05/20/1991-CC-Minutes-Work Session2 MINUTES: City Council Workshop May 20, 1991 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton & City Secretary Rose Garcia 1). Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to carder. 2}. The following items were discussed: (a) Duties of City Councilmembers and responsibilities. (b) Discussed Consent Agenda which would include Disbursements, Proclamations, Resolutions and Ordinances 3}. City Manager briefed new Councilmembers on ongoing projects which included. {a} Landfill closure and estimated cost along with the rate charges and tree limb disposals. fib} Acker Street Extension. (c } Swimming Pool Grant Application { d } Holt Road Improvements (e } Construction of another Water Storage Tank to accommodate the 1,009,(}a0 gallons of water per day that is under contract with Upper Trinity Regional Water District. (f) Willowood Addition -Sewer Interceptor Line 4}. Meeting adjourned. Yty Secretary m A Mayor