06/01/1992-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting June 1, 1992 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman John Berndt, Co7 cilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid 04 dun J• PRESENT: City Manager Jahn Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Public Narks Superintendent: Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Travis Roberts & John Mears with Hunter Associates, Burl Bourland, Frank Mykel, Fire Chief Bill Murrell & son, Evelyn Wright:, Mrs. Chester 'Wright, Jack Richardson, Chris Elieson, David Elieson, Mr. & Mrs. Cox, David Ross, Scott Porter, Ted Porter, and Wyatt Crandall 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Manager John Hamilton gave the 'invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Proclamation #P6.92 - Pause for &.Le Pledge of Allegiance Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input -None 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Change Request (813 Church} From SF-3 to SF4 to Construct a Residence, Lot 5, Block 6 in Hampton Addition Mayor Armstrong opened the Public Hearing to the public. a}. Speaking against the zoning request was Frank MykeL Speaking for this request was: a}. Mrs. Chester Wright b}. Mr. James Cox No one else spoke for or against. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding ,Zoning Change Request (813 Church) From SF-3 to SF4 to Construct a Residence, Lot 5, Block 6 in Hampton Addition Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept Planning &Zoning and staff s recommendation and grant zoning request for 813 Church from SF-3 to SF-4 to construct a residence on Lot 5, Block 6 in Hampton Addition. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried with one no vote. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids for 309 GPM Water Supply Well Bids for the 300 GPM Water Supply Well submitted, 6j I/92, at 4:3f3 p.m. were as listed below: bidder Bid Bon No. Days Total Bid Layne -Texas X 150 $271,9£7C1.tJCl Watts Drilling Co. �V 1543 $314,774.4Q Strittmatter Irrigation & Supply X 90 $207,485.QQ J. L. Myers Co. X 120 $204,846uOO John Mears with Hunter Associates addressed this item and recommended that the low bid be awarded to J. L. Myers of Dallas, Texas in the amount of $204,846.t1Q. Motion was made by Councilman Madders to accept the low bid from J. L. Myers of Dallas, Texas in the amount of $204,846 for the t'fGPM Water Supply by CouncilmanBernal Vlotion carried. John Mears did state the bid included the chlorinator, yard piping and electrical service center. City Manager stated that it's important to note once the chlorinator gets on line and if need be, we can directly inject the water even before the elevated tower is constructed. John Mears stated beginning date could be within a couple of weeks. ElevatedWater Storage •' f# • !below: CBI � Landmark Structures X Caldwell Tank, Inc. X Brown Steel Contractors,Inc. X Phoenix Fabricators X • ' •## :t f $4161,000 f ! s ;t John Mears also addressed this item. Recommended that bid be awarded to Caldwell Tank, Inc., Louisville, KY. he 200,000 Gallon Elevated Water Storage••r by 'ouncilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Denton County Interlocal Agreement Funding (Fire Department) -Fire Chief Bill Murrell Chief Bill Murrell addressed this item concerning possible loss of Denton County funds for Fire and EMS Services. Discussion. Item was tabled to allow staff to set up a meeting with Commissioner Don Hill and see if the City has his support on this issue. At the next City Council Meeting, they can decide who will go to the next County Commissioner's Meeting to discuss this item. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Fuel Spills Policy -Fire Chief Bill Murrell Fire Chief Bill Murrell addressed this item. Issue discussed were the controlls established by Texas tUater Commission and United States EPA regarding fuel spills. The Sanger Fire Department will no longer be able to dilute fuel spills with water to be washed into the drainage systems of City of Sanger. Discussion. No action taken. 1I3. City Administration Report City Manager reported on the following issues: a}, The pre -construction conference on the Acker/Keeton project was scheduled today. They were issued an order to proceed. They will start on Acker Street and hopefully they will be able to coordinate a plan of action to where it will inconvenience businesses and schools to a minimum amount. They were informed school starts back on August 17th. After Acker, then they'll proceed to Keeton. b}. On the ward/'Vi�illowood Addition Sewer Line -Don Sable, owner has had his engineers contact Hunter Associates to see how they can benefit from the sewer line we are constructing. City Manager stated anything that is above what the City is doing will be the developer's cost. c}. The bird problem on Railroad - Ci1.y Manager spoke with Don Holland, Biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife in Brownwood. There will be a meeting of Lake Ray Roberts Thursday and he said he would try to come by and look at the bird problem. He did state that under the laws that they operate under, if the birds have nested, there is nothing that can be done. d}. They are proceeding with the work on the water Iine. They are now east of Jones Street. e}. Mr. Mears stated he still has not gotten permit to bore under the Santa Fe Railroad for the ward Sewer Line, f). City Manager briefly mentioned Centel's merging with Sprint. 1 1. Any Other Such Matters -None 2Meeting adjourned 1. . Mayor MINUTES: City Council Workshop June 15, 1992 MEMBERS n PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman John Berndt, Coucilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Russell Madden O THERS FRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie Garcia 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Texas Municipal League -Video for Newly Elected Officials City Council proceeded with viewing the video.