10/05/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1998 7*00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: September 15, 1998 -- Special Called b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Annexation Into the City Limits Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey Located on Interstate 35 - Stemmons Service Road North. Said Property to be Zoned Mobile Home Park Zoning. 5. 6. Any Other Such Matters. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: City Council - Special Called September 15, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman McNeill, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Woodrow Barton, Doris Garner. 1. Mayor Kincaid Called Meeting to Order 2. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1998 - 1999. Mayor Declared Public Hearing Open. Dorothy Garner, 610 S. lOth, addressed City Council in regards to the Budget, and if it meant some employees would receive raises. She indicated she did not see where they deserved it, and indicated they do too much driving around, waste money, and get nothing accomplished. Ms. Garner referred to a dog complaint she had made, and indicated the employees could not take care of the problem because they were working on a sewer line. Ms. Garner indicated this aggravated her, and she decided to drive around to see if she could find the sewer problem. She did not find any employees working on sewer lines; however did see two employees driving around. They did finally come pick up the dog, and at that point she again complained about employees driving too much. Mayor Kincaid indicated he did realize employees do drive around, as to how much driving, what they are doing, and what they are looking for they would not know without visiting with the employees to find out for sure. Mayor Kincaid thanked Ms. Garner. Mayor Declared Public Hearing Closed. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1998 - 1999. No Discussion on this Item. 4. Meeting Adjourned. l0_�lj'2W9B 109. ,l All A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SET; 99� BAIlK VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NOU DESCRIPTION BAiI;; CHECK u,TAT [)HE DT DISC: DT 99-003t40 AUTO GLASS CFPITER INV 056438 UINDOW GIMB99 R 9/4)/118 G/L ACCOIJIT AMOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-04640 BRIDGES ASPHALT INV 48901 CRACK SEALER, Gl)lJEEGEFS, POURPOT GHB99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AIljioudT OOI 30-5370 35I:00 CRACK SEALER 01711 W210 24i.6 POUR POTS, m"hUF.EGFEIi VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 99-00450 BURRUS INV 98093170N BLEACH, BROC1�1, SCRUB BRUSH G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT Q108 54-52'I0 VENDOR TOTALS 99-00470 C&H JANITORAL & SUPPLY INY 8254 CLEANING SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT PH, OUNT 0111 W52115 VENDOR TOTALS 99-fWi20 cr SOLUTIONS INV TM IlORIMLJITl FOR KLFIN G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT NO 2'4�5245 VENDOR TOTALS r,NB99 R 9/30/9B I1„ 32 BLEACH, BR1OOM, SCRUB BRUSH RFG„ CHECK GtlB99 R 9/30/��38 44,05 CLEANING SUPPLIES REG„ CHECK GNB99 R 9/30/9B BR.!�O IJORKBOOTS FOR N,LEIN RFG„ CHECK GROSS BA!_AidCE 59Ry65 59�„ CJ5 1 PAYCiiF('�I"I' OiJTSTAtIDIPII DISCOUNT PO!��„ OOCR �1 Did 59�': 65CR 594': 65CR !. 0v1 44,05CR 44„ PSCR B�?, CIiO Sc.'. i?a7aCR WO 98 09o3P AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE; 2 _�41FNDOR SETn 99- DANKA VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM M04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT ))OF DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99�00�570 CHL"I�CO INV 161403 SPARKLE, COLD KILL GN899 R 9/30/98 238s19 E32,l9CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 2312% 19 001 316�5245 29,03 SPARKLE, COLD KILL 008 W5245 29,03 SPARKLE, COLD KILL_ 008 50=,5245 29,03 SPARKLE, COLD KILL 001 2ie-5245 29w03 SPARKLEv COLD KILL 001 30�5245 09,03 SPARKLE, COLD KILL 001 24�5245 21 03 SPARKLE, COLD KILL 0i01 020--58115 229, 03 SPARKLE, COLD KILL 008 54�5245 28,98 SPARKLE, COLD KILL VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 232,l9 232m19CR & M 99u-00600 CITY OF SANGER INV UNFP9/23 UNIFORMS 6114899 R 9/00/98 62364 62v 64CR G/L ACCOUNT AND[INT 008 00-2111 €,2, 84 UNIFORMS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 62364 62464CR 0,00 F,�". fi4 0a 00 9940800 CoServe Electric INV 98100C:OL STREET LIGHTS,ELECTRIC SERVICE GN899 R 9130/98 491,44 491,44CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 491,44 008 W-5515 245,72 STREET LIGHTS,FLECTRIC SERVICE 001. 30 5515 r4M2) STREET LIGHTS,FLFCTRIC SERVICF VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 491444 491MCR 0400 99-A00790 DENTON CO,BUILDERS SUPPLY INV 1"9397 1/2" DENALT DRILL GN899 R 9/30/98 132.50 132,50CR G/L.. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 131 , 50 0.8 W5r50 132,50 1/2" DEWALT DRILL VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 132450 132150CR On00 W@2�98 09032 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE VENDOR SET: 99� DANK" VENDOR SEPUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99�04E,E0 DISCOI.INT TRQPIIIES INV 9809.110PY BEAUTIFICATION BOARD GNB99 R 9/30/98 27.00 27wV4CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 27v OW 001 3=9222 27.00 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD VENDOR TOTALS REGO CHECK 27, AO 27, 010CR 0r 0!0 27, C0 09 0'0 99-04650 EDP REGISTRAR INV 9809309B POLE CLIMBING TECHNIDUES GN899 R 9/50/98 790a00 790.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 790v00 008 58 5255 790,00 POLE CLIMBING TECHMIGUFS INV 980930QC POWERLINE TECH. GMA99 R 9/700/98 695v oil F,95.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 695400 ON W5235 G95, 00 POWERLINE TECH. VENDOR TOTALS REGO CHECK 1,485.00 1�485000CR 0t131.71 19 485, 00 IT] 0 99-0?150 VICTORIA ELIESON ifl1U 9809u+��PT TRAVEL EXPEIl5E5 Gfi899 R 9/.,0/98 70.50 7050CR G/l_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 70, 50 001 42�52W 70450 TRAVEL EXPENSES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 70a50 700 50 W1 50CR 0,00 0n 00 920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC INV 9809�OPH MISC. ELECTRIC SI.iPF'LIEG G1899 R 9/30/98 189.h0 1.89E!�CR G/L ITCCOLINT AMOUNT 189. F,O 008 58-6020 189460 MISC.. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REGO CHECK 189.60 189.60CR 0t00 1890 110 00 00 i0--0&98 09;3A AM VENDOR GET; 99c. BANK; VENDOR ITEM N0 A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SFf?.UFNCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS DISC DT BALANCE PAGE; y, PAYNFNT OUTSTAPaDING DISCOUNT 99-00930 ENDFRBY GAS om CONPANV INV 980930PJ PROPANE GNB99 R 9/N/98 264a86 242Bir,CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 58-5320 264,8G PROPANE:K, 2Fl.8C, 4 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECG4,8G F r'C4a 8G R64,86CR 0.. 00 99A101.0 FARM PLAN I1119 980930PH MISC. SUPPLIES GNB99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOifff AMOUNT 0'Jl 30-5360 7400 PINS FOR BRUSHHOG 001 30-5360 552.37 WORK ON SKIDSTFER INV 980930PP AIR FILTER. GNB99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 501325 37a80 AIR FILTER, VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-00980 FIRESTORM INV 8508 RFD LENSE COVER, BULBS GNB99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 24P5325 b6aG5 RED LENSE COVER,BULBS VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK, 99 01ih1_i FOSTER' S SADDLE SHOP INV 6641 WORK BOOTS GNB99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 009 54--5260 79.75 UORK BOOTS VENDOR TOTALS RFG. CHECK R 9/30/98 559.37 559.37 370. Fa+� 37. r0 59G,97 59,. 97 4Fa, E5 79, 75 79.75 559a?7CR 37, A!�CR 59S,97CR 4F�. CaSCR .rw Ca,�CR Air 0t'i 79.75CR 79, 75 79.75CR 0.00 79.75 0.00 W02-98 09o32 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGEa 5 )EAAOR SET; 99- BANKr VENDOR WHENCE VENDOR ITEM NO1 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01070 GA1_L' S INCn INV 5252767 BEACON,SPEAKER GNB99 R 9/30/98 208,95 202496CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 202.96 091 :�'4�5325 99.98 RED DEACON In1711 24�534 5 102.98 SPEAKER INV 5253715 STORE LIGHTIPULB,SIRENS GNB99 R 9/30/98 30X 94 334,94CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 94 001 24-5325 11.98 STORE Ia.IGHT, BU1 B, SIREN9 008 W5325 119.9A STORE LIGHT,BULB,6IRENS 001 24�5325 0010.98 STORE LIGHT,BULB,SIRENS INV 80001 FIRE SCRAMBLE COLOR SEAL 01,1999 R 9/30/98 45H99 45a98CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 45.98 001 24�531.5 45.98 FIRE SCRABBLE COLOR SEAL VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 583088 W1 88CR 0a00 99-01.100 GOODYEAR 11HOLESALE TIRE INV 096524 ' TIRES GNB99 R 9/30/98 10i.iF� 101,i6CR G/I_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 101m IF, 008 W5325 101.16 2 TIRES VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 101.16 101..16CR 0.00 101. 1F1 14, 00 99-03210 GRAVITY INC. INV 98325 ALUMINUM SIGN, BANNER GNB99 R 9/110/98 102450 102j.50CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 102.50 001 84�5245 10290 ALUMINUM SIGN, BANNER VENDOR TOTALS REGr CHECK 102a50 102.50CR 0400 10� a 50 0tea 99-01190 HUNTER ASSOCIATES INV 25173 FINAL INSPECTION SNIDER GNB99 R 9/30/98 600.0E 60106CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 600.06 001 30-5370 600.06 FINAL. INSPECTION SNIDER INV 25230 18" S. STEMMONS SEDER LINE GNB99 R 9/30/98 485,00 �o-85v0{1W G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 485,00 008 5046 20 485.00 18" S, STEMM'ONS SEVER LINE 10-02-98 09p32 Alta A/P PAYMENT REPORT `VENDOR SET: 99� CLANK, n VENDOR SEtIL.IENCE VENDOR ITEM NO* DESCRIPTION RANI; CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT I?Ai_ANCE INV 25232 ACKER TANK CH9,99 R 9/30/98 1.12.5E G/L_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 11245O moo 50 -6020 112„ 5G ACKER TANK INV 25236 1?" SUPPLY LINE GNR99 R 9/30/98 170a00 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 170.00 009 59-60210 170.,30 112" SUPPLY LINE INV 23254 ACKER STREET GKID99 R 9/30/98 602.5+%I OIL ACCOUNT AMOUNT 6022 50 008 9-6020 60*"Do 5O ACKER STREET INV 25262 S, STFMiiONS SEWER LINE GNB99 R /34/9Q I, o5. C, J G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1,4Q5.00 003 70-7014 1, 4Q5. OFF S.5TEL1IOM S SERER LINE INV 25263 REVIEw FOODNAKER ADDITION GN999 R 9/30/98 1.78.60 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 178.60 008 W5450 178.60 REVIEW FOODMAKER ADDITION INV 25265 REVIEU SAQLF9Kl(1IK KAR,LPRFCRES CND99 R 9/313/98 111F,3.91 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1,163,91 009 WWI,) 1,1614 91 REVIEW SABLE, KUIK KAR, L.AKECRES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK, 41797,57 4,797.57 99-01�F"2O INCODE INV 98093OQG SOFTUARE CONVERSION & INSTALL OND99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT W 154010 : , i F,i, Q9 SOFTWARE CONVERSION a INSTALL Choi 15 010 3,161.89 5OFTWARF CONVERSION $ INSTALL VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-t�124D INLAND TRNCK PARTS CO. INV 55Q67 0111 CH4 FLY vJHEI. F. Ell.. ACCOI IN T AMOUNT 008 58-5325 GGQ 5Q 5325 GOQ W5325 VENDOR TOTALS GNQ99 R 9/3O/9Q 21. 20 CLUTCH, FLY WIHEEL 6.98 CLUTCH, FLY U IFEL 1179 CLUTCH, FLY WHEEL REC. CHECK 6 6 6, 6, 323.7Q 42Q.1Q 42Q.1Q 42Q.1 Q 42Q.1Q PAti'MFNT DISCOUNT 112. SGCR 17Ou r�?CR 1, 4Q5.1'�CR 17Q. 6CCR 1,163.91CR 4Y797.57CR 6,323.7QCR 6,323,7QCR 42Q.1.QCR 42Qr1QCR PArE e 6 OUTSTAiIDING Ci„ i�tr1 10_-0293 19u32 AN A/f! F'AYbi"NT RFFORT PAGE; 7 VENDOR SETe 99� NANK9 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NGN! DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS L'AYMFNT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01050 INTERSTATE BATTERIES INV 9909 2 TIRES GNB99 R 9/34/98 0.130 II3w 3j4CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 81', 0 Offl .32 5311 25.95 2 TIRES 009 50 53c5 57.35 R TIRES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK( 8393O 83,3GCR ll,Gfa Aar 3!li Ox Al4 99AG1310 JIN NCNATT CHEVROL.ET INV 5Gi"'3G5`' GUIDE OMB99 R 9/30/98 125 3,;25CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 125 001 24�5325 3e,25 GUIDE INV 7W2 STATE INSPECTION GNB99 R 9/30/99 r10At�1. 21,@,gCR G/L. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 211.,<<4i4 01,19 58.530.5 r 1 e �.�G STATE INSPECTION VENDOR TOTALS REGo CHECK, 243C5 24o15CR GWA0 99�01 43D KIRBY'S CATERING INV 98593GPX LIBRARY LUNCHEON GNB99 R 9/30/99 42,G!4 40a001CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 40,00 o0i 4�-52!�7,1 ' 40w (�01 LIBRARY LUNCHEON VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 4l, Go 40� AOCR 0.110 410, 00 99�03770 LADD UNIFORM COMPANY, INC INV 23IR96 FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS GNB99 R 9/30/9G 449.70 449,.700 6/1, ACCOUNT PilliflUillIT 449u 701 001 24�5 55 449370 FIRE DEPARTNFNT 1!NIFORMt3 VENDOR TOTALS RE64 CHECK 449.70 44%70CR 04i4"J 449470 Ou G9 104�.'. c 09a35 AN VENDOR SET, 99� 'BANK w V011DOR ITEM NOS DESCRIPTION 99®0149!0 E_f?l!E I_AhIQ INV 9n?.N30PR FUEL CAP G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 32-5311 VENDOR TOTALS 99�01550 LONE STAR CAS INV 9859NPU LONE STAR CAS G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 44-5515 001. 365515 001 1.5 5515 OOf3 15-551.5 008 59�5515 009 316-5515 OOQ 15-5515 VENDOR TOTALS 99.O1I�,f.0 WADEE!ELL A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR OEMr.NCE DANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GN>a99 E,72 FUEL CAP REG,, CHECK OPIE199 11,95 CAS USAGE 10.57 CAS USAGE 30 45 GAS USAGE 3.45 GAS USAGE 9, 66 GAS USAGE 10„ co GAS IISAGE Fa.90 CAS USAGE REC, CHECK R 9/30/9O CROSS I3AI.ANEE G. 7� C. 7� 5r,.54 5G„ 54 INV 9?T1001G?..I REPAIR E1ELI, 'E? CIlR99 R 9/30/95 r/1_ ACCOU�dT ANOLINT OOA 50-5420 145316, 01 REPAIR WELL 13 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 9(MVM 0 NrCUr FTN cIM I)TNG INV 2629 NCGIFFIN WELDING 0/1_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 01F5375 009 3E, 975 OOQ 5'0 53E,0 VENDOR TOTAI,,_S Gh1iI99 R 9/30/9f� 55.010 TIRE TUBE BUFFING STAND O5,00 " R09 TIRE RACK 55„ 00 WATER VALVE UREI,ICH REG, CHECK 14� 31f,. 01. 14931.r,�01. 14� 31.G„ Oi RRE,00 PAYMENT DISCOUNT G. 7,nrR SC,. 54CR SC,. 54CR 14i 31.E,. 401CR 14Y 31E,.01CR r'OE,,, r0%CR PAGE4 8 OIJTSTAidQIIIG 0.00 �„ O�h 10-0&90 09 o 3r ACC VENDOR SETe 99� BANK VENDOR ITFM P'-0R DFSCRIPTIOP! 99-01F90 NCREYNOlrDS TIRE SHl7P INV 8199 TURN ROTORS, BALANCE, TIRES G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 20,-5325 001 30- 533 001 20�5325 001 205325 001 20�5325 01�B W53r5 Ml 1. i �4�53r5 VENDOR TOTALS 99m0i,H30 P10R—TFX COiiP'!UNICATIONS INV 830 MOVE LINcl E TO COURT G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 26F 5c45 VENDOR TOTALS 99--0r140 RADIO SHACK INV 98B30PS BATTERY FOR CAR CAMERAS G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 rV5r45 VENDOR TOTALS 99-0r190 RITE41FLI) INV D7f,75r OXYGEN G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT001. 24-5375 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR MMUFNCE CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GPIB99 R 9/3i�/9B 1.5a00 TURN ROTORS 1 k 00 RADIAL TURF E,a 00 BALANCE 1r.00 BALANCE 00 ROTORS 1rI,00 TRAILER FLAT �: STEM 3�5400 TIRE & LABOR 100 TIRES & STATE FEE REG, CHECK GROSS BALANCE 533,00 53?, l7,t>j 93100 GNB99 R 9/30/913 90a!�0 90.00 DOVE LINE TO COURT REG. CHECK 90T0 GNB99 R 9/30/90 7,98 BATTERY FAR CAR CAMERAS RFG, CHECK GPlB99 40u00 OXYGEN RFGo CHECK R 9/3!�/91T 7.9t; 7, 9H PAYi�iEP!T DISCOUNT 533.0!�CR 5334 0'�CR 90,00CR PAGE. 9 OUTSTANDING 9000CR 79QCR 0�! 1kMlo? 98 rA9v32 AM VENDOR SETua 99.. DAN), VENDOR ITEM M0 99--�"?5In SP'S AIJTONOTIVF DESCRIPTIOPI AIP PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR MUMENCE RAP'11; Cl, IEC:K STAT DUE DT DISC DI IPIU 98G93!�PK ALTERNATOR GNR99 G/L. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 801 24-5325 11.8.87 ALTERNATOR INV 980930PO SWITCN,,RATTFRIES;SPARK PLUS GNR99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT4 @111 ".53�''5 134: 68 SWITCH 881 2k4 c3c5 218d 94 PATTERIFS F101. 11 5325 7"a G8 FAN MOTOR ! 01 1,',' 4. 53"5 1,eg CID 48 SPARK PLUGS �481. 4R53r5 Fit w513 I_ADC1R A81 38-53215 15w31 AIR FILTER VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK R 9/3!4/98 '��—OC`r'C,8 5�5 TELEI4FTRY IPIU 981A@1PK FLOW METER O PUMP STATION GN999 R 9/39/99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 838 50-542A 4, 995:, 09 CI.DU METER @ PUMP STATION VENDOR TOTALS RIG: CNCC1; 99m��P3!�!� SAPIGER COURIER INV 980930PU LEGAL NOTICES I& ACCOUNT AMOI.INT 001 15-5275Q 008 15®52.3@ VENDOR TOTALS 99 -!�131�� SAi°LGI°R DRI IG "TORE INV 980930PI POLAROID f,GG 12P1; G/L. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 22-5248 INV 980930PL FILM G/L ACCOUNT RMOUNT 001 28-5845 Gh1899 R 9/3�/98 ?31.,25 LEGAL_ NOTICES C31,25 LEGAL. NOTICES REGA CHECK GPIR99 R 9/3�3/98 PGy79 POLAROID GAW PPK GNR99 R 9/30/98 5.99 FTLM GROSS RAL_ANCE 39491 91 51.3. 78 513.78 4 99 5, t48 4CP, 5+4 PAYNFPIT DISCOUNT 118� 87CR 394,91CR 513.7aCR 4y �)95,: Ot4CR Ar C9 4G?,SACR 599CR PAGE 1 vi OUTSTANDIPIG I;h, l7l�1 lO 02i 99 09; 32 Am A/P PAYMENT RFPART PAGE 1.1 VENDOR SETA 99� SANK a VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DOE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS RCG CHECnj K3?0 79 301,, 79CR � w t7i10 99--G?33t� BANGER OFFICC SUPC'L.Y INV 00191 MAILING TUBE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GNB99 R 9/3f/99 1195 10 95 1.95CR CA9 59l-5"1.G 1, 95 1181 INV 002115 COPY PAPER G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT OMB99 R 9/30/99 4t75 4475 it.75CR IN41 110-5211 009 W5210 2.35 2 COPY PAPER 40 COPY PAPER INV O!42.17 INK„ ET CARTRIDGE GNB99 R 519a6) 5190CR 0/1.. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 59<9G G91 2A--5249 59o90 INKJET CARTRIDGE INV 01219 COPY PAPER G/f_ ACCOUNT 001 216E 521!� AMO1IiNT 94 GM999 R 5q COPY PAPER 9/3W99 9, 9 59 176CR INU E 51 NOTARY STAMP O 11199 R 9/30/99 illiv'T5 "Ca„ 95CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 26a 99 @OB 19-5245 ^F�,o 95 NOTARY STAMIP Ii4lV r'Sh, NOTARY STAMP SAEIAPlTHA REN7. GNB99 R 9/3G/99F,.95 rC 95CR G/L ACCOUNT ODD 19- 5E'45 AMOUNT 2'6. 95 NOTARY STAMP® SAMANTHA REN7_ 26497) VENDOR TOTALS REGa CHECK 109. 90 1294 9q 1"9,: 9ACR 0000 014 00 99-m34rrO SAL!GER PRINTING COMf'A41Y INV 5352 INSPECTION REQUEST, UlORK ORDER GNB99 R 9/3m/99 256o @8 PW M8CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 1.9-9210 256., 08 INSPECTION 0TIESTI UORK, ORDER INU 5962 DFAUTIFICATIOM BOARD GNB99 R 903 /99 93,44 93244CR G/L. ACCOUNT AMOUNT 93®44 001 329522,2 9144 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD VENDOR TOTALS RFG, CHECK, 349t5" 3499501CR Do0!1 00 lo?wr�W G9c32 AN VENDOR SET 99c DANK VENDOR ITEM NOR DESCRTPTTGPd 99�G��'37O SHFRhlIP! l-lll_h_IRMS INU 5841-4 PAINT & SFALER G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT VENDOR TOTALS 99._i�4�,7A JAC}; SMIIN INU 9t3Ui939G±I tIUERPAID INSURANCE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT GOO qrA r 1. )9 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT vENDGR SECUENur DANK CHECK STAT DOE DT DISC RT Gt�lR99 R 9/?!�/9P 94854 PAINT & SFALER RFG, CHECK Gh1R99 R 9/3rn/9O 39',),30 OVERPAID INSURANCE RFG, CHECK 39—�i�='1zAr1 SMITH' S INU 049509 MISC, SUPPLIES GMB9 R 9/3W98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0A1 245245 97063 0495+09 INU 051232 SACKRETF, Pt,JC, RRIJSH, PAINT, GLOUF GND99 R WON/% G/L ACCOUNT AMIOUNT 009 50-53fW 2 27� 99 C15121w'k !451240 INN OWC"4z', 9ll..ICf N!F GND99 R G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 009 54 5329 ^, 99 SILICONE INU 051293 PIPE,ETTTINGS GND99 R 9/3W98 G/L ACCOUNT AmO11101T 001. 30-5360 10a 34 091293, 051294 INU 051297 KEYS GND99 R 9/7W98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOEJNT A01 32-5375 1.31 KEYS INU W..353 051353 GND99 R 9/22/9E1 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 59-6i42m i_.29 SMITH'S TNV 051356 051356,051247 ON999 R 9/22/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 304 5360 14a 53 0513561051247 PAGE s 12 GROSS PAti'MEPJT OIJTSTAPdDIhlG 1'AL.AINCE DISCOUNT �94a5�m 294,54CR 94,54 294, 54 �a94, 54CR �a OA 51; tit: (hvl 39A„3EI 399,3DCR 3n,z 39 3914.3R 390, ?ACR 3a� 3O G 1�G 9763 97, 63CR 97.63 �='27, 99 227a 99CR 2,99 I G, 34 1+�. 34CR 1u'4; ?tt 1 � Ott 1 d ��OCR 1. �v9 J, ta9CR 1t29 14,53 14,53CR 14, 53 t?tn 9?,1i 10a02�9g t?9 w 3t-. AM VENDOR SETA 99� '�1AL!K VENDOR STEM NOS DESCRIPTION TNlU !351.359 SPlAP C/1 ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 32�5360 ENV 05136 5 MTSC. SUPPLTES G/L ACCOUNT nITIOUNT 001 2,m�5 325 001. 30--5325 OOg W 5310 1101. 20�53015 001 36-53017 001 3f,- 53Fl 091 20 5325 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPnRT UENDOR SE(?UFh10E DANK CHICK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GNB99 R 9/22/9g 11. 1G SNADS GM999 R 9/30/9g 0, G0 513G5, 51397, 5139G, 514'g1, 51'2_1A2 ,7 51285 g 99 MIEC. SUPPLIES 1 60 MISC� SUPPLIES ern 39 M1SC. SUPPLIES 7, !! MTSCm 911PPL.IES 1n00 MTSC: SUPPLIES 1030 MISC„ 51JPPI,.TIS REG, CHICK 9'3.7!��t,5�� SOLOMOP? IMV 7K72 SINGLE PHASE,POLEMOUNT,FUSES CNB99 R 9/3!0/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT nog 58-5365 3W RI! SINGLE PHASE, POLEMOUNT, FUSES clog WGOPO 20168 SINGLE PHASE, POLFMOUNT,FUSES KWOR TOTALS REG:, CHECK 99—Ei2�+G'!i SOUTH!JESTERPI DEI-I.. MODSLI INV 9g093�3!=9V LONG DISTANCE G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT R9 1 5-55'E0 001 15-�5510 001 24,'5520 008 W5510 W 5g ,520 001, 32-5520 UFNDOR TOTALS GhdB99 R 9/30/9g 259 MOBILE PHONES 91959 MOBILE PHON"S 1F�3457 MOBILE PHONES 55r5g MOBILE PHONES 159 MOBILE PHONES 1.44 +m'g MOBILE PHONES REG, CHECK PAG"; 1.3 GROSS PAYNENlT OIITSTALIDSNG BALANCE DISCOUNT 11,1G 11JGCR 11,1E 2Ga 7;5 2Gy 75CR 2 G 75 ?93o Gg 393, GOCR 0: 00 fig OW 0!A GOO,Gg G!�r0: Gg G00< GgCR �'!, 00 F,95� 20 G9So 4',OCR G95o R'k� G95.20 G95.2!�CR Oa00 10-02€ 98 09#32 AM 9FNDAR SFTw 99— ANW, 0 VFHDOR ITEM ltM DFSrRIPTTON INV 9gt Mon POOL P1ONE G/l, ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 34,-5510 VENDOR TOTALS A/P PAYMENT REPORT VENDOR SEt7UENCE DANK CHrCK STAT DOE DT DISC DT GPIB99 � „ ? POOL PHONIF RFGa CHECK 99—!?!?4P�! TANK BLIIIDERS INC. INV 1,3A41s GROUND STORAGE FINAL. PYMT GNB99 R 9/30/9B G/L ACCOUNT AMOIDIT 009 5O—Pt 20 9109 AA GROUND STORAGF FINAL, PYMT VENDOR TOTALS RFG: rL1FCK �9a!��?{a99 TECHLINF MY F,5379 MISC, SUPPLIES GMB99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT INV 69625 ALUM TIF HIRE GND99 R 9/30/98 G/l_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 009 5114020 19500 0 ALUM TIE CARE INV 70419 CLAMPS, CABLES GM999 R 9/3+1AM G/L ACC0111T MIMIT S1M 5B w020 ?� 9f,4, ? ! CUMPSy CABLES TNV 70457 POLYWATER,PVC GLUE,COMM; AMP GMB99 R 9/30/98 G/I., ArrO INT M OUN T 01M 59mPP..!I! 691a 4G 7045717040P17039G INV 70471 MISC. SUPPLIES GMB99 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 A #!)'o C47,50 MISC, SUPPLIES INV 7095 CRIMPTT COVFRS 0C1111199 R 9/312/9B 0/1_ ACCOUNT !?MOUNT INV 7! 169 COBRA HEAD LIGHT GMB99 R 9/30/99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT +GBH 59—PF"M 12511 M COBRA HEAD LIGHT GROSS BAl_AMCF ?2 9, D SO.00 3, kI64.3; 1, "G4� Bah PAYMEPlT DISCOUNT 9, G59„ C!GCR 1R5. C!��rR G91. 4ArR f 17, 5!�rR =.SA. A?3CR PAGE s 1 it OUTSTAP•IDING lfttu.Or` W !P94:32 AM VENDOR SET' 99— PA111It VENDOR ITEM M PAV1J ilf RI�PORT VENDOR Srl?UFHCr DANK CH1=CK STA T DUF DT DISC DT I1lV 7i 9" 1 f (II..V PIF'F Ct�999 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 008 584020 198a 79 POLY PIPE VENDOR TOTALS RFG. CHECK DrSCRIPTIOPI 99�01�730 TEXAS DETER & DEVICE INU 115"6 METERS OMD99 R 9/3'�/9Q 0/1_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT INV 131if21 R[fflER GLOVES TC.STFD, GLOVES GNR99 R 9/3!M/90 O/L RCr::OU1�T AMOUNT 06P, W526) 109, 71B RUDDER GLOVES Tr9 T ED, CLOVES VFMDOR TOTALS REO: CHECK 99-0 630 TX, DEPT, OF HEALTH-4940 THY 9059OMP7 LEAD k COPPER TESTS CN999 R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 098 50-5377 79i,01) LEAD & COPPER TESTS VENDOR TOTALS qFG,I cLIFCK 99—O3kI'� U. P,IJ POLICE ACADEMY INV W930PO TOLLUS,LFHOTSKY,THORNE ON999 R 9/3@/99 O/1. ACCOUNT AMOUNT l0k5235 15I, 'I! T!J1_1.1J9, LEHOTSKY, THORNE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99-04'91.0 UPPER TRINITY TNV 2798!r9 VOLUME tt DEMAND CHAROFS OMD99 R 9/30/99 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 009 W54Sty 101DD10 5G VOLUME DEMAND CHARGES VENDOR TOTALS RFGti CLlrCK CROSS DC1.11PICE 1.98. 75 19C,75 7,3 5.45 C�45, !hD G�,Sc!7ii 1 h93D 1 D9.38 G'34s.3A 3C:O, PTO PAYMrP1T DISCOiJMT 19f1a 75CR inn 00 C�,Sn ��GCR 1.?9.311CR 133�„ 3�rR 15!7�.tpi!� 15G:!7�C!CR 11�; OR1 a 5G 14�, DA1.5DCR 1!A,11O1., 5� 5!3 PAGt 15 OLITSTAhdDING 10-1�2._98 m9;32 ACC A/P PAYMrNT REPORT PAGF" iF, VENDOR SETS 99� RAN14 u UEPIDOR JTFl� Nn# DFSCRTPTJON 99�t3E,97r0 UJKING OFFICE PRODUCTS JNU i.SA"F,1 e,Ar,�R r/l. ACCOUNT W1 15�5R1! W 15-5"1! UFNDnR nrIUCNCLW RANK CL1FC{� STAT DUE t7T D19C DT GND99 AKt01INT 1710;9f) PAPER ZIA, 91) PFER TL�U 17^!,�,�, CaJ1'1DFR,Sr'JRAiS G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 iff-9210 0@8 10".9Pi!l GND99 R 9/39/90 R 9/3�/9tJ 54,AO RTNDFR,SPTRAI.S 3A IJINDER,SPJRAI.S TlllU 101�,��� ROY,FS, r'RTNT CARIRIDGF,FOL..DERS GNR99 R 9/3�/98 G/L. ACCOUNT PMOUMT MI iP06-52io 513n ROXFS, PRINT CARTRTDGE, FOLDERS rrrTl FFTI, 5%10 5.11n DOXFS, PRTN'T CARTRJDGF,FOLDERS 1708 19v5210 53,37 BOXES, PRINT CARTRTDGF,FOI_DFRS VENDOR TOTALS REG.. CHECK `�9_r�=:9P!?! (-!ATER f'RnD11CTS T.�1Ca TNU Oi.9,�'7P!� METERS GNP99 R 9/3O/9D G/I. ACCOUNT ANnl1NT At L1 5O.531,U! S34a 5rlb METERS TNY 0194157 NTSCS SUPPLIES R METERS GND99 R 9/W98 G/L. ACCOUNT RMOUL1T �99 W93(W 11,279436 NJSC, SUPPI.JFS METERS TMY 171395 MISC. SUPPLIES GL'1P99 R 9/3q/99 G/L, Arcnar•�T A�laa�1T 009 59--53F!o ,a, 757„ G7 NJSC. SUPi'I J( S JNY 180180 METERS GND99 R 9/30/99 G/L ACCOIJMT Aislni.lNT ?WR W5360 i.39, 7 5 N"TFRS TNU 185661 STEEL. COLIPLJNGS,CONCRETE 1,JD GNA99 R 9/30/9a G/L.. ACCOUNT AFiaiENT MR 50--53F,G 11415, 9/, STEEL. rn11PLJ,It.199, CONCRETE LID Jh1U 181187L' CLAMPS, SETTERS GL1C!99 R 9/39/90 G/1.. ACCOUPIT ANnLiNT !TOA 5!�1�50n, i,'RG. F,P CI AMPS, SETTERS TNU i933t;.4 CLANPS,CONCRETE I_TD GNA99 R 9/39/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT MOf) 1%� 53F!!l! 39G, F,P CL.AMPS, CONCRETE LID GRASS E�IlI_RMCF 57,D 57, PO 1, r'79n 3G , 757,. F17 13975 i39.75 PAVL'1FP1T DJSCO1.1111T 57.1�!�CR 1�!a. 32CR lfi!7�,13CR OI.ITSTANDJNG 3r?G.31CR !l!s,Lh n3�sa SACR ^, 757F7rft 1.39„75CR i, �15a 9�rCR 39F�o G-,?CR W'OOMR 09a3r9 AM A/L' PHYMFNT REPORT VFNDOR SET: 99� J?'Pt M,I K RVFMIIlOR �Ft?UENrE VFNDOR ITEM NOI# DESCRIPTION AANJ1 r1frX ATAT AIDE AT DISC DT UFNDOR TtiTAI_A RFr rJJFrI{ 99�!��1�1i� IJEDA AUTO CARTS INV M 32M' FILTERS OHM R 9/30/98 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 091 17)09 009 INA AAS 307 5325 ljo215 50--53"5 53--5325 52-5.3105 W5325 9, A.7f n. 83 A:, 3,7/4 76 X 76 7f, FTIJERS FILTERS FILTERS FILTER; FILTERS FILTERS INV 1015B FILTERS ON599 R 9/1W/98 G/I_ ACCOUNT AMOUNT 003 59--5325 8 70 FILTERS UTI�A 9-53INJ 0.70 FILTERS IMB 001 W5329 2P-5325 0.70 170 FILTERS FILTERS ,M I S'. O M+ 5355 5MO", 5 A;, fL 70 70 FTLTFRS FILTERS 17111 �¢-5325 MO FILTERS 171'01 205395 G, 70 FILTERS VFNTIOR TOTALS REG. rHF.CK 99�938611 ZIMMER N,LIPOTA P.,, FQlJIC: INV 92702 AIR FILTER GHB99 R 9/3MR I& AOCOUNT AMOUNT �MM 591934P.5 11475 AIR FILTER VENDOR TOBL9 RM rHFCK GR05S DAONCE PAGE 17 PAYMI`M.IT OUTSTAMdDING DISCOUNT R, iiI5�79, 4GrR ��. Gt Gu�A C,i.3��CR G9.F��CR 11,75CR V. rM n/P PAYMPIT REPORT PArra 9O VENDOR SFT y On- _mwro_ R F P O R T T O T n L S FUND DTSTRT.DUTTOM FUND M09 FUND PM nM01 !HT 17101. GENFERA1., FUND 91646417CR @Mn FNTFRPRTSF FUND (0911�,ju59rR TOTALS 78,778,72CR TYP[= OF CHECK, TOTALS GROSS PAYMFMT OUTSTANDTNG NilmDER DnLPINCF DTSCOUNT HAND CHECK9 10,. DRAFTS l7k 0171 Opp,�O 0,,711 RFG�THECKS M 778. 7P. 7D, 7M, 72CR +. bi!ti 78,778x72 A. U! NON CHECKS 00 Goa D'0 , TOTAL. CHEra,S TO PRTP.IT� AI.I. CE;EC!4S 7f1, 77Ru 7��' 7f3, 77A, 7� 7 ERRORS: 0 MRNTNGS° 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS THAT: The City of Sanger proposes to institute annexation proceedings to alter the boundary limits of said City to add the following described territory to the corporate limits of the City of Sanger, to wit: BEING ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND IN THE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 29, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS CONSISTING OF 90.078 ACRES, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED ON INTERSTATE 35- STEMMONS SERVICE ROAD NORTH - SAID PROPERTY TO BE ZONED MOBILE HOME PARK ZONING. 1st Public Hearing will be held by and before the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the Sth day of October 1998, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building of the City of Sanger, Texas, for all persons interested in the above proposed annexation. At said time and place all such persons shall have the right to appear and be heard. Of all said matters and things, all persons interested in the things and matters herein mentioned, will take notice. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary **** MEMO **** October 5, 1998 TO: honorable Mayor and City Council FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Memorandum: Ordinance Amendments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have received many complaints from the Itinerant Merchants regarding the Ordinance that is now in effect, being that it is not legal or binding. As a result I have requested the City Attorney review the ordinance, and make necessary amendments. Attached is a copy of the Itinerant Merchant and Littering Ordinance Amendments. Please review the changes, and it will be on the next City Council Agenda for approval. Ronald J. Neiman, PC. Margaret E. Barnes, P.C. Kristi A. Taylor TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Neiman & Barnes, L.L.P. Attorneys at Law 386 W Main / PO. Box 777 Lewisville, Texas 75067 MEMORANDUM Mayor and Members of the Sanger City Council September 17, 1998 Itinerant Merchant and Littering Ordinance Amendments Dear Mayor and Council Members: Ph: 972-436- 1558 Fax: 972-436-1349 Recently the ON was contacted by an attorney questioning the constitutionality of city ordinances regulating itinerant merchants and distribution of written materials. Our office has conducted substantial research in this area, and it is our opinion that several recent federal court cases necessitate the update of Sanger's ordinances in this area. In accordance with guidelines from the International Municipal Lawyers Association we are proposing amendments to the itinerant merchant and littering ordinances. In order to comply with case law, the ordinances make the following changes: 1. The Permit issued is for one year rather than 30 days. (reasonable time) 2. The bond requirement is deleted. (other remedies available) 3. The hours of operation are slightly lengthened. (reasonable time) 4. There is no permit required for handbill distribution. (free speech) Memorandum to Mayor and Members of the Sanger City Council September 17,1998 Page 2 5. There are no exemptions for charitable groups. (equal protection) 6. An appeal process is established for denial of permits. (due process) I have left blanks for the fees to be charged, and those may be reasonably increased due to the longer permit period; however, such fees must relate to the expense of administration and not be discouragingly high. ' Please advise if you need additional information. Sincerely, Ronald J. RJN:aIc Enclosure cc: Jack Smith Rose Chavez ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIIr OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING ARTICLE 4,200 (ITINERANT MERCHANTS, PEDDLERS AND VENDORS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY, BY DELETING THE TEXT OF SECTIONS 4.201 THROUGH 4,208, AND REPLACING WITH NEW PROVISIONS REGULATING SOLICITORS AND PEDDLERS; PROVIDING FOR AN APPLICATION; PROVIDING PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALER; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, upon full consideration of the matter, has determined that for the health, welfare, and safety of its citizens, it is desirable to change the regulations governing Itinerant Merchants, Peddlers and Vendors: OF SANGEI; TEXAS. L AMENDMENTS Article 4.200, Sections 4.201 through 4.208 (Itinerant Merchants, Peddlers and Vendors) of the Sanger City Code, are hereby amended by deleting the present language in such sections and in their place inserting the following provisions: "Sec. 4.201 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning; (a) Charitable means and includes the words patriotic, philanthropic, social service, health, welfare, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural or fraternal, either actual or purported. (b) Contributions mean and include the words alms, money, subscription, property or any donations under the guise of a loan or money or property. (c) Peddler means any person who goes upon the premises of any private residence in the City, not having been invited by the occupant thereof, carrying or transporting goods, wares, ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 merchandise or personal property of any nature and offering the same for sale. This definition also includes any person who solicits orders and as a separate transaction makes deliveries to purchasers as part of the scheme to evade the provisions of this Ordinance. (d) Peddling includes all activities ordinarily performed by a peddler as indicated under paragraph (c) of this Section, (e) Person means a natural person or any firm, corporation, association, club, society or other organization. (f) Solicitor means any person who goes upon the premises of any private residence in the City, not having been invited by the occupant thereof for the purpose of taking or attempting to take orders for the sale of goods merchandise, wares, or other personal property of any nature for future delivery, or for services to be performed in the future. This definition also includes any person who, without invitation, goes upon private property, to request contribution of funds or anything of value, or sell goods or servicesfor political, chari table, religious or other non-commercial purposes. (g) Solicitation includes all activities ordinarily performed by a solicitor as indicated under paragraph (f) of this Section. Section 4.202. Permit Requirements and Exemptions. It shall be unlawful for any person eighteen (18) years of age or older to engage in peddling or solicitation activities within the City of Sanger without first obtaining a permit issued by the City Secretary; provided, however, that the following are exempted from the provisions of this Section: (a) Any solicitation made upon premises owned or occupied by an organization An whose behalf the solicitation is made; (b) Any communication by an organization soliciting contributions solely from persons who are members of the organization at the time of such solicitation; (c) Any solicitation in the form of a collection at a regular meeting, assembly or service of a charitable organization; (d) Any solicitation for the relief of any individual specified by name at the time of the solicitation where the solicitor represents in each case that the entire amount collected shall be turned over to the named beneficiary. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 Section 4.203. Permit for Sponsoring Juvenile Peddlers. (a) No person under the age of eighteen (18) shall be permitted to engage in peddling except as provided in this Section. (b) A permit shall be obtained by a sponsoring person, company or organization for the conduct of any peddling or solicitation activities involving, in whole or in part, a sales force of one (1) or more persons under eighteen (18) years of age. (c) The sponsor shall be responsible for supervising and controlling the conduct of all persons, including juveniles, peddling under the sponsor's permit. (d) The sponsor shall provide to each individual in its sales force a badge or other easily readable form of identification which identifies the name of the sponsor and the name of the individual. The sponsor shall require all individuals in its sales force to wear such identification so ha it is clearly visible at all times when the individuals are peddling or soliciting. Section 4.204. Permit Application. Every person subject to the provisions of this Ordinance shall file with the City Secretary an application in writing on a form furnished by the City which shall provide the following information: (a) Date of birth, address and identification of the applicant, to be provided through the applicant's driver's license, articles of incorporation (for sponsors), or other legally recognized form of identification; (b) Names, addresses, driver's, license numbers or other legally recognized form of identification %J all persons who may act as agent or employee of the applicant; (c) A brief description of the business or activity to be conducted or goods to be sold; (d) If employed, the name, address and telephone number of employer; or if acting as an agent, the name, address and telephone number of the principal who is being represented, with credentials in written form establishing the relationship and the authority of the employee or agent to act for the employer or principal, as the case may be; (e) The length of time for which the right to peddle or solicit is desired; (f) The applicant's state sales and use tax permit number, if required by law in order to conduct the proposed business, or proof of exemption if none is required; ORDINANCE NU. PAGE 4 (g) If a vehicle is to be used, make, model, color and license number shall be provided; (h) Whether applicant, upon sale or order, shall demand, receive or accept deposit or total payment in advance of final delivery. Sec.4.205. Fees. A fee which is set out in Article 15.000 of the Appendix of this Code shall be paid prior to the issuance of a permit for each solicitor or peddler. When any solicitor or peddler shall engage in an activity through one or more agents or employees, in addition to the fee for the applicant, a permit fee shall be paid for each agent or employee so engaged, and the fee shall entitle the agent or employee to a permit for the same term and upon the same conditions as that of the primary permit. No permit fee shall be refunded. Sec. 4.206. Application Review and Permit Issuance. (a) Upon receipt of an application, the City Secretary shall review the application as deemed necessary to ensure compliance with Section 4.204. (b) If the City Secretary shall endorse his/her approval on the application and shall, upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue the required permit to the applicant. (c) The permit shall show the name, address and driver's license number of the permittee, the class of permit issued, the kind of goods or services to be sold or delivered, the date of issuance, and the length of time that the permit will be in effect. The permit will also show the permit number. Sec. 4.207. Denial of Permit. (a) Upon the City Secretary's review of the application, he/she may refuse to issue a permit to the applicant for any of the following reasons: (1) The location and time of solicitation or peddling would endanger the safety and welfare of the solicitors, peddlers or their customers; (2) An investigation reveals that the applicant falsified information on the application; (3) There is no proof as to the authority of the applicant to serve as an agent to the principal; or ORDINANCE NO. (4) The applicant has been denied a permit under this Ordinance within the immediate past year, unless the applicant can and does show to the satisfaction of the City Secretary that the reasons for such earlier denial no longer exist. (b) The City Secretary's disapproval and reasons for disapproval shall be noted on the application, and the applicant shall be notified that his application is disapproved and that no permit will be issued. Sec. 4.208. Permit Expiration. All permits issued under the provisions of this Ordinance shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of issuance, unless an earlier expiration date is noted on the permit. Sec. 4.209. Permit Exhibition. Every person required to obtain a permit under the provisions of this Ordinance shall exhibit the permit when requested to do so by any prospective customer, City employee or police officer. Sec. 4.210. Transfer Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person other than the penmittee to use or exhibit any permit issued under the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 4.211. Entry Upon Signed Premises Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether licensed or unlicensed, while conducting the business of a solicitor or peddler, to enter upon any residential premises in the City where the owner, occupant or person legally in charge of the premises has posted, at the entry to the premises, or at the entry to the principal building on the premises, a sign bearing the words "No Peddlers", "No Solicitors", or words of similar import. Sec. 4.212. Hours of Solicitation. No person, while conducting the activities of a solicitor or peddler, whether licensed or unlicensed, shall enter upon any private property, knock on doors or otherwise disturb persons in their residences between the hours of 8000 p.m. and 8*00 a.m. ORDINANCE NO. Sec. 4.213. Permit Revocation. Any permit issued under this Ordinance maybe revoked or suspended by the City Secretary, after notice and hearing, for any of the following reasons: (a) Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement contained in the application for a permit; (b) Fraud, misrepresentation or false statement made by the permittee in the course of conducting solicitation or peddling activities; (c) Conducting solicitation or peddling activities contrary to the provisions contained in this Ordinance. (d) Conducting peddling or solicitation activities in such a manner as to create a public nuisance, constitute breach of peace or endanger the health, safety or general welfare of the public. Sec. 4.214. Notice and Hearing. Notice of a hearing for revocation of a permit issued under this Ordinance shall be provided in writing and shall set forth specifically the grounds for the proposed revocation and the time and place of the hearing. Notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the penmttee at the address shown on the permit application or at the last known address of the permittee. 5ec.4.215. Appeals. (a) Any person aggrieved by the.action or decision of the City Secretary to deny, suspend or revoke a permit applied for under the provisions of this Ordinance shall have the right to appeal such action or decision to the City Administrator within fifteen (15) days after the notice of the action or decision has been mailed to the person's address as shown on the permit application form, or to his last known address. (b) An appeal shall be taken by filing with the City Secretary a written statement setting forth the grounds for the appeal. (c) The City Secretary shall transmit the written statement to the City Administrator within ten (10) days of its receipt and the City Administrator shall set a time and place for a hearing on the appeal. (d) A hearing shall be set not later than twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of the appellant's written statement. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 (e) Notice of time and place of the hearing shall be given to the appellant in the same manner as provided for the in of notice of action or decision. (fJ The decision of the City Administrator on the appeal shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. Sec.4.216. Enforcement. It shall be the duty of any police officer of the City to require any peddler or solicitor who is not known by such officer to be duly permitted, to produce his permit and to enforce the provisions of this article against any person found to be violating the same. Sec. 4.217. Claims of Exemption. Any person claiming to be legally exempt from the regulations set forth in this Ordinance, or from the payment of a permit fee, shall cite to the City Secretary the statute or other legal authority under which exemption is claimed and shall present to the City Secretary proof of qualification for such exemption." Appendix A, Article 15.000 of the Sanger City Code is hereby amended by deleting the present language in such section and in its place inserting the following provision: "The solicitor or peddler permit fee shall be $ per year. The permit fee foI each agent or employee of a solicitor or peddler shall be $ per year. If the sale of food is involved, there shall be an additional fee of $ per year for the issuance of a City health permit." III. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTY. (a) Violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction, be punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Thousand and No/100 ($2,000.00) Dollars for each offense, and each and every day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. (b) In addition to any criminal enforcement, the City or any individual may pursue any available civil remedies deemed appropriate and necessary. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 8 IV. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. ff any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of the Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance, but they shall remain in effect; it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall remain in effect notwithstanding the validity of any part. V. REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. VL EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication of notice as required by law. VII. EMERGENCY. It being for the public welfare that this Ordinance be passed, creates an emergency and public necessity, and the rule requiring this Ordinance be read on three (3) separate occasions be, and the same is hereby waived, and this Ordinance shall now be placed on its third and final reading for passage, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by vote of 1998. ATTEST: City Secretary to day of ORDINANCE NO. • : •&AMP 0 • •owm • • : • • I , • • • HANDBILLS AND ADDING A NEW ARTICLE WITH PROVISIONS REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF HANDBILLS AND CIRCULARS; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALER; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, upon full consideration of the matter, has determined that for the health, welfare, and safety of its citizens, it is desirable to adopt new regulations governing the distribution of handbills and circulars. L REPEALED SECTIONS The current definition of "Commercial Handbill" in Section 6.202, and Sections 6.210, 6.211, 6.212, 6.213 of the City Code shall be and the same are hereby repealed. II. AMENDMENTS The following amendments to Article 6.200 (Littering) are adopted: Sec.6.202. Definitions. "Commercial handbill" shall mean and include any printed or written matter, any sample or device, circular, leaflet, pamphlet, paper, booklet, or any other printed or otherwise reproduced original or copies of any matter or literature: (1) Which advertises for sale any merchandise ,commodity or thing; (2) Which directs attention to any business or mercantile or commercial establishment, or other activity, for the purpose of either directly or indirectly promoting the interests thereby by sales; ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 (3) Which directs attention to or advertises any meeting, theatrical performance, exhibitions, or event of any kind, for which an admission fee is charged for the purpose of private gain or profit; but the terms of this clause shall not apply where an admission fee is charged or a collection is taken upon for the purpose of defraying expenses incident to such meeting, theatrical performance, exhibition, or event of any kind, when either of the same is held, given or takes place in connection with the dissemination of information which is not restricted under the ordinary rules of decency, good morals, public peace, safety and good order; provided, that nothing contained in this clause shall be derived to authorize the holding, giving or taking place of any meeting, theatrical performance, exhibition, or event of any kind without a permit, where such permit is or may be required by any law of this State, or under any ordinance of this City; or (4) Which while containing reading matter other than advertising matter, is predominately and essentially an advertisement, and is distributed or circulated for advertising purposes, or for the private benefit and gain of any person so engaged as advertiser or distributor. "Newspaper" shall mean and include any newspaper of general circulation as defined by general law, any newspaper duly entered with the United States Postal Service, icein accordance with federal statute or regulation, and any newspaper filed and recorded with any recording officer as provided by general law; and, in addition thereto, shall mean and include any periodical or current magazine regularly published with not less than four issues per year, and sold to the public. "Obscene" means material which depicts or describes sexual conduct that is objectionable or offensive to accepted standards of decency which the average person, applying contemporary community standards would find, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interests or material which depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, which, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. "Person" shall mean and include any person, firm, partnership, association, cooperation, company or organization of any kind. "Private premises" shall mean and include any dwelling, house, building, or other structure, designed or used either wholly or in part for private residential purposes, whether inhabited, uninhabited or vacant, and shall include any yard, grounds, walk, driveway, porch, steps, vestibule or mailbox belonging or appurtenant to such dwelling, house, building, or structure. Sec. 6.210. Posting Notice, Placard, Bill, etc., Prohibited. No person shall post, stick, stamp, paint or otherwise affix, or cause the same to be done by any person, any notice, placard, bill, card, poster, advertisement or other paper or device calculated to attract the attention of the public, to or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, curb, or curbstone, ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 flagstone, or any other portion or part of any public way or public place, or any lamp post, electric light, telegraph or telephone pole or railway structure, hydrant, shade tree or tree box, or upon the piers, columns, trusses, girders, railings, gates or other parts of any public bridge or viaduct, or other public structure or building except such as may be authorized or required by laws of the United States, or the State of Texas, and the ordinances of the City. Sec. 6.211. Throwing Handbills in Public Places Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast any commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon any public place within the City. Provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful for any person to hand out or distribute, without charge to the receiver thereof, any commercial or non-commercial handbill in any public place to any person willing to accept such handbill. Sec. 6.212. Placing Handbills In or Upon Vehicles Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast any commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon any automobile or other vehicle. The provisions of this Section shall not be deemed to prohibit the handing, transmitting or distributing of any commercial or non-commercial handbill to the owner or other occupant of any automobile or other vehicle, who is willing to accept the same. Sec. 6.213. Distribution of Handbills on Uninhabited or Vacant Private Premises Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast any commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon any private premises which are uninhabited or vacant. Sec. 6.214. Distribution of Handbills Where Prohibition Properly Posted. It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, deposit, place, throw, scatter or cast any commercial or non-commercial handbill upon any private premises, if requested by anyone thereon not to do so, or if there is placed on said premises in a conspicuous position near the entrance thereof, a sign bearing the words: "No Trespassing," "No Peddlers or Agents," "No Advertisements," or any similar notice, indicating in any manner that the occupants of said premises do not desire to be molested or to have their right of privacy disturbed, or to have any such commercial or non- commercial handbills left upon such premises. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 Sec. 6.215. Distributing Handbills at Private Premises; Exceptions. (a) No person shall throw, deposit, or distribute any commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon private premises except by handing or transmitting any such handbill directly to the owner, occupant, or other person then present in or upon such private premises; provided, that, except where the premises are posted as provided in this Ordinance or where anyone upon the premises requests otherwise, a person may place or deposit any such commercial or non-commercial handbill in or upon such private premises, if such handbill is contained in a plastic bag ventilated with Ur holes throughout the surface of the bag, or unventilated plastic bag no greater than six inches in width, or if such handbill is so placed or deposited as to secure or prevent such handbill from being blown or drifted about such premises or sidewalks, streets, or other public places. Mailboxes may not be so used when so prohibited by federal postal law or regulations. (b) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the distribution of newspapers; except that newspapers shall be placed on private property in such a manner as to prevent their being carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk, or other public place or upon private property. Sec. 6.216. Handbills Depicting Certain Matter Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to post, handout, distribute or transmit any sign, or any handbill: (a) Which is reasonably likely to incite or to produce imminent lawless action; or (b) Which is obscene or unlawful. III. PENALTY. Violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction, be punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Thousand and No1100 ($2,000.00) Dollars for each offense, and each and every day such violation shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. IV. SEVERABILTTY. The provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance, but they shall remain in effect, it being the legislative intent that this Ordinance shall remain in effect notwithstanding the validity of any part. ORDINANCE NO. V. REPEALER PAGE 5 All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. VI. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication of notice as required by law. VII. EMERGENCY. It being for the public welfare that this Ordinance be passed, creates an emergency and public necessity, and the rule requiring this Ordinance be read on three (3) separate occasions be, and the same is hereby waived, and this Ordinance shall now be placed on its third and final reading for passage, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval and publication, as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROVED by vote of 1998. AT'�'EST: City Secretary to day of