09/03/1991-CC-Minutes-RegularMayor City Council Meeting September 3, I991 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jahn Berndt, Coi.zncilman `Mendell Thomas, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman Jerry Jenkins Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Supt Larry Yoast, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Publie +Vorks Supt. Chuck Tucker, Elaine Schad, and Jay Testa 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the flag. 2. Consent Agenda CA}. Approve Minutes of 8/ 1991 and Budget �Vorkshap of Sj19/91 b}. Disbursements c}. Approve Final Payment for Calvert Construction Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilman Thomas to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. 3. Citizen`s Input None �. Conduct lst Public Hearing on Annexation far Abstract #29, Sheet 4, Ruben Bebee, 23.6 Acres - Sanger Cemetery Mayor Armstrong declared the 1st Fublic: Hearing open. No one was present to speak for or against Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 5, Consider and Passible Action 9-1-1 $udg et For FiF 91�92 Brief discussion. Madan was made by Councilman Jenkins that the 9-1-1 budget for 91492 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance # 12-91 -Personnel Policies Discussion. The fallowing changes were made to the Personnel Policy: 1.415 {C} The City of Sanger is an at will employer, and not contained in these policies and procedures shall be construed to create a contractual employment relationship or property interest. No supervisor or Department Head has any authority to modify the at -will status of employment, any such modification must be in writing and signed by the City Manager. 2.04 {A} Employment with the City of Sanger shall be based on the best qualified person for any position. N+� one Shall be employed in any position with the City until a completed .application for employment is delivered to the City Manager's Office. All applications for employment that have not resulted in employment will be retained for not more than six (6) months prior to being destroyed. 2.C1O {C} The employee shall notify the City Secretary's office for any change in address, current telephone number and any change that would affect benefits, any personnel policies, or job performance. 2.03 {B} All employment candidates will have a driving record check through the Texas Dept of Public Safety prior to their hire. No one will be employed for a position which requires the operation of a motor vehicle with a DVII or DUID conviction or more than two (2) moving violations in the past 24 months. 2.06 {C} Deleted 2.� 8 New Employee Probation -Deleted 3.02 (A) When non-exempt employees are required to work one ( 1) hour or more in excess of the regular daily work schedule, such extra time shall be indicated on payroll time sheets under the date the time was worked. 3.03 Employees are authorized two { 15) fifteen minute breaks for each eight (8) hour work period. Employees should arrange their rest breaks in accordance with departmental procedures so as not to interfere with City business. Failure to take a rest break does not constitute extra time worked during a normal eight (8) hour work period. 3.04 {F) Upon accumulation of ninety {90) days of sick leave {minimum) of eight (8) years service), all full-time employees will be allowed to return a ratio of sick days to the City at their daily rate of pay. The following chart will be applicable to determine the number of days eligible for pay for qualifying employees for each calendar year contributing to accumulated sick days in excess of 90 days. No. Avail Sick Days No. Eligible Days Pay Less than ten { 10) additional days of sick leave will not qualify for reimbursement. 3.04 {G) Any employee who separates employment from the City of Sanger in good standing and has attained eight {8) years of continuous service with the City will be eligible for compensation at their current daily rate for 1/3 of their total number of accumulated sick days, not to exceed a maximum of thirty (30) days. 3.06 fihe City Manager may grant emergency leaves of full time employees in case of death or serious illness of a member of the employee's immediate family, not to exceed five (5) days per year. Immediate family is to include the employee's spouse and dependents, parents, grandparents and the spouse's parents and grandparents. 3.07 Leave of absence without pay maybe granted to full time employees. Requests far such leave shall be in writing and submitted to the City Manager ten (10) working days in advance of the requested beginning date of the leave. The City Manager or his designee shall have the sole authority to authorize a leave of absence. In no case shall such leave exceed ninety (90) calendar days. 3.10 (A) Any employee directly summoned to serve on a jury, grand jury or in a court trial shall be granted leave with pay by his department head for the time away from work required by such duty. I .00 Department heads are charged with maintaining proper working standards and discipline within their departments. Employees guilty of misconduct, malfeasance, nonperformance, abuse of the public, insubordination, unproductive behavior and/or habitual abuse of work rules and regulations shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the disciplinary policies herein set forth; provided, however, nothing in these policies and contained herein must be followed in any particular order. Some violations or performance failures are so serious that immediate discharge is appropriate. 5:00 (A) In order to resign in good standing, employees in full time positions must submit written notice to the City Manager's Office two {2) calendar weeks prior to the intended date of resignation. Emu 1 ( 3) Full time employees, in order of seniority. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid; to adopt Ordinance 12-91 with the above changes. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. CITY OF SANDER, TE-XAS ORDINANCE # 12-91 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, APPENDIX A OF fiHE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY; TEXAS, ENTITLED PERSONNEL POLICIES THAT PROVIDE FOR THE RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY" OF SANGER, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY' CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids on New Water Line - Int. 35 Access Road from F.M. 455 to Pecan Discussion followed. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to table this item for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Berndt Motion carried. Staff instructed to contact ARA and divide cost as close as possible and confirm the price with the contractor. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Proposed Water Well Discussion followed concerning the need for this well and refinancing the existing bond issues. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid' to proceed with the engineering preliminary designing of the: new water well. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding :Recycling Disposal Contract City Manager briefed City Council on the minor changes that the City Attorney recommended on the Disposal Contract with Southwest Paper Stock, Inc. Minor changes: 1 D). to specify other paper, including newspaper 2). add sentence at the end -Southwest Paper Stock will keep the area clean, orderly, and City wi:l1 keep it clear from trash and unauthorized recyclables. 3). add phrase after Term of, the agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (3Q) days written notice to the other at the address stated herein. Motion was made by Councilman Thomas that the Recycling Disposal Contract be approved with Southwest Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 10. Consider Proposal to Purchase Landfill Bob Tallen, Procurement Mgr, for Southwest Paper, briefed City Council on their proposal of the recycling; facility. Discussion. Consensus of City Council to table this item to allow Council an opportunity to study this proposal further and to possibly visit one of the facilities that is already in operation by Southwest. 11. Any Other Such Matters. City Manager reported on the fallowing: aIN Repairs to �tTood Street have been slowed due to the weather; however, if it doesn't rain, they might be completed this week. b}. Street construction project is near completion as the CitNP y crews are finishing clean up. Mail boxes have been installed. c}. Computer program was adjusted Friday to increase pressure over the weekend. d}. City is proceeding with the landfill closure and it should be complete by tomorrow, Due to the rain, the fence around the transfer station site has not been constructed. If they do proceed with the landfill sale, they will have to make arrangements for another transfer site. e}. State Highway Dept. is going to change Loop 288 to Business 35. f}. City Manager asked City Council if they would like to have a ribbon cutting on Freese Drive Extension. Staff instructed to get with Chamber on the ribbon cutting. g}. Chief instructed to install speed signs. 12}. Any Other Such Matters: PI . Councilwoman Braxton asked why is it taking three to four weeks to pick up limbs and why did it take two or three days to fix a water meter that had water gushing out of it City Manager stated that he did not have an answer on the water meter; however, on the street project, there was a deadline that had to be met and all the crews were working on streets and they were a priority. Public Works Supt. advised that as of today, most of all the limbs had been pieked up. b}. Councilman Jenkins asked if there is a way where we can inform People that the City is not going to pick up their "junk" that they have piled in front of their yard. Chief Erwin replied that these people are sent letters. Mayor also informed City Council about the possibility in the future, hiring a collection agency to collect delinquent bills and possibly take care of the problem with these other collections. c}. Mayor Armstrong asked staff for a financial report. J City Secretary iifilil►ii7