05/03/1999-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. 4. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 3, 1999 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements Citizen's Input. Any Other Such Matters. Adjourn. CONSENT AGENDA April 19, 1999 Rosalie Chavez, City Dat and nd Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information. MINUTES: City Council - Workshop April 19, 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent/Fire Chief Jeff Morris 1. Mayor Pro Tern called meeting to order. 2. Discuss Future Plans for Fire Department. Jeff Morris addressed the Council, he indicated he needed some direction from the Council before he starts next years budget. Discussed if they wanted paid personnel, Mr. Morris indicated the insurance rating would go down if they had paid personnel. Volunteers would like to see paid personnel. Discussed the shifts the fire department was working, and Mr. Morris indicated weekend shifts would be implemented tomorrow. Mayor Pro tem asked if the City changed to a paid Fire Department what the County would do. Mr. Morris indicated they would have to form a County Fire Department, he indicated they would not be able to leave the City if they had a paid Fire Department because they would not want to leave the City unprotected. Councilman McNeill indicated sixty-five to seventy-five percent of all runs are EMS runs. Mr. Morris indicated there were 408 EMS runs and 297 fire runs, the majority of the fire runs are County runs not City runs. Mr. Morris indicated they are currently running first response, but they did not have to, they could wait for Denton. Denton's response time went up from 13 minutes to 14 minutes this year. Mr. Morris indicated they cover the largest area in Denton County. Discussed what surrounding cities were doing. Ambulance service discussed. Mr. Morris indicated the best thing might be to implement four paid people in 2000, and get a grant for an ambulance, contract out and run EMS runs for the County. Mayor Pro Tem indicated they would need at least ten people and two ambulances, he indicated in the past he has not been in favor of a paid department. He expressed concerns regarding funding. Discussed sending some of the volunteers to paramedic school. Mr. Morris indicated he wanted to improve the care for the citizens. Mayor Pro Tem indicated the best option they have at this time is to rely on the City of Denton. Discussed where number of volunteers and where most of them live, the majority of them live in the city limits. They opened the radius to two miles. Discussed the territory they cover, and possibly giving up some of the area. Mr. Morris indicated they should go to the County and ask for an increase in funds received from them per run in the County. Council agrees they should assess the rates and possibly ask for increase. Discussed how many cities have paid fire departments. Discussed shifts, and how they are working. Discussed issues concerning expansion. Mr. Morris indicated his suggestion was to not add equipment this year, but possibly expand the fire department, he suggested they continue operating as they are through all of 2000. Discussed ambulance, all agreed they do not see how the City could afford it. Council agrees to check all options. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council April 19, 1999 PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent/Fire Chief Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Street Supervisor John Henderson, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Lisa Hardy, Shelly Ruland, Jeff McNeill 1. Mayor Pro Tem called meeting to order, Councilman James led the invocation, and Mayor Pro Tem led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: Apri15, 1999 b) Disbursements Councilman Ervin addressed items on the disbursments, the first item was on page 16, Items 1 and 2. City Administrator indicated All Area Electric was for the Code Enforcement Officer's office, and Nor Tex Communications was for a phone expansion card for his office. Councilman Ervin addressed page 25, and asked what Autocad was for. City Administrator indicated it was a program on his computer, and it would be used for City maps. Councilman James moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None, 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider aSpecific-Use Permit for sign construction on property legally desccribed as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, 5.929 Acres. This property is located at Spur 183 & I-35, Cattle Rustler's Steak House. Public Hearing opened/. Ken Minhinnet, 1003 Shady Oaks Dr., Denton, indicated he wanted the sign to be sixty-five foot high, and indicated the sign would be I FX30'. He indicated the sign would be located on the Southwest corner within 20' of where the temporary sign is now. Councilman McNeill asked if both sides of the sign would advertise his restaurant. Mr. Minhinnet indicated it would. Discussed the sign would only be used for the restaurant and no outside advertising. Joe Higgs, 218 Hillcrest, indicated they should think about what would the sign be used for if Cattle Rustler's ceased to be a restaurant. Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding aSpecific-Use Permit for sign construction on property legally desccribed as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, 5.929 Acres. This property is located at Spur 183 & I-35, Cattle Rustler's Steak House. Staff indicated Planning and Zoning had unanimously approved the request at 65' tall with the understanding they would do there best to make the sign less than 600 square foot. Mr. Smith indicated this sign was 330 square foot, and only 5 foot over the maximum height. Mayor Pro tem asked for staff s recommendation. City Administrator indicated they did not have a problem with it, he indicated it was a big sign, but also a big building by a big overpass, and they really needed something so it would be seen. Discussed lighting. Councilman James indicated the sign could not be used as a billboard in the future, he indicated he was in support of it. Councilman Ervin indicated he did not have a problem with it. Councilwoman Madden thanked Mr. Minhinnet for presenting the drawing, and indicated she appreciated the completeness. She expressed concerns that other businesses would request same variance. Mayor Pro Tem indicated they would have to address each one on an individual basis. Discussion. Councilman James moved to grant a Specific -Use permit for the construction of a sign on property legally described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, 5.929 Acres. This property is located at Spur 183 & I.35, Cattle Rustler's Steak House. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change Request From AG to SF3 on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester Survey, Tract 208, being 2.438 Acres of land. This Property is located off of Duck Creek Road. Public Hearing opened. Councilman McNeill abstained from discussion concerning this item. Jeff McNeill, 804 Keaton, indicated he has this property under contract, and has plans to subdivide the property. He has contracts on three parcels of land, two of them are zoned SF3, he wants this parcel zoned SF3 also. Public Hearing closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change Request From AG to SF3 om Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester Survey, Tract 208, being 2.438 Acres of land. This Property is located off of Duck Creek Road. Staff indicated Planning and Zoning unanimously recommended approval, it will benefit the city tax wise to get it out of AG. Mayor Pro Tem asked Jeff McNeill to state his intent for the property. Mr. McNeill indicated his intent was to develop this property with two streets, and thirty-two lots. He indicated he wanted to build 1300 square foot homes instead of 1200 square foot. He indicated the smallest lot would be 70' X 100'. He indicated his plans are for a restricted subdivision. Mr. Smith indicated everything he sees about it is good. Councilman James moved to approve the zoning change request from AG to SF3 on property legally described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester Survey, Tract 208, being 2.438 Acres of land. This Property is located off of Duck Creek Road. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. Councilman McNeill abstained. 8. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Annexation of Property Situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Being a Total of 93.822 Acres. Property is located on I-35 North of Belz road. (Bridle Path Estates) Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action for City Councilmen to attend TML Workshop in Mesquite. Mr. Smith indicated this meeting was close enough that it would not be a burden to get there, he indicated this workshop was on open meetings, rules, etc. Councilman James indicated he would like to go. Councilman Ervin indicated he wanted to go also. Councilman James moved to authorize expenditure for any City Council person that wants to attend this meeting on May 7. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #04-10-99 -Rescinding Freeport Tax Exemption. Mr. Smith indicated they rescinded the ordinance that was passed in 1989 that did not grant the exemption for the sole purpose of attracting Nucor. Mr. Smith indicated he has a call into the Appraisal District regarding the personal properly tax on inventory, they will fax a copy of all businesses in Sanger that have inventory. He indicated the amount is probably so small that it would not do any harm to keep the exemption. Councilman James indicated he would like to see the numbers before making a decision. Mayor Pro Tem asked how many businesses it would affect. Staff indicated about nine. Councilman McNeill indicated when he first heard of this company coming to Sanger they did not want anything, but were going to put in a 22 million dollar company. He then heard they needed a grant for roads , etc. Then they needed a tax abatement, then he heard it was only going to be a 12 million dollar building. He indicated he was not sure if this exemption was good or bad, and he was concerned for the future of Sanger. Mayor Pro Tem indicated his tendency was to think they need to have this exemption in place. Discussion. Councilman James indicated they were putting together a web site for the City of Sanger, and this would be good to have under the "advantages of Sanger". Mayor Pro Tem indicated it would be best to delay action on this item pending information from the appraisal district, and put it back on the agenda at a future meeting. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Alternate Judge for May 1 Election. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Margie Braxton to serve as Alternate Judge in the May 1 Election. Councilman james seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action to Accept Rick Carter's Resignation from the Planning and Zoning Commission, and to Appoint a Replacement. Mayor Pro Tem indicated there was a possibility they would lose more members pending the results of the election, and suggested they take no action on appointing members until after the election. Councilman Ervin moved to accept Rick Carters resignation from the Planning and Zoning Board. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 13. Any Other Such Matters. a)Mr. Smith indicated the first meeting of the Home Rule Commission would be a week from Tuesday. b)Mr. Smith indicated he would take on part of the day tomorrow for his son's graduation.. c)Councilman Ervin commented John Henderson was doing a great job. d)Councilman James indicated there would be a rabies clinic Saturday morning. e)Mr. Smith indicated he would run an ad to remind candidates to keep their signs out of the Right of Way. 14. Meeting Adjourned. E9/99 1:303 Aid k1FNDOR SETx 99 w 01 DEPARTKEWk 10 LMcnhL FUidl1 11AYLR & CITY COUNCIL REGULAR GEGARTNEUT PHYffitNI RESISTER AAuE 1 VENDOR NAME ITE1l ve S1L ACLUUNI PHNt 1?ESCRIAIiuPq LHECi', A�II�J11T 99-02'670 T14L I—E 75 001� 10' 5235 DUES AND REGI HOME RULE CHARTER WWI@;• €1EPART�1E�dT l5 �1AYAR � CIT`� Ci�U1dCIL 4/* 9/99 I°�, Pii REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER t A n VENDOR SET: 99 D. 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. 15 ADMINISTRATION VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEC€{ AMOUNT 99-00840 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. I�226120 091-15-5230 ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED/GROUNDMAN 000000 105.60 99-02460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL 1-990429MZ 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER MOBILE PHONES 000000 56.47 4/E9/99 1*39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET< 99 9 p 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. 20 POLICE VENDOR NAME ITEM 4 rG/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-00660 COPELCO CAPITAL INC. I-990514 OOHO-5345 99—G11BG GOODYEAR b1HOLESALE TIRE I-9904�Bifi�! 4��1-SO-53c5 99m+�15BG LA�lSON PRODUCTS I-7344876 GGf�RO-5365 99—GR14G RADIO SHAC4� I-99G4BBMS �.��1—BG-51?45 99-G3OfG !VEBB AUTO PARTS I-1G66S GG1—cA-53R5 99-03010 MEBB AUTO PARTS I-1G6Bu OZHO-5325 99-03010 NEBB AUTO PARTS H 06B3 OOHO53R5 99-0601G ESTY SPECIALTY PRODUCTS H237 GO1—EO-5245 DESCRIPTION CHECI'D AMOUNT LEASE EQUIPME COPIER LEASE 0@0090 143,95 R M MOTOR V 4 TIRES GOMGGG 24,46 R M MOTOR V E�IRE� HACf;SA;d9 HARI>�lARE, BATTERY GGGG OTHER OPERATI BATTERIES 01GG0G0 R M MOTOR V FLASHER�AIR/OIL FILTERS9'�IPERS GOCrG�� R M MOTOR V OIL FILTERSIFLASHERIBRAKE FLUI 000000 R M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS,FLASHER,BRAKE FLUI GGBGGB OTHER OPERATI TAMPER PROOF EVIDENT BAG GOGGGG DEPARTMENT �pG POLICE 4O, G5 34d 99 76Be95 4/09199 1,39 Pik VENDOR SETR 99 u 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT® 22 ANIMAL CONTROL REGULAR DEPARTNT PAY111ENT REGI"bTER VENDOR NAME ITEN G(L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 99�00570 CHEMCO I—IG4724 GOH2®5223 CHEMICAL SUPP BUGOFF,COLD KILL,GOLIATH 99 02170 REINERT PAPER CHEMICA 16026O 001-22-5245 OTHER OPERATI DROOM,TRASH,LINERS DEPARTMENT E� At1IMAL CONTROL PAGE 4 cf CHEC€', A�fOiiNT OOA�O 17DI OO 0 84,27 TOTAL: F`6e,E'7 4129/99 1k39 PM VENDOR SET o 99 001 OEPARTMENT s 24 GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR NAME ITEM w GIL ACCOUNT NAME DcSCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-00420 BOUND TREE I-363758 001-24®5375 MINOR EtTUIPME SHARE'S CONTAINERS 000000 16.90 99—�}04u'0 BURRUS I-990428ML 00f-24-5215 `��'—��980 FIRESTORM I-8632 00f-24-5255 9'33-01100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE F990428MW 001�24°5325 99-01500 LA1#SOM PRODUCTS 99-02140 RAi�IO SHACK I-7344876 001�24-5325 I-990428MU 001®24-5325 99®02350 SCHLUTER EhdC. � COiiM. I-16165 001-24-5325 99-02460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL I-990429M� 001®24�5520 99�03010 WERR AUTO E'ARTS i—f0683 001-24-5325 99��F»f�40 E'RO ST ITCH I-990428M�! 001-24--5255 9943640 PRO STITCH 1-990428mv 001-24-5255 �.13570 MCCAIN'S OVERHEAR DOOR I-17812 001-24-5310 99�05600 MOTRE P�SEiiICAL GORP, 99-0599�9 VCE' i-0265222 001-24-5375 I-4173061 001--24--6055 FOOD FOOD FOR FIRE TRAI1dI1dG CLASS 000��00 WEARING APPAR GLOVE,RURRER ROOTS 000000 R � M MOTOR V 4 TIRES 000000 R � M MOTOR V 4iIRE,HACK,SAW,NARRWARE,BATTERY 000000 R & M MOTOR V INSTALL MIC CIRCUIT ON TRUCK O'40000 CELLULAR PHON MOBILE E'HONES R � M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS,FL.ASHER,RRAKE FLUI 0��0000 WEARI1df� AE'PAR RAG b!i NAMES, FIRE EMRLE�tS WEARING APPAR MCSPEDi9EN FIRE EMBLEM R � M RUILitIN LIPS MOCrEL T MINOR EL�UIPME TAPE,E;�TR. CCrLLAR FIRE FIGNTIh?G MINiTOR III PAGER FRECo DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE I}EPARTMENT 000000 000000 000000 000000 �300000 10047 460.00 51 40,09 10r 00 125.00 151, 71 1 n95 52.00 c0.00 1, 920. R0 75a 00 4,250s23 7,169a86 4/29/99 1:39 PM VENDOR SET: 99 a 001 DEPARTMENT: 26 OEIERA�_ FOND MUNICIPAL COURT REGULAR DEPARTMIENI PAYMENT REGISTER WAGE t 6 VENDOR NAMt ITEM rf OIL ACCOONT NAME i1ESCRIATION CF{ECK AMOIlidT 99�03E40 LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS 1-104044 001—E6-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI PARKING TICKET BOOKS 00000�13 139,00 I?Ef�ARTMEP�T eb Nl1PdICIF'AL COilRT TOTALS 139a00 41E9/99 1*39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYME14T REGISTER PAGEe 7 VENDOR SET: 99 i : 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS VENDOR NAME ITEM G1L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99�01010WMFOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP 1-990488MY 001-30-5255 WEARING APPAR JEANS 000000 65.85 99�01100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE I-990428MW 001�30-5325 R & M MOTOR V 4 TIRES 000000 24.51 99-01170 HOLLINGSWORTH MFG CO IN I-3408 001-30-5325 R D M MOTOR V TONGUE JACK 000000 47.50 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 1-7344876 001-30-5325 R @ M MOTOR V WIRE,HACKSAWiHARDWARE,BATTERY 000000 40.09 99�01990 OSBORNE'S 1-10172''07C 001-3n-5360 R & M OTHER FRAME COUPLER 000000 77.99 99-0cS30 SARGENT-SOWELL� INC. I-6050`t10 Or01-30-5380 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS 1-10683 001-30-5325 STREET SIGNS REFLECTIVE TAPE 4�HITE R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS DEPARTMENT 30 STREET; 000000 74>34 000000 4.00 TOTAL: 334.c7 4/29/99 1a39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER R°AGEa � VENDOR SETa 99 a03 OO1 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTa 32 PARKS VENDOR NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK 99-00140 NATIONS RENT I-38889001 001-3245260 SAFETY EQUIPM COOLERS @000021 99-00790 DENTON CO.BUILDERS SUPP I-31833 001®32-5343 BALL FIELD MA BOOR LOCK & HANDLE 000000 99-0i010 POSTER'S SAt1DLE SHOP I-9904?8MY 001-3e-5255 99-01490 LAWN LAND 1-96281 001-32-5311 99-01570 LOWE'S HOME CENTER 1�1831.1274 001-32-5343 39--Ow'460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL i-9904291�"t 001-32-5520 99--03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-10683 001-32-5311 99-03216 GRAVITY INC. 1-99186 001-32--5260 99-03340 GENE GOHLKE 1-03376 001®32-5343 99-04660 DISCOUNT TROPHIES 1�990429NA 001-32-5221 99-04660 DISCOUINT TROPHIES I-990429NB 001�32-5221 _al,3130 LONE STAR TRAILER 1-1421 001-32-5311 99-05980 NEUCO SCOREBOARD CO�#PAN I-186014 001-32°5343 WEARING APPAR ,IEAi15 000000 R � N EQUiPME AIR FILTER ELE 000000 BALL FIELD MA MINI LITE,DIRECT WIRE 000000 CELLULAR PHON MOBILE PHONES 000000 R M EQUIPME OIL FILTERS,FLASHER,BRAKE FLUI OOOOOO SAFETY EQUIPM PEEL & TAPE/ SAFETY FIRST 00000,0 BALL FIELD MR FIELD MARKER OOOOOO BEAUTIFICATIO MAKE A DIFFERAANCE 000000 BEAUTIFICATIO MAKE A DIFFERANCE PLAQUE 0100000 R & M EQUIPME SET RAMPS 000000 BALL FIE1_D MA BOA Wl COVER � FEED THRU DEPARTP4ENT 32 `'ARKS ���0000 TOTALa AMOUNi 74, 84 13.78 65.85 1 a. 59 36.90 51.87 99-05980 NEUCO SCOREBOARD CO�#PAN I-186014 001-32°5343 WEARING APPAR ,IEAi15 000000 R � N EQUiPME AIR FILTER ELE 000000 BALL FIELD MA MINI LITE,DIRECT WIRE 000000 CELLULAR PHON MOBILE PHONES 000000 R M EQUIPME OIL FILTERS,FLASHER,BRAKE FLUI OOOOOO SAFETY EQUIPM PEEL & TAPE/ SAFETY FIRST 00000,0 BALL FIELD MR FIELD MARKER OOOOOO BEAUTIFICATIO MAKE A DIFFERAANCE 000000 BEAUTIFICATIO MAKE A DIFFERANCE PLAQUE 0100000 R & M EQUIPME SET RAMPS 000000 BALL FIE1_D MA BOA Wl COVER � FEED THRU DEPARTP4ENT 32 `'ARKS ���0000 TOTALa AMOUNi 74, 84 13.78 65.85 1 a. 59 36.90 51.87 4.00 71.58 238.00 9.00 50.00 37.50 677.91 4/29/99 1n39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGEo � VENDOR SET: 99 001 GENERAL FUND k€ARTMENT; 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VENDOR MAKE ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-01810 MARS; MURDOCK 1-10683 001�36 245 OTHER OPEROTI UNIDIT 0-000010 :37m50 9942190 RITE�VUE 1-503783 001-36-5327 R & M OTHER COMTPRESSED OXYGEN 000000 7e00 99-02190 RITE -WELD 1•99042BMG 001WP36-5327 R & Mi OTHER OX 275 OXYGEN 000000 6400 99-02350 SCHLUTER ENG. COMM. I-16156 001-36-5245 OTHER OPERATI BATTERY 000000 22,50 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAIIITENANCE TOTAL= 73.00 4/29/99 1:39 Ptq VENDOR SETS 99 D e 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 Library REGULAR DEPARIKENI PAYMENT REGISTER PAGES 10 VENDOR N1,1111E IEili D OIL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEC4�, AfiOUNT 99--00450 BURROS 1-990428KK 001-42-5215 FOOD FOOD FOR FRIENDS MEETING 000000 7.79 99�03330 BAKER & TAYLOR I-50017498 001�42®6050 BOOKS BOOKS 000000 113648 99 13490 H.W. WILSON CO. I-52069303 001-45 52425 MAGAZINES S SUBSCRIPTION 000OC40 128400 994040 DAVIDSON TITLES 1-267420 OOH2-6050 BOOKS BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIO,NS 000000 455,22 99w-06050 VIDEO BY CYCLING 1510W 9 001°424050 BOOKS VIDEO TOPES 000000 30400 39-06070 PHOTOSENSITIVE H998 001-42-6050 BOOKS PHOTOSENSITIVE 000000 1195 DEPARTMENT 42 Library TOTAL> 743,44 4/29/99 1139 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PHYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET. 99 l 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS 66 Solid Waste VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 99®02760 TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT 1-990429NC 001-66-5390 COLLECTION CO TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT 66 Solid Waste UEtdDuR vET G�1 GENERAL FUND PAGE: 11 CHECi� TOTA1_ a TOTAL;. AMOUNT 469m 03 46`9, G3 iG, D04.6L� 4/29/99 1a69 pli VENDOR 6ETx 99 ;,O ; 06 DEPARTMENT: N/A C14"1ERPRISE FUND ON —DEPARTMENTAL REGULAR DEPARTMENT AAYNENT REGI6TER AAGEp 12 VEN110 c1APlt IEfli if OIL ACC04Pt T HWE IiESCRIP~TION CRLCP ANGIINT 99-00600 CITY OF SANGER HNFPY421 008 000 2111 A/P UNIFORM, T UNIFORMS 0000 0 2& CO i}EAARTP�ENT NON—I�EF°ARTIYrENTPL Ti3TAL m �O> �O 4029/99 I.39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET: 99 A ENTERPRISE FUND DLPARTMENT; 110 Mciyor and City Council FAGEo 13 VENDOR NHMt ITEri N D/L ACC6N111 NINE DESCRIPTION C1EC, AlitillNT ,B-KG7G TML I-5 �76 effi-1��-Oc30 DIES & REGIST HOME RULE CHARTER 900 0 5. A9 DED'ARTE�dT 10 f��ynr� end Cf ty C€sunci l TOTAL. 5� �s0 4/E9/99 1s39 PMREGULAR DEPARTMENT PAIMENT REGISTER PACE; 414 VENDOR SET: 99 D 0 9 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration VENDOR NAME ITEM R C/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK AMOUNT 99-00840 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. 1-226120 808-15-523@ ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED/CROUNDMAN 000000 10S460 99 OE4SO SOJTHIlESTERN DELL M€38IL I-99G4 9HZ tO8—f5—SSIO i'CLEA'H�9NE SER MOBILE PHOiIES DEPARTMENT i5 Administration TOTAL: '!EE.O7 iQgq Hy q YDmR y2 q \ ƒ : m§ w+R+«: g G«mRy FUND yR Processing +mGRymREN'T PAYMENT ySQR m+: C )GmR m+ ! till # &L ymgl�ln+ yygQlq D±& qI 99+920 mym2%I2. l±k6&c 00y19B15 RIMMACHINE m»*YMAIRaA± WHO 1519 Rmg�lg � aR2a£g +qQ lS.+ //qq2\ 4/29/99 1i39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 1} g 008 ENTERPRISE FUND PEPRRTMENT� 36 Vehicle Maintenance VENDOR NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99�08190 RITE -WELT} I-503783 008-36-536t R P M OTHER COMPRESSED OXYGEN 000000 7¢00 99-03190 RITE�WELD 1�990QBMG 00836-5360 R & M OTHER OX 275 OXYGEN 000000 6300 99-023 0 SCHLUTER EKG. & COMMo 1-16156 008 36-5245 OTHER OPERATI BATTERY 000000 2e.50 DES='ARThENT 36 Vehicle €�aineenanre TOTALS 3n50 �000�- 11/29f99 lain PM VENDOR SET: 99 008 litOARTMENTa 50 ENTERPRISE FUND REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 VENDOR RAME ITEM it OIL ACCOUI11 RAME DESCRIPTION CHECN,# AMOUr1T 99-00570 CHEMCO I—IG4724 008�50 5223 CHEMICAL SUPP BUGOFF,COLD KILL,GOLIATH 514aO0 99--01100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE I�990428MW 008-5O--5S85 R � f� FIOTOR €; 4 TIRES GOGOG'� 84s5! 99-01370 K—MART Ir99O428MO 008-50-5255 WEARING APPAR PANTS & SHIRTS 00000O 102a47 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-7344878 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V WIRE,I,ACKSA!kP,HARDWARE,BATTERY 000000 40a09 99-01570 LOWE'S HOME CENTER I-990428MI 008a50-5350 R & M OTHER LOWE'S HOME CENTER 000000 20619 99 02140 RADIO SHACK I-9904` X 098-50-5360 R & M OTHER AAA BATTERIES 001a 2 7,99 99A02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-1371 098-50-5360 R & M OTHER MEMORY BOARD,SOFTWARE KEY 000000 323a50 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-1373 008-50-53G0 R & M OTHER S&S TELEMETRY 020000 906a34 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-1375 008m50-5360 R & M OTHER CLEANED C1_17,CKECK GR0UND STOR 000000 283aSFl 99-02460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL I-99O429i�Z 008-50-55�t?� CELLULAR FE-IOP1 MOBILE PHONES 000000 52aG5 9�®0L98t9 WATER PRODUCTS INCa I�2�1O�1 008tl.�0-r,6O R & I� OTHER MTR GASKET,8RA�5 NIPPLE 0>�00�+°0 38a97 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC. I-22'2099 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER PVC PIPE 000000 4faGW ""-0;'980 WATER PRODUCTS INC. I-222100 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHAS EXT KIT 000000 44197 02980 WATER PRODUCTS INCa I-222100 tx08-50-5385 WATER PURCHAS 3 P1AY 6" M.I 01'0000 89150 99-02980 WATER PRODUCTS INC. 1-222100 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER MEGALUG PVC 000000 179a96 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-1OG83 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS,FLASHER,BRAKE FLUI 000000 5a90 99-03350 HURRICANE FENCE CO. I-171 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER CHAIN LINK, FENCE W/BARB WIRE 000000 48196, 99-O3640 PRO STITCH 1�990428MP 009�50;-5255 WEARING APPAR NAMES EMBROIDERED 01300210 9a00 99-O3860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP 1-4352 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V WIRE/CABLE 000000 42a2I 99-04530 TX, DEPT. OF HEALTH-404 I-99O428P 1 008-50-5377 WATER TESTING SAMPLE TESTING 000000 47GzO0 DEPARTMENT 50 4ia�etTOTAL: 4, 9;07e 31 4/29/99 1;39 P11 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PATMENI RECISEER VENDOR SET: 99 'D a0109 ENTERPRISE FUND ut FARTMENT1 52 L1ayle Water Collection PACE; 1D VENNDOR Wit ITEM D/L ACCOUNT NAME DESC RIPTION CHEC1{# AMaLlNi 93-M140 NATIONS RENT I-39£`t62O1 008132-5260 SAFETY ECUIPM WATER COOLER 0AOD0,21 9906O 99-+3O57Ci CHEMCa I-164724 CC13-GE'--SW'23 'S9-011OC +:�aaCkYEAR €�HaLESALE TIRE I-99O426M:! S'�8-52-5325 99-015� LA1�SOh4 !�'RODUCTS 99-��230 SARCEN�-SaL=ELL., ILIC. 99-�3r�1O �EIID AUTO FARTS 9`3-3210 GRAVITY IiIC. 99�-C432G ZEP MANL!FACTURIMG Ca, 99`04320 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO. I-7344676 C'�..6`52..5325 CHEMICAL SUPP 1�JCOFF,COLD 4;ILL,COLIATLi EOCCO R � M MOTOR V 4 TIRES C,OODOO R � 1F MOTOR '� LURE, HAC6'tSAL1,1"1ARDI�ARE, DATTERY OOC� I`6�+42�10 QO8-5c-526O �A�EiY EDUIPM VEST,COI�E RAC1i,C.aNES,SICHS COO9O I-10662 008-52-5325 R & M MOTOR V FLASHER,AIR/aIL FILTERS,WIPERS 0O000 I`99166 f?R 52-5269 SAFETY EDUIPM PEEL TAPE/ SAFETY FIRST COOGO I-4'�963496 CSC°-52-5315 R � M LIFT ST 55 CAL ARUM �-15072 CCDGk� I-40963496 CA6 , -..t- CHEMICAL SUPP CHERRY SPRAY 00+330 DEPARTMENT 52 Write Water Collection TOTAL. 437a43 2445E 4s O9 553.64 . 95 71.59 913. CC 95 r J 2, 27E�. 96 4/29199 1.39 PH REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RESISTER PAUEa 19 VENDOR SET* 99 ID q 008 ENTERPRISE FUND UtPARTMENTz 54 Waste Water Treatment VENDOR 14AME ITEM C!L ACCOUNT HAi4E DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99- 0 45A BURRUS 1-m990428MR 08-54-5353 R & M SEWER P DUSTAANI BLEACH, WATER 000000 SS, 59 99- 01100 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE. 1-9904 `8%` 008�54-5355 R & M MOTOR V 4 TIRES 013000 54e 51 99�01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 1-734457E 00854-5325 R & M MOTOR V SIRE, HACRSAWI HARD4ARt, ATTERY 000000 40a 09 3+�0 33 99-0602O CSC t D13 ODS-54-5310 R f& M BUILDIN DOS TRAP 000000 DEPART1EUT 54 Ua�te Wata�. T�eataent TOTAL; 357.�=5 4/EL" 9/99 1*39 PM VENDOR SETm 99 ,D : 008 DtLPARTMENT : 58 EIITERPRISE ruNu Electric Deprtnent REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: E0 VEPdDOR NAME ITEM 11 GfL AGGUUIi NAME DESCRIPTION GHEGN, AMOUNT 99-00030tl+MJEFF MORRISy 1,-9904S9ND 008-58�5310 R & M BUILDIN PAPER TOWEL HOLDER, TRASH 0000O0 4,00 99-0OS50 A1iERIGA1e SAFETY UTILIT'' iry1149543 008-58-5G60 99-00750 DEALER'S ELEGTRIG SUFP'L I-c:1671670 O08m58-60L0 99�00750 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPL €®21673110 008-58--6080 99-00750 DEALER'S ELEGTRIG SUPPL 1-21679130 008-58-6050 SAFETY EG'UIPM MODEL TRUCK O'1�O000 OTHER IMPROVE CONDUIT STRAPES,FLE� ALUM REDUG 000000 OTHER IMPROVE MISC. ITEMS 00000 OTHER IMPROVE MISC ITEMS 000',00 c5< GG 30.35 481.94 163.16 "9�01010 FOSiER'S SADDLE SHOF} I-99O4O8MH 008-58--5055 WEARING APPAR JEANS 000000 109,75 99-01010 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP I-990429111J 008-58°5E55 WEARING APPAR JACKET FOR LEM WATSON 000000 82,95 99- 01100 GOODYEAR € HOLESALE TIRE 1- 990428MW 008-58� 5325 R & M MOTOR V 4 TIRES 000,000 540 51 99-01E50 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 1-9904E8M0 003-58-5385 R & M MOTOR V BATTERY 00000E 60.95 99-01290 JnK® LIGHTING I-1551 008-58-5515 FOOD GATER AID,ANT/WASP/HORNET KILL 000000 68.00 99�01590 JLK, LIGHTING I-1551 008�58-6030 OTHER IMPROVE GATED AID,ANT/WASP/HORNET RILL 000000 159a00 99-01290 J.K. LIGHTING 1-1551 008-58-6050 OTHER IMPROVE GATER AID,ANT/WASP/HORNET KILL 00O000 190.00 99- 01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET I-9740E 008-58-5K5 R & M MOTOR V STATE INSP. 000000 1O4 5O 011320 1 La MATT MEWS CO., INC. I-19090 008�53-3250 MINOR TOOLS TENSION METER 000000 11894 67 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUGiS I-7344876 GG8-58-53c5 R � M MOTOR V WIRE, HACKSAW,hAR RE, BATTERY 000000 4p,.09 99-0c14�� R0,'DIO SHACK I-9904L81�U 008-58-53E5 R � M 14OTOR V RSiSIlR METER 2 DUA= BA 00000 1000 99-05170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA i-6417G 008�58-5245 OTHER OPERATI DRUMLINERS 900003 31m07 cs,9_022380 ROBERT A. SINGLETARY, P i-99�00 0,=08_58-545�0 CONTRACTUAL S PROFESSIONAL SVCS FOR MARCH 000000 93F`.95 99-02450 SOLOMON I-81354 008-58-5365 TRANSFORMERS CONY, POLEMNT 000000 851aE30 qq- O5'450 SOLOMON 1�83741 008- 38-5365 TRANSFORMERS CO11V PAD 000000 31 770. 00 99-OP450 SOLOMON 4-83997 008-58-5365 TRANSFORMERS OIL TESTS 000000 =00=00 99-0F`460 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBIL I-990459MZ 008-58-5500 CELLULAR TELE MOBILE PHONES 00000 IS& 031 99-00"GIO TEMPLE INC. I-458764 008-58-6°0S0 OTHER IMPROVE PEDESTALS 000000 1,OPo.00 99�0E690 TEGH1.Ie!E I-76499 00&58-6030 OTHER IMPROVE DEADEND SERVICE 000000 127Q50 99-03010 WEBB AUTO FARTS I®10662 008-.58-53E R ?. f4 MOTOR V FLASHER,RIRfOIL FIL'IERS,WIr'ERS 000000 15s 10� 99--�0301! i WEBB AtiTO i�ARTS I-1068u �08a58-5uC5 R u E4 MOTOR V OIL FILTERS, FLASI4ER, BRAi;E FLUI 0��sOx00 ! 5a 80 99-030F:0 WESCO 1-639'22 008-58-602 OTHER IMPROVE STRINGING ARMS 000000 8,4710O0 99-030e0 WESCO I-304845 009-58--60SO OTHER IMPROVE BLUE AMPACT SHELL 000000 183a75 03020 WESCO I-6411E9 008-58`05:0 OTHER IMPROVE 5 GAL BUCKET OF POLY PULL LIg1E 000000 4.3.00 j�j-053000 WESCO I-641131 008�58-6020 OTHER IMPROVE SADDLE PINS 000900 153400 4/29/99 1:39 PM REGULAR DEPARIME14T PAYMENT REGIbILR VENDOR SETn 99 D A C 008 ENTERPRISE FGra°D ur.PARTMENT: 58 Electric Departnent PAGE; cl VENDOR NHIIE 1ILii w G/L ASCC AT Nffir. DLSCRIP'CIO� CNECK At�01JNT 994031210 GRAVITY INC. 1-99186 008-58�5260 SAFETY EOUIPM PEEL & TAPE/ SAFETY FIRST 00000 71.;3 99-04000 RED KAP INDUSTRIES 1-80447100 009-58-5255 WEARING APPAR SHIRTS 0000010 741 cS 9945150 HORIZON FLEET SERVICES 1-8256 008-58-53 5 R I M MOTOR V QUICK COUPLER 00,000 � 44x00 9- 7a5S50 TX EXCAVATION ATIOrd SAFETY S`Y I-4455CONTRACTUAL S MESSAGE FEES FOR MARCH 000001Ir 24t 4S 9`9-OGOO�9 CBS MECHANICAL1103014 0018-58-5310 R & H BUILDI€� LADIES RESTROOM rd SHOP @�;u O 73150 99-OaI30 SUCCESSORIE INC. 1-c0�4557C3 OZ;8_58-5310+ R & A B�UILDIN POSTERS 0910 14 8 65 39-OGOr80 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZ 1-Izi111066 008_ 8-5 �0 OTHER IMPROVE €-'RAMITOL jr 100000 70o i,s DEPARTPIENT 58 Electric Department TOTAL: 211190c 67 'lLIIDC�R SET 008 L�ITERPRrSE FOND oOTALa �9g137e73 REPORT GRAB TOTALS 39,942o53 4/29/99 1:39 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 YEAR ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS #w ANNUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE 001-10-5235 DUES AND REGISTRATION 5.@@ 1,2@@.00 6@7.00 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING 105.60 2,970.00 11313.60 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 56.47 61400,00 31101.43 001-20-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 537.64 31100900 11658.68 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 87.36 71000,00 566all 001-20-5345 LEASE EQUIPMENT 143.95 11,905.00 71484.12 001-22-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 178.00 11500,00 807.09 001-2&5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 84.27 250.00 461.8@ @01-24-5215 FOOD 10.47 600.00 449.30 001-24-5255 WEARING APPAREL 532.@O 81500.@@ 521.18 @01-24-5310 R & M BUILDING 1,920.00 2,400.00 676.73 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 213.55 4,000.00 31014.25 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 91.90 21,700.00 16,003.28 001-24-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 151.71 21000,00 831.69 001-24-6055 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 4125123 101000.0@ 2,050.71 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 139.00 2,500.@0 1152$.87 001-30-5255 WEARING APPAREL 65.85 1,750.00 560.38 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 116.10 51000,00 21156932 001-30-5360 R & M OTHER 77.98 11000500 447.27 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS 74.34 51000.@O 31846.35 001-32-5221 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD 18.00 0.@0 702.83 001-32-5255 WEARING APPAREL 65.85 0.00 17.87 001-32-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 146.42 200.00 18.42 001-32-5311 R & M EQUIPMENT 69.59 11200400 560.81 001-32-5343 BALL FIELD MAINTENANCE 326.18 51000.00 31834,47 001-32-5520 CELLULAR PHONES 51.87 500.00 89.99 001-36-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 60.00 400.@0 32.90 001-36-5327 R & M OTHER 13.00 4@0.@O 289.31 @0142-5215 FOOD 7.79 40.00 1.59 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 128.00 900.00 30.28 001-42-6050 BOOKS 607.65 61000.00 11166.27 00146-5390 COLLECTION CONTRACT 469.@3 200,000.00 97,567.14 008-00-2111 A/P UNIFORM,TOOLS,BOOTS,EQUI 20.50 008-10-5235 DUES & REGISTRATIONS 5.00 11200.00 662.00 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING 105.60 21970.00 11388,60 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 56.47 61400.00 31307.69 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINES 158.50 4,948.00 21767.65 008-36-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 22.5@ 400.@0 84.45 008-36-5360 R & M OTHER 13.00 400.00 44.68 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 514.@0 4,500.00 1,468.37 008-50-5255 WEARING APPAREL 111.47 21000.00 744.94 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 112.71 21000.00 11886.63 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER 2,291.01 45,000.00 91032.06 008-50-5377 WATER TESTING 476.@0 3,500.00 2,023.00 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHASE 11349.47 34,200.00 18,165.65 008-50-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 52.65 600.00 111.92 008-52-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 565.38 61000.@0 31690.89 008-52-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 72103 67000000 41570.10 4/29/99 1939 PH REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE. fv' G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ANNUAL BUDGET YEAR ACCOUNT NAME A14OUNIT BUDGET AVAILABLE 008-55-5325 R & � MO OR VEHICLE G7, 55 No, 00 379, i� 009�34- 3 ;1O R & W BUILDING 300a 3 14 543 , OO 827191 O2118_54-5335 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 64, GO 14 750. eiiz 407, 55 5-54-53L9 A & M SEWER PLANT 23,E9 G,0013,OO 7503174 O08-58215 FOOD 6100 2 3 0 z +7, 139. < A05�58-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 31.07 1, GUP, @A 19 940 a 09 00&58-5E50 MINOR TOOLS 11E94,67 GrOUO,GG lot 135.53 O05�58-5255 WEARING APPAREL 941.9E 3,301U.O0 83102 '7rEr-5G-SLED SAFETY EQUIPMENT 9G,.59 3r7GW, C7= 1, G55, 55 00-55-5310 R e M BUILDING €39115 45305, Gk) 677 a 95 O$-55-5355 R ? M MOTOR VEHICLE3Rr�. 95 33, k�G,�®GS 5� 141: G5 u 8�55®5355 TRANSFORMERS 41721aOO 15,350,00 3, 11125 S08-58_542'0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 957.41 10� 70,1100 7,19Ga75 S98-55®5520 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 15E.O5 1,590.00 G46.11 SU;1-59--G�7F:G OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 11 � r?Gc. G'S l^or r3G5. too Gg 1H9,13 �Y 9G-99 YEAR TCsT61LS �� 39, 94�, 53 ACCT ttALiE AW5tU1lT r35r-1�� {4AYtJR � CITY COU;ICIL S.00 6301-15 AL111NISTRATICil1 1€}�'. O7 O1- Li POLICE 7G8.95 r1 x x ANIMAL CONTROL yGc, 27 �i01-24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 7g16186 Oa3lm26 MUNICIPAL COURT 139,00 Al 3Q STREETS 334.27 r�1 3 PARKS 677, 9i ,31-.3G VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 73;5cl 301- 4� ` LiOrar°y 743, 44 G01-G6 Solid Waste 4G9,3 S01 TOTAL_ GENERAL FUND 107 8214, 00 rOS P'iOiad-CEF'ARTLiEi1TAf_ 2150 OG8-1O Nayor and City CoUipcil 5.3C� 003-13 Administration IG21z07 ele&l9 Data Processing 15150 3A -3G Vehicle Maintenance 35a50 Water-- 4, 9G7, 31 003-53 Waste Water Collection Cp27,1966 08-54 Waste Water Treatment 387c K 008-55 Electric department 51,103 ,G7 OGG TOTAL, ENTERPRISE FUND 59r137,73 TOTAL 395 94 `, 53