08/03/1992-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Budget Workshop Meeting August 3, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid CITHERS PRESENT. City Manager John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, and Librarian Vicky Elieson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to carder. 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed 1992j93 Budget For Departments Listed Below: a. Mayor and Council b. Administration 1}. Executive Session Pursuant to V.A.T.S. Article 6252-17 (g) Personnel -City Administrator Annual Evaluation c. Electric d. Tax Service e. Health Service f. Summer Youth Program g. Utility Billing/Data Processing h. Sullivan Senior Center i. Library City Manager discussed the following departments concerning proposed budgets in the following order: a. Library -Department Head, Vicky Elieson b. Electric -Department Head, Larry Yoast c. Senior Sullivan Center d. Utility Billing/Data Processing -Department Head, Rosalie Garcia e. Summer Youth Program f. Health Service g. Tax Service h. Mayor and Council i. Administration The department heads, Vicky Elieson, Rosalie Garcia, and Larry Yoast went over their department's proposed item expenditures for 92-93 budget year. City Council proceeded under Administration Budget to discuss City Manager's Annual Evaluation. Council did not see need to go into executive session. The evaluation was conducted in open session. 3. Any Other Such Matters -None 4. Meeting adjourned. City seqwwr OF �q O ®°a® �.,.»..»..... e 41 ®pro,ei e o � ®�®i; FXAS ••`®® f®gHli6®®®` MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting August 17, 1992 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid City Manager Jahn Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Garland Thornton, Public 'Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Vehicle Maintenance - Craig WaggonerToI. Fire Dept.), Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Kim Clarke, Karen Lambert, Jack Richardson, Jane Richardson, Kenneth Richardson, Kate Richardson, Steve and Sandra Day, Pat Fleissner, Penelope Looper, Sandi Willis, Danny Spindle, Terry Jones, Allen Sweeney, Freddy Inman, and Stacy Seagraves -Sanger Courier 1, Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. Swear In New Board and Commission Members Mayor Armstrong proceeded in swearing in the following: pop mtsa Freddy Inman, Flare 4 Glenn Shaw, Place 2 Jack Richardson, Place 7 Mike Rosenberg, Place 4, was not preseYit. Steve Day, Place 2 Karen Lambert, Place Peggy Haskins, Place �i 4, was sworn in later during meeting.