08/03/1992-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting August 3, 1992 PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid GTHERS PRESENT: City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Kirk Franklin-G.S.A., Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Stacy Seagraves - Sanger Courier, Penelope Looper, Danny Adkisson, and Sandi Willis 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the :flag. 2. Consent Agenda: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. All -Tex Paving Inc. d}. Mid -State Utilities, (Willowood Sewer Inc {Acker Street} System Improvements} Councilman Jenkins made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. U0 Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion Carried. 3. Citizen's Input - None 4. (U). Consider and Possible Action Regarding the City of Sanger Revised Code of Ordinances by Adopting Ordinance #03-92 Discussion followed concerning the changes. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast also addressed Council regarding the problem the employees are having in entering the premises to read the meters. Mr. Yoast is requesting Council to adopt a change in the Code to allow City employees accessibility to read the meters. Mr. Danny Adkisson also addressed Council regarding the accessibility that must be given to City employees to read meters. Mr. Adkisson had a complaint regarding City employees entering his premises to read meters. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Madden to adopt Ordinance #03-92. CITY OF SANGEF: ORDINANCE #03-92 "ORDINANCE ADOPTING CODE OF ORDINANCES" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, ADOPTING ANI7 ENACTING A NmVV CODE OF ORDINANCES, ESTABLISHING THE SAME AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED IN SUCH CODE AS WELL AS PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE DESIGNATION OF SUCH CODE AND HOW IT MAY BE CITED; PROVIDING FOR CATCHLINES OF THE NEW CODE; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE NEW CODE; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS OR ADDITIONS TO THE NEW CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW CODE; ESTABLISHING A GENERAL PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE AND ALL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF NOT MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR: EACH OFFENSE, EXCEPT VIOLATIONS OF PROVISIONS THAT GOVERN FIRE SAFETY, ZONING, AND PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION, INCLUDING DUMPING OF REFUSE, IN WHICH CASE THE MAXIMUM PENALTY FOR VIOLATION SHALL BE TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS (SZ000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR VIOLATIONS OF TRAFFIC LAWS AND ORDINANCES PROVIDED THAT NO PENALTY SHALL BE GREATER OR LESS THAN THE PENALTY PROVIDED FOR UNDER STATE LAW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF ALL PARTS OF THE NEW CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF NEW PROVISIONS AND REGULATIONS INCORPORATED IN SAID CODE OF ORDINANCES INCLUDING: PROVIDING DEFINITIONS FOR CERTAIN TERMS TO BE USED THROUGHOUT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY FOR THE COLLECTION COSTS OF DELINQUENT TAXES; PROVIDING FOR A TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR ELDERLY HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION; ESTABLISHING A FORM OF GOVERNMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION AND TERM OF A MAYOR PRO -TEMP PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS TO LIMITATIONS ON FILING CLAIMS; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS FOR TERMS USED IN ANIMAL CONTROL PROVISIONS; REQUIRING VACCINATION OF ANIMALS CAPABLE OF TRANSMITTING RABIES, REGULATING DOGS DEEMED TO BE DARGEROUS AND REQUIRING LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR KEEPING ANY DANGEROUS DOGS, REQUIRING RESTRAINT OF ANIMALS; REQUIRING PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCES CAUSED BY ANIMALS AND REQUIRING THAT ANIMAL WASTE BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF; LIMITING THE NUMBER OF DOGS ALLOWED IN ONE DWELLING% ESTABLISHING d�1 Matian Carried.11!1I III �:. i i ; i ' is • `. ,! � ,- • , :�; • � 4 i '. : •... Item was tabled to allow staff to acquire some additional information. Discussion. WHEEMIMv owling Road, Old Highway 77, Sanitary Sewer Report Improvemen Is recommended by •-+r by • Motion onsider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R7�92 Denco Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to adapt Resolution R7-92. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. #R7-92 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ■ • i ■ r r r, i L .. I I I Motion carried. City Administration Report: a. City Manager reported that Billy Hill of Texas Parks and 'vi7ildlife Department had called him Wednesday and advised that their Department had obtained lease agreement from the Corp of Engineers and they expect immediate action on the project as early as this week. b. The Keeton Road Project has begarL Acker Street is moving along and should be open for traffic as early as this week. The radius was extending 7th and 455 for school buses and school traffic. Radius was extending to the west a little bit and traffic will be turning south on 455. c. He talked with the engineer of the State Highway Department regarding 4-way stop on 455 and 1.38. The Highway Department doesn't believe the count will verify any significant reason to request an upgrade for traffic control devices on site at this time. Highway Department did promise they will do anything within their guidelines to make that area safer. 9. { 11}. Any Other Such Matters a. Mayor Armstrong advised hours at the City dump need to put up. Mayor advised she will talk to Don :Hill about that road. b. Mayor advised Cindy Barrow, Court Clerk, will be doing a monthly report on activity of the Court. c. Mayor Armstrong advised on report received from Texas Water Commission. She advised it is a good report and there were four items that needed to be corrected. City Manager to report on next City Council Agenda on status. d. Mayor Armstrong mentioned she had received a letter from Judge Moseley regarding the Appraisal District's Budget. Consensus of City Council that each councilmember write a letter expressing their concern and: disapproval of their adopted budget. Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17, 2{e} Legal -Property Mayor Armstrong convened City Council into executive session at 8:14 p.m. 11. {9} Consider and Possible Action Regarding Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S. Article H252-17, 2{e)Legal -Property Mayor Armstrong. reconvened City Council from executive session at 3:3F3 p.m, Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to authorize Mayor Armstrong to continue negotiations with the claimant on the settlement as presented to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. {City Secretary MINUTES: City Council Budget tUorkshop Meeting August 3, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT. UTHERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid City Manager John Hamilton, Electric Superintendent Larry Elieson City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Yoast, and Librarian dicky 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed 1992/93 Budget For Departments Listed Below: a Mayor and Council b. Administration 1}. Executive Session Pursuant to �%A.T.S. Article 6252-17 {g} Personnel -City Administrator Annual Evaluation c. Electric d. Tax Service e. Health Service f. Summer Youth Program g. Utility Billing/Data Processing h. Sullivan Senior Center 1. Library City Manager discussed the following departments concerning proposed budgets in the following order: a. Library -Department Head, dicky Elieson b. Electric -Department Head, Larry Yoast c. Senior Sullivan Center d. Utility Billing/ Data Processing -Department Head, Rosalie Garcia e. Summer Youth Program f. Health Service g. Tax Service h. Mayor and Council i. Administration The department heads, Vicky Elieson, Rosalie Garcia, and Larry Yoast went over their department's proposed item expenditures for 92-93 budget year. City Council proceeded under Administration Budget to discuss City