01/04/1999-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1999 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 21, 1998 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Closing Convenience Center. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Mariam's Mobile Home Park -Water Meters. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Employment Contract -City Administrator. 7. Any Other Such Matters. 8. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, Cit" ecretary re 7€i,SOOEd JVOI Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 219 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman McNeill, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Burl Bourland, Tom Brown, R.L. Lantrip, D. Kelly, Jr., Kathy Shanteau, Shelby Hignight, Joe Higgs, Mickey Flood, Woodrow Barton, W.S. Nash, Shelly Ruland, Keith Burdick, John Porter, Lisa Hardy, Doug Johnson, J.L. Wright, Andrew Foote 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order, Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation, Councilman Jenkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: December 7, 1998 b) Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Ervin Seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Discuss and Possible Action Concerning Setting up Fund for Possible Donations by Citizens to Assist with Utility Services. City Secretary Rose Chavez indicated Francine Sullivan was supposed to be at the meeting to address this item, she indicated Ms. Sullivan worked very closely with Community Services Incorporated, which is a program designed to assist with utility bills. Ms. Chavez indicated the City of Denton has a program set up where citizens can make donations to help needy families pay their utility bills, and Ms. Sullivan had il approached her with the possibity of Sanger adopting this same program. Ms. Chavez explained it would work by giving citizens an option to make a $1.00 donation on the back of their utility bill, the City would set up a fund that will help pay delinquent accounts for customers who have gone through an application process and who a committee approves to receive this assistance. Mayor indicated they needed to look into this more, and get more information. Ms. Chavez indicated she would, but wanted to get the opinion of the Council. Councilman James asked who would appoint the committee. Ms. Chavez indicated the Council would. Council agreed it would be a good program and asked that they investigate it further. Mayor indicated City Secretary and Francille Sullivan should work on it further and they will discuss it at a further date. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Waste Disposal (Waste Management, IESI, and Duncan Disposal). Mayor opened item for discussion. Councilman James indicated he had only reviewed two of the proposals, and had not had enough time to review the third proposal, and he personally felt he needed more time to review the document in detail. Mayor adjourned the meeting for twenty minutes to give each Council member time to review the third proposal. Mayor adjourned at '7:15 PM. Mayor Reconvened at 7:40 PM. Councilman Jenkins indicated he wanted to clarify a few issues, and had a few questions. Lengthy Discussion followed regarding the proposals that had been presented. Items discussed were bulky waste pick up, and the transfer station. Councilman Jenkins indicated the cost to operate the transfer station is costing the city $36,000.00 a year to operate, and is a direct loss to the city. Councilman Jenkins indicated with any should be shut down and cease to exist. of the contracts, the convenience station Councilman Jenkins addressed special areas of concern, in regards to the transfer station and rates. Discussion followed on dumpsters for annual sellabrations and trash off. Discussed bulky waste pick up and the day and hours of trash pick up for residential and commercial. Councilman McNeill indicated IESI has the lowest rates of all three proposals. Councilman McNeill addressed page 4, Item E. (ii), paragraph read: Contractor shall additionally be paid the amount of any increase in landfill disposal costs or fees incurred by contractor upon presentation by contractor of evidence of such increase. Councilman McNeill indicated he felt a statement should be added, "with approval by the City Council." Discussion. Councilwoman Madden addressed terms of each contract. Councilman Jenkins addressed items on Page 5, Item E, and asked if it could be completely struck from the contract. Discussion. Mr. Brown, IESI, indicated it could be taken out of the contract as long as no other company could operate the transfer station. Mayor indicated the city does not accept any contracts without the approval of the City Attorney, so no one can make the statement that they had not been told. Council agreed two items needed to be corrected in the contract from IESI, first on page 4, Item E (n), after statement include "with approval of the City Council, and that approval will not be unreasonably withheld", and page 5, Item E, under general provisions, needed to be deleted from the contract. Councilman Ervin indicated he had a problem with making the decision so soon, since they *ust got the proposal from IESI that evening, and he would like more time to review it. Mr. Brown indicated this same proposal was submitted to the council in March. Councilman Jenkins addressed some of the differences in the proposal IESI presented, and the one presented in March. Councilman McNeill made the motion to grant the solid waste contract for Sanger, TX for a five year period to IESI, with changes as noted and the approval of the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried Four to One. Councilman Ervin voted no. 6. Discuss and Possible Action on Resolution #12-17-98 Concerning Travel Expenses. RESOLUTION REQUIRING PRE -APPROVAL FOR TRAVEL RELATED EXPENDITURES OUTSIDE DENTON COUNTY FOR THE COUNCIL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND ANY BOARD MEMBER. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve Resolution #12-17-98 as presented. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 7. Discuss and Possible Action on Resolution #12-18-98 Concerning Smokeless Tobacco. RESOLUTION PROHIBITING THE USE OF SMOKELESS TOBACCO ON CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY. Councilwoman Madden indicated she felt it should not be prohibited only in the Council Chambers, but the entire City Hall. Discussion. City Administrator indicated they should say City Hall and Library. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve Resolution #1248-98 with the changes as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for "ASK AS Court Estates, Being a Total of 5.037 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located off of Keaton Road. City Administrator indicated this Item should not be to approve the Preliminary/Final plat, but to see if the Council would be receptive to a retention pond at the end of the property if Mr. Bourland would deed that area to the City. Discussio�i. Councilman James indicated it would not be good to have a pond in the middle of a residential area. Mr. Nash, with Hammet and Nash indicated the pond would only slow the water down, not retain the water for a long period of time, he indicated they were only supposed to take care of the increase in water flow, not the water that is already there. Discussed again the drainage concern, and how a pond is not the best solution. Mayor postponed this item. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for Depository. There was only one bid received, it was from GNB. Councilman James moved to accept GNB's bid as the City of Sanger's depository. Councilwoman Madden seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Discuss and Possible Action on Purchase Offer From Holnam Corp. Inc. Kathy Shanteau, Holnam Corp., gave the Council some literature on their company. Shelby Hignight, Holnam Corp., addressed the Council concerning the property East of the Railroad Tract, he indicated they were interested in purchasing the property from the City and leasing the portion of the property the City wishes to use for a long as the City needed to use it. Mr. Hignight indicated his company manufactured the gray powder to make cement, he indicated they needed access to the Railroad and the Interstate. Discussion concerning the roads and the weight of the trucks they would be using. Discussed where the truck route is in Sanger. Council expressed concern of City streets, and the impact it would have. The dust was also a concern. Councilman James asked if they would be willing to look at a different location if the City found a location they felt would be better. Mr. Hignight indicated they would. Councilman Jenkins asked if they were the same company that tried to open in Denton. Mr. Hignight indicated they were not. Councilman Jenkins indicated his main concern was the citizens in the surrounding area and the traffic. He felt it was a good idea but the wrong location. D1sCussioli cancer ni�ig location. No Action Taken. 11. Discuss and Possible Action on Engineering Studies For Infrastructure Located in Multiple Interconnected Industrial Developments. Woodrow Barton addressed the Council concerning the areas of town where future developments are close at hand or in process. Mr. Barton indicated when Mr. Porter develops his property and when other developers develop, an infrastructure will be put in place that will need to be redone when future development comes. Mr. Barton indicated there needed to be Engineering studies to properly design and create the infrastructure for these multiple interconnected developments. Mayor indicated there will be a retreat/workshop in January and that will be the time to discuss this. No Action Taken. 12. Discuss and Possible Action on Sewer Line North of Sanger Under I-35. Discussed cost estimates from Dickerson Construction, cost is estimated at $113,400. City Administrator indicated this pertains to Ron Williamson's property just North of Belz Road, he indicated one of his clients will need a commitment before they can commit. Discussed where the line will go. Discussed the size of the line across Mr. Porter's property. Discussed the cost of the engineering studies on the South Stemmons sewer line. City Secretary indicated she would need to check, but thought it was approximately $5500.00. Discussion. Councilman McNeill moved to spend approximately $5500.00 for engineering studies for a sewer line North of Sanger under I-35. Councilman Jenkins seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 13. Any Other Such Matters. a) City Administrator indicated he was talking with Southwest Securities about refinancing bonds. b) Councilman James indicated he would like a workshop or for it to be on the next Council meeting to Consider and Possible Action on the City hiring it's own engineer. He would like to see all that was paid to Hunter's Associates this past year. c) I➢iscussed stop sigh pulled up by people moving in a T.�obile Home, Councilman McNeill indicated the Police Chief could talk to the manger of the park and get the mover's name to issue a citation. 14. Meeting Adjourned. 121/30/98 31321 Hi REGULAR DEPARTMff PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 1 VENDOR SET; 9;' FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND !IEPA" MEAT; N/A NOWwDEPARTMENTAL VENDOR NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHEM 99-O0590 CITY OF DENTON 1-5700 001-00-4175 GARBAGE BAGS TRASH BAGS 000000 DEPARTi'iEi`!I UO�i_DEPARTiiEi�TAi_ TOTAL. AiiOu��r s ;7t2D 12/30/96 3 „i2 PM VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEV"MiENT1 15 ADMINISTRATION REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMB4T REGISTER PAGE. ; 2 VLNUUR NAME ITE1i T U/L ACCOUNT NAME UESCRSPTIUN CNE:CK AMOUNI 99-,00470 C&N JANITORAL & SUPPLY I-9204 001�45-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CLEANING SUPPIES 000000 29 t 18 9940470 C&H JANITORAL & SUPPLY 1-9204 00I�15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CLEANING SUPPIES 000000 17,20 99,..V970 YIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 1-310038 001-15`210 OFFICE SUPPLI POSTIT FLAGMENSAINT CTG 000000 101410 99-03400 SANGER. PRINTING COMPANY I-5935 001 15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI NOTEPHUS 000000 27,29 DEPARTMEi,T 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL; 1bA,85 12!30/98 3:32 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 3 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEP,^",'&ENT; "0 PCtP..ICE VENDOR NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99-00470 C&H JANITORAL & SUPPLY 1-9204 001�20-5910 OFFICE SUPPLI CLEANING SUPPIES 000000 18111 99-00570 CHEMCO 1-163262 001-°20-5245 OTHER OPERATT. ICE AWAY 000000 14,86 99 01250 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 1 2BOO'87i 001-90*-5325 R 4 M MOTOR. b' BATTERIES 000000 52,24 99-013i.4 JIM f Ci'1.ATT CHEVROLET I--502530 041-_".0-5325 R is M MOTOR V BRG, ASM, 000000 19,24 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-502530 001-20-5K5 R 1% M MOTOR V CORE RETURN 000000 40200- 99-01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET 1-502530 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V GENER, ASM, 000000 rr'248 gc'41310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET T-502530 001-20b-5325 R C M MOTOR V CORE PRICE 000000 40,00 QA._,vf3iA JTA ^#CHAT T CHEVROLET T-Vl?s334 AMW-vwly�j vVr; 5 R k � MOTOR V' TF'NSIONER ✓7444t}0 # nh 99-01=i3O L�SiOi'i SIGNAL I-566350 001-:'0...5260 SAFETY EGUTtCi EYEIlIIP�ESS CAS{ERA SYSTEi4 000040 15,64]35 99-01!,90 CiCREYn30LDS TIRE SHOP I-�1? t10�-?0-5325 R t. tf iwfOTOR 'J FI�::ED Ft.AT 044004 i4,00 99-02250 S&S AUTOMOTIVE 1-981230YS 001-20-5321 R & M MOTOR V PADS 000000 32,69 99 42250 SIS AUTOMOTIVE T-9n1230YS 001-24 53^5 R i4 M MOTOR V ROTORS 00000ta 129195 99-02250 S&S AUTOMOTIVE 11981230YS 001-20�,5325 R 4 ii MOTOR V CREDIT 000000 14t44.. 99-02250 S'S AU)JOTI'VE I-9B1230YS 001-20-5325 R &M MOTOR V P A 0 3 000000 i2,50 99-037110 DENTON CO, SHERIFF'S DE I-981230YT 001-20-5420 CONTRACTUAL S LAY OUT FEES 000000 20,00 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAI_s 16,142,5" 121I30%018 3 t 3 ? pM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; A UENDOR SET; ?" EUI•!D ; 001 GENERAL FUND 13EV"'NENT; 92 ANIMAL CONTROL, VENDOR NAME ITEM GfL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECRx AMOUNT 99—t)657D CHEMCO 11632621 t101-2'-5?45 OTHER OPERATI ICE AWAY 000000 14,87 DEPARTLiEidT ?? ANINAL CO�lIRDL TOTA(_; 14,87 1213a/98 3;32 PPS REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; VENDOR SET; 99 FUND I001 GENERAL FUND DEPI '1ENTt 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT VENDOR NAME ITEM t G/f. ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK 99-00420 BOUND TREE I-343.792 001-24-5260 SAFETY FQUIPM CLOVES 000000 99-•aa�,7a ChIEPSCO I-163262 Odi-24•-5245 OTHER gPERATI ICE A�fAY Oa0a40 99 a1170 HgLLItdGSWORTH f1FG COIN I-la4 001-24-5325 99--4i�'S0 INTERSTAi'E BATTERIES I"•28aa1871 441-24-�,3?5 M'02190 RITE-•WELC I-890243 001-2A-5375 99...rr 12vn Sc V: AitTgP;gTr��E• 7-g8t!'34Y�: 4'1i-2?-5325 99-02350 SCHLUTER ENG, & COMM, 1-16115 001-24045375 '79-a3640 PRO STITCH 99'-03640 PRO STITCH ';9-03640 PRO STITCH 99-,03644 PRO STITCH 99-03644 PRO STITCH I-9812MYR 001•'4'J255 I-981230YR OOM911- 5255 I_.y812,0YR 001--24-5255 I-981230YR 001-24-5255 I -981230rR aa1•-U�- 5255 R iS P#gigR V APfGLE,ADJIJSi GLUTCff dddddd R ft M MOTOR V BATTERIES 000000 15I1fOR Et�UiPiiE PSEOICAL OKYGEN aa0400 Il �inrnR v RF T daaaaa PS%NOR EQUIPME RADIO 000000 PIEARING APPAR ,1ACf{ET 4daa��d WEARING APPAR NAME ON JACKET 000000 GIEARING APPAR POLO SHIRTS 000000 WEARING APPAR CAA W/ SFD 000000 WEARING APPAR NAME ON CAPS 000040 OEPARTPSE't1T 24 FIP,E OEPARTPSI,PtT TgiAL, APigUNT 61 30 111,71 13,40 2121 2d4,a0 145.00 24,Oa 240.00 2d , a4 l,aab,a9 PAGE 6 12/30/98 3;32 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT' REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUN ; 001 GENERAL FUND dEPA'TMENT, 30 STREETS VENDOR NAME ITEM ti G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-00050 CdNi_EY SANG & GRAVEL I-981230YP 001--30-5370 99 00 570 'ChHulCd I-163262 001,&430-5245 99-00790 DENTON Cd,BUILDERS SUPP I-30488 001-30-5310 99-01170 HOLLINGSWORTH MFG Cd,iN I-100 001-30-5360 001030 PAYLESS CAW zY5 F981230Yq 0W,30-5370 BESCRIPTIdN C4iEC4�T AFidUPdT STfdEET MAINTE CONCRETE HAW 1.25,00 diNER dPERATI ICE AWAY 000000 14,87 R M 6UILOIN PLYWOOD 000000 45,95 R M dl'HER ANGLE,ADJUST CLUTCH 000000 150t00 Sl`REET MAINTE TREATED AX4X8 000000 84,30 dEPAR'i��iENT 30 STREETS Td'fAL; 6"0,1, 12/30/93 3132 PH REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE:; 7 VE14DOR SE1'; 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEV"NEN'l; 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCL, VENDOR NAME ITEM t GfL ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECU AMOUNT 9M0470 UH JANITORAL If SUPPLY I-9'?0? 001—.U_52145 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPIES 000000 9,20 9M09 0 ENDERBY OAS COMPANY T'—IM)99 001-36�-5390 MOTOR VEHICLE PROPANE 000000 12s15 99-02250 S&S AUTOMOTIVE I-9 812)3OYS 001-36-537.5 MINOR EQUIPME [115 SOCKETS 000000 17,50 99-0'" 0 S€�S AUTOMOTIVE I—'781230Y5 001 3h-5:S rn t: M MOTOR V BLOWER MO"iOR 000000 12,47 DEPAP,TPfEP?T 3L!1E}fI%i.E MAIPdTENAi10E 19/30/90 3132 Phi REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEP '"''yiEN': 42 Libriry VENDOR NAME STEM I G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION 99WO05250 BLACKBIRCH MARKETING, 1 I— 011738 001-42--6050 BOOK=, BOOKS DEPART-fiEUi 4H' Library 4'ENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND PAGES CPiECK AtiQUPdT �7a0000 38,78 TOTAi-; 3D 78 TOTAL; 18,777,89 12/30/90 3,32 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FUND , 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEF"NENT; 15 Adir�iiiist a ion VENDOR NAME ITEM t ' 00470 C&H JANITORAL & SUPPLY I--9204 99-t1U�?�J CAH ,1AP�ITORAL �q SUPP(.Y I-r?b1 PAGe 9 t,/(. ACCOUP?T i�A�SE DESCRIPTT.ON CHF..Cl;� OFFICE SUPPLI CLEANING SUPPI.ES 000000 C�t?8-11-C?1�7 OFFICE SUPPLI CLEANING 56UPPIH 000000 99-!1;?i'?�J VIKIN(i OFFICE PRODUCTS I--31�3438 Qt?8-15-521(} OFFICE SUPPL'i PUSTIT FLAGS)PENS,PRIPdT Clli 000000 99-03400 BANGER PRINTING COMPANY .Ij 6 OaS 1 J-51210 OFFICE SUPPLI NOTEPADS 000000 DEFARTtiENT 15 Adiiia.nartr�,?iun TOTA►..i ANOl1NT 1GI,,Ptil Idy3e %g R R#R «> 9 Eqn ; ye ENTERPRISE FUND 7 qq> 1 96 R36«G VENDOR NAME rtg",y7y 9yGg% !NC, «mwkyRr«APAYMEI:a3»R ILi yLR lalTN 9+ +yRn1a »97»! yyR�gg R&a Rq@E MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 7RRagI9 b6 RR3«9 Ry: R e4R! aKlEl� I WR 0 19,y qT[&g ty,y 2.. 12/30/98 3;32 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACE; II VENDOR SET; 99 FUND I008 ENTERPRISE FUND 0LP(% TMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance VENDOR NAME ITEM a G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKS AMOUNT 99 004?0 Ct�H �AE!ITORAL SUPPLY 19204 00O-3o-5245 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPIES 000000 9119 ?9-00930 ENDEiRBY CAS COMPANY 1-104399 000-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE PROPANE 000000 12,15 99 02250 Sets AUTOMOTIVE 9�-02250 5&S AUTOMOTIVE I-98I230YS 008-3b-5395 f4Ii�OR E�UIPME: MIS SOCftETS I-9812'30Y5 008-3a 5325 R & M MOTOR V BLOGIER MOTOR 000000 000000 DEPARTMEN'i 3E Vei�icle Mainienance TOTAL 51,31 12/30/98 'p„2 PM VENDOR SET, 99 FUND 048 ENTERPRISE FUND OEPft'T SENT s `0 Water VENDOR NAME ITEM t 99-44474 C&H J6 TOTAL t. SUPPLY I-9244 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYhfENT REGISTER I;/L ACCOUNT NAM DESCRIPTION GHEGKt AMOUN'[ 44C�-54-5 1.4 OFFICE SUPPLI CLEANING SUPPIES 444444 18t44 99-44574 GHECiCO I-163'6 �148-54_5n45 OTIIER OPERATI ICE AWAY 444444 9.'1 87 99-41574 LOWL'S HOMECENTER 1981'134YU 448-54-5364 R & M OTHER HEATER 1544W 444444 29 96 9?-42754 TNRCG I-44fi297'? 448-54-5335 PERMIT FEES UATER SY51E:Ki FEE 444444 99�42984 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I--42145413 448--54-5364 R & M OTHER SX12 YZ CLP F/AC 444444 144,36 99-410984 DATER PRODUCTS IPlC, T 4?45y I 448-54-5364 R & N OTHER ? IN METER 444444 389195 Qg-'rogEs;4 IJAIFR PPFlnIIf1T; ING: T-494';"FIB. 448-.50: 'S: h4 R R M OTHER 6FT, RERRY HYD, 444444 B50sOO 99-02984 WATER PRODUCTS INC, I12.45259 448-54-5364 R h M OTHER 2" RRASS M T R F[-G KIT 444444 39,99 9 4:i5C14 fiTCGLIFFIN WELDING I.-"664 ti48-•50 53? R A M0TOR V REPLACE TOOTH SHANK&TRIANGLAR 000044 44,44 9913544 MCGUFFIN �HELDTN[ I-2664 448-54.-53�'S R k M MOTOR V CHANK TORN OUT OF EAGKHOE 444444 44,44 DEPARTMENT 54 Watu TOTAL; 218941;?2 12/30/98 3132 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 13 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND 000 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPr"'MENT; 52 Waq"te Water Collection VE14BOR NAME ITEM t G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK*7 AMOUNT 99•-02940 VAL.LEN SAFETY SUPPLY CO I-1839967 008,152-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM WINTER LINER 000000 103,40 99-05240 CENTRAL FREIGHT LINES I I-13560426 000--52-5360 R €: M OTHER FREIGHT 000000 45,11 DEPARTMENT 52 Wa-_te [•late� Collection TOTAL, i5i,5i 12/30/90 3132 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET; 99 FLING t 1 flt?S ENTERPRISE FUN(! DEP`"TMENT, 5A Waste !dater Treatment VENDOR NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DEBC:RIPTION 99-00570 CHEMCO I-1662 0080-54-5245 OTHER OPERATT ICE AUAY 99-005y0 C.TTY OF Di:NTfIN T-981230YV 008-54-5270 C.AI3ORATORY Si BACfERil1LOGICAL TESTS 99-02140 RADIO SHACK: 1-981?30YU 008w-59-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BATTERIES 99-02250 S&S AUTOMOTIVE 1,-981230YS 0*-54-532511 R & M MOTOR V COOLING FAN PAGE; 14 LHECRIP AMOUNT 000000 14,87 000000 75 00 000000 7,99 000000 61,51 DEPARTIiF..Ni 54 Waste !later Treatment TOIAI_; 159a"7 12/30/98 3;32 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PA(MENT REGISTER, PAGE; 15 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPPI'MENT; 58 Electric Clepartnent VENDOR NAME ITEM a G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-11496430 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM MODEL BUCKET TRUCK 000000 ?5100 99..00''250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY T-11496430 008-58--5260 SAFETY EQUIFM SAFETY GLASSCS 000000 100192 99-'00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY .1-11496430 008-5JM '60 SAFETY EQUIPM 1 140N REEL 000000 164107 99-00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-11496430 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM QUICK CHG RELEASE 000000 50963 99�00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-11496430 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM FRTt 000000 8159- 99�00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-1149�430 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM CHUCK 000000 7482- °9-00470 GIN ,lANITORAI_ ?; SUPPLY I-.9'04 00E3-58- 5210 99-00570 CHEMCO I-163262 008-58--5245 99-00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC I-19469570 008-58-LOt'4 99'-02350 SCr{LUTER EtdGh COi1M, I-16114 008-58-5250 99-02450 SOLOMON I--81254 008-58-5365 'i9-0 52�0 RAND IiATERIALS I-699187 008-;�8-.`_�245 OFFIGE SUPPLi CLEANING wsUPPIES 000000 1P,,40 OTWER OPERATI ICE AI=lAY 000000 14.87 OTHF,R IMPROVE TINE CLOCK 000000 51,60 MTNOR TOOLS RAOTO c`x CARRY CAGES O00i300 758,00 TRANSFORMER�� 25 KVA - i5{".'A 000000 3,455,40 OTI-TER OPERA i I FLC10R RACK 000000 268, 20 DEPARiL#ENT 58 Electric Department TOTAL.; 4,88E,,28 UENDOR 5ET 008 ENTERPR1zF FUND TOTAf_; 8,464,04 REPOP,T GRE�ND TOTAL; 27,241,93 i?/3v15'S Ct,3< FPi REGf11u.P�R i1EFRRTiiE:NT F�Yt1EftT REGISTER FAGF.t 16 �: � G/L ACCGUi�!T 1'GTr;LB n= lnf?tir°,L EUGGE T YEAR tCCGL�f-,'T f'?(�f�E Ai�L1Ui'dT EUGGET €�Vr'�ILAELE gg-9q UCt1-(i4-��i?5 Gt�REAGE EGGS �.tdGi�-C:XFE�fSE Si?„_'1S Ci,04 �?33,?5- a01-15-�?SC! GEFICE St1FFLIE{; f.bb,85 S,"iO,G��1 1,GE9,8� Ct4i-?4-5?iti GEFICE SCIFFLIES i8,4Cy �,4GJ,�4Ct S,?�6,45 041-"a-5?�?5 G`iHER GFERATING tiHf'PLIES S�,Sb a,jt70,Gt`7 '?,?1't�sb 441-?4-5?60 SAFETY Ef�LIIFi�CtiT iG,b�i?:S i.?,044,Q4 i,�85�,68 a41-"+J-�32� R a tf tiGTGR VEHICLE 3GI,�7 ?,444�i74 :;,°{S1,?i 441"-�O-v�R4 CGPlTR�C1�U�L SERVICES 84,4a 1:4�;G,00 9?4,GG G4?-2;.r-5u'45 GTHER GFER��TIf�iG SUFFLIES i?,S? "1G,Gf? 1L'�,�f.- �CCGUNT GVEr: E(JGGET a41�_vti-82�a GTHER GFER�TIHG SLIFFLIES i�,�? �,Sa4,Q4 E,°;_',?j cf41-?�#•-�?5=, IJE??P.Ii�G �FFaREf_ 6�1,5i} S,5G4,C34 7,S2G,i33 441-"��--v?6G SAFETY E(�UIF�EHT bi,'�u �',C�44,GG 2,?3?,?v' C74?-24-532J R h i, i�GTGR b'Ef,fCLE iLS,;� �,!74u,ti4 ?,7GG,48 C�Gf"-2�-JJ/J fiIP�GR ECfGIPf�EtST 2:.'?,54 ;'1,?04,4G 59,855,12 aGi-3G�-5?4� GTH`r_R GFERt`,TIHG �JPFLIES, 1�,37 5aG,+JO �i.,f ,4i Cipl-3u�-3j.�3 R �� ti EUILGIt?G �<<,°5 1,0(}4,00 t?6,48 GCii-3G�-v�36�4 R i`: ii GTHER 1a,04 i,G(i0,�4U �,2",?5 r0i..3G_.C;3?G STREET i�i�I�lTEtd�i�CE '49,34 �10,a44,�44 �?,b^,?,5� 441-�tv-;�'�45 GitiER GFER�TIt4'G SUFF!_IE5 9,`�4 ;t14,G0 344,89 Q41-36--53'?G tiGTGR VEHICf_E FUEL 1_t,j5 ?4G,44 5U6,8�, 041-36-i3,'5 R � t4 iGT�JR 4'EIIT.CLE i.?,�? ba4,OG ?o!',?G GCti.56~G3?S iilt�GR E��UIFf°iEl�`f S7,SG I,,:�5,t3G ?4C,,v5 r3!�1-4?-bGs7 EGGKS 36,?8 6,i}G0,04 �,44",i4' c)4E-�18-;L?Cr G(-FICE SC�C'Ff.IES 166}.SJ ?at1,44 7a,?- ACCGUfdi GVER EUGGET 448-1!J-:ia1 i R �t tC ti{�CHIt�EB f."a,�4 11,°�rE�C�!7 4,?�?,i.i} GGS-ub-S"�S GTHER GFER�1TIf�Cr SL#Fi°LIES ;',t� �CfC�,4G S?4,s1 {)48-?b-.�,,� itiG'!'GR VEH:iCLE F�JEL i?,iG ?44,'34 b;i,�;15 !?OG•-Se-53"C R � t; iiGTGR VEHICLE i�?,��? bC1A,C.JG G?,�G 4G8-36--5375 iiI�GR EI�UIf'�'iEr41' 17,5G i,��S,GG 195,1V (aC,;;-uG-5?i0 GEFICE SLfFFLIES i8,4t7 7, i�1,4C} �4,9- �iCCCtUidT G'JER EUGGET lt4g"J4'"JL4J GTHER GFERa�TIf�I} SUFFLIES 1=1,L? 340,t,!0 b?,9�i'- 11Ci:GlSHT GVER GLii7GET �jat,_54-828 R ti i�G'i�GR VEffICLE S�;[f,U4 2,aQt4,C�4 ?5,57? !'��,i r.��_r�-,r,c n- a T R' S f !�?e,fri' �,Jv�.�,C)fl �,�.?:?,Ji E`J BUJ rERr1..T F.-E CtG8-50-536�J F: f� ti GTftER 1,4}G,'o �fS,44ti,GG Sri,&35,8? ,4n8_5"-`�?60 SAFETY EQtIIFeiEt?T St13,�;Ct o,()44,t}�i S,b{}�5�86 CtC?$-S?--536G R & II GTHER ;�.t1 :,I;O(!,Qt) ?,{?9b�?b Guii-5�f-5'i4 GEFICE UFFLItS 1,99 14G,t34 E;:�„t1 a4g...8.�_S,�S GTHER GPERATIPlG SCIFFLIFS f�,G? 3GG,Gt7 0`:',??-- {�CCGt1iGlT GVER Ef1GCiET C�t?E-tif/d-5"74 L.AEGR�TGRY SlJFt'LIES ?i,'JO �,Gi?O,C)i7 ?,?94,r1 UGS-;�--�;5�?�; R �t tf tSGTGR VEH%�wf.E bi.,Sf. 1,754,f]U 1,36?,68 O(}C-SS-?t{} GF�"Tt:E SflFF'LIES 18,;a f3C%z�,G4 ';'J3,Ca!'� CtQ3--S$-"2=1G GIHER GFER�TItdG ;�CiF'FLIES ?SS,C�? 1,OO�a,Cfi) :_'?,C;� 4f)6-5i3-�'�!J i�IPf17R TGIJLS� ?Sfl,Ua 6,4{3G,0�4 3??,>v,8- t�CCGUr4'T Gt!ER E11GCiFT C1C1L;"-S-SC'.60 Sr�FETY EC�UIFtiENT 3?Q�?I 3:?Cr4,Ci4 1a2�i 4C!f3-;G-�;So5 TRftt'{SFGRtfER ;I,�SS,!74 S�,UG4,4a iS,U:?.•".,?i 4br-�8-64?0 GTHER ItiFRGVEtfENTS 55,6�4 1?t�,04Ct,�14 86,i4u,65 ;�n 9fS-v9 YEpR TGT�LS �� ;'?,�'?i,93 accT HAffE. n� GFF�RiriEP{T TGTr�f_S nn �+�iGLI;� T V `i f... � �m✓ 12/30/98 3,32 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE; 17 x DEPARTMENT TOTALS k AGCT NAME AMOUNT 001 NON -DEPARTMENTAL 857,28 00H.5 ADMINISTRATION J66,85 001-20 POLICE 16,142158 001,412 AmAL CONTROL. 1C87 001--24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,086,09 0011,30 STREETS 4Ln,12 001-36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 51,32 001-42 Library 38,78 001. TOTAL GENERAL FUND Irrid 7,89 000-15 Administration i66,25 OOt;-i9 Data Processing 158,50 008-36 vehiclo Maintenance 51,31 008-50 (dater 2,890,22 008-52 Uaste Uatzir Collection 1(1 Dl 008-54 Uaste Water Treatment 159,37 0018-58 Electric Department 4 8186,28 008 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND 8 46-4,04 NO ERRORS xn EPdD uF REPORT nR To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Fr: Samantha Renz, Administrative Secretary Re: Item #4 Please see the attechaed reports. The total paid for services for the Convenience Center = $37,252.20 The total paid in salaries to run the Convenience Center = $ 6,313.65 Total paid = $439565.85 Total Collected by the city for use of the Convenience Center = 4 818.00 Total loss for the City = $38,747.85 12-tj 30--- 90 4;23 PM FUND 001--GENERAL. FUND C1EPT 66 Solid Waste Qprc POST TRAM 4 REFERENCE -- G/L DETAIL LISTING PAGE; 1 PERIOD; 10197 THRU 9193 ACCOUNTS; 66-�5420 THRU 66--5424ZZZZ7ZZ OESCRTPTION==-==_--_= VEND INVOICE Pill, NOTE =AMOUNT= -:-- BALANCE-�'=" 6�5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SE61NNING !{ALAI{CE a,aa {/01f98 5113 L00701 CHECK 0 GOOr TX GlAS"fENGT PO?4'?96 0a0010 19,164,25 19,164,?5 4/01f98 4/08 A00108 CI{;;; a13078 RECYCLE ROLLOFF & DUMPSTER 02760 731876 23996 5;062,98 24 1227, 23 41130/98 5120 301401 {TSC iiARfJf{ 31 BALANCES 000021 12,542,14 36,769,37 4/34/98 7/15 F05441 i4ISC CK 128008 TX OASiE 000083 19,164,25CR 1I,605,12 APRIL ACTIVITY OBI 36,769437 CR; 19,164,25CR 17,605,12l 5/28/95 6/03 A00705 CHK; 013367 RESIGENTIAL,RECYCLE 02760 980528EU 23667 740,3i 181345,4/ _ _ _---- MAY ACTIVITY ti6; 740,35 CR; 0100 740,35 l09/98 7109 A01280 CHK; 013562 CONTRACT PAYMENT 02760 JUNE L0359 18,886,74 37,23'',21 JULY ACTIVITY go; 18,8863/4 CR; O,a0 18,886,74 9f02It! If' 8 9104 A01933 GHK; 014024 CATTLE & PHONE 02140 980902NL,'25353 19199 4 2,2a _-_-----__--= SEPTEMBER ACTIVITY 00, 19%.7i' CR; 0,00 19,99 ACCOUNT TOTAL flB; 56,416,45 CRC 191164,25CR vC ERRORSIN IriTJ REPORT' .k.-._,n_.__x_.x_tt___ _.r_.J n REPORT TOTALS :k* - DEBITS -- -- CREDITS BEGINNING BALANCES; 0100 0100 REPORTED ACTIVITY, 5h,416,4;:; 19,1.64,._'5CP, ENDING BAi..Aj!CES; 5A .',416tfil 19,164,25CR n�:ffi EP1O OF REPORT .�xk 12130198 04 ; 21 PM PAYROLL; 01 CITY OF SANGER EMP HO=W; 01-6601 GROSS REGULAR PAY OVERTIME PAY VACATION PAY HOLIDAY PAY SICK PAY LEAVE PAY COMP PAY CAR ALLOWANC LONGEVITY REIMBURSE E M P L 0 1 E E PROFILE SORTED BY EMPLOYEE NOt LIAME; HASKIHS, CHARLIE TITLE; LANDFILL ATTENDANT --- -= YEAR TO DATE LAWlul DE.Ol1f;T?;Olu I�lFOR1rAl IOl'? =_-= HOURS AMl)UNT CODE - LIMTT= :-DEDUCT- FrV = Y-_T..D = ...___._�...__._..__.__._._.___._...__._._____..._.__..._.____.__________..._ 6,313 65 APlhl -JURNED OFF!,. olOo 9.r178,00 6,259.50 0,00 0:00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0600 0t00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 54,15 TA;z.ASLE :_ �== TAXED -- = EL(PLOYER = FEDERAL W/H 6,313,65 541 3i STATE U/H 0,00 0,00 FICA Wlii 6,313,65 .191,4 ` MEDICARE W!H 6,313,65 91t47 68M, —',ter; ';:' �a.�.a.ca.� �.•r.r.�n. [i.� t} � t'" � w• „Et<A, _I�FCCi3AT_trl I I` nk�a.e.�.�.i��-�•k�i;x' n�r.� . EMPLOY E = = nirl Oiu% GROSS 6,313.65 BENEFIT(S) 0,00 „ EXEMPT PAY 0100 DEDUCTION01 0,00 MID TAXES 1,024,20 364,22 NET r.y 5,25?,45 PAGE; 2 DEP'f ; 001-66 == F.LiPLUYER I(XFORh9ATIOL! == MDEDUCT= FIV - Y-T-O === -TURNED OFF - 12--30-i98 4,25 Psi FUND 001-GENERAL FUND DEPT ; N/A DATA' POST TRAM 4 REFERENCE 90-41.7d G/l. DETAIL LISTING =:=:=DESCRIPTION-=-=_=== = VEND INVOICE LANDFILL FEES B PAGE, i PERIOD, 10197 THRU 9/98 ACCOUNTS, d0-4170 THRU 001l*4170ZZZZZZZ Ps NOTEA.-;vA(_APICC: ==_ 9,d0 4/01r`98 5r`26 Bd22d1 DEPOSIT' DEr"05ITS LEFT OFF TPd CONV, 000433 35,90CR 35,9dCR 4/06/96 41198 C00001 DEPOSIT DRILY CAS{ POSTING 4/00/98 144100CP, 179,00CR 4/07/98 4/08 C00002 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING4/98/98 18,OOCR 197,00CR 4/13/98 4/14 C00004 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 4/14/98 68,OOCR 265,OOCR ;/`21/98 4/21 CO0008 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 4/91/98 58,00CR 39100CR 4./27/98 4/28 C00013 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTINIG 4/28/90 i6,00CR 339,OOCR 4/30fi8 5f20 B014r11 1iISC 93/3i/i8 BALANCES Od9021 2,774,00CR 3,113,OOCR APRIL. ACTIVITY C,D; 0,dd CR, 3,113,OOCR 3,113,9OCR 5/01/98 5 04 C00017 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 5/04/98 .1351OOCR 3,24$,00GR 5/1.9/98 5f20 C00028 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 5/20/98 I10,OOCR 31358,OOCR 51127/98 5/27 C00032 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 5/27f98 28,00CR 3,3DO;IOOCR ----- - - MAY ACTIVITY DD, O,dO GR, 273,OOCR 273,00CR 6/01fib 6t'02 C09036 DEf'05iI DAILY CASH POSTING 6102r`98 i19OOCR 3,496OOCR 6/12/98 6115 C00044 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 6/15/98 75,OOCR 31571;OOCR 6/19/9G 6/22 C00049 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 6/22/98 116,OOCR 3,687,00CR 6/22/98 6/23 C00050 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 6/93/98 'i,00CR 3,712,06CR 6126/98 6127 C00054 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 6129198 95,OOCR 3,807,O0CR 6/29/98 6/30 C000rri DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 6/30/98 95100CR 3,902,OOCR JUNE ACTIVITY 001 0,00 CR, 516.00CR 514,00CR 7/03/98 7/06 C00058 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 7/06/98 10,OOCR 3,912,00CR 7/06/98 7/07 C00059 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 7/07/98 15,OOCR 3,927,00CR 71171`9G 7/20 C00068 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 7/20/98 25100CR 31952,OOCR 7/20/98 7/21 C00969 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH Pi15iIPlG 7/r,. 10,OOCR 3,962,00CR 7/24/98 7/27 C00072 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH P05TING 7/27/98 108,OOCR 41070,OOCR 7/28/98 7/29 C00074 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 7/29/98 8,90CR 41078,00CR 7/31/98 8/03 C00077 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 8l03/98 41,OOCR 41119,OOCR JUL`r' ACTIVITY DB, O,OO CR, 217,00CR 217,OOCR 8/07/98 0/1.0 C00082 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 8/10/98 81,OOCR 4,200,OOCR 10/98 8/11 C00083 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POS"iING 8/11/98 30,OOCR. 41230,OOCR 8/17/98 81i8 C00088 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH POSTING 8t`1.8/98 15,OOCR 4,245,00CR 8/2i/98 8/24 C00092 DEP05TT DAILY CASH POSTING 8/24/98 i05,00L:'R 41350,00CR AUGUST ACTIVITY DB, 0,00 CR, 2'11OOCR 231100CR 9f15/98 9ill. 7 C00109 DEPOSIT DAILY CASE, POSTING 9/171198 23,00CR 4,373,OOCR 9/21/98 9/22 C0d1i1 DEPOSIT DAILY CASH P05TTi�r 9122/98 30,04CR 4,403,99CR 9/23/98 9/24 COO113 DEPOSIT DAILY (ASH POSTING 9/24/98 OOCR 4141.0,00CR -- - --- SEPTEMBER ACTIVITY DBIt 0,00 CR, 68,OOCR 68,OOCR -- - _-- ---= ACCOUNT TOTAL OR, 0100 CR, 4,418,OOCR r ddd ERRORS IN THIS REPORT' AWQA&^ju� / � o l ec, cal ,, REPORT TOTALS -- DEBITS -- -- CREDITS -- BEGI.NNING BALANCES O,OO 0,09 REPORTED ACTIVITY, 0290 4,418200CR ENDING BALANCES; 0200 4,418tOOGR END OF REPORT tk4* To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Fr: Samantha Renz, Administrative Secretary Re: Item #5 Eddie Branham will address the Council concerning this Item. City Administrator/Manager Contract The City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas agrees to employ Jack L. Smith as City Administrator/Manager, under the following terms: 1. The Council agrees to employ the City Administrator/Manger for 5 years, beginning April 27, 1998 and ending April 26, 2003. 2. The Administrator/Manager shall faithfully perform the duties of the City Administrator/Manager of the City as prescribed in the job description and as may be assigned by the Council. 3. The Council agrees to pay Employee a beginning annual salary of $ 54,000.00 with increases commensurate with performance. 4. At any time during the contract term, the Council may, in its discretion, reissue the contract for an extended term. Failure to reissue the contract for an extended term shall not constitute non - renewal. 5. After the Administrator/Manager has returned the signed contract, the Administrator/Manager will not be released from this contract in order to accept employment elsewhere without the written consent of the Council. 6. The Council has not adopted any policy, rule, regulation, law, or practice providing for tenure. No right of tenure is created by this contract. No property interest, expressed or implied, is created in continued employment beyond the contract term. EXECUTED this the day of , 1999. Mayor Jack L. Smith HRGEMRNN Fax 817-382-8501 Dec 30 '98 09117 P02 To: City Council Members FPOm: Robert 1lagemann, Fire MarshaVCode Enforcement FIRE tNSPECTI�NS Routine Inspections I st. Re -Inspections 2nd. Re -Inspections Certificate of Occupancy Permits Special Tests Code Checks Total Notice Given Letters Complaints Unfounded remporary Pole remporary Final inal Total F.lectrica_i n.�rt�ons�, con 3 5 Green Tag 1 I 2 Red Tag 4 0 3 3 11 Inspection Summary 27 1. Correct Street Address Violations 2. Skirting/Mobile Home Violations 3. Vacant Building Not Secured 0 0 3 53 15 �neciai T at: 1, Automatic Extinguishing System 2. Gasoline Tank Installation 3. Piping to Gasoline Dispensers 1. 100'7 Church• Fence 2. 202 Southside- Gasoline Smell 3. 139 Lynn- Substandard Home Total Inspections 14�