08/04/1997-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL ONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1997 II I' BOLIVAR 1. Call Meetimg to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Revisions to the City Code all Unsafe Building Regulations, 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. Date and Time Posted MINUTES: City Council July 21, 1997 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ®TREKS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, City Mechanic Tommy Belcher, Electric Foreman Jeff Morris, Street Dept. Foreman John Henderson, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Glen Ervin, Chris Anderson 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Qrder. Councilwoman Madden led the Invocation, followed by Councihuan Kincaid leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. �. Citizen's Input. I�� 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider F,TJ Preliminary flat of Ridgecrest North, Phase I, Lots 1 - 8, being part of the R. Bebee S��rvey, Abstract No. 29, 10.031 aci°es located on Union Hill Road. Chris Anderson spoke in regards to his Preliminary Plat of Ridgecrest North. Discussion followed. Issued addressed were the septic systems, the gas pipe line n•unning through part of the property, and the dedicated right-oi way for future road and the size of the homes being 1,800 square feet. Councilman James asked if there were restrictions to build over the gas pipe line running through the back of the property. Chris Anderson indicated they could not build over it. Discussed. CC MINUTES 07/21/97 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding I+;TJ Prelinlinal•y Plat of Itidgecrest North, Phase I, Lots 1 - 8, being part of the R. 13ebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, 10.031 acres located on Union Dill Roatl. City Administrator asked the Council if they could approve this as the Preliminary and Final. The Council did not indicate such. The City Administrator advised that the P�Z had approved the Preliminary Plat. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Accept Approval of the Prelimival•y Plat foI• Ridgecrest presented. Seconded by Councilman Kiltcaid. MOtioll carried IIIIaI11IIlo4ISly. the P�Z recolnmeudatioll of North, Phase I, Lots 1-8 as 6. Executive Session Pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Chapter SSl, VerIIOII's Texas Codes Annotated, na Accordance with the Authority Govt. Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters. A} Consider Appointment of Electric Superintendent Mayor Coker convened Council into Executive Session at 7:16 p.III. Govt. Code, Contained in 7. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result of item discussed in Executive Session. Mayor Coker reconvened Council into regular session at 7:50 p.m. Motion was made by Couneihllan Kincaid to Appoint Jeff Morris as Electric Superintel�dent. Seconded by Councalnlall Jelliclns. t i a) City Administrator indicated he would like to schedule a budget workshop at 6:00 p.nl. Consensus of Council to schedule the Iueetillg. b) City Administrator advised that the P�Z scheduled a meeting for the Thursday before the second Council meeting in August to go over the P&Z ®rdinallce. This would be an opportunity for Council to go over the ®rdillance themselves if they chase to do so. Consensus of Council to be notified of the scheduled meetings. c) City Administrator advised that they will start on Keaton Road repairs and that they should be completed by the time school stal•ts in August. d) City Administrator advised Touchstone Films did come to town last Thursday to rile the movie Armageddon, a PG movie starring Bruce 'Willis and Harrison Ford. Mr. Keesler advised that Curtis Amyx with the Police Dept. and Jason Jones and Ronnie Swan from the Volunteer Fire Dept will be in the movie. They borrowed the fire truck and then donated $500 to the SVFD, and $1,000 to the City. In all, they came and did an excellent job in cleaning up after they were through. e} Mayor Coker asked if the City could write a letter to the Chamber of Commerce complimenting them for the display of fireworks at Lake Ray Roberts. f) Councilman Jenkins indicated that he had received some "junk mail" that was sent to hint by the City. It had cost $1.47 in postage. He indicated that if he wanted his mail, and if he knew it was here he would come and pick it up. He felt it was a waste of money to mail "junk mail". City Secretary advised she would make sure it would be taker care of in the future. g} Councilman Kincaid indicated that whoever• is in charge of week citations is way behind. He noted several locations in town that needed to be mowed. Discussed. Consensus of Council for City Admillistratol• to get with Bob Hagenaanll concerning the problem. h) COIIIICilrilall JCIlkills IIICiIlired aS tU the status UII Mr. Porter's front yard. Jeff Morris indicated they had been there today working and that tomorrow they will go dowel and sow Bermuda seed. Jeff indicated he plans to go through and put asphalt on his driveway. i) Mayor Coker inquired as to the status oII the sewer running dowel at the Sanger South Bottom Lirt (the line JJP Ranch runs into). Eddie Branham indicated he has not had any problems lately. They have taken some precautions to monitor the lines daily. j) Mayor Coker inquired as to the status of Engineer looking at the "problem". Mayor asked City Administrator if he talked to the Engineer to see if he could do something with it since he had indicated he would talk to him last week. Mr. Kessler indicated he had not talked with John Mears but. does intend to do so. % Adjourned. MINUTES: City Council Workshop July 28, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Alice Madden, Councilman Jimmy Frazier, Councilman Jerry Jenkins USENT, Councilman Mike James 4TIIERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilwoman Madden led the invocation followed by Councilman Kincaid leading the Pledge of Allegiance. City Administrator• Larry Keesler addressed Council giving Chem a detailed report on projected revenues and expenditures for 1997 - 1998. Mr. Keesler stated that this budget year the budget woiild carry a beginning balance of $190,000 to make the budget balance. He also indicated that in doing so it allows for the City to have a Contingency of $123,845. Mr. Keesler indicated that the revea�ues that were budgeted `vets low, however, if we do exceed the budget amount it will just increase our contingency for the year. Mr. Keesler discussed the debt service required this year. He also implied that when Jeff made his budget presentations Council might want to increase the Electric Dept's budget. They could do this by reducing the contingency fund. Electric Superintendent Jeff Morris proceeded to go over his line item expenses. Jeff discussed his salary request far his department and his step plan and education requirements on each step. The important issue Jeff addressed was the funds necessary to operate the system. Jeff indicated that the city had to make some improvements to the system that would probably be costly for the next five (57 years. Kowever, he emphasized that after five (5) years the electric system would be back in excellent shape. Jeff also guaranteed that after five years he could maintain the system with $60,000 for capital. ®they issues discussed were the line item expense for pagers. City Secretary was asked to find out why this was such a costly expense. The Council also asked her to find out how many pagers we�•e in the Electric Department. Discussed, 0� 0 0 Lj SP lujovIlmy PAGE 2 Another important issue addressed was the people "on call" and the response tine. Lengthy discussion followed and City Administrator was asked to take care of the problem. Another issue Council addressed was the contract for the uniforms. Staff was instructed to find out if the contract can be broken since it is a 3 year contract. City Secretary advised that din Souder negotiated the uniform contract right before he resigned. Jeff coy�t.i��ued by finalizing his proposed capital expendit.u�•es. CITY OF SANGrU s1P i1PFi3 IEEM LIST C1JiPt?INY NO 7/31/97 PAVE 1 15%04 VEWDIJR ItIV NO INN DTE PO NIUM DUE HE PORCH AMT DISC, ACTT 110 ADC, RESDURC`rS US BOX 661 JULY CF '3700N 8/01/97 �1905 8/05/97 1'Po a00 a00 442t 1100 1 '0, 00 10TAL 120, 00 + 730 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY P,Oa BOX 1740 BLADE SCORER, PA 1J.P1180 8/01/97 22000 8/05/97 E:OS, 78 200 470s ONO �= 0 a 78 RI (AL 202, 72 a 0o 1185 B'3U SPORPi !='.IJe BOX 7726 111MBREt_t A B591142' SMUT E:1859 8/05/97 7Ea 80 a 00 101 AL 784 80 a 00 ;='S45 FIR= `3E1;=',='E_Y It3i�A BoaX +�9 L+C,BA REt'AIRS Ji64 8/�1l9t°19�f 8{0J/97 415,08 ='1 4;'Ia I100 415a08 IOTFit. 415a 8 a 00 c`:a47 FIKFI13WTER'S R,EI_IFF & KFIKIIENT FUND 3910 Sa I35, '1UIIE e3J LIENSION DUES 21901 8/0 91 c1901 8/05/97 1,51c:,olo 0HLO I OI AL 1 � 5121100 moo 3355 UN FAS UNIFORMS Pala MY 2101037 i3ISCa SLlPhPI.IES 22Uo 8/tif97 22060 8/05/97 INr1610 allo 420, 1200 26,15 484.0500 86a15 06M 00 44 ,0800 25a00 TOTAL 10E'a 30 a 00 44'!J�v�. �i\I�IlI�4_ E t(TL� 4"a lFe Tw l�t ?+Ja4 'TUBE 48az'�r 8/01/9( 81889 8705797 1�.aJ''+ a�i 4t9a0800 T111At I6a 5101 a 00 6Et10 CAW IAWITORI a#_ `SUPP1_IE'3 Pal, BOX 1104 C:FMING SUPPLIF 8144 3/01/97 21986 8/05/97 18a75 ,00 r 46i=`, 81>grli 3a 31 TCE1 At. 18475 a 00 6570 CltiuEY S11t1D 11i?A0F}_ 1010 B01jUAR SiREwT SAND P079 8/01/97 PLO79 8/05/97 600aCIO �0 46.1, 0900 GO& 00 T(1TAt 6OOV 00 00 1000 1,111MM111C11(_ 11110Y Pala ;31]X 1119 Ill K,ER TRUCK RFU `yF�1179 8/01/97 21833 8/0J/9t 285.cr� �0 10TAL. C85a t9 1021 i IJMWRCIAIt SERVICI RTa 4 BOX 642' 8 AU6a ICE MACHINE 27858 8/01/97 8/05/97 IQ710 a00 sjITY s;;= SI'HiAs=�ER AP OPEC( I I LIST Cali PANY 100 f/341( F'AsIE 2 i5:1104 VENDOR INN NO INN DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC¢ AMf 459a5�[ 4 9¢VI600 5Q. TCITAL 180a E,O a oo f585 COPEL!a�J !sA,�[TAI_ Past¢ SI)X 44547 COPH R LEASE 970814 8/01/97 21926 8/05/97 113.95 z 459¢0300 1Iola 95 T01 AL. 113m 95 a CIO fL9�? s'!J!J;-'!:R4:; s_:sJPIES 745 :3O!JiH s;I_ii MODIS, RGt:RL!I Mrr K&I 8/01/97 L:1904 B / 0 5 / 9 7 89.4� OO 11214 1100 34a 5u .I O AL 8% 10 92`5�i !)ATA ;3USI1(ESS FOR(f':3, IPdC. 463-4s"�f HQ;IELL P.O¢ BOX �:,s=�J367 GRERNBAFi C:C!=i'a P' 4`rRcE! 8/01/97 22038 8/05/97 2.49a27 too 4 11 a 4'3 A Ir.4.64 441 a 1900 124463 T01 AL, 2 4 9 a 27 ¢ OO 10500 DEAs aR`7 ELECTRIC SUPPLY Pa Oa 3OX , 676 sGAIVa SIEFL_ COND 21166610 8/01/91 21912 8/05/97 44a85 a00 482.O8001 44.85 BRACKETS, BO!_TS, 21153O80 8/01/97 21747 8/05/97 17¢ 28 .O8 4!32? 0880 17.28 TOTAL 62¢ 43 a!?0, 145�0 DE�lTEX SUPPLY COa, IIdC. 4226 D�J�L"Aid ST. VALVES � �l1PPLES 1as69F-'4 8/O4f97 2177�! 8/�5f97 29.38 .U�i 421 ¢ 0900 P138 12 STATION OUTDO 21952 8/01/97 21952 8/4�+5/97 220aOO ,o5 459a090121 22O¢80 iCsTAL 249438 a 00 46580 E(3;JERs3't` s3AS s;Oi�fF'A�lY (TEST HI�3Hl-IAY 81D Pa s)a BOX 747 P(;DPAtlr �,�,�83 8lt�if97 'c+i�6 BfEw/?! si¢ �J aO!� 414a200Vs 31¢ PROPALIF 91887 8/01/97 21820 8/05/97 Irut82 .O@ 414a'2000 35a 7i=' 41,4a O&R, 85a 10 01R- 454a97 C+t 16`G_6 ELLI!lF E(_ECFRIC SUPP1._Y P¢i3¢ BOX 630610 KIACOR00013ES4 FX 75963 I�Pbv CCNNX 31166-011 8/01/97 3;'>3W 8/05/97 252 06 too 42101100 ;_'5.016 I(IT4L_ 25¢ 06 a 00 174t�� 1=ORF LIORFH PUBLIC LIBRARY 3010 TAYLOR ST¢ AV (9FTEFtIALS, BCi 22��9 8/O4/97 u'E:!�'+9 8f�5/97 4c:4a88 ¢P.+=•5 4i5¢ !4c'a OO CI'FAL 124a 00 a 00 47300 1; E t, TRACTOR COa 1230 ET. WORTH DRIVE HYD¢ HCE4E 12974 8/01/97 21632 8/05/97 30a48 .s39 419a0800 3148 CITY LIE <WNGFH AP PEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/31/97 PAGE 3 15:U4 VENt7iJR INV NO INU LTF PO NUM DUE LATE PURCN P41T 815Cn ANT WASHER, Lff:K RIN 13573 8/01/97 21120 8/05/97 3n21 x0 41'13.0500 34 '1 fit) R E11.IER IIFME t3990 8/'tt1_/91 c179l 8/05!91 31.55 n�f� 41113JC=.O 431155 I.fIBLE 151P65 8/01/91 K1030 8/051/9/ r4ncE: �3 419a 06063 24. 36 HYD, Nils E I J1075 8/01/97 21951 8/05/97 n00 l I.0"100 .37. 30 PINS '� RINGS 14119 8/Cfi/97 '1814 8/05/97 i1.'U 00 4i i',Yf)o HOE & CAP 14297 8/01/97 p1813 8/05/q7 18.88 10 r, 419n 05I9111 1'n 36 419n 0600 6n Jf' 'I OT AL 157m 98 n 010 174�� r, � K '3hRUI��E6 UNIFORMS UNIE�C�RM.S 177L1� E3A1_L 4:C 1NCn 1sADL�EG 1878!� r�)�ti7Y1_AR TIRE '1`�rl 8/U1197 416.1;v'2�� 3'n 1�i 41620580 187.00 416.'0L�01 3'.115 416. o7elo 34n JU 416n C�88o ,�3L�n 7� 416. 06010 145n 50 U'1977 8/01/97 41661230 1ei* 70 4i6.8500 4o.70 416n 2000 I0z 7@ 41Go070I3 ilv5o rr161 0800 133.95 4i6r0600 4815 P.O. BOX 2687 81977 8/05/97 761090 '1977 8/�J/97 3�6n�J `I CiTAL 1 g G67.'3J `470 PALUMBO 1]RIVE Pnli. 0OX 55'68 51490806 8/01/97 21908 8/05/97 133n18 416ait13U 133.48 TCfTAL. 13 .18 73U1 AMBA'33A0i3R ROW 8/01/97 421796 8/05/97 145.88 't19n 03010 14J. 08 TtC LEI 14108 L�L!K�4C. Q14111 J1 L4't14� Ol�+al J1 e K7� 8111LOn COMMn PHO O,-_C04r.. 8/01/97 e?0428/05/97 1 7.99 450n .t 100 2 to 99 OTAL P7.99 24590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 480' ALEXANDER on on BOX J60861 IaATIFRY i@085 8/81/97 21811 8/05/97 140.95 4t9v0800 40n95 10TAL 40.95 II JIM McNATT CI?EVRIILET 1405 No STEMMONS VALVE AE4rM; 5082913 8/01/97 218102 8/05/97 65.J4 419. 0300 65n J4 n�U n GJ✓J eU� CI1i' CiF ;;A IN t=r t A r tiPG N I I F 14 LI9f rCt L'ANY 1.1010 1/31/97 PAGE 4 i5at4 VE ?�lR INV N11 INV SITE PO NUM 011E IIIlc, PURCH Pfir 1015t. nHt PAD KIT 0el]tiIb 8/01/137 21883 8105/97 45.6? a00 419. 01,900 `F n 63 CABLI 500317 8/01/97 �C"IBAR 4 8/05/97 2J,9 l[NSIONER 500385 8/cli/97 21966 3/05/97 47,60 400 4t9,.V•a` 0 47.80 1ttiAL. 184. 69 .0,19 C:URC'. STOPS 2`20,37 8/01/97 22.037 8/95/97 2V,01*'4 .Vl0, / f 456. 0600 HYDa 21900 8/01/97 MOO 8/�35/97 799.95 a00 4J5. 0600 1 9 9. '?J I DIAL I CL9>&.18 . 09 275011A LAW ENFORIXIMIFNT SMUS I F`, U. BOX IP5 TRAFFIG TICKET 8 67501 8/01/97 21928 8/95/97 137.0A .0 442c 2409 137,00 TOTAL 137,00 .V3 t'755`J IA1-.sd �_A�i� 714 8Ai_i_A9 t�RIVE FUEL CAC' 74051 8/01/97 21798 8/65/'97 6,72 .IOU 419. V15V0 6.72 SPOOL., AUTD(11) 74i62 8/01/97 21809 8/05/97 59.83 00 456.0950 59.83 FL!kL IAdK, LIPvF; 7 370 3/0i/97 2;Ve:7 8/05/97 54.58 00 44PI. ui'9VU 54.58 KL i DF 74862 8/01 /91 21960 8/0J/97 13. 86 a COO, 419.0769 13.86 l!F:`-D LA i FR, LIF AD 74942 8/91/97 21838 8/V�:5/97 K& 85 , rz 1 418.Pr00 368,85 TGiAL 501184 .Ovi '9893 ffiCi911c�Fi1'' W��E_E)INz9 9t7 U. 1UTH !9i'REET 4190 OFJQI0 5J. Vv 35. 00 Ci ai J`'9 r4JNIf IC't?L ELECFRIC H&S C/O STAY HAVENS, TREAS. L'.si. 9klX 13960 SAFETY VFETIH6 & 227318 8/91197 22018 8/05/97 3,16i.28 00 439.ORIOU 39 161,'28 T IITAL 3116I a 28 . VV -3160n NAMEg'9 CECHNOLOGY, INC. !-'.El. BOX 235 LAGS TESTS 97002,,6cj3 8/01/91 22017 8/05I97 245.50 00 iCITAL 245. 09 . VV, 31615 NICO MAK COMPUTING, INC. w.11. BOX 919 WINZIC' SOFTWARE l,L'OOB 8f��1l97 22V98 8f05/97 29.C5 Vr? 442;'. OPL00 29. V!Z TOTAL. 29.00 .00 3'i2J '3 & S iEi_ELEiRY 800 WILLAW STREET LtIt[R & MAiERIAI 1193 8/01/97 1206E 8/05/97 4`97,14 .00. 4 5, 0700 497.14 `f LiF SA+4ESR AP OPFN Ii*Li IISI comrDANY 10o 7131/97 PALE 5 EV ;v 4 UELdi317R II V NO MY ME PO NUM (1ISi n r (IRf H $1 7ISC. I t SEALS 119c' 8/W/97 220D 8705/97 164.Of_, ,o 4#I'_1, ii,P00 1Fj IOTA[ 661,14 .00 -2�1,jtzF'Aidt3A L1iBROIDERY 11�' Nt S,RIB1d?:R CITY OF SNGEFt C 39951 8/01/97 21B61 8/05/97 287,39 01 416.10010 143e70 416.1700 14169 IO AL 287,39 00 330+00 PAYL�SS CASHWAYS, INC. PnOn BOX 660331 PVC EL_BOid, TEE, 239419 8/01/97 E1772 8105/97 57,56 .00 463.0`J00 57, 56 VALVE, CAP '38534 8/01/97 E1806 e/05/97 9.81 .00 442, 4600, 9.81 IIII AL. 67, 37 , 00 33954� PILdK!3TQP P.O. BQ}; 50757 IEF,RALIFI Oa`! IRE 97435 8/01/91 22078 8/05/97 d0,0400 ,00 4r'l OPOO 300t 00 iOTAI. 300.00 .00 47` tILiI!_L I,ORF�ORAl1tJ P. O® BOX 94091 17ESSt OREAIdl7E° Ur 9 64 8/01, 9t c'144 Bi J/91 58, 5U: MOO 441.11300 58e 53 1 IT 58. 53 4 00 35000 RAIJIQ SHIACK 410 BO_IVAR P.O. BOX 21347 BULBS KIM1 8/01/97 E el01 8r'05/91 3,57 .00 42 1. 0700 151 r_r,rAKFR 21967 3/01/97 c1961 8105/97 413.0800 1'.93 HOLE P1€UGS, 21963 8/01/97 51963 8/05/97 8197 300 419. 0800 8097 P1 LIF; 51964 8/01/07 81964 8/05/97 1499 ,00 TOTAL L7,52 zoo 35300 RI f&WLLO SiJPPI_Y INC. P. Q. BOX 1597 OXEBEi;d 807215 8/01797 21764 8/05/97 88. 50 , Ole, 44�'4,1000 88.50 TOTAL 85.50 Colo 75350 ROADRUNNER rRAFFIC SUPPLY P, Q. BOX MID837 SIGNS 17282 8/01/97 21973 8/05/97 6175 .00 418. 2�_00 69.75 TOTAL 6M5 , 00 700 St Ji ] f13TIUL N� Tgi3S ( f UJ JMNT AM 8/01/97 E162b 8/05/91 6,89 ,Vol IdISr*, PARTS 3586 8/01197 G1673 8/05/97 119409 400 419.0800 36.9j 4110530 34.6o 419C 1100 47.51 n MiCd. PARTS 4019 9/01/97 •M31 8/05/97 58. IR 900 000016 CITY OF SANEGU AF' OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 106 7/31/97 PAE1Ev F, 15a0i/A VENDOR INV NO INV BTE PO NUM DUE BTE PORCH ANT BISCa AMT 419x 1 lOO 4100 419x6560 10a Ii' NI'SCa PARTS 4287 8/01/97 21886 8/05/97 55x46 65 419x 1100 17. 2'5 419, KOO Iidn K 419f 0300, 10a 04 419a 0500 15491 IOTA[ G'39x 56 x CIO 6575 gANGU WEE_E)ING Pa oa BOX 826 AivGLc cc` r 8/01/97 217K 8/05/97 2a 68 400 45¢Jx 0900 .'a 68 OI AL 2a 68 a BS rts8O c=�nE c MIRROR +E pr I1.i �'O; go' DEAR Ax!?a 0OX 1129" P1 EXIC:I A5C 8891L 8/01/97 2192 ( 8/Cr5/9f 894 00 00 4JE a 03001 89c 00 1T 1 89, 5o a SS 87 =' SREIY:t!i—'SE1WEi_! . INCa L€sCF;BOX 911494 SIt=C,g A CEC7I�1 E A 54'S t79t 8151/�7 c189 8r'S5/9% 16.61. 010 44 'a ?0BA 17x 65 419aIio-01 58096 I C€1 At %6x 61 001 4��2J5 8€18E3Y ,I��N REHABx, CEFrIC:E 219�3% 8/�31/9% 21987 B/85/9( 137x8`t x�9 413x 1100 122a 87 411a 1158 15COO TOTAL 137a87 00 4m925 51 F11, 807 S(ARK STREET 97/98 MEMBERSHIP 21902 8/01/97 21902 8195/97 49100 CIO 4311100 499m 010 T01Al 499a8W aSS 43701 TE;CHLINE, INCa PvOm BOX 841950 ANCHOR RODS 58081 8/01/97 22823 8/05/97 153a SCE a 80 470a 0800 1153000 Al 153a E75C 43W,.5A TEMI='E_E, INCa P,Ot BOX '37W2'69 SUPP1.1E.5 crl4c8 8IE1J97 21996 8/Cr5i91 t,76 i 4104 0800 3+37x 7Ea Mi`IC:a S=lPPLUE 1?1854 8/01/97 c'1854 8/05/97 11114aO5 � c 410t OP100 19114a E45 1T11 Ai 1, 451 x B1 a SCl 44830 TEXAS METER & O UICr COO 1509 NEW EIALLAS HWYx Pa Eta BOX 3088 [:ICEVE PRCEIECI %Ce`15 8/01/97 22C�22' B/C�5/97 r`c. ,% aE`, 418,0800 E 26x 95 IEifAt, 7_+ lid .JJ:J a 4,�P;_�tl SOUTHWESTERN E3EE_L_ MOBILE SYSTEMS Peon ROX 910913 11LI IIt AR PHONES 2i G?t5 8/01/97 22065 B/Z5/97 325a 4j 0E3 433a 1100 3E3a 5O 000011 MTY LIE SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 7/31/97 PAGE 7 15.94 VENOAR INV NO INV DTF PO NUM DUE M PURCH AhT DISC. ANT 433.C41AA 921.10 4311600 21.69 4k,6011Aki 31.57 433n 1000 11178 .1780 19.78 433. M00 6,11, 16 ilk 334OBV5,59 455.185C� 17,66 10] Al 325,49 , 0 4659 ivU-IRi PRINTING31 '331JTH EI_L9 8T. BUSINESS CAM, 5568 8/01/97 P15I'1 8/05/911 98.5{l too 4&0300 138.00 ., rl rra! Q8t 00 00 46696t TRACTOR 5t1r' ''_Y C�1, A, iO. BOX 17916 MOOR 8 FAN 21965 8/01/97 21965 8/05797 4 38, 09 .00 483Z lr=l'9 139200 80,H0 699.85 1E:11A1. 438a 8�� o B9 ter_ ANT14REEZE, AIR B67e 8/01/97 28028 8/05/97 39205 00 4 1.1200 ?4. 75 419,8380 14.38 IOTAL 39. C35 , A0 534540`. WESTGATE VETERINARY HOiPI 4501 N, hESA EUTHANASIA 75947 8/01/97 22069 8/05/97 115,00 .80 444, 2680 115. 00 TOTAL, 115. 85 , Sw0; 541 7 LAIIRA' S I OCKXM M 1783 W. UNIVERSITY REKEY LUCKS & KE 366R5 8/51/97 Ec664 8/05/97 97.58 s 0t 0189 48. 75 46116010 48,75 TOT AL 97, 50 . 00 5:��?85 T :1 i WnS r hANAt rMI Nf A.11 ROX 719 1)LIMf ;€ER6< <'968 8/CIM7 E:4r"068 8/05/97 1, 71,91 ,GG 447, 070,10 164, 56 I47.9405 112213 lIelOL 1, 3117e91 t00 55875 REINUI PAPER CHEMICAL. 11431 i°OEis'EI=RCE BLVD. MScjC. 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Consider and Possible Action Regarding Revisions to the City Code on Unsafe Building Regulations. Attached for your consideration are revisions to the Unsafe Building Regulations with a copy of our existing regulations. § 3.1241 Definitions Building Official - Shall be the person designated by the City Council as the Building Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Sanger or his duly authorized representative. Municipal Judge -Shall be the duly appointed Municipal Judge of the City of Sanger. § 3.1202 Building ®fficial May Stop All Work Where construction, demolition, or other work is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code or to the Building Code, or is being done in an unsafe or dangerous manner, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on the person engaged in doing or causing such work to be done and such person shall forthwith stop the work until authorized to recommence it by the Building Official. § 3.1243 Dangerous Buildings Defined All build>nngs or structures which have any or all of the following defects shall be deemed 'dangerous buildings:" (a) Those which interior walls or other vertical structural members list, lean, or buclde to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity falls outside of the middle third of its base. (b} Those which, exclusive of the foundation, show thirty-three percent (33%} or more of damage or deterioration of the supporting member or members or fifty percent (SO%) of damage or deterioration of the non -supporting enclosing or outside walls or covering. (c) Those which have improperly distributed loads upon the floors or roofs or in which the same are overloaded, or which have insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose used. (e) Those which are so dilapidated, decayed, unsafe, unsanitary or which so utterly fail to provide the amenities essential for human habitation, or are likely to cause sickness or disease, so as to work injury to the health, safety or general welfare of those occupying such building. (f) Those having light, air and sanitation facilities which are inadequate to protect the health, safety or general welfare of human beings who live or may live therein. (g) Those which have inadequate facilities for egress in case of fire or panic or those having insufficient stairways, elevators, fire escapes, or other means of communication. (h) Those which have parts thereof which are so attached that they may fall and injure members of the public or property. {i) Those which, because of their condition, are unsafe, unsanitary, or dangerous to the health, safety or general welfare of the people of the city. (j) Those buildings existing in violation of any provisions of this Code, the Building Code, or other Ordinance or Code of the City of Sanger. § 3.1204 Standards to be Used Then Ordering Repair, Vacation or Demolition The following standards shall be followed by the Building Official in ordering repair, vacation, or demolition: (a) If the "dangerous building" can reasonably be repaired so that it will no longer exist i11 violation of the terms of this section, it shall be ordered repaired. (b) If the "dangerous building" is in such condition as to make it dangerous to the health, safety or general welfare of its occupants, it shall be ordered to be vacated. (c) In any case where a "dangerous building" is fifty percent (SO%) damaged, decayed, or deteriorated, it shall be repaired or demolished. In all cases where a building cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the provisions of this section, it shall be demolished. In all cases where a "dangerous building" is a fire hazard, existing or erected in violation of the terms of this section or of this Code, or of the Building Code, or any other Ordinance or Code of the City of Sanger or of any other requirement of law of the State of Texas, it shall be repaired or demolished. § 3.1205 Iangerous Building Declared Public IRTuisaz�ce 1-�11 "dangerous buildings" within the terms of subsection 3.1203 hereof are hereby declared to be public nuisances, and shall be repaired, vacated and repaired, or vacated and demolished as hereinbefore and hereinafter provided. § 3.1206 Inspections; Notice Requirements The Building Official shall: (a) Supervise all inspections required by this section and cause the Building Inspectors to make inspections and perform all the duties required of them by this section. Upon receiving a complaint or report from any source that a "dangerous building" exists in this 2 city, he shall cause an inspection forthwith. If the Building Official deems it necessary to the performance of his duties and responsibilities imposed herein, he may request an inspection and report to be made to hirn by the fire department, police department, health department, or by any other department of the City of Sanger. (b) Inspect any building, wall or structure about which complaints are made by any person to the effect that a building, wall or structure is or may be existing in violation of these provisions. (C Inspect any building, wall or structure reported (as hereinafter provided for) by the fire, police, or health departments of this city as potentially existing in violation of the terms of these provisions. (d} Inspect buildings in the city to determine whether they are "dangerous buildings" within the terms of subsection 3.1203 of this ordinance. (e) Notify in writing the owner, occupant, lessee, mortgagee, agent, and all other persons having an interest in said buildings as shown reasonable effort to determine identity and addresses of any building found by him to be a "dangerous building" within the standards set forth in subsection 3,1203, that: (1) The owner must vacate, vacate and repair, or vacate and demolish said building in accordance with the terms of the notice of these provisions; or (2) The occupant or lessee must vacate said building or may have it repaired in accordance with the notice and remain in possession. (3) The mortgagee, agent or other persons having an interest in said building as shown by reasonable effort to determine identity and addresses may at his own risk, repair, vacate or demolish or have such work done; provided that any person notified to repair, vacate and repair, vacate and demolish any building shall be given such reasonable time, not exceeding thirty (30) days, unless, in the judgment of the Building Official's inspection thereof, it is determined to be necessary to extend such time to do or have done the work or act required by the notice provided for herein. Said Building Official shall specify, in writing, an additional notice of the date to which said extension is made. (f) Set forth in the notice provided for in paragraph (e) (g) In cases except emergency cases as set out in subsection 3.1213 where the owner, occupant, lessee, or mortgagee is absent from the city, all notices or orders provided far herein shall be sent by registered mail or certified mail to the owner, occupant, mortgagee, lessee and all other persons having an interest in said building as shown by reasonable effort to determine identity and addresses, and a copy of such notice shall be 3 posted in a conspicuous place on the "dangerous building" to which it relates. Such posting and mailing shall be deemed adequate service. (h) Report to the Municipal Judge as required by the provisions of this section. (1) Appear at all hearings conducted by the Municipal Judge and testify as to the conditions existing in the "dangerous building". the Building Official or his duly authorized representative complete inspection of a building and find it to be inherently dangerous and in the opinion of such inspector constitutes a nuisance per se, he shall place a notice on such building forthwith reading as follows: "THIS BUILDING HAS BEEN FOUND TO BE A DANGEROUS BUILDING BY THE BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THE CITY OF SANGER, THIS NOTICE IS TO REMAIN ON THIS BUILDING UNTIL IT IS REPAIRED, OR VACATED AND DEMOLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOTICE WHICH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO THE OWNER, OCCUPANT, LESSEE, MORTGAGEE, OR AGENT OF THIS BUILDING, AND ALI. OTHER PERSONS HAVING AN INTEREST IN SAID BUILDING AS SHOWN BY THE DEED RECORDS OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, IT IS UNLAWFUL TO REMOVE THIS NOTICE UNTIL SUCH NOTICE IS COMPLIED WITH." Provided, however the posting of said notice shall not be construed to deprive any person or persons entitled thereto by this section to the notice and hearing prescribed herein. § 3.1207 Public I�eariiag (a) If the Building Official or his duly authorized representative has failed to obtain compliance with the terms of this section within thirty (30) days, he shall make written request to the Municipal Judge of the City of Sanger, Texas, for a public hearing to be held for the purpose of taking testimony relative to the "dangerous building". (b) The Building Official shall, with the assistance of the City Attorney, present testimony at such hearing, relative to the condition of the "dangerous building". (c) Upon receipt of a written notice from the Building Official or his duly authorized representative, the Municipal Judge of the City of Sanger shall hold a public hearing for the purpose of taking testimony from the Building Official or his duly authorized representative as well as the owner, occupant, mortgagee, lessee, or any other person having an interest in said "dangerous building" as shown by reasonable effort to determine 4 identity and addresses, and said hearing shall be for the purpose of taking testimony relative to "dangerous building". The rules of the public hearing and notice thereof shall be prescribed by the Municipal Judge. (d) The Municipal Judge shall make written findings of facts from the testimony offered pursuant to the question of whether or not the building in question is a "dangerous building" within the terms of subsection 3.1203 hereof. § 11205 Court Order to Abate Dangerous Building Upon finding that the building in question is a "dangerous building" the Municipal Judge shall issue an order based upon the findings hereinabove commanding the owner, occupant, mortgagee, lessee, agent and all other persons having an interest in said building to repair, vacate and repair, or vacate and demolish any building found to be a "dangerous building" within the terms of this ordinance and providing that any person so notified shall have the obligation to either repairing or vacating, or repairing such building if such repair will comply with the Building Code of the City of Sanger, and with other applicable Ordinances of the city, or the owner or any person having an interest in said building may vacate and demolish said "dangerous building" at his own risk to prevent the acquiring by the city of a lien against the land where the "dangerous building" stands as provided in this section. Upon application by any person having an interest in such building, to the City Administrator of the City of Sanger and a showing of hardship or necessity, landfill fees for disposal of the demolition material from the "dangerous building" (which material is not otherwise prohibited from disposal in the city landfill), may be waived. § 3.1209 City May Cause Vacation, Repair and Deniolitiou and Assess Lien If the owner, occupant, mortgagee or lessee fails to comply with the order issued by the Municipal Judge within thirty (30) days of issuance of that order, the Building Official shall cause such building or structure to be repaired, vacated and repaired, or vacated and demolished as the facts may warrant under the standards hereinabove provided for in subsection 3.1204 hereof and the Building Official shall certify the charge for such repair, vacation or demolition, the necessary landfill fees, court costs and administrative fees incurred to the tax assessor and collector of the city as a charge which will constitute a lien on real property and shall be enforced in the same manner as tax assessments and shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum until paid. Such lien setting out such charges shall be filed in the deed records A Denton County pursuant to provisions of this section and applicable state laws. § 3.1210 Release of Lien Upon full payment of the full charges assessed against any property pursuant to the procedure set out in these provisions, or in the event the lien is placed on the property through error, the tax assessor and collector shall be and is hereby authorized to execute, for and ur behalf of the City of Sanger a written release approved in each case by the legal department. 0 �IIIIt�� § 3.1211 Failure to Comply With Court Orders Constitutes Misdemeanor (a) The owner of any "dangerous building" who shall fail to comply with any notice or order to repair, vacate or demolish said building by any person authorized by this ordinance to give such notice or order, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined for each offense and each day's failure to so comply shall constitute a separate offense. (b) The occupant or lessee in possession who fails to comply with any notice to vacate, and anyone having an interest in said building as shown by the deed records of the county clerk of Denton County, Texas, and under a legal duty to repair, who fails to repair said building in accordance with any notice given as provided for in this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined for each offense and each day's failure to so comply shall constitute a separate offense. (c) Any person removing the notice provided for in subsection 3.1206(j) hereof shall upon conviction thereof be guilty of a misdemeanor. § 3.1212 City t�ttorney to Prosecute and Take Other Legal Action as Necessary The City Attorney shall: (a) prosecute all persons failing to comply with the terms of the notices provided far in subsection 3.1206(e) and the order provided for in subsection 3.1208. (b) Appear at all hearings before the Municipal Judge in regard to "dangerous buildings". (c) Take all necessary action to collect all municipal charges, liens or costs incurred by the Building Official in preparing or causing to be vacated or demolished "dangerous buildings". (d) Take such other legal action as is necessary to carry aut the terms and provisians of this ordinance. § 3.1213 Emergency Cases In cases where it reasonably appears that there is an immediate danger to health, life or safety of any person unless a "dangerous building", as defined hereili, is immediately repaired, vacated and repaired, or vacated and demolished, the building official shall report such facts immediately to the municipal judge who shall determine the facts as presented to him and if warranted, may suspend the notice and hearing provisions of this section and order the building to cause immediate repair, vacation, or demolition of such "dangerous building". The cost of such emergency repair, vacation, or demolition of such "dangerous building" shall be collected in the same manner as provided or in subsection 3.1209. 6 § 11214 No Personal Liability for Agents of the City No officer, agent, or employee of the City of Sanger shall render himself personally liable for the damage that may accrue to the person or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under these provisions. 7 occurrence of the base flood discharge. Manufactured housing (mobile homes) may not be located in the floodway under any condition. (2) If Section 3.1008(e)(1) above is satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Section 3.1008, (Chapter 3, Section IOH, Code of 1982) �► 1XV1165 6 LIPJCM► (a) A City of Sanger issued permit for all proposed construction or other development within the City of Sanger, including the placement of manufactured homes within the designated special flood hazard areas as established by the most current Flood Insurance Rate Map as published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall be in compliance with 44 CFR 1.1, Section 60.3 (b)(1) of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations. (b) A City of Sanger issued permit shall be required for the placement of fill within the special flood hazard area within the City limits of the City of Sanger as established by the most current Flood Insurance Rate Map as published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall be in compliance with 44 CFR 1.1, Section 60.3 (b)(1) of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations. (c) No construction materials shall be placed at any time within a National Flood Insurance Program designated special flood hazard area. (d) Pemuttees will be charged a permit fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in the Appendix of this Code. Such fee shall be separate and apart from any other required permits for construction, transportation, occupancy or fire safety. (Ordinance No. 08-91 adopted 6-3-91) ARTICLE 3.1200 ITNSAFE BLITT.DTNI: RF[;TrT.ATTnNc* § 3.1201 Unsafe Buildings Defined Buildings, structures, or premises as hereinafter described shall be deemed to be dilapidated, hazardous, or unfit for human habitation. The term "premises" shall include all areas surrounding buildings and structures as well as vacant lots, and the term "menace to health and safety" shall include weeds, underbrush, trash, debris, and personal property of no reasonable value. The following are deemed unsafe buildings: (a) All buildings or structures that have become deteriorated through natural causes or by damage through exposure to the elements, especially wind, hail, or rain; or damage through fire to the extent that the roof, windows, and doors, or portions of the house, building, or structure which protect from the weather, will no longer reasonably protect from the weather. *State Law reference —Requirement for substandard and unsafe buildings, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, ch. 214. 3-38 (b) All buildings or structures which constitute or in which are maintained as fire hazards, such as by containing accumulations of flammable materials, and represent a fire hazard to surrounding property. (c) All buildings or structures which are so structurally deteriorated that they are in danger of collapse, or which cannot be expected to withstand the reasonably anticipated storms. (d) All buildings, structures, or premises permitted to exist to constitute a menace to health or safety, including all conditions conducive to the harboring of rats or mice or other disease carrying animals or insects reasonably calculated to spread disease. (Chapter 3, Section 11A, Code of 1982) § 3.1202 Abatement of Unsafe Buildings or Premises Buildings or structures described in Section 3.1201 shall constitute dilapidated, hazardous, and unfit for human habitation structures and buildings, and are declared to be a hazard to health, safety, and welfare of the citizens and are public nuisances and shall be ordered to be vacated, repaired, demolished, or cleaned up. (Chapter 3, Section 11B, Code of 1982) § 1.1203 Building Standards Commission There is hereby created a Building Standards Commission to be composed of five (5) members, each of whom shall be a resident of the City. They shall be appointed by and hold office at the pleasure of a majority of the City Council. As near as practical, they shall be qualified in one (1) or more fields of fire prevention, building construction, sanitation, health, and public safety. Such commission may appoint ex officio, nonvoting members to such commission to advise it as it deems necessary. It shall be the duty of the ex officio members of such commission, if any, to inspect all buildings or structures reported to be or believed to be substandard and to present a report of such inspection to the Building Standards Commission, which commission shall, except in cases of emergency, notify the proper party of the intention of the commission to hold its hearing and follow the procedure provided in this article. (Chapter 3, Section 11C, Code of 1982) § 3.1204 Conditions for Vacating, Repairing, or Cleaning Up Unsafe Buildings or Premises Unsafe buildings, structures, or premises may be ordered to be, and shall be vacated, repaired, demolished, or cleaned up under the following conditions, regulations, and procedures: (a) When it shall come to the notice of the Building Standards Commission that a building or premise in the City is unsafe under the terms of this article, the commission may cite the owner of such building, structure, or premise, or his/her authorized agent or representative, to appear and shall cause why such building should not be declared to be unsafe and why he/she should not be ordered to vacate, repair, demolish, or clean up such building, structure, or premise. The date of such hearing shall be not less than ten (10) days after citation shall have been made. (b) Such citation may be served by delivery of a copy thereof to the owner or the person in possession or depositing such citation to the address of the owner as shown on the County Appraisal District tax rolls in the U.S. Mail by certified or registered letter, or if such premises be unoccupied and the ownership unknown, by attaching a copy of such 3-39 00oi� citation in a place of prominence on such building or structure and advertising same by publication thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. (c) Prior to such hearing, a photograph shall be taken and an inspection and appraisal made of such building, structure, or premise which is to be presented as evidence into the record. (d) On the day set in such citation for hearing, hearing shall be had and on the basis of such hearing, the building standards commission shall determine whether or not such building, structure, or premise is unsafe. Upon making a determination that such building, structure, or premise is unsafe, the Building Standards Commission shall issue a request to the City Council who may instruct the City Attorney to institute a suit within thirty (30) days after determination and failure by the appellant to comply with such decision, in the appropriate court of the state, to show that such structure is a hazard and thereby enforce the action taken by the Building Standards Commission. Upon final judgment by the court that such structure is a hazard, and on a failure of such owner to take steps to remedy same, within thirty (30) days after rendering such final judgment, then the City is authorized to proceed with the necessary repair, vacating, demolishing, or cleaning up of such building, structure, or premise, and the costs of such repair, vacation, demolition, or clean-up shall be a lien charged against the land on which said structure existed, in favor of the City. (e) The owner of any substandard building, structure, or premise, or his/her authorized representative, may appeal from the decision of the Building Standards Commission by giving notice thereof within ten (10) days from date of the hearing and file with the City Secretary a fee as set forth in Article 10.000 of the fee schedule found in the Appendix of this Code. Such appeal shall be to the City Council, and upon the perfection of appeal, the City Council shall set a date for a hearing before it and such appeal shall be by trial de novo. (f) Pending appeal, such orders of the Building Standards Commission as shall require vacation of the alleged unsafe building, structure, or premise or such emergency measures as may have been ordered shall remain in effect, but all other orders of the commission shall be suspended in their operation. (Chapter 3, Section 10D, Code of 1982) § 3.1205 Standards for Repairing, Vacating, or Demolishing The following standards may be followed in substance by the Building Standards Commission in ordering repair, vacation, or demolition: (a) If the unsafe building or structure can reasonably be repaired so that it will no longer be in a condition which is in violation of the terms of this article, it shall be ordered repaired. (b) If the unsafe building or structure is in such condition as to make it dangerous to the health, morals, safety, or general welfare of its occupants, or of the public it shall be ordered to be vacated. (c) If the unsafe building or structure is in such condition that it cannot be reasonably repaired or conformed to the applicable codes, then it shall be demolished. (d) In any case, where an unsafe building or structure is fifty percent (50%) damaged or decayed, it shall be demolished, and in all cases where a building cannot be repaired so that its existence will no longer be in violation of the terms of this article, it shall be demolished. (Chapter 3, Section 10E, Code of 1982) 3-40 3.1206 Owner's Voluntary Request for Demolition or Clean Up The owner of an unsafe building, structure, or premise as defined herein, may voluntarily execute an agreement requesting the demolition of such building or the clean up of such premises. If the Building Standards Commission authorizes said demolition or clean up, then the procedures set forth herein for notice and hearing shall not be required. The Building Standards Commission may authorize the expenditure of public funds for such demolition and/or clean up if, in its judgment, the same is justified and necessary. (Chapter 3, Section 10F, Code of 1982) § 3.1207 Duty of City Attorney to Enforce Orders It shall be the duty of the City Attorney of the City of Sanger to enforce the orders of the Building Standards Commission or the City Council, by filing action in the appropriate court of this state, when so authorized by the City Council. (Chapter 3, Section 10G, Code of 1982) § 3.1208 Liability of City Under Article Neither the City nor any authorized agent acting under the terms of this article shall be liable or have any liability by reason of orders issued or work done in compliance with the terms of this article. (Chapter 3, Section 10H, Code of 1982) ARTICLE 3.1300 CURB. GUTTER. DRIVEWAY, AND CULVERT INSTALLATIONS It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, reconstruct, or repair any driveway, curb, gutter, or drainage facility in the streets and alleys of the City without first obtaining a permit. To obtain such permit an application must be filed with the City describing the abutting property to which the proposed work on the public property is to be done either by lot, block, or tract and house number, location on the street or similar description which will readily identify and definitely locate the site of proposed work; a description of the proposed work to be performed; and any other pertinent information as shall be required by the City. The fee for such permit shall be as set forth in Article 11.000 of the fee schedule found in the Appendix of this Code and shall expire if the work authorized therein is not commenced within three (3) months of the date of the permit. Plans for such work shall be approved by the Director of Public Works prior to issuance of any permit. (Chapter 3, Section 12, Code of 1982) 3.1401 Permit and Fee Payment Required Frior to the cutting of any streets the contractor shall file a street cut permit with the City Secretary describing the location of the cut, anticipated width and length, and stating date work is to begin and finish, and pay a street cut fee in the amount as set forth in Article 12.000 of the fee schedule found in the Appendix of this Code. (Chapter 3, Section 13A, Code of 1982) 0000�o Concerned Resident Sanger, �rexas 76266 July 26, 1997 Sanger City Council 201 Bolivar Sanger, Texas 76266 Many residents in the area that encomposes Duck Creek Road between the f=rontage road leading down to the new Indian Springs addition, and along the unimproved street of Keaton between Duck Creek and the overpass (near the new and desired Intermediate school) would appreciate a review of the atrocious road conditions. You may or may not be aware that severe flooding occurs along Duck Creek. This creates standing water around foundations and breeding areas for mosquitoes. The unimproved area of Keaton is not suitable for the heavy traffic it receives nor for the soon to come influx of buses and parents going to and from the new school. As tar as many are concerned even an increase in taxes would be plausible if appropriate and not make -shift repairs could be performed on these roads. Please consider widening Keaton to resemble the area of Keaton that was improved. (Many residents would appreciate this, and they would probably keep the grass from going over the curb. A few of the homes along the newer Keaton have allowed the grass to grow over the curb and this includes the Sanger I. S. D. which does own a WEED -EATER. Mr. Shaw, whom I do not know, has a very nice residence as one can see. The people who live or who might move into Indian Springs cannot pass through the flood waters to travel to or from their homes during periods of heavy rain. It also appears that Duck Creek could be widened from the Frontage road to these new homes it a small strip of ditch and/or land were utilized accordingly: from the highway to the improved Keaton land on the north side and from the improved Keaton to the Indian Springs addition land on the south side of Duck Creek. I would trust that the City and the County could work together to accomplish goals in these areas. Whether the city of Sanger grows or not is important to various degrees to different people. However, streets and roads that are a black eye and embarrassment to our town is not necessary. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. JUL .iu. 2 a iss7 00002' �r DR►TE � —,TIME -ter � -ram COST � i1SERS IV/iME DEPOSIT '� 07/05/97 _ 09 am - 02 pm $45.00 LORNA MCCALL YES/RETURNED 07/06/97 03 pm - 09 pm $55.00 1 ST BAPTIST Cl UR_C_H YES/RETURNED 07/07/97 07 pm - 09 pm $0.00 COACH'S KIDS NONE 07/12/97 12 pm - 08 pm $76.00 RUBY JONES YES/RETURNED 07/14/97 07 pm - 09 pm $0.00 COACH'S KIDS NONE _ 07/17/97 11 am - 02 pm $0.00 _ BUSINESS WOMENS NONE 07/19/97 11 am - 04 pm $45.00 MADELINE VAUGHN_ YES/RETURNED 07/19/97 06 pm - 10 pm $35.60 AUDREY GODI YES/RETURNED 07/21/97 07 pm - 09 pm $0.00 COACH'S KIDS NONE 07/25/97 05 pm - 09 pm $35.00 CHERYL ESCOBEDO YES/RETURNED 07/28/97 07 pm - 09 pm�_ $0.00 COACH'S KIDS _ NONE F SANGER BUILDING PERMITS I PERMIT I FEE JBIJILDER JADDRESS IKIND OF PERMIT/COST TOTAL 5 = 4234400.00 97001 1,116.50 BURL BOURLAND 508 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 451000600 97002 CBS MECHANICAL 103 W BOLIVAR GAS PERMIT 97003 11237.00 DON HALL CONST. 2505 CADDO TRAIL NEW HOME / 130,000.00 97004 1,173.00 JERRY JENKINS 2507 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 100,000000 97005 362.00 GENE HUGHES 116 CHERRY NEW HOME / 41,000.00 97006 11476.50 JAY NAYLOR 106 TEJAS TRAIL NEW HOME / 107,400600 97007 332.00 S.I.S.D. 404 HUGES STORAGE / 21,000.00 FEBRUARY `TOTAL 6 = 404,00000 97008 11299.00 DAN ALEXANDER 2515 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 154,000600 97009 11161.00 DANNY PREAS 2009 BENJIMAN NEW HOME / 50,000000 97010 11152.00 DANNY PREAS 2011 DUCK CREEK NEW HOME / 501000000 97011 917.00 LOUIS AUSTIN 2011 BENJIMAN NEW HOME / 501000.00 97012 918.00 LOUIS AUSTIN _ 2013 DUCK CREEK NEW HOME / 501000.00 97013 11156.50 DANNY PREAS 604 S KEATON NEW HOME / 50,000.00 97014 CHRIS CLAMPITT 302 ACKER REMODEL / 12,000000 MARCH TOTAL 3 = 285,00000 97015 11153900 CURTIS HUGHES 2508 CADDO TR NEW HOME / 931000000 97016 5.00 CBS MECH 1004 MAPLE SIGN PERMIT 97017 7.00 CARAWAY AUCTION 205 ACKER SIGN PERMIT 97018 7.00 CBS MECH 1005 PECAN PLUMBING PERMIT 97019 157.50 WILFONG BLDG 400 BOLIVAR REMODEL / 151000.00 97020 1,163.00 RONNY JONES 2514 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 122,000.00 97021 11097.50 DAVID MANNING 2047 LANEY NEW HOME / 709000600 97022 56.50 LESTER 712 MARSHALL STORAGE BUILDING APRIL TOTAL 6 = 5521000400 97023 1,093.00 JOHNNY LOOPER 2028 BENJIMAN NEW HOME / 78,000900 97024 11183.00 JOHNNY LOOPER 2511 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 1202000.00 97025 11209.00 SKIP MCNEAL 1005 TREY'S CT NEW HOME / 1003000400 97026 1,088.50 BURL BOURLAND 2014 BENJIMAN NEW HOME / 741000.00 97027 10.00 CURTIS SPARLIN 609 S. 3RD STORAGE BUILDING 97028 11172.00 JKD BUILDERS 2516 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 901000000 97029 11162.00 LASSITER 2509 CADDO TRL. NEW HOME / 90,000400 MAY TOTAL 8 = 401,375.00 97030 11274.00 EDGAR EVANS 2502 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 1451000.00 97031 115.50 EARL PEARCE 315 S. 2ND REMODEL / 11375.00 97032 11088.50 BURL BOURLAND 2024 BENJIMAN NEW HOME / 64,000.00 97033 163.50 C.E. STEPHENSON 114 S 4TH REMODEL / 51500900 97034 11171.00 LOOPER ENTER. 2501 CADDO NEW HOME / 140,000000 97035 1,111.50 GENE HUGHES 10TH ST NEW HOME / 30,000600 97036 73.50 ROBERT CIUBA 202 WAYNE GARAGE / 7,000.00 97037 68.50 M.H. KEYLON 2509 CHIPPEWA GARAGE / 81500.00 PERMIT FEE BUILDER ADDRESS KIND - OF PERMIT/COST --- ,TUNE _ TOTAL 7 - 502,700400 97038 274.00 R_ONNY BEARD 207 CHAPM_AN STORAGE / 24,000000 97039 11075.00 DANNY PREAS 2003 DUCK CREEK NEW HOME_ / 50,000.00 97040 68.50 ROBERT SWAIM 2508 CHIPPEWA GARAGE / 51700000 97041 1,188.00 KEN WILSON 1001 TREYS COURT NEW HOME / 114,000.00 97042 11060m50 BEAVER BLDRS 205 ASTER DR. NEW HOME / 80,000.00 97043 1,179.00 DAVID MANNING 1802 BUCKLEW NEW HOME / 89,000.00 97044 11198.00 J-LOOPER 202 TEJAS NEW HOME / 140,000,00 JULY _ TOTA_L'7 - 518,500.00 (PLUS 5 PLEX) 97045 1,111.00 KEN_NY RULAND 206 TEJAS ST_O_RA_GE / 3,000.00 97046 1,093.00 DANNY PREAS 2023 DUCK CREEK NEW HOME / 50,000.00 97047 1,093.00 DANNY PREAS 2007 DUCK CREEK NEW HOME / 50,000.00 97048 1,178.00 RONNY JONES 2506 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 1471500.00 97049 11165.00 LOUIS AUSTIN 2521 CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 100,000.00 97050 1,253.00 IJEFF LAMBERT _ CHIPPEWA NEW HOME / 168,000.00 97051 1,778.00 1 KM PROPERTIES 905 N. 6TH NEW 5 PLEX -