11/18/1991-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Council Meeting November 18, 1991 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Wendell Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Councilwoman Margie Braxton Thomas, Jenkins, City Manager John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, :Public WorKs Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Sanger Courier - Betty Johnson, Dan Almon -Southwest Securities, Ben Weatherall, Matt Palmer, Aline Palmer, Benny Johnson and Randy Johnson - Frontier Taste Management 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation and led the pledge to the. flag. 2. Consent Agenda: a Approve Minutes b. Land donation from the Catholic Church is being handled for us by Den Tex Title in Denton. c. City Hall will be closed Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, 11/28/29-91, official days granted by the Council. d. One resignation, Pauline Garrett resigned last week. e. Memorandum in packet with Michael Herring, Chief, Park Special Services with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, regarding the Pond Creek Access Site - Marina f. Letter in packet from Hunter Associates, Inc. regarding the Water System Improvements (Interstate 35) to Mr. Dill to proceed with the construction of this project; letter dated November 4th and project is almost completed. Mayor Armstrong inquired if the City Staff has checked the pump; if not, for staff to check. Care Inn has a pump they want to donate to the City and all on the tower. It was noted the equipment is just about a year old. City Manager Hated that ARA is forwarding their check as agreed. g. City Manager mentioned the Sales Tax Report has been received. h. City Manager stated that Emergency One's Fire Truck Coloring Contest is where afire truck will be given away which we might want to consider. 7. Any Other Such Matters: a Councilman Jenkins inquired about the house on the corner of 455 and 5th Street at the Stop Sign where the driveway is off of 455. Mayor Armstrong mentioned they had been given permission by the State to do sa b. It was requested for Fire Inspection Reports to go to City CaunciL c. Councilman. Berndt inquired about the drainage problem at 8th and Willow. Public Works Superintendent stated that this would require making same major changes. Staff is going to fixrther cheek out this drainage problem. d. Councilman Berndt mentioned that: there were wasps at the Library: Staff will check this out and, if necessary, will get an exterminator. 8. Meeting adjourned. ty Secretary