04/01/1996-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular11 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1 '1 t 1 t ' i • 0 ,;: i 1 1• A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements 3. Citizens Input. 4. Consider and Passible Action Regara..:ng Adoption of Ord ance 03-96 and Service Plan regarding Annexation of land situated in the R. Tierwester. Survey, Abstract 1241, part of Tract 61A, consisting of 7.43 acres being located on Keaton Rd. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the appointment to Board of Directors of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adoption of Ordinance 04-96 for Sanger Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan City Administrator Report. Any Other Such Matters. Adjournment. i t611t3$:S►iA fPlf f,; 60 i e r p 9 ® . d0 Rosalie Chavez, City a _ _ T d f s fE i_$ .:� k [�} 1 4 ! } (_ ? t i {-; {�• {-j e 7 f=,.'. �Y � C.} f,3 C . f;`� t=;' w r T _ al L1 €;: PE .i {.1r C"C3d, e,,(' €' F t ltE r.3.. ¢ €' LL- € LLdC � 1 C: �) i f',r 5;i" tit., r;ss €ti _ p 1. ` t3?}d..f: 3(.7„-s 1. b.j p names "ice-Q.l:. C }d � .' C'{7 Y1�.�Y v d, i : ? ,_.: .d (:, � € 3 Tli 0 :'I l �., E E i €-' [ £.� 1.7 �,. t., f `t , t ,`�. �_., t ("a !") d TT (-4 T T ' j �j T (— T d A T`t 1 � ( )Y � {�t T) '< Y C V Y � f i S m � ,t f r\J . 1 i ; f i F_} �y ..f.:i(-.!r :`d..td a % (.£hY,(.14='{;.I'+ r�3 Ct..:. t..Uil!€'.C: (iiI P :%:1 �{..''t L k1 rin=:�t 0 v € . ice. ci.. ()'i'r r?l �[T tpFC`d.,rv, is Y`I 1' . ,. .... •.. E.1i.O 7 T � .i_ 1.. t_,j Pf t 7 .y �... { 1 "C:: i i ! (_' l f.'r-£ C' `'• j. t Ras£e« jr g 9nnt Ta Pat\ «gzil 7 TX, yTTgbt Saving Time 9egTns 13 City WJ°< 2 zg211 . : C<F I 2[, ay :. . r» Tnceme :ax d City Council Meeting &p«1T 2G Dog vaccination in Pj WINUTES: City Council March 18, 1996 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, John Coker 1. Mayor Armstrong Called the Meeting to Order, led the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2, CONSENT AGENDA A) Approve Minutes B) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Ervin, Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input. None. 4. Conduct Second Public Hearing Regarding Annexation of land situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, part of Tract 61A, consisting of 7.43 acres being located on Keaton Rd. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing opened. No one spoke for or against. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Georgia Royal -Subdivision Plat. Georgia Royal addressed Council concerning her property consisting of ?acres. She indicated when she could not sell the property she then decided to give each of her children a part of that tract of land to build homes. Ms. Royal indicated she had visited with Mr. Hamilton and the Mayor about her situation. Mr. Hamilton advised her to have the property surveyed and "laid -out" and then he would make any changes that needed to be made. Mr. Hamilton led her to believe that what she had prepared was all that she needed - to file her plat. Ms. Royal advised that today when her daughter came to City Office to file the Plat CC MINUTES - Page 2 March 18, 1996 it was not accepted. She expressed concern that all three of her children have been accepted to build homes. The Mayor did reply that even n Mr. Hamilton had told her that her plat would be approved as presented, he did not have the authority to do so since the plat must be reviewed by Planning and Zoning and then City Council before it is approved. Mayor Armstrong also advised that even if the City could possibly grant variances on the streets and she could get the buyers to build their own water and sewer lines, she would still be required to get her property platted correctly. Discussion followed and other issues addressed were the de i� q��eat taxes on the property and building permits will not be issued until the taxes were paid and the plat approved. The Mayor advised Ms. Royal to make an appointment to visit with City Administrator to get the exact costs to rile the plat. Mayor also indicated that she should get with her surveyor to get the plat drawn according to City requirements. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Changes to the Sanger Public Library: (a) Collection Policy (b) Circulation Policy. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to adopt changes to (a) Collection Policy (b) Circulation Policy as presented by the Sanger Public Library. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for the City's Supply of Motor Vehicle Fuel. Mayor Armstrong indicated only one bid was received from Snap Shop/Lynch Food Mart for: 93.9 No Lead 94.9 Diesel Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to accept bid from Snap Shop/Lynch Food Mart to provide the City with motor vehicle fuel for the next year. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. 8. Conduct Second Public Hearing Regarding Submission of Application for Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for a Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grant for Water System Improvements. O CC MINUTES - Page 3 March 18, 1996 No one spoke for or against. Mayor Armstrong declared Second Public Hearing closed. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Resolution #R2-96 Far Submission of TCDP Grant Application to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Motion was made by Councilman Bell to Adapt Resolution #RB-96 for submission of TCDP Grant application to Texas Department of Housing and community Affairs. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 10. Any Other Such Matters. 1) City Administrator Larry Keesler advised he is temporarily located at 106 Parker Street and his phone number is 458-6796. Mr. Keesler gave a brief report of his activities for the week. He indicated he had reviewed the budget, however, has not had a chance to review financial reports. He visited with the Chamber of Commerce President and intends to participate in the Sanger Sellabration Committee. 2) Councilman Richardson inquired about 10th and Pecan and asked whether we were going to dig up that street to put in a new sewer line. Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker stated that they will have to cut the concrete to fix it. They are not sure whether it has collapsed or where the pipe joins if it has slipped. Mr. Tucker indicated they can not control what goes through the sewer. 3) Councilman all asked if the City had a machine that could repair the streets. Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker stated he does have a patchman; however, it does lake a lot longer to heat it up and shove the asphalt then to go to Denton to get a load of hot mix. The machine gums up on the inside and it also takes a special tack in order to use it. The price of asphalt to use it costs $3 to $4 more a ton than regular hot mix. It will not patch a hole any bigger than 5 x 5 or 6 x 6, and then you have to fill it back again. 4} Mayor Armstrong issued a Proclamation for Denton County Friends of the Family declaring April the Month of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I1 CC MINUTES - Page 4 March 18, 1996 S) Councilman Ervin asked if there was anything to be done on 6th Street by the Library where the culvert is. Councilman Ervin asked if a barricade was to be placed there or if it is to be torn out. Discussed. Chuck Tucker stated that Hunter's & Associates were to draw some plants on the street. Chuck instructed to call Hunter's and find out status. 61 Coun_crhn_an Kincaid also stated that the street by the library where it was repaired from new parking lot out south is in bad shape. It needs more asphalt and smoothed out. Staff to look into problem. Mayor advised Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast that the issue concerning new substation will be taken care of at workshop. 11. Adjournment. CITY OF SANDER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/29/96 PAGE 1 11 o 22 .mac VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DiE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 15JO Al & T WIRELESS SERVICES P.O. BOX 620051 CELLULAR TEL PHO 19065 4/01/96 19065 4/03/96 51.63 .00 433.0800 51.63 CELLULAR PHONES 019065 4/01/96 19065 4/03/96 175.16 .00 455.1000 83.87 433.1100 43.99 433.0300 47.30 TOTAL 226.79 .00 2540 BANC ONE LEASING CORP. CORPm PROCESSINr, DEPT. 0993 VERNEER BRUSH CH 19066 4/01/96 19066 4/03/96 467.74 .00 459.0500 467.74 TOTAL 46 i. 74 .00 335`� GINTAS IJNII=ORMS P. i]. 8OX 210037 UNIFORMS 19068 4/01/96 19068 4/03/96 364.36 .00 416.1200 13.50 416.0500 13.00 416.1000 13.54 416.2000 1150 416.0700 13.00 416,1700 13,54 416. 0800 21128 416.0600 65.00 TOTAL 364.36 .00 3400 BCI MECHANICAL 400 E. OAK ST. THERMOSTAT 43320 4/01/96 19062 4/03/96 197.07 .00 423.0100 98.53 423,1600 98454 TOTAL. 197.07 .00 4175 CALVERT AUTOMOTIVE, INC. 210 DALLAS DRIVE SHOCKS, INSPECTI 37453 4/01/96 18610 4/03/96 222.73 .00 419.0300 106.28 419.1000 89.95 419.1100 26.50 INSPECTIONS 31627 4/01/96 18991 4/03/96 42.00 .00 4110500 '=' 1. 00 419.1100 21.00 TOTAL. 264.73 .00 4250 CENTEL-TEXAS PO BOX 419114 TELEPHONES 19067 4/01/96 19067 4/03/96 19078m50 .00 433.0100 552.43 433.0200 63.62 433olBOO 32.83 433.1600 42162 TOTAL 11078.50 .00 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES F'.O. BOX 1104 CLEANING SUPPLIE 18951 4/01/96 18951 4/03/96 36.65 .00 442.0100 6.11 442.1600 6.11 442.0800 12.22 442.0300 l2x2l CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO TOTAL 6570 CONL EY SANiJ & GRAVEL FLEX BASE, SAND, 152268 447.0600 TOPSOIL 152280 4910900 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/29/96 PAGE 2 TNV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE 4/O1/96 3, 541. 35 4/01/96 5F 8.80 16'7:, DISCi7UNT TRiJF'HIES EiC. AWARDS 18493 4/01/96 416.1100 140.00 TOTAL. 165^0 r_LIFSON, VICTORIA TRAVEL EXPENSE 19036 440s O2OO TOTAL ll eLL PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 36.65 .00 1897! 4/0�/96 3, 541.35 19051 4/03/96 568.80 4, 110.15 729 N. LOCUST STREET 18493 4/03/96 140.00 140.00 CITY OF BANGER F'.O. BOX 578 4/01/96 19036 4/03/96 2180 23,80 2 17860 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY TAPES 18678 4/01/96 442sO2OO 16.02 TOTAL 17300 G & G TRAGTiJR CO. POWER STEERING H 366 4/01/96 419.0500 47.28 WINDOWS & SEALS 638 4/01/96 419.0500 376.80 TRACTOR KEYS 897 4/01/96 419.0500 2.66 TOTAL. 18780 GOODYEAR LIRE TIRES 66883 4/01/96 419.0300 294.58 TOTAL. °3500 POOK 160745 4/01196 476.0200 24.95 TOTAL. 4250 HUNTER ASSOCIATES, INC. PALL FIELD &ETC 24151 495.0900 TOTAL. 3.80 P.O. BOX 578 18678 4/03/96 16.02 16. 02 1230 FT, WORCH DRIVE 18607 4/03/96 47.28 18621 4/03/96 376.80 18998 4/03/96 2.66 426,74 7301 AMBASSADOR ROW i8614 4/03/96 294.58 294.58 P.O. BOX 9738 18680 4/03/96 24.95 24.95 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE ONE GLEN LAKES, SUITE 500 4/01/96 19064 4/03l96 445.50 .00 445.50 445.50 mm 24601 J & K LIGHTING 8 SUPPLY F'.0. BOX 540217 GRAND PRAIRIE., TX 150 HPS PULPS 336 4/01/96 1900E 4I03/96 639.60 .00 470.0800 639.60 TOTAL 639.60 .00 26000 KRIZ DAVIS CO. P.O. BOX 2500 MISC. SUPPLIES 000279 4/01/96 18983 4/03/96 876.50 .00 470.0800 876.50 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3fE9f96 PACE 3 IIa.Q VENOOR INV NO INV DTE PO MUM DUE DFE PURCH AMT MSC. AMT TOTAL. 876.50 .00 21255 DATER PRODUCTS, INC. Pool BOX 349 PIPE, LUGS, WREN 18656 4/01/96 18656 4/03/96 615.79 .00 455.0600 89.99 412. 0600 138.60 4 2 1.0600 387. 0 TOTAL 615.79 .00 28275 LIBRARY STORE P.O. BOX 964 BOOK TAPES, JACK 229214 4/01/96 18999 4/03/96 99.50 .00 442v 0L00 9150 TOTAL. 99.50 .00 31063 METRO SERVICES OF N. TX P.O. BOX 1922 MFTROLTNE. 19069 4/01/96 19069 4/03/96 45.00 .00 433.0100 22.50 433.1600 22.50 TOTAL 45.00 .00 31�=57 M.J. DFSItiNS �311 i1t�LQRAOQ BLUR. PICTURE: FRAME 21080 4/01/96 18485 4/03/96 14.49 421.1100 14.49 TOTAL. 14.49 3cr77 i=Rt,LIE, Bt�eBY FUEL,18651 4/01I96 18651 4/03l96 11.57 414.0300 11.57 TOTAL 11.57 38770 PARKHI�_L FIRrRtal_ASS GAS TANKS i8989 4/01f96 419.1100 97.90 TOTAL. 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. HACKSAW BLADES, 181545 4/01/96 470.0800 77.44 TOTAL 33725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. P.O. BOX 738 METER BOX LID 18551 4/01/96 4510600 38.50 TOTAL 35000 RABID SHACK SURGE S1'RTP, FGA 18550 419.1100 4210200 PHONE ADAPTOR 18557 4c3.0100 REMOTE 8AT(ERY 18621 424.1100 TOTAL, 905 CHAPMAN DRTVE 18989 4/03/96 97.90 97.90 P.O. BOX 660333 18500 4/03/96 77.44 7"t. 44 18551 4/03/96 s8.50 38.50 . 00 .00 410 BOLIVRR P.Q. BOX 297 4/01/96 18550 4/03/96 23.97 .00 19.99 3.98 4/01/96 18557 4/03/96 1.89 .00 1.89 4/01/96 186E2 4/03/96 2.99 .00 99 28.85 .00 38758 St�HLUTER ENO. R COMM. SPEAKERS FGR PGR 1315 F'.O. BOX 98 4/01/96 18993 4/03I96 34.00 .00 LIfY OF SANGER VENDOR AP OPEN ITEM LIST PANY 100 3/29/96 PAGE 4 11,22 INV NO INU jilt PU NUN DIJt DiE PURCH RNT DISC. Ah1T 419.0800 34.00 TOTAL 38165 SHA FR+INTIF_RS SCU+Ifl DIVING VALVE FOR AIR FI 9072 4/01/96 421allOO 40.00 TOTAL. 42515 SOLOMON CORPORATION TRANSFORMERS 58337 4/01/96 470.0800 11570.00 TOTAL 43701 TECHLINt, INC. ELECTRIC LIGHTS 45208 4/01/96 4IO.0800 860400 TOTAL. 452,=0 SDIJTHWESTERN BELL MOBILE PHONE. 19071 433.1600 433.0100 TO1 AL 4J5�_J I X NA i URAI_ RES+]URCt WW LICENSE RENEW 18980 421.0700 TOTAL. 45550 T X I CONCRETE 110�0^c 4910900 TOTAL. 46708 Jilt TIMS 15 INSPECTIONS 1907E 447a 2300 TOTAL. 49210 UNDERGROUND, ING./ SEWER MACHINE VA 16625 419.0700 TOT AI 50050 VERNER C MICAL CORP. FIRE AN1 KILLER 8083 415.0500 TOTAL. 5 0200 VIKINi3 +)FFICt PRODUCTSOFFICE SUPPLIES 2O7$22 410a 01 O0 410.1600 411.1900 41.1. 1900 411.0100 J4.00 533 SURF #103 19018 4/03/96 40.00 4O.00 BOX 245 18481 4/03/96 1,5/0a00 11570.00 PaO. BOX 841950 18305 4/03/96 860.00 MOBILE SYSTEMS F'. i]. BOX 910913 4/01/96 19071 4/03/96 84.41 42. 2l 4'2 a 20 84.41 C+JNSERUATI+lN COMMISSI+lN P.O. BOX 13088 4/01/96 18980 4/O3/96 60.00 60.00 60.00 F'aO. BOX 911725 1341 W. MOCKINGBIRD LN. 4/01/96 19050 4/03/96 19 680100 1, 680.00 1,680.00 2005 PAISLEY STa 4/01/96 19072 4/03/96 375.00 15.00 37100 TEXAS UNDERGROUND, INCa 13311 GARDEN ROAD 4/01/96 18619 4/03/96 139.20 13120 139.20 110 ST. LUKES DRIVE 4/O1/96 19049 4/03/96 131.26 131a26 131.26 P. O. BOX 819064 4/01/96 18697 4/03/96 214.62 _'a 3O 2.29 08 113.94 34. 00 .O0 . OO . 0O .00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .O0 . OO . 0O .00 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO 411, 1600 TOTAL. 52516 PROGRESSIVE iiINCFPTSI INC CELLUAR PHONES 19070 ((77� 433a OaS�t0 433.1100 TO I AL. J5�5 TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLE BOX, DUN 516153 425. 0700 447.0400 TOTAL. API PEN ITEM LIS! COMPANY 100 3/29/96 PAGE 5 11222 INV DTE PO NUN DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC. AMT 34, 01 4i01I96 202,56 91.74 4/01/96 345. 2O 631.78 55875 REINERF PAPER � CHEMIIlAL SOAP 25977 4/01/96 422s 0200 27. 76 TOTAL. iiITAL DUE WI FH DISCOUNTS 17,150.25 ►01AL DUE— NO DISGOUNIS 17,150,25 �3/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISIRAIION—GF 1 LIBRARY—GF - POLICE—GF 3 SAKI TATION—lf 4 STREETS—GF 5 WATER—EF 6 WASIEWAIER—EF 7 EI_EC FRIC—EF 8 PARKS—GF 9 PUBLIC WORKS—GF 10 FIRE—GF 11 VEHICLE MAINT—GF 12 ADMINISIRATIOWEF 16 PUBLIC WORKS—EF 17 SULLIVAN CENTER—GF 18 DATA PROCESSING—EF 19 VEHICLE MAINT—EF 20 HEALTH SERV,-13F 23 GENERAL FUND ENTERI='RISE FUNi) 214.6c P,O, BOX 916002 19070 4/03/96 294,30 �94.30 Ps 0. BOX 719 18981 4/03/96 976.98 9`r6, 98 1431 COMMERCE BLUD. 18679 4/03/96 27,76 27, 76 17,150.r5 759.96 2J9.63 6 74.50 631.78 1, 059.74 4y^c60.64 557,40 4y 340.67 2,694.30 187.36 98060 13.50 635, 28 13.54 32.83 142. 0 42 13.50 315. 00 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 0346 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, WHEREAS, a petition has been duly signed and acknowledged by each and every person or- � + corporation having an interest in the territory proposed to be annexed; WHEREAS, said petition was presented to the governing body and approved such petition not less than five (5) days and not more than thirty (30) days; WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the City and is not more than one-half (1/2) miles in width, and on which fewer than three (3) qualified voters reside; WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for said tract which is attached as Exhibit "A" to this ordinance, WHEREAS, the City has published notice of hearings on said annexation and held hearings as required by law; and WHEREAS, after hearing such petition and the arguments for and against the same, the governing body has voted to grant such petition and to annex said territory into the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1: That the following described territory is hereby annexed into the City, and the boundary limits to the City are hereby extended to include the said territory within the city limits of the City, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1241, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING PART OF A (CALLED) 62.389 ACRE TRACT I, AND PART OF A (CALLED) 66 ACRE TRACT H. AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM STEWART CRAIG SNIDER, ET AL TO BILL McCLELLAN, TRUSTEE ON THE 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1990, Ordinance No. 03-96 Page 2 April 1, 1996 RECORDED IN VOLUME 2899, PAGE 59, REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Double Twins Addition, Phase 2, as shown by the map thereof recorded in Cabinet G, Page 73, Plat Records of Denton County, Texas; THENCE NortlL 89 degrces 04 minutes 03 seconds Ea.�t, with uhe South line of Lot 2, of said Double Twins Addition, a distance of 465.40 feet to the Southeast corner of said . _ . 4 .......1 Double Twins Addition in the middle of Keaton Road; SOUTH 00 degrees 14 minutes 29 seconds East with the middle of Keaton Road, a distance of 514.26 feet to a corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 24 minutes 35 seconds West a distance of 560.92 feet to a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 44 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 860.88 feet to a corner on the South boundary line of Lot 1, Block 1, Double Twins Addition, Phase One as shown by the map thereof recorded in Cabinet F, Page 199, Plat Records .of Denton County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 04 minutes 03 seconds West with the South line of Lot 1, of said Double Twins Addition, Phase One, a distance of 100.00 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 2 of said Double Twins Addition, Phase 2, THENCE South 00 degrees 44 minutes 26 seconds East with the West line of said Lot 2, a distance of 350.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing in all 7.43 acres of land. Section 2: That the municipal service plan for the herein annexed territory provided for in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3: That the city secretary is hereby directed to file with the county clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by state and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 03-96 April 1, 1996 Page 3 PASSED by an affirmative vote of the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, this lst day of April, 1996. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED: Nel Armstrong, Mayor EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Tract 61A consisting of 7.43 acres, subject tract being located on Keaton Road. INTRODUCTION This service plan has been prepared in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Sections 43.033 and 43.056. Municipal facilities and services to the annexed area described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the city at the following levels and in accordance with the following schedule: POLICE PROTECTION Patrolling, responses to calls, and other police services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. Fire protection and fire prevention services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Emergency medical services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Solid waste collection and disposal services will be provided within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. EXHIBIT "A" MAINTENANCE OF WATER AND WASTEWATER PAGE 2 Maintenance of water and wastewater facilities will be continued to be maintained immediately after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. Maintenance of roads and streets and drainage will be provided v:ithin sixty (60) days after tle effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout . the city. ... .........._.__. _, _ . :.. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting will be made available within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the _ annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. I 1 '• 1 1 i 1 If any city pazk and recreation facilities are located within the annexed azea, they will be maintained within sixty (6) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as similar facilities are maintained throughout the city. OTHER SERVICES Other services that may be provided by the city such as planning, code enforcement, animal control, library, pazk and recreation, court, and general administration will be made available within sixty (6) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. CAPITAL IlVIPROVEMENTS Construction of needed water, sewer, street, and drainage facilities will begin within two (2) years after submission of written request by landowners and payment of any development fees and construction costs required by the city in accordance with subdivision regulations and water and sewer extension policies. Construction will be completed within four and one-half (44/2) years after request unless the construction process is interrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the city. No impact fees will be charged to any developer or landowner within the annexed 011t azea except in conformity with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, ch. 395. Construction of other capital improvements shall be considered by the city in the future as the needs dictate on the same basis as such capital improvements are considered throughout the city. UNIFORM LEVEL OF SERVICES MAY NOT BE REQUIRED Nothing in this plan shall require the city to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the city, including the annexed area, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different levels of service. TERMS This service plan shall be valid for a term of ten (10) years unless the majority of landowners or registered voters of the area vote by petition submitted to the city for disannexation, then this service plan shall no longer be binding upon the city. r 1 r The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings aze held in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.052. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 04-96 AN ORDINANCE, ADOPTING A CITY OF BANGER WATER CONSERVATION PLAN AND DROUGHT CONTINGENCY PLAN; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF NOT LESS THAN $10.00 PER DAY NOR MORE THAN $200.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF" NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS THEREOF; DECLARING A PUBLIC NEED OF AN EMERGENCY NATURE FOR THE ADOPTION HEREOF ON ONE READING; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND ORDAINING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE FOREGOING* BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BANGER; DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; WHEREAS, that the City of Sanger is in the process of developing a Water Conservation Plan; and WHEREAS, the Texas Water Development Board (the "Board") has encourageA the City and all people in Texas to conserve water; and WHEREAS, the Texas Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission rules require that the City adopt a Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan which has been approved; and WHEREAS, the City has previously submitted to the TNRCC a proposed Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan which has been reviewed and commented upon by the TNRCC; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined there is an urgent need in the best public interest of the City of Sanger, Texas to adopt a Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan, and the City Council further determines that such public need is of an emergency nature and the legal requirement of two required separate readings of the subject ordinance be dispensed with and waived; and W'dEREAS, the City Council of the City now desires to evidence its approval of the Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan and adopt such plan as an official policy of the City, Now, Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: ,SECTION I a. Apbroval of the Plan: The City Council hereby approves anA adopts as the City's Water Conservation Plan the Water Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan Attached hereto as Exhibit "A" to be included in full as a part of this Ordinance as if recited verbatim herein. commits to implement the program according procedures set forth in the adopted plan. The City to the The City shall report on the implementation and effectiveness of the plan in accordance with the outline set forth in the plan. ,�FCmION III In regards to implementation and enforcement of the Conservation/ Drought Contingency Plan the Mayor is designated as the official responsible fore implementation and enforcement, and the following guidelines are adopted: a. Mind Conditions: At, any time the peak daily water use approaches 80� of water supply capacity, for three consecutive days, the Mayor shall be authorized to request voluntary compliance by all users and initiate other measures in accordance with the Conservation/ Drought contingency Plan as set out in the said attached b. Moderate Conditions: At any time the peak daily water use occasionally reaches 90% of water supply capacity, for three consecutive days, the Mayor will implement the Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan as set out in the said attached plan. c. �PvArP Conditions: At anytime the system exceeds total water supply capacity for three consecutive days, a penalty shall be imposed on all users not acting in compliance with the Conservation/Drought Contingency Plan attached hereto in accordance with the standards of usage outlined within the established therein* plan and with the penalties In the event that the above Item C Severe Conditions persist for an extended period %J time the City may ration water usage or terminate service to selected users of the system in accordance with the following sequence: First: Second: Third: Commercial Users Residential Users Public Health and Safety Facilities Users of city water except for the City, that do not comply with Section III of this Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty and fine of not less than $10.00 per day nor more than $200.00 per day for each day of non-compliance and/or disconnection or discontinu- ance of water services to such users by the City. SECTION V The City Council finds and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of this meeting of the City Council was posted at a designated place convenient to the public at the City Hall for the time required by law preceding this meeting and that such place of posting was readily accessible at all times to the general public, that all of the foregoing was done as required by law, and that this meeting has been open to the AC-4 public as required by law at all times during which this Ordinance and the subject matter thereof has been discussed, considered and formally acted upon. The City Council further ratifies; approves, and confirms such written notice and the contents and posting hereof. FASSEI3 Ai3D AFFROVEO THIS day of CITY OF BANGER Nel Armstrong ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary 1996 PROCLAMATION No. 02-96 Whereas, child abuse is a national tragedy that affects us all with over 2.5 million children being reported annually as abused or neglected; and Whereas, child abuse is recognized as an ever increasing problem in today's society which affects educational institutions; prisons, health and social service systems as well as the community as a whole; and Whereas, the U.S. Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect appointed by Congress issued a report stating the amount of child abuse in our country constitutes a national emergency; and Whereas, the IOF FORESTERS AGAINST CHII,D ABUSE campaign and local Court Bluebonnet observes April as IOF Foresters Child Abuse Awareness Month in order to increase the effectiveness of Child Abuse Prevention Month, I, Nel Armstrong, Mayor of the City of Sanger, do hereby proclaim the importance of all citizens recognizing and helping to prevent child abuse. Furthermore, I encourage the citizens of Sanger to support prevention through parenting education and support programs, volunteerism, and community involvement. Dated this 1st day of April, 1996. Nel Armstrong, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS Court Bluebonnet Fort Worth City Secretary City of Sanger Sanger, TX March 3, 1996 Dear City Secretary: April has for many years been recognized as National Child Abuse Awareness Month. I am requesting a proclamation from your city proclaiming April, 1996 Child Abuse Awareness Month, and the third week of April, 1996 as IOF Foresters Court Bluebonnet Child Abuse Awareness Day. Volunteers from Court Bluebonnet and area police departments will man a Child Abuse Awareness booth in an area shopping mall on April 20, 1996 to answer questions about Child Abuse, provide free brochures on: ChildHelp IOF Foresters Hotline, Test Your Parent IQ, and IOF Foresters Bowling for Miracles. If requested by the parents, their child will be fingerprinted and photographed for ChildPrint. Since 1974, the IOF Foresters has made the prevention of child abuse a priority by raising awareness of the problem here in the U.S. and abroad. In 1990, the IOF Foresters became the title sponsor of the ChildHelp IOF Foresters Hotline, the only toll -free crisis line serving all of North America to help victims of abuse year-round, 24 hours a day. The IOF Foresters is a membership organization for families that is open to all regardless of race, religion or heritage. Organized solely for the benefit of its members, the IOF Foresters has provided peace of mind through various services and financial products since 1874. Court Bluebonnet, established in 1969, is the Tarrant County Chapter of the IOF Foresters and has over 5,000 members. A not -for -profit fraternal benefit organization with more than 1 million members, the IOF Foresters is dedicated to helping families through such programs as free fingerprinting for children, care for needy hospitalized children through the Children's Miracles Network, child abuse prevention programs and parenting education by the I amaze Inswlt!lte for Fa mif;Edhacatio... If you need additional information about the IOF Foresters, Court Bluebonnet or the Child Abuse Awareness event schedule, feel free to contact me at 817/788-8169. Sincerely, PHWIP A. FERRANT, Court Bluebonnet Chief Ranger .4AR R 1�96 i P.O. Box 26568 . Fort Worth, Texas 76126 (817) 536-9235 . FAX (817) 536-9236 CORPORA'L'Lti WELI_,NESS PROGRAM 25 or more Employees $l0,00 per P1111ployee t .1� 1 1 1111 r oy( (1) 1 1 ), 00 p(�r L;nip1 oyce Rates are per Employee per month, clue pay�ihle t-lie Pi r ; t of each month. Aqreement for 6 months or Yea1ly. P;ach eml>1 ogee wi l 1 recce i vc� 1inl i n1i_ted u:>c� of t_hc 1 ac i 1 i_ty during regular business hours, plus one comp'_i_mentar_ 'ill F —hI F r a i 11 i r1ri c� � r.r, _ -_ k, A- -t -� A+ .J- _) J3 v I I t o 1 CA m .L i 1 a 1_ L l I I new member with proper use of i he equipment and to ,-1s9 is them in beginning an exercise program that will. bring them results. Personal training sess_i_ons will be Scheduled by appoi ntment BINEFT`I'S T'ROM A WL;1,T,NL�SS PROC;RAM * A HAPPTL;It AND HI?Al,'T}}TI;R W(lRl< I;NVfR(1NMI?N'1' * 1_sM]'lC)YI;ES SUI'L'LR I'L,'WER 11J_,NI�,SS ANU CAN BUUNCE BACK QUTCKf?R 11ROM TIJARSS RX'Ul,'1'1NC; IN l'TWT;1Z M1SSL;D I>ilY * ACTIV[; IND1V I D[ AI,S HAV1�; MORI? �`l'/\I�IINl1 ANT) L;NL;RGY `I'1.1AC`1 PHTs]:R TNACTTV 11 COUNTERPAR TS LESS DEPRESSION, MOOD SWINGS * LESS T,TKPT,TT}OOD Ole' TN,TTIRV S11111 1i,17 BY 1';I`9T'[,OYI?L,S * EMPLOYER WILL BENI_;L'I'I' F'R01l�1 A MORE PP,ODUC�l' [ V ? EMPL(YL,E � EMPLOYER GVI [jI. BENL;L'1_'1' FROM }l\VIN(1 L'EV?ER WORK. DAYS P1TSSI;D - C;P.I?A'1' CC)S'T' SAVL;R * MUST _INSURANCE <✓'UNl1'ANlES W.11,l_, r,�Ui\L1f'`l '1'1.1E L;Ml'LUYER 1�01: SAVTNGS ON '1'llETl� PT,AN I�'OI� I NC'Ol�l'Ol�lV'1'TNC; A 1'IOGR/\M THAT PROMOTES BETTER IIFAL'I'II AI I) W1i'liliNESS 14'0P THETR As employers continue to .�;ei11 ch i n tocl;�y' 1; r,T r,r i n��cl ec�ononiy, ,� 1d EX�I'REML; IN( . (or ways to cut. CITY OP SANGER Memorandum March 11, 1996 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Denton County 5esquicentenniai Paraae Denton County's Sesquicentennial Parade is scheduled for April 13 at 10:00 a.m. The girlscouts have advised us they were invited to participate and would like to carry our City Plag during the parade. RC:ck DENTON COUNTY SESQUICENTENNIAL MEMBERS Margaret Smith, Chair Carl Anderson Patrice Benefield Derrell Bulls Val Bulls Derrell Bulls, Jr. Peggy Capps Mike Cochran Tim Crouch Camille Milner Kenneth Davis Sherri Etheredge Gene Gamble Norma Lynn Gamble Carol Ann Ganzer Venson Hall Opal Hall Mary Evelyn Blagg Huey Dean Hulsey Al Hurley Joanna Hurley Effie Johnson Troy LaGrone Louise Massey Will May Evelyn Miller Fran Miller Sarah Parker Fred Patterson Fred Pole Barbara Pole Carol Surles Priscilla Sanders Terry Schertz Ellen Schertz Dick Waters Beverly Williams Debra Woods STAFF Paul Abbott Myra Anderson Cecile Carson Richard Foster Ed Hodney Jane Jenkins Sheree Turner CITY OF DENTON COMMITTEE Fellow Residents: Denton County is celebrating its 150th birthday. We are plannutg a party to remember our past and have some fun in the present. A major part of the celebration will be a big time parade. Here are the Tans: 1. Date: Saturday, April 13, 0 a.m. Start: North Texas airgrounds (Carroll at Sherman) Route: South on Carroll , East to Courthouse Square, North to close at Civic Center Park Details: Check in starts at 8:30 a.m.; coil at 9:30 a.m.; step out at 1� a.itz. 2. This parade is open to all. There is no fee, no rehearsal and we will handle the details, such as security, transport, parking, water, etc. 3. If you wish to participate, I must have your entry by noon, Monday, April 1. Your plans can stay flexible, but late entries will have to follow the elephants. 4. All entries must be safe and under experienced control. If your theme is a bit off center, fine. But we will maintain a level of good taste. Please don't plan to toss goodies along the route. Come to the picnic in Civic Center Park and you can give away the store. 5. The parade will include foot marchers, bands, wagons, horses, toy tracts, floats, aircraft, old cars and at least one boat. So, look in the attic for your coonskin and be a player. We want you to be a part of our celebration. Start working on your group today. All entries will be furnished an exact route map, more details and approximate duration on Saturday, April 6. If you have any questions, please call me at 214-622-2596. I'll handle it. R.E. Montgomery, Parade Chairman DENTON COUNTY •[fgUIC[NT[NNIAL C [L[SRATION 1046.1996 North Central Texas Council of Governments or Air Quality Advisory Committee Regional Transportation Council r i• iP 01 I-35 Corridor Coalition t•'::'`���4c, Chairman March 22, 1996 Dear Friends, North Texas Clean Air Coalition Advisory Board North Texas Commission Transportation Task Force On behalf of the Denton County Commissioners Court, I atn proud to extend a special invitation to a VIP Luncheon honoring Chairman David Laney at this year's DentonCounty Transportation Day, to be held April 4, 1996. As with years past, this special day is set aside so Denton County's vast and diverse region can be showcased. This year's guest, the newest member of the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC), will spend a portion of the day with us to get an "up close and personal" look at Denton County's transportation projects, both existing and future. Having been recently appointed by Governor George W. Bush, this will be Chairman Laney's first official visit to Denton County. Those of you who have participated in past Transportation Days, know the value and impact these events have as business and civic leaders alike gather to promote projects for the common good of our region. This complimentary VIP luncheon is scheduled to begin at 11:45 at the Radisson Hotel in Denton, located at 22L1 Interstate Highway 35 E North, Please plan to join us as we give Chairman Laney a Denton County style welcome. Seats are limited at this luncheon, so please reserve your seats early. You may make your reservations by calling my office at 817-565-8687. DENTON COUNTX COMMISSIONERS COURT •COURTHOUSE-ON•THE-SQUARE 110 W. HICKORY DENTON, TEXAS ?6201 (817) 666-8687 1.800-346-1689 •FAX (817) 382-084b AS ®F U /25/96 RESTRICTED ASSETS (Obligated by Bond Ordinance or Other Restrictions) Utility Bond Reserve CD 227,482.00 Utility Emergency Fund CD 16,212.00 U.F. Int. Skg. Savings * 83,109.42 11/15/95 Made 1 Bond Payment of $71,925.00 * Deposits to Int & Skg of $24,529.00 made in order to make Bond Payment of $156,700.00 by May 15,1996 CO 94 Int & Skgs. * * 37,175.3 5 ** Payment of $21,448.00 made to I&S 94 monthly to ensure Bond Payments. Payment of $59,770.00 wired 2/28/96. CO Construction Reserve CD City of Sanger UT Deposit Savings CD SAVINGS ACCOUNTS U.F. Equipment Replacement G.F. Equipment Replacement Water Capital Reserve Sewer Capital Reserve Hotel Motel Tax Savings City of Sanger Parks Savings *Paid $5761.53 in expenses J & K Lighting Hunter &Associates Lalce Cities Water Products CITY OF BANGER BK FUPID BAL: Paid Librat;v Expense Pooks: Baker & Taylor 38,000.00 55,000.00 13,152.89 132379076 8,693.66 232326057 13,475.53 29,500.03 1,617.00 163.35 605.00 3,376618 5,761.53 539.55 28.20 City of Banger's Savings $45,000 (Set aside if needed for furture transfer to GF for 1 st GNB Loan Payment Note $60,000) GUARANTY NATIONAL BANK SANGER BANKING CENTER March 27, 1996 The City of Sanger P O Boar 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Please accept the enclosed donation to the City of Sanger Beautification Fund in memory of Hazen Armstrong. We would appreciate an acknowledgement being sent to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong. Vice President and Executive Officer GEH/vj enc. 00003Q 100 Exchange Blvd. Telephone (817) 458-7404 P.O. Box 128 Denton (817) 387-4022 Sanger, TX 76266 `The Financial Sign o/the Times" Facsimile (817) 458-3536 _oo-