09/08/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes - August 10, 1998 Workshop, August 17, 1998, August 20, A97 c70 VTUIft lIUP, Aiigii3t 2:, i99v, A➢igu3t .Oii, iniw. b) Disbursements 4. Conduct Public Hearing on Tax Increase; Schedule and Announce Meeting to Adopt Tax Rate, 5. Citizen's Input. 6. Present Plaque to Ex -Mayor John Coker. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Interlocal Agreement For Ambulance Service Between the City of Denton and the City of Sanger. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution Approving The Fiscal Year 1999 Financial Plan of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District. 9. Appointments to 4A & 4B Boards. 10. Any Other Such Matters. 11. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Time Posted MINUTES: City Council Workshop August 10, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jenkins, Councilman Ervin, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James, Councilman McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branum, Butch Langley, Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Tommy Kincaid called meeting to order. 2. Discuss Budget. Mr. Smith indicated each Council Member had a booklet containing each Department Head's request, and had a loose copy that was his recommendation. Discussion as Council reviewed the information. Mr. Smith indicated the budget he had worked up did not include the loss from the convenience center. Mr. Smith explained the police budget, and indicated there would be testing for the position of Sergeant, and Lieutenant. Discussion on Fire Marshall position, and Bob Hageman. Mr. Smith indicated City Attorney fee's have doubled, and the Municipal Court Judge's salary has doubled as his work load, and responsibilities had doubled. Discussion about Attorney fees. Mr. Smith indicated that for two hundred dollars a month, split between the water and electric department, the City could have an answering service trained in this area, answer calls, and contact the person needed to take care of any after hour calls. Councilman Jenkins asked if it was in the budget to pay the third party that will be taking care of the convenience center. Mr. Smith pointed it out to him in the booklet. Discussion on trash pick up, landfill, and convenience center. CC MINUTES PAGE 2 Councilman James indicated that he disagreed with giving a flat seven percent increase. He indicated that each department head should be given an amount of dollars to distribute among their people, perhaps a merit increase based on performance. Mr. Smith indicated he agreed with Councilman James, but that if each department head was doing their job, then each employee would be doing their job based on what their job was. Councilman James indicated the City needs to be run as a business. Discussion. Councilman Jenkins indicated a City should not be run like a business. Cities and businesses are run differently. He indicated Mr. Smith should take the Department head's recommendation and be the independent administrator. Councilman James indicated there should be an incentive to keep employees. Councilman Jenkins indicated that Sanger has, in the past, always hired at the lowest possible amount. He indicated there was no incentive for people to do their jobs well, people were being hired out from under them. He indicated it was time the City paid the people for the job they did, and paid them well enough to keep them from going to other cities and companies. Councilman James indicated the city's employees were the most valuable asset in the community. Discussion on Electric Department personnel and difference in pay scale. Discussion on Administrative Personnel and difference in pay scale. Councilman James addressed Jeff Morris, and asked about his step plan. He indicated his step plan did not match what his people were making. Jeff Morris indicated the Council did not go with his step plan last year, they went with a cross the board raise. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Morris, when he hired a secretary, had stated it would free up his time and allow him to spend more time in the field, and he would not need to hire another lineman. Councilman Jenkins indicated that Mr. Morris had hired a secretary and now was asking to hire another lineman. CC MINUTES PAGE 3 Mr. Morris indicated they did not hire a lineman because they could not find qualified people, the reason for hiring a lineman at this time is the growth they were experiencing. Mayor Kincaid indicated they would bring a few department heads in at a time, and discuss the budget for those departments. He indicated they would set up another work shop and meet with a few more department heads. Council discussed when to schedule the next workshop. It was scheduled after the next Council meeting. Councilman Jenkins indicated he would like to see more of the city staff at the meetings. Councilman James asked about the deadlines for posting the tax increase. Discussion on tax increase, and what the appraisal district was needing. City Secretary explained the adoption of the tax rate. Councilman McNeill indicated the tax rate had to go up this year, he indicated that it had not gone up in the past three years. Discussion on tax rate. Discussion on scheduling public hearing. Mayor Kincaid indicated they should pick a couple of alternates for each board to eliminate not having a quorum at the meetings. Councilman James indicated he would like a time table or chart showing the deadlines for adoption of the tax rate and budget. City Secretary indicated she would provide a time table. Discussion on municipal court and the amount of revenue brought in from it. City Administrator indicated the department heads were doing real well keeping with their budgets. Discussion about the trailer used to haul the back hoe and other supplies. Discussion about purchasing new trucks. CC MINUTES PAGE 4 Mr. Smith indicated $30,000 was in the budget to rejuvenate Lite lift station. Councilman James asked to about the bucket truck. He indicated it was in the budget for a new one. Councilman James asked if he was planning to retire the oId truck. Jeff Morris indicated they would use both trucks. Mayor Kincaid indicated people had noticed a difference in the water. He asked if there was a way to filter in a softener. Eddie Branum indicated it was a possibility, but the expense would be an issue. He indicated he would check into it, but also indicated with a little more time he felt he could get the mixture right. Discussion on going off of water rationing. Councilman Jenkins asked Jeff Morris about poles rotting, he asked where these poles were located. Jeff Morris indicated the last pole that fell was located on Cherry and 2nd Street. He indicated that most of the older poles that were set were starting to decay. Mayor Kincaid indicated it was in the mid 60's when Brazos had taken over and set most of these poles. Jeff Morris indicated that most poles lasted about 30 years, and there were a Few that needed to be replaced. Councilman James asked about Mr. Kessler's five year plan for street repair. Mayor Kincaid indicated it was a plan to do one -quarter of the repair each year. Discussion on street maintenance. Councilman Jenkins indicated they need the citizen's input on the street maintenance issue. He indicated they needed to have a public hearing and discuss a bond package. Discussion on street, water, and sewer maintenance costs. Mayor Kincaid indicated they had covered everything they were going to cover in this workshop, and indicated they would begin again after the next Council zr�r;� CC MINUTES PAGE 5 meeting. Discussion. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council August 17, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jenkins, Councilman Ervin, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James, Councilman McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Cheif Benny Erwin, Carmen Bourland, Doris Garner, Robert Garner, Butch Langley, Burl H. Bourland, Woodrow Barton, Dilana Mosley, Rick Carter, Richard Derryberry, Merrie Lou Abney, Diana Cruz, Vicente Cruz, Joe Higgs, April Siver, Timothy Piatt, Andrew Foote. 1. Mayor Tommy Kincaid called meeting to order, Councilman James led the Invocation and Councilman Ervin led Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consent Agenda a. Minutes: July 20, 1998, August 3, 1998 -Workshop, August 3, 1998, August 10, 1998 - budget workshop. b. Disbursements Councilman Jenkins moved to approve consent agenda. Counilman Ervin seconded. Motion Carried. 3. Citizen's Input. Richard Derryberry, 821 Carmen Ct, recommended Paulie Dyer, daughter of Russell and Alice Madden to be appointed to the Planning and Zoning board. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 39 on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Public Hearing opened. Burl Bourland indicated the houses he wanted to build on this property would be 1200 sq ft., have two car garages, a six inch street with concrete curb, and gutters. Councilman Jenkins indicated there were discrepancies in the requirements for SF3 zoning in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Discussion on the requirements. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Bourland probably wanted SF4 instead of SF3. Mr. Bourland indicated that SF4 was 1000 Sq ft. houses and he did not want that, he wanted SF3. Public Hearing Closed. 5. Consider and Yossibie Action Regarding a Change in Zoning Froiii (AiT) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Councilwoman Madden moved to approve a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Councilman Jenkins Seconded Motion Carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat, Phase 1, Sable Development. Mayor Kincaid read the letter from Mark Hill the City Engineer. City Secretary indicated Sable Development representatives had brought in everything they needed for approval; however the people in the pre -construction process have not reviewed those construction plans. She indicated that Mark Hill had indicated that everything was okay, but prior to a building permit being issued, a pre -construction conference must be held with city staff in order for them to make sure everything is up to code. Councilman Jenkins asked if they had a Plat. City Secretary indicated that she was under the impression that Mark Hill, the City Engineer was going to be at the meeting. Mark Hill has the Plat. Mr. Platt, developer for Sable Development, indicated they had a Plat, and the 16 foot utility easement would be filed seperately. He indicated the City Engineer had the Plat. Discussion concerning Plat. Councilman Jenkins asked if Sable Development had recieved anything telling them what was required. Mr. Platt indicated he had received a packet explaining what was necessary for a building permit, but nothing else. Discussion about the requirements on Plats. Councilman McNeill indicated that in the letter from Mr. Hill, Sable Development was required to have everything in hand at the meeting with City staff, or the permit would not be issued. He indicated that in the future, eof deveiopers shouid be issued a packet, and at that thue Lulu �iia� .t MUY uiu iivi have everyhting completed they should not come to the meeting. He indicated he would like to see this Plat approved if Sable developers understand they will need everything indicated in the Engineer's letter at the meeting with City Staff. Councilman McNeill moved to approve the Plat. Councilwoman Madden seconded. Motion Carried 3 to 2. Coucilman Jenkins voted no. Councilman James voted no. Councilman McNeill indicated that the applicants must have everything in hand aI the meeting prior to receiving building permit. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution Submitted by Citizen. Councilman Jenkins moved to approve the Resolution as Submitted. Councilman McNeill seconded. Motion Carried 4 to 1. Councilman James voted no. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to all the Boards. Mayor Kincaid indicated he had asked City Administrator to find out if they could have alternates on the boards. City Administrator indicated they could. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should not appoint alternates at this time. Discussion. Councilman Jenkins moved to accept all appointments as indicated to the boards. Councilman Ervin seconded. Board Appointments as follows: City Judge: Danny Spindle - Reappointed Planning &Zoning: Joe Falls, Place 2 - Reappointed Joe Higgs - Place 4 - Appointed Rick Carter, Place 6 - Reappointed Woodrow Barton, Place 7 - Appointed Board of Adjustment: Russell Madden, Place 2 - Reappointed Sam Burrus, Place 4 - Appointed Andy Garza, Place 6 - Reappointed Parks Boaed: Rowdy Patterson, Place 2 -Reappointed Curtis Gilley, Place 4 - Reappointed Terry Jones, Place 6 - Appointed Beautification: Helen Kirby, Place 2 -Reappointed Elizabeth Higgs, Place 4 -Appointed Jewel Anderson, Place 6 - Appointed Library: Richard Muir, Place 2 -Reappointed Judy Webster, Place 4 - Reappointed Ron LaFon, Place 6 - Reappointed 9. Discuss Tax Rate; Take Record Vote, and Schedule Public Hearing. Discussed time table submitted by City Secretary on adoption of budget and tax rate. Councilman James moved to approve the Time Table on adoption of budget and tax rate, and to schedule the public hearing. Councilman McNeill seconded. Discussion followed on proposed tax and the increase it would generate. Motion Carried Unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matters. a�. I,UUCllman J enlcl[la il5liCu 11 111 I PUlll Vl 111C Llul al y, W iiCt C l,llc al.l cci W as wi ii up, if we could eliminate that area where water stands. b). Councilman Jenkins indicated they were having problems with the lights at school zone on Keaton and 455, he asked who was responsible for that. Discussion. Jeff Morris indicated they had put a new timer in the light on Keaton. c). Councilman James asked about the damaged water lines on loth street. He asked if it would be concrete when fixed. Eddie Branham indicated it would. Discussion. 11. Meeting Adjourned. 12. City Council Workshop -Discuss Budget a). Library. Vickie Eleison indicated the only increase she was requesting was for books. Discussed landscaping around Library. b). Wastewater Department. Eddie Branham indicated the main change was on the lift station, he was requesting an increase for repairs. Discussion about lift station. Discussion about line behind Double JP Ranch. Discussion about R&M shelter. Councilman Jenkins asked about the city uniform. Discussion on uniform, since employees now wear jeans and shirts with City logo, all pants and shirts are bought. c). Water Department. Discussion on Chemical Supplies, Traps, and other materials. Eddie i'sranham indicated he would like io hire one more person, so they could split the crews. Discussion on Equiupment. Discussion on water from Upper Trinity. Discussion on Electric and Gas Utility. Discussion on what they will need for next meeting, and on sheduling the next workshop. Meeting Scheduled for Thursday August 20, 1998 at 6:00. MINUTES: City Council Workshop August 20, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jenkins, Councilman Ervin, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James, Councilman McNeill OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Chief Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Woodrow Barton, Joe Higgs, Butch Langley t. iviay�r i ummy nincaiu caueu uierwiig w uruCr. 2. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Tax Increase. Mayor Kincaid indicated this was an error, and would be postponed till September 8, 1998. 3. Meeting Adjourned. 4. City Council Workshop Budget. A), Vehicle Maintenance. Discussed adding a lift to the shop, the cost would be approximately $1500.00. Tommy Belcher indicated he needed other minor equipment and supplies. Discussion on maintenance of vehicles. Councilman McNeill asked if Tommy did maintenance on the Fire trucks. Tommy indicated he did. Councilman Jenkins asked Tommy if he maintained a computer record of maintenance on the vehicles. Tommy indicated he kept records both on paper and on computer. Discussion about replacing truck. B). Streets Discussion on Wearing Apparel. Discussion on lease equipment and minor equipment. Councilman James asked about sweeping the streets, and if the City did not do this anymore. Chuck Tucker indicated it could be done in his budget under street maintenance. Discussion on Sales Tax and Street Maintenance. Councilman Jenkins indicated he was under the impression there was an ordinance or policy that stated the Sales Tax revenues would be used for Street Maintenance. Mayor Kincaid also agreed. City Secretary indicated she had looked for this type of documeni and indicated she could not locate any findings. She indicated she would contact Nel Armstrong, ex - mayor, when she got back from her trip and see if she could be of assistance in remembering when it was adopted or if it was a Resolution, and possibly assist in locating the document. Councilman Jenkins asked if the $180,000 for Sales Tax was included in the General Fund Budget, City Administrator, Jack Smith, indicated it was, and it was in general fund operating revenues. C). Parks -Discussion on mower, motor vehicles and cellular telephone. D). Pool -Discussed Pool rates, and number of employees. Mayor Kincaid indicated he had received several comments on the pool staff, he indicated there were many compliments on the professionalism of the staff. Discussion on Concession stand. E). Community Center -Mayor Kincaid asked how the building was holding up. Chuck indicated the carpet was worn, and the building needed a paint job. Discussion on annual revenue. F). Solid Waste -Discussion on Contractual Services and Convenience Center. Discussion on eliminatin g ng recycle bin at Convenience Center. City Administrator indicated he had received a call from Waste Management, and our representative, Al Judkidwicz, was no longer with the company. The new regional manager at Waste Management will meet with Jack next week. Discussion on bidding out collection service. Discussion on telephone "a Station. G). Police Department. Mayor Kincaid asked if there were any auxiliary officers, and what they were paid. Benny Erwin indicated there were four, and they were not paid. Their uniforms were supplied and workman's comp, was paid. Discussion on filling all reserve positions. Benny indicated the requirements were the same for regular officers and reserve officers. Discussion on safety and lease equipment. Benny indicated there were five police vehicles, and that all the vehicles were not fully equipped. Discussion on Equipping all cars with cameras. Discussionunit. Benny indicated they could take this off the budget, he was not going to pursue it, and indicated he would like to use that money for a camera or radios. Discussed Bullet Proof Vests. Discussion on life of Vehicles, Benny indicated that would last longer if they had a few take home units. H). Municipal Court. Air Conditioning unit was discussed and staff advised this item could be taken off since it had to be replace about a year ago. Discussion on Computer System and the need for a new computer. Discussed Teen Court and how city hall does not have adequate room to conduct Teen Court. I). Electric Department. Discussion on office supplies, dues & registrations, and travel expenses. Discussion on wearing apparel, safety equipment, and minor tools. Discussion on R & M Building, Jeff indicated the building needed to be painted. Discussion on vehicle maintenance and equipment rental. Discussion on hazardous waste Its Jeff indicated most all of the hazardous waste in his department had been disposed of. Lease Equipment Discussed in length: a. u%ket T rink b. Back Hoe c. Trailer d. Wire Puller e. Brush truck Jeff indicated all of the above items were necessary and there was not one that was more important than another. Discussed Franchise Fees. Discussion on contractual services, economic development, telephone service, electric & gas utility, cellular phone, and pagers. Jeff indicated the goal of the electric department was to have all problems taken care of within the next two years. Councilman Jenkins asked if the electric department was still encouraging underground wire. Jeff indicated they did not have to encourage it, and basically customers generally ask for it. Discussed difference in rates between Sanger and Co Serve. Discussed Deregulation. J). Volunteer Fire Department. Jeff indicated they decreased the pension fund, they are no longer going to try to keep thirty-five volunteers, they are having a hard time keeping twenty. Discussed office supplies, food, dues &registration and travel expenses. Discussed wearing apparel, Jeff indicated they wanted to purchase three sets of dress blues for the firemen who attend funerals. Discussed safety equipment, Jeff indicated training manuals and films should decrease, the new trainer will provide most of it. Discussed lease equipment, Jeff indicated they would like to lease a 2000 gallon tanker. Jeff indicated they needed to use the new radio system, he indicated it would take some funds to upgrade it. L1Jl:U�aCU lli"C 11�116111}� Cl�Ul1JlIlC116. Jeff addressed the siren system, he indicated that last year's budget had $13,000 dedicated for a siren system. The cost for the siren system is approximately $26,000. He indicated the money in last years budget was still there, and he would like there suggestions on what to do with it. He felt they did need to activate some type of early warning system. Discussion on the Barbecue at the Sellabration, Jeff indicated they had elected to not do it this year. Adjourned Workshop. MINUTES. City Council Workshop August 24, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman McNeill, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Water/wastewter Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Chief of Police Benny Erwin Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Kincaid Call Meeting to Order. 2. Discuss Fiscal Year Budget 1998-1999 City Administrator indicated the last Department Head to make their presentation was the City Secretary Rose Chavez with the Administrative Department. City Secretary indicated Mayor and Council budget basically stayed the same and the bulk of it was coming out of the administrative side. Discussed Ladies' Restroom in office. Discussed Insurance, Contractual Services, and Legal Services. City Secretary indicated they were trying to departmentalize on telephone services. City Secretary addressed R & M building for the Sullivan Center. Discussed Health Inspections, City Secretary indicated the City will have a new inspector, and that Joe Tims will send a letter recommending the Council officially appoint the new inspector. Discussed Supplies for Data Processing, Postage, Maintenance on copy machine, computer hardware, and other office equipment. Discussion on what they still owe on new computer system and the monthly payments. Mayor Kincaid indicated they should start discussing salaries and finish up discussing budget. City Administrator indicated they wanted to give people good salaries this year and wanted to be able to keep the trained staff. Discussed proposed increase for Department Heads. Discussed Sergeant, and Lieutenant position in Police Department, and the required tests to be given for those people to get these salaries. Discussed Police Officer positions. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should get salaries up enough to keep well tramed people. Discussed Fire Fighter Position. Councilman McNeill indicated he would like to see them pay volunteer fire fighters per run, instead of hiring a full time fire fighter. Jeff Morris indicated that people's lives have gotten so busy that true volunteerism has become a thing of the past. He has visited with other cities and volunteers and they have indicated the same. He indicated he would like to see them start hiring paid firemen to guarantee the citizens a certain quality of care. Mayor Kincaid asked if the City would have a better insurance rate if they had a paid fire department. Jeff Morris indicated it had been discussed, but he was not sure. Councilman McNeill indicated statistics show that volunteer fire departments are the biggest service organizations in the United States, and do more for the people than any other service organization. Discussed position of possible paid fire fighter, Jeff Morris indicated this person would be considered a captain and would report to the Chief and the assistant Chief. Jeff Morris uidicated there was no one ni the department at his time that was qualified for the position. He indicated the person would need to be a certified EMT or a Paramedic. Discussion on different options of the volunteers. Councilman Jenkins indicated they should look at other options, leave it in the budget for the position, allocate the dollars, but do not create the position until it can be discussed more in depth. Discussion on the possibility of Jeff Morris finding other alternatives in lieu of hiring a full time fire fighter. Councilman Jenkins asked Jeff Morris what they needed a back hoe for. Jeff Morris indicated it was for hauling dirt, and for digging. Councilwoman Madden complimented Fire Department on the job they did putting out fire on Rector Rd. Councilman James indicated that some of the proposed salaries were too high. He indicated the Librarian salary was too big of an increase, and indicated they needed to decide if that position was a department head. Councilman James asked about the salary for the position of Administrative Secretary. City Secretary indicated the person in this up, and take her place when she was gone. person to be her assistant, position was someone who could back her She indicated she saw the potential in this Discussion on Administrative Secretary position and Salary. Discussion on Water Department, Eddie Branham indicated he had one person he wanted to promote and give a salary increase to immediately, he indicated this person would become certified as an operator, and he also needed to train someone to replace him. Eddie Branham indicated he would like to eventually see all of his personnel certified. Discussed hiring a person for meter reading. Discussed using people from streets department for meter reading. Discussed salary of City Mechanic and if the position was a Department Head position. Councilman Jenkins indicated it was not a Department Head position, and that he was the sole person that answered to the City Administrator. Discussion on hire date, and salary for City Mechanic. Discussion on if City Mechanic was a Department Head, Councilman Jenkins indicated they needed to decide if it was or was not. Council agreed that even if he did not have the title of Department Head, his salary still needed to be raised. Discussed Mechanic's Salary. Councilman James indicated they needed to rewrite the job descriptions for the Librarian and the City Mechanic. Council agreed to allow City Administrator to come up with job titles and job descriptions for City Mechanic and Librarian. Council discussed and agreed to raise salaries of Librarian, and City Mechanic. They will give one-half this year, and one-half the next budget year, to bring them to the same pay scale as the Department Heads. Mayor Kincaid indicated they would need to schedule a meeting to file the proposed budget with the City Secretary. Scheduled Special Called Meeting for August 31, 1998 at 7:00 PM to accept budget proposal. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: SPECIAL CALLED CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 31,1998 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilwoman Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Streets Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Woodrow Barton, Wanda Ervin, Joe Higgs 1. Mayor Kincaid Called Meeting To Order, Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation, and Councilman James led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Budget. City Administrator indicated the following day would be the deadline for filing the proposed budget with the City Secretary. Discussion on position of Police Sergeant, Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see the salary amount for Stephen Lehotsky moved back down to $24,000 from $30,000 since no one had the years of experience required to qualify for the position of Sergeant at this time. Council agreed they should reduce it back down to $24,000, and look at it again next year. Councilman Ervin moved to reduce the proposed salary for Stephen Lehotsky down to $24,000. Seconded by Councilman McNeill. Motion Carried Unanimously. Discussion on when employees would receive the salary increases. Council agreed to give Curtis Amyx an increase on October 1, to bring him up to $33,000, and if he finishes all the courses, and passes all tests, and becomes qualified to fill Lieutenant position they will increase his salary to $36,000. Councilman James indicated that next year he would like to see the City seek advise from a consultant and possibly have them do a survey of our City, Job descriptions and salaries, and work out a step plan for each position instead of giving across the board salary increases. City Secretary indicated they had tried this in the past, and when they get to the council for approval, City council has never been able to would agree on the step plan. Discussion on Drug enforcement in the police department. Council agreed to put $99000 in proposed budget for Drug related programs, $2000 of these funds would be used toward a commitment with Denton County Substance Abuse Commission (Alcohol and Drug Abuse), 3. Consider and Possible Action to File Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-1999 with the City Secretary. wuin.iiiiiau .raiuw iiivvcu w apprvvc iiiiii� vi Yrvpvsou vuu�c� ivl i•i��al i vai 1999 with changes as noted. Councilwoman Madden Seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance With 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated (Open Meetings Law), in Accordance With the Authority Contained in Section 551.071 - Consultation with City Attorney Concerning IESI Lawsuit. Mayor Kincaid Convened into Executive Session at 7:34 P.M. 5. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, On Item Discussed in Executive Session, Mayor Kincaid Reconvened into Regular Session at 8:39 P.M. No Action Taken. 6. Meeting Adjourned. �� � �`± t �� `�� It �> tr, t_� �t �; ti 1 t�,'�.z f ((f�(7 �' ���#'_ G� �� 1���� ��' �,� ( ;- �i F(� �� �k ��g � it \.; l t.. �� P,. �'!'ff NF�� � �1 �r l> x ��������� i � ' , _. C!, (1(��('� l i1 � r` 's� ��!?�a F li r� �� � n f s f ,_i I 50•197 O 0 � (RevB•o7l5) Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase Tile CITY OF SANGER will hold a I)ul)lic hearing on a proposal to incrcasc total tax revenues from properties cm the tax roll by 13.1629 percent. Your individual taxes ma}' incrca•c or dccrc:tsc, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable �•:tiue of all other propert}' and the tax rate that is adopted. The public hcarinl; will he held On September 8,1998 @ 7PP4 at 201 Bolivar, Council Chambers FOR the proposal: Jerry Jenkins, Mike James, Glenn Ervin, Alice Madden, Carroll Mcneill AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: The following table compares taxes on an avenge home in this taxing unit last year to tuxes proposed on the average home this year. Again, your individual taxes may be higher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your property. Average residence homestead Value General exemptions available (amount available on the average homestead, not including senior citizen's or disabled persons exemptions) Average taxable value Tax rate Tax Last Year $ 53,154 0.47260 $ 251.21 •- This Year $ 57,540 57,540 0.50284 $ 289.33 Under this proposal, taxes on the average homestead would increase by $ 38.12 or 15.17 percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would increase by $ 0, 03024 per $100 of taxable value or. 6 e 40 percent compared to last year's tax rate. These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. 12:24 09-•04%' 98__DENTON_.CO. TA`/...OFFICE DENTON'_T'; .. 817-565-5539 Notice PAGE 02 of Vote on Tax Rate The City of Sanger conducted a public hearing on a proposal to increase the total tax revenues City of Sanger by 13.1629 percent on Tuesday, September 8,1998. The City Cou�icil is scheduled to vote on the tax rate that will result in that tax increase at a public meeting to be held on Monday, September 21, 1998, at 7:00 PNI at City Council Chamber; 201 Bolivar, Sanger, oN CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS F/RE DEQ�' July 283 1998 Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: In July of 1998, as part of our annual budget process, the City of Denton reviewed its annual agreement for the provision of emergency medical services with your City. Based on our current costs to provide those services to you, the City of Denton City Council voted on July 21, 1998, to increase your per capita charge from the current $5.75 to $6.50 starting on October 1, 1998. The population will be based on your estimated January 1, 1998, Council of Government figure. (4z So� (1 7G a "LIP) The City of Denton's estimated cost to provide emergency ambulance services is $13.45 per capita (based on 25,050 total population) for the small cities in Denton County. This was established by a July, 1998 City of Denton Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Cost Analysis. Obviously, the cost to you to receive those services is substantially less than the cost to provide them. Therefore, the Denton City Council also voted to increase your per capita fees over the next three years as follows. Year 1 (FY19984999) $6.50 Year 2 (FY1999-2000) $8.00 Year 3 (FY2000-2001) $10.00 I have attached the back up materials that the Denton City Council used to make their decision, including the EMS Cost Analysis. If you have any questions or would like a presentation made to your Council, please call me at your convenience. I have attached a new agreement for your Council's approval within the next thirty days. Cinnaraly Fire Chief (940) 349-8101 217 WEST McKINNEY STREET DENTON, TEXAS 78201 OFFICE (940) 349-8110 FAX (940) 349-8109 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE BETWEEN THE CITY OF DENTON AND THE CITY OF SANGER Recitals The City of Denton currently provides emergency medical services to the citizens of Denton. The City of Sanger would like to contract with the City of Denton to receive emergency medical services for its citizens. Pursuant to Chapter 774 of the TEX. HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (Vernon 1992) and the Interlocal Cooperation Act, TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. §791.001, et l�70.-.,.,,� 1 �Oiil o n;f.. mov nnntrant to r�rnvirlP amaraPnry mP�iiral cPtvirPc to the rnnnty nr .icti•, t r vuavu iii-rJ, �. va�� uauJ vva.ea...vr r.......... ..... .t,......J "�.......,.,.' ..—' "--.. ". "-- --^' V -- another city. WHEREAS, both the City of Denton and the City of Sanger have the authority to perform the services set forth in this Agreement individually and in accordance with TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN. §791.011(c)(2); and WI�IZEAS, the City of Sanger will make all payments for services out of available current revenues and the City of Denton agrees that the payments made by the City of Sanger hereunder will fairly compensate it for the services performed; NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH •• � This Agreement is made on the _day of , 199_, between the City of Denton, Texas ("Denton"), and the City of Sanger ("Sanger"). The parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions. Emergency Medical Services or E.M.S. means personnel and ground transportation vehicles used to respond to an individual's perceived need for immediate medical care and to prevent death or aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury. 2. Denton to Provide EMS to Sanger. Denton shall provide emergency medical services to Sanger in response to requests for emergency medical services in accordance with this Agreement. All requests for emergency medical services for persons residing in the corporate limits of Sanger shall be communicated to Denton in the manner specified by Denton. 3. Discretion in Providing E.M.S. Sanger understands that Denton must also respond to requests for emergency medical services for persons in Denton and that Denton has other contracts to provide emergency medical services to other entities. Denton shall have the sole right and discretion, without being in breach of this Agreement and without liability to Sanger, to determine: (a) Whether or not to respond to a request for medical emergency service; PAGE 1 (b) Whether and when personnel or equipment are available to respond to a request for emergency medical service; (c) The order is which to respond to a request for emergency medical service; and (d) The time in which to respond to a request for emergency medical service. 4. Service Fee. In consideration for providing emergency medical services to Sanger, Sanger agrees to pay to Denton an annual sum during each year of this Agreement determined by multiplying the population in Sanger by six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50). The population figure . A ,.0ii um +i,,,+ +a;,,A,i ;n tt,P latPct edition of the North Central Texas Council of L10QU 011Q11 VV ui"u vVAAL"AliwU ". ..... ____ ... Government's estimate for January 1, 1998. The annual payment shall be paid to Denton in equal quarterly payments on or before October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1, of each annual term. Denton may, after giving prior notice, suspend service to Sanger during any period of time Sanger is delinquent in the payment of any undisputed service fee. 5. Patient Charges. In addition to the service fee paid by Sanger, Denton may charge and collect from persons provided emergency medical services, the patient fees established by ordi- nance of Denton. 6. Governmental Immunity Not Waived. Neither Denton nor Sanger waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims made or arising from any act or omission resulting from this Agreement. 7. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be in one-year increments, beginning on October 1, 1998 and continuing to September 30 of the following year and thereafter from year to year until terminated in accordance with this Agreement. 8. Termination; Default. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause by giving ninety (90) days advance notice in writing to the other, specifying the date of termi- nation. If either party breaches a provision of this Agreement, the other party shall give the defaulting party written notice of the default. Should the defaulting party fail to correct the default within thirty days of the date notice of default is sent, the other party may declare the Agreement terminated. Sanger shall be liable to Denton pro rata for the payment of emergency medical ser- vices provided up to the date of termination. 9. Notices. All notices sent under this Agreement shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the respective addresses, as follows: To Denton: To Sanger: City Manager City of Denton 215 E. McKinney Denton, Texas 76201 10. Agreement Not for Benefit of Third Parties. This Agreement is not intended and PAGE 2 shall not be construed to be for the benefit of any individual or create any duty on Denton to any third party. 11. Assignment. Neither party shall assign this Agreement except upon the prior written consent of the other. 12. Venue. Venue of any suit or cause of action under this Agreement shall lie exclusively in Denton County, Texas. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. rvrrTTm�n ,... ate,, a,... ,.� 1 nn i:nt��.,v tt:L vii uic uay vi , i�� ATTEST: JENNIFER WALTERS, CITY SECRETARY BY: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: HERBERT L. PROLTTY, CITY ATTORNEY BY: ATTEST: BY: SECRETARY CITY OF DENTON, TEXAS BY: JACK M1I.,LER, MAYOR CITY OF SANGER M� MAYOR . .. PAGE 3 AGENDA INFORMATION SHEET AGENDA DATE: July 21, 1998 DEPARTMENT: Fire Department 0 Michael Jez, Assistant City Manager/Operations CM/pC1Vi/ACM SST: le, Corinth, Hickory Consider increasing the per capita fees charged to the cities of Argy ' Creek, Krum, Lake Dallas, Ponder, Shady Shores and Sanger by the City of Denton for iVA�tQI emergency medical servilw" `L&•a�.• BACKGROUND: nton Interlocal Agreements for emergency medical Lake Dallas, Ponder, SangerandShady and the Cities of Argyle, Corinth, Hickory Crek, Shores began in 1980. These agreements provide for erg ch Y new agreements ambulances by paramedics for these small cities within our service areas ordinances are approved by the Denton City Council fchar a next fiscal er capita for the mall the City will charge per capita. Currently, the City is charging cities. ire Stations 21 3 The city presently provides three (3) front line emergency ambulances bervncb lanes are stationed t5' P and 5. Two Firefighter Paramedics staff each ambulance. all on at Fire Stations 1, 4 and 6 as back ups in cases where our 0nt line ency m dambulances al services Reserve emergency calls and the City receives another call forg ambulances are staffed by the engine company crew from the nearest fire station to the call. the City also responds to certain areas of the In addition to responding to these small entcItiewith Denton County. The agreement between unincorporated County under an afire the City and County is different than the agreements with the small cities. 0 me company ng In the City, an emergency medical request for service ce receives engine respondthe closests with at least three and the nearest paramedic ambulance company firefighters as "first responders" to quickly stabilize the patient until the arrival of the ambulance. Normally, the fire engine will also have paramedics on it as first responders. remaining 25%are Nearly 75% of all our firefighters are also certified paramedics. The certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's). for service receives only the nearest Outside the City, an emergency medical request Jun diction paramedic ambulance company. The first responders must come from the requesting our assistance. In most cases, this is a local volunteer fire department. What is the actual cost to provide emergency ambulance services to the small cities? Over the past several years different rates have been charged. The rate has been determined using a cost per capita. The following exhibit shows the rates since 1989. Per Capita Fiscal Year Charge 1989-1990 $2.75 199 M991 $2.75 1991-1992 $2.75 1992-1993 $235 1993.1994 $150 199 mi995 SOO 1995-1996 $535 199&1997 $535 19974998 $5.75 Small Cities Historical Per Capita Cost by the City of Denton for EMS Historically, the cost to the City of Denton to provide EMS to the small cities has been more than the cost recovered by the per capita rate charged. City Councils in the past have determined the revenues generated from the small cities justified the expense of providing an ambulance for their emergency medical calls for services* hat rate should be charged for this service, an EMS Cost Analysis Study To more accurately decide w (attached to this report) was completed in July 1998, and determined the following$ Small Cites' proportionate share of ONE ambulance = 60.1% Annual Cost of ONE Ambulance to Small Cities = $336,968 True per capita cost of ONE ambulance to Small Cities = $13.45 For the current Fiscal Year, the City charges $5.75 per capita based on the population estimated by the North Central Texas Council ef God capita cost to the C'ty S s amount is billed per quarter. From the a gm substantially more than the per capita fees received from the small cities. There are several options that the City Council may consider in establishing the fee to be charged to the small cities: Option 1: Charge the true per capita cost of $13.45. is wou d be a policy change from past years to collect the full cost to the City. Many of the small cities would probably be unable to expend this much. However, the cost to provide 2 the same level of emergency ambulance services on their own would be substantially more and a cost they also could not afford. The cities would most likely end up without emergency ambulance services unless they contracted with a private ambulance company. Option 2: Phase in a per capita cost over three years to get closer to the true cost. Year 1 (FY1998/1999) $6.50 per capita Year 2 (FY1999/2000) $8.00 per capita Year 3 (FY2000/2001) $10.00 per capita This option would allow the small cities to plan for expenditures on a long-range plan. The proposed Interlocal Agreements for the next fiscal year are based on a charge of $6.50 per Y i capita. 45 Option 3: Charge a per capita fee between $5.75 and $13.. 11 ity ouncil could choose to charge a fee somewhere above the current fee up to the total cost to provide the cost of emergency ambulance services. Option 4: Charge the current rate of $5.75 for the next fiscal year* e new agreements for the next fiscal year would maintain the current fee per capita. Staff recommends Option #2. FISCAL INFORMATION: to estimates at ese agreements based on a per capita charge of $6.50 for the 25,050 people covered will provide $162,825 in revenues. No other program or department is affe cted*howservices e ,twithhese smallout cities* it se agreements the City would have to stop emergency ambul Attachments: City Council Presentation Slides EMS Cost Analysis Study, July 1998 Ross Chadwick Fire Chief 3 City Council Presentation - July 21, 1998 IT of Denton EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) SMALL CITIES Agreements de Ordinances For Ambulance Services WHO ARE THE SMALL CITIES? Argyle, Corinth, Hickory Creek, Krum, Lake Dallas, Ponder, Sanger, Shady Shores OVR COSTS TO PROVIDE EMS AMBULANCE SERVICES TO SMALL CITIES • Small Cities proportionate share of One City Ambulance = WHY THE AGREEMENTS AND ORDINACES? • Need to be approved each year. • Chance to look at our costs. • Determine what to charge the small cities_.per Capita. NEEDS TO BE APPROVED EACH FISCAL YEAR • Sets the terms and condition. • Establishes the per capita change and when payments will be made. . 65. 75 CURRENTLY • Establishes the population to be used. NTCC06 111197 estimote of 25, 050 OVR COSTS TO PROVIDE EMS AMBULANCE SERVICES TO SMALL CITIES • Antwal Cost of One City Ambulanee to Small Cities = SMALL CITIES' EMS AGREEMENTS cil Presentation - July 21,1998 City Coun OUR COSTS TO PROVIDE WHAT SHOULD THE CITY EMS AMBULANCE SERCES CHARGE THE SMALL CITIES TO SMALL CITIESFOR AMBULANCE SERVICES? • ACtual Per Capita Cost of One City Ambulance to Small Cities = WHAT SHOULD THE CITY CHARGE THE SMALL CITIES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES? •QpjLon #2 - Phase in the Costs Over 3 Years: Year 1 = $6.50 Year 2 = .$8.00 Year• 3 = $10.00 WHAT SHOULD THE CITY CHARGE THE SMALL CITIES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES? • tior� #4 -Continue to charge the current rate of $ 5.75 . • tion #1 - Charge Full Pcr Capita Cost. WHAT SHOULD THE CITY CHARGE THE SMALL CITIES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES? • tion #3 -Charge Somewhere between $6.50 and $13.45 WHAT SHOULD THE CITY CHARGE THE SMALL CITIES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES? Stnf f Recommends OPTION #Z 0 SMALL CITIES' EMS AGREEMENTS City Council Presentation - July 21, 1998 WHAT SHOULD THE CITY CHARGE THE SMALL CITIES FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES? • O�ti�#Z - Phase in the Costs Over 3 Years: Year 1 = $6.50 Year 2 =8.00 Vann 3 = 1100 00 C City of Denton EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COST ANALYSIS WHAT ARE THE ANNUAL COSTS TO OPERATE SPECIFIC FIRE COMPANIES? One of the questions often asked is what a specific company, such as an engine company or ambulance company, actually costs. The following methodology takes into account the personnel costs plus the proportionate supporting costs for engine, ambulance and the quint companies. There are two types of supporting costs: (1) those in the Fire Department's budget to support operations; and (2) City support costs (overhead from other City Departments such as the City Manager's Office, City Attorney, Human Resources, Finance and Information Services). Fire Department SUPPOrt costs may be figured as shown in the following exhibit. FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPORT COSTS Total Fire Department budget $ minus Ops personnel costs minus EMS personnel costs ii.. cKAO Oe. mm lulflmnpr oarsonnel Costs lvt%oplus 3 Shift Commanders personnel costs $ _._.._ 0:-, o.e.,nnHnn n;�inn hudeet . 7, (s49 (5 a2a,6sa 631,298) (S$24,9.13) $840160 25&162 280,552) Exhibit 1. Denton Fire Department Support Costs forOperations - FY 1997/98 Once the support costs are determined, the next step in finding the operating costs of specific companies is to decide how to proportionately share those costs among the engines, ambulances aMd. quint. There are three good factors which should be considered: number of calls, number of total units, and number of total people. Using each specific factor to determine the proportionate share of the operating costs is shown in Exhibit 2. BASED ON PROPORTION OF CALLS 5 Engines 1 aunt3 Ambulances BASED ON PROPORTION OF UNITS 5 Engines 1 point 3 Ambulances sts Per Uni Calls Proportion Support Cot 149.00 42.12% 56771963.SZ 5135,592.70 749.00 %02% 9161,281.92 $1618281.92 can 47.86% $770,354.56 $258,784.85 Units Proportion Support Costs Per Un1t 5.00 55.56% 5894,293.76 it78,858.75 1.00 _ 11.11% $178,Ms56 $178,828.58 3.00 33.33% $536,479.68 $178,828.56 4.00 16.00% 5257,536.00 s2570538.00 8.00 _ 24.00'G 5386,304.00 5128,768.00 Exhibit 2. Proportionate Shares ojAnnua! Operating Costs by Companies- 3 D�erent Methods As shown in Exhibit 2, each method gives different proportionate shares. Abetter method combines all three factors into one overall proportion. However, not all are equal in representative value. Since personnel costs impact costs the greatest, the number of people sio hould have a higher value. oexhibit nd number of unlists, the its each eccen of iving a 2ing costs %based val eon a combination of all three with and the number of people having a 50% value. July 1998 0 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COST ANALYSIS 5 Engines 1 Ouint 3 Ambulances E1 fe of Units # of 2.50% 2.75°/k 8.00°k 12.00% 8.25% 12.00% 13.25% 32.25% Costs 5213.272.00 5519.096.00 Exhibit 3, Proportionate Shares of Annual Operating Costs by Companies Per It 5213, 272.00 S 173, 032.00 Once the step of determining the proportionate shares of supporting costs are figured, the next step is to find the costs of the personnel assigned to these units. When staffing a fire department staff unit assigned 365 days a year, 24 hours per day, it takes more than just one person to FL Aeach position. Therefore, in addition to figuring the total compensation (salary, benefits, overtime, annual estimated overtime, longevity, certification, etc.), we must establish how many people it takes to staff each position. Exhibit 4 illustrates the personnel costs for each position on ion is estimated based on top step and full certification.::: alI the companies. Total compensat , _ _:.:_ . inn^A nn nnrrpnt IICAOP.. Leave hours are averages for each puai►iull vaS..0 � • - - _ FY1997KJ8 PERSONNEL COSTS CAPTAIN Hours to be worked in 1 year Hours worked in 1 Yeariemployee minus annual Sick Leave usage minus annual Holiday usage minus annual Vacation usage Total hours worked in 1 year Employees needed for 1 position Captain's Total Annual Compensation 1 Captain's Position Personnel Costs 8,760.00 2.912.00 (180.00) (108400) (240900) 2*384.00 3.67 $77.242.00 $283,825AT 365'24 56 hours'52 weeks 8, 760/2,384 a77, 242'3.67 Hours to be worked in 1 year 8,760.00 365'24 Hours worked in 1 Year/employee 2.912.00 56 hours'52 weeks minus annual Sick Leave usage (180800) minus annual Holiday usage (108600) minus annual Vacation usage (216.00) Total hours worked in 1 year 2.408.00 Employees needed for 1 position. 3.64 81760/2,408 Drivers Total Annual Compensation $64,947.00 _ 1 imvees Position Personnel Costs 5238,268.99 • 5604T3 64 Hours to be worked in 1 year 89780.00 365'24 Hours worked in 1 Year/empbyee 2.912.00 56 hours'S2 weeks minus annual Sick Leave usage (180000) minus annual Holiday usage (108800) minus annual Vacation usage (192•00) Total hours worked in 1 year 2.432.00 Employees needed for 1 position 3.60 8,76012,432 FF's Total Annual Compensation $51,069.00 1 FF's Position Personnel Costs $W$949.19 $510069*3960 Exhibit 4. Annual Personnel Costsfor Each Operational Shift Position — F'I'1997/98 July 1998 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COST ANALYSIS The proportion of supporting costs and the personnel costs per position have been determined. The last step is to establish nthe 5. A coannual t per hour can then be establiany costs for all companies shed for each of the staffinged on their levels which are shown to companies listed in Exhibit 6. Captain 5283,825.47 5236,268.99 Driver $183,949A9 Firefighter $175,446600 Support Costs $879,489 65 Total "arson Engine Company ANNUAL (FY91t981 ENGINE COMPANY COSTS (Staffln$ offs 825.47 Captain $236,26&99... Driver7:>388 38 Firefighters $175A46a Sunoort Costs ., .,... Total 4-Person Engine Company a''w'''�•'�'"- ANNUAL (FY97t981 ENGINE (QUINTI COMPANY COSTS (Staffin 82f Captain $236,268999 Driver $367,898,38 Firefighters $213 272.00 su rt costs $111IK264.84 Total 4-person Engine Company ANNUALIFY97t981 AMBULANCE COMPANY COSTS (Staffino of 21 Paramedic Driver $183*949*19 Paramedic Firefighter $183,949.19 Support Costs $69340!1250.18 3200 . Total 2.Person Ambulance Corn n . Exhibit S. Annual Company Costs - FY 1997198 FY1997t98 COST PER HOUR FOR OPERATIONAL FIRE COMPANIES 3-Person Engine Company $100 4-Person Engine Company 5121 40Person Quint Company $126 Paramedic Ambulance Company $68 Exhibit 6. F'}'1997/98 Cost Per Hour for Fire Department Operatic Companies WHAT ARE THE COSTS TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) TO THE CITY OF DENTON? The city presently provides three (3) front line emergency ambulances from Fire Stations 2, 3 and ambulances are stationed at Fire 5. Two Firefighter Paramedics staff each ambulance. Reserve Stations 1, 4 and 6 as back ups in cases where our front line ambulances are all on emergency calls and the City receives another call for emergency medical services. Reserve ambulances are staffed by the engine company crew from the nearest fire station to the call."- " The City responds to certain areas of the unincorporated County under an agreement with Denton ral small cities (Argyle, Corinth, Hickory Creek, Krum, County. The City also responds to seve July 1998 10 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COST ANALYSIS Lake Dallas, Ponder, Sanger, and Shady Shores) in the County under interlocal agreements and ordinances which are approved each year by the City Council setting the terms and conditions of the agreements. In the City, an emergency medical request for service receives the closest engine company and the nearest paramedic ambulance company. The fire engine responds with at least three firefighters as "first responders" to quickly stabilize the patient until the arrival of the ambulance. Normally, the fire engine will also have paramedics on it as first responders. Nearly 75% of all our firefighters are also certified paramedics. The remaining 25% are certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's). Outside the City, an emergency medical request for service receives only the nearest paramedic ambulance company. The fast responders must come from the jurisdiction requesting our assistance. In most cases, this is a local volunteer fire department. In 1991, the Fire Department responded to a total of 81244 emergency calls for assistance. t)f those, 5,800 were emergency medical calls. Obviously, 70.35% of the Fire Department's business is EMS. The City's three front line ambulances respond to all EMS calls as well as some fires. Each ambulance averaged 2,044 total responses in 1997, including 1,933 EMS calls. The EMS workload for an ambulance is therefore 94.6% (1,933/2,044). In 1997, the ambulance transport rate was 60.1% of our total EMS calls. Determining the exact costs to provide EMS is difficult to establish due to the fact that there are many variables. Do you cost out the first responders? Or just the ambulances? A quick estimation of the City's cost to provide EMS can be determined as follows. Exhibit 7. Overall City Cost to Provide EMS Exhibit 7 shows that it costs $4,730,000 dollars to provide the current level of emergency medical _ services. As stated earlier in this report, each ambulance company costs $593,033. Of that total ambulance cost, the estimated EMS cost equals $561,033 ($593,250 X 94.6%) Since each ambulance averaged 1,933 EMS calls in 1997, the total ambulance EMS cost could be figured as $290 per each EMS request for services ($593,250/1,933). Unfortunately, since each ambulance only transports 60.1% of their EMS responses, the cost per transport equals S483 (1,933 X 60.1% divided by $561,033). Keep in mind that these are for the ambulance only and do not include the first responder costs. COSTING EMERGENCYMEDICAL SERVICES FOR SMALL CITIES? The City presently provides emergency medical services (EMS) to several small cities in Denton county. These cities are Argyle, Corinth, Hickory Creck, Krum, Lake Dallas, Ponder, July 1998 11 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COST ANALYSIS III OWN Shores and Sanger. The City responds a paramedic ambulance in etont h normally volun tiered for medical problems. The first response rs by the local fire departm departments. Over the past several years different rates have been chargate has been determined using a cost per capita. The following exhibit shows the rates since 1989The . Per Capita FYIIIIIIIIIINIII Charge 2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75�_-- 1993.1994 $150 1994.1995 $430 1995.1996 $5.75 19964997 $5.75 19974998 $5.75 Exhibit 8. Small Cities Per Capita Cost by the City of Denton DETERMINING THE PER CAPITA COST OF PROVIDING EMS TO DENTON COUNTY SMALL CITIES: n more than Historically, the cost to the City of Denton to prro To EMSacc the small e y amide whatties has rae should be the cost recovered by the per capita ratecharged. ice, the following methodology should be used: charged for this sery Ste 1: Determine the ro RlOrtaTe snaio ve .+l+o I------ . The�mall Cities EMS costs should onbm�c� �ls � de� m'�� e�lier, the cost Denton Fire Department apparatus respond ambulance is $593,250. The Fire Department's revenues were deducted out when establishing revenues generated by ambulances the operating costs of services. This miles havet�expected mounted for d has no bearing at transporting patients from the small ctt this point in the determination of the cost per capita. However, these revenues can be estimated as follows: Currently the City recovers SO% ojbilled transports and averages 61 % of the mThe current average payment is $251. Thus, the edical calls as transports. estimated revenue can be determined t eimen they mul collection rate (SO%erne theaaraoun 61) times transport rate (60. ) collected ($251). 1.161 EMS calls X 60.6% transport rate X SO%collection rate Estimated 1997/1998 annual revenues generated by Small Cities a $88,880 July 1998 12 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COST ANALYSIS As stated earlier, the City responded to 5,800 emergency medical calls for service. The three first line ambulances thus responded to an average of 1,933 calls per unit. The Small Cities' share of these calls for service equaled 1,161 responses. The proportion of the use of the ambulance can be determined by dividing the 1,933 calls per ambulance by the 1,161 Small Cities' calls for service. 1,161 /1,933 = Small Cites' proportionate share of ambulance = 60.190 This can now be determines oy muittpgnng � proportionate use by the Small Cities (60%). the percentage of $561,033 X 60•� e......•,1 N.,ef of dmhuhnea In 4mall rifles = S3360968 i M/1/IM# VW� yr r�nrrrww••►...� �....... . - . The true per capita cost to the Small Cities can now be determined by dividing the tots cost ($336,968) by the total population (25,050): g336,968/25,OS0 True per capita cost of 1 ambulance = $13.45 The following exhibit illustrates some of the relationships of the Small Cities and the cost of emergency medical services in their jurisdictions: Cost Current Cost ($13.45) ($5.75) EMS Pop. % of based on per charge SMALL CITIES: Calls 111198 calls % of use Capita per Capita Argyle 129 21100 11.1% $37,441 $28,245 $12,075 Corinth 193 7,300 16.6% $5566016 $98,185. $41,975 Hickory Creek 53 2,050 4.6% $15,383 $27,573 $11,788 Krum 91 118M 7.8% $26,412 $24,210 $10,350 Lake Dallas 283 5,550 24.4% $82,138 $740648 $319913 Ponder 51 450 4.4% $14,802 $6,053 $2,588 Shady Shores 26 11550 2.2% 71546 $20,848 $8,913 Sanger 335 4,250 28.9% $97,230 $57,163 $24,438 1,181 25,050 100.0% $336,968 $336,923 $1441038 Exhibit 9. Small Cities EMS Costs July 1998 13 DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT P.O.. Box 293058, Lewisville, Texas 75029-3058 PhonerM. 972-221-0911 FAX: 972420-0709 • Webpage: www.denco.org M TO: Participating Cities FM: Mike Pedigo, Executive Director DATE: August 12, 1998 r• fps �nnn r'______'_1 Tl_� _ -. 1Cr: Fiscal Y ear 1999 ralallclal Pliul IF Enclosed is a copy of the Denco Area 94"l District's Fiscal Year 1999 Financial Plan. The plan was approved by the district board, of managers, at its August 6, 1998 regular meeting. Section 772 of the Texas Health and Safety Code requires participating jurisdictions approve the district's budget each year. I request your council consider the enclosed plan prior to the end of IF September, 1998. A sample resolution is enclosed for your use. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 972- 221-0911. Enclosure csf IF IF I IF IF IF IF IF I IF IF IF IF IF Fit 1075 Princeton Street, Lewisville, Texas 75067 IF RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 1999 FINANCIAL PLAN OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, CHAPTER 772, AS AMENDED; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of has been presented the Fiscal Year 1999 Financial Plan of the Denco Area 941 1 District for approval, in accordance with section 772.309 Texas Health and Safety Code, as amended; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HEREBY RESOLVES: SECTION I. financial plan. That the City of TEXAS hereby approves the SECTION II. That this resolution shall become effective immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED this ATTEST: City Secretary day of , 1998. City of ,Texas. By: Mayor Memorandum To: Tommy Kincaid Glenn Ervin Jerry Jenkins Mike James Alice Madden Rose Chavez From: Jack Smith Date: July 30I 1998 n..�:__a. • n o � n nAA..,a n MMA�wiw.AwiA .7uuj ft �tr► a Ito o�ai u r�NNuu ni i ici ua Please choose 5 names for the 4A Corporation: _ Nel Armstrong _Howard Ashcraft _ Frank Ballard _ Kent Crutsinger _ Diana Cruz _ Joe Falls _ Charles Fenoglio _ Bill Fuller _ Beverly Howard _ Mike James _ Tommy Kincaid _ Carroll McNeill _ Richard Muir _ Willie K. Pate _ Jack Richardson _ Shelly Ruland _ Joe Skiles _ Garland Thornton Please choose 7 names for the 4B Corporation: _ Nel Armstrong _Woodrow Barton _ Beverly Branch _ Eddie Branham _ Mary Bucklew _ Glenn Ervin _ Joe Higgs _ Steve Hollingsworth _ Beverly Howard _ Jerry Jenkins _ Terry Jones _ Glenn Lanier _ Russell Madden _ Carroll McNeill _ Mary Belle Sims _ John Springer _ Chuck Tucker *****MEMO***** To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Secretary Re: Alternative Proposal for Fire Department 1nC I,UUI1C11, Ql U1C DUllb'Cl W U1RJ11V�1 Vlt AUb'UJl GY, 1770, t�.�uwwu uaa� ovi. i..aa.... t...........� come up with alternatives in lieu of hiring a full time employ in the Fire Department. Attached is Jeff's Proposal. City Council will need to review this request, and make recommendations to the staff as to whether or not Jeff s proposal is acceptable. The funds are already allocated in the budget. BANGER FIRE DEPT. DUTIES AND PAY SCALE POSITION: Fire Chief * Supervision of up to 30 fire department members * Respond to EMS and Fire calls * Assigned to EMS shift PAY: $600 Monthly - No run allowance = Responsible for make-up of monthly EiviS s'riift rosier * Responsible for Fire Department daily operations * Prepares annual budget * Responsible for distributions of funds associated with budget items * Responsible for monthly Fire and EMS reports * Responsible for quarterly air quality control test * Responsible for coordination of monthly EMS training * Responsible for coordination of bi-weekly fire training * Responsible for training records of each member's training * Responsible for coordination of annual hose testing * Responsible for coordination of annual ladder test * Communications officer * Coordination of public education BANGER FIRE DEPT. DUTIES AND PAY SCALE POSITION: Assistant Fire Chief Pay: $400 Monthly - No per run allowance * Respond to EMS and Fire calls * Assigned to EMS shift * Responsible for Fire Department operations as assigned by Chief * Assist in Fire training * Responsible for weekly SCBA testing * Responsibie for montniy SCBA tesiinc� * Responsible for annual SCBA testing * Responsible for coordination of Hydrostatic testing on SCBA bottles * P.P.E. Officer BANGER FIRE DEPT, DUTIES AND PAY SCALE POSITION: EMS Coordinator Pay. woo Monthly DU : * Respond to EMS and Fire calls * Assigned to EMS shift * Responsible for weekly A.E.D. testing * Responsible for monthly A.E.D. testing * Responsible for annual A.E.D. testing r n_.._,._.,:t..t., r.........,,t,l........a....:..,.......a ...a..a:.....,r c��c� .. ..1:.... ISGJ�JUIWIUIC IVI WCGIUy IGJlV1i1Il�. t711U IVtQUVII VI LIVIV Jllp�.11tGJ * Responsible for preparation of 2 year EMS Summary BANGER FIRE DEPT, DUTIES AND PAY SCALE POSITION: Facility & Vehicle Officer Pay: $300 Monthly * Weekly preventative maintenance of vehicles * Weekly washing of vehicles * Weekly cleaning of Fire Department facilities * Respond to Fire and EMS calls * Assigned to EMS shift BANGER FIRE DEPT. DUTIES AND PAY SCALE POSITION: All Other Members Pay: $15.00 per shift Worked DUTIES: * Assigned to EMS shift * Responsible for duties as assigned by officer's * Respond to Fire and EMS calls * Responsible for safe operation and care of Fire Department facilities and equipment **If a member chooses not to be assigned to EMS shift and remains active within the department for that yeQl, tliitt IIIGIIIUCI VYIII IOUVIVC .pGJV.VV IVI LIM11 UULIVOt SALARY BUDGET ALLOTMENT $41,215032 Chief $600.00 $7200.00 Assistant Chief $400.00 $4800.00 EMS Coordinator $300.00 $3600.00 Vehicle &Facility Officer $300.00 $3600.00 All other members shift allowance 260 shifts X 3 members @ $15.00 each equals $11,700 annually Four members not on shift tL'D $250.00 each equals $1,000 annually Budget Allotment $41,215.32 Expenditures - $310900.00 $ 913150320 MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY AUGUST 1998 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The Friends shirt. It shows the slogan "vn„ for the T-shirts ADMINISTRATION: of the Library have designed a logo for a T- a bookworm in front of a row of books with --�. �I:�QYs l Ltlu ct rl-i.ena in a book" Orders will be taken at the Sanger Sellabration. The director (Vicky) took a week of vacation during August. Library activity remained routine while she was gone. Meetings attended. North Texas Regional Library System Director's Forum, 8/19, Fort Worth Denton County Library Advisory Board, 8/20, Denton South COLLECTION: Continued the inventory. Have completed through 930 in nonfiction. CIRCULATION: Completed the annual cleanup of computer fine records. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Stanley Lovelace %J Lovelace Landscaping has volunteered to maintain the library flower beds if he can put up a sign saying that he has adopted this spot. This is a very welcome offer since the new landscaping is more high -maintenance than before, and the city crews don't have enough time to devote to the upkeep. PROGRAMS: The Reading Club Swimming Party was enjoyed by 38 of the children who read at least 2 hours this summer. Took the usual August break from Storytime. Planned storytimes for the next five months. AUGUST 1998 STATISTICS Aug 97 Aug 98 BORROWER CARDS: Last month 21857 31119 New cards 52 41 Cards withdrawn 0 1 Cards reactivated 3 14 TOTAL 21912 31173 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 412 392 Adult fiction 163 247 Interlibrary Loan 5 12 Misc. Uncataloged 0 1 Junior fiction 57 110 Child's nonfiction 291 149 Child' R f; r4f; n„ rnr Uo0 442 Paperback fiction 222 217 Magazines 10 12 Videos 502 355 Cassette players 4 1 Nonfiction video 34 Audio tapes 12 41 TOTAL 21263 21013 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 1 1 Number of adults 15 16 Number of children 30 38 VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults 2 3 Number of juniors 6 6 Total hours 22 57 COLLECTION: Last month 14,278 14,852 'Books added 65 57 Books withdrawn 0 153 Total Cataloged 14,343 14,756 Paperbacks 2�� 294 2 451 Video Materials 356 530 Audio Materials 74 119 TOTAL COLLECTION 17,067 17,856 REVENUE: Overdue fines $125.78 $108.75 ILL postage 8.46 6.45 Lost materials 1.00 11,95 Copies 42.80 62.70 New Card Fee 1.75 3.00 TOTAL $179.79 $192.85 When F,sta Lou Morgan died recently, the Sanger Public Library received more than $500 in her memory. According to Library Director Vicky Elieson, Ms. Morgan was a great supporter of the library. "She believed strongly in the influence of good books on young people," she said. The donations received in her memory were used to buy 29 biographies written for middle school students, Elieson explained. "The library now has new books on inventors like Thomas Edison, patriots like Paul Revere and Western heroes like Jim Bowie. There are also books on statesmen, sports figures, entertainers, astronauts and others." In addition to the books, Elieson said that the library bought five animated video biographies. "These materials will be useful for reports, but also we can make Esta Lou's dream come true by reading about and learning from the lives of great people," she said. Other memorial donations include: My Sergei by Ekaterina Gordeeva in memory of Colleen Arledge; Two books on container gardening in memory of Winifred Fowler; The Olympic Spirit and Nicholas Sparks' Message in a Bottle in memory of Yvonne Killgo; The Denton County Obituary Index, Denton County Texas Wills and Letters from a World GVar II G.I. in memory of J.C. Kirk; Danielle Steel's The Klone and I, Mary Higgins Clark's You Belong TO Me, a children's book and an inspirational boot: in memory of Martha McNeil; 1117inning 42: Strategy and Lore of the National Game of Texas in memory of Earl Pearce; Children's and adult fiction including Pegasus, illustrated by Marianna Mayer, in memory of Clyde Romines; The complete National. Geographic from 1888 to 1996 on CD-ROM in memory of Hill Rowe. Elieson said this will be vary useful to students doing reports about wildlife; and Children's fiction, adult fictio❑ and Don't Sweat the Small Stuff — And It's All Small Stuff in memory of Judy Cole 71�omas. Besides memorials, Elieson stated that one book was donated in honor of someone. The Story of Alothers and Daughters was donated in honor of Frankie Jennings. Also donated was a video biography of George Washington in lionor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and S. Neilan Cook. usi 2T, I998 Sanger Courier, T By Vicky Elieson Contributing writer Readers who enjoy bittersweet romances should try Nicholas Sparks' new book, Message in a Bottle. Theresa Osborne, a journalist who writes a parenting column., takes a needed vacation. While on Cape Cod, she finds a bottle containing a letter to Catherine from Garrett. The letter touches her heart because it is written eloquently to a lost love. Theresa, whose own love was betrayed by her husband's infidelities, finds herself wondering about Garrett and Catherine. Who are they? Why is" their love so strong? What happened to Catherine? When Theresa begins to find clues about who Garrett's identity and where he lives, she can't help but follow up on them. What she finds will reward and haunt her forever. This books is definitely a '90s love story. It contains the obligatory premarital sex scenes (not graphic). In addition, Theresa's biggest problem is how to love someone completely, without giving up her career or her New York apartment. That's her biggest problem, at least until an unexpected event makes her re- evaluate her choices, while at the same time reducing the number of choices she has. Theresa and Garrett's story is unexpectedly affecting. In spite of lack of character development, they do become characters to care about. The premise is a little farfetched, but those who loved The Notebook, by the same author, will overlook these faults and undoubtedly enjoy this book, too. SEP 04 '98 14q*20 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.01i06 NICHOLS, JACK.SON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1.800 LYNCOLN PiA2A 500 N. AKARD DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 (214) 965.9900 (214) 965-0010 FAX mLIT<i. Ft1T.T.IIWy'NC`T T[l- 0 AJAU A V A;iA% NAME: Jack Smith COMPANY: City of Sanger FAX NO.: 940/458.4180 DATE: September 4, 1998 FF,pM: H. Louis Nichols TRANSMITTED BY: Stacy G. Pechtol 14UMBER OF PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): _ COMMENTS: Mz. Smith - Please see a copy of the Answer to follow patience. Stacy Thank you for your INFORMATION INTENDED O YDFOR THESUSE OF THE MDIVIDUALEORPENTITY NAMED ABOVErDIFTTHE RECIPIENT IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIfIED THAT ANY DIST(UBUTION, t)ISSEMINATION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. It' YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY PHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGF. TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. SEP 04 '98 14'20 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.02i06 N0.98-50588-367 INDEPENDENT ENVIRONMENTAL § 1N THE DISTRICT COURT SERVICES, INC § § OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS VS. § CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS § 367TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DE]FENDANT'S ORIGINAL. ANSV'VE)Et ANA CROSS -ACTION FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES, the City of Sanger, Texas, Defendant and files this its Original Answer and Cross -Action in Response to Plaintiff's Original Petition, and would respectfully show the Court the following. 1. Defendant denies all and singular the allegations contained in Plaintiff's Original Petition, and puts itself upon the Country and demands strict proof of the same. 2. Defendant denies that the contract relied upon by Plaintiff in its Original Petition is a valid contract and binding upon the City of Sanger for the following reasons, to wit: a. That said contract was entered in to in violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code of the State of Texas, and is voidable for the reason that the notice of the meeting held on March 6, 1998 was insufficient and did not comply with the Open Meeting Act rendering the action by the City Council on that date in approving said contract to be voidable. b. That the approval of said contract was rescinded by the City Council of the City of Sanger on June 2, 1998 because the contract was a voidable contract, having been entered into in violation of the Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code of the State of Texas. c. That the action taken by the City Council on March 6, 1998 approving the contract between Plaintiff and Defendant was voidable because said contract was not noted on the Agenda Notice posted prior to said meeting. DEFENDANT'S ORIGINAi ANSWER AND CROSS -ACTION FOR DECLARATORY ILirLXEF -Page I SEP 04 '98 14021 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.03/06 3. That the contract between Plaintiff and Defendant, relied upon by the Plaintiff in its cause of action, was void for the reason that said contract was entered into in violation of Article XI, Sections 5 and 7 of the Constitution of the State of Texas. Said contract obligated the City of Sanger within two years after the execution of the contract to extend its water and sewer lines to a location designated by IESI on the existing landfill and the City to upgrade and pave Utility Road to the existing landfill, such work to result in a paved, all-weather roadway designed and constructed to withstand regular uses by vehicles weighing up to 80,000 pounds. At the time said contract was entered into by the City, the City did not have on hand current revenues sufficient to retire the indebtedness for the obligation assumed as it accrued during the current year, and the contract showed on its face that the obligation was to be performed over a period of two years, and the City did not have on hand current funds sufficient to retire the indebtedness nor at the time the City incurred the obligation make provision for levying and collecting a suitivic:iu Lan tu pay the a teaest uictcvu and Pcvv►ue at least two percetat as a sliming fund as is required by Article XI, Sections 5 and 7 of the Constitution of the State of Texas. Such failure of the City to have sufficient current revenues on hand to retire said debt as it accrued during the current year and not making provision for the levying and collection of a sufficient tax to pay the interest thereon and establishing a sinking fund renders said contract void in its entirety. 4. Pleading further herein Defendant says that the action of the Defendant City Council on June 2, 1998 in rescinding the action taken at the March G, 1998, at a special called meeting approving the landfill and waste disposal agreement with the Plaintiff was done in the performance of a governmental function for which the Defendant claims and is entitled to a governmental immunity. 5. Defendant denies that all conditions precedent have been performed or have occurred as required by Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 54, in that Plaintiff has failed to allege facts to show that the provisions of Article XI, Sections 5 and 7 of the Texas Constitution have been complied with when a debt is incurred by the City. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Defendant prays that Plaintiff take nothing herein, that the Defendant have such relief as it may be entitled to receive, and Defendant recover all costs incurred. DEF'ENbANT'S ORIGINAL ANSWIER AND CRO5S-ACTIQN FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF' -Page 2 SEP 04 '98 14021 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404564180 P.04i06 CROSS -ACTION FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF Now Comes the City of Sanger, Texas, Cross -Plaintiff, and files this action for declaratory relief against the Cross -Defendant, Independent Environmental Services, Inc., and for cause of action for declaratory relief would respectfully show the court the following: 1, Both parties are before the court for alI purposes, and service of citation on Cross -Defendant is not required. 2. Defendant adopts all allegations contained in the foregoing Answer, which are made a part hereof as if fully copied herein. 3. Cross -Plaintiff says that a bona fide dispute exists between the Cross - Plaintiff and Cross -Defendant regarding the validity or enforceability of that certain contract entered into by Cross -Plaintiff and Cross -Defendant dated March 12, 1998, and Cross -Plaintiff asks the Court to make its finding and declaration that said contract is void and unenforceable for the following reasons, to wit: (a) That said contract was entered into in violation of Chapter 551 of the Government Code of the State of Texas, the Open Meetings Act, in that proper notice was not given of the proposed contract at the hearing of the City Council held on March 6, 1.998, in that said proposed contract was not listed as a subject to be considered at the said meeting, rendering said contract voidable in its entirety. (b) That said contract was void because it was entered into in violation of Article XI, Sections 5 and 7 of the Constitution of the State of Texas in that the obligations of the City under said contract were not payable out of current revenues for the current year of the contract, nor did the City make provision for levying a tax in an amount sufficient to pay the interest and establish a sinking fund as required by Article XI, Sections 5 and 7 of the Constitution of the State of Texas. 4. Plaintiff would further show the Court that it was necessary that it hire an attorney to represent it in this proceeding and that it is entitled to recover reasonable and necessary attorney's fees, under Section 37.009 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code of the State of Texas. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Cross -Plaintiff prays that this Court enter judgment for the Cross -Plaintiff as follows, to wit: DEFENDANT'S ORIGINAL ANSWER AND CROSS -ACTION FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF -Page 3 F.Z•ZfP SEP 04 '98 14*21 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404584160 P.05/06 1. Finding and declaring that the action of the City Council of the City of Sanger on June 2, 1998 in rescinding the contract between the City of Sanger and Independent Enviromnental Services, Inc. was a valid and legal action of the City Council of the City of Sanger; 2. That the finding and declaring that the landfill and disposal waste Agreement entered into between Cross -Plaintiff and Cross -Defendant, dated March 12, 1998 is void and unenforceable in its entirety; 3. That the Cross-Plainuff, City of Sanger, recover its costs and reasonable attorney's fees; and 4 That the Cross -Plaintiff have such other and further relief to which it may be justly entitled. Respectfully submitted, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. By: H. Louis Nichols State Bar Card No. 14995000 (HLN/sb) 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 N. Akard Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 965-9900 FAX 965-0010 ATTORNEYS FOR CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, DEFENDANT AND CROSS -PLAINTIFF DY;FENDANT'S ORIGINAL ANSWRR AND CROSS -ACTION FOR DECLAitATORY RELIEF - PagQ 4 SEP 04 198 14*21 FIR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.06i06 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a copy of Defendant's Original Answer and Cross -Action for Declaratory Relief has been forwarded by certified mail return receipt requested to Dee J. Kelly, Kelly, Han and Hallman, P.C., 201 Main Street, Suite 2500, Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 on the day of September, 1998. H. Louis Nichols DEFENDANT'S ORIG)(NAL ANSWER AND CROSS-ACT10N FOR DEC[.ARATORX RELIEF -Page 5 ** TOTAL PAGE.06 **