05/06/1991-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting May 6, 1991 Mayor PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Wendell Thomas, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Danny McDaniel, Larry Yoast-Electric Superintendent, Benny Erwin: - Chief of Police, Charles Tucker -Public Works Superintendent, Garland Thornton, Sandra and Steve Day, Sgt. Bill Knight, Tava Berndt, Jack Armstrong, Ernie Gonzales, and Ben Weatherall 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Canvas of Votes of May 4, 1991, City Election. CITY COUNCIL, PLACE 1 Rhonda L. Jackson 34 Tommy Kincaid :163 Ben Weatherall 30 Steve Hollingsworth 62 CITY COUNCIL, PLACE 3 Jerry Jenkins 123 Gene A. Hughes 69 CITY COUNCIL. PLACE 5 Jahn E. Berndt .215 Karen Lambert 67 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Wendell Thomas to declare the figures of the canvas of the general election correct Motion carried. 3. Swear in New Council: Mayor Armstrong proceeded into swearing in the new Council - Tommy Kincaid, Jerry Jenkins, and John Berndt 4. Minutes of April 15, 1991 were approved as printed. 5. Disbursements: Motion was made by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to approve disbursements for payment Motion carried. . Citizen's Input: 1. Mr. Ben Weatherall addressed City Cowzcil concerning the trash pick up. They have no idea at what time to put the trash out. Mr. Weatherall asked City Council if there was anyway they could talk to Frontier Waste Management to adhering to some kind of schedule. Mayor advised City Council they are aware of the situation and they have discussed the matter with Frontier Waste Management and they will discuss it with them again. 2. Mayor Armstrong made a presentation (P3-91) to Ernie Gonzales who just returned from Desert Storm. Ernie Gonzales thanked everyone for all the support and letters. 7. Proclamation P5-91 -Mary Bucklew Mayor Armstrong declared an proclamation for Mary Bucklew P5-91 far June 1, 1991. Mrs. Bucklew is retiring from the school system after serving twenty (20) years. Seven (7;years in Private Kindergarten, along with teaching music and art The Proclamation will be awarded at her Retirement Party, May 19th. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding DARE Program -Mrs. Sandra Day Mrs. Sandra Day and Sgt Bill Knight bath addressed City Council on the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program for Sanger Schools for grades K-5. Mrs. Day stated that the school is willing to participate. Mr. Knight did state the next available tr uning school far an officer to attend will be June 17th thru 28th. ) iscussion. Cost was discussed. Mayor Armstrong did advise that the school has also committed themselves to help with the cost • cilman 1nomas.r • • to auupL TrI ff rogranT. • •-r by • •. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action for authorization of Payments on work performed on Water Storage Tank Brief Discussion. a a, .r • • + • • •. IIIIf vork performed to paint and repair• •` imount of $18,857.50 to Kern Painting. Seconded by Councilman 3erndt Motion carried. 1Q. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorisation to Seek Proposals on Telemetric Controls for Water Distribution System. Mayor Armstrong did state excess Bond Funds were to be used to pay for this expense. Discussion. Berndt o• seek proposals on •'. '•' systemi. he pump and storage• •:carried. City Manager stated this is a denexation bill and also prohibiting the communitieS for the property being deannexed from including these properties in their extraterritorial jurisdictions, removing total control. Discussion. )EVELOPMENT SPARSELYPOPULATEDAREAS .■ 1 VIUNICI., L930 and Senate Bill 1450 deannexing Circle T Ranch Motion 12. Consider and Possible Action Establishing Speed Limit on Int-35 Frontage Roads Mayor Armstrong stated that the Highway Department is setting the speed limits on the frontage roads along Int-35. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to accept speed limits set by the State Highway Department Motion carried. 13. City Administration Report a. Chief Erwin has updated Emergency Operation Plan and at present it is under department head review. Document wi11 be ready for City Council review June 1st. b. Mr. Hamilton also reminded City Council the completion date on Freese Drive is May 29th. c. City Manager also asked City Council if a workshop at 5:3C1 p.m, in the Conference Roam prior to tl•ie May 2�th Meeting be acceptable. Cansensus of City Council to have i:he workshop on May 2atl� 14. Any Other Such Matters: a. City Manager advised he received a fax concerning 1st request for payment in the amount of $31,333.37 an Freese Drive Extension -less the 5°l0. Cansensus of City Council to instruct staff to make payment. b. Mayor Armstrong asked if canstruc;tion has been completed an the water and sewer line on Freese Drive Extension. Chuck Tucker, Public Works Supt., advised they hit rack sa that slowed them dawn; however, they are hopeful in finishing this tomorrow, c. Mayor Armstrong stated that whenever there is a problem to go directly to the City Manager and if lze is unavailable, to talk directly to the department head. d. Councilman 'Thomas thanked all city employees far the pipe work done at the City Park, e. Councilwoman Braxton also stated that she had received a complaint concerning the sewer bil.1 being higher than the. water. City Manager advised if they could 'bring in the bill in order far it to be checked far accuracy. f. Mayor Armstrong stated the City needs to send a sympathy card or something to the family of Jeanne DeVare. g. Councilwoman Braxton also stated that she had received some complaints an drainage not being completed behind Railroad Avenue and behind Hollingsworth l?raperty. Someone has put � X 4's and has caused it to back up. Chuck Tucker, Public Works Supt., advised it has been cleared up. h. Councilman Berndt stated he had received a complaint concerning the electrical outlets located an the telephone pales across from Pat Walker's and the Radio Shack. These plugs are not the outdoor plugs. He is mostly concerned that a child could possibly get hurt. Larry Yoast, Electric Supt., advised he would take care csf this. 15 . Meeting adjourned. 4 � ity S e� �y ' -.���Ag��®m � ����A�, • r-a �s� � ' o '• 'ram% �� � � � �� �� 2 S ` • � - Mayt�r ®�®®� y .rr' ®®®®w ®®�®I/t FXA`J • ®®®®® ` ®®t®®lN®®®i