06/15/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITE' COUNCIL, %frfi t �;� 1;1 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from Agricultural to I-1 on ..d.4� l.. 11w .1.. �..1....7 A 1...4.. .,4 '71 A Vv ,.Inoue.. T....t 1 A i. v A Inn 0»A prvp+cl toyy lUgauy ucsci IUVU as c,u�ii as e 1 ace "U1 ia,ovai, x. "%. t t, X A � .,..,.,., ..a... Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573. Property located on Cowling Road. Cowlingon property legally described as Abstract 71A, Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0.300 and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573, Property located on Road. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52, also known as 903 N. Stemmons, 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52, also Known as 903 N. Stemmons. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Franchise Agreement with Friendship Cable. Consider r Possible Action for Hunter Associates tr Solicit Bids ,1South Stemmons 6[I�:yi31l31NMI=705Fl�li 11. Adjourn. t �i Rosalie Chavez, City Secretaa m®0®sam®eaoe'06 �'°°d�% g Date and Time Posted o 47 CITY OF SANGER *** Memorandum *** June 11, 1998 TO: Mayor and Council FR: Rose Chavez, City Secretary RE: Minutes All of the minutes are not transcribed as of yet. I am waiting on tapes from the TNRCC with which I can transcribe from since the City's did not record properly at the school. I think it is important to have all of the minutes inclusive before Council approves them. Thanks for your patience and understanding. RC: ck CdrP UAi1_Y CRAi11:AO hill REPORT vpE NDOR SET c 9 SEDLIENC E € ALPHABETIC OIFROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED IT1� 1-1IE 1=:{k5Q , , BANK CODE _________[1R5CRIA'TlCiil__.___,_..___ rgIcINI li ACCUUN __�..__APCOUN f;A�ifi-_._ m_ CIST RiRUifE'' SS iSUJEi ARC RESOURCES G1B99 OUED EtI6I98 DISC IIT; C,E FOR JUNE w== VFPbUUR i`AIALS g9.410200 ADAMS EXTER xilt!ATI ING C:U, G:11�r'9B GUf ;'4-5�`45 L—���Vt� Im%��.1�''�U G'.UARf�.ITLi` f�E�l COi�TRCL 1v1�,�xt G,N.q`S 'ffi 6/16/98 DISC OT: F 1cf9B (QUARTERLY PEST COUNT ROL 001 15-524 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES GUARTERLY PEST CONll-ROL 008 15-52g5 01HER OPERAT1NO r5UPPL IES --= 'VENDOR TOTALS v 15100 99-C338'cja1 ADVANCE CHEMICAL I-95°�"54,C7Cj G111198 S uRU��S SOBIU#� HYF'OCHLORI T E 51 , 4a"� Gh�B`59 I7U`; FiiS%9tT �}ISC' IfTa ;•11�ri9; F DRUMS SODIUM HYPOCHI ORIiE iCt1 54 SELF � �IEIiICAL SUPPLIES VENDOR TO I S -- `f1w1,'—t 99-001(10 AIR TOUCH PAGING I--19980�, R,111f95 C'AGIWG SERVTCE c1F',�11 {s�B99 1}Uc: Gr`15r`35 UISC UT; G116f9B PAGING SERVICE. PAGING SERVICE PAGING SERVICE OG1 c'�-55®� #=`ACERS 34, SI 110 5C-55c5 PAGERS 54,75 _== VEIYUUR TOT�;LS 21�.c�;��1 PUBLIC POWER 99-00'45 AMERICAN Ipi49 6f11/98 "DUES '345:35 G�dB9`S C7UE. E.fIGr'9B f}ISC Lars Ef1€�i`QB RUES 008 583 2R55 HUES & REUISTRAI IONS 945m 013 �= VENDOR TOTALS 945,55 99-00O50 AMERICAN SAFETY & UTILITY I i 1.56539 6 111198 RODE, SL I NG, FR 1, GNB99 OUE: Sr'1.C198 t1I5C OT: ROs-- SLIAVENDOR TOTALS FRT, Cf iCI9r3 C'31, 85 !_'�UiE1 ;�N-`rc5�i Pr1I�`1UR IUIULS G/I1/98 4425 P'1 A/P DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT V'FiGE VENDOR SETS 99 SEQUENCE : ALPHABETIC TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED I T e� RATE GRC4SS P. O, ID___v BANK CODE-_____w__DESCRIPTIDWr________ DISCOUNT E/L ACCOUNT _,.___AL'Ct1U��T ��FsFiE - -- DNTRIBUTION 99-OvM80 AT&T WIRELESS I�98061iGL 6/11f98 LONG DISTANCE C4,84 GN899 DUES 6/it�f98 RISC DT: 6f16f98 LONG DISTANCE 008 58I5520 CELLULAR TELEPH0NE 54=84 _ - VENDOR TOTALS 99-03330 BAKER & TAYLOR I-50015977 6f10/98 BOOKS Br.10 GNB99 DUES 6/16/9B DISC DT. 6f16f`98 BOOKS 001 42-6050 BOORS EL IO _ VENDOR TOTALS uM L6=1� "94'0390 BILL UTTER FORD, INC. I-070G50 6/10/98 FRONT AXEL, SEALS 914.4E GNB99 DUE; G/16/98 DISC DTS 6/16/% FRONT AXEL,SEALS 001 24-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 914=42' === VENDOR TOTALS a== 914m42 99-00410 BOLIVAR SPECIALTY PRODUCT I-3�.��`9 6f lirif98 55G PAYS d IFS 3t 44D G�1899 DUE: 6f16f98 DISC DTS 6f1.6f98 556 MYSTIK 008 505245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 39106 55G MYSTIK 008 50�5G'45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 39.06 55G {STIzt 008 54-5V45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 39z06 :553G MYSTIK 001 a0 52's5 OTHER 0P P8nTxts4 SU'PLtES. 39e?6 55G MYSTIK 001 325F'45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 39.06 556 MYSTIR 001 24-5E45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 9.OG 55G MYSTIK 001 208 JC45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES SI.0b -== VENDOR TOTALS 99-00420 BOUND TREE I-16514:' 6(10f98 INSTAidT COLI'J, SPONGES, CIUGAUZE 1�`�=88E_ GN899 DUE; 6118198 DISC 'To 6/18/98 INSTANT COLD, SPONGES, NUGAUZE 001 2`4 5375 MINOR ECUIPi Etl`I 122t 8'10 I-306737 6f11f98 bLOVES,ALCOHOL,BAidDAOE ROLLS 9E.33 GNB99 DUES 6f16f98 DISC DTS 6/16f98 GLOVES,ALCOHOL,BANDAGE ROLLS 001 24`275 MINOR 'EQUIPMENT 92 I-307358 6/101% TAPE, PINLIGHT,FREIGHT 37."10 GNB99 DUES 6f16/98 DISC DT; 6/16/98 [APE,PINLIGHI,FRE16H 001 'a- 375 1111NOR EQUIPMENT J7,50 m e VENDOR TOTALS =— G5 '. b.o 6/11/98 4eEj:) pM VENDOR SET„ 99 SBUENCE e ALPHABETIC fO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED A/P DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT BANK CEDE _______r-_AESCRIPTIO k___.______ DISCOUNT GjL ACCOUNT —_---_._ACCOUNT NAME______ DISTRIBUTION 99)315160 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIRE I-65689 6/10/98 TIRE, TUBE 3G4z36 GN8'99 DUES 6/16/98 DISC DTo 61116/98 TIRE, IUBE _WW VENDOR TOTALS w 304 36 99-0��l450 I�ElRRUS ���1 ���—�,.s11 EI It I'1 ECU1P�'1ENE I--98��61%G7 6/11/98 tfilSC= SElA"�-'LIES 170rOS GN899 DUE; 6/16/98 DISC DT. 6i16/98 MISC. SUPPLIES 001 24215 FOOD === t�ENDOR TOTr;LS === 1`t5.58 99-03810 CHEN STAR RESEARCH 1-190b' G/11/98 WEED KILLER GNB99 DUE; 6/I6/98 DISC Di; 6/16/98 WEED KILLER 001 30®5212.3 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES == 'VENDOR TOTALS === 338r 84 99-00580 CINTAS I--08566306 6/10/98 UNIFORMS 5��.10 Gtd893 DUE. 6/16/98 DISC DT: 6/16/98 UNIFORMS 001 36-5 '60 CLEA 1IN6 SUPPLIES UNIFORMS 008 36-5E65 CLEANING SUPPLIES _®= �1Ef1DOR TOTALS .:-= 50.10 994302'E1 COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE I—C,Oi_E�604 6/04/98 HEALTH IVi�NSURANCE FUS L 13 GNt�99 uUE: 6�3��/98 Dist; CST: 6/,��}/98 HEALTH INSURANCE 001 010-2109 HEALTH INSURANCE 00A. 00-1211 l9 I—LI€=01604 6/04/98 LIFE INSURANCE 1'L28v 43 GN899 DUE® 6f30f98 DISC DTy 6i30/98 LIFE INSURANCE 00F42109 LIFE. INSURANCE == }VENDOR TOTALS _= 194z5G A/P IP!SURAi'10E A/P IIISURA;�CE A/F' INS4.iRA�iCE A/P I`rdSURANCE 1 f 5.5E3 338e84 c5: 0i5 �Ja d?5 G/11f-1C ?:e2�,j R'Iq VENDOR GE i o SEQUENCE o ALPHABETIC TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED Ar`! DAILY IRANSAC110N REPONI RAGEa q Bill LIHIC aiC15� s°:G BAlR, CAPE DESCRIPTION DISCOUNT GfL ACCOUNT_ ____iCCOfJiT HAM ---___ DISTRIBUTION 99�00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL i-98�If111uV Gr'11/9� STOf_:i~= '�AKD 7�:C�_G'� GNB99 DUE: 6f16f98 DISC Di; 6f16/q8 STOCK `LARD ts� i is-5u4:3 BALL FIELD iAli�TE%!A� CE GSP, Ci' STOCK, `BARD LOB 54 5=4cCf CLINT RACTURL SERVICES 3s.f ,€_0 'VENDOR TOTALS . __ 'E0, 00 niz_«�c�a rrt.Et �r,EcrE�nl n�c�n�l�u t^iiu% „FJ 't!ilVv'<! lsLl? I Atit�liE nL t4LJi.-nitE:f I 'a'dttr I-8840 E,I10i98 AR11ADiLL0 14GG9 t0B99 DUE: 5f15198 DISC DTs 6f16f98 , Nr OPE�ATi iSUP-PLIES z�¢ a fARMADILLO 00' 38-5245 ARMADILLO SOB 513—`= 45 fO HER. uF°ERr�f Iitwt� 5.l;li'LIES LOs'98 ARMADILLO 008 54-5 45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES "J0496 ARMADILLO 1301 �30 5E45 OTHER 0PERATIN'G SUPPLIES. BC,.9G ARIII A D I L L 0 001 .3�:-5'2,45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES L 0.96 ARMADILL0 0011 R4-5E'45 OTHER OPERAI INGi SUPPLIES =m0v 96 ARMADILLO 001 20 5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 2bL 93 f�EMDOIt TOTALS =-_ 14Gg G3 .== 99-012;800 CeServe Electric 1-98O6116u 61'11f98 ELECTRIC 99 f�fi�r iaflEt�N DISC Di; Nf1b/98 ELECTRIC SERVICES ELECTRIC SERVICES m-= 41EFdDOR -rF,TALS �-= 99-�09140 DCAD i-7� E,f 11!98 ;RD OUAR i ER G'rTP9'9 DLlEe 6f15f98 DISC DT, 6f15/98 3RD QUARTER === VENDOR TOTALS 99LL�''89G DEMC0 I—ct:a-'�c:9 6f11f'98 MAGAZINE FILES,CsAi9 RACK i�i�?B99 DUE, C f 15i98 DISC; DT: C:,f 16198 h1A0ALiM FILES,BAG RACK; 4iE1TDOR TOTALS 114=9G Oc�1 .ER3-5515 GAB 5Ggy5515 �?101 Get-54;'_O ELECTRIC � GAS UTILITIES 477,i14 ELECTRIC � f3A5 1!TiLI T IES 41i: E'4 COMTRACTi1AL SERVICES i,1ROF 1:; 001 4c-5'r:`45 GTNER Ofi'ERATI1dG SUR'PLiES 114.1s G111I99 tmLS Pt", ;fF' C`riILY TRC aS;"TIOi RE!'ORT PAGE! 5 )ENDOR SET: 99 SEOUENCE ; ALPHABETIC TO/FROM ACCOUINTI S SUPPRESSED I'tC1 GATE GRO55 F°r Ga � AN i iDE ——__—___GESCRIMTIOFI DISCOUNT GIL ACCOUNT _—__—ACCOUNT FAME—___—_ DISTRIBUTION 99—E�53EG ELLIUTT ELECTRIC I—'�GinE�.�ilri �11 zr �� �ISCa ELECTRIC SU�I=LTC°� �Yo �� GNB99 DUE: F!16l38 DISC GTe 6/16/98 MISC. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 009 59-60E0 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 199.33 _- VENDOR TOTALS agW i9Ci>33 99009.30 ENDERBY GAS CCit{ri1�'ANY �. f 119u EiY `L m 1.i�`i".� L,kJi'is �i;i` GNB99 DUE; 6i16.r99 DISC DT% 6 1bF 9B ENDERBY GAS COMPANY 009 36�5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL ENDERBY GAS COMPAINY 0131 36-534.0; MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL It I�IL9419 9111i99 REPAIR BUIC'KET TRUCK 1904 IO GNB99 DUES W16/% DISC GT, REPAIR BUCKET TRUCK 6l099 008 59-5325 R & it MOTOR VEHICLE 191 i WOO FORT WORTH PUBLIC L IBRARY GPd999 IYL�E� �=1I1Cr`3t� CYI3C Gl n C61E,t3B BOOKS, TAPES iaEi�DOR (UTRLq _.. 1340f, 39—C�1�1CY FOSTERS S SADDLE SHOP I-4'311 10199 jEAtlS (R7i':I<IE, MRRE;i 153.65 GC�;Ia9'R DUE: Er��!`�9 LYi�i,: DI e E,l16(99 ,TEAMS (RONNIE, MARK) --� VEFdGfJR IWrt,r ma_. JvaY:ru 9—Clip O G€:G TRACTOR Cl l—C;_°468 6J10198 OIL FILTERS 15 GMi'99 DUE: 6f1Cf39 DISC D€; e::r`1R!'J3 OIL FILTERS 33, `c�LYI �`�Yji�S� I�•�OCi•J �O9 J9""II.".'Jv �iEfRli>>G AP'�'i�REL iRIYLi 5t�3B5 R � €F1 MOTCiR VEHIGL�: c J3, u:1 4c,15 iin DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT G VENDOR SET: ' 9 SEQUENCE PLPH10PTIC TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED I IN DPTE DRCi:SS P. U. it __..II,__ - (3i$ir CUE,;q _.__d._-d UGSCRIR'TIUt-______--._ DiSi UUEdT G!L CCr7Ui T-___d_ACCOUNT NAME------ DISTRIBUTION 9g_,;,103?On rSll. SERVICES I-�7,SF�.S6 Sll i198 UtdIFGRt�S 1?�C}a 45 GNIBS9 DUE. 6/16/98 DISC DT: /16/9S UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UlNIF0HIMS i i�lI T rnOpe tnrai Ww-tj __�: 44EClDr9R TOTPLS -__ ly�?r.r5 99-03790 SLENIN' S CARPET COUNTRY I-9S?7611SS Fllft9S I€dSTPiLL r:Ri!EI iGMB99 DUE; 6/16/98 DISC DTa S/15198 INSTALL CPRPET MEN OFFICES ._-: fJEi'dD UR TtSTiLS m�� ljECCr GOHLFF POOL 509 L Y I—FiSSiSIPiFi raIl?z?I`JC TESI SULUTiC�a,f1CID,I;TNRsILI`tER ri�E's99 DUE; 611i�19D DISC DT. R,i15/95 TEST SOLUTION, KID, STAB I!LH tv L`.kls €k �i TUTi?LS 99w031210 GRAVITY INC. '!l,V uli:ri4 Js�a d�? �IdD99 �l)t: St1S/'e�S DISC DTm P�,t$f,/9+T TRUCK SIGNS �r111 Sb-"��' S�, ��EArR�i�C, APPi�REL US1 S 5555 WEARING APPAREL D �6` 3255 WEARING APPAREL rm513 54-52'55 WEARING APPAREL kI 58-02!5 WEARING APPAREL YTi� �r`,-5•��1�' r,(>=fib`',{':} EiF'���; e'� S7+i S�-5,7;11i R �' �€ SUILDIE•�S �'�Z�1 Jai`�v:4LuJ ���1Tfil,FL SUf'PL i.�. ri i 7+ _� VENDOR i U f PiL S 5:!)n S: u0J �?i 'Rl HUNTER ASSOCIATES I_2,501/r rW i i i ?o❑ T#APt�� a: av re[vL�°��T DUEa MAPS: MAPS i1519?� Di;�E1 Dl s �r`1S''�D rlEr!DUR TIiTDLS . �� 1, �`EEa It R t: i �IITtSR MEET k CLc ir1FsP'S � SUDSCRIP7IIlU5 r;�A;Pc 1=;USuC.RIPiICi�,,;S J �a J �a vE a r 9 ttf 6111/98 14:25 PM VENDOR SETs SS SIMENC E : ALPHABETIC TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED P DAILY 1'RANERCTION REP'ORI IIII DATE SROSS (8 BANK CODE _ .___a-- iESCRIF'€ i� N_.�___—..._— DISCOUNT LlL ACCOUNT —�— ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION `9� 01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO. I-1B11SS47 EI1Ei!5D uCiUERi�OR 1�;.15 S'1 a�Jta SiiEr'9kT DISC D(: +J1fe'!CtS GOVERNOR .I 1��. ?� w-=u UECtiDDR OIALS w== I--1E:.�C: S/'s.1r`SC LUB A DUCT 1F��mSS GNB`.S DUE. G/IG/98 DISC DI 6/16/98 LUB A DUCT AA1 E4-5;��_'S R u �� C1��—IOR UEHICLc S`s T=rv:#t; CCSp3 INr n I.m4oS 6(11/98 BOOTS 51, 1S t lB9S DUE Sii6t'S DISC �Tn Si1S/SB BOOS !SAD 58-5,j — ® VENDOR TOTALS mmµ J01.12 ios.8 jR;UOE-flUBLIC ECuz OTHER IRiF'ROUE��EkdTS 4dEARi1dS AR'C�AREL Gt�B'3' DiJE: tflri`jt� D��L. uT: ht1t.;`�23 JAi;Dc.—PUBLIC CO, 001 30-5370 STREET MAINWNJjld 1, 854, 0 —= V NDCR TOTALS �= 1,854,A0 9PO1 1%7 JI[ll itC;NATT CHEVROLET I-501870 6110198 SEAL KIT 1r+o ifs GP�SSS D�JE, Sr'fU/SS DISC DT; S(1F,('�S SEAL eIT uC�E�', D3JL€ �rtSft,a� Di�C DI. �/rSlSd RESERVOIR 6/10/19 SUPPORT 5, 9S CPdBSC� DIiE„ Sl1i;`3B DI�aC DT; Ef1C!`�8 SUPPORT —gS01S10FO 6/10/98 FENDER 187,45 o�k;3D? DUL. b,'SiSB DI'�;C: DTa. Ci'1Cf`�S FE��DER C��1 'c-5�C5 R x P-i CT�iOTOR VEHICLE 14,i4 Cr��ti ;�C�5S.�5 R ��� i�STL�R 'JEHICLE 15. CCt -�ttS w:,l J.'tt„,f R f' i'f V'IOTtin i�Cttit,ts.. �,���i I'„f1 C_``�j`.lC.:i r, � k'11`liGi UE�i1CLE iC7, ��5 =_r VENDOR TCE T AI_S Y: 6/11/95 tx 23 F'i4 VENDOR SET. 99 SEQUENCE : ALPHABETIC TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED Ali' DAILY TRANSACTION RE ORI BANK CODE ---------DESCRIATIC�i�—.__ _ __.n DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT—s____ACGCUNT NAUEd.___w_ DISTRIBUTION 9—G113AL uOHNSON LAD SUPPLY INICs I°-11E351�i 6/iG/9d CHLLIRIt�E G��S �,�%¢76 GND99 DUE: MSC D`i: 6/16/93 y ¢6/i6108 CHLORIt-It GAS 5I0-5360 VENDOR TOTALS 54¢ ib _i Q0111z K,gOIART R lT ii uTHER GN 99 DUE, 6/16/98 DISC; DTa G/16/95 CAR SUNSHADE 001 2`21� ,.1I ,1 sir MOTOR VEHICLE il lj` ) 99—Pii3 770 LADD UNIFORM GUi1V=nNl iy 1INC I-1c0045 6/11/08 EMS PANTS GNB99 DUE4 G/16/9I1 DISC DTs 6/16.'95 EMS PANTS'_......'JJj WH:?- APPAREL "frRE4 6Ei. 00 VENDOR TOTALS I ALS 0�0 99"01490i L( a�PVi LAND I—' 6 61 FT 6/10/96 BELT 55;.66 GHD99 DUE, 6/16/95 DISC DTI. 6/16/98 ELF Z��1 a J.Jti R ' M EQUIPiIENT 6b 196G610FU 6/10/99 LAWN LAND a 9 2 G)NBg9 DUE: E/1619,' DI`= DT: `x6/'9D IYLJ.. W S.JI J8 SeK'i.: J! L ww§3 riV [i 1 J.'211 G r E: rmcN 10 i 1806101c V or/19u9B H1=Auj 1b" CHAIN 1 1a (5 GNp99 DUE: J1'61'9S DISC DTa 6/I6/95 HEAD, 16" CHAIN 001 30- 5360 R M OTHER ILJa 75 VENDOR TOTALS 22- I ONE STP:R GAS _. i—;+ G611G�I 6/11/9E� GA5 UTILITIES 99a PO LNB9`9 DUES 6r''#6/'9r Dlil DTx F/16/°98 GAS USAGE z01 144 vDd 'Zi ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 16¢ 64 Eyti S USAGE 001 56--5515 ELECTRIC & CAS UTILITIES 17aU. GAS USAGE G!1 15-5515 ELECTRIC AND GAS UTILITIE Ica 86 GAS USAGE D2r+G 15-5515 ELECTRIC GAS UTILITIES Ica I'D GAS USAGE GUS 58- 5515 ELECTRIC GAS UTILITIES cca 71 GI J UilWGE 1I :,; a 1¢ tLPL#AIL ¢ [.rzv UTILITIES 1(a"�jja GAS USAGE GGD 15 515 El ECTrIC GAO UTILITIES a !? _ Et3DU�t "Co9TFL'.r': _ '99ac0 / I t'a, GM190 69t`5 pm VENDOR SET. 99 KOUENCE ALPHABETIC TO/FROM 'rCCOUNITIS SUPPRESSED WfF' DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT i I V1 11A I E GROSS F'. O. u OPINIK CODE __W__ _.__9EuCRIl�T10i�—.__—_..�__.� DISCOUNT GIL ACCOUNT �--ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION cy0_.i310H.0 LOVELACIE LANDSCAPE 9j7Cl0frW Gf1Q1f9G GROUND CARE 41G.CtI) GUB99 DUE, 6f16f98 DISC M 6/16198 GROUND CARE Gt l a,L-5:110R €+# BUILMNIG 416e G�2i s ` 9-011 CU= I lCNEIL` $ S3 Grd099 DMEl1Cf90 UIGC DTa f16/93 C tIN I 99--VMMO, NATIONAL FIRE PROTECH 1uSPLJJC,h9`90 c"11119Ell ANrUAl. CUE 11100 I��i 9`J �Lli..t i1��f9� tJ 4s.� I_!T; I}f1�� g ANNUAL DUFF 001 24-5315 FIRE MAii,:HALL VENDOR TOTALS . _ : 110. GG r x ".0 18 4i tni i RIAN [s BiiRkIC:,t L'C��r�99 PHONE C'MIF. COURT411 Y PHONE CONE. COURT411AY r'HONE CONI . "COURT' MAY q0 M1920 NICHOLS, JAICKSON DILL ARD Gl1�af98 cCi a.1�� 'G04611G€ bill 1/93 LAMFILL, YARRROUGNg C0(t'.FLRcivCE g GiGi. C�Cn G?099 DUEa Fflcl90 iiISC DTr ;f1Ff90 LANDFILL, YARBROUGH, CONFERENCE LANDFILL. `,{APBROULUq COi' i tRENCF !;�E`rIyOR TOTALS =®= ?,(17,`;�iL 99—G1GU0 ��OR—iLr C ATI0ND T—iAl u11fm I='OG�'!EG 5Y5TEIE G�1099 UUE{{k�t'' bf1j6f9Aj DISC CfTc c,f16f'3G ��3 ij��Li Jt1 cm:T!_11 VENDOR TOTALS �j �p�1 00�9 1:--a�.d� 1U--5z40 i7'.r OIHER 4j,"�:i' I`ii� c�" i"�L LJ OF°ERAI I�dG SLtI-'F'LiL`� �. 1�tc • r� Eii1 ��FJ LEGAL SEWS(¢ 'S iE!TUER OF'cR€�I"!G EIJC'"L•icG `Ihn� OI'ci,.li:rw�r 7L'i''LYL� +IJt.le �J tii 6!%1/9d 4a55 PM YFNDOR SETa 99 SEQUENCE ALPHABETIC TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED /P DAILY TRANSACTION REPOR( F-sf4f7 C' a rr��tU, 10 11 H DA i E 0P.Ul- jS r`. UZ D BANK CODE _______ DESCI?i'TIIJi______._-._._ DICCOUNT C/L AC CUNIT FCGEOUN'DISTRIi�i TON 99-00I30 PRCIFIC CPZL I—IP'aCit6�t4 6/U4/`38 FicAfrlH lhlE�.1Rf'i?CE l,Su5.9r_' SrJE99 DUE"l 6/30/98 DISC DTa 15113.0/98 HEALTH INSURANCE 001 210-21 9 HlP4NSURANCE 2v nb HEALf 1N URAI'CE to Osl a4—r15o F`�LIH t6��U�(�t: €32t00 L �N '�15UttAFICk N 010ti 21109 A/P INSURANCE HEAO TNCI r �tl-Fm �;} 09 1 15,(,"p it il.t ii:3 luka i�t �i, i 1 t 4J Fi i(iJ_. YIL J s Hr"nLTH ' S U R A 01Lk LO + 50 FI,_AL i H INSURANCE 3962 VA, !.' N Tt! TPJCk lCtt;Wr n9l rh_c i c to k11:61 `! 4! l hlQl'PQ) rP t _trot LC LTH INSURANCE 0two 58--1tHEALTH INSURANCE '2,0aIi L_twlk/'�:i? zilla�f{��? FLiiUU LISHES Faze — iGNB99 DUEa 6/16/98 DISC Lai; 6,/16/98 FLOOD LMHTS 008 58m.6020 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 75.90 77h�7 6/11/'98 DIESAL !r.?i'E# ETE415IC1i'a r'�JLv GNB99 DUEL 6/161198 DISC ems{; bt'lkf` 8 DIEatTL CAN, EXTENSION PULE 006 535250 MINOR TOOLS 10E +' ^rp S f" 4'T t 9N POLE ra 8} 2 L 3 r DiECAi., EC�dSxC� J PU E ����D 5�� SL,�t= L#iF�OR TiJ��L.S E.6ii ^t I E pia" Et.r POLE of � �� E. AL t.i�r�q ki���.t'eJ��tV rJLr.. i=� +��y_��`i4� ¢ EHirt �-ES_S364iii PRO STITCH i 3L�a OF 1 v/lei/9F Sil,arT i."`_3C't GNBgq DUE: 6:/16/98 DISC DTa 6/16/98 SHIRTS !'iOB DL 5c6"s SAFEiY EU i€ VlEI:i; l:-,ti.,`a`y w. VENDOR TOTALS 5x 95— 13760 PUBLIC UTILITY lS CCOMIMISSION i-_s , 6/1 8 F_u ' J� R P T IUN : LL- GNB99 DUET 6/15/9? DISC DTa 6/16/95 SUBSCRIPTION 008 17_562145 OTHER Jr` . + ISr%'SUPPLIES '. b/11/98 4:L.5 PH VENDOR SE're qq Si_PUENCE ra ALPHABETIC =iO/FRAM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED IiFi i�ATE PAfNK CODE -..W- � ');HICAIA1ION'- :�=�.nC,L1r�r RA"Lti�� SHAG; R, AIL . i ili'SiiSAC 10N REPORT s_98�161�FY 6/1�7/�I� A�l� !•1C��S 6 lB99 uUv. ; 11t/9° DISC B? s E!/16/98 AfUTI f ACIUESS GIN'B991 DUE z G/16/9E; DISC DTKVo F/1F/9B 'iISE: 1 l �:aFtC�SS °O, [iISCOUNT S/L ACCOUNT _____�ACCi,UNT NAME --- ___ DISFRO'BLITION -9B1E�11SP° 6/11/9B T(T-FES F"C� Cf:, f'iyEil��C ie r;~x GNB99 DUEatEg/16/9,8 DISC 9i; E+/16/` B" TAPESO FOR CC MEETING IwBe�9Ka; EJ11l9B RELtI-��il;l, IPlC. t�F. t• 'itsj m ` Lfy F- `� ut�B DUE GIIu=I 1o� ui: urltJi VENDOR IOIALS iqq .;I2 0 F"cliNE` 4 PPPER & CHEMICAL I-:n�:F==6S F/1�4r/y96' tk-�,'A�'EfI iu!.4ELS� H`JEFc� SL(IUES PAPER TOWELS, RUBBER GLOVES c5E4e 5Cn {i�vlt �i� Wit;•-�v, L�tf-.�� i�,-G�Al i!'+{I� ;Jui'rrLlE.r Wit:.. -or..= 1L�-5E`10 OFFICE Sf PP'LIES Se €';Ell �C�1 �;S-5E65 CLEAt�iFiS SJ�='6-'LIES St I-1cc17,; U /1E�/'��, AB1R'ri-ti-lint SF1r1'j a#Iln, 6/1f��9r� t?iv:'a l.�T� ����Jr�S r °L�RB-Nl-llDRY ;-dui` 58-52A5 ()off{ {..__� '�E='�?gtt Ct�'f iii-.S 86a r�:6 :4'J._Aw t,jh 04 ';. �.sq e�a PERRY, !�i {{yy .iJ _ lY E:i i na, IJx iJe F ....: ���pL� IF W '.k' t Ji1C='J__a! '1r1i/J� �t:iCALi..' AN`t,J� . t [iR}�i {t}�,•.�sj1{-; L1RUG v.0 -µ { t Nih1 tti�c: �.,—;-� Tr B x tiL "-.. �. vi_k@!�iS,Y I�1TI�IL`� f � uiHER CP'ERAtTId=IG "4JP'F'LIES ��iEI�ICAL SER'JICES c�Y S4e 6=J �f IIfJ� 4E;i F°'ik VENDOR SE F Yj ' LEQJENCE ALPHABETIC IGf FRu i �ICC IIJI T S SUPPRESSED 1fP DAILY TRANISOC ION REPORT rYi'JE¢ ilv ITT=# UH i r 6RSSD f°s �€s Tk BANK CODE --ULGR4I'€ lUi'i -._ _.__-_ UILi.1L�I�! G/L.l EG!1I=,i __ _.aACCOUNT NAM E __--_1I6IUTI 3I41 Wj _ r`ITip € IT&44ELE E Li j � jlp � I f't i 6_`® �iif 1. 4.{ll L(•'e _GNB99 DUE 61166M DISC DT: G/1F,,19A OXYGEN 001 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 6: era ETI OC18 6 5 OTHER L ATING IES G =0itYG 5c r _ .!_3-'= L==! EIIWJ 1�.LE� !P i JV�„rJ. '�E lJVI{LEL 1a .. yf.., Jm=. yy._a EEjU I_ 4Pl Afrw Li�v Ltf J CtJ itrITTI C e CYE I cri MTKIAD Lill ITz ALziff Ct) L'U114+. st i IL L .— a f...t .xaI W r=arvv.rsc u.�Ik rrr...r:r rwo a... `` 1 ' H iC{{['lip{lV v —...__ _..,_. ! j8q+6€L•`i'N' W"]}II �{! 1�iII_CC P'rtRT5 2ti 7 C:INB9J ruULL. 'x of 1 F f= m ii !.} k! }.f 1 x ��jj 8 _., «G! misco PART, S 01 3E=-53E5 R ' i MOTOR VEHICLE L 62 i�« f5 �J2 T : tOR 'i i✓ ... c )... � S�L PARTS 001 c0-:�•"n 4 izi :`{SiOR VEHICLE_ 62 E IiSCZ .. MTO PARK kTi jo-5-7 `1 R a' M MENFSR 9EHB!_•_E �a L : ?i mi'f}J8 IMmv i"ARi1 S...c :.ii .l•Y= E.7i"i B32 ME'e �t(f ��p'JfJ�t' r DISC q�)i i.: v`T i / �! fJf I6Jt J=J l�.ac pCRI �q LIO1 Ic M (`�"�' MOTOR •SEHICLE JIu Eb t`it CO—eJE_5 i uG R M MOT VEHIs I_L 261 {'Y t� iE1 .� �• if _{R.Ey .. 1r6lf Lv_!L;•C'i. :. r f1i L ILE lC j' "tT 6i:'ayx Jr'v3 TLII..,Lx..ME. tl (r9�} !'�!_f7J r , r j8�7 Gf� fJU t ! rr i �'li��C"t lM1Et�`'iil t POOL �1T c -s ��L =: ,0 Er�E �:rNB99 DUES �rf 16f`�3 J SUC DT: ii! 1i"�fJ� REPAIR '1,31 L � �: M L�FIIi�-IrIL`;`sT I'I{JIUR tr1t1 e7'tl. :,a...Ei=r4 J:.s—�tc���{I✓t L�;�ySE� Lf{L�RIER TOTAL"' 5 0,?. wit is?:.tt1 'MAY �E r �;•?. =_•=k' `..I I •Cy retLLi�J _s iUri E StIE19S LiT',ISC• J TTa L c_3! EGA E1_ T L t7Clr S 9^.i:Vt 1 LUAL N!OTICEj -zr�IL-'i IH'Y LL! AL NO i ICEI APR! L-fi1A 77Sa SSE �ti" {tiliiLlI P VT =_jiit It VENDOR SET s 9q SEL:'UEiICE . ALPHAE$ETfr. TO/FROM ACCnUNTS SUPPRESSED ITi� DID T E CR��yE r', us BANK CODE �___ ___wt�ECCRI 'TiC,;z_ _ .� _. l.I CCii6tlT eafL iCCC�l��T ACCOUNT NAME E— DISTRIBUTION" SANGER DRUG STORE tt�� r ll 1� fe �r )1 I: of cu/08 DISC DTs PG/i lS/98 FILMCO MINOR EQUIPMENT 7 I'®r/98 PICTURES D� jt.. , f t' r", J" v DEC t _lUr aUl a=_ Yte_u PiLTis4 { .''p� Hf I O 'E4st 4 �/jI I-Y.'�fJ/v� I'it?I�[ f.�t EikZILIiI VENDOR T PTA1 E 9c#_0i2130 SANGER OFFICE SUPPL`J ®r1017b I=r'_0/99 TONER CART RIDGE, RECEIPT 1.100E, 1 E.46 U ; ' LPL,: Gillb" 9U' DISC BUT: G/1u;'78 TE�'wER CARTRI1D.GE;FE�.EiP BOC,'� :A01 42—.21@ OFFICE SUPPLIES��4' 4FS U: i I'SWL �!.-'I"%..�C» kle t_CT YENDOR TOTALS (LI 0/',N���'__E Ri PRY t _ t. •u wf i"tiL:..:. P"'ir:. t`Jki1 f' ju(t+` PR! Tk `!G 99 � Q MTI7 .�_ {{ (, j, E" OTHER �{{ 6wr{{ I'�I(<' SUPPLIES, 1 i..` + •.r C�L[I I#�F3t li�i •.� 101 t'-''i"" i..°iv ?,I[RLi: �1 LRF { I14C x.14Ji I_ I�s 1l. E,/.ilf �ENEVEI "PEP BLL`{it's .c Ii:LJ G N B 9 9 DUE 6i aEJ'11eDISC D a 611619B E11Ei_CP H ® BLANK 16IFFICEI)FrS IL' we 25 ENLi_OB_it -= YENDOR TOTALS _ Ft , 141 zr -LILSCHLUTER Bill & CTMHi 1-1Cil�.r 6f i'.�:r ®€� F�PT T, � C6�3R?�ER, I�=I�E1:�� is=il "! E CLIP �,�7a r3 tI���� �IkJEs C11F,J9u i3ICi:' IBC, C,JII�J'� lli' u�rr "� BELT ?,_ i?jiF; ri�.c��cE tl�i IrI1L `.F l)-iiLl BAT [. I CHARGER, RADICI, EE' € CLIP . R 2. ' t#t � i m Rn i T2 u CHr RCER5 RPC�IIij BELT CLIP 1Oae_ w � •.Mj I R x K OTHER a , REOTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES lEI .r's'*FI0,BTi:sC,FR ER, LTSUP E24 Y E`i' d)C'R ifI€il :j ... _. _. �.,ia7: b/1itiV`j 4;25 P'M VENDOR SE!: 99 SEE ur E t4l, EE: ALPHABETIC __. _ {', ...... _.._.., YDt ,.. L�{t}XXt (�a t}`4. _ ffi: !! {11.-.. kS...n _. __....._....__... ap i I IO N' :jI {{ N(!" '(! �df rj r'"ljf,�f ._...___„_f'._^�¢j{t. ).' pI Ft'... .................. _. y.. }"'it f�fitrE DA{'_tii...Bi..� ION i 4LiDE tCic i` LII el,,.�}Jitii i.. iit�LSU63l�E EiECi.U��iN I�fi{i� 00.0,00 rl r._tJ,_:..NI"i vvpp tt{ ui_Ei} R'Y E ff_''_�m._... :f`.t14 �vELFING I—S�1t`�f�lli3 Sf`iir``11'E`'fSlrcERI�dC S RUI'ES _�?aS 0E1B TA D I} ENIGINEERING SERVICES GNBT4 DUE EI..W s rr I,E`t3 5 r �rti!!{tJ,Si3 l"1L; yC}`Ein�}}JTtR (Li1 IIL-1�J��'iEF id LIKE tt;w. t1`�a�.�J.t UEN1D0R, TO PrI U E=. % IEL.rill.. 111 I-S?JS� E,/i11°RN FISYLE S�?(I,FLISEI yI}i<`r; '{' i.S�eS�, LC. nl�p I7 INK 008 iFy'�iEJIL SL4EIEc3 li.;,�` UTI{ER I}=1F'RC_iUE*i��4}�i —it�tj39 F:jl!ipi'�R SC�C:R.Ei', i Rpi'�Srv-tiRrER§IjE'}�ER tl} E;&d�1S C�}JE: E,tiE�i�S' I�IS'� pis ,d#sq,f`�S S4iECKEE5 (it, 2:5A llt..._.H�r. E FER OM .l JY55 M t_R M MPIENNCE •a �raa `ii_t ._,_..._ VEI'll j' 0 _G9 Oj�n z=.a v.J:)_ z,tr a €C� _ i ODOR ter:, �JIFt I C �._�. "Q lf, C/11198 '"23 C''1 'JEND'R CE..Ta 99 9ESlUENCE ALPHABETIC TO/E FROM XCt1UNT9 SUPPRESSED I Tr=i DhTE ((, C'FiNK CEDE rif P•' ui�i L.a TP,C I'lu,'.. i 1l0E' RE'fPr OR .'. CN199 DUEs6/16/98 DISC DTa 6f1MB V I iiEDS d r.E0G I 'CUL!NT CfL fICCOUNI ral10E r � I�i t-it`�v tw�lifrLlF•�i Ji iU� Ji PPLIL Inrr 1 i:�� s 1 Dt1E. Cf iCf t? L'i_ rU L I1l . §ru,/r_: _ ���'�F•��rP7iis�.i t?^.,f;5i i:',ia�•7 z'�. t,iiCw. C,fi,iCc S?Cs:iG".TGif�iF?tf REGISTRATION Cfs;t 101�526C DUES I: CEGISIffilioN j ( 011 j' [j KIRSi Iw.CEI�iC,C�; Cf�Z�r"�'�3 4°1E9 r t_r3 Liu; }Gs b" f v: itIr.b— Di44i r :S'OVal1+ •�, f .US 1'R,S r;i{ TE'S TMRS 11FF7t i. T Iri SH, J TtIR, 5 tilF'.E TP'nn .i _.Us UIFi.2b of f4Jf `:i 0= Tt4Q5 ��lF`vr 9I,SNI . GENERAL ui(JR '� `t' 1 e C" a r,': � 1 r 1���yyF'i„CffiifG 1 �L �Wi�10 � % i�f lCif lh IrIr1 C{�'lE;t, i37i��1�:v +Lt-�fE ��'Jt�`.:a imi'C„'�€ DDE; �f16f91 DI:i D(a �.='?Ef9EI MliNf l s NGUE PEPREDSMb I °aD Ei'IIE f'_=Et.f91 r,0ii I'C(ii'9, CHENILLE I re DUE r � r {�-t'�; C F'= s ry i i F,.j ko-� F'��i PON 1. �, CHENILLEVENDOR TOTALS qq tG 4.$ "e2ve tli G i rr�i 'r7a Ji;•i '€.i f�l t7j_I'^LLf�� �"i i"t f'<Gi 1(Fa�,.CSiEi`di€ ills ds tl m J—' T C.(� :nsl TO � ii�i Ii'�f'iE€'•i� r7gipp: k �:+�ra e� RETIHMEN{ 05 RETIKMENT sEcai !v11 5'Ull .ETT EtMENT Iz :s a JYL R,Ei IRF.i EN JEic U (ntIC V,,@m2l05 HN REHRE ENT Ali+rii I F5IUh REP ICEMEN tiie'EI 19— 1 ili 1'rTIEEi1Es`'TI 18.07 4r; C;fz,�CiIT lu7aar=nr ih IEEMENT •..111-51 E;4u j11/98 4a s i fti VENDOR SL T: 139 RE01 �E `;CE , FL!'I MET IC; iUfrRUIT ACCOUNTS SU,';'RLSaED REp T 11 DILAILY 1 RPNSf`l T uil ? Lil-i('�i _ _I l4dWt CODE _____—_ t)E` RIRTiL1,__--- _ __ DISCOUNT M. AHOUNT �—(�I�iUUs`t�l �dR€�E —_ _ D15TRIBUT10IN a 02820 1 RAL.M SUP'F°L I M I<>Gii�£fu�,€'ills` G? 1�!r�� !•Ui;1�RE��LER �`m��`�. �'a !GNB9q DUE 6/16/91 ' f DISir C }I : ui%iJI9� 1.9150GI1_GR Gf11198 BIPSIL rRAnR IV GPLLL DETECTION 0 _ul0• D frTS pl_r R1Di-IR a S EED i i LtE t E c I 10�'i tVlcll ;�c2 uvvi.� v"tJL� i��Y�S !F'Ri"il �V�i iti�..ri �z�'C' €���•�L%U'R �:,;`1{}. P�,k�} -.__: i U l YiL� :....,.... 0 y5 RO i ".L �V '.I (pb !',iti ILI 1;1 •J�i�Y i%C,Ui - }{,, ,1UL" z Fj IUJI`'M VibL, M e t:r' s'lE Bits SERVICES ibt1 j.r °�`=i`e METRO SERVICES ES €t0 no 1 t 551 pt 9A9— 3=44'.t VERE=SEER EQUIP N TL XP" END IOTALS j97-02af0 lili=?i'la OFFICE PREIMi.i`? �.Ls i'iiE: "CRY I?,GJ aji psi E t Cie { AB_i,. N;-{is'et�€`i ��s,7�� €'�r�rs�Rg i:iiLE: J •1. LI L i srI t y rGl.�t N :'R# NLu« MA Li;.,i_L i s }}cRfi , c.:Sj , �;�'crt, €�€�}LE—, �.� E a �cl0 OlFY=I ®E r IFS i 1 ! i`i(tE \ fIElt i�}�SW R 3 ALLai •:. :.tA. A.. JI_I. ftt 4i f d1wL MPIP IEv # i , t ['�{{��� i{'� aW...: l�E%e�OR TOTAL'S .ii x ��" �V--I it '..i�tfi. LIME'ti i"7t3ON11 L, l P" S SO "list r+ O i �R(-SJ.a �'!Et rLE�a� €.,;!JI�I_Is`'�f3'�F S,ILII:>hi INN 9 DUEDISC L-T, G/1E/16 .NIiNbA 11frLtii,ilYLLRli { €: v.3� i yt'e llli �� i..i PM PI/P DAILY i{ir`'nil" 1E4E.i €.s'!I} + -}i 7: :;7 VENDOR ac l . 139 _t 1 I tiLZ ii Y:! f! I "F i'i Off 1 13R006 p `:44 ,j � E�{iItT�LL„E x,Ta i' E JkfBaNK CODE fsUUo-e.COts: , AIli 9lj DUE. 6016r"Rg DISC DfT 6/16/98 110 g�iCiER ��{EJ O?u`1�1 ii C, jr C aE.' k _. E`t I}IIILF, B F,U,&q ; Lt0G ft FCC' 6NBp91 D jC rr....P�7ny-: €Sa is 1 ,ratt L.t1�U1 DEW u?'Ji OIS.. L+' z l3I diia =_ E�Linn Is'z PLIJ13 0 918 .0: i? 11 6iH_C: ~ 1 L)re ':i`� _ 1 'LR E i 1 fG rglu uN`: s.`'vIE: of liaf ` E.7I `Jt, DirC Ou SOFJTcjj OIL FILTER IUI R v M CQUI•lM;N 16,05 T'= t �1i `VIE UI-mi viL FILTER 01ioi � 2L�-j R � t 0,R VEHICLE Jj CIO ROOTS OIL -iH TM ,m3 6-rt�,G=, 6 Ni>r, OR y}�HICI E CF,021 i ! gc_Fi .: j2 JdL i}Lr JR Lt 11/`fig {L.E{v IjnsE IT, CL',`�' 4-':i �,{iL i.€ iz Le is 20 it `7J fLiIC L16/F98 . DISK ; 6iF1. 6Fi.4!..) B tt!NNOJ g .LN't,1115i 01 .iE}v 1S MO CSVi`llU .IJ_v.K M, L uc;85!B 5125 R ji( t .4'd L!_I `'iv�Jd.l EL'l tKIAT CLrMPG,,g OIL i lC0 MYlilR VEHICLE.}} ea.s T���Rt+O TF}T� ilt.4 i t=IM1_.. 48 O`F-O �J Rli MOTOR E@�I �E Jw_ O i r 1.L' Ff' C ('j ER iC' p d IISi i,_"; 1` CLPS F`3s01 L f'ILILIRS ON .;;7 .two=J R a M Mu IOR YEHICLF tl.t G7 f i C` '1 s i C r g ,'"^- �.+ Ej tq k' i F I � J. F CL Is J, CIL Fi4_l" € � t _ : ,��• R _ M MOTOR Y EHICLE r �F _EE,Oi,CLAMPS, OIL F�.LE f,S 10131 ,N _ R r M MOTOR VEHICLE j,a2A T HERMOS All v LLN MP ;, OIL F ILTER°r= j1j C .av : R 9 Ni MOTOR VEHICLE �, }SRO -HhRtC{6TOT5CLNi1FOiOIL FALTEritE Wirt# EO ( ir10T0R 4L1?CLF 1j1,6i I "`�gE2q j5tt 716 Ei �-. a i1¢ ROT CLFf ,F C.rlrE 55255 _.�.._. _ ..�... u 4`1, Jt jr ter{'}:{ . rtL_J�Wi R 3 Sy . r f`•�.i 6h, r'LFS %' i,?CAL Lii : vi lr�/'+UU CbpH r IS ! i Ftn �F i fiI' _i ,— n ,it1 "n { r}r _'HRK FLUGS4 ROTOR, CLA PS, CAC � �1 ., � luc i I � t;tt '1tE 1 .LE_ _ . _.. 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L. i_.J ,. v1�JJ-mac ..�f} y} tv tt ftk{i--+f jai' 44j +-!F(8 +7'. pp stir »iv_ Iwti '�Ii E.,, r»t„ C.L. J z +J.+.. :v ._F l._ix +.. _.'�C Iji-i. i�ti .`i iJ:i%7p:.p y �.;.: .. [_k,,:'[;EJI i,I wE�t1I�€._i } :.}V ..4, .[!yF p_f Ism III L...f j"�!u w. f.XiiJ ..€ _y4 » �...i�,.fi:f . �.I_r�. i-i tC;t:(m'. _ is ,?dk. `p i `� ,l 1, liEl? r . b,! PAIN F fr r4 E.=.+Y a_t,li=-I.fIIIi. { 1, i�[., _z75r�1B �i11 v,#j.i7l: 1f .d �tr'I �i€ 1 t .. .—i 19f �.)t! fi i3l[ 0{f!z_4_: .. r. 2994 •'?L. t rit leis r;'W011-1 iji�jj f iG �F *�4x MEMO vl:*** June 11, 1998 'T®: TIonorable Mayor and City Council Members FIt: 1Zosalie Chavez, City Secretary ItE: Zoning Change and Specific Ilse Permit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'The Planning and Zoning Commission will meet tonight to consider both of these �•equests. roperty is located on Cowling Road, and they want to build a storage facility. This 1articular request came before the P&Z back F did not 1. i g pr operty 1 ' ! 1 1uestions that the board !- Ashley has assured Rose that he will 1, • present his time 1 address the I f 1 Mraml 1 1 wffl C it4 of �v�iQs — June l , 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change Request Agricultural to M The following Boards and Commission will hold public hearings to consider a zoning change request from property owners Nim Ashley and Dwayne Waters for property legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0.300 and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573. This property is located on Cowling Road. They have requested this zoning change in order to construct a storage building facility. BOARD AND COMMISSION Planning and Zoning City Council DATE /TIME Thursday, June 11 Monday, June 15 PLACE 201 Bolivar 201 Bolivar Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, June 11, and/or June 15. I am also enclosing a self -stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. sot sOLtVAR STREET SANtiER, TEJ[A8 76s� 94o-4Sa-�93o P.O. d0J[ s7a 94o-4sa-4sao FA7[ A AND W PRODUCTIONS MOM TIRN INC Fa X - 940-458-5690 aiT�3G1-6305 Feb 26 '98 13424 P.O1 MINOR" U149 P.01 TO: saner C� Ceir�eM Plain" i Zoning Board 01,41 i o .. . .. FEB-25-1998 11'32 FROM DENTON APPRAISAL DISTRICT TO 4584180 P.01 OWN "1 IN Allow a Val IIIIP IIIIIIIIIp _, u� `7 COWAw tr rho• w• :yaws a•r t � is •` Ilk 140 I �� {: im TI N { N% i h lbter.:. :A r xy t LIP0 Imp law 1 1 v' TOTAL P.01 P&Z 06/11/98 CC 06/15/98 ZONING REQUEST CHANGE Property is located on Cowling road and is legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 03.00, and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573. If you disapprove this Zoning Request Change, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: Comments: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request DAT ff� LtW57�?� L v Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A GF Number: 97101389 Effective Date: May 2, 1997 at 8:00 am t. Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) OWNER POLICY OF TITLE INS[JRANCE (Form T-I) (Not applicable for improved one -to -four family residential real estate) Proposed Insured: NIM ASHLEY and DWAYNE WATERS (b) TiinAS nESIDEiv Tint OwTvER POLICY OF "I'[TLE INSURANCE ONE -TO -FOUR FAMILY RESIDENCES (Form T-IR) Proposed Insured: (c) MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Proposed Insured: Proposed Borrower: NIM ASHLEY and DWAYNE WATERS Policy Amount $ 35, 000. 00 Policy Amount $ Policy Amount $ 28, 000 . 00 (d) MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ON INTERIM CONSTRUCTION LOAN Binder Amount $ (Form T-13) Proposed Insured: Proposed Borrower: 2. The interest in the land covered by this Commitment is: FEE SIMPLE 3. Record ti[le to the land on the effective date appears to be vested in: EUGENE MORROW, GEORGE LEE MORROW and MARGARET HELEN YATSS 4. Legal description of land: Being 4.873 acres out of the M R BURLSSON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 71 and the MCKINNEY & WILLIAMS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 940 to the Town of Sanger, Denton County, Texas and being more particularly described on Exhibit "All attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. Commitment to Insure This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions For Use in the State of Texas and Schedules A, B, C and D are attached. Revised January 1, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (Continued) GF Number: 971013007 CLOSING AGENT - TITLE RESOURCES Commitment to Insure This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions For Use in the State of Texaa and Schedules A, 13, C and D are attached. Revised January 1, 1993 A11 that certain tract of land situated in the M.R. Burleson Survey, Abstract Number 71 and the McKinney 6 Williams Survey, Abstract Number 940 in the Town of Hanger, Denton County, Texas and being a part of the called 9.448 acre tract described in the deed from Alma Kathleon Brook» to W.R. Morrow at ux roorrded in Volumes 4711 Page 411, of the Deed Records of Denton County, Texasl the subject tract being more particularly described as followst DEOIntlINO for the Northeast COrn�r o! the tract being described herein at an iron rod found for the northeast corner of said Morrow tract in the apparent North line of said McKinney 4 Williams eurveyl TtiENCt South 00 Degrees 68 Minutes 47 Asoonds Wert with the !»�F li.^.e W»id tr»Ct, gea.»rGlly "1Wely » t»nc= distance of 417.51 feet to an iron rod vfound for the Southeast corner said Morrow tractl T1tENCE North e9 Degrees 00 Minutes o0 Seoondr Wert with the South line thersot, generally along a tens• a distance of 673.11 feet to an iron rod found for t►te Southeast Corner of a certain called 1.00 acre tractl Tf1ENCt North 00 Osgrees S6 Minuter 97 seoonde test with the tact lino thersot, generally along a tenoe a distance of 307.69 last to an iron rod found for the Northeast corner or oaid 1.00 acreal THENCE North t!S Degrees 47 Minutes 49 8evonds Nest with the North line thersot a distanae of 109.69 test to an iron rod found for the Northwest corner said i.00 acres r in the West line of said 8.440 acres and the apparent East line Of Old Highway No. 771 THENCE North 01 Degrees 51 Minutes le Seconds East with the West line said Morrow tract along said highway a distance of 79.49 feet to an iron rod found for the Southwest Corner of a 1.021 acre tract described in the deed from Mollie Pearl Norrdw to a1•n Edwin Oiese at ux recorded in Volume �769, Page �67 of the Real Property Record■ of said countyl T}tf.NCE South 89 Degrees 00 Minute■ 00 Seconds East with a line parail•1 with the Nortlt line o! said 8.448 aar• a distance of $62.64 feet to an iron rod set for the northeast corner of a certain 1.56 acre tract surveyed by me this datel TIIF.NCE North 01 Degrees 46 Minutes 21 A'oaond• East s distenne of 169.71 feet to an iron rod set for the Northeast corner of said 1.D6 noes in th• ?forth line of said 8.448 acres; • THENCE South 89 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds East with he North line thereof, generally along a fence a clistanca of I17.41 teat to the Place of Beginning end �.... .. enclosing 4.873 acres of land. Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE GF Number: 97101389 In addition to the Exclusions and Conditions and Stipulations, the Policy will not insure you against loss, costs, attorneys fees and expenses resulting from. 1. Intentionally Deleted. 2. Any discrepancies conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines, or any encroachments, or protrusions or overlapping of improvements. 3. Homestead or community property or survivorship rights, if any, of any spouse of any insured (Owner Policy only). 4. Any titles or rights asserted by anyone, including, but not limited to, persons, the public, corporations, governments or other entities, a. to tidelands, or lands comprising the shores or beds of navigable or perinnial rivers and streams, lakes, bays, gulfs or oceans, or b. to lands beyond the line of the harbor or bulkhead lines as established or changed by any government, or c. to filled -in lands, or artificial islands, or d. to statutory water rights, including riparian rights, or e. to the area extending from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation, or the rights of access to that area or easement along and across that area. (Exception 4 applies to the Owner Policy only.) 5. Standby fees, taxes and assessments by any taxing authority for the year 1997 and subsequent years and subsequent taxes and assessments by any taxing authority for prior years due to change in land usage or ownership. 6. The terms and conditions of the documents creating your interest in the land. 7. (Materials furnished or labor performed in connection with planned construction before signing and delivering the ►fen document described in SCHEDULE A if the land is part of the homestead of the owner. (Applies to Mortgagee Title Policy Binder on Interim Construction Loan and may be deleted if satisfactory evidence is furnished to the Company before a binder is issued.) 8. Liens and leases that affect the title to the land, but that are subordinate to the lien of the insured mortgage. (Applies to Mortgagee Policy only.) 9. The following matters and all terms of the documents creating or offering evidence of the matters (We must insert matters or delete this exception): a. All visible and apparent easements or uses and all underground easements or uses, the existence of which may arise by unrecorded grant or by use. b. Rights of third parties, if any, with respect to any portion of the subject property which lies within the boundaries of a public or private road. (May be amended or deleted upon approval of current survey.) Commitment to Insure This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions For Use in the State olTexas and Schedules A, B, C and 0 are attached. Revised January 1, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (Continued) GF Number: 971o13a9 c. Rights of parties in possession and rights of tenants in possession under any unrecorded leases or rental agreements. (May be amended or deleted upon execution of affidavit of parties in possession at closing.) Commitment to Insure This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions For Use in the State of Texas and Schedules A, B, C and D are attached. Revised 1anuary 4, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE C GF Number: 97101389 Your policy wilt not cover yott against loss, costs, attorneys fees, and expenses resulting from the following requirements that will appear as Exceptions in Schedule B of the Policy, unless you dispose of these matters to our satisfaction, before the date the Policy is issued. l . Documents creating your title or interest must be approved by us and must be signed, notarized and filed for record. 2. Satisfactory evidence must be provided that: no person occupying the land claims any interest in that land against the persons named in paragraph 3 of Schedule A, oil etnniikir f>a a tnvue necueemnnte nnri rhnvnoc nnninet the i.n..o 1%^^ .....7.i "as 0%W&Y j aL.vJ, LatIf L.J MJJVJJa3avaaLJ W&L Vaa445V MbulatJL L1lV F/a VF/ Lty, t1uYV VL.411 F/alu, all improvements or repairs to the property are completed and accepted by the owner, and that all contractors, subcontractors, laborers and suppliers have been fully paid, and that no mechanic's, laborer's or materialmen's liens have attached to the property, there is legal right of access to and from the land, (on a Mortgagee Policy only) restrictions have not been violated that affect the validity and priority of the insured mortgage. 3. You must pay the seller or borrower the agreed amount for your property or interest. 4. Any defect, lien or other matter that may affect title to the land or interest insured, that arises or is filed after the effective date of this Commitment. 5. Ascertain marital and homestead status of record owner. If homestead, require joinder of spouse. 6. With respect to item 2 of Schedule C above, the Company will not except in any policies to be issued pursuant to this commitment to "Lack of a right of access to and from the land." Commitment to Insure This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions For Use in the State of Texas and Schedules A, B, C and D are attached. Revised January t, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation SCHEDULE D GF Number: 97101389 Ptlrstlant to the requirements of Rtlle P-21, Basic Manual of Rules, Rates and Forms for the writing of Title Insurance in the State of Texas, the following disclosures are made. You are entitled to receive advance disclosure of settlement charges in connection with the proposed transaction to which this Commitment relates. Upon your request, such disclosure will be made to you. Additionally, the name of any person, firm or corporation receiving any sum from the settlement of this transaction will be disclosed on the closing or settlement statement. vf1/1 aTP Fi1Tt11PT apt V1CP/t that the PCtimatPll titiP nrPmilim* ic• Owner Policy $ Mortgagee Policy $ Endorsement Charges $ Total $ 485.00 100.00 585.00 Of this total amount: t03.84 will be paid to the policy issuing Title Insurance Company; 473.85 will be retained by the issuing Title Insurance Agent; and the remainder of the estimated premium will be paid to other parties as follows, o_ 11i'R•�'rIa To Whom For Services *The estimated premium is based upon information furnished to us asof the date of this Commitment for Title Insurance. Final determination of the amount of the premium will be made at closing in accordance with the Rules and Regulations adopted by the State Board of Insurance. The issuing Title Insurance Agent, Title Resources of Denton County, L.L.C., d/b/a Title Resources, is a company directly owned or controlled by Gary H. Kirchoff. The following individuals are directors and/or officers, as indicated, of Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lawyers Title Corporation: President and Chief Operating Officer: Janet A. Alpert; Secretary: John M. Carter; Senior Vice President, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer: G. William Evans Directors: Jamet A. Alpert, Kenneth Astheimer, James L. Boren, Jr., G. William Evans, Charles H. Foster, Jr., William H. Goodwyn, Jr. Russell W. Jordan, III, Charles W. Keith, Eugene F. Lanuzza Commitment to Insure For Use in the State of Texas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, 8, C and D are attached. Revised January t, t993 Cit" of Memorandum To: Planning &Zoning Commission r i vul. � awn �uut.�i Date: June 11, 1998 Subject: Specific Use Permit for Jack -in -the -Box Jack -in -the -Box is requesting you to allow them to construct a sign 100' high. The city staff feels that this is unsafe, unsightly and unnecessary. Our current ordinance of 60' should be high enough. It is our recommendation that the permit not be issued for 100' . poi BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TE][AS 76Z66 940-458-7930 P.O. BO][ S78 940-458.4i8o FA][ City of -' fv"�iV� _ -- June 1, 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit -Jack in the Box RC:ck The following Boards and Commission will hold public hearings to consider a Specific Use Permit request made by Jack in the Box for the construction of their on -site signs. The property is legally described as Abstract 1241, Track 52, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. BOARD AND COMMISSION Planting and Zoning City Council DATE /TIME Thursday, June 11 Monday, June 15 PLACE 201 Bolivar 201 Bolivaz Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, June 11, and/or Monday, June 15. I am also enclosing aself-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. sos SOLIVAR iTItEZ? sANIGElt� TB.7[A� 7oa� 94o-4sa•793o r.o. cos sit sao-ssa•a=oo Fwz Q I A Division ,of D19 FoodmakerInc. 7700 Bent Branch Drive Suite , T MAY � L [ruing, TX 75063 t 972/409-2980 I FAX: 972/409-2983 May 11, 1998 City of Sanger Texas Planning & coning Commission 201 Bolivar PO. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Jack In The Box Request for Signage Variance N of NW Corner FM. 455 @ IH 35 Dear Commissioners: Jack In The Box is proposing to construct a restaurant at the subject location that currently has an existing Mexican Restaurant on it. We are working with the current property owner to purchase a parcel that is approximately 35, 835 Sq. Ft. to the North of Horizon Chevron. The proposed location will be approximately 2421 Sq. Ft. and seat 50 patrons. Approximately 44 parking spaces will be provided. The restaurant will have a drive thru facility with stacking for 6 vehicles and will be amply landscaped. Although it is believed that the community will support the proposed facility it is necessary and critical that adequate freeway signage be provided to attract traffic off of the freeway from both the Northbound and Southbound headed traffic. Without the availability of the 100' sign the economics necessary to approve this project do not work for Jack In The Box. On Wednesday, May 5, 1998 Jack In The Box representatives along with our local sign company performed a "flagging" of the site. The flagging consisted of utilization of a. crane capable of reaching a height of 120'. Having established a proposed location for the proposed pylon sign, and realizing that the property owner has determined that the existing freeway oriented billboard will be relocated to another location on his property, off of the proposed land to be purchased, we raised the crane to heights of 80' and 100' and drove the freeway in both Northbound and Southbound directions to determine the visibility at both heights. Page two. At 80' and 100' the crane was visible prior to reaching the existing off ramp from North to South. But from South to North, the crane was only visible when at a height of 100' thus enabling Northbound traffic to identify the proposed pylon sign prior to reaching the FM. 455 off ramp. It was determined that two reasons contributed to the blocked view heading North on IH 35. 1) The turn of the freeway coming from South to North, and 2) the pedestrian overpass located to the South of the FM. 455 off ramp across IH 35. Additionally, Jack In The Box proposes to construct a wrap road access on the West side of the existing Horizon Chevron that will provide adequate circulation for traffic igressing and egressing the site. At this location we would request that a Pylon sign with a advertising Marquis be allowed to facilitate local traffic on F. M. 455 heading both East and West. In summary, Jack In The Box is respectfully submitting our request for the following free standing sign package for the proposed site: 1. A 20' x 20' double faced pylon sign at a height of 100' on the IH 35 frontage to attract traffic from both directions on I - 35. ( see attachment ). 2. A 6' x 6' double faced pylon sign at a height of 30' with a 3' x 8' interchangeable copy marquis board at a height of 19 to the bottom on FM. 455 to support Eastbound and Westbound traffic. ( see attachment ). Any additional questions, comments or information that the Commission feels essential to making a decision regarding this variance request can either be presented at the public hearing or prior to the public hearing as is deemed necessary. Your consideration regarding this request would be greatly appreciated. T3ennis A.�4V6zniak Construction Manager 4 }-20'- of I I t. 81- 01/4"t I �— INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CABINET •AM PAINT JITB RED. • L FLEX FACE WITH BACKGROUND JITB RED. COPY: WHITE WITH BLACK OUTLINE. E SUPPORT AS REQUIRED PAINT JITB BLACK INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM CABINET AND RETAINERS, PAINT JITB BLACK. WHITE ACRYLIC BKGD. WITH (4) FOUR LINES OF 6" BLACK CHANGE COPY JACK IN THE BOX 20' x 20' PYLON WITH 3' x 8' READER BOARD 8'-01/4" L 6'-0„ —1 `, ALUMINUM CABINET 11 RETAINERS. PAINT JIB 1 �J ,�FORMEO POLYCARBO IATE Ll VFFF FACE, BACKGROUND JITB {RED, COPY. OUTLINE.BLACK Cl a elm a fINTERNALLY ILLUMINATED ALUMINUM CABINET 1 WHITE ACRYLIC RETAINERS, PAINT JITB FOUR LINES 1 61, BLACK CHANGE COPY i i SUPPORTi 1 PAINT JITB BLACK JACK IN THE r c 3 t 1 , ,PYLON READERi 1 i ELEVATION 1 y ., v \� �,� Y� �� < + ' `+ •� ; � `�` �u �ti �, � ; �; a '+ >< �.: � 5.98'11�36"E. 1,186.11' �..1'q �iy �+ST.iS f��.• . ��.1 7 T+2d.�� ' H.eE•q� .`1. w• Mtn;' oy j, � +. N • O� i � f • +V + O, ' h 01 ' �l � T,,..l o� ., t u 0 f h O 2 GIs— s.3s• zZ O r t f�l 1.�• Kii'�7l>t�w, I��.ao 1 sW . no N Q �o n� 's 2 • .._2�..3�5 acres' . ��+f � 1 CTp+f,l+ L O �•� n . _..I1 � � ,�' � • /`�' � _ I �.�w• 0 0. 1 + 1•r� /,�' '� O OU N n� `II • � W s ' 11+ In 1.1 N •� •• • ��,, .� w N 0'1i"w. ��3.l1' MIGUELITO'S HORIZON � 1CA1 F�r1 v iV o '° ' . �' � q � h r`1 ' !� �+ .1 �" s. alhl'un"� �^ d6.�0' 1 `` v �1+��1 Iy 1 � I 1 t1 S' �T'0�' R+ 4551.65 �' » �. 60 T+272.�2 ...... .7/�.�� , �a .� __"_'�"' � � i cf' d �. ' _ a. ._. v� l �' / / �`.�s / �• ' ``�� �� 1 I i 'i'+ :. �,. . . �.. '.,' . I � � F u�Gl rli :1 . �.. a.: v� �� . ..� 1394.4 w 57 3 54.33� �BO.3 30.9514A� �9 2tiOUD c 53 � 2,210 Acm 29161 sp �sR E sE� � Ile 55 5 C ''jam �• � N ''j'' � a L p � I� T� � 1 v i 48 N , 49 3"21 a 3So SIi� P&Z 06/11/98 CC 06/15/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property is located at 903 N. Stemmons, and is legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52. If you disapprove this Specific Use Permit request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Specific Use Permit Request I disapprove of the Specific Use Permit Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE � 2�r�n,7 _i P&Z 06/11/98 CC 06/15/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property is located at 903 N. Stemmons, and is legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52. If you disapprove this Specific Use Permit request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: Comments: SIGNATURE I approve of the Specific Use Permit Request I disapprove of the Specific Use Permit Request DATE IlllJUN-8'rr�D 'F * MEMO x6 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Franchise Agreement -Friendship Cable i I t1 •/ I `F r Friendship had completed 1 that this 1 1: I 1_ during I informed hat during the rain last night,:1, out t" JACK SMITH CITY ADMINSTRATOR CITY OF SANGER P O BOX 578 SANGER, TX 76266 AS OF JUKE 5,1998 UPGRADE OF OUR CABLE SYSTEM IN 'THE CITY OF SANGER HAS BEEN COMPLETED. NEW PADS, EQUALIZER TAPS AND AMPLIFIERS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. THE NEW 10 WATT TRANSMITTER HAS ALSO BEEN INSTALLED, THIS SHOULD IMPROVE RELIABILITY OF SERVICE DURING RAINY WEATHER, THIS ALSO WILL RESOLVE PROBLEMS WITH CHANNELS UP TO 450 MEGAHERTZE AND ALLOW FOR FUTURE CHANNEL ADDITIONS. IF I CAN BE OF FUTHER SERVICE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL. �•rk I��• D JUN I O 19g8 3815 Pioneer Road P. O. Box 800609 •Balch Springs, Texas 75180 (214) 557-1877 (800) 426-0528 FAX (214) 557-4856 x * * * MEMO �o"* s June 119 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Parks Grant Kim Lacy will be here to address this item with Council. OPIS 1VIIVI" ���4 � June 119 1998 Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Bids - Hunter Associates f the sewer line system on the d ompleted per Hunter's letter. t ���{A��w � �, Spri"ger Properties P.O. Box 248 ♦ 205 Bolivar Street Sanger , Texas 76266 940 458-7758 June 43 1998 Mayor John Coker & Sanger City Council P.O. Box 578 Odlll�. C1, 1 CJ(d, / VLUo Mayor Coker &Council: p c @ FEaNY/ L9 We have recently worked on and have almost completed two projects that have seemed quite large and somewhat overwhelming to us. We did the Comet Cleaner building complex and the street addition to Snider Estates Phase II. For us, the only parts pleasant to deal with were those with the City of Sanger. Mr. Smith was always available for questions. Chuck Tucker always made time when a problem arose and somehow helped solve them. Eddie Branham gave us the assurance that whatever came our way could be made to work. Jeff Morris projected enthusiasm about the projects that made us all know we were in good hands. JetF, Michelle, Eli, Liz, and I feel very fortunate to be a part of a city with a staff so willing to listen and help when needed. We appreciate Will very much. Sincerely, Springer TO: BENNY ERWIN FROM: SGT. CURT DATE: 6-6-98 SUBJECT:FLEET A ON 6-6-98 AT Al CALL FROM OFFIC: IN ROUTE TO A G OFFICER LAMBERT WAS NOT ABLE TO CITY LIMITS. LA OFFICER COREY t DEPARTMENT AT 4 RIGHT FRONT QUA DAMAGE WAS DONE NOT INJURED. 1 DEPARTMENT AND FRONT DOOR WILL :IMATELY 3:30 PM I WAS AT MY RE5IDEN ITT LAMBERT REPORTING THAT HE HAD A FI )TS FIRED CALL LOCATED ON RECTOR ROAD CED HE WAS IN ROUTE BY WAY OF RAILROA THE CORNER LOCATED ONE HALF A MILE 8 T WAS IN ROUTE TO BACK UP DENTON COT HERS WAS ALREADY ON SCENE. I ARRIVED PM AND OBSERVED POLICE UNIT #3 CHEVRO PANEL DAMAGE. MINOR DAMAGE WAS DONE iITTING THE EMBANKMENT OF THE DITCH. C TROOPER DAN ANDREWS ARRIVED AT T ZED ACCIDENT. UNIT #3 IS DRIVEABLE OPEN ALL THE WAY. SGT. CURTI AND RECEIVED A T ACCIDENT WHILE ' NICKOLSON ROAD. AVENUE SOUTH AND TH OF THE SANGER 'Y ON THIS CALL. ►T SANGER POLICE T LUMINA TO HAVE HE FENCE. IMPACT 'ICER LAMBERT WAS SANGER POLICE �T THE PASSENGER 771 TO: CHIEF BENNY VIA CHAIN O RE: FLEET ACCI DEAR CHIEF , ON 06/06/98 AT OFFICER CHAMBER GUN RANGE ON RE WOUND WAS INTEN' AND FM 455 WHEN I HEADED TO RA] THE OTHER OFFI RESPONDING TO APPROXIMATELY 5 AS I ENTERED TH AND A BOB WIRE DRIVE IT BACK T AND THE FRONT P, N UNIT # 3 fi APPROXIMATELY 3:15 PM , DENTON COUNTY DI PATCH ADVISED THAT SANGER EMS WAS ENROUTE TO A GUN S OOT VICTIM AT THE T01 ROAD DENTON COUNTY ADVISED THEY WERE UNSURE IF THE CON OR ACCIDENTAL I WAS ON A TRAFFIC STOP ON FIRST STREET rHE CALL WAS DISPATCHED . AFTER I CLEARED THE TRAFFIC STOP SRO AVE TO ARRIVE AT THE SCENE FROM A DIFFERENT ROAD AS ER DENTON COUNTY DISPATCH ADVISEDOR THE OFFICERS �XP DITE I WAS TRAVELING SOUTH ON AILROAD AVE AT MP# WHEN I APPROACHED THE FIRST 90 DEGREE TURN TO THE EAST T THE PATROL CAR SLID STRAIGHT FORWARD IN TO THE DITCH aEN E . I WAS ABLE TO BACK THE CAR OUT F THE DITCH AND T POLICE DEPARTMENT . THE RIGHT FRONT VENDER WAS DENTED 33ENGER DOOR WILL NOT OPEN . n