06/17/1996-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 17,1996 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CONSENT AGENDA A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding speed limits and possible stop signs on East Willow Street, 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition, from Agricultural to Business (B-2). 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition, from Agricultural to Business (B- 2). 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding an Ordinance Amending Chapter 8, Section 8.601 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas changing the Beautification Board from seven members to nine members. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Board Members. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding awarding bids on a police car and declaring it a uecessity to preserve the public safety of the municipality's residents. 10. 11. 12. Any Other Such Matters. City Administrators Report Adjournment. Rosalie Chavez, City 110 UVh 1110 City Council June 3, 1996 PRESENT: Mayor John Coker, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jerry Jenkins ABSENT: Councilman Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Rodney Fletcher, Dion Canaday, Wanda Ervin 1. Mayor Coker Called the Meeting to Order, Councilman Bell led the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. 3. 4. 5. A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Ervin, Motion Carried unanimously. Citizens Input. Mayor Coker presented a silver plate to former Councilwoman Margie Braxton for her unselfish devotion and distinguished service to the City Council form 1990 to 1996. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM 455. Mayor Coker declared Public Hearing Opened. Chris Anderson addressed Council in regards to the proposed preliminary plat. Mr. Anderson indicated that all of the engineering was completed under the County specifications. Discussed. Mayor Coker declared Public Hearing Closed. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows located on FM 455. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Approve Preliminary Plat for Lakecrest Meadows subdivision as presented. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. CC MINUTES DUNE 39 1996 Aye Votes: Councilman Jenkins Councilman Bell Councilman Ervin Councilman Kicaid Motion Carried unanimously. PAGE 2 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution No. R06-96 Nominating Candidate to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 944 District, Council Resolution No. R06-96 1 OARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 944 iISTRICT, WHEREAS, Section 771, Health and Safety Code, provides that two voting members of the Board of Managers of an Emergency Communications District shall be appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to nominate Mayor Coker. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to reappoint Don Franklin, Chief of Police and Interim City Manager with the City of Highland Village as our Candidate to the Board of Managers of the Denco Area 944 District. Seconded by Councilman Bell. Aye Votes: Councilman Kincaid Councilman Ervin Councilman Bell Councilman Jenkins Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Board Members. Mayor Coker appointed the following members to the various boards as listed: toy 111 Place 4 Appointed 996998 CC MINUTES JUNE 3, 1996 )oug Payne Place Teresa Calvert Galinda Powell LIBRARY BOARD Richard Muir Helen Kirby Judy Webster Sandra Lloyd Place 6 Place 7 ' •. 111 1 41 11, too I F'•..Ito I •I Ito *Joe Slides has served 3 terms and can not be reappointed. PAGE 3 Mayor Coker stated that he needs to contact another individual to serve on the Parks Board. He will appoint members to the Parks Board and to the Industrial Board at the next Council meeting. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Russell Madden Appointed 19964998 Bobbye Robison Appointed 1996-1998 Andy Garza Appointed 19964998 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to Appoint/Reappoint the members to the various boards as presented by Mayor Coker and give Mayor Coker "blessing" for "filling" any other vacancies to the other boards as he sees proper. Seconded by Councilman Bell, Aye Votes: Councilman Kincaid Councilman Ervin Councilman Bell Councilman Ervin Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Abandoned Property legally described as Lot 10 Block 40, Old Town Sanger Addition, also known as 117 South Second. Bob Hagemann, Fire Marshall, addressed this item to Council. Mr. Hagemann presented several photos depicting the condition that now exists at the house located at 117 South Second Street known as Lot 1, Block 40, O.T. Sanger. Mr. Hagemann provided a petition signed by 36 citizens indicating their request for consideration of condemnation of this property far demolition. The owner of the property has been notified by certified letter; however, he has not communicated with Mr. Hagemann concerning this problem. CC MIlgUTES JUNE 3, 1996 Discussed. PAGE 4 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to pursue efforts to condemn and remove the structure located at Lot 1, Block 40, O.T. Sanger, known as 117 South Second. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Aye Votes: Councilman Kincaid Councilman Ervin Councilman Bell Councilman Ervin Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Any Other Such Matters. Councilman Kincaid addressed the condition that might exist concerning off street parking at the new subdivision. Requested it be placed on next workshop agenda. 10. City Administrators Report. 1) Mr. Keesler advised Council on the following: a) The fees at the pool. b) Sprinkler system at the library has been installed. c) Eddie Branham has been working with Don Dyess at Albertson's in Fort Worth concerning food for the animal shelter. Mr. Dyess has agreed to donate food to the animal shelter and advised Eddie he could come every two weeks or once a month as needed to pick up food. 2) Mayor Colter gave a brief report concerning Sanger VFLD Fire and EMS calls in the City and County. Mayor Coker congratulated the Sanger VFD for their voluntary assistance they do for the City of Sanger and the rural areas. 3) Rodney Fletcher with Friendship Cable briefed Council on the rate increase. He indicated it covered 5 new channels. Friendship Cable plans to do at least 4 miles of Capital Improvements to the lines. Rate increase effects only the basic. Mr. Fletcher indicated if at any time a subdivision comes into Sanger they would like a copy of the subdivision plat. Councilman Jenkins addressed a problem with the cable lines laying above the ground. Mayor Coker also indicated there should be a phone number for new subscribers to call if .they need service. If possible, maybe advertise in the paper so customers know what is available. Mr. Fletcher stated that they had a problem and were trying to correct it presently, and as customers call in they can correct their problem. Mr. Fletcher also advised that the school and city needed to get involved in the o' 00 CC MMTES DUNE 39 1996 PAGE 5 information channel. Several cities are already accessing this service and it is beneficial to the cities. 4) Councilman Bell complimented on the newsletter and thanked staff for their efforts. 11. Adjournment. Mayor Coker declared the meeting adjourned. L , OF &:} IGER VENDOR INN NiU AP' OPEN IIE� LIST CHMPHiJV 1()ii 6/14?`9G PHrE. 1 11�1G 1t7V LS E =0 'UMI DUE CiIE !PUR H ANT 6ISL (riff _. __ 1N4 i�L.Lu`5 P.O, BOX 1&30 PH H BAUERIES 43668 G/14/90 18860 6/18/96 Ii 1: 11iji} 1C}5,1C} TUIHL C_� � .,(:p r- �ri4 GE :t.)Q��, �/i4/pis u'Al 1100 100. of) TOTAL c`�Ci HI:HFi� t:hl�Ri�I�1f;Ti`rd;9 1:19, CITY FALL PEST C. 40808 423, 0 10 0 1b TUHL 1clJ C'EFd—lkx E'9L�1�'i'i.hdT IC'E IPCOIf�E ENTJ{}G 6/14/9G TOitL 1`e:Civ wI�.T TEL.E 'HC)dE 19L« F,/14i9G 84 43 , 1600 ITHL .7715 Brsh'1 SPi1RT:� I UTHI_ V itl��, 1CJ P: C4 BOX Got 70 6/18 9G 1(}C),t)t) iijii, t)() P5 G/18/9G 751t06 Q01 FLIRT WORTH DR 8E, 6/18/96 19FJI00 Pt O, BOX 783222'5 r, c _a,17 58,17 ii. DUA t14C C 5•i, C�1? �_URP, !-'RUL:ESa 11i)9 C)L'T, U9;, I EHCE it�1 I_ i ,�,�, C••, - ;v/r1'�=BC % C �r ?-;Gt,74 TOInL 4r,7, 74 =u75 FRE SJPPLI` IiiG: BOX u'9 -)•Dn i_ E,�h�: 4.��if %,/1 4/"F, 1iv9,,,{}r_,? i ,! �„ ' iN, f_ iUIHL _79 ..°7BG BUE_I''rHR 'SPECIALTY PRI"iD11CT QIi. cc7Q G/14,'9G t, )l, BOX �e'l38 I T Y CIF , `rtvS!7R 'OTAL AP UPIEN Ii EN LIST COI\iPAIdY too 6f 14f 96 PA.C, c: 11;16 IIiV DIE Pil 111,111 DUE DIE PU IM AiriT DIM rfil :_788 E,OUidD TREEfI1ORT;-{ AiiERICAi� Lt1w: SUlrr"'IE S4'jE16 EJ14f96 424a 1100 171 a 85 *TOTAL AL 41�;5 8!JRRUS S:UPEP,'i�ARKET ST0RYI1P1E 5UPPLI 18765 4412, Woo 811.EACN i8814 444. 'E,00 iEISC¢ SUlip LIES 18960 BLEACH 9ifL 444ac600 DRINKS41, PLATES, 18810 j15¢ 1400 L.N J'rs CHIPS, CIF; 189;'.3 EdA TOTAL 6`t)} I��I7 .IAL!l1URifiL :�ICCL�ES NISC¢ CLUNiNG S 1b1L'' 3 J PPPER 9 CLEHINING 161.45 44k'a 1600 442s 0800 $`-ica -j,0o o ! UIT AL Pa L i�. EsO li)8 41aW 15 CENTERVALE ROAD 1BBL,c C,f 1Etf96 171a85 17i¢85 6fi4f9E. i87E,5 6f18f96 ,t)ac1 30421 6f14f96 18814 ES 6V96 1180 I9a 80 6114f96 189f)0 6118f96 0ac8 '7.28 Ell i4r`96 I9EcE± 6f18f96 8.8G a¢ 80 EP1-�i96 18810 UIMES I6¢45 Ira 45 bi v i, IV4 i. _ r 6'_i' 6/18J9_: F r:�, WE 20 f �,lla Elfin f114 14 Gil 18f91b t141 54a 00 6f7—;i96 1Cc; 1 6i14/96 35 ,,14 f i f4.11 18or 85 ��i:}�_r L.tJ�d,'—jiJrtEl: KE�'I ir1Tv7 E�UEjL;CRIPfiOik i9c54 6r`'i4f9E, TOTAL !OTA V C� • �Ur¢v J_.4)il 19��r4 6f 1E4f'�6 E'4a tii) l�+5 i[iiiiii`?Eldl�!l_ RESE!�RL.H CORP PCI''DEk pLi; Ise"3,' 6%1�f�G 19c i cfiF,i'96 45J,i)5 ,iii) 470z 080) ` .j5a 05 SUPER HOT 44C J G91 41916 IR7135 6t18iO6 �4 ait) tui tMi) DIfEN OIN, (,Ei'dTRPAF`'R��t�4�L � 1 G!!Ji\�E ij. !'a O¢ V�iX ' Ir )l 0611 F„ HILLOCAT IBr 6114/3t 1J6 1, 8 6 11 ! f JO .qqr _b¢ K i)tf } f '¢ t)liiji.) 39E.¢ .3 TOTAL 996¢ 3E t)0 i iFi '_ iKC7 C'ji14f.%u I.1027 6%18/96 43124 z60 '-4v4a 0 U i'r6a t_}'3 434, 0500 1671 15 i Ci'I i! 4WSa E4 900 110 )'` }_ iY lei v+l-��4:t�� pipI1l. w I- I i.� !: �:, °'100 14/96 k �C 13, Belt-, VENDJJR I1~aV rsii lNV DIE PO HUM DUE DIE PURCN AIIIT DiSCa Alil- IKitJO tNDERPY GAS COMPANY barbi HIGHWIFR` 82 717 PR0pANE 83 0,14 8 Uk/% 18 8 6/18/rjr, .lj*bx 89 a 0 ) f14nc2}W 06,80 PROPANE 8=ii)1 r,/14/96 189i1 G/18196 ia!� {i) u1 . ir(10 3 1 x 15 PROPANE 8E167 6114 96 187E7 6/18/96 I-i?.11 too 414a 100;) 414v0800 117a 1a TO AL 213s iJk+ a 00 i7300 G u G FRAC"110H COa Icl. r$) FTa WJJRTH DRIVE SIKID PLATES 2`3i17 G/14/96 16914 6/18/96 54a 2 u) ja0500 54.12 VALVE ASSEMBLY 3E77 E+i14196 1'3E'3 6!18r`96 27.4 C}{1 TOTAL 81254 vOi) 1,•'764 L'ciJE ,ilJtiLiiE BUILD, i'kU!), P o jGc aANJJZ MORTAR riit 1{:)666 6/141'9b 18785 G/18/96 003,()0 too 495a 0900 ci 3a 00 F1E1_D PARKERS 1063,9 6/14196 i8767 6/18/9 G 8 .50 0() 4>e,?a 0 900 82a 50 TOTALE85a 50 a 00 i UNO GOHLKE POOL SUPPLY Pa I BOX .31 , Jb 94JC; C> Jr li.i_611196 18887 6/8/' {{ 4clal6iJU I U I NL 25: 49 J){ ) d 100 GOVE `it.N AI 'F -Igl.1 j_00 FOREST L At;E SIEv 408 NEWSLE i TER 19 •c8 6/14/9. 19328 6/18/96 75,00 a 00 439a1=,00 37450 s 9a 1500" ,_ , a J{j TOTAL 75, 00 i)ti 1'92.GS, GUMDROP G,iJOKS 16,C) Na 16 T H BOX 505 1300;'S IIA63901 61114196 19E50 6/18196 465a03d ,(10 476a0E00 465t0 TOTAL 465a 03 , o() 20.399 HEAVENLY ROOTS 4100 Sa STEI1ir10ri5 REPLANT FLf,ltii4 L.2-5 l+l 1419 V 113; 6 18/ 6 24aK a{)l) 442,.1 EtC) 0 44.95 I iJ T AL CLt T�.1 col) c0itii '.bN ER CIHEV., hICa is Qa iJOx 9B8 P(;D FilI 1082MG G/14/96 18 P8 6/18/96 1IC=010 liC) I19a 0300 11c. 00 !I,! HER,. 5+ ii)8 rj , k/'% 1' M l,/I"/9t+ 11a;-'5 c00 41gs0300 jiac5 SPARK PLUG WIRE U,3e. 6/14/96 18748 6/18/'96 18a80 aOo tIIII J:M 18480 PADS, ;EALaa iNS 29,92 bl1/1 'Q Iali �/1L19t 6'ia'j0 au ) 419a 0700 51 a b5 419a 08010 139 C5 ' ' ' i i0 ' It / �rj a -c ! ?6 J�a Of) lOtPi SIGNA, .o .iT .+ 6. 14, _ 1 1c,7 �/18 47 C1 I Y OF `StAId6LR c r iE. I L i �} C:CI�MNY 1 r r 1' E PACE 4 E1 LF_i! TEt 1 �' ()ii r,, 4 111C VFNIi70R 1W NO lNV DlI PO INIUM DUE DIE F'URF31 AiIT 3i•`3Ca AMIT L i 9, f o() c'. 41 POWER '11I•.f)0!! r,(1i 108.362 G 14/76% 18ii:5)h 6J09E E7.3IJ i)i) 419, i)cx10 87, 5. COOLANT rAru 1i)8 7C) G/14/9f, 18857 i11q/9f, E7.`l7 C?U 41'9, 62500 fl7 y +t}VOTAL 474a b. ,00 i n�,.7J FC�lRtill.,{"li'�E Eti`�L:E 4,U: C�1�8 E ARl ('�} UTA DR. TRAM :341�ORIMER M-ir.. f't E11119n I WAY 6118:r'_�G 162, 48 a 00 4635bi 09(it) 1629 4q TOTAL ifc,48 400 L"' 0�it{- ipU liRUCK rARTr I�, O. BOX a ' AIM C" 1 INDER 312''S30 S/'14/95 1891f, 6118,�9f, 199,70 400 419a 0800 1994 70 TOTr L 1999 t too 4Et)1 .Tj n K Lil{1Tiii); _,i��' �lY I',0. fOk j4i:? 17 GRAND PRAIRIE, TA ii4L(i C1 LL.'q BULB 4A Ed1419C, IG310 6/19/'36 87Oa5t? too 476at)NO 873a`�li i LI AL 87150 too �f,C)t:){? };R1C uAVIS CO, R':Oa BOX ;�5iac) t ISC, SUPPLIES 411719 Gi '36 18509 f,118/96 150a50 TOTAL WOS 5tj 'Kjv WAIER PRODUCTS, I{'C. P a 0 a BOX 349 CLA1= IcRS, `i)70 F f" 14, ,c, 1 _, 49 f,r 18; 9v r i', 0:', 4Y)A 0600 414a 00 i'OUl°ili`,CS, BUL!5 1C?f,364 6114(96 189.3v 6/18/95 421WOBOO 251: }7 TOTAL c(t•c�`1i3Ui1 i.sim) 714 UALLAS L?OIVE ''-i-1)-y LI ''' tr;'' ii /9f, •,r4 1- of 4tnI, Orion I04a 48 10TAL _850f) LONE STAR I�t=1' CCI, 45, G1()) 4135,1ftu0 4.34a 0100 t34, 0100 4..4, 0800 4:34.1 GOO TONL 7c..V MAMMA` MI ERNA"t IOESAL WATER PUN, 4$'LM i EITAL cjt:) Ps O, BOX 5�='C)t?61 f,Ji4J'�f, 1Uup 6/18(96 ka`,t�3 ,Ot) L1.Ott 7 a 55 5, 9� 17, 1 7, 5f 8, 1 t ) 5, 93 P.Oa BOX :580 17t;, 1 Soo .,rr_ _.i gy 17f), 31 00 CIT`r OIL SAK'liCR {f�No Fdt% NO 0:-100 Jr Le F1HTTHEF?Sm, E0t ; W, c n RUBBER GKOV__; r �1>,k 4 f-}};00 IDTAL NF' OF=N HE UST }11J NINlY 1�20 14/Sl G PAGE:r 11,1E: DTE PO N111Ug1 DUE ME PUNCH ANT DISC, Alfiff Jrr' _ 02 i4/'-a'h l' _'i 6 /18/96i 1+'2100 1Nt ,00 1f)!}{? ITL"LILT#� URIr!AI_.E 17,1 , vf� � q. .. `._ IJIMIf-Sa11T „t.}1�ir,Rj_, [i( �'Y1' i'31334 r�r iV! J{J I Ei•R.{R PRINTER pal. /I',}Vt'.L �i, b 1'�1.�1 f/ VI!V/�t! T Ll I ILL cz5480. i J : 1620 NIC OL')4 JFitW�;-3"F�e DILLORD 1800 LINCOLN F'LA-ZA, � ifl ", �?�{�RD [r'IFi'i�`GL (-'�'iL�liE 7r1� �/14/'�F, 19Js' i'/ t%`=u 4.t)} 44ae0if}0 L4400 TCIT�;L 4tf, tits r_:LfIiiff, F�HONF_• Cn N 19K_Pat 445. 2400 4145, 0100 TOTAL _�t4flt} E-?IR I1li{l,i� F'�ilT�li 1-1HULR; IJQ O, 455, 17Of_a !{jr}}J.�}i�00 TAL 250c tit} �I4. l }ff c 5, 00 D€4Lt.,=19/`f:T: �''OItTH BRFil4C;� .00{i} DECfER DR, �i�}1 of iff `9E' I jMD 6;1C/9i_' 114. 45 , 00 114.45 :tJ} ;,gip{}C} PA�I.E�v CN=�`��'HYOg tivG, �=LO, �}13�I tJIJ�}J,1J F<<hlCc 1r0`t94 F,/14796 1 ?9; E'11EsI9e' cs,7t> VV c1ofI cF,, it) TOTAL (,,7ia t}{i ti�U75C} F'cRRY; DRe RICHARD F':O, �{OX ccfa !''n4. 11of) jrf c 00 a it l`S,I �' { Li_' 1 i'f}i J1LHi_" 1 VJL G'11L[7rry�7� fLfJ•jL /Zi_r!!O Ci Jl�n 00 ,l.[_! TOTAL QUILL CORPORAT U,N F'. O. BOX 94091 i'ar'i' 'EII' �. '�e_ 1L' t.'( J' „'i�1• [:111.!/ ]Cl L.t is Lt,} m 00 411, IA00 Iti'r, ,O 411.11500 10`1 Ego i UTAL 21911 cD e 00 J.jOff q! F—WE SUPi c O 1 D :�J FL1" `lidC:. F.Oe EOX 1. 97 IIG 7;•7(}t) /14lrrG 1t;r331 EjapS/`` R� f�, 00 ,�}t,} 42'4e110OaQ ,i},Qi} TOTAI {}e iilt iota OWrlia.I-i EF,4'f_} f_s, 4t JU 107•�'� 'a i81r!E' (TARS OIL ll'R''r:�e, E'r`14i`jF, jFii. rUp:/1�f'j€ f,F.`;i {1t) (.1 } OF u,aia: I_R PIP taF°Eii1 ITEiri Li..:! C_-!. Aii1`t' 106. 6114: 96 PA 6 E 16 C.PdD0R !NV NO tPdV ME PO NI iM DUE DIE F'LtR'l ANT D133ca PIM r -r.:- c SPARK P_UO a66'i45 6/14/96 1" 747 h 18%90 1a 49 Qi) 419C 0*50o I LNo! cf E. 4!1R ',I ?i�._tJ 6/14/' E 18'�{� h/18%96 14a40 !iU 419a 08:)0 14., 4Q BRAKE 1':LtUNI 966888 6r`14,r';(, 18�j15 blUIN(; 8 f}f) 419, QPQ() 6a'138 .'.rQt!t?t jixi !t7Ch �ri�ii 11.,R ra Qa BOX Go eilIi 'Ii I �`'-' �{1- r/1 /9C 19-. r ,riF: 1r`,t}f1 ,Q;? LC�_r_ I.. �I_w5 A :.!. [ v 4. U 334 G/1�/__ jJ - 4:5EIa IGOO 97aCf) T LIT AL l a , QQ Qti s%iiC}t_t Firi�?8R if),RRUR s' 8Lfti5c IN : {12 EIULiVAR P,�1. FROX 11c6 iai-LACE GLASS 406 6r1 / 6 X_,r 6/18/96 240.00 ,(-)Q 44u4 ?7()ii 1240, ()f) TUTAi_ c4Q,QQ ;;"E`17 SAvi;ER OFFICE SUPP'L`t' 7C}u ECILit!aR PC Or BOX7�i RIBBON LIcC 6/14/96 iti90}r4 t,/11 /'3b =❑ v l } Er~kLLli-'66g 1PPE or150 6/1 (`-'6 1 (6t} 6%18%96 19ac'7 af.). 4110042 0U 19a:_t L.WinFILITER DISKS 21/t? 6/14/96 t8/`I`1 6/i8/96 fl,fl!;) {1f) 442a c000 1C}, 00 WINE PLN1665 CQP PI7E,/61 6/14%9E: 18815 6/14/9r Lc{a19 aI:J(i )11a 1-00 38a 1`7 TOTAL 70, 9,a 010 L 8 _{} gl}GER rGL;5ORE PaCa Utr,:c 8 15 I1119C, SUPPILIES 18921 E,/14/9G 18"c1 G/18i96 .33a5 t1t) lu-Lv IJIM JJa ilt� �-f.i'E,/i4rJrJ �, -.1., 4:}2a (?34 ) 2A TOTAL 8'0a 44 Or) 3 (58 KNILU R ER ENG'ia CDi!ria PC an BOX 98 SPEAKER, BATi=i'i 1.+52 6%1 1i'E: 189i 6r'i81r�"17 r (}i7 Q ) 4190 fi 5Q0 49, QQ 41Q ) r 49a i)Q 4i, f?7Qf) 149a QQ t. a IC . 1 ti` .iC N 75 .;E.F�(,11 F. PE . (A!,1iIE;E DRUW U C ifflliGJ roe f(ii. H ,q BATftR1 s,_�, EIr'14r'=r_: 1 ,_ 4 6/1:8, tIE BE.a 31 00 4w_4a f)W I LWZ" 82a 91 f}f} :i""'I 15 -7 pp 4�t}1)',.) 5ii 1 i f7' J I_.(-i�i4 i RY IS10 yir Pal Ua Uri '�i..0 C! 114i't1 Cw UR'SSAKI 4i PL",6 6/ 1'° %' -6 18766 E,,r A%' { 4jf},o f)0 1`Ua• 4 I_:I(1d l% f � 4(?9 c 61'3 W Ab 187 ;6 6118 ; OF ANIIER (ILI'lUUf Ii`d'v i`i)J u,r't), l.JC SIUPrL Icy! 40be79 4c4, 1200 41'', 05N } I qw ( C)(? 41:4,1 4-l'00 456, 09(i0 JOU 0700 FLY CRI CHES, VAL 18v51J F i T T 'I NRS" FAUCET 4 i _)51E, {C`).130() 4c1a 1�d}O +s'i, ,,II )9ii{i I,An 0A1 if i 9HCKRE.1F COUPL I i` G 4113lit c 42- 09(10 f I I I ii'GS 41.'.µ�{i 42 o oft1 0 PAINT BR+J:;H 4i129c 4c1a 1 sl0f) C=fiHEL 4(+_AjL s PAIN 41.*()9 S1LIC=Cr`IF WFATHE 40955 LS TLE 211_1.fi:H1i1G 41i'ad c'"'. 4c 1, lief 0 }i1n`i`L! L.I_il_ , E(C„ 41l)7 45b,s.3iit) 7iBC, 5UF'T'LIEE, 13918 41 , Wl _. „9 44 .`. 14C,10 COUPLMG 4019, ,_ _ 'o,H ,t'„ r I 41 W9 421, 22(I4� TOTAL I I I li) :Ap (E� tir 11 a 1E riG 1 ? -3 iJ111 DUE CE P RAM DIM AMI 1" 1;) 11 .4�9 U? u?_ _ •3_:if ,,, _Ea tic 4,18 aLIU 4, J3 c; 14`3Et 11769 C/18SE, 4v6 f, 36 6/G%CIE, ,(1jh I 199 t 80a 97 ,let 3/9E, 1;9S liRD G I B f 9 Ci 4,80 (14119), ,1791 6,/1819 l. 9, ,98 •%9G 1818 i I Gs%9F "%Vl tr I4i9G 1884E 6/13%96 tin Ia854 6/18/96 94 �/116 /8918 77 149C 18}F, IF%9r .a49 B, 49 14/9G IBL48 b/1e/96 '3.9 9, 90 ,.So ca 364a 88 4c51`:I SiLCF3d CORPORA TI+t1 427, 0800 131 j01 in) 7ClTAL T4C4iLi��E9 II7G, TO I AI_ BOX 245 30,00 ,(}) 4c51`:I SiLCF3d CORPORA TI+t1 427, 0800 131 j01 in) 7ClTAL T4C4iLi��E9 II7G, TO I AI_ BOX 245 30,00 ,(}) CITY OF GANGER AP OKN HEM LIST CUAffity 1;ii EJ/14/`z6 PAGE 8 II;I6 VENDOR INN I INN WE PO i4Ur+i DI tE CitE PURU APIT DIM A111114 - A - 4"4.ic5+ GC i 113NI}_S, NtiG1; %( U1E,47y bll4%9E= I8920 E,/14/cEi 10c,7c ,Oi; 421. i13 104C'. 72 TDTAI iC}E, 71, Ot; 4c5ti;j i "s .`e ;1 ,{.1I-i'+OU-, vliNin r61 inEc G I r 916 858E,%i8,'1lE 411 a 08oc, 45r OO L'EI,F}f_c _6f)li 6/14r`9r I�'f_i v t;=r!j- HI -20O,{_it) [It; Mot 00 Ii y G/1 ;/` 6 I686I Llji f3E, L;!),Itti ilfi Urrc HIMP+iEN1 COMPANY P,U, BOX rKof)1:, ADJ, BUCKU LE'vE 5684:3 6/14/9E= 18506 G/ I8/96 20C)rOct 011) 4I'J.ObOO :1 CJI,i 4'=_5ti I;Pe;=R TRIilITti' RLaiUi4Nl ilATEIf DI51'RICT P,D, DRA!=iER :;{l liblMUAN HLA!EjgrI(r4/% i93h1 ,F 0ri}() 447, O_ O() I4 „4(3 C(1 TDTAL I; 687, 50 . ilti :'5042 0 VIKING U1-FICL PRODUCTS P. 11 BOX 819064 r , . - - t .-, -, 5 1i+.ir n }� _tii'd, �_`_� �{_� !t4r'a,t, I`�c6� ��/IE:/'36 Iv+,C{} ,Ci{; OFFICE SU FLIEu K-48C_ 6ri RG I9LJ•J G 18-'?6 1co Gt 4I2. I900 1tiJ_ cb 41I.1 uO i 4(} T UTAL I51 86 ii{j c+1J15 G. F, S. PRINTI U C_13 S. LOOP 288 100 POPS, W'ORF ORDER 7I6I 6/I4/V6 IE':664 6/IUK E:6N,60 ,i_7i3 TOTAL E68. 60 t: MA - - ry BOX r19 .�.�,-�1.� (EAAG !°�ii;lE ��rPdi;!i�-i�}Ei<.�; r+ i7e i 7 QCVI `' 531 ro•�r p 19 v�cc it..1.,+�-1_I�ii UEiJD, J !7 (t 1 /14/ G 17�?�= t,/iF?+ #Zv irt_JIv 7tJ {iti If47.ti400 S,'s�Jju 10 TOTAL 1, 555. 70 00 55875 REINERT PAPER ., CHE=IICAL I43I COMI ERCE BLVD, ABS,oRN I DRY 42E42E= G/14196 19c4J 6/18/96 '4.7J t Ci i 4LI. I2OCi 24075 TRASH NAGS E21430I 6114/OES I925I 6/IEig 6 ES.E+L= ,Ot} TL.�,,;2titi 23. Wo TOTAL 4e,7I 01) c:y cc6.08 Of) TOTk,_ DUE- N0 DISC,0U M =; G; L DEPARTMENTS ADIIIINISTRATICk` U I c4i.5+N LIIRARY_}Yc E SR1 —.5 POLICE-GF 576.50 OgyD A N G E R (F m2 + ±DOD GS COMPANYoo bI JG PAGE 9 !G m !A yE FU ! GEE QE SR Ty+ 5 \ m% Q myRy B \717 gggACwy 7 3%, 459 CymRy e 4 2 624123 9 G & g q±± may± to a.y Gy+E g Ga±y MIRE MAWHF 2 b.g mlg1+ PJr±±E g .g tH� +lmGgyy A �&% glmlw+ e bfg GgmSmQ+Jr 16 m«± m 7E R y.S mmP EEUg+wF 19 %y«g ±HIRE m!#±F m 2.y rl Oil JECo G g.3 7dq m±7F y \2 21 2 aG G 2;m glmL l4mL-K a 8 0 y mG :k7 y ,y �lIRLR qq A/� S GJ9gyFEm !%S«m !!:!& myH AT Disc. AI 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding speed limits and possible stop signs on East Willow Street. Attached is a copy of a letter I received from Mrs. Dorothy Nubine asking for this item to be placed on the agenda. FYI, police patrols have been increased. Alo dad C'c�uce �� WU ,a2.u�l �paa��uL� ff� �xot{y —' tJi f �� � a��. C/� rp � �. �> ��, ��� ��>���� � S. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition, from Agricultural to Business (B-2). 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition, from Agricultural to Business (B= 2). At their regular scheduled meeting of Thursday, June 6, 1996, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved this agenda item. April 24, 1996 City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Tx 76266 Attn: Rosalie `Chavez Per your 'instructions on April 18, 1996, I am writing this letter to request a change of zoning on property listed 'as Lot 1 Block 1 Acker Street Addition, Sanger, Denton County Texas from Agricultural zoning to Business B-2. It is my intent to construct a building on this property with planned use as an auction facility. Items to be auctioned may vary at times but the initial and bulk of items to be auctioned will be containers of antique furniture from England or similar shipping points. Thank your attention and cooperation in this matter. merely, Syler (Je a) bit) .. ?7 7 l� 2 08 �1 %- 3�42- k;072-- MOP ' f7J�{"+t v AYa 9�iAt"y 1t 1tp$f �. li l r }fw lot 11 �� i A • Rai yj t 7 Is Its. y; Y r y , r Ia1 Itnpto"Ol. If t 1 } , 1 44t FILED FOR F'FCi'R,^, yfi/ ,t r.`<S ' t fir, r IF 14 , . '.' 1 4 1 IF / 11 �` F t �� File I le . I0 41'It v; ' ^ �; , 91 APR 17 All �16 so tAs '_of , ��r•I '.,5�. f `I IF',� d. _ r. , _11M Q�GE$ STATE OF TEXAS pie,; iN1 dx`• J u ; lots y . COURTICLEAl00TON� ifX COUNTY OF OENTG �1�0 `° I F7 r : t , tiY _.._ WHEREAS, I. JOHn ,.� OECIJfT IN LH. TIERWES e COUNTY, J J� FROM JAMES E. .. OCTOBER, 1985, ot RECORDS OF OEN:; BY DEED FROM GE' t 2NO DAY OF JVN! - RECORDS OF DE;• . ;•.. ' ,'r' DESCRIBED AS FOL. i' IF .y. .. :;is L BEGINNING AT AN F- F II I r TRACT, SAID CORn: I. F4THENCE NORTH 89 ol LINE OF SAID ANDE CITY OF SANGER, No I I PIN FOR CORNER; IF I 0F sets,1 _ .THENCE NORTH 00 l i so�� 5� 208.24 199.99 FEET TO a. IF r 6 5M1 I THENCE SOUTH 85 L' ' V .: ;: J43.24' 2ao I 208.24 FEET TO A:. ••iIs Y THENCE SOUTH G q: z ' y r "V. I M CENTER OF SAtO OF I � ' . POINT OF BEGINnIN' ^.ti I t t A Gg NOW THEREFORE Y,n. O to I I so r^ f},; I g I THAT, I, JOHN A. z. ; ?or of r z N' F' THE HEREIN CESC- ''r .I ADDITION. AN AUL r` TEXAS, AND DC LOT 1 I I %�TREETS ANIP EAR O . o r • 42 +N _ I .1 OF A •- I -w K of itls. ,BLOCK Z QHN A. ANGERSOh 1' IJ *IF IIjf TATE OF TEXAS I IF Z� �f* .` J - Z I COUNTY OF DEN TON 33 t so r 4ti �^qaw ; "1 Ip BEFORE ME, THE Ur OF +' f,,. 1 - ?''!'�.1ti 4 -•I n I AND STATE ON THIS IF ai41 . lj (7 A h r t fi bitoo. OF I `t .Its., OF+ a i7 TO ME TO BE THE F IF is INSTRUMENT, AND A. OF I -oft' ° '� tk- c IF .. .. iq 8 I CAPACITY THEP.E:r! THE PURPOSE t -� - .. .INI Its vi I GIVEN i.;_tIDER MY .Z i' (SEAL) I t .:v:bvt Fl OF I .'•_ 183.24' I 25.0 POINT —OF N.89 45' 060 W BEGINNING KNOW THESE MEN BY . 208.24 I I s�i� THAT, I, GARY W. HA,. `• .It 1. HEREBY CERTIFY '` I ����..'ACCURATE SURVEYSao It I sis Gr It%Fits . SANGER LS.O., tN 7�.:,.L�. °"� ...WERE PLACED UNDER tT Is Ev GARY �y„ �pt;,;yEf : _ ORDINANCES OF THE to of sti;is)+° '~•' GAR MM IFFO 60 90 �0 SDay c-�� —�—� APPROVED BY 'HE :T COUNTY, TEXAS THIS IF OWNER; JOHN ANDERSON MAYOR PO BOX 278 SANCER, TEXAS 76266 to I so -- 81 7-458-3101 ATTEST c , ATED FLOOD ZONE AS SHOWN NUMBER 480784 000180 DATED FINAL Pl1 KRH 1 :. t� r � r f � iY !y s_ � ..._. � �.�..�_ ,_�,�..�_�''� - �..��.�.� ins ����s��.. ,u, 7{ .. • ., ' "�; r _ .. �.._:7-sa..t1�.:.i '-d.'.`.1'. -_.._ _.ram..+...� ...ems r. 14 +.4i... a -� 'Vrr� I� r ,...__._ l.�_ '•.1 :�S d rY s �.r1f r 5 t �; ?"`@ �t t.3��Jiy/41�� ��5�� a _ f� �; H•� � J�.=i.� a y t' � e d @ 3 �. �t ?:�� F� � a } ? ii` t �� hl .' .. ...+.•135L June 7, 1996 TO: FROM: SUBJ: City of Property Owners Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Acker Street -Lot 1, Block 1 The City of Sanger's City Council will meet Monday, June 17, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 201 Bolivar to consider a zoning change on property listed as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition. The request is to change the zoning from Agricultural to Business B-2. Please sign the attached form indicating whether you approve or disapprove this request. I have enclosed a self -stamped envelope for your convenience. If you have concerns regazding this request please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting at / 00 P.M. on Monday, June 17. RC:ck zo1 BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76Z66 8s7.4S8.7930 P.O. BOX S'7$ 817.4S8.4s8o FAX CC 06/17/96 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to B-2. Property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: Please Print Your ame DATE 2. v eanueva, Barry $30,037 1104 Pecan Sanger, TX 76266 3. Springer Family Rentals $41,937 P.O. Box 36 Sanger, TX 76266 4. Watson, Julie $43,171 202 Acker Sanger, TX 76266 5. Quiroz, Clementine $42,860 200 Acker Sanger, TX 76266 6. Sanger Bank P.O. Box 1108 Sanger, TX 76266 7. Richardson, Berle 305 Acker P.O. Box 397 Sanger, TX 76266 $242,584 $48,237 CC 06/ 17/96 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to B-2. Property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: SIGNATUR Please Print Your Name DATE ECE�,Ivt W 000 II CC Up/ 1'1/96 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to B-2. Property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Acker Street Addition. If you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: Please Print Your Name DATE CC 06/17/96 ZONING REQUEST Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to B-2. Property is described as Lot 1, Black 1, Acker Street Addition. if you disapprove this Zoning Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: r Please Print Your Name DATE 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding an Ordinance Amending Chapter 8, Section 8.601 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas changing the Beautification Board from seven members to nine members. The City of Sanger's Beautification Board would like to expand their board members from seven to nine. Some possible suggestions for new board members are: 1. Janet McDaniel 2. Clyde Sanders 3. Nel Armstrong 4. Connie Evans 5. Barry Heard 6. Cindy Richardson 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointment of Board Members, Mayor Coker has some additional appointments to the various boards. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding awarding bids on a police car and declaring it a necessity to preserve the public safety of the municipality's residents. We can obtain a new 1996 Lumina for about $1500.00 as shown below: Cost $15,400 New 1996 Lumina Less 600 from GMMAC $14,800 Less 13.362* from Wrecked Lumina $ 1,438 cost to City *The value of the wrecked Lumina is: $145362.50 Less 1,000.00 Deductible $13,362.00