05/18/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 18, 1998 7#00 P.M. - 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution from GNB. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement for 'Tax Collection between the City of Sanger and the County of Denton. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for City Uniforms. 7. Any Other Such Matters, 11`i114 E 41 i l i F//i JlJ/J / A r Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Date and Time Posted City Council May 4, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Jimmy Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Don & Judy Jost, Beverly Drake, Jan Pardee, Bo Jaubert & Rodney Fletcher friendship %.aDle, Diana oL v i my 1.1"UL, %.roil It Li anc, .,aa.. i�awaaa uavaa, Brad Martin, Demetrius Rangel 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation, followed by Councilman James leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Canvass Votes from the Saturday, May 2, 1998 City Election. a) Pre -Oath (Statement of Elected Officer) b) Issue Certificate of Election This item was rescheduled to May 7 to comply with State Election Code. 3. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Citizens Input. Several citizens approached Council in regards to the article in the Denton Record Chronicle concerning reopening and expanding the existing landfill in exchange for a donation of 140 acres of land for the City to build a municipal golf course. Jack Richardson - 527 Rising Star Ln. -addressed Council and commended Council for looking at alternative ways to raise revenues for the City with the City facing deregulation the City can not continue to take revenues from the Electric Utility to support the City, and this golf course is an alternative. It might not be the most popular, but it is an alternative way. He commended Council for the courage to CC MINUTES 05/04/98 bring something like this forward. PAGE 2 Beverly Drake - 2009 Duck Creek Road - indicated she had two small children that were 6 & 8 years old. Mrs. Drake referred to an article in the Denton Record Chronicle regarding the City being donated approximately 140 acres of land to build a golf course in exchange for the right to reopen and expand the City's existing landfill. Mrs. Drake asked the Mayor if he agreed to the above statement which was made in the Denton paper. Mayor indicated that he did, and the purpose of the City in doing this is to resolve n fmanciai problems by getting other sources or revenue. Mrs. Drake continued by stating that the City donation of this property is a "bribe" and not a "donation". Mrs. Drake stated that her children and family's welfare and safety are not for sale at any price. Jane Pardee - 803 N. Keaton - an employee of Grass Corp., addressed the odor issue of a landfill. She indicated they do many cover repairs for landfills. She asked if Mayor or any members of Council have ever visited a landfill which was under EPA Regulations? Mayor indicated that he was sure most of the Council had, however, this item on the agenda is for citizens to state their concerns not to address questions, and Council can take their concerns into consideration. Mrs. Pardee's concern was the odor issues in regards to landfills and the birds, etc. Joe Drake - 2009 Duck Creek -indicated Sanger is a nice place, and if the City wants a golf course there are other ways. Mr. Drake indicated a chMI. °person could be appointed for a campaign drive for a golf course. Mr. Drake stated he can volunteer his time to play an active role in this fund raiser. Mr. Drake's final statement was people must want to play golf pretty bad to have it at this cost, and there are other ways of getting a golf course than putting garbage in the ground. Diana Cruz - Rt 2, Box 2085 -indicated she is a mother and a terrified mother at that. She is trying to open a new restaurant around that location, and it is scary. She expressed concern as to how big the landfill will get, how many cities will be picking up and bringing their trash to Sanger, the odor, the trucks, the noise. She asked Council to please think about what they are doing. CC MINUTES 05/04/98 PAGE 3 Tracy Martin - 522 Woodland Hill - indicated they recently purchased property on Marion Road. The first indication they had there would be a landfill was in yesterday's paper. Mrs. Martin indicated they were devastated. It is a devastating occurrence that she will be standing on her back porch overlooking the landfill. Mrs. Martin inquired if this was really and truly the image the City wants to project, a City who is experiencing a growth. Mrs. Martin expressed that if this project would increase revenues by leaps and bounds then "fine", however, put the landfill in an area that does not affect residential property. Jane Valentine - Rt 2, Box 730 (Marion Rd) -indicated her property is right across the street from where the landfill will be located. She indicated there is so much land available to the North, why would they place a landfill there when it would discourage economic development. She also addressed the odor and indicated it would overburden the sewer system. She addressed the methane that would be released. Mrs. Valentine also expressed that this is not the image Sanger wants to give to the people. She felt there are other alternatives. Butch Lynn - Rt 2, Box 2535 - asked if this would be on next week's agenda. Mr. Lynn asked if the city was working on their application. Mayor stated the application has been submitted. Mayor advised that nothing can be done on the application without conducting a public hearing as required by State and Federal Law. The 25 acre site can be opened without the public hearing. The landfill can not be opened until they take over the garbage pickup services for the City. Mayor indicated there is currently a contract with another company that expires in December. Mayor advised that IESI can meet with any group of citizens to explain their regulations. Discussion continued. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Opened. CC MINUTES 05/04/98 Terry Coffer, President of Impact -Outdoor Advertising, addressed Council in regards to moving the sign located at Miguelitos on the northwest corner of FM455 and I-35. The sign has been there about 31/2 years. Mr. Coffer implied that the property owner had been approached by a fast food chain, Jack -In -The -Box, and they were interested in that piece of property; however, the sign needed to be moved to accommodate the potential buyer of the property. The property owner has a lease in place that he can have that sign moved to another location on his property. Their request was to move the sign 670' to the north. John Porter - 816 Keaton -also addressed Council. He indicated that the Planning rr > > .41!_A _ .!al_ t l!. ..�L ., d__l.. .._..d and Zoning had turned down the request. He nau a coiduct wllu his suixeduic auu could not attend that meeting; however, Mr. Clay represented him at the P&Z. Mr. Porter indicated that there was some question by P&Z as to Mr. Clay's honesty about moving the sign, and he was accused of having a hidden agenda for moving the sign. Mr. Porter assured Council that there is a lease in place concerning that sign. The lease provides that the property owner can have the sign moved. Basically the reason for moving the sign is to accommodate the sale of the property to Jack -In - The -Box since they will place their own sign at the location. In moving the sign north it will help the congestion in that area. Mr. Porter assured Council there is no hidden agenda, it is just to accommodate the sale of the property to Jack -In -The - Box, which will help Sanger grow and develop further. Mr. Porter indicated if Council denies the request the sign will stay at the existing location. Brief discussion. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to grant the Specific Use Permit to move sign structure located at 903 N. Stemmons to new location as designated. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Cu MINUTES 05/04/98 l 8. Consider and Possible Action to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan, Mr. Coffer - President of Impact Outdoor Advertising -officially withdrew his request. 9. Consider "JUL Possible Action to Approve Friendship Cable Franchise Ordinance No. 0&98. a � r . r • n � r - •v _ ___ _ _____L__.._ __.L ..a __..... d:n....nnneA .ed .. ....inw �n»s�ni� 1V�ayor l oxer r�rleiea Q OUnclt CUIYcerutu� wuai way uia�u�acu cac a Niiva ...,...�._• meeting in which Friendship Cable attended concerning their Franchise agreement. The Mayor had requested at that meeting that Friendship Cable provide Sanger with a written detailed report on what they plan to do for Sanger with this Franchise in regards to the problems they had in the old part of town. The Mayor requested a written statement of their intentions to correct these problems. Mayor Coker indicated he had not received anything in writing from Friendship Cable, and he felt they needed to provide the City what was requested for the citizens of Sanger. Councilman Jenkins indicated that Friendship Cable be given 14 days time limit to respond in writing. L*Llivered a time line schedule. Mr. Fletcher indicated the equipment has already been ordered and has started to arrive and once it all arrives it will be installed. This equipment will upgrade the capacity of the system. The microwave transmitter will upgrade the system to help during the rain phase. The application for permit has been submitted, and they do not see any reason as to why it will not be approved. The microwave transmitter has already been ordered, and will be installed by June 30. Discussion following included Friendship Cable placing an office in Sanger. The Mayor indicated that the time -line submitted by Friendship addressed what he had requested. 05/04/98 Councilman Jenkins indicated he has not had any problems with his cable, however, after talking to one of Friendship's service representatives that side of town has a better upgraded system. The citizens are not aware of the two systems. Rodney Fletcher indicted that this is what they plan to do on the other side. Councilman Jenkins indicated there was an office years ago, and since then they have argued with Galaxy and Star in regards to this issue. Councilman Jenkins implied that they do not have a phone office or a Long Star Gas office, and they all have stated the same reason as Friendship Cable which is they can not afford to do ihnir cnrvien 1111J• VVUllLlllllall JG1111111a 111711h.ClLGU pCaaViap113' ua, ao auiaoa aa.aa •. a.,aa oAAvAX "vX vx .v. Discussion continued about some of the ongoing problems being lack of communication in regards to problems not being addressed by Friendship. Jeff Morris, Electric Superintendent, suggested that on new installations Friendship could run their cable along with his cable for half the costs. Councilman Jenkins implied he hates to lose the service with Friendship Cable even with the problems the City is experiencing. Councilman Jenkins indicated Mr. Fletcher is making a genuine effort to try to rectify these problems. Councilman Kincaid also agreed with Councilman Jenkins in keeping the service with Friendship Cable. This item was postponed until the second meeting in June. Mayor Coker asked Friendship Cable to come back and report to Council what they have done during this time. 10. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mayor Coker introduced Jack Smith as our new City Administrator to the City of Sanger. Chief Erwin indicated he has one officer out due to the death of his father. Eddie Branham indicated they have not had any problems across I-35 since they have corrected these problems. Monitoring is done twice a day. Survey has been completed for boring under the highway and presently it is at hunter & Associates. CC MINUTES PAGE 7 05/04/98 Jeff Morris is interviewing applicants for positions in the Electric Dept. 11. Meeting Adjourned. lafP £1�F.ILY iMN',Jk=',E=TiU1kJ h'c.'swN VENDOR �'T c q9 ;E C'E qL PHA ®TI i �YwWFury E P i' ED -- I[�— BAi�J CODE — _W. C' �.C. i�°TiSi �tiSGra!r#I 5fL rs� € ��la1dT -- �;��CFUNT ��AMt: w i I5i E3,)ilEa `—Bss i4. A-1 RENIALS �'NB"B`B DUE: 5f19f98 D15r l it 31115I58 STRIPING PAINT .,W=01 50_5:370 5iREET NAIN!TENANCE 1tr t, 80 _== UEli<DOR TraTALS =-- i�t+.8� 99 6) HURC RESOURCES 5 113t58 ClL FOR P1A`i' 2'?>ot�� CE FOR MAY }tiit�1 24 52,u5 1}�?E� �: titGl•wi:,'RR�!tE�C'� iC..•;,€, �'i�„i _== VEIdDUR TOTALS =_= 993-0002C20 ADVAIdIA FINANCIAL CORP. i-53553�ai 5f i;�l':�8 LEASE Oi�J BADGE S'r5TE1=1 Gi'J 53 i;LiE `J8 DISC DT o J.. l +f 38 LEASE III BADGE SYSTEM =_= VE�IDLIR TC'TAL __-- 555:35 S9 vi[018'8 AIR TOUCH PAGING � �? SG-57=�a5 LEASE ECL�IA1riE� i 555, Ei� i-58��t5i3DY 5f13f'Ji8 �="�tC,itC SER4�iCE5 i54.05 G1?HB89 DUE= 511`3f38 DISC D`En 5f15fV8 PAGING 5ERVICES 001 GA._55c5 PAGERS 33.55 PAGING SERVICES Ofltl8 58-55G 5 FACERS Ci.55 PAGING SERVICES 008 503 5525 PAGERS 58, i5 .A.w.. VENDOR TOTALS .n_.. 151,.CF1 "J8-C�nS 7 A'IIMAL. HOSPITAL I. i47 51iM/J8 HOSPITALIZATION7=�r ��i7 i�1iB`" Dt1E, S;iSf58 DISi: DTc 5ei5158 HOSPITAL iZAT 1011 0 5c! 8 VENDOR TOTALS === 7FEF0�t S9-03360 BARER IAYL t_iR 1--50012187 5f13198 BOOBS PROCESSING GNB99 DUE: 5fi`3f% DISC DT: 5f19 98 BOOKS PROCESSING € —G'B5 DOG PC�UI�JD E�PEPISE 7c, BO --- VENDOR TOTALS 5/14/98 Acc'u P'} VENnQR SET: 99 SE ICE o ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED iTN DATE D—_—_ BANK CODE _._—___---DESCRIPIION 99-00410 BOLIVAR SPECIALTY PRODUCT A!P DIILl TRANUACIZOiv K OO PPdGE s CROSS P.O. -- --- DISCOUNT G/L ACCUIUNT ---� —ACCOUNT r`?liiE------ DISTRIBUTION I—v303 J/I3/9° LASE s,HA!hd5A1! OI1_ GNB99 DUEa 5/19/98 DISC DT; 5/19/98 CASE CHAINSAW OIL 005 58-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.09 CASE CHAINSAW {OIL 001 30-5R45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES. 5.69 CASE CHAINSAW {OIL 001 225245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.69 CASE CHAINSAA OIL 001 210-5e45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 5e59 CASE CHAINSA'N 0 1 L OE'1 24-5E45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.G`9 CASE CHAINSAF'TOIL OOD 50-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.69 CASS E CIIAINSAW 0 1 L 008 54-5545 OTHER 0PEAtATIN'U SUPPLIES 5. C5 == VENDOR TOTALS -w- s9.79 994,3560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT TIRE i_641c`4 5/15/9B BRI:-COE. ALlitlri'cP?T PTiRE 39.'Ov, GNB99 DUEA n 5f I9/9B DISC DT . 5/ 19/9,9 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIRE 0"O1 305250 R M OTHER O9, 95 === VENDOR TOTAL; r :�9.95 9—wO0,450 BURRUS JTILLED E=4ATER,u`i�RLIB I,RLiCF� lc,Lr GNB99 DU�e 5J19/9� DISC UTo 5/19/°�+B DISTILLEDWNIER;•SCRUB BRUSH 008 54® 7 LABORATORY SUPPLIES lc.f_5 B0514EE 5/13/9B SOFT URINl15, TEA ,%;LIP'3 34.59 Gt19B99 DUEe 5f19f9A CEiSC DT 5I19i9G SOFT DRINKS, TEA, CUPS ob)I IO-5c15 FOOD B: 7C SOFT DRINKS, TEA, CUPS 0roLiit 10-5®'15 FOu. A. 75 SOFT URINES,TEA,CUPS 0104 15-5N 5 FOOD B.7c SOFT DRINKS, IEA1CU'S 0108 5-51i 15 ; 41UD == VENDOR i!iTALS p== 47,14 99-2101470 C&H OANI TORAL & SUPPLY ,/13/`lA MISC. SUPPLIESS 54.35 GNB99 DUEa 5/19/918. DISC DTr 5,'19/98 11I5Ca SUPPLIES 00"1 15-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES c7.00 NISC, SUPPLIES 008 15-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 27: n ===- VENDOR TOTALS 54.7;5 5/1 ; 98 L_cli L� PCi VENDOR SET: 99 S 110E ALPHABETIC. DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED AlP DAIL`/ TRPENnHUHUN F+ FUNT ITS DATE GROSS P.O, BANK COME --_---- DESCRIPTION------ DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT 91_00520 CASCO INDU.JTERIES 19EsCvi`+EI S/fsf95 �LUtl!cEF Cu. 94vF'7 GNB99 DUEY 5/19/98 DISC DT; 5/19/98 BUNKER GEAR 001 24-51:55 —== VEi�DUR TOiAi S =-- 94A.97 99—C+f`�+��+ CINTAS I-8+85�353�3 5f 13f98 UHIFORLIS 5iz�,1Efi GNB99 DUE: 5/19/98 MSC DT: 5/19/98 UNIFORMS ---� 4�EP�DUR TOTALS =-= 5l0.10 99—U:aScO CUt SU #ER REPORTS I-98��514E}� 5f 13/98 SUBSCRIPTIOPd c:4> O�'� G?899 UUEo 5f19/98 RISE; DT< 5f19f98 SUBSCRIPTION _-= VE�dDUR TOTALS --= c4. E9E9 ?9 E 55 C01-11TINENTAL RESEARCH CORP PAGE: 3 __d___AGCUUtvT �#AP�E______ DISTRiBUTIOL' LlEARIi�G AG'�PAREL k�'�I 5�,--5ek5 CL EAPIIPIG SL1PF'LiES 0�91 4E"-5c:25 �1AGA�IL�ES � SU85CRIPTiO�?S R4,0� I-00E419 5/13f98 SLIP Hti 1�ORE 315.19 Wo:l9 DUE: 5119198 DISC DT, 5/19198 SLIP NO MORE 001 34-5324 R & H EQUIPMENT 315.19 I-0102448 5f 13/98 PARUO KILLER R55, 91 O IB9`9 DUE; 5/19198 DISC DT e 5/19/98 PARVO KILLER 101 8 50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES E524`91 1-980 1:3DW 5/13/99 LIFT FLOAT, RREEZIES 795,35 GNB99 DUEm 5/19/98 DISC DT. 5/19/98 LIFT FLOAT, BREEZIES 008 52-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 795,35 1�980513DX 5/13/98 SUPER HOT 89,60 GH89'9 DUE: 5/19/% DISC DTI 5/19/98 SUPER HUT 008 52-52'23 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 890E0 ENDUR TOTALS dew 11 453. ��5 /its/98 EsE3 P� VENDOR SET: 99 u ;ICE ; ALPHABETIE., RUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED A/P DAILY IRANSACTIOU REPORT P'AEaE; 4 ITii DATE t"�RO'�.�5 i=,Qe ' _._--ID---- BANK CODE _-____----DESCRIPTiO�d- _._ __.__ DISCOUNT O/L ACCOUNT ______ACCOUNT DI'STRIBUTIOIN 99-00.J570 CULVER COMPANY, INILIQ I-'E 43 5/13/98 ACTIVITY BOOB'S, S&H GNB99 DUE: 5/19/99 DISC DTa 5/19/98 ACTIVITY BOORS, SuH 0�08 •58w5450 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,3'0x9c --= VENDOR TOTALS 1i3r0aOS 'a'�-03,30 rii?filf'!''9 P26059280 5/13/98 BOLT IN METER 8856m` GNB99 DUE; 5/19/98 DISC DTa 5/19/98 BOLT IN METIER 008 58-5355 METER IMAI °$TENANCE c85e 55 =_= VENDOR TOTALS ®-= 885xr5 93-007991 DENTON CO. BUILDERS SUPPLY 1--G, �91 a/l jr'�+J $slluux wUF'PLIES GPNB'�9 DUE; "it 121Jo UISC DT; "it i9/'J8 MSC, SUPPLIES 9q-00800 DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC RIC I-98051:;DV 5/13/98 LIGHTS, ELECTRIC SERVICES S;$89=1 DUEa 5/I9/98 DISC DT; 5/19/98 LIGHTS, ELECTRIC SERVICES LIGHTS, ELECTRIC SERVICES === VENDOR TOTALS === 99- 0830 DEN$ E l IN DEPOT I-oi•'3LJ�, 5/13/ 8 ;Ut-'p'LIE� FOR SCHOOL PROGRAM GNB99 DUE; 5/19/98 DISC DTa 5/19/98 SUPPLIES FOR SCHOOL PROGRAM Sx 4,O 0��1 JL��J43 Ge u�0 �vJ: 7C 008 5c-55i5 008 58-5450 BRLL FIELD iiAIP$TEl$A$CE tLEi.TR1C �vJ: 7C 008 5c-55i5 008 58-5450 BRLL FIELD iiAIP$TEl$A$CE tLEi.TR1C 4 OAS UTILITIES 18�e0�:.� ELECTRIC t. ���5 UTILITIES 180, 7�' ECO1#O�iIC DEVELOPt+fiEUT --= VENDOR TOTALS 99-00�840 DENTON PUBLISHING Cl I-201338 5113/98 ADVERTISING 115x30 t.9PJB99 DUE; 5/19/98 DISC CxT; 5/19/98 ADUERTiSIl�S OCfif 15-5e3pO Ai�VERTISIidO Ap Alt T15I $t, rO08 i5-5 0 ADVERTISING Gs 188a 59 _-= VENDOR TOTALS 5114199 c: pIN VENDOR GET e ''19 G NCE a ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS T S SUPPRESSED AfP DAILY TRANSACHUN REPORT PAGES 5 IIN DATE GROGS Pa 0 BANK CODE _____----DESCRiPTiO�d—_____a__ DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT ...— ACCOUMNAME_._... DISTRIBUTION 99 -C}GCiC DOdRO ISRAF'HiCS; INC I--1578!3 5113d98 3ACI, SP'iITH BdC �:9.9� GNB99 DUE; 5/19198 DISC DTe 5/19/98 JACK SMITH B/C 001 13-5R10 JACK SMITH B/C 008 15-5^1LJ === 4lENDOR TOTALS === C:9.90 '09—�tc�40 DRp FERRY Im9E'a�51'�Et= 5d1Ud9L DRUG SCREEtd 1E5.t�U sili99 DUE: 5/19/98 DISC DTa 5/19/98 DRUG SCREEN DRUG SCREEN e-4 VENDOR TOTALS -= iC,S, O00 99-01Oc0 G&G TRACTOR CO_ 1ia899 DUEY 5119198 DISC DT°. 5fi9d98 WASHERS, NUTS, BOLTS i-98a51uDii 5di�d98 iiu�E 4aN899 DUtc 5d19d98 DthC Di: 5d19d'a8 H05E 99-01070 GETLL# S INC. OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES k�01 15-544�" �iEDIE�AI. SERVICES 008 15-5440 MEDICAL SERVICES �ti�08 54-5.:�C:S R � h1 f�OTOR VEHICLE 7y50 8C+8 58-5��5 K F �i NUIOR VEHICLE i��.14'� === VENDOR TOTC;LS 70 I-58250517 5d13198 FLASHLIGHT 87F98 GN899 DUE: 5d19I98 DISC DT; 5d19d98 FLASHLIGHT 001 30-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 87,98 VENDOR TOTALS `9' 01E030 GK SERVICES I�980513DZ 5113/98 UNIFORMS 105.95 GNB99 DUE; 5/19/98 DISC DT: 5119d98 UNIFORMS O01 38-5255 !SEARING APPAREL 6.17 UNIFORMS 001 30-5255 WEARING APPAREL 34459 UNIFORMS 008 3E-5r'S5 WEARING APPAREL b.17 UNIFORMS 4.+08 ,,—, 55 WEARING APPAREL im 1 UNIFORMS 008 58-5E55 WEARING APPAREL 7.69 UNIFORMS 008 50-5555 TEARING APPAREL E .54 5f14i9v c 03 Fill VENOOR S'T: 99 Sf ACE : ALPHABET IF., DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED AlP DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT PAGEv C1 DATE GROSS P'.uo BANK CODEDESCRIPTIONi--_—W__.� DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT ______ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 5 4:�IG:;G Gr, SERVICES "O�CONTINUED a-8�;,�1JEi� �Iiai�� UHIFORHS �08xf5 GNB99 DUE: 5/19l98 DISC D'll 5/19/98 UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS =-- VE��DOR TOTALS LL== ��15, 40 001 3E-58:55 (�EARItNG APPAREL 6x3�` 0&al 30-5B'55 WEARING APPAREL 34.89 008 6&5255 WEARING APPAREL 8s3 �08 54-5233 WEARING APPAREL 0*8 58-5255 WEARING APPAREL 27399 008 50-5 55 WEARING APPAREL L4x84 99-01150 HART IPFORMATIUN 5ER�1ICE5 I-77447e" I-014. 89 5f 13198 EL1»CTIOtI SUP'FLIES L57. c'` GNB99 DUE; 5I1'9/98 DISC DT: 5/1'9/98 ELECTION SUPPLIES 001 1U`52a49 OFFICE SUPPLIE 128e75 ELECTION SUPPLIES 008 10~�cl�� OFFICE SUPPLIES 128, 50 === '�EElDOR TOTALS ®-® F`57.85 I'tNNER— T I i E CORP. 5l13198 P'IRE LOOPS, I115ERTS 170.43 G�,899 DUES 5f19f98 DISC DT: 5119f98 WIRE LOOPS, INSERTS w== VENDOR TOTALS ®®= 170x43 99-0358E JACK GEORGE PLUMBING FOUNTAIN i-980..,!wE�. 5f {3I96 REPAIR SEAL BI WATER Gf109'9 DUc� 5f19l98 DISC DT: 5/19/98 REPAIR SEAL ICE WATER FOUNTAIN === VENDOR TOTALS =av 99-01300 JAGOE—PUBLIC CO. I-9805130rd 5l13198 ASPHALT GCN899 DUES 5f'i9/98 DISC DT. 5l19f98 ASPHALT === VENDOR TOTALS ==-- 35.00 3p899,68 3q �,99a G8 ��N 58-5355 00i 4F'-5310 EiETER E�AIs�TENAi4CE R �x H BUiLDICNG 001 a0_5:,70 STREET �iAIiNTE�lA�iCE 170x43 354 �i0 �;, 899x 88 A1P OAILY TRATdSACi'lUN REt='ORT VENnOR SET4 99 i rCE m ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED EAGER 7 IT�� DATE GROSS F'.O. DANK i-aDE DISCOUNT i31L ACCOU1aE' -----ACCOU[%J' NTME __.m__. DISTRIBUTION 99�01310 JIM MCNATT CHEVROLET J.—EO�B� ��1Jr90 ;3T�T� Ir45T'rs�TaOrS c1,01 GONDIB DUE. 5/19/ 8 DISC 17Ta ..�(1'�I M STATE INSPECTION 001 J'-5325 R & M MOTOR 'VEHICLE 21.00 T—CVCS5975 5/1:_',/` 8 IRAiaSi1IR5I0i1� STATE IP'1GP4 GNB99 BT.1E. 5/19/98 DISC Di a 5119/98 TRANSMISSION, STATE INSPt 001 20-5325 R W MOTOR VEHICLE 1,2 0,13 I —OUR 5/13/98 427,79 45'7.7V GNBITJ DUE. 5/19r'9B DISC BTv 5/19198 427,79 1s'i1 20fi 5JE5 ? M MOTOR VEHICLE 4L1.79 === UEtdC70R TOTALS __= 1, EBB. `9c 99-0EE4a0 :TOE TIME Im980i514EC 5/f3/9B HEALTH IC15�'ECTI0115 �EO,Ik� GNB99 BUEo 5119/9B BLISC DTn 5/1919ET HEALTH INSPECTIONS IONS >Rs01 E —5� JZF HEALTH H SERVICES rich —== UEPJDOR TO I ALS =�= ;;Cf3, cm�'0 99-03590 KELL`t` COMPUTER RESOURCES I—F't315 5r' 13I9B COWTER UnGRABE G1�B99 GUEz 51191'9B I1ISC TIT€ 5/i9/98 COMPUTER UPGRADE 0t�i Efs 5245 U E11BOR TOTALS 99-01lffl LAWN LAND I-83E46 5/13i9Ii ENGINE 1, 094.00 Gt�B99 BUE: 5/19/98 ulSi. i9To 5/19/98 ENGINE 0!"�1 32-5311 I-84134 5/13/98 BLAUES ROTARY, BELTS 90,00 G�,B99 uUE: �1i9/98 BI'JG UT: 51a'9198 BLADES ROTARY, BELTS 001 3E-5311 --== VENDOR TOTALS --- 1, i,B4.�90 iii;HER OPERAII['15 511�'F'LiES c50.Ott R r ��i Ei7UIFSi'iE�1T R �: P� E1?UIF'WEt1T i, E�94, 00 AIP DAILY TRI445ACTIUN REPORT VENDOR SETS 99 SL ICE S ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED PAGE 8 ITtiT1 DAZE ±?ii!�Ui Pe G„ fs BANKCODE — _—---DESCRIPTIGW ..... DISCOUNT GIL ACCOUNT — ----ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTIUN 149-01550 LONE STAR GAS i `9�4�51•a1}11 5I1va9ti �.TnS UI iLt I �.�� 11e 1U C,NB99 DUE. 5/19/q8 DISC Ff; 5/19/98 GAS UTILITIES lilill 15-5515 ELECTRIC AND GAS UT ILITIE 5250 GAS UTILITIES 008 15-5515 ELECTRIC u GAS UTILITIES 1EE == VENDOR TOTALS zz 99`U181�} MARK �i1.1RDUCK i—U891~8 5/i;198 TIRE !GA. AIR !wWUCFi 6NR99 Iri1ES 5119(98 DISC DTS 5/1919B TIRE GA, AIR CHUCK. TIRE GAu AIR UHUCK === VEhlDOR TOTALS === lCREYNOLDS TIRE cs SHOP . - 857 5f 1:3/98 BALANCE TIRES, TURD R�aTURS GPd89'G DUE: 5/19/"8 DISC DTI Sf19198 BALANCE TIRES, TURD ROTORS c9= t�U G::S1 G6—SS75 i�iII:UR EL?UiPif"ENT Ui B GG-5 75 MINOR EUUIP#TFNI G�iS1 LC�—SG�`5 P, �iT1 �IUTUR VEHIC!.E 14a5 710 ��1 ®_=- VE�JC!UR T UTAL`vs 99-01700 NELTION SERVICE'S, ITNC. I-4)5U798 5/13/98 COMPUTER & PHONE LILIES _E15.00 GNB99 DUES 5/19I98 DISC DTS 5/19198 COMPUTER & PHONE LILIES 001 15-5i�45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 107.00 COMPUTER & PHONE LI('ES 008 127 w51245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 108eV.S�:! 710 ��1 ®_=- VE�JC!UR T UTAL`vs 99-01700 NELTION SERVICE'S, ITNC. I-4)5U798 5/13/98 COMPUTER & PHONE LILIES _E15.00 GNB99 DUES 5/19I98 DISC DTS 5/19198 COMPUTER & PHONE LILIES 001 15-5i�45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 107.00 COMPUTER & PHONE LI('ES 008 127 w51245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 108eV.S�:! — -- VENDOR TOTALS === 99—S18GG MUIR AGENCY, INC, I-98U51��E%} 5I13I'�a GFI899 BLANKET EMPLOYEE BONDDi1ES Sr''19/98 DISC DTS C�LRNKEI EMPLOYEE BOND E{LANKET EMPLOYEE BOND VENDOR TOTALS === �15, 4�U 5l19/98 1u7. U+n 157: �aO O+U1 15-5410 !.JTE;cR !PISURAi'I!1� 4�G8 15-5414! u I HER � sS�URACTIt1E 7U,OU 5:1': f 99 E g Eu P11 VENDOR SET: 99 MCL ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED AlP DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT ii DATE uRO55 P>ue# DANK. CODE DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT `99-0199,'� NEIMAN �; BARNES GPwIx99 DUE 5/19/99 DISC DTa 5/19/98 TELEPHONES CONFERENCES TELEPHONES CONFERENCES _-- VENDOR TOTALS =_� 1, �;4fb9 9 O19E0 NICHOLS, TACKSON. DILLARD I--��; 5l1,5,"99 '�ARDROUGH CASE 54;�n5�� GNM DUE: 5/19/99 DISC DT; 5/19/99 YARBROUGH CASE YARR.ROUGH CF45E === VEtdDOR TOTALS =_= 346.50 '9'`�—���'100 OUR DESIG�d�S Ii1C 5/13J99 INSIGNIA GNM DUEa 5/19/q9 DISC DTe 5/19/1'18 INSIGNIA TOTALS === �_- VENDOR 93--Oc0 ��� P'A5 LE55 CA'aHi�AYS I--4014:794 5i1°=f"?S FEIICE GNB99 DUE; 5!i'9t99 D'iSC DTe 5f1`i!`9r3 FENCE =_= VENDOR I O T ALS ==.m 9'J-03640 PRO STITCH I--984�=r1�+E,3 5;1?/"9 SHIRTS G@!D'99 DUE: 5/1`9i'99 DISC DT. 5/1`?/99 SHIRTS u1o0a i15.50 001 15-�5495 k'09 15-5425 —ACCOiN I NAi�E LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES 001 15-5495 LEGAL SERVICES �309 15 0425 LEGAL SERVICES 0�1 �`4-�5L55 ?�01 uE-534a O01 c4—Se5" —_= VENDOR TOTALS RADIO SNACK NEARING APPAREL DALL FIELD NAINTENAPICE i�EARING APPAREL DISTRIF4UTION 1 tn's0 51.OS 11E.50 I �99051;�DO 51113!99 BATTERIES .9"3._.��,..�� Gi�D99 D[IEa 5/19139 DISC DTe 5i191`93 BATTERIES 009 50-5360 R i4 OTHER to99 i =_= VENDOR TOTALS =-= t�r'i4r'S8 E;E3 F'�d (�/P %i'�iL`,' iFFa,sSFiCiiE;� REF�URT C�'r�TE: lS ttE��%EAR SET: �; G41E TOfERsJ�1 AECFSUIlTS SUi�F'RESSEC� i T�i i1NTE SR�JSS F'. C). _�.__iI}---- EGt�K ;;�ij�E__._____.__IyESGRiF'Tit���_____-___ flISGGUidT ia1L ACCUU�iT ____--RCCUUt�T HRHE_____- FiiSTRiELiTiiUP� ��-�E17� REitdERT f'�iF'ER � r„N�EMi(�:(�LS- {� �i /� q i""JS jv:�:J �! iilt lU R�i�ER i "wF'ER fn c:�E�iG�i_ i !. �t ��`���� i7UE� Jf h �i �E EiSC EST: if �.�% �+ REit�iERT P(aF'ER �� CHE�iiGHL ���i :�6 �ES� >r:LER�i��S SUF'F'LiES rir�'E w_� ��E�iC1UR T FiT(�LS -w� 71. �� �S-�Ei9� RITE-�lEI,E ............._...... . i- 4�:iSi, {i�pl.a'�'}'�Fs t��yEiJTTL(ES jE�t�Li.E� [� p ({ �r�". E�� VI'YU 7� �EJLv ,3f $�f r%41 C���.1� 'lt x Jf ��( �R Ct� E��TTE_E5 EiLLE�i ?r'i��i1 �:_'�-5�Et R k �1 t1TIiER a9r'�4'i == UENbUR TO T GILS �-_ �9, Ski '3'3-�ue5� Sky AL�TOizGiTiIEE i-�E������F' �fiuf�E r�i�G. ��tRT�Ci ��7,�7 � _.� LEt�ESS EU�: CFI S`311C'! il�a''"sG i�� e ��% �S%`�� ti,�Gr F'FiRT� !�T4��i 54-.�vc5 R � ht Pi�UE�.�R UEHiGLE �ESa L �iIS�'r PRRTS ��i R�-��Ev R k. <� f�t�`4t7R 'lEHiGLE i�, �� hiISC, P1RTS ��1 3��- s:�c'� R k ixi IUTt�R �1EHIGi.E 7, c�e _._v ilEi�fiCiR iC�TFs! :J =_ _ ���r •'r i Sty-l��wS� SFst�iTER ���LRiE€t �. `"Ul�il J(lUtf �R t,,.i�i77 �L. �tiGl{it.E �.r 5��. (u�.t E�?ESA, CLUE. Ali<3/`�E %iSC pT; ��11'�I'�E LEc�;L ���'TicE ��� ��-�k:u� sau�ERTri�c LEta;L t'dE�Tik'E f�!��R 15-SSuS �1C�"ERTiSii�U i-dE�5f �EH 5111`�8 51JF+SCRiF� E iCi�I f S, E�+ G�!E9`� EkiEa 511��f`�E CaiSG GT: `�IfSf9E SLIESGRiF'TiOI� 4���1i jac-uk:�, T��SAZiPdES k SUES�:hIF'TiG(dS '�'�"Li�,s�lJ SF?{y�{jEi� V ' i G:I^ S�Ir'rsi �r i--E���SS S!13f98 i�flSH AIUn, EI?UELt�i�ES, TRF'E k:5,�+5 �a��ES° I}UE: ti�il'Ef98 EiSC ET� :sif'�,E"�E CI1SH EUg� `���t1El.I}F'ESj TRF�E �+Ui �Ee`-'�%''4'� lS `~,Ii31SE ��iE F'LFSTES 59.7� �3iRES`� yUE° �il`�ISE GiSC 6Ta EriIS/9E �dFt�iE F'L€�TES �t�z 15-�c1�3 Cd���E F'LF�TES �i�Si, i.�,-5,�%t HRME F'LATES� �}�i i�-521� �l�1tTiE PLFSiES ��E 1�7-52iS ETHER UF'E RAT i �'G SUF'F'LiES ?�EEiCE SiiFF'LiES UFriCE SUF'F'LiES �l1=FiGE SU�PLiES -== �EF1bC1R TiJTFiLS ��- ES, h� 5/14/9t3 3 Ply VENDOR SET. 99 St ICE ALPHABET T C: DUE `IO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED A/P DAILY TRANS!1CTI0N REPORs PlilaE . 11 IT�� DATE GR055 R', 0e COi.a � CCIDc ___w__m__ jc5[ RIR°TiOrJ__ ______ DISCOUNT (!T OIL # CCOJHT __.e_ i' COUNT �lfT 1Ew__.___ DISTRIBUTION 99-02030 SARGENT—SOWELL, INC. I—Jl4i�r� 5!iJi9d HATS, S�iI~iY LLtiSE�J �.�.T7 GN11 899 DUE: 5/19/98 DISK DT: 5/1�/98 HATS, SAFETY GLASSES 008 5E 260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 8,17 I-5Gf+15G�i1 5/fuI`OS ROAD CLOSED t GTANDO 317.E7 GNB99 DUES 3/19/98 DISC DT. 5/19/98 ROAD CLOSED & STANDS 1008 5/'-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 31/,37 w== VENuOR TOTALS �== 345e54 'S9-0F'400 SEMITHg S GNB99 DUE: 3119/98 DISC DTa 5/19198 049556,049558 008 58-60'0 �OTHER ICTPROVE[iENI'S 14e03 I-04' 6`55 5/13l98 0010i 104959510°,958 3,0149214 x 4 Bt7EFj GNB99 DUE; 5/19/98 DISC DT. 5/19.d"M 0!?075, 0495961049 583, 0492m14 08 50--3" 0 R ? M OTHER 198e 76 1-0550255 5/13/98 0503061050373105003710502255 7"E 05 GNBIJ91 DUE 5/19/98 DISC DT: 5119/98 05' 306;0150 r'SE''35'j3 7 015l!255; 01211 `A5'325 R IN HOTR VEHICLE �45J ��J 0:50306, 050373, 05CM-27, 050c55 008 54-5325 R € t; MOTOR VEHICLE 0. a1,71 . 050306,';50*76, 050337, 03L)2 5 008 nls? 5 6' 25 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 8e J8 050tE,t0.03'; 0303a,..�f,050255008 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES �.S1 i-050139E 5/13/98 FLOORING KNIFE, FLOWER SEED /e8E GNB99 DUEN 5/19/98 DISC DTI 5/19/98 FLOORING KNIFE, FLOWER SEED 00+i lr" 45 OTHER OPERI ATINE SUPF'LIESi 7e86 T-050475 5/13/98 HACKSAW BLADES 2e95 GNB99 DUEa 5/19/98 DISC DT. 51'19/98' HACKSAW BLADES 008 53 5250 MINOR TOOLS O, 95 I-050505 5/13/98 0505+05, 050094e 0488'S3 _ .58e G19 GNB99 DUE 5/19/98 DISC DT: 5'19r'98 050,jkM, CAYAUNI e 04889,E 001 E-5 I LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 9269 �05'S05, 05� c90e 048893 001 3,0z 5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT i 1 00 050505, 050094e 048=89' 0 Lo`INIOR EQUIPMENT 6e 4+6� --== VENDOR TOTALS ==� e34 Si ¢ i98 �; Lv Pik VENDOR SET: 99 EE. ICE ALPHABETIC DUE l ullFROii ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED P DAILY I RANSAC T ION REPORT PALE; 1c IT€� RATE GROSS �':O. _®®SD_.___ BANK CODE ________DE CRSPTSut -____ _.-. DISCOUNTG/L ACCOUNT-__w___ACGG1 N;T i'f fit- - 6 DISTRIBUTION 9°-%�u453 .SrL�Jir�15i`d I-����75f47 5i1sr"�8 GR�JlJh1D STORAGE TAIL#{ GNB99 DUE: 5/19?98 DISC DTv W4 9/98 GROUND STORAGE TANK VEC�DtSR TG i ALS =0.� WPFloI PSI I--'38C�51SDT SI i:s198 SF'RIPdT GNB99 DUE D 5/19/98 DISC DI 5119,f98 SPRIT SPRINT —== VEF!i3OR T�aTALS =gym 99-C#LG90 TECHLINE FR718 IELEF'HOINE SERVICES 14z b�, 001 15-5510 IELEPHUNIE SERVILts Iul m c9,11 `.rJ�:dl Sf 15198 f°iS��d: il•4C;�11f �JE`'JI�a ��.��: �� CE99 DUE, a/1'9/98 DISC DT 5,'1'3./98 RISC: IIIVDIVE5 008 58-69E0 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS =® VENIDOR TOTALS = iOgAS7:78 99-472730 TEXAS HETER ? DEVICE S-11L8h5f i�i'�8 i+1ETERS 1, Sai. G, GPdB`a9 DUE; Si'19i98 G�ISC DTK /i9/98 METERS 5M355 _ VENDOR TOTALS 1; 5 ?. 9'q_"C8020 TRACTOR SUIFIPLY CID I-98G513Di9 5t13t98 RATCHET STRAFE 39.99 E3FlD99 DUE; 5+119f98 DISC DT: /i9!'98 RATCHET STRAP 001 Jb-5 i5 _. VENDOR IEJICL 5 _ 19a99 " w11`,E91C`� UPPER TRINITY I—E79805 5i13i98 FACILITIES CHARGES i,875:UG G>1899 DLIE: 5/19l`98 DSSC DTs 5fi9198 FACILSTSES CHARtaES C 8 JAL) i9 VENDOR TOTALS P��ETER HAIC�TEFlAHCE 1''a G�7:78 iY1If#OR EPLIiC'�iE�t1T ,59a9'9 CCflTRACTUAL SERVICES i,8r5=GC�6 %�` t�I~SIL�' TRRt��{�fillU REr'GPi !lEv1:CJR �Fi, '�,� - - �iiJE TOIFRGf`i ACGOLiUTS EiII'�°REGGEl� I i �3 J1�TE GROGS ____Ij�_�..._. BG�lK CURE_________IjEgI;RI�iIUPi-_.___a___ f�I5COi1�i �'�--Gc�44:E 'J�LLEi� G��FE [ Y '�U�'�'L'r' F.U. I--i icic�i �li:�i"�R SG�FET'� I�LCESE� ii'�`rE� :3I�JB`3`� B1L1E: �i''S'`'�� ���� �i{: �iJ�i�t� Gfi�FE {'r` GLG��ES S�FEI� bL�aJES r== Ut�iBOR i0 { WL --- i i�. 6B `�`�-kzc��t� l�cRr<ER t1Nc'1ICNL I—'�iz�<; �ii?I��� RIG � vEGRE#�BER 78.ra !��'R'�`� t�LE: ��� � J i J1 �3 t�I''i; ik� '�=1€'�f�t� }1E{3iri`rHrr BIG � GEGrEAGER RIG R C�EGREGGER RIG B %EGREI;uER RIG B CEGREGIER RIG B itEt�RE�GER RIG R uEGREAGER r - c -� � ��I�dR�9 � i ��� GtIE; FIRE �f"i 7�i;i cr 51i'�1�5 C�IGC ?io 51i31�B Fl4ll KILLER a_v �JEr�€�OR i O i;�L�R ®_.®. ?,0?. Ova '3�--��c:�iG �?i�;i��t= rFFIi'E �'Ri.�ti'iiWiG {—hi(s(i�%�C `l i.�l �� �{i 4.�(:5/��iVi�€✓iii{gl`a::�'t Fiu.E �✓ J>�'� GitiR"`� L�i�c; �rFi'�1�8 BIGte IiT; 1i51`�R L:NLC, G/RRF#, �!HT,1�G6{ FILE C#!f �fi�rE,�R,�JHI,�''�K FILL FsF1LG, Gr`Br�R, E�JH { ; I?GK FILE FGGE� Jti, P, O, Gil.. Ri�CGUh�T _.---_--F�GCGUf~il tdAi�1E d�Gb ic-S��EZ� GOFEi`� EG�UiPftiE�T ��a 3�-ScbG ��FEI�' EL�U1�'r�EtdT - 1}ISTRIBUIIO�J G4, cG 1t1, �� GG8 ��Oi 54'�—��`4U �4—`���5 OTHER OTHER OF'ER�iiI�lG OFER�iIP�G StJF'�LIES G(Ji^'F'LiES ii.cR ii.�:8 G��i n��i GGR ��nR G�,4 R��-����:.� �+�—SF:Ft.d, �B�-�ic�G 5�-5c�5 aE—�,F:�;G CtIHER FiiHER t1.iHER '';".J�HER OTHER ��F'ER�lI�1G GF'ERF#TIi*iG ili��ER4iTICkG CJF'ERF�TIF<�� Gr'ERr�iIPdG �1!��'I IEv SLi�i�'LIE;�: E;SJ�-''r'LIEG GLl�'�'LIEG GUPPLIES ii.L� i is ii.c:R ii,EG ii.F:7 �B G��� ��.-5�2� � HtfeJiCGL �L1F'�'LIES ,�!�4,5� �il1i i5 aei0 OFFICE 511F'�LIES Gi. i7 O��R ?s�z� iU—`�:i0 i3-5�'�?G OFFi{:�E °�)RF'LIEG i,��I? F'RG� �uSt�iG �J�'F"L IE5 E,G. t;?,. i t RJ �-��Ri�+�7 J/1.,1�F BIt�J7ERb, Et�'�kLuF'�� ;�.7G GPJR'�9 �uE. �ii�i�a �I�r1 %i� d :kli�E'�a _ BI��BER�, E(�UELi}�'E5 ���G i�—��i0 uF�ICE '�Lf�'FLtEG ��i,7G __� E!Ei�JI�UR IOi�� G =_:_ E;:�i,rsf '�`"�—G��x�i#� 4iERR GilIO GFtRT,�� I—�s"�7 r �� i �,i�B tas; E �'P,� i I —FREEZE. BEL i 53, :�7 G�B9� I�tJE� G/iGi�B %GC RI: 5iigi���3 CRSE AidTI—FREEZE, BELT �i+�i �O-5c:1, i �r.�i'�E iatzTi--FREEZE,'BELT #r�'R .�B—�,'�s�F ETHER OF'ERA`II��G L!?i�pLIEG OTHER ��i-'ER�Tit�;� 'aEJ�'F��iEG i-3B+-�� U1i�;`�R TECH BOOT 6.��G t,!'q�:�� s�U�; �/i•�1'aB I7t5(� I~i!. 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L 1•.)e 11�' 8: 7.S i5n dry 135, `c Er7: t;BI C1 MG hc, 5 14,55 494a 85 72 L !_s 49 ton J�_! c5'rr',9 i tt(S, 2.•16e 75 1, C175, GG S+On III j j8l9 `� 4391 74 619225 i5a CAS 1934 82 SC51 01 -l1 hb, S 7 rv}a 4>U S5, iS AHh3IJAL PUDGET IUO0a tLL0 9S+w , SCI S917r'i, Ci'i� 4, 3UA,G c�5't�fa UCI 4i CtAt, UA z,`7.tiot00 4kLt`l�gi,Q101 CA 0 pAGE< IU �-- CrISTRICSUTICGi°°! PLIIOGET AVFiIL.ABL.E cia I9� ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET S6 799aGC mr95aLi w ra � ��8 bA rvQ1 4 =,�a 4tit E9I. c:7 O14 96 �57, 1. 1. 45S,S5— ACCOUNT OVER BUI}LOET 5 �58818 i_ L Il_c [J 6. 9 �r i `t77, 61 c072 Cdn 881itc 'Ys $l�a?19 1 5149 — AC T ,OVER EI_IPyi FT t07,5S i45a G7 f a J!!9 SVISa 9��-_ ACCOUNT OVER BUMP .i144, 31 u's 474a 02 l7C,4B Gm9S 2:7 61 47Gn "17 '74, ID i 997.05 c :r 2n`. IQ55L S7— ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET ,1 c ° c: ` F'tri C AI IF, ILD1 11_`y TRI-VIDAC 110ill RE 0 0 1 VENDOR CETa 3q Ct ICI. PILF' BE_TIi DUE Tl ITI RlOM ACCClu4T'; r�L(F'F`RE6SEu I 1 MI DATE GR0`IS, F'x 0K { FA i; CODE _d __ ___ _.R4pCCRIF'TIuPp- --___v DISCOUIII T uft_ ACCOUNT RAt�t', t`Ei=SR �� iryfL �iCCuut�T TATi=LC �� F?y'st�t!AL A! •,COUN T RtAME AMOUNT BUDGET ���8m5��5�5� �'ETER ttFiIRtTE[•�At�C:E i �'=�� `a �� 5, C,R!�x C;}{, {tA -ORlE 4 �f. rW. �I€NI�� �7iu )o ,t-58� 6020 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS I,79 Ef`+"tipou a99-0A QQAJ DUE FROM ICEt ER(1t_ E tRdv 1 , 7 C: Ac B--H- 5° C.uE FR trt ENTER='RICE Fuh!i� :?Cli 802a 7E� �� F'ClSTIRtu F'ERiI�? RE€CAF' Fut�C� F'ERII�I} A�uur�T ill 8 5 °118 R�'J �RRuRF` °i.lL3CET AVAiLARLE PFIwE c i f **** MEM® **** May 14, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Resolution from GNB The attached resolution can be approved in lieu of the four signatories having to go to the bank and re-sign all of our City accounts. RESOLUTION OF LODGE, ASSOCIATION OR OTHER SIMILAR ORGANIZATION Guaranty National Bank CITY OF SANGER 100 Exchange Blvd. Box 128 By: CITY of Lodge, Association or Sanger, TX 76266 (940)458-7404 P. O. BOX 578 (Address; BANGER, TX 76266 (City, State and Zip Code) A, I, ROSALIE CEiAVEZ certify that I am Secretary (clerk) of the above -named organization (referred to as the "association") organized under the laws of �'� Federal Employer I.D. Number 75-6000661 and that the following is a correct copy of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the association duly and properly called and held on May 18, 1998 These resolutions appear in the minutes of this meeting and have not been rescinded or modified. B. Be it resolved that, (1) The Financial Institution named above is designated as a depository for the funds of this association. (2) This resolution shall continue to have effect until express written notice of its rescission or modification has been received and recorded by this Financial Institution. (3) All transactions, if any, with respect to any deposits, withdrawals, rediscounts and borrowings by or on behalf of this association with this Financial Institution prior to the adoption of this resolution are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. IAl Anv of tha narennc nAmarl hPln%Ar on Innn no thov art in n ranracantntiva Pnnonity no nnante of thie aeennintinn ara nitthnrl7PH to makp nnv and all other contracts, agreements, stipulations and orders which they may deem advisable for the effective exercise of the powers indicated below, from time to time with this Financial Institution, concerning funds deposited in this Financial Institution, moneys borrowed from this Financial Institution or any other business transacted by and between this association and this Financial Institution subject to any restrictions stated below. (5) Any and all prior resolutions adopted by this association and certified to this Financial Institution as governing the operation of this association's account(s), are in full force and effect, unless supplemented or modified by this authorization. (6) This association agrees to the terms and conditions of any account agreement, properly opened by any authorized representative(s) of this association, and authorizes the Financial Institution named above, at any time, to charge this association for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on this Financial Institution, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimens in section C. (or the facsimile signature specimens that this association files with this Financial Institution from time to time) and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. C. If indicated, any person listed below (subject to any expressed restrictions) is authorized to: Name and Title Indicate A, B, C, and/or D Signature (1) Exercise all of the powers listed in (2) through (6). B, C, D (2) Open any deposit or checking accountls) in the name of this association. Facsimile Signature lif used) A, B, C, D (3)Endorse checks and orders for the payment of money and withdraw funds on deposit with this Financial Institution. Number of authorized signatures required for this purpose 2 (4) Borrow money on behalf and in the name of this association, sign, execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidences of indebtedness. Number of authorized signatures required for this 15) Endorse, assign, transfer, mortgage or pledge bills receivable, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, stocks, bonds, real estate or other property now owned or hereafter owned or acquired by this association as security for sums borrowed, and to discount the same, unconditionally guarantee payment of all bills received, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand, presentment, protest, notice of protest and notice of non-payment. Number of authorized signatures required for this purpose (61 Enter into written lease for the purpose of renting and maintaining a Safe Deposit Box in this Financial Institution. Number of authorized persons required to gain access and to terminate the lease D. I further certify that this association has, and at the time of adoption of this resolution had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers granted to the persons named who have full power and lawful authority to exercise the same. AFFIX SEAL HERE E. X tsecretarYl X (Attest by a Director) X (Attest by a Dbectorl 01989 BANKERS SYSTEMS, INC., ST. CLOUD, MN It-800-397.2341) FORM OA•t 1/12/90 (page 1 0/ 1) CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION RESOLUTION Guaranty National Bank 100 Exchange Blvd., Box 128 Sanger, TX 76266 (940)458-7404 By; CITY OF SANDER (Corporation) P. O. BOX 578 (Address) SAS, TX 76266 (City, State and Zip Code) A, I, ROSALIE CHAVEZ , certify that I am Secretary (clerk) of the above named corporation organized under the laws of TX Federal Employer I.D. Number 75-6000661 , engaged in business under the trade name of CITY OF SANDER and that the following is a correct copy of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of this corporation duly and properly called and held on May 18, 1998 These resolutions appear in the minutes of this meeting and have not been rescinded or modified. B. Be it resolved that, (1) The Financial Institution named above is designated as a depository for the funds of this corporation. (2) This resolution shall continue to have effect until express written notice of its rescission or modification has been received and recorded by this Financial Institution. (3) All transactions, if any, with respect to any deposits, withdrawals, rediscounts and borrowings by or on behalf of this corporation with this Financial Institution prior to the adoption of this resolution are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. (4) Any of the persons named below, so long as they act in a representative capacity as agents of this corporation, are authorized to make any and all other contracts, agreements, stipulations and orders which they may deem advisable for the effective exercise of the powers indicated below, from time to time with this Financial Institution, concerning funds deposited in this Financial Institution, moneys borrowed from this Financiai institution or any other business transacted by and 'between this corporation and this r'inanciai institution subject to any restrictions stated below. (5) Any and all prior resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation and certified to this Financial Institution as governing the operation of this corporation's account(s), are in full force and effect, unless supplemented or modified by this authorization. (6) This corporation agrees to the terms and conditions of any account agreement, properly opened by any authorized representative(s) of this corporation, and authorizes the Financial Institution named above, at any time, to charge this corporation for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on this Financial Institution, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimens in section C. (or the facsimile signature specimens that this corporation files with this Financial Institution from time to time) and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. C. If indicated, any person listed below (subject to any expressed restrictions) is authorized to: Name and Title Signature Facsimile Signature (if used) • • M p •P " JOHN W. COKER,MAYOR • =YL KING Indicate A, B, C . • • (1) Exercise all of the powers listed in (2) through (6). (2) Open any deposit or checking accounts) in the name of this corporation. (3) Endorse checks and orders for the payment of money and withdraw funds on deposit with this Financial Institution. Number of authorized signatures required for this purpose 2 (4) Borrow money on behalf and in the name of this corporation, sign, execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidences of indebtedness. Number of authorized signatures required for this purpose (5) Endorse, assign, transfer, mortgage or pledge bills receivable, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, stocks, bonds, real estate or other property now owned or hereafter owned or acquired by this corporation as security for sums borrowed, and to discount the same, unconditionally guarantee payment of all bills received, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand, presentment, protest, notice of protest and notice of non-payment. Number of authorized signatures required for this purpose 16) Enter into written lease for the purpose of renting and maintaining a Safe Deposit Box in this Financial Institution. Number of authorized persons required to gain access and to terminate the lease D. I further certify that the Board of Directors of this corporation has, and at the time of adoption of this resolution had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers granted to the persons named who have full power and lawful authority to exercise the same. IMPRINT SEAL HERE In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of this corporation on Attest by One Other Officer Secretary ®1985 BANKERS SYSTEMS, INC., ST. CLOUD, MN 68301 (1.800.397.23411 FORM CA-1 12/29/89 **** MEMO May 149 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Interlocal Agreement with Denton County Denton County has proposed the collection of our City taxes. Mr. Smith has visited with Mr. Rosenburg and it appears the school will be entering into an agreement with the County. L �� _1846�o City of Sanger OFFICE OF AR HORN HORN STATE AND COUNTY ASSESSOR -COLLECTOR OF TAXES DENTON COUNTY TAX OFFICE P.O. Box I Z49 DENTON, TEXAS 76202 Number of accounts on 1997 tax roll per Denton Central Appraisal District = 2,383. October mailing of tax statements 2,383 X .55 = $1,310.65 January reminder notices (no charge) May delinquent notices — (estimated at 1/3`d of Tax roll) 794 X .55 = 436.70 $1,747.35 THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF DENTON )( INTERLOCAL COOPERATION !"I - TAX COLLECTION THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1998 by and between DENTON COUNTY, political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and "CITY OF BANGER", Denton County, Texas, al cn a nnl ; t-i ral cnhr7ivi �i �n cif t-hP �f.ai-P of TP.XA�. hPrP-inaftPr referred to as "MUNICIPALITY". WHEREAS, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A. Government Code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Sec. 6.24; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITY has the authority to authorize the COUNTY to act as tax assessor and collector for MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY has the authority to so act; NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITY, for the mutual consideration hereinafter stated, agree and understand as follows: I. The effective date of this agreement shall be the 1st day of October 1998. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one year, from October 1, 1998 to and through September 30, 1999. This agreement is subject to renewal for additional one (1) year terms at the discretion of the Denton County Commissioners Court and the City of Sanger Council, unless terminated by written notice by the COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY to the other participating in this agreement. Such written notice shall be given no later City of Sutgcr I99R than one hundred fifty (150) days in advance of the expiration date of the agreement. or renewal hereof. II. For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contemplated, COUNTY shall provide the following necessary and appropriate services for MUNICIPALITY to the maximum extent authorized by this agreement, without regard to race, sex, relicrion. color, age. disability or national origin; to -wit: 1. COUNTY, by and through its duly elected tax assessor - collector, shall serve as tax assessor -collector for MUNICIPALITY for ad valorem tax collection purposes for fiscal year 1998 and for each fiscal year thereafter, as herein provided. COUNTY agrees to perform for MUNICIPALITY all necessary duties hereby authorized, and MUNICIPALITY does hereby expressly authorize COUNTY to do and perform all acts necessary and proper to assess and collect taxes for MUNICIPALITY. COUNTY agrees to collect base taxes, penalties, interest and attorneys fees. 2. COUNTY agrees to prepare and mail all tax statements, provide monthly collection reports to MUNICIPALITY, prepare tax certificates, develop and maintain both current and delinquent tax rolls, meet the requirements of Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code and develop and maintain such other records and forms as are necessary or required by law, State rules and/or regulations. COUNTY further agrees that it will calculate the effective tax rates and rollback tax rates for MUNICIPALITY and that such will be provided at no additional cost to MUNICIPALITY. The information concerning the effective and rollback tax rates will City of Sanger 199R � � l � i a ! �_;K 2 be published in the form prescribed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and as required by Section 26.04 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the expense of publication shall be borne by the MUNICIPALITY and that COUNTY shall provide the MUNICIPALITY'S billing address to the newspaper publishing the effective and rollback tax rates. C oUNTY agrees upon request to offer guidance and the necessary forms for posting notices of required hearings and quarter page notices as required by Sections 26.05 and 26.06 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. Should MUNICIPALITY vote to increase its tax rate above the rollback tax rate or more than three percent (3%) above the effective tax rate, whichever is lower, the required publication of quarter page notices shall be the responsibility of the MUNICIPALITY. 3. COUNTY will undertake and agrees to develop and maintain written policies and procedures of its operation, to make available to MUNICIPALITY full information about the operation of the COUNTY Tax Office, and to promptly furnish written reports hereinafter described to keep MUNICIPALITY informed of all financial information affecting it. 4. MUNICIPALITY agrees to promptly deliver to the possession and control of COUNTY all records that it has accumulated and developed in assessment and collection of taxes, and to cooperate in furnishing or locating any other information and records needed by COUNTY to perform its duties under the terms and conditions hereof. 5. COUNTY agrees to allow an audit of the tax records of MUNICIPALITY during normal working hours with at least 48 hours advance written notice to COUNTY. The expense of any and all such audit and/or audits shall be paid for solely by MUNICIPALITY. A copy of any and all such audit and/or audits shall be furnished to COUNTY. 6. If required by MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY agrees to obtain a surety bond for the County Tax Assessor/Collector; such bond to be conditioned on the faithful performance of his/her lawful duties, payable to and in an amount determined by the governing body of the MUNICIPALITY. The premium for any and all such bond as may be required by the MUNICIPALITY shall be borne solely by MUNICIPALITY. 7. COUNTY agrees that it will mail January reminder tax notices and May 33.07 statements itemizing all taxes due per property account. MUNICIPALITY will pay fifty-five cents ($.55) for each delinquent tax statement, said statements to be mailed on or about May 1. 8. COUNTY agrees that it will fax or mail daily collection reports to MUNICIPALITY listing current taxes, delinquent taxes, penalties and interest; provide monthly Maintenance and Operation, hereinafter referred to as M & O, and Interest and Sinking, hereinafter referred to as I & S, collection reports; provide monthly recap reports; and provide monthly attorney fee collection reports. 9. MUNICIPALITY retains its right to select its own delinquent tax collection attorney and COUNTY agrees to reasonably cooperate with said attorney in the collection of delinquent taxes and related activities. COUNTY shall designate and does hereby designate the C OUNTY Tax Assessor/Collector to act on behalf of the COUNTY Tax Office, and to serve as Liaison for COUNTY with and between COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. COUNTY Tax Assessor/Collector, and his/her desianated substitute, shall ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY as herein stated; shall devote suffi- dent time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of COUNTY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the COUNTY Tax Office employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. IV. MUNICIPALITY shall designate and does hereby designate its to act on behalf of MUNICIPALITY, and to serve as Liaison for MUNICIPALITY by and between COUNTY and the COUNTY Tax Office to ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of MUNICIPALITY as herein stated; shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of MUNICIPALITY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement; shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the MUNICIPALITY employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the City of Sanger 1998 ( � y }y( 5 purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY. COUNTY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all COUNTY employees and agentsI sub -contractors and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said COUNTY. VI. MUNICIPALITY agrees to and accepts full responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all MUNICIPALITY employees and agents, sub -contractors and/or contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with said MUNICIPALITY. VII. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that MUNICIPALITY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of COUNTY. COUNTY understands and agrees that COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of MUNICIPALITY. VIII. COUNTY is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The address of COUNTY is: County Judge of Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone - 940-565-8687 City of Sanger 199R 6 MUNICIPALITY is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The address of MUNICIPALITY City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Telephone (940) 458-3311 ATTN: Mayor John Coker For the services rendered during the 1998 tax year as hereinabove stated, MUNICIPALITY agrees to pay the COUNTY for the receipting, bookkeeping, issuing, and mailing of tax statements as follows: 1. The current tax statements will be mailed on or before October 15. This requirement will be deemed to have been met if the tax statement bears a postmark of not later than October 18. The fee for this service will be fifty-five cents ($0.55) per statement. In the event MUNICIPALITY fails to set its tax rate in time for the statements to be mailed on or before October 15, the fee for mailing the current tax statements will be one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) per statement. It is expressly agreed that the dates stated herein are contingent upon MUNICIPALITY setting its tax rate in a timely manner on or before September 30, 1998. 2. A reminder statement will be sent on all unpaid current tax accounts during the month of January following the initial mailing. There will be no additional fee for the January reminder notice. 3. A third notice will be sent during the month of March following the initial mailing provided that MUNICIPALITY has requested same on or before February 28. The fee for this service City of Sanger 1998 will be charged at the existing First Class letter rate set by the United States Postal Service (currently $.32 per statement). 4. At least 30 days, but no more than 60 days, prior to July 1, and following the initial mailing, a statement meeting the requirements of Section 33.07 of the Texas Property Tax Code will be mailed. The fee for this service will be fifty-five cents ($.55) per statement. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that COUNTY will bill MUNICIPALITY following each mailing for which charges are permitted as stated above for services rendered. Payment is due upon receipt of the statement. MUNICIPALITY further understands and agrees that COUNTY (at its sole discretion) may increase or decrease the amounts charged to MUNICIPALITY for any successive agreements between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY for the services hereinabove stated with written notice to MUNICIPALITY of any such increase or decrease in the fee for said services, sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of this agreement. COUNTY agrees to remit and pay over to MUNICIPALITY by check all taxes, penalties and interest collected on MUNICIPALITY'S behalf or to deposit same into such depositories as selected by MUNICIPALITY, as follows: 1. For deposits of tax, penalties and interest, the method of disbursement shall be by wire transfer or by check sent by mail to MUNICIPALITY'S accounts, segregated into proper M & O and I & S accounts. City oC Sanger 199R 8 2. In the event the MUNICIPALITY uses the same depository as the COUNTY the above stated transfers of funds shall be by deposit transfer. 3. In anticipation of renewal of this Agreement by the parties herein, COUNTY further agrees that from April 1, 1998 through October 15, 1998 deposits will be made weekly and from October 16, 1998 through March 31, 1999, deposits will be made daily. For purposes of end of mnni-k ,�o,-,.,, 4. _..�__�.. ��r ,y l 1111J, 1,11C.LC wiii be a deposit made at the end of each month of the year. It is expressly understood, however, that this obligation of COUNTY shall not survive termination of this Agreement, whether by termination by either party or by failure of the parties to renew this Agreement. XI. In the event of notice of termination, a withdrawing party shall be obligated to pay such payments as are required by this agreement through the entire balance of the tax year in which notice is given and COUNTY shall be obligated to provide services pursuant to this agreement, as hereinabove set forth, during such period. City of Sanger 199R XII. If MUNICIPALITY withdraws from this agreement, MUNICIPALITY may secure copies of all necessary records for the assessment and collection of its taxes from the COUNTY, but shall pay the reasonable cost of reproduction. MUNICIPALITY shall provide COUNTY with thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to exercise the provisions of this paragraph. MUNICIPALITY shall also reimburse COUNTY for the time spent by any and all employees of COUNTY dedicated and spent in duplication of any and all records requested by MUNICIPALITY and all records received by COUNTY from MUNICIPALITY shall be returned by COUNTY to MUNICIPALITY. XIII. This agreement represents the entire agreement between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by the governing bodies of both MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. XIV. The validity of this agreement and of any of its terms or provisI ons, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Further, this agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. City of Sanger 1998 1 O AV. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XVI. The undersigned officer and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. City of Sanger 1998 Executed in duplicate originals this, the 1998. COUNTY Denton County, Texas 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 RYA Honorable Jeff Moseley Denton County Judge Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas. ATTEST: BY: Tim Hodges Denton County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: MUNICIPALITY City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Title: Acting on behalf of and by the authority of MUNICIPALITY. ATTEST: Name• Title. Mary Horn Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney City oC Sange[ 1998 1 2 *** MEMO **** May 149 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members l+'R: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Bid for City Uniform The City of Sanger received three bids for City uniforms. The bid tally sheet is attached for your review. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 BID SHEET BID OPENING: THURSDAY DATE: MAY 7, 1998 TIME: 2100 P.M. RE: UNIFORMS COMPANY NAME ! ,e/. F/vvx_ mars---�, 88�w1G COMPANY NAME _ :COMPANY NAME /anima Red-• 9, so tp s0 [AMT. BID F_OR PROJECT C� OO PoR� /00% corron F/ACT. y, /o e 4( 11 07 � � �0Ale Shoe -J(oo moo?° Fill 0 i Authori ed Signature G&K Services 428 Hemphill Street • Ft. Worth, IX 76104 • 817/332-9321 May 6,1998 Sanger City Hall Attn: City Administrator 201 Bolivar (P.O.Box 578) Sanger, TX. 76266 PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER Item Description: Inventory Description: Unit Price: Striped Shirts 8 Men $ .70/Shirt Synthetic Pants 9 Men .65/Pant Flame Retardent 6 Men 1.30/Shirt Shirt Executive Shirts 1 Man 1.00/Shirt 3X5 Gray Mats 5 per wk. 3.00/Mat • All Prices include laundering and pressing. • Shirts include nametags and emblems. Textile Leasing Systems �� �j t..-,....-- - �. QUOTATION Basis: Approx. 6-15 employees 5- Day work week Weekly Full -Rental Price per wearer Weekly Val-U-Lease Price per wearer Item 11 -issue 5 ssue (No Wash) —I MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT —ALL SHORT SLEEVES 65/35 Shirts only — Solid Colors $3.10/week $1.85/week 65/35 Shirts only —Stripe Colors 65/35 Solid Shirts &Pants 65/35 Striped Shirts &Pants 65/35 Shirts & 100% Cotton Jeans 65/35 Shirts & 100% Cotton Jeans $3.60/week $5.75/week $6.25/week $6.50/week $6.75/week ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT —ALL LONG SLEEVES 100% Cotton Shirts only 100% Cotton Shirts &Jeans Flame Retardant Shirts only Flame Retardant Shirts &Pants Flame Retardant Coveralls $4.10/week $7.50/week $7.55/week $14.95/week 3 —Issue $4.05/week $2.05/week $3.00/week $3.20/week $3.40/week $3.65/week $2.25/week $3.95/week $4.00/week $7.75/week 3 -Issue $2.75/week Mats 3x4 Mats 4 X 6 $2.88/week $4.80/week $6.00/week One jacket issued per employee with emblems — NO CHARGE. One cap issues per employee with emblem on initial order only - NO CHARGE. Emblem fees and setup fees will be waived on initial order. All cotton garments and striped garments will be pressed. There will be an environmental charge of $6.00 per week. Full Rental Program: UniFirst retains the responsibility for sizing via Try for Size, soiled garment pick-up, laundry and finish, delivery of clean garments, repair and replacement as needed. Val-U--Lease program: UniFirst retains the responsibility for sizing via Try for Size, repair and replace as needed and weekly stops by the route salesperson. *Pricing valid for 30 days and based on 260 weeks of service. Dave Neer ,Marketing Representative UniFirst 400 Nest Collin Denison, Texas 75020 Telephone (903) 465- S2 Telephone (800) 275-3213 Facsimile (903) 463-6371 Uniforms that enhance America's � P4 �� •� husiness image Customer No.. �� i x e ° x i r o e rn r� o r i c STAN[ Customer �5��\ ram" ,.i'Cw '�.� Phone _ Address t City LQ� State --_-__ Zip �a_�,1� The undersigned (hereinafter called "CUSTOMER") orders from CINTAS CO ORATION or any of its subsidiaries (hereinafter called "COMPANY") a Rental Garment Service for all of the Customer's garment rental requirements during the term of this agreement, at the prices and upon the conditions, as outlined below: � i employees to be furnished _� employees to be furnished employees to be furnished employees to be furnished employees to be furnished changes of �_ changes of changes of changes of changes of ►,1�'rlt. per week @ � 2� per person per week I`�,'�er week @ � Per person per week per week @ per person per week per week @ per person per week per week @ per person per week All aarments will be cleaned and maintained by the Comnanv. Anv aarments that reauire replacement due to normal wear will be replaced by the Company at no charge to the Customer. v Unless specified otherwise, the garments supplied under this agreement are not flame retardant or acid resistant and contain no special flame retardant or acid resistant features. They are not designed for use in areas of flammability risk or where contact with hazardous materials is possible. Flame retardant and acid resistant garments are available from Company on request. Customer warrants that none of the employees for whom garments are supplied pursuant to this agreement require flame retardant or acid resistant clothing. Customer agrees to notify Company, in writing, of any hazardous materials that may be picked up by Company in the soiled garments or other textiles serviced under this agreement. In no case will hazardous materials be present to the extent that they may be harmful to Company's employees. The weekly service charge for any individual leaving the employ of the Customer can be terminated, but only after all garments issued to that individual, or the value of same, have been returned to the Company. All garments remain the property of the Company. In the event of rental items being lost, stolen, or destroyed by fire, acid, paint, gross neglect, or otherwise, the Customer will pay for said rental items at the following rates: ITEM REPLACEMENT VALUE CAS VALUE � � ITEM _ VALUE ��1 � ITEM VALUE ITEM VALUE VALUE VALUE This service agreement is effective as of the date of execution above and shall remain in effect for sixty (60) months from the date of installation. The agreement shall be automatically renewed for the same period of time unless the Company is notified, to the contrary, in writing, sixty days in advance of the expiration of the then current term. Upon each anniversary date of this agreement, the Company will automatically increase the prices then in effect by the amount of the increase in the Consumer Price Index for the previous twelve months or 5%. Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any claims arising out of or associated with the use of the product, including any claims allegedly arising from defects. The Company guarantees to deliver the highest quality textile rental service at all times. Any complaints about the quality of the service which have not been taken care of in the normal course of business must be sent by registered letter to the Company's General Manager. If the Company then fails to resolve any material complaint in a reasonable period of time, the Customer may terminate this agreement provided all rental items are paid for at the rates listed above as replacement values or returned to the Company in good and usable condition. Additional employees and products may be added to this agreement upon written or verbal request of the Customer. In the event of cancellation of this service agreement by the Customer prior to the termination date, other than for failure of the Company to perform under its guarantee, the Customer will pay the greater of 50% of the weekly service charge per week for the unexpired term, or buyback all the garments and other products in inventory at the rates listed above as replacement value. The Customer certifies that the Company is in no way infringing upon any existing contract between the Customer and any other uniform rental service. Terms of Accepted by 10th E.O.M. or C.O.D. Firm CINTAS Please Print Name &Title R-032.5 (REV. tN7) Form Distribution: (1)Whfte-Customer (2) Canary•Office (3) Pink -Corporate Office North Central Texas Council of Governments .= � tr �t z June 5, 1998 r �ys � �� t �� i. • NCTCOG's 20th Annual MAYORS & COUNCILMEMBERS WORKSHOP • Election of NCTCOG's 1998-99 EXECUTIVE BOARD • LINDA KEITHLEY AWARD Recognition of an outstanding woman in public management • WILLIAM 1. PITSTICK AWARD Recognition of an individual's commitment to regionai exceiience • REGIONAL COOPERAT[ON AWARD Recognition of local governments for cooperative and coordinated projects The Executive Board at the North Central Texas Council of Governments cordially invites you to the 32nd Annual General Assembly Meeting Friday, June 5, 1998 12:00 Noon Hilton Hotel 2401 E. Lamar Boulevard, Arlington $30 per person: luncheon only $40 per person: workshop & luncheon PLEASE R.S.V.P. BY MAY 29 ON CARD ENCLOSED North Central Texas Council of Governments 20th Annual Workshop for Mayors and Coundimembers Hilton Hotel, Arlington 8:15 a.m. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Ron Harmon, Vice President, NCTCOG Commissioner, Johnson County WHAT IS NCTCOG? Mike Eastland, Executive Director, NCTCOG 8:35 a.m. GUIDELINES FOR COUNCILMEMBERS Moderator: Susan Thorne, City Manager, City of Bedford Speakers: Richard Beckert, Mayor, Town of Addison Ron Whitehead, City Manager, Town of Addison • Coundi/Staff Relations • Policymaking, Planning, and Goals • Streamlining Meetings • Using Boards and Commissions • Ethics 9:30 a.m. PLANNING ff ZONING ISSUES Moderator: Marc Guy, Deputy City Manager, City of Carrollton Speaker: Terry Welch, Attorney, Vial, Hamilton, Koch ff Knox • Subdivision Construction Codes • Specialty/Single Purpose Ordinances • Zoning - How to Stay Out of Trouble • Legal DOs and DONTs 10:35 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m. LEGAL POWERS ff RESPONSIBILITIES BREAK-OUT SESSION Moderator: Jerry Gilmore, NCTCOG's General Counsel Vial, Hamilton, Koch & Knox Speakers: H. Louis Nichols - Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager a Smith Home Rule Cities Allan Taylor - Taylor, Olson, Adkins, Sralla, and Elam General Law Cities • Texas Open Meetings Act • General Law 8 Home Rule • Nepotism/Conflict of Interest • Personal Liability • Coundi-Manager-Attorney Relations 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. NCTCOG'S GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING LUNCHEON