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04/20/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1998 7:00 P.M. - 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance 2. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. a) Consider and Possible Action to Appoint City Manager. J. 1\G .V11Ve11C 1ll1.V ACglilill OCJ;lUII illlU l.UlljlUCl- Lippl U%Il-1ilLC L" GL1Ul1, Il filly, its a 1 esU11. of item discussed in Executive Session. CONSENT AGENDA 4. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 5. Citizens Input. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request/Letter from Joy Testa. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Request from Church of Christ to Close Locust Street between Fifth Street and Fourth Street. $. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. 04-98 for Funding through the Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program for Gravity Enterprises. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Citizen Complaint Procedures for the Texas Community Development Program. 10. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. W98 for Funding through the Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program for Improvement and Upgrading Utility Road. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. 05-98 for Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. 12. Issue Proclamation No. P03-98 Declaring the week of May 17, 1998 as National Safe Boating Week. 13. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance No. 04-98 Amending Animal Control Chapter 2, Article 2.100 Definitions and Article 2.300 Dangerous Dogs. CCA 04/zu/98 PAGE 2 14. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Board Members to Various Boards. 15. 16. Any Other Such Matters. Adjourn. .,..TEXAS Rosalie Chavez, City Date and Time Posted MINUTES: City Council April 6, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Jimmy Frazier OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Kim McDaniel, Vickie Jenkins, B.J. Ruff, Norrie Rawdon, Dick Carter, Glen & Wanda Ervin, Jimmy Lou Jackson 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance 2. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. a) Consider and Review Applications for Appointment to City Manager's Position. Mayor Coker convened Council into Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. 3. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Coker reconvened Council into Regular Session. a) Mayor Coker advised Council would reconvene into Executive Session after the meeting was over to continue reviewing applications for appointment of City Manager's position. CONSENT AGENDA 4. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Citizens Input. PAGE 2 Kim McDaniel - 312 Denton Street, addressed Council indicating she had addressed the Building Standards Board about six month's ago in regards to a house located on the corner of Denton & Marshall streets. The board voted that night to proceed with the condemnation procedures for demolition. Two months after this action was taken her husband contacted Bob Hagemann to inquire as to the status of the house. Mr. Hagemann indicated that as long as any attempt for repairs were being made they could not proceed with condemnation. Mrs. McDaniel expressed that they want to know the status of this property. They are getting all the creatures (rodents) coming into their house. There is no one living in the house, and birds fly in and out of it all the time. Mrs. McDaniel indicated she feels she has been lied to and it has been six months since the board took action at that time. Mayor Coker asked City Secretary if she knew where the City was on this issue. City Secretary indicated that the Board did discuss condemning the property, however, Bob Hagemann did inform Mrs. McDaniel correctly by telling her that if the property owner made any improvements to the property then the City could not proceed with the condemnation. Mrs. McDaniel advised that she has tried to contact Bob Hagemann, however, he has not returned her calls. Chuck Tucker indicated he would contact Bob Hagemann and find out the status of this property. Mrs. McDaniel was asked to leave a phone number so she could be contacted tomorrow. 6. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Replat of property legally described as Lot 1R, Block 4, J.R. Sullivan West Addition, being a replat of Block 4. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Opened. No one was present to speak for or against. City Secretary advised Planning and Zoning had met Thursday of last week and had made their recommendation for approval on the replat of this property. City Secretary advised this is the final stage for the Hughes to begin construction. Mayor Coker Declared Public Hearing Closed. CC MINUTES 04/06/98 PAGE 3 7. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Replat on property legally described as Lot 1R, Block 4, J.R. Sullivan West Addition, being a replat of Block 4. Motion was made by Councilman James to Accept Recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment to Approve this Replat of Lot 1R, Block 4, J.R. Sullivan West Addition, being a replat of Block 4. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. a. t,uns�aer anu russiuie tici►uii nc�aruui� ri-u�ei-�y a�iu iv lviia. avy iraia. Mayor Coker addressed this item indicating it is his understanding that Mrs. Testa wants the City to sue the Catholic Diocese to clear title on this piece of property. Mayor indicated that he thought Mrs. Testa was willing to pay for the legal expenses to have this done. (Note to Minutes: In Mrs. Testa's letter dated March 20, 1998, she indicated after reconsidering her offer she does not think it is her responsibility to pay any additional unexpected expense to cure the title.) Mayor Coker expressed concern in the City of Sanger getting involved, and evidently Mr. Neiman agrees with the Mayor. Councilman Kincaid indicated that the City did everything they were required to do. Mayor Coker also advised the advertisement did not indicate the property would be sold "as is", however, it was his understanding that she was told it was to be sold as is", and there would be a cloud on the title. The Mayor reminded the Council that there was another offer on this property, and they were willing to buy it "as is This was when they thought Joy Testa was turning it down. Council then agreed to sell it to the other bidder, and this is when Joy Testa came back and indicated she wanted to buy the property "as is". In Mr. Neiman's letter to Mrs. Testa he also refers that the property was being sold City Secretary indicated that she confirmed with Mr. Keesler that he also advised Mrs. Testa of the cloud on the title. The City knew when they accepted the donation from the Diocese that they could never obtain clear title. CC MINUTES 04/06/98 Councilman Jenkins expressed that the City made every effort to make it known that a clear title did not exist, and that the City would not be responsible for any closing costs. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to instruct City Attorney Ron Neiman to write Mrs. Testa a letter indicating that the property was sold in good faith and the City will not pursue to clear the title. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. Rose instructed to contact Ron Neiman to wriie ivirs. Testa the ieiier indicating the property was sold in good faith and she was advised in regards to the cloud on the title, and the City does not want to be involved in this matter any further. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request from Sanger Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Vickie Jenkins addressed Council in regards to the Chamber of Commerce request for funds from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund. The Chamber's intent is to use the funds to promote advertising, solicitation, and promotional programs to attract tourists and visitors to Sanger. The Chamber's proposed use of the funds were the following: 1) Community Profile and Information Booklet, which would include facts about the lake. This type advertisement would benefit businesses and promote tourism greatly. 2) Special events brochure - a color brochure to be distributed at tourists stations. This would include the advertising of the Annual Sellabration and Fireworks display at Lake Ray Roberts. 3) Promotion of an Antique Trade Show in conjunction with the Sellabration. This would bring visitors to the City. Mayor Coker indicated the City has been collecting aMotel/Hotel Tax for several years and has been placing it in a special fund. These funds can be used for tourism for promotion of the City of Sanger. The Chamber is requesting $10,000 to proceed with their proposal. Discussion followed. The issue that was addressed was the promotion of the brochure in convention centers. 1 F3 CC MINUTES 04/0G/98 PAGE 5 Motion was made by Councilwoman Madden that since these monies have been set aside to promote tourism that they allow the Chamber to use $10,000 as requested for promotion of Sanger. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Councilman Kincaid was concerned that maybe the motion should include more monies than requested to allow for the color brochure. Mayor Coker advised that once the Chamber gets their project started and if they realize more funds will be needed they can always come back to request additional funds. Mrs. Jenkins advised that until they get with the advertising firm and find out the actual cost they won't have an accurate cost. Councilman Kincaid advised the brochure needs to be first class to consider possibly promoting it in convention centers. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Hunter Associates. Mark Hill, Hunter Associates, addressed the Council regarding the problem the City has been experiencing with the sanitary system on the south side of town, and the notification from TNRCC the City received that they are in violation of their permit. Mark advised that in working with Eddie, Rose and the Mayor, they have been addressing this situation through correspondence to the Austin and Regional Division informing them of their continued efforts to solve their problems. The basic problem for many years has been the infiltration and inflow problems. During high rainfall periods they are receiving quite a bit of flow that is not supposed to be in the sewer system. This has been evident in the treatment plant on the south side of town, and in one particular manhole on the west side of Interstate 35. In the new treatment plant design they have allowed for this infiltration/inflow; however, they have to focus on the collection system. Mark Hill indicated back in September they were asked to look at this situation and it was determined at that time that the 8" sewer line which goes underneath Interstate 35 is too small to handle the flows that go through there which is causing the overflow. CC MINUTES 04/06/98 In early February and March they looked at it again, and he has been working diligently with Eddie. They have done some experiments with the lift station and have determined that the lift station is not the problem. It is the line under the highway. The flow is just not getting to the lift station to be pumped into the system to the treatment plant. In 1985 there was a study done in that area of an ultimate line going to Duck Creek for the ultimate flow on that drainage basin. Sometime in October they were looking at an ultimate flow for this drainage basin _n All ___ent___ __n___ _ �___ J__. P.,_... �,.,.1. li..... Ir.....A... 1& . l.n.al1^ *Ikn* 01va ni n FlnNIT 111 472 1111111011 gallV11J PUF UUY 1 Vl Q YCYU1 1AV W . All Vl uc;l w uauul%, iaaao azi. va u alv.• they are recommending installing an 18" line in parallel with the existing 8" line to provide adequate capacity for development in this area. Mark Hill continued with anticipated project costs. Mark also indicated once they get the 18" under the highway they need to consider replacing another 1,700 feet and replacing the existing 8" line between I-35 and lift station with a new 18" line. Discussed was the submersible pumps in place. Mark Hill also advised that Eddie, his crew and a company called Infra -Rehab have been working diligently on the west side. They have been repairing manholes that have shown definite signs of inflow. Since this was done they have had a heavy rainfall and they did not overflow. They are also working to get the problems resolved; however, as additional customers come on line, for example the new school, they will begin to pump that peak flow again and eventually they will begin to see the problem recurring again. Mark recommended that the problem be addressed now especially since TNRCC is breathing down our necks, and this will show a good faith effort on the Cit47 part. Councilman Jenkins asked if this would fix our problems. Mark advised this would fix this problem, however, there are still problems throughout the City in regards to infiltration. Mark expressed that right now the overload is at the highway. However, with every rehabilitation project once an area is fixed there could be another area that can cause problems further upstream and ultimately that 8" line all the way up eventually will have to be replaced. Eddie Branham advised they have run 1,500 feet of camera from Austin to I-35 back to the south and there has been no problems. Presently everything west of the highway has an inflow protector. CC MINUTES 04/06/98 PAGE 7 Mayor Coker indicated they have had six (6) manholes that were seeping water, and they had a company come in and seal the insides. Mayor Coker advised Eddie has gone over his budget and will exceed it before the budget year is over. However, the main focus is on the west side of I-35. There are problems on the east side, however, it is not as pressing as on the west side. This project will take approximately $200,000 to proceed. Discussed was TNRCC. Another issue discussed was the completion of this project which would be sometime in July or August. Mark Hill expressed that he hopes if TNRCC sees the continued efforts and if they get under contract to have this work done he anticipates the June 23rd date is not a problem. He hopes the fine will be more of a token fine. The project was discussed in length. Eddie Branham also advised that all the pumps were replaced last year. This eliminates the concern as to how old the pumps are. Mark Hill continued to describe the capacity of the flow that can be handled by the existing pumps. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to proceed with the recommendation of Hunter Associates to replace the sewer line on west side and coming under Interstate 35 and over to lift station to the bottom of Sanger South. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. Mark Hill indicated Hunter Associates will prepare engineering contracts for the City to sign. 11. Consider and Possible Action to Award Fuel Bid. One bid was received from Lynch Food Mart. Unleaded Fuel Diesel Fuel 51.9 + 6 cents 47.9 + 6 cents *NOTE: This bid was lower than last year's almost by one-half. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept the bid from Lynch Food Mart. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding G & K Uniform Contract. Mayor Coker addressed this item and advised he has visited with the different department heads about this, and they have indicated they are having some problems with the company who provides the uniforms. The company is wanting to go up on their prices, and the department Is are asking Council to cancel this contract. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to terminate the contract with G & K Uniforms immediately. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. 13. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance No. 05-98. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 05-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN FOR THE PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS, SECTION 11,1600.5 EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN, OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Cooker indicated this ordinance had to be amended to coincide with the Incode software. City Secretary advised that before average billing was on the electric service only and was averaged over an eleven (11) month history. Incode's software is designed to average the entire bill, and re -averages every month so at the end there is never a settle up month as with the City's prior billing system. Customers on this plan will not owe the City nor will the City owe the customer at any time. Motion was made by Councilman James to Adopt Ordinance No. 05-98. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. CC MINUTES 04/06/98 Motion Carried unanimously. 14. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Interim Board Member to Board of Adjustment. This item was postponed for the next Council meeting. 15. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Nel Armstrong as Representative of Sanger to the Upper Trinity Water District. 1Vl'd�'Ul` l.V1iCI` 111U11;il6CU L11C l.11y 11eCUa jU111eVi1C WIIV %aii prvic�,i vailgci � ivaoiaai. Eddie Branham or himself neither have the time to attend these important meetings with Upper Trinity. Nel Armstrong was very involved in the past and is very familiar with Upper Trinity, and that she will protect Sanger's interest. Mayor Coker indicated that Nel Armstrong is willing to serve and has the time to be involved where Eddie Branham and himself do not, therefore Mayor Coker made the recommendation to Council that Nel Armstrong be appointed. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Appoint Nei Armstrong as Representative of Sanger to the Upper Trinity Water District. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. 16. Any Cther Such Matters. a) Mayor Coker indicated there were some letters in the back of the Council packet. There was a good letter from Eddie Branham to TNRCC, and a TML Legislative update was also enclosed. Councilman James complimented Eddie Branham and his crew for the hard work they are doing on the sewer problems, and for the excellent letter written to TNRCC. Eddie Branham thanked Council and advised that Rose and Mark Hill had helped him. Mayor commended all the department heads and their employees for the hard work they all are doing to make everything run smoothly for the City of Sanger. Councilman Kincaid also commended the City employees for their hard work. CC MINUTES PAGE 10 04/06/98 b) Councilman Kincaid inquired since the bills were sent out late this month that maybe the City should offset the penalty date. Mayor Coker indicated he had visited with Rose, and he thought it should be considered case by case whether to waive the penalties or not. Mayor indicated he had received several compliments on the new bills. 2.) a) Mayor Coker reconvened Council into Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. s.) a) iviayor Coker reconvened Councii info iteguiar Session ai i0:40 p.m. No Action Taken. 1'7. Meeting Adjourned. *** MEMO *** To: Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary RE: Disbursements We are experiencing some minor problems with our new accounts payable system. I will have a corrected accounts payable run ready for your review tomorrow, and I will send it with your newsletter. Thanks! **** MEMO **** ;U & TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Executive Session The Mayor will convene Council into Executive Session in order for you to consider the appointment of our City Manager. After your executive session Council will convene into regular session and continue our Council meeting as usual. *� MEMO **** &A; TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Joy Testa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joy Testa contacted me by phone and requested to be placed on the agenda again. She was upset due to the fact that she said she did not know she was scheduled for the April 6 agenda. I did inform her that in her formal letter written to the Mayor she had requested that the Council consider curing the title, and for the City to bear the cost due to the fact that she felt in the advertisement she was never informed that the property was to be sold "as is". I advised Mrs. Testa that the Mayor could have not possibly made this decision without the City Council taking action. March 20, 1998 Dear Mayor Coker, Re: Lot 2 Block go, OT Sanger Enclosed is a copy of the Legal PJotice sent to me by the City Secretary pertaining to the above mentioned lot which I am in the process of purchasing from the City, and of which we have spoken. As you can see the Notice does not say the sale is an "as is sale." The only reference to condition of sale is "no closing cost to the City." Apparently there is a misunderstanding as to what "closing cost" means. It refers only to charges of a title company and which in this case there were none. Also let me point out that in tills Legal PJotice there is no mention of a defective title which is what the City has given to me. As you can see from tiie second enclosure, a copy of a letter from previous city manager, John Hamilton, that lie was aware of the need to cure the title. Sometime last fall, Larry Keesler gave me permission to request from the city's attorney correspondence in connection with this lot. Neiman sent me copies of correspondence with the donor, Catholic Diocese, but lie omitted sending the letter from John Hamilton acknowledging that it would "take several weeks" to accomplish an adverse possession lawsuit. In November of last year, the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth sent me the same letters as Attorney Neiman sent plus the one from Hamilton. Tiiis is how I came into possession of it. Based on Iiamilton's letter and time frame of several weeks to accomplish the adverse possession lawsuit, I offered to reimburse the City for the expense. however in subsequently talking with Mr. Neiman, he estimated the cost to be in excess of $2,000. and three months in time. Through the City Secretary, you have turned down my offer and in recon- sidering, I do not think it is my responsihilty to pay this additional, unexpected expense. The lot was at no cost to the City and the title could have been cured in several weeks at little expense. I hid on it in good faith and paid over $9,000. In the meantime the City is losing revenue and I am out the opportunity to build on it which would mean more tax revenue for the ,City. jXad 5A.46 0 0 �t � irc- XAe. ,.. Please advise me that you are willing Vto do the necessary title work and that I can expect it to proceed within two weeks from date of this letter. S.incerely,X' _. / r I_+` Joy.Testa E nc. CC: Jerry Jenkins Mike James Tommy Kincaid Jimmy Frazier Alice Madden **** MEMO rl% * April 169 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Request from Church of Christ The Church of Christ is requesting that the City Council consider closing Locust Street between Fourth and Fifth. See attached letter for their formal request. Church of CHRIST in Sanger 4th (X Cherry Larry Keesler, City Manager (940)458-7930 City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Keesler: P. O. BOX 426 -- BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Office Phone 458-3145 January 7, 1998 The Church of Christ in Sanger respectfully requests that the city close Locust Street between Fifth Street and Fourth Street. The reason for this request is to consolidate the two lots; the lot south of Locust between Fifth Street and Fourth Street and the lot north of Locust between Fifth Street and Fourth Street; for the purpose of new construction of a building on the south lot. Yours truly, Elders, Church of Christ 458-3712 Lester Marshall 458-3114 458-4738 482-6165 2 2 L5t;:h�0� D i APR 13 InOP, II I I, **** MEMO **** TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Items 8. and 9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kim Lacy will be here to address Council regarding the Resolution 04-98 for Gravity Enterprises in regards to this grant application. Fletcher Kelly has also requested the same type of Resolution 06-98 for Upgrading and Improving Utility Road. NOTE: The completed resolutions will be available Monday night at Council. RESOLUTION No. 04-98 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEXAS CAPITAL FUND INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council %J the City of Sanger, Texas as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council has reviewed and hereby approves an application for: 'inIraSITL1CLUTe IrTARt rums CU Denelll UraVity �11LC11111JGJ .n Administration Grant $35,000.00 .SECTION 2. The City Council has reviewed and hereby agrees to comply with all assurances executed in connection with the application and, if funded, the award. SECTION 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to act on the City's behalf in all matters pertaining to this application. SECTION 4. The City Council has reviewed and hereby agrees not to participate in program income recapture and will return all program income to the state to be placed in a statewide Revolving Loan Fund to be used by the state to fund future economic development awards. By agreeing to this measure, the City understands that it will be eligible to receive as many Texas Capital Fund awards per program year as it has eligible projects. This determination must be made at the time the original award is made and cannot be changed with subsequent awards for this program year or retroactively in subsequent program years. PASSED AND ADOPTED by order of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this the 20th day of April , 1998. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Mayor John W. Coker, I?l r r, 1 //-- ryy M1M1 **** MEMO ** *To * April i6, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Public Investment Development Grant -Resolution ROS-98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glen Lynch will be here to discuss a Public Investment Development Grant project (Hunters Glen Townhomes) that he is wanting to build. Attached are the specifics regarding this project. Cameo Deoelo 'Pmenl' Inc. Ouzy VYudwn, President April 14, 1998 Mayor John Coker City Hall 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Mayor Coker: Phone (915) 223 5463 Fax (915) 9493316 Cameo Develonment. Inc. is submittine a nronosal for affordable housint to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). Submittal is for consideration of tax credits to aid in the construction and operation of a 64 unit one and two story townhome project located in Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Attached is a brief synopsis including floor plans, elevations and a color site plan of Hunter's Glen Townhomes for your review. Any input from your office will be appreciated. Your support of this much needed high -quality townhome community for the citizens of Sanger is essential. There is a great need for affordable housing in Texas and this allocation round is extremely competitive, thus we strive to provide the best rental community possible and request your highly respected support. To voice your endorsement, please call Mr. Larry Paul Manley, TDHCA Director, at (512) 475-2124 or you may provide a letter to the TDHCA at the following address: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Attu: Larry Paul Manley 507 Sabine, Suite 400 P.O. Box 13941 Austin, Texas 78711-3941 If you choose to send a letter of support, please fax this letter to us at (915) 949-3316 or overnight it to our office at our expense. If you require further information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (915) 223-5463. President, — Cameo Development, Inc. Managing General Partner, Hunter's Glen Townhomes, L.P. Attachment 7704 cSentinel Circle, cyan Angelo, Texas 76904 �. �! ox 62504, clan Angelo, Texas 76906 HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES Hunter's Glen Townhomes is a proposed 64 unit two and three bedroom townhome community off of Sanger West Boulevard and Exchange Drive in Sanger, Denton County, Texas. The developer of this townhome community, Cameo Development, Inc., is seeking tax credits from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to aid in the construction and operation of this development. Hunter's Glen will be built in two phases, the first of which will consist of 40 Twnhomes bid in the 1998 allocation round for tax credits. The second phase will begin in a couple of years and will consist of the final 24 units. Cameo Development's community will improve the quality of life for many moderate -income families of Sanger by allowing them new, high quality housing offered at rents well below market rate. Rental of all 64 units is restricted to eligible low to moderate income tenants, 70% of which will target tenants with incomes less than 60% and 30% of which will target tenants with incomes less than 50% of the median income per year. The proposed square footages and rents (less utility allowances) for the subject property are: 6 - 1200 square feet, 2 bedroom/2 bath units for $455.00 14 - 1200 square feet, 2 bedroom/2 bath units for $505.00 14 - 1276 square feet, 3 bedroom/2 bath units for $555.00 30 - 1276 square feet, 3 bedroom/2 bath units for $599.00 Maximum income limits are as follows: person 2 person 3 person 4 person 5 person 6 person 7 person 8 person 50% of median 19,050 21750 24,500 27,200 29,400 31550 33,750 35,900 60% of median 22,860 26,100 29,400 32,640 35 280 37,860 40,500 43,080 Residential amenities will include the following: • Private Front Yard • Private Garage • Private Rear Yards • Fireplace • Washer And Dryer Connections • Built4n Appliances • Wall To Wall Carpeting • Professional Landscaping • Vaulted Ceilings • Ceramic Tile Floors In Entry And Wet Areas • Colonial Trim Available for community use will be a 1272 square foot office and clubhouse with community room and computers, swimming pool, tennis court, basketball court, playground areas, and laundryroom. At the end of April, the developer is submitting its application in the TDHCA's 1998 LIHTC allocation round. With your support of this new, high -quality housing, the city of Sanger, as well as many of its citizens, will benefit greatly. 'LTt 11 :.r Y 1 I' �Ili��_Illf-�i ahll a3R. a1�� I r i t t °�•r. I 1y � n\ I 1J \ , I �i I I a i �_ `L --gotIg It go It Ig ittt�ay —1 1, 1E t( it tZ : `t1to I IA ! 111 ilt`II1 1. '' �1 IcCa D,� � :•ir��Eh trl •;,t} t 'I �t{}�E i� ri C----. : iii��i go tttj ItoIl E EgoNd Jo,ijtoo ; ' r� z nr �I Iu ') :u ddd C.01' v' tt. t4 d � }; i I} ri}: ;mac❑ i } 1 E I L,}'i OCC D+ I4 IIIit 1 4I irtf ^r } r I,c• 1 U It F1 14 ` to"e IFl t Ft } { t -� ' I i _ �t ft L . It j toot • rr„I it t V .{ EII [ 4` — to } t�:t �I'-P Eit {Ittt , to CAI (r� ` ,ii"•IIyE�{ �t tit o I 7g ,t 1 r,i}Ik: _ ' `(y'o�cDo i j 'Vitt I ,,� }I t --111 r,Ff, e44 {,1 I Cameo 1�enelopmen� Inc. Ouzy'}ludson, 'Presldenl April 14, 1998 Ms. Rose Chavez Sanger Housing Authority 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Phone: (940) 458-7930 RE: Hunter's Glen Townhomes L I+Ul LYl J. LILLLLY V[.1. Phone (915) 223-5463 max (915) 949 3316 Please accept this letter as notification that Hunter's Glen Townhomes, L.P. is applying to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in the 1998 allocation round of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program ("LIHTC"). Hunter's Glen Townhomes is a proposed development of 64 units consisting of 20 two bedroom/two bath and 44 three bedroom/two bath townhomes. This development is located off of Sanger West Boulevard and Exchange Drive in Sanger, Texas. This development will be broken into two phases. The first phase consists of 40 units which we will apply for during the 1998 round and the final phase consisting of 24 units which we will apply for a couple of years thereafter. v e respect fullIrequest a letter from you, verif g receipt of this notification and reflecting the need for affordable housing in the Sanger area. Hunter's Glen Townhomes, L.P. is committed to consider those eligible households on the Public Housing Authority and Section 8 waiting list and eligible households with Section 8 Vouchers or Certificates, for occupancy of these apartments. 30% of the units will be marketed to families at 50% or less of the Sanger gross median income, with the remaining units marketed to individuals at 60% and below of the Sanger gross median income. Please find enclosed a copy of our Marketing Plan and a brief synopsis of this proposed development. For your convenience, please call us upon completion of the requested verification letter and one of our representatives will pick up the letter from your office or please overnight this letter to us at our expense. Please feel free to call me at (915) 223-5463 with any questions or additional documentation required. 'ncerely, „n� uzy H��d on Hunter's Glen Townhomes, L.P. Enclosures 7704 cSenNnel Circle, clan Angelo, �exa,s 76904 oP �. 1�ox 62504, clan Angelo, texas 76906 001002 MARKETING PLAN HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES Boardwalk Property Management, the management company for HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES, is highly experienced in matching qualified candidates with available units and utilizing the marketing methods proposed for HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES. Staffing: The staffing will be as follows: rUll 1 II1IC IVlctl IQI�. CI Full Time Maintenance Person Based on the construction schedule, the staffing of HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES will be done in stages. As of the date of the first construction permit, a sign will be placed at the entrance. This sign will announce the property's name, the availability of rental units, and an 800 number for request of information. Personnel in the home office will be available to provide prospective residents with eligibility information, brochures and answers to any questions they may have about the community. Thirty days prior to the first building receiving a certificate of occupancy, an on -site property manager and a maintenance person will be hired and trained. A unit in the first building receiving a certificate of occupancy will be used as an office/model. Marketing Goal: The goal of this marketing campaign is to strive to pre -lease all of the units prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy. This will happen by following a strict marketing strategy. The marketing strategy for a property during lease up is crucial. A full array of marketing options have been reviewed. The following is a list of marketing options that are found most effective for this area. Leasing: Once the property has been stabilized, the leasing office will be strategically located at HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES. All prospective residents will be asked to come to the leasing office to fill out applications, make unit selections, and place a deposit on the unit of their choice. Finder's Fee: A finder's fee, equal to one month's rent, is paid to any real estate broker, housing locator service and/or current tenant for each lease signed as a result of the individual's referral. Newspaper Advertisement: Newspaper advertising is the forerunner for this marketing campaign. Ample traffic will be generated by running a weekly ad in the Sanger Currier. The ads will be scrutinized as to the effectiveness, and changes will be made as necessary. As in most rental developments, the newspaper is the most economic means of advertising. Additionally, we have confirmed that the local newspaper will run an article on the development with pictures showing the development as the best affordable housing in Sanger. Flyers: Flyers will be distributed to local businesses, bulletin boards, social services and community bulletin boards. Flyers are the most inexpensive way to formally advertise, thereby increasing the number of flyers one property can distribute. The flyers will be delivered by on -site personnel to the area's major employers. Direct Mail: Direct mail will be sent to members of the community. The direct mailing campaign will specifically target those already on the Public Housing Authority's Section 8 Waiting List. Property Sign: The property sign is an important factor in the effectiveness of the marketing effort. A sign announcing the apartment and a toll free number for additional information will be placed on -site in a prominent location. Word of Mouth: Once excitement is created around the community, word of mouth will enhance the traffic flow onto the property. By offering a resident referral fee to current residents, word of mouth traffic will be increased. Community Contacts. Community contacts are very important to the success of a property during lease up. The Property Manager will make contact with local agencies, please see below for examples of agencies. Chamber of Commerce The Chamber of Commerce is a very good source of referrals from people moving into a new area and seeking area information. Sanger Housing Authority The Housing Authority holds a list of low-income individuals in need of housing and will refer individuals. Real Estate Brokers: All area real estate brokers will be contacted, briefed on the property, and offered a finder's fee equal to one month's rent for each lease signed by qualified referrals to the property. Housing Locator Services: All housing locators services will be contacted, briefed on the property, and offered a finder's fee equal to one month's rent for each lease signed by qualified referrals to the property. HUNTER'S GLEN TOWNHOMES Hunter's Glen Townhomes is a proposed 64 unit two and three bedroom townhome community off of Sanger West Boulevard and Exchange Drive in Sanger, Denton County, Texas. The developer of this townhome community, Cameo Development, Inc., is seeking tax credits from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to aid in the construction and operation of this development. Hunter's Glen will be built in two phases, the first of which will consist of 40 townhomes bid in the 1998 allocation round for tax credits. The second phase will begin in a couple of years and will consist of the final 24 units. Cameo Development's community will improve the quality of life for many moderate -income families of Sanger by allowing them new, high quality housing offered at rents well below market rate. Rental of all 64 units is restricted to eligible low to moderate income tenants, 70% of which will target tenants with incomes less than 60% and 30% of which will target tenants with incomes less than 50% of the median income per year. The proposed square footages and rents (less utility allowances) for the subject property are: 6 - 1200 square feet, 2 bedroom/2 bath units for $455.00 f n I I /l I ..1. _ L_ . oc nn 1200 square leer, 2 oeuroorry 4 oacrr urrit) c^ 1U1 .Z1Jw.vv 14 - 1276 square feet, 3 bedroom/2 bath units for $555.00 30 - 1276 square feet, 3 bedroom/2 bath units for $599.00 Maximum income limits are as follows: 1 person 2 person 3.person 4�person person 6 person 7 person 8 person Residential amenities will include the following: • Private Front Yard • Private Garage • Private Rear Yards • Fireplace • Washer And Dryer Connections • BuiltJn Appliances Wall To Wall Carpeting • Professional Landscaping • Vaulted Ceilings • Ceramic Tile Floors In Entry And Wet Areas • Colonial Trim Available for community use will be a 1272 square foot office and clubhouse with community room and computers, swimming pool, tennis court, basketball court, playground areas, and laundryroom. At the end of April, the developer is submitting its application in the TDHCA's 1998 LIHTC allocation round. With your support of this new, high -quality housing, the city of Sanger, as well as many of its citizens, will benefit greatly. City of April 14, 1998 Ms. Suzy Hudson Cameo Development, Inc. P.O. Box 62504 San Angelo, TX 76906 R.E: Hunter's Glen Townhomes, L.P. Sanger, Texas 64 Townhomes - Dear Ms. Hudson: 20 Two Bedroom and 44 Three Bedroom Units Pursuant to your request, this letter will serve to confirm that the City of Sanger has ample capacity to provide the necessary water and sewer services for the 64 townhomes at Hunter's Glen Townhomes on the corner of Sanger West Boulevard and Exchange Drive. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (940) 458-7930. Sincerely, Eddie Branham Water/Wastewater Superintendent EB;ck sos BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS �Me66 Ss7-4S8-7930 P.O. BOX S78 Ss�-458.4s8o FAX C�t14 of April 14, 1998 Ms. Suzy Hudson Cameo Development, Inc. P.O. Box 62504 San Angelo, TX 76906 RE: Hunter's Glen Townhomes, L.P. Sanger, Texas 64 Townhomes - 20 Two Bedroom and 44 Three Bedroom Units Dear Ms. Hudson: Pursuant to your request, this letter will serve to confirm that the City of Sanger has ample capacity to provide the necessary electrical service to the 64 townhomes at Hunter's Glen rownhomes on the corner of Sanger West Boulevard and Exchange Drive. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (940) 458-7930. Sincerely, Je`�f Morris Electric Superintendent )✓B:ck �01 BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 769t66 Sid-458-'7930 P.O. SOX S78 Si7.458.418o FAX 4IrAP?-I4g�TIIH f CAMEO DEVELOPMENT, P.O. BOX 62504 SAN ANGELO, TX 76906 PHONE: (915) 223-5463 FAX: (915) 949-3316 NACSIMII.E TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: FROM: Cheryl Suzy Hudson COMPANY: DATE: The City of Sanger 04/14/98 FAX NUMBERI TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: (940) 4584180 3 P1101NE NUMBER: SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER: (940) 458-7930 Hunter's Glen Townhornes RF: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: Proposed Townhomes ❑ IJRGEN [ ❑FOR REVIE«/ CI PLEASE GOtvi1K1;N i' ❑PLEASE REPLY C3 PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/CObiMEN'fS: Cheryl: As pan of our application requirements for the State, we must get letters confimung there is sufficient capacity to provide utility service to our proposed townllomes development site, I have attached sample letters that can be written by the city of Sanger concerning the water/sewer and electricity. Please forward these on to the people that handle this. If possible, I would like these letters faxed to (915) 949-3316 and the originals mailed to my P,O. Box. I also called yesterday about the PID request to be put on the City Council Agenda on April 20ch, I will fax a sample resolution to you this afternoon. Thank you so mush for your help. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (915)223-5463. Thanks, Suzy OVERNIGHT ADDRESS: 7704 SENTINEL CIRCLE SAN ANGELO, TX 7640i Reorder From: Grayarc" P.O. Box 2944 Hartford, CT 06104-2944 CALL TOLL FREE: 1.800-243-5250 REPLY MESSAGE Fold At (*) To Fit Grayarc Window Envelope #EW10P REORDER ITEM # F270 __ Rose_Cliauez O FROM MUIR AGENCY, INC. P.O. Box 8 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Phone: 458-7434 SUBJECT: Auntar! s_Gle1LsoW-LU1Umeaenn Lynch DATE: 4-16-98 .� �Xl-. .. t- ha�P a r•n�y of—this�n"his—hox"ansLgerhaDS C�gies—t_o othe_��2uncil members �r_.___LynclLis�o_hP at }�nur_;:londayJ,�p�1 2Q�ne_e�ing�o—sha_�e�Q�e i�f�rmation. Dueto��i o.�o_hligatinn�can>zot_a_t_tend._�tntil�p�r_hap�8�3_Q I represented "Cam 'PnTPnn1G rornoration in the�ntracting for�._�_a�res north of GNB, which —is owners a John Porter �lenn�iaG al e_ad �i Gi rPd Gome with PLEASE REPLY TO -� SIGNED REPLY DATE: SIGNED R©EGIr Item 1982#PnntedlnyUrS.A.0.8ox2944,Hartford,CT06104-2944 THIS COPY FOR PERSO�I ADDRESSED of a 11D, the City invests tangible and significant area specific uicentives over and above those normally provided and in hun the State provides that city the means of providing quality, affordable housing. One example of such incentives might be the extension of sewer setNices to the district, the cost of %vhich would normally be incurred by tite developer. Upon designation of a PiD by the City, the developer will score an additional S points on its application. phis helps Sanger compete for affordable housing with larger cities that often have census tracts, as determined by the U.S, Department of llousing & Urban Development (IIUl)), which dualities developers in these cities for an additional five application points. If the City approves the P1D, it will in no way monetarily liable itself to any state agency. "l he only iiabilily will be the capital contribution the City Council decides to make in conjunction with the PID. f?xamples of conttibutions sometimes made by cities to meet the required 3I5000 m greau contribution arc waiving the first year property taxes, �%aiving or lowering building, water tap or sewer tall fees, etc. �0003� The Tax Credit Program was created by the "fax Reform Act of 1986, and was first utilized by the real estate development community during the calendar year of 1987, The Federal Government allocates tax credits in the anrount of $1.25 per capita for each state annually. The Texas Department of Housing and Conununity Affairs (TDHCA) administers the tax credits for the State of Texas. Annually the TDFICA distributes $20-25 million in tax credits. These tax credits are divided into three primary award groups: non-profit set aside — 10%; rural projecdprison communities — 1$°j°; and general projects — 75°ra, The tax credit program is one means of directiug private capital towards the creation of high quality, affordable rental housing. Tax credits provide developers of this housing with a means of raising capital by selling the credits to large corporations for use against their federal tax liability in exchange for the capital to be used in the production of housing. Rental of all units is restricted to eligible low to moderate -income tenants. The rents charged on these units are restricted, with income limits in Sanger being based on the Dallas Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The maximum income limits are as follows: 1 nersotn 2 nerson 3 nerson 4 nerson 5 nerson 6 nerson 7 person 8 person Income limits will be SO-60% ofthe average median income for this specific MSA; therefore, maximum rental rates will vary based on unit size as follows: 2 bedroom 3 bedroom $455 $555 to to $505 $599 The first and most important requirement for tax credit consideration in Texas is a completed application, which is submitted by the developer to the Department. TDHCA awards tax credits based upon a point system. Although this point system is not the sole factor in determining the awards, the TDHCA does encourage each applicant to score the most points possible. A Public Improvement District (PID), otherwise known as acity-sponsored neighborhood preservation/redevelopment area, is designated by the TDHCA to encourage cities to combine their affordable housing program funds or other available funds with the State's LIHTC Program. Upon creation of a PID, the City invests tangible and significant area specific incentives over and above those normally provided and in turn the State provides that city the means of providing quality, affordable housing. One example of such incentives might be the extension of sewer services to the district, the cost of which would normally be incurred by the developer. Upon designation of a PID by the City, the developer will score an additional 5 points on its application. This helps Sanger compete for affordable housing with larger cities that often have census tracts, as detennined by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), which qualifies developers in these cities for an additional five application points. If the City approves the PID, it will in no way monetarily liable itself to any state agency. The only liability will be the capital contribution the City Council decides to make in conjunction with the PID. Examples of contributions sometimes made by cities to meet the required $5000 or greater contribution are waiving the first year property taxes, waiving or lowering building, water tap or sewer tap fees, etc. l APR- TUE ' PM I`III+'_.H L`III,_II F�1;; tI{). 9169493"j 16 P" 3 The developer requesting this PID is presently working on a tax credit development in Weatherford, Texas. The proposed 64-unit development in Sanger will be similar to the townhouse development in Weatherford, Texas. The site for the townhomes that are being proposed in the PID request is not presently zoned for townhomes. We will also be requesting a Planned Development (PD) zoning allowing us to place 8.5 units per acre on the proposed site. We have attached sample letters from other cities ui Texas that have designated neighborhood preservatioiVredevelopnient areas as well as the resolutions that the cities have adopted. We respectfully request that you pass a resolution creatuig a Public Improvement District based on the above and attached information. :�:.: , I • `� � � � � o. Box 1 r51-zip r6.�a2 -1 r51 Rune 24, 1997 �, ► i fPfione: (915� 65r-4,g4� Texas 17epartmen� of Housing apd Community Affairs �07 Sabine #ann FI n n ,,., t^ d t ..,. �..�,. 1 iUJLil 1, 1L1 4 11 Ji r. ,J hT 1.Y. 1, a alin�raln �;i:e t ea b unQPrY � Rr,. Designatcu l�eigllvvruvvu a�reSC� Jutiii'�..,.,.(,�....77.''.���, P. ar o ,;� ......�. 1�Veiitle at iiiiiCl�eruoClCer Rvad, Svutil �iVncho liriv'e� l:�ut%iis Fie:a aiiU Jw.. .. ..-. City Limits, commonly kaiow as Lake Nasworthy Estate$. Resolution dated 1? June 1997. To Whom it May Concern: Tliis letter will confirm that the City of San Angelo has set aside � ��,��� 00 fir e,el Llll�..u._ _ Deposit #5590009548 at Norwest Bank in San Angelo for the purp�SP of �nn�trncrl,la .1.,.... tine that will run from Lakeshore Boulevard to South Goncho Drive. A rPtaacP �t tnP „r,,,,.. which were set aside for the City of San Angelo related services, will bo riaraccanr hatnra � �,� _. funds will be available for the project. The parties involved at this time hc...,, :�a:�^*��' *"�r ��'�- will approve the release of the funds. This line will provide sewer services �;, _'" ;-�"'-"`' ` """ View Ranch Estates. Ttus cost is one that would normally be borne by the developer and is intended to meet the tangible and significant area -specific incentives for the above referenced preservation district as required by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Please feel free to contact me if you need fiirther assistance at (915} 657-4241. .Tom Adams City Manager ;Lfa�vr: 9vFcnny }"erufer Ciro Couru:iL C�an� Shrum; T,oyl:e Burrows;loe O Citz� �fanader: Thomas �, .dams a.cR-1�-9= Ti1E ?: �� P�� I, `ITI?'�H U �� �,I,,:i� 9-fo(�uin; Canine 2"uc(r`er; dean Rion; 9bfonte Ufa%tan; F A,� p�i�:i, �� � _� a � � 3 31 �_ �_ - --- ..,�..� .•. r•-*.. . � �� � ru-an'r>r n .t.:.. �3.a t ?rl..dear ,.i i11t�P �•447 _ APQ -1-9 T'E IYIvI?�H a L i��VH 4'.�. rI -�'�49=:lF P. 3 RESQLUTION RVI I I WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (State) has adopted rules in connection with their Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (Tax Credit Program) that encourages cities to combine their affordable housing programs funds or other available funds with the State's Tax Credit Program in a designated neighborhood preservation/ redevelopment area of the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Weatherford (City}, Parker County, Texas, desires to create a designated neighborhood preservationlredevelopment area consisting . r &"^b .,nri..:.+ rfA 4q nnrec of 1�nA ;Aj=knfifvoej (1n li1A atfA(:i'1Pt� f't1An U1 t110k 1.G1 lo111 G'f. 1.* CAv%vv v1 ,u„v 1v v, �."2 . .... %4%. -_ ...-.�, attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A" (The "City Preservation Area"), in connection with the State's Tax Cred&Program; and WHEREAS, the City has invested tangible and significant area specific incentives or benefits in the City Preservation, Area over and above those normally provided by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL_ OF THE CITY OF WEATHERFORD, TEXAS: That the City Preserva#ion Area is a designated neighborhood preservation/redevelopment area of the community in conformity with the rules of the State's Tax Credit Program, and That the Mayor is authorized to provide a ceri�Red letter, documents and other information to the State in support of any projects applying for the State's Tax Credit Program and located in the City Preservation Area as may be favorable, necessary, convenient, or required to carry out the purposes of this resolution. Adopted this the 10th day of June, 1997. Tom McLaughlin, Mayor. ATTEST: Bettye K. �arris,�City Secretary P.4>:- w.nw�►d w.y .�, �. P. 7 02 Ssr*nol ctrdf Dwr Mn. Lynch fill ., ... .. 300 Fslo Piero • P.O. Dex ZS! • W�achuleN. taw Ti016 + Pfws+e (81>) !Qt•l4s1 • fxx (!!?1 S44-Otit CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION No. R05-98 WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (State) has adopted rules in connection with their Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (Tax Credit Program) that encourages cities to combine their affordable housing programs funds or other available funds with the State's Tax Credit Program in a designated neighborhood preservation/redevelopment area of the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (City), Denton County, Texas desires to create a designated neighborhood preservation/redevelopment area consisting of an area inside the following boundaries: t1 11V1111 JUULll rel Laltlnly Exchange Drive and Sanger West Blvd. intersection. As indicated per attached to this resolution as Exhibit "A" (The "City Preservation Area"), in connection with the State's Tax Credit Program, and WHEREAS, the City has invested tangible and significant area -specific incentives or benefits in the City Preservation Area over and above those normally provided by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER: That the City Preservation Area is a designated neighborhood preservation/redevelopment area of the community in conformity with the rules of the State's Tax Credit Program, and That the Mayor is authorized to provide a certified letter, documents and other information to the State in support of any projects applying for the State's Tax Credit Program and located in the City Preservation Area as may be favorable, necessary, convenient, or required to carry out the purposes of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by order of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this the 20th day of April 1998. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Mayor John W. Coker, III **** MEMO **** April 169 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Proclamation No. P03-98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Army Corps of Engineers has requested the Mayor to issue a proclamation declaring the week of May 17 as National Safe Boating Week. Attached is their request and proclamation. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS LEWISVILLE/RAY ROBERTS PROJECT OFFICE 1801 N. MILL STREET LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 75057-1821 March 31, 1998 Mayor John Coker PO Box 278 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Coker: I considered writing this letter two weeks ago, but had put it off waiting for a less busy moment. My procrastination ended today when two of my park rangers returned from Ray Roberts Lake where they had been gathering information on the suspected triple drowning which likely happened at Ray Roberts on Saturday, March 28. The prospect of a triple drowning is a stern reminder that our collective efforts to promote water safety can never rest. Past efforts, such as the Lewisville Lake Watch, Denton County Lake Safety Task Force, and the City of Lewisville's Lake Safety Committee are excellent examples of community efforts that can make a difference. My concern, though, is that these efforts have become dormant and a fresh start is needed. An excellent way to begin anew would be to throw support behind National Safe Boating Week which takes place this year on May 17 - 23. Some communities plan to support the Coast Guard Auxiliary's water safety event planned for Sunday, May 17, in East Hill Park at Lewisville Lake. This event has taken place in past years and has provided excellent exposure for the cause of water safety in the southeastern portion of Lewisville Lake. However, this single event is the only planned water safety activity I am aware of for Grapevine, Lewisville, and Ray Roberts Lakes combined. More support is needed. If your community would like to get involved in National Safe Boating Week, let me suggest that a proclamation or resolution proclaiming your support be printed in area newspapers. If you wish to pursue more direct action, we feel it would be appropriate for elected officials to spend two or three hours on May 17 at a boat ramp in their respective communities, passing out water safety promotional information and items. We have an ample supply of water safety promotional items which we would share with any official who expresses an interest. Another easy way to participate would be to hang a banner at an appropriate location in your community signifying National Safe Boating Week. These are just a few ideas of things we could do to promote water safety. If you have other ideas, or would like to accept our offer for water safety promotional items, please call any of the following individuals: Charlie Burger, Lake Manager, Grapevine Lake..000000. Allen Martin, Lake Manager, Lewisville/Ray Roberts Lakes ................972-434-1666 Don Wiese, Project Manager, Elm Fork Project.....................................972-434-1666 Project Manager PROCLAMATION No. P 03=98 More than 70 million Americans will choose recreational boating as a way to relax with family and friends in 1998. Unfortunately, tragedies do occur on the water. Responsible boat operators learn about the hazards of alcohol and boating and have learned to BOAT SMART, BOAT SAFE, BOAT SOBER. WHEREAS, in recognizing that hundreds of lives could be saved each year by spreading safe boating information to the public, the Congress of the United States by joint resolution requested the President to proclaim annually one week as National Safe Boating Week. WHEREAS, We, the citizens of Sanger, Texas, affirm and support the goals of National Safe Boating Week. NOW, THEREFORE, I, John W. Coker, III, Mayor of the City of Sanger, do hereby proclaim the week beginning May 17, 1998 as National Safe Boating Week in Sanger°, Texas IN WITNESS WHEREOF: I urge all who use our waterways to BOAT SMART, BOAT SAFE, AND BOAT SOBER to maintain their own safety and the safety of others around them. I set my hand this 20th day of April , in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-eight. Mayor John W. Coker, III City of Sanger, Texas *** MEMO **** April 16, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Ordinance No. 04-98 Animal Control Officer Eddie Branham has requested Council to consider approving changes to our Animal Control Ordinance pertaining to "Dangerous Dogs". Our current ordinance only pertains to attacks made on a person. We have recently experienced attacks on other animals, therefore, Eddie would like our ordinance updated to include person or animal. CITY OF SANGER ORDINANCE No. 04-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING ANIMAL CONTROL CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 2.100 DEFINITIONS, AND ARTICLE 2.300 DANGEROUS DOGS OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THAT FROM AND AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES ARTICLES 2.100 AND 2.300 SHALL BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDED ARTICLE 2.100 DEFINITIONS Dangerous DoQ As used in this article, "Dangerous dog" means a dog that: (a) makes an unprovoked attack on a person or another animal that causes bodily injury or death and occurs in a place other than an enclosure in which the dog was being kept and that was reasonably certain to prevent the dog from leaving the enclosure on its own; or (b) commits unprovoked acts in a place other than an enclosure in which the dog was being kept and that was reasonably certain to prevent the dog from leaving the enclosure on its own and those acts cause bodily injury or death to that person or other animal. ARTICLE 2.300 DANGEROUS DOGS 2.304 Attacks by Dangerous Dog (a) A person commits an offense if his/her dangerous dog makes an unprovoked attack on a person or another animal outside the dogs enclosure and causes bodily injury or death to that person or animal. Should the attack cause serious bodily injury or death, the person may be subject to other criminal prosecution under the laws of the State of Texas in a court of competent jurisdiction. SECTION II: SEVERABILITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, an the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. U. 04-98 SECTION III. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS APRIL 20, 1998 That any and all Ordinances shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 20TH DAY OF APRIL , 1998. Mayor John W. Coker, III ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary **** MEMO **** April 16, 1998 T®: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Board Appointments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mayor has asked the Council to consider the following appointments: Board of Adjustment Parks Board - Sam Burrus Beverly Branch TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chief Benny Erwin DATE: April 16, 1998 SUBJECT: Denton County Inmate Work Program The way the City could save money would be to use inmates from Denton County Jail nn wnrk mm�rnmc within the City to rut down man hours. .... .._... r._�.�..._ ..._..... _.._ - j -- -- -- --I- nmates per day or on a part time basis, but it would be the responsibility of the City to call and advise on the dates they need the inmates and to supply transportation, and an inmate officer to watch the inmates while on work detail. Sheriff Lucas advised he is not responsible for road and bridge inmates or their work details. The County will supply a sack lunch for all inmates while on the City work detail. After discussing details with Sheriff Lucas and finding out that the City would have to furnish a van and one employee, I feel that this should be looked at on next years budget, because of the restraint this year. If I can be any further assistance, please call on me at the Sanger Police Department.