02/07/1991-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting u February 7, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT. MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENTS: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Carroll McNeill, Councilman Wendell Thomas, and Councilman Danny McDaniel Councilwoman Margig Braxton City Manager- John Hamilton, City Secretary- Rose Garcia, Electric Supt.- Larry Yoast, Public Works Supt.- Chuck Tucker, Police of Chief- Benny Erwin, and Jeanne DeVore- Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Minutes were approved with noted corrections: #Item 9: Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. #Item 130 Any Such Matters: Item e. If the City did not get the patches fixed correctly that our streets would not last even until the G.O. Bond were paid in full 3. Disbursements: Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman McNeill to approve disbursements for Payment. Motion carried. 4. Citizen's Input -none 5. Considered and Possible on Reapplying for Municipal Swimming Pool Grant. Discussion -Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman McDaniel to resubmit the Municipal Swimming Pool Grant to the Parks and Recreation Department. Motion carried. 6. City Administration Report: City Manager reported on the fallowing issues: a. Two employees have resigned Linda Estes in the front office and Scott Caster, police office., b. Mr. Hamilton stated he had met with. Benny. Johnson of Frontier Waste to discuss the cost oi' a 30 cubic yard roll - off dumpster which would be 1.50 per cubic yard per month rent, $40.00 per month, $200.00 charge per load disposed. He also advised Hunter and Associates antipicate having the draft of the landfill closure plan available for the meeting of February 18. c. Hunter and Associates is also anticipating amid -week preconstruction conference with Calvert Construction on the Freese Drive Extension project. `d. City Manager also stated that in an effort to improve Council/Staff communication, City Manager advised he has requested all department heads to attend City Council Meeting. e. The 25 fire hydrants have been ordered at a total cost of 12,0858 7. {9 } Any Other Such Matters: a. Councilman Jenkins asked a§- to the status of the Marina City Manager stated that he has spoke with the Corp of Engineers' twice and Mr. Bruce Bunn, stated the Waco Parks and Wildlife Office, has been assigned to share in the project and it appears to him based on what these sources have told him that it is Dallas and Denton have not signed off on the operational contract. However, they did tell him they are prepared to sign the contract. Discussion Continued. Councilman Jenkins asked if City Council could meet with Denton and Dallas and express the City's concern over the Marina Mayor Armstrong advised that the City Manager will try to get some information on the status of the Marina tomorrow and if they still can't get some answers then she will contact some of the members of the Council to decide what to do. b. Councilman McNeill asked about the hours of duty of the Animal Control Officer. Chief Erwin replied she was on a as needed basis. Councilman McNeill then stated he wanted to register a complaint. He stated he carried two animals to her place of business and she advised she did not leave her shop during the day. Discussion Council advised Chief Erwin that if the Animal Officer can't handle her job she needed to resign. Mayor asked Chief Erwin to report to them at the next City Council meeting on the status. c. City Manager pointed out the memorandum regarding possible street reconstruction. He asked City Council to review and possibly it could be discussed sometime in March. Mayor asked City Council to prioritize the list and possibly add the streets they think need more attention and are not on the list. d. Mayor advised City Council of the resignation of Fire Marshall J.C. Landers. e. Mayor Armstrong reported Attorney General has filed a suit against the Census all over Texas. # �, „a, :.' Mayor Armstrong reported the Attorney General has filed a suit that. the State of Texas was undercounted. A decision will be made approximately on July 15, regarding this appeal by the Secretary of Commerce Office, Mr. Robert Mosbacher. He also told her that the City needed to "bombard" the Secretary of Commerce Office with letters stating our case. The City will do a fact sheet and will try to get everyone they can to write a letter with facts supporting our cases to Mr. Mosbacher. f. Mayor Armstrong Advised that the City Manager is going to try to apply for a Community Development Grant to upgrade the Sewer Line .from 455 to 5th Street. g. Mayor Armstrong advised City Man;�ger and herself attended a TML briefing session today proposal bills that will effect our city. Mayor advised that the City will participate in trying to get some of these bills passed. 8.(7) Executive Session According to Article 5252-17, �ernon's Civil Statues, Negotiations for Acquisition of IK:eal Property. Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into Executive Session at 7:30 P.M. 9.(8) Consider and Possible Regarding Executive Session Mayor Armstrong reconvened City Council from Executive Session at 7:40 P.M. Councilman McNeill made the motion we extend the original offer to Diversified Financial to Purchase the Row for 1.117 acres of property to extend Acker Street to Bolivar- and with the stipulation that if they da not accept this offer, City would be forced to start condemnation proceedings. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried with one no vote, Councilman McDanieL 10.(11) Adjournment. a.�; �� City Secreta -. ; ••� �� r �� As r�a����vW.� _ _.