08/05/1996-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1996 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CONSENT AGENDA A) Approve Disbursements Minutes B) 3. Citizens Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Size of Water Line on TCDP Contract 715739. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding World Bart Association race. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Establishing a Building Standard Board. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint a Member to the Beautification Board. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Members to the Industrial Development Board. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Stop Sign on Beaton Road. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sale of City Property. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Discontinuing of the Water Rationing Status. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding 20' Alley on East Half of Lot 53, Block 21, Hampton Addition. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Police Car. 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Shelter. 15. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Type of Roof Repair to City Hall. 16. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Exceptions to Salaried Employees for Payment of Overtime. 17. Discussion of Public Works with regard to Monthly Water Reports. 18. Any Other Such Matters. 19. Rosalie Chavez, City Date and Time Posted MINUTES: City Council July 15, 1996 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Carol Foreman 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order. Councilman Bell led the Invocation which was followed by Councilman Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CONSENT AGENDA A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Awarding Bid for Utility System Improvements, TCDP Contract No. 715739. John Mears with Hunters Associates addressed this item. Mr. Mears advised there were eight {8) bids received which are listed below: FOUR D CONST. INC. 10901 Stinson Dr. Dallas, TX 75217 B1L-MIK, INC. 11585 Alta Vista Keller, TX 76248 H & W UTILITY CONT. 305 Main St. Lake Dallas, TX 75065 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. P.O. Box 250 Denton, TX 76202 $23479250 ,. $234,997.50 $253,307.00 $257,840.00 CC MINUTES DULY 15, 1996 ALFRED & ALLEN 2510 Cockrell Ave. Dallas, TX 75215 SABER DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 540186 Dallas, TX 75354 HURRAY CONST. CO., INC. 515 N. Kealy Lewisville, TX 75057 DBR CONST. CO., INC. P.O. Box 828 Denton, TX 76202 $274,330.00 $275,440.00 $343,507.50 $426,591.00 PAGE 2 Mr. Mears indicated the TCDP budget for this project was $192,000.00; however, there were some extra pertinences which include additional fire hydrants, valves and boring items that could be changed out and would not affect the scope of the project. He has spoke with the Contractor (Four D), the low bidder, and they have indicated they would not have a problem with the changes. Discussion centered around the cost between a 6" line versus an 8" line. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Award Contract to Four D Construction, Inc. in the amount. of $234,792.50 with a change order in the amount of $42,320.50. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Motion Carried unanimously. (Consensus of Council is that they need to discuss the size of water line at a later date to decide between installing a 6, 8" or 12 line. The state will pay fora 6" line and the difference between this and a larger one would have to be paid by the City. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Various Board Members. Mayor Coker appointed Janet McDaniel and Clyde Sanders, Jr. to the Sanger Beautification Board making the total number of members serving this board nine Mayor Coker indicated that at the last Council meeting he asked Council to come up with at least five names of person who they would like to see possibly serve on the Building Standard Board. Once Council has submitted all the names they would then decide who will be appointed. Item postponed until next Council meeting. CC MINUTES PAGE 3 JULY 15, 1996 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sanger Sellabration, Carol Foreman, representing the Chamber of Commerce, invited Council and City Employees to the Chamber Breakfast on July 16 at 7*00 a.m. to honor City Council. Carol indicated the Chamber is requesting permission for I+%iday, September 131 1996 for the Street Dance, and on Saturday morning September 14,1996 have streets that are designated blocked off. They are also requesting placement of trash dumpsters and port -a -potty's. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Approve blockage of streets requested by the Chamber of Commerce for the annual Sanger Sellabration. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Discussed. Councilman Richardson withdrew his original motion. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Approve request from the Chamber of Commerce for blockage of streets for annual Sanger Sellabration to include closure of Elm to Cherry with consideration to Higg's H & H Tomato and the fire hydrants. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Discussion regarding future Water Conservation. Councilman Jenkins addressed this item in regards to establishing a Water Conservation Ordinance to eliminate future problems. The City has experienced water rationing problems the last couple of years and if an Ordinance was in place it could avoid these types of problems. Councilman Jenkins also indicated that a City should pursue a method of water conservation for this reason. The even -odd water conservation plan for watering could being in June. Discussed. Mayor Coker suggested to wait until next year to see if water conservation plans need to be implemented to assure water availability. 8. Any Other Such Matters, 1} Mayor Coker indicated he would like Council to remove the overheard tank at the yard. The cost was discussed. Mayor Coker stated that possibly whoever took it down would bear all costs. 2) Council discussed the roof at City Hall building. Mayor Coker advised that the roof will be repaired. He indicated that Mr. Keesler has taken bids and CC NI UJTES JULY 15, 1996 PAGE 4 will be contacting them to come and start the repairs. Councilman Richardson did indicate he felt a pitch roof would be better for this type building versus a flat roof. 3) Councilman Bell inquired about the status of the stop sign on Keaton Rd. Mr. Keesler stated when he had spoke with Mike Rosenberg he was told that the school did not request this stop sign but that some of the bus drivers were appreciative of it. Councilman Jenkins advised he would like this to be an agenda item at the next Council. 4) Mayor Coker read an unsigned letter from a "concerned citizen" regarding streets, trash accumulation in neighborhood yards and an old house at the corner of Marshall and Denton streets that they feel should be demolished. Mayor Coker stated Council is in harmony with this concerned citizen and that Council is trying to take care of each issue as it comes up and that each iLem in this letter has been addressed in the last couple of months. The ordinances will be followed and Council will not forget to follow through. Mayor Coker stated that Council appreciates letters of concern, however, it would also be appreciated if these letters had a signature. S) City Administrator Larry Keesler advised that a couple of Council meetings ago Mayor Coker brought in a request from the WKA (World Kart Association) to have a Go -Kart race in Sanger. The schedule date is March 29 - 30, 1997. This item will be on the Council agenda for August 5 meeting. This Sunday between 3*00 and 5*00 p.m. they (WKA) want to bring 3 go- karts to try out the route. Councilman Kincaid asked Council if there was a problem with this scheduled event or if they had any objections. Councilman Jenkins advised he will depend on Larry Keesler's input on this issue as he will be involved Sunday. 6} Mr. Keesler reported on the meeting that he and the Mayor attended at the City of Argyle. He stated that the City of Roanoke has major development problems between I-35 and Highway 114. There is a coalition group requesting from the State that Highway 114 be improved from I-35 East to 05 West due to the Texas Motor Speedway located at 114 and I-35 W. They are anticipating 6 to 8 hours to clear traffic after the race on April 5, 1997 with another major race to be held at a later date. There will be other races throughout the year as well. Mayor Coker stated that there will be activities going on at this stadium 290 days out of the year. 7) Councilman Bell inquired how the City of Sanger would gain by having the Go Kart race here. Mayor Coker stated the City would gain sales tax through the merchants increased sales. 9. Mayor Coker Declared the Meeting Adjourned. .,I FY OF SAt Gl "R, ('FN€ OR INV NO 'OO ABC: RK4,11RU9 ,JIJNr5 RUt', AWU 960031. 44D.110lVe3 TOTAL 251 AOVANC IJHF:NLI Ai.. Olgrx IlQUID CstFAGH 27551 415v 1300 I OTAL 1�.!90 AT €� I l;ii3hl_��S S�hVii�E;S MOBTIP PHOWS' 196OLD 1 4t!5¢ WOO 4c ¢I100 433¢ 01.00 4Flt3¢ 1600 I DI AL. 3.,:.i:1 G1NiA5IJNLf'IJNt1S LIN1FORMS IWbetj 4t6v 1 00 416¢ C150CA 416¢ 1000 416¢ c ED0 41F,, 0700 416¢1100 416¢0800 416¢ 0600 I OTAL ;_!80 aLE_I_ IJCCFF� i=pRO TRANS¢ PAN 3T76 419¢0300 MLIFFL_FR9 HFADI IG 303,46 419a MOO 419¢ 0,300 101 AL. HP OPN l f�M I_fi COMPANY 100 ME I P96 A'Allr I 14avie, iNV 0IF PO NUMOU Of OUCH AMF OISC¢ A171T 8T01;96 8T01/96 90¢ 07 46% 3,3 47.30 194¢27 26¢ 14 Bt01/96 16¢ 88 ¢ 1.6 4.J 16¢8t 1FJ. P�j �:T4¢ 1JJ 81¢c5 8/01/96 8/01/96 336828 5¢ 10 40.30 BRICI,IJw (IRFS P¢Il¢ rtlJlt 19�4 i UE+E 35"J40 8/01/96 419¢ 0500 39¢ 95 TOTAL 8/CAA/96 3& tAO I BIJtINti 19460 8/06/96 260¢75 E:'¢ IJ¢ 61J� �J20051 19621 UK/% 430¢ 3E' 196ct 8/06/96 455¢45 4;J5¢ 45 l=!¢ IJ¢ auk lJ 134/0 8/06/3E. �'6¢00 1952,4 8/06/96 3414 38 367¢ 38 1353E; 8T06/96 3�3¢'35 U.9¢ 95 41 �ti F?I IR;�I { SIJPF Rt�At;K� I i='¢ I]¢ �'i]X T08 RFHAS .�,8849 B/Ic�1 /9E! 19c'7c B/1n6f96 96¢ 54 413¢1100 98¢54 TDI AL 96¢ 54Ift s 41T:J IlALUFRf AIJIIlh117TIU� !NC¢ TRANS¢ FTLiFR t;I ��8t1 41'3¢ 0`�OtA SfARIFR st 393 41% 1000 1GNIIICIN MODULE °"rYIG 10 �sAI_L AS I)RIUF ¢00 .00 ¢ 0t1 .00 00 ¢00 � 3 i CITY OF SANGU AP OPEN IfFN LIST COMPANY 100 8/01/96 PAID 14c06 WNOOR INV NO INV OTF PO NUM OIJ Off PJRCH ANT DIS A AMT 419, K5*00 'P19n 35 iC11AL 318e 76 00 4240 FIJOJRF fflIJIPNFNC CO„, INC PdO, 80X 61C_T03 IEETH, SPACERS, —1125863 8/01/96 19416 8/06/96 021021e9:; .00 419, 0800 '1 112 .93 101 AL 812n 93 too 42!W 11Nf0_—fUAS PO BOX 419114 IFI_FPHDNES 196P? 8/01/96 19628 8/06/9F. 1,198,45 e00 4 3a 1300 41635 43i.0200 7uj,,46 4.3.3, 180t+ :34, 07 43 ,.1.600 455.47 43.3a OU710 594e 10 101 A[ I, 198e 45 a 00 4!iWl OR, .JIM MU!IHWKIF Rfs T, BOX 88 FMI _B SI UDY .DISC; 19P74 8/01/96 19t 74 8/06/96 35e 95 too 101 AL 365e 95 e 00 6500 C&H .JAN[f0RIAE_ SJPPLIr 3 PSOA BOX 1104 1:1FANING SUPPI IE 536L' 8/01/96 1KALS4 8fOU% 5a70 a00 44P, 1600 750 101 1 ISSL►E PAPER T11 75351 8/01/96 IT541 8/06119E, 76, 30 e 00 4421300 164 30 I0I AL_ 152a 00 too 7O;?:1 01NNERCIA1_ SERVICES RT= 4 BOX 646` B ICE MACHINE VALV 8598 8/01/96 19634 8J06/96 66e3,D .00 4412a 1000 16a 58 448,1700 16e58 442o U00 33n 16 1 it I Al 664 32 too T585 COPFI_CO i1API fAL F'c s1a Bt7X 4i64 T i�illA MsCJF'IER LEAS 960814 8/01J96 196C:4 8/06J9E. 1c8m95 00 49,a 0:,00. 1 C'_8r. 95 101 Al 14 84 95 .00 10y�0k� i7F.t11_�;;'-; ri_t�Cfrlli� SIJPPI_Y PaQn BOX;��6T6 [tI SC:CINNc-C: I uCiXES ;=:1 i 1395�� 8; 01 /9E, 1945,', 8/�6J96 �:81 t 8z e ��� 1cil AL 3?81 a G'i' 0 00 1.AS3000 CY OF ONAN, ACET WUNNYI PJPJ)� 1A1 E k SA11Pl ES ! %@0 y 8/01 /96 19603 8/06J96 150e 00 too 49,, 01Fj00 1:,0, 0 J IC�fAL 150CCIO m00 1`�';-5 i1FNfON �1FP0f 1T;�7 Na UNIVrRSifY DRo C:AF'S 1.04:'`!5 8/01 /96 19604 8/06/96 81.40 e ��� 41F,41300 81a 40 101 AL 81 u 40 too tsI fY OF SAN3FR AI' OPEN IFEM I_I8i COMPANY 100 8/01/96 PA13L 3 UENO0.R INV Nil INS? DYE PLO NUN DUE DiF 14%06 A'URCH ANT OISC. MY 16500 ENDERBY GAS COMPANY WEST HIGHWAY K' P.O. 80X 717 PRIJIPANF 83684 8/01/96 19410 8/06/96 136.17 .00 414. I �='00 Ma 15 414.0800 105.0, PROPANE Kd,K, 8/01/96 195311 UK/% M48 .0tl 4 t 4. 120O 28. 48 F'ROPAN B 156 8/01/96 19418 8/K/96 28248 .o0 4t4.1200 P8a 48 1 OTAt 193.1 .00 t 1100 FOR f WEIR fH PI I81_ i4 UARARY 300 i AYLOR Sift BOOKS 19;i8`t 8/01 /96 1KIK 8/06/96 179. 00 .00 4 T`t. 0*290 11,3400 4101 AL 119. 00 .00 1 T3OO G & 13 fRAC MR COO t2.30 F I a WOR HI DRIVE EUEL SCILENOID 4E'7l 8/01/96 19471 8/06/96 118.6O ,00 419.0500 118.60 WEA1 HE R SEAL 4807 8/01/96 19501 3/06/96 .00 4I'3.0500 1.38 TOTAL. 145.98 .00 I11OO 8ALLIS INC. 2470 PALIJM80 DRIVE P.1le BOX 55268 SPEAKER 508P8I67 8/01/96 194,66 8/06/96 94. 23, . 00 4110300 94. 923 iOiAl 94.,6 .00 18700 l:1OH1_KF POOL SUPPLY i a Ot BOX 31 CHI CIRINF T14707 8/01/96 19436 8/06/96 IL9.95 .00 41 `i. 1300 129.95 iEE HANDLE, PIN 115640 8(01/96 19456 8/06/96 15.61 .0O 48I. 1.300 15.6t C:HL.ORINE PUCKS 114880 8/01/96 19452 8/06/96 64.95 .00 4t:.,, 1300 64.95 TOTAL. P1O.51 .00 I8,1100 �3i)VFt;NNFNfAI_ SUi:, 0114=NlzY 9500 FORrSi i_ANF SCE. 408 s 9�TCDr' C:C�Ni-RAC: 10 8101 /96 196� 1 8/06/9E, 1g 000.00 .00 441. O��OO 1 g OOO.00 PROC:EDURFS NANUA 19630 8/01 /96 Mul0 8/061/9e, 0,12 50 .00 430. tG00 .114;M TOTAL i $ 031. 50 . u0 ?O HI1.1-SNtI)FR i:HFU., INC. F'A O, f?QX 88 WCtiER �'U1iE', 1�RH� 1�8i5E8/0t/96 19JF5 �/�6/9�, 1�ic'.,',5 ,��0 41')n 03300 POWER SiEERIPIG C' 1 t8<<CP1 8/01/96 1953; 810EJ96 308.oil zoo 41'l. 0300 13011z 00 FAN EsEL l r50641 8/0i (96 19480 8t06/96 il. ��, . 00 4t9e 0.300 .31, 23 L IGHi SIJIiC:H 40574 8/01/96 19469 8/0EJ96 6.10 400 4110800 6010 REPAIR POLICE UN 3°060 8/01/96 18753 8/06/96 327a714 .00 419a @300 327. 71 DOOR HANK E BUi T 3850E' 8/01/96 19b38 8/06/96 20L 48 .00 419,0500 , 48 CIIY (IF SANGER WNOOR AP OPEN IIFLf 1-19I COMPANY 100 8/01/96 PAGE 4 14.0w. INV NI? INV LD I E Pit NUM 8U6 8 r� PUCH AM f 0949 AN r ,?41�? GNI.Arvl� r,�Iil_K PAr�r1 iJij, REBLII L.1 I RAN5a 18��Kt341 8/01 /96 4191 05V)0 6 5.00 WHE-:EL CYL_IND[R 18— i,Y11 8/01/% 419m 080I,n 01) 0IW �'4a����� INrFRSiAIF BArrFRIrS BAIIFRY I P 7 9 P 419. 1100 BAIIFRIF�cl 13045 419, 050? 413. 1100 419, 0300 I III AL '.SIIIJ�I_ARRY KrFSt..rR BINDER9, MEAL, C: 19625 411.O100 41In 1600 440si6OO 411.16@V1 411a 0100 I III AL. ?E,b?iLhEh KL1 C I IIAU 1'I tJlIG C:CINNE;C:1OR5 41L 1 , 4/0.11.#hn I CIIAL WA I Ff2 PROOIJI�I''J, INIJ. CL AMP5, NF I F R BC! 11117'J 4`,5.6� 4? 1 a OE,II4, PI_IJI VAI_VF, r?111_C 109881 4c`.1 a 0E,00 NFrrRB, FONI E P II t606 455a 06,00 IDIAL 814a 87 Pa t1, +30X 56�!9�1 19415 8/06/96 GE 5m 00 19566 8(4�F,I3F, C'a'8. �r� 48�� AI_I~XANi��:R �'. EJ. BIJX 56�861 8/01/96 19414 8/06f96 4Pa95 42a 9. 8/01 /96 195,:°;o 40a 95 E,oa 95 67a 95 80 8/r�ii96 3a 66 . a 66 13n 38y 9 i /111 n 9m 70 P.IIa 8t}X '_Wi!!n 8fW1/96 344a010 /Z11 /96 4a 5w 8ioi/96 411.59 � /01 /96 r�, 6.10 196c:5 8I�16r36 4�.1� 4�a1� 193r4 8/4�6/36 344a�� �;44. IzsW Pa Ila 131JX �49 195E,i 8/�E,I96 471.5�� 19.35�; yf C�E.f'�6 i95r1 8fA6/96 1000 Kity:I_TIIN 6FRUCIJ� INIJa NODIL�Y PC CC+NE IC, 5�"r��En96R 8i��1136 13633 8r�6/96 44;R. ^40tb, 90400 i CII AL. 3,?1r5 S & :3 rEi_FNEiRY L.IFI CIAa, WELL. 19E!�5 8/�1f96 4R1. viFlviut 91�. 08 ICI i AL. 3','8� _ FARM PLANa LICK iilF' c'618E; 8I�1/36 444a 6 36.5 ICIIAL 1 '86a Rc' a�W 8�� WIE C(IW SIREFr i9C,�5 8f�6/36 319.88 . �� 913a88 ,00 i�f<I='Ta 771 �57 i9487 8/k�6/36 36.5W ,��i Eif fy OF SAW�FR Uk:NOOR INV NIl 3,43YJ VI PHYI_ESS L:ASH4JAY5, INUs E=1_FX CONOUIF, I'll 194880 47Oe 0800 IOI SPISFR 1'3_19.3 1C11AL 337�=�.� !='ERR1E.El iRAr_I_ER ANII h91=1:,e RFPAI R ]RAILER, 193,02 4: 5. 0600 419.A500 41ye 0600 419e7t WI:LO f l F fH ON SIJ 19481 419e @500 TOTAL. 3315�� PHRRY, DRe RIIINARE] MEDICAL. SERVICES 18810 466.01001 466.13 �+�i 101AL AP ill'ktd f�tii i_T i COMPANY WO 8/01/96 PAE1I:. 5 14no6 INV W PI) N1114 IlUB EIfI PURCH ANf EIISCe Amr P. Cle 9LEX 660�SKY 189.30 6/06/136 11 e 05 , 61 I1.05 /O1 /96 1'3 YJ 8/0FjP3b 544 00 e 00 54 e 00 P, El, 61JX 739 8/01./96 18e 71 50. 06 58. 07 502 07 8/�1/96 15. 00 C11�1/96 85e 00 1, 275e 00 34��!!h F'Z fNLY 611111:8 P, El. 611X 51�1 FULIM MAIN m IAA oelOW 9/v)1/9E1 419a I9Agi 145u OLA i III AI. .;:IAA RAI)iEi SHAEJt4 41[� SEILIVAR EIRAC:KES, rLUC� A 61l3��1'�s 9i�+i/96 419e 00300 1, 6; r'L L163 Et ASHt IG i 61940001 8/01 / 96 42'4e 0.300 14e'31 MAB CHARGER 6217L 410 101 8/01/96 45F)e 03110 23. 99 ELASHL-IGHI HCIL DE EIP120018 8/01/96 1111 AI.- 9 152' sAtdE31-.N i—1.111140_I_, I Nlsa SCHOCEL_ SIGN TIME 4t495(� 9l�1/96 4.3c'. 051710 ;'13e 57 1 OTAL •36156 SCNI_I1TER FN13. & EIINM. PORIARt E RADICI R 13i9 9/��1/96 419e 05240 75. oo 101At 4;='00 D1 SM [ I N' S CrIIJN I RY Hl'ilRF� ELIHES, WARNER 419: , 4�114 0600 N)PPLE 41,5118 P.II. BOX 9r'8 8/�11./96 1. Ici1 IBM /96 i 3 e 011A 8/01/96 1019 183e 9"t P. ii. 619X f�;98 199`10 8/u16/96 11 3Fjon 00 196'c'7 9i�6/9E, 145, ��+ 1458 00 Pail. 611X :_91 19411 8/06/96 7.63 1961� 8t�6/96 '"' 99 1961E' 9/dl6/96 1.69 49. ^c9 I_Ill;►;tlllX 911494 196�1 8/�6/96 �t3e5/ c%3e %J P.Io, BOX 99 19531 8/06/96 75.obi 5n 00 1954c 9/�6/96 1.1�� 19545 9/06/96 13, i9319 8/u16/96, la 19 bJ4� C:I1Y OE SAN[iFR AP CiPEN IIFM LIST COMPANY 1.00 8/CA1/96 PAC7E 6 14tl0G V�NOiIR INV Nil INV OTH 01 NUM OUE Off: PURCH AMT 09G9 ANT KEYS, PVC: BUSHIN 41800 8/01 /96 19608 8/06/96 7m c'7 e GG 4 2110 1e 2'7 NIPPLE, BUSHING, 4i:'155 8/01/96 19596 8/06/96 74e91 too 421. GOO 74e 9t SAC:HRE I E. 42064 8/01/96 19578 8/06/96 6. 58 e GG 4PIe 2 00 ne 58 MISC. SUPPLIES 4176LI 8/01/96 19488 8/06/96 26e53 .o 4,''le 0700 "6e 58 M SC:, SUPPLIES 41590 8/01/96 19476 8/06/96 14;1a 79 000 424.1 r2O 0 2099 41.9a05GG ie59 419. @5GG . 6G 41940500 4.99 4110700 1e 4,28 4c'4e 1200 _ . 49 419e 0300 . 16 4•mt CJe VIyiNIN1 }3aqq 419e 01,00 10z 47 419e i%6010 i24e 99 4110500 e 98 4t9e o oo 7e 55 419. Gti GG 15. 28 4,a'4e t 3e 4'9 419, 05100 1 a Po 419e 1100 . 719 4110800 5e 45 8A_I_ VA'_VF, NIPP 4168r 9/01/96 194q'3 8/06/96 16a 96 e LO 4c 1 A600 16e 86 HONE Offs NSF 4i85Ej 8/01/96 t9489 81G6/'9E1 4.99 44?t 01 l0 4e 99 T0iAL P84eIP .GG 42t50 bMI fH PUMP COMPANY INC. 01 MUH INO SfRIAI_ VCiL L3TE, GASKEI 41008 8/01/96 19466 8/G6/96 111c'e 44 . oo 421e 060E 102''e 44 T01 All. WE% 44 e GG 4.3101 T�CH1_INF, INCe Po [In BOX 841950 1000 ETe CONCH 48778 8/01 /96 19595 8/G6/96 430n GG e Cliff} 410. Gt3GG 4 3G. 3A Ft_E11RCiN1C 11ETER 48c'61 8/ lt96 19494 8/06t96 �185G.00 eGG 43,_'e 0800 ,', 850e oo PR? tote H BOWS 48418 8/G1 /96 1%43 8/06/96 55; e 40 e GG 410 e G8GG ,r' ;: e ,1'G PAR OC:KS 48c,68 8/01 /96 1.95cl 8r'k96/96 441e ,j . GG 4PAx G80N 447e Jv. PULLING ROPE 4819 8/01/96 189?7 8IOU% L67SPo .004 4 /Ge 0800 ,'61e ,='G 1(11 W. 41 547e 90 . Go 44000 fh XAS OF:P f , OF WAUH HOO W09 r 49TH ogfWU I TUNSE FEE 1956r 8/01/96 19;:i6 9/06/96 5Ge GG e 0 CA 4.39a I I OIA :;vie GG 101W 5&00 .00 t�ITV QF �Ah�i1�R UE�ItJt�R Ir�!V hliJ 4�c1'C� SQI��1N4lE5TERtd BELC. MtJ�iLi� NHtJtd� i'�6,�`t3 4:?.�a ib��� 4•�•:,a ��t J111 1 CtTAC Ai=' t��'k� ICrt� I.IS1' Ct��iPANY t��t� 8!Eti/'�i", a'Aiat� 7 IP�V �I� Pi3 (�iJi�i �EJ� �I� f4;�tEr PrJRt�N ArT11 �]I�isa At�1f h1Ct�Il_E tiYSTEt�IS PaCta BCtK 9f�91� 81� f !'36 i'36;=:+� tll ���!`�E� f 9a cE, a nth Y9}a �, 7 a �J..i i9. c6 a �� 4�`:i`�S I frXAS 5 i Nr.i_ i;i il_'J�R i' Pa t]a �t�X r:7 C:CIlVEFt'r� C:—+�44f4N �l�iil"�f i9�;5E, A/��EJy� �t�a7; aC�� 44ra �5�� `ii.�a r�:, 7Ct'iAr 5r�a'r5 a�u� 4��r.�� itJlr�_� H�.ArL�t� � A�� �'at�a at�x �.�i A1R C:Ci��itI i ICtAER f f i�� �l�fl9E, f �E�`'9 �/�6/9E� 49a �� a �4� 4 .sa � i��� ;?4a r. 4c'4ia f E�A� � 4, `r� I Cti AL 4'�. �� s �� •`"�i:if.`.i i�, {=, Sa !='R [�I (Irdta :'1'� �a I_t3ilr' �'�1+� 5 t� i viui I�C�SI rdECi� C:AC{f)Et ?c'44 Esl��r !"�� � �i,w•�E� 91EnE.l�E, �;9a ��i a 4�C7 4ffaU11�t4� i'3az� 4j is iE���� f�aa5+� Cs'j�At. ��9. �� a i5!� .`r�'�iF� F'Rt�tR��3SIUr t,t7ttiCwa'CS, IC�t� !='aila Cst7X '�th,t����_ rfiC)Blr_E. C'NCt�rF� f'"��9c tl�fl�E� f9�°?E' 8���t�!'�6 �;�U.IA ,�;ii 4.i•:ra �,tii1iE11 ;-.'4�+a',4 4'3a f 1b�� �c'a f� _(Ci1 AC ���a %� a Cif 5:3;? �:� lvE t;e AiJ i tJ I='AR ►"� �r'a +3a �t�� -��c uilJ Ctll. FILlERS4 FCD Eei6 °I�c�i/�E� f'��r4�� 8r��6136 I:��a5� a�j� 4i'�, �r;�� t t, �� 4'—;E'a�A?�� ic'4a a� �=R�.Ot� ri66 8f�il96 1'�4r'; 8/�thl'3E� E"3.7� a�'t� 4f�a ii�+� c'9a � TCt�{At i��a �k� a ��� ��34�� r�FSft3HiF OF FRIrdARY ht�'�r'I 4:a�i h!a r�tFSA ELEi �-rA�ASIA i'J�t�� 8r���f l'�6 f �6En� °I�r�i'�E� fSE� �4� a �� I �I� Al f �E,a ��� a tiG9 .,.,,,.�;a� r�x�� �rAS�� r�AraAt,�tTtt-.gar ��atJa at�� ri'� tCtC � [tF£- ItC!t�1RS I c t r�635 8I �c�f 1"3E, f �E, _;� °I CE�I'3E, � I E'� 6c a ��4� !�4 ra v�4��n � � r��'a F;�' I �t � Ar. i i C'a ��. : ��� :�.��7 r: i Rt= [ IVt�h l i='AF'r ii i� t;HF.r�1 i t;A�_ C:A�E iCt,�!E.tS 4;4��4H i�l�fl9E, 4'�e �;�'�Vt ;�'.sa r6 7CtTAL. Ctj i"�lt_ t�Ur_ l� I i H t) i�t�OlJl� f� i G I AI. IIUE— �U D ISC:CiCIt~I'i E; i'�� �r 7s i6� f�g6tf.iA i4.3t t;tlr��jr_Rttr. BI_Ut�a ��a tE, i'�, � l-rat � a�� ��� � � �_� w� ��. AIth1I ra I ST RA7I Ct4�—C;E �77a 4� cIfY OF SANuFR WHIM INV NA F'IJI_ I1;1=—i3F SANI 1 Al I ON_C,F W[4 i F R4 F WASrFWAfuR— F FI FC f RI L:_.FF C'UR IC WCILtKtli4iF FIRE-uF VFHIC:L.F. NAIN14ir '3W IMM IN13 P,31112JF ADNI NI STRAI ICIN4F 1'IJOIAC WORKS-ff 6ULI IVAN CFNiFMil' E)AM F'ROCi SINGS FF VFHIC:LF MAIN`EF i OVIMa CFtdrFR—Gi lAS i F_W-1 R COL_4F Af`?IIfiAL C;CfP# i RCiL —E�F �;FNFRAI_ FIJNfJ ENIF.RPRISF FUND AP IJP= N l lFM 1.1131COMPANY 10. 8/01 /'36 14uOG INV IM PO NUN Duc IJrF PURCH ANr DISCO L if %C 669a 4._� 4 i:7f:'a �l y i—'..:17a 64 49 C:� a 08 7 1064 1.,1 r? 7 412 1� 15ta5v 11 746a U.; °F, 4a 1•s 1�'345a.�1 cr 17 33a 50 i8 4d4a 01 145a 00 141a3 :jk 00 =; 15a 04 v'4 '30a 00 tlg 6�iia 4n 1Ip �14a 6c €'A13F 8 AP�1T 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Size of water Line on TCDP Contract 715739. John Mears will be here to discuss the three different change orders for the water line to install under the TCDP Contracts. The three change orders are attached. One for an eight inch line, one for a twelve inch line, and one for a combination of an eight inch and a twelve inch line. t OWNERS Project NO.: PROJECT: Utility System Improvements 1995 TCDP Grant No. 715739 Change Order No.: Two (2) Dated: July 15 , 1996 Page 1 ENGINEER'S Project No.: D95024E CONTRACTOR: Four D Construction, Inc., 10901 Stinson Dr., Dallas, TX 75217 CONTRACT Amount: $234,792.50 TO: Four D Construction, Inc. 10901 Stinson Dr. Dallas, TX 75217 CONTRACT Date: 07/15/96 Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: City of Sanger, Texas Owner NATURE OF CHANGES: PROJECT B- 8" Water Line 8" Gate Valves Delete: 6" Water Line 6" Gate Valves Dated: 2,600 LF @ $ 13.00 = $ 33,800.00 2,600 LF @ $ 12.40 = $32,240.00 5 EA @ $ 390.00 = $ 1,950.00 TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER B\SPECS\D95024E\FOURD2. CO2\SANGERA' I Change Order No.: Two (2) Dated: July 15 , 1996 Page 2 These changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase/Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order Current Contract Time including this Change Order: The Above Changes are Approved: HUNTER ASSOCIAM, INC. Engineer By: Dated: By: • B\SPECS\D95024E\FOURD2.0O2\SANGERN 1 OWNERS Project No.: PROJECT: Utility System Improvements 1995 TCDP Grant No. 715739 Change Order No.: Two oil k2j Dated: July 15 , 1996 Page 1 ENGINEER'S Project No.: D95024E CONTRACTOR: Four D Construction, Inc., 10901 Stinson Dr., Dallas, TX 75217 CONTRACT Amount: $234,792.50 TO: Four D Construction, Inc. 10901 Stinson Dr. Dallas, TX 75217 CONTRACT Date: 07/15/96 Contractor You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: By:_ Dated: NATURE OF CHANGES 12" Water Line 2,600 LF @ $ 17.30 = $ 44,980.00 12" Gate Valves 5 EA @ $ 1,097.00 = $ 5,485.00 Delete: 6" Water Line 2,600 LF @ $ 12.40 = $32,240.00 6" Gate Valves 5 EA @ $ 390.00 = $ 1,950.00 TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER $ 16►275Q4 B\SPECS\D95024E\FOURD3.0O2\SANGERN 1 s Change Order No.: Two (2) Dated: July 15 , 1996 Page 2 These changes result in the following adjustment %J Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior to this Change Order: Net (Increase/Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order Current Contract Time including this Change Order: F3L•ydCYi��] The Above Changes are Approved: HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineer By: Dated: • By: Dated: B\SPECS\D95024 E\FOURD3 . CO2\S AN G ER/i 1 v OWNERS Project No.: PROJECT: Utility System Improvements 1995 TCDP Grant No. 715739 Change Order No.: Two (2) Dated: July 15 , 1996 Page 1 ENGINEER'S Project No.: D95024E CONTRACTOR: Four D Construction, Inc., 10901 Stinson Dr., Dallas, TX 75217 CONTRACT Amount: $234,792.50 TO: Four D Construction, Inc. 10901 Stinson Dr. Dallas, TX 75217 Contractor CONTRACT Date: 07/ 15/96 You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject Contract: • By: Dated: NATURE OF CHANGES: PROJECT B- 8" Water Line 1,550 LF @ $ 13.00 = $20,150.00 8" Gate Valves 3 EA @ $ 567.00 = $ 11701.00 12" Water Line 1,050 LF @ $ 17.30 = $181165.00 12" Gate Valves 2 EA @ $ 1,097.00 = $ 2,194.00 Delete, 6" Water Line 21600 LF @ $ 12.40 = $32,240.00 6" gate Valves 5 EA @ $ 390.00 = $ 10950600 TOTAL NET CHANGE ORDER B\SPECS \D 95024E\FOURD- I . C 02\S ANG ER// 1 PR07ECT C- Concrete Encasement Cement Stabilized Backfill 3.5 CY @ $ 130.00 50 CY @ $ 38.00 TOTAL Change Order No.: Two (2) Dated: July 15 , 1996 Page 2 These changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price Prior to this Change Order: Net Increase Resulting from this Change Order: Current Contract Price including this Change Order: Contract Time Prior tothis Change Order: Net (Increase/Decrease) Resulting from this Change Order Current Contract Time including this Change Order: The Above Changes are Approved: By: Dated: • By: Dated: B\SPECS\D95024E\FOURD-1.0O2\SANGERll1 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding World Kart Association race. Phillip Williams from North Texas Kartway will be here to present their desires to hold a Kart race in Sanger. A copy of the WKA Insurance Coverage is attached. 'A&M-URICAIN SPEC I I 1 S I 1 14 :I 11 I•(• ti I I • % 1 (' f• N. 1 11 11 February 29, 1996 Susan Setoff 1822 Chamberlain Carrollton, TX 75007 RE: WKA Insurance Coverage North Texas Kartway - Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Setoff: Please find enclosed the Certificate of Insurance for the above referenced track. Also enclosed are the Certificates of Insurance for the requested Additional Insureds. We suggest that you make a copy of these Certificates for you files and forward the originals to the respective Certificateholders. A copy of these Certificates has been provided to the World Karting Association for their records. Also enclosed is a Liquor Liability Application. Please note that liquor (iaUility is not included in the WKA Insurance Program. If you would like to purchase liquor liability, please complete the enclosed application and return to our office. We will then give you a quote on how much it would cost to add liquor liability. American Specialty Insurance Services, Inc. would like to point out a very important issue that seems to have been missed in the explanation of your WKA track coverage under the World Karting Association insurance )rogram. The insurance coverage provided under the WKA program is subject to all persons entering restricted areas signing an approved WKA Waiver and Release form and the issue of an approved WKA pit pass. A N'VKA Waiver and Release form must be signed prior to being issued a WKA pit pass. This means that regardless of whether there is a practice session taking place or an actual competition, THE PARTICIPANTS HAVE NO MEDICAL COVERAGE and the TRACK HAS NO LIABILITY COVERAGE in effect unless the WKA Waiver and Release is signed and a WKA pit pass is issued to any persons entering restricted areas. If you have any questions concerning this Certificate, or the WKA insurance program, please don't hesitate to call our office. We wish you safe and successful karting in 19961 Best Regards, ./ JepVer J.Fritz Underwriting Assistant JJF:ags Enclosures) cc: Gail Duerksen, WKA AMERICAN SPECIALTY EMERGENCY CLAIMS SERVICE 800-566=7941 (24 Hours/7 Days a Week) Claims and Insurance Emergencies ,1.111' :U'f UI� Illy lltl};111 �.; I'1�1; 1.1�1' I llr 111111'I ��1', I11 r1'1 :11111111.111 Ilbl�l-1 �, , n� I f" i\'tlk'!'ll �I \II\' ti'I'ItI:Ii'I • RII \\tILIC. I\I11 \\ \ li.';tta 'I'� i�;.' :.ra��' 1 � \ .' I'� �.'' .t...... D KARTING ASSOCIATION TE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATEHOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND. OR ALTER AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. j�CERTIFICATEHOLDER POLICYHOLDER/INSURED th Texas Kartway World Karting Association 135 & FM156 5725 Highway 29 North Sanger, TX P.O. Box 294 Harrisburg, NC 28075 (PRODUCER COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Fireman's Fund Insurance Company American Specialty Insurance Services, Inc. 142 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 309 Roanoke, IN 46783 COMPANY B Anthem Life Insurance Company COVERAGES - THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOT WITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO TYPE OF POLICY NUMBER COVERAGE COVERAGE LTR INSURANCE EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE LIMITS A Commercial XXC80341982 02/23/96 02/01/97 General Liability' 12:01 A.M. 12:01 A.M. Each Occurrenceq $ 1F000100C Participant Legal Liability 5 1,00000O( Prod-Comp•Operations $ 200000001 Pers & Adv. Injury $ 11000100( Fire Legal Liability (Per Firel $ 50,o0C Errors & Omissions $ 500000 Excess Liability• XEK00082660770 No Coverage No Coverage Each Occurrence No Coverage B Participant TBD 02/23/96 02/01/97 Class I • Driver Participant Accident' 12:01 A.M. 12:01 A.M. Accidental Death & Dismemberment 5 5,000 Accident Medical Expenses S 20,000 Class 11 • Non -Driver Participant Accidental Death & Dismemberment S 51000 Accident Medical Expenses $ 20,000 Class III - Non•Participant Accident Medical Expenses $ 2,500 Class IV - Driver, Mechanic, Pitman, Officials of the WKA Driving School Accidental Death & Dismemberment S 5,000 Accident Medical Expenses 5 20,000 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS "Coverage Excludes Liquor Liability The Certificateholder shall be an Additional Insured in accordance with the provisions and limitations of endorsement CG 20 26 11 85, Additional Insured - Designated Person or Organization, and only with respect to liability resulting from the activities of the Wor Karting Association at North Texas Kartway, IT IS A CONDITION OF THE POLICY THAT THE WKA WAIVER AND RELEASE FORM AND PIT PASS SYSTEMS ARE IN EFFECT, CANCELLATION -SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS' WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATEHOLDER, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. C�-�ificate Number: WKA-96-052 Date Issued: February 29, 1996 David A. Harris Authorized Representative ASIS-WKA-CER7'(12/95) 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Establishing a Building Standard Board . Attached is a copy of the City Code on Establishing a Building Standard Board. Each councihnember should submit names to the Mayor. t �r (b) All buildings or structures which constitute or in which are maintained as fire hazards, such as by containing accumulations of flammable materials, and represent a fire hazard to surrounding property. (c) All buildings or structures which are so structurally deteriorated that they are in danger of collapse, or which cannot be expected to withstand the reasonably anticipated storms. (d) All buildings, structures, or premises permitted to exist to constitute a menace to health or safety, including all conditions conducive to the harboring of rats or mice or other disease carrying animals or insects reasonably calculated to spread disease. (Chapter 3, Section 11A, Code of 1982) § 3.1202 Abatement of Unsafe Buildings or Premises Buildings or structures described in Section 3.1201 shall constitute dilapidated, hazardous, and unfit for human habitation structures and buildings, and are declared to be a hazard to health, safety, and welfare of the citizens and are public nuisances and shall be ordered to be vacated, repaired, demolished, or cleaned up. (Chapter 3, Section 11B, Code of 1982) § 1.1203 Building Standards Commission There is hereby created a Building Standards Commission to be composed of five (5) members, each of whom shall be a resident of the City. They shall be appointed by and hold office at the pleasure of a majority of the City Council. As near as practical, they shall be qualified in one (1) or more fields of fire prevention, building construction, sanitation, �!^ health, and public safety. Such commission may appoint ex officio, nonvoting members to such commission to advise it as it deems necessary. It shall be the duty of the ex officio members of such commission, if any, to inspect all buildings or structures reported to be or believed to be substandard and to present a report of such inspection to the Building Standards Commission, which commission shall, except in cases of emergency, notify the proper party of the intention of the commission to hold its hearing and follow the procedure provided in this article. (Chapter 3, Section 11C, Code of 1982) § 3.1204 Conditions for Vacating, Repairing, or Cleaning Up Unsafe Buildings or Premises Unsafe buildings, structures, or premises may be ordered to be, and shall be vacated, repaired, demolished, or cleaned up under the following conditions, regulations, and procedures: (a) When it shall come to the notice of the Building Standards Commission that a building or premise in the City is unsafe under the terms of this article, the commission may cite the owner of such building, structure, or premise, or his/her authorized agent or representative, to appear and shall cause why such building should not be declared to be unsafe and why he/she should not be ordered to vacate, repair, demolish, or clean up such building, structure, or premise. The date of such hearing shall be not less than ten (10) days after citation shall have been made. (b) Such citation may be served by deliveyry of a copy thereof to the owner or the person in possession or depositing such citation to the address of the owner as shown on the County Appraisal District tax rolls in the U.S. Mail by certified or registered letter, or if such premises be unoccupied and the ownership unknown, by attaching a copy of such 3-39 7. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint a Member to the Beautification Board. Eddie Branham has resigned from the Beautification Board, therefore, leaving a vacant position. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint Members to the Industrial Development Board, The Mayor will be appointing this rive member board. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Stop Sign on Keaton Road. No action has been taken on this item. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sale of City Property. We have had a request to sale Lot 2, Block 46, of the Original Town of Sanger. Enclosed is a copy of the warranty deed. We will have to advertise in the newspaper for bids. Ronald J. Neiman Margaret E. Barnes Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Neiman & Barnes a professional corporation Attorneys At Law 386 W. Main / P.O. Box 777 Lewisville, Texas 75067 March 23, 1992 RE: Lot Donation Fort Worth Ph.: 214/436-1558 Fax: 214/436-1349 by Catholic Diocese of Dear John: Enclosed please find the original executed.Speci l Warranty Deed concerning Lot 2, Block 46, of the Original Town of Sanger. You will recall that we have had some difficulty in determining in whom the actual legal title to the property is vested; however, you indicated to me that the City was not contemplating building any structure on the property. Thus, to go to great expense to "cure" the title is not all that important. Accordingly, if the City does want the property, you place an item on the Council agenda to accept the donation lot from the Catholic Diocese, and thereafter, file this the Denton County Clerk's Office. If I may be of additional assistance, please advise. Sincerely, J. Neiman RJN:dmy Enclosure should of this deed in �2SI Prcparcd by the Statc Bar ��f Tcxa� f��r uxc by laH•ycra only. Rcviscd 10.85. ��%o� 3 2 19 PGA?_ �• S O rvxs A} �M S�ah enr �d Tee+. � SPECIAL 'WARRANT�� ��ED REAI. PROPERTY R � �4545 Date: ;March 1, 1992 Grantor: Catholic Diocese of Fort ,Worth ' Grantor's Mailing Address (including county): -' 800 West Loop 820 South Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas 76108-2919 Grantee: City of Sanger, Texas Grantee's Ntaiiing Address (inciuding county): 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Consideration: Ten Dollars cash, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. �� .. .._ ., :. ,, ,_ _. ,: r _ � ,.. Property (including any improvements): LOT 2, BLOCK 46, Original Town of Sanger, as the`same appears on the map or plat thereof recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas. �. �; Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: All easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions as the same appear of record in the office of the County Clerk of Denton County, Texas. CITY SECRETARY 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Discontinuing of the Water Rationing Status. The Mayor has asked that this item be placed on the agenda to discuss the removal of the water rationing plan that is now in effect. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding 20' Alley on East Half of Lot 53, Block 21, Hampton Addition. This property known as 206 Houston is requesting that the City deed the alley to them. Looking at the property it appears as though the property owners of the lot have already fenced in the property and are using it as if it were theirs. if the City deeded the property to the adjacent owners, 10' should go to one side and 10' to the other. Please go by this property before the council meeting. 07/02/96 C11 OF SANGER RANDY AND RHONDA EAKMAN P.O. BOX 443 600 HOUSTON SANGER, TX, 76266 8174584017 817-458-5592 FAX RE: LEGAL DESCRIl'TION EAST HALF OF LOT 53 BLOCK 21 SR...HAMPTON ADDITION. OUR PROPERTY IS ATTACHED TO AN ALLY WAY THAT THE CITY OWNS. THIS ALLY WAY DEAD ENDS AT THE BACK OF OUR PROPERTY, SINCE THERE IS NO ACCESS OTHER THAN TO OUR PROPERTY WE ARE INQUIRING ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE CITY OF SANGER DEED THIS WALLY BACK TO OUR PROPERTY SO IT CAN BE FURTHER IMPROVED, PLEASE CALL WITH ANY QUESTIONS, RHONDA CAN BE REACHED DURING THE DAY AT 817440-3711. 31' 6-8 (50' R.O.W,) EAST 95 24 -- FIFTF in �` F CONC. EFERENC 21.6' WALK rn. LINE "� O.H. POWE CONC, aIsT. LINE LOT 53R N i PORCH h °4 33,9' � � 441,10 cv o i�STY BRICK RES, m ON CONC. SLAB co Z N F-' W } 19. 04 21.1' f 3 3.7' O W 0 ;Cf —� tP�►o BLOCK 21 cz. w r • r • w i r r N89044'44"W LOT 53 95' 0 LOT 54 1<GN C� N ' TO STREET �eing the East 1/2 of Lot 53, in 9LOCK 21, of the Campton Addition to the City of Sanger, Dlsnton County, Texas, vs shown by plat recorded in Volume 75, Page 84, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, � (Commonly known as 206 HOUSTON STREET) Tlw plat harese N a twa sM ac�ratM rRpr+ese+ tloe a! the ptspsrly as dM mom we I WY swvsy amps +M On Newt. 00 1Ms9 aid diMOMI"s al Bahl papery beh" as ladlc*ftdl on On Plat. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Police Car. The Police Departments 1992 Ford Taurus that was to be replaced next year has lost its engine. The estimated cost to repair including parts and labor is around $2,000.00. Hilz- Snider can sell us another new car just like the one we recently purchased for $14,976.00, 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Shelter, Councilman Richardson requested this item be placed on the agenda. 15. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Type of Roof Repair to City Hall. Councilman Richardson requested this item be placed on the agenda. 16. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Exceptions to Salaried Employees for Payment of Overtime. Councilman Richardson requested this item be placed on the agenda. 17. Discussion of Public Works with regard to Monthly Water Reports. Councilman Richardson requested this item be placed on the agenda. or, Central Texas Council Of Governments APPROVAL OF MINUITES U oel � 2 21996 .. w.�4 P. O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 Approval of Minutes and Ratification of Action Taken at June 27, 1996 Executive Board Meeting. GOVERNMENT APPLICATIONS REVIEW ITEMS In accordance with federal law and the Texas Review and Comment System (TRACS), the grant and loan applications in the North Central Texas region are reviewed and commented upon by NCTCOG's Executive Board to ensure that the applications are in the best interest of the orderly development of the region. Each month, recommendations are forwarded to the Executive Board from NCTCOG's Government Applications Review Committee. The Executive Board recommendations are forwarded to the funding agencies. The applications received this month were either on the Governor's waiver list or otherwise not subject to regional review. Pagel of3 ���� ACTION ITEM{ Resolution Autho jzing Leasing of Additional Office Space. New staff positions and creation of a 944 Training Center require leasing approximately 3500 square feet of additional office space effective October 1, 1996. The Board will be asked to authorize this expansion. Resolution Authorizing Contract Between North Central Texas Workforce Development Board and NCTCOG. NCTCOG develops a comprehensive employment and training plan and provides job train- ing and placement services through subcontractors in 14 of the region's counties (Collin, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Hood, Hunt, Kaufman, Johnson, Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, and Wise). Programs in remedial education for high school students and dislocated workers are also provided. The North Central Texas Workforce Development Board has requested NCTCOG to provide grant recipient and administrative support services as it carries out its workforce development responsibilities. The services required have been formalized in a contract requiring Executive Board approval. Resolution Authorizing Contract with TNRCC for Evaluation of Transportation Control Measure Effectiveness. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission is preparing a report for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to demonstrate compliance with the federal Clean Air Act through implementation of control strategies in the State Implementation Plan. NCTCOG has been asked to inventory transportation control measures implemented by the end of 1996 in the Dallas -Fort Worth "ozone nonattainment area." This effort will also include data collection and evaluation of the effectiveness of the controls. The Board will be asked to execute a contract for TNRCC funding of this work. Approval of 1996-97 Unified Planning Work Program. Over the last several months, NCTCOG has been working with local governments and planning agencies to develop the 1996-97 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for regional transportation planning. In June, the Executive Board, the Surface Transportation Technical Committee, and the Travel Demand Management Committee received the draft document and public meeting were held to receive comments. The Regional Transportation Council approved the document on July 11, and the Board's approval is being requested as well. Endorsement of Mobility 2010 Plan Update and 1996 Transportation Improvement Modifications and Corresponding Air Quality Conformity Analysis. Local governments and the Texas Department of Transportation have requested modifications to projects in the Mobility 2010 Plan Update and the 1996 Transportation Improvement Program. The modifications affect the design concept and scope of projects such that a revised air quality conformity analysis is required. An air quality review has been conducted and NCTCOG staff is recommending a positive conformity determination. The Board will be asked to endorse the modifications and the corresponding air quality conformity analysis. Resolution Authorizing the 1996-97 Texas Community Development Program. The Board will be asked to authorize an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. These monies will allow NCTCOG's Department of Environmental Resources to provide technical assistance to local governments applying for block grant funds and staff support to the 12-member, governor -appointed North Central Texas Regional Review Committee. Resolution Authorizing aDallas/Fort Worth Area Emissions Reduction Credit Organization Program. The Board will be asked to support the formation of an area emissions reduction credit organiza- tion (AERCO), a regional organization to assist businesses in meeting the emissions reduction requirements for new and expanding businesses in the Dallas -Fort Worth ozone nonattainment area. Partners in this ini- tiative include the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, NCTCOG, the North Texas Commission, Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce, and Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce. Pane oi 2of3 Resolution Authorizing Memorandum of Understanding with Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Board will be asked to authorize NCTCOG's Department of Environmental Resources to work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on a variety of floodplain mitigation activi- ties. One such activity would be to facilitate offering FEMA's Emergency Management Institute Course: Managing Floodplain Development in this region. APPOINTMENTS Appointments to Executive Board Standing Committees. President Jim Jackson will make appoint- ments to the Executive Board's two standing committees, Personnel and Finance and Appointments. STATUS REPORTS Federal Certification of the Transportation Planning Process. In June 1995, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conducted a joint "Enhanced Planning Review of the Dallas -Fort Worth Metropolitan Area." In May this year, the two agencies conducted their federal certification review. FHWA and FTA have determined that the Dallas -Fort Worth metropolitan transportation planning process meets the federal requirements and that no corrective actions are neces- sary. The findings will be presented to the Executive Board,