03/13/2017-BOA-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS March 13, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Eddie Piercy, Sherri McCandless, Justin Allen, Dennis Dillon, Kelly Morgan MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandra Hensley OTHERS PRESENT: Director of Economic and Community Development Alina Ciocan; Permit Technician Michelle Burke; Larry Peoples; Sandra Howard, Developer; Jimmy & Stephaie Wiggins; David & Carla Clark; Corey Kindle; Stephen & Katie Giles; Brian Caton; Tessa Lepley; Kristin Ring 1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm. 2. Determine Presence of a Quorum and Seating of Alternates. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Requested Variance to the Required 10-foot Minimum Side Yard for the Property Located at 725 Chaparral Road (Lot 13, Block E, Ranger Creek Estates Phase 2), Allowing a 7-foot Side Yard. Public Hearing Opened at 7:39 pm. Sandra Howard, Developer, stated they are a small builder who has built several homes in the neighborhood on Dove Ridge; during her due diligence process she was told by City staff that she could change the setback if she got it signed off by the developer, Joe Falls, which she did; they put 9’ garage doors in instead of 8’ which is why they are needing a variance of about a foot and a half. Larry Peoples, 719 Chaparral, stated all other builders had to comply with the setbacks and does not want to see the setback changed. Jim Wiggins, 723 Chaparral, opposed the variance because they need to follow the rules. David Clark, 731 Chaparral, opposed the variance setbacks because there are rules in place that everyone needs to follow and understands that Mrs. Howard was a victim of bad advice from an employee that is no longer employed by the City; wants to keep the original lot size in place. Stepanie Wiggins, 723 Chaparral, stated if the variance were allowed there would be a precedence set and there are a lot of lots left in the development. Stephen Giles, 123 S. 2nd St., stated he is a fireman and that he opposed the variance because the houses are already too close together and the fire hydrants are not the best working in the development. Corey Kindle, 725 LaPaloma, stated that everyone has built by these standards and the setbacks are there for a reason; some of the other homeowners asked for a variance and were told no, so it would not be fair if Mrs. Howard were allowed a variance. Public Hearing Closed at 7:57 pm. 4. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on a Requested Variance to the Required 10-foot Minimum Side Yard for the Property Located at 725 Chaparral Road (Lot 13, Block E, Ranger Creek Estates), Allowing a 7-foot Side Yard. Motion to deny the variance was made by Kelly Morgan with a second by Justin Allen. Motion carried with a four person majority vote. Sherri McCandless abstained from the vote. 5. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.