10/08/2018-BOA-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Board Of Adjustments October 8, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bo Cooper, Marissa Barrett, Matt Fuller, Phillip Surles, Sandra Hensley, and Dennis Dillon MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Planner Muzaib Riaz, Building Official Ramie Hammonds, Permit Technician Stefani Dodson, Nancy Rodriguez, Kumar Mainali, Ruby Jackson, Ruby Davis, Russel CeBallos, Ann Barton, John Montoya 1. Call Meeting to Order. 7:53 P.M. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum. Quorum present 3. Pledge. 4. Consider and Possibly Adopt Minutes of the Meeting of September 10, 2018. Motion made to accept minutes made by Commissioner Surles Seconded by Commissioner Fuller, Motion passes unanimously. 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From Minimum lot Width of Sixty (60’) Feet for the Proposed lot for a Plat of two Tracks of Land Being Platted as one (1) lot and Located at 209 Smith Street, Sanger, Texas 76266, Being Approximately 0.137 Acres (5,968.12 square feet), and Generally Located North of Smith Street and Approximately 265 Feet East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Smith Street. Muzaib speaks briefly and goes over the staff report. Staff does not recommend approval or denial. Public Hearing Opens at 7:55 P.M. Ruby Davis Jackson stands to speak. She says the lot beside her used to be her sisters lot and it is very small. The lot was made for 1 person and is real small. The house that was there burned and almost burned her house down. She says they are wanted to build is hugging her fence. She doesn’t want a house that is being proposed beside her is hugging her fence. Commissioner Dillon says they are asking for a variance. Commissioner Dillon says you are saying the lot is small but they are wanting it to be smaller. Ms. Jackson doesn’t just want anything built by her. If you are going to build something build something right. She reminds them that the lot is too small to build anything. She explains that her lot is 60x100 and the lot beside her is not near as big as hers. She explains that the lot is so close that when her sister lived there she could hear everything that went on in the house. She couldn’t lift her window up to without hearing everything. The lot is just entirely too small. Commissioner Barrett asks for clarification Kumar Mainali stands to speak. He says he understands where Ms. Jackson is coming from and that they did take what she is saying in to consideration. He explains that he moved the house back and that it would give about 18 ft. between the houses. He explains that it is new construction and they have some of the strongest construction. There will be no fire place and fire alarms in every room. Our families go through rigorous background checks. He says they are one of the safest builders out there. Their goal is to build communities not just home. He explains that they are one of the few builders that can make a nice cushion and it is called the shot gun house. We are wanting to make sure the neighbors are happy too. They maintain a relationship with the home owners because we are also the lenders. Commissioner Dillon clarifies that the home is 26 ft. wide. Ramie points out that the lot they are looking at is not the actual lot. Ms. Jackson speaks up and says she doesn’t want any house that close to hers. She doesn’t care how far back you put it she still doesn’t want it. She doesn’t care how you fix the house it still won’t look right. Ruby Davis her daughter brings up that when it rains her house already has drainage problems and is this new house going to cause more problems. She asked where the plan for the driveway for the new house is also. Mr. Mainali explains that they haven’t finalized on the driveway. They would have to check on drainage because they would not like to cause drainage issues for the neighbors. Ms. Davis asked if this is a habitat home. He answers yes. Ms. Davis said that is what she thought. No offense to anyone and I love seeing people getting a new home. But she does not want to see cars on sender blocks. They already get problems with the park already. The other habitat homes that were put in not long after they were built someone was killed at the houses. Mainali said they are used to these kinds of comments but it is against federal law to not allow them to build. We give them access to affordable housing. Closed Public Hearing at 8:20 P.M. 6. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum lot Width of Sixty (60’) Feet for the Proposed lot for a Plat of two Tracts of land Being Platted as one (1) lot and Located at 209 Smith Street, Sanger, Texas 76266, Being Approximately 0.137 Acres (5,968.12 square feet), and Generally Located North of Smith Street and Approximately 265 Feet East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Smith Street. Muzaib adds that he got three responses in opposition. Commissioner Fuller made a motion to deny Commissioner Surles seconded the motion. Motion is denied by 5 to 1 vote. Commissioner Hensley voted against 7. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Setback Adjacent to a Street Requirement of Twenty (20’) Feet for Proposed 4x4 Riser Room to House fire Suppression Equipment for the Proposed Apartment Building at 800 North 3rd Street, Sanger, Texas 76266. The Property is Generally Located to the Northeast of the Intersection of North 3rd Street and Plum Street. Open Public Hearing 8:28 PM Muzaib speaks briefly and reads the staff report. Close Public Hearing 8:29 PM 8. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Setback Adjacent to a Street Requirement of Twenty (20’) Feet for Proposed 4x4 Riser Room to House Fire Suppression Equipment for the Proposed Apartment Building at 800 North 3rd Street, Sanger, Texas 76266. The Property is Generally Located to the Northeast of the Intersection of North 3rd Street and Plum Street. Commissioner Dillon made a motion to approve Commissioner Cooper seconded Motion passes unanimously 9. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From the Requirement of a Structure Being Authorized to be Used for Residential Purposes at its Present Location Within the City of Sanger in Order to be Moved to a new Location Within the City of Sanger for Residential Purposes. The Subject Property is Currently Generally Located Southwest of the Intersection of FM 455 and North 7th Street. Muzaib speaks briefly Public Hearing Opens at 8:34 PM Russel Cebias explains that the house used to be his State Farm Office and he is wanting to move the house to be residential now. He will bring everything to code that is needed. Ramie adds that if a family was currently living in the house it would not need to come before the board. Close Public Hearing 8:37 PM 10. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From the Requirement of a Structure Being Authorized to be Used for Residential Purposes at its Present Location Within the City of Sanger in Order to be Moved to a new Location Within the City of Sanger for Residential Purposes. The Subject Property is Currently Generally Located Southwest of the Intersection of FM 455 and North 7th Street. Commissioner Cooper makes a motion to approve Commissioner Fuller seconded Motion passes unanimously 11. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Requirement of Eight (8’) Feet, Minimum lot Width Requirement of Sixty-Five (65’) Feet, and Minimum lot Area Requirement of six Thousand and Five Hundred (6,500 sq. ft.) Square Feet. The Variance is Requested in Order to Replat one Duplex lot With two Residential Units Into two lots With one Residential Unit Each for the Property 4909-4911 Sanger Circle Drive, Sanger Texas. The Property is Generally Located South of Sanger Circle Drive and Approximately 65 Feet East of Ashton Drive. Open Public Hearing at 8:40 PM Muzaib speaks briefly. Close Public Hearing at 8:41 PM 12. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance from Minimum Side Yard Requirement of Eight (8’) Feet, Minimum lot Width Requirement of Sixty-Five (65’) Feet, and Minimum lot Area Requirement of six Thousand and Five Hundred (6,500 sq. ft.) Square Feet. The Variance is Requested in Order to Replat one Duplex lot With two Residential Units Into two lots With one Residential Unit Each for the Property 4909-4911 Sanger Circle Drive, Sanger Texas. The Property is Generally Located South of Sanger Circle Drive and Approximately 65 Feet East of Ashton Drive. Commissioner Surles makes a motion to approve Commissioner Cooper seconded Motion passes unanimously 13. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Requirement of Eight (8’) Feet, Minimum Lot Width Requirement Of Sixty- Five (65’) Feet, And Minimum lot Area Requirement of six Thousand and Five Hundred (6,500 sq. ft.) Square Feet. The Variance is Requested in Order to Replat one Duplex lot With two Residential Units Into two lots With one Residential Unit Each for the Property 4913-4915 Sanger Circle Drive, Sanger Texas. The Property is Generally Located South of Sanger Circle Drive and Approximately 130 Feet East of Ashton Drive. Open Public Hearing at 8:43 PM Muzaib speaks briefly Close Public Hearing at 8:44 PM 14. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum Side Yard Requirement of Eight (8’) Feet, Minimum lot Width Requirement of Sixty-Five (65’) Feet, and Minimum lot Area Requirement of six Thousand and Five Hundred (6,500 sq. ft.) Square Feet. The Variance is Requested in Order to Replat one Duplex lot With two Residential Units Into two lots With one Residential Unit Each for the Property 4913-4915 Sanger Circle Drive, Sanger Texas. The Property is Generally Located South of Sanger Circle Drive and Approximately 130 Feet East of Ashton Drive. Commissioner Surles makes a motion to approve Commissioner Cooper seconded Motion passes unanimously 15. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance From Minimum lot Depth Requirement of one Hundred (100’) Feet for the Proposed lots for a Plat of a Tract of Land of Approximately 0.667 Acres Being Platted Into Three (3) lots Generally Located North East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Smith Street. Public Hearing Opens 8:45 PM Muzaib speaks briefly Public Hearing Closes at 8:46 PM 16. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Requested Variance From Minimum lot Depth Requirement of one Hundred (100’) Feet for the Proposed lots for a Plat of a Tract of Land of Approximately 0.667 Acres Being Platted Into Three (3) lots Generally Located North East of the Intersection of Railroad Avenue and Smith Street. Commissioner Dillon makes a motion to approve Commissioner Fuller seconded Motion passes unanimously 17. Adjourn