03/18/1996-CC-Agenda Packet-Regulararch 18, 1996 MINUTES: City Council March 4, 1996 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, John Coker 1. Mayor Armstrong Called the Meeting to Order, led the Invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to Approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input Georgia Royal, 200 Willow, addressed a problem concerning her 7 acre tract she was subdividing. She had visited with former City Administrator John Hamilton, and upon his recommendation had this surveyed; however, she did not know there were so many restrictions that applied by subdividing the property. The fees that she thought she had to pay were more than what she was told . She was not aware she had to pay for the construction of water and sewer lines. Mayor advised this would be on the next Council agenda for March 1R. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Hiring of new City Administrator. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to hire Larry Keesler as City Administrator at a salary of $52,500 per year. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat Abney Acres ETJ being 42.959 acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson that upon recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission that the Final Plat for Abney Acres ETJ being 42.959 acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Bell. P rfi M 5"� �J �." 4 @, 1 CC Minutes - 03/04/96 Motion Carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Appointment of Alternate Judge for the May 4, 1996 Election. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to appoint Louella Ward as Alternate Judge for the May 4, 1996 Election. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Any Other Such Matter. Roxanne Sandefuer, President of Sanger Chamber of Commerce, gave thanks of appreciation to Council in their efforts to better the community and the surrounding area, and for Council's support of the Chamber's activities. �. Adjournment. CITY O1= SANG R V NOOR INV NO 200 ABC: RSOURCF6 MAWf H CC 960011 431 1100 T C I`k A0AMw CXiCRMINATING CO, I Ql Rf Y PE9i CONTR 38W I Ol Al 1 �t�, 8 A T °• C TFLfFPHONB 1896P 4.33= 0100 43.,e1600 43: s 0100 4 ,a,s 1600 TOTAL 1590 AT f WIRkL C, 9CRVKXS MOBILE'a IFLEPHONF, 1896�i 45`3, 1000 44'3,1100 4.3J, if i.°00 MIA[ AP OPEN iTa I_iST COMPANY 100 31,1 /136 PAGE 1 14a6`1 iNV DTC PO NUINi SUE DTE PURi H AMT 01'-iCa AMT Pe O. BOX 661 14/96 18491 3/100/96 IO& 00 too 100a 00 PC Ii, ROX 13 3J14/96 18964 3120/96 49m00 a00 49e AA 49, 0 , O0 3i 141196 18960' 3JP0/96 158m !2 , 00 762 77 76.77 4C 23t U�5 1586 12 a 00 PaOr I?OX F„'0051 3714/96 1.8963 3/F1,O/96 154,49 ,O0 60, 60 44m 59 49e 30 i54,49 .00 ='�4;� hiF'C 611i='C'i_Y iP�C= C��7X 89 9COA Pf-PAIR 4176 3/14/96 18664 411L0196 80e93, 400i 4,n'1 v 1100 8Oa 93 T O1 AL 800 93 a 00 34ir'S 80.CH6RI S AUT,DIOTIYE 9,_i Ne 8TH SANGER, TEXAS FL.YM. H. 'Jo 3/ 14; 96 186279 3/20/ 96 200a 00 e 00 419e 1100 171040�0 [URN ROTORS 9U,43 3/14/96 18606 3J2�/96 15a00 300 419Q 0390 15m 00 ITOAt 35e CO e 0O .376F, ROI_TVAR HI FI]JAi I'Y PROOM T PCuz OOX 188 ANIIf"REFI'L. 21-'4G 714/96 18 J5 JIL'�[I96 !L,�3�c� :EEO 419, 0300 4= tltA 0 419a 0500 4, 010 4195 O600 4, 00 4194 tr (0o 4g t110 419,MOO 4c00 4119e 1000 4, 00 419, ;'00 4a 00 419G }:'600 ' e 00 OTAC _=°A 00 , 00 41r,ti 9URRI.I'a ` V1 RMAF r i PC On 60X 706 Fif_M 12s `4 :3/14/96 16434 3/14/96 cC`,98 a00 4 44, ;: 00 98 DOB F0111) 18470 14/96 18470 3,J20/96 1.39a50 ,00 444= r600 13�e i0 fit I4iC:a CI._FAPlINR C 1851E 3i14796 1851E 3JP0196 7a87 =00 4*'0.0 '00 7n 87 C11Y CIF SANGFR AP OPEN ITEM L15i COMPANY 100 3/15/96 PAGE c S4e�S UFN€ OR IN€? NO INV )117 PO NUM DUE OTIE PUR€:aH AMT DIM AMT REHAB SUPPLIPB 58667 4.39a 5100 3/14/96 5.37 99 18667 3/E'0/96 137e99 00 BL EAC:H IM FACH ITIEBBS & CANDY 18954 44n 2600 18450 444: r'600 18461 I1,JrLI00 413aIGOO 413a 14010 413n1Cie, 0 101AL 3114196 3/14/96 3/14/96 14', 07 8a 80 f'1, SOr;'O 6= 86 6087 18954 18450 18467 v;/c'0/96 3/1E'0/96 31 '0196 IIn C* 8480 45a65 3 6 7 a 07 8 6 , 00 ,OO 000 O� F!9Jlt1'i i&H JAW MRTAi_ 91PPIJF5 Pm Oe I OX 1104 S IIC'E RSCiRB 69847 44i S 0.x00 1CI1At 3,' 14/96 5t135 18966 3/20/96 5m 54T 95 x 00 m00 7vl,:i ;aIJNT[NF.NI'{?{_ RF'3t=.A1�CH CORP Pi"!. BiJX 84'r8 SUPER HCIT 5.8767 3/S4/96 18533 3/210/96 942a 10 r00 1011 At 945:a 1.0 s 00 S:y'00�� C1EN i IJN €�FNiRAL AI='i='P,A1`~AL 39S S NORSIe STe I=°n iJe i�€JX k_'8S6 Nil Gal Rz ALLOC:AI IHO 3/S4/96 18956 3/c0/96 996a 31 t 00 447a 0000 996a 3S T01 AL 996U 31 s 00 1400V€ 1)tNION C0a F1_FC r, CO—I)Pa 1 3501 FM 2181 L IGHiw 18967 /14f96 189F l /?0196 -,c3e da 00 434,'200 45a70 434a 0500 1770 65 M€ 1wR fPs f 18619 3114196 1860,9 3f20f96 15c 00 m 00 430 m OBOO S5 ! i' TOTAL 438,35 ,00 1:�;�'00 €)F Lj i €:IN € O! �NCY ',m Oa 1 7 Nb100DROW LNe LAY C1Lli FEES 18647 ;�/S4/96 1.864i 3/c0/96 80a00 _00 44 7, 0300 80,130 Ell AL 80 olto 00 16:_'�00 FN€)Uff i;AG i;€JMPANY WST HIGHWAY 82 Pts7G BOX 717 F'RCIPANF: t8'34 ,114f96 18403 3/c'01% 1z;9a 44 , 00 M3154/96 58459 f=Of96CRCLAN7330 ,00 414t 1;'O0 3to 1.5 D1 FSFFLg PRDPANE 80A10/9 3114/96 1.8547 nl/� 0/196 48o 83 = 00 4 14 , S,v'A0 .34, 04 414a1.100 14,79 01iE990J 8171941 3/14/96 185A. 37;=0f136 She *=M , 00 414.1.1.00 164 * 6 PROPANC5 ?IIr6F1_ 9 UUAL 3/14/96 18053 3/'_Of96 2166n00 a00 414, 0500 71438 414v OBOO 194a 6;=' TCITAL 391 a 68 00 I}IIY OF SANGU, AP OP[=N TrIN [. sr COMPANY 100 3r15/96 PAID 14;51 WNIJOR INN NO INN OOP Pil NUM OW 014 PORCH AM Ai C. Amr 17;00 CAA[ P_rc; TNC. 'DC/0F'ALiJNCI DRIVEF'.Cl. 60°�E:68 Fi..A i[41_ F i 1 a[11. I I h;a'='47 i1419FJ 18f:, 3 3/ V/196 ;221a 935 , ovi 411 1100 Y;'c'. -00 ;'038`F[At21CI}RNS R 'IFRUT1l 411.. 1400 1 CiIAL. ':viC�tj1 FGTLr7-�;Nil11=R CHI�U.. TNC. URN LAMP ASN 1IV) rBlE, 419. tA50It, TKNDPi'l TfINqo ;`AAA,='A 419. 030QI FLOOR MAI 2882E., 419. t�80tn NISC. PARTS 107917 419.0•3500 FRNl BRAKE PADS 107933 4110300 IOIAL. J4�r=}!} TNFs�RSFAr�: hArTrRTF'l Lim IFRT 18?J97 A19.11LO T 11 A[ �'4E,:1,' .iF[<!�}Ili1 Ilil_ CI}hiPAhJY FCIEL 1uai0 414, 0,300 414t 050O 414. t 10Vi 41.4.10N) 414.:Y=0V) 414 „ OHO�j 414n 0600 A!4.0100 414.1700 ICil AL. ;'J�Wi�� KTI.�::, I}1`al.,ilUhR SL11tSC:RTF'i IOh1 16480 4.;Or C_ir;at%r IFJIA[.. �,O64 KTRRY'8 RE'l['AURAh17 1A957 t"[INCNI M 01 fi° 57 410.0E00 lOi W Ai rNa AI}I;OIINC'S RI=.+w1:1VAa[_6 F'.0. !+Ili �:��+ 114196 1860100/�'0/96 54.70 54.70 F', CJ. IOX AA 3%14/96 18457 3/*2Or96 3,A.81 38.81 14 /9F, f A419 �I1r`0/qF, 1-'6. 50 50 /14/96 1A552 3/20/96 1!fl5.lr0 105.O0 3l14/96 18560 3/20 96 104. A0 104.80 J14/96 13605 �',/cC, qFj 69. r9 Fil 79 344.90 4,CsV1;W' AL.a �A['dar R F'. O. Ni}n SE,0661 / 1lt/'96 iO4to6 /c"0/96 I;0.95 F,0, 95 60.95 4t�1 �=,. 1_OIaLlSr Sl'RI=,h r tilli F[r 104 sr 14%96 18910 67T. 7F, SE,. 16 1.�5> 53 e I I ,3F; 31.39 P42'. 71 1 65, 9E' 1.9:�;7.54 3/14/96 1r34F10 3r�0/96 17, 95 17.95 17.95 P.O. BOX1,' SANGER,TX 7El:=66 ?114f96 18957 3/(u01'96 45.00 45.00 45,00 !'6000 KRT7. 13AUT`l CO. i='.I]. BOX t�',5"O01 CONF:F! 03676�5 3114/96 16473 ,�114/96 1111 W .00 tTt0 !I I ! Y [IF SANIJU WNI)OR INV NO 1-IN1{,R PRODUCIS, INC. iT1lSEJe SiJPP'LII S 18587 0600 4; I r 0160Vj PIPE, 100,1_g CLAN 18644 4PIz 0600 42 1 e 0600 WLPERS 18974 455, OEl00 TOI AL. 27555 LA&!N f_ANil PLINP SI ARIER 57797 !: I'3 i 100 CARE. KIT 58001 101 Al. �'85t!�:� f_t7NF SPAR i�AS ��0, C,A5 1896E 43, 5 1 F'00 4340 4a 0100 4.34, 0600 434, 16100 434E 1600 P 1IPFN IPdV W IiF11 LIST PO NUM COMPANY lov) 14a*21 OW I)iF PURCH Alf 3/15/96 Pffi 4 OlLiC, AMf a ar 14rr5` 6 f 858 / Pt U, BUX 3LL9 1i/�:10/96 1054 88 w L�il�l 4P 6> 71 2190 17 14/96 18644 ?/20/96 �065 'ALA 7 7 a 71 /14/96 18974 3/20/9FJ 4 14 t 00 li4 �Ail_{?C J.7RIVF 3r14r96 18543 3/S�7/96 IP7m 45 31114/96 I861J /20/96 54a95 F'e Oa BOX 6�'OG�6l 3/IAPJG I8968 J/=10/91 57e 29 94m 63 48n 7I 5. 81 196E 97 94e 64 46= 71 50 8c' 1 583m 7I E p 703, 59 54a 95 I8 `s 40 55F`e 58 TC? i Af .9104' iAHIN M ::)PORT"S CFN I U RI 4 BOX I97 1. FIREARM 1RAINING F'i67 3/14/96 I86 0 3/c'0/9E4 405ocq 4P_4s 0301A 40e OVA 1C11 Al 4CLtm 00 RADAR CFR1e 64610 3/l4/96 18646 3/20/96 I35s00 456, 0300 I1 5e 00 10"1Al 135m 0 3I€J10 IMURRAY LWHFINS APP_IAN 5, El 1_00P '°88 Ps Oa BOX 1544 SPOILISHI BULBS . JJJ 3/14/96 18080 3/20/96 15,60 410e@800 15>60 1 C)1A1. l5= 6�? 3I6 ,S NACIONAI_ WILDLIFE FU RAf 89k_'5 I kFSL?URS PIK{ VIFNNA5 VA :I'2'I84-0+001 SUC�SCR IC'1ION I8479 3/14/96 18479 3/20/96 15a00 430E 0;=`00 15t 00 I01 AL 15a 00 31637 W INAN ANO SAPW9; PQ 1 L PtOn BOX 777 Cf II.IR i 143958 '$/ 14/`36 18958 .',i c'01/96 250. 00 44It r-''400 PJoa 00 1 v a C, i t (.� i 1F CRY AM WILLOW S I RF.a f WORK ON PLANT PLI 1019 3/14/96 I8W1 W0/96 E'07,30 x00 e�U s I I Y OF SANI,SR KNOOR INV NO 4 R5x 0 i00 T111R �a'401!I Alh 11JLai,H (-'AbINi� WA6ER5 I8965 4b5a IOIAO 455. 0800 T01 Al 3QOOO PAYLSSS CnSHWAYSn INCV F'X4XI6� U 171 4'3�n M900 GRADS SiAKEO I7?796 4'3.`'i. Lfi9Uiui EDyesXIED" 6. LFVE1 1781I6 A95x 0900 41c'x 1000 S I AKF'3 1 r ;`89 49 a L+`t00 P i.P- WR,:N, HSS 17 /83g5 4I9n 1100 RI BAR, t flh19 178931'_ .TW 495x O9OQl 2X6X41r"95 LIIyH! IA5.7,4 4c'Ix 2100 IOIAL •j:J�`.'FJ �e 7 R & N I. j Il~11f;Iril-i� IP�i,x h UNIFFIRM'Si 18649 416a 0300 101 Al. jj3FLAvl RI IF—L,r!_ i SUPPLY INC. or 4 DIn 11i 0 TOTAL JvF5»iS Je Sn AUItJMIIIIVF RFCCIRL� RADIATOR �:883 419,1100 419x0500 41'3x 0700 41'3n 0600 I=.XAE.JS I t1ASK1=1 �54944 419n itISC:: PARTS 18405 419a0800 41'3n 0500 L NIVER`;AL FtII !i 95 0c'1 419x 0t 0LA I filW AP OK� N ITEM L_ISi COMPANY 100 6/15/96 PAIJS 5 142� IIlV 1 T r"_ PI) NUM DUC OfPURCH ANT AM[ *CIO 1 a 30 c147n 3L� )ALLAS/Ffn WIIR FH BRANCH 580 D1 CKE R DR. 0101 3/14/96 1896.E 3/20/96 2c2x95 I11n48 IIIn47 3/I4I96 8,v'. 40 3f14/96 14. 4R r14/96 114.40 ELM 99 38. OIA =II4/96 94n 65 /14/96 360x49 3/ 14f'36 k_LLe '�vS Pa fln 80X 66033 185c9 3I20/96 82.40 18510 3f'+c/96 14n 48 18�1.11 3f iA /96 141. 39 8486 ::s/;s'O/'36 18534 /;'I<�I/'36 383L7t IRVINt� 81_'J13n /14f90 18649 rc✓4I 6 76n 97 Pn 0. 813X I;�97 3f 14/'36 I5. 00 3/14/96 5x 78 I95x00 5n I'Ilr 135n00 3/14/96 6.47 s114/96 F'x 49 215m 6'�' 14/96 '30 93 3F,L?iL�i(li 54;NG*U i;i]iJi?;.Ff'•. Alli; 4604 3I14r96 •;. Fin 16&�0 rl�16, �rv�t 44 & 01QJO c'06x 25 38.00 34x 6ZI 360. 49 7`�4x 01 76x 9 r 76. R 184'�4 :;/�O/'36 I5n GIiO I5n 0 700 ran 1-35 18 56 3/2,0/96 380x 78 1846�_ 3/20/96 6n 47 18405 3/20/96 48x 11 18464 �;IF'Of96 9x 95 445x 31 Pa 110 BijX 68 ,00 n00 , �0 f I Y O SPING, R AR OPEN I fr�M LIST COMPANY 100. 3115r96 PAGE 6 14 e 2l VETID9R INV NO INV DIE PO NUM DUE DTF 14JRCH AMT DISC, AM TOI AL. .3'7i7i SANGrR IJFI=ICE SI.JF'F'LY 3G3 819LIUAR C;AIALOl 1,01AL COPY BINOER B1NDLR DAI-',': R INWXES t13!i 411, 411, 61'951 411,150 21;=.'4 411,14100 411,1500 14�9�'� 1500 3/14/96 13/ L;114196 39, 39.49 14/96 84 4'9 •�39 101AL Pm or BOX 958 18429 3120196 78, 98 , 00 i857v3(c'+�t(96 i864� •�/C�t4r`96 L IL t51' - 186 G; 3/i4/96 i86G4 a 0/96 IQiAi 4�'Iiitrtlt SN i i H� �= Cs�IiJtJ E RY :_ ('r7Rr �=', Ue H19X '�;�; DI]i �1'98f + ,y/14196 444, '600 18e 9A triJSC, Slif'PL.1FS 39f51 3/14/96 419, 1100 4, 68 419,11tnG , c'7 419, 7001 2m 88 442', Koo 9469 419, Woo 39 41901100 15, 34 4110700 , 79 NAILS 398,'7 3/14/96 437L O500 4, 45 NAILSg HAMMER,H 40GG. 3/14/96 424, 05G0 SACKRFIf 40045 3/14/96 470, 0800 1 16, 16 SACKRrfE 3'9134 3/14/96 4iLD 1 a 06?00 hAtTiN KS NIPPLE`399�3 3/14/96 41 '. 0690 L'9, 18 C-ElILiS, LINKS 18598 3/14/96 421, 0Ez00 4, G6 NAIL-S5 SA,aKRt. f 5 39811 3/14/96 409, 09 0 5, 45 4 1, �t6 rn 60 58 SAC:KFtL 1 E 39844 3f 14/9 : 4;:'1, 0600 98, ici ti1J Sf:, PAR I S 18456 11';(14/96 4;'_4,14azO 0 4m 19 419,1100 L1,43 419, 0500 4, 7'_ 419m 0700 1jt'9 419aO5OO ,6O 40!x 010OR 1400 419, 0300 8, 78 419, 0tQ0 L, rE 184f� �if�'�7f'36 i8548 v/:�'�tr96 1836E 3r1a� /96 31;01-hi'96 1.85'9E 3/20/96 18438 :�/ G/'96 185"t�: 3/F'GI96 18456 3/c0196 91, 7S 4, 45 9, 78 4, �6 1��.`e tii3 9E, r0 6fst�5 U1�1 CITY OF SANUCR VENDOR INV N01 AP OPEN irEm LIST COMPANY 100 0/15/96 PAGE 7 14Z21 IPJV DTF PO NUN DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISCa AMT 419a 0 00 10a 76 PVC FICTINGS 40008 3/14/36 41u:Ia0700 4a05 OUC I WE 4&N 3/ 14/i 41 'a 060QI 6499 ICIIAL I RANSH Rt FRS 58c11 31/14/96 410a ONO `,445a F'ah 1RAfvSFtIRfP1FR5 5S'L'L 10 3114/96 470a0800 7551ra00 IEll AL PAKOCK 44751 3/14/96 470a ONO 8'35a 00 SAW 44?4�i ��114/96 470a 01317i0 70a 00 PRIMARY ELBOW 450,40 3/141196 4NicNOVI 2�3c e'0 10 (AL. 4v5311 I} SfArli 0I RFI, I ORY PRESS IX SI DIRFC`IORY IbE3 3/14/36 4.30a 0100 30= 951 TOTAL. 4��F50 I X I I:[{NC;RE IE 1081cc; 4'35_ Ogt11�� 101 AL. I�Et�itIUF 571�14-'ES 9��0�:'91 4I:Va 030v� (ClfAL 18 r31 3/;;0136 4v 05 1�3678 �1�°0I'�6 6a 99 C J4Lv V•..{ 18481 3rP0196 54 445, 00 1.8304 4 /FOEi96 fro 515m V40 1c:� 36!ta k1Ui Pa Ila I1E7k +341'��0 CL, 6/20/96 895a 00 iG,`�55 u�rc:�if96 (0a�ci0 1-10e�'0 Pulls BOX 12186 18384 3120,/96 30.35 30a35 F'aOSOX 91175 1341 Fia ii+�ICf;IN138IRD LNa 6, 14136 1891�' ui�0/36 550a01� 550a ovi 5 0. ti0 I7:='0 W. UNIVERS1 Y DR. 3/14136 18648 9*E0196 �JU.00 J505 017i 550a OO 4�171Cr i'E]NIpS IaF.t�?CRA(Si+iRC 1I6GLIF 4-'(;r'kf;a CL 1iil4t! 4 it rn OF'00 1 Ui At 3(14,'96 184t( 4v Lill l3i1X �.I40/36 '��6 4a0� 4s 09 4q;-a,�0 UPPER fRINITY VGIONAL NCEfd1HLY PHYf*NE tl279603 447a 0600 WATER DISTRICT 3,/1413U 18961 1� 687a 50 Pa Oa 3J8013e i?RAWER 305 50 I�J1 7Ell Al. i�6'?e50 aOk DR' +7aFa as F'RINiIN;3 11USINESS CF?RI15 6696 3/141`�6 44c'0�300 •�aa �.0 FNVFLOPES 6637 3i14/96 411a I500 77a 7O 41.14P400 77a70 411 v 0100 77a 70 411a0300 77a70 ;�13 win I ili3F_B8 S I E ' 18674 3/2'0/96 9a 00 0!i 18469 3/50/96 388a 50 a OcJi CITY OF :ORIC0 WNI)OR INV Ni] 411a0800 I III AL LIRE LUK 6595 rAN E+EL_I GE18 419® 0300 IEll AL. AP AWN I I Fri1 1AD'3T COMPANY 100 3r 15?96 PAGF. 8 14sc1 ICdV D T E PO NUM DUE DCr PURCH AMT OISCa Rv1T !. 7Cn �;/14r96 I;21a 9 0 r14196 IBM 81 534vUj rlF_�31"I;R I F VF. i FI�Ir�IRF;Y HIIS4='I EUTHANASIA 18975 ti;?14i96 444a CFjOIO 1762 5€ 7 rrl AI �;40,�8 "l�fIRKlf�ii3 FIRE" IRAJ NING rIRIERIA 18c'1 1139a i 1100 TOTAL, REPRl R DOOR, DER 32L`'27 4'3a I"JOVA 4 '�3a 0 10 0 TCIIRL •��;,W'4x,,:; I FXR 1 l=!R6 j F r�fRCsRGFrtiE�lT KILL OFF DLIr+1F'9IE 189'73 447a �400 IIII AL Ra Oa BIJX 355 18544 �3?a'0J96 18a 81. 4;ia71 4501 fps C+1F5R i8975 3/20/96 176m50 VIDFI) TRRI�lIN6 70u��'� CHIF'F-'I�4lRg SIJI (F cR 3/ 14r96 184K 3?2'Clr96 275m 00 300 P275a 0 E75a �ji� a Oki 1703 W. UNIVERSITY 3?14r96 18431 3ru0?96 157a49 a'�O 18a 75 78a 74 1.157a �!58 75 R� I r�kR f C'R6='r R & CNI-:rT1I C;RI— L-'LISH NRLtcir=i� 'S�JB ,7,r14r96 4'll It 0€fit 11 vA 88 IOTRL. r,SA'Sr0 XRw hiUEIICIF'I;i_ IaOIJRi I;( C:OLiR1 (�Ef�S i896'� 3f'1.4?96 44?a P400 .14a OO 1111 RL. 49 �-I IBOX 71'3 18�r',:! �!/4wr96 L,611vc6 a'�� 1431 COMMERCE BLVOt 18609 :_1,rE'Or96 135m 88 a 00 PM AM BOX ,:'605 18960 3/20/96 34 a O � O 34a 10 T v T (i+ I'III"RI_ IIUh I�IIN DI'I!_QIIC�(19 ..3g756a36 ILiIRL DilE— L!U DISGC)Ui�IS 33,756a96 G/L WAR MIENiS AM! NI81 RAIIOPIT4f 1 551a 38 I._I8RRRY—far 89a 91 P0[ Illc4 F 3 15 96fo= 3 t SANIIATIO 13F 4 2 011a;'6 SIREE.T —UF 5 541a67 6JRTI=R—FE 6 4a 91.2r 26 WASI Er -JAI ER—EE 7 78a 13 r1FC1PIC—FF B 154941:,)� PARKS—GF 9 1, 165a EE' F :i RE4k 11 1, 604a 110 SfYFl %WER UOIENIim SSf COMPANY!% 51 vi11% PR3 g « Q Al i lmmR GV NO INV W m MUM mEOG mmH AT Ste. AT »±JEAImE o S« MAYOR &COa2t+ 14 10 MAYOR& mASL+F S 1 .66 AA aDG«a$-+ IG K. AR ± mRKi+F w m. Ai IVAN CEN yR + 18 q.ee V HICTF mil+[ m kt y& COMM. «ERy S Q% m ASF=1RCOL. FF 1191. m80 mK7 AlmLtmTmL+F e■ q% G %? 7+m1-mA !& &r mRpgk mm!±&S City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2941 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Larry Keesler, City Administrator SUBJECT: 2nd Public Hearing Annexation- Jeff McNeill This is the second Public Hearing on Jeff McNeill's property consisting of 7.43 acres. The adoption of the Service Plan and Annexation Ordinance will be presented to Council on April 19 1996 for approval. SURVEY AB3S I RAU I 1G41, WIT Ur BANGER, DENT❑N C❑UNTY, TEXAS, L❑T 1, BL❑CK 1 D❑UBLE TWINS ADDITI❑N, PHASE I N 89.04'03'E 100*007 L❑T 2, BL❑CK 1 S 89.24'35'W 560.92 ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY ABSTRACT 12412 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING PART OF A (CALLED) 62.389 ACRE TRACT I AND PART OF A (CALLED) 66 ACRE TRACT II, AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM STEWART CRAIG SNIDER, ET AL TO BILL McCLELLAN, TRUSTEE, ON THE 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1990, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2899, PAGE 59, REAL PROPERTY RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, BEGINNING AT AN IRON ROD FOUND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 21 BLOCK 1, DOUBLE TWINS ADDITION, PHASE 2, AS SHOWN BY THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN CABINET G, PAGE 73, PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 21 OF SAID DOUBLE TWINS ADDITION, A DISTANCE OF 465.40 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID DOUBLE TWINS ADDITION IN THE MIDDLE OF KEATON ROAD, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST WITH THE MIDDLE OF KEATON ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 514.26 FEET TO A CORNER, THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 560.92 FEET TO A CORNER, THENCE NORTH 00 860.88 FEET TO BLOCK 1, DOUBLE THEREOF RECORDED COUNTY, TEXAS; DEGREES 44 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF A CORNER ON Inc SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 1. TWINS ADDITION, PHASE ONE AS SHOWN BY THE MAP IN CABINET F, PAGE 199, PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 17 OF SAID DOUBLE TWINS ADDITION, PHASE ONE, A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 OF SAID DOUBLE TWINS ADDITION, PHASE 2; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 350.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING IN ALL 7.43 ACRES OF LAND. �N cam, ,�, , �r' 35�. 05' '�, - �' �i A ��S,�Z, �% ,- — O, Z s i �j r �J i2.o u-) i r�. ..-�� %21 �,, �_, .. �` �.'' r��' o � �,�y 4 ��'' l� �r �o � l04 ii4'� o� .'13 '' '�� � � � t t ���,� :�� � �.�s':4 e�� ``\ �c� `� V Z, J� o z • u�i � u A-�.- /o zy• 7!p' s � .� O (DS8 9, �lo D� `� "" O, zzo3 i N koaJ ^� � � r .OS�,Co� c /' .Gl: �r � 8. 9��� ��- r M �' N M >>s CITY OF SANGER P. 0. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7626 MEMORANDUM #2942 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Larry Keesler, City Administrator DATE: March 15, 1996 SUBJECT: Georgia Royal Subdivision Plat Any owner of land inside or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city wishing to subdivide such land shall submit to the planning and zoning commission a plan of subdivision which shall conform to the minimum requirements set forth in the subdivision regulations. No lot in a subdivision shall be be improved or sold until the lot shall have been considered by the P & Z and approved by the city council, t:onditional written approval as to the general land use of the proposed subdivision must be obtained from the city manager prior to preparation of the preliminary plat. All property not subdivided shall be laid out under the direction of the F & Z and shall be checked by the city manager and his duly authorized representatives. It is unlawful for any owner to sell property not subdivided according to the subdivision ordinance. The city shall withhold improvements of any nature whatsoever, including the maintenance of streets, issuance of building permits or furnishing of sewage facilities and water service, until the subdivision plat has been approved. The subdivider shall understand that all proposed improvements are to be installed or constructed at his own cost and expense. Residential Tract Preliminary Plats - $100.00 per plat plus $3.00 per lot. Residential Tract Final Plats - per $200.00 per plat plus $4.00 H1.tLr/7 JONES P. 269 UAMS/ P. 266 Y g��VIM es., Few For Le 46 n ^ )t' t (226) �Ak •4 I 1 VAN D. SHAW Ir1y j VOL 635 I P. 235 GREENWOOD I } VOL 3S4/ P. 380 25 I 1.53 Ace 6 o WU) � a 00 I U 3 > (217.8) I II 0.71 AcF, 75 I 7 — --^ — — — — — — — — —SS— -- — EziSitNG GRAVEL ROAD j, 0 0 0.25 Ace EXISTING ROAD N •. u 0.48 Ace FREEMAN TRACT rj VOL 214/ P. 560 R m w Gl— (217. N 0 d 0 oc , o. 1.00 Ace . 4 30 CNARUE H/SKIN° VOL 375/ P. 180 130 T job--OFF— — PROPOSED Ln 1680 .82 Ac. 0.69 Ac.3 g 0.62 Ace 2 1 b • o I I PRICE VOL 351 / P. 622 W. 0. ALExM+' do W. E. CLAY VOL 155/ P. 13 CITY OF BANGER P.O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2943 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Larry Keesler, City Administrator SUBJECT: Collection Development Policy and Circulation Policy Sanger Public Library The Libary Board met Monday March 11, 1996 and proposed some amendments to the Collection Policy of the Library and to the Circulation Policy. Attached are the changes as indicated. The Library Board is recommending City Council approval on the proposed amendments. { xI As& x -, as A131 CHANGES TO THE COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY r,ve4A OF THE BANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY ��, j4 'All �all, `..,Xq Am , 1. Third section:: PRINCIPLES OF SELECTION, paragraph on Selection �#Am Am 11 A Aids : 13�Add "the reputation of the publisher (such as National Geographic for natural history titles)" aids. °', The amended pa.ragr.aph now reads: to the list of selection In order to determine if a work meets any of the criteria the Librarian may use published bibliographies of recommended works =x,All I a lv�11 � (such as the public Library Catalog or the Texas Bluebonnet List), `, book reviews from current sources (such as Booklist), the A'mI �r`cputation of the publisher (such as National Geographic for Am `natural history titles), or the judgment of the Librarian after A� personally examining the work (as with approval plans). P�A A 2» Third section: PRINCIPLES OF SELECTION, paragraph on Type_s. of ms�terials Replace the sentence "Due to budget limitations, audio tapes, V, video tapes, and other media will not be collected except through AAA %' r " e sentence "Audio tapes, video tapes, CD ROM, donation. with the p ���' andother media will be collected under the same criteria as books. " Y � x ^ r City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 MEMORANDUM #2944 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Larry Keesler, City Administrator DATE: March 15, 1996 SUBJECT: Awarding Bid for City's Motor Vehicle Fuel The bids will be opened on Monday March 18, 1996 at 2:00 p.rn. A bid sheet will be prepared for Monday night's meeting. CITY OF BANGER P.O. Box 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2945 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council FROM: Larry Keesler, City Administrator DATE: March 15, 1996 SUBJECT: 2nd Public Hearing for Submission of TCDP Grant- Water Improvements 'The 2nd Public Hearing is normal procedure for submission of the City's 1996 Grant Application. The attached Resolution must be approved by Council authorizing the submission of the application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. NEWSPAPER NOTICE INSTRUCTIONS TO NEWSPAPER: The notice must be published in either a legal or non -legal section of the newspaper. It must be published a minimum of three (3) days (72 hours) before the date of the hearing as scheduled below in the notice. Please provide an Publisher's Affidavit and a full page copy of the advertisement (tear sheet) to the city as soon as possible after its publication. PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SANGER TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The City of Sanger will hold a second public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on March 18, 1996, at the Sanger City Hall in regard to the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for a Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) grant. Topics to be discussed will include the application for water system improvements, the amount of funds being requested, and the estimated amount of funds proposed for activities that will benefit low and moderate income persons. The application will be available for review at City Hall during regular business hours. The City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Individuals who require auxiliary aids or services for this meeting should contact City Hall at least two days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. RUN 1 TIME 3/14/96 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACT AS THE CITY'S EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger desires to develop a viable urban community, including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low/moderate income; and WHEREAS, certain conditions exist which represent a threat to the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the City of Sanger to apply for funding under the 1996 Texas Community Development Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS:. 1. That a Texas Community Development Program application for the Community Development Fund is hereby authorized to be filed on behalf of the City with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. 2. That the City's application be placed in competition for funding under the community Development Fund. 3. That the application be for $ of grant funds to carry out water system improvements. 4. That the City Council directs and designates the Mayor as the City's Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative to act in all matters in connection with this application and the City's participation in the Texas Community Development Program. 5. That it further be stated that the City of Sanger is committing $ from its Water & Sewe.� fund as a cash contribution toward the activities of this water system improvements project. Passed and approved this 18th day of March, 1996. Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger, Texas Rose Chavez, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas CITY OF SANGER x x x Memorandum x March 7, 1996 TO: Honorable Mayor, Members of City Council, City Administrator FR: Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent RE: Sanger North Substation Apparently there has been some misunderstanding concerning some costs that we will have in order to energize our lines with the new Sanger North Substation. The building of the substation will be solely the responsibility of Brazos Electric. But, tying our existing lines into the new substation will require us to build two feeder lines from the location of our old substation to the location of the new substation, and one feeder line from Hwy 455 to the new substation. There will also be cost for some breakers and switch boxes that will be necessary to tie our lines together. I feel that since we do not own a substation, and we do not have trained o personnel, we will probably need an engineer to look at this project, just to make sure we do not miss anything important. I suggest possibly using McCord Engineering out of College Station as they are already familiar with our system and work for numerous small towns. In May 1995 I visited with our City Administrator and gave him an estimated cost of this work. He did not want this in my budget, but wanted it broken down separately. Later after I had left the City, he asked Rick to do the same thing, which he did. Why these costs were not included in the budget is beyond my knowledge and understanding. Brazos Electric plans on finishing this project no later than September, 1996, and we have no choice but to buy the material and build our lines to the new substation. The old substation will be abandoned upon completion of the new substation. Hopefully we can discuss this matter at the March 18 Council meeting. �^- :7:� 2l?;»:2f� «2» y: 2:§Z }�<«»»<:�� 4< 2+ 2l�:»c ,■»2 <+ 2 1I ill <» 1 NU VO4, § � � hat were «smissed + ®� �<<«».»■»»�©a<y}»:2f2::« 2? 2 4: are pending for warrant »« for DEFENSIVE DRIVING » 2eyenQe co2ecteJ � f SorSiSRUcJ is Otum U $ 558.00 Mhat were paid 12 hat were dismissed 2 hat are pending for warrant 28 p for DEFENSIVE DRIVING 7 Revenue collected in the month of FI.1RUARY $ 3,063.00