07/20/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAG D City Council Monday July 20, 1998 FAILUMAJUM i 1a. Minuteso May 20,1998 Workshop IIIIo May 26, 1998 Special Called Meeting. June 2, 1998 IIIs June 6, 1998 Special Called Meeting bo Disbursements 3. Citizens Inp�nt. i 1 1 t 1 , t t t It1 It Abstract1241 now known as FoodmakerAddition. submittalof M IDepartmentRailroad 1 prehensive Plan. 9. Consider and Possible Action �egE�rding �ea���est fi°om Clgan�l;er of Congxnerce for Annual Sellabration; a) Closing Bolivar Street from 5th Street to 2nd Street b) Hanging Banners c) Police Protection tall 111AW a III 1111111111111 Jill MINUTES: City Council Workshop May 20, 1995 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTIIERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Brown aAO Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Micky Flood, Fletcher Kelly, Gene Orcutt, Torn 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order, CoYYncilwoYaan Madden led the Invocation. 2. Discuss Future Development. Council went into a lengthy discussion concerning future developments with IESI. Fletcher Kelly indicated that since Council has a new City Manager, and a new CounciLflYan, they wanted to present a short version of the site plans. Their concept was a public/private partnership. They presented sketched drawings of the site plane Mr. Micky Flood indicated the City has a 25 acre landfill site which was covered and closed prior to Subtitle D, explaining that Subtitle D was the new Federal regulation that caused many landfill closings throughout the United States. Small City landfills could not afford to stay opened. Mi.4. Flood gave a report on the requirement of today's landfills -- liners and 2 feet recompactor clay, and in the drainage that is put in the bottom of the site which basically takes the rain water on site and runs down to a sub area at the bottom of the site that is pumped out and put into sewer treatment facility. Mr. Flood described in detail the process and indicated this, water is not a bad contaminated or hazardous substance and with a little treatment this water can be used to water the golf course. Mr. Flood Indicated tha$ iYY going forward the plan is to open the 25 acre site, lining it with most current required liner and during this process move the City's garbage over to the lined site enhancing the integrity of the site. Once the site is open they assume the liability by saying they have a total complete Subtitle D site that is in double liner system which now it is not. They will then be complying under Subtitle D Regulations. They will secure additional land to expand the landfill. They have procured 292 acres - Cooper site and Miller site 200 acres and have bought 5 more acres on the west side of the railroad where they will move their office and maintenance facilities and run their North Texas routes and set up their North Texas headquarters. �lZ '' 1 They will apply to TNRCC for amendment of the permit and when the City and IESI receives amendment of the permit it will then be transferred to IESI. Mayor Coker inquired as to the water that could be used - lacheate water. Mickey Flood indicated it can be; however it is not that much. Mayor Coker indicated there was a lot of discussion about this water at the last Council meeting. a�a..a..A.,.� 7r..AA_.:_a:..,.a.,a :a S ..Il .. ..4 .•..A 4i,n YVYno+ lho4 n.�n ha aranara4p�1 a� P1C1G11C1 d1C11J' 111U1til1GU 1@, Aa Q aAiAQaa auivwatt ueau aaaa. YYYV04 .,ague. a.as== vv �.�__.._.+.. ».. any time is about 1,000 gallons a day and then it gets less and less which is mostly rain water that mixes with the trash. Fletcher indicated that at end of the landfill they will put another plastic cup on top of everything to keep rain water from getting in. sir �'. •� �; � y �, �: �: eleased from the site. It also has to be analyzed before it is treated. i�iscussion followed with IO�Ir. Kelly explaining how it is treated. The water is pumped into a batch system 250,000 gallons steel lead tanks. The tank will fill until it reaches treatment standards and can be released to the treatment plant. It takes a week to get the test results and while they wait for the test results and then they will proceed to fill the other tank. The city's waste water personnel will then advise what rate of water they want released at any given time. They will not slugged it, it will be a dribble in to the sewer system depending on how many gallons a day the sewer treatment operator wants to be released. Mr. Flood 'indicated this water is not bad since there is nothing bad brought into the site. There is no hazardous waste, no medical waste, Alo liquid waste brought in, there is no material except what they would find in households and businesses. lood indicated there are licensed haulers for the state of Texas for asbestos, They ave certified personnelwhohave been given thoroughe and significant mount of class time. They will not haul it until the proper i vill r not be hauled to their current landfill. It would•1 to an asbestos Iliscussion followed on the hauling of this material. The city wants to be able to control it and to make sure it is done right. This is the reason for the appendix on the current franchise agreement and in essence it lists all the worse stuff you can in 05/20/98 America dump in a landfill. The contractor by law can not haul it unless there is a special permit and by law the contractor can not haul it unless it is taken by special permit. 1VIr. Flood again explained in detail on how asbestos material is handled. Councilman .lames asked under a special permit will they haul asbestos to our landfill? 1V�r. Flood indicated he has not given it much thought and again $ eiterated on what ... _s. Al_ __. _-___ a_l_.. 1,. 7)!'�iL ,..........d.M"A VY"C+n Uk lncsr nnn4nmino4inn �•�lh AA!•i'IVP a.ype iraSu etrry e:zrtt pane, 11V t t,is Vt aiicua�,ai vvaaw vi aver .,.,ate.....,.: .......... ........»..�-... medical waste. They do not take liquids. Councilman .Tames asked about sludge whether it was considered liquid waste. r tr •a_ F,. Fletcher i�elly indicated it is tested and must pass a filter° paint test, .and if it has water it can not be taken, it is then considered liquid waste. Fletcher gave an example. If the City has asbestos transit pipe in the water system and the City later wants them to take it they could not unless an application was submitted for asbestos. ite that has beenapplied forrany typer F tandards. gave anexample which was Dallas. They do haul sludges presently t the City of 1 to a landfilltsludges. t must betested, and pass a paintr r !4 rrcument) which everyone signs off If the test comesback with heavy metals it hen goes to a Class I Site. When they say special waste they are talking about material out of the ordinary that ,I r ,. r off ,r IVIr. Flood indicated in some states asbestos is not a hazardous waste. Mr. Flood indicated if this is an issue for I1J5I to handle and take it to the site, it is not a big business for them. Mr. Flood indicated in the hauling contract it is listed since it is good to have for they want to make sure material it is handled properly. i4r. Flood spoke then in reference to medical waste which has to be treated to be able to take to a Type I landfill, They chose not to take this type of waste because it is not worth the aggravation. The untreated sludge they do not take to Type I landfills, however, treated sludge they do as long as it meets the TCLP, and meets the paint filter test. The City might want them to have this so they can take the City's sludge. Sludge material was discussed in detail. Councilman .Tames indicated that on the document that they have it does state that a a• -� t_ - _a___ _�..._. ..1 . 44M b..� VMrnt8 ■V" If rent•® IQ anything as uenneu by ine co tralctur as specaa, waam :.a;. uv psi e � uN =_ .AAA,X. _" a special agreement between the generator and the contractor, being the City and IESI. ontract betweenIESI and them. Councilman James expressed concern about what PNRCC laws indicate as to what specifically,o into Type I landfills. It talks bout r d 3 can be put in a Type I landfill if the landfill permit from TNRCC, also Class I Industrial Waste can be dumped given the authority of the TNRCC. What will keep them from going to the rNRCC to get all theseo take all these industrial wastes in heir landfilP landfill quote was n n �:� tfgeCouncilman time when all these issues came up on special they had known these facts ahead of waste Council could have acted a iintelligently amongthesepeople they came across as really stupid. heir nature to fnie of Cjr?-ss 11 Waste that IESI does have which is frooi Councilman Jenkins asked if those trimmings were placed in a dumpster or are they using special containers -not the everyday container pickups. UA III (, +1` The reply from the District Manager was that typically they did use special containers, it all depends on the bill, and a large manufacturer like this usually dictates using large individual containers, either compacted or open type. Discussed was the process of hauling this insulation which is classified Class II hazardous waste. Fletcher Kelly indicated the City can control what type of waste goes into the landfill. 1J1Jl;l1JJ1U11 lUl/UtWCU Vll ji1GLdQl i%✓Q�a.c aataa uvrr �aaa. Iraviwo caaea= ...+.._.� __..___ _-_.� community was due to the list regarding special waste in the agreement. Discussed was that each of the items discussed as a special waste has 1 listed on the permit, and the City has control over what goes into the landfil vaste that can be accepted and a list that will not be accepted. Mr. Flood indicated he permit has not been filed. i f t • 1 # � !.' 1' • ontractor and the generator is Inat it takes approval oy an executive atrectZ a t does 1,. take the approval. the Citye 1'irector is Trinkk. ana Were are certain tuni,kit I C JUMVW11 he permit must be written right orwritten with the ability1take it without rohibition of taking it. Any request that are made must come through the City and 1 1 ,1 1, y the City. They can 1 it in withouttellingthe City.An / ; ._iven was that if the permit indicated they can not take specialmedical n executive director can not override it. The request must come through a public Councilman Jenkins stated that any typical request by the City is a rubber stamp. It does not matter if they talk about it here, it is automatic exception far the landfill. a City than a Flood not an more. more 1 ndicated TNRCC might be moreon how they would operates + than they would1' .1 there vere cases he has seen over Councilman1 ,L ' also. In handling any special waste it must define on the permit and now they would handle it, because then it becomes mandated as to their operations. Mr. Kelly continued with discussion on the permit application. Mr. Kelly expressed that if the City says that they will not specifically do something they can not go back and get it later without another public hearing. At that point the permit must be amended which is a 2 year process. I)iSCfliSSion, �v .n vim• • � • _ .�! _ _. a _ a aH_ _ a ! _ aL .. L .. .�: _... _..:„.,. ♦8...�, 0.... rt b,n 1>nn.. �vv�i n4 inr n �,ounCtlman 1L111Cdlfl IIlu16;a1.Cil Illill, 111 t,I1C I)C�'llilttu� ItiG3' taaxtx i.v xscclr aiuia,c avi 4. particular reason, The time was too long and the meetings to inform the people were put off too long, and this has led to where they are presently. ard it would be for the citizens to change their nunds on the issue. There was concern on : 1. 1 . t, with wrongfictitious information. Mr. Flood continued to discuss the proposed plan of opening the 25 acre site. The golf course was discussed in length. Mr. Flood discussed a letter he had sent the City Administrator outlining estimated construction t and plans of 1 be done. course, collection.3) Free residential 1 1 1, billedfor the service. Estimated revenue at '' 0') a year for the City 1 4) 6% franchise fees and commercial customer sales tax estimated at $20,000 to $251000* 5) Free recycling center. 1 � i 1 1, 1 1 1 1a • 1 abovet anytime, This is the $225,000.The additional 4 . 0 (0 for t 1,included.person would do the feasibility study1 be done in getting the golf course constructed. When IESI gets the expansion, which the contract states 140 acres, estimated at this time to be 170 acres, which is part of their package contribution to the City when they get their permit, making an outright grant of the property to the City. Mr. Flood explained that the seller of the property wants to see the golf course getting built, and not procrastinate. Therefore, there is a contract with Hank Cooper which he tried to incorporate into the City contract. In summary, once the City begins any effort such as a feasibility study or anything to that activity, it qualifies the City for doing something, Councilman JKincaid indicated that part of that deal is that if the City does not complete the golf course within two years it reverts back to IESI, and they have to build it. pi- for at least 3 years. Mr. Flood indicated that during this 3 years the City ill t. collecting�'�doingt• r t,,t tudies, planning and architectural drawings for the golf course. Discussion on contract which Mr. Flood indicated he put a minimum of 20,000 yards of dirt each year which he is not opposed, is also putting architectural bermes while the golf course is taking place. Did course does , MR. t It Wne land reverts Dack to ftanic. Cooper If ME Itir (lots fit 411-fluff L" U hen if Hank does not build it reverts back to IESL Councilwoman Madden asked if IESI does not build the golf course can the land be used as part of the landfill. Mr. Flood indicated that he does not believe so, and this can be struck from the contract. if course. Other VIr. Flood was directly asked by Councilman James if they were sponsoring Hank )5/20/98 Discussion followed and Mr. Flood confirmed that the land that was donated for the golf course would never be used for a landfill if the golf course was not built. Mr. Flood expressed now this is a good project, and when it is said and done it will not create a problem for the community. t , , , I , t t changeFNRCC to elevation. Again it was explained that the City has control over what is submitted. Mr. Flood LAI"L .T ""Arx nnrlanaur anvhnAV �P AtC(1 expmsseu Lunt !IC WUUIU nut uUltU aVaaacaaaaaar aucai rrvuau- indicated that the first house built on the golf course lot would be his home. The following; issues were discussed: feet, and then what will be seen is the golf course and bermes. rucks a day would go to the landfill. The site would be opened 12 hours a day. The hours of opexatioxx is put on the permit and once it is officially approved they can not change unless a request for an amendment is filed. Q1111143111rel ,is dT If 1 t' VLMM MULUS The utility service rates billed to IESI were discussed. It was confirmed that these rates came from prior City Administrator. Their contract also had a section that indicated that whatever the current rate was at the time the operation was on line is the rate they will pay. .,ouncl is was a concern of one of the gentlemen at the last Hman James indicated th' o U&SN'Tor .- 05/20/98 Discussed. Councilman Jenkins inquired as to what is the response from as a ujtjjL%,,LL made at the last meeting by a lady concerning the monitoring well and how it is monitored on a quarterly basis. Mr. Kelly indicated the State and the EPA decide how it is monitored. his is under the ground water. Mr. Flood indicated the flow is not toward the lake. Mr. Kelly indicated a small part of Mr. Miller's property does drain to the lake. Mr Kelly indicated that regardless of where it goes they are not supposed to let it get out. foundeen in the process. Mr. Flood discussed that they had done an Economic indicator on what the impact the company would have if they moved to Sanger. Discussion on employment, wages, and operating expenses of IESI. Mr. Flood indicated the first year total spent would be 1.5 million on the activity level they bring to the community. rim tecomes part of the landfill,favorable 1 , and platting, agree to build and Lperate a pergolf course negotiategood r 1 allow Hank Cooper nanagementposition golf course,allow leachate discharge1 City sewer, pgrade► Road andextend the water and sewer line to the landfill. 1 1 /; t• 1 1 1 111111 IIffird ' 1t 1' 1 1 Discussion followed on the process of the synthetic liner. Councilman Jenkins referred to Item 3 and 'indicated that in his opinion the City can not afford to build a golf course or operate it at this time, in a few months, or a 4 .. 1 year. The only option as he sees it is to get a corporation or a company to agree to build, operate, run it and receive the revenues for "x" number of years. How will this affect Item 3. Mr. Flood's reply was that the City should do a feasibility study. He referred to a letter from Bob Miller on estimated cost of building a golf course. Mr. Miller built Iron Horse at. a cost of 5.2 million. The land was not in the calculation. The second most expensive item was the dirt. Discussed was Mr. >ilood giving the City 6Q,QQQ yards of dirt for three (3) years. Ivir. Miller came up with a 3.5 minion construction cost. Phen Mr. Flood indicated that what they feel confidentr,rounds they put n estimates are conservative. Mr. Flood gave projections ssuming that they are at a III LJ1 number ,,. ,.includetaxes which may ,e y r r J+r and with the sales tax added it will e over the amount. million dollar debt and now taking into consideration the dirt, the $25,000 from Mr. Cooper, not includingthe City wells and at 27,500 rounds, which is the least amountof rounds anywhere around this area by i have a surplus of $20,417 and fully carrying the note. The second year is $82,000 i c ,a III , ,+r.,, , � additionalnarketing costs associated with trying to get people to come to the location. These ill be Discussion followed on the golf course. Issues discussed: equipment that can be used to place dirt wherever 01 ,d third highest cost of construction. Councilman James indicated what he is scared of is taking all the savings and placing it into a money pit where the city can not make money. I-Ie indicated that 1 1 vill stand 1_: integration. 05/20/98 he would rather take the 350,000 dollars and put it back into the community and not in the golf course that might not make it on it's own. Councilman James indicated that the citizens of the community have expressed this to him vocally in their comments. The comments reflecting how this money will not get their streets paved, but will go towards the golf course. Mayor Coke• asked if there was a possibility of hiring someone and leasing it or getting another company to build the golf course, and taking it for ten years, then after that time revert it back to the City. f , 1 .1 1 . 1 1 .1, 1 1 ,►: , re 1 opposed. 1 take 1 consideration Cooper. . If the golf course is not a success then II•;SI has lost on the golf course lots. . Floo indicated the feedback he has often from the State, County and and that the project itself start by remediating an existing landfillbring it up to the most standards to law presently. Then the second* they are generating is an economic string forthe City whichcommon, is remediating : landfill uncommon, economic 1uncommon. constructs1course conjunctionproject pr Ject has been planned. The homes that are immediately affected have golf course 03 lots. The homes are :.10 feet away from11' between the 810 feet is coursethe golf which there is berines and trees. It is all environmentally1 locationhe will build his home and live in that does not , an environmental1 Mr. Flood then discussed again the concern Council had on whether the golf course would make it. Mr. Flood indicated based on the feedback he gets from Mr. Miller who is his golf course source) he put in those rounds and dollars and the volume are all verifiable. The revenue string for the City is verifiable. 1 : 1 f: 1 1;• is ,, 1.. � ,, ,1 -; 1 '1 1,` n I-7Le 1 1: IVIr. Smith discussed Certificates of Obligation. They can borrow 3,5 million or whatever from Southwest Securities at 5.5% interest. Councilman Jenkins asked if Southwest Securities leave committed themselves to letting the City borrow the funds. City Administrator indicated they have not since he was not sure on the amount they needed. Discussion on the feasibility study, and again an the revenues to finance the project, an 1 AN. _ 7___ Alf 11 the buffer area between the gory course, auu the ial{uiva, resented to is what the 1. t, expansion, 1 1,(almost indications that there were some deaths south of the old landfill that he contributed to the 1 1 .1probably1.,. brought IESI walks away at any point,or in case IESI goesJ. Elevationsof the sketch design discussed and the first cut at the landfill w ill 1: 20 feet. .;. Designwill fit to .. of this site and slope to the hill it will blend to the rest ofthecontour. Elevationsof the high pointi Councilman Jenkins asked if there is any consideration given to schools, Councilman Jenkins expressed concern of the community in regards to the landfill. not 4 hear their presentation. 05/20/98 (3) Presentation to the Lions Club. Mr. Flood indicated he picks 25 franchise cities in Texas. Councilwoman Madden inquired about citizens concern as to the question on hazardous waste - which they expressed all that is needed is a permit. The presentations will continue in an ongoing basis every week, and they will be out and about with presentations. A mahout to every Sanger resident has been sent. ,• _ _, zr ds_ _ _� m�r�nt'r IESy indicated they are ready to meet with fire meura arau ,► c,iey caiY gc� YlrY�a_,t, that will help. Mayor Coker indicated they have a meeting set up on June 1, 1995 to discuss issues of concern with this group. Council decided to set the meeting at Chisholm Trail Elementary. Discussion on certain issues that were addressed ray certain citizens at the last Council meeting. Councilman Jenkins asked if they have met with Bolivar dater. Fletcher Kelly indicated they will meet with them tomorrow. Discussion followed on Bolivar V6�atei•, and to address concern. r "VIDY.1111111ROWN!, 1 r ,t t • r ; ;t ..t; (1) Enhancement of the 25 acre site when it opens. (2} Establashing a relationship with the community. (3) Educational process on landfills. (4) Public Hearing - to allow everyone an opportunity to say anything on the expansion which is about year away. t' r •a RMIMSTITMIR t +_ t t allowune meeting. Mayor Coker also indicated IESI needed to be there. opportunity o answer questions. PAGE 14 F ,. Mr. Flood indicated that it is important to them to meet with the group leaders prior to the June 1 meeting. Councilman Jenkins indicated the people who were designated speakers from the group -- Richard Muir, Joanne Roberts, Thomas Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Foote. Discussed wa.� the meeting that was held Monday, and how awkward it all was. The incorrect information that. was passed around over the weekend to the citizens in regards to the landfill. i be at that meeting. he City of Sanger if they have to. hey are taking to pursue in informing the citizens. Cauncilrnan Jenkins asked Ma•. Flood that he had made a statement earlier on, that once it became a public matter and there was protest with the people of Sanger not wanting the landfill, that they will pick up their toys and go home. Via not recan or rettleinder , LAT .111111 ady that if lie had d.the statement he would have done so before he had made ny investments. Councilman James indicated that Mr. Flood used it in the text as coming into the community and being a good neighbor and if he had so much opposition from the community he would pack his toys and go home. Discussion followed on the group leaders to contact on the different committees. 05/20/98 The information is bogus and Council is not allowed to respond to them by law in their meetings. Council can not really say what needs to be said, or Council will politically cut their own throat. Councilman Jenkins indicated it is a personal issue now, and tempers will start fla€•ing and it needs to be diffused now because if it is not diffused a lawsuit will come either from them or IESI. Councilman Jenkins indicated in his opinion where will the least harm come to the City of Sanger in actions that he might take. Co€mcilman ,Tames asked 'final€cially', and Councilman Jenkins concurred. Councilman Jenkins indicated they can not even fix a sewer maintenance and now the City is fixing to build a golf course, and going into agreements that he indicated is a concerned. Disc€Ission. bIESI, theeconomicincentive to the City and the liabilitycourse alonemoney making stand tt; indicated that the golf tintegration t t 1VIr. Flood indicated they will use I-35 and FM �55, and FIVI 455 will not be used any more than what they are using it now. AIlother IS$€le 1XIr . Flood discussed was that they will not bring out of state waste -- it is not economically feasible, and he can commit to that. Discussion and other issues addressed were the permit application process. The need for a site in this area. The economic incentive on the site is IESI, The next source is the City of Gainesville - presently they are taking their waste to Farmers Branch - and hope they can be competitive to get their business. The other is the internal waste they will bring from Haltom City transfer station. They pick up Haltom city and Forest Hill, and they will also go after other municipal franchises and the other two cities that have any potential at all is Sherman and Denison. They haul Justin, Krum, Ponder, Sadler, Collinsville, Lake Kiowa, Whitesboro, and Kruegerville which are all small cities. Discussion on the routes they take. n I Councilwoman Madden asked that on the contract it refers to IESI and the assignee, who is the assignee? Mr. Flood indicated whoever the City approves for it to be assigned to. Mr. Flood referred that in the contract if they sold the company, they can not sell it unless they are approved by Council. Councilwoman Madden asked if their hauling could be sub -contracted out to someone else instead of IESI doing it themselves. ob. Also, Mr. Flood would not sub�contract due to the liability involved. of people to contact. IESI hiredthem for public relations fort + formulate some of the process IESI must go through. The names given were Joanne Roberts, Richard Muir, Joey Copeland, Thomas Muir, Mary Lou and Roy Abney, Woodrow Barton,PinkyJones,Butch Langley, Charles Drake,+ Diana Cruz. (City Administrator Indicated Mrs. Cruz wants to build a new business ► is so concerned aboutmovingforward with her plans to build impactsince the property she was leasing was sold to Jack in the Box; she is so atraid of tk'T ► + ave on tmmunity. Ifie citizens complaints mulcateeg. � ,+ + the public t notified. t t , indicatedames he does not think this is a law, and can they find out if this is true alreadyince they ►fill in Sanger that is closed. Thr concern alidity of the statement. eople indicated to them there was a smell depending on how the wind is blowing. hey also indicated the birds and the volume of trash at the landfill site. � t ► 05/20/98 Discussion briefly was scheduling the meeting with TNRCC. Mr. Fletcher indicated knnie Tyrone with TNRCC could possibly come and assist in addressing the concerns of the citizens. He would try to arrange for her to come. Mr. Flood indicated they will get back with Council on the meeting with TNRCC. 3. Discuss Budget. Budgets brie#1y discussed. a ,c._ ['�___!a,_ .. i•_____..J aL ,.a �., _.a ..O LL.. L...7.�..4n .n 4n` rin�nrmio�n rnc�nYr==n nrninn4i!»9c 0 j1d11 Vl t9tC uUti�Gfla a� w uctca„uaxa as ��a.u� ts= Jw.=v==N. Council indicated they do want worksheets included that each department head submits. MINUTES: City Council - Special Called May 26, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Terry Jones, Doris Garner, Wanda Ervin, Nathan Ervin, Robert Garner, John Kirby, Mike Lawler, R.E. Cain, Judy Webster, Dave Webster, James L. McBride, Carol K. McBride, Jeff Nordie, David McBride, C.G. McNeill, Roy Taylor, Wesley McBride, Reta Ellison, Herbert Ellison, Pat Kerby, Frank Kerby, Merrie Lou Abney, Roy Abney, Romsey Foote, Terri Twellman, Deborah Bucklew, Billy Rice, Betty Rice, David Twellman, Keith Coulter, Elizabeth Higgs, Shelley Ruland, Dilana Mosley, Wayne Mosley, Mary Ann Adcock, Kenneth Adcock, Floy Jo Wilson, Almarie Jones, Earl Jones, Jona Escobedo, Felipe Escobedo, Linda Woody, Dan Rodgers, Frank Rodgers, Linda Piatt, Mary Margaret Tocquigny, Barbara Buchanan, C.W. Buchanan, J.C. Mayes, Jerri Harbin, Twylia Brown, Duane Brown, Vickie Yeager, Kevin Yeager, Earl Salisbury, Glen Salisbury, Laura Gray, Taylor Salisbury, Mary Bucklew, Dawn Farmer, Ed Farmer, Lorene Prater, Jody Milburn, Derryl Milburn, Kim Jones, Yvonne Cain, Jeanne McCuistion, Sabrina McCuistion, Jerred Roberts, Heather Roberts, Danny 1VIcCuistion, Leslie Browning, Mary Twelhnan, Amanda Cronin, Elisha Broadie, Jane Edwards, Mary Lines, Lloyd Lines, David Twellman Jr, Glenda Stephenson, Linda Hewlett, Kent Crutsinger, Mark Howard, Phyllis Howard, Lacey Howard, Judy Dryden, Jack Walters, David Harper, Betty Murrell, Lois Finke, George Spicer, Sharron Thompson, Katharine Wordell, Mary Jones, Samantha Renz, Diana Cruz, Benny Cruz, Cecelia McCuistion, Steve Gross, Marty McCuistion, Andrew Cox, Debbi Cox, Sandra Bowles, D.L. Bowles, Sharon Lee Miller, Kimberley Henning, Helen Kirby Stephanie Wills, April Siver, JOAnn Bell, Jett Bell, Pamela Harvey, Manuel Agado, Jose G. Irlas, Steve Bowles, Gary Bowles, Sheila Bowles, Clarence Stephenson, Darla Stephenson, Faithee Collett, Jack Hamm, Vera Hamm, Wayne Collett, Paul Bowden, Charles C. Bittle, Jr., Gayla Bittle, Linda Henderson, Terri Williams, Franklin Smith, Jackie Echols, Betty Barrett, J. Gordon Gregory, Kenny Ruland, Sue Rodgers, Caroline McSween, Colin McSween, E.F. Kennedy, Janie Kennedy, Richard Jameson, Betty Jameson, Twila Groves, Randy Groves, Debbie Vaughn, Glen Vaughn, Vicky Rangel, Demetruis Rangel, Todd Staton, Patty Staton, Jackie Prater, Jerry Don Prater, Arlene Broadie, Donald Broadie, Phyllis Reviea, Damon Paton, Stephanie Spain, Carl Rank, Margaret O'Rear Redmond, Jessie Ruth Coffee, Harvey Howard, Ralph ATV. Redmond, Jeanice Newton, Zackery Newton, Keith Newton, Marissa Newton, Sofia Whitmire, Sam Whitmire, Kim Hall, Don Hall, Terry Volz, Toni Volz, Tresa McNeal, Michael McNeal, Debra Rucker, Jamie Rucker, Justin Rucker, Vernon Langley, Thomas Muir, Joey Higgs, Pat Hawkins, Teri Burgoon, Frances Roden, Deborah Williams, Steven Williams, Ricie Felkner, Dianna Moore, Jerry Moore, Alma Livingston, Connie Shivers, James Shivers, Mark Hilliard, Margaret Hilliard, CC MINUTES - SPECIAL CALLED PAGE 2 05/26/98 Paul Hilliard, Debbie Spindle, Marla Escobedo, Peter Deacon, Patty Falls, Brigitte Caperton, Marisa Dressler, Linda Goth, Samuel Caperton, Rick Fuller, Kyler Cook, Linette Cook, Jetta Cook, Jennifer Stephenson, Chad Stephenson, Shelia McIntosh, Chris McIntosh, Joyce Tiffin, Richard Harrison, Cherry Beard, Dona Greenhill, W.K. Pate, Lisa Gregor, Wesley Gregor, Vance Knight, Misty Knight, Michael Knight, Sherry Lewis, Rebecca Chambers, Lori Wilson, Marianne Edelman, Jane Valentine, Jimmy Odom, Terry Farquhar, Kenneth Cornell, Carol Tucker, Jorja Hickman, James Vandever, Chris Allen, D.L. Henning, Jerry Miller, Rachel Miller, Carrie Beard, Rona Roberts, Brady Beard, Curtis Lackey, Larry Hargin, Sharon Copeland, Donald Linn, Ector Alambar, Fred Simmons, Jimmy 1 1 Ta 11 r_ ._1_ [i T!1__.. south, Janm et McDaniel, Joe Falls, Ronny Beard, JorBucfuew, Jusepil VY1160115 Melissa Chambers, Joe Higgs, Joanne Robert, Allen Sweeney, Woodrow Barton, Catherine Schindler, Melba Hudgins, Richard Muir, Ann Barton, Cindy Howard, KreKre Fain, Alan Hickman, Danny Fain, Ginger and Skeeter Henry, Anthony Hall, Ruth Ellis, Jennifer Reeves, Greg Stewart, Melissa Hayes, Marquis Alexander., Holly Escobedo, Mike Hayes, Justin Cox, Toni Walker, Susie Krominga, Dennis Krominga, Mike Walker, Jan Pardee, Lauren & Kathy Trottier, Bernardo Ronje, Terrie Pollock, Christopher Hewlett, Ronald LaFon, Diane LaFon, Michael Christy, Don McWhirter, Deborah McWhirter, Candace McWhirter, Jan Gray, David Gray, Mike Keller, Carol Keller, Steve Pollock, Audette Kincaid, Chuck Dralce, Kristi Branch, Christi Knight, Monty Perry, Michael King, Ericka Atchley, Lindy Murphy, Scott Cody, Lisa Cody, Comiie Cassity, Mitch Cassity 1. Mayor Coker Called the Special Meeting To Order, led the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Executive Session pursuant, to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 5.51, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in G%JY Code Section 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney Concerning. 1) Pending or Contemplating Litigation. Mayor Coker Convened City Council into Executive Session at 7:02 h.m. 3. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive. Session. Mayor Coker Reconvened City Council into Regular Session at 9:04 p.m. Council decided to turn the matter over to the City Attorney for advisement. 4. Meeting Adjourned. Minutes, City Council lvleenns June 2, 1998 Present, Mayor John Coker, vferry Jenkins, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Er° ,M, Councilwoman Alice Madden and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Others Present. City Administrator Jack `ern IM, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Street St�kpt, Chuck Tucker, Electric Supt., Jeff Morris, Water & Wastewater Srrpl., Eddie Branham, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, !"04., A 4-4„� ,�, r. x M. - VA. 3 b �`<,s.n..� Tl�Tip!'f R»rrrncc A Ctnnrl L.1Ly rALL%JI IlUy g�'aD LS A:j L'i PN -., sq.?<8.y n. llxae 11\x6V V, LulSwu ai N�..aasa, Geologist TNRCC, mill Daliri.rr TNBCC, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Nel Armstrong, J.l+ . Kelly, 1�11 tkey Flood, Gene Orcutt, Tom Brown, Thomas Muir, Wayne Mosele.y; as,r Kennedy, ,Jack Walters, Chris Hayes, Joey Copeland, Bob Jolrwvlov, ._loay e Roberts, Andrei;- Foote, Stephen Frank, Katrina Dufreebe, t ifh.v 'i'x{ottier, Margye Henry, Doreen Curtsinger, Donna Davis, Katie Sores.: llr ooke Sons, Conrado Martinez, Debra Rucker, Susie Krominga, Tong" s ., t, %l i lker, Barbara Hilliard, Steven Williams, David Miller, John Brrcicl.e g ebpjr. h Bucklew, Janice Newton, Marvin Perkins, Janet E. LaCroix, Dwnicl C. LaCroix, Mary Belle Sims, Paul Edelman, David K. McBride, Wesley - 1. rsIcBrlde, James L. McBride, Carol McBride, Debbie Alexander, f,y-,nr'La Johns, Barbara Buchanan, Buck Buchanan, Roger Dunham, Joseph Wi:lsr,rr, Lot Wilson, Melissa Chambers, L.L. Browning, W.E. Ross, Clarence. Ross, Doris Garner, Robert Garner, Bill Fuller, Joyce Fuller, Almarie Joilws', ' ;ar°l Jones, Terry Jones, Pat Attaway, Karen Perry, Monty Perry, James ' O--,away, Karen Marti, Marla Escobedo, Glenn Lanier, Marianne Edelman, Jc :Aia� lk dehnard, Felicia Edleman, Woodrow Barton, Janie Stanley, Shelly R€riand, dx lra Price, Stephanie Wills, Olan Underwood, Kenny Ruland, Franh.: ,laylllartc g 'Danny Harris, Marilyn Harris, Mike Melott, William Dickson, Teres r TN.Aelott, Janie Kennedy, Merrie Lou Abney, Jacqueline Rutherford", ihelrry Lewis, Mary Ann Alambar, Jona Escobedo, Curtis Lackey, Wanda, ErThV, Nathan Ervin, Linda Morgan, Pat Kerby, Frank Kerby, AllenDare Rodgers, Al Judkiewics, Richard Derryberry, Frannk 14.wlger•s, Mary Jane Lane, Ed Lane, Sandra Macmillan, Steve Hollingsworth, t;li ak 1 h tl=iggs, Joe Higgs, Linda Hewlett, Nancy Davidson, Bill Dice, eats; ice, 117wfila Groves, Randy Groves, Terry Davidson, Sherron Tl o-wA p oo nn, Lot Lenington, Jana Matney, Ken Adcock, Margaret OIRea.r, aack r�.xlnsirolvif), Dorwin & Patsy Seargent, Barbara Brady, Delores Cola�r , ar of T ucxi�er, then Wilson, Mike Lawler, Carol Foreman, Bob Forenn anr, Aran Bartou, Sandra Bowles, D.L. Bowles, Glenda Stepheson, Richard YA/I ° ('.,G , ,IvlcNe=ll, Jennifer Sicking, Peggy Pate, W.K. Pate, :den er.ri B° e � rr; t:har�les C. Bitttle,Sr, Betty A. Bittle, Linda Wood,V, OldVkhari-1,wy-A, vluarci 11no Villanueva, Vernon Langley, Janet McDaniel, Dilana 1vtosp ley, i dancy Saudi, Millard T. Smith, Mary Margaret Toequigny, Ginger k-leary, Jerry Prater, Lee Bates, Sharon Bates, Joey Higgs, Ed Farmer Dawn F.nragwr, John & Liz Springer, Jackie Prater, Roy Taylor, Dixie Taylor, Jane Valentine, Velda Mahan, Deborah Williams, Don Gillum, Donna Dever, btick Fuller, Bill Deer, Terri Twellman, Sarah Langley, Pat Hawkins, April Siver, Michael Christy, Billy Gentle, Elisha Broadie, Donald Broady, Richard Jameson, Jane Edwards, Eugene Edwards, Mike Keller, Beverly Drake, Chuck Drake, Paula Dunham, Judy Dryden, Brad Martin, George Spicer, Joy Spicer, Ricie Felkner, Karen Sons, Miriam Calderon, Rona Roberts, Carl Rank, Andrew Cox, Ann Weatherall, Aletha McCowen, Jai e.9 I ollzey, Cecelia McCuistion, Marty McCuistion, Danny MevINIctinn 10%il e��ae� Ia, Ptf `as��: lain ghetra'�n LPP Millet_ Heather Rnhertc_ Twylia Brown, Dune t rowaa, Juanita May, Michael May, Ema Irlas, Jose G. Irias, Connie Slnvers,tames Shivers, Ilex Kirby, Diane Morrow, Jetta Cook, Vicki So���tia°ss ��a�i �.�,'t�l.+ster, Carol Bowden, Rosene Sebastian, Robert McCowen, James Gk g(1, Line to Cook, John Kirby, Connie Ray, Cherry Beard, Ronny Beard, (WAV icyrter, Joe McWhorter, Cliff McCurdy, Lisa Cody, Scott Cody, t Unii slog aes, Linda Stephens, Shirley Haisler, Ray Stephens, Betty BarA Olt ` t" oa'dan Gregory, Keith Coulter, Patty Falls, Joe Falls, Kim Hall, Jo Wa in, Jay Beavers, Ramsey Foote, Dennis Cannon 1. Mayor Coker Called the.c ial Oa tier. Earl Ross led the Invocation followed by Councilman Kincaid lea inle the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion was made by Coa��erb����a.�'Ex. �z�xal�i��g to ,�-ppaove Consent Agenda> Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unamaraou>y. 1111 pill g���l Jill Mayor Coker indicated to; ,a.�i�cil that one bid. was received on the sale of this lot that was donated to tl�e City ley tl e cl<a�rch on an "as is" basis. The City is selling the lot on an "as is" basis,', .wd r endkred one bid from Gene Hughes in the amount of $59000.00. Motion was made by Cauaa6lM���A irac.ai€1 to Accept Bid from Gene Hughes. Seconded by Co�mcilwonaa�� �����a�ie��,.r 3 Motion Carried unanimou siv it Consider and Possible Action to Gvprove tility and Street Construction on Laney Drive. Mayor Coker indicated tl$;�t �oas�acil iaad a bid perlioremance bond submitted to the City on this street. Council tias been asked to approve this street. The engineering has been complete, and the utilities have been laid, and this is the final approval on this. Motion was made by Coura�'ii����a�_ �l��a�l�aaas to Approve Utility and Street Construction nn T.anPV Drive with k1hfA st>a°a'k����r,n�as3��aw�nG a f the C. Fn41nPPl'_ .4;pvnndpd by Councilman James. Motion Carried unaaaiaa�oaasly. (5)3. Consider andl Possible Acxio�a ��:� �jy°ia�i ��ction Taken at March 6, 1998 Special Called Council Meeting A pa ciip Akk 3 A-JWid ill and Waste Disposal Agreement with IESI. Motion was made by Coaad���ll�a�a��3 w�e�alti�as to Kescind Action on advice of City Attorney Taken at March € q 1998 ,)'ecial Called Meeting Approving Landfill and Waste Disposal Agreeinealt �vfflh l ES i . Seconded by Tommy Kincaid. Councilman Kincaid staae�i tl��at at this tinge we will have a discussion to answer any questions, and we will try to sore lros out. By rescinding this contract does not keep you from having a landfill. If ylvve rep zcftid this contract and do not sit down and try Oil to negotiate to work this co �'��t�4 „%: as CORM lutee and IESI, then they can come in here and build this a����� �`=a of �:iay can get the permit. I feel they can, and I personally do nok �rsw� � a �e qn A'-ir f.-,m4if. . you may. This is why I want you to use your mind to steady ulc 'i a '��'la4 o we get through with this discussion have some thoughts on it a 114 =, it flee K k. a dt`ill. out there that we have no control over all those fears than yo6n °, tzi y i allking, about could possibly be there. If we have a landfill out tleea, lb it tea= h.rnre raga„trail over, we can control what goes in it through the permitting stag:!:. 't' <w i Y,7hat no one has wanted to listen to, that we have been trying to say. tt s �a x -7 raa'r autting stage that determines whether they a4x can put thinks in there a�a 4. ibis+t Afhere have been some discussions about the golf course, and some of ya.k: a s ay., it �°aa q not be done. believe me, it can be done. We have people calling nov� wanti-ef.pa to build a golf course, run it, and operate it, and pay us royalties on it. Motion Carried unanimoaasly 0 (6)4. Consider and Possible Acfiwii 'a: a A.ppoiat Committee to Evaluate the Merits of the Landfill/Golf Course Project w'91.'h I�±'.SL Motion was made by Councilvnw :.� ai i tag Appoint Committee to Evaluate the Merits of the Landfill/Golf CloasngA< ANIOIect with IESI. Seconded by Councilman James. 5. Consider and Possible Actioa� t'aeE�x'di���; ��.e�uest from Joey Copeland. (This item was addressed in iICM 7) 6. Consider and Possible Actio�� $�e��¢��~di���� te�uest from Kenneth W. Cornell. (This item was addressed in item T (7)10. Consider and Possible �c�:ion� ��_ ,�it�1i�- �'on= t�arlc Grant. Julia Beavers, Sanger � �� k�--; ��a�r`aa., �r�t �.; iflox ��5 indicated that she had addressed the City Council before abwtL k ox@ the park. This is the park out by the railroad tracks. At this to f� � i-t vp RX. completed the fields, and there are a lot more than just the baseh=�lb Y'1 =_t. t'viis 3.xrant will be to renovate our existing park. This is a I6 acre facility E �Z�� tog €li for resolution to allow us to apply for this grant. Mayor Coker indicated ����� i�,� ����ld lime to know if she was asking the City Council to agree on apply, W g Julia Beavers indicated ttzr � K�x� � F��> �ci��g t,o be half of the $650,000.00 and they are accepting in kind do ai:i e, n lili Hh they already Dave, but some of the revenues will have to come frorn tt (d Mayor Coker was co��cer��e;i t.����t AA0.00 was Singer's part, and asked if this was cash money that. Julia f m 7 k:=; i ! ,rIt Julia Beavers indicated tliae nrt ;>t' H can be cash, but they had some businesses who have donated otl�e�• it��� i �,�1 � . ���� s�°��reboards, and Curtis Gilley is donating the plumbing work. Mayor Coker asked Jijli� Aa s'iw i�l yell lain how much money she is talking about? Julia stated approximately $1 1 0,O'DO. �`�ti) each year, and we have about $40,000.00 together night now. 5 Mayor Coker stated yo s?ve Sup Ing yalu sill will help the City with their part, and then the state will match llml. Julia stated that evei ytlnng ; HA 00 Matched. She indicated that she had broken it down in to a three year peryo 1, sand in, a three year time, so that it would not be a financial burden on the City, mkd an flhe other groups. They felt like $110,000.00 each year with the new sales tax colnihng in plus the donations from the community the City could handle thM. Mayor Coker reiterated tz� tic �'��ii<a�3 i�� tl�e audience that this was broken down over a three year period. The first e 4i° would include the ballfields, restrooms, nnnnnccinn nniT +voons$c z ?Rvr<> vl;'IIAITNIu �„ca h noriaa4H$°6na:'lnn Tha Qornnd vPar Waidd a.Vlla.l.�JlVll, "Ali CA askz�q X%a ktsn. 'i.y 4Yt Roo., a,IRW L .isne Wa ar a_•a.a as asa aa.aa4.v.a. i.av vv..va.w J v J& rr v. .Kk include the playground, picnic (aciilues, trails and beautification. The third year would include sports court, i,a li*U!100 sig s and beautification. The grant is for a total of $650,000.00, with Sanger"� rbarf being $325,000.00 over a three year period asking for $110,000.00 per q,,i� ao�-: 'W.s-�yo1 • Coker stated the Parks Board has worked real hard on this and they v Z' 4�e;Rtp V1Ihe Cil.y of Sanger come up with this money. Julia Beavers stated they ������=��1 k�,�ual s�����e ��f the money to come from the sales tax. Councilman Jenkins asked ��ai?ie� -���n��°� the�came up with the figures on the back page which shows the of the funds they are requesting because his concerns were the amount o� fax revenue that Julia is talking about. As Council they can not ftlave any ; yA . t of committing how much money can be used from the sales tax funds l¢&� C E1�� z wLvorations are not even set up. Secondly we need to probably get sotne profe siouiJ help when you are working on a $650,000.00 investment to get an ext�ct AV.(2`A '(Ou ilIt is t jpPes of funds. Julia Beavers indacateQ�estimated cost. She indicated that as long as they des ac : �u� a ' �_ Tally on the estimated cost projections they will not be out of pocket ��itla t42C-noneyI Councilman Jenkins `stii$ZAP � Av�W : tot ��o�.�r costs but 1 wonder if we don't need a more increment breakd����-� ���� x�l-H�4�e as l'a�° as where are these costs going to come from. Mayor Coker inquired il' � �se�°�� � r 3 � � tr��7�e frame for submitting this grant? Julia indicated that July :�' � _v H§>s�E� tl�ie d��,�adliI-le> Councilman Jenkins is�dicat€��i t:u�.,��. l�s thought the Council needed more time to look over this to get a better Fd� �.. Mayor Coker asked �°est ofyeti, t u ri�wc.l what they thought. 6 Councilwoman Maddeu agi v d needed more time and 'indicated it was the first time she had seen the breaisloaa Mayor Coker indicated chwt �, V� y l�ia vantil July 31st, they can have this on the next agenda for .tune 154 Councilman Jenkins i��ctic•.�`�.�d ���� �o€rlsl like the Parlcs Board to give them an idea where they came up with th ' - �,quoc be at the next Council meeting. Mayor Colcer indicated. that t"� siisi appreciate the work the Parks Board has put into this project, and on the fj uiads i°� r he sales tax the board that will be appointed will decide now knese iwidw `a°r i aPc fv. JJ; Rua -tile illy k.uullcll call IIVI Ucl;lue t1late The Council can decide to s?.1p arl you on the $110,000.00, but we can not say that we are going to take the $ 10,000%() 1'r rn the sales tax. Julia stated that �lae sealer La.� �F,���; °���pposed to be for the parks. Mayor Colcer �•espond��d t3���� �i-�°: of^w�,3 ta.� is i'€�r all of the items listed and the parks was one of them, and the a.t��-tboard will decide how the money is spent. Tony Tipton spoke cep strn£�'�, �:i�� s.,�ls�tio�� vas adopted over a month ago. Mayor Cokei indicated th � � 'ko Council has riot appointed a board yet, and will not begin collecting thee U a sl October I. The board has not been appointed yet and they haven't r.eall � 5. s u <<: ranch abiout the sales tax since City Council has been involved in some offtv%,.er ; ,r= But that will be one of our next things to do. Item postponed #'or rle�t t h� ��;>6_��l <�genda Citizens Input on I,angiP'ili.. Mayor Coke° lie would like to introduce some special guests; The y Attorney, tti. a1 Fi, icllols fY°om Dallas, being the three folks from the TNRCC -- Mrs. Arm'4i "'° rwe, Offlice of Public Assistance, Mr. Burgess H. Stengl, Geologist, and Mi ai d��� i , Public Engineering. Mayor Coker indicates) t�g. f- `tY, soipue thev were going to ask Mrs. Tyrone to step up to conduct the �lleeti�s�. rK+'�d= r4�����• asked the citizens when they came up to speak to please step asp to uMf 9xive their name and address and limit their time at the podium.. Please au to the ones behind you. You can address your question to the Council, from FESI, our City Attorney, or the TNRCC. At this time the nleetx�� av .ass s100L: over to Mrs. Tyrone. � Mrs. Tyrone said goodl dhiaalc you foa° coming, I'm glad to see so many 7 interested faces here io7nia bst, t carrae for no other reason than to hear your it Bs you have to say. There are three complaints, comments, commissioners in Austin A410 :Sell 117 . Reed to know how you feel about this particular issue, whether its is good, bad, or i�giy, whatever it is. But we need to talk one at a time so I can hear what vot taive to say. We know we will be here for awhile so lets be patient with each othe-g PEn going to be patient with you, I'm here to spend the night! Let's be friend.iy -6ih other because you are friends, family and neighbors. Mayor Coker• advised 1wx���j, rI,�S,i'�.a��;� :.trait. fire first speaker was Joey Copeland, and that he would like Mrs, Nel' A,rn_tsty �Ang to speak next, and then Fletcher Kelly, 1Ylll.l vy At'lf/u" I "IlU %..a 6.91Q; a.s a ,..„4k w. Mrs. Tyrone asked tlra�t tt�e ��itt�ea�:y o��ly ask the same question once. She stated that no matter how ma v ay 1aivav 1;s11 I l'ae4fd% the question it will not change the way I feel about it. This way we %i�iti -;t E ;4is Yinan=�r comments as possible. Joey Copeland in�licate�� tt� �. � p�� ,.,,r �� s a rumor as to the validity of what he stated in the meeting at City Ha,it ac;ti iw le of weeks ago. He told both the members of Council and IESI that as 0 k P -i a , ;?Iie agent he was bound by rules and regulations to disclose any informay.10M 'tea{i vinew of a proposed landfill in this area. With the help of Mr. Tipton he �� €T out a document to Council and according to the Texas heal Estate License ,'6� �Mb�'i �r� 5. 5.2 under the rules of the commission a It real estate agent owes tt ge x p z i, WRIU."iar•y obligation to his principal and is obligated to convey to his ;, rm 1%# 1CM W.10rrnation of which the agent has knowledge and which may affect the t} °:3 t� �': € ecision. On the second page he even went on to highlight articles I anal P (4nid> g R.he interpretations of ethics. article 1 states that an agent must protect and ply tag: e his chent.s interest but be honest and fair with all parties. article 2 says 1 �E: ���,.er�aion, misrepresentation, and concealment of the pertinent fact. If a IwOAIIX4 q3if this size is not a pertinent fact he didn't know what is. He had a quesUOAN , °i 3,S � Vacftfie question, for the members of Council and IESI, he said "if you guys can i s°i p nie to understand how I can convince somebody that they need to live by a 1ni,Afl0', of this size, please help me out, because I have yet to truthfully find one rierseln wiije I can convince needs to live near this dump. Every person that I have spoe�,ax willb In the past several weeks, they get in their car and that is exactly what I an at the iast meeting. They get in their car and head the opposite direction as f fit 1 tltac-�Yr camn-" Mrs. Tyrone indicated if tsi . ,ead any comments. Mayor Coker responded that H•ather timan asked tt�� �;�;<a�$ct; tn�� ���oulal ask if IESI does. Mrs. Tyrone expa•esseal tiaal Micky Flood indicated tt��t FL`fl)c v a�e4IIe 41tatr�g idr 1®ts around the golf course. He indicated they had three affferefit t,lveol ps m ho had already called and asked him if they could handle the gol?' cou'r�se h 4s. We do not believe there will be any problem whatsoever with the wale of �ll�%:t°'e �^AS& Joey would like to mare A-Puc Ise .sod t V Iris alsswer, IIe indicated he was an agent and has been working iaa thiis Fa Vll for ten years and he has yet to convince one person that they need to li y e �h' i`, of ea� 11e then addressed a question to TNRCC. Information had conic to bhxa any ds he will read exactly what was written. The document to close the eyi;-da � tll vas malled from the City of Sanger to the TNRCC on March 25, 191D I . a . aaj understanding that the petition had to be tabled for a period of 5 yeal r Q a Vaaag 1=s a closing date of March 24, 1996. Is the nNracti"fT 1.Ar►*l$'in ` �-IgLd- IN7h V, Lz O thic In"Alfin efavnd nnan fnr t�Xvn {.A&"WAAAS AAAAAAAAAAA rya a.xa.Pb FI AALy AA.AJ AAAAV A"AA"A AAA UA..AJ V%A viJVAA A VA A, IT v years past its legal closing Mr. Stengl, �ern�iti�a�,asi�a�, a �����a°e€tt the question and indicated he knew the document had been seng In FJ$ u l k 1A ;;{lt � a°l��se the landfill. Basically the City stopped receiving waste in 199L 't ;Vei.ad, uy�ader a s year post closure care period. The landfill owner has to P�Ov ffl the host care closure. He indicated it had been sent in by the City, 1)"o"O Lw a cA', seen the document, his team leader says it has been sent in, it does lbavj 'ily" 13,11ation on it. Why it took ian extra two years after post closure ca r i sae d JI aot know, maybe the City Council knows. He indicated that sonietlr rEa 3 0-arGIVUh the City Council. J oey asked If the Coun._R 39 �v reauond. Mrs. Tyrone respol�de i�,r �Y=F;<�� �a���layor says no. Then the Mayor stated he had no idea and axTas aaor. 1`; a YUJI TJU ftx qt; tia�'It� allad not dealt with it but believed another gentleman then. v-zGz4 QVe vver ghex questions dill Ilahlin, from b�:a: � �ka� f � � lr� la;�d a•e�:eived calls and hoped he had been helpful in answering tl��Xia• a� �-�t��� < alai iaa�licat�d he will not be available until the 15th of this month. � '�6 ' Ve sa_a.f1 in his hand a field file that is kept in Austin, because lt. couNR-OS 0 ZV1;1zDA41 Of tips=. activities of the landfill. He showed his partner from the Austin oil a'sf e Zr a crtter dated 4/19/91 indicating they received an affidavit to the public tiulZ evo6 zit _� d .ro the deed records showing the site used for a landfill. The letter date E�I `r t9a . regulations state it must go through a 5 year post closure under field -Yrom Arlington I did an inspection last year and have submitted docalnaeat,= ciasalae. 1 letter was sent to the Austin office and at this time has beam pR`i on , � ' du�� to the request from IESI and the City of Sanger. He indicated that F � ;en64"& vl� cre public information and copies are kept in Austin, Joey stated he would 10o.e ;,hat real quickly. Mrs. Tyrone said go ahead.. Joey stated if yoga .� e 'rs�t r�.��:a�����::� dated 0�/91 that still gives us a closing 0' date of 04/96. Who vyas r- ,m)o, i 3401e 'ar allowing this to stay open two years longer? If the City Council has �,e � � � 4=:�" � �ni,vact with IESI don't they also rescind their contract to keep the existing a�1uar!t ili opeO in indicated that since �F;4y�^ ufpty had 2,000 landfills now down to 200. He addressed the citizens and la'�alved OiAai they were looking at an individual who had lots of knowledge aboa�P �a�� r xl �'� � �:� ��� l ear as labAran ls are concerned. He indicated that on this particular Lanai �E'ill '� would leave to review these documents. He indicated that he was hate 11) IUIV 6MM ,4a'P process. Joey Copeland then ir��li� � ���:� � �� .�1: he had oa�e last question and one last quick ; 14?Q,a UuIa, InVf avaemefin" llaffa* x i ack Who is r CJPU116V LU llliC %. Ut�' 'sa\�i responsible for this thing yir %rs old and not being serviced in the way that it was supposed to a6w.t, x �C !'ifi heard I don't know and maybe it is this gentleman's fault. iVtrs. 'I�yrone ad�lress�.d � �� 4..`.kiE, � �:�t fa��yi��sry if he would leave her his address and telephone number she ww(-o i leis question and get back with him. Joey made one last sta��r�k°;t ��� flF �:1� ��`o�a�acil and IESI, " I have spoken. to 100's of residents and theyits i����dfill. We don't want a committee or the feasibility of a landa" x 'k = 1.. �„ €o vA! you I ight now that it's been a detriment to the City of Sanger rlj-2 � . �� ��� �. �Skwd MOV a response from the citizens whether this was good, bad or n �,_1 � V ., _ wl , fin. is extremely ugly." Nel Armstrong _ t��l�, R���li. � � EAE � ��asl:a°��ng I live at 216 Diane in Sanger I was born here and lived h� ,�,�t �;� e� l_ ,��s i'aayor for 12 years from 1984 until 1VIay 1996. I didn't corns to U < ' r to eowi cent on the landfill. I came for one purpose. I was not asked y ;one individual or any group. No one knew I was going to VO?ZYAe ` > -': i)nt krAyself and any husband until Just before 79.00 o'clock tonight. ., d :;,r Is the Mae, but this is the only citizens input you have so this is fine, 1 .,st few weeks I have heard the members of the , ii��th 1' 's s � sled and cussed, and I know what that feels City Council criticised, like for I have been t 4me s ; : 0),e so-Ame tip-ne I have never heard anyone say that they remember or realize UII �,Cou ',ere elected by the citizens of this town evidently because they thought you oa' a gw)d job. I know all of you, some of you I've served with, some of you 1 y� . < �F, o to running for Council, some of you I have known most of any adult life Q,. = � �� �:{5 d loaag time. I've talked to you furthermore, and I think I know why :vo16 k �, Gr Ins Council. I know it wasn't for the money, it wasn't for the p sE :fie c 4 b burly not for the honor. You ran for this rewarding but most of �f cc t a'tIn w _t. X&' .Jess Job because you care about this town. I've seen people here tonighttl� 4� U- IZ ;.rq 12 years I begged and I asked to please run for the City Council, ax.l : x 5 ; j 4. lawolved. Where were issues and problems that even citizens may ,���� n���>��a ,l..(;�� ��ware of because you solved that issue or 10 problem before it becc x f a 2ui3 R" irx o,Avable problem. So tonight, I'm here to represent myself and nxy hl� `sr leant to say thank you for the time and service you have given our�I i;xkG ` i�;,w there are times you have to make tough decisions and that a Dolt ; .r-'��,,Plife those decisions I have been there too, but I also know that ycna 646> livt,1111 €'ke best intentions in your heart, so thank you for serving." Mr. Fletcher welly°=i�e�.�jz�i' Crop and Mr. Flood began their presentation. Mr. Flood, ('resident of t�{:� , `nt� a,���ed Ce�ee �rcutt Landfill (Development Manger 1`es Du11J1U1C lUl Q9pi3."s lt::r'r s"3y #s' rF .E3'E uay ¢ LrZ iviLaxigct vi icnaa. iraa. a A"v" indicated the first aliffig he t, ottl dl l z .e R) Flo is take the opportunity to define the reason why they were dqe r $ I �I-Aen �veaxt on to explain the revenues the landfill would bring to Sange.°• Mr. Flood addY•essed t��4° ��- �a= e�� ��✓ ilgl� will t.l�e landfill get and indicated that it would not be any highe-RA �flhe aratural elevation on the existing property. The landfill will 114flA,:0 l ng, natural terrain, and that's been their representation to the 'it !• He then addressed, "ip���J '� � ;r� : ��:, t�� access the landfill?Exit I-3S along the access road to Utility o� 2;c . IIe then explained by k?�3v f �:° � i is �:����� �istin�ated 50 - 60 trucks per day on a 12 hour operating day. (Mrs. Tyrone had tip ��ts��,x ti3 ' �At� h;51� �d l:�eca��se the ca•owd was getting too noisy. She again urged the.rt o e.ve�y if they did not want to hear what Mr. Flood had to say.) Mr. Flood indicated d��� �°j xr� p, , ,�.k �kAa1 rquestions regarding the comparison of Lewisville's landfill to �� ��M�l tl��uy listed some of the more pertinent comparisons. The owl-iera.d.,p Mlle is private and the contract they have with the City and IES1 is3 pgaa € i; j ar i erslup• The Cubic yards of trash per day collected in Lewisville as �1��} t 3,� per day. Sanger's opening volume for the first two years is about ,410Cx a .,V § 0v"r4 the peak period when they open and it will be about 2,100 per play iii r w ^:-V 2607, Size and acreage is about 400 acres in Lewisville, and the sjiz _ 6 �� 1 is 282 2cres• The big difference is height. Our height is limited to the OM251B� Olio 'he hours of operation at Lewisville are 24 hours, and in Sanger Mr. Flood indicated e di�1 �h� �� �: , x7 e�Df,, and addressed, "why should the city build a golf course?" �4 g�l� �> :�3� f �o=. #t�� ;��� Sa��ger's top ten needs list in a 1958 survey. It will increase lea rWA`Xt Y dares; it will entrap development, it will boost the local economy, it will ,ass :UAI prodarcirrg asset, and it will provide jobs. Another question he airs=����'>nq "t happens to the landfill if the golf course isn't finished." The lanai Ili ex,.parrsion is granted, will give the City 2 1/2 years to build a golf course,,GI ; t Oiet a takes the property over if in fact it is not built and will work w�tir f�� �I.yxt� ���ar�plet:e tyre "build out" on that property. IESI has committed thews€ l p&v w�� e ("i v t `oun it and the land for the golf course. Under the contract, rt >vifrse�l tcFr a landfill. 1VIr. Flood then addre�se�, `?lk� t����ald tt?:�I contribute land to the City.?The u,y ua 3ange u a-v lw�we ut 411 a ck-mulamaa Of lear-ialersrxipe tr�at ursaa eu a greenbelt around the l�aarrl:='lq �IQrrrrse, ball field, soccer field, something that would give a natural a < se existing site. The closest home from the footprint of the lancIGIN� 0i of 800 feet. Golf courses and landfills are compatible land uses. 1VIr. Flood there askekl3 "`�� �� tE ��� �a�dl'ill l�s���er property values?�� No, a properly owned landfill will riot ��� > For example, Vista Ridge Mall and Xerox both opened rr ��il tl > .et' d T i landfill site long after the Lewisville landfill had already been ope uei' , a �- h N-C e�aroples including the landfills in Denton, Arlington, and Grand straction is continuing to increase and property values are r��tiKrt_ :•� A IVTr. Flood clo�ec# leis ps =,.•:rL � �r�E 3 �> v•n{ rl�lr�s�sing t��e citizens, if they needed further answers to their questlorr fppb a Ar., he glad io respond while they were there or please call the follovdrrr`l; a* �` t= ; i1h.! ; tl-i anked everyone for the opportunity to speak to them. Ailrs. Tyrone Thomas IVluir _ Rt I, »{�a 4ra�IrAM:�terl he had a few comments. His general comment was that ��a�rag�,:>r � aa� 1.�,�r��ille or Ft Worth, and commented that the size of Lewisville r•elatPve Ab, S4 -: _i' a r�.age, population, however you want to say it is substantially larger llr R ; %s_gea°,, and yosr see that our lakebelt is still greater than over half the size _3 '. F , a, . '. a} the Lewisville landfill facility. My comment is you are sitting orr }k x r �z3' � la�ldi"iit that if we were to overlay the City of Sanger with that sartie a r_ L%t a dd venture to say most everybody would be sI tting in the middle tr h ; we are not a Lewisville, Sanger is not that large and you're pate:rag fltEVv k tiictility in the midst of a small town atmosphere and it's not a Lewisville. ' a ix Edi °eat l Ire rlid not care how much they want to compare the two, this, YTt�:� jViKio nvparuson. 14r. Flood indicated try O e'er ����w was in the height. IESI will develop the 12 project and will Flo g t 1_; _ =a tit will not be a 15 or 20 story landfill. The height of the site at boundary will be the highest level of that natural terrain and wili i pA� Ob�wln, wgh9" It will not go above that, it will be at the natural t.erraW lwk s ; �P t'ed that was the first issue. The other issue is that in his meeting witty 0T's dad 1F�SI committed themselves, because of the concerns of sl)ecp'Pi %ff tte. t14 u ° would let the City define what waste they wanted to take in to thi- �� >Il ° , oyffier than normal residential household and commercial trash. Mrs. Tyrone they asl�€t ,L m_ iu. < yarn; tlxrough that maybe Mr. Muir would like to funnel to you 1. ""tio.r P`kes%/1. .6 LAI going to get in terms of storage" Mr. Flood In tee x�b a> =t s n �iwts nto tl�e natural terrain. (crowd roar•) Fletcher Kelly intr•od�� ��� , �s' ������ ���di:,•aaed that they are still working on the current design. Mr. K ; ',Tor i upat was important to the final design. Mr. Kelly indicated that ���,, �: s �} st a�Hd lowest point on the property is about 60 feet total. Their rw�,e WIWC a1) ast to the edge of the natural grade which is the terrain. (tape. not clear l�er-e; Mrs. Tyrone igndicate�r ._���n •t.-. �����:��:i���� had not been filed with the T1�1RCC yet, and that they were the?n? E st gal the t:ouncil, as well as the request of the applicant. They were ki: �&Wzens understand what the law says, and what they waardli ated they are not clear on all that they would lake to do, aad d e a.y:; t a : r to help them understand the process. (Someone in the crg�tr�i l��a RG;;•,; �:a� ��s a question and interrupt Mrs. Tyrone. l�1ot clear) Mrs. Tyrone indicate�� iGr n � ,_�� � � i��t of pimple with a lot of questions, and what she asked was that: tl�d;y ���t�� rt '°t��it �h.�� vas coming up to ask their question. he next person spec '414? 4v _: '}�r ; Moseley. Wayne Moseley lndrC�, `:� a��-�` i�I's statement that they will not take in special waste. �i� " '� ,` 'J -�d 6}� t;h<:.�: his guess was the concern of people in the community and e they have been operating under, because there can always bea we added on to this, and additional amounts what could added to the contr°aci sE �,:t v "; agrevi-a-tents ynts made, their premise is f[C? this landfill take in HT t,� ° _ try :eln> gal' pe malt. If the Council wasn't persuaded at some point that it .it l , ; e a II0Ug1h�t in, and that might be a valid reason, but what could end up In €�aan° � � t��"ill ���: a��d e a�ted that this was a threatening question to them. Mrs. Tyrone asked Waa 1,A')� � �:yC. vva�a easing if the permit changes at all what would they be allowed to 'b .ark; a , )hcc iTadieated it would call for an amendment and that amendment would be WE the newspaper, and that would come before the public. Again, t"es un ;4:llan-tge their permit once it is issued to just accommodate any econortme C4 . c3 k �m . 1 li as to he according to what their permit has been issued for. Wayne Moseley - "'a ���. � i �. ,,t����; :aaa�l #h;�a p�•ocess because I've spoken twice with representatives from 4 oT.l u3 naau act, aaEly I've spoken to them about the waste issue, and I believe. I h;T ,i,a 2a„ x t ;xadl ag. But I want the people to hear what, if they got a special A fi;ie E-'k� 4s v,fl tt iape s�f waste could they bring in to the Sanger area." Mrs. Tye°one - It �����fa� �� . .�� 3 3nat i� '�l�e hazardous waste, it would be spelled out what kind of han:ri �I zase there is some hospital waste that can not be taken into a lan di31h. a e ._ yl t clt a e of waste consist of blood parts, and other items. It has to type of landfill: It would, be spelled out in simple language in a t t.° vw &C r aa•e allowed to bring in to that landfill. No matter what category 5 gay it ., ` %Ypew I; 'Type 2 or 'hype 3, whatever the waste is it would be spellaa�, man would see that and the announcement that would come from tine= Wayne Moseley - � tgaia�l as � �._>���� �a-> �o�rera�ed with it going that far. We feel like maybe we woa a =r { ..1:.:, k 1, qt ne es voice that we have at this stage before it gets in. xU Zv Mill� ; <KkC ;� CORRANIevat. My understanding to Class I modifications and vI-Kit. � 't�. GnaS CIOM,irmed under 331.36, which says the following special wvs{ � daces r : spe ,.,- ically require written authorization for acceptance provided li to as meal , gay accordance with certain provisions. Mr. Moseley indicated ibere ocw p°ovisions in there that made this more tolerable. It names n°oani health care facilities if they're treated; it names dead aninials, s4tugl : �., >:K� �� . � W �;ta'., Those types of items. It name asbestos containing material at _a.te.. t_rk,j�izain-aers of pesticides and herbicides, those types of items. It naPl'ko.`. i1 q k PCS6 5. ha ,rardous waste." Mr. Moseley indicated(� are without approval of an Executive Director based oa-� iaa� ���1<•�i4 9 -; } ��e c�i' t�m� +°ceding of these regulations. (tape not class• lees°e, 14 Could require a Clay, a.�h�,� �2�_�� � a to accept that type of waste. .....(tape not clear here) Ms. Tyrone indicated a� laea WIC E � ���:x Ds ��aahaaaitted it goes through an administrative review and questioning. P4,it JnP Tog tihalf- Ume the citizens have, everybody has a chance to request a hcau°Mfi g J roliearing would have a judge and the whole bit so there's another opportxaaa $ Y ;' , Wayne Ii4oseley °'�� tt�aat , nt�r�,aat:�aalh,> exad up in our landfill. Could being the key word, if appropdate ;aa a� _k,�; t<l�en•+ 11tC.9C il1C 1�.C711@,9 kLS`5.i P ;4E- '..; tc4s. ,i.f n bsy �5oC�ixKM s.Anaxx.s ataaa. �aauc• liIr. IVloseley indicau� � ��La ,=,tif= ',✓�'�� a 4°oople of questions that were brought forward and were nog. P + n:r4, 7Aaa:es, lhe was going to ask so he indicated he would read thean. Joey Copelaaa.d �pol�e z'a•���ti �'�� Q �°,��1 -aa�d ia�clicated that his point when he got up and spoke earlier waa, Oh:Iv+VM pay nor the cost of the landfill. It will lower i��-t° t ?twir to people he has already tried to sell property values, The property in this aB°ea, <'n:fotl .jing to do with it and now further evidence is that it waA ` t . s r t , 1000S M Thomas Muiav thanl; u t'ear a°esdaading the contract. We appreciate that opportunity to a �� �c ode as d reevaluate. I agree fully with Nel Armstrong's staternc€ abto e{ D: iity to serve and your intentions, and I think most people, 4111141 l t�11aa ti x.: Apt lafs�e Wiwa she was walking out, nobody is questioning those twc k7a gi4aestion about the motivations of our gentlemen over here,t =r ;a ° 4f fellows, but I feel for their business positions they h w�, _ t. j t ° tar 0 s their own marketing plan it states something to the effeel v`_Zk,f U,.3�,iV Wt ess is a lack of a Type 1 landfills, and I believe that they are �a Vi 3�V ) ss a "d hilnk" M this corporate armor, and they're not really concerned abo t,L � �e:a�e � � nger. As a good neighbor I believe that they would have hri��� ,tiat: r�. i ......e tige public and not done their bidding in a closed door sessioaa� � .a _t,. _gin �� source of strife moving forward. The citizens have tried tostr ri �. �s t1w Can;icil and I think that Council has shown us that they are v ai F 3 u.3. You have seen petitions, you have heard personal statements �s� ��_�: � ',�ea tta awake its direct statements to you about what it proposes. "1 wCo4 �,tt hA a�; dee �&eci it appropriate to rescind the contract. The Council l think heed s14z k (tape not clear here) IVIrs. Tyrone auedsc.;Iq �a �t� � _;� ,�: ��z�� �t'l;� r�•sayi��g for this landfill, and asked a question that hail been Ot I, before a vote of the O €;� Nl Y'hy wasn t this Landfill proposal brought I�� a'. Mayor. Mayor Coker indiv,42€} �Y�"A��uyav� i'ei11%s nave said they elected the Council to run the City of Sanger. k ,_� �� ti cia� trust in them. The reason it was not brought out. publicly i>a�� iye �� � �g' -me i,raaad situation. The City Council was asked to keep it under wraps price of Ilse land, and that is what the Council aIt that time deemed woaAiad aa& .: c nary or would be the best thing to do. There was some discussion about. it, A" o `sae ineetiangs were posted, all of the meetings the agendas were on ttaea09 SC; ft �� k =� �. as complete secret. He indicated that he saw all those folks and atidu' ��... �:d s4rR ag J a x at any of the Council meetings. Any .. :� VYt6J', tIIC E..fll[JtY$LEIl 'd r;7a.ys'?i?F.3 6 -Vl A'3 €.iK�e r_rK:3E. `bV Ay Ul�l YL. Wayne Moselle�� -• i��_�� � �r . �; �-_ ��t�a� � ���y =wife was raised in Sanger and her sister and brother -in -lair aF a � t iv _,� EF.. tlnti ric �l nd. operate their own business. I'm Vice President of beak E's, i ' : Est_ t.i< h ` a 1,900 store retail chain. I'm involved in negotiations, tlx:2 di-aily. In the fall of 1997 we signed a contract with Write l ; a€a,_ t :: Y na th ; removal of all our waste from all of our domestic locations. t'tx° > ins =i an `��tiat ioans between Waste Management and BI+I, which f jaast ;Jling l'otta of their proposals which look like a doctoral thesis Tbi:� � k r 4 + � �O.�at loiic o. This is Waste Managements: Again, they look like a �t��t�� �' zap �{ ta.,is v as Mickey lilood's previous company if I'm not stak%aan lei e x, �o twiiVi�_ Waste management. Why did we choose that? Both of tiacs AK%e largest waste removal companies in the United States. an ;a�ai�if.', (I), billion dollars in sales. The other one exceeds five and a' �aii' U))12) ? ',Ri in sales. bast record I show for Micke ys' company, this Is Off OA51 � V x6 l�i� aa, :t looks like their sales in 1997 was 23.4 million. To put ihaat iCi lol,,�� �, it wonlid be like putting a Super Walmart up differV sly ences against a 7-Ii;Levean. Ti ;�t s=3y: Lie in the size of these companies. Where I'm headed g,�,=.�k��� ..��. <,��1� � listened to a proposal from a very small company. We've ..''43ii? PrVeseeatations, and so forth. If we were interested inpossibl, hsi���� < < �a �reti�ia lime this why wouldn't we have reached the largest cornpanws is ,d �a� w.;i ,a. a�. They could have made presentations with lasers, fireworlrsg its �: � , . i l A baZ l I=que for us. You name it they would have done it for ass,. � lib iaaKIM6 Mrs Tyrone to Coundl 14-awy choose to go with one small company vs two Mayor Coker � 'i'lasi TV:.,�;� wae' as �f! S! is we felt their proposal was a good p�•oposal. They ���e�•�.:�na�a�a�, .; :•;i�. ��atln tic taty of Sanger on some income which we are going to e �� _iI� _ r,' al sails UO 'Texas Taste Management, or Waste Management„ The GSM, oa. FWW1A1g the current landfill that we have out lnere but it was raoi s �v= g �e a Qraaa fer type station, and this was a better 16 thing. The City of Sartger, 1as YOU s..w on the board is going to receive a considerable amount of money to operate the City on. Wayne TvIoseley - "Waste Alana Bement preseraaly operates a Type 1 landfill in Lewisville as we've seen earliex , They have beeF� operating that landfill since 1979, and it has been in operation sincrt'.'. 9972. Obviously this is the type of landfill Mickey Floods' company would like to piA in Sanger. The Lewisville dump utilizes 409 acres, same as what we just saw in their Video, and they had daily, 450 to 500 trucks unload garbage in than laudl'ill. The landfill we are considering, 282 acres, well presently they're making the recommendation that the landfill only follows the terrain, however, similar to what Waste Management does they are going before the Texas l;oag d asking per€rxission to expand.. Just recently Waste got approval to expand verticatl y 75 feet, roughly a six -story building. The State mandates expansions for ali laaflxdfills. I have personally been to the Lewisville landfill in the past.several woeks. 'Taste Management assured me at any time, at any time we could naoakib for a tour of a state of the art Type 1 landfill. After visiting with yj�eose,� t:,nanpaales they have all expressed three (3) major concerns. T':Ile first Concern is fh4:. terrible odor. They are eliminated from the landfill. The second corAgJE:rn is the possibility of contaminations to underground water from an illegal, anal uil e •twee d is illegal toxic waste. What I mean exactly by that is they are hired to ;pick € p 1r,6 ± from various companies. If some company plats something in that 5�:r" 3�` $ia:Ect' that they are not aware of, that could be toxic and could be dumped into a laafdfifi. Even tlxough it is illegal they've got toxic waste in it. They're concerned tiw-xt. all the tune. The third and not lastly is the problem with birds. It aoy of you have seen the Type 1 landfill they have an ongoing problem with girds. °rl � xkeed to stop this pr®ject now to save our town and the surrounding area frowt Uhcase concerns. Mickey answers questions with the facts from his viewpoint. I want yo to learn the facts from all viewpoints. Mickey wants to build a dwnAle� or .Ivys �l onoww reasons. He doesn't care about the residents of Sanger 'lxi± is Pow, colfa1munity. Let's not let him take it. We live here. He doesn't. Lets stop flae frocks, the foul odors, the bothersome birds, and the possible contanunaticiaa of OW f .€•i idng water and our lake water. To date he's got a company 800 It that iu 4.xaswlered by a PR firurx. I've got a 458 # that you can call me locally. One of the a:l.ffi s 3:[lat I aw going to close with is he took several one page ads, and ,you kno Y Whal:, maybe I agree with one thing, the truth will prevail." Mrs. Tyrone read a quesi;ioax fx•afaaia a citizen are ties audience, "Has IFSI considered a geology stlatly since thei°e. iy sax aa;tiWe g��oiogeial ��lt line that's along the site in Malley View"' Fletcher Kelly - We've: oia.uy acti€ sli=y got across the first 200 acres. I expect it to be another three (3} ni�,a�l:lbs �l.irlx i,ti aaiot;lxel• reason we al•e leaving meetings to get information. We are sto(ying ilex :areas geology, and when we finish the report we'll 17 be able to look at the :rinp,.�tilailaty with the ground source resources that we have. Ida p2 U i 1 r OIHIUUnIlt and we are that involved in studying everything and not nrfI III �_at � tea°£ ,_uFF the landfill. 1VIrs. Tyrone real 9sa A'0 ; ins cila1eaa irK the audaence, "I-35 is the gateway to the City of danger. a��°4s4t, IF 4 ��ti ��7�iii he landfill come?�� Fletcher Kelly - h3w 'I..F t,x. = , k�l ll,bot vehicles per day. It's about 2,200 feet from the seara�11 y u I tiK as°ila adad tracks. Ken Kennedy apoio0 z 'tF ar`1,t i'?°idle public speaker. �Ie said "I don't do It for a living. i'in a €.� u-air' r,a �� 3�, ? ���' RUF O�+UL11WC5L 4iairaic.�* i i,w`r'c nr.,val u commercial pile: foal Yr4 NyIF, I tn j A, ith Southwest for 15 years. Every week I'm given a 30 billion a lr iF � � „�H hundreds, actually thousands, of people's well being and lives iaa aaa , �F s :lb y tie,$ ulpion to wake some pretty big judgements. I'm certainly not a�--� � „�,V r1 >ly else Caere. My friends will certainly attest to that.. I'aa _.� .�� r.gone else, but I make some pretty tough decisions. I �al�vay ; �a .h � �a a°st ease scenario. My question is not to the Council but y��a � 4� N- =_3 31. 5 ic��nw to Join in. To the people, has the worst ease scenario beer, loe k s "_ :ai sale �iaere because two of my friends, one who has lived here. inmost Q FI 3:1' x sn�. �.;zt. of them only 2 years, but it was safe, FFFIclean, a wonel°Maki r `he 6 birth, and have lived in Teas all my life and I've on'y bpp, .c �:a z (a yoa', and this is an unfortunate situation to come into. g. " s'aet 0 at we really have a small company and feel that you oft.;°wag,;e Anaost like if you compare it to my al � : �.�3� F _ ttaa� aaiit by Boeing or the people who built the line of work, woaa piper cub? Is the �'�3� n' `41 VV # <i . ;=.l;e i is t.i�ins of McKinney? I received a letter from them In9�' , haci ', .r. r }so�gS :F'it„lima a bit funny to me that they started operations in 19711. aFF.FF. fi _°o.: =4 97 vot a violation letter from McKinney. It certainly didn't la a era then elves up there. You were aware of that? Ok, that's gooRts of-Nff Iw;-y`rfk still donna get a contract here, OK, you can figure it out:. been k�o the Lewisville landfill? Ok, you guys took a tour of (hat, x�� t' s�,a . OF � a neat: a l�r�litician, I don't know about this but someone men to ()1 E I V, 7 .;n 2 ��fr 1p�'ol�er ty around the landfill to get a little more control of it. i G rL,r j,-kt, that Pneans, but I was asked to ask that. Can Council guarantee Aw t P. 5; VIIIF 01E � L �i$�t` sick because of a leakage in the ground water system, ean'u oWPIF YOU4 to afcepti that responsibahtyT' Mr. Kennedy aaa�;lit°��t� c ktl..�� ;�w�e:d° "I dickey, and so did a lot of other people, saying, we wbl ta,�`tr :,��=�it $s ia� she laousehoId trash. Ok, this is my list of things anal tF yap like have Murry says. I looked like a homeless person lass INII� t arough the trash, and I'm not making this up. This saes it vvws 3:'E1a0A5 aao big surprise there. It says you get to dump it at a recyciin 43i :naIIFFI 'to Faint, and more paint. I didn't 18 bring the antifreeze ju g, F -, nasty, and a can of Thompson Water Seal, not full(, but it w.a , oWl I"101u Or so, but all of this goes into a normal landfill. Jack Walters asked wh� v cgs a e3 (ACP UR IWSSion for this, not a public meeting violation? Mrs. Tyrone, to.re� �tnt to know whether or not going into a closed session., in t.enrl.. Ear' "i .. . s dom of the contract, was this a violation of public meetings. Louis l�tichols e �i't�c ���� ���� ��,� b:.�,iaviceain� �vl�icla you referred, refers to consider acquisition, of cai � ° . x�, �r� ^.�. gni of estate may be considered in a closed meeting is not in vi€'.'dJ -„ , -Iy. S,;3 if the person reading the laws the decision was the acquisition o F ..� �s; �� "_ t� � V r I 'dd of i, e. a violation of the public meeting. , ai- z vfi a for iist.ening. The folks in the galley thank representatives ff a� you very much for ui�js ' "ii &nake this as quick as possible. My first concern is -for the It .a � t� �'�� bee. , : The question for Mr. Kelly is how close does the perim eC U7 v nc. . 'j c GLUe to Lake Ray Roberts?" ';�t is the closest public. water well to the proposed landl'i,l' Tlv Mickey I+'loocl - 1'1flee WS Corporation." Jack Walterw ' :iK� ,����;4=�d:��� as 3 <rr t sn• p°:a°���nn tKie boundary of the landfill is that Mickey l{loo�l � `"1ll feet from where flee northern edge, about 800 feet fi•oi ��� <<..;� xr a�� t��°��i��;�~ty liy�e and another 300 feet from Lois Lane to the Public t.5o,-t ~ t Y Jack Walters 9 I doxf y p„�,;5 � t 40 %ca vn i)i's�' bnt l faave some more questions for you. Does anyone kno�;v ���:a ���;�- �_ �` _'.��a� ti�at �aater will serve in that one area?" Mickey Flood "R '44',11 ihig report." Jack Walters �`; t�i� , �1 2A<�d U �,a�� m ���z���y people are served on the acquifier, and 19 for lack of a better J n ; �:� s .xa commes out of Lake Ray Roberts and points south to the citi � t E�a�a �aa, i xst,lilt 5 Dallas, and points on farther south of Dallas. That is a maj ��> �<, � w, i, . appi,, for all of those cities and you just told me that you' , i nail , and a half to two miles, and 1200 to 1500 feet away from )O s V tx 4 ell ilaal: serves the City of Sanger. This is atrocious, this Is der ,N� ' Mickey Ia'lood ;'i �,t Apo<;,Px a t 6 r aFr:Aiil ttac e already and it has been carefully reviewed, and we, a-%o' vtalfil (Ikll n evalnuation to make sure that we can protect it and all the areas, thug l : is a § '.W?A we 90pin protect it, we believe we can protect it and that will be sul, -p iu� to th . PoIRCO .as well as the City for their opinion not � Ubt UU1 UPIIIIs-Pag» heavy rainfall 1 Ac " : _ 4'ae f 54 Enlai, comes from the north side of that hill going into f stl=s :.5 aw% 1An the amount of water that one sees run off..( applFa ase)< �4 Wlva7 can science tell us about how long this landfill can protect ;y « �s, F. €: _;J, I t +�.:�rs from today, because I'm not worried about me, but Pill W5'gIrk�eO aa3(a�n, �a a `�'a�AUx�'�'��8, and tale generations t0 Come." Sanger has had La i.wvj ` f3 60 yeans. that I'm aware of and that is a lot closer to them' .,rvate s�v��€i ' AY C4C 94"'A g to be. Mr. falters indp� �4�. � r ��:,t a � x � �� it coy=�t�°a�iicted them° policy statement that's in a letter addes.s( ci ' M1.ekP,tbtl I1ay 5th of 95. The Policy statement is that IESI is cg�aaa ¢ G �v�. >z €; I i:, xo the integral part of the community it serves by doijafiiw, , _ F y «t y' ,:'t Sc zwho ; to various schools, meals on wheels, senior citizens cdonslprtqoyfg�ms and more. He stated that this clean up program is WiNat thzr , ¢ . <i j • sgI t zN.ow. and restated that it was in the policy statement. Div aske ;Ihe 4 tt' �, ': ;a,; ;�cogd gas the corporate citizens and to consider the facts he had gi ��.n ;N�` ,E� 21) Kl)Derts, and the public water supply. He i. :.r t#: t Inc i ;r ioca Lion. He then stated that there are asked thane not to i ,� a lot of folks rlo���ns r. t 3 L3i'ia -e ��y wivhat comes out of this lake and the tributaries it flows MAW,s ;F q � # gat tb;2y please consider these too, and not just the folks inSanger. �� i:�r�= h. ; ao lI �a° issnC5 and indicated that he did not need a response. Be state _vznant trey nad received that night , that in the bottom right hand tt it a:h st �Ub,'tl � D Final Capitol honor System a.� -s *z �t ° VI _° � uag °t� t County 'Texas. He stated that he did discount propose not think Sanger vllfls ZI `44 4tA. a n t auty ;i-Ja indicated that his point was to show u . i �,€ 3 r °�<z} ioo Ada One little mistake with this landfill that mistakes happen can cost us all a va'hcV. , V:F4 �z . ��d t�sk;e ;ity Council, and stated that he would stop at this, lie asked .C!iut the vomnuittee that will oversee the study of the proposed laneeUE I. F•I17 Mayor Coker i t to k4. f{ c v.A �W Wxls� tAty Council. D1Scusston on Vl 5 j T� hi .} v��G�MA£ V3'u�Hld Poll®w Mr. Walters aal�Xr� Ajj 1 ! f i : , ,_ (,� t' Y, H." V OP Y e 'in this. Mayor C®ker SG4a iA Hi ql�. C.0 2�-1,j 4n{{34. p. �'<i`�of d $,��.��� $mot, nnless they Wanted to be. this from the stari` w ,r_ ___. c•�_e --. _, _ x ,r. _., .. _xz .� _•,. -. _.. _.. ___.— _____a_x--- ___SaL aY. ...a .,�.8 ai..,a 1... .it.l �.tb �qq.4@� �3' +�i C6^�.f5{�+,9IlYpl O'VS/9.�IIi 6ASigL 7,�7t7i��ll@I LtAiflL I1G lllUll !, think that the Cwaz� '- ` F1"Krlt iais'a�� {U'1 ,@ u� needed to ask �Lr10CCr bugging hint for t roI � �vl x;yor thai Ire had called him one day and asked him to tall,: :$ ~< <g .r j =rt04. Ave stated that he appreciated the Mayor taking lies end fl!?; x there. were a lot of emotions in the room, and that he appredrfA d he IAA l � � . �. t;efe in dealing with the residents ,of Sanger. He stated that tie l";l ,,ov �V.'a !a f Ac%er s i Job in understanding their point. He stated that he i iU k q that the business community of Ft. Worth or Dallas vvol l�l � �._, �� �'� er to IAay golf on a golf course around a 200 acre landfill. lie `: �� �`r 3> 'C"a plirdd eatd his comments by making this statement, "Everyo' r �4,snuc3 was spold for a mere 30 pieces of silver, don't sell us wit eitt ei , ,hr.lr E: ry,f � y ¢ ;�t� �'�itptre of Sanger." Mr. Walters stated that he felt he hwl �wo-i n; xx. Ogil=�l, aam thanked the Council for their time. Ms. Tyrone ths�m�� �: ` , �� ,-u ;z �'� ��r� tik�ae, and indicated she would now entertain a litre op s , Y e r �V MiJk t6)"'WE the person who was up to speak was Chris Hayes, the _,€ ' .. �::_ f � k Ior a couple of minutes to go through the questions Clt ref x ', °t,t U I io A" a;li<e Ms. Tyrone t,o t�Sy. "How deep will the landfill Mickey Flood, N :I j r;.„ ''a?: he relieved by how deep that the question must �°et'eb< fe �,��.�R�2 �� level, ��e st:ated that they would not know the answer to that MailK ,-ail tldrilling to make sure where the groundwater ib # 1 �, a„ l AYA, t layers of protection lie above that. He stated that they v� - �r 3 xl ll 2"1)oagZ 2,5' holes or about a third of the way for a�� s r ; a vcps re they drill even more holes titan that. the initial inveetg��. He restated that hc- fi vid ° 0 U S fuels, and continued to explain that so far they had dal .w' isi a €, a.c.tfaely IRIr'ace. He stated that the TNRCC rewires certain ds.l `, d the initial boaring plan and that 21 the answer was t14sa uiA get he dlata you don't know. He continued to explain that they s t a5 �a 's y t' �. �r , � ' d +0 n� shallower holes, and that now they are looking to go deeper f€4 =4°; � lwFtwe they Characterize exactly what they're doing there. Someone fI°or�a tl��t Utz it r i aVZYb * t Discussion fr�3 3'�'co�F€'��t know because t er x'i the-i-4fter is, until drilling actually displays water valves, and *, 41`u#atls., Brief I�iscuse>�����„ Ms. Tyrone ad���•�:;�> >. s� , � �u � � �� �. t�,e �:�•owd, she asks if lIe would like to tell him what This �:CIM�_ r.t GI.� �13 t i is riot asking a question that he is making a From crowd.,a i;t 4 i� 4:�k t,� :o'47d low far the shell actually goes. Ms. 'Tyrone state, t�� ��=X,�� tii��r i�3 �£° 'l,�CC. She reads the question. '°I am on Bolivar• �� 5'.p : �• � Y k : � 3yc, ';�r��afill is across the road from my water supply, how is thus r > ;> .04 . .;,; va e ',i' ; tpply`?�r Bill from 'I`�1���`�'. k���i���, a��ything in house at this time, and to the front aNA`. E w_ t cmra at the bare minimum there are requirements they l lot-lsi 1._-tat is something that can be worked out in a healing or I'll. my .,5fit E, :� to create an application that goes beyond minimum requir°craren.lE>. Qj.,;ql 114-41 it T;ras really hard right now to say how it would affect the '13".M�:�.�;w Agt4l a, �r;; indicated that he did not know, and explained that ibis r z f s <z° ,.} ,t tl shell protruding 59' below ground surface. He stated Ucv.M ioa in house it was hard for him to say. gIe said then that Um� (MOP -St ki the section, and that he was one of them. He es pl uneri �� ;q, � �. UR ��lrarge of reviewing the parts of the application that ni the area, and indicated that there are three people assigkwd =J ooA ti e landfill meets the minimum requirements as far as groundw atetv e ghulicaged that was the best answer he could give. Srief discussi€� i3 < 1lils. Tyrone coaat;i���e�> _ ���. �� �� �� �.: �ln�.;�ti�n. "does the acquisition of the rules give the right to vote &n, f sf,t° win �. ai}a :pit bc, and closed doors" IVIs. Tyrone yt�ted x ,a' a..:r:{yy 3g air°early killed that horse a couple of times. She state) ti`in aIe Co Y"K, sz,43p$ sa;d That they being the attorney as well as the Council gave i EP ifov that meeting. She said it may not have pleased them, hat o Fo o autAhcr question. She continued to say that if they wantef" � �2h° �.a.d: x 'S-vi, r ar ano,1her answer that she would suggest they see the >�tar� .y� wu it = � r � I--Igh Zand ask him, then said Thank you. Ms. Tyrone r�o��3i#g{�.r,}; :;���, i;�, _�: �_�cstion. She stated that. this question was addressed to tl3e i t, k t, xy w ont:s. to be a good neighbor, why is he threatening to lay . °t 9. tI 3 t ; e,VI , sai(� ire wonid pack up and leave if we didn't want it.1P 1l�Iickey li'lood, It+ �:Fi a =4� , i r5x ;� Ss��P,�ks�: �1�4�t lie said in a postcard that the option was there for tna- - ,3z,rf AJ�M„l�f..n�i; d 41 at, they please remember that they had entered into ffi a �: � V., ��Ie, d� city, e ne stated that they had done so very conscious of mone.y.. -_ 3 . I :aaat tiaaae they had asked that everyone be sure they were all xis: explained that they had spent good, hard money develop."W -' rz4 �� �� � �. fight now 4 tie stated that it was an option, but that he truly beKieved I W� YT �2 ...en e Aw night. that they did have a contract with the city. Discussion and IVIs. Tyrone adds f%hs,i s ,9�.��'e� ' � i�� tl�iasg of it is, you have soave very real where you liwre, *V zap= j-al ��en` a p Esaf G rvfects you, you don't need to discredit, and in order to h b iAwAe l t1a go there. You can still vocalize your concern and yoe. w ti:� z _ t ;} ; 4, li c * zr p fre nv any other city than I have gone 23 to. I want you to ������ � ��4 �=a� -;� �«_'� t �;. There is nobody that has come to a meeting that has said, � o(or .. $aKa.di'iil. So I want you to understand that your emotion is very ea i 'a_a h�,'3 a, ,, v�gu)u don't need to go there, we can hear it, and I can hear You � ������������• �r< i� carf vi47alk up, I am not a God listening to what you have to say a� Sa3' roA�r �yo ri waft up, you can tell me that after it's over with, but lets not Ax �� ����� � �1� �a��ve chUdren here and we have elderly people. Lets respect them fi� iuoe Mr. Fletcher III lk�dAt x ;;a M4r'R k i . r o asil.l for specifications of Subtitle D, and the rules anid 90VIS CO I,% z;,J'e4tvely strict. He indicated that anything that they build, lVh 2 ` as ?' a, ' ` tent, of any other company or city it Voulu llave LO UuInply vvl5 'x K '.r3ak. ta.sa � asauan®aacau caacac o=.•.Ye ......�... »_. there to protest ffie lnd said that if they did not believe that they Id could protect ttie �, �y . ��s s� E ., t _ th' y would not be going forward with this process. Ms. Tyrone coo �� x�r =� �, ti � �. s, � � ��� �xis�� • "�7tility woad will be used to tguck in trash, does the e R =Y a ¢ .= r E x 4a4>x sltij4 pende it School District is going to have part of their sci o(A ds Our lii h school students will be driving right along side -NA(1;Zc t Ms. Tyrone i1�3���ra��, � k�;� �< r�s ti ,'.,���x,s._..��'�s the �l�mestion correctly, that they al•e saying the stadet*3 �` iar p aa°;t m :>jr- sizo, or are they building along that area so the stu e, nt s y: c :�� K ,A �� ���1'ic, and that is your concern? Someone frol�� 1��� ;;ti 4 f•=�� �_.� .`, tl��„�a. is a a'a�ility for Ldncation on that road. ion on that road ,and asks if it is that they waIjt �, ; -�, I III,�;x A °��- -� '� & III ��� tN they are making will be affecting children that a� r: q � � �ia�c;;u0 . is "Do you know that that is there? its been taken into consideratiolt. Ms. Tyrone cont�.�4441,'�1 _ "When detrimental to the community, shouldn't there tD�:� �F E;� f�,; zs � �����ry� not i�el�i��d closed doars'I" Ms. Tyrone asl�c�� ?S'o�3`r� as �°e.)uld they have a public election On this issue'? Crowd responds "17ysl". Mayor states th<�� iw �.r City Attorney iax icpLA E K �� or uger i s what is called a genel•al law city and that there is � fwl a e ty to hold a public election, where a question is sll��<,ie�k�".ir n��nr. 'r � 8 oaA if they had a choice, it would guarantee a straw -;-ci lw-A .�.���r�,� �k���)De'>inding, there is no provisional law binding on this issue, that `i : w,'E4 ;:+it y=, 'xis ; b ">old f such an election. A man from tY��a{> 9�4 i"''e'+ ��t�� t' '�iil'e�'e�ce in that and a dictatorship? If these people are Lgoiugii4kTA "�Tr US, go vote behind closed doors, my God they do �Jh�.z t. }; r a _dwLn9t hwfeoe a say, we deserve a say in our _.. °d_. :..s., I.Pi A-. 2. %.,-.-ci- no" "ann9A wa"n 4 avian hP ion there_ )' 1;191llElfllEltlkB., 9.@ i3 r{reb;w 4Sa:+.a ,,. s^.:e, aKv-ae. .r- cr.aw...a. �rvvpv.v .r.... ..., «P they're 60 years ei�i, ' ; $,j¢."atiq� they're going, they're going to be ,one, here's yoY ;��€s �:3���� � _4 �' "s° �"fing against the wall, these Kids." Sherri Lewis, �i�t.� �n r � y � i � � �. z � rA > ;s���'� �;sed. the City Attorney and asked if when he went ����r �� act X� ,��� a, a,. �,�gaae� this order for them to buy this land, if he had sign w = a> City of Sanger, ills att®Y°Iley T1`e �w� 1ii Slears.If V6'oodl•ow I�artc���g �s� f �' � < < � �� �, VAX � �° :� K ��1 e��ld�~es�ed the City Council and the Mayor. He asked 'If EF: E 4 .ai .e_.R-nc the expanding landfill what happens`? IVlayor Coker ia��� L �,�_._ar , � ��:e�i4°ai �1�q.�i�i riot annex the expanded landfill, nnless they were is by request of w,Ti ' r x d S M 0-i adPoining land adjacent to the land that's being regiie`1p:L Ak Al = ; .g.-ove, zap be done in that way, by being asked. n oj Mr. carton tive .l„j- City onncil to annex this expanding landfill and the City t'�a5���°ii " �i� :� a..x �t�� �� ����aa€i�d iandfill land, what happeIlS? za�,����. ����-�. ��� ��i�ot st�atca Mayor Coker �es that he can't imagine the City Council I•eflasi��g �2r �{�5_�:,: �,�3 ,as .�.'t� ���hi�a� i�r�r�ag�it in because of the taxes. lrlr. Barton state �� � �,t y��'sti€an. He says that he i5 getting the feeling that file a��o�� ��_� �_'`�`�' �i_vi tiaey ��= a�SI will submit on behalf of the city may be sog a� Sa¢ ^e `,, a, � aw � ti�� road, and if T CC tapes three or four months ti€eras ,�Zv:�V wo. � y_ r Ple,Z� L-:)g:a of rile v�' InAlority Council members that 25 would fail to a W._ thek�l� �� � , ,f , nii s to sexy that if that happens Sanger would not get the golf €: r would not get the windfall or rebate from the garbcvge would' =g ot. get any royalties, Sanger would get nothing. Mr. Barton iind' rc a,,-ed it �i ouid a afwe IESI with a lease agreement with the City of Sanger for the 2S a41 v es *jast a landfill.. He suggests they ask the Council that if they enter hinto thjw core to cxe t tl-wy PA rescinded is that a legal contract? ayor Cokei• s ate'd tt� Ifi t Ms €)C al) 'W we had a contract to receive the royalties and so forth, that. he 0�i'1�vcd! Ulu c ,' o sl ree ive these royalties. Mr. carton i�a�l��,�t_�;�1 q ���.3„ ,� , �� ' a���t �r�6_ia� the contract, that was just rescinded, .:,.. -. „. ,. ,-, a.. ---.__..._ •d _...e. .....,._.,.mot_. a...... ....1 3tateuo illi i➢nly F-Vf: zvn J1 E �.0 ><dS 3 ran3 �� �.c �u�e ee wag cairn �av�ecaiy uvir�, give because of a y big r ,z s„ AtIK '€ IA t, k; aril would answer that question. Ms. Tyrone asl���d i���� �r.����}1� �, � Y ���� t'ir��t question, to get an answer, then ask his second question, Mr Barton state�x �:�� Ys.Hv ���yr���, �,l-,y� �����1 tl-ae �`ouncil recommend that the city rescind the exist g� foAn f'.e .'"` Mr. Barton stated 620' :: _} : - : ; t ` i<: (tn Nlayof) to ask him (the attorney). The City �ttczan��� ''���1.��:;9 r�. �� __; ., �:•�.� �;��s���ndation, in conducting the city meetings, the sicnid' iuvgh Mi'orniation to put the public notices of what was being c�� �: a rt r:� tn�dkr ate c��ti��ued, therefore it didn't comply r 1�� with the i•equireie ���. ,,�� _ .. �� $ asp d stated that the act was vol dable, which means to sO' ,;-401er itan have an expensive lawsuit, that he would recon-anend "t ¢t el very technicality in that agenda did not have the a2ecess x 'r _ )k" 'i E1. 0 1.IPO We know it was going to be voted on. The City AttE:pff'��e�• :�v�z�l� "�r•6�� °, Someone froin cro�lt<! U t Ms. Tyrone a19ked f � .- • ' 5ak5 ..Answer. The City Atto�aeg° �•� � �.7� �rt7�� •_° {;F ���1 a:�;��°li.��•, and indicated that the reason he March 6, 1998 s;Y, 3'11 rR nff i_ � �� HA s k'ti ease information to advise the public that the question +- , „�} u3 �,; ', s„�lnl:� avi r s l�cnia�g considered by the Council that tl as f. k shop as. J hat on the agenda it was not proper night. He stated notification undee• dwAA� �� ,y .x let the- people know that they were going to be voting on it e ��_ �� � ,', � s � �mml mean that their actions would be voidable in a cc�ee t of�'., ,. s'M�'s i? s: i�r I lee recammend they go ahead and rescind it, and then peep: it �a .�� %e discussed openly. Mr. 13afl•toi� aSl�cml �� _�� �� ��;e _t�;���e �tE,:t �=c�xeti�eeeeel that in the interim between • • e r. a_, '"�. ,°i, }' >,.-,.a,,. ,, r>e-c4o+nnE 4�n %'�i4s� [i�i$�t T�1 �T �IAC rescaaiuing Li a. "I6 U 6A t d?�i� �^-: w bais.i3 7'iegya submitted air.. apta�a �� ��<� t= �e:oi t'eieil for a grant for66fD,h00 to build Utility Road, and -r fl up to this dump site. He asked, "shouldn't Heat � �rl� cst� E� ce 2.,-slccd treat if we have no contract, then why do we hove e, t �.. d) seed. again "shouldn't we pull that application?" The attorney i�i�tie��4 �.���: �,� .ai3 �� t#.;�;��: gat *his early it is not issued, if there is an applications, because there will not be a grant from the state. Mr Barton Staff c, .' n , E t g . r r.. I' k "TWO different state organizations, and ; i > Which provides Special money for he was talking sue ; s u community didn't think there :'i } 1_�� s � i 0d f �;,.,zk��Y � 's MR��i.��'. Austin. He asked: " � �. �s. r , i M,.At INU all write them a letter stating that no permit's been WeANHot even a contract." Mayor Coke��° tti�� q�• � :�::; � j,-.-� ��{t ti:glst, the Council did, to appoint a withdrawing flee ao i€wa when they would do that, and stated that it wGuI i r� 4� U 61.111;1'2 woield make, and that they certainly could not make t, ae .Y _3.� T D r � t t�;e it Ise i i was not on the agenda. Mr. carton e�e��= fir. ,� ��� ���ex�,'�n,1 tof flee committee. He asked how long City Council w��a R g,a ., �-- .:: ..: � ;��e�ya a� ��e �o state the facts according to Roy Lemons' letter t Mayor Cokex•�b Tp�� to have something in 30 days. 27 1VIr. Barton UvE .i�r�3 to 30 days, then it was time to hire the experts, he it fiict l ,r w 11721 Flood d to hire the experts, they would Fly hire their 01"14h IViayor Coker smied fl _� i i Me Oa IAA WcAlid be tine. ay or Coker advised Mr. Barton they cou'Ad �Q gat to, but that as far as the committee's concerned they Isivoulo" f e,, : 3 � �m v', .rys; J r report hack to the Council. r Bart01% t.l�eE� a3;' 4�I CIF I II '� a;. that what I'na sa in the Council Mayor interrup ,'� �,�� ���,, .��;��si3�ii;9 y g9 t AM, .1rNr IWO A A- r I. r a� aeaaeni t thpoe O"Mmittne We will discuss this l�1te ° 06 . -i l ? a.�� ���i'orined meeting on it Mr Barton." li/Ir. Bartontat�� f Lf ., �a « >t ��ii aced he would give them 3® days, his opinion right ,ngDi=Nv 117s. Tyrone sa��� �k�:.� n•��ta�:��� t�� il�e list of people who wanted to ask questIOILS. I 1,T, �fjes 'tack to the list she has Chris Mayes, Bob Johnson, and I».ko wwendd go back to the questions. ChI•is Hayes, be,pti��� ,>r.., r�.,�a..:_ �_�� : 3�;,� a�����Y cl.�borated on a theory in regards to where she was wok .� :��r ,t�l ��,3aF ,S' tigers concerning a landfill. To Mickey I+lood,-o::s,.se issues and all these facts, and I think it simply cz=its a } t ' �rd3m.:he landfill, period. She felt that they were all sipu.6, debate these issues, and they needed to focus and pi� �,Y by L4; i a �kx4t is we don't want the landfill. Her question to Mickey x �sj : ;"e .,Yy, �; � 3°::� 5 �� ls��'s have you actually put into this project?" lAr. Mood ansp:``, i this flirnlect right II4D%i' iII excess of I million dollars. g�ne-ral guidelines as to what that encompasses. ,IF III 1VIr. Flood staftx-J Elta4 1�VIr ::i) r R� rmeet orith the committee, alternatives l4s. Hayes_::� L.�>- .��r� � ;�,I���, ts� gi��e a general guideline as to where that 1.4 million s " zs z.2 r ..Ti 's„�tv } then asked now many hard dollars hadg�been spent g A�4d ; �; _ �y`>< " tl � /, ) tflviy y s 6alp�Lno{t/p what is projected, but today nArl ho�/' inany 18avU cb,'i ..$s(4 u �.�f ��. aY �sv 34; Mr. Flood reslao���es€ �� ���� �.. � ,4<.�.:�=s sst' t ���illion dollars right now spoken for through this p, gIVICL Ms. Hayes sl:a�.e � ��� .�� � az� � ,-�i- 5�`ta�'3 �aot spoken for. She said that she wanted to know vvlkaO '°,: � � i&DLA. Crowd respo�t�E:t;� .sy�.,�,�;t that note is cali; t -true that. you're going to have to spend the money"?" Discussion. Mr Flood stated IJt,jwe,. : r > °�r ,.t:< iN§onest answer. He stated that they had ea'> >>: ,� t ;> �Q r.. � eACCs totally involve} 0 s of 1 million dollars. Ms. Hayes asisp3� i£° � ,;'f �sy °'„�? 4�° i � ���rrz:�t ���s�s in that 1.4 million dollars. and asked wi�a� rAts ' }_� , A e fA. r tn� sit. down with the commission and go over theta Ms. Hayes give her a ge�aa�� ail og¢ ;µ,; ..�` �� �>� �. �. �, bFa��r:��r�u �la�llaA°s had been spent in engineering fees, in drilling l�e��� ��..��� .��,4��.� .��3, �.�ItAzya 2M41 Indicated he was telling her he had spent 1.4 aullport -� Mr. Flood stateT��1 Ai cfiI6Tss of 1 million dollars. As. Hayes asked.; l�Ir. Flood said, ':> 'gib � Someone from crcm �, _: � : � �°,At; €_ MSG �v,F Mr Flood sari, t 4Po4tl� fg2 C-!.!P 3 tl1is, but IIp until tonight the City and IESI had fog°���.x��Sw �� �;� ,,,rya€c Svc leased, we did not purchase, the property for the cea¢%fAk, ,oi„ Aj9 tt i n itf 1. _` In an apeIl meeting, a regular Called Council meeflno; =a. »t K °.` a- x t`tatt used on a technicality of not enough information in x€ ; �l< z , "'s, r �, r:tiz° casx r Q question, that when they went hack and looked at all 0k it SET s et 'An=;t 10 years to see what was put on the agenda's, lie would drx vird not see a lot more information, than what +9, n 6f i- 6aA {H gib Rcu 5 , 4hA fan"fret YV Aa 11 WYEq,. isiLN..,6c_`..- IVIs. �Iayes st.aa ,o �}� 3 t.: ��� „ter ,ea�at, =;lie �a�;trnued that 10 years ago they did not want him off t ,e'O Hw,u tney wanted him off their back tonight and they wee°e€�7 ,� :t< s_. ��=:lit they could to do that. She then asked based on l�k l r_or%_.`sa f �,; iono e •standing that the citizens of Sanger would do whatever 1 � r�' r.t :a for herself, she continued that maybe they would take €t) o" ti : s xz74A {L� s .� e filling to do whatever it took to get him (IdII°. t+'load) a:z 3s n t °. k+'l Foci if lie was going to fight tooth and nail or if he as -of v:A 1'i14 Nor Flood indicl.c) .%-< o Y�� .��¢ gel' N�iing away from a I million dollar investment. The ;dawn and came to some other amicable IesDlr $ *'A It u. _lllnis do that .e indicated that when they went into ttnps, € r� _ z u ,,: i mere was no malice intended, and IESI had come to deir good project. He indicated it would give strong eco �o n�€ c€k ` .,,,s 3 , . �) , ::1 iF� t sde for long term disposal, and it would enableiv i.; > „.€pV�� x landfill that is very badly needed. l�II•. Flood sti���l �l�st�3 H, 't.� � . ,r �.a�.fl �i��, '1'l�� fig~st comment was if someone was out trying to n€�;� _.. kw: �xit:+ . tx�x9�tiate far different portions of land in the newspapers. r f ; K 3 ,_ °� ;7T '.Tvilues and the property values on those four pieces kcbl r t , :;i t7s ometric progression, as far as the notificationo t ait ���a � ��:it ��.��.: � ': e'�:' �r'ol It ���� voted on it was in open Council meeting and then > 'FN z > ri 3pd. 1 i F t �iy A € rney addressed the fact that he did not think I9 13 a:.. 02' 'a` r ��N to t3etty Biveli asl�i�.��� [W _ w+'t ,�. i <�=-s��=,�� r ' t�� the City✓ Council were the land cantracts settlef�`y IVIr. Flood indMit€:?c{ $ap�d someweave not, then indicated that there 30 Were four pieces Ms. Bivell stated 1mT.re _1'h0tsd had this land all ready dealt and done, and then he ��03 ��t� � � �� ,la ��,; ��� ����' people and told them what was going on, and that he did no -T. Mr. Flood respWA> 16V, E A;4 ,SK; 11,fl I �I: F kl :he land deals done 1➢y the time they had entered intG�.,x' < €�I: �;��� ��z. �'o� ll aner��bers, to reiterate that she just s:,�:t _heat they do not want a landfill. She wanted to keep x . w .B g.r _ .��.. _ . - ;_...,� ._. 3!a _m.A.aaA.. �..;•.� nL... Awn.$ LznnHrl Lsem cnv� aaearessen the J�✓i� Ica io lv 5 3,". i x 2d 1;., -4 a K w oc '<Y 1EHIC ag"q 13Stc Ax"%A uust a. ag,x�a vsey that he wa Q�sc�t ��t°��x tP.r��::��; and asked who told him to keep it ender wraps. Mayor Cofer r�,�,�,t7 � .: dx3 '.. ..,?��:_��..�asslern a���ongst all of thenfl. �e then said that he would l �� ,� � , . �� � t t .n�� � t that she had just made. The statement that aycal Coker continued, and indicated that in 1988, there yvas « t r ;gym �7G �: F -z N -roin the school, the City Council, the City of Sanger, and tfie �y �,n � __ �:H' r �r,�� .�'.�.�:, that consisted of over 500 people who were involved r ,�. � t, ;a::� =u �� -r�� items that they asked the City Council. to coy sld,- v , _. _ . =a' � . r ��� .� they were put. in order to what they felt was then�.3t ;�: ".��_��.:M V_��uldn't recite all of ties items, but that he could tell ,k(:A pul lac library, number 2 was a swimming pool, number 3 r;- A. �,; _ � E e�awas a landfill. Mayor Coker couldn't remennber numbf.p� :_ , . a .�_,.� �3 ti ; la_ be-faeved was the golf course, and the list Went on up to ,y ., � -�':-; C. tihAel'Ar ipidlcated they have records that were Signed by the c It zi i .. current issues, that he was elected to lie like Ill ."". i101a I p:rl 51111ger. She Wanted to encourage him to continue doing t ilkr4 . IS � F ; G l °, �e �t Cie voice of the people and not to represent his olvel VMh T;::.. 13ob .tohnson, � � 4 Andlcated that he Was president of a the Forth side of �rkgl.e due west of the proposed landfill, and it is righi o �; � =x �a � �"lU It Since about the early 1970's. They had always had Ea VU1SMW= _} R. � , . ap J being a residential or commercial development. He, "�'camcil would life that too. They had waited for the �����T :F�a� �� �:�,�� e,; � �° UMjrelr ently they had noticed that a sight would pick up o€ r . t. - � ";�+ M .I: VPIA y placed on that property. Mr. Johnson inch"�waAL � �. �as� a ha131 t sign was put there that they didn't have any phrwi � , a , ;: � ', _. �.d in the last sip months they had 31 received one phomp,(( iR :': �4, n '� "s�detPa1)LA "�e�� property, expressing all interest In buying the pl'�t� 4 ?" 'y .LP-11 ` 4. "vv weeks, they had a Very SerIo11S offer to buy the plrop , ,;; AIALA w _<; : < le ad of joint venture, Those contacts immediately b��f _�_; r ,rxf'�af�s`�atioaz came ollt, and this pal-tictllar person proceeded to �x �.4F"i, T CILIA �)��nton in fear of the landfill. He indicated ' ,A ,>', �_ g ii�car point of view, they were very that It lead scQal•eel concerned aboadt the hn• f, �-.` . s��l� G x�i� i���c-a done. it concerned them greatly that the City Coeanc i �f= < J, :�} _ lEsgl'ill, and the word out in the Denton County Real Estate t 3.n � f 5l: _ � ,� r� 7:w-i sal a lot of real estate brokers at this point. l fir, J�aha3s.a � t-A �N .:.� ,, a � �..3 si,: rep~al examples scare people away from this community g zk63 j 1 .;)-qAil °' ;P�d of thRings. Their Concern was more in �- _ .,.:A 1�5renQr �i t�eP�i1�s that were t; +3L' {YJ ante svtatntati:ta.s�ae ,�s,.a^�, k a,...^G� ;. .. ti,_.�nY..,x".. °e.._..._., ..__._., ...,_., stated lip there, for l > zL'O 4y i4i.eat seelued to him that the amount of income was very � St .x' ris'. Y ifillei w€illld of course require some increase in taxes �� r , �� ,.; .. .. ,: ri ,xv its v,-ne of his fears. He was considering going back to T�� � P.� - , ,;AL_.. ; , r : w:� ; f::� k°� assess his property, and to lower the property 'v.�410j.z,y sz -,y rt s a ._dt. door. They were all going through that now ill tllel, �� ,+ s a Elsa°tylotices, This could decrease the tax income, tile �.. � r= _°t - ..A.:� ` _ : ; � x � 1°. Johnson indicated this was not a fact, but a reap �c ALI 310. tA � ,r, , , � % 1 .. 3. x: AIL- � .�� o reassess their property values on our own property CCi 4�Y..k "� .i ,. i'L� 1 v..4: rJ.*.Y��i''�fi°.Y year. Discussion. I+rir..ioht�soaa cE�� '��a� H;4 � r� ;.. ��.__,� 4a���f tl��at in the future the economic gain as a result of thie fi l.A, to :�ir � z � chian any kind of gain that the City would have as 3 t F ti. O: ,'I A tlL at w0ght occur. They think about the Landfill ill Tay°� A— A �,.v.�, ti:3 `: o _ Lim N/,AV"illo he could see all of North Texas was thinking., t�� r�.�'� .�:r� � .���x r:�fz�Y �.Ae��-� are so many places for development to go that he _ W(J ,^ E S _ e ,f .) other directions, Joanne To.obel � ,,.. K:� Al � tc. t11�} last. time she had talked to them, slle had aske� l�wi.a �, F<z �s .. � 1 0, r�_ VA.e .= �A aloe � i ;ht a wrong, and she indicated that she applaa fA d ._ W� _ 4. $!,.;0i t '' � OUL indicated that whenever there are two opposing vier, , ALL,: s xAt<a roiiVation. She indicated that landfill companies ace a ��:: , . _ .. „ . s x �, tt � _�€. � l�Lao�� how to get into a community. She indicate;; tt .i3. ,s, x t x, _ ,: C. YIda a:,gkof unusual, she said that it is usually the read that gs t.dj. Rig , . r< `�� ' ' w t ,, � i cress asaan and that his motivation was simple. She . ,'� '�' a� iliou dollars, and she had a rhetorical question fog° , .. 'i w', a t: ;: �.:< w, rill ions does one person llI She told hint that lay_� ... i LAU,��, aa� t roperty, and a boat, and vacations, which she lead rgoiry -;14 y j �Y�3:i ''ia. _Tionda with 190,000 miles on it. She then IndlcaiQi .y ; `,� 1 ,;3 e i his environmental Side, and Said that when she heap d ' `sy,� yFa kI � � j " a v _ �f ;.1 "slate of the art" anything that she 32 always thought o' F,. _. �,,:..� ;ua� :.�kx. 51,' Chat s "state of the art" that's a little scary. the was go API ,^ At.A T �a on groundwater, and she had made this brochure„ withv�:x ..F. 0. xFA Jexperts to go against what ever he said, and that he ��g� aY �=f -t� � �r�a _�st whatever she said. the stated that it was politics, but s >: ., t e question for TNRCC,"flow much credence dotes _H ,::> aVA K application process. A representati�� '�� �:' _�:� `�. ' 3� �n���� �=;gat first of all he thought the issues the citizens are thins it 9.a 'j .,. a t t If it has to go before the board, and indicated they rnakg..Pct A; 5 � J z lfe� r not there is need for a public hearing, and that means la �v �° ti t �k�w . amq then when it goes before a judge it is e._...._s. ,..9 t-a._ •„ ..,.?,, ,.x. a-k....-..f E- €-B,n.�o� a��e�nro-4naz41�� LiCaAECI! 4,iSS; a�31!& �: :%E3 = ..sr3,.: sarta'gi eaeS.eiAlf iaicsaa.. pii.�''ivils�iisur`-a..a.e-1e1J aIPA ffected isywxxbt, s.hf �2.. gztt €i�plicant is first, and during that t��.._. � r s � i�r�e they m� lie toe m t per, in terms of looking at that pert, wl eti e3 k~ -,.1nnez3d Iwo programs or that additional infor natioga needgsferic� 4ts will be approved as written le indicated b int have passed. They do what they call administrative Oe. ; f,rE :, y f forward with permission. 1VIs. �obe�~ts �•�°��E>P��� t,, n�-�..,�� : �z . �� � _a� ...� `�.� existing �urnp isn't close to closure, and asked if th z , f represents"<t" E ; h a' y st that it was pal��E�. �P, a� Y r J�, aig , whien there would be closure. She asked if tlJl € , ::}_, # a �cess. Council disc��j�s� I�Ts. ffZobeF�s ads<�6����_.� that. she u��dea•stood that. he wanted to become o��e �� w ��Fa ._ r .� a� �rQ�s ��is motivation, in his business plan, one of the thingst �,.: a k' �- �. s q : � 'k w not in existence a cost effective substitute f��., say a:°4 6 1 ae a :ked him if he had a challenge to maybe tug:° R: t ' f a F. Irk(teader in North Texas for a cost effective s$tb$ga3, s(rti a,.,itr...:a:k �c5srtq and indicated she would like to hear it, he A; fF ...I A PIP} a 1VAr. Mood indiao�6!rmwelves environmentalists, and were also very co�ace�����,,� ,° .:_x,x , ;+y �� ; >�t �� ��1:����t tt�ei�• business. l�tr. flood indicated that the folks theee r federal guidelines. They were very active recycli,�rs q 4Uw,?. ° _ �� _.t :, to asumber of cities that they service 33 or that they proOd h, � c , Jai aa9 JA Mae. process of building an in home facility, a eec;l� ia.� ? a'= s ,.P g° �P �;� �l oard and newspaper. They provide . � i �: � � e O the very few processing facilities in for recycling in j�� North Texas, the , :�r �. x� : .. ��:1, ; l'or a numb of different other cities. He indicated the a r' e r ,t ,.._ u.c.i l,3e home is approximately 60 pounds per weep anal age. } :ya ?:_ "(orotas ;you will generate products of k approximately IS ...0 a.r i 'a ':$ hatleaves 45 pounds of trash. He indicated that iE-a o:,; �: F� �_, .�. �� . 4atives, you loots at burn plants which are extremely € xpefl�d �,�rt �°d"�It � implications for air duality and air pollution. 1� a9. putting on very significant and very expensive sCrbk�r�; a`s q,_ if I I'k: 3 ,;4�r ,s for disposal and an environmentally secure 3UDT1V4W Ij k £ kA agw'n:.�:'� �s2Y"� y Qx�zti flYa VvaaRt% Zvi iuc 3ae"e economical eltlt I.5.o _, ml4 w;4 Al facilities in addition to recycling and comportittg. y ` r a' �..;a i G; 1por ing will not handle all of what is thrown sav"rar . IVVts. �obea°is ;��'�� x �rz �.� � _._��, ':i3E�t, there are some states whea•e there are no longeyI 1VIa•. Mood r�sta��._ f ` ,°_ °_, 4,.�a;dkiils tseig'ag opened in some states, then , they are tra asl e<s' . tip, Fly continued that right now in the 48 continentala�aport. and export some waste. He indicated that '4} < 3 a . , tI; x sporting most of their waste out of state, sendiaag i, ti� � .u'.. . � riaad most states are providing for landfills. Ida°. l . , `` . garbage, it's part of our human 5, he only thin that has happened make up, and Ws �;� , iI, n �' g pp nowadays tlaKar� : f : ';: s t Y 'tb 3Fa viaoaaneental security is a lot more than what it v x� , �..'z .. ;. , I; ; K , : 'e 1800 out of 2000 sites closed. 1�1s. i�io�ertS ht3�� '.��,.� � :'�. `'_` +f "s' '�=<• x5� a����i' `�/�re closed is because of the leachate prolri. }�� .; ai. tot _.oX . = =p`;' it i�jE4 452a g that leachate. he tne13 asked if that was �IN ae w.�s. 'Where as a lot. of arafo�•anataon that is pa•ior to ,� � , , d ..- :� _� ., :. , .: �� � a.a� �i t'��t. men subtitle H caane into affect a maajat oa°v �u' ; _ ,.�`:° � a° �r` % 11,1eky dosed them because of the cost of construction o" :` 4�� .'� oaa the height of the neulogical subsurfacewlacl .. ;, oI �... �,.;,:a,000 aged $500,000 per acre, just constraactaoap natal ��a�s i ,: i. t,ti:: z....,:' Iris. Roberts iaad�a��•.'I000 1;�'��Y�ra ,aast like to reiterate, that they need a leader wlaa r��aii �:;a , .. `;�°�„< <�'i��a�leave to start somewhere, it is their children whore ;�.:' , ..:. s� god, she didn't want them to be stuck with this. `i lay. ¢ _ " _ a i�� glse l the Oty Council to loots at 3� alternatives. tag n� � � �:, > � soi e the problem. It produces more problems than h iVlr. Flood sCrUnl bFValI }.j��.�__€ ��� iolc at any alternative ,and that the unfortunate thing 4IFN4.;..3 t° a aS been in this industry, lie had seen a lot of alteraat ies. ., _ s,ta _ • ent data and on the current laws and regulations. 1 �p��� `�. z� . xn<do : A9 �.ls�tive and the most economical, but said that he �e��.�i� > s . {: other' thoughts they may have.FINL Carol Fore�nt � i `3 .:.t IIF f. IF � ���s :��ssornption that the application was getting approvedo, ti = ��� � W -` A million dollar hit if it is not approved. M[r. Flood. inda�.�'ti °� ,.� .;.•r .�s .,.;,-� eight now and the citizens of danger don''tt step up1 �� �F:e , : _ �.. IFIp o �.g�'rhi.g after entering a contracct with the i.®uncl,?�5�?a,' r..,t'- +�dJ ���r Cna then to decide what the neat step would bt. �s ,ft� 3 �S. Forel�a�t r �E'r.r..��t':} '. � rw��€ ."s�S� ,b. �i�9�?SSi't appi`tDve y(➢�r apl2licati©n`�n 1l�r. Flood said. tC„���: � <' •:= � _;� ;;� � <; ��: .�pl��ove, it would then be liis_liability. Steven Frank `.a e r°� . F � , brief l�isc�.gs�,�c��R lbs. ��yrone i��.�t��. •�, �3. ..aE ��; ��a�ey Foote, and tennis cannon, who indicates" - 4 ..�,UD l tr. �.nul Foote carve up) owevei M. � R IN t,. Andrew Foot�• � ,° �, _ . �° .. _ , :�,��� � i�aalicated that his wife, hi�i�self and five childrens or1II, <ti, 'x � is ' � ka�ere on Marion �d. fIe indicated Wr'lEen this Sits z era;: a 3t'. a£3 ; 1 t thought was, what was in action underneath tt� spa �.x ,?�` � �J ILIA ,. S- IF,�t� ��uncil psi°son. He went to the IF City Fall to l:inFl 0: �•.,_ ;:� ,_,:t t+�f,� of a. pityoulacil person. 'lie got a copy of the�dt I:i4 FA ..t:, ��_�l»to a pity council person, and in that oath it staged U'nia IF, _SN�Fp It s, : �_>�� °�._ i�;�i they would uphold the constitution of the United S.Oa�;� .1 �., �«:w "ro, help me God." He got a copy of the constitutAW.1 : ��� a�:°�° .�, � Y'irst paragraph that stated, "we the people of the Ili r,I ��. �u� s���ic�' to form a more perfect union, establish ��is�:i�� , y.� �o ,r..,__ ..?psa';;rw provide for the common defense, promote genes F� x liberty to ourselves and our Posterity too cl G� _,: - .3� _: a' � ,€.: �z=�a� f�� the United Mates of America. 10�r. Foote �oaat��.r, �_��:.�_ E.:.IF f � �,;�<.ii aba'ale had looked up some words. 35 This should a r�.u. & : �' � � ,� � v a e.il or Mayor operates and establishes decisions acca l ` I ,b� )' I:a tJrated Mates. The first thing it says is to establish. ��: x'AN ��� in the Webster's Dictionary as maintenance or It <«�sle then indicated that just is defined as acting of lP€ R � ; is �,> ti .� naorally upright or good. He said in 44 other words is tl-l; ,t,_ . �.:5 w r 3�r, � iisl Justice for the community, is this Ab morally uplilyhA g110 .;�siie tranquility? Domestic is of or relating to tll�� ,� >_ .E ' �. w_�ility is the state or quality of being tranquil. Tra 1 3: � : � �fk 6 elm"d or spirit, free from the servants of turmoil. Does L< �s ..;.a: p'r, aw�� ciy;D e indicated that it goes on to promote tll gk ��a 7 is ; t - as involving or relating to or 1 AL -,A ..a7..,, _..5., 4u Implacante iC} s'S' I';' t 7 :; f �P':? $3�'1"5$C���, 2QA4lM �H&et& l�l ttatlCn i"dejg aEa dale whole c€�a��muni ';,v. 'I ' �.1A : ; _� :� A 91 51ate of being or doing well especially In respect to goy .. ; . a 3 DeRURgv, or prosperity. e asked if this established the gEl44tII ' _ :. �� �a° ��-F-J:8ffiity as established by the constitution of the United u� �K�.� , � ;:, t'A �� tads does not establish the general welfare, being h : a�z r :qua. have to fie considered in establishing this type, or anj a k-it �� ��_ow what type of research was done before the deg. sWjtl r .., i:9"� t'-%'o, - ,k l(Air g to a lot of research, the group of citizens in this $y 4 t. - a, fk sai llle heel a piece of l l�pF type liner that vea.s ;. � _�� . �ti �, ;? �lja osl. landfills today. According to research on than � Y tl k k a" ibe newsletters in the information pack oil land f�l°irk^ -iew evidence -all landfills leak, once the grog 1.=4t`s s it anal be cleaned up, and must be considered t�e� atix.tn4, ti �' : _ ' , = ��.l�g iE.e you take with a liner they say promotes se u, a 1990 examination of the very Best landfill lrl���� �, �� �. - . , ..- �� ,��.. �rea' state of the art liner, High density f'olyethy ene;(11J 2 Iti r� .: � n the gate of about 20 gallons per acre Per Clay, e��ed a _ , f; 1test and most expensive quality control procedh13 : 7, V, /U,�Rt i by pile holes and failed seams. it is a seam that : ., ,. `zIV o on the seams and they roll out the plastic. He irxhcaaIn the Lewisville landfill, because they are lair g C I.', - �pauding and it's welded together, this plastic is tlxe ; RrMQe sj.I ki a., toinotive business, used on bumpers periodically, it lwzas t, _ ,,rkkeu in car wrecks. A 1991 report from the University of ,ItIA,r. r r.' > iaflons of coml on solvents such as t.�' f < ,.. ', _ fi � �:hloride penetrate HDPE ill 1 to 13 xylene, Ceylon,, days, even an 14 � ' < .° i i C.) of all inch, the thickness used in the most exlansas° :'. ._ e solvents in less than two weeks. it 1e indicated gill �� .'..,�_ :,r llat has the potential of being leaked into within tea ; , w, �; ,, l said that obviously ill this case he didn't need o r �..,, .. T. I. lie thought it was well stated. According to eta �<,S. III_.ung of this magnitude should have been discussed �. s -:. �.rniers of authority in our city. He 36 believed that au���'�a� , x G� t . ;., �a.Q �. °°ogaiice, but a place of humility, because not only ��zi -4�t 5E �,� i to the people that they serve but the one who created � s��. z � , �4� 5iiR � a llis� of all the minutes from January Ist until may 71h, e:QL:�A� .. it ��A51Z� Cuing was mentioned of a landfill or IE I was oil I Tat i� t ,o Ili ...; made by council Kincaid to approve landfill and °via tit, s ii, I t ;_ �. <, i a. QES1 and seconded by .Tenpins. The motion carried rt t °gas then adjourned, there was no discuissionti of viwto fs t y i, i k A hl executive meeting. He did not know how other:; , 1_1; t pg r e dat they were keeping something from the people of see a:=At ...�a4� j �� Fir siEy research that has ever been done always shows tha � IQlsy the people of the city. He was AV -- _ a.a� Zsss4 41s�4 fi'sav vvirknt nn the -- - _a -. - .. ... really 1;3. llcu�-anfu y.2. ci ,,)'s. r 'F - _.. ,t, e' VO vain, vans. s,a.anc� a...v, ...Ja... .,.� iecominendal:ioxu�E F. 4�sisuse l rocedures. He indicated that it was not right and �t117 <; � b _� � � � a �s � � �a01"RG �De to know what the people want, and to do what. : j Q� .. s,y ar . Ile indicated to council that they were not theme to il_:=y , tz a���i3hesr or themselves, but the welfare of the commu.ui-out +i, +1f4i ;� ...� e awoe. He proposed that all the stations that are made is s _. , , . :; � -:icy �%Ljkes, and that the one thing for sure is that the giiielc� € . a. a`t , 4 1 0 �f t:lse United Mates of America. The other guiidellu € tik P , i f,. ,, AA � ;14 = E �..= AlCor Sanger, is that there is a motto "someplace spediilk. �, � 4 �.. _ S `,i; €. )ZIPcil that every decision that is made from here foi�tl,,° °'; t�khheplace special." He indicated that if it did not lithe iut� _ E _:;=c 4c > 'Sanger "someplace special" then it if should clot. b : ic�,�� ti _r . ; ;"c ,.. a� ��yit t�� reconsider rushing a cot tmitt�e to reconsider !fit :; Eid time because, the citizens of the community au eW3 .;rui landfill here, they do not want a landfill here a �liil � � �° � � _i , f aii�e next to a landfill, in fact many of the people uu4 4 � E=.1 _zti II? vniove from this coinniiuihity. He µJ p i F knows many ��e�� ; > 9 iG �s ove from the city if this landfill comes here, sic .�#Lzf ;__F , CiY considered, not only in property valise, but how ��u,;' q� t:his coirlinunity. lie indicated that he for one, -u�u � __,d. . ,° , r ,_: us.� �_ .;:�e 1110"Ve out to a place that was tranquil, a place that lie >7 u ; .°4: AR ,� _: a.A : -te country. He felt like he had gone into a hestawraant . i„3 4 o 6 w t .>, . ii".nth i �3rlly in tills city, and did not het a menu, and�dus ,_ ,Ail° = : �:.5 <xe��pised, and was told to eat it, he had been fokAc I, � _ } „ ,_; � s despised, and felt life the whole cohirinahity ���� k, , „ ;; ri '�t ,. �wx�y it. feels. the community has no say in this rust d.d :° A -.A. el _� )_�.. �uoiQJe exam. ple, that nest only did this happen march ,, ' _ 41l7 ��i a meeting tonight there should not have been a vd�d�; -..: �� �_ , =�ahtil the council ineard the response E� .' `A, , i <�z from the cite e�� .If ,tzlt ,A�A ihave heard from the people that they represent °� ti. �� � 3 = �416.1 i � at a➢l. Ile asked the ladies and gentleman $list i ; st ° _ ' j' : - A* r a�,' atiger to begin to represent theirs from this da* z° ri r.., 1VZr Foote $za€ode , _ Y A . , t-W Mad a letter from the owner of the newspaper, Roy l,v.. a letter that all the council had received as vvel. : t . law.nt 11a$a sends out a letter with a reco$nmetaelatiQ , r ,E a;3 i c: coa�nd decided to go with this recommendation �� �.:��, � � ��� a` ������� �.,� �l�er in town. He is the same man that when the n��:� ._YLt ,.�: �,.. z,> ,.��1Ij , came out with a $newspaper article not about the 1�� �.��' l� , �J' < j .E lz.�� �A es 140 acres to build a golf course as the headline. 4.1 � � ., :� {� _ � 5 } �i s-i i f_ was very deceptive to bring out the news as iaapacttr a s_s4 �� ' , ',r �< III!, to bring it out in the form of a donation of a go�1A` c lolkeri back in two years. He asked that the council;.r <f t. t eta j 1 J) aloe citl and not particularly one . . s .1_.,d- ,IL,f_. IT ,x,,,.,.�.� fh, vtaimhi fin+ thga peop$e/ s hueresi. tt 4 . r 4.a� �$ � twill . AzellZUe10 LXX""r5ka� q Aasue v asa idea of a landfill vtr > l Pruons is for the landfill and the council went: wll'yi _,<', �1 .1 l: that without the input of the people that the recommendation without hearing their input. l�s> t-tay�:s i���ln� �:�.. ,s . s�_a.�:�i�ag the decision to appoiaat dais Committee .zii��# � „ . `_ It leated it was clear by Mr. Flood's remark to lae , < " . y £ Q eiowu with the committee to discuss amicable solaat��aR�e� `s �� k �. ,„y.2, llaAt he had put Into this project, this tells her that �� � ,: �€�. aft-oiatment of this committee. She wanted to know <5P a oAnt ��ent of the committee by this evening, when �ir� x 01dt& t se. appointuaent of this committee. Ntayo�• t"obe�������:. ti �. :< < . 4 a .:r>� �r��t: tt+.fit lew about this c�rnarnittee, but that heWxW14A.uaaainute ago. They had received the letter oniv TE ,� ,, ,;,' ?`e a3�or Coker indicated that the counncil age 1.d tl &-- , . ,l t lie received a copy fn•o$ra Roy 'emons today t-a= r,3 � s s ookld know about it, that they would uaeed to ask h4� r . 3. r t of the council received theirs. �iscussior�. � questiona 1'ro��� reconsider the �� v�� � ,�._,�� , .:; �_�s°�� ���� ' ° �i'ter you've heard all the citizems i$fiput" lie ta.'a_.,. ?s'ere, 19�Ir Kincaid saa�l��a-b��� �liora if they did not mind. He nndacate�l that �_"':_�_ sip ,.: ..d� :�z�. >,r��r�ted to answero �'arst he �anted to answer the ;r ,�; r� .� il.as that they (tine councils found out. That pa of -'.: ,{° on,= wants to know anything about `vlae$n they are c , A a ti E' , Ga s2' f �G; f ore oar the door of the caty hall, and it had been OBWV;�' ksl:i B cated that all she had to do was look, and asked � ` u^ ; : i r � e 4€�. �eatecl. he Ivan floI1u �, ���.? �. It III the city council entertain opening lip the '?af)F i*k �` .� ` ,4F' designation of this coinnaittee after yoil've heard all h ' , .!i 1Vir ineaisl i4�I� �_s , °<' .`-:,11.., r.r..� a ..��° ra tion for Ilia part of it, he had I IF made the No iio��, x y 1 7IF , a �� �°"4� . I , d®or and wally away from this. Ile pointed. out i V'FiF,IF _ =f 'l' 111CC, what has been done then IF is that the ha :: . , �. 9Twde it grow into a III®aster, In `; s , 4,. c. rlx�r�rcx Ch"A not }ran nrnvnivod? 5�acasaeac$ay, �,Es2nxzo :ar.r e., .,., »b ,...,�....,.°..<m oalld the citi f � h _ _ ". A �C. nFi r e the permit without the city, andIF do they Wam W UfiFFC.1 IF l�Is�:llssl��I� its. `Tyrone ��'���� °�� ',.,;� ` .,.._ .. .��� . � �� i✓� , �=�illcaiel indicated is that. as lorry as the city had I r.,. . = � � _s y role-ocil have a controlling issue. She indicated if tt � � �„ ��. - I'VI t il�t ; the permit, that it leave the company the o-IF III �IF rii 7"ii. �1Iak... spa their own v hictaelandes input from the city. IES ;° . �.. = r $ . r.i �xn li the council has conscended there contract xne wasi.I~yillu to tail them was that it was nnfflk a ;;. 434z my hlt, to lIe able to have a part of control, and :it,si.; ;} _ d : s sloe vas notctefendal� them, IF but that she Was I U I � F; FIFE :� :�� ��ah��el° eonld raise t.� IrlillIon dollars to lnv 14. CF, - eWVO . �iscllssioln. ischlssiol�, leis. Tyrolne ��. TF V11 eIF `. Flood stat ..�_.., �.wepal•ed to answer that, lIe says 39 however that what he vA>Wd tk1i F,rrFs winen the committee did form that they will certainly consider Vhat as tnw, o' i e foptionsib He indicated they were asking if he was prepare( to leaac�c the �z) .a;c�.ct, txaa.t rig;frt Yjow his attorney had not advised him that this contract was a" inplcte y broken. He stated that in all good faith and conscience, that he. did nor, kMI Nlkwha.t upf .4II!i or' alternatives he had. He indicated he would cor►sider 37, i,' rt : ras .-,co ra k.s?ivab heat the committee and IFSI took into consideration. �alnsey Fooi:e, ;�72:� i� .ar•icrru t�.cl. - `vba� stated that three weeks ago she was introduced to IESI h axe tlz^;T, qA a-ii her door. She stated that she had asked several questions. " W."1l tfnevo J 0 ioxic vi'atste7" No, they failed to t6A1 her that there would xre special i:str:� ;j31dr-:h€ Cts. e,f t�� rs �`oxic, Shy state. t1Yat :gc fairer?, to say "under present ag=•eTiflias". _;,4 £ orterl tENt t lte also said that there was no smell, that the liner would Tracat < dot , ass„l iPl ear a does ... she continued "it's kind of Contl'adlCtory.'� r t]C'@' t.y?? r+ "� u'9:i °r Fk',"l i' (S�" a 'v�'a�tel' flows more to the South, you're oIr the East side ofi;� o>._i eC she continued, "the majority of the pl� : al�allation lives 'tors ' ir> S3` ,41A tFk;ed la t:d'iil," and she indicated to IESI she was not only in this to save her and „«.'a. 1' apk€lily, but she was concerned abort the generations and tliE 7aa:aip i`r eat' rs:re to€alp=aa Wiza. She stated that she called Mr. Flood three times and asih.e t.p-e cai�gtIkj) p i iat sire received three different answers. A young lady at the IaM� :Cov i,% 3s3,.=t7r€ 3 00,119 Lr'oduced herself as Channel 8 news coverage. Nis. Foote s.,i.tN,- flo<A 'o.iQr t.he'young woman said that she must be honest with thew�r:ad t � A a :tz'A:� o7f u€qr, E�i€?niaai s;yid that she did Public Relations work for IESI at4 od had stated to the city council that if the people did not t:he l a �Nia'tta tba,t t.Ahey Would pack up their toys or bags and go home, and tonig; it Is iYr; ;33'sC Alrlgixt ituat the people have been invited to voice their opinion. Air. k)C3'ai, ; x,i:.� Ee: %v.A s acyl..ed if he remembered saying this he answered, "if so I vcii.'w-t� 'v: su gi uch.'1 He should have asked before investing so rnuch, az-=d 's€i fte_r i;;,\efs ;wow€: ;x that he had invested prior to asking their open and 1w It st: io; k3's lass, The list goes on, and that time did not allow them to share . 'y t rr qL 1c°sty € f esce stion that IESI operates under. In Mr. Flood's recent ar' dk'�=::'. i. ,1-w!,d c:rid 1w t Aie truth will prevail, then said "this is rx hair," then asked, " i Es s `f" �jry3 , `'•.it ' xg3e3s `"'d her true hair, and indicated Cat the Lord Jesus Christ i✓owld f.;yk1 tZ <.S1.'s djeceptian. She told them then to mark her rvor cls, and saidthat Ape " o4i rti�lc.i rt be mocked. She then repeated that her God would not be rarayca. El. 'he, xf€ Y ^� �,�a� mars � rill notinheiiG the kingdom of God, and from this day for"wrm 05 I'A i��JR .c<l , r � . I+toodl tksat his business would fail in Jesus' name. She suggesic=sa iia ::i: tr:=l: c;tat, id to '130d and that if not lie was majorly hellbound. She theu:s St5%V41 'tf� aE i# ,�c�� 4.1 scary kbing, and told him that it was not a joke, that hell is tiol a 1 Aaz{1.r You p=�Cty vvi0:li vour buddies. She stated that hell is a place of gnasl€ink oY 4 eti , �ti.ei told 'inn that he would not take Sanger with him. the earth is t.hs, kj0T+OGA9 <Uif p';agcA fot.bereof. She told him that he was not fighting this batk1 �a4h, OD,� peovl,:� a R' titiFaaoc; i�Iily, but with the Lord Jesus Christ. "Choose you this clay;-, :pit; Ef;3a c:at, 4,if ro:ri yav will serve, hellbound IJESI and their cle�,eptioxn, orthe people:_ . GFra. t,k �;ec"S�r� bs lJord Jesus Clirist." She aslzed that if the Lori] Jesus Chr'fSt. vgYl J ik-) ' ti<q;�a . tiaei, whot olild be against them. the then suggestead th.a.t fie pack up 'sons b agS TI�C1W as he fasaad promised, and go home. Den11123 ('anYnon, o.i'er :, :,fated that he and his wife haal i�een looking at property in the r x e�aaar l i of ea of Sanger for the past couple of years. He stated that lie woz.ild im ake h3' grief. They had been very serious about this ,area, and it was a porfcc a .- pot i'or them to live, and that it was about 45 Minutes from wig; r•e -4 oey t ve. They had _0ilkilays wanted to live kind of out in the country, and when tIUe-ir laeaurdll abovl the possibilities of this project conmag here, he stated that it was sho fs »Yu: �1e, k-) his wife and gold laer that they could probably buy some pr k:Wq dh ltiii.Alckt Y',`'iJ clNe�gp now. Thci y just got a real Nick fCa iva�b about it., and they &i Hot was:f Ge.z ,aga,,,,a. �d3.E`.re with this looming in the air. The environment, th6r ciii1E rPiri, `i'4'•''9' biiin fll a7's involved, it is was a very negative situation from au aiawA-Awr lc,.eA A'UIOP 11 et tw' ti�f it. He he could promise that it was a very negative atayaosft :;£ a:; ra _r f<�€1: that zi ntil this thing (the landfill) is put under the table, aa>rt uunzi t:<t: tlre!'I „Wi> onade that it is not gaging to move to Sanger, they will m4 . J-51!3vfpr E(5 As a professional, they had also considered putting a satellite f�a'iwasOcA; ka� t: ;s >:� a at a, and had talked to one of the real estate companies twle, ;k :2Ybt*lc:; U 4ac l.; �k�+a��3 hat, and about theirhome here. They now decided to l o d' of. l `:. :r;,as a<, s t r-. . n d Jesus Christ for discernment , and stated that they Vvere ;; Yoira;:; o �;;t;v •z �tiT�itlx diem decision until it was off the dockets 100%, then tliE wlied f1>C P . Discussion. someone froaYi ca•���;ki Asa:^ t.�_.a� `��.� �nE�aaksi ?ad;.c o f'ilYisiY the conversation with Pdlr i incaid that they i•i'er'° :s_ ' 'W gaU "`T WHUS r;,go. He said that they �xeire on file fact that the city was 'iry,,P tt i`.:uU' P mit t lloi le operational control, for some type of control over Win �iw)'apt; ;Sa ?�e::i.i a a;'._a�za f;'.ielataaang YYIOYYStrOIIS. �C. Kma.aid r�5��7;35r:t:;:df .�Ytt$ 4/::'�i, 'i.;(�;a.� RIYI'; �i�� i'e�l3l)IiYI➢g fa9r the IIYdPtflt9i:�, d�'h�1 It Vi'�lS done and persorp{aii�- is�� Alt �F�rt e4�t�a: ^f' t.ini. ��:sotSoiY was not there, areal th�it; i�i fact st acid not matter :o iaiaa, dtz� :7<,:Adyz ,,e,p�i; ts'�,ing to give the people a little a�nore Control. lle same man Y'cl4i�oxa<:iio s,q:l"ia�; :;,t �1 �,al-Foaaais like, from that commerYt, that dais ryas a done deal a4Y:4�,31.;�, Mr. Kincaid illEid�°E4.e:ai k�:� didrra�4 �ycab�i��' if' it was a done deal, that they have rescinded the c€alat�•:�::s:y jr`c�a =fff:. i':�'a%vt��' ���{s,rs ti`as�t: it's fine, grad that is all tFYey laar�'e to go by. They had +'oE<';iif b,_. ^,;: ita r :<a tl:e,t had to be rescinded, and they did what they were told to ii.ca. >R . i :y:4'yfni` bait that lie did not know, andttgat this was for the people. Richard Muir to Mr. MuRr as,, :ed I'vIr. Kffsc;,id U he knew l ow long the I;nn€7AIll VVas supposed to be lit olner i_JMPL 1dr. Kincaid said lira?baby?,oud 30 yewsv IVIr. li�Iuia• st�kte�l t➢nat xlnle tlntwa�A :'as <I.l s•c•asly a nnonster if it was gs�i3pg to Ine in operations for 0 yea4 s. f IVIr.i�uir asked5 4vE��: <at dia;: �°�#' l3ad glgl= e:>��e�•tik�e to oversee any cl��c�isions that II;�I might have ab€ tit c i,3t grn-t sg vviia;`s gk:ja;�g u�� h� ��lo ��l to 1,e put it this lawrIfill. He stated that. Mr. Kinsczslci IIV�V� TMU. - j-x„ 4bot +c2 were going to have more control over it by working With i l¢;f4 3 t :.keeV.I 4o 111 'and do it themselves. He asked if the City of Sanger �4a0 4 3 o hhat landfill without being influenced by IESi. Te�in• t�lncald sand drat t�Ae�Y, �.a i,4..a�.� d��.Y ee.ast,���s:;e:, as lonng as they have cot;trot of the pen°snit. 1Ie hasrl told : a : _ pit."� =..4 -� 'I A '�">` RCC' had control elf the perk nit, and any decision to bcrfit:de}s,A*nh them, and it. was the controlling Fart he was talkiHg YA)oiji. Mr. Muir inclicatezi ais.s€. a�n .�7f�iu�=,??. �.i�•�;,, rfe.�tlerl d:a :iznd rnaore than control ,and said because if they giiye POs a rnf: xy -ie press nt educatioan of the people on the committee or boar as -t:6NI ;.as i:�a.� rh'I�a��:'� to research all these issues and know what the technichali€i `s cc�r :, lieIcs is tag es expertise and it. takes time to do all t.lnese issues. Hest::at:,A:j ;-if;•=; i I :t `:c ,; s f nr,: nit jni-2nnt from the city to ensure IESI is going to be iq i c�sr33. same �i ..:_ ,: ; - a l; v,; z , 4°i=ai+�cl liiss'r taking this time to have this discussion `vitln. Eninr 4 . kic At! �4-4 �1,� ag l.-A Iiir Foote had a question in front of the city council to recansidjer :ffr.}l c d § :' aaia IX6nn. I�/Ir I�iincaid stated tlr�at 1,��, s�'o1nL �zc:cai sa'itlh il�.at if' QlaPy got it. placed on the agenda for ti=ae laext week fo,• t�+�� ����� P.c� a-e�:��_i.�-zl. ASCU3sio41,. I�r. Muir said tnv�t l�o sa'�nai��.�xae8i:noan again to Mayon• C;ol�en•. I asic���l I�ayoa• Coker if 3Is t:lt�' a���a�i�l .'� cz��s:,blis�n' ��r�a+cinng this item to a�e�cind this �sropo�:�¢1 to form a comnnait.tev ad,ar .t =,Tpf:xlcs d;owin kp.wAtncil fnneetinng. IVlayor Coker said .i71r1 ;vaaiNl 4>,pf: say, "�nc:�:.a�ase he did not know if the council Cy1 would want that on the, a� 'ea�nda' :nnd i4; V Es:at�:l laa� e to be discussed &a flee next council meeting. They would in alo'o the o f+ci to n at that time. A. Muir asked i"w' tlia: totvaa pa:p+ + �sxxJtl 8Rave iiiprat on that agenda, and asked that it be placed on the age Mayor Coker said that any i`;f�' aas �4� ,�r�rs �uynsex'aaedy if they wanted it oii the agenda, that he had no problem.:6 PM its 'd he saifl.; that it wili not be an open forum meeting if that was what tiaey x sas4,141 for. Mr. i`vluia• aske€ tlasnt I��r. �+'�`69'�C'';� �ioegtwona bk� placed a�nr the agenda, and it l;�e cor2siatered at ne,a ���r8a;s ti`kl�`%'.• ti''3e�+�;A s➢1�'.;;t9_i$g, to not fon'irr �G"�1S committee t0 s$l�l�V the ability of a Lain €ifili itni°e i;;n Sactgen < j'V wre was not one person there that spoke in favor of the landf li, V'xcep; i'G'r IES146 'r`i�e people have spoken, and said that they were asking them to �T-uRve iy t)ut kolll Nile town comicil meeting again next week to reconsider the Forma'iw of it a<, <:�� z� �aitttif�,. He then thanked them for their time. discussion. Mr. )Foote staf.��ir $i3a� ise: =,•Q�,rat s'��;c' 4e, :�t*�. l:ilat the city council reconsider this motion that was a:sade M lot,r�w 97: +�� �a"e i:tee,, before they heard the input from the citizens of this c�.nn a F.s . fh�E';)ivri to please put it in writing for the next meeting. Mayo1° Coker statif�d ik:�;t �3s. s'`�Tr.' i:.:� i�<sys:a pa:are viaitiiag, lee thought the city council voted tonight. to appomI14 a$ #�rtnoemffiiitee W t.e•s- tsD work things out, and said that he thought that the coup of .i? z^� x '�as=.a;,- �'e �4re foist: was the best thing for the city. Mayor Coker indicatf:. kN,.a t sr"a a�s;?1w'v 'x' if) the gentleman's questions fronn the back, he did not know t:tat tie .,f�� ."�{c_is :��_�.: t: i flout on their agenda. They had already voted to do it tAWS ly;�V, :>J-Ad d he osldlz lte TIMZ, he would talk to some of the members or talk to a city cotwc.-jl rnWk..AkA Tea the n.notion made, and saw the council vote, and that it wws n 3 Eo 21 4,rotc., atAd' It was ail, way it was, until the council changes it. Mr ]Foote stated tia�at if sa�c;�gae:�i xi?4k; uzAci: sus tnaf;oa°iant issue, and that there was no discussion, he stat.e.e� !za,°t iz: �ca� ��.ra•kQya.��; "k4,� ki3p�vv veiny there was no discussion. Mayor Coker respasaai�:�1 �ixat tarn•�., is no s.4isCuSsion on council rotes llilie z,lnaat. Mr Foote indicatef,a thzfiti ld4� znaL3;�bfx tiaere was discussion betweeaa the council, aincl asked if tiaey ina�" �:iis=•,asr�e�.�9 i� ,la•ea4dy :�dayoa° Coke` igndic,itex ON.ez z'van;vY :rA;l lreeo rai> discussion made an it. 43 Someone from .. , ��� �.. �: ts:they (Sanger) had a post closure landfill, anal if - ... ,.:f t,,:rrte,ito Sanger. 'There has been ��o application ;r _ :� s ' . 7 »z' tl"lat was correct. 1blay9Jina- :' i< < s. "he same p�e� ��� � � z,1. h �, � . ,AC t� E � - `., _ �r«nted to a� rly for a g�ern t for a landfill Vitt why �.. .- A _ � ��° y :o � eop+eu it. She asked if that was correct:. She u��derstoos� �ki'.,y ..... :t� . ,. <,. x=ea�l, and asked if IESI could al�l�lY for an a hlic a ,�o� �,r 1�5A . ��><' it i;, u� . e,�Fdstlno landfill. She asked them to �•espond yes or w,.. process eooll tAr >s Jane t;d. arOCT ��.. °:., �:�ted that she had lied here since -983. she said j - t.I P AFC, nd tFtat they had succes lolly defeated a lQ vault , A. .. F •: I) OUtween I-M and 156, and that the differencelit ws.: ; ,t.eJT were here doing now, is that here they were s r.w� �� �ta,d stated that those thins were mainly the co€mnu s� sent their enemy in garage sales, and `oil; A� rt t' . . .." -NI't liar of the landfill up so long that it was �o ;,� .�� �. . .. �r� b:J!ffio � dollars mushrooms into bigger things, and slAe r < .. t � i ��. - s� ::eking on with this, to remember that they felt VA`Ar x file people in Justin did also. The eolsle in Justin ti �. .� .�.� of five years, and the land is still sitting there, o�, . !. �� 4 x' r the landfill. It made nice farm land, she asked - V614114(il people and Mayor. They were wasting th �: ; t;� �� :there energy and held do garage sales, and ;" s , < ­ �. �� �,P) give r. Flood his money back, and that was :..� ��ofaey they Could hire lawyers. The Council had : .,r, Y . ti v: i .e council) had dome the best they �3� �: �:t , �,; ��vaat the people had asked them to could. They l<€ Ala, ancylpytpie9Y�;p tpryzalxs. k ;,I �rz: k} little eoggn�naitteesrytogetlneY• and Star b141HgIn F Act 1 C.e-i k :.i" i 2- t�' }a5 1. ,1 ?i'v VY �rfjt` 6.t1 was ®6A1 tobe Ai hard battle. It was going t� 7 � .. ti. � k 1 l" they had what it was going to taken IVYichael hris ��k s � ' k � e addressed the TvIa e stated tflaat he away sent .,. � ._ �� E � had said that in f988 the citizens wanted a iaaadfui� Leh .. ln�Tpaypoyr �Coker l! ��rrsit a� � � " � ` �� � _� � . ; � � �- �E _ ti�� t, aa�d ■afl�e lauyd� � 9the W%Y oast lax his automohale, 4rluGIlL to hflYIlHo Ida~. LA _. �ak_c~atioaa then. I�r. �`Yaa•istie sa.�,� �� , # � .�.s r_,� �� �.�.:� t he did notiiifji' Ln `sC'i'as In caY',aFad he had the as tides, and >�c�k and let theaaa see it. at would trawz Fca�ssiof c. Ma'. �laa•istic 9���, lk ....., _,. .� ;;E _� `�zd�a't aaa�fl asked abo,at tlae conaaaaittee flaR� t,:=_ ,. n tflaey were. going to have anyone On iayop• �oi�e; � � ._.. �;r E nF.�: .� , �K;a y� F�>��,t.laer they woaafld or not, and the coaacil laudao� r.tb :_F . P:�<�d i:€ide�fl, asud tlae�I did n€at kcaow bout naaaaaheVs3 ,,.�„�_� :> � s� 5 ;� ��; � ,3 @i£=ceanv and make those decisions. Y'�iscaassio�a� Ids. 'rya°oaae, �a:n.�, .. r . .,� a���catea� that tlae landfifll that was Y�eaat �rnasiablyelv , U addressed the council and fix'. �rnrait�i, seed ��;�,°�, , :. .::;� ., ._<� �tr�; �r:�e'° Y�iaac,aid had sapid fi•ona the he inni .. 011 �. ay e 1' t e�� lead pra�jected how much rel'eaaaae they est}_<e olo gea-aerate for the coniniunity of anger. Ida•. Smith T�/ir<raatssaa ���:. �._,._�a, ;....A ,�� T: _aArr the agreement, but wet they had no numbers b_�:a; x, _ �.:7 -� �w °�_� going to generate for the city. lea'. rsaatla a a` ,AI:i: A 4- A A AT Ak i A., U to r t'aaQsirsger tlldat alasmbes'a ears be artiste iF�ga� .3. a<<. rb? sa;y that they could male 5.00 a year, but lie c€ t-INd ,�" 4 =,:A I � s,.= , e1:,v y (N-Wld �mal�e a million dollars a year. l r. �rtatsita .kA.sAA . Al A A I Isay: i' .e" of laoew nsuela is paet it was goirng to ha���, �9a�,. �aa° thv I&side of the airy budget, pertairsirtg 1:o tka€. Y -1 ipnswirl: to beep the update of a golf e.oasrse, and c f,F az `., .' s 'i 3 my kite O side, He indicated a 2,441 g la k g� ¢ �9 H.@) Fr 3F . e x., - a, . • ,F„ � ,� ..id ,�liX+ &,9 C�1.'�� &N`L35.E97&g.76 �r.:�xnitli st�t�.�2t? ;:e �. � .:_ _ . r :.t� a� ��: vise general fiend, artd uitace it is rlaer e it counes fs . i�r. �s°ntsin�e� �z,: ...r_t ��° th,.������i.ct attd t�Aat be api.�reciated the job that fillet' a a U .;� k5udieated that Abe did not loop at the Boil' eons e z � . 3:� x` to ct yisaa taaiily €ai anger, users it would' be gaail:e� p_e�h k . r r :qua. �. as tie pt°ojecled estis�s.ttes, on revenue first aai �; . ,: ; a. ; , � , ..:: o x.t was going to impact the IYI O, and t 91d � ..• rti �t : �R . ti < t I Come back to the city and the ed�r��iaaPnity 'Dtefon � �-,:. �� � ���� ��;� ads d that they were going to have to raise ��A�.�.., o:� �;v govlt caur;e in operation at that tune. He iniia�� a• . , I.-_� `�ti�u.o say and thanked theme, `I�orsy �,ipt€ara x ��,.�• E3 ...;:- , ,. r.,; ��:�b� its �angea° about � years, and he laid bought gtox. pA I A 1. A A A. : 3ate p��a'sotu iss tlse tows of Barger said anything $� �p.t : :'_ A iJ:w ii had a got of personal Issues there, and lie lead 11MI � haT . ,� :r �. ��.� is�ad 'bought a hoarse and had no idea about a land t _ . �. 3� Y S ire asked, and it did, but stated that of the people ll r ,T not see any of them walling around with three eats ;.' 6qI. Ps ia4 that they were not harined by it, This was hikC . <A 1- 4 k soh rattier the pity of danger regu3�ute b<t.� 1r _ i :v f F_ ° �cwp!t: Aen in crowd). He had listened to every arse o4 s 1 t z t - :a iApe,said gripe, and he agreed whole lseartedlyilxl z ° ?:.. «€t ltls ttae real estate ecrnip:anies because ttaev cU'�t . �; , : , s >s .:iasidfill in Sanger, when he bought Ills ltonie> ? �+ lti < <..f. I ,, F:>>� F $r se the people are eery mice and kind, and he art., z „ ,� ..., � ' �.'nerk were actiing. Mickey Mood was a h arm 3: <;; , ,, _ ;� .,=. rlG InUcla rather the City of Sanger regulate the ^=�� 3a r- ,,_,< . '. :,:;ONA rlh� aat and doing what the heck he wanted. IN r A 1. AI I A f I I,,tAd, .cIII ' I , 2TI h t re"err A �ox�eor�e t'r¢�rrx �.AAAIN. I.. .. . A r >3�:sr�,' ��as tlxere teen. jai 'u A„-.� . .,�� _.•_ zr✓��cz ireP $6��6� $�;�� ��lP,a°4? �TVc� QstiQ'.. 1fYE�u R SAT➢�tl➢ifi Ek3 i�3Y .:1:..4.. _. „. _ _ .,. - - li�[l'■4Y:'iE� dS �c.:3i1 S°�C1 �'ir 1i.'. � _.. _..r `,.� 1x ���1;ti�r'-��e �is��xrssi�rx. �oeasxxe �re�r� �� ,.,�>_ _: ,_ ,�•_�.�. a�r�•r°e since t9��. .,,• ,...� s ,. ;: � . , ti�=Y� ���� ba�< �x°�a€iexxt� t��,� �a��ta that 4 there 3Ta a� $ I .} .at: xx�rnl�er to, them �v=✓a sty the episode , t ss Blt t property that was zoned co?"Mer cialr Oait0' G. ; =< ,: y :..5 .iK�a u e staged thaat he was sure they '{ : :cuAxthrx q hxthat A!a � I.hZP seen , z�: Floods) applic . �� e , , gto run the landfill and be able to put whatever ire, "� t ; _ :" ... „�rhervlll not recoup any of that money. �l j�vtxss�s� l�r. �'ip��ax t�i6cxrssi�x�e. �r•. ry �p4l�m� fl��a�i�,•1.. _. `i.` _ r n, ., �. n �I�J3 a�Cbr $�. �Iicky Sehner;y jN "=;, ., AA >: . 4.;t.ai�{� aax e to address part o� vwhat he �Ir. '�ipton� � �.. .:ti � , .. �� ` ����r•l�cd for feller �illiaxns' office. AN h� gas dyer ���.Y_r F . _.�:���;lltA axrrg> �Ii�at l�r, Tipton was tallying about as b t. ..• Of mare 01' less a dump station now because it leas pa ._� .. �.. ti: told l r. ilaton that lie was not talking a3�oW a 2�i . ._ _ ,, - a �;t r,�lb�. 'ipton was referring to, the !l7 orte he was not �c.a._Y airy out about 4 weeks ago and it was only lis€ ose�,= t IF F, Il owue -�/ years ago, that he could not have ee. W" b.. zAr . _ r: A ' t' ° t ImAppened until Larch 6tlfl. I It. '� ipto a st: �c , .F , , , � :_ : "� so eoA�e mho had }_peen selling eal estate for hip f today ahoa say .'bs a years later, and did not have a cryst�l hail�� ,��<�: �_ �' rb; real estate agent could have told him about tag 24� ..t .. . .... s z nosed to have been close in due tes hni€ a lity <` s , { r. bat he was tallying about, was not a vets proposf:�11. IVg�-° '�ipto�-� ��ta�<.�� '�r , � „_ . -_ � � , {�, �o��xe�•:�. zonirF 9right s a a ..... res is a landfill, send 282 acresaround U Well Ilse �'y�•o��e i��.d���'�€t� _ ��.,�-,�=futrd, that. they con�ld nit be told 'ipf�s�� that hens ��t „>4 111 11 1Ys ; .'.k €ii not meant the landfili. There is all ready 411 V�. F, T tiii. trash �z�d stud is seeping from that trlashQ pie . I I�i if there wejAre any regulations �vhert the traoit V'� V�. I0!is° Tyrone i �� °�.�.... _._ ,. _ � t ,., , �, . �.� �i� � ���• the past landfill, the type of ta•ash that: �v�,°� ���_��-�t.P ,.k _.,. t �v�� p� rx����l���s. the then asked Ti�� if that was col .r'czR � �°ep�°ese.��tai i 4 ohpal solid waste, or household trash. no `1'yrutxe -ASK 1 g4 ir I e A,1 it �n�as called a hype 2 because it wvas the came « x`, ,� :' nii.ity, andthe size of the area it qualilietl as Ty ., : e reopening it under hype 1. 1`�Ir. �t'ilrt�n asl����� w>v` e�. r:, .. ..�� �� �� � �� ��� th€� trash l'rni� seeping into► the water ao-vi-. Ai li�4CJ G.HES. 2•4tt14�5i �. �:.. =L �. ,. •, �� � .. ,.. � .. 1n.t 4.�.:e fir. '�ipt�n as��d�,� .a�•r ,. ,. • . _ kt ., ..�` �n�t,�r were as stringent as they are low. laws now, tl�Fa:q� t�f2 , . a . $ a °1 �: of � ,egislative Sessioil in 1993. 'The eslative��,s� <.... , �.� _._.�r, e about ready for another one. 1t �rs�s federFa t � _ • ,...; =e its State: an Federal rules. trash, e7l���ta� �e .r w, .. _ , . f Li er contained area. 1�1s. �'yt'•�s=�e i������ ;,F� � , , <. .. , xh �-t�k i�:� writing, tl�.at they wet°e still t'lipping ilia AI �<�r; k � ,. .. ;e; <Ji.��t they plan to du, a��d would dn. fe said tlat syx uc-T°ring toIf do was n®t really legal, and that, then WRf r ; �x hlieati€�n. the indicated that they were plant�i�� t6. �:s ��� , r .,I� e �-a that nothing had happened. lr. Ti�➢ i5tj� ����ll€t.u��f " . f :. �' ;"t',�'d rrvxtl2 �rvllat was g01112 on there. e stated tlxt �r�� �K ..�� f :�L l:4e, and that he agreed with prnhalaly 99%© l °u ,. f �.F ,,. a � iould much rather have the city be able to 6 .. r ;� �� >��t fine able to have any control of it. The a<eetl�� ;. Ago'tee, so that they could form a crtn�nZ ttee a 7; of e able to say yea or neigh. Someone lirami,oFf f i, r, a° -ad they had asked who will have the e pr t.� . �< �� � y�,TOIA ���,� ill and what shouldn't. Thtxy 49 call it populationl� s �,,<. .,.v.�.. F.w ;, e , �� �,. :��;r COU.i find 10 individuals smarter than himself �,�j izyl. _ .E , Uer rupted by discussioYY� l iscaassio:Ya S. `-yrone she was ti;ylrag fir, zty°.. z f ,`F, n to the point of being repetitive. She just, wansed t� rl' he had any, and to be sure that he was fairly h� r, r� f 7., YscYYSSkoYY 3 I i I, ':y P ta`t1 . ? I f mYd tlYe cY'oFVVd �/oYCYiYg op1YYYonS. ��ayo�° �.�"��l�e�• ���� � ., . .. _ . , .-,��.���.r�t�;S� �aruld build a lai��lfill, it avast t a breaz � . , 1 �!ould, and then. stated that yes they Couad sta'l$ IYS....: With the cotnnurVAfN . oid work out any problem that Might coYffe1�, ; : ;;, ,(=j41not: knowit Il+lit would back off' Ile quid � of �.�� =:r �W .�, �a � ; tit. vvas a stark to try to resolve the prop enY auvi b� a oi.At and it was the only way he knew hwv to do ar.. iJ(s. '':�'�°<�ne FYR�»-�-�rDe III this prof�,a�ss, is that it could go tab"c �- ; ,� _. b o gout this ea?►'fier, that on this regard it is - . . uk s 't ia administration hearing, and tlYat it tlYat iF, tl r: aY d wlien that is done and the hearing is pass gar � pp ,-) �aalae a call leased on the facts that they °ec .i�rg� r v = .. , , . _.r E, �fr, to be requested by the citizens, al't.er an appiwa_z,: :s16' plication has been submitted, there is a posting,�.:.> a publicYneeting and a public heariwo, ems. �;�ro4Ye i»•n���� �., , � � . E _ n� rr .1� , i,heir apply. It is supposed to be Hosted iYY a ,er vitality publication that covers the large>:i j ,.- Ids. AVY•odYe irYcijcss�.� people. i��ts. T��Y���Ye the stated that'�NR.C�' had a toll tree n���n��� r ;�� � . � <� 4 � ,�:� ,..»;� . � ...�a'°s..� �:r��l s�ased on their o�rvr� �►ic�el, and ttie YYYYYxY9�eY°v ;': y, iYia h was 1-00-�`d4040, and .) r.. i:Dt. 3 ;-. asked the ci€�iZeil� alfs ,: t.�>;', and ask then, questions and that aanycPane �aa_°� _ y �M betting the information they r°eouested< `ia ��" .a�.�. ��- _�: p .ra ���, however they would he willing to get the 41'_Viv f ,aYt a pert or the Mate of a perinnit all that ,, . " a Y, . ree and they did not have to pay, � i_5E�:s . , ';4 t�' .:, saxn as the next gentleman finishes and apologize It was €anlyfini, �_raia 'IC'e: ire_ jf�T1pt to read the questions. She asked the next r,C' Q;.t .DJ'. �;lii'ford �.'aeY'ti:,, � �_�'� . ,�,,,' . -. : � :. • ''�� , , ;_,� r i �; ���i��tressed the city attorney and the coull e sraa ,t,��._E �ftglti cooked at the overall situation fQyYU fLUUii4, tt$".'i: !:3t_:e aY_�. ti't ..- ,3 .,,Yrd.:�$Fi Ufl9d4O Al E112".J' B.lAUYY f9V�i.YC96—ias L11WL they would poor the City of Sanger. get aneY°Yn.it a ._ ;fit t _k'f it, al it was never brought V. They, had �� �_ _. � a, � � � ., �.,-� � ;F�� 1a business decision, and that they felt it 4.y A. - doh forenna, , A `, ;,_ WWi t a. � � t rat he was hying to figure out,. then commenteiii is.�_ aT?r��;nk `� �.a:k there, and continued saying that hiss q aeszP.r. s k, a and bores their way into the colulnruYaY� r �... , r " , . ; . r a4 there had to he roads going out tinere, a r. .r.y cacl to he peed bemuse they had �! 'be Safe roea( s, ;: &: r,?ktir 4 s going to ship tier?< grater or put the Water. cif .- a -_ <. „ . - „� r R"12W.ffne of God they were going to on tn� th�� .,�, . a_ < . _ �a�e a the one they Irad now on the other en i. r_i -�y �ioe dower the taxes for the r'poad, the se l� � k : `; . E _ i b{ y to operate if they didn't give eA it Mayor <:�ai�e�' ,��� _n .a ..:, _.:B�;�s a grant aleplied for. 4 inP94e3?% 911k:f 0i<fir it. l�ayoY'$t. 1. P��ayr�r �okea°�� Y��� a P1711, for utility road, and anal that tiJ - i� riot have to use the City of �arYge' ia�s to ns. .'till.. _ . :,, v_ _.° i :s could either tie into the sewer Braes that RAF c 44 , t2 ^a x gin,} K..T's, or that they could haul (; �ai�e t e, 01 i . u' v , . - 51 Mi.o�err�_ r�� . j ,.. 4; , , ewer plant, and indicated that the sewer piO4a7r l�Iayo� " �i � III a ZU9 "Jul ghat it vas mider ecjm$6 �vas puttirrp YKa,. I��ay�sr� �;€����• ��.,�.,,x _ ,.. :� �� ,������a the arr�ozrr�t oi' water° that they 1�'��'• �'�Y�V$°��itle'��,'. 4Q° .va', _s _. .'ii I .. We _�:.F �" i����a< Pay��� ���ef" s r •,;� . ... ;d,:�� ��,�ieated h wab� a ioau, the pity a ITI to np) vv ����;; pp� s lt'ta;�o� t�o�:e�� ��.�, � _'= - • � _ ,° a �; c � ��.;� ���� peopie wt�o �.rse the sever. 1b@,A.�iyy�;;'��.E their UJI'�P ��� �`��r•e�'��;�h� _���� :.� .. ; ,. �-. �. . ;>:� j4�ti� ia, arttd they asi�ed i� that was i�'Iayor• �,oi.e: k���',. -:... .... _ � ��Y � ��rxeed ar�d sued a eoutraet to that iheYe.rx� z L �if iv 40 .�, fi'iz these thiuus out. 1'Ar. For•en-lwQ Cz . ,._ _ .,_. ' : :, szry to the city council was that he had ii�re�i �3a��� ;� r't�.. 3 ,� E ; � s, ears, arrd that ��heri something this i�p figs _e kv',taA G� tyre community and to the health an.,Y. ,'_'' ... _e if; ,=i-I 7ktif ins had the right to stand up aced he ����� aL. �;; a f < they dry and do zoo want. 52 Mayor Coker h.avf, � � �. v� 2:�,� could also state that every time there was a 61 jaggy z da posted 72 hours in advance, and all he € aO .:_, .: _. . � � : � � ` � � �_ c3enda. Everytime a ineeting is scheduled ark aoFtif Tr� E= , T�Ir. +oi i maul, UPI ��.. k� 9 ��� r�. ��ae agent➢a way �i�t ���, that they were given a:> xi nt of time to say what they wanted to sal4�° � ;�:x..;.: . �. _..�`u�iad �,i`ho Lame to the meetings what they could wud a_q O,� < I iney v�,a.ui d iti z :.ss:' s:�F ��A� c¢���Fa�sn aaacea aaa y of cm c axcsc allowed, IViayo�• �.�l�er� ,Y .4a:_ s . _, �.� � �•�` � q,��led to tali tag a city council member. 19�1'�•0 �i~il�°�'i'A��li�2e.1 'a���., _'. .'i" -a l" � .y ._. '? f.:3., i;:��,Et.? ^L� Vxb"c���.+, tell anybody"r� ,... =� da they L.,VU tali to council had voted Ewo weeps ago, 1�"e A''�r�`���ar �`_r_.... '� .,. ,' 't :.' . ,' `;, �<s.t_ �, �s`�;�as; by 'said °i�➢EfliteE� we Stand, Divided weal", tyl �l that the City of danger was even 1piok �lg r � . , ,n2 _ . a ; � was going to he known as, and ems, rt �o cek�-aain awake as they proceeded, talk iftheq✓ hE l�is�r��ssio��, I�'���_AU��; questions (tape not clear) Acitizenasked; ,s ��� ;� �n�al:e into the eaith,and how fast Contahied< 53 Mr. t+letehe�_.. the soils it went through. to this Part ot'ttae � .r._;'.. , *r�ey were doing � test right now to determine ire ;. s; � E`akr $ M;l� t shell. He stated that. it would take aboaat, 31fl� vp h, t, lit t+ letel er� iUrM , ._�'� .. ,t ��. :, ; � r�'ll, would be a well that was t.ypeically pl�r�.( >_;:, 4� s a s. atelsaw the surface ground, and it woaald test to see x ` r _ y ' before the landfill, or after the landfill is past. J%a = _ � .�q ::0� aer the landfill it is monitored to �iti�er� tt�er� r�<�,. �, t., 3 t c;;�ru plaee on the property. F1t tFr+�` as;,'°are€i"r` F ' c 3 y _ :'s s j:v off$ Haas route, lJhea.' the level If of watea �y vvt� ;r1 e water flows. , bind of cone- xan*i�.ti ,� � ti ,r: If tt�at went to the Bolivar Water a P pl v, Mr. F xa:ttl���E�4g thaiir` investigation i'a was part o t1Ae i r°c.. A o f l��r°. t+'Iet�her° $�a��,� °� 1:�I. a�lose`. ir�� , II _ ,. _. ��, r, -t the soil worm, an€i the frame €�f the la�(�i ili, .� �...� f,qff6phahly be over a mile. It �iti�e.rA ��asestl��r:,�,; s � t:pr, �����nitorirag wells or does it vary i'�a•. �fletart h.e7z° Ar�r,,t _ . �� ...... ,.. 111 ".,a�° a'i-il research, and that it Haight It itizera Ooesi;��.�si.. „� that he (Mr. Flood) had been to lea t sal (it j . _ _. 1 >:a. nad been on the inside of the ha�sia�e; s, ors .If ` . aA: Z�,Vid seers with a Type 1 landfill life the ogle a�€��:aaicbn with a subtitle h site. He 54 stated that SubtlOe D Midi €:oirw a.L�idt <i'¢c€•d 199j.i, and since thew he had not seen, nor had heard of a rye nli F �,ikaa;➢t �t F: ter :ipi.�.�u �i3d::a'�� had been any contamination or any type of pollutio t. 't'ri€:,t' €o F411 At3e D ode lead seen a situation where there was anorsomenthane whicis � OAN CT s,a>; ai»te hac not lt1',en properly handled, it would read the exact footing. of t l40 peij�;��.r. r of lice is ke, gnd tend to be taking harder through the moving site zwy ,e . It wws i;>fayc, Suhdjlle D and since Subtitle D the regulations that are requiredn by Sub454l i.V he did jaoi krto;v nor had he heard of any incident Whatsoever of l)17.1fid iirlL� ;9�' �;`;'✓✓edit;�ilz'otek° A€yY!It�aDD➢l➢➢ tli3Y@. Citiaen asked VT to �;r�afi t:lae a' :alb i� 'tine < etl➢ �c leakiD�g a Qtpe other IaYn€Iffill. IO�i�'. �+loodl inatic��+,41 ��-9p:�.z zs-psi .,<:T.�a•�.�a€�ti c�r�,s tipe�:dr r.dr'e son➢e WelIls put in there w➢th a negative air pressure 5urr � e,z,: ' _ :.:r an( a:>> all.11 thwe methane was then sucked up into the wipes and f al*ed' t:iti�en then ayi�e�s 1�1'%•�•f.'D'.' '�•'s1+.le'tA� �::a' �sr�'a��.�f''�ks? .pia k; Sul)title � site. M�. 1♦loodi std►tedi �ih:�� alxd, ���•€�;,� ���ie�p �S��S �ra.�d.� iaD the design. ate asked it' tiaers� �,'i��a:�a:a i'��� ;ip;•f:t�a�:�ae ��;:vs t;�t ti➢�: e�➢t.Ay�. �i15C➢DSSid3➢➢ d)IT� iD�.)y?s ;� d-:E.�'tLk-s`iska3 <k+ i-"+:' 5����:k°, Ms. "Ty➢'o➢➢e D�ea.El wl�� �.��rt �=;it•�•;�t;';1; "z�:.<.; .ax��°ti3r�� �e�r➢e a Study to look at t'.l➢e ld)i➢g ter. in, short tea d➢a 4,bff ns of j'e_'t p�} She stated that she assa�pnep this to be addressed) to € F •z t,€�a_ d :°a . '; d 'asked thse City' Council if the study had been done. S��td•. Sn➢ith indid�dt+�i ��,._} lie .z,�24 r z=�, ;_��<<:t t ��a� hL�arDse, as he had told then before, if ttie y listeH to €A x'a�IS It�g. �'„l i:d A21. Lc:a.tedl there would be 60 to �30 golf source hones the s4,,.a;.:p .5v .�,y' 4� `.,ii,i��t 1Ddpd� s�:s, or they might not come in at all, bYDt t6Dat. they [nigh;. Ms. Tyrone read �hu 1)<��t dg�e rtxy,�s, ``'i'h�:'�_'�?a_aracrl as ➢ED➢wiliing t.o �%�s3`k with tl➢e parks people for renova�tio�� prd � �,�•4���a� '�)�• � g�.a�•l:, 3:aaaa�can it be tlD�it they can he d➢➢dire willing to wort: i'c;➢• 2: 'Lsin flb 4'w- Mayor Coker iasdacat: �l .h�A;' �h-,u �vas ;kAti:asdg to work with parks board, the Council just. c�p� �+.?. �'.:�c�°�; i�f,_,41}�:� t:��> �•d:vedz�pe tl➢at they had voted on and how that money con idi ' ¢ yt took a board, an industrial board to X snake that dlecisia�ap, 14i97 �ieldrigE'.i.t`4� o Industrial he ineaut. corporation board. The ciorlpox a-�,4. in bioa r• i s c: efn l?U€: eKIC � sll ors Ixow tlpa, money is spent. He said that =veryx��P.� err... �ti _ , ;�r �'. dy scanted to do this, and do that, lie said that stuff too," he Mien stated that there has got to z) �� �. �, a aw t said that it they do not have the moneys Ihn! b : a laid owneror park. Someone from crowd stated that it 1 s-: galast of y1Ped, ptS _ + He savigs in a Siiial l. °mach a nt. �� , s.. : ; „'_ I a; E ons are between 1�35, Qaasat Ray t a g;.< :; r; r.t, oaase today for at least ryhat t n asap ,.. nose, era€aut. r ;...b a:: E Its thoroughbreet. from me for $1049000r if; :. ..s.,.: .1v4tTyroilp asked Mr. Flood if he would, talfze Ple �qJq In ttae tagpit � v 3<g�l course watt he hosted lAx less �'"•,,r u...` ,.�_ than a year, d , wti 7;&_ _ _ , Aestate to camouflage the dump, �cnd IE"I Will '90fO' ills. "t'yro�ae caa�l�:Aooaent ir� today's societySaiiger t'�s �t'yrs�ase ���.��':��a3�ieaitai steady been conducted" Hiow with all the drilYing and vl so T��°����e re���4 a ,t,; _ ar paIftatl®n plan been estalbl)shed?ii m Fletcher��> . { as part of the 16 Wferent attaehay elan tba4. ..INS 'INJ ids 0a ;�.. ,s' I I���s,;_ ��, 1'Eae erqIN A 1�1®ash fast t€a Iiay lohe°ts9 laov w1° ..z,9 I.,.,,. �' .�.� ti tier a a company hrin to the laaa3fall area." l�isayerke..,. :. ..� >, . .11�n and that there had been na tax: break. 0 . IN,;., < xt: a birthday party tunagxal, runt Cross the street, ..�,F 1��_ ��,�. >��; «: were all outside as time rolled near, and to ._n.. , ..�, ,y{ K3:NNI aath, Do you think we could have beep, onjw43.a �_; 9-,zade any last house payment in I ayg and, zl° t �,,� abandon my house and move el e shea°e, 1 k � u >,, ,,,; r. ? lekey wanNfyi it. �� ya�ta want 1s< 1'y eil�� ar VV Rtea � . , 7N .J: ' _ , 4,e , as to the depth of the proposed landfill`s" a11140�r as YUV 011 , . v �..:�;�: ���. ��yr��z�: �•�. ,t� , r. _, . � �, z ���;�?, t� p>,at trash ��er flee existing a�z���....��; IN ids. TyroKate r¢wd'.. ... � �% v that we pan anal£e It so that fir MH* dkey." As INN N ENY S . Tyrone� r=, _ . ._ :;V �,�� In the contract between I 1 seed the e��y� ,�sl,._ �:.. . . ..� .r. ..-pax �� gay over the perrnit applleati©n Itself. s7 I)iscaassian. DSO A yroll �+ �' ,. ,.' . ,' = g t r ,, t -t ,< come to the YYlicl'a 9hat]ew Citi el tiled 4 f':hlo�' of what `Tl"C�". i�eiieteti. NTRC€anplo, ;=ething that was placed in the „.. landfill that ss �<.� .` � r. �_ 5 iffoa ld be a violation they would l�avY to coo°xeva :.€s �t the state, aaal�'s Insurance, If for any re€rIflml .n_;:tE , �.. ~. ; k� business, there will be enough auoney p . :�� YtUi"" _daldfill could be closed properly, :end any p elal ,b„.� , ; s 1. , t before the permit gets issued 4 c,Pptfoa• di CID a�otbe ed by law, depending on the type or clas aa...E,,� ?�ell them, because they were required to:hatOr , Aed they had to tell that they were ia� viola �. �. � k Q� .1 �; > � �.. , ;- r �, � ., sired in doing so they n��ast go about isseieeg 1�,.., f� . , . �sa , a .. slag us know how they pities to clew it nl . :€ k x;va. �Ad t you have she indicated was a to of red S- 014I and thal nobody was being a -ay the piper, and depending on hew ern a�i _o� . , �, _ _, .. �� f�E3 they went about it they had thertpsp�tge iiia ra,p�� altering it up, meeting the gallu �.�I J1, l lred if e .. _y , . 5 eiS 4 q 4 _l`Y �.�f3ece V� tlk4. L�ttai d33ry�3�L+.'€A�a the pee�11�i i�, e ._�� �w ,�„ I ,.r, a .U,3 J jecifically states that standard >e . :; 4 . 0 . s �ll�;ed to serve adv�a€etage p iblic l�>�a�vletl; e ae.r�l x :'.� rAderationo" Ids, 'a'yecm(-,%�..:;r�111 r,nt were rnaIng a con-itneret, <,'�are one• Mayor, not SI's, tlaelr lafT1 lw c� flyor Q,ol e IIg ftY Sanger§s POLayor that tie was not 1ESPq AJL� 4 ., �`3.,. ,.. ,., �, ,�.. 4�: ,��J prices they negotiated with them so IES��.��.��� `,. �ffi ; � dro At the time the decisions were izade heIt ha�x sIII< ,:tt ey had been asked lfoNir fnuch nfo��ey, they �,, b� �-t .. , � ;°�-anld be 00,000 a year in cash �noncy that tl: 2 ;Y :._ r ;ze Ling ready, more than likely, to deregulate _ , ....., . s�, : =45 viA ona the electrical fund into the generEfl w'un€Ia ; .,.°.ted, and hewas not saying it wo11ld or � � ;�_ :�..Id, that they could lose the 500,000 hi I ,p-t T : 4} keep money coming in to try to tie€ p Sa�fl e r ' ith things lire ball parrs, and e e,,... s. E, 9rs I`hme �a�r� lnkrs.� E1aE ci ..., §g'EdE �1';�Y �E y >�aR 9Zw •4,:r .. a,. _',.2 . .. tlouht It I7 s c., , ti ::sit tonight they had rescinded _..,., . �> �..r+. ihat deCA iC)FAt ems• '.� �'f°�3n� a',>,��� .-t _ :., ,,,... . I��.a f�✓��ng down tl�e road can you � . xto d by the landfill"" 1���•, t�`loosl s,���� _ ,_ ,...0 : �- �,. . _ _ ;� a_�< a�� ���I ��c�t helie�e tl�at tl�e prrFe�`ty �iialoes ��aolf 1, � > , t e istaossi��a�. 't'yr�a����-�.�.r T��l«,o `ly��ar��e �;r;id that when they renue�;€:ed a pnbIic fates i;> .. should also reque st wleere and :she stated that the reason was ttfat tta ey Ws� i ; t, ,. insive for them, and stated that it was least e 7aj. _u :, . ^ > `: .. i. 4��i@ there was another thing she -� Gi loll J t i= 7r aed�d to i tl.,_ , r_�, �� t for legislature tidy year, that sonleony tar, t.q{�. :� tit_ �. 1 t,r affg much to high on cost, so they decided tl� .. �. .r .; ..dit , U She brought other people with her oxi k�'., . , v needed to this meeting. She indicated sb4 "fv'n.. r;F ., . , kt::�° nfa the public Interest �ouncll that could .a�3 �., i, ;> 3 .s13 ire. She could not get those 5� people l ere . , � d , ;���, �� last out, and he was a very ctualitled lie , : , , ,:,:VIA; j.ViA. �r ; ;_ &-:: could bring to give them the ua€�st fog th��l7° i.. ; xia. ;f ix �: 1 4 ze )At� aanount of money, and most of the Progra-aMs = E. 4, _ l , , � , _ , $�ti �� cuts were until August 31st.. hey have no �.:: . � _- � L= � ;� � 1 � M A' i tie cup around in the age��ry to get people for ;s; .,. At show the public they were InterestC iiIV a=t' '� did weant to answer their' 4 uesti I, I A IIII I I A_they have eperienced.%e stated that s�a.��. :�_ :All�;E.b �:frployee's to cope to them and A At n VI MIT, I�Ie iliE' j�_ si _. _.. K :..E5, IARVY WCiC @ljHYl L!A !aaL slaw oAT !?.I.`; s to 11 . 's., x' .s .3 :x!s Uie proposed permit is concerned tlicat t �,i y e,y %rant to deg this, II e tl3is, this �a w cnha :A; F; deep , and that they'a°e going to Flo this,. b� % ��,� ; t- K K a sal at. the back. of what they woaald l�eo ;tr ,.ti , :,u �.A° They had aIi idea by what lie l t e� � i � ., ;a ;; f f; :lea. She indicatedSt had told tlaeia4 ,VA >> > , t lkto do. She told tlae:ag they Iaeed��l to 'I i ; `� �t , _ � .t F„ aot. to beat them up as bad as bey WWI late : ��. _ . _ N� _ , �� tsten to the Council, and feel what they_ a 91..; a=Otthey elect theas their rep e ¢tt..�` E J flee things alley want to ll€e£r, it `t'liet° rdalkea... _.,, f Ahey wanted to heal but they ae> c= =all 1he,%AIAIVT�.thy Couaacit and that they still Iaeedev:l to V»l k ... :. 1 £ They had heard from ttiIV eii• neiho��;, aa�� . .���� �tietly and decide oaa what it ova b:h`9v �'>;,, ,.r�. _ t: want the landfill in Bengal, ,�;;_3 .�� ;ja s, she Said €fit tog, aIldtL o be �_,e �����t� �;,� :r�ld call`i1dCC) any brae to ;, E, ul) number. She said that the uaalaa�ei° ost aAI ,. _ :� ;)F �. t.���� all over everyday. She told them aioto tr��..t�VITO r, .,_ . r� , �; t_t and ask questions. She said fiat she �apl°� t : ,,., ��.eet�, and thanked theaa� for ITTallcyVATla-Og her t� :." . , :. IV t�o3T ��ll la�;e��.. .. � : r .. :. l T,�€;4t to flee city :�2 years ago He sail t=�at h� six, _ r v S�aaal e:a .ic . �,tu . r , . _ .. it . ; V. "M at he ha�i been a geiicral cOntrac6or t°o I,��I. �t a inilliol� things, acid even aia�.hi .> AT, z� P :��jd tell the sub ect right there that no n-1S?.z"< r5`;s� .,a.,'F' ' A xtate, could lie prove to th€'rCl or the se ah�� ;.<� Rated that he had worked in landt'illy rh .9 _ :. 4 .4. had been all and out of diem for 50yearn. < .r �.� �III 'Qar�c iie$2t to see the landfills, If they got og� t z �., � � �;«.��� _. � stench, if they had the flies on tbeni, and f,;�� a had happened to him, and that @ { (F Y . M1rtg4le who badnever been 4n An C�' One, and that F � I..�� � t p�� did not know the larst thing. fie said that t; s:_ .�> �f �� } r' ��� aVSe with houses around it. He to I M r I+toa d 4:u.. �.._:•, : , #sf! a Moose on that land and live there on if< . f ally years he would lire there. you're oai.r« do say, ancl that God was his e3e "a5 ?. �.> `ex� ;e - lemen, send aksa� the yo��rt lady _ °_ l sy� .. x.. , : , .. d and ask him what wig right. n.. _ x �no flower clubs, no grei rn $ e € '> arrnored car In the funeral i IF t �' >St�, and tliri3;24' would be the first one �o t;�°arr..ai ��; :��:E. .. x.,���d that he had an apartment lords ale, ., day, but that he sure didn't Al'arrt to ad i_s � �> q . .:; x�3 could drink out of, and that the w;ate;r �wv; 4..: P _. : = 4 rii-- out of there faucets. He stated that 1- �� Ijpcould a , a d stated that it dins hal,eiiwrislalitell tlxei$$ so. tie ,.aid drkfzn } �� N=' bye lead worked in, .no (Doubt, o bill Hhuat r ��4ded to all thi$$k about the ¢y* y LLIr�� ya@ y py e 1 idiAfP.lGi6 i,He,a3 �5 T,'_Ck U .::?.� ,.p. �;43i'S �:Ltte�'.tZlker aaA that maaai�d)e tl3e CO f�3iHo-?i�$.� .s.7 ' l aii[l iiwih{ yolklo�t 4`1 ol�ei° the peol-3te, aaw Lk :nus and comments. He stated that the C€ un-A�.l x ,rC v. . they were doing, at the time, what they 1,01 , ... r . I like they wanted to sl)ealc tto e`IIIy of the >x He said that they covild 3t l&4 e3� „r.k;, ailtl. questions,as132Ilie s�i Hwy all had telephoiles, and rl OL hat all they had M do was 112 (9)12. i�teetl�� t��y��3 � , MINUTES: City Council Special Called June 6, I998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Councilman James, Councilman Ervin, lilncaid, CU11Ylcilwomall Madden, Counclimala Jenkins G'I'�IERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Woodrow Barton, C.G. McNeill, Doris Garner, Robert Garner, Fen Cornell, Jack Walters, Merri Lou Abney, Vernon Langley, Earl Jones, Ralph Cain, Ann Barton, Andrew Foote, Jeremiah Foote, Mike Feller, John Kirby, Betty Bittle, Charles Bittle Sr., Miriam Calderon, Sherron Thompson, Debbi Cox, Andrew Cox, Wanda Ervin, Nathan Ervin, Carol Foreman, Bob Foreman, Joe Higgs, Roy Abney, Carlos Brown, ,Iukly Dryden, iviargaret OeRear, Thomas Muir, Sue Rodgers, Helen Kirby, Shelley Ruland, Denny Ruland, Jennifer Sicking, Paula Dunham, Kevin Murphy, Roger Dunham, John Brolsma, Mary Ann Adcock, Fen Adcock, Wayne Mosley, Joe Falls, Chuck Drake, Sam Allgood, Kim Mall, Rick Fuller, Paul Edelman, Joey Copeland, Patty Falls, Janet McDaniel, Joanne Robert, Stephanie Spain, Icy Iles, Terri Twellman, Deborah Bucklew, Mary Jones, Mary Bucklew, Jeanene McCuistion 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to arder. Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation followed by Councilman James leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion was made by Councilwoman Madden to Rescind the Action Agreeing to Appoint a Committee. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Co��ncilman )Kincaid indicated there were sever°al people wl�o have called h;�m who want to be on this coat�inittee. Councilman Kincaid asked Council if tlaey really wanted to take this action since some citizens were for and some were against the Committee. Councilman Jenkins indicated that what Councilman Kincaid indicated was not the numberhat the .dwanting to be on this committee hould have a bearing on whether or not they do or don'tE. Voting l:or: Voting Against: Motion Carried 3-2. Councilwoman Madden Councilman Ervin Councilman Jenkins Councilman Kincaid Councilman James �l nT_..___. /l _7. __. • ,?�_____. ._� LL _. TES .. ..A�....� J. 1Vliij'Ul" LU1S.Ci" ��UJUUt'llt'U 611C 1VACCtIfll�'. Z"I PRESENT: ABSENT' f3THER5 PRESENT: 1. City Council June 15, 1998 Mayor Coker, Councilman Jenkins, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Kincaid Councilwoman Madden, Councilman James City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Rick Carter, Rodney Fletcher, Dennis Wozniak, Bo Jaubert, Ken n..,..,.....9 I r%.......,. TAT +4 ,� I. 01l l l ov nnAr= r V . LA=.L 4., 3JW Qy iSrVVkA4GFnnfia _ , r.+...e�... .. .. ... .. .�, Jayne Ashcraft, Julia Beavers, Diana Cruz Mayor Goker Called led the invocation b) Disbursements the Meeting to ®rder. Councilman Kincaid followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve all items on Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0,300 and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract2B, Acres 4.573. Property located on Cowling Road. wa ne Waters addressed the board in re OIX 90f storage buildings to store 5 motor homes each. They be 18f wide w'th a 12, overhead door and a 31 entry door. here will be a 651 parking lot and 651 between buildings. The i a • will be - base. Thebuilding • ` 220 feet• ff owling Road. Mr. Waters presented a sample drawing on how :he structure would be located on the property, Their plan is • build buildings. Discussion followed as to where the property was actually located. Council expressed concern as to the zoning change from Residential District to I-1. Cu MINUTES 06/15/98 There was another issue expressed, which was the 200 feet requirement notification for property owners. The City Secretary did confirm that there should have been at least some residential property included in the Sanger South Subdivision; however she felt they erred by not taking the correct corners on the property when they sent the notice on the change. The street construction was discussed. Mr. Waters indicated the road is not a street, but it will be a r%ri ira1-c rlri zrcTAMNY r�nf-canna f-n f ihA l noati nn a,.,�.e. ,...... ...W-......»j .__.._ .__-_ -- ---- --------- The Mayor did inquire if the City had a code enforcer that looked at these requests. erself, and • • •review equest to make sure they classified the proper zoning needed, Council again expressed concern that the proper notification was not given and the zoning was in question as to whether it was properly identified. Brief discussion. Burleson,0.300 and Abstract 940A McKinney Acres& Williams, Tract 2B,. _.573. Property locatedon Cowling i.i Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to table this item until it could be straightened out. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Council instructed staff to get information from other cities on their zoning restrictions to campers to our zoning restrictions. This will give the City an idea as to what modifications needed to be made. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as abstract 1241, Tract 52, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Mayor Coker Declared the Public Hearing ®paned CC MINUTES 06/15/98 Dennis request Wozniak addressed City Council with Jack in the Box's for construction of a 100' sign. Mr. Wozniak expressed that their request is to have adequate advertising for the North bound and South bound I-35 traffic. They have been on the property and have run a crane at different levels, 60' and 80' and 100' to see what would be appropriate to the location. Mr. Wozniak indicated there is no problem going North to South; however the problem is going South to North. Mr Wozniak explained there is an off ramp by Enderby Gas which has a - 46 _ '------_ _r rn IC��a a. I "1 ... A ccA0 ATnrth i=4hizra rauxu LuweL UL 17U ttlCl.. LOMMLi M110406 .-__--- is another off ramp which makes a turn by the pedestrian walkway location. The road makes a curve that the Texaco and Phillips 66, that are freeway oriented, can be seen way back at the low height of the wrap. However, the Chevron can only be seen just before you get to the turn just underneath the walkway. afterhey can not be seen until . going s Mr. Wozniak explained that with management's concern they contacted the City to see what procedure needed to be taken to get their request granted. Mr. Wozniak indicated that under conditions of their sale, the existing billboard will be moved. illboard type advertisement, Mro Wozniak also indicated that ie understood Planning • Zoning turned down theirequest ind he did not know if it was based on a recommendation of a 5 a a 5taff decision in opposition their request. Mr. Wozniak indicated their business will create 30 to 40 jobs. Their restaurant will have a single drive thru, and will seat about 50 people. heir building permit has been approvedfo however it is on hold They will have adequate freeway, lighting, and security, Councilman Jenkins asked if he had any idea of height of the existing signs in the vicinity. Mr. Wozniak stated that the Chevron sign is 60' and so is the billboard by Miguelito's. He also indicated that the Phillips 66 sign is 50' or 601 . GC MINUI'ES 06/15/98 Discussion followed. Mr. Wozniak again expressed to City Council the ongoing cost if they chose another type of advertisement, which would not be a return to their investment. Mayor Coker reminded Gity Council that zoning called for a 60 foot sign, and that Planning and Zoning unanimously had turned down their request. Discussion continued. cars. c�ruZ expressed. Lr1�.L �at1L dg:t'8CS t>tta.V �.. iio �.+..�i.L...+�-v .v see Miguelito's on that side of the Interstate. She indicated that when they build their restaurant, they would like the same consideration to be given for this type signage. Mayor Coker indicated that he did not know since the City Council might be setting precedence. Mr. Wozniak indicated that one of the City's requirements for this type of request is to show hardship and he believed they had displayed such in their request. Councilman Kincaid indicated that this i s a special use permit and it is not setting a precedence. A Specific Use Permit is based on an individual basis. Councilman Kincaid also indicated that South of town there was a brand new cafe who was granted several Specific Use Permits. or that location. Uman Jenk'ns also agreed with Councilman Kincaid" ounci ipinionuse requests. Andrew Foote, 2725 Marion Road, spoke in opposition to the signage, and agreed �,rith Mayor Goker. r. Wozniak indicated that the 1001 sign would not be highest ater tower. layor Coker Declared the Public Hearing closed and Possi Abstract 1241, Tract 52, { , known as 903t CC M1NU'1'ES 06/15/9S Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Grant Specific Use Permit for Tract 52, Abstract 1241, 903 N. Stemmons, not to extend 1001. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried 2-1. Councilman Ervin voted no. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Franchise Agreement witia. Friendship Cable. Rodney Fletcher, Area Manager for Friendship Cable, addressed re_ 1 �ZJ ....� A +-L,.,4" I o.+4m i-4me ��otr e.v®v� ai' r9 i-IT C...L Gy %•Uutl(:1.1 . nf= 11111.E 1eQ t•C td 1ri1Q V IUS a. �. a. a.s,. .•as e•a .. yr v .... .. .,. -. ®d Council they had addressed all the issues in regards to upgrading their systems. He was again addressing City Council for them to consider renewing their Franchise Agreement. Liscussion: greement with Friendship Cable TV with beginning term as oted. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Discussion Regarding Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant Application. Kim Lacy addressed City Council in regards to the Texas Parks And Wildlife Grant. They will be applying for the grant fund at the end of July. 4 9LtPO'jM rant the ow response to the survey, The Parks and Recreation plans 11.1 be worked on by the City Administrator Rose, anR iers_requirement • . • _ be r rought to them inJuly* kt the last City Council meeting in July, they will present pplication, Kim briefly explained the wording of the Resolution and indicated that this Resolution is City Council°s support for the grant project. :discussion followed on what could be used as matching funds on the grant application, and the cost projections. CC MINUTES PAGE 06/15/98 9. Consider and Possible Action for Hunter Associates to Solicit Bids for South Stemmons Sewer Line Upgrade. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid for Hunter's and Associates to solicit bids for South Stemmons Sewer Line Upgrade. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. a) Mayor Coker indicated last week that City Council had ;L�l! VC.0 L11LVZ1LLCLULV11 Vll 42&%jr a11SJ. MdU gppviJbLxa6c 6a.0. a•ataYvs Coker asked City Council to be considering nominees to each Board and also to consider serving themselves on the boards. They need to get this done to proceed with corporation papers. ose will serve on - Board. Councilman hat they --♦ a Secretary, and . Treasurer takes,ionies and Rose care of all the moniesthe '�'he City Administrator explained that. in Jtanction they only had the 4B consisting of 7 members. The City Secretary acted as a paid assistant to the Secretary. There will still be a Corporate Secretary, which will be one of the board members. The assistant secretary will post agendas, take care of the accounting, and deposits. There will also be a registered agent of this corporation, which he has put himself as the registered agent, who all the paperwork will come to. IN k WIN Council. orporation and the City Councilman Kincaid expressed that he does not want the tax revenues out of the hands of the City Administrator, and the Cj.ty Secretary. Mayor Coker also discussed vacancies of the other boards recommendations. c) Mayor Coker instructed City Administrator to schedule workshop. d) City Administrator indicates that as soon as .City Engineer, Mark Hill, returned from vacation they will have a meeting to discuss future growth. 11. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council Special Called June 22, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins ®THERE PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Mayor Cokea° Called the Meeting to ®rder. Councilwoman Madden led the ate• _tl 7 _ _ J` aL ._ Y19 .. .3.� ..@ Invocation which was followed by Councilman hunca u leauiiig Hue rieuge v. Allegiance. Each Council member submitted names for possible appointment to the 4A and 4B board. These boards must have seven (7) members, and the members do not have to reside in the City. The following nominees were suggested for appointment to the 4A Board, t ommy Kincaid harles Fenoglio tfc& -FIAT E daiiaba MINIM I me Prank Ballard Joe Skiles Carroll McNeill Howard Ashcraft Willie K. fate Richard Muir Mike Jaynes CC MIND S - SPECIAL CALLED 06/22/98 1 I 1 1 4 1 UIUUM 1 If .o 1 1, , , Dent Crutsinger Carroll McNeill Councilman James submitted the followin ng antes: 1 � 1 ;arland Thornton Ballardrank harles Fenoglio 1. Falls 1' •1 1 � 1 1: 1- �: lt:polintment to the 4B board. �i i, i' Bucklew ohn Springer kussell Madden erry Jones PAGE 2 C7.Ll�_DL 06/22/98 erry Jenkins Councilwoman Madden submitted the following names: Charles Tucker Nel Armstrong Carroll McNeill i erry Jones councilman Ervin submitted the following names: ��lem� Ervin dhimself} Woodrow Barton Beverly Branch Charles 'fucker Glenn Lanier ,toe Higgs ,avocates Vol LAPTIrtardan Witiuso ) • go on the record that he wants to serve on the 4A, and if he has to he is willing • serve on a j, City Administrator confirmed that Rose and himself would be attending all meetings, however, they will not be voting. , MINX1TESa City Council - Special Called June 27, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor Pro-Tem Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ®THERE PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Connie Evans, Woodrow Barton, Dilana Mosley, Wayne Mosley, Joe Higgs, Almarie Jones, Earl Jones, Fern Hutto, Ruth Ellis, Ann Barton, Butch Langley, Doris Garner, Molly Swindle, Robert Garner, Mary Ann Adcock, Ruth Coffey, Tinme Howard, B.J. Hudgins, Melba Hudgins, Ken Cornell, C.G. McNeill, Stephanie Spain, Ed Farmer, Jerry Prater, Ken Adcock, Miriam Calderon, ts•t■ T * T7_Dl__ T__6i .. TL:..n.. A. V2 *#V Minn Andrew r oote, Din I6rce, Ixetty r 1Ylnen, kylLn Ic rS1nAy?s, Y,GCCy 1VA%O%, 1. Mayor Pro -Tern Kincaid Called the Meeting to ®rder. 2. Discuss and Possible Action to Accept Mayor Resignation. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to Accept Resignation of Mayor Coker. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Discuss and Possible Action to Fill Mayor Position. Councilman Kincaid indicated there were two or three ways Council could proceed. Council could appoint any of the Council members and the appointment could run until the next City election which is approximately 8'/z months, or the City could hold an election to elect a Mayor. i . i • �': r *1 should ounci be careful notto make a rash decision monthsor Councilman James indicated they should consider functioning with Mayor Pro-Tem for this short time to allow Council to seriously think about what to do The decision they make is for the next 8 or 9 months. Councilman Jenkins asked if there was a cost breakdown on election costs. )6/27/98 Councilman Jenkins also agreed with Councilman James, and felt there was not a need to rush. Councilman Jenkins indicated he personally feels they should go outside the Council to fill the position. Councilman Jenkins continued to express his opinion on this issue. Councilwoman Madden also agreed to give Council time to fill the position of the Mayor. Councilwoman Madden indicated that her reason in appointment of a Pro® rem is for this person to take position of Mayor when he is not available. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like far there to be an election for the Mayor's position. �..filledfrom outside 4. Discuss and Possible Action to Fill any Councilrman �Jacancy. S. 170scuss and Possible Action to Elect Mayor Pro -Teen. 6. Adjourned. �E. £ s ;} . d ii t it ie, it ed I el it `I' t i i It tji 4 4t .[rl :ivy `'_ .,Itle le" tAf........f�I._,F. ...__ tee, I tt _.. t I t:^ '. :i I S� _ N4 _ . .. _7. _ .. .. t: Jr lee Tel �A tent I ... �. e I tile,. ;... .. IL v-I It t , IT14 try 1. telre — ' _ } .. _ ,.._.. ._ �L,ti,.+ ,.�_. 1.r.l41 let It 17 ere, 4 � .:^ °47.� e k. I"dam; _Ilei l k t , ., V. .f : _�._.,. Ile, � -_. ._. itx el lt te ie� Ile i 'i_li.r7 ?.-3 t>✓_�Y3 _e .fi t'YL_ ---,4 .J , _,_._. _.Si, r 1 .. Ile tee tI { 1 i1_v f Fi,t i '�, ftYj tree.'rJ f�,/ {iv'.J ...I....•! r v i,.iet _.it J=1 .__. tr I.t t .* I3 ie _ _w.e. _ , , , IVf.. i� ., i. :. car..it f' :.:t 1 In i .a_FirI..:._ Y _, r i e t._DUE _ i I t-t L,Eii:"s ..FiY'<F I{, t' I`';"D Sir%ttiE�'I�itti., �L;I't.Lt�t t;�. t ryry EE,,� ppss f 7 1 �'.. 1 Jf v. .„t® e�j e '_E..!�ti 9 E fi.eej {, t, li..? q,,.el 1 c 1MiIi ... �. e I tile,. ;... .. IL v-I It t , IT14 try 1. telre — ' _ } .. _ ,.._.. ._ �L,ti,.+ ,.�_. 1.r.l41 let It 17 ere, 4 � .:^ °47.� e k. I"dam; _Ilei l k t , ., V. .f : _�._.,. Ile, � -_. ._. itx el lt te ie� Ile i 'i_li.r7 ?.-3 t>✓_�Y3 _e .fi t'YL_ ---,4 .J , _,_._. _.Si, r 1 .. Ile tee tI { 1 i1_v f Fi,t i '�, ftYj tree.'rJ f�,/ {iv'.J ...I....•! r v i,.iet _.it J=1 .__. tr I.t t .* I3 ie _ _w.e. _ , , , IVf.. i� ., i. :. car..it f' :.:t 1 In i .a_FirI..:._ Y _, r i e t._DUE _ i I t-t L,Eii:"s ..FiY'<F I{, t' I`';"D Sir%ttiE�'I�itti., �L;I't.Lt�t t;�. t ryry EE,,� ppss f 7 1 �'.. 1 Jf v. .„t® e�j e '_E..!�ti 9 E fi.eej {, t, li..? q,,.el 1 c 1MiIi .. _ ,.._.. ._ �L,ti,.+ ,.�_. 1.r.l41 let It 17 ere, 4 � .:^ °47.� e k. I"dam; _Ilei l k t , ., V. .f : _�._.,. Ile, � -_. ._. itx el lt te ie� Ile i 'i_li.r7 ?.-3 t>✓_�Y3 _e .fi t'YL_ ---,4 .J , _,_._. _.Si, r 1 .. Ile tee tI { 1 i1_v f Fi,t i '�, ftYj tree.'rJ f�,/ {iv'.J ...I....•! r v i,.iet _.it J=1 .__. tr I.t t .* I3 ie _ _w.e. _ , , , IVf.. i� ., i. :. car..it f' :.:t 1 In i .a_FirI..:._ Y _, r i e t._DUE _ i I t-t L,Eii:"s ..FiY'<F I{, t' I`';"D Sir%ttiE�'I�itti., �L;I't.Lt�t t;�. t ryry EE,,� ppss f 7 1 �'.. 1 Jf v. .„t® e�j e '_E..!�ti 9 E fi.eej {, t, li..? q,,.el 1 c 1MiIi "MYC vo {[' .71 E� ki_1 1 KH' Lli it.+ l.� E C.. t'. 5L"<i r J�S UrkuU�' i ti �� HEe.. a 16{4 r j Ilid -} � � tt CC Pit !! �Pggkk �:.•.i . ..,.�...�77 f (( i6 '•t iil:" UUiNI iU L ti sLUU��i t i:" (�bizl LIME its rt � �S i:7, [ u_ ..�'.7 E,. DE_. i.,_t!".F{ S 2r Ii , iv(t�..! o,. Ej .,..'f��i•ie !lf i�;jl'xi.t 1, �. i�. lt�'���i-. }..)uf �f"r Y"£f...i r. %f--. ie:;}e ('i":� IL C'itf�g r {}.2`:'�.;�} If :E••t Urk c�C�j �{i' Sri (DEL{ 6L ��G ..,.I {d cM t i III c3 to ?((���✓! i{iFIt iILA t i L u!ri ,i-iPPL.i€•:n `,is__3 AN a'J [t ilia✓i I_. ! 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Itk+ 1 !. ., :� Pe_%I�itGi+t� 6Et [t7 VLf . r'4 CNALI Ile vry _ t�Jits r G it 11 su ter ¢ S ftFr �•i,•ii � �' � N III t N!��'f �� �� C_•>d , Nea l L ; I�� t JiWJ z[ 3.: L IJ it Net. ..z 44 4v��FRLt FF 'N L .w. _.. tF t 4.I.tiiF,},'ci 'JE I'�SJl� Fit �tr�9t'lytyE.J ro:It 4 !'�o �v ii�4� 4� U f-. fl, i;i,!`#( t�m�.eL� I e,N e.., �1Jp1 leJ i L r L r i s j E1 t, r {td-r o-I, i .�p III IN AIN i rle °i=. t! e rf ,1.,LAN w ml1 y i i 'iumrl [ ,f s t! —. _ i«iu t_"`.Ja�It._i �_<1 �1. _i _t',;is _1,�.3 �4 li 1 �.._.__tj i'..t b3 �t � gf?1.� .� .•�;•<`}�r�:. Neel ii.r`i FIj•Y .__.. �. l:f Ei�{�ifai T�Ctgy , r.._... r` %sit flus (t+•..� (iL 1 �tiJf\ I�� i fl€ llili�. �.t v"i:R' tN iiq. fii�Ji{tea t jtiiti f J"i rf I`3 _9r' !W� 1I'+ti!E i•:t 1 __t[" t—t—(f.;!i Uya_1�ix _C iu r I { E1 1 ixt UIJ I ._{, L, ut=lt(e! h� „q,;- Ei,e e ate; I p`tjt rr-'jrWl�' ., J.saJ'w j s! C�� /, 3riff(� l..r'Gi-i11t;u °�.5 p( 211 ]] 77 r.+=et ¢ "4 E�1I! ru. 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LFt - k.}( 1;C {setIf7t_ 1 -k U (� t_ `• t :.fiv l.:y; 4 t r = t.. :.. CFi kH [[tt I.k {�itt�itiil �f r.k�. pit 4 1 e_UK J_Li Lei sui. F FiLF�sk. r 6 V-!4.1 - ,. ' c`t`', !1_i�_� =;.c I {::x`_t ."Y �;tlt t .v: 4- J ri3Aui ! LC f��{tt `e.. Lill LF ?� )) C1 i•.�i fial� `'{it kr".VI .';J Li_t,. i4 t k. is LillA }�I At C �Eb Ih :E t IG. L ..... .. 7i'h iu13f(t,;i;�� �k�{g� S.,,i 4 `� s:._ic..�t.�.}� r� } iif 1iiE ,j, r r{" L_=..f uN s �.0 tt i I r�tEt is ?C { f v..IJu rl BNB., CODE arc tR �'[$0ii 1 s F' Obi r' �i € i 'IE63t}fill ram, - -- LL='3k ., s_ �.WO � �d =ii:4�.3i. L!_3pr-il_�`;i vLtlti4?''t!",r t1lt}I fr= a 7tz�f.A ILIkfitiL�'. �' j r+yy (`_('i' f;itiq rt 4 J sF lS.if �v# If IGUM i-LItfk• E .J .i. It Y i'RUv{ .4„ ,G ,J: "t�I,4 �--.. !liti JIf vi_:f r�V"r�i i SS •xk';� �.iaF :.L .J W� rit�L s S Iff If fi� fil iv f Ls F==-i v,I.1ftr€frFj ta?=+ LL Irt f:G. E� �__ .,_I {_ a .� il'a_3 S1�ft: Gi"0 Li3lift tin !Llti€W if Mp ii UN J*IJ7 Fire r .µ ...€lq r� C t�, r' L6���la. �' uitl,i'"a. 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I-91059 7/15/9B CORNER OF CHURCH 194.00 GNB99 DUE: 7/21/98 DISC DT: 7/21198 CORNER OF CHURCH 008 58-6020 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 194.00 __= VENDOR TOTALS =_= 194.00 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL I-54218 7/15/9B ABSORB N UR't' OIL 26.15 GNB99 DUE: 7/21/98 DISC Dive 7/21/98 ABSORB N DRY OIL 001 20-5325 R & M 140TOR VEHICLE 3.74 ABSORB N DRY OIL 001 24-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 3.74 ABSORB N DRY OIL 001 30-5325 R & 14 MOTOR VEHICLE 3.74 ABSORB N DRY OIL 001 32-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 3.74 ABSORB N DRY OIL 001 3U 5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 3.74 ABSORB N DRY OIL 008 50-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 3.74 ABSORB N DRY OIL 008 58-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 3.71 __= VENDOR TOTALS =_= 26.15 99-02040 RICHARD 3. PERRY, D.O. I-9807I53Y 7/15/98 RICHARD J. PERRY, D.O. i,i40.00 GNB99 DUE: 7/21/9B DISC DT: 7/21/98 RICHARD 3. PERRY, D,O. 001 345440 MEDICAL PHYSICALS 855.00 RICHARD 3. PERRY, D.O. 001 15-5440 MEDICAL SERVICES 142,50 RICHARD 3, PERRY, D.O. 008 155440 MEDICAL SERVICES 142.50 VENDOR TOTALS =_= 1,140.00 99-02190 RITE —WELD I-862762 7/15/98 OXYGEN GtdB99 ➢UE: 7/21/98 DISC DT: OXYGEN _=== VENDOR TOTALS ==_ 7/21198 53.00 53.00 001 24-5375 RIINOR EQUIPMENT 53.00 ..J ups e J, el 12 e„i f iE t v 4.4.f II',C �.rtJtl>�i tll'f �ii'it G. { i.Ji CFu� E`�e yr�u � laIle p ( F .__. _.._ Y ..b=.... f Ii§l tell 3f;_ .. .., Sa L{�r.,. ii_�} .. .. _._»._....._ !_ �....S�C€kE Ji kr. t't _.Ert t—iYf �_.....,.. dv,1w4.wi..fi{ t.�{fit... �.. _.._.... _. JE_.f'S Gtc3 .... }}ss L. fie m.e _..._ fiUo Val F..r` t E'��. # f € i-L.:.. a f 561 .J:r C` Ft ti .. lVVeV Hill IL. S.F t_ii�.:FL i€'vG t..ft.I.F '=7: s ,..?=iUit tt �+ 1 le EILet €w_ zE€� ifs`!j�.+ .. t ,. rF 11.E it B i;"f F E.. _ t.wttf - x f:�FJi ICJ L: ik t €Colt:E€,.feet v ere IMi f�C_ E Vle �f M i Li:..i.� ,- i:.s i. `i .F�.1t._f .,.. .f_c �l tee s L€is L` tilt t t u tt t€ _ ,. .. 6. E! 'y U.11tell IV 4�iL S { a {� t E it t1 S€p� i.. ...ff. ._i.J{�..!' ... -et IV ell tee Jel, f _ . t...i l# i ii`lb '� .ri:„! Cl ° (.I'._? .ri I_li i_i�Ef l UIR fi t1 � lee�iE fiq Cho J �14rtqj aJ: 1G�3r � -__ r.. f.4i } r tl i i„ w': I _ .. _tom ::li_ e '€. Oil i tor1 -a� `-1 {1 C F f"s'SL r_'•.;i:.:r�3If yy pt t'c i. t: f'ii lfaiv Ei l `_ �L(\44 IILeJ uLuV I'. ' Ve II'LJi. �.�. f f.. Vt Il iC L 1311ri i'xrP tf _...+J.yFl�+ ..a1vJJt VDY�t' i_i. _'.,�c_ r xa t i it Fee.- "xf `11 :'- 1 rt A,If !..',.'. rl _ .•JCS a stv.sf iL.J II V clz Ile i s._ L�91s..et" rt Fl fkS 7('''�k .. {{ I�, iE1�It r1 fi' IJ vl. ate L. ti 1It"•i �� t;ia{ >*1����31�{`a: }. 't LP, Ai ri R f i; h j�'f�w. 4 jt C. t..l 3 i.rl it l.. �}_.•4: ,- �!`. ��' it,t�� �ii,,l..Fs Wi.�`..: ..:'� ...t �r IN £le`S�RO „bfz°u En el JJ I�lL 1ti=":. 4iit% iE- 1 le el _C. b =ej { s, C t x.. f-4,,.E ,4 7 +yr r `-• 1 t F j i' r .' i:i .�r.. �.L.fiiJ�tl v.i_ +v: f€ LIUS€.'S�Nil. i t•tvf `i `itiJ »itJ ' Aytl. tt i C. � 1` Js.t .„ _....., �t tt iO } [ ti _sz?'�vrp '�:: �a?t�-��q.��Ji`_r'1[iatt i. I�: psi_J Ciiilii _� �i<.:'�t iti: _il,Lr_"3 _} _ .Lit. 'Y` �.,1 � , I1 'E IJL.ii E.. i C! tlL L *t f. r!ti."it. `_i_�rlit{%,v�..,i. L°S7Fsl;'�i'.E!i{ _ ifs }U It i ti{ iU i 1 t�. Iti }t3 ir�vxt�.i Mkt }("t l v,fr.JL`&r. ..,st✓._ if .:�:id.., 1i5Lt..�if fiiii t:;3S€t€ I._: �.iiii t t t�'��f� Lr if i i rt ._"Ff./�i. x.s .��•_'its1..%f .i'�ei k •fv € 1atr,='vi' J. '! G I. 6 ,I:.: C =.. JJ _ L�ruuse I AD DID D`5 DID Dj Oil DID 11 ILL f .. .f...,.f € f� i ",. 9 f t � E,I ; ... b I� J :_ Li 1_ i H �'_''n it IuJr ii'ik =_M ;i ! i v_f t:'. 4,1:?. �L...i, .�W�S UL 1`iw v., .J( ,C4. } '},ll :.:. 141,,4 r=. tID.i ... 1 ID.. F'mva iIIF_ tt.a.._ ui _tie .._`,� t_a.✓... b. ,(.:" t _. r. ._.._ ti'•_ I!. W tID I t'iD...L., i tae...- _� t € ~r_4. '— iL.tA S UL t"1l • is LR. ij .,_ ...._ t i. _ t._ v.S J �3 liik d'C!1` t = fxil tip m : a.,Jµt.i`t ktitStUte?�r.t f„:.,.�t _ `",""DID Ait D -DID il-tDt; DID ID I Ij Iy Ill-, DID k" U{aii.(p tlf2 x __ ...._ ._,.� itr tC IlDli P-b Ds .J�p:il'`! f E L �'�:i �. .:;ry �' €d .�{.: e:-.iir .�_tD t ft€;t-=!. "� ;-gym I k ii .�( £�D i- t� J� I It __ — J__ t_,. IDIDDIl Ipt.J i�:i t s aV.� i €_-`s_i.''�".- . 4�.• - .l,,; ri,lf'tt,- f,.,F 3,1 i j f U a f, t_ LJ _� Ef1DDIL it s ID _ I ,- - it i —_.:„;t.,y _ts+�i,�fk.__J(y ��: w..k'ka Sit i,f-,I,_LI,° ?I t. _•,-.er 1(fLe _.tdr w_.it t �..;.. r �=.l r, is ai.fJ �. LID _y j. ,_ w y .t?fJ.. Cl 1 it i..iC IUi `t U'fl HLA-� VltiE !!®��Vt Ft t Pirtle rf Jt5i3 i cif V T.i?=}t Ytt }� 3�� y FF { 11 7 p _._._�lz ��. ...__. E 7 �lh L1j '34 ,x; .:`�=u itJC.ti�tq'� ....-✓ ! §S l_. Iv ve.: J itt{Ic W r f�°l '.A ,' N _r J _ ((L LEI tmy.ViL:31 . .. ., .. ` 3 E(4Ecxi i 4'i Fiia "j ij i s'i e 6 I'Sii+ l r4ft` t� r_- ` lk?L.i's.MI f. ere .. SYI.f E., i aka ,_ fr t I S �U�'c t'k= €U i i..3'k. ( ~E{_t ell F HI ler r -.V:.i Y=, a :} r _.. -rl i L L.f v E. tws i u tf t:Ity _4a �» � 4 tir,i L. >tJ� F iitl 1 q. _ 7/17/98 3:2.4 PM A/P DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT PAGE: 16 VENDOR SET: 99 .iEQUENCE : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED ITM DATE GROSS P.O. ----ID---- BANK CODE ---------DESCRIPTION--------- DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT ------ACCOUNT NAME------ DISTRIBUTION 99-G388G U.S. ME"iRO I-807 ?/15/9B IriETRO LINE 86.00 GNB99 DUE: 7/21/98 DISC DT; 7/201/98 METRO LINE 001 15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 43.00 METRO LINE 008 15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 43.00 __= VENDOR TOTALS =_= 86.00 99-0B9B0 WATER PRODUCTS INC. I-180334 7/17/98 14ETEP, � METER VALVE 508.34 GNB99 DUE: 7/21/98 DISC DT; 7/21/98 METER & METER VALVE 008 50-5360 R & M OTHER 5'08.34 __= VENDOR TOTALS =_= 508.34 99-03010 WEBB AUTO FARTS I-9805 7/15/98 BULB,GiL FILTER,FREON �19.90 GNB99 DUE: 7/21/98 DISC DT: 7/21/98 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREON 301 20-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 27.49 BULB,OIL FILiER,FREON 001 30-5325 R & 14 MOTOR VEHICLE R7.49 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREON 001 24-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 27.49 BULB,OIL FILTER, FREON 008 50-5325 R & N MOTOR VEHICLE 27.49 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREON 008 505325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 27.49 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREGN 008 54 5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 27.49 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREON 008 58-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 27.49 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREON 001 36-532J R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 13.74 BULB,OIL FILTER,FREON 008 36-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 13.73 I-9835 7/16/98 WEBB AUTO PARTS 39.17 GNB99 DUE: 7/21198 DISC DT: 7/21/98 BELTS 001 30-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 14.47 OIL FILTERS 001 30-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 8.00 RA➢. CAP 001 30 5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 9.70 NESCO TRAY 001 36-5327 R & 11 OTHER 7.k0 __= VENDOR TOTALS 0259.07 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUAOTA &EQUIP. I-c.045 7/15/98 TRASH PUMP, SUCTION HOSE 910.0Qi GNB99 DUE; 7/c1/98 DISC DT: 7/c1/98 TRASH PUMP, SUCTION HOSE 008 50-5360 R &MOTHER 910.00 1 __= VENDOR TOTALS =_= 91101•00 t{ LI i e b •Jt•. _,... II ,1_ i#aE[f �,.�.. i... is1E r. ni ll i r': L.IN . $_. i`_!`_}vG"i rev iTVw i..E iLi•{.. •. gyre .r_. < tr1 r c r- Ry}. I. . 3:"il`CIE Jk... i .... �. 11 `"5r�1 Ili'w ( fis t;ill °ic.:, r (ol#!_ ff�..,,uvill i^ j ,J�•_(r _=I._ qn- c. - ...._ � IN E. ,-! 4 f ! 4U _i. In IN ;Fit �... •�Lv,'in ..I. d?f_.'.}SJeE:"li�ui .. kLMn ... u. Z -. T§4,� ? .tit cs i:. ". .,.� rr4-?.bs.<°i _s...�.-r., I.n #. ;. __ ... _'nai{L_{. .., srti;h, e.._ .__:l !,s�.W' _F irc . . t _.t t' .:" "'-w .,._. ..��.�� t—u €'�€ l`>'#i rk is i.�,. _.. — ..*, '7L�iwt Vi�;f f•?,,.�.. u',r t4_.".rtNr r. ��_ ... i.In ; `ii ;� _,.: x='r :.ri.... 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V. »i _.v i"� (r. x..wM _i I4 { .... _... t AT V- I, IN TINT is INL4 i:!v.r_f� ''. ^'s__i .._..: ..x v. _ ;,I,.T xlx _:ir :t..._.: .. ._ * kk(( ?" a x , :� i ' mii l G I._, . t ,s t`I IT IN r ....:t ,. _ } ,i } r � :4 f w.� _ __ _Nt _ _ ..w._ .r„ _.. .._. z I «r ... 2 6ItUli ... HLL .._ G �. .r mrs, w w«w 9�>d�ud w yt did l 52t df s yyy g z:��2 « g, m«;A.id« :§ a»v�a S y .. . « . «: ,w S: r� ±««».__ 2 IS Si 21 dy % t 2a %Q 2w dy; Q - awarcm» �--dam d dd--- s«s»� °©Ry±d *X** MEMO max* TO: City Council FR : Rose ChavE� z RE: Foodmaker Addition The Planning and Zoning met last night and approved this replat contingent upon the letter attached from Mark Hill, �e7't t h Niini-Ar Afi�nri .a fi.�� Mr. Charles Holland, engineer. for Itoodmaker Addition, called me this morning and assured me that the plat submitted to Council will lie in accordance to Hunter Associates recommendations. ■\ HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ■ ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE • ONE GLEN LAKES • SUITE 500 • WALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350.214/369.9171 • FAX 2141696.3795 1106 CLAYTON LANE • SUITE 410E •AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723,1033 • 512/454.8716 • FAX 5121454.2433 July 15, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Foodmaker Addition 0.8167 Acres, Lot 1, Block A Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: We have received a copy of a Replat prepared by Barta &Holland, Inc. of the above referenced development dated June 22, 1998. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees should be paid in accordance with the various City ordinances and/or policies. 2. Comments may be received. from Public Works, .Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The property is located on the north of F.M. 455 on the west service road of I.H. 35. 4. All replats require a Public Hearing. 5. The replat must be filed with the Denton County Clerk. A copy of the filed replat should be sent to the City of Sanger. 6. The 30' access &utility easement shown should be made a part of this replat or provided as a separate document prior to acceptance of this replat. 7. Water, Sewer and Drainage plans for the property should be submitted for review and approval by the City. 8. "City Engineer" should be changed to read "Consulting Engineer" 9. The signature statement for the City Secretary should be revised to read "...hereby certifies that the forgoing replat of the "FOODMAI{ER ADDITION"..." C:�flSanger�foodmaker.repiat.rvw.wpd Ms. Rosalie Chavez Foodmaker Addition July 15, 1998 Page 2 This concludes our review of the data submitted on the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. 00 0 ewl�e Mark D. Hill, P.E. Vice President cc: John W. Porter, John Porter Auto Sales, Inc. Mr. Charlie Holland, Barta & Holland, Inc. C:�ilSanger�foodmaker.reptat.rvw.wpd CitU of July 6, 1998 TO: Property Owners FROM: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary SUBJ: Replat - Abstract 1241 RC:ck The following Boards and Commissions will hold public hearings regarding a Replat of Part of Tract 52 and Part of Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, now known as Foodmaker Addition. This is the lot that was sold to Jack in the Box, and they have now replatted the property for approval. The meetings are scheduled as follows: Board / Commission Date Time Location Planning & Zoning Thurs, July 16 7:00 p.m. 201 Bolivar City Council Mon, July 20 7*00 p.m. 201 Bolivar I am attaching a Replat form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this. If you disapprove please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. OQC►�.�'7 Zoi BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76266 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 578 940-458-4i8o FAX 9Ni R 9„i u W wl W blwxk*M $v "Im 0 4 rr.fe.y\ T a �g z 5 3E < rn g 4 m > fl c�z�7� z (A 0 i g t a f $g ���!#�3ij y1 ii� 4 1 1 i; �ti }� 3 q q �8 3�a3e t ! lei "! >( Ail Q 1p!& pti 3 }} it fig t I t { t sit 31 i� ijd P&Z 07/ 16/98 CC 07/20/98 REPEAT REQUEST Property is located I-35, and is legally described as Part of Tract 52 and Tract 56 in the Henry Tierwester surbey, Abstract No. 1241, now known as Foodmaker Addition. If you disapprove this Replat Request. please he in attendance at the meetinv. Please check one: I approve of the Replat I disapprove of the Replat Comments: �o L1' J B �-► �L ,2y S Please Print Your Name DATE D JUL 1 5 !``� ML 07/ 16/98 CC 07/20/98 REPEAT REQUEST Property is located I-359 and is legally described as Part of Tract 52 and Tract 56 in a" Tierwester surbey, Abstract No. 1241, now known as Foodmaker Addition. If you disapprove this Replat Request, vlease be in attendance at the meeting. Please check I approve of the Replat I disapprove of the Replat Comments: I � i SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE **** MEMO **** TO: City Council FR: Rose Chavez RE: Items 6, 7 and 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kim Lacy, with Municipal Development Services will address items 5, E> and 7 in regards to our Park Grant Application. RESOLUTION-R07-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "APPLICANT", DESIGNATING CERTAIN OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR, ACTING FOR, AND ON BEHALF OF THE "APPLICANT" IN DEALING WITH THE TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "DEPARTMENT", FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS RECREATION & PARKS ACCOUNT GRANT PROGRAM, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "PROGRAM". CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE, CERTIFYING THAT THE "APPLICANT" MATCHING SHARE IS READILY AVAILABLE, AND DEDICATING THE PROPOSED SITE FOR PERMANENT PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL USES. WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has approved the "Program" (Section 24 of the Parks &Wildlife code) for the purpose of allowing the political subdivisions of the State of Texas to participate in the program; and WHEREAS, the "Applicant" is fully eligible to receive assistance under the "Program" , and WHEREAS, the "Applicant" is desirous of authorizing an official to represent and act for the "Applicant" in dealing with the "Department" concerning the "Program", NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, that, SECTION l: That the "Applicant" hereby certifies that they are eligible to receive assistance under the "Program" . SECTION 2: That the "Applicant" hereby certifies that the matching share for this application is readily available at this time. SECTION 3: That the "Applicant" hereby authorizes and directs its City Manager to act for the "Applicant" in dealing with the "Department" for the purpose of the "Program and the City Manager is hereby officially designated as the representative in this regard. SECTION 4: The "Applicant" hereby specifically authorizes the official to make application to the "Department" concerning the site to be known as Railroad Park in the City of Sanger for use as a park site. That Railroad Park is hereby dedicated (or will be dedicated upon completion of the proposed acquisition) for public park and recreation purposes in perpetuity. Introduced, read and passed by the affirmation vote of the City Council of the City of Sanger on this 20th day of July, 1998. Name and Title ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RESOLUTION R08-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has made numerous improvements to parks throughout the community; and TTTiTTT1TT 1 f.1 /1•. vrn�tcrti�, one amity of Sanger wishes to continue to improve aii of it's parks; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger wishes to update it's comprehensive plan to include proposed projects for the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, that: The city of Sanger's Comprehensive Plan is amended to include the attached information. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 1998. Mayor Pro-Tem ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary **** PVIEMO **** TO: City Council FR: Rose Chavez RE: Item 9 There will be a representative from the Chamber here to address Item 8. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, TO -WIT: WHEREAS, the importance of the City of Sanger's growth to the north is recognized by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas; and, WHEREAS, the City of Sanger desires to someday annex the land north of the current City limits; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That the City Council of the City of Sanger opposes a landfill on the land north of the City bounded by I-35 on the west, Lois Road on the North, Marion Road on the East, and F.M. 455 on the south. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July, 1998. Mayor Pro-Tem ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, Ciry Secretary Vinson &Elkins ATTORNEYS AT LAW VINSON & ELKINS L.L.P. 3700 TRAMMELL CROW CENTER 2001 ROSS AVENUE DALLAS, TEXAS 7S201.297S WRITER'S TELEPHONE WRITER'S E-MAIL (214) 220-7853 mfleisher@velaw.com June 30, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas 1n4 T 1 G01 Bolivdr P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 Dear Ms. Chavez: WRITER'S FAX NUMBER (214)999-7853 Upper Trinity Regional Water District (the "District") is in the process of issuing the referenced Bonds Bonds in connection with the District's Treated Water Supply Project, which serves the City of Sanger, Texas. As we discussed, I am enclosing a certificate for execution by you in connection with the Bonds. The certificate is substantially identical to one provided to the District in 1996 by the City of Sanger, Texas in connection with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 1996. Attached to the certificate is certain financial information relating to the City of Sanger, Texas prepared by First Southwest Company, the District's financial advisor. Please review the statements in the certificate, including the attachments, to determine that they are accurate. Please return the executed certificate to mein the enclosed, self-addressed, stamped envelope. We will correct paragraph 1 of the certificate when the amount of the bond issue is determined. I appreciate your assistance. Please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Martha R. Fleisher Enclosures cc: Judd Sanderson, Upper Trinity Regional Water District x� F:\FINAMUPP450\.02000\CORRESPOkSANGEROI.LTR HOUSTON DALLAS WASHINGTON, D.C. AUSTIN MOSCOW LONDON BEIJING SINGAPORE CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § We, the undersigned, Jack Smith and Rosalie Chavez of the City of Sanger, Texas (the "Governmental Entity"), respectively hereby certify as follows: 1. This certificate relates to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 (the 'Bonds"), in the authorized aggregate original principal amount of $28,840,000'. 2. The Governmental Entity has entered into a certain contract entitled "Upper Trinity Regional Water District Regional Treated Water Supply Service Participating Member Contract", dated as of November 13,1990 and amended as of May 7,1992 (the "Contract"), with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. 3. All official action required for the execution, delivery and performance by the Governmental Entity of the Contract has been effectively taken by the Governmental Entity and the Governmental Entity is duly authorized to enter into the Contract. 4. The person executing the Contract on behalf of the Governmental Entity was on the date of the Contract a duly elected or appointed official of the Governmental Entity and was duly authorized to execute the Contract on behalf of the Governmental Entity. 5. There is no pending or, to the knowledge of the undersigned officials of the Governmental Entity, threatened action or proceeding before any court, governmental agency or department in any way contesting or affecting the authority for the execution and delivery of the Contract or the authorization, legality and validity of the Contract. 6. The Governmental Entity is not in default under any of the provisions of the Contract. 7. The gross revenues and operating expenses of the Governmental Entity's waterworks and sewer system were, for the years stated, together with other financial information relating to the Governmental Entity, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 8. The Attorney General of Texas is hereby authorized and directed to date this Certificate concurrently with the date of approval of the Bonds, and can rely on the absence of any litigation or contest pertaining to the Bonds or any other matters covered by this Certificate, and on the veracity and currency of this Certificate at the time of approval of the Bonds, unless otherwise notified. 'Subject to change. r 6.1T:\FI NAMU PP4S0\82000\tv11SMANGER.CER 06/30/98 (1aOpm) EXECUTED AND DELIVERED ON By: City Manager By: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § City Secretary BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Jack Smith and Rosalie Chavez, the City Manager and City Secretary, respectively, of the City of Sanger, Texas, known to me to be the persons and officers whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the respective capacities therein stated. GIVEN UNDERMY HAND AND SEALOF OFFICEthis Notary Public, State of Texas [NOTARY SEAL] 6. l�P:�FI NAN\U PPd50�82000Vd[SC4SANC3ER.CER EXHIBIT A CITY OF SANGER (As of September 30, 1997) UTILrn SYSTEM OPERATING STATEMENT Fiscal Year End September 30, 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 Revenues: $ 31550,499 $ 3,4071258 $ 32$$ 2,911,874 $ 2,g50 662 Operating Expenses: $ 2,626,773 $ 2,2519154 $ 211319741 $ 2,0639026 $ 2,103,507 Net Available for Debt Service $ 923,726 $ 1,156,104 $ 1,009,094 $ 848,848$— 747,155 Water Connections 1,704 1,624 11614 11542 1,503 Sewer Connections 19674 11585 19640 11517 19467 Electric Connections 12626 11598 1,589 19542 1,701 Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirements, 1998 - 2016....................................................................................... $ 249,370 Coverage of Average Requirements by 8-31=97 Net Available for Debt Service .................................................................. Times Maximum Principal and Interest Requirements, 2009................................................................... $ 313,483 Coverage of Maximum Requirements by 8-31-97 Net Available for Debt Service............................................................... Times Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds Outstanding................................................................................................ $ 31025,000 Interestand Sinking Fund, as of 9-30.97................................................................................................................................. $ 234,432 ReserveFund, as of 9-30-97.................................................................................................................................................... $ 71 882 UTILITY SYSTEM ... The City owns and operates its own electric distribution system. In June 1995, the City entered into an 11 year contract with the Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. whereby the City purchases electric power and energy at the rates shown below, subject to a full adjustment charge and a power adjustment on demand and energy charges. Facilities Charge $ 257.00 delivery point per month Demand Charge $ 6.75 KW of billing demand Energy Charge $ 0.04195 per KWH Also, the City generates electric power only on a standby basis for emergencies. MONTHLY ELECTRIC RATES (Effective September 30, 1996) Residential Small Commercial Facilities Charge $ 10.00 per month $ 12.50 per month Energy Charge $ 0.0621629 per KWH $ 0.0676962 per KWH Minimum Bill $ 9.00 per month $ 11.50 per month Large Commercial Demand Charge $ 53.39 for first 6 KW $ 8.29 per KWH Energy Charge $ 0.0237048 per KWH for all KWH Minimum Bill $ 53.39 per month B-9 WATER SUPPLY ... The City's source of water is five City -owned water wells. The total storage capacity is 1,150,000 gallons. In addition, the City has contracted for 0.5 mgd of water from Upper Trinity Regional Water District, which is expected to be available in Spring 1998. These water wells will be used as the City's emergency water supply. Distribution facilities include water mains varying in size from two inches to 12 inches. MONTHLY WATER RATES (Effective September 30, 1996) Gallons Rates First I,000 $ 14.25 (Minimum) Next 5,000 1.85/M Gallons Next 10,000 2.05/M Gallons Next 15t000 2.45/N4 Gallons Over 30,000 3.25/M Gallons SEWER SYSTEM ...The City owns and operates their own sewer treatment facilities. The sewer treatment plant has a maximum capacity of 1,000,000 gallons per day. MOtv'rHLY SEWER RATES (Effective September 30, 1996) Residential Gallons Rates First 1,000 $ 15.00 (Minimum) Over 1,000 1.00/M Gallons Maximum $ 25.00 Commercial Gallons I Rates First 19000 $ 21.00 (Minimum) Over 1,000 1.00/M Gallons Maximum $125.00 B�10 �����: � .;' � �a_ GOVERNMENTAL SERVICE AGENCY, INC. July 7, 1998' Fulton Brother's Construction 3802 South 5"i Street Temple, Texas 76502 RE: Warranty Items Dear Mr. Fulton: I am writing regarding the requests for warranty repairs under the HOME Program. Several homeowners have contacted me because you have failed to respond to their requests for repairs. As a part of a federally funded program, failure to meet your contractual warranty obligations is very serious. By not responding to the homeowners in a timely manner and by failing to make the repairs you are in breach of contract. If there is a problem, please contact me so that I can work with you to resolve it. However, if you fail to contact the homeowners within five (5) working days of the date of this letter and complete the repairs by July 31, 1998, you will be reported to the Texas Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (TDHCA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). At HUD's discretion you may be investigated and placed on the Federal Debarment List. Further, each homeowner may pursue whatever legal action they deem appropriate, under the terms of the contract, to ensure that the work is completed and the repairs made. It is in everyone's best interest to see that whatever problems have developed are resolved and the warranty items fixed. Please find attached a list of the homeowners who have reported warranty problems. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 214/ 342-1892 extension 22. Sincerelyr4Z, I I Steven R. Cook Y� Grant Manager cc: J.C. Holder Mary Bell Jackson Lula Blacknall Rosie Blacknall Elmer Gibson City of Groesbeck City of Sanger Enclosure (1) 9500 Forest Lane, Suite 408 Dallas, Tegas ?5243 (214)342-1892 Faz (214) 342-1896 Homeowners Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holder 902 Pecan Sanger, Texas (940) 45&3132 Mary Bell Jackson 706 Washington Street Groesbeck, Texas 76642 (254) 729-2842 Lula Blacknall 70 7 North Cuiberson Groesbeck, Texas 76642 (254)729-5386 Rosie Blacknall 612 N. Ellis Groesbeck, Texas 76642 (254) 729-3477 Elmer Gibson 618 N. Ellis Groesbeck, Texas 76642 (254) 72M074 ----MEMO---- July 1 b, 1998 To: City Council From: Jack Smith, City Administrator Re: Business and Financial Workshop Jeff Morris and I are requesting permission to attend a conference held by the American Public Power Assocation concerning deregulation. This conference will take place October 5.7, 1998 in Nashville, Tennessee. Being able to attend this would be beneficial to us as well as the city. r JS/tt MONTHLY REPORT BANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY JUNE 1998 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The library checked out 2975 items in June, the busiest month ever. This topped by 10% the previous most busy month, June 1996 (2709 items checked out). June 1996 started the first summer in the new building. ADMINISTRATION: Interviewed and employed through the JTPA program. Meeting attended: a teenage worker, Chris Fisher, th Al Brown (SISD) and Consultation with Jack Smi representatives from Friendship Cable about the feasibility and expense of connecting SISD campuses, the administration building and the library with fiber optic cable. 6/15 COLLECTION: Received all the books that were ordered with the Denton Benefit League grant. The library did have 37% of the books on the schools' Accelerated Reading lists. Now we have 63%. Began an inventory of the collection. SPECIAL; Conducted a door count of library users. The average number of visitors was 75 per day (not counting program attendance). AVERAGE BY HOUR TOTAL BY DAY --------------- 10:00 16 Monday 72 11:00 10 Tuesday 104 12*00 6.5 Wednesday 84 1:00 9 Thursday 63 2400 7 Friday 73 3:00 13 Saturday 55 4:00 6 5:00 7.5 PROGRAMS: Melody Bell, a teller of African folktales, provided a very energetic program to kick-off the Texas Summer Reading Club. The theme from the state library this year is "Furry Tails, Funny Tales". Sandra Williams has presented programs on "Animal Mothers", "Tail Tales", "Sleepy Animals", "Funny Tales", "Trickster Tales", "Act Like an Animal", and "Animal Pals". Kiddie Korral is not sending a group as they have been each week since October. BORROWER CARDS: Last month New cards Cards withdrawn Cards reactivated TOTAL CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction Adult fiction Interlibrary Loan Misc. Uncataloged Junior f__ i nti nn Child's nonfiction Child's fiction Paperback fiction Magazines Crystal Videos Cassette players Audio tapes TOTAL PROGRAMS: Number of programs Number of adults Number of children VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults Number of juniors Total hours COLLECTION: Books Paperbacks Video Materials Audio Materials TOTAL COLLECTION REVENUE: Overdue fines ILL postage Copies New Card Fee TOTAL DUNE 1998 STATISTICS Jun 97 Jun 98 2,696 2,960 70 91 0 1 10 15 2,776 3,065 470 466 185 209 13 5 3 1 1 UQ 1Q5 259 403 610 809 281 332 26 8 1 0 545 505 4 1 4 41 2,600 21975 9 10 57 66 125 217 5 1 3 9 49 61 14,176 14,895 2,196 2,397 328 523 54 120 161754 17,935 $197.00 $199.40 16.08 4,70 47.00 48.25 5.25 5.75 $265.33 $258.10 An African storyteller entertains children at the Sanger Public Library during storytime last Tuesday. The children had the opportunity to listen to folk tales and. beat African drums. r MONTHLY REPORT BANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY JUNE 1998 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The library checked out 2975 items in June, the busiest month ever. This topped by 10% the previous most busy month, June 1996 (2709 items checked out). June 1996 started the first summer in the new building. ADMINISTRATION: Interviewed and employed through the JTPA nrnaram Meeting attended: Consultation with Jack Smith, Al Brown (SISD), and representatives from Friendship Cable about the feasibility and expense of connecting SISD campuses, the administration building and the library with fiber optic cable. 6/15 a teenage worker, Chris Fisher, COLLECTION: Received all the books that were ordered with the Denton Benefit League grant. The library did have 37% of the books on the schools' Accelerated Reading lists. Now we have 63%. Began an inventory of the collection. SPECIAL; Conducted a door count of library users. The average number of visitors was 75 per day (not counting program attendance). --------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE BY HOUR TOTAL BY DAY • 10:00 16 Monday 72 11:00 10 Tuesday 104 12:00 6.5 Wednesday 84 1000 9 Thursday 63 2:00 7 Friday 73 3:00 13 Saturday 55 4:00 6 5:00 7.5 PROGRAMS: Melody Bell, a teller of African folktales, provided a very energetic program to kick-off the Texas Summer Reading Club. The theme from the state library this year is "Furry Tails, Funny Tales". Sandra Williams has presented programs on "Animal Mothers", "Tail Tales", "Sleepy Animals", "Funny Tales", "Trickster Tales", "Act Like an Animal", and "Animal Pals". Kiddie Korral is not sending a group as they have been each week since October. JUNE 1998 STATISTICS Jun 97 Jun 98 BORROWER CARDS. Last month 21696 21960 New cards 70 91 Cards withdrawn 0 1 Cards reactivated 10 15 TOTAL 21776 31065 CIRCULATION: Adult nonfiction 470 466 Adult fiction 185 209 Interlibrary Loan 13 5 Misc. Uncataloged 3 1 T»rinr fintinr� Inn q1nc .......... y» 1Va Child's nonfiction 259 403 Child's fiction 610 809 Paperback fiction 281 332 Magazines 26 8 Crystal 1 0 Videos 545 505 Cassette players 4 1 Audio tapes 4 41 TOTAL 21600 2,975 PROGRAMS: Number of programs 9 10 Number of adults 57 66 Number of children 125 217 VOLUNTEERS: Number of adults 5 1 Number of juniors 3 9 Total hours 49 61 COLLECTION: Books 14,176 14,895 Paperbacks 21196 2,397 Video Materials 328 523 Audio Materials 54 120 TOTAL COLLECTION 16,754 17,935 REVENUE: Overdue fines $197.00 $199.40 ILL postage 16.08 4.70 Copies 47.00 48.25 New Card Fee 5.25 5.75 TOTAL $265.33 $258.10 An African storyteller entertains children at the Sanger Public Library during storytime last Tuesday. The children had the opportunity to listen to folk tales and beat African drums.