10/19/1992-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Meeting October 19, 1992 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman John Berndt, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Russell Madden PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Garland Thornton, Stacy Seagraves -Sanger Courier, Fire Chief Bill Murrell and SVFD-Keith Newton 1. Mayor Nel Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. Consent Agenda. Approve Minutes Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkin> to approve Consent Agenda with one correction to the minutes 14. (< . 2nd sentence - to reflect Oak Street repairs. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: Keith Newton with the Sanger Volunteer Fire Department addressed the City Council regarding a drawing for $5D Savings Bonds. Two students from each school, Elementary, Intermediate, and Middle School, are to be presented with this award. City Council drew the winning names. Elementary Winners - Tiffany Tare Justin Rucl: er Intermediate Winners - Tess Stuart: Jonathan (Room 4e) Middle School Winners - Christine Enlow Nicole 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bank Depository Bids Only one bid was received - GNB. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaidi to accept bid from GNB. Seconded by Councilman Berndt. Motion carried. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding gackhoe LeasejPurchase Bids Tractor Loader Backhae Bid, Uctaber 1©M, 1992, 2:3C1 p.m.: ' • � �. ..� Ca11in Ca. Ford Tractor $ 31,889.C1�} 64 months Model 555C P. C7. Box 580 627.77 7°lo APR McKinney, TX 5-1€3 Days N (214} 5�2-12� 1 �, �. Tractor $ 31,E 18.Q4� �Q-622.43 Model 555 123Ci Ft. Worth Dr. �5-752.�2 Denton,. TX 7°lo APR �817} 382-C422 12Q hays {CAB} G. G. Tractor $ 29�,067.�8 Cifi-572.22 Model 555D 1�3� Ft. Worth Dr. 48-�92.(? 1 Denton, T� 7010 APR (817} 382-�42� (N�3 CAB} Case Power $ 33,9�7.(1C1 48-825.18 Model 58Q Hwy. 82 &Travis 3�-1t�59.19� Super K Sherman, TX Soto APR (9D3} 893-7588 2-4 Days Case Power $ 38,39Z �iQ-7'�3.29 Model 58i� P. Ct. Box 61t�526 S ola Super K Dallas, TX 1-2 Days Public 't�Tarks Superintendent Chuck Tucker advised that G & G Tractor far $31,618.Q0 was the law bid; :however, delivery date was 12C7 days since 1993's were not sitting an his lot, Discussion. Councilman Jenkins made the oration to award bid to G +& � Tractor of Denton far $31,618.4D, the low bid, ari Model 555 with a 48 month, lease purchase payout Seconded by Councilman Berndt Mation carried. �i. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Authorizing Bids far Municipal Swimming Paal Councilman Berndt made the oration to authorize bids far Municipal Swimming Paal. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Mation carried. �. Consider and Passible Action Regarding ]Vaminatian to DCAD Board Item was tabled until November 2 until staff contacts school to see who they have nominated or who they ar•e considering. S. City Administration Report: a}. City Administrator advised that the underground fuel tank would be removed within the weep:. b}. There is a P & Z meeting scheduled far Tuesday, 1�J20 at 7:C3a p.m. to consider Darwin 5arge:nt's Final Plat; and, another P & Z at 7:3p Tuesday, l�1J27 to consider a zoning change from SF to 2F an a lot at 8th and Elm. B�aard of Adjustment is scheduled for a meeting that same night at 7:Q0 p.m. to consider setback variance an a tract just west of Hillerest Apartments on Loop 138 in order to construct a strip shopping center. c}. The computerized meter reading system should be installed within the next 34 days. d}. City Administrator reported on the participation fees for Upper Trinity were based on 50 per capita. Last year we adjusted amount of water we were taking; so, this year we won't owe engineering fees. This year with our credit, it will be less than $37C3.00. 9. Any ether Such Matters a). Mayor Armstrong advised three of our firemen have been selected to go to Maryland to attend the same school Chief Murrell attended. Craig '[Waggoner, Keith Newton and Jeff McNeill will be going at no cost to the City. City Administrator advised that it will actually cost $9�Q a piece for meals. bj. Marina was discussed along with deadline for submitted bids. c). Mayor Armstrong asked if we were back to patching streets. d). Councilman Jenkins reported that there is a bad place on the street at Southbound on Loop 138 exit. e). Councilman Kincaid asked if there was any way we can talk to the State about some of those stop signs on 455 {Chapman Dr.} and I-35. Mayor Armstrong asked Councilman Kincaid if he was asking for them to be removed. Mayor advised that it took slot for Council to get the State to put them up. There had been slot of accidents in that location and that is why request was made to the State. Councilman Kincaid felt that the one under the underpass is the one that "bottle necks" the traffic flow. Discussion. f�. Mayor Armstrong advised that on 47ctober 24 at fi:�(3 p.m., Civil Defense will blow their siren and fire trucks will blow their sirens to remind people to change their batteries on their smoke alarms. Meting adjourned. Qj' Clity Secretary Mayor