08/02/1999-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDA 19 AUGUST 29 1999 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA July 19,1999 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Chamber of Commerce for Funds From Hotel/Motel Tax to be Used for The Sanger Sellabration. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #08-13-99 -Increasing Water and Sewer Tap Fees. 6. Discussion Regarding Speed Limit on Second St. to 20mph. 7. Consider and Possible Action on F.I.R.E., Inc. in Regards for Recovery of Costs to Fire Department for Services Rendered. 8. Any Other Such Matters. 9. Adjourn. ¢' r 1 ` a.. Rosalie Chavez, City Date and Time Posted f This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES City Council July 19, 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Joe Higgs OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Streets Supervisor John Henderson, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Lisa Hardy — Sanger Courier, Shelley Ruland 1. Mayor Called Meeting to order and led the Invocation, Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes. July 6, 1999 b) Disbursements Councilman McNeill indicated he had some questions regarding the disbursements. On page 5, the payment to Mr. Nichols, how long will the City have to pay this. City Administrator indicated until August, but only if Mr. Nichols does something for the City. Councilman McNeill asked if the case is thrown out, can the City get their money back. City Administrator indicated they could. Discussion concerning line item for Insurance expense funds relating to the water damage on the building down the street (electrical site location). City Secretary indicated these are expenses that the insurance will reimburse for the most part. Discussion concerning invoice from City of Denton. Councilman McNeill addressed an Item on Page 23 of the Disbursements and indicated he would like to see more description than "other". City Administrator indicated that was the name of the line item in General Ledger, but the items were listed. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Agenda as Presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Citizen's Input. None. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #07-13-99 to Increase Water and Sewer Tap Fees. City Administrator explained the reason for raising these rates. He indicated the City could utilize the extra money to help pay for some of the growth so current citizens would not have to pay the cost. Councilman McNeill asked if residential and Commercial tap fees were the same. City Administrator indicated they were. Discussed would like to raise rates by $500.00 on each tap fee. City Administrator indicated he just came up with a number, but Council could use any cast they would like. He indicated Bolivar Water charges $2700.00 just for water. Discussed the cost of a septic tank was approximately $6500.00, Citizen would still save money going with the City. Councilman McNeill asked how much water does the City have, and can they get more, and at what cost. City Administrator indicated the City has an agreement with Upper Trinity to be purchasing 1 million gallons a day in the year 2003, currently the City is selling 1 million gallons per day, the wells can pump 1.4 million, and the City is purchasing 500,000 from Upper Trinity. The City has 900,000 gallons it is not utilizing currently. Councilman McNeill asked about the cost of a new sewer plant. City Administrator indicated a new plant would be approximately 2 million dollars, the land would be approximately $200,000.00 and the lines would be approximately 1 million.. Councilman McNeill indicated in order not to burden the citizens, the City would need to raise the fees higher than $500,00. Mayor indicated at least $1500.00. Councilman Jenkins indicated he did not see the increase stopping growth. Discussed if increase should also affect current developments in town. Discussion regarding what is treated at the sewer plant currently. Councilman Jenkins indicated he would like to see this item delayed, so the public can hear about it. Mayor indicated they did need to give staff direction regarding the figures. Councilman Higgs indicated they should raise the rates to $2000.00 each. Councilman McNeill indicated his feeling was $1500.00 each. Councilman Jenkins indicated he would go with either one. Councilman Garza and Councilman Ervin indicated they needed to go with $2000.00 in order to cover the cost. Consensus of Council to go with $2000.00. Mayor postponed action on this Item. Consider and Possible Action on Establishing a City Engineer Position. City Administrator indicated he had spoken with several engineering firms and they have assured him the City could get an engineer for $48,000.00 or $50,000.00 a year. He indicated he needed direction from the Council an how they would like to hire for that position, will it be appointed by the Council, or do they want City Administrator to interview and hire someone. He indicated if it is appointed by the Council, the resume becomes public information, and could be put in the paper, and the person could lose their job. If the City Administrator interviews the individual, the conversation is not public information. Councilman Jenkins asked if they had spoken to the City Attorney. City Administrator indicated he did, and all resumes are public record. Councilman Jenkins asked the City Administrator what he would like to do. City Administrator indicated for the individual's sake he would like to interview the person, and come to Council with his recommendation. Councilman Jenkins moved to authorize the City Administrator to establish a position for City Engineer for the City of Sanger. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Change Order #1 —Sanger Wastewater treatment Plant Improvements. Mayor read the increases from the Change Order. Councilman Garza asked about the 10" line for Future Connection to Joe Falls pond. City Administrator indicated that it was part of the agreement, Joe Falls gets all of the processed liquid. Councilman McNeill asked what the city would pay at this time. City Secretary Rose Chavez indicated approximately $3,000.00 at this time and $42,000.00 when it is competed. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve change order for Project D95038E, SRF Project No. 3589-01 for Sanger Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Any Other Such Matters. a)Councilman McNeill indicated he had a complaint from a citizen requesting the speed limit on Second St. be posted at 20 miles per hour, and if they do block Second St. for it to be blocked at 455, so he can find another route. b)Councilman Ervin asked when did they start charging to get into a public park. He indicated last Sunday night, he had gone to the ball fields, and they were charging admission. John Henderson addressed this item, and indicated there was a tournament last week. He indicated they are having problems with baseball teams scheduling games with out a contract, he has spoken with the City Administrator regarding a possible lease agreement. City Administrator indicated it is a public facility, paid for by the citizens, and someone is charging to park there. The City does not get any revenues. He indicated they need to put something in writing showing the responsibilities of the baseball association. c)Lisa Hardy asked how one would go about getting a YMCA. Councilman Jenkins indicated Denton's YMCA closed down because of funding, so the chances of Sanger getting one is pretty slim. Councilman Ervin indicated the City does need to start locating something for kids to do after school. Councilman Jenkins indicated the Subdivision Ordinance does call for Parks in the new subdivisions, d)Mayor asked what was on the streets. Jeff Morris indicated he thought it was fertilizer, they tried to spray it off, but it did not work very well. 8. Meeting Adjourned. 7/3O/1999 8122 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 1 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, N/A NON-1EPARTMENTAL VFb' NAME ITEM f G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CNECH AMOUNT 99•-06540 MUNICIPAL SERIVES BUREA 119982 001-00�4645 MUNICIPAL, SER MUNICIPAL SERIVES BUREAU 000000 66,30 DEPARTMENT NON••OEPARTMENTAL TOTAL; b6,30 7/30/1999 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER RAGE; 2 9ENBOR SET, 99 FUND , 001 GENERAL. FUND DEPARTMENT, 15 ADMINISTRATION VE NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECht AMOUNT 99•-00580 CINTAS F 49252585 001-15-5245 OTHER OPERATI MATS h MOP 000000 1,60 99-00580 CINTAS 1-49252736 001-15-5245 OTHER OPERATI MATS & MOP 000000 1,60 99-02464 50UTH4lE5iERN BELL MOBIL 1994728WM 001 15—S5i4 1'EL.EPIiONE 5ER MOBILE RHONE:S 440000 38,35 OERAIdTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL, 41,55 7/30/1999 8;22 AM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 20 POLICE VE` 2 NAME 99�01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS REGULAR DEPARTMENT' PAYMEN14 REGISTER PAGE; 3 ITEM s OIL ACCOUNT LIAME UESCRIPTIUfd CNECK AM►TtINT I-7367600 001-20NN5325 R & M MOTOR V SEAL.ANT,HOSE CLAMP,WIRE: 000000 12,72 99-42250 5�45 AUTt1MUTIVE I-990728WK 041-?0-5325 R �: M MOTOR V REPL.ACE CATALYTIC CONVERTOR 004000 150,44 99•-02310 SANGER DRUG STORE I-9907280L 001"201-15245 OTHER OPERATI PHOTOS 000000 50,32 99 02560 T �4 SOUS SPORTING GOODS I-18606 041 20-5245 OTHER OPERATI AMMUNITION 000000 161,18 994-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-10932 001t-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR FILTER 000000 5,95 991--43010 WEDS AUTO PARTS 110932 401-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTER 440000 &9100 A 99.-03410 TEED AUTO PARTS I-°10932 001-.20-5325 R & M MOTOR V WIPER BLADES 000000 4,95 99-43010 WEBS AUTO PARTS 11-10962 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR6OIL FILTERS, BELTS 000000 10202 99•-03730 COLLIN CO, COMM, COLLEG 1-430 001-20--5235 DUES AND RE:GI INTERVIEWING & INTERROGATION 000000 45,00 99-03890 SKAGGS I-9907280 001-20-5255 WEARING APPAR REPLACEMENT UNIFORMS & RESERVE 000000 315119 99-04170 MIDWEST RADAR S EQUIPME I-89043 001--?4-5311 R & M ECTUIPME RADAR CERTIFICATION (5) 000000 225,04 99-05750 FISH N CHIRPS I•-990728WO 001-20 5245 OTHER OPERATI DOG FOOD R SHAMPOO 000000 54,14 99I-06270 AAA-OF-NTON FIRE n SAFET I-13715 001--20`532J R t, M MOTOR V ANNUAL INSPJRECHARGE 000000 98,63 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL 11125lm 7/30/1999 8922 Ali REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT VE( NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 99'-00580 CINTAS I-49252585 001-24-5245 OTHER OPERATI MATS h MOP 99-00580 CINTAS I4-4925273B 001"24,45245 OTHER OPERATI MATS & MOP PAGE; 4 GHE:CK-� AfiOL!NT 000000 5,25 000000 5,25 99..d464d COMMERCIAL. SERVICES I--6ii855 001-24--5310 R �: M BUILDIN ICE hiNKER 040004 i44,d0 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-7367600 001-2k5325 R & M MOTOR V SEALANT,HOSE CLAMP,WIRE 000000 i.?,72 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-990728WE. 001--24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME SURGE PROTECTORS 000000 41,97 99-02350 SCHLUTER ENG, & COMM, I0-16194 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME RADIO & CHARGERS 000000 1,435100 99b-02460 SOUTHUESTERN BELL MOBIL I-990728WM 001-24-5520 CELLULAR PHON MOBILE PHONE, 000000 155t01 9Y-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-40932 001-24*-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR MANIFOLD 000000 12,95 99.-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I--10982 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR&OIL. FILTERS, BELTS 000000 10,02 99-03014 WEBB AUTO PARTS 111005 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS 000000 13,95 91-03E,40 PRO STITCH I-990728W[1 001-?4- 52 5 5 99-&03730 COLLIN CO, COMM, COLLEG I-404 441--24-5235 99-Q5424 SAtdGER AUTO PARTS I-990729WV 04i-24--5325 99- �70 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-43715 001-24�5325 99-06564 QUALA TEL. ENTERPRISES I-011648 001-24-5325 WEARINr, APPAR SHIRT W! t1AME 000000 ODES ?t RESIST INTRO F,F, R, KING F5, SMITH 04440d R � M MOTOR V HEADLIGH'CS,A!C CLUTG[{,BEL.T 044000 R �M MOTOR V ANNUAL INSP,/RECHARGE 000400 R 4 M P4OTOk V LABOR FOk kE--WIRINC� NEW RADIO 004040 DEPARTMEe!'I 24 FIRE OEPARI'MEN'1' TOTAL; 16,50 40,00 9,42 88,63 135;00 2,081,67 7130f1999 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 5 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND ; 001. GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 26 MUNICIPAL COURT YE NAME ITEM I GIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK14 AMOUNT 99-00310 E;CI MECHANICAL 1-62924 001-26--5335 R & M EQUIPME CLEAN COOLING COIL. 000000 55,00 99-03360 HONEYCUTT CONSL4_TIP�G CO I_4132-7 00i--'?�-5JJ5 R $: M EL�UIPMf: COMPUTER L3ACL!-UP REPP,IR 000000 60,00 DEPAP,IMENT 2fi MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL 115,00 7/30/1999 8;22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT' PAYMENT REGISTER VE14DOR SET; 99 FUiJD ; 441 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION VEI NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 9944580 CINTAS 1--49252585 441-28-5310 R & M BUILDIM MATS 6 MOP 99-44580 CINTAS 1-49252738 441-28--5314 R & M BUILOIN MATS & MOP 9�-41544 LAWSON PRODUCTS I'-?36?644 a41-28-5525 R � M VEHICLE SEALAilT,HOSE CLAhiP,l1IRE 99--43010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-14982 041--28--53215 R & M VEHICLE AIR&OIL FILTERS, BELTS 99.-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-*13715 041�28*-5325 R & M VEHICLE ANNUAL I144;3P,/RECHARGE FAGS; 6 CHECK2 4a44a4 a44a4a 444644 44aa4a 4aaaa4 AMOUNT 3,88 y DEPARTMENT 28 ENF-DRCEMENT/INSPECTION TOTAL; 119,13 7/30/1999 8,22 AM VENDOR SET: 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 30 STREETS REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VE i NAME ITEM # D/L ACCOUNT NAME UESCRIPTION 99-00500 CINTAS I-49252505 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN MATS & MOP 99-00580 CINTAS I.-.,€92;32738 001-30-5310 R & M BUILOIN MATS & MOP 99--00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-611855 001-30 5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKER JAGOEw-PUBLIC CO, I•1534 3- 001 0 TE MAIN99-01300 ASPHALT 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-10932 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR FILTER 99-03010 99-03010 WEBB AUTO WEBB AUTO PARTS PARTS I--10902 I•-11005 001--30-5325 001-30*-5325 R R & & M M MOTOR V MOTOR V AIR&OIL FILTERS, BELTS OIL FILTERS 99-03u40 PRG STITCH I-99072BWN 001-30-5255 WEARING APF'AR SHIRTS �: NAMES DEPARTFiENT 30 51'REE7'S FADE; 7 C{iECK# AMOUNT a00000 3.8B aaago0 3,58 aaoao0 33 33 ggqq00 675,01 a00a00 14,10 0000a0 10,02 aaaao0 7 , 50 ggaaqa :�a,ar, TOTAL.: 797 72 7/30/1999 80 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT' REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 32 PARKS t�Eiv NAME ITEM f G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 9s�... 01490 LAWN LAND 1-101600 001-32--5245 OTHER OPERATI 3 LB SPOOL ,095 99-01570 LOVE`S HOME CENTER 99*-01570 LOUE'S HOME CENTER 9941570 LOUE'S HOME CENTER 99�-02140 RADIO SHACK ?-99072BUF 001-32•-53ai3 I'99072BWI 001••32-5211 I-9907a29WI 001-32-5311 I-990728UJ 001~32-5343 99-02460 SOUTHWES'i'ERN BELL. MOBIL I-990724IU.M 001•-32--55','0 99-06160 LONGHORN I-20479 001--32-5360 PAGE; D CHECK# AMOUNT 000000 21,97 BALL EIELD MA 12,5 GA SHEE'("TEED BARBL.ESS O40400 33,93 LANDSCAPE MAT WATER SPRINKLER 000000 14,93 R & M EQUIPME SPRAY PAINT 000000 34,12 DALL MELD MA UIRE TIES 000000 28,05 CELLULAR PHON MOBILE PHONES 000000 52,00 R P, M OTHER SPRINKLER TOP 000000 4,20 DEPARTtTENT 32 PARKS TOTALS 1u9,2B 7/30/1999 8;22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT' PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; 34 Pnol, VE. I 14AME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION In IIII"I'In In In In no In nn In 99-01140 HARPOOL FARM IN GARDEN C I&n99065970 001-341n5223 CHEMICAL SUPP SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 99-421w0 RADIO SHACK I~994i2t341J 441-34-5214 OFFICE SUPPLI 13AT'TERIES D ES AA PAGE; 9 CHECKS AMOUNT 404040 629,50 044444 16.9G TOTAL; 1,4t>,48 DEPARTMENT 3�i POOL 7/30/1999 Br22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 10 VENDOR SET, 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE V0 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKt AMOUNT 9940580 CINTAS I-49252585 001 36-5265 CLEANING SUPP BATS & MOP 000000 7.05 99-005BO CINTAS 1-4925273G 001--36--5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS & MOP 000000 7405 99•-0J.500 LAW50N PRODUCTS I-7367604 001—.3f,-5325 R � M MO1'fJR V SEAL.ANT ,HOSE GLAMP,6lIRE 000000 6,36 99-01010 MARK MURDOCK I'-32639 001,-36--5105 R 6 M MOTOR V VALVE TOOL./CUTOFF WHEEL 000000 6,65 99-03010 lJEDD AUTO PARTS 1—i09B2 001-36-5325 R f; ti MOTOR V AIRROIL FILTERS, DEL.TS 000000 5,01 99-03640 PRO STITCH 1-99072SUG 001--36�5255 WARING APPAR SHIRTS 000000 36,25 99•-06270 AAA—DENTON FIRE 6 SAt-ET 1"13715 001-'36"5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL INSPJRECHARGE 000000 44t32 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICL.E tiAINTEraANCE TOTAL; i12,69 7/30/1999 8122 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACE; 11 VENDOR SETS 99 FUND I 1 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTe 42 Library YE. NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK. AMOUNT 99-01704 MELTON SERVICES, INC, I-o71599RI 001-.42-6040 FURNITURE E F ZIP BACKUP DRIVE 000000 215,40 99-401700 MELTON SERVICES, INC, I-71399R2 001-420-5245 OTHER OPERATI PKG OF 6 DISKS 000000 1.25,40 99-43330 BAK[R � TA'dLOot I-54419242 441-42--6450 DOOf;S ROOKS 404440 1?,00 99-06550 KALEN PROPERTY MAINTENA 1-99-1112 001--42-.5310 R & M BUILDIN REPAIR IRRIGATION SYSTEM 000000 140,44 DEPARTMENT 42 Library TOTAL; 49?,44 PAGE; 1" 7/30/1999 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 44 Community Center VEN NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-01.140 UARPOOL FARM & GARDEN C 1&4 3431 001-W5223 DESCRIPTION CNECK� AMOUNT GWEMICAL SUPP MALATHION SPRAY 000000 61,80 DEPARTMENT 44 Community Center TOTAL, 61,00 7/30/1999 0,22 AM VENDOR SET. 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 62 Health YE NAME 99-05270 TALBOT INSPECTIONS REGULAR DEPARTMENT' PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE 13 ITEM v G/L ArLUUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEtkg AMOU`rlT 107221299 001-62%45420 HEALTH SERYIC HEALTH INSPECTIONS 000000 900,04 DEPARrMErdT 62 Health iOTA(, 900,40 7/30/1.999 0;22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 14 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT; L4 Ambulance Service VEN NAME: ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME. DESCRIPTION CHECKI AMOUNT 99... 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-AMB41.22 001-64-0420 CONTRACTUAL S 4TN QRT AMBULANCE 000000 6,906t 25 DEFAR7MEPdT 64 Ambulance Service TOTA(.; l,,90ia,2, VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL. FUND fO7AL; i;l,hb0,37 7/*?0/1999 O,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND t 000 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; N/A NW OEPARTMENTAL PAGE. 15 VEi 14AME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKt AMOUNT 99-00600 CITY OF SANGERn HINFPY720 0011-W21 11 A/P UNIFORM J UNIFORMS 000000 50t17 DEPARTMENT NOW -DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL; 50,1.7 7i30J1999 8;22 AM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 008 DEPARTMENT, 15 11 EfdTERPRISE C UNU Administration P,EGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE 16 VEN NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-02460 SOUTHUESTERN DELL MOBIL F99072BUM 008-15 5510 TELEPHONE SER MOBILE PHONES 000000 38 KI, TOTAL; DEPARTMENT 15 Administration 38 35 7/30/1999 01;22 AM WNW SET: 99 FUND ; 000 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 19 Data Processing VE NAME 99-00720 DATAMATIC, INC, REGULAR DEPARTMEN1' PAYMENT REGISTER FADE 17 IT WL. ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CNEChf AMOUNT I-031207 005,49-5315 R & M MACHINE MON141ILY MAINTENANCE 000000 174,35 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL; 174,35 7/30/1999 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 1.8 VENDOR SET, 99 FUND , 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 36 Vehicle Maintemce VEN NAME ITEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKt AMOUNT 99-00580 CINTAS 1-49252585 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS & MOP 000000 7,05 9940580 CINTAS 1-49252738 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MATS & MOP 000000 7,05 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 1-7367600 008-36�5325 R & M MOTOR V SE,ALAM14,110SE CLAMP,WIRE 000000 6,36 99-,41810 MARK MURDOCK 1"32639 008,-36v-5325 R & M MOTOR V VALVE TOOL/CUTOFF WHEEL 000000 6,65 99,-03410 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-10982 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR&OIL FILTERS, BELTS 000000 5,01 99-0364a PRO STITCH I-990728WG aa8-36-S�aS 99"06274 AAA-DENTON FIRE. & SAEET 1®13715 400-36"5325 WEARING APPAR S{11RTS R & M MOTOR V ANNI►AL TNP,/RECHARGE aaaa4a QOa044 DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL, 44,31 "!/3G/1�'�9 8,22 AM REGULAR OEPARTME:NT PAYMENT RECI57'ER UENOOR SET. 95' FllP;O GGB ENTERPRISE FUNn nrPARTMENTs ;G W�t�r UEIv idAME ITEi# � C!L ACL'OUN'!� NAME DESCRIPTION 99•-G458G 94'-GG58G CItdTAS CINTAS I-�i92O�.'SDe GGB-•�G�-y;;IG I�-4�u5?138 GGB•-G-531G R R IY M BUILDIN �, M BUILDIN MATS & MtlP MATS � MOP �q._GG�S'G CITY nF DENTON I•-996728WR GGB-•SO-5?17 WATER TE5TINC BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING 99-GGG�1G COPiiiERCIAL 5ER4'ICES I-GS.i85� GGB-5G�;3j.G 9ii•_Gi.G2G FARM PLAN I-3"7�9 GGB-5G-•t;3v 99-G1�i9G LAWN LAilO I-IG?FGG GGB-;G-�5325 4'?-•Gl`)GG LAWSnN FRnDUCl"S I-'13B76GG GGB•-5G-5"a?a �9-G"4bG SnUTHWESTERN HELL Mn6IL I-9941128WM GGB--SG--`�>?G q,i..G�S"80 WATER PRQC1UrT5 INC, I-�3564b GGS-MG-•35n �79-G3G1G WEBS AUTn PARTS i-iG98? GGS-5G-�5325 9r•-G3S3G JAi4E5 WnnD AUTOPARK, IN I•-iGE�B?� GGB-•SG�53t'� 99�G386G ZIMMERER KUBOTA � EQUIP I���G" GGB•-5G-5525 ', 99-•G386G ZIMMERER KUBOTA ?� EQUIP I-69G� GGB--;G-53?5 99--u,�W'G AVAILABLE SERUICEJ I-883 GGB-.,G•-t�4 G �;�G;A2G SAi�CER AUTO PARTS I-•99G7:i°t!U GGB-SG-�3''� 99-Gb�1G AAA-OENTOPf FIRE f5 SAFET I-°I31i., GGB-JG-:,3LJ R E� M BUILOIP! iCE PiAKER R � M MOTnR U CnNTROL I.EUE:R R � M hinTnR U 3 LB SPOOL ,GrS R � M MnTOR U SEALANi',HOSE CLAMP,4lIRE CELLULAR PHON MnBILE PHnNES WATC'R i4AIN � DRASS NIPPLEt! R �4 M iinTOR V AIR�QIL FILTERS, BELTS R � M MnTnR U nENER, REM PACE: 39 CHECKS AMOUNI� GGGGGG 1,81 GGGGGG ;3,87 R tx t4 i3nTOR U PRE-CC.F..AN R � M MnTOR U PRE -CLEAN, AIR FILTER CnedTRACTUAL S SERVICE FOR AUGUST R � M MOTOR U Hh:ADLISFITS,AfC Cl_UTCH,BEL.T R � M r�nTOR U ANNUAL INSPe/RtCHARBE OEPARTi#ENT 5G Wa � er GGGGGG DGGGG4 GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG 4GGGGG GGGGGG GGGGGG GG4GG4 TOTAL, 15,GG 33�33 �.GB 2I,�1 i?,7� 5?,GG !.?5 84 , iG,Gy l.2G , 4G n, Gn O,9G tGG,GG ?1,�Li 88,63 fit$? „?� 7/30/1,999 8122 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 20 VENDOR SET, 99 FUND f 1 ODe ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 52 Waste Water Collpction VEN NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-,01.500 LAiSON PRODUCTS 1-7367600 000- "-5325 R h M MOTOR V SEALANT,HOSE CLAMP,WIRE 000000 12,72 99-03010 WEDD AUTO PARTS I-1O932 OOD-52-5325 R +� M M(ITOR V AIRFOIL FILTERS, BEL'iS 000000 1002 99•-05420 SANGER AUTO PARTS 1-990729WV OWC 52'5325 R & M MOTOR{ V HEADL.I.GHTS,A/C CLUTCN,DELT 000000 105,4 99-06270 AAA-OENTON FIRE h SAFET 1�13715 OWA52-5325 R 6 M MOTOR V ANNUAL INSP,/RECHARGE 000000 00,63 DEPARTMENT 21G,82 52 Waste Dater Cnllpctaan TOTAL; 7/30/199Y 80 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET, 99 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT; 54 Uaste Water Treatment UEi NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIP14IDM 99-00450 BURRUS 1"28584 008-54-5310 R & M BUILDIN DATER & BLEACH 99-,01500 LAWSON. PRODUCTS 1-7367600 aa8.-54-5325 R & M MOTOR U SEALANT,EIOSE CLA14P,UIRE 99•-03220 HACH COMPANY 1-2064004 0*8 54•-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP DPO FREE CHLORINE: 99-04260 HARCROS CHEMICALS 1-33008 008-54w-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP CHLORINE 99-06270 AAA-'DENTON FIRE 6 SAFET I-13715 408-54-5325 R & M MOTOR U ANNUAL INSP,/RECHARGE DEPARTMENT 54 Vas+e Dater Treatment: PAGE. 21 CilE:CK# AtiOUNT ddddad 16t92 ooanna 12.72 4dadd0 33,5a aadaad 1,044,00 4aaad0 88959 TOTA(_ , 1,195 , 73 7/30/1799 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 22 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND , 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT, 58 Electric Department YEN NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CIIEC:KT AMOUNIA 99-40140 NATIONS RENT I-48875301 408-58--5330 EQUIPMENT REN RENTAL OF TRENCHER & TRAILER 000000 127,60 99-00240 AMERICAN PUBLIC POLdL, I-491 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUWA SAFETY �iANL1t�i5 99-0025Q AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-1162142 048 58 5254 99-04584 CINTAS 99--00580 CINTAS 99-0459Q CITY OF DENTON 99-40640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49252585 4a8�58•-53f.a 5-49252738 0080-58-5310 I-G5770 048-58-6b20 t-6118 �5 448-`!8"5014 99�Q0754 DEALER'S E}_ECTRIC SUPPL I-2143596 408-58�6024 99�00830 DENTCd4 DEPOT 99w00924 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC 99-00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC I-14775 4QD5s•5454 I-52759 I-52759 i 99-4132Q J,L, MATTtIEWS CO,, INC, I-23204 99-01.320 J,L, MATTHEWS CO,, INC, I-24148 99--01320 1L, MATTHEWS Cal) ING, I•-24210 008-58-6020 008- 58-5260 008-58-526a 008--58--5264 408-58-526a LAWN LAND I-144432 448-58-5250 99-41494 LAWN LAND I-141640 408-58-5325 99-01490 LAWN LAND I-99575 008-58-5260 99-a1504 LAWSON PRODUCTS 99-42454 saLUML�N I-7367600 408-58-5325 I-86477 448-5E:-.5365 99'-42464 SuuTHWEsrERN GE}_L MGezL I-99472L1WM 448-58-5524 99e-02734 TEXAS METER & DEVICE 1"16569 008-58-5365 99-02730 TEXAS METER & DEVICE IWA17053 448.058-5260 99-02974 UTKING OFFICE PRODUCTS I-784494 048-58--5210 4a4ao4 MItdOR TOOLS DIGGER TRUCK,13f16 BIT SMPACl' 440044 R M BUILDIN �iAIS MOP R f4 M BUILDIN MATS & MOP b04040 040000 DTHER I'tiPROVE 240 AMP SELF-CONTAINED METER 044444 R � M BUIL.DIfd ICE MAKER 4444ao OTHER IMPROVE LSGHTS Q00444 ECONOMIC DEVE 6" FOOTBALLS 000440 D1'HER IMPROVE BLAtdK PL.ATES,SAFETY GLA55E5 aa0044 SAFETY EQUIPM BLANK PLATES,SAFETY GLASSES 000000 SAF[sTY EQUIPM RUBBER SLEE�IE,BLAKET,STRAPS 4Q0000 SAFETY EQUIPM GLOVES,LOW VOLT PROTECTORS O44000 SAFETY EQUIPM LINE NOSE CONNECTORS 000000 MINOR TOOLS CARLISLE TS, Ct4AIN5ACl CHAIN 4Q0040 R �M MOTOR V 3 LD SPOOL ,095 440400 SAFETY EQUIPM STIHL. GLASSES 000000 R EM MOTOR V SEALANT .HOSE CLAMP,WIRE 0a4Q04 TPAMCC ORMERS OIL TESTS O40444 CELLULAR TELE I=iaezLE Pt-}aNES 444444 TRANSFORMERS TEST A.REPASR SINGLE PHASE 004404 SAFETY EL]UIPM RUBBER L3LOVEG,VOLTAGE G}.GVES 444400 OFFICE SUPPLI LABEL TAPE 040404 91,50 86 ,56 3,87 3,87 99,19 33,34 17,3Q 1,415,25 1,96 7,41 921,65 129,51 657,60 34,50 21,96 54,99 12,67 64,00 144,77 339,15 164,51 50,92 99-03410 WEBS AUTO PARTS I-1.4932 448-58m5325 R LM MOTOR V FLASHER 404400 6,95 99-03014 WEBS AUTD FARTS I-14932 448-58-5325 R 4 M MOTOR V OIL FILLER 440000 4,44 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS T,40932 008-58--5325 R & M MOTOR V CASE OEXTRO}! III 000000 14,95 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I--10982 008••58-5325 R to M MOTOR V AIR&OIL. FILTERS, BELTS 000000 9496 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-11005 448�58.•5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS 000000 2,00 990--43020 WESCO I-652875 008-58•-6020 OTHER IMPROVE RED TAPE,METER DISCONNECTS 000000 175,00 99--03020 WESCO I-656365 008-58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE EYE NUTS,SPOOL. BOLTS 000000 i51,25 99-Q�904 MCGUFFIN WELDING I-2795 008-A56-5325 R R M MOTOR U HITCH ON BUCKET TRUCK 000000 124144 7/30/1999 8,22 AM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. 23 UEI NAME: ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESLRIPH ON CNLCKt AMOUNT 99W04220 MARK GRIFFITh{hWWy_~Vµ�y`1"990729UW 008og,'18g-5255 DUES 4 REGIST RETMB, FOR CDL LICENSE 000000 40100 99-04820 AVAILABLE SERVICES 99*406100 LEM VATSON I-083 008-58--5245 OTHER OPERATI SERVICE FOR AUGUST 000000 100100 I-9907280Q 008-58-5235 DUES REGIST REIMBURSEMENT FOR COL LICENSE 000000 48,00 99-0�270 AAA DENTOP� FIRE tSAFET 43715 008-W-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL INSPJRECNARGE 000000 G8,63 DEPARTMENT 58 Els�ctric Department TOTAL, 4,79f;,78 VENDOR SET 008 LNTCRPRISE FUND TOTAL; 7,277,1,1 REPORT GRAND TOTAL.1 201937,48 7/30/1999 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE, 24 YEAR ACCOUNT 199$-1999 001-00-4645 001-15-5245 001-15-5510 001-•20-5235 001-20-•5245 001-20-5255 001•-206-5311 001--20-5325 001.-24-5235 001�24-5245 001-24-5255 001-24-5310 001-024�5325 001 •-24•-5375 001-24-5520 001--26-5335 001-2B*-5310 00.1--28--5325 001. 30-•5255 001-3O-5310 001�30-5325 001-3O-5370 001-32- 5211 001--32-5:.'45 001 •-32-5311 001-32-5343 001-32-•5360 001-32•-5520 001-34*-5210 001-34-5223 001-'36-5255 001-36-5265 001• 36-5325 001-42--5245 001.1424.5310 001-42-6040 001 �42••6050 001-44-5223 001-62-5420 001-W5420 008•-00-2111 008-15-5510 008•19-5315 0013$ 36--5255 008 36-5265 NAME MU�dICIPAL SERVI�NON-EXPEN�J OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES DUES AND REGISTRATION OTHER OPERATING: SUPPLIES WEARING APPAREL R & M EQUIPMENT R It M MOTOR VEHICLE DUES & REGISTRATION OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES WEARING APPAREL R & M BUILDING R & M MOTOR VEHICLE MINOR EQUIPMENT CELLULAR PHONE R & M EQUIPMENT R & M BUILDING R & M VEHICLE WEARING APPAREL R & M BUILDING R & M MOTOR VEHICLE STREET MAINTENANCE (.ANDSCAPE MATERIAL OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES R & M EQUIPMENT BALL FIELD MAINTENANCE R & M OTHER CELL.UL.AR PHONES OFFICE SUPPLIES CHEMICAL SUPPLIES WEARING APPAREL CLEANING SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR VEHICLE OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES R & M BUILDING FURNITURE & FIXTURES BOOKS CHEMICAL SUPPLIES HEALTH SERVICES CONTRAC_.TUAL SERVICES A/P UNIFORM,TOOLS,BOOTS,EQ TELEPHONE SERVICES R & M MACHINES WEARING APPAREL CLEANING SUPPLIES GiL ACCOUNT TOTALS U AMOUNT 66,34 3,20 38,35 45,00 265,64 315,19 225,00 274,'27 40,00 10,50 16,50 100,00 282,69 1,476,97 155,41 i15,00 7,76 111,37 50,00 41,09 31,62 675,01 14,93 21,97 34,12 61,98 4,28 52,00 16,98 629,50 36,25 14,10 62, 34 125,40 140,00 215,00 1.7,00 61,$0 900600 6,906,25 50,17 38,35 174,35 36,25 14,10 -----====LINE IEM===== === ==-=- -GRUMP BUDGET====== r1NNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BURG 0 87,60 1,200 173,31 6,400 11713,33 800 27,00 3,100 793,36 4,000 71139 1,600 598,62 7,000 2,257,79 7, 6,400 1,919662 4,94$ 5,592,55-. 650 310,50 d Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I Y Y 1� ,r d Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I Y Y 1� ,r 7/30/1999 81222 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 25 G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** =-_�::&�===LINE ITEM-=:=== ANNUAL Bt10GET UVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVEP, YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUOG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUBO 008-*36--5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 62433 600 283418 008--50-5310 R & M BUILDING 41,07 11500 578,56- Y 008-450-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 298,32 21000 31048,561- y 000-50-5358 WATER MAIN t: VALES 125,84 12,000 5,779,83 008-50-5377 WATER TESTING 75,00 3,500 11143,02 008--50--5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100,00 91,200 B,865,24 008-50-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 52,00 600 44.41-* Y 00B-52-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 216,82 B00 112,671. Y 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 11077,50 4,800 591,85 008-54-5310 R & M BUILDING 16,92 1,500 486,40 008,-54•45325 R t, M MOTOR VEHICLE 101,31 11750 81,02 0080-5B-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50192 800 733,34- Y 008-58--5235 DUES & REGISTRATIONS 88,00 15,400 10,930,10 008-58-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 100,00 11000 2,58181- Y 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS 121,06 61000 13,105,38- Y 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2,022,13 31700 21757,32- Y 008-58-531.0 R 6 M BUILDING 41,08 4,300 41110,49- Y 008--5B-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 281,12 22,000 3,530,08 OOB; 58"5330 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1.27,60 1,000 872,40 008-58-5365 TRANSFORMERS 399,15 15,000 6,144,15- Y OOB-,58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,015,25 10,000 715,58- Y 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 104,77 11500 326,93 008-,58-6020 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 444,70 1.20,000 41,708,77_1 Y ** 1998-1999 YEAR TOTALS *n 20,937.48 �� DEPARTMENT TOTALS �� ACCT NAME AMOUNT 001 tdON-IDEPAR T LiE:NTAL 016,30 Oni-15 ADMINISTRATION 41.,55 001-20 POLICE 1,125,10 n01-24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,081,67 001 26 MUNICIPAL COURT 115s00 001-28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION 119,13 001-30 STREETS 797,72 001-32 PARKS 189128 001-34 POOL 646,48 001-36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 112,69 001--42 t. ibrary 497, 40 n01-44 Community Center 61.,80 001.-62 Health 900,00 7/30/1999 8,22 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER WAGE; 26 *;, DEPARTMENT TOTALS x ACCT nn�-64 nnl TOTAL 008 nn8-i5 608.9 nn8-36 nn8-5n nn8-52 OW54 nn8--58 008 TOTAL n� END OF REPORT n� PlAME AMOUNT Ambulance Service 6,9n6,25 GENERAL FUND 13,duoI NON�DEPARTMENTAL 5n,i7 Administration 38,35 Data Processing 1.74e35 Uehi.cle Maintenance 112,68 Dater 692,23 Waste Water Collection 216,82 Waste Uater Treatment 1,195 33 Electric. Department 4,796,78 ENTERPRISE FUND 7,277,it TOTAL 20,937,4R To: Honorable Mayor &City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Subject: Item #4 Date: July 29, 1999 Frank Ballard will be at the meeting to address this Item. CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. it 08-13-99 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 (UTILITIES) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, MORE SPECIFICALLY SECTION 2 ENTITLED WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS ESTABLISHING NEW FEES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas that: Section 2, subsections A &Bare hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 2. WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS 1. WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install, or cause to be installed, and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm, or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties as prescribed in Chapter 1, Section 5 of the Sanger City Code. The City shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the average cost thereof. Such sum is to be determined and collected by the utility department and shall be at the following rates: Tap charges for all sizes up to 2" -------------- Tap charges for each additional inch over 2"------------ Charge for meter, box, and connections------------------- Charge for Water Connect Fees (User Fee)------- Charge for service interruption supervision----- $200000 . AA An ------ Actual Cost - $ 10.00 $ 25.00 All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. Ail meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the City. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00)0 B. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS The City of Sanger shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys, and easements both inside and outside the City limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right -of --way, if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. The City of Sanger shall charge two thousand dollars ($2000.00) for each sewer lateral connect. Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts necessary for installation. Such costs will be determined by the City. The property owner shall install a service line, with clean -out fitting, at his or her expense to the City's lateral, in accordance with City regulations and subject to the inspection of the City, and shall hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the house to property line. Each house or building within the City of Sanger shall be served by a separate and independent water and sanitary sewer line. SECTION II All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION IV Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful or an offense or a misdemeanor, or whenever in such Ordinance, the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful, the violation of any such provision shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00); provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or similar offense under the laws of the State. Each day constitutes a separate offense. This Ordinance will take affect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the 19th day of July AD, 1999, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rose Chavez, City Secretary