04/15/1996-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA COUNCILCITY (; 1 . 11 201 BOLIVAR lee A} Approve Minutes B) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. 1 1 1 • 1 i.,, i 1 I ... 1 ;n 1 1 ., 1 i ,I,.. 1 ,,.. 1' 1.:/ described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. described as Lot1, 45, Original Town,1 612 N. 3rd` modifying I 1 1 of Semce Adjustmentmodifying the Main Line Extension Rate and Proposing a Weather1, 1 !1 AdjustmentClause forLone Star Gas. Vernon's Codes Annotated accordance 1 the authority1 ` 1 Govt.11 1i 551.074Personnel . Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Appropriate Action, if any, as a result OIL item discussed in Executive Session. 411,4t:s i1111JJ1/?%ji/Ir 9. City Administrator Report, 10. Any Other Such Matters. 11. Adjournment. °°• a• • a. ,.••°e , n '',, ray ZffllillllP;141!oO Rosalie Chavez, City Sectary 4d'00- te and Time Posted MINUTES: City Council April 1, 1996 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Joe Bell, Councilwoman Margie Braxton 1 ' • •E SENT* City Admim*stratorRosalie Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwi, Sharon Wilkerson, Brenda James, Mike James 1. Mayor Armstrong Called the Meeting to Order, led the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 1 1` A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements CouncilmanRichardson. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Discussed. Mayor Armstrong advised this would be placed as an agenda item in the future. IN I 1241, part of Tract 61A, consisting of 7.43 acres being located on Keaton Rd. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Approve Ordinance 0311=96. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID o o o ul 0 1 CC MINUTES - PAGE 2 APRIL 1, 1996 HEREINAFTER PROPERTYpt., HE SAID TERRITORYAND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS O SAID PROPERTY1 PRIVILEGES OF OTHER 1 BINDING St 11FUTUREINHABITANTS 1 ORDINANCES SAID Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the appointment to Board of Directors of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to appoint City Administrator Larry Keesler to the Board of Directors of the Upper Trinity Water District. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adoption of Ordinance 04-96 for Sanger Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to Adopt Ordinance 04-96 for Sanger Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan. Seconded by Councilman Ervin, PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 04=96 1 DEN 11 lot oil, NOUN MIS Motion Carried unanimously. 7. City Administrator Report. City Administrator gave a brief report on the following issues. a) The roof at City Hall Building has several leaks. He indicated the roof does have to be fixed. He will report back on the cost estimates. b) Norma Perry from Extreme Fitness is offering Corporate rates for City Employees and City Council if anyone is interested. c) The new park ballfields are about ready. �� i Mr. Keesler i I h 1 1 1, he /' i' 11 1 1 tons 1 patching 'had been done 1 1 i' 1 patch ' 1. were 11th, Bolivar Hughes,1 & Elm, 5th, Keaton Duck Creek, C e i and I i t Street. Flayor mquirect T 1''I are 1 e} Chamber of Commerce Breakfast is at 7:00 a.m., April 2, and their regular meeting is 7:00 p.m. Benny Erwin introduced his new officer, Jerry Dorris, who will start employment April 3, 1996. 8. Any Other Such Matters. a) Mayor Armstrong reported that the Beautification Board advised 160 people had volunteered to help April 13 for City -Wide clean up (Great Texas Trash - Off day). b) Councilman Ervin inquired on what did the City find out concerning sewer line on 10th. City Administrator Larry I�eesler reported that 40' of line had been replaced. Apparently the line had been crushed during construction. The line was fine before loth was under construction. Sometime during the construction phase it broke. The crew did cut a 2' trench and concrete is in the process of being replaced. c) Councilman Richardson reported the seminar he and Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast attended in San Antonio was very informative. 9. Adjournment. CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM Li51COMPANY 100 4/12/96 PAGE 1 13v34 Vt:NOOR INV Nil INV OTC PO NUM Slat OTC PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 175 A-1 RENTAL. P.O, BOX 7878 SAW BLAi)1:=5, LAWN 492348 4/12/96 19052 4/16/96 3.16.C2 .00 431.05OO 297.00 463.0900 19.6" TOTAL. 316.62 .00 192 ABC FLAGS 91.3 N. 1=RFEWAY FLAGS 29945 4/12/96 19000 4/16/96 91.90 .00 44_.0100 91.90 TOTAL. 91.90 .00 1588 AT8! P.O. BOX 780';25 TFLFPHONE S 19159 4/12/96 19159 4/16/96 64.d4 .00 433.01.LO 31.98 4 ;�° 16O0 1 i 9S 433.0100 .88 T OTAL. 64. d4 .00 178`B'3N 5I='pI; I S P.O. S�JX 77;'6 BAU.PARK SUPPLIF, B199586 4/1e/96 19086 4/16/96 119.Oc' 3, O J00 119. 0r 1-111AL Ii9.02 `t40 BANC ONF LrASIN�, CORP. VFRNE.ER BRUSH CH 19161 459.0500 TOTAL. �,548 r I R�:S T ORN BCiCiTS, BLINKER GE cod/c60 41F„ i100 101 AL. 575 BUCKHFAS CHEMICAL COMPANY SEGRFASER 392.36 4110300 419.0500 4110600 419.0700 4110800 419.1000 41'J.11 OO 419. c,'00 4 19 a ;-'60� Ti ,1 AL ='S 7H AU OI SifAR i ItUt�PTRUC!{ S1 AR i F 6794 41'3a 0500 TRA(:lOR 51AR1FR 6794 419. 0500 TOT AL CORE. PROCESSiNi3 O�=.P1. 0993 4/112/96 19161 4/16/96 467.74 4F 7a 74 4/1ef96 909.50 4/1c196 19.65 19.65 19.65 1165 19.65 19.65 1 °. 65, 19.65 19. 70 467. I4 S06 HA4#iJv 1S66S 4/lc/96 909.d0 909,d0 !�'.O, BOX 941790 19147 4/16/96 176.90 176, 90 190c0 411 b/96 I5a 00 c65.00 .00 . 00 .00 3480 INi)U81•P,IFS ING. P.O, BOX 22610 BOCi1S 1010.945 4f1c196 15665 4/16/96 ;="c'8.56 .00 416.1100 ; '8. SF, CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 4/12/96 PAGE 13;34 VFNO01R INV Nil INV >}Tlr PO NUM DUE DTF PURCH ANT DISC. AMT TOTAL Al 228e 86 too :3580 8I11 111 m R FuRD Pa 0a 80X U 1IF ROD ENDS 32339 4/12/96 18688 4/16/96 9104 400 4110800 95404 ROD BUSHINGS 32429 4/12/96 18987 4/16/96 31nE6 aoil 419a0800 31a06 NASIER C:YL_INDER 3',614 4/12/96 18988 4/16/96 134a58 m00 41'.9a 0800 1.34n 58 101 AL 2600 88 too 3786 BOLIVAR SPECIALTY PRooucT Pe Ala i9ox 288 OIL., —1 RANSa FL_UI K%45 4/12/96 18612 W IG/% 2916m 396 a 00 419a0300 41 % 05011 Lila LL 419a 0600 C�a 419m0700 23aEL 419a 0800 3a 242 419n 1000 c 3n 212 4111100 'r2v 22 4111200 23 *2 419a 2''000 e.,Jn 1 R .., a L.4._ 21 i_L.. 4190 215100 23. 26 456a0900 024a00 414'4a c'000 16a 90 HYDn FLUID E249 4/12/96 18696 4/16/96 471m00 200 4110800 471a00 ANIIFREEZE 21250 4/142/96 18997 4/16/96 32e00 100 4110300 3a ''0 4110500 ,gin !'_0 4110600 3c'20 419e @800 3 a *20 419nI000 3320 4111100 3220 411942000 3a 20 4i9ac'600 3aC i 01 At 799n 3!6 a 00 41 .`I 8URR1T, ;I1Pr_RMAl1KF CAl FOOD E 190��5 pa plc 8uf 411'c'f96 708 190�.5 4/16/9E! �a 38 a 00 CLEANING SUPPL.IE 444a e='600 18699 44424 0100 44Pt 1600 _a 4/1E/96 -.a 2089 38 89 18699 4/16/96 41mIn E9 200 4110100 17a 76 DRINKS 41 ,16tt�0 19001 4111400 17.75 4/1c1/96 7.42 19001 4/16/96 14a83 n00 4t3r 1500 TOTAL. 7a 4l 59150 a00 6500 CR�H JANITORIAL S111='PLIES P.O.BOX 1104 - tilSCa SUF'F'LIES 9E0c' 4/1�/96 19048 4f16/96 Bin35 a00 �� CIiY 13F 'IANGER AP OPEN ITF.N LIST COMPANY 100 411121/9Es PAGE 13a34 VkNOOR INV Nil INV Dfl PO NUM DUE OTr PURCH ANT DISC. ANT 442.0100 20.34 44i.0800 20.34 44e'. 0300 20v 34 44f.'.1600 r�'Oa 3 J (:LEANING SUPF'L.IE, ll:`4i 4l1E'/96 19110 4/16/96 50.65 .00 442'.0100 25 ar' W a 1600 c'5. 33 I III At 132. 00 .00 1000 COhft=tERCIAL BODY P.O. BOX 1119 TOOLS 18570 4/12/96 18243 4/16/96 690.97 .00 412.0800 690.97 101AL. 690.97 400 9•3350 OAY-IIM RS, INC. PC lift 6ux Uwi0 oss DIVIDERS 19141 4/12/96 19141 4/16/96 7.95 .00 411.0100 3.98 41.1. 1600 6.97 TOTAL. AL. 7. 95 , oo 10000 DEALERS CRPOIIT INC. MISC. SUPPLIES 21615450 4/12/96 18501 4/16/96 21,50 .00 410. 0800 2, 1. 50 1-01 All 21. 50 = 00 14000 OIENTiIN CO. ELECT. CO-OP., 3501 FM 2181 LIGHTS 19162 4/12/96 19162 4/16/96 364.04 .00 434. 2200 198444 434.0500 165.60 TOTAL 364.04 .00 16500 FN�JERHY BIAS i'Ot�PANY tJESI HIi3HElAY 8C P.�l. ROK 717 FUEL_ 80`�59 4/1c/96 18990 4/16f96 C7.5,`-t .00 414. 000 C7.59 PROPANE 80865 4/12/96 18561 4/16/96 c9.37 .00 414,14200 �9. 37 PROPANE 8091c 4/12196 18617 4/16/96 �'9v4' moo. 414, 1-_000 "tea 44 PROPANE 80874 4/12/96 19137 4/16/96 180.16 .00 AI4.0800 t8c''.16 TOTAL. 268, 5E, . 00 17700 GAL►_' S INC. E470 PAI I �hiBO DRIVE P. On 80X, 55c68 50611696 /00!00 /OOf00 <00 .00 05061166 /00/00 /00/00 .00 .00 BADGE HOLDERS 5061166 4/12/96 19084 4/16/96 15.98 .00 41c. '600 15.98 BADGES 50GI1660 4/18f96 18628 4/16/96 143.93 .00 41 600 143.93 VIDEO 5066008 4/12/96 18650 4/16/96 81316.94 .00 418„ 0300 ;_, 316.94 TOTAL. ^,476.85 ,00 212000 HILT -SNIDER CHEV,, INC. R. O. BOX 88 TRANS. FILTER 28425 4/12/96 18608 4/16/96 15.931 .00 0 0006 419.0300 15.9 3 C11Y OF SANGER WNIJIJR INV Nil FUEL MIER 107985 1EMPa SENSCIR 419a0300 107988 419a0300 HEADIIIF BULB 2)8445 4110,300 FROM PAD KIT 1080K, ALIGN FROM END 4110300 22296 419a 00317110 WATER PUMP 1M1159 419.0300 T01 AL 24�,90 INCFR5iATF BAITFRIES HAITERY 18390 4110500 TOTAL �='SOc:� 1_ARtIY KFFSLFR REIMB, FOOD TR 19076 440a 0100 440.1600 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 4/1,r/96 PAGE 4 iNV DiF riJ NUN DIIF W 4/12/96 18615 4/16/96 4i12/96 12. 64 15. 93 18618 4/16/96 4/142,/96 14. 95 18620 4/16r96 4/12/96 18693 4/16/96 4I121196 81a26 18691 4/1G/96 M 45 4/12196 91.75 18995 4/16/96 1 e•34 PURI]H ANT 019Ca AN C 12.34 .00 15a9 a 0 0 14a95 a00 81. 26 a 00 36.45 .00 91.75 a 00 c68.61 .0o 410,' AL�:XFlN>:rFtt 1-'. IJ. �+UX 560861 4/12/96 18687 4/16/96 40.95 40.95 4/1;'f96 111. 85 171.85 ,?5300 IAIJ�JF-F'1181_IiJ C7Nl='ANY I='a �J. BIJn c°�;0 AvF'HALT 5'c"'S0 4f lc/96 431 a 0500 1, 0;.'1. ;='F IIII A[. , 7��,.J �!A iFR PRIIIJUC fS, IPdCa SHOVELp SJANDARL� 19044 421a0600 418a Fc'00 HYORAN i WNCH 985 i20 419a 1100 COLLAR L.FAK CLAN 19165 4F' 1.0600 N3 KNO5 GASKiE( 19032 42I=0600 N I SC. GIIJPPIl IFS 1895' 4*' 1 a 0600 FENALa SWIVEL 18979 421,0600 NI_13A !_.UH 19075 412 1 a 0600 TOTAL ;_'8275 !_TBRACtY SPJRF RAR CODES 180330 VIDEO CASES 122, 460 44,='a 0,'00 1111 AL. 411c'/65 109.96 194.i1 4/1;/96 7 0 a E'0 4/1'/96 631a46 4f 1 /96 139a38 4r12/96 6 C, I 4/12/96 157a 35 411;=/96 E'7E', 16 41i8/96 _ IJa 4I1c/96 71.40 40a95 19076 4I16f96 343.70 343.70 19013 4/16/96 1,0�1.?6 I 102 13426 Pa iJa BOX 349 19044 4/16/96 304.07 1'305+3 4I16f96 70.,�0 1' 165 411 16/96 63Ia 46 1'J03' 4/16/96 139.3'r""' 1895,:' 4/16/96 6 75.01 i8979 4/16/96 157.•35 19015 4/16/96 *21*72116 E:9 c49.57 Pu IJa 80X 964 19038 4/16/96 169.50 19080 4/16/96 71.40 2140.90 R 00 ;8500 1.OtdF 87AR 13AS COa P. iJ. NQX 6,:'0061 6A8 1916U, 4/fO/96 19163 4/16196 5�,4.47 .00 :�I T Y OF 5ANH R VaNi)OR AP OPN I rrM LI'34T COMPANY 100 411 1r'/96 PffiE 5 INV NO INV W PO NTJN DUE TW 435. I=' 100 60.11 435.1200 87,27 434.0100 3179 4.34. 0100 5. 82 4G;4, 0800 220. 61 4:35n ?000 87. 27 434.1600 33.79 4.34.1600 5, 81 TCiT AL 3100t� N�I_iTJN SFRViCF INC. i='.0. BOX 568444 IDE HARI) DRIVE S03289GR 4I12/96 19142 4/161196 411. _c'S. �+ TOTAL_ 1 '4J4 I'URt;H AMT 3ISCm AMT 534.47 31115 Pfili)-SiATF NE(rR SERVICES PO BOX 59 METERS 22,396 4/I2/96 183KOF' 4/16/96 450.00 4.?'. 0500 450, 011A TOTAL 450.00 2t6rl@ NICHOL% .IACKSJN4 OILURO 1800 L.INCOI_N PL.A7Aq 500 N. WARDREVIEW! REPLAT, 0 70�416 4/12/96 19144 4/16/96 165.00 445, 0100 82, 50 445.1600 8E.50 T"CIT AL 165.00 316.37 NSINAN AND BARWS4 P.C. P. O. BOX 771 COURT 19143 4/12/96 19143 4/16/96 550.00 447. lltl i�150.00 TOT AL. �50.00 3�'1 5 S K S I FI_FN6Th2V 800 lllLl.OI! STRFh T F'LINF' �#C�RK 10c8 4/1cf96 1'3087 4(i6/9b 104.00 TOTAL.. i04.00 3=c00 AIR TOUCH PAt;INrft PACERS 19i60 455.1000 455.0800 TOTAL DAI_L_ASI{= C. �lOR i H BRANCH 580 IJECKTR DR. #101 4(1�'/96 19160 4f16196 1C:5.95 62. 97 6C, 98 33575 PEN�IkI_f_ BOOKS TRAINIhlC, P+IATERIA 611505 4(1�/96 44M I0+1J 401. 36 TOTAL . .35300 RI CS-WdIJJ 51J1='P!_V INC. F'a iT, BOX 1597 Ctc' `I;';651c 4/1�196 i CET AL 35:3`�0 ROAT)RUNNFR t""RAl=frlC' SUPPLYST��NS 1viB4 411L'/96 4.3 :'. .'3� TOT AL. 1'S. 95 18666 4/16196 401.36 1308 401,36 18E,69 4116/96 c�.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . OU3 00 P> 0. BOX 37 18978 4/16/96 344.95 .00 344.95 .00 000908 CI LY OF 4ANIJ R AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 4/1;�/96 PAu. 6 I. NDOR INV NO INU BTE PO NIJM IOIJE I}TE 13e34 PURCH AMT 10ISCa AMT 35551 S.S. AUTOMOTIVF 700 Na I-35 Furl_ FILTER 96552,E 4/12/96 18690 4/16/9G 195 a 00 419., 0800 195 ANfIFRrEIr 965665 4/1i2/96 18996 4/16/96 1190 a00 419a 0300 131.90 TOTAL 17a85 a00 UNA SANG R COURIER Pa Oa BOX 68 ADSO 4780 4/1e/96 19145 4/16/96 685a �10 a 00 4.36a 0100 142a 50 436a I600 142a J0 1 O I A[ . 285a 00 a 00 37177 SANIJ R OFFICE SUPPLY 303 BOLIVAR Pa Oa BOX 958 UEF ICSUPPLIES G:O54 4/le/96 18 i74 4/l /9b l la k4 a ov.4 411 a 0,�00 11 a 4.3 LIFE ICE SUPPL IFS 4'072 4/12/96 18700 4/16/96 85m CAP a 00 4402 00 85a 0; OFFICE SUPPLIES 2088 4/12/96 19015 4/16/96 4% ; a00 4 4 2 a 0:=:00 4a 423 NAME PLATES 2060 4/12/96 18663 4/16/96 33a30 a00 411 a 0100 1 Fit 6`j 411aI600 16a65 NOTUOON, 2, Il194 4/12/9F 19074 4/16/96 1a65 a00 411 a 1000 1 a 65 TOTAL 135a 63 a 00 38500 5ANGU DRUG STORE Pa0a BOX 958 FILM 18645 4/12/96 18645 4/16/96 31428 000 424a 0300 31 a 28 FILM 19042 4/12/96 19042 4/16/96 31a28 a00 444a 2600 3I a 29 EYE PA1CH9 CLEAR 19138 4/12/96 19138 4/16/96 11257 a00 44 'a 0800 1 I a 57 BATTERIES 18683 4/12/96 18683 4/16/96 4a46 a00 4515a 1000 4a 46 TOTAL. 78. 59 a 00 38505 SAN6ER FLORIST Pail BOX 548 PLANT 19146 4/12/96 19146 4/16/96 22a50 000 4424 0100 11 a 125 44ea1600 IIa25 1O1AL 22a50 400 38 758 8CHLIJ i rR ENRn COMMa Pa 0a BOX 98 PORiABIE. RADIO 131=1 4/12/96 19099 4/16/96 362a00 300 41 1000 317jr2a 00 TO] At K24 00 a00 42000 SMI fH' S COUNTRY STORr Pa Oa BOX 9;.'8 RUIN 40086 4/12/96 18657 4/16/96 1E476 a00 4101,0800 1 76 MlSCa SUPPLIES 40359 4i1c,'96 18535 4/16/96 KaGeta00 424a0500 .36066 SACKRETE 18655 4/1*2/96 18655 4/16/96 35a48 a00 421a 0600 35s 48 CITY OF SANG R VENDOR INV NO GLOVES, HOSE END 19014 418, 0700 SA[:KRETE 19060 421,0600 TC11"AL. AP OPEN ITEM LIS1 COMPANY 100 4/12/96 PAGE 7 13v34 INV DTE PO NUN DUE DIE PURCH ANT DISC, ANT 4/12/96 19014 4/16/96 19,87 ,00 19, 87 4/12/96 19060 4/16/96 187 ,00 9, 8 7 114,64 ,00 4,55�,0 T X I P,O, 1DOX 911725 1341 t�, NOCKIN>>1DIRD I_N, 302001 4f 12/96 18976 4/16/96 11680, 00 2100 495, 09010 1 S F 80, 00 TOTAL 17680,00 000 4€� 710 i ON i � �, t;h tdERA1_ a i iJRE 8i1X '956 RIBBONS PIPE. CLE 19040 4/12/96 19040 4/16/96 2476 ,00 44*2 Or200 2m 76 TOTAL if tb 49210 tJNDE"Rt,Rt]IJN�Dp IP1C, / TEXAS UNDERi3ROUNiDf ING, 13311 UARi>1=N ROAD SWIVEi. 1672.8 4/12/96 1899c4/16/96 137,93 000 419, 1100 137, 93 1 OTAL 137, 93 , 00 49250 UPPER (RINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT P.O, DRAWER 305 MON1HLY PAYMENT W279604 4/12/96 19164 4/16/96 15687,50 ,00 44 7, 0600 11 687, 50 TOTAL 11687, 50 , 00 50200 VIKINi3 OFFIi'E PRODUCTS OFFICE: SUF'F'L.IES 236398 4112f96 411,1900 106,88 101 AL. 5151`�3,F,5, F'RINiIhd�3 COtdNE[;iS 6769 4/12/96 411a1900 87v310 101 AL. O, BOX 819064 19�:}41 4 /16f 96 106488 106, 88 , 00 2,219 S, LOOP 288 STE 100 18662 4/16/96 87.30 ,00 8t, 3,0 �,1;�'6.J WF rDN All i O I -'AR i5 F', IJe BoJX �J5 BRNKE ELUID 669� 411,�'/96 1861b 4/16/96 1�,95 ,00 419, 0 300 .1 a 4.3 419, 0500 1, 44 419, 0600 1, 44 419,0700 1,44 419, 0800 1, 44 419, 1000 Is44 419, 2200 In44 419a2000 1444 419, 2600 1, 44 GIL EILTER89 HEA 6720 4/12/96 18689 4/16/96 17,9a ,00 419, 0300 17, 95 tT1ISC:, EILiERS 6146 4/12/96 18994 4/16/96 57,90 ,00 4111100 34, 20 456,0900 4,20 419, 0il00 1150. TOTAL 88,80 ,00 54150 /IMMi RER KiBOTA OF DENION 5600 N,E, LOOP 820 MOWER DECK BELTS 512813 4/12/96 18986 4/16/96 36,36 200 =IfY OF SANt7ER AP OPFN ITFh1 LIST COMPANY 100 4/12/96 PAGE 8 1�;34 VENOAR INV NO INV )I TE PO NUM DUE :OTC PURCH ANT DISC. AMT 4110700 36436 I O1 AL 36a 36 e 00 197 •:,J4.'25 e 00 TOfAL OIJE W I I H 0ISCOUNTIS 199:354a;`15 1 OTAI DI IF: NO CIISCOUNI S 19, 354o 25 s;/I_ 01:..PAR44MFNTS ADM NIS3RAiION—GF 1 567a51 LIBRARY —if 4.36. 24 POL.ICE—GF 3 2p 941. 5E' SIRFt.'i`'— F 5 3fIJGaII WAI ER`EF 6 37 765. 62 UJAS I LWHJ ER—F F 7 i 03, 74 EL EC: T RIC—EF 8 21 006e 22d, PARKS—GF 9 1$ 846s 84 PUBLIC WORKS—GF 10 47159 F I RE-13F 11 118504 9;�' VEHICLE MAIM GF 12 139.86 MAYOR & COUNCIL—GF 14 7.42 MAYOR R COUNCIL—EF 15 7n41 ABNINISTRATION—FF 16 556e60 DATA PROCESSING—EF 19 194,18 VEHICLE NAINT—FF 20 189a06 CONNa CE.NIER—GF 21 60a11 llASfE-4dTR LOLL—EF 02 544a 06 24 6250m 00 ANIMAL CON f ROL—GF 6 242e 11 GENERAL. FL�P?I1 119977a35 ENfERPRiSE FUND 11316090 7< {i • r,3 i-rt it 1 }'; "'.� , I. t_ _.'(t f. err _ �r" ._ f 'f� € _ �r r x <. ., e It x r IT � z }`-; t��i..�i f.. � ,S 1 I(� (..`�.. ,.,�ti, r.tsjz..r t t_i i t}C' � �S .. .i'_r r1 Y+, IT 5_ '! _ .. _ 1 yp1. ; -_ _ ..'-rl z. `.t a_ ,i;i:: °., ' .. �.>a .. c.�r. �' -� it� _S. ..' �r �i= ,ram r3, ( ,_ - ;�It 'S$,d +is CT _ f April 1, 1996 TO: FROM: SUBJ: Citu of Property Owners Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary 612 N. 3rd Street - SpeciBc Use Permit Request Please be advised that the following Boards and Commissions will meet at the scheduled times shown to consider a request for a Specific Use Permit on the above mentioned property. Owner is wanting to adjoin a classroom building to the church building. Board &Commission Board of Adjustments Planning & Zoning City Council Meeting Date /Time Thursday April 11 - 6:30 p.m. Thursday April 11 - 7:00 p.m. Monday April 15 - 7:00 p.m. Meeting Place City Hall, 201 Bolivar City Hall, 201 Bolivar City Hall, 201 Bolivar Please sign the attached form indicating whether you approve or disapprove this request. I have enclosed aself-stamped envelope for your convenience. If you have concerns regarding this request please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 11, 1996, and/or the meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 15, 1996, in the Council Chambers. RC:ck cos BOLIVAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS �trsbb Ss�-458•�g3o P.O. SOX S7B 8s7.4S8.4=8o FAX McPherson, Ruby F. P.O. Box 872 Sanger, TX 76266 503 3rd Street Brewer, Helen P.O. Box 1092 Sanger, TX 76266 513 N. 2nd Street Clampitt, Bill P.O. Box 43 Sanger, TX 76266 SO4 3rd Street Testa, Joyce A. RR 1, Box 587 Sanger, TX 76266 2nd Street Graham, Leonard U4 N. 2nd Street Sanger, TX 76266 Frazee, Richard W. 613 N. 3rd Street Sanger, TX 76266 Stover, Mary Jo P.O. Box 354 Sanger, TX 76266 305 Peach Golliday, Nellie P.O. Box 354 Sanger, TX 76266 303 Peach LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS $25,115 $43,220 $47,058 $ 4,975 $43,199 $44,317 $'H,415 Middleton Family Trust $15,166 3510 E. Hampton Ave Unit 18 Mesa, AZ 85204-6432 OT Sanger, Block 75, Lot 3 Lambert, John 707 N. 2nd Street Sanger, TX 76266 $28,607 Albrecht, Robert I. $29,594 2217 Emerson Ln. Denton, TX 76201-7815 203 Plum Springer, Jahn $17,661 P.O. Box 36 Sanger, TX 76266 800 N. 4th Street ?aNIW 6 1 *f* mwl (MF-I bN oar f-..�r���+ ,c'o�,a-�v G.t�rNvc.�.� C�u✓�c.Fl GeH 6ee,6,4770 J 111,V6 Cn,L rA4/ AozvwiNG 421*415GS MF 1 Z. G•� ��� �6dL/sy/NG ��a s/i�E 5E-r /3��-��s S/tiGF wc— owN 7x/FExs7�,vC� �.1/•r�,U,� �ou �G� ..u.m CST BOA 04/11/96 P&Z 04/11/96 CC 04/15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERNIIT REQUEST Property is zoned MF-l. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: DATE Please DAnt Your Name D Alit 1110 BOA 04/11/96 P&Z 04/11/96 CC 04/15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUEST Property is zoned MF-l. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: y J / Comments: Please Print Your Name I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request T DATE BOA 04/11/96 P&Z 04/11/96 CC 04/15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUEST Property is zoned MF-l. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one:�Z� Comments: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request a 54 9- 76 S GNATURE DATE Please Print Your IN D 11996 BOA 04/11/96 P&Z 04/11/96 CC 04/15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUEST Property is zoned MF-1. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street, ff you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Please Print Your Name DATE APR 9% Ut)UU21 BOA 04/11/96 P&Z 04/11/96 CC 04/ 15/96 SPECIFIC U5E PERMIT REQUEST Property is zoned NiF-1. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Y1: DATE APR 71996 UUUU22 lot BOA 04/ 11/96 P&Z 04/ 11/96 CC 04/15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUEST Property is zoned MF-1. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Ut�UU23 BOA 04/11/96 P&Z 04/11/96 CC 04/15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERNIIT REQUEST Property is zoned MF-1. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Please Print Your Name r DATE Vuj Iil'I� 71996 UUUU2� BOA 04/ 11/96 P&Z 04/ 11/96 CC 04/ 15/96 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT REQUEST Property is zoned iv1F-1. Specific Use Permit Request to adjoin classroom to church building. Property is described as Lot 2, Block 45, Original Town, known as 612 N. 3rd Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check Comments: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request DATE Please Print Yo Name LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 15, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar Street, to consider a request for Specific Use Permit on property located at 612 N. 3rd, Lot 2, of Block 45, Original Town of Sanger, originally zoned Multi -Family 1. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary RUN 1 TI2� ON 3/28/96 r I: t;_z i �'1 '{ t'i'� i �C: v'f`?l'rr� lnl� r(�`r ` r�r - '. '(" ri rYT -i it# _l rt�'�: r. f"'�Y ;• qr .,` pj -�2r —!Gr` •' 7!: i 1 t Q.1 `; ,ti ; ;*,' `t `'Ti !" ,. '�. ,�" , _ — .—a x' : Y—t ♦J 'a r"'r"�$t icYi? T < T7r, Nl TAT V %t i f. _�. •-.'_� TT NT m ; f' , r _ rFt _ 1 r w � : e s` �.F.Ef ttr� �� _..'•E. E'�i r�Tit€ �.. } Y l f t••3E � ii'j ! i�tz ;� S;. , �. ,.<� v�'_ .. �7� �? '�i� .l t_'._ vi�E�; ;i _..�. Fitt �, 3- T ),`; �? x >: ? • r -� i r, y '.7C}%7„ f= .- 1" is - ryry tt � �:. t'. rti�ry Effpt RESPONSE TO CITY OF SANGER REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON AMENDING CURRENT RATE ORDINANCE WITH LONE STAR GAS COMPANY With Old With Amended COSA COSA I. Estimated Revenue Deficiency $31,116 $7,993 As a % of Total Annual Revenues 7.06% 1.81% II. Estimated Deficiency Due To Changes Since Last Case (6/85). A. Declining Sales Volumes (Mef) B. Increased Plant Investment III. City Council Options for Additional Study Time: A. Adopt proposed amendment prior to May 1, 1996 (allows customers' bills to decrease yet avoids a full rate case; B. Suspend proposed amendment and current COSA and hold worksession (customers lose benefit of decrease on May 1)I nothing and allow amendment to go into effect automatically (old COSA goes into effect May 1 and prompts full rate case). * Option "A"provides the greatest benefit to the customers, the City and the Company by stabilizing revenues and by deferring additional regulatory action at this time. WNA 0 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ON WEATHER NORMALIZATION ADJUSTMENT (WNA) AND MAINLINE EXTENSION CLAUSE Residential &Commercial revenues are highly weather sensitive. Benefits of WNA are to stabilize Customer bills, City Gross Receipts Income, and Company revenues from wide monthly swings during months of October through May. o WNA is mechanism to moderate impact of abnormal weather based on 30-year average, and prevents over -recovery of revenue from customers during colder than normal weather, and under -recovery during warmer than normal weather. o Normal weather is determined by the National Weather Service. o Adjustment is made monthly and has a 50% minimum and maximum limitation on margin dollars to further minimize wide swings in weather temperatures. o Four primary considerations used in the calculation of the WNA: 1. Actual versus Normal Heating Degree Days (from National Weather Service); 2. Calculation applied to the margin portion of the rate (determined by rate ordinance from last rate case); 3. Amount of adjustment applied to monthly sales volumes (Mcf of gas) per bill; 4. Adjustment applies only to residential and commercial customers. o WNA is considered to be revenue neutral since it is based on the same 30-year average of weather data used to determine current rates. o Already implemented in over 155 cities, including Dallas, Fort Worth, Wichita Falls, Waco, and numerous smaller cities. MODIFICATION OF MAINLINE EXTENSION CLAUSE o Change from system average/indexed cost to user -based actual cost of main extensions beyond franchise free limit for residential and commercial customers. o Industrial customers already charged actual cost for main extensions. lone Star Gas Company 300 N. Elm, Suite 104, Denton, Texas 76201 Apri12, 1996 Honorable Mayor Nel Armstrong and City Council Members City of Sanger p.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Request to Modify Annual Cost of Service Adjustment (COSA) Dear Mayor Armstrong and City Council: In accordance with the City's present gas utility rate ordinance governing Lone Star Gas Company's (Lone Star) General Service Rates for residential and commercial customers, a copy of the attached cost of service adjustment (COSA) calculation for 1996 was filed with the City Secretary on this date. In addition a Statement of Intent to modify the existing COSA and mainline extension rate clauses, and to request a Weather Normalization Adjustment clause was also filed with the City Secretary on this date. Even though this year's COSA adjustment is not designed to address all of the cost of service components A this distribution system, it does represent some of the effects of Lone Stars efforts over the last several months to streamline its operations and provide its customers with dependable natural gas service at the lowest manageable cost. However, because of the size of this adjustment and the negative impact it could have on this distribution system's revenue requirement, Lone Star feels obligated to request that the City Council consider the following: l . Annual COSAs for Lone Star Gas were established several years ago to address rapid increases in operating expenses that were generally caused by forces outside the control of Lone Star, such as inflation, and were limited to the annual rates of inflation applied to a distribution system's operating expenses (excluding revenue taxes and gas cost). These COSAs were designed to lessen the frequency of full -deficiency rate cases by addressing such costs; 2. Until recently, there were no "downward" limitations in Lone Star's rate ordinances. This allowed negative adjustments to occur irrespective of other cost of service factors, and created abnormally low residential and commercial customer charges. By adopting downward COSA limitations into their rate ordinances, over 80.Lone Star Gas cities have helped to moderate wide swings in customers' bills due to abnormal events with operating expenses, and to stabilize the monthly residential and commercial customer charge. City of Sanger, page 2 3. The present COSA in Sanger does not have a downward limitation, and consequently, may result in the customer charge to residential and commercial customers being pushed to levels where the actual cost of service is not being recovered. This could result in the need for a full rate case to restore distribution revenues to their appropriate levels by taking into consideration the complete process of determining the total cost of service for a distribution system, including making adjustments for known changes and updating investment amounts made since the last full case. 4. To minimize the long-term rate impact on Lone Star's customers in Sanger, the City is being requested to consider the following action: a) Amend the current rate ordinance to include a provision limiting the size of the upward or downward COSA to the annual rate of inflation, with any balance carried over to the following year. This action would amount to a decrease of $(3,485.64) in annual revenue or $(.31) per bill until May, 1997, when the next scheduled adjustment would be made; and b) Adopt two other revenue neutral provisions into the amended ordinance. These provisions include a Weather Normalization Adjustment clause (WNA) to help moderate the effects of weather extremes on customers' bills, on distribution revenues, and on the City's gross receipts income; and a revised mainline extension rate clause based on actual cost to the user. Over 150 ,one Star Gas cities currently have the WNA, and a growing number of cities, including most of the Dallas/Fort Worth area cities, have the relatively new mainline extension clause. Enclosed for your convenience is a proposed Ordinance which incorporates the above changes to the existing rate ordinance. As in the past Lone Star Gas will also provide the appropriate documentation each year supporting the respective adjustments. We believe these modifications will be mutually beneficial for the City, Lone Star Gas Company, and its customers, and will help to minimize the need for additional regulatory relief at this time. We appreciate having the opportunity to serve your community with the benefits of natural gas, and are striving to be the best in our industry as your natural gas provider. We stand ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have, and will provide additional information upon request. Please feel free to call me anytime at (817)3824277, or through our toll free Customer Center at 1400460-3030. Attachments l . Statement of Intent to Modify 2. Present COSA calculation for 1996 3. Proposed COSA calculation for 1996 sngrcosa.wpd Sincerely, Flo�'d Cunningham Business Development Manager STATEMENT OF INTENT TO MODIFY THE COST OF SERVICE ADJUSTMENT AND MAINLINE EXTENSION RATE AND TO PROPOSE A WEATHER NORMALIZATION ADJUSTMENT TO THE CITY OF SANGER1 TEXAS: COMES NOW Lone Star Gas Company, a Division of ENSERCH CORPORATION (Lone Star), a public utility under TEX.REV.CIV.STAT.ANN.art. 6050 et. seq. and TEX.REV.CIV.STAT.ANN.art. 1446e, and files this its Statement of Intent to Modify the Cost of Service Adjustment, Mainline Extension Rate and to Propose a Weather Normalization Adjustment in the City of Sanger, Texas, under the provisions of TEX.REV.CIV.STAT.ANN.art. 1446e, Section 5.08. I. Lone Star proposes to modify its rates, and the details of the proposed modifications in rates are as follows: l . Name of Utility -Lone Star Gas Company, a Division of ENSERCH Corporation 2. Description of Area Affected -City of Sanger, Texas 3. Proposed Tariffs &Schedules: A. Cost of Service Adjustment The cost of service adjustment clause authorized in the rate ordinance dated June 3, 1985 will be adjusted to apply the current limitation factor based on changes in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product to decreases in the cost of service per customer as well as increases and to permit the carry forward of any decrease in excess of the amount allowed by the operation of the limitation factor to the next year as is presently allowed with increases, with the total adjustment for the next year subject to the limitation factor. The customer charge portion of each monthly bill for residential and commercial gas service shall be adjusted according to the terms of the revised cost of service adjustment clause as follows: (1) Effective with bills rendered for the month of May 1996 and annually effective each May thereafter, the residential and commercial monthly rate shall be adjusted for increases or decreases in the cost per customer of providing gas service (including depreciation but excluding cost of gas, gross receipts taxes, income taxes, and return) for the previous year ended December 31 (Adjustment Year) above or below such cost incurred in the second prior calendar year (Base Year). These annual adjustments shall be cumulative. The operating expenses used in calculating the adjustments shall be for the applicable distribution system as reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas in the annual report of Lone Star. If the percentage change in cost of service per customer of providing gas service for the Adjustment Year, plus or minus the effect of a carry forward from the Base Year, exceeds the rate of change in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product for the same period of time, the adjustment will be limited to a maximum change computed by multiplying the cost of service per customer 1 0 C. of providing gas service in the Base Year by the rate of change in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product from the Base Year to the Adjustment Year. Any change in the cost of service per customer of providing gas service during the Adjustment Year in excess of the limitation shall be included in the determination of the cost of service adjustment to be effective in the succeeding May billing month, however the maximum percentage change for the succeeding year will continue to be limited to the percentage change in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product. The adjustment per bill shall be rounded to the nearest whole cent. (2) The adjustment determined by (1) above shall be multiplied by a tax factor to include street and alley rental and state occupation tax due to the increasing or decreasing Company revenues under this cost of service adjustment provision. Mainline Extension Rate The charge for extending mains beyond the free limit established by Franchise, for residential, commercial, and industrial customers shall be based on the actual cost per foot of the extension. Weather Normalization Adjustment: Effective with bills rendered during the October 1996 through May 1997 billing months, and annually thereafter for the October through May billing months, the above residential and commercial consumption rates for gas service, as adjusted, will be subject to a weather normalization adjustment each billing cycle to reflect the impact of variations in the actual heating degree days during the period included in the billing cycle from the normal level of heating degree days during the period included in the billing cycle. The weather normalization adjustment will be implemented on a per Mcf basis and will be applicable to the heating load of each customer during the period included in the billing cycle. It will be determined separately for residential and commercial customers based on heating degree data recorded by the D/FW weather station. The adjustment to be made for each billing cycle will be calculated according to the following formula: -- NDD ADD WNA= xMxAHL ADD Where: WNA = Weather normalization adjustment NDD = Normal heating degree days during the period covered by the billing cycle ADD = Actual heating degree days during the period covered by the billing cycle M = Weighted average margin per Mcf included in the commodity portion of the rates effective during the October through May billing months AHL = Actual heating load per customer The heating load to which the weather normalization adjustment is to be applied is determined by subtracting the base load for the customer from the total volume being billed to the customer. The base load of a customer is the average level of nonheating consumption. 2 j The weather normalization adjustment is subject to a 50% limitation factor based on temperatures being fifty percent warmer or colder than normal. The weather normalization adjustment will be calculated to the nearest $.0001 per Mcf. 4. Statement of Changes: The proposed modification in the Cost of Service Adjustment involves the inclusion of a limitation factor on decreases in the cost of service identical to the existing limitation factor on increases. The proposed modification in the Mainline Extension policy would permit all customers to be charged for the actual cost of their installation if it exceeds the applicable free limit provided by franchise. The current charge for residential and commercial customer's mainline extensions is based on the lower of the prior year's system -wide average cost or an indexed cost. Industrial customers are presently charged the actual cost of their mainline extensions. The proposed Weather Normalization Adjustment Clause will adjust residential and commercial customer's bills during the billing months from October through May to reflect the impact of variations in the heating load for each customer caused by weather. The clause includes a limitation factor that will prevent unusually large adjustments when the weather is more than 50% warmer or colder than normal. 5. Effect of Proposed Changes: During the period when the proposed rates are in effect, the proposed modification to the Cost of Service Adjustment Clause will increase and decrease revenues. The addition of a limitation factor on decreases will assist in eliminating unusually large fluctuations in the customer charge from year to year. The limitation on decreases matches the current limitation on increases. The proposed charges for Mainline Extensions do not directly increase or decrease revenues. Payment by a customer for a gas main extension is accounted for in contributions4n-aid of construction, a deduction from total investment for ratemaking purposes, that reduces the rate base and ultimately the required rate. During the period when the proposed rates are in effect, the proposed Weather Normalization Adjustment Clause will increase and decrease revenues. The clause will assist in eliminating unusually large fluctuations in customers' billings due to weather variations. The clause will also assist in leveling the Company's revenues and the City's franchise payments. 6. Class of Customers Affected: Residential and Commercial 7. Number of Customers Affected: 937 These modifications will affect all residential and commercial customers. However, in the case of the Mainline Extension Policy, the only customers directly affected by that change will be those who seek service in the future to locations beyond the applicable free limit for main extensions. 3 8. Effective Date of Proposed Change. MAY 8, 1996 9. The proposed change will not result in a major change as that term is defined in TEX.REV.CIV.STAT.ANN.art. 1446e, Section 5.08(b). II. Service or publication of required notice containing the information relative to this Statement of Intent shall be made in accordance with applicable statutes and rules. THEREFORE, Lone Star Gas Company requests the City allow such new rates to become applicable for the City of Sanger by operation of law or by ordinance granting it the authority to charge such rates. Respectfully submitted, &L ?�_ ,ON�,gI'AR GAS COMP�riVY, a Division of ENSERCH CORPORATION By FloXd Cunningham Date Filed April 2, 1996 0 Schedule 1 LONE STAR GAS COMPANY SANGER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM COST OF SERVICE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION 1 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES DEDUCT: 2 GAS PURCHASED EXPENSES 3 CITY AND STATE REVENUE TAXES TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 12/31/94 S414,609 S265,458 S14,088 --------------- TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 12/31/95 5377,271 5248,686 $16,910 --------------- 4 COST OF SERVICE /1/ $135,063 S111,675 5 AVERAGE CUSTOMERS 918 937 6 COST OF SERVICE PER CUSTOMER 5147.13 $119018 7 INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER ($27.95) 8 PERCENT INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER (19.00)% 9 1995 RATE OF INFLATION /2/ 2.48 X 10 INCREASE (DECREASE) PER BILL, EFFECTIVE MAY, 1996 /3/ ($2.40) 11 ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE EFFECT /4/ (S26,985.60) 12 ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE INCREASE (DECREASE) IN REVENUES ASSOCIATED WITH RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SERVICE /5/ (5.97)% /1/ INCLUDES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES INCLUDING UNCOLLECTIBLE BILLS, PROPERTY TAXES, PAYROLL TAXES, AND DEPRECIATION BUT EXCLUDING GAS PURCHASED EXPENSE, CITY AND STATE REVENUE TAXES, INCOME TAXES, AND RETURN /2/ BASED ON THE ANNUAL CHANGE IN THE IMPLICIT PRICE DEFLATOR OF THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT. /3/ ($2.33) 7t [TAX FACTOR OF 1*02990 ] /4/ C 937 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS] X 02.40) X 12. /5/ [ ($26,985.60) COST OF SERVICE REVENUE] DIVIDED BY C S452,290.00 , 1995 RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, AND OTHER OPERATING REVENUE. ] Modified Schedule 1 LONE STAR GAS COMPANY SANGER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM COST OF SERVICE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION 1 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES DEDUCT: 2 GAS PURCHASED EXPENSES 3 CITY AND STATE REVENUE TAXES TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 12/31/94 5414,609 S265,458 514,088 --------------- TWELVE MONTHS ENDED 12/31/95 S377,271 S248,686 S16.910 --------------- 4 COST OF SERVICE /1/ S135,063 S111,675 5 AVERAGE CUSTOMERS 918 937 6 COST OF SERVICE PER CUSTOMER $147913 $119.18 7 INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER ($27,95) 8 INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER CARRIED FORWARD FROM LAST YEAR /2/ $0.00 9 NET INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER ($27.95) 10 INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER LIMITED TO 2.48 % /3/ ($3.65) 11 ALLOWED INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER ($3.65) 12 INCREASE (DECREASE) PER BILL, EFFECTIVE MAY, 1996 /4/ ($0.31) I3 ESTIMATED ANNUAL REVENUE EFFECT /5/ ($3,485.64) 14 ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE INCREASE (DECREASE) IN REVENUES ASSOCIATED WITH RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SERVICE /6/ (0.77)% 15 CUMULATIVE COST OF SERVICE TO BE CARRIED FORWARD TO NEXT YEAR /7/ ($22,769) /1/ INCLUDES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES INCLUDING UNCOLLECTIBLE BILLS, PROPERTY TAXES, PAYROLL TAXES, AND DEPRECIATION BUT EXCLUDING GAS PURCHASED EXPENSE, CITY AND STATE REVENUE TAXES, INCOME TAXES, AND RETURN /2/ CUMULATIVE COST OF SERVICE CARRIED FORWARD FROM LAST YEAR DIVIDED BY THE CURRENT NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS. ( $0.00 / 937) = S0.00 /3/ BASED ON THE ANNUAL CHANGE IN THE IMPLICIT PRICE DEFLATOR OF THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT. /4/ (TAX FACTOR OF 1.02990 ) X ($3.65) / 12 = ($0.31) /5/ (RES. AND COM. CUSTOMERS 937 ) X ($0.31) X 12. _ ($3,485.64) /6/ COSA REVENUE OF (S31485.64) / THE 12/31/95 RES., COM., & OTHER OPERATING REVENUE OF S452,290.00 = (0.77)% /7/ DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NET INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER AND ALLOWED INCREASE (DECREASE) PER CUSTOMER TIMES THE NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS. ( ($27.95) - ($3.65) ) X 937 = ($22,769) ORDINANCE NO. 05-96 AN ORDINANCE MODIFYING THE COST OF SERVICE ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONSUMERS IN THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: MODIFYING THE MAIN LINE EXTENSION RATE AND PROPOSING A WEATHER BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The residential and commercial rates established by Ordinance dated June 3, 1985 shall be adjusted for increases or decreases in the cost per customer of providing gas service according to Item A in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 2. The mainline extension rate established by Ordinance dated June 3, 1985 shall be amended to read in accordance with Item B in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 3. The residential and commercial rates established by Ordinance dated June 3, 1985 shall be adjusted upward or downward for variations in the heating degree Jays according to Item C in the Attachment hereto which is incorporated herein. SECTION 4. The rates set forth in this ordinance may be changed and amended by either the City or Company in the manner provided by law. Service hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction, and to the Company's Rules and Regulations currently on file in the Company's office. SECTION 5. This ordinance is effective with bills rendered on and after the date of final passage of this ordinance. SECTION 6. Its hereby found and determined that said meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public, as required by Texas law, and that advance public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 15th day of April , A. D., ATTEST: Secretary Rosalie Chavez Mayor Nel Armstrong City of Sanger, Texas STATE OF TEXAS ( ) COUNTY OF DENTON O I Rosalie Chavez ,Secretary of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Sanger at a _ session held on the 15�h day of April , 19 96 , as it appears of record in the Minutes of said City Council in Book WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CITY, this the Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Rosalie Chavez day of ATTACHMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 05-96 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS LONE STAR GAS COMPANY TARIFFS & SCHEDULES ITEM A. COST OF SERVICE ADJUSTMENT The cost of service adjustment clause authorized in the rate ordinance dated June 3, 1985 will continue in effect as adjusted to reflect the application of the limitation factor based on changes in the Implicit Price Deflator of the ._ _ _ _ Domestic "� _ ._ _ _ _ is _ Product _ _Iil_ 11_ � 1 2 Vross Domestic Product tU UUUI 1i1uludSes aflu ueGleases III trlu cosl of service per customer and the carry forward of any increase or decrease in excess of the amount allowed by the operation of the limitation factor to the next year, with the total adjustment for the next year subject to the limitation factor. The customer charge portion of each monthly bill for residential and commercial gas service shall be adjusted according to the terms of the revised cost of service adjustment clause as follows: (1) Effective with bills rendered for the month of May 1996 and annually effective each May thereafter, the residential and commercial monthly rate shall be adjusted for increases or decreases in the cost per customer of providing gas service (including depreciation but excluding cost of gas, gross receipts taxes, income taxes, and return) for the previous year ended December 31 above or below such cost incurred in the second prior calendar year. These annual adjustments shall be cumulative. The operating expenses used in calculating the adjustments shall be for the applicable distribution system as reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas in the annual report of Lone Star Gas Company, a Division of ENSERCH Corporation. Should the percentage change in cost of service per customer of providing gas service plus or minus the effect of a carry forward from the prior year exceed the rate of change in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product over the same period of time, the adjustment will be limited to a maximum change computed by multiplying the cost of service per customer of providing gas service in the second prior calendar year ended December 31 by the rate of change in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product. Any change in the cost of service per customer of providing gas service subject to the above limitation shall be included in the determination of the cost of service adjustment to be effective in the succeeding May billing month, however the maximum percentage change for the succeeding 1 year will continue to be limited to the percentage change in the Implicit Price Deflator of the Gross Domestic Product. The adjustment per bill shall be rounded to the nearest whole cent. (2) The adjustment determined by (1) above shall be multiplied by a tax factor to include street and alley rental and state occupation tax due to the increasing or decreasing Company revenues under this cost of service adjustment provision. ITEM B. MAIN LINE EXTENSION RATE The charge for extending mains beyond the free limit established by Franchise for residential, commercial, and industrial customers shall be based oiii ti ie actual Cost per foot of ti Life extcnsiO ITEM C. Weather Normalization Adjustment: Effective with bills rendered during the October 1996 through May 1997 billing months, and annually thereafter for the October through May billing months, the above residential and commercial consumption rates for gas service, as adjusted, shall be subject to a weather normalization adjustment each billing cycle to reflect the impact of variations in the actual heating degree days during the period included in the billing cycle from the normal level of heating degree days during the period included in the billing cycle. The weather normalization adjustment will be implemented on a per Mcf basis and will be applicable to the heating load of each customer during the period included in the billing cycle. It will be determined separately for residential and commercial customers based on heating degree data recorded by the D/FW Airport weather station. The adjustment to be made for each billing cycle will be calculated according to the following formula: NDD-ADD WNA = Where: WNA = Weather normalization adjustment NDD = Normal heating degree days during the period covered by the billing cycle ADD = Actual heating degree days during the period covered by the billing cycle M = Weighted average margin per Mcf included in the commodity portion of the rates effective during the October through May billing months AHL = Actual heating load per customer The heating load to which the weather normalization adjustment is to be applied for residential and commercial customers is determined by subtracting the base load for the customer from the total volume being billed to the customer. The base load of a customer is the average level of nonheating consumption. The weather normalization adjustment is subject to a 50% limitation factor based on temperatures being fifty percent warmer or colder than normal. The weather normalization adjustment will be calculated to the nearest $.0001 per Mcf. 3 x_ {�CYt?t�'�: �fE _� _. ,.�•_: ii1._ �� �t� �,.� t`°1 i'%fttr -__�. f �}( Ur',};'r` ;?�ji t. K x vj�. a a- ,_ 1:p.. gg k 3'- .� _ ', _. f'.:� � =,i 4,. t., 5 t :.l. r(J f_ .[fy•{_ r tI w '.! !'' � 1 <a y,},[C' It r,:p)I I a[f,zl� i; .. CI i IJ �..? , �:i' c, ,. "��.. a c€,'t. t,..{ i, .'4%(, ., [ t•.�Cif f 1'741 _r. Ai f' r»,_i t, i`}t:t �"lisli _ �f; i., `flii'i. i ?"t: �' '. `J '; C} �. i'k' Tt;f7..;.�..k"i <_ r Y l n . I, ". Et : e n • � y p r 1�1c rch IILp II) r l Qcim,,n►so+ra+cr LO Owd �-o -the, -Found f�S) %4 m.% mcd Un+rol wnFLUS cA r6 0sned mq P(kPPq 5, 10If CIf "=,7trl who I a" 000c��s