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07/06/1999-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1999 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. CONSENT AGENDA June 21, 1999 Consider and Possible Action Regarding Renovation of City Property Located at 7cn and Elm St. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a New Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for Tax Collection. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Rehabilitation of Manholes. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to the System Assembly of the North Texas Regional Library System. Any Other Such Matters. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Request" for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting (Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JUNE 219 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carrol McNeill, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets/Parks Supervisor John Henderson, Vehicle Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Eunice Gray, Francille Sullivan, Alice Madden, Billye Hollingsworth, John Henry, Leo Miner, Shelly Ruland, 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led Invocation, Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 3, 1999 - workshop June 7, 1999 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin indicated he was not at the workshop on June 3, 1999 and the minutes indicated he was. Councilman Jenkins amended his motion regarding reappointments to the boards to state with the exception of Wanda Ervin, Councilman Ervin indicated on the last page of the minutes, under Any Other Such Matters, the paragraph discussing street signs, that "city" should be changed to "state". Councilman McNeill indicated he would like to see each item listed on the disbursements, and there were several items listed as miscellaneous. Discussion regarding items over budget. Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent, indicated there were things that came up every day that was not discussed in budget preparation. He indicated he found out recently that there was an agreement with a prior City Manager that the City was responsible for street lighting in the Snider Addition. Discussion regarding the agreement. Staff will check into it to see what they can find out. Discussion regarding the different street lights paid for by the City. Councilman Jenkins moved all items on the Consent Agenda be approved. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Leo Miner, 5962 Michael Rd., addressed the City Council regarding the telephone service with Sprint. He indicated he had been fighting with them since November, and has contacted the PUC. Mr. Miner went over some of the problems they have been having, he indicated they could not get through due to busy signals, static, and sometimes just can't make a connection. He was concerned that if there was an emergency, they could have a big problem. Discussion regarding what Sprint had told him regarding the lines. Mayor indicated the City Administrator would look into it, but he was not sure they could do anything. Councilman Jenkins suggested that Mr. Miner contact the County Commissioner. Discussed that neighbors are having the same problems. Mayor advised Mr. Miner to call the Commissioner, and indicted the City Administrator would look into it, to see if there was anything the City could do. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Francine Sullivan Request to Organize Utility Assistance Committee. Francine Sullivan indicated she had chosen a committee for the Utility Assistance Program. She had chosen Evelyn Shaw, Janeice aForte, Russ Madden, Grace Garza, Bobby Robbison, Gladys Jackson, and Francille Sullivan. Discussed need for publicity. Francine Sullivan indicated that Denton has applied for a grant in order to organize a tracking system to help keep track of the people assisted through these types of programs. It will track all of the County so Sanger will be included, and will be furnished with a computer. Discussed the screening process. Francine indicated she thought they might start out helping the people who fell in the category of elderly, disabled or serious illness. Discussed how the program would work. Discussed whether to start taking donations or to just get input on how many people would donate. Councilman McNeill indicated he felt they should advertise and start getting the donations. Francine Sullivan indicated they would always have the option to stop the program. Discussed one of the criteria on the sheet for screening. Councilman Higgs indicated he would like the people to be a Sanger resident for at least a year. Discussion. Francille agreed to change the question to ask if the person had been a Sanger Utility customer for at least one year. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept Francille Sullivan's recommendation on the Utility Assistance Committee for advertising as we can get from the paper and the bills that are sent out by the city to ask the information to start the donations at this time. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding "Save the Presbyterian Church Committee" - Francille Sullivan. Francille Sullivan indicated the board of the Crisis Center and the Bargain Depot met on June 14, 1999. They do have a fund raising committee. They came up with a list of things they would like to do. First, they would like to straighten the tower, then put a 10 X 10 floor in the Southwest part of the building with concrete, insure the building, and pay utilities. They hope the city would mow. She indicated they had spoken with some high school groups about landscaping. They also would like to put up a chain link fence. Their goal is to raise at least $35,000,00. They intend to open accounts at both banks, and to use her post office box. Ms. Sullivan indicated she already had $1000.00 from Ms. Gray. Ms. Sullivan indicated Ken Cornell would oversee the work as it is done. Councilman Jenkins indicated he and Councilman McNeill met with a contractor regarding necessary repairs on the church. They will have to lift the building, and pour a foundation. It would take a minimum of sixty (60) days. The contractor indicated that all structures around the building will have to be torn out. Councilman Jenkins explained how they would lift the building. They will put beams through three parts of the church, and there will be a lot of damage to the building. He indicated that Councilman McNeill had asked for a written estimate. The contractor called this morning and indicated he did not have that estimate yet, but would have it in the next day or two. Francille Sullivan indicated that Ken Cornell had said that raising the building and pouring a foundation will not be necessary. Discussion regarding how they fixed the foundation at the drug store and at the bank. Mayor indicated this was not the same situation, and explained how it was done, and why it could not be done at the church. Councilman Jenkins asked what the council agreed to do at the last meeting. Mayor indicated they agreed to find out what the cost would be to put a foundation under the building. Councilman Jenkins indicated they have gotten started on getting the estimates and there is no need to go any further unt0l they get that estimate. Discussion regarding the steeple. Councilman Jenkins indicated if they are going to restore the building they need to do it right. Councilman McNeill suggested they wait two more weeks, get the estimates, and all look at it together. Everyone has the same goal in mind, they all want to restore the building. Discussion regarding future use of the building. Councilman Jenkins indicated he will not support the Crisis Center moving into a building they are about to restore for historical purposes. Francine Sullivan asked if there was any other group that had offered to restore it. Councilman McNeill indicated there were some people looking into getting a grant to restore it. Shelley Ruland asked if the building had been treated for termites, and indicated it should be treated to stop further damage. Mayor indicated the damage would be cut off. John Henry indicated he was on the board of the Crisis Center, asked council if they were saying they are interested in restoring the building. Councilman Jenkins indicated they said that a month ago, and indicated they had committed to getting estimates, and looking into what it will take to restore it. Mayor indicated they will get estimates, and discuss this further at a future meeting. Mayor tabled this Item. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sanger ISD Exemption From Pole Charges. City Administrator indicated Al Brown, who works with computers at Sanger ISD, indicated they have set up a fiberoptic network that will connect the schools. They are going to either put cables on the poles and pay a monthly pole charge or Friendship Cable can maintain them forever. Al Brown asked if the school could use the City's poles to string the cable. The city will not be responsible for maintaining the cable. They would like to use the poles at no charge. Mayor asked Jeff Morris if he could work up a cost to string the cable so it will be where he wants it, and not in his way. Mr. Morris indicated he could, he expressed concerns regarding distance between lines, and possible pole change outs. Councilman McNeill expressed concerns regarding liability if the City did string the cable. Mayor indicated his main concern was that it not interfere with anything in the Electric Department. n .� r Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see the agreement before the City agreed to do anything. Councilman Jenkins moved to grant Sanger ISD's request for the exemption from pole charges as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should follow up on the other items discussed. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to the Board of Adjustments and the Beautification Board. Mayor indicated Rodney Dillon had expressed in the past that he would like to help in the City. Councilman Jenkins indicated Bobby Frizzell had also expressed an interest. Councilman McNeill moved to appoint Carla Tipton to the Beautification Board, and Rodney Dillon and Bobby Frizzell to the Board of Adjustments. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Any Other Such Matters. Mayor read letter regarding Councilman Ervin's achievement in earning credits from the TML Institution Program. Councilman Ervin had earned 52A CEU's, and will be recognized at the awards luncheon at the AMCC conference. 9. Adjourn. ©©`©° «G2a yw 3@n99Tx7yJ 2g99I p 4,.l- ! »S9 »2 2 n : y! 2,1" , q B y%ilmt 2 6»%Glagy »\ \ E 29§ §« yQGI: E yyG2IW .2a 9kIyG 2«:� 6 2««x11 giIIj «7@2EyKRy2 eG4 �W&y 9Rd §9y96 dC!«§8§ g kG3;«I yS ! SP _T. 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G« :ROB« 6R 2yly AIRlgq rd@B »yml S 3m Cd»§ 3"I yA6"Q «.RGL@e7uiII. dy3g yyS91q y4 kit »EPPHONE, 7krACA 3 000000 « » £%yE »! yGJ 1 MS Rowe S,S ±OR�EI3 665G925m ylR; ylR; 9,9 in ' :S:i4 I'M 'C AIR I 1 17 'r utF' r,l I r h!�'i1'.r�4 rif ft:..11�L 1CPtR:��E.P' f: I' €�..(� f_, , h1PON, ; ET ; «r.: rll ?U OOF) E3!?f:#iFt,TSf i tlf ri 11FPF;1'EI°iElT; t9 19_? �FGCF:}5iily GQl1'i 't� Int: DESCR..IFiI pl C't:CK Aiigtlla f 4-1p 17.,3 zr _ . h ar :'Jl II Y 1 , �MT `taE (0e 0 j ; i :i :`5 �. � ft)•t GU LA tif; fli•: f{ t �'It_!q I ft l (��:. j'} I t l ! t; ...... ";J i t . if V 1'f a 01%, fif_ lJ Ct 00t3 Fr\11f"DPR"1;f F1 t%''Q frq p—r.i,, :} •.r:_ vt?l� .��,r.n119�Pfi}1� 411{ (��:. [:'ti Its, 6A f 7 ACCOUNT f1xr� ItYME* r� t�f..SCUO �'.� }t Inn fC rflt. }_�iia Ali) rlllOUNIT ICIA 1�t i4� 'A 1 f' [._f�1'A.l I-• 1L"f/�'! r'�151_. .5 _: ett�' 'I r:J I i t.:c,i;il'11f.tti .} } IMP FAR is hC•.l i`5 C C l i• j0 t}(�t,t:4(. }: .. ::•_+d _. I. it :e 1 _ cn(} 005R1 i}'„� 10, TAS j._ t7'?r.'+i'it °}f:'.:)e.c.:.f �, �: _'.i 1. _.="t`c i ONO 'LL.AP, 3 } P1 A7C I'lri,„ + i I to '1_i •^� 4 t! 06 Fl=Jc. ':t•"} tl _ •J,i •.�_tlr[ :.i ?Q"04500 ! A14MON f'P:ODUC 00CRI%IM-:r_='4I= R c, M it I':(7 oR !! fiUt.s :,t_L &Ct_A!I11' R1II v, 1 b 000000 I •_' �•.,bf;t;n rg {j i„ ,1 0i `f 1tI t•t C,�NA. r - ,-.:. �.•t J kT r r- P11 rn��.�t-I'IF r•--,` r; il�.�lfi ;; r• n !. ' rI !.'t•= t KE ;J•._} .311}: S*. �:� n _ (�(}v4}�%0 y *t. 1 n Its r4" 1311t.) :'1'.t r?00 ti _ !f./,i.t ._'�.i�^".1 !IaNl�l� , ...._... : in_r'�i7, 1': Jm_:� Lr I.PF !f',C:?: [•t5rrvn r r•11.�4 fR Q'i *r:f_:.:r. 3,-=n,. twat-�}!.cil1: (" ,,t I�i�1',i l.tti �; 'r }:Ci f'llGt..l: 1 I A �}It•= ft.t1�.GE:ft,r,l a} r•1:�+ ?ircl OOr,(a(11 v its I.. :1 I::r n n _; .1-. _. , .tiff .�E :� 0 _ _f }'i'r rff=ilt`!) t%i:.!=.1? .L'},` A l�t _i� k i jr; .rs�,^_'s .}, r:._7 rc; L C+. i (a Ir yi IC.' irw:; {.. C l�r,,`� S t+l+V(a�( _. J:•::_.. _, f1 l,} 1. .l int. *-. ,��:.., , I e_F, . ?s �nt�!t} I AUTO t�::F: �.t�I. ft�f'I`'s — 0 00 }}._r}r °1 V . a, t, M yt' 4r1 !:LO ti(" ANITIRf:c1..E•40 r h s'`,lr, t: 11:I..ik:lc nl �(a00C :. t .} 7C?__C}:r `iL i) ?"! f,"1.ii: i_( �sgpff 1 o:).. (}r,r; t 1*s, ti 'J�. i. t `h f_4 t�['1 �uE ;'jl i h I- 1(F )r �l �},�( ;'i t?,r;' . .3_ r. .. •_t •t.iu .1: rs c. t� :r..�t rf.It %, L�Ef'�tftlfiE.itl �;` I'Ii!1;?c�E' [;:ilai�r�pgiiC�' •fLl!A(_.! 1.j.i�.{S' % E 4' 1 d I,, J I ?r NiH'tf?: S' T. 119 FIRM I7()E( BICf,E'Ri::l}:. `rClN(1 fjFPARiF(rtti! 'i(7 �rl,;'r! VIN IN, Ai11: i}1I 1 � tJ..v I ,l .x_ a �;,°-t'�t?i,� r-US•iFR`S SAGC!!.(a SIIOP iill�..•(%:7 j'1??� (`!+.�i (i:. �? PZ<'OEJIJC (j A iyti„. , gI t. r. r7� I. i-�iC.+t r'i t7!t.It.•I;i L`.. ?9GO UATFR PROD!JC;i' p1r. far, ;,Qqt it(A'r CI IS Rnei, ti r: tLCTS. is r,sr_. t f§C•, U C5 _.j�`�{t!Q WFtij i flit(} f'f�titi�� ���`_.r1d.:j�l 7 qq ui 7ti its f••• r+ C'OLAIR (1(:!IARTe` IXII (#`tMKI41 R"C;1STER.. i'>•Lill 790630tii NIG 11A CL Rc itvC fu•}1I. ' (I , I,W.c �tiit ��...lel'•(Vf:31i �!. t�'J �.I �..t7�4ts1ri L' j'•V 31 !;/ V0S'"girl. 1-4 t r Sri IN I ?t1t)t)00 'Eta : 115 R h iM SUZLDIN f ^TC; II IC'•F 000000 R •', F`: ?Jb10R V E,(ILt :('�,BLL:tCLn;iC',c�t!!tI!dK TUE1E.: nrat!CifJJ C!=:LLlJL�}R PliOt iiOSll.(: �'Fi(JedF' t)C}I?nt7il i� F;C!TGR 'J C'i_fi; C='1ntE C'.UO{:(1C1 UATFR FiAIr•! €, CR:Cf.ti._ f'tC; rR:(Lti.. FI(lf_f1Eit o�nn�cl (F? ER, 1:1:IiER !, LPONCR !c !bli.'iIRMP,C(iUPt. It 000000 R MAIN! t .-?:U,CLAIMS; ICOt,PI_l 0+}0000 fdit !ia rf, P.tttCr )_ 060000 (JA1'FR MAIN .. PVC P1Pl:,i;O1C,RP'Tt: INS TR JO}' 000000 islL€, iL 1NG PV !I'r,C0MC;ftL:''iF ifi!i BOXt;rJaCiOU vi�t# i %. r �i r. �+IC•I t�. I}7 3 1 tJ(I ('�{, f'j {�'1[yi t —f�� Ellt J ie?IvJl'. IL i\1. i�i : .. le .l i_• �,! T . (:OCENf_.i;r[; S;C1t3t? r1FPr?i1(e�Fh! itiiF'1' �r.!i(ji.;` •.Jt! '1 0 iG • i{{F:i . 16 2 , `, •n tre ri. iy t DEP Ftfl ='tI_ld1 f,Ay"il..l�`I fi� ".I Lr. ( r,r, ti t:h trtC.I�I.OR Sr I , 0? r i i -1 NL? r (){),I I.. t._... _ .. r, . , !l:0�t:{ Fit)..,E'. r•..f? i , fi[f•}:i,T1`i1=.�iT: r a;t 1. �fa�,..: bia .;.:: NAf,IE G/l. ACL:L!tlNT NAME. iv,..;)( ` +�) i'IILr�f 0(f""� � ! • `�->•31;,r5 ()t)F' t' � r26 +r'1•y.t " A SON ❑� r ('• i I'iG }I.ff. t n�re �,3!i r•t_ l)tltj�.J•:. .Onr. . :!*!{} Lt!!:,•J'Jh .'' .t, t t),JrJ=. u•.ts:! & COMM, 1.6tf2l., tu)G-4r:: .,._,h(:) .Jr:rILUIE;s Lieu, nc•f' UNNH r' F' t` 'l"tli (} }(i.. C'3�f} lInn �J tF/�IS �?479 7 i7®`j,: fir .i_ . : •!:t, :•7 r.. �i tjv�. (1 1-lC�r �;;(,j �E.. T"'c:.3,:i4 LA)t}ii..4�V..,3 G:: •J {; • Ef v EQ'll1r; _ ns,C.•.`Y G�F4"tili. T :C'=vh "jffa 3 1?1.)Pc C �• tj M!]i'(lR (." rILMIF ,1iflRtiff: t;!: {j 0 .C)0) s.i ,'_' ti i7THE6' ? VIIdFR FG 000000 i.nfi,00 Ml MOTOR Y RUG GONE 000000 10 t r; r. rR t%,. 'iF:U,O. . . i00� ,l ! r;jI;A1_ rl " - I F EEL"I Op"()(}(000 IICF'f?ftT!iEal�f `:_� !,r:sta !t!�tti)` C(,1�:_ct:ian TOi�,i_: j,fJ:S,st�, a02 iIio/ q Y In c, A A S fi �s C,(Jt. R [IEFf3ftTFSt.:f� i E � M14Npi R,E. Gl E:f2 F'�i C; i; 11 F KI[1z: t:t)C; I_I' ! L.i,l 'PRISE ; tliti 9( y!�". i'�i7 (�Pl.!`!i� Jsl}•5., ._ it cti:'E-' TP_�_•t.11h: }ki! td?1i'SE i E:ii C' t.:'.i'!'CONT f�AiF: fj[�! `i!P1']:00% rIt,Eil;1'f,1. �fiUUi!? f}t� }c 7 .".{}t1 i I l •_ 0 n t)) t t!�fl�f., G S 1 T_[iii('y ) T. 1_I _j .. i J {, i_ {�{)Q`,f rs rr}; l ...oe.. { I l i !) cif'•(� ,.F. <Lp C` t/1 .1 �.�C 1"'4: ! { 'k: .*tft 1'. iE t� (yl �,)()�}Vs .(. C }...; �.,t I: t".1. iai.-f00 AI 'i L QS)0. f'{?fil7llt;iC t_ '-c -,c±: ?0'588.�,6-, !!0H'54±--.,,a..' r. r+-�r- I n r ";MOTOR •r y V r B�J�..t11GAB1 t"� p ; �',.t'Lt1NP.;1r:) SHRINK s INK PAP:. Dr_ nn{)HO ..) i., °f tt) f.,p,, C:tq I .,II. ,r,f. 1:—; ;.;, n t) i . C'�7C :•_,,..: t t n :! IfE.:!(1k I} " llr (;OiVF 00 {' {.f}tli0 {1:? Q O..r�-'e 36� gU MITA AR : 1 08 M1 oEF` ' 7FlT_ F AF-tLTrn I. i. �t1�cf'_7?C t �It }.1.1..{7 E: Ia�•.14 T— C1_ :�ti , U•i 1.0 r?fit, C 1Y Y l� � C i f CGi�'I'iWeI1, !r, 4 .1 i p t'. Cink: ),-1 1 In i 4 ( J{}4(�4{7 :Y .1r" 7,: .±� :1,t• �`� is CI E'��R e_t, ,.._tLI„j4 `1• _/'$•.)i` �_4if._nr,!i±; OUP 2r G' f. Y 'nArig:n ,_ V,, r C❑ {':._Y[('CE I i' ME ON S��'� IAN:•a IILf�)1IQL` 73% yls DEEir�Fe�i'tSE�'I -1 4a�:=�_.� (,i.�t1s• Ti'�=��7:�iit 1C11Nt.; �;3:t`�t _;,';t)iitF,c, ,t j.-n 4 [;_r.GULAR It[':PAR1[SIN1 PAYMraltIf REfldIc.R YFd OW? SET; 99 rl'J�? As ENTFRPRISE FUN DEPARIIiEN .`• JR Hrir Cf-"'rmrfiv1jjt f'q,'L ACCOUNT NAME Uff_.l00", 20 A " T �.lUCH PA f T. ilGd, I --'?�Yi?Fj.6;t)T[i fY�'s',,rc Vi)Ct IrAf•�{,, Itre i, "I Fl�ii_;•....�A�. , ;li__,� 1' i:l_ . l—�',,..� • t . l,s _ 9)_�; el Ltl Lr.:ITr�R r_RC, : I oq..'C05i130 CIN'TAI3 t..;5gq.;t t3C`.,.-3—;:,1') {,Cs_ tl'"• l[.TA , q 7-•n4r'i�? In • S.. i ¢_E=C`-,,3 t,�.., 7 a1') ..ee, _ "9"'I)07<10 KillR'_ [":I_I�CTI;:•.0 OUPPL i;"'?r){Y F)Ct ryr)g-L,s;.-�,�} {y ..Ur7`'< l':.A(�['. 5 Ia:!.rClRl:t; i—?1i�'ist ,",3PDt r,} { t)0790 -) IDEIll1014 n C C C:O, GIIILII[_r r_• If} SUI P nr, rr 1 ':,_;Ft11 p0 —fY,..i4 no 56 IL \ z- ,ty t'• N r•.;,J Cli,iF',1id' v +ni ;i{t1„� O—",�„r,'?�, tJ[i: 1 , t,.R } _ r}t�_.'7 �,Jf)t. !_i=��fit`d PRCi I"dlE:!t; {. •?.JiStt.l it �ti S?-• jti •-c.1. i ,)3 tIt E.OUE riiliiE LE'?!T[.n m7. ;)rJ0_. �t? ti 1'J ell lei't3c„ lit 1141E H0['[E ti... CF:t if:l; 5. .,.i7i T-183.1 it }+� t=t,e•", -'i�_ : y%'n , p {E..,r.( } r+f� , Ti- F .3( LN'. } 1 ui COW I-- it'(ti} h.. r)tl, c, ln.....�,:15 rrt, r _:K50 .SCHLI. i ct :. 117,11„r , .: gri'_fl'�tr{f7 "Q(..tllifl�d I•F�CsiJF� f)fli;-ji'--i.j �c s"",!~.. �i •� f" t.•�r �t, , t e. ,1, o L,'l. MOBILE:n1,n •r C L I—: .c,._t)1 rs r".G e-ce) (}`3 vv} C'v.i•, �J 1.. L ht.•t `•?"'(! F r+ •rt, EtJ C•F 1tc,.7 rt AS , KR DEVIC1.E 'f _{ "f 7G r !� t;t()!0 I,IkR r'tliTtl i'ART ^y•-t)3�;t) ��E:[)L� ::^,UIt1 PAR[;~ gq_r)i:;f}ip 1:1F.i31, AIlT13 P4Q"r= try t) a -.l,. ".a •.; •_ ..' Jet qAn -i� r: n:t.:- 4)tYf;.. 00.. r 325 c?n.t7r V. 11 i1 .��<<.I �� I {=,,"; 1. Gt6 n e_t;t'-54't u�;C�1t' , C , .[,F..[ fi tJ _.t):aV'l i� Pf'ti L;i7TCui.,[:! d nJi3_cti..'i;± vt ell f7G.. 011KO f 1" AJr,1L.„L,LE: P. + f.r• [?t •r,' ;c.,. iC ._ r} 7— 4? l * 7 c•'T r t:t)C . ,r...l,_4U Ie3 d f'RIpT:EOl! CHECat AIIMI! PACiEf,' )t)i)iYt)0 I;.s'Y, b iL!F'_!]!1r';L.its 'eYS I ? (3t'tirJtiC} R fr iS iSCiTGI: I.! 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E2S9Ty Eau 9 Q AL 9 y gge 9 GB y «g9 6 a6yl 2«3 %.m @« b \gT 2 44,92 t R11 gK 0 CGrd S 9% 3,36,3 ?6 R.at 9 g jL MEMO June 30, 1999 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Item #5 This contract is exactly the same as the current contract. They are excellent in the way they collect taxes and make deposits. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - TAX COLLECTION THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1999 by and between DENTON COUNTY, political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and "CITY OF SANGER", Denton County, Texas, also a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY." WHEREAS, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A. Government code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Section 6.24; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITY has the authority to authorize the COUNTY to act as tax assessor and collector for MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY has the authority to so act; NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree and understand as follows: I. The effective date of this agreement shall be the lst day of October 1999. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one year, from October 1, 1999 to and through September 30, 2000. This agreement is subject to renewal for additional one (1) year terms at the discretion of the Denton County Commissioners Court and the MUNICIPALITY, unless terminated by written notice by the COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY to the other participating in this agreement. Such written notice shall be given no later than one hundred fifty (150) days in advance of the expiration date of the agreement, or no later than one hundred fifty (150) days in advance of the termination date of any renewal agreement as provided herein. II. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contemplated, COUNTY shall provide the following necessary and appropriate services for MUNICIPALITY to the maximum extent authorized by this agreement, without regard to race, sex, religion, color, age, disability or national origin; to -wit: 1. COUNTY, by and through its duly elected tax assessor -collector, shall serve as tax assessor -collector for MUNICIPALITY for ad valorem tax collection purposes for fiscal year 1999 and each fiscal year thereafter, as herein provided. COUNTY agrees to perform for MUNICIPALITY all necessary duties hereby authorized, and MUNICIPALITY does hereby expressly authorize COUNTY to do and perform all acts necessary and proper to assess and collect taxes for MUNICIPALITY. COUNTY agrees to collect base taxes, penalties, interest and attorneys fees. 2. COUNTY agrees to prepare and mail all tax statements, provide monthly collection reports to MUNICIPALITY, prepare tax certificates, develop and maintain both current and delinquent tax rolls, meet the requirements of Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code and develop and maintain such other records and forms as are necessary or required by law, State rules and/or regulations. COUNTY further agrees that it will calculate the effective tax rates and rollback tax rates for MUNICIPALITY and that such will be provided at no additional cost to MUNICIPALITY. The information concerning the effective and rollback tax rates will be published in the form prescribed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and as required by Section 26.04 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the expense of publication shall be borne by the MUNICIPALITY and that COUNTY shall provide the MUNICIPALITY'S billing address to the newspaper publishing the effective and rollback tax rates. COUNTY agrees upon request to offer guidance and the necessary forms for posting notices of required hearing and quarter page notices as required by Sections 26.05 and 26.06 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. Should MUNICIPALITY vote to increase its tax rate above the rollback tax rate or more than three percent (3%) above the effective tax rate, whichever is lower, the required publication of quarter page notices shall be the responsibility of the MUNICIPALITY. 3. COUNTY will undertake and agrees to develop and maintain written policies and procedures of its operation, to make available to MUNICIPALITY full information about the operation of the COUNTY Tax Office, and to promptly furnish written reports hereinafter described to keep MUNICIPALITY informed of all financial information affecting it. 4. MUNICIPALITY agrees to promptly deliver to the possession and control of COUNTY all records that it has accumulated and developed in assessment and collection of taxes, and to cooperate in furnishing or locating any other information and records needed by COUNTY to perform its duties under the terms and conditions hereof. 5. COUNTY agrees to allow an audit of the tax records of MUNICIPALITY during normal working hours with at least 48 hours advance written notice to COUNTY. The expense of any and all such audit and/or audits shall be paid for solely by MUNICIPALITY. A copy of any and all such audit and/or audits shall be furnished to COUNTY. 6. If required by MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY agrees to obtain a surety bond for the 3 County Tax Assessor/Collector, such bond to be conditioned on the faithful performance of his/her lawful duties, payable to and in an amount determined by the governing body of the MUNICIPALITY. The premium for any and all such bonds as maybe required by the MUNICIPALITY shall be borne solely by MUNICIPALITY. 7. COUNTY agrees that it will mail January reminder tax notices and May 33.07 statements itemizing all taxes due per property account. MUNICIPALITY will pay fifty-five cents ($.55) for each delinquent tax statement, said statements to be mailed on or about May 1. 8. COUNTY agrees that it will fax or mail daily collection reports to MUNICIPALITY listing current taxes, delinquent taxes, penalties and interest; provide monthly Maintenance and Operation, hereinafter referred to as M & O, and Interest and Sinking, hereinafter referred to as I & S, collection reports; provide monthly recap reports; and provide monthly attorney fee collection reports. 9. MUNICIPALITY retains its right to select its own delinquent tax collection attorney and COUNTY agrees to reasonably cooperate with said attorney in the collection of delinquent taxes and related activities. COUNTY shall designate and does hereby designate the COUNTY Tax Assessor/ Collector to act on behalf of the COUNTY Tax Office, and to serve as Liaison for COUNTY with and between COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. County Tax Assessor/ Collector, and his/her designated substitute, shall ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY as herein stated; shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of COUNTY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the COUNTY Tax Office n employee, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. IV. MUNICIPALITY shall designate and does hereby designate to act on behalf of MUNICIPALITY, and to serve as Liaison for MUNICIPALITY by and between COUNTY and the COUNTY Tax Office to ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of MUNICIPALITY as herein stated; shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of MUNICIPALITY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the MUNICIPALITY employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY. V. COUNTY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all COUNTY employees and agents, sub -contractors and /or contract laborers, and for those of other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said COUNTY. VI. MUNICIPALITY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all MUNICIPALITY employees and agents, sub -contractors and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said MUNICIPALITY. VII. 5 MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that MUNICIPALITY, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of COUNTY. COUNTY understands and agrees that COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of MUNICIPALITY. VIII. COUNTY is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The address of COUNTY is: County Judge of Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone 940-565-8687 MUNICIPALITY is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The Address of MUNICIPALITY is: City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Telephone 940458-7930 Contact: Jack Smith IX. For the services rendered during the 1999 tax year as hereinabove stated, MUNICIPALITY agrees to pay the COUNTY for the receipting, bookkeeping, issuing, and mailing of tax statements as follow: l . The current tax statements will be mailed on or before October 15. This requirement will be deemed to have been met if the tax statement bears a postmark of not later than October 18. The fee for this service will be fifty-five cents ($0.55) per statement. In the event MUNICIPALITY fails to set its tax rate in time for the statements to be mailed on or before October 15, the fee for mailing the current tax statements will be one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) per statement. It is expressly agreed that the date stated herein are contingent upon MUNICIPALITY setting its tax rate in a timely manner or on or before September 30, 1999. 2. A reminder statement will be sent on all unpaid current tax accounts during the month of January following the initial mailing. There will be no additional fee for the January reminder notice. 3. A third notice will be sent during the month of March following the initial mailing provided that MUNICIPALITY has requested same on or before February 28. The fee for this service will be charged at the existing First Class letter rate set by the United States Postal Service (currently $.033 per statement). 4. At least 30 days, but no more than 60 days, prior to July 1, and following the initial mailing, a statement meeting the requirements of Section 33.07 of the Texas Property Tax Code will be mailed. The fee for this service will be fifty -live cents ($.55) per statement. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that COUNTY will bill MUNICIPALITY following each mailing for which charges are permitted as stated above for services rendered. Payment is due upon receipt of the statement. MUNICIPALITY further understands and agrees that COUNTY (at its sole discretion) may increase or decrease the amounts charged to MUNICIPALITY for any successive agreements between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY for the services hereinabove stated with written notice to MUNICIPALITY of any such increase or decrease in the fee for said services, sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of this agreement. COUNTY agrees to remit and pay over to MUNICIPALITY by check all taxes, 7 penalties and interest collected on MUNICIPALITY'S behalf or to deposit same into such depositories as selected by MUNICIPALITY, as follow: 1. For deposits of tax, penalties and interest, the method of disbursement shall be wire transfer or by check sent by mail to MUNICIPALITY'S accounts, segregated into proper M & O and I & S accounts. 2. In the event the MUNICIPALITY uses the same depository as the COUNTY the above stated transfers of funds shall be by deposit transfer. 3. In anticipation of renewal of this Agreement by the parties herein, COUNTY further agrees that from April 1, 1999 through October 15, 1999 deposits will be made weekly and from October 16, 1999 through March 31, 2000, deposits will be made daily. For purposes of end of month reporting, there will be a deposit made at the end of each month of the year. It is expressly understood, however, that this obligation of COUNTY shall not survive termination of this Agreement, whether by termination by either party or by failure of the parties to renew this Agreement. XI. In the event of notice of termination, a withdrawing party shall be obligated to pay such payments as are required by this agreement through the entire balance of the tax year in which notice is given and COUNTY shall be obligated to provide services pursuant to this agreement, as hereinabove set forth, during such period. XII. This agreement represents the entire agreement between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement maybe amended only by written instrument signed by the governing bodies of both MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. XIV. The vaty of this agreement and of any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. XV. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XVI. The undersigned officer and/or agent of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. Executed in duplicate originals this, the 1999. COUNTY Denton County, Texas 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 BY: Honorable Kirk Wilson Denton County Judge Acting on behalf of and by the Authority of the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas. ATTEST: BY: Cynthia Mitchell Denton County Cleric APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: Mary Horn Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney day of MUNICIPALITY City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 BY: Title. Acting on behalf of and by the authority of MUNICIPALITY. ATTEST: BY: Name, Title 10 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Eddie Branham, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Subject: Item # 6 Date: July 1, 1999 I have discussed the manhole rehabilitation with Mr. Smith, and we have come to the conclusion that we should go ahead and do all thirteen manholes at a cost of $14,987.50. This is a budgeted line item; however, I will be over budget on this item. The reasoning behind this decision is to help with the ever going problem of infiltration and inflow into the system, which affects ultimately the permit status of are wastewater treatment plant. As you are aware we are getting dangerously close to what we are allowed to treat, this will not solve the problem, but is a start on the solution. Thank you for your support! MEMO TO: Jack Smith FROM: Vicky Elieson DATE: June 11, 1999 RE: System representative appointment Every two years the city council appoints a representative to the system assembly of the North Texas Regional Library System. This representative is not to be an employee of the Library, but a lay citizen. Since 1989, Nancy Smith has served in this position. She is asking not to be reappointed at this time because she is pursuing other interests. Please suggest to the City Council that they appoint Norma Matney as the new system representative. Nancy Smith is willing to serve as the alternate system representative, so that appointment should be made as well. Attached is the memo from the North Texas Regional Library System and the appointment form that should be returned to their office. North "Txas Regional Library System NTI S Memo To: Member Library Directors From: Samantha Bothel/Office Inventory Clerk/North Texas Regional Library Syste Date: 05/19/99 Re: System Assembly Representative Registrations This memo is to remind you that the terms of service for all NTRLS Assembly Representatives and their alternates will expire 8/31/99. According to the NTRLS Bylaws, Article X, Section 1, Paragraph (b), "Representatives to the system assembly serve two-year terms which coincide with the state fiscal year, with no limitation as to the number of terms. In case of vacancy, the governing body making the original selection shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term." After your nominees) are elected or appointed, whichever the case, the clerk or secretary of the appropriate governing body must notify the NTRLS office in writing of the names, addresses, telephone, and if applicable, the fax numbers of the person(s) elected. Notification must be received via fax or ilk July 15, 1999. This will allow time for the updated information to be included in the NTRLS notebook material which will be distributed at the Fall System Meeting. For your convenience, I have attached a System Assembly Representative Registration form to be completed by a representative of your library governinn body. You may use this form or create your own as long as it includes the above mentioned information. A current System Assembly Representative Registration is required in order to have voting privileges at the Fall System Meeting. Please do not hesitate to call me at the system office, 817-335-6076 or 800- 856-3050, with questions or concerns. 1111 Foch Street, Suite 100 Eort Worth, T}C 76107-2921 817.33�.6076 Eux 817.335.7145 North Texas Library System APPOINTMENT OF NTRLS SYSTEM ASSEMBLY REPRESENTATIVE SYSTEM ASSEMBLY REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION: NAM ADDRESS: PHONE &FAX: Term of office: 9-1-99 through 8-31-01 ALTERNATE SYSTEM ASSEMBLY REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE &FAX: Term of office: 9-1-99 through 8-31-01 AUTHORIZED BY: SIGNATURE OF LIBRARY GOVERNING BODY REPRESENTATIVE PRINTED NAME OF LIBRARY GOVERNING BODY REPRESENTATIVE DATE 1111 Foch Street, Suite 100 Fort Worth, T'X 76107-1911 817.335.6076 Fnx 817.335.7145 BUILDING INSPECTIONS: Framing 2 Foundation 16 Final 3 Certificate of Occupancy 3 Paving Inspection 0 Swimming Pool 1 Total Building Inspections 22 Red Tags 0 Green Tags 22 Not Ready 0 PLUMBING INSPECTIONS: Rough -In 9 Sewer 2 Gas 0 Water 0 A/C -Central Heat 5 Final 4 Total Plumbing Inspections 20 Red Tags 1 Green Tags 19 Not Ready 0 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS: Rough -In 2 Temporary Pole 4 Temporary Final 0 Final 7 Electric Code Inspection 4 Electrical Re -Inspection 3 Total Electrical Inspections 20 Red Tags 4 Green Tags 16 FII2E INSPECTIONS: Routine Inspections 1st. Re -Inspections 2nd, Re -Inspections 3rd. Re -Inspections Certificate/Occupancy Permits Special Test Fire Code Inspections Total Fire Inspections Certified Letters Notices Re -Inspections Corrected Re- Inmspections Pending CODE ENFORCEMENT Abandon Vehicles HighGrass/Weeds Trash/Debris Tree Limbs Unsafe Structures Code Inspections Re -Inspections Complaints Received Total Code Enforcement Notice Given Certified Letters Re -Inspection Corrected Re -Inspection Pending Complaints Unfounded Complaints Corrected Complaints Pending 0 29 21 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 1 40 0 15 1 2 19 19 107 PLANS REVIEWED: Non -Residential 3 Residential 6 PERMIT ISSUED: Building 9 Plumbing 6 Electrical 7 Mechanical 6 Lawn Sprinkler 1 Sign 0 Citations Given 3 1. Permit Violation 2. Junk Vehicle 3. High grass & weeds Grand Total Inspections 209