05/04/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL 40NDAY, MAY 49 1998 7:00 P.M. - 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance 2. Canvass Votes from the Saturday, May 29 1998 City Election. a) Pre -Oath (Statement of Elected Officer) b) Issue Certificate of Election CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 4. Citizens Input. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons, 6. Consider and Possible Action to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons, 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Friendship Cable Franchise Ordinance No. 06-98. 10. Any Other Such Matters. l_1. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Date and Time MINUTES: City Council April 20, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Jimmy Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Kim Lacy - Municipal Development Services, John Porter Jr., Glenn Ervin, Richard Derryberry, Tne. Toe+n T2on1r %ror/nr V V, Y lia4[!, YWl\.lf Vl{l 41i1 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation followed by Councilman James leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. a) Consider and Possible Action to Appoint City Manager. Mayor Coker Convened Council into Executive Session at 7:00 p.m. 3. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Coker Reconvened Council into Regular Session at 7:10 p.m. Mayor Coker indicated the City had received 25 applications for the position of City Administrator. Motion was made by Councilman James to offer the City Administrator position to Jack Smith. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman James. CC MINUTES PAGE 2 04/20/98 Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Citizens Input. None. 9 (6). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request/Letter from Joy Testa. Mrs. Joy Testa, Rt 19 Box 9879 Sanger, addressed Council on this item. She referred to the letter she had written to Council regarding the lot that was donated 1 1 l_ _ 1 P__ LL . A"!A t0 the City from the Catholic Dioceses which she had purchased iron the City. Mrs. Testa was requesting Council's assistance to clear the title. She also indicated that. the City is taking the position that she knew there was a "cloud" on the title. She reminded Council of the advertisement and presented a copy. The advertisement on the sale of this property was not indicated "as is", only "no closing cost to the City". Mrs. Testa continued to elaborate and provide correspondence regarding the property, and the fact that she had never been informed of the "cloud" on the title. There was a lengthy discussion that followed. Mayor did inform Mrs. Testa that Mr. Keesler had told Rose and himself that she had been informed that there was a "cloud" on the title when she was trying to buy the property, and that she would be buying the property "as is". Mayor indicated then Joy Testa came back with a letter dated March 20, 1998 requesting the City to take the property and file the suit to clear the title. At that time he instructed Rose to forward this to the City Attorney which his correspondence was in last Council Packet with his recommendation. Mrs. Testa continued to express that she was never informed of the cloud on the title prior to her bidding on the property, and there is an added expense to cure the title. Mrs. Testa continued and asked why the City did not file adverse possession at the time the property had been donated by the Catholic Diocese. She indicated that in February of this year she returned the Special Warranty Deed back to the City Administrator Mr. Keesler since it was never filed. She also wrote a letter requesting the City to take back the property and "clear" the title, and then reissue it back to her. Mrs. Testa indicated that in her letter she stated she would pay for that expense; however, at that time she was advised by City Secretary that City Council was not interested in pursuing this. CC MINUTES 04/20/98 PAGE 3 Discussion followed and Mrs. Testa was asked if she still wanted her property. Mrs. Testa indicated she no longer wanted the property. The Mayor also indicated that he personally does not feel the City should sue the Catholic Diocese to clear the title, and again the Mayor advised Mrs. Testa that she was told there was a "cloud" on the title. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to return the amount of money paid to the lc"4Q. 1.., 1%4.n Tno+. V..4.^ anonri1na no 7 n4 1 A4 tlAgx" ] XLy vy lVua. iwLa •vi Laic wao ivL �+, �1Vc11 rv, vaa�aaaa■ Town of Sanger. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Request from Church of Christ to Close Locust Street between Fifth Street and Fourth Street. Mayor Coker indicated that the Church of Christ is requesting that the City close Locust Street between Fifth and Fourth Streets. Their intent is to consolidate the two lots for the purpose of the construction of a new building on the south lot. Councilman Kincaid indicated that Ronny Beard, one of the elders of the church had contacted him. Mr. Beard had indicated the church wanted the street closed to utilize the easement for parking. He also indicated the members would be going back and forth between the two buildings and were concerned as to the traffic on that street. Mayor Coker stated he could not see how Council could close a street that is traveled daily by the residents. Councilman Kincaid asked Council to table this item until the Church could present some plans. Tony Krauska with Hunter's Associates cautioned the Council about closing a street without consulting the City Attorney. Mr. Krauska stated a City could get into some litigation since there are procedures required by State law. Item postponed. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. 04-98 for Funding through the Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program for Gravity Enterprises. CC MINUTES 04/20/98 PAGE 4 Kim Lacy, Municipal Development Services, addressed Council to pass two resolutions and a procedural guide for citizens who have a complaint about grant applications. Kim Lacy indicated one of the grant applications is for Gravity Enterprises. They will move to 5th Street and Interstate 35. They need some infrastructure in the form of water, road improvements and drainage improvements. The estimates for these improvements are about $616,000 with administrative funds of $35,000 over a 3 year period. The total application is for $651,000. The water system improvements will loop the water systems in the area in order to provide fire protection in the industrial part of that development. 'PL.n n41.n.. n ..l.nn+in.. io Fn.. YTi CT Thnv nrn nnnrlinrr imnrnvmm�nte nn TTtility IiAAf� 111E V111G1 Qt/l.Il1l.Q11V11 1p 1 Vl li%iJl. 111\., ua a. ala.a.uiii5 iaaara v • vaaavaaav .. as v ve��vJ sue..»... for water, sewer, and street. Their improvements will be in the amount of $610,000 with an administrative fee of $50,000 to be administered over a 3 year period of time, making their total application $660,000. Kim continued to explain the resolutions are only in support for the businesses to apply for the funds. This does not obligate the City in any way. At the time applications are approved the City will be given a contract to sign which will detail the items and the special conditions that will be placed on the City and what the responsibilities are for the City and the business. Gravity Enterprises will employ around 32 jobs, and IESI is looking at 33 jobs. Kim briefly discussed the complaint procedure which is required in the application process. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Adopt Resolution No. 04-98. OMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEXAS CAPITAL PROGRAM. The infrastructure grant funds to benefit Gravity Enterprises is in the amount of $616,000, and the administrative grant is $35,000 which is a total of $651,000. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. Cu MIEN UTEN 04/20/98 PAGE 5 7 (9). Consider and Possible Action to Approve Citizen Complaint Procedures for the Texas Community Development Program. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Citizens Complaint Procedure as presented with changes that were noted. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. *Item to change was the word City Manager to City Administrator•. Q !9 (1\ !'n„<+..1......„,1 Dn��.i.l.. A .•6.n„ �n A „„..n�>., T?..onlaa4Cn„ Nn (1�_Uf2 inr Flanrlivwrs 4hrna.rrh V �1V� l,iVll.7161G1 QIlU 1 VOJiRJ1G Al.i.1V11 1V AiljJa Val: 1\WVlu.�lVla 1�V. VV-/V aVa x'uaauaaas �aaavusaa the Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program for Improvement and Upgrading Utility Road. Motion was made by Councilwoman Madden to Adopt Resoiutic��� No. 06-98. RESOLUTION No. 06-98 .: )EVELOPMENT TEXAS D The infrastructure grant funds to benefit IESI for water, sewer, and street improvements to Utility Road is in the amount of $610,000, and the administrative grant is $50,000 which is a total of $660,000. Seconded by Motion Carried unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. OS-98 for Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Item discussed in great length. The property Mr. Lynch referred to is located west of GNB Pank. Mr. Lynch addressed Council on this item. The Federal government allocates tax credits of 1.25 per capita for each state annually which is then administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). The tax credit program is a means of directing private capital towards creation of high quality, affordable rental housing. These credits provide developers of this housing with a means of raising capital by selling credits to larger corporations for use against their federal tax liability in exchange for the capital to be used in the production of this type housing. Mr. Lynch indicated the important aspect of this project is completion of the application. Discussed at length was the designation of the PID (Public Improvement District). Upon designation of the PID by the City, the developer will score 5 points on the application. The City in designating the PID will not in any way make the City liable to any state agency. The City's only liability will be their contribution in conjunction with the PID which has to be $5,000 or greater. Mr. Lynch gave examples of contributions; ie., waiving first year property taxes, waiving building permits, water and sewer taps. The development will consist of 64 units. The units will be 2 or 3 bedrooms ranging from 1200 to 1387 sq. ft. living area. Each unit will have a garage attached. Mayor Coker indicated that a sewer line would have to be run to the property. Mr. Porter, owner of the property, is willing to pay for boring under Interstate 35 to tie in to a sewer line on the east side of I-35, and furnishing the pipe for the sewer line. The City staff has discussed digging the trench for the pipe from the north line, and Mr. Porter then will pay for the expense to bore under I-35 and take the sewer line across. Lengthy discussion continued regarding the sewer line. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Approve Resolution No. OS-98 with the boundaries from I-35 Service Road to 455 to extend to the City limits to the west and to the north. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. Mr. Porter did indicate there will be an plat submitted later. Mr. Lynch stated they would also come back and request proper zoning for the development. 12. Issue Proclamation No. P03-98 Declaring the week of May 17, 1998 as National Safe Posting Week. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to issue Proclamation 1`03-98. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. CC MINUTES 04/20/98 PAGE 7 13. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance No. 04-98 Amending Animal Control Chapter 2, Article 2.100 Definitions and Article 2.300 Dangerous Dogs. Sr. Animal Control Officer Eddie Branham addressed this item to amend our existing ordinance in regards to "dangerous dogs". The only change in the ordinance would be dangerous dogs attacking other animals. Discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Ordinance No. 04-98 A A I A 141At I 1 "0 Tlnfini*inne .wnrl A r4enln 1 '201ft Allll.11tllll� A111111Q1 �Vllll Vl �llAtl l�\.l V, A1141\.l{. iI.iVV LVa llal4aValu aaaau taa bal.a\. r.✓VV Dangerous Dogs. Seconded by Councilman James. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING ANIMAL CONTROL CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 2.100 DEFINITIONS, AND ARTICLE 2.300 DANGEROUS DOGS OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Carried unanimously. 14. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Board Members to Various Boards. Mayor Coker indicated there are two vacancies, one is on the Board of Adjustment, and one is an the Parks Board. The Mayor has asked Sam Burros to serve on the Board of Adjustment, and Beverly Branch would like to serve on the Parks Board. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Appoint Sam Burros to Board of Adjustment and Beverly Branch to the Parks Board. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden, Motion Carried unanimously. 15. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mayor Coker indicated the City Administrator will begin working on Monday, and possibly he may come earlier. Mayor asked if Council would consider asking the Chamber of Commerce to have coffee, punch, at the City's expense to introduce Mr. Smith and his wife to the citizens of Sanger. CC MINUTES PAGE 8 04/20/98 Consensus of Council to proceed in contacting Mrs. Jenkins or Jimmy Lou to make the necessary arrangements at the expense of the City. b) Mayor Coker informed Council that there was a letter of correspondence from Mr. Wulliman, Gada Construction Co. Inc. indicating what he understood as far as the City's requirements on the size of lines and at whose expense, not the City's, dated April 16. c) Police Chief Benny Erwin has also submitted a memo in regards to utilizing the Inmate Work Program from Denton County. The City would need to faiih1%; IiViva0"1ikccaaivii kFMer) aid a aa. Mayor Coker indicated there would not be any liability to the City. The inmates that would be sent would be minimum security -insufficient checks, DWI's. Mayor Coker stated he would like Council to think about this program and keep it on their minds. d) Jeff Morris and Eddie Branham reported on the new handhelds. Jeff stated there were some problems, and hopefully it will get better as they get used to the handheld and loading the routes. Mayor also informed Council that the staff has discussed the possibility of contracting the meter readings to another utility such as Lone Star Gas. They are just gathering cost information and no action has been taken. e) Councilman Jenkins reminded City Secretary to be sure to send letters to all applicants who applied for City Administrator's position. f) Councilman Jenkins also indicated that Friendship Cable needs to be placed on the agenda again. Mayor Coker advised he has visited with them; however, he requested from them to put everything in writing as to their intentions regarding equipment and customer service. g) Jeff Morris reported they have gotten approved by the Department of Labor for their 4 year training program. h) Mayor Coker reported Eddie and some of his crew have received some more licenses that the City needed for Wastewater. Mayor and Council gave their congratulations. CC MINUTES PAGE 9 04/20/98 i) Tommy Belcher has been working with the Chevrolet house in repairing a transmission in one of the police cars. j) Benny Erwin reported he attended school in McKinney all last week. k) Chuck Tucker reported two of his employees have received their CDL License. Chuck also reported the ball park has all the lights up. sm_ _ w,r_ _ P__'_"__7 !'_-'_'_Ll �L _a aL_ Tl__a�2.. 71..�t L_ d ♦.. 1.....,,. '4..1...« 1) llle 1V1a3'Ul" 1111VI'IIICU I..UUl1C11 lllil6 WiC L'1C1a111; 11CN6. llau iv irxl�c a dii�.uci to finish a project north of town to be able to dig through the rock. The City will need to consider upgrading the ditcher in the near future. m) Mayor Coker stated Rose's department has been in turmoil. First, there were two weeks of training on the new program, and today employees started on the computer handhelds. However, Mr. Smith will be able to assist since he is very knowledgeable on the software. n) Councilman Kincaid inquired if the sewer disposal at the Park is chemical or underground since he had received complaints about a "smell" and they thought it was from th sewer disposal at the park. Chuck Tucker stated it is tied to the sewer line, and it goes to the wastewater plant. He indicated it possibly was the sewer plant if the wind was blowing right. o) Mayor also stated Eddie and his crew have been walking the sewer line on the east side of the I-35, and getting ready to do Joe Falls property. They walked all of the west side. There were several problems found in the area, and every problem was addressed and corrected. They are getting estimates for the bore under the freeway, and the crew is now working on the east side. p) Councilman James asked when the downtown street would be repaired. The Mayor advised that the contractor has already acknowledged he did a poor job, and he will be coming back in May. The Mayor stated if they do not come back in May, then they will contact Mark Hill, with Hunter Associates. It will start in May and go through July. CC MINUTES PAGE 10 04/20/98 Mayor also informed Council that the County is widening Keaton Road going to the school. They are going to widen the corner to make a bigger turn area, and straighten the road to the south to the new school. The County has indicated they are willing to work with the City on at least 11/a miles. They have requested the City designate their streets, and then they will come in with coated black rock. 16. Meeting Adjourned. NDOR SEf; aUENka = ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROG ACCOUNTS SUPPRE iSED Ii DRfE ;Ri}S F'aU. BANK CODE 9M0240 trsfif'RICAN r'UBLIC POWER I—I4,ILr 4fc�`}I L, DUES FUR i9JU O'.� GNB99 DUE; ;;f05/98 DISC- uT, 5/05f93 DUES FOR 1996 008 y 53=5 _.v= UEI�CjOR fk0'iCiLS ==- 9i4a II -69tii;riir RTkT I-980�u0CF 4i�,9f9f< FIf<Jf�L C'ILL CUD99 DUE: 5/05/98 "DISC DT. 5/05/98 FINAL BILL 99®00,50,0 AUTO CLASS CENTER I—�84I4�0 4/c9r'98 i>iIi�DO;f FOR �JfIIT fI'`i GNB99 DUE e 5/05/98 DISC Cif; 5/05/98 fOINDOW FOR UNIT LIP rpi?IiE i R � H 13�30 T OR VEH i%LE 9I4.i1 t008 50-55I0 kELEF'HfOf~iE SERVICES E,B.SI 0�08 58-5355 R � � iiOfOR VEHIk::LE C:00.00 9's—FiO. 70 %EORDI S MOTORS 4fC'9f98 HRECI'E R FEE OtIIi`03 DUEa 5/05f98 DISC DTe 5r'05f'�8 WRECKER FEE == VEi'IDOR TOfbi,S }y--fi��ikJO "D!O�RLkS t-y8'A jy'01:f:' 4i c,9jf 96 COFFEE CREAMER kni�lD99 DUE: 5f05f98 DISC "DT: 5/!/r5f98 COFFEE CREPMER COFFEE CREAMER 008 5e-5?c5 ��OI i0-5ci0 008 i0-5cI0 VENDOR k O i9L1 t BUSINESS ESSENTIALS I-659E;9 4/29f98 FILE POCKETS 5> SS Gr�l89`3 DUE: 5f05/98 DISC "Df ; Sf05/98 F"ILE ijiOCi',EfS 00i ce,�5cf0 _== VENDOR T07GLS =-= 5.6f R � k'1 f�0(UR VEHi�aLt OFFICE SLIF'PLIES 9,;='`=s kOFFICE S(!F'RI_IES 8.F5 OFFICE 5UC'PLIES 5.66 4/, Grt/98 og43 NDOR SET: .>9UENCE c PM 99 ALPHABETIC A/P DAILY lRANSAUTION' RCPURI PAGE: e DUE TO/FROMI ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED IIM DATE GROSS P.O. 4 BAN I'E CODE — -- ---C+E CRIPTICsid—_________ DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT �® —_ACCOUNT NAME—_-- — DISTRIBUTION +9-00,170 C&H 'Ah11TORGL & SUPPLY i-um 4I rjq +11SC4 SUPPLIES 4G'c 15 GNB99 DUE€ 5f05f98 DISC DT: 5/05/98 MISC, SUPPLIES 001 15-5e45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 75045 MJSC, SUPPLIES 008 151-5e45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 7145 MISC, SUPPLIES 001 40—�IE45 OTHER OPERATING, SUPPLIES �8.25 MISCa SUPPLIES 001 21 --524J OTHER OPERAIIN+0 SUPPLIES e8s25 i 1SC. :9iiPPLIES ON 58-5eLa5 UIHtK UPtKAIIfib SLtPPLItS eBoeU� MISCo SUPPLIES 001 44-5e13 BUILDING SUPPLIES e8.25 MISC. 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R � I�1 BUILUI�dG LEASE EOUIPIIE�JT 1�®8.95 a 1't Pill "EXOR SE T o 9`' QUENCE . ALPHABETIC DUE T01FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED IThi DATE —___ID__—__ BANK MODE A/P DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT GROSS P.O, —DESCRIPTION—__—_—__— DISCOUNT G(L ACCOUNT 9M@750 DEALER'S ELECTRIC SUPPLY c'�GEn 4 ----_—ACCOUNT NARiE------- DISTRIBUTION I-21 S�u�v? 4/CS/98 POLIU. REPAIR 58,CC GNB99 DUEL 5/05f98 DISC DT; 5t05/98 POLICE REPAIR 001 2ML440 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 58,5E 1-21415:'SO 4/29/98 4° PVC ip494,5i GNB99 DUEm 5/0.5198 DISC DT, 5/05/% 4" PUC 008 58-GOEo UIHER IMPROVEMENTS 1pc 4."1 == �IENuOR TOTALS =�= ip�5c.73 9M)0930 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY I-101I93 �,129t`�'8 ,�8 GAL, PROPANE ,T4,20 GNB99 DUE e 5/05/98 DISC M 5/05/98 8 GAL, PROPANE 00136 C3ct9 (ji0{OR VEHICLE FUEL �ec0 99-00990 FIRE SUPPLY INC. I-5782 4129f98 DEFEPdDER � FRT. 1,G96.46 GPdB99 DUE: 5l05/98 DISC DTa 5(05l98 DEFENDER & FRT. 001 24-5560 R &. M OTHER ipG9G.46 —== VEidDOR TOTALS === 1,G96.4F� 99m01010 FOSTER'S SADDLE SHOP I-98043000 4/29r'98 UOR;t BLOTS i0�9, `95 GtIB`99 DUE: 5/05;'98 DISC DT a 5i05l98 WORK BOOTS 008 50M.255 WEARING APPAREL —=- VENDOR TOTAL ; 109, 95 99-010L0 GAG TRACTOR CO. 1-214E0 4f2910•8 HO;Ep F'I`r�G u� Rie'dOB 1t:�,LG HOSE, PINS & RINGS 008 50-5245 HOSE, PINS & RINGS 001 3M*245 HOSE, PINS & RINDS 001 22-52 45 HOSE. PINS & RINGS 0' 58-5245 HOSE, PINS & RINGS M 2M245 HOSE, PINS & RINGS 001 2M245 === VENDOR TOTALS === 46 OTHER OPERATING SUPF'L`!ES OTHER OPERATIN,iO SUP�'LIEE: OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES OTH R OPERATItv'G SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 27.58 27,58 l.i, vW 27.58 27.56 "u,NDOR SET: 99 IIUENCE : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED ITFI DATE BANK CODE ---- ---DESCRIPTIO'-- 99-0I030 GYM SERVICES AiP DAILY TRANSACTIUN REPORT GatU55 �'. U. DI5COUNi G/L PELOUNT -_.°___ACCOUNT NAME--_ 3 DI5TRi8L�TIOi# i-44545' 4/F'9i98 l!iliFURi4S 1�i.45 5099 DUE: 5/05/98 DISC DT; 5/05/98 UNIFORMS OOI 365855 WEARING APPAREL 6. UNIFORMS 001 30-52255 WEARING APPAREL 34. V9 UNIFORMS ROB 36-52551 ; EARiNlj APPAREL 9b& wr UNIFORMS 008 54-5255 WEARING APPAREL UNIFORMS on 58-5255 WEARING APPAREL UNIFORMS 008 50-5E55 WEARING APPAREL 24.84 1-980430CG 4/29/98 ONIFCRhIs 2I�45 GNB99 DUE: 5/05/98 DISC DT. 5/05/98 UNIFURiiS 001A 36-5255 WEARING APPAREL 62 3� UNIFORMS OOI 30-31235 WEARING APPAREL 3=:. 89 UNIFORMS 008 36-525.5 WEARING APPAREL 6,3 UNIFORMS 008 54-5255 WEARING APPAREL 8.09 UNIFORMS 008 58-5255 WEARINU APPAREL 40.99 UNIFORMS 0O8 50-5355 WEARY G APPI'AREL c4. 84 == VENDOR T UTALS === 99-0348ffjl GRAPHIC TREASURES I-c'c 4/�'9f98 CITY CAPS GhdB99 D!�E: 5f05/98 DISC DTI 5f05l98 CITY CAPS =. VEtiDUR TU T ALS � 9111341j0 Hw< WiLSUN, LU. I-51I33059 4I29/98 SUBSCRIPTION � GNIPF'IPdG G�lB99 DUE: 5/�'�5f98 DISC DTa 51�E5198 SUBSCRIPTION & SHIPPING _d- VENDOR TOTALS 9-9--01170 HOLLINGSWORTH Hicli 3O> iNct I-3I36 4/29198 9K46 PLATE GIIB99 DUE° 5l05l98 DISC DT: 5105/98 9X46 PLATE _=- VENDOR TOTALS ==- 37.7c 1.cO,00 IE0,00 I60. �f�O 008 C�5 �'•"�' fiI��OR TOOLS ��t�il 4;� v�c�, ITi�GAtIt�I=G i5 SU85CRIPIIOPd� :�i38 50-5�6"0 R � N U IHER l�:1:7, OEM HQ /9S 3:to-3 Aii IDOR SET : 99 JJUL CE ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED A/P MILY TRAP`:JACTIUN REP"'URT ITPji Di�TE uR088 F�.O.,-�' DANK CURL-----�-DESCRIPTIOW�_n___ DISCOUNT O/L ACCOUNT DS_33O HONE/JTT CONSULTING CO.0C DRC.�jAiR �lll'iikU iER / 2L41c W'�� 98 REPAIR COMPUTER 001 LO 53c5 =-= VEPdDUR TOTALS === IE:Oa UU IPA; RA REHAB INCA �.'-i lU.i���j�:?� Li/4�! Jij � c Yv LSf �E•`.5" �UlfiCRE1=�t GNB99 DUE: M "S DISC DE : 5/05 9U T,V, LINES— DUCKCREEK === VEPaDOR TOTALS =_= INTERNET AMERICA, INC. i-5845 `;3 4/29/98 DUES _ GNA099 DUE: 5/05.198 DISC OT : 5/ fi =_/133 DUES === VENDOR TOTALc� _�� 99—OjE54 INTERSTATE BATTERIES cq 7D4a 5��� Sc'3n 9Ci tnrC: El ____--ACCOiJPdT PdAP�E—®____ DISTRIIIUTIUP� R � i1 P�OTOR VEHICLE COPS i RAt� i UAL SERVICES OOf E`��5535 DUES �� RESiSTRATiOfi� LS9.9O I—�C�OiSa � /c918t� i#ISC a SUPPLiES i38a 3O CPdDB' DUt: 5/..I1 u Est 141SCa '�Ur!��LtES 001 C, �3e5 MISC. SUPPLIES 001 3e-5325 -_= VENDOR TOTALS S9—O3470 INTL ASSOC. O� ELEC, INSP i,Hi�SB DUE: S/'�5/y8 DISC DT: 5/�+5r'96 DUES 008 W5235 rv-ri VENDOR TOTALS 95—OiSB2A :I. Ka LICHTINi, k_t�:Vit �1;".s,'�� LEJI'.L (; UU�ai; r:e..ECiRIrJIL. P'HOTu UPkD9S DUE: 5/t�i5188 DISC DT: zt"�5/SA LUESE A DUCT. ELEd.TRIPlI1: PHOICI —: --� VENDOR TOTALS === 841aR4 R �, �t P�CTOR VEHICLE R k, ri P�OTOR tiEHICLE DUES � REUISTRA T IOP1lS CitltB 5D—�,4�e`f� OTHER IP�PROVEP4EPdIS 4OaOO N4f c E`ra Je43 F'ri UFNDOR SOETk ` 9 (lEiICE : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOiUNTS SUPPRESSED AfP DAILY` TRAMS(' ION REPORT iTi� DATE GROSS P, 0, ___—iD_-__ BAC4K CODE---_—__--DESCRIPTIOi1-__.______ DiSCOL't`V'T L=/L ACCOUi�T TJ�033530 3AMES WOOD AUIOPARK, INC. i=AGE: / -ACCOUPII ii�i(iF-_____ DISiRiBUTiOF� 1 9i1J511C4` I/°�'9f96 RUC} iw. hRN RlI GNB99 DUE; 5/05/98 DISC DT, 5/05/98 ROD & ARM KIT 001 20-5325 R t it MOTOR VEHICLE 61,69 FOD & ACME KIT 001 20e 53225 ul M NOIuR VEHlu 131551 99-01430 KIRBY'S CATERING I-980431�C.tii 4r'�'°�;f�B Llif'iC''t1E0i1 45.00 GNB99 DUE, 5/05/98 DISC DTs 5/05/98 LUNClHE0N 001 42"+A-LL BOARDS & COirMISSION 4100 = VENIDOR TOTALS 99-01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH E`98�501i.t C 41s`9/98 REI-'AI�t �Rj�1i:'.i D1JOR LusWK 4G,OG OidB99 DUES 5/05/98 DISC DTs 5/05f98 REPAIR FRONT DOOR LOCK 0111 42-5310 R F: M BUILDING 0 10L VEIIIDOR 99-01490 LAWN LAND GPdB99 UEL o 2 �LALrE� DUEe 5105f98 DISC DT; FUEL CAPS t BLADES 5/05f98 45. t7 OOi 3c-531i R, if1 EQUIPMENT 45,77 i-83647 4/c9/98 IMISC, SUPPLIES 93,c7 GNB99 DUE 5/05/98 DISC DTa 5/'05/'98 MiSC, SUPPLIES 0191 3c-5325 R f; Ml MOTOR VEHICLE 9127 i 980430CS 4/29/98 REGULATOR ARMR GW999 EDUEQ 5/05/98 DISC DT: 5/05/98 REGL iiL {TOR ARITIA 1A01 325311 R : ir1 EQUIPMENT 58, c6 - VENDOR TOTALS '99—O0770 DENNIS LITTLE 1-041898 41629/98 UT BiLLLIHG CONVERSION 150,00 GNB99 DUE: 51/05/98 DIS€. DT: 5/1715/98 UT BILLLING CONVERSION 008 i9-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 150,00 --== UENDOR TOTALS === 150, 00 i i� DAILY t S I i r' b 4130198 3:43 FM Ar'r D��I�Y' TRF�Id��iCTIOh: RESORT C���Ea ;� VENDOR SET; '99 �QUENCE ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNIS SUPPRESSED IIM DATE GROSS C`¢O¢ BANK CODE ___—__—DESCRIPTION--- ----- DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT _—__—_ACCOUNT NAME—_---_ DISTRIBUTInN 99—OI55+ LONE STAR GAS i 4:J!ICy WCJ/:M LUAU or f%V U" li ¢4! t�Ill 99 DUE; 5/'5/98 DISC Dil: 5/05/% GAS USAGE OOi 44-5515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 17.77 GAS USAGE 001 36-5515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 38¢67 GAS USAGE 001 15-5515 ELECTRIC AND GAS 1UTI1"ITIE 7¢6E GAS USAGE 008 15—`-1515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 7¢ GfE� GAS USAGE 008 b8-5515 ELE 1RI C, & GAS UTILITIES c ¢'bi GAS USAGE 008 36-5515 ELECTRIC w GAS UTILITIES 38¢67 GAS USAGE 008 I5-5515 ELECTRIC & GAS UTILITIES 0400 GAS USAGE 608 1'S-5515 ELECTRIC ETAS UTILITIES 0,E�Et === VENDOR TOTALS =-= 13E`,47 99—ue+1560+ LOVELACE LANDSCAPE F980430CW 4/29/9B 5 BAGS F LR I s WB99 DUE; 5105/98 DISC DT: 3/05198 5 BAGS FERT. ` 01 3 —5L 3; CHEMICAL SUPPLIES F=r¢ 95 _= VENDOR TOTALS =-'- 64¢95 99-01570 LOWE4S HOME CENTER I-18309275 4/29/98 TANK, MISC¢ SUPPLIES 403.46 GNB91i DUE: 5/05198 DISC DT, 5f05/98 TANK, MISC. SUP'FLIES+08 58-6E 30 MOTOR VEHICLES 3?_++.:¢7S TANK, MISC, SUPPLIES 008 58-,,'45 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 99¢74 VENDOR TOTALS === 403¢46 99-0i8 MARr MURDOCK I-c3516 4/E9/98 GREASE GUN, BLADE, WRFC CH SET 12u 20 - 1IB99 DUE: 5/05i% DISC DT. 5105/98 LUS EASL SUN, BLADE, WRENCH SET 014711 36-5 3t5 PI!NOR EQUIPMENT 7�,e0 VENDOR TOTAL:; -= 99-01640 1�AR!;II�If S AUTO h'EPAIR I-45E'59 4 f G9198 TURN Rnl'ORS 15.00 GNB99 DUE® 5105f98 DISC DT® :,105C98 TUR�� ROTORS 008 58-53F:5 R �: tx1 ifinTnR =?EHiCLE 15, 00 -== VENDOR TOTALS = = 15. CIO 4160198 3;4u '�FNDOR EE I o I!EENCE ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED P DAILY lNH=fiCTIUN REPORT PANE 9 I T M DATE GROSS Pa O. 4 BANK CODE ---------DESCRIPTION--- --- DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT _---__ACCOUNT NAME-_---- DISTRIBUTION 99-E13JOO IMCGUFFIN WELDING Io-98O5V1CT 4Ic9/JO LADDER RHLIri E95.0b GNB99 DUE: 5/0"J/`98 DISC DT % 51`05/98 LADDER RACK 1001 E4-5625 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 150.oG LADDER RACK. 0108 58-5325 R M MOTOR VEHICLE 1454 010 ��= VENDOR TOTALS =�� �`95, Oi�i uz 99-:m�l`93�0 N'TEX OVERHEAD DOOR I.-`98�x ��!`+�+ ig G"3i'BB �,OR T Eh OVERHEAD DOOR i-; a C7G GNB99 DUEa 5/05/98 DISC DT; 5/05198 NORTEX OVERHEAD DOOR =_= VENDOR TOTALS === r4.G�m� 99-03450 NTCCA I-WSOIDB 4I2,9/98 . MEMBERSHil=' i 5, elk, GNB99 DUES 5/05/% DISC DTs 5/05/9B MEMBERSHIP 99-G2100 OUR DESIG IS lNCr G01 36�53ii� R �� i� BUILDING �i�1 �.t4J�Ju DUES �;' REGIS1KAIi!H 15. dE� I-`/i?4�0Fi 9 4rO919B AU`,tIL1ARV PINS � FRT 118,55 GtJB99 DUE; 5105198 DISC D`Ea 5/05/98 AUXILIARY PINS FRT L0'O1 24-5;255 WEARING APPAREL 1IBeCIS === VENDOR TOTALS === 118 55 9-00130 PACIFIC CARE 1 -ttl:-i042.139 4/22'/98 HEALTH I1;URA�'!CE i "7AAC 9� Gide95� %UEy 4t3+Of98 DISC: DTe 4{3G/'98 HEALTH INSURANCE ocil O0�2109 A/P INSURANCE 91. 3G HEALTH INSURANCE 001 "iC-515G HEALTH INSURANCE 132 �Ei HEALTH INSURANCE '0�01 4E-515t� HEALTH I ISJURAi'10E 1322 GG HEALTH INSURANCE 0113 f7i10-E1109 A/P INSbURriiNICE 459, E58 HEALTH INSURANCE O08 15-515C HEALTH PrE 1 c.O0 HEALTH INSURANCE OOB 19-5150 HEALTH INSURANCE 39E,UG HEALTH INSURANCE 008 50-5150 HEALTH INSURANCE 1?c,G0 HEALTH INSURANCE 0@8 54-5150 HEAT TH INSURANCE 13='. E10 HEALTH INSURANCE L408 58-5150 HEALTH INSURANCE 264, t001 == VENDOR TOTALS === 1,870.98 1i 11PNDOR SET* 99 �OUENCE * ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS S SUPPRESSED PAGE* iB 11hi uril GROSS ",O. .w__ BANK CODE--____...__DESCRIPT1ON_.... ____ DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT __a ---ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 99-02140 RADIO! SHACK I—E4i!vii Vf Jl i8 vuvMR CORu FOR COiIPUTER GNB99 DUE* 5/05/98 DISC DI* 5105/98 POKER CURD FOR COMPUTER 008 54-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES t�.9`9 GNB99 DUE: 5/05/98 DISC DT* 5/05/98 MOUSE PAD LA08 rj1m5205 DWI PROCESSING Sm.PPLiEE t.'a'J 1-98OB43GCR 4/2'9/98 BATTERIES 5.99 BATTERIES 01018 58-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.99 -== UE�JDOR TOTALS --= I7.9i 9S i�'r_Sik SANGER DRUG STORE 1 'a804.SOCD 4/c' f'98 Fi(_Fi i BATTERIESil.cti FILM & BATTERIES H'i 20 5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES Ii.:31 M== UEIiDOR TOTALS w=- 99-1�'350 SCHLUTER ENG. & COMM& *SGw9 �/�ii'�/98 RADIO RtPAiR DL�E* 5/�5/' Digit, Di * 5/!�"'�.%98 RADIO REPAIR =�= UEKIDOR TOTA(_S 138. G+ 1-05t*f8i 4/229r98 SACI', CRETE 5:3.08 miL+99 DLEE* viL*mi`�A DISC DE ; vl!�5/'�8 SACK CRETE. I-9804310CP 4/29r98 KEY iy41 1'UEJ* ftEil 1-98043:*Ci 4/29/98 SPRAY PAINT 2e�)9 SPRA`�' PAI(I I-98B4��SCU 4r9/98 STRAP NENDGE i.58 GN899 DUE; 5/�5/98 DISC DT* 5f'05/98 STRAP NnNuuE C�"Bi i5-5Sfs5 OTHER OPERATI�!!S SUPPLIES i.4i 4/30/98 3¢4J PN VENDOR SET a 99 :QUENCE ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED A/P DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT ITN DATE IaROSS P.O, ----ID---- BANK CODE —�----- —DESCRIPTI0��1----�—... DISCOUNT WL ACCOUNT — ----AMOUNT NA(;E------ CFISTRIBLITIO�N 99_021`.r , SMITH' H' S t ii Ur9! INUED tx 1 I-9a0430C4p 4I6`9/98 HOSE SNB99 DUE: NOSE 5/05/9� Dl�t. UIa �E�S/9a =- VENDOR TOTALS -�= '_aq_0246i71 SOU t FEW S l ER BELL MOBILE J C-e 17 96.65 '�!irtl 3E'—`i360 R _, �� OTHER I—`380430CE 4/S919a 'MOBILE GNB99 DUE; MOBILE MOBILE PHONES 5/05/98 DISC DTa 5/05/98 F"r#ONES1!a PHONES 4E4.75 001 i5-5®FS0 i -JIJ CELLU? AR TELEPHONE TELEPHCE -5ERViCES 1.C:4C 16. 46 MOBILE MOBILE PHONES PHONES 001 008 �l,— Ja 50-5510 CELLULAR TELEPHONE PHONE SERVICES 158.10 66.87 MOBILE PHONES 008 58-5520 CELLULAR TELEPHIO}E 117279 MOBILE PHONES 001 32: 33 10o CELLULAR PHONES 49, 07 —== VENDOR TOTALS =_= 4E`4.75 9'9—t I%�i00 RETIREMENT PAYABLE I4ET04239 4/22/98 TMRS 5,343.08 GNB99 DUE! 4/,S0/98 DISC DTa 4/30/98 TMRS 00i 002105 A/P RETIREMENT 772,87 TCT1RS 001 50-5140 RETIREMENT 335,EM TMRS 001 56-5140 RETIREMENT A6.05 IMRS 001 32-5140 RE(IREiEP11 16f 57 TiRS 0�136-5140 RETIRE1iEiT 45.33 11RS 0 10 1 42— i40 RETIREMENT 601z48 TMRS 003 00-2105 A/P RETIREMENT 838.53 TMRS 008 15-5140 RETIREMENT 59a2,8 TMRS 008 19-51A0 RETIREMENT 130.°Z)2". TMRS '008=0-5140 RETIREMENT 145.85 IMRS 008 54-5140 RETIREMENT 3aa00 TMRS 008 58-5144 RETIREMENT 308.91 —=� VE't*;i)Oh TOTALS === !-1586f? ca/E:9l98 !ECHLINE CNB99 DUEa 5/05/98 DISC DTa 5/05/9a TECHLIfir. == = VENDOR TOTALS r== 08 413I1/98 t ; 4U Ptq VENDOR SET! 99 EQUENCE ALPHABETIC DUE TOIFROM ACCOUNTI S SUPPRESSED £?rP DAILY TRANSACTION REPORT PACE 12 ITM DATE CROSS P.Q. BANK CODE --_- ____.�ES� RiP�!01R__-___..__._ I)ISCOUN1 EVIL PGR OUNmi-__-_-PtCCUUNT DISTRIBUTION 913-02730 TE'A' METER DEVICE I-11c09 4/FN9/98 OLOVES,�rETER EOUIP'. x FRT. S,53m,'93 GNB99 DUE a 5/05/98 DISC DT% 5/0WJ8 GLOVES,MEIER EQUIP, & FRT, 0 U 8 58-5355 METER MAINTENANCE F55a 00 CaL UVEG, [DETER EOL SIP, & FRT, 008 58-5260 SAFETY EGUIPMEPI1 f 01;, 43 GLOVES,METER LUUIP, a FRT. 008 58-60H OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 1,774.5I1 9r-C,135D i U25 REN I A! S IIlC, I-038B1057 4/c91?8 ROi l� TRElCHER, f'OOc=,FUEL 5.5", c°5 GNB99 DUE; 5/05/98 DISC DT. 5/05198 ROCKY I RENICHER, HOOK. FUEL 0th8 58-3,3;30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 559. �5 === VENDOR TOTALS =-= 559,55 99 - 0 20 70 VIVINU OFFICE PRODUCTS I-83835c 4159/98 MISC•, SUP'P'LIES F;10,6F' GNB99 DUE: 5/05198 DISC UT: 51G?5198 MISC. SUPPLIES 008 i` inc) OFFICE SUPPLIES 210, 62 I-84b/c9/98 LBL MACH, & MISC, SUPPLIES _ w75, 36 G;B99 Du" 5/05/98 DISC DI 5105/98 LBL MACH, & MISC, SUPPLIES O01 'tn-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39:98 LBL MACH, & MISC. SUPPLIES 008 58-5610 UFFIO:E SUPPLIES 39.98 LBL MACH. p MISC, SUPPLIES 008 19�3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 195,40 5.9e 9-0 980 WIT ER PRODUCTS INC. I-01749U�4 4159/98 f�I•��C. SI�'Pi_IE 1,�:r05,t?F Gii1"39 riLiE: 5/05I98 DISi: UTs °105/98 MISC. SUPPLIES 008 5?-6070 SEEDER MAIN � MANHOLES I9 CIE 8F' Igy017U9aw5, 4l2119000 P 0 3 T OFFICE PIPE 0G'IB99 DUE: 51z':t51'9dg DISC D � 5/05/98 POST OFFICE PIPE 009 505358 WATER MAIN &VALES _',394,0�0 vk, =- VENDOR TOTALS asxPill QUENCE ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED (SIP DAILY TRHNbHCTlUN REPORT PAGE � I ITM DATE GR05S PaO. � BANI{ CODS —.______ _DESCRIPTIO����_______ DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT ____ACCOUNT HHME_ m_a_ DISTRIBUTION 99-0q0i0 WIEBB AUTO PARTS ;``3!9u €ILLY, SG'HHr% A'LUGa AIR FILTER R.�. GNB99 DUEo 5/05/98 DISC: DTa 5/05/'jj8 BELT, SPARK PLUG, AIR FILTER 008 54-53 5 R u_ M MOTOR VEHICLE 9a18 BELT, SPARK PLUG, AIR FILTER 001 34_yJ lL i R s M MOTOR VEHICLE 2a 70 BELT, :PARK F'LUG, AIR FILTER 00I Cr-5S85 R t M MOTOR VEHICLE 6a95 BELT, SPARK PLUG, AIR FILTER 001 :-32 3323 R M MOTOR VEHICLE I150 Ia9550 4/29/98 OIL FILTERS Gi°dB` O ifiiF: Lsi'Zt5l'98 DISC DT: 5/k)StOB OIL FILTER; 008 54-5325 R M MOTOR VEHICLE 2a95 OIL FILTERS 008 58-5325 R ,: M MOTOR VEHICLE 4a00 LHH1=5OIL FILTERS 001 20-5 2�HLL 1+. J J�Y'J OLi' S't��L+U i-570I%2AP. 4/29/98 AMPACI CARTRIDGE 455alei GMB99 DUE; 5/05/98 DISC DI, 5/05/98 AMNICT CARTRIDGE 008 58-60.0 OTHER AMOROVHBTS --- VERlDOR TOTALS =Ay rf55= tip 4-i5a i t� 4f344f99 3a43 Pig VENDOR SE T o 99 1=MENCE ALPHABETIC DUE TOfFROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED iA�d+; YtAR HCCOUPd � G�c+i—g3H—S14��c Cr,1..t;;,J Rio 0O1-1G-591N3 001-15-52''5 C�01_15-5510 i5—;,5 i 5 GG1-SO-514A 01-2O-5c1O G01-0UG-5245 O�1-c�1-5 3c5 C,��i—E�J-6G4G 11 5 &10 1-24®5t_ 5 �!J E `44-53cJ ?C0,1-24-5360 4I+0 1—c4-5520 Oi—EE' 5kO kf+� OEj1—cG-5c ?•5 �fiG1p3O-5245 J �ii• �U1—,11-5V �01`32-5140 �01-3U-5150 O��i_3R-5311 :i01-325325 �JG1W3C-53CVi INVOICE TOTAi.S PiEBIT ImEHO TOTALS CREDIT MEM11 TOTALS 9ATC[' TOTALS PlAIiE' AfP UHILY TRAiTSACTiOi# REPORT , B 7 Oo ch n= G/L AC.CuUhIT TOTALS AfP' RETIREi�EP�i AiP MMAKE GUE TO ACCOUNTIS PAYABLE FUND OFFI�vE SUPPLIES sJTHER OPERATIP�G SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES ELECTRIC AND GAS UTIL"!TIES RET I RE�9E�IT OFFICE SUPPLIES OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES R M MOTOR VEHICLE LEASE Et'UiP'�riE�I! FUR�!IiURE �. FIXTURES OTHER OPERATING1 SUP°PPLIES P1LfLb REGISTRATION !�EARI[��� APPAREL OTHER t:ELLULAR PHONE RETIREMENT OFFICE' SUPPLIES SUES s RE�3ISTRATIOi1 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES. I;EARI��lG APPAREL R & 'i i3UiLUI���C7 R ' M OTHER RETIREMENT HEALTH INSURANCE CHEMICAL SUPPLIES R � i EQUIPMENT �i MOTOR VEFIIL,E.E R�:��OTHER Ai�OUtd i .f7e, B7 111.47414 87- 1Fk''.'SS C,. 7. 5O E.4�x F'07.95 1, G9G. 46 150.17+ E6.�J bb 15. k'%0 c7.5� u9. 78 cOot 00 c. 9932c 00 1ui.57 105.G1 14G. 4F: 30.99 AP1�dUAL FUGGET 1; U0. OG 7} 0000 pg 4iC:. �il?E 1 ��Gtl GJ�r+ }J Fr}';�i�k�4r GG 00 CH �502 O cl PACE, 1 /4 UiC�GET AVAILABLE 501.75 1 + . 41 7. Be E7 =JET:. 55 } } 741 a 78 29 a2 54Jv 4., �35. ���J :5.97- ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET 575.15 GAG. 9i�'r,'f3 23 ��1-3L-554'�� LtLLtiLNR �hu�!Ea 4�a �}t 4���J. �,�� �,G �1�+1—,1'�'—�RETIREiiri�T !JG1-36-5c45 c3I_ae� 52155, OTHER OPERATIhC SUPPLIES FARING APPAREL 45, 1GG:96 12. v � 64 E? 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Jul 6P'7i�:100 1,691at?i0 iti00 980OCR i6 .00 Ws Cm 1 g 650a C�Z� 1,996a00 14 L&O s OLliO, vi "I 0, Ott q C57> OG9 9;C?7:00 s�O00200 Oil j6,ivt Olt 7Wit 00 1 y 4 W�Oa �it4 �j u�8a Osry 'COO 00 1R,000.00 u5, @CAA 0'lt 0, tn0 6, kiF s e 00 750: 010, 9'90> Ot, CCONT r,ktf BULGE I AVAILABLE CCvI. C(y :tJua :ic 19s 77 5fi:7:5 1; 5 t0, 04 00 4W5a UI� 84c a 06 /1.75 DISIRIB`:JII:C1� cE+1: uL 1, 877.44 2� Cl 0'r3 1 s 050.31 16a 46— ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET CCia75 84 545.00 O# 8xv7= 47 e9 3698 1,75 L i'i�s �tJ c 199 lj �1177 84 11 9, i074.02A 4tr '6:aa Cj0 ?.4haLL— ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET ,j'q: 1.8 v56t'j6)" 9� h't'r57:ut, Urt�1� u09a 4�'7 61�402s50 66a87— ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET 5g6IBI79 tttavl s94a W 909: 56 4/J! Mid :4u Pelf VEN190R SEA: 99 EQUENCE ALPHABETIC DUE Tt�iE ROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED BAldi{ YEHR EO ERRORS I ('1 IiAIE BANK CODE—_—_—.__--UESCRIPTION�— H+uGOiJid I 00M45 5Li@ 08-54-5 ; S 008-54-5510 08-58—:512 l:f 08_58—.5235 008-58-5245 il'IiTw;—`Iti-5c55 k 8-28 5355 , 0�—:58 5315 0C�8-58-55E'l u��08-58-602E§ Ci0K—M-6030 9`9`9-00-1301 r � Ei�iD OF REPOR I F,1P OHILY IRHNSHCTidid REP0I RO t1 '. Oa DISCOUNT G/L ACCOUNT �� G1L HGCOUNT TC �TALS-�� HEALTH INSLTRA�j'GE OFFICE SUPPLIES lIEARING APPAREL LHOUr H T ORY bUP'1-'LA Lb R & M MOTOR VEHICLE TELEPHONE SERVICES RETIREMENT HEHLiH INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES O!IES E REGISTRATIONS HER OPERATING SUPPLIES 4lEARINO APPAREL SF'sFETY EQUIFVTIE lT R & M t=iOTIOR VEHICLE ECtUIPMENT RENTAL DETER MAINTENANCE EL ECIRIL' ,& bA S UT ILITIES CELLULAR TELEPHIONE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOR VEHICLES [}UE FROM GENERAL FUNGI 11T_IE FROM ENTERPRISE FUND 97-98 YEHR TOTHLS Ati0U1dT 16a18 1L(a f i�wa l.a 68a 6i JOSS !!�1 V4v CAO 39a �O cd, 61 191a9u 104s 4 s 1 078:11 559, P 5 655a00 L4 a zi 117,79 S0q Wis C,0 648a 87 POSTING P'ERICEz' REC(IP r,. FilvC, PERIOD AH01.1i`1T ANN� SAL BLi��GE i ;w`a w,35a 00 3a0a00 i 4 $ ,qa 0, 0tin N : 461 a 6,�j0a C,0 M10. 03 •.q0a 00 os 00 ,500a00 1 a 000a 00 tt 0ite,Ela 00 0ftlC�a t717 1 500a VWO 0 A0. 0A 0,000a00 '•116 4198 00 OI, 9`19 4/93 27 6 f8, 8 1= cEu IE, ____.__HGCtIUt'fl tdA(�E—_.___p. bIaTKIf.�UTICii�i 8T II10E i AVAILABLE :J10a, 15 I�C.tao f� 1; M8,1'5 uCryEle[J— ACCOUNT OVER BUDGET 5,8BlM 13, 481: 00 5 5 5 a 34 9, 385a 0,fo 421,111 4 680a 387a A 1 g 4:8?a T— ACCOUNT OVER IjUPGE T WM5 345a 0+0 A` is:, 133, 872393 19�696a28 **wp MEMO **** April 30, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Election ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the votes have been canvassed and the election approved, our newly elected council members can be sworn in on the 6th day after the election, which will be li rWay, May 8. *** MEMO*** April 30, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Public Hearings (Items # 5 - 8) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Planning and Zoning will meet tonight to consider these two requests. I have contacted the Texas Dept. of Transportation's District Permit Office in Dallas with regard to the request to construct a new billboard. I was informed that if this was approved, the contractor would then have to make application with the State. I will have the P&Z's recommendation for you in the newsletter tomorrow. p City of April 23, 1998 l'U: Property Uwners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit The City of Banger's Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a specific use permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. The property owner is wanting to sell his lot which is zoned Business, and has given his permission to have a billboard constructed on the front of his lot. This request is being made on behalf of Jack in the Box, who is going to build a fast-food restaurant at the location of the Miguelitos restaurant. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, April 30. I am also enclosing aself-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. RC:ck ZOI BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76266 q4o-4S8-7930 P.O. BOX 578 940-458-418o FAX N W 0_ Uj So. � 9 � /oo' �3�72 J � y ST .. , /SD ' 0 — - 3 84, 9 4' � � w � � � N �1 � n � N C �'0 �ac�J/, t n 'J z _ 3 � 7Q �3�� �T �{ � ,. �� /7-¢.77 �� .6 ' N 4 �zs' �_ N o m -� w , / 2 5' .a' Z59.7 _... �99.0D�- ►�� w l` ���� o � 'w � w o � � 'N .� -� m n 'J N �_ �- , ,Zo. 523/ 7 ,�GKE�' ��A 39 � o �34 S,9'VG �,� '� ti ��' oO a , z � o Z/ ,O � � /3` C II — �?�.1��a�t� P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Signature Print Your Name Please Date LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS BITTLE, CHARLES & BETTY 105 ACKER SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 104 JOST, DONALD & JUDY 405 N. STEMMONS SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 107 SPRINGER FAMILY RENTALS P.O. BOX 36 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 12419 TR 110 SANGER, CITY OF P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 115 & 116 JOHN PORTER AUTO SALES P.O. BOX 876 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 118 CARTER, JOHN W. 3403 W. ROCHELLE RD #1011 / 1104 PECAN IRVING, TX 75062 UST 1241, TR 138 KM PROP P/S 119 RIDGECREST / 1212 ELM ST DENTON, TX 76205 ABST 1241, TR 141 KELLER, WILLIAM & STEVEN 301 N. STEMMONS SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 105 BEATTY, KEVIN & DENISE 1106 PECAN SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 109 SANGER I.S.D. P.O. BOX 188 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 112 RICHARDSON, BURLS P.O. BOX 397 / 305 ACKET ST. SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 117 RICHESON, RESTAURANTS P.O. BOX 1299 GRAHAM, TX 76450 ABST 1241, TR 132 WESTERN OUTDOOR ADVER. P.O. BOX 65236 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78265 ABST 12419 TR 139 & 140 KIRBY ROASTED CHICKEN P.O. BOX 12 / 1301 BOLIVAR SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 143 P&Z d4/3O/98 cc as/aa/�g SPECIFIC' USE PL'RMIT Property legally described as: Abstrz�ct 1241 Tierwester, Tract 1pS, also known as 1104 Pecan. if you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled txteeting. Please check ane: .�_ I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Print Your Name Please t / t # : 08 t �8S�L t 8 � .LN3N1�Jd!vbNi NOS311J 1 � � N1d8E : I t � 86-6Z- 6 : AS ,LN�S P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: �ignarure runt Your Name rtease P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 I erwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Signature Print Your Name Please Date P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Please check ore: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Date Print Your Name Please April 239 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a specific use permit to move the location of an existing sign structure at properly legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 Stemmons. This request is being made on behalf of Jack In The Box, who is locating to Sanger. There is currently a sign structure in front of Miguelito's restaurant, which is the site of the new Jack In The Box. They are requesting this sign be moved north approximately 300' so it will not interfere with their own signage. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, April 30. I am also enclosing aself-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. RC:ck ML 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Plaaca rhPrir nna• I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Signature Print Your Name Please LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS STEARMAN, W.C. JR. 4524 SOUTHERN AVE. DALLAS, TX 75205 ABST 1241, TR 47 HARTINI HAZEL TR RR 1, BOX 1290 KRUM, TX 76249 seam 1 �%e-1 mn jn '&JU01 16"P1, 11\ 697 GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK P.O. BOX D GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 ABST 1241, TR 53 BURRUS SUPERMARKET 1200 MAIN PLACE SUITE 1600 GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 MARTIN, STEPHEN (x GARY 27 )0 JAMES ST. DENTON, TX 76205 ABST 1241, TR 48 SWITZER, CHET TR BILLIE EARL SWITZER TR RT 6, BOX 379 V AI*V ESVILLE, T X 7624V ABST 1241, TR 50 & 51 HARVE, BEN P.O. BOX 518 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 54 LYNCH FOOD MART P.O. BOX 357 SANGER, TX 76266 f t' U O h 0 i 5.39' 22' 20 5.86.11'S6"E . I01 86. 11' NEW SIGN LOCATION r 1 � CURRENT SIGN. r LOCATION C3 ,A Not GNB PROPERTY o �' N.86•3 '46w. 343.51 LIN r f oo cn to a MIGUELIZ 0 ' ,' W °'�' 20 • N.aa•1718'w. 149.31�` � `., �1r OI N 4.24 1 bl N it o �y v1 �9 0 ow B&a r No21zoN to = s Go. t � ^ 3LD.D' ..:.\ I lil•21' �—� h. aa•22720"w. 43T. 21 .ommmof S- i0. 3514 I � I 7.'l r 57.19 f•..•' T+29.593 N.bEoq•�':,1•r1 JCh.=S.Oa•42'44' p 57.19 /\J I or 1or/ N • N N Y)om 1 h ;.1 3 O N o� .as =1 N � 1wa/ s.al•u'oa"e. 6 6.30' 1 I �" 1 •� t 1 p 5. 37'03" H A 544, & 5 L•SN,g0 Tr272.52 Ch.•5.16•S7'4a• K 544.3a' / 1 1 f IE(0 ItOT All tAat str4tt 12 1n t deed Ptot 450, C0.:.LItC I N TNGiC( S. TIICII!i S. pin end 1 LICXCC It. IULIC( S. ,Ni XCC 5. :f f.N. 11 1aICC n. 300.0 It `UIf:IL( 11. P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. riea�e cnecic une: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Date Print Your Flame Please D P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. r ica�c 1.11cVA viic: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: s ( (G Print our Flame Please Date P&Z 04/30/98 CC 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. r:raSC 1/;11CGK Ulie: V Comments: Signature I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Print Your Name Please U� Date i **** Ml✓1VI0 **** April 30, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Ordinance No. 06-98 -Friendship Cable The Mayor previously requested Friendship Cable to submit in writing what their intentions were regarding their equipment, and their customer service. I spoke with the Mayor earlier today, and he informed me he has not heard or received anything from them to date. ORDINANCE NO. 06-98 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO FRIENDSHIP CABLE OF TEXAS, INC. , A TEXAS CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO BUILD, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF DENTON, AND SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANTING OF THIS FRANCHISE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1--TITLE This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as CATV Franchise Ordinance. SECTION 2--DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, and when not inconsistent with the context, words used herein in the present tense include the future; words in plural include the singular, and vice versa. The word "shall" is always mandatory. The captions supplied herein for each section are for convenience only. Said captions have no force of law, are not part of the section, and are not to be used in construing the language of the section. The following terms and phrases, as used herein, shall be given the meaning set forth below: (A) "Basic Cable Service" is any service tier which includes the retransmission of local television signals and any service tier that includes satellite delivered basic cable programming services. (B) "Cable television system" or "CATV System" or "cable system" is a facility consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception 1 . �r and control equipment designed to provide video and other programming and information to subscribing members of the public. (C) "City" is the City of Sanger, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Texas. (D) "Grantee" is Frieridsliip Cable of Texas, Inc. , a corporation organized- and-�-----.___ existing under the laws of the State of Texas, and it is the grantee of rights under this franchise. (E) "City Council" is the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, or its designated representative. (F) "Federal Communications Commission" or "FCC" is the present Federal agency of that name as constituted by the Communications Act of I934, or any successor agency created by the United States Congress. (G) "Person" is any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. (H) "Gross Subscriber Revenues" shall include all receipts derived by Grantee from charges for Basic Cable Service, Pay Cable Service and Installation of Basic and Pay Cable Service. It shall not include bad debt or any refunds or credits made to subscribers or any taxes imposed upon the services furnished by Grantee. (I) "Pay Cable Services" are those satellite delivered premium services supplied on a single channel basis for a monthly fee. 2 SECTION 3--GRANT OF AUTHORITY There is hereby granted by the City to Grantee the right and privilege to construct, erect, operate and maintain in, upon, along, across, above, over, or under_ the..streets.,._alleys, public uty easements, public ways and public places now laid out or dedicated and all extensions thereof and additions thereto in the City, all poles, wires, cables, underground conduitsI manholes and other conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and L►n .� 111 %�. 4� �C ni.l. a l.dUlC �In tGtGVtstVit non JyJlG1l1 Fn 4i�. 4« nF ♦nl. nln sigildtJ VtJeratlVll 611G 1..1Ly V1 !Vr UtC. uallJliliJsivlt Vt wt%Jisivit and all other signals, including those permitted by the FCC, either separately or upon or in conjunction with any public utility maintaining the same in the City, with all of the necessary and desirable appliances and appurtenances pertaining thereto. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this franchise and grant shall and does hereby include the right in, over, under and upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utility easements and public grounds and places in the City to install, erect, operate or in any way acquire the use of, as by leasing or licensing, all lines and equipment necessary to a cable television system and the right to make connections to subscribers and the right to repair, replace, enlarge and extend said lines, equipment and connections. The rights herein granted for the purposes set forth shall not be exclusive, and the City reserves the right to grant a similar use of said streets, alleys, public utility easements, public ways and places to any person at any time during the period of this franchise. SECTION 4--POLICE POWERS Grantee shall at all times during the term of this franchise be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power of the City. The right is hereby reserved to the City to adopt, 3 in addition to the provisions herein contained and any other existing applicable ordinances, such additional applicable ordinances as it shall find necessary in the exercise of its police power; provided, however, that such additional ordinances shall be reasonable, shall not conflict with or alter in any manner the rights granted herein, and shall not conflict with the laws of the State of Texas, the laws of the United States of America, or the rules, regulations and policies of the FCC. rrrmTni.r c Trrr�ra,r�.rT�rr-� � mTnrT JGV 11V1V J-'lI�ILLi1V11 `I 11'1VA11V1\ Grantee shall save the Ciry, its officers, agents and employees harmless from all loss sustained by the City on account of any suit, judgment, execution, claim or demand whatsoever against the City resulting from negligence on the part of Grantee in the construction, operation or maintenance of its cable television system in the City; and for this purpose Grantee shall carry property damage and personal injury insurance with some responsible insurance company or companies qualified to do business in the State of Texas. The amounts of such insurance to be carried for liability due to property damage shall be $500,000 as to any occurrence; and against liability due to injury to or death of person, $500,000 as to any one person and $1,000,000 as to any one occurrence. The City shall notify Grantee, in writing, within ten (10) days after the presentation of any claim or demand, either by suit or otherwise, made against the City on account of any negligence as aforesaid on the part of Grantee. Where any such claim or demand against the City is made by suit or other legal action, written notice thereof shall be given by the City to Grantee not less than five (5) days prior to the date upon which an answer to such legal action is due or within ten (10) days after the claim or demand is made upon the City, whichever notice period yields Grantee the larger amount of time within which to prepare an answer. Failure by the City to notify Grantee properly in accordance with the foregoing of any such claim, suit, or demand against the City shall release Grantee from its obligation to indemnify the City as provided herein. SECTION 6--CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE (A) All structures, lines and equipment erected by Grantee within the City shall be en lnrotA�i �e rn n�nca minim.,m intnrfc�rnnnr� with the »rnnnr neP of etrPPte �llP��e »nhlir JV LVVU1.Vla {AV lV VKUJV lalalllllla,tlla LLLaV11 Va VL1VV ♦1aWa 4aaV t./i Vt/Vl aAUV Va VYa VVYV, KaaV'V, i./a.avaaV utility easements and other public ways and places and to cause minimum interference with the rights of reasonable convenience of property owners, and Grantee shall comply with all reasonable, proper and lawful ordinances of the City now or hereafter in force. Existing poles, posts, conduits, and other such structures of electric power system, telephone company, or other public utility located in the City shall be made available to Grantee for leasing or licensing upon reasonable terms and rates and shall be used to the extent practicable in order to minimize interference with travel and avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities. The City shall actively assist Grantee to the fullest extent necessary in obtaining reasonable joint pole or conduit use agreements from the owners of existing poles or conduits. To the extent that existing poles, posts, conduits, and other such structures are not available, or are not available under reasonable terms and conditions, including excessive net or unreasonable limitation upon the use of Grantee's cable television system, Grantee shall have the right to purchase, lease, or in any other manner acquire land, rights -of --way, or public utility easements upon or under which to erect and maintain its own poles, conduits, and other such structures as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance of its cable television system. (B) In case of any disturbance by Grantee of pavement, sidewalk, driveway or other surfacing, Grantee shall, at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by the City, replace and restore all paving, sidewalk, driveway or surface so disturbed in as good condition as before said work was commenced. (C�1 in the PVPnt that at anv time �lnrina the nPrinrl of this franrhicP the Pity shall lawfully elect to alter or change any street, alley, public utility easement, or other public way requiring the relocation of Grantee's facilities, then in such event Grantee, upon reasonable notice by the Ciry shall remove, relay and relocate the same at its own expense; provided, however, that where public funds are available for such relocation pursuant to law, Grantee shall not be required to pay the cost. (D) Grantee shall, on the request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by the City, temporarily raise or lower its lines to permit the moving of the building. The expense of such temporary removal shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and Grantee shall have the authority to require such payment in advance. (E) Grantee shall have the authority to trim trees Al shrubs upon and/or overhanging all streets, alleys, public utility easements, sidewalks and public places of the City so as to prevent the branches of such from coming into contact with Grantee's facilities. (F) All poles, lines, structures and other facilities of Grantee in, on, over and under the streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utility easements and public grounds or places of the City shall be kept by Grantee at all times in a safe and substantial condition. All equipment, lines, poles, structures, cables and other facilities installed in the City as being a part of Grantee's distribution system, up to and including that part of the system installed within the individual residences or commercial buildings of the City, shall remain the sole property of Grantee, unless so otherwise stated. (G) Grantee shall extend its distribution system so as to service the people within the franchise area. However, Grantee shall not be required to extend such distribution n.,ntnm to n»v »ntcantinl onl+cnril�nr �<>hn in lnnntnA in nn innlntn`l nrnn Frnm thn mnin *r,.nlr J�'JLVIII LV G11�' r/V L411L1GL1 JU VJVLIVVI W11V 1J 1V�GLLVLL 111 Qll 1JVIQLVU R1VQ 11 Vlll Ll lli 111Q111 L1 U1111 system, unless Grantee can be guaranteed a fair rate of return as per industry standards by those subscribers who request the extension of the distribution system into such areas. SECTION 7--APPLICABLE LAW This franchise is governed by and subject to all applicable rules, regulations and policies of the Federal Communications Commission and by the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 8--FRANCHISE TERM This franchise shall take effect and be in full force and effect immediately and shall continue in full force and effect for a term of fifteen (15) years from July 5, 1998, said date being the expiration of existing franchise ordinance by and between the City of Sanger and Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc., through assignment. SECTION 9--RENEWAL PROCEDURE By mutual consent, the Grantee shall have the option to renew this franchise for an al. period not to exceed fifteen (15) years. Should Grantee desire to exerci se this option, it shall so notify the City in writing, not less than three (3) months prior to expiration of this franchise. 7 SECTION lv--FORFEITURE If Grantee should violate any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of this franchise or if Grantee should fail to comply with any reasonable provisions of any ordinance of the City regulating the use by Grantee of the street, alleys, public utility easements or public ways of the City, and should Grantee further continue to violate or fail to comply with the same for a period of thirty (30) days or such longer period specified by the City as is reasonable under the circumstances, after Grantee shall have been notified in writing by the City to cease and desist from any such violation or failure to comply so specified, then Grantee may be deemed to have forfeited and annulled and shall thereby forfeit and annul all the rights and privileges granted by this franchise; provided, however, that such forfeiture shall be declared only by written decision of the City Council after an appropriate public proceeding before the City Council affording Grantee due process and full opportunity to assess the evidence used in rendering said declaration and to be heard in response to any such notice of violation or failure to comply; and provided further that the City Council may, in its discretion and upon a finding of violation or failure to comply, impose a lesser penalty than forfeiture of this franchise or excuse the violation or failure to comply upon a showing by Grantee of mitigating circumstances. Grantee shall have the right to appeal any finding of violation or failure to comply and any resultant penalty to any court of competent jurisdiction. In the event that forfeiture is imposed upon Grantee, it shall be afforded a period of six (6) months within which to sell, transfer, or convey this cable television system to a qualified purchaser at an equitable price based on the fair market value of the franchise itself and the cable system as a going concern. Reasonable extensions of time in which to effect said sale, transfer or conveyance shall be granted by resolution of the City Council. During this six (6) month period, which shall run from the effective date of the final order or decision imposing forfeiture, including any appeal, Grantee shall have the right to operate this cable system pursuant to the provisions of this franchise. SECTION 11 -- SURRENDER RIGHT Vlalltcc 111Qy JUrrellUGr L111J 11 Q111.111JG Ql Ql~ly U1L1. 11iJV11 111111� W1611 Li1V �.lbj' \.V U11V11 of the City a written notice of its intention to do so at least three (3) months before the surrender date. On the surrender date specified in the notice, all of the rights and privileges and all of the obligations, duties and liabilities of Grantee in connection with this franchise shall terminate. SECTION 12--TRANSFERS All of the rights and privileges and all of the obligations, duties and liabilities created by this franchise shall pass to and be binding upon the successors of the City and the successors and assigns of Grantee; and the same shall not be assigned or transferred without the written approval of the Ciry Council, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that this Section shall not prevent the assignment or hypothecation of the franchise by Grantee as security for debt without such approval; and provided further that transfers or assignments of this franchise between any parent and subsidiary corporation or between entities of which at least fifty percent (50%) of the beneficial ownership is held by the same person, persons, or entities, or entities which are controlled or managed by the same person, persons, or entities, shall be permitted without the prior approval of the City 9 Council. SECTION 13--FRANCHISE FEE In consideration of the terms of this franchise, Grantee agrees to pay the City a sum of money equal to three percent (3 %) of Grantee's Gross Subscriber Revenues per year. Such annual payment shall be paid within ninety (90) days thereafter. All other license fees or taxes levied upon Grantee by the City shall be credited against the payment required herein. SECTION 14--EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective per Section 8 herein and both Grantee and City shall accept all terms and conditions to create a valid and binding contract between the City and Grantee. SECTION 15--UNLAWFUL ACTS (A) It shall be unlawful for any person to intercept or assist in intercepting or receiving, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise any television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sounds or any other information, impulses or intelligence transmitted over Grantee`s cable system without full payment to Grantee or its lessee by all parties receiving service. For purposes of this provision "assist in intercepting or receiving" shall include the manufacture or distribution of equipment intended by the manufacturer or distributor for unauthorized reception of any communications service offered over a cable system. (B) It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the Grantee, to willfully tamper with, remove, or injure any cable, wires, or other equipment used for the 10 distribution of television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sounds, or any other information, impulses, or intelligence transmitted over Grantee's cable system. (C) It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six (6) months, or both, for any person to violate any of the provisions of this Section. (D) The prohibitions, penalties and remedies set forth in this Section are in addition to ths� nrnhihitinnc nPn�ltiac �nr) rPmaAiPc fnr theft of rahlP cPrvirP nrnvirlvrl by fPrlaral anti 4V 411V 1,/l Vili Vi41V A 4aaav aVaaavwaVU aV• 4aava4 Va vwVav Vv ♦avv Yavrawvw VJ avwvaw waaw state law. SECTION 16--NOTICE ADDRESSES When in this Ordinance notice is provided to the other party, such notice shall be in writing and given by mailed letter or by personal delivery To City: City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 To Grantee: Attn: Legal Department Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. P. O. Box 9090 Tyler, Texas 75711 Personal Delivery: 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Personal Delivery: 13850 Paluxy, Bung A Tyler, Texas 75703 or at such other location as either party may designate from time to time in writing. SECTION 17--SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Federal or State court or administrative or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, specifically including the FCC, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent 11 provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST: Accepted: Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. By: Its: Date: Bennett W. Hooks, Jr. President DAY OF Chief Official City of Sanger, Texas 12