02/02/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularMONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1998 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL ROOM = 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding an Economic Development Sales Tax. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Request (Specific Use Permit} on property legally described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Request (Specific Use Permit) on property legally described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2 and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2 and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29. 9. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Abstract 1241A, Tracts 128 and 130, (now being Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Abstract 1241) being 2.218 acres. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Abstract 1241A, Tracts 128 and 130, (now being Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Abstract 1241) being 2.218 acres. 11. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters - 1) Discussion of City Administrator Position. 12. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. 13. Any Oth 14: Adjourn salie Chavez, City Secrets Date and Time Posted MINUTES: City Council January 20, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier, Bob Bearden - State Comptroller's Office, Austin, Bonita Turner - Director Denton Economic Development, Julia Beavers, Jayne Ashcraft 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Kincaid led the Invocation, followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2, a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. None. 4. Hear a Report on Economic Development Sales Tax. Mayor Coker introduced Bob Bearden with the State Comptroller's office in Austin, and Ms. Bonita Turner with the Denton Economic Development Board. Mr. Bearden addressed the City's options regarding Sales Tax on Economic Development. Mr. Bearden gave a report on the tax, how it is administered, how revenues can be used on 4A & 4B tax. He indicated this type sales tax is very popular with most Texas Cities. Mr. Bearden stated that since 1989 when the Legislature authorized an Economic Development Sales Tax a total of 356 cities have adopted this tax, and a total of 42 of these 356 have adopted both forms of the Economic Development Sales Tax. CC MINUTES 01/20/98 PAGE 2 Mr. Bearden explained the 4A and the 413 tax and now the funds can be used for each. The 4A tax is for business development, and the 4B tax can be used for a variety of other projects, including park related facilities, and some infrastructure matters as well. Mr. Bearden indicated that the City of Sanger was eligible to adopt both taxes, and each can be adopted for 1/2 of 1%. Mr. Bearden gave revenue estimates on the tax. He also gave a summary on the Board members on 4A & 4B qualifications which are appointed by Council and can be removed at any time by Council with or without cause. Council can control as much of the affairs of the Development Corp. as the City deems necessary. Council has the authority to make sure the funds are spent properly according to State law. Mr. Bearden indicated that if the City elected to adopt the tax, Council must first adopt the ordinance 45 days before calling the election, which must be held on Uniform Election Day. The next Uniform Election Day is in May, and the next one would be August. Mr. Bearden stated that if the Council held an election in May, the tax would become effective October 1, with the City receiving revenues from the Comptroller in December. If the Council decided to hold off on the election until August 1, then the tax would become effective January 1. There is a 2 month delay before the City received allocations from the Comptroller. Concern was if the Council decided to hold the May election was there time enough to work this. Mr. Beardens response was that it was doable; however, it would be tight. Council must make sure that they have enough time to educate voters and making sure voters understand what is being placed on the ballot. Discussion continued in regard to the members appointed to the 4A or 4B boards. Julia Beavers, Park Board member, wanted to be reassured that the 4B tax could be used for parks. Mr. Bearden re-emphasized the uses far 4B tax, and the Board does have authority for the use of these funds as authorized by Council. The election must be successful in order to adopt the tax. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Submission of TCDP Grant Application. CC MINUTES 01/20/98 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. R01418 Approving an Application for Funding through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program. Items 5 and 6 were postponed due to Mr. Chambers and Mr. Porter not being ready to proceed. 7. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mr. Keesler advised during Superbowl game this Sunday there will be a 3 minute preview of the movie Armageddon that was filmed in Sanger. b) Eddie Branham advised that Vince and himself will be taking Basic Wastewater Class and then will take the Collection Licenses next month. c) The computer hardware will be here next week, and then Rose and her staff will begin training in Lubbock. d) Rose Chavez, City Secretary, advised Council that she wanted to acknowledge appreciation of thanks to Chuck Tucker for all the help he has given in my office in the absence of the Accounts Payable position. e) Jeff Morris reported that the ball park lights have come in. They are scheduled to be put in once the poles come in, which they should come later this month, or by the first part of February. f) Chuck Tucker reported on the cost of his maintainer. g) Julia Beavers asked the Council if they needed to get involved to get this tax approved. Mayor Coker advised this would be on the next Council agenda to pursue or not to pursue. Mayor indicated that if Council does vote to pursue it they will need all the help they can get to educate the voters to make this successful. Discussed was the issue of when to actually hold the election, and which tax to pursue or to consider both. Bonita Turner gave some information on how successful this tax was in Dallas on the construction of the Arlington Ballpark. They anticipated that the park would be paid for by the year 2023, but this tax has been so successful that the park will be paid for by the year 2004. 8. Meeting Adjourned. CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 2548 FIRESTORM CLEARANCE LIGHTS 7134 419.1100 TOTAL 3355 CINTAS UNIFORMS SAFETY MATS 00970 442.0300 442.2600 442.1100 TOTAL 3788 BOUND TREE/NORTH AMERICAN MISC. ELECT. SUP 283965 424.1100 ADULT GRAY & FRT 285459 424.1100 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1/29/98 PAGE 1 13:57 INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 806 HAWES 2/02/98 23262 ?/02/98 53.90 .00 53.90 53.90 .00 P.O. BOX 210037 2/02/98 23208 2/02/98 75.00 2100 25.00 25.00 75.00 15 CENTERVALE ROAD 2/02/98 23085 2/02/98 145.50 145.50 2/02/98 23227 2/02/98 20.45 20.45 165.95 4076 BUSYNESS ESSENTIALS 514 N. ELM DENTON, TX 76201 BNDR,CALGULATOR, 32706 2/02/98 23180 2/02/98 180.71 449.1 lOO 180. 71 TOTAL 180.71 SOFT DRINKS & GU 808 413.1100 SOFT DRINKS 23253 413.1100 MISC. SUPPLIES 063 423o l lOO SOFT DRINKS 454 413.1100 BLEACH & DIST. W 703 442.0700 TOTAL 4230 CASCO INDUSTRIES INCOR. HELMET &FRT 27887"c 449.1100 SUSPENDERS & FRT 279459 416ollOO TOTAL 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES RESTROOM SUPPLIE 48i2 442.0100 442.1600 442.0300 442.0800 TOTAL 7025 COMMERCIAL SERVICES REPAIR ICE MAKER 29735 423o llOO TOTAL '/0�I98 L3644 c/02/98 iJv67 13.67 2/02/98 23253 2/02/98 6.40 6.40 2/02/98 23121 2/02/98 37.02 37.02 2/02/98 23216 2/02/98 21.54 21.54 2/02/98 23258 2/02/98 16.69 16.69 95m 32 607 WEST 62ND ST. P.OBOX 8007 2/02/98 23215 2/02/98 180.00 180.00 2/02/98 23217 2/02/98 232.00 232.00 412,00 P .O. BOX 1104 .00 2/02/98 23289 2/02/98 46.95 .00 ii.73 11.73 11.73 11.76 46.95 .00 RT. 4 BOX 642 B 0 0 00 t 2/02/98 23245 2/02/98 55.00 .00 55.00 55. 00 COO CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 i/29/98 RAGE 2 13.57 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC. AMT 7575 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP DEBT. #27749 R.O. BOX 790100 SUPER HOT ACID 00124 2/02/98 23089 2/02/98 600.00 .00 415.2200 600.00 TOTAL. 600.00 .00 7585 COPELCO CAPITAL P.O. BOX 41647 RENTAL COPIER 980214 2/02/98 23274 2/02/98 128.95 .00 459.0300 128.95 TOTAL 128.95 .00 9250 DATA BUSINESS FdRMS, INC. 34ART CHECKS, W 162776 442.1900 TOTAL 13000 CITY OF gENTON, ACC. BATERIALOGICAL T 23293 456.0600 TOTAL 16500 ENDERHY GAS GOMF'RNY PRdPANE 98828 414.2000 TOTAL 163-167 HOWELL R.d. BOX 565367 2/02/98 23290 2/02/98 327:33 327.33 327.33 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 2i5 EAST MCKINNEY 2/02/98 23293 2/02/98 75.00 75.00 75.00 WEST HIGHWAY 82 P.d. 8dX 717 c/02/98 23213 2/02l98 34.65 34.65 16525 ELLIOT ELECTRIC as"UPPLY P.d. BOX 630610 NA FLEX CONDUIT 35995 2/02/98 23169 2/02/98 42l o OGOO 67. 51 TOTAL 17400 G & K SERVICES UNIFdRMS 378212 416.1200 416.0500 416.2000 416.0700 416.0800 416.0600 TOTAL 17700 GALL'S INC. CLIR BD, ORGANIZE 30001 424.1100 TOTAL 19220 G. NEIL COMPANIES FEDERAL ENG,TX S 3871386 411.0100 411. 1600 TOTAL 20001 E-Z PRODUCTS PAYdUT REEL & FR 12727 419.0800 TOTAL 34.65 S, TX 75963 57.51 67.51 R.Q. HdX 2587 2/02198 23291 2/02/98 148.c5 6.84 33.13 6.84 6.33 62.03 3108 148.25 2470 PALUMHO DRIVE P.O. BOX 55268 2l02/98 23218 2/02/98 347.85 347.85 347.85 .00 2/02198 23322 2/02/98 i74.63 .00 87.32 87.31 174.63 .00 610 E. KENNETH AVE. SPEARMAN, TX. 79081 2/02/98 23223 2/02/98 230.40 .00 230.40 230.40 .00 I��!jdlt.ffm0k1m1i L1• AP OPEN ITEM LIST 13n57 PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 23000 HOLLINGSORTH MFG. CO.. P. 0. BOX 384 STEEL 3071 2/02/98 23311 2/02/98 15.00 .00 421.0500 15.00 7# METAL 3075 2/02/98 23318 2/02/98 l7.50 .00 419.0800 17.50 TOTAL 32.50 .00 24250 HUNTER ASSOCIATES,INC. 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 SURVEYORS 24815 2/02/98 23296 2/02/98 680.00 .00 470.0600 680.00 TOTAL 680.00 .00 24587 IKON OFFICE SOLUTION84CT P.O. BOX 841407 COPIER TONER & F 50761A 2/02/98 23153 2/02/98 53.05 .00 456.0300 53.05 TOTAL 53.05 .00 24590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 4802 ALEXANDER P. O. BOX 5608GI BATTERY CHARGE 10039 2/02/98 23206 2/02/98 55.95 .00 419.0500 55.95 MTP-74, MT-75 13419 2/02/98 23261 2/02/98 115.46 .00 419.0600 63095 419.0300 51.51 TOTAL 171.41 .00 24601 J & K LIGHTING & SUPPLY P.O. BOX 540217 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX MISC. ELECT. SUP 1102 2/02/98 23184 2/02/98 954.29 ,00 470.0800 954.29 TOTAL 954.29 .00 24700 JIM McNATT CHEVROLET 1405 Na STEMMONS MISC. PARTS,STAT 23205 2/02/98 23205 2/02/98 96.70 .00 419.0500 10.50 419.0600 10.50 419.0600 10.50 419.0300 39.24 4199 0600 25. 96 HUB, HOSE ASM. 501289 2/02/98 23263 2/02/98 178.20 .00 419.0300 178.20 DODGE TRUCK RELA 23288 2/02/98 23288 2/02/98 22.10 .00 419.2200 29.90 419.2200 7.8O- TOTAL 297.00 .00 25000 K4ART 2300 W UNIVERSITY MISC. TOOLS 23219 2/02/98 23219 2/02/98 48.90 .00 424.1100 48.90 MISC. TOOLS 23202 2/02/98 23202 2/02/98 58.97 .00 47loOBOO 58.97 TOTAL 107.87 .00 25045 KARL KLEMENT FORD P.O. BOX 505 � REPAIR BUCKET TR 102754 2/02/98 23136 2/02/98 560.06 .00 0 0 419.0800 560.06 TOTAL 560.06 .00 A � '� ►��} AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 1�� 1/�5/'38 PAGE 4 1F ,� '[! � S5G6� KIDS DISCOVER SUBSCRIPTION �3173 �/�E/S8 430.�1E1� 15.95 TOTAL 27R55 idATER PRODUCTS, INC. MISC. bIATER SUPF° 16�87e^ 4E7.�600 43�.L�6O� TOTAL ?7v1�± L At�50N PRODUCTS INC: F'RT CHARGES 3c43i 44R. +�6�AN 44�. �7GO 44c.�8�O 44c.05G�► TOTAL R8�75 LIBRARY STORE COVERS 83967 44"c.t�80O T07AL 25505 LOl+1E' S HOME CENTERS, INC, TOOLS, EMERGENCY 7043� 41 c. �D6�b�+ TOTAL 5�775 MARVIN'S AUTO REPAIR TURN ROTORS 4395 419.030(� TURN ROTORS M439v 419.O3G� TOTAL v590H MCREYNOLD5 TIRE SHOP MISC. REPRIRS 233e1 41�.�b3�� 419. �3C�� 415. i1GO 419. ����+ TOTAL Si�2/D8 705.87 414.M0 13.�7 PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT P.O. BOX 545�4 c3173 c/�L/98 19.30 .0� 1 �. BS P.O. BOX 34S E31�2 CIGc/98 1,11�.87 i,119.87 P 0 BOX 30O�1r� 2/Q�c/98 ?3319 3/Q�`/�8 3. �4 . 81 .8i . ei .8i 3. �4 P.O. BOX 964 E/G�/98 �'3171 RIQ�c"/98 134.80 134.80 134.8�s 1^c55 5. LOOP "c88 �/�12/98 23SS4 Ric^/98 98.74 �8.74 98.74 F'.0. BOX 19L S/MO/"�8 1 S. �� /��/�a i 5.00 8/�2/'�8 7.00 22.00 8. �� 3�.�� 31G66 MIDWEST BANKERS GROUP INC. YRLY LEASE �'AYME i187O 8/0c/'�S 45S.1i0� ft4,1�5.45 TOTAL 3163v NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS INSTALL SACK FOR 0623 8/O?/98 41E.19M� 64.5G TOTAL L338Q� �/��/�B 15.�� �3163 �/Q�L/S8 1O. Q�� r F' BOX 514 L33�1 8/�i2/98 69.OG 6S. MM �33G2 �/Oc/98 E4,1�5.4v L4, i � ;. 4v P.O. BOX 993 233�1 O/Q�L/�8 64.5Q� 64.5G rf r r . �� .00 ,; 31644 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 1vS�88 15'�8 MEMBERSHIP �3383 2/O^c/98 L33c3 2ll�c^/�8 c®.G�1 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1/29/98 GAGE 0 13s57 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 439.0100 10.00 439.1600 10.00 TOTAL 20.00 .00 31701 NEW PIG ONE PORK AVENUE TIPTON, PA 16684-0304 KIT205 & FRT 1837167 2/02/98 23177 2/02/98 175.91 .00 470.0800 175.91 TOTAL 175.91 .00 32125 S & S TELEMETRY 800 WILLOW STREET LABOR DUCK CREEK 1257 2/02/98 23294 2/02/98 156.00 .00 421.2200 156.00 TOTAL 156s00 .00 32260 OSBORNES LATE FEES 401115 424.0500 TOTAL 32700 PARENTS MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION 23172 430.0200 TOTAL 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. GRINDERS 261349 424.1100 TOTAL 34755 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 1586697 411.0800 411.0300 41It 1600 41loOlOO 411mI900 TOTAL 201 N. CULBERSON 2/02/98 23312 2/02/98 4s57 4.57 4.57 P. O. BOX 11601 2/02/98 23172 2/02/98 13.97 13.97 13.97 PsO. BOX 660333 �/0L/98 23vc0 2/0�198 26.98 26s 98 26.98 2/02/98 29.62 29.62 29s62 29.62 29.65 35000 RADIO SHACK 4i0 BOLIVAR SWITCH 23154 2/02/98 419.0500 3.99 TOTAL F'. O. BOX 94081 23241 2/02/98 148.13 i P.O. BOX 297 23154 2102/98 3.99 3.99 35551 S & S AUTOMOTIVE P.O. BOX 461 700 N. I-35 MISC. PARTS D8747 2/02/98 23214 2/02/98 397.08 .00 41901100 62. 04 419.0800 5.23 419.0300 2s 98 419.0300 34.98 419.0300 73.90 419.0300 217.95 MISC. PARTS D8449 2/02/98 23078 2/02/98 42.59 .00 419.0300 5.08 419.1100 6.77 419.0500 5s 23 419ollOO 11.48 CITY DF SANGER al'WgiltymkIal 419.0600 419.0600 MISC. PARTS D8675 419.0500 419.0500 419.1100 TOTAL 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPL`d NOTEBOOK 00892 411.1900 BINDERS, EXPO KI 0901 449. l l OO RECT BOOK,PRINTE 0883 411.0200 MISC. SUPPLIES 0886 411.i100 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1/29/98 PAGE 6 . 23 8.80 2/02/98 12.56 72.39 135.50 303 BOLIVAR 2/02/98 1.80 2/02/98 221.70 2/02/98 28.70 2/02/98 52. 10 38500 SANGER DRUG STORE F'.0. BDX 958 POLAROID 600 23295 2102/98 425.0700 13.59 TOTAL 38752 SRRGENT-SDWELL, TNC. FIRST AID STIGKE 5498310 2/02/98 418.2200 102.00 TOTAL 38758 SCHLUTER ENG. & COMM. PAGER,GHRG,BATTE 16002 442.0600 424.0500 421.1100 TOTAL 41000 SIR SPEEDY PRINT SAFETY MAN 7379 449.1100 TOTAL 42000 SMITH'S COUNTRY STORE RUBBER BOOT5 22a48 418.0500 NAILS, HINGES, K 23016 424,0500 BOLT 23314 432.0500 MISC. SUPPLIES 23084 421.0600 BOTTLE PROPANE 23196 42loOGOO MISC, SUPPLIES 23297 444.2600 SCREWS, NAILS 23237 431.0500 2/02/98 42.00 36.00 2,981.00 13:57 Po NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 23207 2/02/98 220.45 .00 660. 12 P.D. BOX 958 23300 2/02/98 1.80 23,_'S6 2/02/98 221_.70 23025 2/02/98 28.70 23139 2/02/9a 52.10 23295 2/02^/98 13.59 13.59 LOCKBOX 911494 23228 2/02/98 102.00 P.o. Box 9a 23209 2/02/9a 3,059.00 3, 059.00 260 S. I-35 E DENTON, TX, 76205 2/02/98 23224 2/02/98 512.88 512.88 P .D. BDX 928 2l02/98 37.98 2/02/98 21.42 2/02/98 136 2/02/98 65.38 2/02/98 2.99 2/02/98 53.56 2/02/98 2.29 22848 2/02/98 23016 2/02/98 23314 2/02/98 23084 2/02/98 23196 2/02/98 23297 2/02/98 23237 2/02/98 512.88 37.98 21.42 3.36 65.38 2.99 53.56 n c. 2 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1/29/98 PAGE 7 13e57 VENDOR INV NO INU DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC, AMT 186.98 .00 MISC. TOOLS 21438 �/02/98 23161 2/02t98 186.00 .00 424, 1200 96, 72 424.2000 8128 TOTAL 186.00 .00 12500 SNAP SHOP GROCERY P.O. BOX 357 MISC, TOOLS 21577 2/02/98 23210 2/02/98 291.60 ,00 478.0500 291.60 TOTAL ? i . 60 .00 42515 SOLOMON CORPORATION BOX 245 OCR REPAIR, DRUM 73072 2/02/98 23251 2/02/98 611,32 ,00 427, 0800 611,32 TOTAL 611,32 .00 43701 TECHLINE, INC. P.O. BOX 841950 MISC. ELECT. SUP 63334 2/02/98 2312G 2/02/98 888.50 .00 4702 0800 27175 471.0800 3175 470.0800 861.00 470, 0800 282. 00- TOTAL 888,50 ,00 43800 TEEN MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 52795 BOULDER, CO 80322-2795 SUBSCRIPTION 23170 2/02/98 23170 2/02/98 19.94 .00 430,0200 1194 TOTAL 1194 .00 43801 TAGDPM P,O, BOX 820811 N. RICHLAND HILLS, TX MEMBERSHIP 23303 2/02/98 23303 2/02/98 50.00 ,00 439.0100 2100 439.1600 25.00 TOTAL 50.00 .00 43900 TPCA P.O. BOX 1550 PARIS, TX 75460 MEMBERSHIP TO TP 23275 2/K/98 23275 2/02/98 108.00 ,00 439.0300 108.00 TOTAL 108.00 , 00 45220 SOUTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE SYSTEMS P.O. BOX 910913 TELEPHONE BILL 23299 2/02/98 23299 2/02/98 347,78 .00 4311100 6172 433,1100 40,17 4311600 27.73 433* 0100 27, 73 433.0600 56.10 433.0800 41.72 4310800 53,79 433* 0900 36. 82 TOTAL 347,78 .00 45698 GFS PRINTING 2219 SOUTH LOOP 288 SUITE 100 P.O.'S 9675 2/02/98 23200 2/02/98 141.00 .00 CITY OF SANGER AF' OPEN ITEN LIST COMPANY 100 1/29/98 PAGE 8 13:57 PORCH AMT DISC, ANT 411.0600 28.20 411.0800 28, 20 411.1900 28.20 411.0300 28.20 411.2400 28.20 TOTAL 141.00 .00 46300 TEXAS STATE DIRECTORY P.O. BOX 12186 AUSTIN, TX, 78711 STATE DIRECTORY 23255 2/02/98 23255 2/02/98 31.50 .00 430.0100 15.75 430,1600 15. 75 TOTAL 31, 50 _00 46502 NU -ART PRINTING 310 SOUTH ELM ST. RECEIPT FORMS 3086 2/02/98 23044 2/02/98 189.00 .00 411.2400 189.00 TOTAL 189.00 .00 50200 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS P. O. BOX 819064 MISC. SUPPLIES 610313 2/02/98 10002 2/02/98 338.22 .00 411.1900 25.98 411.1100 25.98 441.1900 249.80 441.1900 16.80 411.0300 16.99 441.1900 2.67 TOTAL 338.22 .00 51515 G.F.S. PRINTING 2219 S. LOOP 288 STE 100 BUS. CARDS, SAFET 9683 2/02/9B 23201 2l02/98 117.00 ,00 411.1100 36.00 418.0800 8i.00 TOTAL 117.00 .00 53265 WEBB AUTO PARTS p.O.BOX 355 MISC. TOOLS 9236 2/02l98 23233 2/02l98 200.15 .00 478.0500 200.15 MISC. PARTS 9214 2/02/98 23162 2/02/98 59,21 .00 419.0300 5.90 419.1100 9.46 419.0500 16.95 419.0300 7.50 419.1100 7.50 419.0600 4.95 419.0800 6.95 OIL. FILTER,SILIC 9237 2/02/98 23212 2/02/98 15.45 .00 419.0300 8.00 419.0600 4.95 419. L lOO 2. 50 SCREWDRIVER,WREN 9215 2/02l98 2/02/98 44.95 .00 478.0500 44.95 TOTAL 319.76 .00 0 0 55285 TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 719 RECYCLE BOX, LAN 717798 2/02/98 23313 2/02/98 19941.23 .00 447.0400 157.33 «Air llomm, � AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1/29/98 PAGE 9 INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE 178190 2/02/98 299.82 55875 REINERT PAPER 8 CHEMICAL OIL ABSORB 47739 2/02/98 442.2000 52.00 TOTAL TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS TOTAL DUE— NO DISCOUNTS G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION—GF LIBRARY—GF POLICE—GF SANITATION—GF STREETS—GF WATER—EF WASTEWATER—EF ELECTRIC—EF PARKS—GF FIRE—GF VEHICLE MAINT—GF ADMINISTRATION®EF DATA PROCESSING—EF VEHICLE MAINT—EF WASTE—WTR COLL—EF ANIMAL COPdTROL—GF WiTgAsTsuffutwi ENTERPRISE FUND 43, 042.22 43, 042.22 1 n 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 11 1L 16 19 20 22 24 26 13a57 PORCH AMT DISC. AMT �3193 �/02/98 299.8E 2, 241.05 1431 COMMERCE BLVD. 23156 2/02/98 52.00 52.00 207. 15 217.36 1, 085.78 1, 941.23 900.83 2, 704.34 37.42 3, 8 i 8.06 36.82 29, 677.17 10156 207.14 746.73 182.77 880.10 217* 20 78.56 34,465.66 a, 576.56 43,042.22 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Request (Specific Use Permit) on property legally described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Request (Specific Use Permit) on property legally described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger The Church of Christ has submitted a request to use their vacant lot for either a church building or post office (which we know the post office site has already been chosen). Planning & Zoning meet tonight to consider. January 21, 1998 TO: Property Owners FROIvi: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary SUBJ: Zoning Change (Specific Use Permit) Please be advised that the following Boards and Commissions of the City of Sanger conduct Public Hearings to consider a Zoning Request Change (Specific Use Permit) from Church of Christ on property legally described as Original Town Sanger,.Block-38. S pacific Use Permit is requested to build a church building or a post office. This property is located on Fifth Street, directly across from the Church of Christ. Attached is a. map indicating the property, _ : • City Council Meeting Date Thursday, January 29, 1998 Monday, February 2, 1998 T im�tion - p.m. - 201 Bolivar 7:00 p.m: - 201 Bolivar Please sign the attached form indicating whether you approve or disapprove this request. I have enclosed a self -stamped envelope for your convenience. • • ' if you have do disapprove of this request or have concerns please be in attendance at the scheMUM meetings shown above. RC:ck �27�fM13o �17-4sWsto tA2 • P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name of ,y � �• V �.,� V V C)rIQInGt,� � onwJ '��b�Oc�. W 51 UrAel PO NEW k Z of o g 3c -�oc �Td -i-�c, harauyrL m ,• o� � Oux i Ge GOPy ► s %aA C O Q 5 e,vi d ence�, b the.. oc�`{'ac... CeL copy y bf�e:�c r' i. • Y .: ��� ` G'` Y' ` ;' 1 '�' � rfr''`"' .. .. rc�� i .. (� � . _ '� � � r �(.f ,�' .fitt v-t. n .�� ,�1"�,M H:::. o y ~� ..i .ty _ i T � � ro{ .: tC'� �� . '?: .s i � � + ? � r t '• � > e.: �g . ,�" "� s � p. Church of CHRIST in Sanger 4fh & Cherry Zoning Board City of Sanger P.0. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 To Whom It May Concern: P. O. BOX 426 -- BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Office Phone 458-3145 January 7, 1998 This is a request that the property which is between Locust and Willow Streets and between Fourth and Fifth Streets be re -zoned for a post office or church building. This property is currently owned by the Church of Christ. This request is being made on behalf of the Church of Christ. Yours truly, John Pav e P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: /u SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: Comments: GNATURE I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request 02 G'f{U2C� {c1lZ CS { 103 Sanger, TX 76266 � 5• t P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: to _ 11POO Please Print Your Name JAI29 - mm 1 l P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: Comments: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request D JA�12.9 DATE Li P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name t 9�8 DATE JaN 2 9 P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: r. -� SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE �1 JAM 2 6 P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: _�r�--�: Please Prin Your Name �' I z� � B DA E 'D P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 ZONING REQUEST Property is located on Fifth Street, and is described as Block 38, Original Town Sanger. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: L-' Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request DATE 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2 and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2 and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29. Keith Pate is submitting aPreliminary/Final replat on his property. Planning &Zoning meet tonight to consider. City of January 211 1998 T0: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary RE: Preliminary/Final Replat The following Board and Commissions will conduct Public Hearings to consider Preliminary and Final Replats on two separate pieces of property. 1) The first property is legally described as Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between loth and 8th Streets. 2) The second property is legally described as Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I-35 east side bordered by lOth Street and Maple. Board or Commission Planning & Zoning City Council Meeting Date Thursday, January 29, 1998 Monday, February 2, 1998 Time j Location 7:00 p.m - 201 Bolivar 7:00 p.m - 201 Bolivar Please complete the attached forms indicating whether you approve or disapprove these preliminary and final replats0 If you do not approve please be in attendance at the meetings scheduled above. Maps are provided for your reference, and a self -stamped envelope is enclosed for your convenience. RC:ck Enclosures as7-4sa'793o a���4sa-dsao FIUC ML Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 21 and 5 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between 10th and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE LEGEND IRF • IRON ROD FOUND IRS/CAP • IRON ROO SET W/CAP FCP • FENCE CORNER POST B.L. • 13UILDINQ LINE U.E. • UTILITY EASEMENT D.E. • DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 x COMMUNICATION EASEMENT WM WATER METER I+ TR • TELEPHONE RISER ER • ELECTRIC A13ER TRANS • ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER x P U PP • POWER POLE LP • LIGHT POLE O P C = P.O.B. • POINT OF BEGINNING P C N R.O.W. • RIGHT OF WAY --CATV-- • CABLE TV LINE _ ^ E -E - • ELECTRIC LINE -T-- • TELEPHONE LINE m --x-- • WIRE FENCE B I --III-' • WOOD FENCE -r- • PIPE 9 CABLE FENCE VICINITY MAP --o-- • CHAINLINK FENCE N. T.S. I ) • PLAT OR DEED CALL F.M. ROAD 455 S 86°l3'OS" E 38/.B4' /57.16 !RS/CAP 200.6E, I6' U.E. & D.E. — 25' ICA TION — -- -�--- 50' U.E. d O.E. _ _SECOND TRACT FIRST TRACT A.R. FERRELL A.R. FERRELL TO W.K. PATE Qj TO W.K. PATE NOTORIZED NOTORIZED I o _ OCT06ER 31. 1964 O OCTOBER 31, 1964 e} O FWWo IQ�v a�w J C� �► LOTI I3,a m 0.80 ACRE t4 34,961 S0. FT. C J S P 175.87' • IRS N 86°13'05" W /74.33' (O 2� LOT 2 0.77 ACRE 33,465 SQm f ro LOT 3 m 47 ACRE 20,663 S0. FT. ` S B9°IB'51' W 225.26' II ( +I 1 ^ VOLUME 6/9. �:• O PAGE 555 COY THOMAS AMYX ET AL VOLUME /296, PAGE 649 I o NE NpavE� I1� a NlON ROBERT R. GURLEY p EoLQ Gg71' v H Q '+ vi VOLUME 3100, goLM218 :t N PAGE 339 AGE j ct Z io ? y �S 10 0 I ( NI No 00Z2 Ioro Noe i P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between 10th and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE VROMMURE"MARALIR M. DATE P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between 10th and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between loth and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check e: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNA Please Print Your Name /-z � - q� DATE -- _-- , � i ; �� ,. -. �. ;; � i 01 uu ••; P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between loth and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: jz�� Comments: Please Print Your Name I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request DATE P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between 10th and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: IGNATURE Please Print Your Name P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between loth and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. DATE Please Print Your Name P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between loth and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: DATE JAN 2 6 1Qng P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between 10th and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please c eck one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: �. IGN,kTtfR T H. Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Pate Addition, Lots 1, 2, and 3, being 2.16 acres in the R. Bebee Survey Abstract No. 29 located on FM455 between 10th and 8th Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Please Print Your Name JAN 2 9 I00t'3 D 9. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Abstract 1241A, Tracts 128 and 130, (now being Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Abstract 1241) being 2.218 acres. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary/Final Replat on property legally described as Abstract 1241A, Tracts 128 and 130, (now being Lot 1 & 2, Block A, Abstract 1241) being 2.218 acres. This Preliminary/Final Replat is for the Ray Roberts Plaza located on the Interstate. Planning & Zoning meet tonight P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 I92 IU 11► : C I 1► : C a l Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I.35 east side bordered by 10th Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE "I VICINITY AtAP N.T.S. lR� FE� pN ROO FOUND /RS/CAP • /qON ROO SET W/CAP FCP +FENCE CORNER POST B.L. • BUKO/NG L/NE U.E. • UT/L/TY EASEMENT O.E. • ORA/NAGS EASEMENT f.E. •ELECTR/C EASEMENT TR •TELEPHONE R/SER ER •ELECTR/C R/SER fT • ELECTR/C TRANSFORMER CATV •CABLE T.Y, R/SER GM •CAS METER --o-- • CHA/NLkVK, FENCE --a-- • W/RE FENCE °WA$� R.O.w. CAr i�!�5�;� IM) I • 0.°p �Cilpl w� V2' INFO / !BASS � Ro.w. CAP r� '-OJ-- • W000 FENCE • r, ' � / 1 •PLAT CALL <_ • 21405 T 8 � / Row • q/GNT OF wAY . CH � N 24°46'44" E � / wM •WATER METER 241.57' to, / / PP . PowER POLE LP • L/GNT POLE S/S •SAN/TARY SEWER AIN •MAN HOG E Q' �o --� F.M. HWY 455 A.o.w. ' roar 071406 r" � CF i�g3�R0 NiS, i..C• j � � p IN�ESiME S 86°19'00" E 251,69' ��SEE OETATt. H• t �fR gBSTR STFR oeNrO/N � oFCT � 2UR�fY t7UNTYN TER £k4 S LOT I 1.48 ACRES / �' / • FIRST TRACT �� � �� VOL. 671, PG. 9 / zs' a.L., u.E. a o.E. vx• IRF _ ACCESS S SIGN ESMT .o.� ., M- ._--+�„F 0��0,•.,�,�.wrr.rosT -- S 86•36'42' E �� i V �S/CAP N � . � 3 66 w3/CAP � ai3/CAr . _ ~ � �. A�29 —.• —. _ ,_,..,. _ _ is 6 ? ����\ / � .H.L. MORRIS h in 6� � G �� o �OV' �P \ - w ° �E u+s QAP\ A p O /•�/ -- � E��ONO TRACT ` � 873� 6'43" E �0� 671, PG. 9 `tip.../S 67°56'04' W �\\ FCP V2•a1F "—••—• '- 3.85 � Z ` \ R • 84.6�' �O .;, sr, \ L 0 T 2 �5� vi• wr CH 'I N273°05'39" w �� oms \�� �� • 6 2 ACRES � 0���'�° 106.52' � s, \ \ 3 J � ` \ o� c� � \ o PO 6g5 C o, oa\\ o p �NVE �' �� \ �n . �' � `��' pia: .•.8r.. _ a/eA Ut• Mr V=• Mr 1 �� = 50' 0 25' sa• ioa• ,/_• wr N 89.40'40" W R ° 16,28' ° 39.97' GRAPHS SCAIE L • 15.97' CH • N 62'46'S5" W NOTE; All NEW lOT CORNERS `Mll 8E 15'33' �uRltEo WITH t/Z CAPPEO IRON R005 �� � �� � �>, (v o= a 0 F--- W w F— (� t— O !23 PA f2. �. E l..,. S <o O ^� l S Co F%/!o0 ej32� 124. �" �P ti F�i59 J pEcAt� log• i'2.0 N 4 / � , 08 ^� n�`� I�D9 - ►�� � �y �,�� c/io9 � F EL1Y ST• 240,4� �� _, 105 � 3l04� 3' i 2,1� , I�SoS �}c �, ;, 323� 3so r z 46 ��, ,� �:� � � 128 ` 4' '! � I I M I. 130 PEGS N .•�, _ , . . P&L 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I-35 east side bordered by loth Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I.35 east side bordered by 10th Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check o I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Please Print Your Name DATE J AI�I `� � 199b P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I-35 east side bordered by 10th Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I.35 east side bordered by loth Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: 1000 Comments: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request dam � � �� /�✓y s 2_..-. Please Print Your Name ItJ DATE P&Z 01/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I-35 east side bordered by loth Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: DATE !Lease Print 'Ir ouninvame— P&Z Ol/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I-35 east side bordered by loth Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: v' Comments: SIG/P6TURE �I Please Print Your Name I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request DA ML O1/29/98 CC 02/02/98 Property legally described as: Abstract 1241A Tracts 128 and 130, being 2.218 acres located on I.35 east side bordered by 10th Street and Maple. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE D g Z I�Vr auz�N mod �cnzd as�ajd �alns��I�Is A H Q _ ' �sanbag auk �o anozdd�stp I �sanbag aua �o anozdd� I :s�uauzuzo� :auo �oauo asuaid •s�ut�aauz palnpauas auk �� aatrepua��� ut aq as�ald `�sanba� src�� anozdd�stp nog{ 3I •alduyAT pug laazlS uI0i XQ pazapzoq apis Ista S£-I uo pa��ooT sazo� 8TZ'Z 8uiaq `0£i P� SZi s�o�zZ dIbZT aa�zasgd :s� pagizosap CTT��aT,C�radozd 86/ZO/ZO �� 86/6Z/IO Z�Bd