent Agenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 4. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the December 18, 2023, meeting. 5. Consideration and possible action on a Minor Plat of Lots 1-3, Block A, of Mallard Estates, being 10.656 acres, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the north side of Duck Creek Road approximately 1014 feet east of the intersection of Duck Creek Road and Sam Bass Road. 6. Consideration and possible action on selecting Halff for conceptual designs of the proposed Porter Sports Park Phase II and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract. 7. Consideration and possible action on a Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT for the relocation of Water and Sewer utilities for the I-35 expansion project, including the reimbursement of expenses and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and all necessary documents. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and Councilmembers to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Councilmember may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. 8. Financial Statement October 2023 9. Disbursements Reports October and November 2023 ADJOURN NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. 2 CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on December 27, 2023, at 3:00 PM. /s/Kelly Edwards Kelly Edwards, City Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 3 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: January 2, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Parks & Recreation Director, Shani Bradshaw, Economic Development Director. AGENDA ITEM: Discussion on selecting Halff for conceptual designs of the proposed Porter Sports Park Phase II. SUMMARY:  The Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies Porter Sports Park Phase II.  October 16, City Council approved an RFQ for Conceptual Design for Porter Sports Park Phase II.  Utilization of design services will allow for a more comprehensive and customized plan for Porter Sports Park Phase II  The Sanger Development Corporation (4B) has allocated funding for the conceptual design services.  There were eight proposals received.  The scoring committee has evaluated the response per the criteria established in the RFQ. o Overall responsiveness and quality of the proposal in clearly stating an understanding of the project. o Experience and knowledge in developing similar plans by consultant personnel who will be directly involved with the project. o The experience and availability of support staff for the project. o The ability to complete the plan within the given timeframe. o References.  The scoring committee has determined that Halff is the most qualified to perform the task. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: GL Account: 76-6117 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Discussion item only. ATTACHMENTS:  City Council Communication 4 Item 1. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: January 2, 2024 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the December 18, 2023, meeting. SUMMARY: N/A FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the minutes from the December 18, 2023, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: City Council minutes 5 Item 4. City Council Minutes 12-18-2023 Page 1 of 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 18, 2023, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the work session to order at 6:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Parks & Recreation Director Ryan Nolting, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw and Police Lieutenant Justin Lewis. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Discussion on a contract with MHS Planning & Design for the conceptual design of the proposed Downtown Park in an amount not to exceed $63,550.00. Director Nolting provided an overview of the item. David Ship, Project Manager MHS Planning & Design, provided an overview of the process, timeframe of completion, public engagement, and gathering public input. Discussion ensued regarding using the park year-round, assessing the structures, and incorporating the lumber yard style. 6 Item 4. City Council Minutes 12-18-2023 Page 2 of 4 2. Discussion regarding issuing an official request for the expansion of the Sanger North Substation to Brazos Electric Cooperative and the execution of all necessary documents between parties for feasibility. City Manager Noblitt provided an overview of the item and of the meeting with Brazos. Discussion ensued regarding the expansion of the substation, capital expenses, the City’s Transmission Operator, feasibility study, and rate structure. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA Discussion ensued regarding Item 5 of the consent agenda. City Manager Noblitt provided an overview of the Chamber Agreement. ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the work session at 6:43 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Thomas Muir Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Parks & Recreation Director Ryan Nolting, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw and Police Lieutenant Justin Lewis. 7 Item 4. City Council Minutes 12-18-2023 Page 3 of 4 INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Dillon gave the Invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Council. CONSENT AGENDA 3. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the December 4, 2023, meeting. 4. Consideration and possible action on a contract with MHS Planning & Design for the conceptual design of the proposed Downtown Park in an amount not to exceed $63,550.00, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. 5. Consideration and possible action on a contract between the City of Sanger and the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce for Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds. 6. Consideration and possible action authorizing the City Manager to issue an official request for the expansion of the Sanger North Substation to Brazos Electric Cooperative and the execution of all necessary documents between parties for feasibility. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Bilyeu, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Barrett, Councilmember Chick, and Councilmember Dillon. Motion passed unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Chick requested an overview of approved development projects. City Manager Noblitt stated the status of ongoing projects and that they would receive a presentation from NewGen Strategies and Solutions in February. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 7. Atmos - Rider GCR Rate Filing Docket 10170 11-29-23 8. Change Orders executed by the City Manager's Office 8 Item 4. City Council Minutes 12-18-2023 Page 4 of 4 ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. _______________________________ Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, City Secretary 9 Item 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: January 2, 2024 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Services Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Minor Plat of Lots 1-3, Block A, of Mallard Estates, being 10.656 acres, located in the City of Sanger’s ETJ, and generally located on the north side of Duck Creek Road approximately 1014 feet east of the intersection of Duck Creek Road and Sam Bass Road. SUMMARY:  The applicant is proposing to create 3 lots from two separate parcels.  The site is located within the City of Sanger’s ETJ.  Lot 1 will be 2.042 acres, Lot 2 will be 4.126 acres and Lot 3 will be 4.127 acres.  There is currently an existing house on the property.  The site will be served by Bolivar Water and CoServ Electric.  Planning & Zoning recommended APPROVAL with the condition all comments were satisfied prior to City Council approval. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends DENIAL based on the condition attached comments have not been satisfied. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Minor Plat Application Letter of Intent Engineering Comments 10 Item 5. 1004630 122803 527644 Denton CAD Web Map 57434 122808 122811 57649 57656 57714 228779 57454 57771 113130 113138 621599 57668 1002668 614556 98476 57671 270726 57665 57642 1006560 582510 57661 179309 57479 179308 57497 270727 126307 1006559 57460 57505 132998 57489 582509 57621 582510 57475 11/30/2023, 3:13:13 PM Parcels Roads 0 0.05 0 0.1 1:9,028 0.1 0.2 mi 0.2 0.4 km Denton County Appraisal District, Harris Govern -- www.harrisgovern.com This product is for informational purposes only and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 11 Item 5. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION APPROVED AND ACCEPTED STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON; WHEREAS WE, Magnolia Lodging Development, LLC are the owners of that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the M. Rolls Survey Abstract Number 1096 in Denton County, Texas, being all that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from William H. Boone to Magnolia Lodging Development, LLC, recorded under Document Number 2023-107982, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a mag nail set for corner in Duck Creek Road, a public roadway, said point being the most southerly southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Joe O’Neil Wiggins to Fred Henry Yeatts and Marian Sunny Yeatts recorded under Document Number 2012-7347, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 88° 19’ 23” W, 523.00 feet with said Duck Creek Road to a mag nail set for corner; THENCE N 00° 53’ 19” E, pass at 30.00 feet a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for north line of said Duck Creek Road, a total distance of 887.90 feet with the east line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Thomas C. Houchin to Thomas Randall Houchin recorded under Clerk’s File Number 97-R0072821, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and with the east line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Velma L. Houchin to Thomas Randall Houchin recorded under Document Number 2007-89156, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, to an iron rod found for corner, said point being the most westerly southwest corner of said Yeatts tract; THENCE S 88° 19’ 08” E, 522.65 feet with a south line of said Yeatts tract to an iron rod found for corner in an inner ell of said Yeatts tract; THENCE S 00° 51’ 57” W, pass at 857.87 feet a capped iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for north line of said Duck Creek Road, a total distance of 887.87 feet with a west line of said Yeatts tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 10.656 acres of land, of which 0.360 acre is hereby dedicated for public roadway. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, the aforesaid owners of land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, and in person or through a duly authorized agent do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above tract as LOTS 1, 2 and 3, Block A, MALLARD ESTATES, an addition to Denton County, Texas, and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, utility easements, drainage easements, and public places as shown thereon for the Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date City of Sanger, Texas Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas Date ATTESTED BY City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. purposes and consideration therein expressed. All and any public utilities shall have the full right to remove and keep removed all growths which may endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, and adding to or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this day of , 2023. John Reierson, Vice President, Magnolia Lodging Development, LLC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared John Reierson, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and, in the capacity, therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of 2023. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS Jerald D. Yensan Date Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4561 NOTES: 1. The purpose of this plat is to create three platted lots from a previously unplatted tract of land. 2. No portion of subject property lies within a special flood hazard area according to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP for Denton County and Incorporated Area, Map Number 48121C0205G, dated April 18, 2011. (Subject property lies in Zone X. 3. Subject property lies within the ETJ of the City of Sanger. 4. This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 5. Notice – selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 6. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 7. Denton County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces; and the owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces, and said owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless Denton County from all claims, damages and losses arising out of or resulting from performance of the obligations of said owner set forth in this paragraph. 8. The maintenance of paving, grading, and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owners and do not constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County. 9. All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. 10. Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited. 11. Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. 12. The existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots. 13. Construction not complete within two years of the City of Sanger approval shall be subject to current County Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 14. A driveway culvert must be obtained from Road and Bridge Departments by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right- of-way. 15. No construction, without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified “FIRM” floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies show that no rise in the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation. 16. Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations. 17. Sanitary Sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Health Department. Water service to be provided by: Bolivar Water Supply Corp. 4151 FM 455 West Sanger, Texas 76266 940-458-3931 Electric service to be provided by: Coserv Electric 7701 South Stemmons Fwy Corinth, TX 76210 940-321-4800 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=50' LEGEND B.L. = BUILDING LINE D.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENT F.I.R. = FOUND IRON ROD S.I.R = SET CAPPED 1/2" RPLS 4561 IRON ROD P.U.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT R.P.R.D.C.T.= REAL PROPERTY RECORDS DENTON COUNTY TEXAS P.R.D.C.T.= PLAT RECORDS DENTON COUNTY TEXAS POB = PLACE OF BEGINNING R.O.W. = RIGHT OF WAY C.F. = CLERK'S FILE R = RADIUS L = LENGTH CD = CHORD DISTANCE CB = CHORD BEARING Δ = DELTA FINAL PLAT LOTS 1-3, BLOCK A OF MALLARD ESTATES BEING 10.656 ACRES IN THE M. ROLLS SURVEY A-1096 ETJ CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 4238 I-35 NORTH DENTON, TEXAS 76207 Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations. VICINITY MAP CL = CENTERLINE OF ROAD = PROPERTY LINE = CENTER LINE OF ROAD = EASEMENT LINE ANDMARK SURVEYORS, LLC. TX FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10098600 (940) 382-4016 FAX (940) 387-9784 SCALE 1" = 2000' = TRACT LINE DRAWN BY: BTH SCALE: 1"=50' DATE: 26 OCTOBER, 2023 JOB NO: 237117 PR O J E C T L O C A T I O N 12 Item 5. B P[eliminary Plat Minor Plat Applicant Name:JOHN REIERSON SANGER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 201 Bolivar Street/PO Box 1729 • Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-20 59(office) www.sangertexas.org SUBDIVISION APPLICATION e9 Fi nal Plat/Replat Amended Plat B Vacating Plat Conveyance Plat Own e r (if different from ap pli cant) Name: JERALD YEN SAN company: MAGNOLIA LODGING DEVELOPMENT Company: LANDMARK SURVEYORS Address :417 OAKBEND DRIVE SUITE 170 I Address4238 135 NORTH City, Sta t e, Zip: LEWISVILLE TX 75067 ' City, St ate, Zip: DENTON, TX 76207 Phone 214-488-5211 Phone: 940-382-4016 Fax: Fax : Email : john . reierson@magnolialodging .com Emai l: LANDMARKSV@AOL.COM Submittal Checklist Pre-Application Conference (Date:_}__} l One (l) Paper Copy of Plat (24"x36", folded to l/4 size) Letter of Intent Non-Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Applicat ion Form (Signed by Owner) Appl ic able Plat Checklist (Completed) Additiona l Required Documents/Traffic & Drainage Studies etc. One (l) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD or Ema i led to develogment(ci)sangertexa~.Qrg Supporting Materials (List if provided): ____________________________ _ R Number (s): R621599 R57714 Applicant's Signature D ate Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services_)_) __ _ fflt2rti112 Date : ll2/1 l/W20 OWNER APPLICANT 11-5-2023 13 Item 5. City of Sanger, Texas November 7, 2023 Ramie Hammonds Director of Development Services Ramie, Please see attached application for a minor plat submittal. Mallard Estates presently is not platted, and we are platting it into three legally platted residential lots. Sincerely, Jerald Yensan Landmark Surveyors LLC 4238 I-35 N. Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 382-4016 14 Item 5. December 8, 2023 AVO 37449.004 Ms. Ramie Hammonds Development Services Director/Building Official City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Mallard Estates Minor Plat -Review #2 Dear Ms. Hammonds, Halff Associates, Inc. was requested by the City of Sanger to review the Minor Plat for Mallard Estates. The submittal was prepared by Landmark Surveyors, LLC and was dated October 26, 2023. We have completed our review and offer the following comments: Minor Plat Comments 1. Please address comments on attached markups and provide annotated responses on markups. Please note, not all comments are written on letter since some comments are easier to show and explain on the markups. Please annotate markup with responses. 2. Provide a preliminary grading plan. Grading does not have to be highly detailed. However, it does need to demonstrate that proper drainage is feasible upon lot development with no adverse impacts to proposed lots or adjacent properties. 3. Additional 10' (minimum) of ROW needed. Per Denton County Master thoroughfare pl an, Duck Creek Road is classified as a Minor arterial requiring at least 80' total in ROW. The surveyor shall revise the plat in accordance with the above comments and/or provide a written response that addresses each comment. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (214) 937-3928. Sincerely, Jamie Akomer, PE, PMP HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Firm No. 0312 Attachments: Plat markups 15 Item 5. SCALE 1" = 2000' VICINITY MAP PR O J E C T L O C A T I O N DRAWN BY: JOB NO:SCALE:1"=50' DATE: 4238 I-35 NORTH ANDMARK SURVEYORS, LLC. BTH (940) 382-4016 FAX (940) 387-9784 DENTON, TEXAS 76207 26 OCTOBER, 2023 237117 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=50' MINOR PLAT LOTS 1-3, BLOCK A OF MALLARD ESTATES BEING 10.656 ACRES (0.360 ACRES IN R.O.W. DEDICATION) IN THE M. ROLLS SURVEY A-1096 ETJ CITY OF SANGER DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS TX FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 10098600 LEGENDB.L. = BUILDING LINED.E. = DRAINAGE EASEMENTF.I.R. = FOUND IRON RODS.I.R = SET CAPPED 1/2" RPLS 4561 IRON RODP.U.E. = PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTR.P.R.D.C.T.= REAL PROPERTY RECORDS DENTON COUNTY TEXASP.R.D.C.T.= PLAT RECORDS DENTON COUNTY TEXASPOB = PLACE OF BEGINNINGR.O.W. = RIGHT OF WAYC.F. = CLERK'S FILER = RADIUSL = LENGTHCD = CHORD DISTANCECB = CHORD BEARINGΔ = DELTACL = CENTERLINE OF ROAD= PROPERTY LINE= CENTER LINE OF ROAD= EASEMENT LINE= TRACT LINE Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON WE, the undersigned, owners of the land shown on this plat within the area described by metes and bounds as follows: BEING all that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in the M. Rolls Survey Abstract Number 1096 in Denton County, Texas, being all that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from William H. Boone to Magnolia Lodging Development, LLC, recorded under Document Number 2023-107982, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a mag nail set for corner in Duck Creek Road, a public roadway, said point being the most southerly southwest corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Joe O’Neil Wiggins to Fred Henry Yeatts and Marian Sunny Yeatts recorded under Document Number 2012-7347, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas; THENCE N 88° 19’ 23” W, 523.00 feet with said Duck Creek Road to a mag nail set for corner; THENCE N 00° 53’ 19” E, pass at 30.00 feet a capped 12" iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for north line of said Duck Creek Road, a total distance of 887.90 feet with the east line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Thomas C. Houchin to Thomas Randall Houchin recorded under Clerk’s File Number 97-R0072821, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas and with the east line of that certain tract of land conveyed by deed from Velma L. Houchin to Thomas Randall Houchin recorded under Document Number 2007-89156, Real Property Records, Denton County, Texas, to an 12" iron rod found for corner, said point being the most westerly southwest corner of said Yeatts tract; THENCE S 88° 19’ 08” E, 522.65 feet with a south line of said Yeatts tract to an 12"iron rod found for corner in an inner ell of said Yeatts tract; THENCE S 00° 51’ 57” W, pass at 857.87 feet a capped 12" iron rod marked RPLS 4561 set for north line of said Duck Creek Road, a total distance of 887.87 feet with a west line of said Yeatts tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 10.656 acres of land, of which 0.360 acre is hereby dedicated for public roadway. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WE, Magnolia Lodging Development, LLC, acting herein by and through its duly authorized officer does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as LOTS 1, 2 and 3, Block A, MALLARD ESTATES, an addition to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever by fee simple title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, all streets, thoroughfares, alleys, fire lanes, drive aisles, parks, and watercourses, and to the public use forever easements for sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, utilities, and any other property necessary to serve the plat and to implement the requirements of the subdivision regulations and other City codes and do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors and assigns to warrant and to forever defend the title on the land so dedicated. Further, the undersigned covenants and agrees that he/she shall maintain all easements and facilities in a state of good repair and functional condition at all times in accordance with City codes and regulations. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over, or across the easements as shown, except that landscape improvements may be installed, if approved by the City of Sanger. The City of Sanger and public entities shall have the right to access and maintain all respective easements without the necessity at any time of procuring permission from anyone. WITNESS MY HAND this _____ day of ___________, 2023. _________________________________________________________ John Reierson, Vice President, Magnolia Lodging Development, LLC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON: Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared John Reierson, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and, in the capacity, therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this _____ day of___________________ 2023. _________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED _______________________________________________________________ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date City of Sanger, Texas _________________________________________________________________ Mayor, City of Sanger, Texas Date ATTESTED BY ____________________________________________________ City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, a registered professional land surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the ground under my supervision. __________________________________________________________ Jerald D. Yensan Date Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4561 NOTES: 1. The purpose of this plat is to create three platted lots from a previously unplatted tract of land. 2. No portion of subject property lies within a special flood hazard area according to the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP for Denton County and Incorporated Area, Map Number 48121C0205G, dated April 18, 2011. (Subject property lies in Zone X. 3. Subject property lies within the ETJ of the City of Sanger. 4. This property may be subject to charges related to impact fees and the applicant should contact the City regarding any applicable fees due. 5. Notice – selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City ordinance and State Law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. 6. This plat does not alter or remove existing deed restrictions, if any, on this property. 7. All common areas, drainage easements, and detention facilities will be owned and maintained by the HOA/property owner. Any common area within the city’s right-of-way will require a facilities agreement, to be reviewed and approved by the city. 8. Denton County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces; and the owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces, and said owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless Denton County from all claims, damages and losses arising out of or resulting from performance of the obligations of said owner set forth in this paragraph. 9. The maintenance of paving, grading, and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owners and do not constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County. 10. All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings, and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility. 11. Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited. 12. Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. 13. The existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots. 14. Construction not complete within two years of the City of Sanger approval shall be subject to current County Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 15. A driveway culvert must be obtained from Road and Bridge Departments by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right-of-way. 16. No construction, without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified “FIRM” floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies show that no rise in the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation. 17. Basis of Bearing is the State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone (4202), North American Datum of 1983, as determined from GPS observations. 18. Sanitary Sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Health Department. Water service to be provided by: Bolivar Water Supply Corp. 4151 FM 455 West Sanger, Texas 76266 940-458-3931 Electric service to be provided by: Coserv Electric 7701 South Stemmons Fwy Corinth, TX 76210 940-321-4800 REVISED: 01 DECMBER, 2023 Additional 10' (minimum) of ROW needed. Per Denton County Master thoroughfare plan, Duck Creek Road is classified as a Minor arterial requiring at least 80' total in ROW Provide preliminary grading plan. Grading does not have to be highly detailed. However, it does need to demonstrate that proper drainage is feasible upon lot development. Revise PDF to show weighted line. City will utilize PDF for filing after it has been approved. Persons 16 Item 5. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: January 2, 2024 FROM: Ryan Nolting, Parks & Recreation Director, Shani Bradshaw, Economic Development Director. AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on selecting Halff for conceptual designs of the proposed Porter Sports Park Phase II and authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract. SUMMARY:  The Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies Porter Sports Park Phase II.  October 16, 2023 City Council approved an RFQ for Conceptual Design for Porter Sports Park Phase II.  Utilization of design services will allow for a more comprehensive and customized plan for Porter Sports Park Phase II.  The Sanger Development Corporation (4B) has allocated funding for the conceptual design services.  There were eight proposals received.  The scoring committee has evaluated all the responses per the criteria established in the RFQ. o Overall responsiveness and quality of the proposal in clearly stating an understanding of the project. o Experience and knowledge in developing similar plans by consultant personnel who will be directly involved with the project. o The experience and availability of support staff for the project. o The ability to complete the plan within the given timeframe. o References.  The scoring committee has determined that Halff is the most qualified to perform the task. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: GL Account: 76-6117 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval. ATTACHMENTS:  City Council Communication 17 Item 6. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: January 2, 2024 FROM: Jim Bolz, Director of Public Works AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT for the relocation of Water and Sewer utilities for the I-35 expansion project, including the reimbursement of expenses and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and all necessary documents. SUMMARY:  The proposed I-35 Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Water and Sewer Utilities as indicated in the following statement of work: The City of Sanger Water and Sewer Departments will relocate water and sewer lines that are in conflict of TXDOT construction from approximately STA 2519+17 to STA 2592+78, STA 2554+81, STA 2592+78, STA 2519+17 to STA 2583+90, STA 2519+17, STA 2555+31, STA 2627+04 to STA 2749+40, STA 2700+34, STA 2627+04 to STA 2749+40, STA 2653+30 and STA 2688+36; and more specifically as shown in the Utility’s plans.  The State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation.  The State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above.  The State will pay the Utility the cost incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS:  TXDOT standard Utility Agreement 18 Item 7. 19892 88 19 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev.10/20) Page 1 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility STANDARD UTILITY AGREEMENT U Number: N/A Utility ID: U00019892 District: Dallas County: Denton Federal Project No.: N/A Highway: IH35 ROW CSJ: 0195-02-088 From: North of FM 455 Highway Project Letting Date: Dec 2023 To: North of View Road This Agreement by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission, (“State”), and City of Sanger, (“Utility”), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, shall be effective on the date of approval and execution by and on behalf of the State. WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements as designated by the State and approved by the Federal Highway Administration within the limits of the highway as indicated above (the “Highway Project”); WHEREAS, the proposed Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain facilities of the Utility as indicated in the following statement of work: Water Line: Install approximately 5,428 LF of 12” PVC, 587 LF of 8” PVC, 70 LF of 6” PVC longitudinal to IH35 from IH35 Sta 2627+04 to IH35 Sta 2749+40. Install approximately 59 LF of 18” steel casing, and 968 LF of 24” steel casing longitudinal to IH35 and one IH35 Crossings at Sta 2700+34. Approximately 5,496 LF of water line to be removed and 73 LF of water to be grout filled. Sewer Line: Install approximately 1,346 LF of 18” PVC, 2,726 LF of 15” PVC, 414 LF of 12” PVC, and 507 LF of 1.5” HDPE Force main pipe longitudinal to IH35 from IH35 Sta 2627+04 to IH35 Sta 2749+40. Install approximately 123 LF of 8” steel casing, 230 LF of 24” steel casing, and 906 LF of 30” steel casing longitudinal to IH35 and two IH35 Crossings at Sta 2653+30 and Sta 2688+36. Approximately 3,659 LF of sewer line to be removed and 496 LF of sewer line to be grout filled.; and more specifically as shown in the Utility’s plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”. WHEREAS, the State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation. WHEREAS, the State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED: The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation. All conduct under this agreement, including but not limited to the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, the development and reimbursement of costs, any environmental requirements, and retention of records will be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4601, et seq., the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, et seq., the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313 and 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, Texas Transportation Code § 223.045, the Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and Reimbursements provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart A, and the Utility Accommodation provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart B. 20 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 2 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility The Utility shall supply, upon request by the State, proof of compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility. The Utility shall not commence any physical work, including without limitation site preparation, on the State’s right of way or future right of way, until TxDOT provides the Utility with written authorization to proceed with the physical work upon TxDOT’s completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project. Any such work by the Utility prior to TxDOT’s written authorization to proceed will not be eligible for reimbursement and the Utility is responsible for entering any property within the proposed limits of the Highway Project that has not yet been acquired by TxDOT. This written authorization to proceed with the physical work is in addition to the authorization to commence work outlined below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph are required only when TxDOT has not obtained completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project prior to the execution of this Agreement by the State and the Utility. The Utility shall comply with the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313, 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, and the Steel and Iron Preference provisions of Texas Transportation Code § 223.045 and, when products that are composed predominately of steel and/or iron are incorporated into the permanent installation of the utility facility, use domestically manufactured products. TxDOT Form 1818 (Material Statement), along with all required attachments, must be submitted, prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, as evidence of compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Failure to submit the required documentation or to comply with the Buy America, and Steel and Iron Preference requirements shall result in: (1) the Utility becoming ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; (2) the State withholding reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Utility in the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities; and (3) removal and replacement of the non- compliant products. The Utility agrees to develop relocation or adjustment costs by accumulating actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the State, or may, with the State’s approval, accumulate actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with an established accounting procedure developed by the Utility. Bills for work hereunder are to be submitted to the State not later than one (1) year after completion of the work. Failure to submit the request for final payment, in addition to all supporting documentation, within one (1) year after completion of the work may result in forfeiture of payment for said work. When requested, the State will make intermediate payments at not less than monthly intervals to the Utility when properly billed. Such payments will not exceed 90 percent (90%) of the eligible cost as shown in each such billing. Intermediate payments shall not be construed as final payment for any items included in the intermediate payment. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation and upon receipt of final billing prepared in an approved form and manner and accounting for any intermediate payments, make payment in the amount of 90 percent (90%) of the eligible costs as shown in the final billing prior to audit and after such audit shall make an additional final payment totaling the reimbursement amount found eligible for State reimbursement. Alternatively, the State agrees to pay the Utility an agreed lump sum of $N/A as supported by the attached estimated costs. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustments, removals, and relocations and upon receipt of a final billing, make payment to the Utility in the agreed amount. Upon execution of this agreement by both parties hereto, the State will, by written notice, authorize the Utility to perform such work diligently and to conclude said adjustment, removal, and relocation by the stated completion date which is attached hereto in Attachment “C”. The completion date shall be extended for delays caused by events outside the Utility’s control, including an event of Force Majeure, which shall include a strike, war or act of war (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood or other act of God, sabotage, or other events, interference by the State or any other party with the Utility’s ability to proceed with the work, or any other event in which the Utility has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof so that the causes of other events are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Utility. This agreement in its entirety consists of the following elements: 21 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 3 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Standard Utility Agreement – ROW-U-35; • Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”); • Accounting Method (Attachment “B”); • Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”); • Statement Covering Contract Work – ROW-U-48 (Attachment “D”); • Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROW-U-JUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment “E”); • Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”); • Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment “G”); and • Proof of Property Interest – ROW-U-Affidavit (Attachment “H”). All attachments are included herein as if fully set forth. In the event it is determined that a substantial change from the statement of work contained in this agreement is required, reimbursement therefore shall be limited to costs covered by a modification or amendment of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the State and the Utility. This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State at any time up to the date that work under this agreement has been authorized, and such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the State. However, the State will review and reimburse the Utility for eligible costs incurred by the Utility in preparation of this Agreement. The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction of the Legislative Audit Committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The Utility by execution of this agreement does not waive any of the rights that the Utility may have within the limits of the law. It is expressly understood that the Utility conducts the adjustment, removal, and relocation at its own risk, and that the State makes no warranties or representations regarding the existence or location of utilities currently within its right of way. 22 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 4 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. UTILITY EXECUTION RECOMMENDED: Utility: City of Sanger Name of Utility Director of TP&D (or designee), Dallas District By: Authorized Signature THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. Print or Type Name Title: Date: By: District Engineer (or designee) Date: 23 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 5 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “A” Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs All material items within cost estimate that must meet Buy America or Steel and Iron Preference Provision requirements must be indicated with an asterisk (*). Currently, we do not have Buy America required materials planned for this project. In the event that Buy America compliant materials are used during construction on this project, compliance documentation will be provided. There are non-domestic iron and steel materials in this project that fall under the De Minimus equation. Calculation showing the total cost does not exceed one-tenth of one percent (0.1 %) of the individual utility agreement amount or $2,500.00, whichever is greater is required. We understand the Buy America Compliance Requirements and will supply the required documentation to TxDOT indicating compliance with this provision. The following documents will be supplied prior to installation of the materials: 1) Form 1818 - Material Statement 2) Material Test Reports or Certifications 24 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 6 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “B” Accounting Method Actual Cost Method of Accounting The utility accumulates cost under a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Federal or State regulatory body and proposes to request reimbursement for actual direct and related indirect costs. Lump Sum Method of Accounting Utility proposed to request reimbursement based on an agreed lump sum amount supported by a detailed cost analysis. 25 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 7 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “C” Schedule of Work Estimated Start Date: 04/01/2024, (subject to physical work restrictions prior to the issuance of environmental clearance as required by the provisions of this agreement) Estimated Duration (days): 270 Estimated Completion Date: 12/27/2024 26 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 8 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “D” Statement Covering Contract Work (ROW–U–48) (ROW–U–48–1, if applicable) Construction Contract: Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). Utility will use outside forces to perform the adjustment, complete attached ROW-U-48 or ROW-U-48-1 (joint bid). Engineering Contract: Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). Utility will use consultant contract (continuing contract rate sheets or fee schedule will be required). TxDOT will procure utility consultant. 27 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 9 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “E” Utility Joint Use Agreement – (ROW-U-JUA) and/or Utility Installation Request – (Form 1082) Utility Joint Use Agreement (ROW–U–JUA) Utility Installation Review/Permit Number: DAL20230404142259 and DAL20230404163135 & RULIS Permit Number 00002/20230908/14737/25164 28 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 10 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “F” Eligibility Ratio Eligibility Ratio established: 100 % Non-interstate Highway (Calculations attached) Interstate Highway ROW Utility Manual Chapter 8, Section 2 In developing the ratio, line length or number of poles is restricted to facilities located within the existing and proposed highway right of way. Facilities located outside the existing and proposed right of way limits will not be used in developing the ratio. Please see example of eligibility ratio calculations below. Plan Sheet or Page# In Easement (Eligible) Existing # of Poles or LF In Public ROW (Ineligible) Existing # of Poles or LF 1 0 0 2 84 22 3 90 385 4 238 96 Totals 412 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) 412 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Ineligible) 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF 915 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) divided by the Total Existing # of Poles or LF 45.03% 29 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 11 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “G” Betterment Calculation and Estimate Elective Betterment Ratio established: 20.35 % (Calculation attached and justification below) Forced Betterment (Provide supporting documentation) Not Applicable Elective betterment justification statement: The City is electing to install a new water crossing and a new sewer crossing to provide service to lots that are previously unserved. 30 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 12 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “H” Proof of Property Interest Supporting documentation of compensable property interest that establishes reimbursement eligibility as referenced in Texas Transportation Code §203.092. Property interest documented through applicable affidavits and required attachments. ROW-U-Affidavit The roadway improvement project is designated as an Interstate Highway project; therefore, no supporting documentation of compensable interest is required. 31 Item 7. NH2020(576) 32 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev.10/20) Page 1 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility STANDARD UTILITY AGREEMENT U Number: N/A Utility ID: U00017756 District: Dallas County: Denton Federal Project No.: NH2020(576) Highway: IH35 ROW CSJ: 0195-02-079 From: US 77 Highway Project Letting Date: Dec 2023 To: South of FM 455 This Agreement by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission, (“State”), and City of Sanger, (“Utility”), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, shall be effective on the date of approval and execution by and on behalf of the State. WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements as designated by the State and approved by the Federal Highway Administration within the limits of the highway as indicated above (the “Highway Project”); WHEREAS, the proposed Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain facilities of the Utility as indicated in the following statement of work: Water Line: Install approximately 246 LF of 12” PVC, 6,373 LF of 8” PVC, 20 LF of 6” PVC longitudinal to IH35 from IH35 Sta 2519+17 to IH35 Sta 2592+78. Install approximately 1,027 LF of 18” steel casing longitudinal to IH35 and two IH35 Crossings at Sta 2554+81, and Sta 2592+78. Approximately 6,415 LF of water line to be removed and 888 LF of water to be grout filled. Sewer Line: Install approximately 704 LF of 21” PVC, 399 LF of 15” PVC, 1,427 LF of 12” PVC, 9 LF of 8” PVC, longitudinal to IH35 from IH35 Sta 2519+17 to IH35 Sta 2583+90. Install approximately 353 LF of 24” steel casing, and 399 LF of 36” steel casing longitudinal to IH35 and two IH35 Crossings at Sta 2519+17, Sta 2555+31. Approximately 2,178 LF of sewer line to be removed and 1,071 LF of sewer line to be grout filled. ; and more specifically as shown in the Utility’s plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”. WHEREAS, the State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation. WHEREAS, the State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED: The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation. All conduct under this agreement, including but not limited to the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, the development and reimbursement of costs, any environmental requirements, and retention of records will be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4601, et seq., the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, et seq., the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313 and 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, Texas Transportation Code § 223.045, the Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and 33 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 2 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Reimbursements provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart A, and the Utility Accommodation provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart B. The Utility shall supply, upon request by the State, proof of compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility. The Utility shall not commence any physical work, including without limitation site preparation, on the State’s right of way or future right of way, until TxDOT provides the Utility with written authorization to proceed with the physical work upon TxDOT’s completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project. Any such work by the Utility prior to TxDOT’s written authorization to proceed will not be eligible for reimbursement and the Utility is responsible for entering any property within the proposed limits of the Highway Project that has not yet been acquired by TxDOT. This written authorization to proceed with the physical work is in addition to the authorization to commence work outlined below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph are required only when TxDOT has not obtained completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project prior to the execution of this Agreement by the State and the Utility. The Utility shall comply with the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313, 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, and the Steel and Iron Preference provisions of Texas Transportation Code § 223.045 and, when products that are composed predominately of steel and/or iron are incorporated into the permanent installation of the utility facility, use domestically manufactured products. TxDOT Form 1818 (Material Statement), along with all required attachments, must be submitted, prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, as evidence of compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Failure to submit the required documentation or to comply with the Buy America, and Steel and Iron Preference requirements shall result in: (1) the Utility becoming ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; (2) the State withholding reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Utility in the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities; and (3) removal and replacement of the non- compliant products. The Utility agrees to develop relocation or adjustment costs by accumulating actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the State, or may, with the State’s approval, accumulate actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with an established accounting procedure developed by the Utility. Bills for work hereunder are to be submitted to the State not later than one (1) year after completion of the work. Failure to submit the request for final payment, in addition to all supporting documentation, within one (1) year after completion of the work may result in forfeiture of payment for said work. When requested, the State will make intermediate payments at not less than monthly intervals to the Utility when properly billed. Such payments will not exceed 90 percent (90%) of the eligible cost as shown in each such billing. Intermediate payments shall not be construed as final payment for any items included in the intermediate payment. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation and upon receipt of final billing prepared in an approved form and manner and accounting for any intermediate payments, make payment in the amount of 90 percent (90%) of the eligible costs as shown in the final billing prior to audit and after such audit shall make an additional final payment totaling the reimbursement amount found eligible for State reimbursement. Alternatively, the State agrees to pay the Utility an agreed lump sum of $N/A as supported by the attached estimated costs. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustments, removals, and relocations and upon receipt of a final billing, make payment to the Utility in the agreed amount. Upon execution of this agreement by both parties hereto, the State will, by written notice, authorize the Utility to perform such work diligently and to conclude said adjustment, removal, and relocation by the stated completion date which is attached hereto in Attachment “C”. The completion date shall be extended for delays caused by events outside the Utility’s control, including an event of Force Majeure, which shall include a strike, war or act of war (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood or other act of God, sabotage, or other events, interference by the State or any other party with the Utility’s ability to proceed with the work, or any other event in which the Utility has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof so that the causes of other events are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Utility. 34 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 3 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility This agreement in its entirety consists of the following elements: Standard Utility Agreement – ROW-U-35; • Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”); • Accounting Method (Attachment “B”); • Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”); • Statement Covering Contract Work – ROW-U-48 (Attachment “D”); • Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROW-U-JUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment “E”); • Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”); • Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment “G”); and • Proof of Property Interest – ROW-U-Affidavit (Attachment “H”). All attachments are included herein as if fully set forth. In the event it is determined that a substantial change from the statement of work contained in this agreement is required, reimbursement therefore shall be limited to costs covered by a modification or amendment of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the State and the Utility. This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State at any time up to the date that work under this agreement has been authorized, and such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the State. However, the State will review and reimburse the Utility for eligible costs incurred by the Utility in preparation of this Agreement. The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction of the Legislative Audit Committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The Utility by execution of this agreement does not waive any of the rights that the Utility may have within the limits of the law. It is expressly understood that the Utility conducts the adjustment, removal, and relocation at its own risk, and that the State makes no warranties or representations regarding the existence or location of utilities currently within its right of way. 35 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 4 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. UTILITY EXECUTION RECOMMENDED: Utility: City of Sanger Name of Utility Director of TP&D (or designee), Dallas District By: Authorized Signature THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. Print or Type Name Title: Date: By: District Engineer (or designee) Date: 36 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 5 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “A” Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs All material items within cost estimate that must meet Buy America or Steel and Iron Preference Provision requirements must be indicated with an asterisk (*). Currently, we do not have Buy America required materials planned for this project. In the event that Buy America compliant materials are used during construction on this project, compliance documentation will be provided. There are non-domestic iron and steel materials in this project that fall under the De Minimus equation. Calculation showing the total cost does not exceed one-tenth of one percent (0.1 %) of the individual utility agreement amount or $2,500.00, whichever is greater is required. We understand the Buy America Compliance Requirements and will supply the required documentation to TxDOT indicating compliance with this provision. The following documents will be supplied prior to installation of the materials: 1) Form 1818 - Material Statement 2) Material Test Reports or Certifications 37 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 6 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “B” Accounting Method Actual Cost Method of Accounting The utility accumulates cost under a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Federal or State regulatory body and proposes to request reimbursement for actual direct and related indirect costs. Lump Sum Method of Accounting Utility proposed to request reimbursement based on an agreed lump sum amount supported by a detailed cost analysis. 38 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 7 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “C” Schedule of Work Estimated Start Date: 04/01/2024, (subject to physical work restrictions prior to the issuance of environmental clearance as required by the provisions of this agreement) Estimated Duration (days): 270 Estimated Completion Date: 12/27/2024 39 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 8 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “D” Statement Covering Contract Work (ROW–U–48) (ROW–U–48–1, if applicable) Construction Contract: Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). Utility will use outside forces to perform the adjustment, complete attached ROW-U-48 or ROW-U-48-1 (joint bid). Engineering Contract: Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). Utility will use consultant contract (continuing contract rate sheets or fee schedule will be required). TxDOT will procure utility consultant. 40 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 9 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “E” Utility Joint Use Agreement – (ROW-U-JUA) and/or Utility Installation Request – (Form 1082) Utility Joint Use Agreement (ROW–U–JUA) Utility Installation Review/Permit Number: DAL20230404142259 and DAL20230404163135 & RULIS Permit Number 00002/20230908/14737/25164 41 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 10 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “F” Eligibility Ratio Eligibility Ratio established: 100 % Non-interstate Highway (Calculations attached) Interstate Highway ROW Utility Manual Chapter 8, Section 2 In developing the ratio, line length or number of poles is restricted to facilities located within the existing and proposed highway right of way. Facilities located outside the existing and proposed right of way limits will not be used in developing the ratio. Please see example of eligibility ratio calculations below. Plan Sheet or Page# In Easement (Eligible) Existing # of Poles or LF In Public ROW (Ineligible) Existing # of Poles or LF 1 0 0 2 84 22 3 90 385 4 238 96 Totals 412 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) 412 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Ineligible) 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF 915 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) divided by the Total Existing # of Poles or LF 45.03% 42 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 11 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “G” Betterment Calculation and Estimate Elective Betterment Ratio established: % (Calculation attached and justification below) Forced Betterment (Provide supporting documentation) Not Applicable Elective betterment justification statement: 43 Item 7. Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 12 ______ __________ ______ __________ Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility Attachment “H” Proof of Property Interest Supporting documentation of compensable property interest that establishes reimbursement eligibility as referenced in Texas Transportation Code §203.092. Property interest documented through applicable affidavits and required attachments. ROW-U-Affidavit The roadway improvement project is designated as an Interstate Highway project; therefore, no supporting documentation of compensable interest is required. 44 Item 7. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MONTHLY FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2023 PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT 45 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 2 | P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Financial Report General Fund ..................................................................................................................... 4 Enterprise Fund .................................................................................................................. 7 Internal Service Fund ....................................................................................................... 10 Debt Service Fund ........................................................................................................... 12 Enterprise Debt Service Fund .......................................................................................... 14 Capital Projects Fund ....................................................................................................... 16 Enterprise Capital Projects Fund ...................................................................................... 18 4A Fund ........................................................................................................................... 20 4B Fund ........................................................................................................................... 22 Cash and Investment Report Total Cash and Investments............................................................................................. 24 General Fund ................................................................................................................... 26 Enterprise Fund ................................................................................................................ 27 Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds ......................................................................... 28 4A and 4B Funds ............................................................................................................. 29 Certification ...................................................................................................................... 30 46 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 3 | P a g e INTRODUCTION This is the financial report for the period ending October 31, 2023. Revenues and expenditures reflect activity from October 1, 2022, through October 31, 2023, or eight percent (8%) of the fiscal year. GENERAL FUND  The General Fund has collected 4.5% of projected operating revenues.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 8.0% of the annual budget  All expenditure categories are within projections. ENTERPRISE FUND  The Enterprise Fund has collected 7.9% of projected operating revenues.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 7.8% of the annual budget.  All expenditure categories are within projections. INTERNAL SERVICE FUND  The Internal Service Fund has collected 11.8% of projected transfers from the General and Enterprise Funds.  All revenue categories are performing within projections.  Operating expenditures & encumbrances are 13.8% of the annual budget.  All expenditure categories are within projections. This unaudited report is designed for internal use and does not include all the funds and accounts in the City of Sanger’s operations. For a complete report, refer to the City of Sanger Annual Financial Report, available at https://www.sangertexas.org/177/Financial-Transparency 47 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 4 | P a g e GENERAL FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Property Taxes 7,100,392$ 13,408$ 0.2%7,086,984$ Sales & Beverage Taxes 1,768,000 169,394 9.6%1,598,606 Franchise Fees 1,060,095 127,404 12.0%932,691 Solid Waste 1,364,000 107,399 7.9%1,256,601 Licenses & Permits 309,500 39,937 12.9%269,563 Fines & Forfeitures 170,315 9,930 5.8%160,385 Department Revenues 820,260 72,025 8.8%748,235 Interest 200,000 23,789 11.9%176,211 Miscellaneous 119,000 10,376 8.7%108,624 Transfers 146,535 12,211 0.0%134,324 Total Revenues 13,058,097$ 585,873$ 4.5%12,472,224$ Expenditures Police 2,869,256$ 249,411$ (60,731)$ 6.6%2,680,576$ Fire 3,364,405 193,448 (4,327) 5.6%3,175,284 Municipal Court 267,799 13,807 - 5.2%253,992 Development Services 841,870 55,547 (6,505) 5.8%792,828 Streets 886,407 43,006 (3,571) 4.4%846,972 Parks & Recreation 1,151,632 32,331 210,212 21.1%909,089 Library 406,403 32,396 (2,444) 7.4%376,451 Solid Waste 1,250,000 99,771 - 8.0%1,150,229 Transfers 2,020,325 190,684 - 0.0%1,829,641 Total Expenditures 13,058,097$ 910,401$ 132,634$ 8.0%12,015,062$ Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ (324,528)$ (132,634)$ 457,162$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 18,327,498 18,327,498 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 18,327,498$ 18,002,970$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 General Fund 48 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 5 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Solid Waste Franchise Fees Sales & Beverage Taxes Property Taxes General Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Solid Waste Library Parks Streets Dev Svc Court Fire Police General Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Other Revenues 29% Solid Waste 18% Franchise Fees 22% Sales & Beverage Taxes 29% Property Taxes 2% General Fund Revenues Transfers 18% Solid Waste 10%Library 3% Parks 23% Streets 4% Dev Svc 5%Court 1% Fire 18% Police 18% General Fund Expenditures 49 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 6 | P a g e $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 SALES TAX REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 20232024 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,100,000 FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 50 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 7 | P a g e ENTERPRISE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Water 2,565,619$ 251,793$ 9.8%2,313,826$ Wastewater 2,955,440 250,081 8.5%2,705,359 Electric 8,434,353 695,433 8.2%7,738,920 Penalties & Fees 210,000 20,072 9.6%189,928 Interest 75,000 2,650 3.5%72,350 Miscellaneous 119,000 8,515 7.2%110,485 Use of Fund Balance 1,279,913 - 0 1,279,913 Total Revenues 15,639,325$ 1,228,544$ 7.9%14,410,781$ Expenditures Water 1,914,259$ 183,010$ (51,219)$ 6.9%1,782,468 Wastewater 1,096,608 72,862 (2,363) 6.4%1,026,109 Electric 7,921,671 519,008 15,593 6.7%7,387,070 Customer Service 419,300 18,407 - 4.4%400,893 Transfers 4,287,487 467,977 - 10.9%3,819,510 Total Expenditures 15,639,325 1,261,264 (37,989) 7.8%14,416,050 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ (32,720)$ 37,989$ (5,269)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 21,054,762 21,054,762 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 21,054,762$ 21,022,042$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 51 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 8 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Other Revenues Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Customer Service Electric Wastewater Water Enterprise Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Other Revenues 3% Electric 57% Wastewater 20% Water 20% Enterprise Fund Revenues Transfers 38% Customer Service 1% Electric 44% Wastewater 6% Water 11% Enterprise Fund Expenditures 52 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 9 | P a g e $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 WATER REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $250,000 $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 $2,500,000 $2,750,000 WASTE WATER REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 $- $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 ELECTRIC REVENUE 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 53 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 10 | P a g e INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Transfers 3,735,630$ 441,812$ 11.8%3,293,818 Total Revenues 3,735,630 441,812 11.8%3,293,818 Operating Expenditures City Council 59,950$ 1,234$ -$ 2.1%58,716$ Administration 447,090 32,740 (1,153) 7.1%415,503 City Secretary 235,480 36,401 (776) 15.1%199,855 Legal 319,010 19,990 - 6.3%299,020 Public Works 346,570 24,666 (3,412) 6.1%325,316 Finance 497,950 48,860 (6,880) 8.4%455,970 Human Resources 316,740 25,756 23,620 15.6%267,364 Marketing 494,250 22,885 39,390 12.6%431,975 Facilities 353,290 39,129 22,858 17.5%291,303 Non-Departmental 665,300 190,151 - 28.6%475,149 Total Expenditures 3,735,630 441,812 73,647 13.8%3,220,171 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ -$ (73,647)$ 73,647$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 100,205 100,205 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 100,205$ 100,205$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Internal Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 54 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 11 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Internal Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Non-Dept Facilities Marketing Human Resources Finance Public Works Legal City Secretary Administration City Council Internal Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 100% Internal Service Fund Revenues Non-Dept 37% Facilities 12% Marketing 12% Human Resources 10% Finance 8% Public Works 4%Legal 4% City Secretary 7% Administration 6% City Council 0% Internal Service Fund Expenditures 55 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 12 | P a g e DEBT SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Property Taxes 1,664,441$ 1,160$ 0.1%1,663,281$ Interest 25,000 528 2.1%24,472 Transfers 180,000 - 0.0%180,000 Total Revenues 1,869,441$ 1,688$ 0.1%1,867,753$ Operating Expenditures Debt Service 1,849,247 - - 0.0%1,849,247 Transfers 51,535 4,295 - 8.3%47,240 Total Expenditures 1,900,782 4,295 - 0.2%1,896,487 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (31,341)$ (2,607)$ -$ (28,734)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 402,464 402,464 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 371,123$ 399,857$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 56 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 13 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Interest Property Taxes Debt Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Debt Service Debt Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 0% Interest 31% Property Taxes 69% Debt Service Fund Revenues Transfers 100% Debt Service 0% Debt Service Fund Expenditures 57 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 14 | P a g e ENTERPRISE DEBT SERVICE FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Interest 25,000$ 3,732$ 0.0%21,268 Transfers 2,339,672 194,973 8.3%2,144,699 Total Revenues 2,364,672 198,705 0.2%2,165,967 Operating Expenditures Debt Service 2,364,672 828,950 - 35.1%1,535,722 Total Expenditures 2,364,672 828,950 - 35.1%1,535,722 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures -$ (630,245)$ -$ 630,245$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 1,291,409 1,291,409 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 1,291,409$ 661,164$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 58 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 15 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Transfers Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Debt Service Enterprise Debt Service Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Transfers 98% Interest 2% Enterprise Debt Service Fund Revenues Debt Service 100% Enterprise Debt Service Fund Expenditures 59 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 16 | P a g e CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Interest 50,000 6,105 12.2%43,895 Transfers 167,510 - 0.0%167,510 Use of Bond Funds 3,000,000$ 13,959$ 0.0%2,986,041 Total Revenues 3,217,510 20,064 0.4%3,197,446 Operating Expenditures 2023-24 Street Rehab 362,401 - - 0.0%362,401 Street/Utility Maintenance Program 425,000 96,547 (96,547) 0.0%425,000 Marion Road - Arterial 750,000 - - 0.0%750,000 I-35 Aesthetics 2,500,000 14,875 (14,875) 0.0%2,500,000 Total Streets Projects 4,037,401 111,422 (111,422) 0.0%4,037,401 Porter Park Phase II 300,000 - - 0.0%300,000 Senior Center Improvements 500,000 - - 0.0%500,000 Total Parks Projects 800,000 - - 0.0%800,000 Building Improvements - 20,492 (20,492) 0.0%- Joint Public Safety Facility 800,000 - - 0.0%800,000 Total Nondepartmental Projects 800,000 20,492 (20,492) 0.0%800,000 Total Expenditures 5,637,401 131,914 (131,914) 0.0%5,637,401 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (2,419,891)$ (111,850)$ 131,914$ (2,439,955)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 4,511,638 4,511,638 October 31, 2023 2,091,747$ 4,399,788$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 60 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 17 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Interest Capital Projects Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Total Nondepartmental Projects Total Parks Projects Total Streets Projects Capital Projects Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget Series1 Series2 Total Nondepartmental Projects 0% Total Parks Projects 0% Total Streets Projects 0% Capital Projects Fund Expenditures Interest 100% Capital Projects Fund Revenues 61 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 18 | P a g e ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Water Taps 350,000$ 21,800$ 6.2%328,200$ Sewer Taps 400,000 24,000 6.0%376,000 Interest 150,000 24,904 16.6%125,096 State Reimbursements 3,500,000 - 0.0%3,500,000 Use of Bond Proceeds 8,270,903 - 0.0%8,270,903 Total Revenues 12,670,903$ 70,704$ 0.2%12,600,199$ Operating Expenditures Water: System Improvements 1,200,000 13,662 (13,662) 0.0%1,200,000 Water: I-35 Relocation 3,597,732 - - 0.0%3,597,732 Automated Metering System 3,200,000 395,905 (388,600) 0.2%3,192,695 Total Water Projects 7,997,732 409,567 (402,262) 0.1%7,990,427 Sewer: System Improvements 335,000 - - 0.0%335,000 Sewer: I-35 Relocation 2,825,178 - - 0.0%2,825,178 Sewer: Keaton Road Sewer 320,000 - - 0.0%320,000 Sewer: Fifth Street Rehab 350,000 - - 0.0%350,000 Total Sewer Projects 3,830,178 - - 0.0%3,830,178 Electric: System Improvements 350,000 - - 0.0%350,000 Electric: I-35 Relocation 3,500,000 - - 0.0%3,500,000 Total Electric Projects 3,850,000 - - 0.0%3,850,000 Total Expenditures 15,677,910 409,567 (402,262) 0.0%15,670,605 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (3,007,007)$ (338,863)$ 402,262$ (3,070,406)$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 1,291,409 1,291,409 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 (1,715,598)$ 952,546$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 62 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 19 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Use of Bond Proceeds Interest Income Sewer Taps Water Taps Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Use of Bond Proceeds 0% Interest Income 35% Sewer Taps 34% Water Taps 31% Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Revenues Total Water Projects 100% Total Sewer Projects 0%Total Electric Projects 0% Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Expenditures 0%25%50%75%100% Total Water Projects Total Sewer Projects Total Electric Projects Enterprise Capital Projects Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 63 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 20 | P a g e 4A FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Sales Tax 875,000$ 84,045$ 9.6%790,955$ Interest 40,000 8,029 20.1%31,971 Total Revenues 915,000$ 92,074$ 10.1%822,926$ Operating Expenditures Economic Development 174,625$ 7,994$ -$ 4.6%166,631$ Transfers 15,000 - - 0.0%15,000 Total Expenditures 189,625 7,994 - 4.2%181,631 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 725,375$ 84,080$ -$ 641,295$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 4,479,156 4,479,156 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 5,204,531$ 4,563,236$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 4A Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 64 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 21 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Sales Tax Interest 4A Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Economic Development Transfers 4A Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Sales Tax 91% Interest 9% 4A Fund Revenues Economic Development 100% Transfers 0% 4A Fund Expenditures 65 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 22 | P a g e 4B FUND Annual Budget Year to Date Encumbered % of Budget Budget Balance Revenues Sales Tax 875,000$ 84,045$ 9.6%790,955$ Interest 35,000 3,849 11.0%31,151 Total Revenues 910,000$ 87,894$ 9.7%822,106$ Operating Expenditures Economic Development 362,625$ 86,595$ (78,659)$ 2.2%354,689$ Transfers 195,000 - - 0.0%195,000 Total Expenditures 557,625 86,595 (78,659) 1.4%549,689 Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 352,375$ 1,299$ 78,659$ 272,417$ Fund Balance - October 1, 2023 2,817,046 2,817,046 Fund Balance - October 31, 2023 3,169,421$ 2,818,345$ CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 4B Fund Revenue & Expense Report (Unaudited) October 31, 2023 66 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 23 | P a g e 0%25%50%75%100% Sales Tax Interest 4B Fund Revenues: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget 0%25%50%75%100% Economic Development Transfers 4B Fund Expenditures: Actual to Budget YTD Actual Budget Sales Tax 96% Interest 4% 4B Fund Revenues Economic Development 100% Transfers 0% 4B Fund Expenditures 67 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 24 | P a g e CASH AND INVESTMENTS REPORT Name General Enterprise Debt Service Capital Projects Total UNRESTRICTED Cash for Operations 14,958,360$ 84,467$ -$ -$ 15,042,827$ Contingency Reserves for Operations 1,081,760 1,075,502 - - 2,157,262 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 16,040,120$ 1,159,969$ -$ -$ 17,200,089$ RESTRICTED Debt Service -$ 338,734$ 1,920,557$ -$ 2,259,291$ Water Deposits - 503,196 - - 503,196 Equipment Replacement 1,264,003 147,857 - - 1,411,860 Electric Storm Recovery - 1,257,754 - - 1,257,754 A R P Funds Cash 2,175,415 Hotel Occupancy Tax 212,190 - - - 212,190 Grant Funds 118,615 - - - 118,615 Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB)5,564 - - - 5,564 Library 99,334 - - - 99,334 Parkland Dedication 105,160 - - - 105,160 Roadway Impact 1,449,704 - - - 1,449,704 Court Security 16,783 - - - 16,783 Court Technology 172 - - - 172 Child Safety Fee 74,867 - - - 74,867 Forfeited Property 4,988 - - - 4,988 Donations 39,009 - - - 39,009 TOTAL RESTRICTED 5,565,804$ 2,247,541$ 1,920,557$ -$ 7,558,487$ CAPITAL PROJECTS General Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ 4,391,820$ 4,391,820$ Enterprise Capital Projects - - - 21,269,636 21,269,636 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ 25,661,456$ 25,661,456$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 21,605,924$ 3,407,510$ 1,920,557$ 25,661,456$ 50,420,032$ These totals do not include the 4A Corporation and 4B Corporation, which are presented on page 29. October 31, 2023 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS 68 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 25 | P a g e Cash for Operations 87% Contingency Reserves for Operations 13% Unrestricted General Capital Projects 17% Enterprise Capital Projects 83% Capital Projects Debt Service 34% Water Deposits 7% Equipment Replacement 21%Electric Storm Recovery 19% Other 19% Restricted Total Capital Projects $25,661,456 Total Restricted $7,558,487 Total Unrestricted $17,200,089 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% TOTAL CASH & INVESTMENTS 69 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 26 | P a g e Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.05%15,126,821$ 14,582,423$ Employee Benefits Cash 110-00-1000 0.20%1,932 1,932 Employee Benefits MM 110-00-1010 0.20%135,672 71,827 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 0.05%36,086 302,178 OPERATING ACCOUNTS 15,300,511$ 14,958,360$ GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0.20%641,501$ 643,324$ GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2024 0.55%219,600 221,399 GF Contingency Reserve CD 674907 001-00-1043 7/13/2024 0.45%216,338 217,037 CONTINGENCY RESERVE 1,077,439$ 1,081,760$ *GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20%191,151$ 192,118$ *GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2024 0.45%65,013$ 65,223$ *General Storm Recovery Pooled Cash 201-00-1000 0.05%1,005,367 1,006,662 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES 1,261,531$ 1,264,003$ *A R P Funds Cash 001-00-1034 2,174,325$ 2,175,415$ *Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 189,534 212,190 *Police Grant Fund 320-00-1000 4,808 4,814 *Fire Grant Fund 324-00-1000 103,653 113,787 *Library Grant Fund 342-00-1000 14 14 *Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,557 5,564 *Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 46,468 46,527 *Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2024 0.45%52,763 52,807 *Parkland Dedication Fund 450-00-1000 105,025 105,160 *Roadway Impact Fee Fund 451-00-1000 1,446,341 1,449,704 *Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 16,595 16,783 *Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 129 172 *Child Safety Fee Fund 475-00-1000 74,770 74,867 *Forfeited Property Fund 480-00-1000 4,982 4,988 *Police Donations 620-00-1000 179 179 *Fire Donations 624-00-1000 17,632 17,655 *Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 13,890 13,908 *Library Donations 642-00-1000 7,207 7,267 OTHER 4,263,872$ 4,301,801$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 21,903,353$ 21,605,924$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 16,377,950$ 16,040,120$ *Restricted Funds GENERAL FUND October 31, 2023 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 70 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 27 | P a g e Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%2,352,158$ 84,467$ OPERATING ACCOUNTS 2,352,158$ 84,467$ *Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0.05%208,593$ 203,196$ *Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1041 1/3/2024 0.45%300,000 300,000 WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNT 508,593$ 503,196$ *Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20%337,774 338,734 BOND FUNDS 337,774$ 338,734$ EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 008-00-1012 0.20%639,915$ 641,734$ EF Contingency Reserve CD 787860 008-00-1014 2/14/2024 0.45%324,032 324,586 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1040 9/25/2023 0.45%108,959 109,182 CONTINGENCY RESERVES 1,072,906$ 1,075,502$ *EF Storm Recovery MM 208-00-1033 0.20%1,254,189$ 1,257,754$ *EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1034 0.20%147,083 147,857 OTHER 1,401,272$ 1,405,611$ TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 5,672,703$ 3,407,510$ TOTAL UNRESTRICTED 3,425,064$ 1,159,969$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE FUND October 31, 2023 CASH AND INVESTMENTS 71 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 28 | P a g e Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0.05%340,789$ 340,789$ *DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20%61,577 61,577 TOTAL RESTRICTED 402,366$ 402,366$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current *Pooled Cash 009-00-1000 0.05%1,919,509$ 237,738$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 1,919,509$ 1,518,191$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current *Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05%2,582,581$ 4,391,820$ TOTAL RESTRICTED 2,582,581$ 4,391,820$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Sewer Capital Improvements MM-10% Rev 840-00-1020 0.20%1,651,593$ 1,656,289$ *Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1038 0.20%2,998,201 3,030,710 *Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 Tap Fees 840-00-1037 0.20%2,398,837$ 2,427,446$ *2021 CO MM 840-00-1039 0.20%8,889,757$ 8,478,722$ *Pooled Cash 840-00-1000 0.05%1,533,941 5,676,469 TOTAL RESTRICTED 12,822,535$ 21,269,636$ *Restricted Funds ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE & CAPITAL PROJECTS CASH AND INVESTMENTS October 31, 2023 ENTERPRISE DEBT SERVICE FUND 72 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 29 | P a g e Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0.05%2,487,236$ 2,567,514$ *Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.05%332,528 332,611 *4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20%2,004,137 2,014,198 *Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 11/2/2023 0.25%96,826 96,939 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 4,920,727$ 5,011,262$ Name Acct. #Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance *Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05%2,026,063$ 2,362,516$ *Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0.05%204,279 204,859 *4B CD 653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2024 0.45%22,412 22,458 *4B CD 659924 42-00-1014 11/12/2023 0.45%22,169 22,226 *4B CD 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2024 0.45%22,210 22,267 *4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2024 0.45%22,140 22,211 *4B CD 686115 42-00-1017 8/4/2024 0.45%22,143 22,215 *4B CD 689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2023 0.45%22,125 22,196 *4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 11/14/2023 0.45%22,195 22,213 *4B CD 697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2023 0.45%22,306 22,325 *4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2022 0.45%22,213 22,231 *4B CD 702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2024 0.45%22,007 22,025 *4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2023 0.45%22,038 22,076 *4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 2/9/2024 0.45%21,796 21,852 *4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2023 0.45%21,764 21,809 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS 2,517,860$ 2,855,479$ *Restricted Funds 4B FUND 4A & 4B FUNDS October 31, 2023 CASH AND INVESTMENTS General 73 Item 8. City of Sanger Monthly Financial & Investment Report 30 | P a g e Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest Clayton Gray John Noblitt Finance Director City Manager a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or b. the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). 4A & 4B FUNDS CASH AND INVESTMENTS October 31, 2023 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. In accordance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: 74 Item 8. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: * ALL BANKS DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 39750 ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR C-CHECK ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR UNPOST V 10/05/2023 084085 300.00CR 39750 ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR M-CHECK ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR UNPOST V 10/18/2023 084085 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 10/12/2023 084108 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 2 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 300.00CR 300.00CR 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: * TOTALS: 2 300.00CR 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 2 300.00CR 0.00 0.00 75 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TEXA I-10.01.23-10.31.23 OCT 2023 HEALTH/DENTAL PREMIUM R 10/25/2023 63,094.06 000781 I-11.01.23-11.30.23 NOV 2023 HEALTH/DENTAL PREMIUM R 10/25/2023 68,811.81 000781 131,905.87 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY I-141843 OCT 2023 LIFE INSURANCE R 10/25/2023 73.66 000782 73.66 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 2 131,979.53 0.00 131,979.53 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: EMP BTOTALS: 2 131,979.53 0.00 131,979.53 BANK: EMP B TOTALS: 2 131,979.53 0.00 131,979.53 76 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 10.06.23 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 10/06/2023 1,690.49 000592 1,690.49 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LLC I-000000068196 22SAN20 REG SUPPORT SERV-ATCS E 10/05/2023 500.00 000593 I-000000068197 23SAN20 ERCOT TRANS OP DESIGNA E 10/05/2023 1,150.00 000593 1,650.00 32700 LEXIPOL, LLC I-INVLEX18882 LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICY E 10/05/2023 7,348.10 000594 7,348.10 37670 CITIBANK, N.A. I-4 IMPRINT 09.14.23 MARKETING GIVEAWAYS E 10/05/2023 629.55 000595 I-BAFFC 09.27.23 BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP E 10/05/2023 95.00 000595 I-BLAUER 09.19.23 4 UNIFORM SHIRTS 780 E 10/05/2023 244.96 000595 I-CE 09.23.23 OBS EMPLOYEE LUNCH E 10/05/2023 181.32 000595 I-COLUMN 08.28.23 RFQ PARKS 2 PUBLIC NOTICE E 10/05/2023 48.56 000595 I-DCC 08.29.23 PLAT FILING E 10/05/2023 54.50 000595 I-DCC 08.31.23 PLAT FILING E 10/05/2023 94.00 000595 I-DCTXMV 09.18.23 STATE REGISTRATION ENGINE 2 E 10/05/2023 9.50 000595 I-DCTXMV 09.20.23 STATE REGISTRATION ENGINE 1 E 10/05/2023 9.50 000595 I-HAMPTON 09.18.23 PARKING FOR IEDC CONFERENCE E 10/05/2023 25.00 000595 I-LE 09.27.23 CITY HALL STAFF APPAREL E 10/05/2023 443.65 000595 I-MARRIOTT 09.01.23 HOTEL STAY 8/31-9/1/23 SBRADSH E 10/05/2023 356.73 000595 I-ROMAS 09.23.23 OBS EMPLOYEE LUNCH E 10/05/2023 78.94 000595 I-SEDC 09.11.23 SEDC WEBINAR SBRADSHAW E 10/05/2023 59.00 000595 I-T-MOBILE 09.25.23 HOT SPOT 8/01/23 - 8/31/23 E 10/05/2023 460.20 000595 I-TCFP 09-28-23 CERTIFICATION BSHEPARD E 10/05/2023 87.17 000595 I-TCFP 09.28.23 CERTIFICATION MGRIMES E 10/05/2023 87.17 000595 I-TCFP 09/28/23 CERTIFICATION MGRIMES E 10/05/2023 87.17 000595 I-TML 09.27.23 TCAA CONFERENCE HCOLEMAN E 10/05/2023 250.00 000595 I-TRIBUTE 09.20.23 FLOWERS FOR CHIESLER E 10/05/2023 150.42 000595 I-TRIBUTE 09/20/23 FLOWERS FOR CHIESLER E 10/05/2023 100.42 000595 I-TXDMV 09.27.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP864900 E 10/05/2023 9.50 000595 I-TXDMV 09.28.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1154166 E 10/05/2023 10.25 000595 I-ZOOM 09.24.23 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION E 10/05/2023 115.99 000595 I-ZOOM 09/24/23 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION E 10/05/2023 130.74 000595 3,819.24 37880 BRIGHTSPEED I-08/10/23-09/09/23 PHONE 08/10/23 - 09/09/23 E 10/05/2023 296.60 000596 296.60 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-13HL-XRKK-LWJK SOAP DISPENSER RETURN E 10/05/2023 15.98CR 000597 C-19MK-VV14-6VHL STAR WARS STICKERS RETURN E 10/05/2023 5.99CR 000597 C-1DLV-9N3G-GWMH DIMMER SWITCH RETURN E 10/05/2023 69.90CR 000597 C-1F7V-FDJ7-7JPD LOGITECH LIFT MOUSE RETURN E 10/05/2023 66.80CR 000597 C-1H3P-MK6M-3LKN 6 TIER WIRE SHELVING UNIT E 10/05/2023 53.75CR 000597 C-1HDV-GRG7-4WPF SIGN HOLDER RETURN E 10/05/2023 100.58CR 000597 C-1HVW-TJC4-7XK3 PRINTING CALCULATOR E 10/05/2023 79.19CR 000597 77 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT C-1JGK-F3QY-DN9L WOOD PUMPKIN CUTOUTS RETURN E 10/05/2023 45.96CR 000597 C-1MWM-JJT9-VHGY S HOOKS RETURN E 10/05/2023 7.99CR 000597 C-1VM3-DNML-4T6R URINAL DEODORIZER RETURN E 10/05/2023 24.68CR 000597 I-11N6-QCTJ-1JPY JANITOR CLOSET ORGANIZING E 10/05/2023 34.19 000597 I-1344-FL3W-6NF1 MONITOR ARM/MOUSE/MONITOR E 10/05/2023 551.49 000597 I-13GX-N4WJ-1FN3 4 JNON HOMESCHOOL BOOKS E 10/05/2023 36.76 000597 I-13JT-FG7H-3FY4 COPY PAPER E 10/05/2023 63.49 000597 I-13PP-MDF1-63MC EASY READER BOOKS E 10/05/2023 29.98 000597 I-14GV-HTMP-F1RN 414X BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE E 10/05/2023 127.49 000597 I-14P9-MTRX-4VPK 2X APPLE USB-C CABLES E 10/05/2023 33.98 000597 I-14X9-YYQT-1NNR COAT HOOK SETS E 10/05/2023 53.20 000597 I-16JD-D66T-4LQR STAR WARS PROGRAM SUPPLY E 10/05/2023 116.44 000597 I-16KL-GGTR-3LPT CURVED MONITOR E 10/05/2023 349.99 000597 I-196Y-1HP6-3F9V BATTERY BACKUP E 10/05/2023 55.00 000597 I-1CMG-GTJP-4W7P NEW DVDS E 10/05/2023 103.14 000597 I-1CTH-TQWK-6R6V OCTOBER PROGAM SUPPLIES E 10/05/2023 13.89 000597 I-1DP9-H3PC-PWJJ JANITOR CLOSET S-HOOKS E 10/05/2023 8.89 000597 I-1FFK-R6CF-3GQ4 NONFICTION CHILDREN'S BOOK E 10/05/2023 16.99 000597 I-1GQ4-XDQC-6D3M 2 STUFFIES HIDDEN ANIMAL PROGR E 10/05/2023 36.36 000597 I-1HH6-PRHJ-M3PM OBS WRISTBANDS E 10/05/2023 28.49 000597 I-1HQY-1RVT-Q1P4 OCTOBER PROGRAM SUPPLIES E 10/05/2023 51.95 000597 I-1K1T-W6QN-LVLN THERMAL POS PRINTER E 10/05/2023 151.00 000597 I-1K43-WJ9D-7CT6 JANITOR CLOSET ORGANIZING E 10/05/2023 94.77 000597 I-1K43-WJ9D-MLHR COPY PAPER E 10/05/2023 86.74 000597 I-1K9W-3P3P-K4TY TOOLS/CALENDAR/CONF RM SNACKS E 10/05/2023 449.81 000597 I-1KFF-NT36-3NDX LED DESK LAMP E 10/05/2023 38.99 000597 I-1KMF-MWNL-N9JN JOURNAL NOTEBOOK E 10/05/2023 27.96 000597 I-1LC7-VMYM-QYP7 YELLOWSTONE DVD E 10/05/2023 19.96 000597 I-1LDH-Y6Q9-4GDM COPY PAPER E 10/05/2023 270.00 000597 I-1NH3-LCJ7-LV4X CALENDAR/DRY BLOCK ERASER E 10/05/2023 38.20 000597 I-1NRG-7HRV-1JPK BIG RED TUB CHILDREN BOOK E 10/05/2023 23.80 000597 I-1NW9-7V7X-16G4 DESK ORGANIZER/TOWER FAN E 10/05/2023 97.74 000597 I-1P6P-LT7R-C1V9 ACER 37.5" MONITOR E 10/05/2023 775.99 000597 I-1PKV-X4JL-1DPG 2PK USB CORD E 10/05/2023 7.45 000597 I-1QP6-NJ6T-4DFW CANON POWERSHOT SX70 E 10/05/2023 538.00 000597 I-1QR6-NW4F-4GM9 CURTAIN BACKDROP STAR WARS PRG E 10/05/2023 22.95 000597 I-1RF7-WDNK-RMKG JANITOR CLOSET SHELVING E 10/05/2023 77.94 000597 I-1V3X-94MD-1NKK 4 NEW RELEASE DVD & TV SERIES E 10/05/2023 82.87 000597 I-1VJ3-FXMV-1KJ7 RECESSED POWER/DATA BOX E 10/05/2023 117.98 000597 I-1WMY-W4J1-4LTV 100PK AAA BATTERIES E 10/05/2023 21.94 000597 I-1XKG-PDPW-LC9Y CITY SHOWCASE BOARDS E 10/05/2023 1,905.91 000597 I-1YCF-GVNR-1L13 2X PHONE CASES - ADMIN/HR E 10/05/2023 26.98 000597 6,117.88 78 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 39600 LIBRARYPASS, INC. I-5548 COMICS RENEWAL 10/1/23-9/30/24 E 10/05/2023 685.00 000598 685.00 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21455748 SEPT 23 ELECTRIC PURCHASE E 10/12/2023 493,989.15 000599 493,989.15 34770 FIRST STOP HEALTH, LLC I-INV-35347 VIRTUAL PRIMARY CARE E 10/12/2023 1,120.50 000600 1,120.50 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBWPY 10.06.23 CHILD SUPPORT D 10/06/2023 419.54 000601 I-CRWPY 10.06.23 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 10/06/2023 192.46 000601 I-CSRPY 10.06.23 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 10/06/2023 276.92 000601 I-CWMPY 10.06.23 CHILD SUPPORT # 0014024793CV19 D 10/06/2023 357.69 000601 1,246.61 35990 JUSTFOIA, INC. I-RN14732 JUSTFOIA SUBSCRIPTION FY 23-24 E 10/12/2023 3,448.94 000601 3,448.94 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 10.06.23 FEDERAL W/H D 10/06/2023 19,303.46 000602 I-T3 PY 10.06.23 FICA PAYABLE D 10/06/2023 27,941.58 000602 I-T4 PY 10.06.23 FICA PAYABLE D 10/06/2023 6,534.78 000602 53,779.82 36870 SOUTHERN PETROLEUM LABORATORIE I-23090222 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 10/12/2023 314.40 000602 I-23090243 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 10/12/2023 314.40 000602 628.80 37390 DEBTBOOK I-DB2003090 TIER 1 SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 6,500.00 000603 6,500.00 00100 TMRS I-RETPY 9.08.23 TMRS D 10/12/2023 49,600.82 000604 I-RETPY 9.22.23 TMRS D 10/12/2023 46,399.03 000604 95,999.85 37670 CITIBANK, N.A. C-AMZN 04.17.23 RETURN ITEM E 10/12/2023 10.38CR 000604 C-AMZN 11-12-2022 BOOK RETURN E 10/12/2023 8.99CR 000604 C-AMZN 11-12-22 BOOK RETURN E 10/12/2023 8.99CR 000604 C-AMZN 11/12/22 BOOK RETURN E 10/12/2023 12.69CR 000604 C-BAS 12.05.22 EVENT SIGN RETURN E 10/12/2023 625.56CR 000604 C-HD 03.18.23 FIRE STATION EQPMNT RETURN E 10/12/2023 245.81CR 000604 C-SHRM 01.12.23 SHRM MEMBERSHIP CREDIT E 10/12/2023 25.00CR 000604 C-STK 01.19.23 SHUTTERSTOCK CREDIT E 10/12/2023 32.64CR 000604 C-SW 07.17.23 FLIGHT CREDIT FOR JNOBLITT E 10/12/2023 498.96CR 000604 I-2CO 05.23.23 MARKETING EVENT ITEMS E 10/12/2023 236.52 000604 I-4IMPRINT 05.23.23 MARKETING EVENT ITEMS E 10/12/2023 691.29 000604 I-4IMPRINT 09.19.23 CITY SHOWCASE GIVEAWAYS E 10/12/2023 722.33 000604 I-AMZN 01.06.23 AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP E 10/12/2023 16.23 000604 79 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-AMZN 01.18.23 4PK BATTERIES E 10/12/2023 7.45 000604 I-AMZN 01.19.23 POWER INVERTER E 10/12/2023 30.99 000604 I-AMZN 01.31.23 INSULATED OVERALL BIBS E 10/12/2023 659.94 000604 I-AMZN 01/16/23 UTILITY WAGON E 10/12/2023 99.99 000604 I-AMZN 02.05.23 INSULATED OVERALL BIBS E 10/12/2023 154.99 000604 I-AMZN 02/06/23 AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP E 10/12/2023 16.23 000604 I-AMZN 03.06.23 AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP E 10/12/2023 16.23 000604 I-AMZN 04.06.23 AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSHIP E 10/12/2023 16.23 000604 I-AMZN 11.18.22 IPHONE CASE E 10/12/2023 99.99 000604 I-AMZN 12-04-22 BALLOON GLUE E 10/12/2023 6.99 000604 I-AMZN 12-07-22 VINYL NUMBERING KIT E 10/12/2023 79.51 000604 I-AMZN 12.01.22 EVENT MICROPHONES E 10/12/2023 156.19 000604 I-AMZN 12.07.22 STORAGE TOTES E 10/12/2023 74.99 000604 I-AMZN 12/07/22 STORAGE BAG/MICROPHONE E 10/12/2023 179.72 000604 I-APL 10.01.23 IPAD/KEYBOARD E 10/12/2023 329.00 000604 I-APL 10.02.23 IPAD/KEYBOARD E 10/12/2023 1,128.00 000604 I-BABE'S 09.22.23 BABE'S CHICKEN DINNER E 10/12/2023 368.26 000604 I-BAS 06.01.23 MARKETING EVENT SIGNS E 10/12/2023 380.00 000604 I-BAS 11.29.22 EVENT SIGNS E 10/12/2023 625.56 000604 I-CANVA 12.09.22 CANVA SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 119.99 000604 I-CE 10.02.23 DRINKS FOR COUNCIL MEETING E 10/12/2023 7.85 000604 I-CS 08.28.23 COLUMN PUBLIC NOTICES E 10/12/2023 48.56 000604 I-DCBA 05.02.23 DENTON COUNTY BAR ASSOC DUES E 10/12/2023 50.00 000604 I-DCCR 08.29.23 FILING PLATS E 10/12/2023 54.50 000604 I-DCCR 08.31.23 FILING PLATS E 10/12/2023 94.00 000604 I-DOMINOS 10.02.23 PIZZA FOR COUNCIL/PZ WK SESSN E 10/12/2023 59.49 000604 I-DRC 03.13.23 DENTON RECORD CHRONICLE SUBS E 10/12/2023 79.99 000604 I-DRC 04.14.23 DENTON RECORD CHRONICLE SUBS E 10/12/2023 99.99 000604 I-ES 03.03.23 HOTEL STAY RNOLTING E 10/12/2023 400.20 000604 I-ES 03/03/23 HOTEL STAY BJUNKER E 10/12/2023 416.20 000604 I-FB 11.03.22 FACEBOOK ADVERTISING E 10/12/2023 215.87 000604 I-FB 12.03.22 FACEBOOK ADVERTISING E 10/12/2023 122.43 000604 I-HC 06.12.23 HOTEL STAY HCOLEMAN E 10/12/2023 260.78 000604 I-HD 03.18.23 FIRE STATION EQPMNT E 10/12/2023 245.81 000604 I-HD 09.28.23 3X WORK TABLES E 10/12/2023 693.00 000604 I-HOLIDAY 08.06.23 HOTEL STAY BSHEPARD DEPLOYMNT E 10/12/2023 196.00 000604 I-IAA 12.07.22 IAA GLOBAL AWARDS E 10/12/2023 229.00 000604 I-IACP 11.17.22 IACP MEMBERSHIP E 10/12/2023 190.00 000604 I-ICC 09.27.23 ICC CODE BOOKS E 10/12/2023 1,113.00 000604 I-IHR 08.27.23 HOTEL STAY MPEARSE DEPLOYMNT E 10/12/2023 246.34 000604 I-JJK 01.04.2023 HR SIGNS E 10/12/2023 544.49 000604 I-JJK 01.27.23 HR SIGNS E 10/12/2023 81.23 000604 I-JJK 01/04/2023 HR SIGNS E 10/12/2023 21.89 000604 I-K'S 03/15/23 EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST E 10/12/2023 96.34 000604 I-K'S 05.17.23 K'S GOURMET LUNCHEON E 10/12/2023 91.09 000604 I-KIWANIS 04.25.23 KIWANIS CLUB DUES E 10/12/2023 210.00 000604 I-KPP 05.05.23 KAPWING PRO PLAN E 10/12/2023 192.00 000604 I-LE 12.20.22 STAFF APPAREL MARKETING E 10/12/2023 154.80 000604 80 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-LOOMLY 10.02.23 LOOMLY SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 342.00 000604 I-MIGS 09.23.23 MIGS LUNCH EVENT E 10/12/2023 120.52 000604 I-MP 06.28.23 PARKS/REC VEHICLE MAINTENANCE E 10/12/2023 923.73 000604 I-NTTA 07.08.23 TOLLWAY FEES E 10/12/2023 40.00 000604 I-OLLIE 09.30.23 CHILDREN'S BOOKS E 10/12/2023 49.79 000604 I-RA 05.01.23 REALTOR ASSOC DUES E 10/12/2023 20.00 000604 I-SACC 03/22/23 SANGER CHAMBER LUNCHEON E 10/12/2023 15.00 000604 I-SACC 04/26/23 SANGER CHAMBER LUNCHEON E 10/12/2023 15.00 000604 I-SACC 07.26.23 SANGER CHAMBER LUNCHEON E 10/12/2023 15.00 000604 I-SB 08.28.23 COFFEE FOR EVENT E 10/12/2023 55.37 000604 I-SHRM 10.12.22 SHRM MEMBERSHIP WRHODES E 10/12/2023 229.00 000604 I-SHRM 12.12.22 SHRM MEMBERSHIP JSTATON E 10/12/2023 25.00 000604 I-SHSU 05.05.23 HOTEL STAY JPERKINS E 10/12/2023 542.15 000604 I-STEVIE 12.07.22 STEVIE AWARDS DGREEN E 10/12/2023 280.00 000604 I-STEVIE 12/07/22 STEVIE AWARDS DGREEN E 10/12/2023 280.00 000604 I-STK 01.11.23 SHUTTERSTOCK SUBCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 34.00 000604 I-STXU 02.10.23 SANGER TX UTILITIES TEST E 10/12/2023 1.00 000604 I-SW 06.26.23 FLIGHT FOR JNOBLITT E 10/12/2023 498.96 000604 I-TML 05/10/23 TML DUES E 10/12/2023 125.00 000604 I-TPPA 06.14.23 TX PUBLIC POWER ASSOC DUES E 10/12/2023 1,000.00 000604 I-TPS 11.22.22 HOTEL STAY JPERKINS E 10/12/2023 277.39 000604 I-TR 01.24.23 THOMSON REUTERS SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 229.00 000604 I-TR 02.24.23 THOMSON REUTERS SUBCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 229.00 000604 I-TR 03.10.23 THOMSON REUTERS SUBCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 444.00 000604 I-TR 08.24.23 THOMSON REUTERS SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 240.45 000604 I-TRAP 01.19.23 TX REC & PARK MEMBERSHIP E 10/12/2023 100.00 000604 I-TRAP 02.07.23 TX REC & PARK CONFERENCE E 10/12/2023 850.00 000604 I-TRW 06.07.23 BOOKS E 10/12/2023 109.95 000604 I-USPS 09.29.23 POSTAGE FOR PLAYAWAY WARRANTY E 10/12/2023 16.55 000604 I-UT 03.08.23 LEGAL EDUCATION E 10/12/2023 795.00 000604 I-WIX 06.01.23 WIX WEBSITE SRVC E 10/12/2023 708.00 000604 I-WM 09.29.23 3X WORK TABLES E 10/12/2023 191.04 000604 I-WM 09.30.23 3X WORK TABLES E 10/12/2023 74.64 000604 I-ZOOM 08.24.23 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 130.74 000604 I-ZOOM 08/24/23 ZOOM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION E 10/12/2023 115.99 000604 20,085.72 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. I-19MK-VV14-3TYN T-LEG BRACKET E 10/12/2023 140.58 000605 140.58 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 10.20.23 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 10/20/2023 1,690.49 000606 1,690.49 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 10.20.23 FEDERAL W/H D 10/20/2023 19,676.24 000606 I-T3 PY 10.20.23 FICA PAYABLE D 10/20/2023 28,310.04 000606 I-T4 PY 10.20.23 FICA PAYABLE D 10/20/2023 6,620.96 000606 54,607.24 81 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 00440 BRAZOS ELECTRIC I-50229-RI-001 SEPT 2023 E 10/19/2023 13,024.28 000607 13,024.28 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBWPY 10.20.23 CHILD SUPPORT D 10/20/2023 92.31 000607 I-CRWPY 10.20.23 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 10/20/2023 192.46 000607 I-CSRPY 10.20.23 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 10/20/2023 276.92 000607 I-CWMPY 10.20.23 CHILD SUPPORT # 0014024793CV19 D 10/20/2023 357.69 000607 919.38 09780 MIDWEST TAPE I-504420499 ADVANCED DIGITAL PAYMENT E 10/19/2023 900.00 000608 900.00 11690 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT I-10.12.2023 REFILL POSTAGE METER D 10/12/2023 300.00 000608 300.00 23760 KEEPITSAFE, LLC. - LIVEVAULT I-INVLUS-29075 SERVER BACKUP SRVC CITY HALL E 10/19/2023 1,505.58 000609 1,505.58 33770 WEX HEALTH, INC I-0001819605-IN COBRA MONTHLY SEPT 2023 D 10/25/2023 100.00 000609 100.00 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-OCT 23 CITY OF SANGER 8/21/23-9/20/23 D 10/15/2023 39,235.72 000610 39,235.72 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LLC I-000000069141 23SAN20 ERCOT TRANS OP DESIGN E 10/19/2023 1,035.00 000610 I-000000069142 23SAN20 REGULATORY SUPPORT E 10/19/2023 750.00 000610 1,785.00 30600 TASC I-FSCPY 10.06.23 FLEX D 10/06/2023 6.25 000611 I-FSMPY 10.06.23 FLEX D 10/06/2023 1,437.09 000611 1,443.34 36460 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES I-061322300-0923 I-35 UTILITY REOCATIONS E 10/19/2023 3,451.80 000611 3,451.80 30600 TASC C-C.MALMGREN TASC TASC-C.MALMGREN 10.20.23 D 10/20/2023 6.81CR 000612 I-FSCPY 10.20.23 FLEX D 10/20/2023 6.25 000612 I-FSMPY 10.20.23 FLEX D 10/20/2023 1,443.90 000612 1,443.34 37670 CITIBANK, N.A. I-BABES 09.14.23 CITY SHOWCASE DINNER E 10/19/2023 288.41 000612 I-BUZZ 09.25.23 BUZZSPROUT SUBSCRIPTION E 10/19/2023 12.00 000612 I-CTE 10.02.23 RESEAL GREENLEE HAND CRIMPER E 10/19/2023 260.98 000612 I-DFS 10.02.23 CORNERSTONE WEED KILLER E 10/19/2023 170.00 000612 I-FB 09-03-23 FACEBOOK ADS E 10/19/2023 31.30 000612 I-FB 09.03.23 FACEBOOK ADS E 10/19/2023 305.33 000612 I-FB 09.19.23 FACEBOOK ADS E 10/19/2023 576.55 000612 82 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-GOODMAN 09.19.23 CAR SERVICE @ OBS FESTIVAL E 10/19/2023 674.14 000612 I-REID 09.28.23 4 DAY CLASS 783 KHARLAN E 10/19/2023 630.00 000612 I-TCFP 10.02.23 CERTIFICATION MGRIMES E 10/19/2023 87.17 000612 I-TCFP 10.2.23 CERTIFICATION MGRIMES E 10/19/2023 87.17 000612 I-TS 10.02.23 ELBOWS/COUPLERS FOR SPRAYER E 10/19/2023 8.47 000612 I-WM 09-14-23 OBS GREEN ROOM ITEMS E 10/19/2023 19.45 000612 I-WM 09.13.23 CITY SHOWCASE ITEMS E 10/19/2023 51.18 000612 I-WM 09.21.23 ITEMS FOR OBS E 10/19/2023 147.47 000612 I-WM 09.23.23 ITEMS FOR OBS E 10/19/2023 17.15 000612 3,366.77 21260 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEAL I-537RG1344583PRD RENEW EMS PROVIDER'S LICENSE D 10/11/2023 870.00 000613 870.00 37820 VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES I-902337356 SITE VISIT FROM VEOLIA E 10/19/2023 4,014.40 000613 4,014.40 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-A272310 FY 2023-2024 ADMIN FEES E 10/25/2023 3,508.00 000614 I-W272310 SEPT 2023 WATER PURCHASE E 10/25/2023 29,688.99 000614 33,196.99 32700 LEXIPOL, LLC I-INVLEX19767 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE E 10/25/2023 1,810.00 000615 1,810.00 34490 HALFF ASSOC INC I-10105030 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 09/17/23 E 10/25/2023 18,154.27 000616 18,154.27 02580 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION I-10.27.2023 UNEMPLOYMENT D 10/27/2023 133.16 000617 133.16 36430 CIVICPLUS, LLC I-273713 SOCIAL MEDIA ARCHIVING E 10/25/2023 4,188.00 000617 4,188.00 34430 UMB BANK, N.A. I-09.01.2023 2021 CO INTEREST D 10/30/2023 275,375.00 000618 275,375.00 36460 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES I-061322303-0923 ROADWAY IMPACT STUDY E 10/25/2023 3,300.00 000618 3,300.00 37670 CITIBANK, N.A. I-HYATT 10.04.23 ICMA CONFERENCE HOTEL E 10/25/2023 1,152.60 000619 1,152.60 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-19LR-JNJQ-X7MK GALAXY BOOKMARKS E 10/25/2023 10.62CR 000620 C-1JNR-NYX6-KP6D T-LEG BRACKET E 10/25/2023 128.44CR 000620 C-1KGQ-GC14-4V3W RAZER NAGA V2 MOUSE E 10/25/2023 63.85CR 000620 I-11F4-DCDX-GM1M BEADED CHAIN/STAR WARS PROPS E 10/25/2023 23.98 000620 I-11F4-DCDX-JG4J CHILDREN/ADULT NONFICTION BOOK E 10/25/2023 84.09 000620 I-13QW-TTJX-HCDQ LABELS/NOTEPAD/STICKY PAD/PENS E 10/25/2023 116.04 000620 83 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-16GT-Q4GY-K17Q MINI DP TO HDMI ADAPTER 2PK E 10/25/2023 10.95 000620 I-171F-X7NV-6YPR USB C ADAPTER/STICKY NOTES E 10/25/2023 13.48 000620 I-17PX-NKFV-7GC3 MARKETING EVENT SUPPLY E 10/25/2023 595.71 000620 I-197P-CRQY-3HD3 G604 MOUSE/CORSAIR MOUSE E 10/25/2023 149.98 000620 I-1D3H-TCNK-4KW4 SPACE PICTURE BOOKS E 10/25/2023 43.26 000620 I-1D6W-JDGN-PXF3 T-LEG BRACKET E 10/25/2023 328.79 000620 I-1HG6-N19K-1V1P CHARGER HOLDER E 10/25/2023 72.95 000620 I-1HVV-3JLY-VKVK CABLE MANAGE/PLANNER/STORAGE E 10/25/2023 113.33 000620 I-1J71-CVV6-KG99 4PK IPHONE CORD/CREAMER E 10/25/2023 21.21 000620 I-1JPG-RPH3-H7T4 HAND SANITIZER/BATTERY COVER E 10/25/2023 115.99 000620 I-1JPG-RPH3-Y4VY WIRELESS MOUSE E 10/25/2023 34.89 000620 I-1KGQ-GC14-9MRH AUTOMATED AEROSOL SYSTEM E 10/25/2023 131.07 000620 I-1KKY-773X-LQRN FUEL CAP FOR HUSQVARNA E 10/25/2023 20.92 000620 I-1L11-JHQN-MJRV UNDER THE DESK FOOT SUPPORT E 10/25/2023 29.59 000620 I-1LW9-6FMF-KVWP 3X OFFICE CHAIRS CUSTOMER SRVC E 10/25/2023 564.75 000620 I-1M16-F6ND-GGQF SORTER/LABEL/BOARD/WRAP/VELCRO E 10/25/2023 104.17 000620 I-1MQC-LM6G-H493 KEYBOARD/MOUSE E 10/25/2023 25.99 000620 I-1MQQ-R9VY-D1JF 2X WIRELESS MOUSE E 10/25/2023 129.68 000620 I-1NV4-JKDR-RTHP REDRAGON M991/M811/M686 E 10/25/2023 95.12 000620 I-1NYH-PRPW-3QPJ 5 GRAPHIC NOVELS E 10/25/2023 47.76 000620 I-1P6V-MDYN-9WG6 OFFICE CHAIR SVEGA E 10/25/2023 294.99 000620 I-1Q3K-LHH1-DPFH OFFICE CHAIR RRINCON E 10/25/2023 228.94 000620 I-1Q3K-LHH1-VVXX FRONT DESK SCANNER E 10/25/2023 529.00 000620 I-1QHJ-CG4T-DXR6 LOGITECH G502 & G903 E 10/25/2023 132.89 000620 I-1QQN-4WDF-66JY APC BATTERY BACKUP E 10/25/2023 173.87 000620 I-1QQN-4WDF-L6DH HARD DRIVE/DISKSTATION E 10/25/2023 998.42 000620 I-1TPX-QJPR-11MP WIRELESS MOUSE E 10/25/2023 67.02 000620 I-1WL1-Q6G9-71HD 4 NEW RELEASE DVDS & BLU-RAY E 10/25/2023 89.88 000620 I-1Y39-JFRJ-3943 DOG WASTE BAGS E 10/25/2023 119.99 000620 I-1Y93-PL3P-QPPH 30PK SAFETY VESTS E 10/25/2023 46.99 000620 5,352.78 38930 COLUMN SOFTWARE, PBC I-FE201722-0012 DRC PUBLICATION NOTICES E 10/25/2023 336.80 000621 336.80 1 ALYSSA STACEY I-06.09.2023 REFUND COMM. CTR V 6/21/2023 100.00 083220 100.00 1 ALYSSA STACEY UNPOST M-CHECK ALYSSA STACEY UNPOST V 10/18/2023 083220 100.00CR 39220 ERIN WALTERS I-09.23.2023 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMER V 9/20/2023 400.00 083890 400.00 84 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 39220 ERIN WALTERS M-CHECK ERIN WALTERS UNPOST V 10/18/2023 083890 400.00CR 39290 WILLIS JOSEPH MCCLOUR I-09.23.2023 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMER V 9/20/2023 300.00 083897 300.00 39290 WILLIS JOSEPH MCCLOUR M-CHECK WILLIS JOSEPH MCCLOUR UNPOST V 10/18/2023 083897 300.00CR 39380 GAVIN SUMRALL I-09.23.2023 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMER V 9/20/2023 300.00 083906 300.00 39380 GAVIN SUMRALL M-CHECK GAVIN SUMRALL UNPOST V 10/18/2023 083906 300.00CR 39470 GARRETT WILLIAMSON I-09.23.2023 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMER V 9/20/2023 500.00 083915 500.00 39470 GARRETT WILLIAMSON M-CHECK GARRETT WILLIAMSON UNPOST V 10/18/2023 083915 500.00CR 39500 DANIEL WESLEY WHITE I-09.23.2023 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMER V 9/20/2023 500.00 083918 500.00 39500 DANIEL WESLEY WHITE M-CHECK DANIEL WESLEY WHITE UNPOST V 10/18/2023 083918 500.00CR 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 10.06.23 DONATIONS R 10/06/2023 5.00 084040 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 10.06.23 FOUNDATION-ISD R 10/06/2023 2.50 084041 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 10.06.23 HSA R 10/06/2023 1,505.40 084042 1,505.40 37590 ABDO PUBLISHING I-0017721 JUNIOR NON FICTION R 10/05/2023 487.05 084043 487.05 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-5272 OCT 2023 SHELTER SERVICE R 10/05/2023 7,160.00 084044 7,160.00 33050 BLUE MOON SPORTSWEAR INC I-76734 PATCH/RANK REPLACMNT GRIMES R 10/05/2023 291.00 084045 I-80108 PATCH/RANK REPLACMNT PARSONS R 10/05/2023 91.00 084045 382.00 85 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, I-RI 23029943 FIRE REVIEW 1901 S STEMMONS R 10/05/2023 10,955.44 084046 I-RI 23036084 PLAN REVIEW 1901 S STEMMONS R 10/05/2023 12,944.40 084046 I-RI 23036087 PLAN REVIEW 100 INDIAN LN R 10/05/2023 75,320.70 084046 99,220.54 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-08/14/23-9/15/23 WATER BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING R 10/05/2023 80.00 084047 80.00 39710 CLARKADAMSON, LLC I-001 MONTHLY SERVICES R 10/05/2023 2,375.00 084048 2,375.00 38530 CLASSIC SOUND AND LIGHTING I-041723 SOUND & LIGHTING PACKAGE R 10/05/2023 1,500.00 084049 1,500.00 28810 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEM, INC I-JC1006116 GENERATORS R 10/05/2023 51,638.00 084050 51,638.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-181680 SCREENED SAND CUSHION R 10/05/2023 525.00 084051 525.00 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-08/24/23-09/26/23 SEPT 23 ELECTRIC R 10/05/2023 3,427.62 084052 3,427.62 21460 DANNENBAUM ENGINEERING CO. I-514301/38/X FM 455 UTILITY RELOCATION R 10/05/2023 10,682.37 084053 10,682.37 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-3P75767 LOAD SHED INFO NOTICE R 10/05/2023 537.84 084054 537.84 03800 DEMCO I-7364239 LIBRARY PROCESSING SUPPLIES R 10/05/2023 474.93 084055 474.93 35470 DURAN PHOTOGRAPHY I-2033 GYPSY COWGIRL PROJECT R 10/05/2023 700.00 084056 I-2039 PODCAST RECORDINGS AT OBS FEST R 10/05/2023 500.00 084056 1,200.00 00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC I-19-54317-01 HEAT SHRINK R 10/05/2023 8.24 084057 I-19-55616-01 50AMP PLUG CONNECTOR FOR OBS R 10/05/2023 166.18 084057 174.42 38550 EXTREME SOUND PRODUCTION I-09.23.2023 ACOUSTIC SET-UP FOR OBS R 10/05/2023 1,600.00 084058 1,600.00 86 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1363728 5X COMP CTS TEE R 10/05/2023 975.00 084059 975.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65176630 FUEL 09/25/23 - 10/01/23 R 10/05/2023 3,607.48 084060 3,607.48 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-91923-1 TIRE REPAIR R 10/05/2023 15.00 084061 I-92323 8QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #03 R 10/05/2023 72.00 084061 87.00 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS869246 VEHICLE REPAIR 37-50 R 10/05/2023 637.96 084062 I-DOCS549160 DEF REPAIR MEDIC 672 R 10/05/2023 754.20 084062 1,392.16 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1026169 2X GY 265/60R17 UNIT #10 R 10/05/2023 244.78 084063 244.78 24580 HOLIDAY CHEVROLET I-32420 '23 CHEVY TAHOE PATROLLER R 10/05/2023 61,754.53 084064 61,754.53 07750 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES I-09.20.23 UTILITY FAN R 10/05/2023 99.98 084065 99.98 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-76750893 ADULT FICTION BOOKS R 10/05/2023 236.67 084066 I-76766190 ADULT FICTION BOOKS R 10/05/2023 16.80 084066 I-77092995 ADULT FICTION BOOKS R 10/05/2023 284.43 084066 I-77097546 ADULT FICTION BOOKS R 10/05/2023 79.82 084066 I-77693294 ADULT FICTION BOOKS R 10/05/2023 34.01 084066 I-77889945 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/05/2023 96.46 084066 748.19 01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS, INC. I-IN-1457955 INSPECT ENGINES 1 & 2 R 10/05/2023 14.00 084067 I-IN-1466085 INSPECTION FOR TANKER 671 R 10/05/2023 7.00 084067 21.00 20860 KSA ENGINEERS I-ARIV1006873 PROJECT 102258 R 10/05/2023 6,637.50 084068 6,637.50 01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-56009 MAKE KEYS/SERVICE CALL R 10/05/2023 110.00 084069 110.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-100851 1QT MOTOR OIL UNIT 2 R 10/05/2023 11.99 0.24CR 084070 I-1959-101923 4X TIRE SHINE R 10/05/2023 37.96 0.76CR 084070 I-1959-102500 2GAL MOTOR OIL R 10/05/2023 49.98 1.00CR 084070 I-1959-498234 2X BATTERIES UNIT #10 R 10/05/2023 353.30 7.07CR 084070 I-1959-498287 WIPER BLADES/BULBS UNIT #8 R 10/05/2023 48.85 0.98CR 084070 I-1959-498315 2X BLUEDEF R 10/05/2023 35.98 0.72CR 084070 87 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-1959-498551 2 BATTERIES FRONT END LOADER R 10/05/2023 278.90 5.58CR 084070 I-1959-499202 2 QRTS 0W-20 UNIT #5 R 10/05/2023 14.58 0.29CR 084070 814.90 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-327150660001 SHREDDER OIL R 10/05/2023 89.99 084071 I-329843538001 PAPER/TISSUE/STICKY/CUPS/FORK R 10/05/2023 54.70 084071 144.69 36920 PARKHILL SMITH & COOPER, INC. I-03815622.00-10 RENOVATIONS TO PORTER R 10/05/2023 600.00 084072 I-03815622.00-9R RENOVATIONS TO PORTER R 10/05/2023 627.59 084072 1,227.59 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-1022217 SPOOL PIECE SHOP REPAIR R 10/05/2023 513.29 084073 513.29 36080 QUALITY EXCAVATION, LLC I-16 CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 R 10/05/2023 37,161.76 084074 37,161.76 21140 R & T ELECTRIC, LLC I-7706 2 CONTACT SWITCHES FOR PARK R 10/05/2023 960.00 084075 960.00 30260 RICOH USA I-107641476 EQPMNT LSE 10/12/23-11/11/23 R 10/05/2023 881.80 084076 881.80 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-09.21.23 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION ITEMS R 10/05/2023 20.96 084077 I-09.25.2023 LATE FEES/INTEREST R 10/05/2023 122.37 084077 143.33 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-2114 SPRAY GUN/GALVANIZED NIPPLES R 10/05/2023 202.55 084078 I-2125 MARKING PAINT R 10/05/2023 79.92 084078 I-2133 FASTENERS R 10/05/2023 11.46 084078 I-2137 BROOMS R 10/05/2023 32.98 084078 I-2140 5X NEW KEYS CUT R 10/05/2023 14.95 084078 I-2143 FASTENERS/FERRULE/STOP R 10/05/2023 18.74 084078 I-2151 RECEPTACLE R 10/05/2023 4.59 084078 I-2161 GFI SWITCH/BRKR/WALLPLATE R 10/05/2023 58.97 084078 I-2165 WIPING RAGS/DEGREASER R 10/05/2023 25.98 084078 I-2172 CONNECTR/CABLETIE/BRKR/LQDTGHT R 10/05/2023 72.96 084078 I-2186 30QT COOLER/70QT COOLER R 10/05/2023 122.98 084078 646.08 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-2492 OBS FESTIVAL T-SHIRTS R 10/05/2023 1,174.00 084079 1,174.00 88 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-23-14421 MESSAGE FEES AUGUST 2023 R 10/05/2023 165.30 084080 165.30 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-437311 JURY DATA IMPORT R 10/05/2023 2,658.33 084081 I-025-437422 JURY DATA IMPORT R 10/05/2023 250.00 084081 2,908.33 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900054340 MATS - CITY HALL R 10/05/2023 15.82 084082 I-2900054342 UNIFORMS - STREETS R 10/05/2023 29.08 084082 I-2900054343 UNIFORMS - WATER R 10/05/2023 43.18 084082 I-2900054344 UNIFORMS - WASTEWATER R 10/05/2023 17.04 084082 I-2900054345 MATS - P.W. R 10/05/2023 10.53 084082 115.65 11430 USABLUEBOOK I-INV00124198 PH BUFFER PACKS R 10/05/2023 331.89 084083 331.89 03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-P0040318 SUCTION HOSE R 10/05/2023 487.01 084084 487.01 39750 ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR I-OBS 09.23.23 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMANCE V 10/05/2023 300.00 084085 300.00 39750 ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR M-CHECK ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR UNPOST V 10/18/2023 084085 300.00CR 36380 ZERO9 SOLUTIONS LTD I-2496-B2B HOLSTER/CASES BSCOTT R 10/05/2023 345.55 084086 I-2498-B2B HOLSTER/CASES 788 ZAVALA R 10/05/2023 345.55 084086 I-2499-B2B HOLSTER/CASE 787 TREVINO R 10/05/2023 345.55 084086 1,036.65 1 CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIO I-000202310039906 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 1,204.38 084087 1,204.38 1 FRITZ, DONNA I-000202310039898 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 142.13 084088 142.13 1 KELLEY, KRISTOPHER I-000202310039899 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 150.35 084089 150.35 1 LEASING TEXAS I-000202310039901 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 72.01 084090 72.01 89 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 MALACHI 310 CONSTRUC I-000202310039905 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 106.00 084091 106.00 1 MALDONADO, ALBERT I-000202310039900 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 183.69 084092 183.69 1 SADEGHIAN, AMY I-000202310039902 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 23.15 084093 23.15 1 SADEGHIAN, AMY I-000202310039903 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 31.02 084094 31.02 1 YAMASA CO., LTD. I-000202310039904 US REFUND R 10/05/2023 130.91 084095 130.91 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-201025 LAPTOP/CONFIGURE/INSTALL R 10/12/2023 450.00 084096 450.00 28400 BLANCHAT MFG, INC I-17126 HARNESS/VALVE/SHIPPING R 10/12/2023 262.57 084097 262.57 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, I-RI 23046941 FIRE REVIEW 4000 N STEMMONS R 10/12/2023 725.00 084098 I-RI 23046942 PLAN REVIEW 300 KIRKLAND R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046943 PLAN REVIEW 4800 AVION R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046944 PLAN REVIEW 4721 AVION R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046945 PLAN REVIEW 4811 AVION R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046946 PLAN REVIEW 4719 AVION R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046947 PLAN REVIEW 4212 KRISTOFF R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046948 PLAN REVIEW 4805 AVION R 10/12/2023 150.00 084098 I-RI 23046949 FIRE REVIEW 1405 N STEMMONS R 10/12/2023 1,225.00 084098 I-RI 23046950 FIRE REVIEW 1002 COWLING R 10/12/2023 1,750.00 084098 I-RI 23046951 FIRE REVIEW 105 N BERRY R 10/12/2023 1,750.00 084098 6,500.00 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-42712 CHLORINE PUMP R 10/12/2023 369.45 084099 369.45 39680 CENGAGE LEARNING, INC. I-82720381 EXCEL ADULT HIGH SCHOOL R 10/12/2023 3,300.00 084100 3,300.00 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP2303887 SEPT 23 LATE/STATMNT/OTHER R 10/12/2023 3,285.18 084101 3,285.18 90 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 22400 DUNN, REECE I-PER DIEM 09.25.23 3 DAY MEAL PER DIEM 9/20-22/23 R 10/12/2023 75.00 084102 75.00 02090 DYER, CHRISTY I-REIMBURSE 10.29.23 PER DIEM/MILEAGE TCAA CONF R 10/12/2023 360.58 084103 360.58 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICANT SCREENIN I-23227 3X BACKGROUND CHECKS R 10/12/2023 78.50 084104 78.50 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65228399 FUEL 10/02/23 - 10/08/23 R 10/12/2023 3,390.94 084105 3,390.94 24300 FULLER, CARA I-PER DIEM 10.20.23 PER DIEM/PARKING/MILEAGE R 10/12/2023 582.56 084106 582.56 01070 GALLS INC. I-025650860 BELT/KEEPERS 787 TREVINO R 10/12/2023 72.25 084107 I-025650861 BELT KEEPER/LTHR WP 788 ZAVALA R 10/12/2023 141.10 084107 I-025661450 BLAUER SUPER SHIRT 787 TREVINO R 10/12/2023 66.29 084107 I-025661452 BASE SHIRT 780 REFLOGAL R 10/12/2023 165.72 084107 I-025661485 BASE SHIRT 787 TREVINO R 10/12/2023 183.57 084107 I-025665521 MOAB 3 8 TACTICAL 785 ZAVALA R 10/12/2023 169.98 084107 I-025666803 STELLAR G2 BOOT 780 REFLOGAL R 10/12/2023 97.75 084107 I-025706120 BLAUER SUPERSHIRT 788 ZAVALA R 10/12/2023 59.49 084107 I-025706123 BLAUER TROUSER 787 TREVINO R 10/12/2023 65.44 084107 I-025706124 BASE SHIRT 788 ZAVALA R 10/12/2023 110.48 084107 I-025706126 ARMORSKIN SHIRT 787 TREVINO R 10/12/2023 132.58 084107 I-025706129 BASE SHIRT 780 REFLOGAL R 10/12/2023 152.97 084107 I-025706130 BASE SHIRT 788 ZAVALA R 10/12/2023 50.99 084107 I-025706131 BLAUER SUPER SHIRT 780 REFLOGA R 10/12/2023 55.24 084107 I-025706156 6PKT TROUSER 788 ZAVALA R 10/12/2023 65.44 084107 1,589.29 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-92823 8QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #07 R 10/12/2023 72.00 084109 I-92823-1 8QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #11 R 10/12/2023 72.00 084109 144.00 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS869329 PATCH & REBALANCE TIRE UNIT 14 R 10/12/2023 27.00 084110 I-C4CS869372 ADJ HOOD LATCH & ROD UNIT #13 R 10/12/2023 162.00 084110 I-C4CS869404 INPECTION/REPLCE HEADLIGHT #12 R 10/12/2023 415.68 084110 604.68 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-77952468 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/12/2023 46.10 084111 I-77977149 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/12/2023 173.17 084111 219.27 91 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 18 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 37150 INSTANT INSPECTOR I-3271 8 HEALTH INSPECTIONS R 10/12/2023 1,000.00 084112 1,000.00 08210 KWIK KAR I-8101-0028704 STATE INSPECTION COMMAND 670 R 10/12/2023 25.50 084113 I-8101-0029069 STATE INSPECTION LP1154166 R 10/12/2023 25.50 084113 51.00 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97544025 WASTEWATER COMPLIANCE R 10/12/2023 237.00 084114 237.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-89070 1/4 AIR MOVR R 10/12/2023 104.49 084115 104.49 36990 NORTEX COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY I-10811846 INTERNET & PHONE OCT 23 R 10/12/2023 5,390.12 084116 5,390.12 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-332573699001 AUG 23 WTR RENT FD R 10/12/2023 38.50 084117 I-332899289001 PENS/MOUSE R 10/12/2023 41.93 084117 I-332913983001 HAND SOAP R 10/12/2023 13.98 084117 I-334326638001 AUG 23 WTR RENT WWTP R 10/12/2023 6.50 084117 100.91 14980 POLYDYNE, INC. I-1775038 POLYMER FOR WTTP R 10/12/2023 1,575.00 084118 1,575.00 33820 POWER-D UTILITY SERVICES, LLC I-2316 AG BUILDING SERVICE R 10/12/2023 1,000.00 084119 1,000.00 36840 REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC. I-0615-001794472 BRUSH COLLECTION SRVC R 10/12/2023 1,995.63 084120 1,995.63 38420 RICHMOND, HUBBEL I-PER DIEM 09.25.23 1 DAY PER DIEM 09/25/23 R 10/12/2023 25.00 084121 25.00 31000 STATON, JERIANA I-PER DIEM 10.13.23 PER DIEM/MILEAGE TMHRA R 10/12/2023 375.93 084122 375.93 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-2512 BANNERS/SIGNS R 10/12/2023 420.00 084123 420.00 29390 SYMBOL ARTS, LLC I-0474347 REGULAR/FLAT BADGE R 10/12/2023 260.00 084124 260.00 92 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-NW125937 DRIVER OPERATOR/AERIAL CLASSES R 10/12/2023 750.00 084125 750.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1569344-00 H-TAP CONNECTOR R 10/12/2023 72.00 084126 72.00 33390 TEXAS FIRST RENTALS LLC I-1340186-0001 TRAILER CHAINS R 10/12/2023 203.70 084127 203.70 02670 TML - INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK P I-10/01/2023 TML ANNUAL BILL R 10/12/2023 267,521.64 084128 267,521.64 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900055346 MATS - CITY HALL R 10/12/2023 15.82 084129 I-2900055348 UNIFORMS - STREETS R 10/12/2023 29.08 084129 I-2900055349 UNIFORMS - WATER R 10/12/2023 37.50 084129 I-2900055350 UNIFORMS - WASTEWATER R 10/12/2023 17.04 084129 I-2900055351 MATS - PW R 10/12/2023 10.53 084129 109.97 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-2142828V190 SLUDGE REMOVAL R 10/12/2023 5,322.48 084130 5,322.48 36380 ZERO9 SOLUTIONS LTD I-INV#2582-B2B MAG/CUFFS/RADIO/CAMS/CASES R 10/12/2023 345.55 084131 345.55 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202310129910 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 535.36 084132 535.36 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202310129911 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 251.20 084133 251.20 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202310129912 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 263.48 084134 263.48 1 JONES, AMANDA M I-000202310129908 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 7.39 084135 7.39 1 LILLIAN CUSTOM HOMES I-000202310129907 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 405.00 084136 405.00 1 PATEL, NIKITA N I-000202310129909 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 144.14 084137 144.14 93 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 20 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 SOPRENUK, THEODORE I-000202310129915 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 5.78 084138 5.78 1 TGC CUSTOM HOMES, LL I-000202310129914 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 379.53 084139 379.53 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000202310129913 US REFUND R 10/12/2023 408.98 084140 408.98 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 10.20.23 HSA R 10/20/2023 1,505.40 084142 1,505.40 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 10.20.23 FOUNDATION-ISD R 10/20/2023 2.50 084143 2.50 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 10.20.23 DONATIONS R 10/20/2023 5.00 084144 5.00 15420 4 IMPRINT I-25950308 MARKETING ITEMS R 10/19/2023 2,351.41 084145 2,351.41 1 ALYSSA STACEY I-06.09.2023 REFUND COMM. CTR R 10/19/2023 Reissue 084146 100.00 33900 APSCO, INC I-S1404727.001 2X 12 X 12 FULL CIRCLE CLAMP R 10/19/2023 636.98 084147 636.98 01550 ATMOS ENERGY I-10/12/23 GAS 09/02/23 - 10/02/23 R 10/19/2023 951.64 084148 951.64 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-201057 NETWORK MAINTENANCE/ANTI-VIRUS R 10/19/2023 10,296.75 084149 I-201089 CONFIGURE & DEPLOY R 10/19/2023 900.00 084149 11,196.75 36500 B-WEISS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, L I-3637 ADD-ONS FOR FREEDOM FEST R 10/19/2023 4,070.00 084150 4,070.00 38610 BARBER PROPERTIES LLC I-09.23.2023 STAGE 2 INSTALL/REMOVAL R 10/19/2023 1,500.00 084151 1,500.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-85105221 MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 10/19/2023 58.78 084152 58.78 94 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 21 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 39640 CIOCAN, ALINA I-10.04.2023 ICMA CONFERENCE PARKING R 10/19/2023 194.85 084153 194.85 26090 D & L FEEDS INC I-4156/6 CYLENCE ULTRA/2 GAL SPRAYER R 10/19/2023 115.98 084154 115.98 22400 DUNN, REECE I-PER DIEM 10.06.23 5 DAY MEAL PER DIEM 10/2-6/23 R 10/19/2023 125.00 084155 125.00 35470 DURAN PHOTOGRAPHY I-2041 SEPT PODCAST 09/25/23 R 10/19/2023 500.00 084156 I-2042 CITY MANAGER PROJECT SEPT 2023 R 10/19/2023 550.00 084156 1,050.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1427219 COUPLINGS R 10/19/2023 450.00 084157 450.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65250178 FUEL 10/09/23 - 10/15/23 R 10/19/2023 2,725.91 084158 2,725.91 01070 GALLS INC. I-025730024 NAMEPLATES R 10/19/2023 95.26 084159 I-025732494 PANTS 787 TREVINO R 10/19/2023 60.77 084159 156.03 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-10523 8 QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #06 R 10/19/2023 72.00 084160 72.00 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS868970 VEHICLE REPAIR 37-50 R 10/19/2023 567.90 084161 567.90 39800 JACKSON, KYLE D I-REIMBURSE 10.06.23 JEAN ALLOWANCE R 10/19/2023 147.22 084162 147.22 08210 KWIK KAR I-8101-0029186 INSPECTION LP1418970 R 10/19/2023 25.50 084163 I-8101-0029188 AIR FILTER LP1418970 R 10/19/2023 30.99 084163 56.49 17060 LEAD ll EXCELLENCE I-09302023SFD CE FOR JUL/AUG/SEPT 2023 R 10/19/2023 648.00 084164 648.00 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97544105 CCNS AND DISTRICTS R 10/19/2023 1,665.00 084165 1,665.00 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-LAB-0068893 WATER TESTING SAMPLES R 10/19/2023 222.66 084166 222.66 95 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 22 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-103258 COTTER PIN/PB BLASTER R 10/19/2023 21.48 084167 21.48 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-332698522001 COPY PAPER R 10/19/2023 38.99 084168 I-334320992001 AUG 23 WTR RENT CITY HALL R 10/19/2023 33.25 084168 I-334320998001 AUG 23 WTR RENT PW R 10/19/2023 16.50 084168 I-334321006001 AUG 23 WTR RENT COURT R 10/19/2023 22.75 084168 I-334321015001 AUG 23 WTR RENT PD R 10/19/2023 12.25 084168 I-334321021001 AUG 23 WTR RENT WWTP R 10/19/2023 6.00 084168 I-334321034001 AUG 23 WTR RENT STREETS R 10/19/2023 7.00 084168 I-334419683001 SPEAKERS R 10/19/2023 11.68 084168 I-334447594001 MESH SHELF R 10/19/2023 17.34 084168 I-334906638 BINDERS/SHEET PROTECT/PENS R 10/19/2023 169.57 084168 335.33 39810 OTTO, SCOTT A I-PER DIEM 09.28.23 1 DAY MEAL PER DIEM 09/28/23 R 10/19/2023 25.00 084169 25.00 27690 OVERDRIVE I-CD0496823338858 FUTURE CONTENT/FEE R 10/19/2023 900.00 084170 900.00 14980 POLYDYNE, INC. I-1763948 POLYMER FOR WTTP R 10/19/2023 2,362.50 084171 2,362.50 37620 RANDY'S OF SANGER, LLC. I-04046 VEHICLE REPAIRS LP1184414 R 10/19/2023 775.25 084172 I-04054 OIL CHANGE LP1466507 R 10/19/2023 62.10 084172 837.35 30260 RICOH USA I-1098587657 2 FI-8150 SCANNERS R 10/19/2023 1,601.64 084173 1,601.64 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-09.28.23 EMPLOYEE HYDRATION ITEMS R 10/19/2023 63.66 084174 63.66 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-149682 SMALL ACETYLENE R 10/19/2023 32.00 084175 I-149684 MEDICAL OXYGEN R 10/19/2023 8.00 084175 I-216241 MEDICAL OXYGEN R 10/19/2023 26.00 084175 66.00 38480 SSCW CORPORATE OFFICE LLC I-SANG082023 B SEPT 2023 CAR WASH USAGE R 10/19/2023 88.00 084176 88.00 02510 STATE COMPTROLLER I-09.30.2023 QTRLY REPORT SEPT-OCT 2023 R 10/19/2023 6,669.17 084177 6,669.17 96 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 23 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-2522 MARKETING MATERIALS R 10/19/2023 100.00 084178 100.00 31970 STONEKING, DAVID I-81 GIS MAPPING/ZONING MAPS R 10/19/2023 240.00 084179 240.00 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-23-16435 MSG FEES SEPT 2023 R 10/19/2023 147.25 084180 147.25 39770 TOWERING OAKS I-45848-000157 HOLIDAY EVENT VENUE R 10/19/2023 5,837.40 084181 5,837.40 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-438970 UB ONLINE OCT 2023 R 10/19/2023 110.00 084182 I-025-438971 COURT ONLINE OCT 2023 R 10/19/2023 125.00 084182 235.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900056364 MATS - CITY HALL R 10/19/2023 15.82 084183 I-2900056366 UNIFORMS - STREETS R 10/19/2023 29.08 084183 I-2900056367 UNIFORMS - WATER R 10/19/2023 37.50 084183 I-2900056368 UNIFORMS - WASTEWATER R 10/19/2023 17.04 084183 I-2900056369 MATS - PW R 10/19/2023 10.53 084183 109.97 11430 USABLUEBOOK I-INV00148461 AMMONIA POWDER/HACH POWDER R 10/19/2023 427.94 084184 427.94 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-2162012V190 SLUDGE REMOVAL R 10/19/2023 3,843.37 084185 3,843.37 09550 WATER TECH, INC. I-133610 150# CHLORINE BOTTLES R 10/19/2023 2,460.00 084186 2,460.00 22700 WATERWAY I-I_TX76008_1135 EQUIPMENT TESTING R 10/19/2023 3,278.50 084187 3,278.50 39750 ZAIN BRADEN GOSSVENOR I-OBS 09.23.23 OBS FESTIVAL PERFORMANCE R 10/19/2023 Reissue 084188 300.00 15420 4 IMPRINT I-25895261 TWIST & CHILL FAN R 10/25/2023 373.29 084189 373.29 39630 ADCOMP SYSTEMS, INC. I-24174 STARTUP COST/PRINTERS R 10/25/2023 13,250.00 084190 I-24175 STARTUP COST/PRINTERS R 10/25/2023 16,065.00 084190 29,315.00 97 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 24 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 28710 AFFORD-IT TIRES I-0001613 TIRE PATCH - JACOB R 10/25/2023 20.00 084191 20.00 09600 AFLAC C-588712 AFLAC ROUNDING R 10/25/2023 0.03CR 084192 I-AFKPY 10.06.23 INSURANCE R 10/25/2023 220.33 084192 I-AFKPY 10.20.23 INSURANCE R 10/25/2023 220.33 084192 I-AFLPY 10.06.23 INSURANCE R 10/25/2023 679.09 084192 I-AFLPY 10.20.23 INSURANCE R 10/25/2023 679.09 084192 1,798.81 08580 AMIGOS LIBRARY SERVICES I-514086 COURIER SERVICE '23 - '24 R 10/25/2023 2,174.00 084193 2,174.00 33900 APSCO, INC I-S1407363.002 6X MTR FLANGE/BOLT KIT R 10/25/2023 38.52 084194 38.52 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-10152023 CELL PHONE 09/08/23 - 10/07/23 R 10/25/2023 1,219.17 084195 1,219.17 30650 BAKER & TAYLOR, LLC I-LS23090006 LEASED BOOKS R 10/25/2023 3,492.00 084196 3,492.00 11090 BETA TECHNOLOGY I-662790 JET GREAZ/M.I.G. R 10/25/2023 735.62 084197 735.62 33050 BLUE MOON SPORTSWEAR INC I-76778 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 475.34 084198 I-80148 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 968.74 084198 I-80149 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 112.99 084198 I-80150 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 613.84 084198 I-80151 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 225.98 084198 I-80152 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 677.80 084198 I-80153 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 521.85 084198 I-80154 UNIFORMS FOR FD R 10/25/2023 166.95 084198 3,763.49 31670 BOOT BARN I-10/2/2023 BOOT ALLOWANCE LMCMANUS R 10/25/2023 179.99 084199 179.99 23790 TERRY WEST I-4220 INSTALL CABINETS/COUNTERTOP R 10/25/2023 2,990.00 084200 2,990.00 39710 CLARKADAMSON, LLC I-002 ANNUAL CONSULTING FEE R 10/25/2023 2,375.00 084201 2,375.00 98 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 25 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 28810 CLIFFORD POWER SYSTEM, INC I-JC1006163 GENERATORS R 10/25/2023 34,154.00 084202 34,154.00 28180 D&D COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE MANAG I-34026 ANNUAL MOWING CONTRACT R 10/25/2023 17,181.70 084203 17,181.70 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-10699418083 DELL LATITUDE LAPTOP R 10/25/2023 1,631.05 084204 1,631.05 39840 FBI-LEEDA INC I-200092146 CLI LANSING, MI 10/2023 JLEWIS R 10/25/2023 795.00 084205 795.00 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1414368 BACKFLOW R 10/25/2023 1,505.88 084206 1,505.88 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2023-2917 WEED EAT 105 N 7TH R 10/25/2023 125.00 084207 125.00 38450 FREEMAN IRRIGATION I-73 REPAIR LINE BY BALL FIELD 3 R 10/25/2023 324.00 084208 324.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65280006 FUEL 10/16/23 - 10/22/23 R 10/25/2023 2,862.62 084209 2,862.62 24300 FULLER, CARA I-REIMBURSE 10.23.23 HOTEL STAY 10/18-20/23 R 10/25/2023 369.24 084210 369.24 01070 GALLS INC. C-24803797 3 TROUSERS 784 MUTINA R 10/25/2023 305.97CR 084211 I-025455514 TROUSERS/CLIP-ON TIE 784 MUTIN R 10/25/2023 311.91 084211 5.94 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-101823 8QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #2302 R 10/25/2023 72.00 084212 72.00 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-7637C FRONT END PARTS UNIT #16 R 10/25/2023 406.10 084213 I-DOCS549671 EMRGNCY REPAIRS FOR 671 R 10/25/2023 3,756.63 084213 4,162.73 39780 GRACIE GLOBAL LLC I-GST-00501 GST L1 CERTIFICATION BWILSON R 10/25/2023 1,200.00 084214 1,200.00 37220 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS & SUITES D I-3Q-2023 H.O.T. GRANT PAYMENT 3Q23 R 10/25/2023 18,772.37 084215 18,772.37 99 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 26 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-78159174 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/25/2023 285.20 084216 I-78159175 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/25/2023 342.04 084216 I-78159176 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/25/2023 202.26 084216 I-78159177 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 10/25/2023 109.16 084216 938.66 35940 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUN I-10/03/2023 IIMC MASTER MUNICIPAL CLERK R 10/25/2023 185.00 084217 185.00 38010 JUNKER, BLAKE I-REIMBURSE 10.10.23 NRPA CONFERENCE LUNCH R 10/25/2023 24.33 084218 24.33 08210 KWIK KAR I-8101-0029584 STATE INSPECTION LP1451400 R 10/25/2023 25.50 084219 25.50 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-11407 FULL PAGE AD SEPT 2023 R 10/25/2023 845.00 084220 845.00 28050 LIONS CLUB I-109 JHENDERSON 11/2022 - 6/2023 R 10/25/2023 200.00 084221 I-110 JHENDERSON 7/2023 - 6/2024 R 10/25/2023 300.00 084221 500.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-98386 TOG PLATE/JUMP DUP/3-TIER ST R 10/25/2023 186.99 084222 186.99 34480 MAGUIRE IRON, INC I-4095 YEAR 2 - CHERRY 300GST R 10/25/2023 14,500.00 084223 I-4096 YEAR 2 - UTILITY 100GST R 10/25/2023 6,000.00 084223 20,500.00 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND I-2360 STREET REPAIR ACKER/455 R 10/25/2023 9,418.50 084224 I-2361 STREET REPAIR 10TH/HUGHES R 10/25/2023 3,450.00 084224 I-2369 125 SOUTHSIDE ST REPAIR R 10/25/2023 2,810.00 084224 15,678.50 27600 OMNIBASE SERVICES OF TEXAS LP I-323-108061 JULY - SEPT 2023 QTR OMNI FEES R 10/25/2023 60.00 084225 60.00 27690 OVERDRIVE I-H-0099085 MAINTENANCE FEE/FUTURE CONTNT R 10/25/2023 375.00 084226 375.00 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-1022844 EMRGNCY REPAIR COWLING LS R 10/25/2023 2,148.57 084227 I-1023139 INSPECT PUMP @ QUAIL RUN R 10/25/2023 1,012.50 084227 I-1023381 UNCLOG PUMP LAKE RIDGE LS R 10/25/2023 651.43 084227 3,812.50 100 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 27 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL I-2689 EMRGNCY REPAIR 200 ELM ST R 10/25/2023 16,973.00 084228 I-2690 EMRGNCY REPAIR 713 S 5TH R 10/25/2023 5,380.00 084228 I-2698 EMRGNCY REPAIR PECN/ACKR R 10/25/2023 27,536.00 084228 I-2699 EMRGNCY REPAIR @ 5TH/7TH R 10/25/2023 16,649.00 084228 I-2700 EMRGNCY REPAIR @ KEITH DR R 10/25/2023 7,060.00 084228 I-2702 EMRGNCY REPAIR 455/KEATON R 10/25/2023 21,497.00 084228 I-2709 EMRGNCY REPAIR 122 FREESE R 10/25/2023 4,510.00 084228 99,605.00 39660 REAL ESTATE PUBLISHING CORPORA I-11163 RE JOURNALS R 10/25/2023 1,950.00 084229 1,950.00 12820 RICOH USA, INC I-5068217889 SRVC CONTRACT OCT 2023 R 10/25/2023 451.00 084230 451.00 04290 SANGER CHAMBER OF COMMERC I-QTR 3 - 2023 CHAMBER PYMNT FOR H.O.T. R 10/25/2023 3,500.00 084231 3,500.00 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-216303 OXYGEN R 10/25/2023 19.00 084232 19.00 39670 SPRINGER PROPERTIES, LLC I-FACADE 09.27.23 GRANT 1106 STEMMONS R 10/25/2023 10,000.00 084233 I-FACADE 09/27/23 GRANT 1108-14 STEMMONS R 10/25/2023 10,000.00 084233 20,000.00 26900 SUNMOUNT PAVING COMPANY I-68001810-6250-23 HMAC TYPE A (HOTMIX) R 10/25/2023 617.58 084234 617.58 02680 TEXAS POLICE CHIEFS ASSOC I-12159 2024 DEVELOPING LEADER WILSON R 10/25/2023 745.00 084235 I-12160 2024 DEVELOPING LEADER BUTTRAM R 10/25/2023 745.00 084235 1,490.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900057372 MATS - CITY HALL R 10/25/2023 15.82 084236 I-2900057374 UNIFORMS STREETS R 10/25/2023 29.08 084236 I-2900057375 UNIFORMS WATER R 10/25/2023 108.66 084236 I-2900057376 UNIFORMS WASTEWATER R 10/25/2023 17.04 084236 I-2900057377 MATS PW R 10/25/2023 10.53 084236 181.13 101 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 28 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 194 982,907.81 16.64CR 982,991.17 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 13 525,453.46 0.00 525,453.46 EFT: 30 644,750.76 0.00 644,750.76 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 7 VOID DEBITS 400.00 VOID CREDITS 2,400.00CR 2,000.00CR 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 244 2,153,212.03 16.64CR 2,153,195.39 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 244 2,153,212.03 16.64CR 2,153,195.39 REPORT TOTALS: 246 2,285,191.56 16.64CR 2,285,174.92 102 Item 9. 11/08/2023 1:30 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 29 SELECTION CRITERIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VENDOR SET: 99-AP VENDOR SET VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THRU 999999 DATE RANGE: 10/01/2023 THRU 10/31/2023 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THRU 999,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G/L: NO UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 103 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: * ALL BANKS DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL C-CHECK RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICUNPOST V 11/01/2023 084261 36,008.00CR 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL M-CHECK RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICUNPOST V 11/27/2023 084261 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 11/01/2023 084264 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 11/16/2023 084318 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 11/16/2023 084347 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 11/16/2023 084356 C-CHECK VOID CHECK V 11/29/2023 084467 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 6 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 36,008.00CR 36,008.00CR 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: * TOTALS: 6 36,008.00CR 0.00 0.00 BANK: * TOTALS: 6 36,008.00CR 0.00 0.00 104 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: EMP B EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TEXA I-COBRA 10.2023 COBRA OCT 2023 R 11/01/2023 679.02 000783 I-COBRA 11.2023 COBRA NOV 2023 R 11/01/2023 679.02 000783 1,358.04 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-10.01.23-10.31.23 VISION/LIFE/ADD/VOL/STD OCT 23 R 11/16/2023 3,542.55 000784 3,542.55 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY I-142823 NOV 2023 LIFE INSURANCE R 11/16/2023 73.66 000785 73.66 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 3 4,974.25 0.00 4,974.25 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 EFT: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 VOID DEBITS 0.00 VOID CREDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: EMP BTOTALS: 3 4,974.25 0.00 4,974.25 BANK: EMP B TOTALS: 3 4,974.25 0.00 4,974.25 105 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 3 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBWPY 11.03.23 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/03/2023 92.31 000614 I-CRWPY 11.03.23 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 11/03/2023 192.46 000614 I-CSRPY 11.03.23 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 11/03/2023 276.92 000614 I-CWMPY 11.03.23 CHILD SUPPORT # 0014024793CV19 D 11/03/2023 357.69 000614 919.38 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 11.03.23 FEDERAL W/H D 11/03/2023 19,493.83 000615 I-T3 PY 11.03.23 FICA PAYABLE D 11/03/2023 28,354.30 000615 I-T4 PY 11.03.23 FICA PAYABLE D 11/03/2023 6,631.26 000615 54,479.39 26810 BOK FINANCIAL I-11.15.2023 2015 CO PRINC/INTRST/AGENT FEE D 11/13/2023 372,800.00 000616 I-11152023 2017 CO PRINC/INTEREST/FEE D 11/13/2023 180,775.00 000616 553,575.00 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-NOV 23 CITY BILLS 9/20/23-10/20/23 D 11/15/2023 34,352.45 000619 34,352.45 14210 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I-CBWPY 11.17.23 CHILD SUPPORT D 11/17/2023 92.31 000620 I-CRWPY 11.17.23 CHILD SUPPORT AG#0013904686 D 11/17/2023 192.46 000620 I-CSRPY 11.17.23 CHILD SUPPORT #0013806050 D 11/17/2023 276.92 000620 I-CWMPY 11.17.23 CHILD SUPPORT # 0014024793CV19 D 11/17/2023 357.69 000620 919.38 22640 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE I-T1 PY 11.17.23 FEDERAL W/H D 11/17/2023 22,031.11 000621 I-T3 PY 11.17.23 FICA PAYABLE D 11/17/2023 29,863.96 000621 I-T4 PY 11.17.23 FICA PAYABLE D 11/17/2023 6,984.30 000621 58,879.37 00100 TMRS I-RETPY 10.06.23 TMRS D 11/21/2023 46,203.52 000622 I-RETPY 10.20.23 TMRS D 11/21/2023 47,049.03 000622 93,252.55 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 11.03.23 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 11/03/2023 1,671.80 000622 1,671.80 34770 FIRST STOP HEALTH, LLC I-INV-36231 VIRTUAL PRIMARY CARE NOV 23 E 11/01/2023 1,242.00 000623 1,242.00 36010 DOCUNAV SOLUTIONS I-44520 LASERFICHE RENEWAL/SUPPORT E 11/01/2023 11,467.88 000624 11,467.88 36460 KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES I-061322302-0923 I-35 AESTHETICS E 11/01/2023 14,875.00 000625 14,875.00 106 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 4 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 37880 BRIGHTSPEED I-09/10/23-10/09/23 PHONE 09/10/23 - 10/09/23 E 11/01/2023 296.60 000626 296.60 26320 TRUST-CITY OF SANGER EMPLOYEE I-DC1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INA D 11/30/2023 749.67 000627 I-DC1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INA D 11/30/2023 749.67 000627 I-DE1PY 11.03.23 DENTAL INS D 11/30/2023 845.55 000627 I-DE1PY 11.17.23 DENTAL INS D 11/30/2023 845.55 000627 I-DF1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 706.40 000627 I-DF1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 706.40 000627 I-DS1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 338.22 000627 I-DS1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 338.22 000627 I-GLIPY 11.03.23 GROUP LIFE $25K D 11/30/2023 321.37 000627 I-GLIPY 11.17.23 GROUP LIFE $25K D 11/30/2023 321.37 000627 I-HC1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 1,689.93 000627 I-HC1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 1,689.93 000627 I-HC2PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 1,556.46 000627 I-HC2PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 1,556.46 000627 I-HC3PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,357.64 000627 I-HC3PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,357.64 000627 I-HC5PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 1,302.96 000627 I-HC5PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 1,302.96 000627 I-HE1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 4,597.65 000627 I-HE1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 4,597.65 000627 I-HE2PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,823.00 000627 I-HE2PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,823.00 000627 I-HE3PY 11.03.23 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2023 7,376.56 000627 I-HE3PY 11.17.23 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2023 7,376.56 000627 I-HE5PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,835.96 000627 I-HE5PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,835.96 000627 I-HF2PY 11.03.23 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2023 874.97 000627 I-HF2PY 11.17.23 HEALTH IN D 11/30/2023 874.97 000627 I-HF3PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,982.09 000627 I-HF3PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 2,982.09 000627 I-HF5PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 732.46 000627 I-HF5PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 732.46 000627 I-HS PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 693.18 000627 I-HS PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 693.18 000627 I-HS2PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 638.44 000627 I-HS2PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 638.44 000627 I-HS5PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 534.45 000627 I-HS5PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 534.45 000627 I-LLIPY 11.03.23 LIFE INSURANCE D 11/30/2023 36.84 000627 I-LLIPY 11.17.23 LIFE INSURANCE D 11/30/2023 36.84 000627 I-SHDPY 11.03.23 EMPLOYEE SHORT TERM DIS D 11/30/2023 370.45 000627 I-SHDPY 11.17.23 EMPLOYEE SHORT TERM DIS D 11/30/2023 370.45 000627 I-VC1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 83.06 000627 I-VC1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 83.06 000627 107 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 5 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-VE1PY 11.03.23 VISION INS D 11/30/2023 170.57 000627 I-VE1PY 11.17.23 VISION INS D 11/30/2023 170.57 000627 I-VF1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 189.84 000627 I-VF1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 189.84 000627 I-VLIPY 11.03.23 EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY LIFE D 11/30/2023 667.82 000627 I-VLIPY 11.17.23 EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY LIFE D 11/30/2023 667.82 000627 I-VS1PY 11.03.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 52.56 000627 I-VS1PY 11.17.23 HEALTH INS D 11/30/2023 52.56 000627 71,056.20 34490 HALFF ASSOC INC I-10106904 ENGINEERING THRU 10/15/23 E 11/08/2023 23,428.18 000627 I-10106905 GENERAL ENGINEERING E 11/08/2023 759.00 000627 24,187.18 35990 JUSTFOIA, INC. I-NE15172R PRO UPGRADE DIR CPO 4745 E 11/08/2023 2,161.57 000628 2,161.57 30600 TASC C-C.MALMGREN 11.3.23 TASC C. MALMGREN D 11/03/2023 6.81CR 000629 I-FSCPY 11.03.23 FLEX D 11/03/2023 6.25 000629 I-FSMPY 11.03.23 FLEX D 11/03/2023 1,443.90 000629 1,443.34 36010 DOCUNAV SOLUTIONS I-44540 USER LICENSES ALL DEPTS E 11/08/2023 10,410.17 000629 10,410.17 30600 TASC I-FSCPY 11.17.23 FLEX D 11/17/2023 6.25 000630 I-FSMPY 11.17.23 FLEX D 11/17/2023 1,437.09 000630 1,443.34 36870 SOUTHERN PETROLEUM LABORATORIE I-23100309 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 11/08/2023 314.40 000630 I-23100316 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 11/08/2023 314.40 000630 628.80 37670 CITIBANK, N.A. I-VISPRONET 09.05.23 266 PODCAST TENT E 11/08/2023 1,106.59 000631 1,106.59 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-11LF-7M1M-F33C REDRAGON M686 M991 MICE E 11/08/2023 65.13CR 000632 C-16CK-G9LV-7G7X REDRAGON M811 MOUSE RETURN E 11/08/2023 29.99CR 000632 C-1FLF-HLRY-33NX LOGITECH M720 MOUSE RETURN E 11/08/2023 34.89CR 000632 C-1KNC-19M1-1X3L CORSAIR SCIMITAR MOUSE RETURN E 11/08/2023 59.99CR 000632 C-1N7R-MXJK-DM6F LOGITECH G604 MOUSE E 11/08/2023 89.99CR 000632 C-1TCY-Y4RM-9QGQ STEELSERIES AEROX 5 MOUSE RTRN E 11/08/2023 65.83CR 000632 I-113L-1PCL-L493 HEADPHONES/USB HUB/RECPT PRNTR E 11/08/2023 217.95 000632 I-1CCX-K6KT-1YKF THE COWORKER FICTION BOOK E 11/08/2023 13.48 000632 I-1FFN-ND41-4P1T BUGS FOR TEEN PROGRAM E 11/08/2023 30.91 000632 I-1FHX-W6V4-DTJX SCREEN PROTECTOR FOR IPHONES E 11/08/2023 64.95 000632 I-1G6C-YNFT-FPPG 2 - ELECTRIC SMALL HEATER E 11/08/2023 34.18 000632 I-1J4Q-GMKT-1GK4 BATTERY FOR CANON E 11/08/2023 14.58 000632 108 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-1JFD-T77V-1JCP 12 PK LYSOL E 11/08/2023 63.96 000632 I-1KFK-H4CX-3M64 PAINT/PLANNER/MARKER/SHARPENER E 11/08/2023 129.86 000632 I-1KHX-XYQJ-1CT6 PLANNER/HIGHLIGHTERS E 11/08/2023 20.24 000632 I-1N9T-H4QC-4L9H BRENTWOOD IRON E 11/08/2023 13.43 000632 I-1VL3-4T44-9CFJ BED COVER FOR COMMAND TRUCK E 11/08/2023 575.92 000632 I-1WVY-7FN7-6HGX 4 ADULT NONFICTION BOOKS E 11/08/2023 79.40 000632 913.04 23760 KEEPITSAFE, LLC. - LIVEVAULT I-INVLUS-30503 SERVER BACKUP SRVC - CITY HALL E 11/16/2023 1,505.58 000633 1,505.58 24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I-175-21461595 OCT 23 ELECTRIC PURCHASE E 11/16/2023 378,176.16 000634 378,176.16 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, LLC I-000000069455 ERCOT TRANS OP DESIGNATION E 11/16/2023 402.50 000635 I-000000069456 REGULATORY SUPPORT ATCS E 11/16/2023 750.00 000635 1,152.50 36870 SOUTHERN PETROLEUM LABORATORIE I-23100245 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 11/16/2023 314.40 000636 I-23100497 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 11/16/2023 314.40 000636 I-23110068 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 11/16/2023 314.40 000636 I-23110116 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT E 11/16/2023 314.40 000636 1,257.60 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-19GR-67L1-3DTR REFUND PROTECTION PLAN E 11/16/2023 83.99CR 000637 C-1RJH-KRC7-1LV9 REFUND FI-800R SCANNER E 11/16/2023 649.00CR 000637 C-1XDY-G1DJ-QC9N RONGTA THERMAL PRINTER RETURN E 11/16/2023 80.99CR 000637 I-11VN-NWDX-4KJH TALL OFFICE CHAIR E 11/16/2023 108.98 000637 I-1391-YXNM-1NCP STAPLER/SQUEEGEE/CUTTER E 11/16/2023 69.90 000637 I-13TC-W7PK-PN44 WALL MOUNT TV BRACKET E 11/16/2023 69.98 000637 I-16CP-373V-1THX VACUUM/TAPE DISPENSER/STICKIES E 11/16/2023 92.92 000637 I-16VQ-CJ46-C7KK OFFICE CHAIR E 11/16/2023 294.99 000637 I-17XT-7K37-HLV1 CELL PHONE CASE E 11/16/2023 13.49 000637 I-19TD-RCKT-LLKL CHAIR MAT/ENTRANCE MAT E 11/16/2023 67.54 000637 I-1DVN-G9QC-JNNW HOOKS/MAGNETS/CALENDAR E 11/16/2023 44.81 000637 I-1F3V-4RRQ-331J MOUSE PAD/BATTERIES E 11/16/2023 32.47 000637 I-1FR6-GYVL-XJNH SAUDER VIA PEDESTAL E 11/16/2023 191.46 000637 I-1FRV-QDWW-4C69 HANGING IRONING BOARD E 11/16/2023 15.25 000637 I-1GGJ-C6JY-M31P FRESHENER/CELL CASES/COFFEE E 11/16/2023 599.21 000637 I-1GRP-JQLR-4TH6 REPLACEMENT BOOKS E 11/16/2023 27.16 000637 I-1GVL-WXFK-3HW9 10 - 2PK USB C CHARGER E 11/16/2023 179.90 000637 I-1H1W-HJFK-6YDJ JEWELRY PLIER SETS E 11/16/2023 43.52 000637 I-1HKN-CX36-36WD 2X FUJITSU FI-800R E 11/16/2023 1,465.98 000637 I-1JXF-KF9T-LFM4 FURNITURE WIPES E 11/16/2023 4.12 000637 I-1LR6-1K93-4X3P LIQUID I.V. PACKS FOR PD E 11/16/2023 108.29 000637 I-1MQ6-4DXH-FF6V BIBERALL/VEST/JACKET E 11/16/2023 344.76 000637 I-1N3Q-F93T-36VX USB HUB FOR LAPTOP E 11/16/2023 9.98 000637 I-1PHM-QDFK-JJJQ SCISSORS/TAPE DISPENSER E 11/16/2023 8.23 000637 109 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 7 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-1TMK-JQJQ-P3JX LG MK570 MOUSE/KEYBOARD E 11/16/2023 64.99 000637 I-1XNJ-TFJN-3J1D PAINT PENS/GLOVES/STAPLER E 11/16/2023 71.82 000637 I-1XWM-GN93-CPT4 WIRELESS HDMI TRANSMITTER E 11/16/2023 165.99 000637 I-1Y4P-LR3M-1MNT POSTAGE METER INK E 11/16/2023 49.98 000637 3,331.74 08120 ICMA-RC I-457PY 11.17.23 ICMA CITY OF SANGER 457 PLAN E 11/17/2023 1,671.80 000638 1,671.80 38690 VORTEX INSURANCE AGENCY, LLC I-VORTEX-Q17288-C COTS WEATHER INSURANCE E 11/20/2023 1,867.00 000639 1,867.00 02910 UPPER TRINITY I-W272311 OCT 2023 WATER PURCHASE E 11/21/2023 31,585.67 000643 31,585.67 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. I-11JF-MRMC-3DJ3 WIRELESS HDMI EXTENDER E 11/21/2023 89.99 000644 I-1CLG-7KXQ-9744 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS E 11/21/2023 248.97 000644 I-1CW3-WJH4-F17R 2 - ELE ROCKER SWITCH E 11/21/2023 22.92 000644 I-1MPN-D9YQ-4X4Q 2 - CARHARTT COAT E 11/21/2023 259.98 000644 I-1NVT-K1V4-XGLP USB-C DESKTOP SPEAKERS E 11/21/2023 24.95 000644 I-1QXR-KTCM-1KWJ 2 - SAW BLADE 5PKS E 11/21/2023 43.30 000644 I-1VKV-FPKX-37KQ HP 202A TONER E 11/21/2023 212.67 000644 I-1VY3-39RP-7CMW 2PCS BASEBALL DIG OUT TOOL E 11/21/2023 39.58 000644 I-1VY3-39RP-L9M6 DRIVER/PASSENGER HEADLAMPS E 11/21/2023 158.99 000644 I-1W11-L4F7-VY91 3PK 68 PLATES/2 - 100PK CUPS E 11/21/2023 55.29 000644 I-1XML-4KXD-3DPR 2 - 100PK RED MARKING FLAGS E 11/21/2023 25.98 000644 1,182.62 38930 COLUMN SOFTWARE, PBC I-FE201722-0017 PUBLICATION NOTICES E 11/21/2023 220.48 000645 220.48 00440 BRAZOS ELECTRIC I-50369-RI-001 OCTOBER 2023 E 11/29/2023 13,024.28 000647 13,024.28 32030 GILLIAM INVESTMENTS: DBA: VANG I-56207 23-24 CLEANING CONTRACT E 11/29/2023 3,778.00 000648 3,778.00 34770 FIRST STOP HEALTH, LLC I-INV-37267 VIRTUAL PRIMARY CARE E 11/29/2023 1,120.50 000649 1,120.50 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL I-2706 REPAIR @ 902 WILLOW E 11/29/2023 8,340.00 000650 I-2706A FIRE HYDRANT/ACCESSORIES E 11/29/2023 6,510.00 000650 I-2707 REPAIRS @ 5TH/LOCUST E 11/29/2023 10,670.00 000650 I-2707A ASPHALT RESTORATION E 11/29/2023 2,400.00 000650 I-2708 REPAIR @ UTILITY RD E 11/29/2023 6,540.00 000650 I-2708A REPAIR MATERIAL 6" & 1" E 11/29/2023 1,548.00 000650 36,008.00 110 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 8 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 37670 CITIBANK, N.A. C-DBLTREE 10.12.23 HOTEL STAY CORRECTION JSTATON E 11/29/2023 21.65CR 000651 C-HD 10.06.23 STAFF DESK RETURN E 11/29/2023 329.00CR 000651 I-AAN 10.17.23 AAN MEMBERSHIP JSTATON E 11/29/2023 36.81 000651 I-ACE 10.05.23 ACE PARKING HCOLEMAN E 11/29/2023 17.95 000651 I-APA 11.01.23 APATX 23 STATE PLANNING CONF E 11/29/2023 60.00 000651 I-BB 10.23.23 COMPUTER MONITOR/CABLES E 11/29/2023 217.98 000651 I-BBCUS 11.02.23 NCP-E FOR SAFARILAND HOLSTERS E 11/29/2023 449.40 000651 I-BUZZ 10.25.23 BUZZSPROUT PODCAST HOSTING E 11/29/2023 22.00 000651 I-CE 10.16.23 DRINKS FOR COUNCIL MEETING E 11/29/2023 7.85 000651 I-CHINATOWN 11.03.23 LUNCH FOR PARKS STAFF E 11/29/2023 66.06 000651 I-CPA 10.12.23 CPA SPD MEMBERSHIP CGRAY E 11/29/2023 100.00 000651 I-DBLTREE 10.12.23 HOTEL STAY 10/11-12/23 JSTATON E 11/29/2023 197.47 000651 I-DCC 10.19.23 PLAT FILINGS E 11/29/2023 312.00 000651 I-DCC 10.24.23 PLAT FILINGS E 11/29/2023 32.50 000651 I-DD 10.07.23 BREAKFAST FOR TRASH OFF STAFF E 11/29/2023 45.85 000651 I-DOMINOS 10.16.23 FOOD FOR COUNCIL MEETING E 11/29/2023 62.65 000651 I-DSHS 10.03.23 RENEWAL EMS PERSONNEL CKIRK E 11/29/2023 96.00 000651 I-DSHS 10/03/23 RENEW EMS EDUCATOR BSHEPARD E 11/29/2023 34.00 000651 I-EMBSY 10.27.23 HOTEL STAY 10/25-27/23 CGRAY E 11/29/2023 629.02 000651 I-FAIRFIELD 10.11.23 HOTEL STAY 10/10-12/23 BJUNKER E 11/29/2023 550.23 000651 I-FB 10.04.23 META ADS 9/18/23 - 10/3/23 E 11/29/2023 178.91 000651 I-FB 11.03.23 META ADS SINCE 10/3/23 E 11/29/2023 168.96 000651 I-GALLERIA 10.13.23 MARRIOTT PARKING 10/11-13/23 E 11/29/2023 47.63 000651 I-GOODMAN 10.06.23 OBS UPCHARGE FOR SRVC E 11/29/2023 374.66 000651 I-GYC 10.12.23 PANTS FOR 783 & 770 E 11/29/2023 355.24 000651 I-HARWOOD 10.11.23 HARWOOD TAVERN LUNCH E 11/29/2023 34.55 000651 I-HD 10.06.23 46" STAFF DESK E 11/29/2023 290.11 000651 I-HD 10.17.23 SAMPLE PAINT FOR STAFF AREA E 11/29/2023 6.98 000651 I-HD 10.19.23 SAMPLE PAINT FOR STAFF AREA E 11/29/2023 6.98 000651 I-HD 10.24.23 PAINT SUPPLY FOR STAFF AREA E 11/29/2023 55.92 000651 I-HD 10.28.23 PAINT SUPPLIES FOR STAFF AREA E 11/29/2023 31.19 000651 I-HIRESANTA 10.24.23 SANTA FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY E 11/29/2023 790.00 000651 I-ICMA 10.19.23 ICMA MEMBERSHIP ACIOCAN E 11/29/2023 835.00 000651 I-ILT 10.17.23 LIBRARY BOOK SPINE LABELS E 11/29/2023 344.09 000651 I-IPM 10.06.23 CHRISTMAS EVENT DEPOSIT E 11/29/2023 445.43 000651 I-KROGER 10.23.23 OREOS/CUPCAKES TEEN HANGOUT E 11/29/2023 46.88 000651 I-MARRIOTT 10.11.23 HOTEL STAY 10/11-13/23 SBRADSH E 11/29/2023 483.06 000651 I-MICROSOFT 10.18.23 6X OFFICE HOME & BUSINESS 2021 E 11/29/2023 1,623.66 000651 I-NTTA 10.03.23 NTTA - SAMPLES TO SPL E 11/29/2023 13.50 000651 I-PEGASUS 10.05.23 LUNCH FOR HCOLEMAN E 11/29/2023 21.65 000651 I-PLANT 10.27.23 PLANT 2023 CONFERENCE LKLENKE E 11/29/2023 149.00 000651 I-PLAT 10.11.23 PLAT PARKING LOT 169 E 11/29/2023 15.72 000651 I-RBBQ 10.04.23 LUNCH FOR PARKS STAFF E 11/29/2023 75.48 000651 I-SENDIN 10.05.23 EMAIL CLIENT E 11/29/2023 25.00 000651 I-SHERATON 11.01.23 TCCA HOTEL STAY CDYER E 11/29/2023 443.79 000651 I-SHSU 10.19.23 PARKING PERMIT FOR CLASS E 11/29/2023 20.00 000651 I-SOUTHWEST 10.17.23 FLIGHT TO CORPUS RHAMMONDS E 11/29/2023 494.94 000651 111 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 9 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-T&T 10.05.23 FLOWERS FOR JNIXON E 11/29/2023 88.76 000651 I-TCEQ 10.17.23 TCEQ RENEWAL CDAVIS E 11/29/2023 111.00 000651 I-TCFP 10.03.23 1 CERTIFICATION BY BSHEPARD E 11/29/2023 87.17 000651 I-TCFP 10/03/23 1 IFSAC BY BSHEPARD E 11/29/2023 30.93 000651 I-TEEX 10-17-23 FINGER PRINTING KHARLAN E 11/29/2023 27.00 000651 I-TEEX 10.17.23 FINGERPRINT COMPARE KHARLAN E 11/29/2023 57.00 000651 I-TEEX 10/17/23 FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPHY KHARLAN E 11/29/2023 57.00 000651 I-TIFFS 10.27.23 TIFF'S TREATS FOR JBARNES E 11/29/2023 37.92 000651 I-TIFFS 10/27/23 TIFF'S TREATS FOR DGREEN E 11/29/2023 48.59 000651 I-TIX 11.02.23 AERIAL LADDER CLASS MGRIMES E 11/29/2023 650.00 000651 I-TML 10.11.23 TMCA ELECTION LAW SEMINAR E 11/29/2023 350.00 000651 I-TMOBILE 10.17.23 HOTSPOT MONTHLY USAGE E 11/29/2023 143.50 000651 I-TR 10.24.23 THOMSON REUTERS SUBSCRIPTION E 11/29/2023 240.45 000651 I-TX.GOV 10.03.23 SERVICE FEE E 11/29/2023 2.00 000651 I-TX.GOV 10.05.23 SERVICE FEE E 11/29/2023 2.00 000651 I-TX.GOV 10.17.23 SERVICE FEE E 11/29/2023 2.00 000651 I-TX.GOV 10.19.23 SERVICE FEE E 11/29/2023 2.00 000651 I-TX.GOV 10/19/23 SERVICE FEE E 11/29/2023 2.00 000651 I-TX.GOV 11.01.23 SERVICE FEE E 11/29/2023 2.00 000651 I-TXDMV 10.03.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1184413 E 11/29/2023 8.25 000651 I-TXDMV 10.05.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1451400 E 11/29/2023 8.25 000651 I-TXDMV 10.17.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1284928 E 11/29/2023 7.50 000651 I-TXDMV 10.19.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1451401 E 11/29/2023 8.25 000651 I-TXDMV 10/19/23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1431612 E 11/29/2023 8.25 000651 I-TXDMV 11.01.23 STATE REGISTRATION LP1418970 E 11/29/2023 8.25 000651 I-TXOAG 11.02.23 TX AG OPINION PRR-2023-306 E 11/29/2023 15.00 000651 I-USPS 10.04.23 POSTAGE E 11/29/2023 5.55 000651 I-WGM 10.26.23 TEEN CHAINMAIL PROGRAM E 11/29/2023 126.73 000651 I-WM 10.06.23 HALLOWEEN CANDY E 11/29/2023 42.13 000651 I-WM 10.16.23 24 PIE PUMPKINS FOR PROGRAM E 11/29/2023 64.32 000651 I-WM 10.18.23 CLEANING SUPPLIES E 11/29/2023 14.44 000651 I-ZOOM 10.24.23 ZOOM SUBSCRIPTION E 11/29/2023 115.99 000651 I-ZOOM 10/24/23 ZOOM SUBSCRIPTION E 11/29/2023 130.90 000651 12,470.58 37880 BRIGHTSPEED I-11.10.2023 PHONE 11/10/23 - 12/09/23 E 11/29/2023 301.92 000652 301.92 38390 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES, INC. C-1FTP-L6MY-63LL 500W SMALL HEATER E 11/29/2023 17.09CR 000653 C-1P4R-QVKP-63PR 500W SMALL HEATER E 11/29/2023 17.09CR 000653 I-16CP-373V-3DGH 2FT LED LINEAR HIGH BAY LIGHT E 11/29/2023 199.99 000653 I-1XLK-P1LM-6FNK CLEANING SUPPLIES E 11/29/2023 243.00 000653 408.81 112 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 10 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 11.03.23 DONATIONS R 11/03/2023 5.00 084237 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 11.03.23 FOUNDATION-ISD R 11/03/2023 2.50 084238 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 11.03.23 HSA R 11/03/2023 1,505.40 084239 1,505.40 36900 ACT EVENT SERVICES INC. I-09.23.2023 CLEANING SERVICES @ OBS FEST R 11/01/2023 887.23 084240 887.23 37370 AQUA METRIC SALES COMPANY I-INV0097327 WATER/ELECTRIC METER SYST R 11/01/2023 194,155.20 084241 194,155.20 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-201110 CONFIGURATION/DEPLOYMENT R 11/01/2023 450.00 084242 450.00 39830 BLUE TO GOLD, LLC I-BTG-DT-5618 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION CLASS R 11/01/2023 225.00 084243 225.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-85097816 EMS SUPPLIES R 11/01/2023 169.86 084244 I-85111558 MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 11/01/2023 614.54 084244 784.40 23790 TERRY WEST I-4227 REPAIR MUSEUM STAIRS R 11/01/2023 380.00 084245 I-4228 LEVEL DOOR FRAME AT 403 N 7TH R 11/01/2023 500.00 084245 880.00 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-CN3096-4170966 PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG SCREENS R 11/01/2023 210.00 084246 210.00 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-09/15/23-10/18/23 WATER BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING R 11/01/2023 240.00 084247 240.00 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-3P78079 UTILITY NOTICE NOVEMBER 2023 R 11/01/2023 249.40 084248 249.40 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-10701394699 2 LAPTOPS/DOCKING STATION R 11/01/2023 3,543.04 084249 3,543.04 35790 EDWARDS, KELLY I-11.13.2023 MILEAGE/PER DIEM 11/13-15/23 R 11/01/2023 297.04 084250 297.04 113 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 11 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 36340 FAMILY FIRST AUTO CARE I-4625 OIL CHANGE LP1431627 R 11/01/2023 75.92 084251 I-4661 2 BULBS/STATE INSPECTION R 11/01/2023 41.32 084251 I-4664 REPLACE BATTERY LP1158868 R 11/01/2023 43.56 084251 160.80 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2023-2808 REMOVE DEBRIS 700 S STEMMONS R 11/01/2023 133.00 084252 133.00 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65302197 FUEL 10/23/23 - 10/29/23 R 11/01/2023 2,840.29 084253 2,840.29 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS869616 TEST BATT/EXT CONCERN/SEATS R 11/01/2023 165.00 084254 165.00 16860 GRAINGER I-9865968334 BLADE/WIRING ADAPTER R 11/01/2023 250.47 084255 I-9872059242 DRILL, DRIVE/FASTEN SET R 11/01/2023 80.67 084255 331.14 29560 GRAY, CLAYTON I-10.30.2023 PER DIEM 10/25-27/2023 R 11/01/2023 50.00 084256 50.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-276855 SEPT 23 WARRANT COLLECTION R 11/01/2023 124.80 084257 I-276856 SEPT 23 WARRANT COLLECTION R 11/01/2023 347.70 084257 472.50 32430 MODERN LEASING INC. OF IOWA I-59102967 MEDICAL VENDING MACHINE NOV 23 R 11/01/2023 348.42 084258 348.42 36020 MOSS PERFORMANCE & ENGINE REPA I-2199 BATTERY/INSTALL R 11/01/2023 100.00 084259 I-2200 BATTERY/INSTALL R 11/01/2023 100.00 084259 200.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-103833 7.5 OZ PROTECT R 11/01/2023 8.54 0.17CR 084260 I-1959-104306 HEADLIGHTS FOR RESCUE 671 R 11/01/2023 46.20 0.92CR 084260 I-1959-104565 1GAL ANTIFREEZE R 11/01/2023 13.99 0.28CR 084260 I-1959-104841 WIPER BLADES UNIT #06 R 11/01/2023 47.98 0.96CR 084260 I-1959-105690 1QT TRANS FLUID 16-58 R 11/01/2023 13.99 0.28CR 084260 I-1959-106047 6QT OIL & OIL FILTER R 11/01/2023 73.25 1.47CR 084260 I-1959-106224 WIPER BLADES R 11/01/2023 47.98 0.96CR 084260 I-1959-107175 2X 10" BRUSH/ 2X 100OZ WASH R 11/01/2023 74.36 1.49CR 084260 I-1959-107604 HEADLIGHT/WASHER FLUID CAP R 11/01/2023 29.68 0.59CR 084260 I-1959-107652 2X WIPER BLADES R 11/01/2023 9.00 0.18CR 084260 I-1959-107769 BATTERY/CORE/FEE R 11/01/2023 160.62 3.21CR 084260 515.08 114 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 12 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL I-2706 REPAIR @ 902 WILLOW V 11/01/2023 Reissue 084261 I-2706A FIRE HYDRANT/ACCESSORIES V 11/01/2023 Reissue 084261 I-2707 REPAIRS @ 5TH/LOCUST V 11/01/2023 Reissue 084261 I-2707A ASPHALT RESTORATION V 11/01/2023 Reissue 084261 I-2708 REPAIR @ UTILITY RD V 11/01/2023 Reissue 084261 I-2708A REPAIR MATERIAL 6" & 1" V 11/01/2023 Reissue 084261 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL M-CHECK RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICUNPOST V 11/27/2023 084261 36,008.00CR 30260 RICOH USA I-1098668781 RICOH FI-7600 SCANNER R 11/01/2023 5,095.75 084262 5,095.75 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-2221 BROOM/BUCKET/LIDS R 11/01/2023 38.35 084263 I-2245 CABLE TIES/CHAIN/MICRO R 11/01/2023 309.80 084263 I-2247 56X FIELD MARKER WHITE 50# R 11/01/2023 839.44 084263 I-2248 PIPE JOINT COMPOUND 8OZ R 11/01/2023 5.99 084263 I-2277 .325 63G RAPID MICRO CO R 11/01/2023 4.00 084263 I-2284 T25 BIT/FASTENERS R 11/01/2023 12.26 084263 I-2299 LAG BOLT R 11/01/2023 13.37 084263 I-2309 CABLE TIES/TOILET SEAT R 11/01/2023 76.94 084263 I-2313 GRINDING BLADES R 11/01/2023 11.98 084263 I-2321 8PK D BATTERIES R 11/01/2023 17.99 084263 I-2322 ORNG SPRAYPAINT R 11/01/2023 7.99 084263 I-2352 STIHL REPAIR R 11/01/2023 156.00 084263 I-2353 STIHL PARTS R 11/01/2023 107.00 084263 1,601.11 34980 SHAMROCK EQUIPMENT SERVICES, L I-7155 EMRGNCY REPAIR 31-50 R 11/01/2023 2,709.00 084265 I-7155A EMRGNCY REPAIR 31-50 R 11/01/2023 470.12 084265 3,179.12 30600 TASC I-IN2858043 FSA ADMIN/RENEWAL FEES R 11/01/2023 871.40 084266 871.40 23850 TEXAS STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIV I-TS240854 TEXSHARE DATABASE R 11/01/2023 192.00 084267 192.00 39650 TEXAS TACTICAL POLICE OFFICERS I-200010597 FIGHT FROM CNCEALMNT 773 RDUNN R 11/01/2023 300.00 084268 300.00 37730 THE ANTERO GROUP, LLC. I-SAN-2201-2307 REWRITE/UPDATE ZONING R 11/01/2023 3,107.50 084269 I-SAN-2201-2308 REWRITE/UPDATE ZONING R 11/01/2023 1,892.50 084269 I-SAN-2301-2309 HOUSING STUDY R 11/01/2023 1,505.00 084269 6,505.00 115 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 13 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-441185 UB NOTIFICATIONS/CREDIT R 11/01/2023 1,092.70 084270 I-025-442693 SENSUS ANALYTICS AMI SYST R 11/01/2023 290.00 084270 1,382.70 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-37295782 SRVC CALL @ 301 BOLIVAR ST R 11/01/2023 85.00 084271 85.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900058473 MATS - CITY HALL R 11/01/2023 15.82 084272 I-2900058475 UNIFORMS - STREETS R 11/01/2023 29.08 084272 I-2900058476 UNIFORMS - WATER R 11/01/2023 37.16 084272 I-2900058477 UNIFORMS - WASTEWATER R 11/01/2023 17.04 084272 I-2900058478 MATS - P.W. R 11/01/2023 10.53 084272 109.63 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-SEPT 23 SOLID WASTE SEPT 2023 R 11/01/2023 86,327.45 084273 86,327.45 28710 AFFORD-IT TIRES I-0001625 2 TIRES 11L-16 R 11/08/2023 380.00 084274 380.00 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-5314 NOV 23 SHELTER SERVICE R 11/08/2023 7,160.00 084275 7,160.00 37340 ALLEN, DELEESE I-PER DIEM 11/06/23 1 DAY PER DIEM 11/03/2023 R 11/08/2023 25.00 084276 25.00 37370 AQUA METRIC SALES COMPANY I-INV0097625 WATER/ELECTRIC METER SYST R 11/08/2023 194,155.20 084277 194,155.20 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-201109 CONFIGURATION/DEPLOYMENT R 11/08/2023 450.00 084278 450.00 37860 BUTTRAM, BRANDON L I-PER DIEM 11/04/23 2 DAY PER DIEM 11/2-3/2023 R 11/08/2023 50.00 084279 50.00 14790 CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT I-2035390 WESTERN SERIES LEVEL 1 R 11/08/2023 539.28 084280 539.28 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-OCT 23 OCT 23 ELECTRIC R 11/08/2023 3,416.56 084281 3,416.56 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-10702426638 DELL LAPTOP/DOCK STATION R 11/08/2023 1,920.37 084282 1,920.37 116 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 14 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65376429 FUEL 10/30/23 - 11/05/23 R 11/08/2023 3,220.45 084283 3,220.45 01070 GALLS INC. C-025847155 3 WOOL TROUSERS 784 MUTINA R 11/08/2023 305.97CR 084284 I-025830425 WOOL TROUSER 784 MUTINA R 11/08/2023 101.99 084284 I-025901775 DUTY BELT 788 ZAVALA R 11/08/2023 58.65 084284 I-025915099 4 PANTS/RAINCOAT 784 MUTINA R 11/08/2023 458.87 084284 I-026003743 LIFE SAVING COMMENDATION BAR R 11/08/2023 25.53 084284 I-026021274 5 EAR PHONES R 11/08/2023 521.95 084284 861.02 33060 HAMMONDS, RAMIE I-MILEAGE 11.02.23 MILEAGE TO DENTON COURTHOUSE R 11/08/2023 44.54 084285 I-REIMBURSE 11.6.23 PER DIEM/MILEAGE 11/13-15/23 R 11/08/2023 314.74 084285 359.28 37150 INSTANT INSPECTOR I-3091 16 HEALTH INSPECTIONS R 11/08/2023 2,000.00 084286 I-3331 9 HEALTH INSPECTIONS R 11/08/2023 775.00 084286 2,775.00 08210 KWIK KAR I-8101-0030228 STATE INSPECTION UNIT #10 R 11/08/2023 25.50 084287 I-8101-0030360 STATE INSPECTION LP1451401 R 11/08/2023 25.50 084287 51.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALL I-277150 UB COLLECTION FEES R 11/08/2023 57.17 084288 57.17 04300 NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF I-INV-0000062435 MEMBERSHIP DUE 10/1/23-9/30/24 R 11/08/2023 965.00 084289 965.00 36990 NORTEX COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY I-10822620 INTERNET & PHONE NOV 23 R 11/08/2023 5,390.12 084290 5,390.12 38240 NORTH ROCK CONSTRUCTION, LLC I-5 PORTER PARK RENOVATION R 11/08/2023 3,458.30 084291 I-6 PORTER PARK RENOVATION R 11/08/2023 67,334.81 084291 70,793.11 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-109374 CORE RETURN R 11/08/2023 22.00CR 084292 I-1959-109352 2QTS MOTOR OIL UNIT #2 774 R 11/08/2023 23.98 0.48CR 084292 1.50 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-329259436001 HANDWASH R 11/08/2023 4.49 084293 I-329668259001 SOAP/HANDWASH R 11/08/2023 13.87 084293 I-332471820001 PLANNER R 11/08/2023 25.59 084293 I-333309529001 TAPE/NOTES/PAPER/TONER R 11/08/2023 199.47 084293 I-335182887001 INK R 11/08/2023 318.72 084293 I-336919612001 CUPS/MARKER/PAPER/PLATE/COFFEE R 11/08/2023 85.74 084293 I-337502529001 BATTERIES R 11/08/2023 35.76 084293 683.64 117 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 15 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 39810 OTTO, SCOTT A I-PER DIEM 11.02.23 2 DAY PER DIEM 10/31/23-11/1/2 R 11/08/2023 50.00 084294 50.00 14980 POLYDYNE, INC. I-1779761 POLYMER FOR WTTP R 11/08/2023 2,362.50 084295 2,362.50 33820 POWER-D UTILITY SERVICES, LLC I-2317 PROFESSIONAL SRVCS OCT 2023 R 11/08/2023 1,000.00 084296 I-2318 I-35 ELECTRIC RELOCATION R 11/08/2023 5,000.00 084296 6,000.00 37890 PRUETT, STEVEN T I-REIMBURSE 10.21.23 SPANISH FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT R 11/08/2023 50.00 084297 50.00 37620 RANDY'S OF SANGER, LLC. I-04081 REPLACE BATTERIES LP1334416 R 11/08/2023 124.20 084298 124.20 39610 REFLOGAL, RICHARD D I-PER DIEM 11.02.23 2DAY PER DIEM 10/31/23-11/1/23 R 11/08/2023 50.00 084299 50.00 30260 RICOH USA I-107722764 EQPMNT LSE 11/12/23 - 12/11/23 R 11/08/2023 914.00 084300 914.00 32870 SAM'S CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK I-10.25.2023 CUPS/COFFEE/SPOONS/TRUVIA R 11/08/2023 124.36 084301 124.36 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-2363 2 - CHAIN SAW CHAINS R 11/08/2023 41.98 084302 I-2365 2 - GFI ST RECEPT TR 3PK R 11/08/2023 99.98 084302 I-2366 2 - CM SCRWDRV R 11/08/2023 17.18 084302 I-2372 PUMP BILGE 24"HAND R 11/08/2023 32.99 084302 I-2388 6 - HARD FAUCET COVER R 11/08/2023 39.54 084302 I-2408 OIL ABSORBENT/JET NOZZLE R 11/08/2023 25.98 084302 257.65 38480 SSCW CORPORATE OFFICE LLC I-SANG062023 15 CAR WASHES R 11/08/2023 75.00 084303 75.00 39730 STOP STICK, LTD. I-0031080-IN GSA 12' STOP STICK KIT R 11/08/2023 5,653.90 084304 5,653.90 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1568304-00 4X STREET LIGHT FIXTURES R 11/08/2023 5,480.00 084305 I-1568883-00 100W LED FIXTURE R 11/08/2023 3,588.00 084305 I-1568883-01 100W LED FIXTURE R 11/08/2023 3,312.00 084305 I-1570337-00 BOLTS/INSULATORS R 11/08/2023 876.07 084305 13,256.07 118 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 39870 TREVINO, CRISTOVAL O I-PER DIEM 11.04.23 PER DIEM 11/03/2023 R 11/08/2023 25.00 084306 25.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900059576 MATS - CITY HALL R 11/08/2023 15.82 084307 I-2900059580 UNIFORMS - STREETS R 11/08/2023 29.08 084307 I-2900059581 UNIFORMS - WATER R 11/08/2023 37.16 084307 I-2900059582 UNIFORMS - WASTEWATER R 11/08/2023 17.04 084307 I-2900059583 MATS - P.W. R 11/08/2023 10.53 084307 109.63 38720 VESTA FOUNDATION SOLUTIONS OF I-PR65414 FOUNDATION REPAIRS R 11/08/2023 5,450.55 084308 5,450.55 04870 VFIS OF TEXAS/WINSTAR INSURANC I-9087 ACCIDENT/SICK INS RENEWAL R 11/08/2023 10,535.00 084309 10,535.00 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-2182779V190 SLUDGE REMOVAL R 11/08/2023 5,164.03 084310 5,164.03 32440 WILSON, BILLY D I-PER DIEM 11.04.23 2 DAY PER DIEM 11/2-3/23 R 11/08/2023 50.00 084311 50.00 39880 ZAVALA, HEIDI M I-PER DIEM 11.04.23 PER DIEM 11/03/2023 R 11/08/2023 25.00 084312 25.00 28710 AFFORD-IT TIRES I-0001650 2 ADVANTA ATX TIRES R 11/16/2023 460.00 084313 460.00 01550 ATMOS ENERGY I-11/10/23 GAS 10/03/23 - 11/01/23 R 11/16/2023 965.33 084314 965.33 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-201093 WORKSTATION CONIFIGURE R 11/16/2023 585.00 084315 I-201114 CONFIGURE/DEPLOY 6 LAPTOP R 11/16/2023 2,700.00 084315 3,285.00 23490 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC I-209516 CHILDREN/JUNIOR FICTION BOOKS R 11/16/2023 328.75 084316 328.75 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, I-RI 23051613 BACK-UP INSPECTIONS 30R/1C R 11/16/2023 2,432.60 084317 I-RI 23051614 FIRE REVIEW 650 N STEMMONS R 11/16/2023 250.00 084317 I-RI 23051615 FIRE REVIEW 650 N STEMMONS R 11/16/2023 450.00 084317 I-RI 23051616 NEW REVIEW 4208 LIGA R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051617 NEW REVIEW 4206 LIGA R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051618 NEW REVIEW 4210 LIGA R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051619 NEW REVIEW 153 CREEKSIDE R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051620 NEW REVIEW 18 GROUSE CIR R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051621 PLAN REVIEW 6100 N STEMMONS R 11/16/2023 1,263.59 084317 119 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 17 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT I-RI 23051622 NEW REVIEW 4825 ENCLAVE R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051623 NEW REVIEW 195 CREEKSIDE R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051624 NEW REVIEW 7 GROUSE CIR R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051625 NEW REVIEW 4821 AVION R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051626 NEW REVIEW 4823 AVION R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051627 NEW REVIEW 4820 AVION R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 I-RI 23051628 NEW REVIEW 122 CREEKSIDE R 11/16/2023 150.00 084317 6,196.19 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-CN3096-4173457 PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG SCREENS R 11/16/2023 100.00 084319 100.00 1 COLE THOMPSON I-REFUND 10.25.23 PORTER REFUND R 11/16/2023 270.00 084320 270.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-181683 CUSHION SAND R 11/16/2023 525.00 084321 525.00 21460 DANNENBAUM ENGINEERING CO. I-514301/39/X FM 455 UTILITY RELOCATION R 11/16/2023 5,087.29 084322 5,087.29 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP2304343 OCT 23 LATE/STMT/OTHER R 11/16/2023 3,283.14 084323 3,283.14 33210 DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN I-10.1.23-10.31.23 OCT 2023 LTD R 11/16/2023 1,301.85 084324 1,301.85 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-10703097774 DELL OPTIPLEX 7010 R 11/16/2023 1,416.17 084325 I-10703816505 DELL LATITUDE 5540 R 11/16/2023 1,853.89 084325 I-10704446590 3 - DELL LATITUDE 5430 R 11/16/2023 6,414.24 084325 I-10704446603 3X DELL LATITUDE 5430 R 11/16/2023 7,915.38 084325 17,599.68 21970 DIEBOLD NIXDORF, INC I-503389363 REPAIR CARRIER TUBE R 11/16/2023 694.99 084326 694.99 21660 DUNBAR I-I1213708 DEPOSIT SLIPS R 11/16/2023 31.97 084327 31.97 22400 DUNN, REECE I-PER DIEM 11.06.23 1 DAY PER DIEM 11/06/23 R 11/16/2023 25.00 084328 25.00 36340 FAMILY FIRST AUTO CARE I-4807 6QRT OIL CHANGE LP1347071 R 11/16/2023 46.56 084329 46.56 120 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 18 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 23820 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, LLC I-1436475 2 - STEEL RISER RING R 11/16/2023 1,521.40 084330 1,521.40 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65410292 FUEL 11/06/23 - 11/12/23 R 11/16/2023 2,656.63 084331 2,656.63 01070 GALLS INC. C-026044540 UA STELLAR G2 WP RETURN R 11/16/2023 97.75CR 084332 I-026063685 3 EAR PHONE CONNECTION R 11/16/2023 313.17 084332 I-026088280 10 LEATHER RESTRAINT BELT R 11/16/2023 781.90 084332 997.32 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-11723 8QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #16 R 11/16/2023 72.00 084333 I-11723-2 8QT OIL & FILTER UNIT #2 R 11/16/2023 72.00 084333 144.00 28820 GLENN POLK AUTOPLEX INC I-C4CS869774 REPLACE STARTER & BRAKES R 11/16/2023 1,201.15 084334 1,201.15 16860 GRAINGER I-9887378785 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER R 11/16/2023 402.64 084335 402.64 08760 GT DISTRIBUTORS INC I-INV0966996 3 HOLSTERS/4 BOXES AMMO R 11/16/2023 559.93 084336 559.93 33060 HAMMONDS, RAMIE I-11.13.2023 PER DIEM/MILEAGE 11/07-10/2023 R 11/16/2023 223.36 084337 223.36 36440 ILLUMINATION FIREWORKS PARTNER I-INV-7813 2024 FIREWORKS DISPLAY R 11/16/2023 19,575.00 084338 19,575.00 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-78505144 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 11/16/2023 108.43 084339 I-78505145 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/16/2023 40.48 084339 I-78528542 AF 09-19-23 R 11/16/2023 13.21 084339 I-78548853 JNF, SPAN, MIX BOOKS R 11/16/2023 138.48 084339 I-78548854 DK JNF 09-19-23 R 11/16/2023 9.53 084339 310.13 08210 KWIK KAR I-8101-0030835 OIL/FUEL/AIR FILTER CHANGE R 11/16/2023 409.69 084340 409.69 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97545418 CCNS & DISTRICTS THRU 9/30/23 R 11/16/2023 1,054.50 084341 1,054.50 121 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 19 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 32430 MODERN LEASING INC. OF IOWA I-59099178 MEDICAL VENDING MACHINE OCT 23 R 11/16/2023 348.42 084342 348.42 16060 NEIGHBORS, ANDREW I-11.10.23 REIMBURSE FOR JEANS R 11/16/2023 147.22 084343 147.22 38510 NORTH TEXAS FIVE STAR EVENTS, I-229229700 PORTA POTTY/HANDWASH RENT R 11/16/2023 875.00 084344 I-229229714 DEPOSIT PORTA POTTIES FOR FF R 11/16/2023 688.50 084344 1,563.50 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-104196 2 BALL JOINTS UNIT #11 R 11/16/2023 162.32 084345 162.32 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-335445592001 OCT 23 WTR RENT PW R 11/16/2023 16.50 084346 I-335445632001 OCT 23 WTR RENT WWTP R 11/16/2023 6.00 084346 I-336184834001 OCT 23 WTR RENT FD R 11/16/2023 38.50 084346 I-336184861001 OCT 23 WTR RENT WWTP R 11/16/2023 6.50 084346 I-336503565001 COPY PAPER R 11/16/2023 159.56 084346 I-337046318001 BATTERIES R 11/16/2023 17.02 084346 I-337048361001 BATTERY/MOUSE/MEMO/BINDER/BNDR R 11/16/2023 55.46 084346 I-337192439001 3 CASES OF 20 BANKER BOXES R 11/16/2023 343.89 084346 I-337278368001 FORKS/KNIVES/SPOONS R 11/16/2023 12.00 084346 I-338484147001 PENS R 11/16/2023 4.79 084346 I-339270760001 OCT 23 WTR RENT CITY HALL R 11/16/2023 33.25 084346 I-339270763001 OCT 23 WTR RENT COURT R 11/16/2023 22.75 084346 I-339270765001 OCT 23 WTR RENT PD R 11/16/2023 12.25 084346 I-339270769001 OCT 23 WTR RENT STREETS R 11/16/2023 7.00 084346 I-339758073001 WRLS KEYBOARD 777 R 11/16/2023 35.03 084346 I-339759671001 MOUSE/COPY PAPER R 11/16/2023 115.98 084346 I-340497007001 PAPER/CLIPS/INK/BATTERIES R 11/16/2023 105.28 084346 I-340506005001 INK R 11/16/2023 11.04 084346 1,002.80 02050 PITNEY BOWES, INC. I-3318232643 PSTG MCHN LSE 8/25/23-11/24/23 R 11/16/2023 433.02 084348 433.02 37360 RANGELINE UTILITY SERVICES, LL I-2712 EMRGNCY WATER REPAIR R 11/16/2023 5,353.00 084349 I-2716 EMRGNCY SEWER REPAIR R 11/16/2023 9,035.00 084349 I-2717 EMRGNCY WATER REPAIR R 11/16/2023 6,189.00 084349 20,577.00 36840 REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC. I-0615-001829535 BRUSH COLLECTION SRVC R 11/16/2023 3,411.89 084350 3,411.89 122 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 20 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 28590 REYNOLDS ASPHALT & CONSTRUCTIO I-23053E03 2023 ROAD PROJECT R 11/16/2023 96,547.32 084351 96,547.32 24810 RLC CONTROLS, INC I-10247 QUAIL RUN LS RELOCATE WIRES R 11/16/2023 270.00 084352 270.00 36150 ROY WARREN LUNT I-11.04.2023 CHRISTMAS THEME 201 BOLIVAR R 11/16/2023 200.00 084353 200.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-263 TABLE SPONSORSHIP R 11/16/2023 300.00 084354 300.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE C-2451 TOGGLE SWTCH RETURN R 11/16/2023 9.59CR 084355 I-2323 STIHL PRODUCT R 11/16/2023 4.00 084355 I-2324 2 STIHL PRODUCTS R 11/16/2023 8.00 084355 I-2364 FLEXSEAL/FLEXPASTE R 11/16/2023 29.98 084355 I-2391 PIPE INSULATION R 11/16/2023 4.99 084355 I-2394 HEATERS/PIPE WRAP/TAPE R 11/16/2023 156.91 084355 I-2398 6 HEATERS R 11/16/2023 374.94 084355 I-2419 LED A19 4PK R 11/16/2023 13.99 084355 I-2429 FASTENERS/SLEDGE HAMMER R 11/16/2023 54.94 084355 I-2432 HANDLE TAPR/BLADE R 11/16/2023 37.58 084355 I-2437 VELCRO/SURGE PROTECTOR R 11/16/2023 24.98 084355 I-2447 WHEEL CUTOFF/TOOLKIT DRML/BOX R 11/16/2023 94.96 084355 I-2449 TERM RNG/COVER BX/TOGGLE SWTCH R 11/16/2023 14.97 084355 810.65 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-216413 OXYGEN R 11/16/2023 19.00 084357 19.00 08240 SIRCHIE ACQUISITION COMPANY, L I-0616593-IN CBD TEST/EVIDENCE BOX/BAG/TIES R 11/16/2023 272.65 084358 272.65 26340 STOLZ TELECOM I-INV-003701 2X TAIT TP9655 R 11/16/2023 4,476.80 084359 I-INV-003702 TAIT TM9400 P25 PHASE 2 R 11/16/2023 4,213.20 084359 I-INV-003703 TAIT TP9655 R 11/16/2023 6,282.30 084359 14,972.30 36830 THE POLICE AND SHERIFF'S PRESS I-184669 14 - ID CARDS FOR OFFICERS R 11/16/2023 220.90 084360 220.90 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES C-025-443604 ADVANCED SCHEDULING CREDIT R 11/16/2023 1,817.67CR 084361 I-025-442694 TIME & ATTENDANCE R 11/16/2023 520.00 084361 I-025-442841 MASS METER SWAP - WATER R 11/16/2023 7,232.00 084361 I-025-443477 METER DATA SYNC SCHEDULE R 11/16/2023 72.50 084361 6,006.83 123 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 21 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900060651 MATS - CITY HALL R 11/16/2023 15.82 084362 I-2900060653 UNIFORMS - STREETS R 11/16/2023 29.08 084362 I-2900060654 UNIFORMS - WATER R 11/16/2023 37.16 084362 I-2900060655 UNIFORMS - WASTEWATER R 11/16/2023 17.04 084362 I-2900060656 MATS - CITY HALL R 11/16/2023 10.53 084362 109.63 37810 UNIFYI, LLC (THIRD CORNER INC) I-1164 ANNUAL LICENSE RENEWAL R 11/16/2023 5,400.00 084363 5,400.00 11430 USABLUEBOOK I-INV00176286 HACH DPD1 SAMPLE PACK R 11/16/2023 106.99 084364 106.99 36690 VEGA, SYLVIA I-10.25.2023 MILEAGE/PARKING CGFO EXAM R 11/16/2023 75.64 084365 75.64 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-2201968V190 SLUDGE REMOVAL OCT 23 R 11/16/2023 4,531.34 084366 4,531.34 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-OCT 23 SOLID WASTE OCT 2023 R 11/16/2023 93,784.30 084367 93,784.30 21610 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, IN I-INV346277 FIRE SWATTER/AXE MOUNT/WRENCH R 11/16/2023 507.24 084368 507.24 1 BARBER, DUSTIN I-000202311159949 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 119.94 084369 119.94 1 CENTURY 21 JUDGE FIT I-000202311159963 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 236.64 084370 236.64 1 CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIO I-000202311159960 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 992.97 084371 992.97 1 DENN, TONY V I-000202311159961 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 26.65 084372 26.65 1 ELLINGTON, MEGHAN M I-000202311159964 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 5.90 084373 5.90 1 FIGUEROA, LAURELINE I-000202311159956 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 20.38 084374 20.38 124 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 22 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 FLOYD, RICHARD I-000202311159948 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 20.40 084375 20.40 1 GOFF, BILLY I-000202311159947 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 106.39 084376 106.39 1 HALL, LINDA I-000202311159952 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 273.09 084377 273.09 1 HARKIN, BARRY R I-000202311159957 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 263.66 084378 263.66 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159965 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 474.57 084379 474.57 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159966 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 503.94 084380 503.94 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159967 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 452.10 084381 452.10 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159968 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 528.71 084382 528.71 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159969 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 510.34 084383 510.34 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159970 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 491.04 084384 491.04 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159972 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 503.02 084385 503.02 1 IMPRESSION HOMES I-000202311159975 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 703.57 084386 703.57 1 MARTIN, KRISTOPHER I-000202311159951 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 60.49 084387 60.49 1 MORGAN, JEFFREY C I-000202311159953 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 4.95 084388 4.95 1 PALOMINO BAY ESTATES I-000202311159958 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 997.46 084389 997.46 125 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 23 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 RIVERA, VALERIE I-000202311159955 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 58.81 084390 58.81 1 SCOTT, JEREMY I-000202311159954 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 219.57 084391 219.57 1 SEMA CONSTRUCTION I-000202311159959 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 867.26 084392 867.26 1 STEPHENS, RAY I-000202311159962 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 147.35 084393 147.35 1 SUMMERS, JADYN I-000202311159950 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 27.09 084394 27.09 1 TGC CUSTOM HOMES I-000202311159973 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 321.31 084395 321.31 1 TGC CUSTOM HOMES, LL I-000202311159971 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 549.52 084396 549.52 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000202311159974 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 557.12 084397 557.12 1 US ULTRA HOMES, LLC I-000202311159976 US REFUND R 11/16/2023 577.12 084398 577.12 14470 UNITED WAY I-UN PY 11.17.23 DONATIONS R 11/17/2023 5.00 084399 5.00 15830 SANGER EDUCATION FOUNDATION IN I-SGFPY 11.17.23 FOUNDATION-ISD R 11/17/2023 2.50 084400 2.50 33300 HSA BANK I-HSAPY 11.17.23 HSA R 11/17/2023 1,505.40 084401 1,505.40 37370 AQUA METRIC SALES COMPANY I-INV0097849 WATER/ELECTRIC METER SYST R 11/21/2023 112,149.36 084402 112,149.36 34360 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING LABOR I-23100324 AMMONIA/CBOD/TSS/ENVIRO IMPACT R 11/21/2023 216.00 084403 216.00 36340 FAMILY FIRST AUTO CARE I-4915 OIL CHANGE LP1431628 R 11/21/2023 80.97 084404 80.97 126 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 24 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICANT SCREENIN I-23363 PRE-EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND CHK R 11/21/2023 157.00 084405 157.00 08400 FRANKLIN LEGAL PUBLISHING I-PG000034136 SUPPLEMENT NO 1 CODE UPDATE R 11/21/2023 1,495.00 084406 1,495.00 34670 FREEDOM COMMERCIAL SERVICES, L I-2023-2962 MOW/TRIM 128 PINTAIL R 11/21/2023 85.00 084407 I-2023-2963 MOW 2.16 AC 4000 MONTE CRISTO R 11/21/2023 226.80 084407 I-2023-2965 MOW/TRIM 3900 MONTE CRISTO R 11/21/2023 85.00 084407 396.80 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-111423 MOUNT/BALANACE 2 TIRE UNIT 18 R 11/21/2023 38.00 084408 I-111523 MOUNT/BALANCE 4 TIRES UNIT 5 R 11/21/2023 76.00 084408 114.00 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC I-11492 FULL PAGE AD 4 WEEKS IN OCT 23 R 11/21/2023 750.00 084409 750.00 32640 LLOYD GOSSELINK ROCHELLE & TOW I-97545341 WASTEWATER COMPLIANCE 9/30/23 R 11/21/2023 1,344.00 084410 I-97545342 REGULATORY COMPLIANCE 9/30/23 R 11/21/2023 104.00 084410 1,448.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-91392 HEATERS/SAW/BLADES/TAPE R 11/21/2023 486.93 084411 I-94471 CLEANER/WASHER/FLEX SEAL/TAPE R 11/21/2023 872.00 084411 1,358.93 34480 MAGUIRE IRON, INC I-4242 WATER STORAGE SRVC PLAN R 11/21/2023 3,801.75 084412 I-4243 WATER STORAGE SRVC PLAN R 11/21/2023 3,366.75 084412 I-4244 WATER STORAGE SRVC PLAN R 11/21/2023 2,794.51 084412 9,963.01 30780 MERITAGE SYSTEMS INC (COMMUNIT I-0001118-IN ANNUAL SUPPORT/LICENSE FEES R 11/21/2023 4,590.00 084413 4,590.00 25580 NORTH TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSER I-INV-18189 3RD QTR 2023 WATER CONSUMPTION R 11/21/2023 10,052.38 084414 10,052.38 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-340895629001 FILE FOLDERS FOR CS RECORDS R 11/21/2023 39.76 084415 39.76 13825 PLAYAWAY PRODUCTS LLC I-444983 WARRANTY REPAIRS R 11/21/2023 374.95 084416 374.95 127 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 25 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-1023880 SERVICE SPOOL PIECE R 11/21/2023 1,046.10 084417 1,046.10 37890 PRUETT, STEVEN T I-11.10.23 5 DAY PER DIEM 11/6-10/23 R 11/21/2023 125.00 084418 125.00 21140 R & T ELECTRIC, LLC I-10220 REPLACE LIGHTING @ RR BALLFIED R 11/21/2023 860.00 084419 860.00 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-150168 ACETYLENE/OXYGEN/CYLINDERS R 11/21/2023 32.00 084420 I-150170 NITROGEN R 11/21/2023 8.00 084420 40.00 38480 SSCW CORPORATE OFFICE LLC I-SANG102023 OCT 2023 CAR WASH USAGE R 11/21/2023 52.00 084421 52.00 31970 STONEKING, DAVID I-82 GIS MAPPING/ZONING MAPS R 11/21/2023 180.00 084422 180.00 11030 TCEQ I-CWQ0074908 PERMIT 0014372001 FY24 R 11/21/2023 5,523.76 084423 5,523.76 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1568250-00 VAC SWITCH CAPACITORS R 11/21/2023 9,940.00 084424 9,940.00 26220 TEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORC I-11/14/2023 INSTRUCTOR CERT FOR PRUETT 786 R 11/21/2023 35.00 084425 35.00 38860 TEXAS STATE UTILITIES, LLC I-3783 REPLACE DAMAGED POLE R 11/21/2023 6,548.50 084426 6,548.50 36830 THE POLICE AND SHERIFF'S PRESS I-184779 2 ID CARDS REYNOLDS/DUNN R 11/21/2023 32.60 084427 I-184993 ID CARD FOR HZAVALA R 11/21/2023 32.60 084427 65.20 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-442308 UB ONLINE NOV 2023 R 11/21/2023 110.00 084428 I-025-442309 COURT ONLINE NOV 2023 R 11/21/2023 125.00 084428 235.00 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-37466027 SERVICE CALL 200 BOLIVAR ST R 11/21/2023 457.85 084429 457.85 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900061674 MATS - CITY HALL R 11/21/2023 15.82 084430 I-2900061676 UNIFORMS STREETS R 11/21/2023 29.08 084430 I-2900061677 UNIFORMS WATER R 11/21/2023 38.51 084430 I-2900061678 UNIFORMS WASTEWATER R 11/21/2023 17.04 084430 I-2900061679 MATS PW R 11/21/2023 10.53 084430 110.98 128 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 26 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 09550 WATER TECH, INC. I-135015 150# CHLORINE BOTTLES R 11/21/2023 2,460.00 084431 2,460.00 21610 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, IN I-INV347323 LADDER BRACKET R 11/21/2023 154.99 084432 154.99 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-11152023 CELL PHONE 10/08/23 - 11/07/23 R 11/29/2023 1,529.72 084436 1,529.72 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-85145403 TUBE/CATHETER/GLOVES/NEBULIZER R 11/29/2023 982.31 084437 I-85146995 ONDANSETRON 4MG 3X10UD R 11/29/2023 4.70 084437 I-85146996 TRANSPORTER/IV DRESS/FLUSH/GLV R 11/29/2023 555.98 084437 I-85151774 AIRWAY EQUIPMENT R 11/29/2023 138.48 084437 I-85157634 ADENOSINE R 11/29/2023 151.80 084437 1,833.27 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-42850 HAND AUTO SWITCH @ COWLING R 11/29/2023 245.60 084438 245.60 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-11/15/2023 WATER TEST 10/18/23 - 11/14/23 R 11/29/2023 80.00 084439 80.00 33370 CJA ENTERPRISES LLP I-16732 1" & 3/4" BASE R 11/29/2023 1,225.77 084440 1,225.77 30340 CLEARWATER CONTROLS, INC. I-61411 CALIBRATE/CERTIFY WELL FLOWMTR R 11/29/2023 439.50 084441 439.50 03730 COLLIN COLLEGE I-S0323534 FIRE INSPECTOR I MGRIMES R 11/29/2023 165.00 084442 165.00 08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-36875 STICKERS/COROPLAST SIGNS R 11/29/2023 1,286.94 084443 1,286.94 28180 D&D COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE MANAG I-34469 2024 MOWING SEASON R 11/29/2023 14,228.46 084444 14,228.46 39900 DONE RIGHT AUTO GLASS I-50524 WINDOW TINT 301 BOLIVAR ST R 11/29/2023 664.00 084445 664.00 36860 EXTRA PACKAGING LLC I-124004 DUMPSTERS FOR WWTP R 11/29/2023 1,780.25 084446 1,780.25 129 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 27 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 18790 FUELMAN I-NP65439903 FUEL 11/13/23 - 11/19/23 R 11/29/2023 2,199.51 084447 2,199.51 01070 GALLS INC. I-026187580 4 BLAUER PANTS 779 SCOTT R 11/29/2023 220.96 084448 I-026187581 TROUSER BELT 787 TREVINO R 11/29/2023 30.63 084448 I-026191224 DUTY RAINCOAT 788 HZAVALA R 11/29/2023 137.58 084448 389.17 07630 GREEN, JOSHUA I-11.17.2023 REIMBURSE FOR BOOTS R 11/29/2023 185.00 084449 185.00 04220 GRIFFITH, MARK I-11.17.2023 REIMBURSE FOR BOOTS R 11/29/2023 119.04 084450 119.04 22350 HARTWELL ENVIRONMENTAL CORP I-D23-309 6 - 4OZ POLY BOTTLES R 11/29/2023 74.00 084451 74.00 39910 INFLATABLE PARTY MAGIC LLC I-88843 BOUNCE HOUSE RENTALS R 11/29/2023 2,297.77 084452 2,297.77 20220 INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES I-78697088 AUDIOBOOKS R 11/29/2023 126.86 084453 I-78777187 ADULT FICTION BOOK 9-19-23 AF R 11/29/2023 16.47 084453 143.33 01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS, INC. I-IN-1491081 OIL & FUEL FILTER CHANGE/LUBE R 11/29/2023 654.69 084454 I-IN-1491228 HD LUBE/FUEL FILTER/SEPARTOR R 11/29/2023 607.30 084454 1,261.99 25090 KLENKE, LAURA I-PER DIEM 11.16.23 PER DIEM/MILEAGE 11/15-16/23 R 11/29/2023 122.06 084455 122.06 08210 KWIK KAR I-8101-0031275 OIL CHANGE/AIR FILTER/WIPERS R 11/29/2023 240.42 084456 I-8101-0031302 OIL CHANGE LP1371565 R 11/29/2023 166.95 084456 407.37 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND I-2384 2504 SANTA FE ST REPAIR R 11/29/2023 10,970.00 084457 10,970.00 31690 NEWGEN STRATEGIES & SOLUTIONS I-16864 WW SRVC MUD NO 12 STUDY R 11/29/2023 4,528.75 084458 4,528.75 38240 NORTH ROCK CONSTRUCTION, LLC I-7 RETAINAGE PAYOUT R 11/29/2023 34,554.25 084459 34,554.25 130 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 28 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 26670 NORTH TEXAS LIBRARY CONSORTIUM I-2024-07 NTLC 2024 MEMBERSHIP R 11/29/2023 2,500.00 084460 2,500.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-111346 BATTERY/CORE/FEE HRICHMOND R 11/29/2023 202.22 4.04CR 084461 I-1959-111560 BATT TENDER/WIRETIES WMERRETT R 11/29/2023 78.48 1.57CR 084461 I-1959-112196 H11XV BULBE RDUNN R 11/29/2023 33.99 0.68CR 084461 I-1959-112725 AIR FILTER JGREEN R 11/29/2023 27.41 0.55CR 084461 I-1959-112921 2QT MOTOR OIL UNIT #17 R 11/29/2023 14.98 0.30CR 084461 I-1959-113149 2 WIPER BLADES FIBARRA R 11/29/2023 75.98 1.52CR 084461 I-1959-114028 2QT TRANSFLD JGREEN R 11/29/2023 27.98 0.56CR 084461 I-1959-114819 IGNITION SWITCH R 11/29/2023 14.99 0.30CR 084461 466.51 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-336874856001 LABELS R 11/29/2023 30.39 084462 I-340699478001 MINI HEATER R 11/29/2023 33.99 084462 I-340966879001 MANILA FSTNR FLDR R 11/29/2023 57.38 084462 121.76 13825 PLAYAWAY PRODUCTS LLC I-445997 WARRANTY REPAIRS R 11/29/2023 24.99 084463 24.99 33640 PRECISION PUMP SYSTEMS I-1024039 PULL PUMPS/UNCLOG/INFO/RESET R 11/29/2023 1,257.14 084464 1,257.14 22660 S&J PHARMACY I-11/09/2023 MEDICATIONS R 11/29/2023 75.00 084465 75.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-2430 DRILL BIT/SEAL TAPE/HOSE BIBB R 11/29/2023 39.54 084466 I-2441 2PK LED LIGHTS R 11/29/2023 19.99 084466 I-2442 BTR K9 TRAYSET 6PC R 11/29/2023 13.99 084466 I-2456 LED A19/TOILET SEAT R 11/29/2023 54.98 084466 I-2459 USB-C CABLE R 11/29/2023 26.99 084466 I-2463 CLEANING SUPPLIES R 11/29/2023 16.17 084466 I-2474 19 - 18" CABLE TIES R 11/29/2023 132.81 084466 I-2483 FINISHING NAILS R 11/29/2023 3.59 084466 I-2485 THRD SEAL TAPE/COUPLER R 11/29/2023 14.58 084466 I-2486 PVC CUTTER/CEMENT R 11/29/2023 42.17 084466 I-2490 WATERPROOF SEALANT R 11/29/2023 19.98 084466 I-2501 PLIER/SCREW/TAPE/NIPPLE R 11/29/2023 100.66 084466 I-2502 BOARD R 11/29/2023 13.99 084466 I-2516 CHAIN SAW PARTS R 11/29/2023 15.99 084466 I-2517 CONNECTORS/TRUFUEL R 11/29/2023 80.95 084466 I-2519 TRUFUEL R 11/29/2023 115.96 084466 712.34 131 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 29 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-216464 OXYGEN CYLINDERS R 11/29/2023 19.00 084468 19.00 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAP I-2575 CITY SHIRTS/CARHARTT JACKET R 11/29/2023 465.00 084469 465.00 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-NW126495 INTERMEDIATE CRIME SCENE 777 R 11/29/2023 225.00 084470 225.00 26630 THOMSON REUTERS I-0444604926 TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE 24 R 11/29/2023 510.00 084471 510.00 02890 UNDERGROUND, INC. I-0117443-IN SHUTOFF GUN/REPAIR KIT/COUPLER R 11/29/2023 457.20 084472 457.20 31750 UNDERWOOD'S HEATING & AIR I-37031845 2X 5 TON AC SYSTEMS C.H. R 11/29/2023 18,700.00 084473 18,700.00 34220 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I-2900062720 MATS CITY HALL R 11/29/2023 15.82 084474 I-2900062722 UNIFORMS STREETS R 11/29/2023 29.08 084474 I-2900062723 UNIFORMS WATER R 11/29/2023 37.16 084474 I-2900062724 UNIFORMS WASTEWATER R 11/29/2023 17.04 084474 I-2900062725 MATS PW R 11/29/2023 10.53 084474 109.63 11430 USABLUEBOOK I-INV00182809 SAMPLE CELLS R 11/29/2023 67.89 084475 I-INV00183660 HACH DPD 1 & 4 R 11/29/2023 533.27 084475 601.16 38160 WILSON MCCLAIN PLUMBING I-1168228 PUMBING LABOR/PARTS 600 RAILRD R 11/29/2023 237.50 084476 I-1168619 101 FREESE DR PLUMBING PRT/LBR R 11/29/2023 992.54 084476 I-1168724 502 ELM ST PLUMBING LABOR R 11/29/2023 145.00 084476 1,375.04 1 FKH SFR PROPCO H, LP I-000202311299984 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 78.73 084477 78.73 1 GOMEZ, HERLINDA I-000202311299985 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 15.85 084478 15.85 1 HAZEL, BRANDY M I-000202311299983 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 41.28 084479 41.28 132 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 30 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT 1 MEDFORD, TYLER I-000202311299982 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 241.20 084480 241.20 1 RABINE PAVING TEXAS I-000202311299987 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 972.78 084481 972.78 1 RPMX I-000202311299986 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 972.78 084482 972.78 1 SALAZAR, JR, RAUL I-000202311299980 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 26.66 084483 26.66 1 SEMA CONSTRUCTION I-000202311299988 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 102.27 084484 102.27 1 SILVA, AIDA I-000202311299979 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 34.00 084485 34.00 1 SMITH, PRESTON I-000202311299981 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 33.64 084486 33.64 1 TEAGUE, MORGAN I-000202311299977 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 3.36 084487 3.36 1 TGC CUSTOM HOMES, LL I-000202311299990 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 547.91 084488 547.91 1 TGC CUSTOM HOMES, LL I-000202311299991 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 562.76 084489 562.76 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000202311299989 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 557.18 084490 557.18 1 WALSHMACK, PATRICIA I-000202311299978 US REFUND R 11/29/2023 63.43 084491 63.43 * * T O T A L S * * NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT REGULAR CHECKS: 246 1,274,647.31 20.51CR 1,274,626.80 HAND CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 10 870,320.40 0.00 870,320.40 EFT: 28 558,023.87 0.00 558,023.87 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 1 VOID DEBITS 36,008.00 VOID CREDITS 36,008.00CR 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 133 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 31 VENDOR SET: 99 City of Sanger BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT DATE RANGE:11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK INVOICE CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR I.D. NAME STATUS DATE AMOUNT DISCOUNT NO STATUS AMOUNT NO INVOICE AMOUNT DISCOUNTS CHECK AMOUNT VENDOR SET: 99 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 285 2,702,991.58 20.51CR 2,702,971.07 BANK: POOL TOTALS: 285 2,702,991.58 20.51CR 2,702,971.07 REPORT TOTALS: 288 2,707,965.83 20.51CR 2,707,945.32 134 Item 9. 12/06/2023 3:26 PM A/P HISTORY CHECK REPORT PAGE: 32 SELECTION CRITERIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VENDOR SET: 99-AP VENDOR SET VENDOR: ALL BANK CODES: All FUNDS: All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHECK SELECTION CHECK RANGE: 000000 THRU 999999 DATE RANGE: 11/01/2023 THRU 11/30/2023 CHECK AMOUNT RANGE: 0.00 THRU 999,999,999.99 INCLUDE ALL VOIDS: YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT OPTIONS SEQUENCE: CHECK NUMBER PRINT TRANSACTIONS: YES PRINT G/L: NO UNPOSTED ONLY: NO EXCLUDE UNPOSTED: NO MANUAL ONLY: NO STUB COMMENTS: NO REPORT FOOTER: NO CHECK STATUS: NO PRINT STATUS: * - All ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 135 Item 9.