01/20/1998-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY9 JAINUARY 20, 1998 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL ROOM = 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Citizens Input. Hear a Report on Economic Development Sales Tax. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Submission of TCDP Grant Application. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. ROl-98 Approving an Application for Funding through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program. 7. Any Other Such Matters. Adjourn. r, .. J E)C t • a Chavez, City Date and Time Posted MINUTES. City Council January 5, 1998 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Lisa Hardy, Rodney Patterson, Jim Kastel, Patti Bridges, Jayne Ashcraft, J.L. Cole, Julia Beavers, Jay Beavers, Rowdy Patterson, Mike Lawler, Terry Jones, Toni Walker, Karla Harvey, Len Sanders, Donna Fritz 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Frazier led the Invocation followed by Councilman James leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. Nane. 4. Presentation by Sanger Summer League. To Kastel - 207 Southland, representing the Sanger Summer League, addressed Council to inform them that the Summer League will purchase all necessary equipment for lights at the south field of the Railroad Avenue Baseball Complex. They can use these lights for the upcoming season which begins in April. Mr. Kastel indicated that due to the accomplishments of some very young people, parents and sponsors, Sanger was represented at high levels during each of the last two baseball seasons. Those who were representing Sanger can say they have played in some first class facilities, and there is no reason in his mind that Sanger can not have these same type facilities. Mr. Kastel explained that some tournaments can last CC MINUTES 01/05/98 PAGE 2 as long as a week, and there could be some positive economic input from hosting this kind of tournament. Mr. Kastel addressed three issues. The Sanger Summer League would like Council's assurance that the equipment they purchase would be installed and functional by the middle of March. Mr. Kastel indicated that in formal conversations with Mr. Keesler he has implied this would not be a problem. However, the League felt it should be brought to Council for their input. The Summer League would also seek some usage agreement that the facility would be used in the capacity of a park in future years. The funds they are using to buy the equipment for the lights plus the money they have already donated is about $30,000 invested, and they would hope that the park would remain in that capacity in the future. The third item they would like Council to consider would be that a budgetary allotment be considered in the next budget year for the park. Mayor Coker thanked Mr. Kastel for the donation to the park. The Mayor did ask Jeff Morris if there would be a problem in getting the lighting equipment installed by March. Jeff Morris indicated that it would not be a problem unless it rained from now until March. Mr. Kastel advised that the equipment would be purchased by the next Council meeting. Mayor Coker indicated he did not have a problem with the usage agreement and felt that Council would not tear up something that is in the process of being done. In regards to the budget he hoped that next year Council would budget funds for the park project. Mayor advised that this year is not over yet and hopes that possibly there could be funds available. 5. Presentation by Sanger Evening Lions Club. Julia Beavers addressed this item and advised that the Sanger Evening Lions Club was presenting $800.00 far the sidewalk around the concession stand to cover ramps and sidewalk. Mayor Coker thanked Mrs. Beavers. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Fire Chief, and Assistant Fire Chief. CC MINUTES 01/05/98 Motion was made by Councilman Frazier to Appoint Jeff Morris as Fire Chief and Keith Newton as Assistant Fire Chief. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordinance No. O1-98 Amending Sanitation Rate. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Adopt Ordinance No. O1-98 Amending Sanitation Rate. Seconded by Councilman James. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. 01-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Interlacal Agreement between City of Denton and City of Sanger for Ambulance Service. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Interlacal Agreement between City of Denton and City of Sanger for Ambulance Service. Seconded by Councilman Frazier, Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Approve a Tax Abatement Agreement with United Copper Industries. Mayor Coker addressed this item. He advised that the City of Sanger was contacted by Trammell Crow -Industrial Committee asking that the City of Sanger make a proposal to them in moving United Copper Industries to Sanger. The building they would be erecting would cost $10,000,000.00, and they would start with 260 employees the first year and 800 employees by the end of the loth year. United Capper has visited with Sherman, Ardmore Oklahoma, and Denton. Mayor Coker continued and indicated the City of Sanger met with Trammell Crow this afternoon and made a proposal to them to bring their company to Sanger. CC MINUTES O1105198 The City of Sanger has offered a 50 % abatement for a 10 year period. Sanger I.S.D. has offered a smaller abatement. They assured them one Star Gas could meet their demand. The City also offered them a free building permit to construct their ten million dollar plant. Trammell Crow advised they hoped to have an answer by at least Friday. Mayor Coker advised that those involved in getting this proposal together were the City of Sanger, SISD, Denton County Co -Op, Lone Star Gas, Sanger Electric, a Telecommunications Company, Sprint Centel and another gas company through Denton County Co -Op. Mayor advised that even if this does not happen for Sanger, the representatives from Trammell Crow were very impressed with Sanger and the interest Sanger expressed. Another important issue the Mayor expressed was that this company turns their inventory seven times a year, and each time it is $340 million. The Mayor also indicated 90 % of their goods are shipped out of state. Mayor. Coker advised Council will be voting on the abatement tonight which is a rough draft and the actual abatement will be will be prepared to meet the requirements. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to grant a 50 % abatement for 10 years to Trammell Crow and United Copper Industries if they move their headquarters to Sanger, Texas. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Executive Session Pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vlux Ilon's Texas Codes Annotated, in Accordance with the Authority Contained in Govt. Code Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property. a) Consider Sale and/or Lease of Real Property. Mayor Coker convened Council into nto Executive Session at 7:22 p.m. CC MINUTES PAGE S O1/05/98 11. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on the above item. Mayor Coker reconvened Council into Regular Session at 7:45 p.m. No Action Taken. 12. Any Other Such Matters. Mayor Coker complimented the City of Sanger employees for picking up trash along side the street and in a parking lot and then throwing it into a dumpster. 13. Adjournment. t;I fY Oi= St)�lhkR �;��i)+){� ICU fV0 E'r�� AbC: RE:80lIRC:E� 44e�. 1 f �+� 1'ClTAI ;'+=�� t�+)UtaNTta rI�;�NCital_ +)RO!JI; BADC�f< Rt-f:C+RI)�; {�Ci 4`�`� �`�JJ ItiIAC 'S4i FIRF.FI+3HfFR95 I�ki_IaF � cl FIf�?E FIC;N`fEK� 1!�!�11 4�v.110 1C+1AL t�F' 0l�I;i� I fFir1 I_iST +JOMataNY 1�+�+ lll'i/'J;3 !-'Ahl; 1 l,�ec'Z If�V ►)ir 1='+] iVUh1 )ilk +)fa F'IJRCN t)�11 +)ISC. f)I�T P. Q. C1C+X E,61 lll'�/98 c•31�3� 1/191'J8 lr'_U+. �+� n 0� 1i'�. f�fG lc�. Vl�i . V+� 1/19/98 c'{1J1 1/19/`JB e'/l.13ln .�++t+ cal. 6� . �� R►�fIRI:h1FNT FUN+) .391� �. I•�J, SUI fr �-'•35 lll`J!`Jf� 10�11 1/1`J./9r{ iT51?.�tG; n�i 1, ,�1�?. �O T9 AUTO hl_A�i:-i +)h� fr h �lINC; C;l Af;B #18 1V+��3 1/l`�!'JC� 41 �n 0+30Vi lOhe ?r 7C+1 Al. 1, 51c. fib 5�+5 FT. kd+)RTN +)R. r6��3 lli9/`�8 1�6n �f' 10E,. �c' C�fl� ':;b EOHU 11�i`J 1/I`�/`J8 c:��+4�+ i/i�l�f3 1�.+�+� "I C1"I Al l�• �� .30U+t� s)11t"t►.IN+;i'+)iV f�ORfHFRN LEASE S1C+Cdf,6E 1t�J�6`�l 4;✓.3n ��a�� 4�7.OE,N+b 4?3. �+8�+�+ "f CIi AL �•3J�J +,Ii�ita".� U�IiF+)RP1!3 �Nf+K' T�1C , �FtFE 1 Y 58H� Eta �f4i.'. �✓)�� 44E,'. �17+�� 4�+rn Oh�+b 44c . C'1�iG1� 1 C►TAL 3S�1uTF_ Fh 1119/`:ICE 451, 61 457. E,! 4S t. �6 .34�� a+1 [ NE GNta� I+,AC_ NEAiEk 533i6 1/19/98 i�C+)�AL. ,T+3h ;)OI_IUtatt SI'F+)I�I:fY PRO+)UC"f 1 C:ASC- URll�i PiFITS 3'cc'% 1/19/9E4 44+?. cVlUi+h :JSn 9+3 I C+1 hL 41V_+� +3 ✓L W +)ta+�KNOF 4 Fl. HYI+fIUL_IC: N `�H��] lli`JI`�C� •J•Jn T t I C17AL �. +). t30X '3118h3 �3+�`�9 1 / 1 �!`�H 1, 4 /��. �� 1, ; % . �t� !�. +]. SOX r 1 L��+:37 c��d!/ 1/19I`�E4 1�i+�.�1f1; 4Ut+� E. OAK 5 i . �3197 1I19I9B 46.�� Q A. On HOX $05 C�. $H F'n O. 13+)X 4 '-a c��i't4 i/19/`JA 5�.4G ��5.41, :. z`rr' �' i�' n�� e Y 9t . �, �;1;`r' a ;)11rI1:►1'� SUI�f=Rh1t�I�KET 1=�n On SOX T�1� 46 1 194" a ti�ti la fY OF SANhER VrNI)OR C�kO OLIPPL IE5 INU 11411 4I3.14010 41.3. 1500 TOTAL AP OPrN I frM LIS"f IaOMOANY 1100 1/15/98 PA6r 13#21 INU IW PO NUM 011C 0IE PORCH AMT DISC. 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BOX 41647 MIIA COPIER LEAS 980114 1/19/98 23039 1/19/98 128.95 I III AI 128. 95 ,. &30 01111A3 MORNING WW i P. I). BOX 6301054 HLIBSCRI PI I [IN 2 QF,4 1 / 19/98 P30P4 1 / 19/98 1u 8. 00 40ioc Ib JW 1.38. 00 TO] 13,8. 00 81900 I);IfAM;afIC, INC Pm On BOX 850461 IMPI FMENIATION O 27685 1/19/98 10007 1/19/98 Bb10 00 4 72.1011010 V 5.1010 4'r2.1600 425. 00 TCITAL SbOa O10 110:.iIA0 I)I AI I RS EIJ:URIC SUPPLY P.O. Box 2616 PH)t 300131C4/P/C:L 2130710110 1/19/98 229b6 1/19/98 24.24 470. 080111 24. 24 TOIlAL 24. 24 .00 .10�0 i GItY OF SANHU AP OP6'N ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 1/15/id PASE r l3c2l WNI)OR INV NO INV DFfP PO NUM DUE ►)IF PURCH AMT DISC, AMi 14000 I)ENIClN C:CI. EI.EC:]. CC!-ClP., i_ [!]H I":3, II_Fl1T Sh' 10008 434. c P'00 434.0`]00 1(0 AL 16:�00 l-:N!)►=.RBY SA"., COMPANY PROP INF. 10010 414.0800 I III All 17400 !, � u '3;RV II,FS 5H 1 R*I h, PANI S 4 M% 416. 1 00 416.P000 416n W500 416.0800 141600600 416.0 700 STRIP SHIRT,PANt 364368 416.1P,00 416, 2000 416.0500 416.0800 416.0600 416.0700 LINIFCIRMS 373571 416. 1200 41.6.c000 4164 WOO 416.0800 416.0700 41 F;. 0 700 IClIAL 17700 I10I_1_4'3 INC. FLASH[lGH1, 51IiU 4��076 4113M 0300 47H. 0500 419. 1100 478. 0500 ITlIAt 501 FM 81Ei1 i/19/98 10008 1/19/98 498.63 63.99 :'34. 64 4`a8.63 (�FSr Htl;HLJlaY 8'_ P.!], 8lJX 717 1/19/98 10010 1/19/98 16?.35 IFic..35 i6c.�5 ii19/98 1001j i/19/9B 118.55 6. 3:5 6.36 3r. 63 34.83 .32''. 58 5.80 1/19/98 10014 1/19/98 118.J5 6.35 6.36 J,Llo Up 34.83 3 C'. 58 5.80 1/19/98 IOC415 1/19/98 IM 55 6.35 G. 35 3?. 6.3 AM 3 2. 58 MO r.96 558.65 �470 s.}AI_IJM80 IIRIVF P.O. BOX55268 1/19/`�8 e3076 i/19/`�H 6i1.9i .3,",46 85.4€I 11'3.49 85.48 61 i. 91 -.3000 HIJI_I_ INl3:3W!]R i H WHO U!]. . # ME'IAt MIN. LA �159 1/19/98 4Ili.viJit] i(! I0.KM I CFI AL. '487 I{�,lJN OFFICE SOI_►JiIiJNS-NCT IjRI►M FClk C;O�'IE:R 69�409 1/19/98 I ClTAL , Ow 80X 384 lll. i�0 ��150 1/19/98 cc'c.50 e'i'c^.. 50 .00 .00 ry4S30 IN I M RS I A I E BFIT IF_R I FPS 4802 AI_E XAN!)1:R F'. Il. 8llX 56L�861 74.50 hiTP-65 eEF001.319 1/19/98 ��i55 1/19/98 110.90 .00 C I T Y IJa 3AN13a R VFNOOR INV NO 419.0700 419.0700 1111 AL •JF!'Wl)[)O 1311. 01MI'ANY GAS 100f'S 414.MOO 414 ROM 414. t�.500 414.O6OO 41/La 11014 41.4. cPOO 4 14 a 26VA0 TOTAL AP OWN I TEM ►_ I S f COMPANY 100 1 / i Dl98 PA13E 4 1;.'4: c i INV OTE PO NUM OIJE Off PIJRCH AMT DISC. AMr :31� AUOR;1 I.ANF 1/19/98 10025 1/19/98 1h4.4•3 2•35. J 85.49 l?9.94 50400 90X 00 �47�� JIM McNAff I,'HaURpI_i�"r STAIF INSPEC:p 4858? 1/19/98 4111100 c'1 Z 00 1OTAL. ip8E,1.57 1 p 861.51 1405 N. 9ff MMONS 3073 1/19/98 c1.U+1O ,'_485V1 i11HNS11N I_Aa SUPP1_Yp INC. 415 N. TkNNE'.35Fr WWI t t F'AR1 Et 4E18C 5 1l19/98 C6198 1l19/98 334. 10 4P 1 a 1.660 1 3:34. 76 1 CITAL. a 76 �SA�� 14-MARE ;v3�� W UNIVkRSIrY HCIX FILE C:AI3INET I';048 1/19/98 3�v48 1/19l98 51.96 411, 1100 51. 136 1 IICIL HOLDL- R IAL EC:H K3181 1/19/98 P3181 1/19/98 41. 80 4r3.1100 41.$0 1 I11 Al 93w 75 !J*3014 .1A1311F-PIJ AC COM't1NY ImI. BOX 12:Jvh ASPHAI l 5814 1 / 19/98 23033 1/19/98 787. 73 431. 0500 181. 7:3 TO f1L 78 7. Ti sF, AIS fi1J5TOM SI13NA1_Sp INC. P.O. BOX 263 U I DECI C:AMEL{f; � 3071 � i / 19198 4113. 0300 41 415. 00 1 OTAI 2w�45�1 I_AFRIIAi_ MFI)II,AI_ 1111RP. pa Ile BOX 190 F'RIME:R SUC:TIEIN LI 713G18 1/19/98 449. 11oo Ilion 010 TOTAL. DEFT. 1000 43147 1/19/98 4p415.0ut 4141.5. 00 OW 1_ANRIOLA I;r. 893 1/19/98 795.O0 795.00 R!i 21255 WATER PRIIOLJCfSp INC. P.II. HOX 349 SEWEk L1DS 16L�84 1/19/98 ce999 1/19/9B �55.V+0 .1��1 475. '_v1 f35o.Ovl TOTAL 255.00 .o@ ,'1511 I AW'31IN PR1101JCT3 INC. P 13 BOX 300012 SHIPPING 723c431 1/19/98 IC4012 1/19/98 3.84 .oO 44 '. 0600 .91 1:11Y OF GANGFR AP OPFN I1FM 1.151 COMPANY 100 1/15/98 PAGF 5 1.3:21 VENIJIJR INV NO INV 1)i'E r1J NUM WE )IE 'PURCH mr IJISC. AMF 442n0700 .81 442n0800 n8t 442n0500 .81 NU CS, 601_T9, 8001=4 72.31089 1/19/98 2.30/5 1/19/99 90n 17 too 41.9.0300 10.84 4110500 1.0.84 419a 0600 10= 84 419.0700 10.84 419.0E+00 ion 84 419. 20160 10. 84 419n2200 10.84 4194 2600 14n 29 TOTAL. 93.41 too 28,300 I_ W S i AR GAS Can P'n Om BOX 620061 GAS K RUICE 10016 1/19/98 10016 1/19/98 510481 .00 4.3:5n 2100 506943 4 i5n P 000 114.39 4.35.1200 It 4..39 4;{4n 0100 5?u 01 4.34.0800 i27n 08 434.1600 b2n01 IOTAL 510.81 .00 2950:j I i)WEaS I31JME CK lERS, INC. IP* Sn LOOP 288 GAIE.S LATCH P 088 1/19/98 P3088 1/19/98 9ini1 .0m W0n21i00 9.3.31 UR1tL1101 GAIT SF 18300399 1/19/98 c3090 1/19/98 73n99 .00 412n 0 600 394 81 470n L 600 34.1&' 1111Al 167. 3E. n 00 29101 Mill 0'I"W1=.1_L WI_I_I_ SERVICE RT 2 00X 2204 PLIMP REPAIR Pull, 191 1/19/9b P3191 1/19/98 1,95 n 76 .00 421 a 0600 1, 952. le, TCIIAL 1195c. 76 .00 .31256 MESQUI fE :3H1,aRPENIN13 L:HGi1NE:5HFiKPFNFII 1c6c 1/1.9/9B c31c� 1/19198 442. 0800 p6m 00 I DI AL. .31600 MIJIR A13FNCY, INI1. IiAI ANGE tlliE P. t]. BOX 8 10017 1/19/9Ei 438m 0100 1.00 1O1AL TOOT/ 1/1`�/98 L En 00 C 6.00 .31h20 PdI1,l�lli_`3, ,7ACK'�ON, i)Ii_I._ARIJ 1800 LINIJOt_N I�i_flZA, 500 N. AKARIJ YAkI+kOUGH t;ASF 9440 1/19/98 10019 1/19/'�8 2l5n00 445n 0100 i 57n `O 410-5n 1600 137a 50 TOTAL P75n00 . IL10 31637 NE LMIaN ANT) BARNEB, P. C. I�. 0. 80X T11 A11DRNEY FFE.G i0018 iii9198 10018 i/i9/9H 878n0`a 4�t �. 4 0:3 C:31�Y bF E;FI�I[;E�k UI�iVI)IJII ItdU �10 445.16� 4�+5. �:''+�� 1 C11 fSL. .i i 7.3r`. iV. I . !,. I�. 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AMT 100400 1011712 00 t:00.00 P 1/19/98 23158 1/19/98 3.30 ;3. •30 .35551 S 8 S AUTQMQTIUF P.Q. BQX 461 p" AIt. E:S/16 BAL D8402, 1/19/98 1OTAL. •3130�10 SANH,�i2 C11►1RIFR LEGAL N0110E: 8313 1/19/98 4.36a 0101A ;'S. 1710 4 i6. 1,600 R: J. 00 IL CIl AL. 31111 SANIJU QFFI► FE SUPPl Y 3043 BQLIUAR TAPE GFISSE1 1 F 87ui 1/19/98 41In01300 Us6.3 411 a &W 20. 63 411 a 1900 20a 64 ';TAMPER, BINDER 866 1/19/98 411.190111 11.45 L ABFL.S 811 1/19/98 411 a 1401A L O W 411.1500 1.98 STAMPFR,DATER RF 881 1/19/98 411.2400 49.95 411.19OO 18.95 51;EE1 S, BUNCH, CAR 87101,867 1/19/98 411.080111 8.00 411.1100 158.64 6INOU,FOLOUS 818 1/19/98 449.1100 201.53 TDl AL .3,3:,Vi111 S►1N13k4AR 1)RUU STI]RF R. Q. BOX 9 8 F1LM,Bf;I i. �304c 1/19/9H 442. 04500 1.3. 513 411 a OvQ0 4. 46 7fll f;L •36158 !311HiJITF111 FNH. & COMM. Ghf1RGFR5 RAD10 159E3 1/19/9B 4p4. 0:4500 458, 0111 1 UTftl 42:'01110 SM i MI S 1101 f RY S fORF P.Q. 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MF1 FRI P7M 41:3m 0800 4 3C:. 800 4i8.0a00 ICITAI 44r00 I'RCNCIY AIR iiAS Or HU 1'I LE_S 91c35 4P4.1100 T01 Al 4J5c•J I X NA fllRAl_ RFSUURi,r wfl`i E k SYSTEM FEF 36160 4r.0600 TC1I Al 4�699 I,FS PRCNCINh C:UC'IES , MANLIt=tIS �67`� 449.1100 BUS CARDS ` 113 101AL 46000 CI:XsaS MIINCI,IPAI_ I_a,ai;llk lFAGIIE F,FkVlC;FS Q14150 143L�, 114110 4;5�I. 1.500 1 C11 AL 496r`J ►J.:a. MrCR1J1_INF SFRVUCI�S ME:1 kD S FkU. G 3� 00 4.33.0100 433.1600 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIS1 COMPANY 100 1/15/9a PAGE a 13:?1 INV Dfl Piz NUM t)UF U PURCH AMr 01913m AMr 1/i�J/3a06`� 1450 450 1. 913 499�3 6.' .44 14 moo Rr. 6 :JIJX 7`i0 1/19/`_-!a :3164 1/19/`8 1`VI_QA .�� Mon 00 1509 NFw I)AI_I_A'3 HwY. I�. Il. IJIaX ?0+J8 1/19/98 cc`331 1/19/9a 776.43 .00 135.38 6000 25 40. r30 7 /6.43 .00 !=', Ia. aJOX 560407 1/1'3/`3a A'317a 1/19/9a CC, .OQI �'.01r '. 00 2240il .00 I;ONSERVATIIIN COMMI`3SION P, iJ. aOX 130a9 1/i9/9a c30a7 1/19/9a 1,3E:6,6`3 .00 1, 326c 69 1 q 3c.6.6`� moo 19 SI)U'I H LOOP 18a :�ila C f k 100 1/19/r3a P31`!9 it19/rya ig15d.35 .00 19 15,3, 3:; 1 / 19/9a S305c' 1 / 19/rya 3L . 0rn . 00 33 00 191a5.�5 i�P 1 RU I'�;F RFORIa I_AN;� :311 I TE 400 4 �9m 00 43a.00 a76.00 . ww 9400 NIIRiH r,F.NfRial_ I:XrwY. SUCfF 309 1/19/98 c3c'0�1 1l19/��a 86.0�I .Ib!11 43.00 43.00 86000 . wo 54000 WILLIAMS wasrFwAraR _Aa. 5315 PUFR.9ON r,1aURf SEwE'R ANFil.YS1S H15� 1/19/9a c'3190 1/19/�1a IUTAI moo 000 CITY OF' S1-!N13ER VENOOR INV NO `0460 DMON CO.HUILDFRS SUPPLY 4� .0800 III (ITAL 48;1•SW�+ i � :311N:3 RADIO HOLDLRS 15H12 4I62 04300 1(11 AL rllreal_ OUE WIIH olScauN�S TO i AL DUF— NO DISCOUNTS 13/1. OEPARTMENTS ADM I N 151RA1 I ON4iF LIBRARY-GF PIA ICF4k STREF TS-11 WAI F. R4F WASTEWATER—FF FLFI:IRIU4F I= I RE-IJF VFHICL.E MAINI—GF MAYOR & CIJIJNCIL_ 13F MAYOR & CCILINCIL.4F AOM INISTRAMINaff DATA PROC:FSSIW4F VEHICLE MAIWi F C:OMM. C:FNIF:R—GF W1�S I E -WTR CIJI.i.—EF ANIM111_ CI CRIB_-13F I,FNE RCII FUND NTER�'RISE I=UNO 1�P OPEN IEIII LIST 141JMPANY MLO 1/15/98 FHM 9 13n21 INV OTE PO NUM OUE iOTF PURCW AMi 0191., AMI Polio BOX 134; 1/19/99 2*3080 1/19/98 192'z 41 . oM I . C1 19?v4/ .Uo 106 N. LOCUST 1/I9/98 2'3148 1/I9/98 JPh r.0Q1 .00 :Jre 00 52.OU . oo .32, 963A •36 . oo .3�, 96.3. •3F r 1.38. 00 9g349.85 5 418.3In 83 6 41 676. 03 7 463.414 8 2, 815. M 11 41448.91 1? 141. 93 14 465.98 15 466.WA 769. '8 19 /tin 99 M 21 t. 036 2:1 5O.93 519. 8•3 r.9s 9L� 4 L :39 in 78 906m 43 ttvo:i6.9; 4. Hear a Report on Economic Development Sales Tax. Bob Bearden from the State Comptroller's Office in Austin will be here to visit with us about the Economic Development Sales Tax. He will be in attendance at our 6*00 p.m. workshop as well as our regular meeting. �MPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS The board of directors au- thorized under §4A and §4B serve at the pleasure of the governing body and must conduct meetings within the ciry's boundaries members are appointed up to a six -year term under §4A. Under §4B: A city's governing body must appoint seven directors. Three of the seven directors cannot be employ- ees, officers, or a member of the city's governing body. The other four mem- bers may be —but are not required to be —members of the governing body. All members are appointed to a two-year term under §4B. The members of the corporation authorized under §413 must be residents of the city authorizing the sales tax. The board of directors authorized un- der §4A and §4B serves at the pleasure of the governing body and must conduct meetings within the city's boundaries. A few other requirements to know: a corporation's registered agent must be a Texas resident, and the corporation's reg- istered office must be within the city's boundaries. How Tax Revenue Can Be Used Many cities often ask what the differ- ences are between a §4A tax and a §413 tax: • The §4A tax is primarily intended for manufacturing and industrial develop- ment, and cities must use the tax rev- enues to focus on these areas. • The §4B tax provides cities with a wider range of the use of the tax revenues because it is intended to give commu- nities an opportunity to undertake projects to provide for quality of life improvements, including economic development. 4A Sales Tax Cities may use the money raised by this sales tax to acquire land, buildings, equip- ment, facilities and improvements for purposes related to: • manufacturing and industrial facilities, recycling facilities, distribution centers, small warehouse facilities; • commercial development and expan- sion in blighted or economically depressed areas and development areas; • a general aviation business service air- port that is an integral part of an industrial park; and • port -related facilities to support waterbome commerce. A corporation created under §4A can- not assume, or pay principal or interest on, debts that existed before the city created the corporation. IMPTNEW, Cities may use money raised by this sales tax for a wide variety of projects including land, buildings, equipment, fa - ties and improvements related to projects defined in Section 2 of the Act (same uses as authorized for §4A) or found by the board of directors to be required or suitable for use for: • professional and amateur sports (including children's sports); • athletic, entertainment, tourist, con- vention and public park purposes and events, including stadiums, ballparks, auditoriums, amphitheaters, concert halls, learning centers, parks and open space improvements; • municipal buildings, museums, exhibi- tion facilities and related store, restau- rant, concession, parking and transpor- tation facilities; and • related street, water and sewer facilities. To promote and develop new and expanded business enterprise, a city may provide: • public safety facilities; • recycling facilities; • streets and roads; • drainage and related improvements; • demolition of existing structures; • general municipally owned improvements; • maintenance and operating costs asso- ciated with projects; and • any other project that the board deter- mines as contributing to the promotion or development of new or expanded business enterprise. Before spending §4B sales tax revenues, a corporation is required to hold at least one public hearing on the proposed project that will be funded by this tax. Election to Impose the Tax City voters must approve this special, dedicated tax —just like all other sales tax options. !for an Election Cities may call for this election in two ways: • the governing body may call an elec- tion on its own, or • the city must call for the election if petitioned by a number of qualified voters of the city. Petitioning voters must equal at least 20 percent of the number of votes cast in the most recent regular municipaJ�eje�tgon. Caof A The city's governing body must adopt an ordinance calling for the election at least 45 days before the election. The election must be held on one of the uniform election dates according to V.T.C.A., Election Code §41.001: • the third Saturday in January; • the first Saturday in May; • the second Saturday in August, or • the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Note: According to V.T.C.A., Election Code §41,003, cities cannot hold a No- vember election in even -numbered years. Duration of the Tax A tax approved without a limit on its duration is effective until repealed by an election. A tax imposed for a specified period expires at the end of that period. A tax for a specific projectexpires when all debts related to the project and obliga- tions from the tax proceeds have been paid in full. A city imposing a tax for a specified period may not extend the period or reimpose the tax after its expiration date. But a tax imposed for a specific project may be reimposed by an election. Under 4B The statutes do not indicate provisions for a city to impose the tax for a specified time period. The tax remains in effect until all bonds or other debts have been satisfied. Increasing or Reducing the Tax Initiating Ordinance If a city is already imposing a tax under this Act, the city's governing body may adopt an ordinance calling for an election to increase or reduce the rate of the tax. The ordinance may be initiated in ei- ther of two ways: • by a majority vote of the governing body, or • by petition of the registered voters. Petition Requirements However, §4A and §4B differ in the percentage of registered voters required for this petition. §4A requires signatures of 10 percent or more of the registered voters, while §4B requires at least 20 percent of the number of votes cast in the most recent regular election. Note: Procedures for tax rate changes are not specifically addressed under §413. Certifying Petitions If the election to adopt or to change the rate of the tax is by petition, the governing body must determine if the petition is sufficient within 30 days of receiving it. If it is sufficient, the city must adopt the ordinance calling for the election within 60 days after receiving the petition. (Refer to V.T.C.A., Tax Code §321,402.) Required Tax Rate Cbanges As with adoption, the sales and use tax must be increased or decreased in incre- ments of 1/8 and must be a minimum of 1/8 up to a maximum of 1/2 percent. However, a city may not adopt tax rate h that results in a combined rate of all local sales and use taxes exceeding 2 percent. Repealing the Tax Under �'4A: A city may call an elec- tion to repeal the tax in the same way as an election to change the rate of the tax. Under,�4B: The law does not specify a procedure for repealing the §4B tax. However, §4B(i) states that a city may not collect a sales and use tax imposed under this section after the last day of the first calendar quarter occurring af- ter the economic development conpo- ration has notified the Comptroller's office that all bonds or other conpora- tion debts have been satisfied. Starting Collection and Allocation Certifying ECecMon Results If the voters approve the tax, the governing body has 10 days after the election to adopt the resolution or ordinance that declares the results into the meeting's minutes. Then, the city secretary must send a certified copy of the resolution or ordinance with the election results to the Comptroller's office. The informa- tion must include: • the date the election was held; • the proposition voted on; • number of votes cast for adoption; • number of votes cast against adop- tion; • number of votes by which the propo- sition was approved; and • a statement that the adoption did pass, The law states that the Comptroller's office must receive this information from the city secretary through U.S. certified or registered mail. The Comptroller's office will later notify the city secretary when it is ready to handle the administration of the tax. Effective Date The tax becomes effective after one complete calendar quarter elapses from the date the Comptroller's office receives notification of voter approval. For example, if voters approve the tax in January 1996, and the Comptroller's office receives notification in Febru- ary, the tax becomes effective on July 1, 1996, after the calendar quarter of April -May June has elapsed. The city We're Here To Help! Call Toll Free! Ifyou have questions or need information on a specific tax, please cell our toll -free numbers: 1-800-252.5555 1-800.252-1383 1-800-252-1387 Automotive Oil Fee Fuels Tax InsuranceTax Boat and Boat Motor Sales Tax LG Decals Mixed Beverage Tax Petroleum Products 1-800-531-5441 Sales Tax Delivery Fee Cement Tax Teiecommunicationslnfra- Local Revenue structure Fund (TIF) 1-800-252-1384 Miscellaneous Tire and Battery Fees Coastal Protection Gross Receipts General information Crude Oil Oil Weil Servicing Natural Gas SulphurTax �-soo-zs2-� 38� BankFranchise 1.800-252-1385 1-800-BBS-TEXAS FranchlseTax AmusementTax 475-10511Austinl Hotel Occupancy Tax Wlndow on State 1-800-252.1382 Inheritance Tax Government Interstate Motor Carrier Bulletin Board Manufactured Housing 1$00-252-138t3 System�BBSI Motor Vehicle Sales, Rental and Business Information Seller Financed Sales Tax Hotline will then begin receiving revenue from the tax in September 1996. Metbod of Payment The Comptroller's office will issue a payment for the total city tax and a letter with the first payment (which includes the economic development sales tax) with instructions explaining how to calculate the rate change por- tion. After a city receives the sales and use tax revenues from the Comptroller's office, the city must deliver the rev- enues to the development corporation. (51a) �f�s�o�6� Comptroller of Public Accounts Tax Publications Publication it96-302 Revised April 1996. For additional copies write: Comptroller of Public Accounts Account Maintenance 11 1 E. 17th Street � Austin, Texas 78774-0100. The Comptroller of Public Accounts is an equal opportunity employer and does not discrimi- nate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability in employ ment or in the provision of any services, pro- grams or activities. In compliance with the Americans with Dis- abilitiesAct, this document may be requested in alternative Formats by calling the appropri- ate toll -free number listed at left, or by calling: i512) 463�4600 in Austin i512i 475-0900 iFAXi. From a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf iTDD�, our hearing impaired taxpayers may call toll free 1-800.248-4099, or they may call via I-800•REIAY-TX. In Austin, the Iocai TDD number is 463-4621. � � t.., ., 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Submission of TCDP Grant Application. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution No. ROl-98 Approving an Application for Funding through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Texas Capital Fund Infrastructure Grant Program. Shelly Green from Municipal Development Services will be here to discuss this application with us. This particular grant application is for John Porter's and Jim Chamber's project, which they may not be ready for by meeting time. tV� FV Vj V iJ Munici Development Services Forney, Texas 75126 � (972) 564-9298 (972) 2224287 (fax) To: Larry Keesler From: Kim Lacey Date:.... January 11, 998 .. .. ... ... , .�---• I spoke with Jim Chambers. this morning concerning the application for Texas Capital Funds. He said that he is working on all the requirements right now. The following are the items that I will need from the City of Sanger: 1. Publisher's Affidavit evidencing the publication of the notice of public hearing. I believe that you said that you were having a council meeting on the 20. The public hearing needs to be held that night along with the passage of the resolution. Please publish the public hearing notice in the paper this week as soon as possible so that we can meet the 72 hour deadline. I have attached this public hearing notice along with the proposed resolution to be passed. 2. Latest city audit and current budget 3. I will send the following forms by mail so that you will have a hard copy for execution: • Form 424 • Disclosure Form • General and Lobbying Certifications • Application Checklist Jim said that his engineer was working on the budget and map for the project and that they would probably be asking for the whole $500,000 in infrastructure. I told him that he needed to anly ask for the minimum necessary improvements for the business located closest to the existing improvements because if we exceed the minimum necessary improvements, the state will require a repayment of this amount. I am going to send him this information by fax also so that he will understand. As soon as I get some of the information from Jim, we will need to publish a Notice of Intent to Apply in the Sanger paper. This notice must be in the paper at least five days prior to the submission of the application. Please let me know when the paper is published and the deadline necessary to get a notice in the paper. Please call me if you have any questions. HAVE YOU HEARD ANYTHING YET??? Let me knowCC kQ 7'rlCt IJ 0® RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEXAS CAPITAL FUND INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council has reviewed and hereby approves an application for: Infrastructure Grant Funds to benefit The Sign Shop $5001000.00 Administration Grant $ 35,000000 $535,000.00 SECTION 2. The City Council has reviewed and hereby agrees to comply with all assurances executed in connection with the application and, if funded, the award. SECTION 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to act on the City's behalf in all matters pertaining to this application. SECTION 4. The City Council has reviewed and hereby agrees not to participate in program income recapture and will return all program income to the state to be placed in a statewide Revolving Loan Fund to be used by the state to fund future economic development awards. ' By agreeing to this measure, the city understands that it will be eligible to receive as many Texas Capital Fund awards per program year as it has eligible projects. This determination must be made at the time the original award is made and cannot be changed with subsequent awards for this program year or retroactively in subsequent program years. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Sanger held on January 20`s , 1998 by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Sanger, Texas City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas NAYES: ABSENT: NEWSPAPER NOTICE INSTRUCTIONS TO NEWSPAPER: The notice must be published in either a legal or non -legal section of the newspaper. It must be published a minimum of three (3) days (72 hours) before the date of the hearing as scheduled below in the notice. Please provide a Publisher's Affidavit and a full page copy of the advertisement (tear sheet) to the city as soon as possible after its publication. PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SANGER TEXAS CONPAUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The City of Sanger will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on 7anuary 20�', 1998, at the City Hall (201 Bolivar Street) in regard to the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Economic Development/Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grants. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development needs, the amount of TCDP funding available, all eligible TCDP activities, and the use of past TCDP funds. The City encourages citizens to participate in the development of this TCDP application and to make their views known at this public hearing. Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to City Manager Larry Keesler at the City Hall. Handicapped individuals that wish to attend this meeting should contact City Hall (458- 7930) to arrange for assistance. NEWSPAPER NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SANGER. TEXAS CONRAU TITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The City of Sanger will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on January 2019981 at the City Hall (201 Bolivar Street) in regard to the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Economic Devetopment/Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for. Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grants.. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to discuss the citizen participation plan, the development of local housing and community development` needs, the amount of TCDP funding available, all eligible TCDP activities, and the use of past TCDP funds. The City encourages citizens to participate in the development of this TCDP application and to make their views known at this public hearing. Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their views and proposals to City Manager Larry Keesler at the City. Hall. Handicapped individuals that wish to attend this meeting should contact City Hall (458- 7930) to arrange for assistance. APPLICATION FOR TCDP ASSISTANCE (SF424) PART I OMB Approval No. 2. DATE SUBMITTED 1/30/97 Applicant Identifier 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION Application X Pre -application ❑ 3. DATE REC'D BY STATE State Identifier NEW X Construction ❑ Construction 4. DATE REC'D BY FED AGENCY Federal Identifier ❑ Non -Construction ❑ Non -Construction 5. APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name: Organizational Unit: CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MUNICIPALITY Address (city, county, state and zip code) Name and telephone number of person to be contacted on matters involving this application P. O. BOX 578 KIM LACEY we MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 76266 972 2794004 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: ❑ ❑__❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ X Municipal El County 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: ❑ New ❑ Continuation ❑ Revision If Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es). ❑ ❑ A Increase Award B Decrease Award C Increase Duration D Decrease Duration E Other: 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER 14-228 TITLE: Texas Community Development Program 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANTS PROJECT: 11a. TYPE OF APPLICATION: (check all that apply) INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROJECT -THE SIGN SHOP Infrastructure X Real Estate Development ❑ 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT: 13, PROPOSED PROJECT: SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Start Date 5/1198 Ending Date 4/30/01 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: a. Applicant b. Project 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT. TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a. YES THIS PRE-APPLICATION/APPLICATION WAS MADE AVAIL- ABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON (date) b. NO ❑ PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E.O. 12372 OR ❑ PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED FOR STATE REVIEW b. Applicant c. State d. Locai $ .00 e. Other $ .00 f. Program Income $ .00 I 117. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? G. TOTAL $ .00 ' e1 ❑YES (If yes, attach an explanation) X NO 18. To the best of my knowledge and blief all data in this application/pre-application are true and correct. The document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant and the applicant will comply with the Assurances and Certifications included in the procedures section of the TCDP application guide if the assistance is awarded. a. Typed Name of Authorized Representative b. Title JOHN COKER MAYOR c. Phone Number d. Signature of Authorized Representative e. Date signed TCDP APPLICANT/RECIPIENT DISCLOSURE/UPDATE REPORT PART 1 APPLICANT/RECIPIENT INFORMATION Indicate whether this is an Initial report Or an update report " 1. Applicant/Recipient Name, Address, and Phone Number (include area code) TCDP Application Identifier OR City of Sanger TCDP Contract Number P. O. Box 678 Sanger, Texas 76286 Unknown 840 458=7930 2. Project assistedlto be assisted (projecUactivity description and its location by city and county) 3. Amount Requested OR Received Infrastructure Grant project to benefit the expansion of The Sign Shop in the City of Sanger, Denton $636,000 County, Texas PART II OTHER GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROVIDED/REQUESTED No Other Government Assistance to Disclose 1. Department/State/Local Agency Name Address (City, State and Zip Code) Program Type of Assistance. Amount Requested/Provided 2. Department/State/Local Agency Name Address (City, State, and Zip Code) Program Type of Assistance Amount Requested/Provided $ 3. Department/State/Local Agency Name Address (City, State and Zip Code) Program Type of Assistance Amount Requested/Provided 4. Department/State/Local Agency Name Address (City, State and Zip Code) Program Type of Assistance Amount Requested/Provided d April 1997 m 1997 Program Year PART III INTERESTED PARTIES There Are No Persons With A Reportable Financial Interest To Disclose ;71 List All Persons With A Reportable Social Security Number Or Type Of Participation In Financial Interest In Financial Interest In The Project Or Activity Employee ID Number Project/Activity Project/Activ(ty Dollars and % PART IV REPORT ON EXPECTED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Source Of Funds Use Of Funds CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information given on this form Is true and complete. Signature Date 47 1997 Program Year GENERAL CERTIFICATIONS I, JOHN COKER as MAYOR of BANGER. TEXAS certify with respect to the expenditure of funds provided under this contract by BANGER. TEXAS ,that; 1. It will minimize displacement of persons as a result of activities assisted with such funds; 2. The program will be conducted and administered in conformity with Public Law 88-352 and Public Law 90-284, and that it will affirmatively further fair housing, as specified by Department; 3. It will provide for opportunities for citizen participation, hearings and access to information with respect to its community development programs, as specified by Department; 4. It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted in whole or in pars with such funds by assessing any amount .against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements unless (a) such funds are used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment that related to the capital costs of such public improvements that are financed from revenue sources other than such funds; or (b) for purposes of assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income who are not persons of very low income, contractor certifies that it lacks sufficient funds under this contract to comply with the requirements of clause (a). 5. In the event that displacement of residential dwellings will occur in connection with a project assisted with TCDP funds, it will follow a residentia( anti -displacement and relocation assistance plan, as specified by the Department. 6. It shall adopt and enforce a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individual engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations and a policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction. 7. Contractor agrees not to occupy or utilize the property identified in the application for the general conduct of government as long as Contractor retains an ownership interest. Name Date 37 1997 Program Year ���; CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS, LOANS, AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS The undersigned JOHN COKER, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BANGER. TEXAS certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that: 1. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit standard form - III, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions. I . 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub -awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub -grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all sub -recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Signed: Name Title (mayor/judge) Date: revised April 1997 1997 Program Year Applicant Texas Capital Fund (For Applicant Use) Initial if Complete Application Contents NA if not Applicable Shared Ownership of Real Estate '(Section P) 1) Resolution of Co -Owner II) Articles of Incorporation III) By -Laws _uU :: Survey of Other Vacant Buildin gs (Section Q) ivii%> rya'+�.� • . ... . +}.. .v r:n},'v,':4..4::;'•i,SGrv,'.wiv >tM;?{.^Y.;;!L: . We, as applicants of the Texas Capital Fund, certify that the information, exhibits, and schedules contained herein are true and accurate statements, and represent fairly the financial condition as of the date stated herein: ovemment ess Title Revised April 1997 1AA7 Prnnram Year