11/17/1997-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL. 1° 1 ,1 [1 , OUNCIL ROOOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. I. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Water Subscription from Upper Trinity Water District. 's'. Conduct First Public Hearing on Annexation of a certain tract or tracts of land as described below. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241A - TRACT 204, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 12,6408 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING- LOCATED ON DUCK CREEK ]ROAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1.241A - TRACT 205, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 12.64 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED OFF DUCK CREEK ROAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241A - TRACT 206, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 0.918 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED ON DUCK CREEK ROAD. Bh',ING ALI. THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241A - TRACT 207, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 0.808 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED ON DUCK CREEK 11OAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE 14ENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241A - TRACT 208, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 2.348 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED ON DUCK CREEK 11OAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241A - TRACT 66, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 13EING 7.494 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT HOLT ROAD AND KEATON ROAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241 - TRACT 65A, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 13EING 41,6488 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT HOLT ROAD AND KEATON ROAD. IBC NINETIES :l.1/17/97 PAGE 2 BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE DOUBLE TWINS ADDITION, PHASE 2, LOT 1, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 808 N. KEATON. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE }3ENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241A - PART OF TRACT 45, DENTON r.OUNTY, TEXAS BEING 0,650 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 4799 BELZ ROAD, BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE IVIcKINNEY WILLIAM SURVEY, ABSTRACT 940A - TRACT 7, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS J3EING 2.00 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 1200 COWLING 1ROAD* BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ABSTRACT 71 BURLESON - TRACT 7, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 22.11 ACRES OF (LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 1201 COWLING ROAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ABSTRACT 71 BURLESON - TRACT 26, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 29.051 ACRES OF LLAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 1901 S. STEMMONS. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ABSTRACT 71 BURLESON - TRACT 4A, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 1,324 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 1012 COWLING ROAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ABSTRACT 940 McKINNEY & WILLIAMS - TRACT 5A (BOTTOM HALF), DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 3.93 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 1012 COWLING ROAD. BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ABSTRACT 940 McKINNEY & WILLIAMS - TRACT 6 (BOTTOM HALF), DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS BEING 2,372 ACRES OF LAND, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED AT 1010 COWLING ROAD. 6, Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance No. 16-97 Regarding Franchise Agreement between Denton County Co - Op and the City of Sanger. '1. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Computer Software and Hardware for the City of Sanger. aI o Any Other Such Matters. �i Rosalie Chaves., city Date and Time Posted November 1997 (PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Mike James 4�THERS ]PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Street Superintendent Chuck Tucker, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Sgt. Curtis Amyx, Officer Stephen Lehotsky, Officer B.J. Thorne, Matthew Lambert, Glenn Ervin, Richard Derryberry, Lisa Hardy - Sanger Courier :1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Kincaid led the Invocation, followed by Mayor Coker leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA >. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Madden. Motion Carried unanimously. i. Citizen's Input. Chief Erwin made some presentations to three of his police officers. Chief Erwin indicated that on October 24 there was it situation that could have gotten out of hand with a fire that occurred at Chisum Trail Apartments which was life threatening to the elderly residents involved. The problem could have gotten out of control if these officers had not assisted. Chief Erwin wanted to recognize these officers and award plaques. Certificates of Awards for outstanding achievements and life saving efforts above and beyond the call of duty on October 24, 1997, were awarded to Curtis Amyx, Stephen Lehotsky, B.J. Thorne, and Reserve Matthew r Mayor Coker also indicated last Wednesday he had received a compliment from the SISD on Stephen Lehotsky for his hard work on the Drug Awareness Program. The school was appreciative to the Sanger Police Dept. for their hard work, W . 11/03/97 17�l�►, Chief Erwin wanted to publicly thank Wanda Lester at the Justice of Peace office, Chris Bengston from Radio Shack, Cheryl King and Jennifer Thompson from the City for judging the posters drawn by the 4th and 5th graders at the Sanger Intermediate School for Drug Awareness. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Ordinance No. 16-97 Regarding Franchise Agreement between Denton County Co -Op and the City of Sanger. Item discussed at length. City Secretary advised Franchise Tax received from Denton County Co -Op during the 96-97 budget year was between $5,000 and $6,000. Discussed was the revenue reports that had not been sent by the Ca -Op. This item was tabled until the City receives the revenue reports from the Co -Op. '.>. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Asphalt Roller. Two bids were received from Dallas Ford New Holland: 11/2 Ton Stone Wolfpac 3100 2 Ton Stone Wolfpac 4000 $139950.00 $15,950.00 Councilman Frazier suggested that we use another method for advertisement. He suggested we might advertise in the Dallas paper to possibly get better bids on our equipment. City Secretary advised that the reason we use the Sanger Courier for advertisement is due to compliance with the Local Government Code in that the Courier is the newspaper in our City for general circulation. IVlayor Coker indicated the cost for advertisement ui Dallas and Ft. Worth is expensive. Discussion. 1�ilotion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Award bid to Dallas Ford New Holland in the amount of $15,9500.00 fora 2 Ton Stone Wolfpac 4000. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Iviotion Carried unanimously. MINph M I ills li. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Police Vehicle. A total of four bids were received: Bonner Chevrolet $19,990 (1} 1997 Chevy Lumina Village Ford of Lewisville $21,292 (1) 1996 Ford Crown Victoria $22,528 (1) 1997 Ford Crown Victoria $21,695 (1) 1998 Ford Crown Victoria PAGE 3 Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Award Bid on the 1996 Ford Crown Victoria to Village Ford of Lewisville in the amount of $21,292.00. Seconded by %ouncilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. '1. Iliscussion to Determine the Amount of Water the City needs to Subscribe from Upper Trinity Regional Water District. 1VIr. Kessler advised Tom Taylor could not attend this meeting; however, he will be attending the November 17, 1997 meeting. City Administrator reported that he met with Upper Trinity and they are still trying to find a way to sell water to Bolivar and still keep the subscription amount. 1VIayor Coker implied that last week Mr. Kessler advised the City could sell it to Bolivar for the same amount the City is paying for it. City Administrator indicated that there is a pool that it could be placed into and the City would not lose the subscription amount. This would allow Bolivar to buy from the pool and the City would not lose the subscription amount. He indicated that he feels this is what Upper Trinity is putting together. The Mayor's concern was addressed toward the City keeping the entire 500,000 gallons a day subscription and then having the ability to sell it for the amount of money the City has paid for it. Dilr. Kessler indicated they could sell it through the pool and still save the same anlOUllt Of mOiley; however, Upper Trinity would then have the obligation to get the water to Bolivar. CC IVi[INUTES :11103197 Discussion followed and opinions and concerns were expressed in regards to the City having full control of the water. Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Govt. Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. 1� Six month evaluation of City Administrator, Larry I�eesler. Mayor Coker convened Council into Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. a3. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Coker reconvened into Regular Session at 8:41 p.m. No action taken at this time. Postponed for a later date. (1} City Admuiistrator reported that since end of last month 44 homes have been built representing a 2.9 % increase. (2j City Administrator stated Council should all have a copy of the letter from Bunter Associates responding to the TNRCC letter that was sent to the City. Councilman Jenkins asked Mr. Keesler if he had a rough ideas as to the dollar cost to do this project. Councilman Jenkins was inquiring as to the cost of upgrading the sewer line on the West side of the Interstate. i.. ,. .. st. I� �..'. 4 f . 14 r r 1'..{i .. i.:" t'. Ic 10 vA r- r Sr r' i` g Ir Y 3 I . :I y.. .. _. .. _ �t 1P i I I r I I Lj q I r I c I % I A t� �'I . v F v e ! I } v, I 44� C„r c 1 �; L t. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Water Subscription from Upper Trinity Water District. In 1991 the City of Sanger Subscribed for .5 MGD for water from Upper Ttrinity Regional Water District. Since that time we have been paying Administration Fee to Upper Trinity and in 94-95 we began to pay Facilities Charges for the construction of water treatment plant. Attached is a Data Sheet from Upper Trinity. When the water line is completed, we will begin to pay UTRWD $90,000 per year for the subscription of .5 MGD for the rights to that amount of water whether we use any or not. We will also pay an additional $0.75 per / 1,000 for the water we purchase from UTRWD. I have prepared a chart for you showing the estimated population to the year 2010. The demand per day is 150 gallons per day per capita. This would be the normal amount of water used during normal conditions. The peak Demand of 200 gallons per day per capita is a number of gallons in the hottest and driest conditions. Sanger has never used more than 185 gallons per day per capita. Also indicated on my chart is the amount of water produced by all of our well being 1,144,800 gallons per day. And if the largest well was out of service the amount of water produced would be 712,800. If we reduce our subscription from UTRWD by .2 MGD to .3 MGD we would have enough water for peak demand until the year 2003 considering the worst case of having your largest well out of service. Again this is planning for worst case. As you can see with all wells in service we would have enough water capacity for a peak demand until the year 2007. We would also have the capacity of normal demand past the year 2010. By reducing our subscription by .2 MGD we would save $36,000 per year in fees to the UTRWD. Bolivar Water has asked UTRWD for .2 MGD of water. UTRWD does not have any additional way to sell the water to Bolivar. The only way they could sell water to Bolivar is if Sanger gave up .2 MGD. Not only would we save $36,000 per year we would also get a one time credit of $40,000 of fees we have already paid to UTRWD. Through the year 2010 would amount we would save would be $468,000. !i. Conduct First Public Hearing on Annexation of a certain tract or tracts of an as described below. This is the first of two public hearings to be held before we can adopt the Ordinance and Service Plan. Maps indicating the particular tracts being considered are attached for your review. oI O A i i C 2/l�3.2 � N ,' �.�� � N =� �� �'" � � W N N � �� � N � i�i ci ���Y ; •. .3. 2 � r- N �- � � d J Q O O � � � � � � n 1� N N N O 356.4l0 �o to s8' N N � V 3 S�•4lo � 178,2 ' !�E'ATo/V �Q N it �a �� �s ti 3 �8 �Z ' /moo, Zzo � n w N N N o o N 7C .� ego � O � v n �.,�:�, p � YI o � "ate � (1 .� O.27' � : 220' 7C7 N � N ITI y,�''� b` (TI �/� 2 9, �� �Q q 4ti � 0 a � � • R D. /49,93' o N � � � N � S 3 83,.�5 ' O .s d 'o w � �: � may. w_ �, s � �—� s zS7.S � /ZS•22' 38GB/' w � -A O � D J_ n �i � N N � N -O o OW 0 3Do ' /90' S sc ti�6 '�,Qos y9�� N 'P � d� � r N iv �j N H — J � J � O � � � liJ �' N ��� z3 i; J o Oo N IN IN N a �p O N :n is w 6� iar.at• -p . J � � •Op W _ ,ZD'�. A � .i3y' ' N J 0 _---_ ._.�_ __ ��. .. ...�..,.9. ,Z. •F Yam,: ....,�. �a . ._ ® .. 572,2 9 � N w �� � S�� 4 �..L}. II N / ? V �ln ��L�_ = `gyp 23� � 13i501 l315,4vI t153,?0� 7,3 O V z�Iqo ta,5uno - ry 0, o03i. 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Phis item was tabled from our last meeting in order to get more information. Attached is a letter I received from Denton County Electric regarding Franchise taxes for the years 1995 and 1996. OENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC November 4, 1997 Mr. Larry Kessler City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear: Mr. Kessler Enclosed is the information you requested concerning the franchise taxes for the years of 1995 and 1996. This information is based on our revenue figures for each year. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Controller Enclosure: do Denton County Electric • 3501 FM 2181 •Corinth, Texas 76205 . Metro (817) 430-1195 • Wats (800) 274-4014 •Fax (817) 497-6525 DCE S01 (Sl94) r Franchise Taxes For The City of Sanger 1995-1996 Revenue January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 1995 $21,322.97 $18,482.41 $17,542.88 $16,022.77 $15,754.15 $27,733.95 $33,909.86 $37,123.65 $32,677.72 $18,308.43 $18,842.81 $21,077.29 $278,798.89 2% Total Tax Paid $5 575.99 1996 $30,086.87 $26,496.96 $19,677.50 $19,451.88 $20,878.45 $33,975.40 $40,787.19 $41,144.31 $31,703.40 $22,026.10 $21,648.18 $24,914.49 $332,790.73 2% $6,655.82 Denton County Electric • 3501 FM 2181 •Corinth, Texas 76205 Metro (817) 430-1195 • Wats (800) 274-4014 •Fax (817) 497-6525 DCE 502 CITY OF SANGER ORDINANCE NO. 16-97 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, A FRANCHISE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, AND USING AN ELECTRIC POWER UTILITY SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF SANGER; REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION WORK DONE BY THE GRANTEE IN THE TOWN; REQUIRING JOINT USE OF POLES, TRENCHES, AND CONDUITS IN CERTAIN INSTANCES; PRESCRIBING THE RELATIONSHIP AND RELATIVE RIGHTS BETWEEN GRANTEE AND OTHERS WITH RESPECT TO CONSTRUCTION IN THE TOWN AND LOCATION OF FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR THE QUALITY OF SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY GRANTEE; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND RULE MAKING AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN COUNCIL AND THE TOWN WITH RESPECT TO ADMINISTRATION OF THIS FRANCHISE; REQUIRING CERTAIN RECORDS AND REPORTS AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS; RESERVING TO THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN THE RIGHT TO SET PROCEDURE FOR CHANGING THE RATES OF GRANTEE AND PROVIDING THE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GOVERNING BODY IN SETTING THE RATES; PROVIDING FOR CUSTOMER SECURITY DEPOSITS; PROVIDING FOR SUSPENSION OF SERVICE TO A CUSTOMER: PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF THE FRANCHISE; PRESCRIBING THE COMPENSATION TO THE TOWN FROM THE GRANTEE FOR THE FRANCHISE PRIVILEGE; PROVIDING INDEMNITY OF THE TOWN AND ITS EMPLOYEES; SETTING FORTH THE TERM OF THE FRANCHISE *AND ITS RENEWAL; REPEALING AN j ORDINANCE PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON EXTENDING A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC.; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FRANCHISE BY GRANTEE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED by the Town council of the CITY OF BANGER, Texas: SECTION 1. PURPOSE There is hereby granted to Denton County Electric Cooperative, its successors, and assigns, hereinafter called "Grantee", for the full term of five (5) years from the effective date of this ordinance, the right, privilege, and franchise to have, acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, use, and operate in the CITY OF SANGER, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Town", an electric power 'utility system, which shall include but not be limited to electric light, heat, power, and energy facilities, and a generation, transmission, and distribution system with such extensions thereof and additions thereto as shall hereafter be made, and to have, acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, use, and operate in, over, under, along, and across the present and future streets, highways, alleys, bridges, and public ways of the Town all necessary or desirable poles, towers, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes, and other structures and appurtenances connection with such electric power utility system. SECTION 2. CONSTRUCTION WORK - REGULATION V1 TOWN in (a) Work done in connection with the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or repair of the utility system shall be subject to and governed by all laws, rules, and regulations of the Town and the state of Texas. (b) The placement of poles and excavations and other construction in the streets, alleys, and other public rights -of way shall interfere as little as practicable with the private property, in accordance with direction, given by the authority of the governing body under the police and regulatory powers of the Town. SECTION 3. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE; EXCAVATION (a) The construction, maintenance, and operation of Grantee's electric power utility system and property of Grantee subject to this franchise shall be subject to lawful police regulations of the governing body of the Town. The Town shall have power at any time to order and require Grantee to remove and abate any pole, wire, cable, or other structure that is unnecessarily dangerous to life or property, and in case Grantee, after notice, fails or refuses to act within a reasonable time, the Town shall have power to remove or abate the same at the expense of the Grantee, all without compensation or liability for damages to Grantee. Grantee shall promptly restore to as good condition as before working thereon, and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town, all streets, alleys, and public rights -of way excavated by it* (b) Except in an emergency, the Grantee shall comply with applicable Town ordinances and rules pertaining to notification when excavating pavement in any alley, street, or unpaved public right-of-way. The Town shall be notified as soon as practicable regarding work performed under emergency conditions and Grantee shall comply with the Town's reasonable requirements for restoration of the excavated area. SECTION 4. JOINT USE OF POLES, TRENCHES, AND CONDUITS (a) The Grantee may be required to attach its wires to poles owned and maintained by another person or corporation, or to permit the wires of another public utility to be attached to the poles owned and maintained by the Grantee, upon reasonable terms and for just compensation including just compensation for any additional facilities of Grantee that may be required. In the event that Grantee and such other public utility are unable to agree on terms and compensation, or if same are not otherwise resolved or determined within a reasonable time, Town Manager or his designate, after due notice and a hearing, may prescribe terms and set compensation unless the setting of such compensation is beyond the jurisdiction of the Town. The Grantee may require such other public utility to furnish evidence of adequate insurance and provide indemnity covering the Grantee and adequate bonds covering the performance of such other public utility attaching to the Grantee's poles. Grantee's requirements for such insurance and indemnity must be reasonable. (b) Wires shall be located on poles in compliance with applicable safety standards. Grantee shall not be required to attach its wires to the poles of another public utility or to permit the wires of another public utility to be attached to Grantee's poles if it can be satisfactorily shown that Grantee will be subjected to increased risks of interruption of service or liability for accidents, or if the poles, wires, and appurtenances of such other public utility are not of the character, design, and construction required by or are not maintained in accordance with modern practice, or if sufficient clearance or space is not available on the pole. (c) Grantee may be required by the Town to share trench space for cables or ducts with another public utility for the placement of cables or wires underground. Compensation to the Grantee as well as terms of sharing trench space shall be resolved, as provided in subsection (a) of this Section. Also, Grantee may require insurance and indemnification, as provided in subsection (a) of this Section. Ducts, cables, or wires shall be placed in trenches in compliance with applicable safety standards and in a manner that does not interfere with Grantee's cables or wires. SECTION 5. UNDERGROUND CONDUITS AND POLES - USE BY TOWN If Grantee shall from time to time have spare ducts in its underground conduits or spare pins, crossarms, or space on any of its poles not needed for future anticipated load growth or emergencies, it shall permit the Town to use one such duct in each conduit or reasonable space on poles, or both, for the Town's police and fire alarm wires, traffic control wires or cable, or other similar, appropriate governmental use. If Grantee shall construct additional underground conduits or erect additional poles, the governing body of the Town may require the Grantee to provide one such duct in each conduit, or reasonable space on poles, or both, for the Town's use as aforesaid. In either event the Town shall pay Grantee for any additional facilities required plus a fair rental therefor. SECTION 6. CONFORMANCE WITH PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Whenever, by reason of the widening, straightening, or changes in the grade of any street it shall be deemed necessary by the governing body of the Town to remove, alter, change, adapt, or conform the underground or overhead facilities of Grantee, such alterations shall be made as soon as practicable by Grantee when ordered in writing by the Town, upon the furnishing of another right of way along said street by the Town to Grantee, without claim for reimbursement or damages against the Town. Provided, however, the if said requirements impose a financial hardship upon the Grantee, the Grantee shall have the right to present alternative proposals for the Town's consideration. Provided further that if such requirements involve the relocation of an existing underground transmission line of 60,000 volts or greater, the Grantee may charge the Town for the actual cost of such relocation. SECTION 7. WORK BY OTHERS (a) The Town serves the right to lay, and permit to be laid, sewer, gas, water, and other pipe lines, cables, and conduits, and to do and permit to be done any underground or overhead work that may be necessary or proper in, across, along, over, or under any street, alley, highway, easement or public place occupied by the Grantee, provided operational clearance and NESC compliance be maintained. The Town also reserves the right to change any curb or sidewalk of a street. In permitting such work to be done, the Town shall only reimburse the Grantee for actual damages so occasioned, but nothing herein shall prevent the Town from assessing responsibility for the payment of any damage to any other person or corporation. (b) In the event that the governing body of the Town authorizes someone other than the Grantee to occupy space under the surface of any street, alley, highway, or public place, such grant shall be subject to the rights herein granted or heretofore obtained by the Grantee. In the event that the governing body of the Town shall close or abandon any street, alley, highway, or public place which contains existing facilities of the Grantee, any conveyance of land within such closed or abandoned street, alley, highway, or public place shall be subject to the rights herein granted or heretofore obtained by Grantee; provided that the Grantee may be ordered to vacate any land so conveyed, if an alternate route is practicable, and if the Grantee is reimbursed by the person to whom the property is conveyed for the reasonable costs of removal and relocation of facilities. (c) If the Town shall require Grantee to adapt or conform its facilities, or in any way or manner to alter, relocate, or change its property to enable any other person or corporation, except the Town, to use, or use with greater convenience, said street, alley, highway, or public place, Grantee shall not be bound to make any such changes until such other person or corporation shall have undertaken, with good and sufficient bond, to reimburse the Grantee for any cost, loss, or expense which will be caused by, or arise out of such change, alteration, or relocation of Grantee's property. SECTION 8. AVAILABILITY, CHARACTER OF SERVICE � Grantee shall at all times .furnish service which is modern and sufficient to meet reasonable demands without undue interruption or fluctuations, under the rules and regulations set forth in Grantee's tariff, to any person, firm, or corporation that shall demand service within the Town; provided however, that it is not the intention of the parties hereto to create liability for the benefit of third parties but that this agreement shall be solely for the benefit of the parties hereto. SECTION 9. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION OF FRANCHISE (a) The Town Secretary is the principal Town officer responsible for the administration of this franchise and shall oversee and review the operations of Grantee under this franchise. (b) The Town Council may delegate to the Town Secretary the exercise of any of the powers conferred upon the Town by its Charter or by law relating to the supervising and regulating of Grantee in the exercise of the rights and privileges herein conferred, but the governing body of the Town reserves unto itself exclusively the power to fix and regulate the general charges and rates of Grantee, to the full extent that such power is provided in the Charter, this franchise and State law subject- to Grantee's right of appeal as provided in the Public Utility Regulatory Act, as amended. The Town Council may approve or disapprove of miscellaneous fees and charges in connection with the rendition of utility service. The Town Secretary shall have the authority to make and publish, after notice and a hearing, such rules and regulations necessary to carry out the duties and powers conferred upon the Town as authorized by the Public Utility Regulatory Act, as amended. SECTION 10. RECORDS, REPORTS, AND INSPECTIONS (a) The Grantee shall use the system of accounts and the forms of books, accounts, records, and memoranda prescribed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas or any successor agency charged with regulating electric utilities. (b) Upon request the Grantee shall furnish the Town a copy of any report normally filed b� Grantee with its other municipal regulatory authorities. (c) The Town Secretary shall have the right, at reasonable items, to inspect the plant, equipment, and other property of the Grantee, and to examine, audit, and obtain copies of the papers, books, accounts, documents, and other business records of the Grantee consistent with State law. (d) The Town shall retain all of the investigative powers and other rights provided to the Town by the Charter and State law. SECTION 11. RULES AND REGULATIONS � (a) In order to insure uniform and reasonable application of conditions for service and to insure availability of service to all without discrimination, the Town Manager may exercise supervision of Grantee's application of the rules and regulations set forth in Grantee's tariff concerning service furnished under this franchise. (b) The Town Council may establish, after reasonable notice and hearing, such rules and regulations as may be in the public interest regarding rates, the furnishing of service, administration of customer accounts, and construction of Grantee facilities on Town property, subject to Grantee's rights of appeal under the Public Utility Regulatory Act, as amended. SECTION 12. SERVICE RATES (a) The Town Council hereby expressly reserves the right, power, and authority to fully regulate and fix the rates and charges for the services of the Grantee to its customers, fully reserving to the governing body all the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities, subject to the duties and responsibilities which the Constitution, the laws of the State, and the Charter confer upon the Town and subject to Grantee's rights of appeal under the Public Utility Regulatory Act, as amended. (b) Grantee may from time to time propose changes in its general rates by filing an application with the Town Secretary for consideration by the Town Council. Within a reasonable time consistent with law, the governing body shall afford Grantee a fair hearing with reference to the application and shall either approve or disapprove the proposed changes or make such order as may be reasonable. (c) In order to ascertain any and all facts, the Town Council shall have full power and authority to inspect, or cause to be inspected, the books of Grantee, and to inventory and appraise, or cause to be inventoried and appraised, the property of Grantee, and to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and records, and to prescribe penalties for the failure or refusal of Grantee to testify or produce books and records as required by State law. (d) The Town Council of the Town has authority to require the Grantee to allocate costs of facilities, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves among service classifications consistent with State law. (e) Nothing contained in this ordinance or any section or subsection thereof shall be construed as to create a contractual right of the Town to regulate the rates or service rules and regulation of the Grantee or to create any power, authority, or jurisdiction of the Town to regulate or control the rates or service rules and regulations of the Grantee. The Town shall have only such regulatory power, authority, and jurisdiction respecting Grantee's rates, and service rules and regulations as may be provided by law. If the Public Utility Regulatory Act or other laws are amended or modified in such a way that the Town no longer has regulatory power, authority, and jurisdiction respecting Grantee's rates, or service rules and regulations, or either of them, then Grantee's rates and/or service rules shall be set by the Grantee's board of directors. SECTION 13. DEPOSITS Grantee shall have the right, subject to such rules and regulations in Grantee's approved tariff and consistent with applicable State or Federal law, regulations or rules, to require a reasonable security deposit for the payment of bills. SECTION 14. SUSPENSION OF•5ERVICE Subject to State, Federal and local laws, rules, and regulations and the rules regulations set forth in Grantee's tariff, the Grantee shall have the right to discontinue or suspend service to any customer who fails to pay a bill presented for service or make a reasonable deposit, as may be required until such bill together with any expense for disconnecting and reconnecting the service is paid. In addition, the Grantee may discontinue or suspend service without notice, for as long as the condition exists, where a known dangerous condition exists. The Grantee shall not be required to furnish service to any customer who is in default of payment or who fails to pay a reasonable deposit in accordance with the rules and regulations, set forth in Grantee's tariff, or who shall fail to comply with rules and regulations regarding proper use of facilities furnished by the Grantee; provided however, that nothing herein shall authorize Grantee to discontinue, suspend, or refuse to furnish service where Grantee is otherwise legally prohibited from taking such action. SECTION 15. FRANCHISE AND OTHER VIOLATIONS Upon evidence being received by the governing body of the Town that a violation of this franchise, Town Charter provision, or ordinance lawfully regulating Grantee in the furnishing of service hereunder is occurring or has occurred, it shall at once cause an investigation to be made. If the governing body of the Town finds that such a violation exists or has occurred, it shall take the appropriate steps to secure compliance. SECTION 16. COMPENSATION TO THE TOWN In consideration of the grant of said right, privilege and franchise by Grantor and as full payment for the right, privilege and franchise of using and occupying the said streets, alleys, highways and public grounds and ways, and in lieu of any and all occupation taxes, assessments, municipal charges, fees, easement taxes, franchise taxes, license and inspection fees or charges, street taxes, street or alley rentals and all other taxes, charges, levies, fees and rentals of whatsoever kind and character which Grantor may impose or hereafter be authorized or empowered to levy and collect, excepting only the usual general or special ad valorem taxes which Grantor is authorized to levy and impose upon real and personal property, Grantee shall pay to Grantor annually and on a quarterly basis of each year during the term hereof, beginning in July, 1997, a sum equal to three percent (3%) of its gross revenues received by Grantee during the preceding twelve (12) month period from the retail sale of electricity within the corporate limits of Grantor. On or before September 1 of each year a report shall be filed by Grantee with Grantor showing its gross revenues as aforesaid for the said preceding twelve-month (12) period and the payment made hereunder shall be based upon said report. The Grantee is hereby authorized to surcharge to customers within the Town all or any portion of the gross receipts assessment. All bills for services rendered within the Town shall be adjusted by the same percentage as the gross receipts assessment specified herein, less any percentage that is recovered by the Cooperative through base rates or other charges. Nothing in this franchise shall be construed to prohibit Town from levying the usual general or special ad valorem taxes which Town is authorized to levy and impose upon real -and personal property, general sales and use tax, assessments for public improvements, and sums to which the Town may be entitled under Section 24 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act. SECTION 17. ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE; PRESERVATION OF RECORDS (a) The Grantee shall be a legal entity with legal rights to operate, construct, reconstruct, and maintain an electric power and energy system in the Town. Grantee's primary and principal purpose shall be the provision of electric public utility service. (b) This grant shall not be assignable to another person, partnership, or corporation, unless said other person, partnership, or corporation is an affiliate of Texas Utilities Company, without the express consent, which shall not be withheld unreasonably, of the governing body of the Town, such consent to be evidenced by an ordinance that fully recites the terms and conditions, if any, upon which such consent is given. SECTION 18. CONFORMITY TO CONSTITUTION, STATUTES, CHARTER, AND TOWN CODE OF ORDINANCES This ordinance is passed subject to the applicable provisions of the Constitution and Laws ofthe State of Texas, the Charter of the CITY OF SANGER, and the Code of Ordinances of the CITY OF SANGER. This franchise agreement shall in no way affect or impair the rights, obligations, or remedies of the parties under the Public Utility Regulatory Act of Texas, or amendments thereto. SECTION 19. INDEMNITY } Grantee shall indemnify and save whole and harmless the Town and all of its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims for injury or damage to persons or property occasioned by, j or arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation, or repair of the generation, transmission, or distribution system, or by the conduct of Grantee's business in the Town provided, however, nothing herein shall be construed to indemnify the Town against the Town's own negligence or fault. It is understood that it is not the intention of the parties hereto to create liability for the benefit of third parties, but that this agreement shall be solely for the benefit of the parties hereto. SECTION 20. NON-EXCLUSIVE This franchise is not exclusive, and nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prevent Town from granting other like or similar rights, privileges, and franchises to any person, firm or corporation. SECTION 21. REPEAL That the Ordinance extending the franchise agreement between the CITY OF SANGER and Denton County Electric Cooperative adopted by the Town Council of the CITY OF SANGER on , be and the same is hereby specifically repealed. All other ordinances, rules, regulations, and agreements which in any manner relate to the regulation of or provision for electric utility services by Grantee shall remain in full force and effect until and unless duly modified pursuant to applicable State law. SECTION 22. EFFECTIVE DATE; AUTHENTICATION; TERM This ordinance shall take passage on second and it is accordingly so continue for a period of five (5) effect thirty (30) days SECTION 23. ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE; PUBLICATION (a) The grantee shall, within thirty (30) days form the passage of this ordinance, file in the office of the Town Secretary a written instrument signed and acknowledged by a duly authorized officer, in substantially the following form: To the Honorable Mayor and Town Council of the CITY OF SANGER: The Grantee, Denton County Electric Cooperative acting by and through the undersigned authorized officer, hereby accepts Ordinance No. granting a franchise to Denton County Electric Cooped ve. COOPERATIVE ATTEST: Secretary Authorized Representative DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC Executed this, the .day of (b) The acceptance shall be duly acknowledged by the person executing the same. In the event the acceptance is not filed within the thirty (30) day period, this ordinance and the rights and privileges hereby granted shall terminate and become null and void. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of , 1997. THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS By Mayor ATTEST: By Town Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Town Attorney . '.1. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid on Computer Software and Hardware for the City of Sanger. Attached is some general information. My recommendation will be provided with your newsletter tomorrow. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TX INCODE's Integated Customer Service software is the best solution for the City of Sanger, Texas for the following reasons: Stability of the Company: For the past fifteen years INCODE has experienced a steady and controlled rate of growth. We now have over two hundred cities that make up a strong customer base. Our company's efforts are 100% devoted to software for municipal governments. INCODE is owned by Dustin Womble and Steve Nieman who are both full time employees of the company. INCODE sales have shown a steady increase over the past five years. We have continued to broaden our market place by installing systems in additional states and at larger cities and offering new products. INCODE's future looks very positive. Year Total Revenue 1992 $700,000.00 1993 $1.2 million 1994 $2.2 million 1995 $2.3 million 1996 $3.2 million T otal Revenue from Municipal Government Sales 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Excellent Track Record: INCODE has been in business for fifteen years and has successfully installed over two hundred systems at municipal government sites. We have never failed to successfully complete a municipal government installation. In the fifteen years INCODE has been in business we have lost only one municipal government customer. Ease of Use in Comparison to Capability: Most cities who have made comprehensive comparisons of our software to that of our competitors feel that INCODE's software is easier to use than other systems they have seen, yet provides the capabilities and flexibility to meet all of their requirements. Quality of On-GoingSupport and Maintenance• We are confident you will find the quality of customer support offered by INCODE is one of our biggest advantages over our competitors. Results from a survey taken from the 175 customers that attended our annual INCODE Education Forum in Dallas, Texas showed that 98% of our customers ranked our customer service either excellent, very good, or above average. In addition, 84% stated that our service is continuing to improve. We have included in our proposal a complete user reference list and encourage you to contact any of our customers about the quality of our software, training and on -going support. 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TX Although our company may not be large in terms of number of employees, our ratio of number of installations to number of employees who devote 100% of their time and efforts to the development, support, training and installation of financial management software for municipal governments is above average in our market. Successful Similar Installations: INCODE has installed over one hundred seventy systems at municipal government sites. We have installed over eighty UNIX based systems. All of these installations are city governments where we have installed our integrated customer service software. We have also installed our software on various DOS & Windows networks and have experience in supporting DOS/Windows network based systems. Trainingand Education: Although our training has always been above average, this is the area we have made the most improvement over the last two years. Some of our new training people have gained valuable experience plus we have improved our training procedures. Our professional training and support staff includes CPA's, MBA's, and degreed accountants. You will not be disappointed with the quality of training provided by our staff. In addition, in December of 1991, MODE began sponsoring continuing Education Forums that will be offered periodically at a very low cost to our customers. Our most recent Education Forum was held in Dallas, Texas in August of 1997. Over 180 customers attended, representing 81 cities from five states. The two day forum included twenty-five different classes providing training on new software features and refresher training on various features of the software. Ability to Meet Future Needs: INCODE has always done an excellent job providing enhancements and new releases of its software to customers. This is one of the primary reasons we have lost only one customer in over fifteen years of business. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TX INCODE Development and Customer Service Staff Profile, Personnel Dusty Womble, President Lanny Evans, Programmer Municipal Court Developer Roy TollisonI Programmer Melinda McCracken, Programmer Jeny Fancher, Software Development Eric Hosch, Programmer Sean Hardy, Programmer Jeny Tomlinson, Imaging Support & Website Design Roger Schuster, Programmer Malini Parameswaran, Programmer Experience BBA Texas Tech, Management, MIS, Magna Cumm Laude,16 years data processing experience BS Midwestern State, Accounting, Computer Science, 22 years data processing experience. Associate, Okmogee, OK, MIS,10 years data processing experience BS Texas A&M, Mathematics, Magna Cumm Laude. 6 years data processing experience MIS Howard College Columbia, MD, President of Honor Society. Project Manager for a major computer manufacturing company working on a wide variety of platforms and application systems. 3 years experience in programming, contributed to publication of two programming books. Currently, completing a BBA in MIS at Texas Tech University. 15 years Accounting &Tax experience. B.S. Mathematics, Fort Hays University, M.A. Mathematics Texas Tech University, 3 years public education programming. MS, Chemistry, BS, Mathematics, 5 years of programming experience. . REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TX TraininglSupport Personnel Experience Steve Hightower, CPA BBA Texas Tech, Accounting, 16 years experience Randy Hollar, CPA BBA Texas Tech, Accounting, MA University of Texas Permian Basin, Business Management, 20 years experience Blake Reynolds BA Texas Tech, Telecommunications, 7 years experience with INCODE Dyke Ellison BBA Texas Tech, Accounting,16 years experience as controller Mark Zahn BS Lubbock Christian University, Accounting Systems Manager & Senior Accountant = 5 years accounting and data processing experience Lori Dudley NIA Glenda Hart 20 years experience as Financial Officer and COO for a large private corporation, extensive experience in software support and training in vertical markets. M.L. Blevins CPA, BBA in Finance and Accounting, Texas Tech University. Don Dennis Extensive experience in Municipal Government. Jeff Driver Currently, a Municipal Court Judge in the Lubbock area with 8 years experience as a Municipal Court Judge. Ridge Butler BBA in Accounting, Texas A & I, Public Accounting experience, & 15 years controller experience. 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TX Support Personnel Experience Kent R. Hudson, Dir, of Operations BS Oklahoma State, Accounting, BS Oklahoma Baptist, Health Care Administration, Cumm Laude, former city ience administrator, 5 years experwith INCODE Cathy Curbs BBA Texas Tech, Management, 6 years experience with INCODE Jamie Moore Six years experience in Office Financial Management. Two years experience with INCODE performing in-house accounting functions on INCODE software. Bob Dunn 25 years experience with a variety of computer systems. Becky Stephens MSA, (audit/finance),Texas Tech University, BBA, Accounting, Texas Tech University. Debbie Draehn 12 years Accounting experience and 5 years Governmental Fund Accounting experience. Hardware &System Software Personnel Experience Specialist 1 Support Sahab Ates BS . Mechanical Engineering, Associate in Electrical Engineering, Air Force Academy, Turkey David Watson Associates degree in Accounting &Computer Science. Also, 7 years experience in computer networking. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, Tx Marketing/Documentation Personnel Experience Martin Nowlin, Marketing N/A Administrator Diana Cornelius MBA Texas Tech, Marketing, BSBA Northem Arizona University, Marketing. Office Support Staff Personnel Experience Lany House, Controller MS Texas Tech, Accounting, BSBA Texas Tech, Accounting Diane Taylor N/A Lisa Higgins, Receptionist Bachelor of Interior Design, Texas Tech Sales Personnel Experience Steve Nieman, Vice President N/A Marketing Lee Midkiff, Sales Consultant N/A John Sober, Sales Consultant N/A Brian Cook, CPA, Sales Consultant N/A Robin Reeves N/A Mark Corkery N/A *Note: This fable does not include employees hired during the past three months. 7 INCODE User References TEXAS REFERENCES City/� Contact/Phone City of Abilene Linda Simpson 555 Walnut Asst. to the Director of Water Utilities PO Box 60 915-676-6206 Abilene, TX 79601 City of Alamo Mati Lopez 423 N. Tower Road Utility Director Alamo, TX 78516 956-787-0006 City of Andrews Kitty F. Bristow 111 Logsdon Director of Finance Andrews, TX 79717 915-5234820 City of Angleton Susie Flores 121 S.Velasco Bookkeeper Angleton, TX 77515 409-8494364 City of Anson Tex Middlebrook 1202 Commercial Avenue City Manager Anson, TX 79501 915-823-2411 City of Athens David Hopkins 508 E. Tyler Street Finance Director Athens, TX 75751 903-615-5131 City of Atlanta Mike Ahrens 301 N. Louise Street Finance Director Atlanta, TX 75551-5833 9034964153 City of Azle Bob Horton 613 S.E. Parkway Finance Director Azle, TX 76020 817444-2541 City of Bastrop - Joann Wiicoxen 904 Main St. Finance Director 3astrop, TX 78602 512-321-3941 City of Bay City Rosemary Rodriguez 1905 516 Street City Treasuer Bay City, TX 77414 409-245-7597 City of Bellmead Elizabeth Dieterich 3015 Bellmead Drive Finance Director Waco, TX 76705 817-799-2436 City of Big Spring 310 Nolan Big Spring, TX 79720 City of Boerne P. O. Box 1677 Boerne, TX 78006 City of Booker P.O. Box M Booker, TX 79005-0450 City of Borger P.O. Box 5250 Borger, TX 79008 Population/ Installation Date 106,707 September 1997 Windows 95 9,700 April 1990 NCR Tower 10,678 Scheduled for January 1998 Windows NT 15,000 August 1990 RS/6000 10,967 December 1992 Ware 6,118 February 1995 NetWare 8,868 June 1994 RS/6000 4,044 February 1991 RS/6000 18,170 July 1995 NetWare 8,336 November 1994 RS/6000 Tom FergusonFinance John Medina, Data Processing Director 25,000 , Director October 1987 915-264-2518 RS/6000 Kathy Herms 4,600 System Administrator September 1991 830-249-9511 RS/6000 Lois Sheets 11200 City Manager August 1990 806-658-4579 UNIX David Willard 15,675 City Manager November 1995 806-273-0900 RS/6000 Previous Software Vendor CAPS USTI CPS Software &Services CPS CAMIO ISMS Systems Designs City/Address City of Brownfield 201 W. Broadway Brownfield, TX 79316 City of Burkburnett 501 Sheppard Road Burkburnett, TX 76354 City of Caldwell 107 S. Hill Caldwell, TX 77836 City of Cameron P. 0. Drawer 833 Cameron, TX 76520 City of Canadian 6 Main Canadian, TX 79014 City of Canyon 301 161" St. Canyon, TX 79015 City of Castrovilie 1209 Fiorella Street Castroville, TX 78009 City of Center P.O. Box 1744 Center, TX 75935 City of Cedar Park P.O. Box 1090 Cedar Park, TX 78613 City of Charlotte P. 0. Box 216 Charlotte, TX 78011 City of Clarendon P.O. Box 1089 Clarendon, TX 79226 City of Coleman P. 0. Box 592 Coleman, TX 76834 City of Conroe 505 West Davis Street Conroe, TX City of Corinth 2003 South Corinth Corinth, TX 76205 City of Corsicana 200 N. 12th Street Corsicana, TX 75110 City of Crosbyton 221 West Main Crosbyton, TX 79322 City of Cuero 201 E. Main Cuero, TX 77954 Contact/Phone Mary Jo Collins City Secretary 806-6374547 Mike Slye Personnel Director 817-569-2263 William Broaddus City Administrator 409-567-3271 Janet Sheguit City Secretary 817-697-6646 Beth Witcher Finance Director 80&323-6473 Howard Morris Director of Finance 806-655-5003 Marcie Mora City Administrator 830-538-2225 Melinda G. Brittain Finance Director 409-598-2941 Wesley J. Vela Finance Director 512-2584121 Darlene Drawe City Secretary 830-277-1414 Janice Barbee City Secretary 806-874-3438 Joe Faries, City Secretary Sue Burelson, Head Bookeeper 915-625-4116 Pam Brooks Data Processing Administrator 409-539-4431 Caroyln Baker Finance Director 9404974145 Nelda Neal City Secretary 903-6544818 Gary Mitchell City Secretary 80&675-2301 John Washburn Finance Director 512-275-6114 Population/ Installation Date 91560 June 1997 UNIX 10,145 December 1994 Windows NT 3,200 February 1993 RS/6000 5,721 July 1990 UNIX 3,000 April 1986 DOS 12,932 February 1991 RS/6000 2,159 November 1996 Windows NT 4,950 Scheduled for 1997 Windows NT 13,500 December 1996 UNIX, Windows NT 1,560 August 1990 DOS 2,067 November 1994 RS/6000 51960 May 1990 RS/6000 28,000 Scheduled for December 1997 4,600 September 1997 Windows NT 22,911 September 1989 RS/6000 2,289 Sepetmber 1991 DOS-LANTASTIC 61700 July 1996 RS/6000 City of Dickinson Debra Wennagel 11,692 2716 Main Street Finance Director October 1994 Dickinson, TX 77539 281-3374489 Windows NT Previous Software Vendor CPS USTI Halphin USTI Burroughs Corp. CPS CAMIO Day Computers 0 '' Populationl Previous City/Address Conta� cUPho�e Installa® Software Vendor City of Dilley Mary Wilson 2,871 101 S. Commerce Finance Director March 1997 Dilley, TX 78017 830-965-1624 Windows NT City of Dimmitt Jo Hamilton 5,019 P. O. Box 146 City Secretary December 1985 Dimmitt, TX 79027 806-647-2155 486-UNIX City of Early Kenneth Thomas 2,380 P. O. Box 3100 City Administrator November 1992 Early, TX 76803 915-643-5451 Windows NT City of Eastland Karen Moore 3,690 UBS 416 S. Seaman Finance Director August 1996 Eastland, TX 76448 254-629-8321 Novell City of Edcouch Delmira Trevino, City Administrator 2,878 P.O. Box 86 Belena Montelongo, Finance Officer February 1995 Edcouch, TX 78538 956-262-2140 DOS City of Eden Rosa Schreiber 1,240 P. O. Box 915 City Secretary May 1990 Eden, TX 76837 915-869-2211 PC City of Edinburg Jose Gonzales 30,768 Systems Designs P. O. Box 1079 Finance Director November 1987 Edinburg, TX 78540 956-383-5661 NCR 3000 City of EI Campo John Steelman 10,511 USTI 315 E. Jackson Assistant City Manager March 1995 EI Campo, TX 77437 409-543-5361 DOS City of Fair Oaks Ranch Robert Andrew 2,750 7286 Dietz Elkhorn City Supervisor September 1996 Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 210-698-0900 Windows NT City of Elsa Nancy Sanchez 6,517 P. O. Box 427 Finance Director October 1990 Elsa, TX 78543 956-262-2127 � RS/6000 ? City of Farrnersvilie Paula Jackson 2,950 t303 S. Main Street Bookkeeper/Finance Director February 1990 Farmersville, TX 75031 972-782-6151 386-UNIX City of Farwell Cynthia Thigpen 1,364 P. O. Box 338 City Secretary January 1991 Farwell, TX 79325 806-481-3620 PC Town of Flower Mound Deloris Collins 26,009 CPS �' 2121 Cross Timbers Road Computer Technican June 1993 Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-539-6006 RS/6000 City of Floydada Karen Lawson 3,896 USTI P.O. Box 10 City Secretary January 1996 Floydada, TX 79235-0010 806-983-2834 RS/6000 City of Friona Patricia Phipps 3,809 623 Main Street Finance Officer December 1988 Friona, TX 79035 806-247-2761 486-UNIX City of Fritch Cindy Seymour 2,950 P. O. Box 758 City Secretary October 1994 Fritch, TX 79036 806-857-3143 PC City of George West Terri Garza 2,850 P. O. Drawer F City Manager September 1990 George West, TX 78022 512-449-1556 NCR Tower City of Georgetown Micki Rundell 14,842 USTI 103 W. 7'" Accounting Director December 1994 Georgetown, TX 78627 512-930-3676 RS/6000 City/Address City of Gonzales 820 St. Joseph Gonzales, TX 78629 City of Harker Heights 901 S. Ann Blvd. Harker Heights, TX 76548 City of Hearne 210 Cedar Street Hearne, TX 77859 Hedwig Village 955 Piney Point Road Houston, TX 77024 City of Hemphill P.O. Box 788 Hemphill, TX 75948-0788 City of Henrietta P. O. Box 409 Henrietta, TX 76365 City of Hereford P. O. Box 2277 Hereford, TX 79045 City of Higgins P. O. Box 56 Higgins, TX 79046 City of Highland Park 4700 Drexel Drive Highland Park, TX 75205 City of Hitchcock 7423 Highway 6 Hitchcock, TX 77563 City of Hondo 1600 Avenue M Hondo, TX 78861 City of Huntsville 1212 Ave. M Huntsville, TX 77340 City of idalou 208 S. Central Idalou, TX 79329 City of Jacksboro 112 West Belknap Jacksboro, TX 76458 City of Jersey Village 16501 Jersey Drive Jersey Village, TX 1999 Contact/Phone Linda Mercer Finance Director 830-672-2815 Alberta Barrett Finance Director 817-699-2301 Ken Pryor Acting City Manager 409-279-3461 Beth Staton, City Secretary Sonja Palermo, Secretary 713465-6009 Trinia Jerge City Secretary 409-787-2251 Joe Pence, City Manager Carol Loucks, Secretary 940-538-4316 Steve Bartels Finance Director 806-363-7101 Carol Barton City Secretary 806-852-3131 Bill Pollock Finance Director 214-521-4161 Lucy Dieringer Bookkeeper 409-986-5591 Vickie Smith City Treasuer 830426-3378 Tish Humphrey Director of MIS 409-291-5430 Russell Hamilton City Manager 806-892-2414 Mike Webb - City Manager 817567-6321 Louis Rodriguez Finance Director 77049- 713-466-2104 City ofJourdanton 1220 Simmons Avenue Jourdanton,TX 78026 City of Junction 102 N. 5th Street Junction, TX 76849 Delores Cordova City Secretary 210-769-3075 Jack Smith City Manager 830-446-2622 Population/ installa� tip on Date 6,52I November 1996 Novell 13,500 January 1987 RS/6000 5,132 May 1996 AIX, RS/6000 2,616 January 1997 Windows NT 1,182 September 1997 Windows NT 2,896 September 1994 DOS 15,853 June 1987 RS/6000 500 September 1988 PC 8,739 May 1996 RS/6000 5,869 January 1997 DOS 6,018 August 1993 RS/6000 27,925 March 1993 DOS 2,074 December 1991 DOS 3,350 April 1997 Windows NT 4,325 February 1993 Novell 3,220 February 1997 Windows NT 2,663 June 1992 RS/6000 Previous Software Vendor L�I1y CPS NCR-IFMS USTI NCR-INMS Cityl City of Kerrville 800 Junction Highway Kerrville, TX 78028 City of Kyle P.O. Box 40 Kyle, TX 78640 City of Lago Vista P. 0, Box 4727 Lago Vista, TX 78645 City of La Grange 155 E. Colorado Street La Grange, TX 78945 City of Lamesa 601 S. First St. Lamesa, TX 79331 City of Lampasas P. 0, Box 666 Lampasas, TX 76550 City of Liberty 1829 Sam Houston Liberty, TX 77575 City of Linden P. O. Box 429 Linden, TX 75563 City of Littlefield P. O. Box 1267 Littlefield, TX 79339 City of Live Oak 8001 Shin Oak Drive Live Oak, TX 78233 City ofLockney P.O. Box 387 Cockney, TX 79241 Conta® Dane L. Tune Assistant City Manager 830-257-8000 Minerva Falcon City Secretary 512-268-5341 Glenda Fowle, City Secretary Kelvin Knaus, City Manger 512-267-2181 Shawn Raborn City Manager 409-968-3127 Linda Scott Finance Director 806-872-2124 Matt Karcher DP Manager 512-556-6831 Bruce Mintz City Secretary 409-336-3684 Sam Wells City Secretary 903-756-7502 M Marty angum City Manager 806-385-5161 Andrew York Computer Admin. 210-653-9140 Charlotte Hooten City Secretary 806-652-2355 City of Lorenzo Jim Norris 708 5`" Street City Manager Lorenzo, TX 79343 806-634-5596 City of Luling Rodney Gonzales, Finance Director 509 E. Crockett Lamar Schultz, City Manager Luling, TX 78648 830-875-2469 City of Malakoff Ann Barker P. 0, Box Q City Secretary Malakoff, TX 75148 903489-0699 City of Marble Falls Vicky Kinsey 800 3rd Street Finance Director Marble Fails, TX 78654 830 693-3615 City of McGregor Bill Dake 302 South Madison City Manager McGregor, TX 76657 817-840-2806 City of Mexfa William P. Cornelius, City Manager P.O. Box 207 Carol Martin, City Secretary/Finance Mexia, TX 76667 817-562-4110 Clty of Mission Rolando Gonzalez 900 Doherty Finance Director Mission, TX 78572 956-580-8650 Population/ Installation Date 17,384 December 1996 RS/6000 2,225 December 1995 AIX 2,199 February 1991 RS/6000 3,951 October 1994 RS/6000 11,790 December 1985 RS/6000 6,382 July 1994 RS/6000 9,802 December 1987 RS/6000 2,375 October 1994 Windows-Wrkgrps 7,409 August 1984 RS/6000 10,023 November 1992 RS/6000 2,169 April 1989 DOS Network 1,208 February 1992 DOS 4,661 October 1995 RS/6000 2,470 September 1989 PC 4,007 September 1992 RS/6000 4,683 May 1996 AIX, RSl6000 6,933 October 1995 AIX, RS/6000 33,456 October 1996 HP9000 Previous Software Vendor USTI USTI USTI Population/ Previous City/Address Contact/Phone installation Date Software Vendor City of Mont Belvieu Margie Grimes 11800 P.O. Box 1048 Finance Director February 1991 Mont Belvieu, TX 77580 713-576-2213 DOS, Novell City of Morton Ray Hohstadt 21597 201 E. Wilson City Manager April 1995 Morton, TX 79346 806-266-8850 Netware City of Mount Vernon Cherry Onley 20219 109 N. Kaufman City Secretary July 1993 Mount Vernon, TX 75457 281-537-2252 Windows-Wrkgrps City of Muleshoe James Fisher 4,571 USTI 215 South First Street City Manager Scheduled for December Muleshoe, TX 79347 806-2724528 1997. City of Palacios Charles Winfield 4,418 P.O. Box 845 City Administrator February 1988 Palacios, TX 77465 512-972-3605 Windows NT City of Pampa Sheila Dallas 19,959 P.O. Box 2499 Data Processing Manager December 1985 Pampa, TX 79065 806-669-5700 NCR 3000 City of Panhandle Connie McKiernan 21353 P.O. Box 129 City Secretary February 1992 Panhandle, TX 79068 806-537-3517 DOS City of Perryton Don Jennings 8,000 P. O. Box 849 Finance Director June 1985 Perryton, TX 79070 8064354014 386-Unix City of Petersburg Jesse Nave 19548 P. 0. Box 326 City Manager January 1990 Petersburg, TX 79250 806-667-3461 PC City of Pharr Ruben Luna 329921 P. 0. Drawer B D. P. Manager/Asst. Finance Director March 1987 Pharr, TX 78577 956487-2703 PC/UNIX System City of Plains Suann Parrish 1,422 TABBS P. 0. Box 550 City Secretary October 1990 Plains, TX 79355 806456-2288 RS/6000 City of Pleasanton Kathy McMullen 71678 Prentice Hall P. 0, Box 209 City Secretary April 1990 Pleasanton, TX 78064 830-569-3867 RS/6000 City of Port Aransas Judy Lyle 21233 710 West Avenue A Finance Director June 1993 Port Aransas, TX 78378 512-749 4111 PC City of Portland Sarah Murphy 12,224 CAMIO P.O. Drawer 1285 Finance Director September 1991 Portland, TX 78374 512-643-6501 DOS-NOVELL City of Post Rick Hanna 31768 105 E. Main Street City Manager February 1995 Post, TX 79356 806-495-2811 City of Raymondville Eleazar Garcia, Jr. 81880 142 S. 71" Street City Manager October 1987 Raymondville, TX 78580 956-689-2443 NCR Tower City of Richmond Glen Gilmore 10,042 402 Morton City Manager December 1996 Richmond, TX 77469 281-342-5456 UNIX SCO City of River Oaks Bob van Til 61580 ! '. 4900 River Oaks Blvd. City Manager November 1994 Ft. Worth, TX 76114 817-626-5421 RS/6000 �1 � �� �� Population/ Previous CityCity/Address ContacUPhone installation Date Software Vendor City of Roanoke Hetty Haggard 1,616 Fast Track P.O. Box 386 City Secretary April 1996 Roanoke, TX 76262 817491-2411 Novell Lite City of Rockdale Linda Powell 5,235 140 W. Cameron City Secretary December 1991 Rockdale, TX 76567 512446-2511 Netware City of Rockport Debbie Littleton 6,300 P. O. Box 1059 Office Manager December 1986 Rockport, TX 78382 512429-2213 RS/6000 City of San Saba Joe Ragsdale 2,700 USTI P. O. Box 788 City Secretary March 1993 San Saba, TX 76877 915-372-5144 RS/6000 City of Santa Fe Janet L. Davis 8,429 12002 Highway 6 City Secretary December 1996 Santa Fe, TX 77510 409-925-6412 Windows NT City of Seabrook Pamela Lab 8,500 TABBS 1700 First Street Finance Director November 1994 Seabrook, TX 77586 281474-3201 Windows NT City of Seminole Joyce Good 6,794 101 E. Avenue A Finance Officer September 1989 Seminole, TX 79360 915-758-3676 RS/6000 City of Seymour Judy Gilbert 3,400 P. O. Box 31 City Secretary May 1987 Seymour, TX 76380 817-888-3148 RS/6000 City of Sinton Betty Wood 5,549 USTI 301 E. Market City Secretary July 1994 Sinton, TX 78387 512-364-2381 NetWare City of Sonora Becky Covington 21751 Advanced 201 N.E. Main City Secretary February 1992 Computers Sonora, TX 76950 915-387-2558 UNIX SCO Town of South Padre Richard Middleton 11392 Island _ Finance Director P. O. Box 3410 956-761-6456 November 1986 South Padre, TX 78597 UNIX SCO City of Stinnett Sharon Bagwell 20596 Drawer 909 City Secretary March 1986 Stinnett, TX 79083 806-878-2422 NetWare City of Stratford Teri Meil 11879 P. O. Box 188 City Secretary August 1989 Stratford, TX 79084 806-396-5581 DOS Network City of Sundown Brad Stafford 11759 SCT Spectrum 706 South Slaughter City Administrator Scheduled for November Sundown, TX 79372 806 229-3131 1997 City of Sunray Greg Smith 11954 P. O. Box 250 City Manager October 1989 Sunray, TX 79086 80&9484111 Windows NT City of Taft Mike Rhea 31222 501 Green Avenue City Manager December 1996 Taft, TX 78390 512-528-3512 RS/ 6000 City of Tahoka Jerry Webster 3,264 P. O. Box 300 City Manager February 1989 Tahoka, TX 79373 806-9984211 NetWare City/Address Contact/Phone Population/ Installation Date City orIayior P. 0. Box 810 Taylor, TX 76574 City of The Colony 5151 N. Colony Blvd. The Colony, TX 75056 City of Three Rivers P. 0. Box 398 Three Rivers, TX 78071 City of Tomball 401 W. Market St., Suite C Tomball, TX 77375 City of Tulia 201 N. Maxwell Tulia, TX 79088 City of Wake Village 624 Burma Road PO Box 3776 Wake Village, TX 75501 City of Watauga 7101 Whitley Road Watauga, TX 76148 City of Weatherford 303 Palo Pinto Road Weatherford, TX 76086 City of Weimar 106 E. Main PO Box 67 Weimar, TX 78962 City of Wellington P. O. Box 949 Wellington, TX 79095 City of Weslaco 500 South Kansas Weslaco, TX 78596 City, of West Columbia P. O. Drawer 487 West Columbia, TX 77486 City of West Orange 2700 Austin Avenue West Orange, TX 77630 City of Whitehouse 311 E. Main St. Whitehouse, TX 75791 City of White Oak 906 S. White Oak Road White Oak, TX 75693 City of Whitesboro P. O. Box 340 Whitesboro, TX 76273 City of Windcrest 8601 Midcrown San Antonio, TX 78239 David Webber Administrative Coordinator 512-352-3675 Jackie Carroll Office Manager 972-625-2741 (extn. 13) Mary Edens Bookkeeper 512-786-2528 Sherri Mattson Accounting Supervisor 713-351-5484 Barbara Cabe City Secretary 806-995-3547 Bob Long City Manager 903-838-0515 12,234 January 1989 RS/6000 27,480 August 1986 Ware 1,900 November 1989 Ware 6,370 June1996 Ware 4,445 May 1991 UNIX SCO 4,757 Scheduled for November 1997 SIS Gemni Carolyn Marshall 21,000 Director of Finance September 1996 817-281-8047 (extn. 1021) Windows NT Bill Davis 152800 Director of Finance December 1996 817-5984000 AIX RS/6000 Frank Parks 2,052 City Manager Scheduled for Installation 409-725-8554 January 1998 Ann Langford 2,840 D. P. Manager February 1988 806447-2544 NetWare Jim Hiebert 21,877 Finance Director January 1995 956-968-3181 AIX Debbie Southeriand 4,372 City Secretary March 1994 409-345-3123 Netware Linda Morvant 4,187 City Secretary January 1997 409-883-3468 Windows NT Kathy Dohse, City Secretary/Treasurer 40032 Cheryl Mc Innis, City Secretary July 1995 903-839-4914 Netware Carrol Hall City Secreta ry 903-759-3936(extn. Karen Brannan Utility Billing Clerk 903-564-3311 ry Nancy Cain City Secreta 210-655-0022 5,136 November 1991 17) Novell 3,300 February 1993 Novell 5,331 May 1994 RS/6000 Previous Software Vendor GU;3 USTI Fund Balance Inhouse DP Solutions Day Computer CPS Cityty Address City of Winnsboro 501 South Main Winnsboro, TX 75494 Conta home Jim Blanchard City Manager 903/342-3654 OKLAHOMA CUSTOMERS Population/ Installation Date 2,904 Scheduled for March 1998 Previous Software Vendor City of Ada Alvin Ffles 15,820 CPS 231 S. Townsend Information System Director February 1997 Ada, OK 74820 40543&6300 RS/6000 City of Anadarko Robert Brooks 61586 CPS P.O. Box 647 Director of Finance March 1995 Anadarko, OK 73005 405-247-2481 RS/6000 City of Ardmore Ken Campbell, Treasurer 24,010 P. 0. Box 249 Richard Quintess, Programmer July 1994 Ardmore, OK 73402 405-221-2500 RS/6000 City of Bethany John Shugart 20,075 P.O. Box 219 Finance Director October 1995 Bethany, OK 73008-0219 405-789-2146 RS/6000 Blackwell Municipal Sara Norris 7,538 Authority City Clerk May 1996 221 W. Blackwell 405-363=7200 RS/6000 Blackwell, OK 74631 City of Bristow Linda Tate 4,062 Data Technologies 110 W. 7th Street Finance Director April 1995 Bristow, OK 74010 91 &367-2237 AIX City of Broken Bow Sandra Driesel, City Clerk 31961 Day Computer. P.O. Box 909 Lisa Wilson, PWA Secretary January 1996 Broken Bow, OK 74728-0909 405-584-2885 RS/6000 City of Burns Flat Debbie Bloomer 21431 P. 0. Box 410 Clerk/Treasurer July 1991 Burns Flat, OK 73624 405-562=3144 DOS Network City of Checotah J. Hayes 31920 115 North Broadway Mayor April 1997 Checotah, OK 74018 918473-5411 City of Claremore Sue Ping, DP Manager 12,085 P. O. Box 249 Carlene Webber May 1992 Claremore, OK 74081 91&341-2385 RS/6000 City of Clinton Bill Galletly 91298 P. 0. Box 1177 City Manager October 1994 Clinton, OK 73601 405-323-0217 NetWare City of Coweta Joyce Terry 4,554 P. 0. Box 850 Assistant City Manger/ Clerk November 1992 Coweta, OK 74429 91 &48&2189 RS/6000 City of Del City Jon Wolff 23,928 P.O. Box 15177 Finance Director December 1994 Del City, OK 73155 405-677-5741 RS/6000 City of Dewey Doris Cummins 31326 411 E. Don Tyler City Clerk March 1993 Dewey, OK 74029 91&534-2272 RS/6000 City of Durant Tom Bradburn 12,823 Data Technologies P.O. Box 578 City Clerk December 1995 Durant, OK 74701 405-924-8551 Windows NT Population/ City/Address Contact/Phon Installation Date Previous Software Vendor City of Edmond ( P. 0, Box 2970 Edmond, OK 73083 City of Enid P. 0, Box 1768 Enid, OK 73702 Roy Moeller Finance Director 405-348-8830 Hamid Khaleto Fp r, DP Manager Bill Pritchard, Finance Director 405-234-0400 Town of Fort Gibson Deborah Daniels P.O. Box 218 Town Clerk Fort Gibson, OK 74434-0218 918-478-3551 62, 000 August 1994 NetWare 50,000 September 1993 RS/6000 3,359 January 1996 DOS LANTASTIC City of Hoidenville Frenola Janes 4,792 P.O. Box 789 City Clerk December 1995 Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379=3397 RS/6000 City of Idabel Sharon Martin 7,622 207 S. Central Deputy City Clerk June 1991 Idabel, OK 74745 405-286-5631 RS/6000 City of Lexington Lisa Hadley 1,776 121 E. Broadway City Clerk December 1994 Lexington, OK 73051 405-527-6123 NetWare City of Lindsay Janice Cain, City Manager 2,947 308 South West 2nd Linda Newby, City Clerk February 1997 Lindsay, OK 73052-0708 405-756-2019 RS/6000 City of Mangum Del Clayton 3,344 201 N. Oklahoma City Manager November 1994 Mangum, OK 73554 405-7824001 RS/6000 Mannford Public Works Clay Abercrombie 1,826 Authority 300 Coonrod Mayor June 1996 Mannford, OK 74044 918-8654314 RS/6000 City of McAlester Carolyn Hearod 179255 P. O. Box 578 City Treasurer May 1992 McAlester, OK 74502 918423-9300 RS/6000 City of Moore Cheryl McConnell 40,318 301 N. Broadway Assistant Controller Scheduled for November PO Box 7248 405-793-5017 1997 Moore, OK 73153 Paul's Valley Municipal Mylaine Grimmitt 69150 Authority City Clerk 220 West Paul January 1997 Paul's Valley, OK 73075 405-238-3308 RS/6000 City of Ponca City Rick Myers 26,359 P.O. Box 1450 Computer Services Manager August 1995 Ponca City, OK 74602 405-767-0300 NetWare City of Prague Nancy Ellis 21308 1116 N. Broadway Court Clerk January 1991 Prague, OK 74864 405 567-2279 RS/6000 Pryor Creek Utility Board Andy Richard 81400 6 North Adair Assistant General Manager September 1993 Pryor Creek, OK 74362 918-825-2100 Data General Avion City of Purcell Rhonda Dennie 4,784 P.O. Box 71 City Clerk July 1995 Purcell, OK 73080-0071 405-527-6561 RS/6000 City of Salina Jana Garner 11153 P.O. Box 276 Utility Clerk April 1996 Salina, OK 743654276 918434-5025 PC NCR-IFMS Twin City Data Jack Brown USTI Jack Brown NCR Jack Brown CityCity/Address City of Sapulpa P.O. Box 1130 Sapulpa, OK 74067 City of Seminole P. O. Box 1218 Seminole, OK 74868 Town of Skiatook P.O. Box 399 Skiatook, OK 74070 City of Stilwell 10 West Oak Stilwell, OK 74960 City of Stroud P. O. Box 500 Stroud,. OK 74079 City of Sulphur 400 West Muskogee Sulphur, OK 73086 City of Tecumseh 114 N. Broadway Tecumseh, OK 74873 Wagoner Public Works Authority P.O. Box 406 Wagoner, OK 74477 City of Watonga P.O. Box 280 Watonga, OK 73772 City of Waurika 122 S. Main Waurika, OK 73573 City of Wilburton 300 West Main Wilburton, OK 74578 City of Woodward 1219 8`6 Street Woodward, OK 73801 City of Yale 209 N. Main Yale, OK 74085 ContacUPhone Mary Kay Cowles City Treasuer 918-224-3040 Dianne Johnson Clerk/Treasurer 405-3824330 Darlene Bricker. Town Clerk Beth Beene, Deputy Cierklfreaurer 918-396-2797 Ross Roye Consultant 918-696-5084 Ann Thompson Clerk/Treasurer 918-968-2571 LeeAnn McDaniel City Clerk 405-622-5096 Beth Jeffcoat Purchasing 405-598-2189 Linda Gaylor City Cierk 9184854586 Leroy Lage City Manager 405-623-7353 Bill Rowton City Manager 405-228-2713 Denise Brunk City Clerk 918465-2262 Bridget Baird City Clerk 405-256-2280 Sharon Crisjohn City Cierk 918-387-2406 M►SSOURI CUSTOMERS: City of Boonville P. O. Box 3939 Boonville, MO 65233 City of Butler 101 N. Lyons ` Butler, MO 64730-2199 City of Fulton 18 East Fourth Street Fulton, MO 65251 Steve Goehl City Manager 816-882-2332 Janet Kirtley Cierk 816-679-4013 Don Meigren Finance Director 573-642-6655 Population) Installation Date 74 18,0 April 1991 RS/6000 8,950 April 1991 RS/6000 5,000 July 1992 RS/6000 2,663 April 1997 Windows NT 2,700 January 1994 AIX 5,516 December1990 RS/6000 5,123 January 1990 UNIX SCO 6,894 May 1995 RS/6000 3,408 August 1992 Ware 2,088 Scheduled for 4t° Quarter 1997 3,092 July 1994 Novell 12,340 June 1993 RS/6000 1,392 January 1996 NetwWare 6,000 September 1994 DOS Network 4,082 Scheduled for December 1997 10,033 December 1996 HP -UNIX Previous Software Vendor MENTOR/SCT CPS Quality Data MENTOR/SCT USTI City of Hoits Summit Cheryl Fletcher, Clerk 2,292 P.O. Box 429 Tanya O'Neal June 1997 Holts Summit, MO 65043 573-896-5600 Novell, Windows 3.1 City/Address City of O'Fallon 138 S. Main Street )'Fallon, MO 63366 City of Raymore P.O. Box 440 Raymore, MO 64083 City of Webb City P.O. Box 30 Webb City, MO 64870 City of Warrensburg 102 South Holden Street Warrensburg, MO 64093 ContacUPhone Laura Chiles Treasurer 314-240-2000 Dick Herbold, City Administrator Cathy Bowden 816-331-0488 Jayma Burrow Clerk 417-673-5077 Jim Landon City Manager 816-747-9131 NEW MEXICO CUSTOMERS: Town of Clayton 1 Chestnut Street Clayton, NM 88415 Village of Fort Sumner 501 Avenue C PO Box 180 Fort Sumner, NM 88119 Village of Logan Box 7 Logan, NM 88426 City of Portales 100 W. First Street Portales, NM 88130 Town of Taos 400 Camino De La Placita Taos, NM 87571 OTHER STATES: Micah Mock, City Clerk Quint Cams 505-374-8331 Kathy West Clerk -Treasurer 505-355-2401 Angie Cordova Treasurer/Clerk 505487-2234 Lin Bobo City Treasurer 505-356-6662 Ruth Gonzales Accounting Manager 505-751-2022 City of Arcadia Peggy Grant 1819 South Railroad Avenue Mayor Arcadia, LA 71001 318-263-8455 City of Atchinson 515 Kansas Avenue Atchinson, KS 66002 City of Lafayette P. O. Box 250 Lafayette, CO 80026 City of New Roads 211 W. Main Street PO Box 280 New Road, LA 7016 City of Rocky Ford 203 S. Main Rocky Ford, CO 81067 Kelly Hegar Janice Riessbeck Finance Director 541-942-3346 Jeff Hansen Chief Accountant 303-665-5588 Laneli Swindler Controller 504-638-5360 Darrel Schultz City Administrator 719-254-7414 Population/ Installation Date 18,698 December 1995 Novell 5,592 Scheduled for 1997 Novell 7,449 April 1995 DOS 15,244 August 1997 Windows NT 2,484 July 1994 RS/6000 1,269 Scheduled for November 1997 PC 735 February 1990 PC 9,940 February 1990 Unisys UNIX 3,369 July 1990 Novell 4,800 March 1997 Windows 95 18,397 Scheduled for February 1998. Windows NT 7,655 February 1996 Novell 15,000 January 1994 RS/6000 5,303 October 1997 Windows 95 4,400 June 1997 PC Previous Software Vendor Govermentor EDEN System SCT Spectrum Data West UBS USTI Population/ Previous City/Address Contact/Phone ct/ph� installation Date Software Vendor COUNTIES/APPRAISAL DISTRICTS/OTHERS: Aransas Natural Gas Patty Howard 401 S. Magnolia Office Manager Rockport, TX 78382 512-729-5465 Bartonville Water Supply Jim Leggieri 1911 E. Jeter Road General Manager Argyle, TX 76226-9401 817430-3541 Bastrop County Water Karen Pinard P.O. Box 708 General Manager Bastrop. TX 78602-0708 512-321A688 Colorado River Municipal Sondra McKinney Water District Accounting Manager P. O. Box 869 915-267-6343 Big Spring, TX 79720 Crosby County P. O. Box 241 Crosbyton, TX 79322 Joyce Whitehead Treasurer 806-675-2241 Duval County Reclamation & Conservation District Rudy Bazan 200 S. Hwy 359 Manager San Diego, TX 78384 512-279-3357 Hansford County Gina Hamilton P. O. Box 134 County Auditor Spearman, TX 79081 806-6594105 - Laguna Madre Water Daniel P. Mena District Director of Finance 105 Port Road 956-943-2626 Port Isabel, TX 78578 Lubbock Central Appraisal Joe Rankin District Director of Information Services P. O. Box 10542 806-762-5000 Lubbock, TX 79408 Lubbock County Water MS Doss Foundation Box 1677 Seminole, TX 79360 Gwen Ready Sharla Jeter Office Administrator 915-758-2770 Marietta Public Works rity Linda Briggs Authority Office Manager 303 West Main 405-276-2181 Marietta, OK 73448 Military Highway Nuece County Water Water District #3 501 E. Main Street Robstown, TX 78380 Amado Salinas J.R. Blahuta Jr. District Manager 512-387-4549 N/A October 1997 Windows NT N/A Scheduled for November 1997 N/A March 1997 Windows 95 N/A January 1985 RS/6000 N/A June1991 DOS N/A October 1993 RS/5000 N/A June1991 DOS N/A September 1996 RS/6000 N/A August 1994 Novell N/A August 1994 DOS-LANTASTIC N/A May 1988 DOS N/A October 1997. PC N/A April 1995 UNIX N/A June 1996 RSl6000 Nueces County Water Mary Moss N/A District #4 District Manager December 1994 P.O. Box 128 512-749-5201 DOS Port Aransas, TX 78373 USTI Data Systems City/Address Contact/Phone Robstown Utility System Belinda Serrate P. O. Box 71 Accountant Robstown, TX 78380 512-387-3554 Upper Trinity Regional Dave Ryburn Water District Business Manager P.O. Drawer 305 214-219-1228 Lewisville, TX 75067 Wildwood Property Owners Bob Johnson Association Facility Manager 92 Cypress Bend 409-834-2241 Village Mills, TX 77663 Willacy County Delores Duron 546 W. Hidalgo County Treasurer Raymondville, TX, 78580 956-689-2772 Population/ Installation Date 12,849 March 1994 RS/6000 Network N/A January 1996 AIX N/A January 1996 Novell N/A August 1994 DOS Previous Software Vendor CPS DENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC November 4, 1997 Mr. Larry Kessler City of Sanger P.O. BOX 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear: Mr. Kessler Enclosed is the information you requested concerning the franchise taxes for the years of 1995 and 1996. This information is based on our revenue figures for each year. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Si DOmuc �,iaiy Controller Enclosure: do Denton County Electric • 3501 FM 2181 •Corinth, Texas 76205 Metro (817) 430-1195 • Wats (800) 274-4014 • Fax (817) 497-6525 DCE 501 (5/94) Franchise Taxes For The City of Sanger 1995-1996 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Tax Rate Total Tax Paid 1995 $21,322.97 $18,482.41 $17,542.88 $16,022.77 $15,754.15 $27,733.95 $33,909.86 $37,123.65 $32,677.72 $18,308.43 $18,842.81 $21,077.29 $278,798.89 2% $5,575.99 Revenue 1996 $30,086.87 $26,496.96 $19,677.50 $19,451.88 $20,878.45 $33,975.40 $40,787.19 $41,144.31 $31,703.40 $22,026.10 $21,648.18 $24,914.49 $332,790.73 2% $6,655.82 u DCE 502 Denton Count) Electric • 3501 FM 2181 •Corinth, Texas 76205 Metro (817) 430-1195 • Wats (800) 274-4014 •Fax (817) 497-6525