12/07/1992-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting December 7, 1992 Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Russell Madden, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman John Berndt OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Jack Richardson, Willie Pyron, Jim Bob and Janan Kline i. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, which was followed by the pledge to the flag. a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Payment #3-J. L. Myers-300 GPM Water Supply Well 1). Payment #2-Caldwell Tanks-200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: Jim Bob Kline whose residence is 907 Elm Street, addressed City Council on continuous sewer problems they have been having in their home. They have lived there nine years and it is getting worse. Mr. Kline advised City Council that this weekend. December 5th and 6th, he had a sewer problem. His commode backed into his home and they had to call the emergency number for the City. City employees came out and worked on the problem Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, the problem continued and the city crew came out again and this time the street had to be dug out and then the sewer line was replaced with a six (6) foot section of pipe. Mr. Kline was concerned and emphasized the need for the sewer Line section on that part of town, on 19th between Elm and Pecan, to be replaced to correct the problem. He requested to be kept informed on the status and progress. He also commended Eddie Branhards work performance. �. Consider and Possible Action Regarding ]bequest from Girl Scouts Troop 792 Using Community Center - W;illie Pyron Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to grant the request for the Girl Scouts Troop 792 to meet on the lst: and 3rd Mondays of each month. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Ms. Pyron was advised in the fall that she had to come back and request to use the community center again. Motion carried. 5. 6. & 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities - Switzer Park Bids on Mears with Hunter Associates, addressed City Council regarding Items 5, 6 and 7 on the agenda. (5.) Swimming Pool and Facilities (6.) Restroom and Concession Stand on Switzer Park Bids (7.) Site Improvements - Switzer Park Bids Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities' bids were as follows: BID � BID NQ TOTAL B.._ I� BID �� TaTAL BOND DAYS BASE IIEM ITEM ITEM BID BID Awl A..2 A.3 DRS Contracting, Inc. X 100 79,896 6JOO 10,130 4,423 100,549 P. 0. Box 2207 Sherman, TX 75091 (903) 892-2099 Shasta Industries, Inc. X 120 123,500 M000 97000 3,500 146,000 7220 N. 16th St., #C-200 Phoenix, Arizona 85064 (602) 997-7896 Roxco Ltd. X 90 114150D 97700 14000 650 139,850 P. 0. Box 64 Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 8254193 Architectural Utilities X 120 104,750 7r00 23,000 71900 1437550 P. 0. Box 11586 Ft. Worth, TX 76111 (817) 9264377 Pools by Paddock P. 0. Box 12863 Oklahoma City, OK 73157 X 120 127,746 14J50 21,079 31793 166;768 Monarch Pool Cashier 14850 Memorial Dr. Check Houston, TX 77079 129X9 13,900 None 2,925 FountainHead Pools 5024 Forrest Lane Dallas, TX 75243 X 60 797291A3 117208.49 19,165.53 1,974.96 111,640.41 Restroom and Concession Stand Facilities' bids as follows. 1st ABC Construction X 120 84,400 5,500 2,000 91P00 Specialties, Inc. 7700-A Precinct Line Rd Fort Worth, TX 76180 (817) 498-5025 Tom S. Stephens, Inc. X 150 1067000 7,500 11500 1I4000 2501 Gravel Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817) 595-1206 Wall Green Enterprises X 1087107 4,735 1,545 330 W. Kiest Dallas, TX 75224 Sanger Switzer Park - Site Improvements' bids as follows: Architectural Utilities,inc. X P. 0. Box 11586 Fort Worth, TX 76110 JRJ Paving Inc. X P. 0. Box 59934 Dallas, TX 75229 (214) 869-2971 114,387 115,989.50 wall Green Enterprises X 12C) 67,561 1u,01.I DU 1,800 88,573.5O 330 W. Kiest Dallas, TX 75224 (214) 3744800 All -Tex Paving, Inc. X 6© 56,11f) 19,50E) 1,6t)C3 77,21� 2462 walnut Ridge Dallas, TX 75229 Discussion followed regarding bids on restroom, cancession and the site improvements. Motion was made by Councilman Madders and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to accept low bid of $79,896 on the pool, $6,100 on the wading pool, $10,130 on the decking and delete the lane markers at this time from the bid, DRS Construction, Inc., out of Sherman, TX, was the low bidder, and the other two phases of the program are not accepted and these bids are refused at this time. Also, included is that the fence bid be pulled out and to rebid as soon as possible. Motion carried. City Administrator advised that John Mears and himself would ga to Austin to find out what direction that they need to take. Mayor Armstrong asked Chuck Tucker, Public Works Superintendent, to look over pump building plans to see if these could be done in-house. 8. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Sale of 19?8 Chevrolet Surplus Fire Vehicle Bids City Administrator advised only one bid was received far $51C3.9[3 from Jeff Jackson. Discussion. Council discussed what uses that this vehicle could be used for. Matian was made by Councilman Kincaid to deny the bid from Jeff Jackson far $51C1.€lfl. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. Staff instructed to proceed to check cost of a dump bed or flat bed and painting it. Staff instructed to advise Fire Chief that due to law bid, City will be checking an other uses within the City fcar this vehicle. 9. Consider and Passible Action Regarding New Radio System Bids The bids received for the new radio system listed as follows: Self Radio Montague, TX ?U251 Motorola Inc. 5555 N. Beach St. Ft. Worth, TX 76137 Arm Communications 120 Exposition Street Denton, T� ?F�2C}5 $ low ?39.3t1 $1?,758.C5 4 Weeks $1(3,495 3a Days Chuck Tucker, Public Works Superintendent, advised that Arm Communications is the low bid and they are the dealer that they are working with right now. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept bid from Arm Communications in Denton for the radio system for the cost of $10,495.00. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #09-92, Amending Chapter 4, Section 4.203(c) and Section 4.205, and Article 15.000 of the City Code - Itinerant Merchant License Discussion. Item tabled to allow staff to reword the ordinance, emphasis was on the length of time of permit and also to get some sort of identification cards to indicate the expiration date of permit. Item to be placed on next City Council agenda if possible. 1 1. Consider and Possible Action Regarding I_Tnsafe Buildings Mayor Armstrong advised that she has received several complaints regarding two houses. Taxes have not been paid on these properties for a long time. Item discussed. Mayor advised that the City has the power in the ordinances to tear down dilapidated houses. At present, she has received several complaints regarding two houses. Discussion. Mayor Armstrong advised that before Council proceeds with the destruction of these houses or whatever is necessary, that she would like for all owners to be notified by registered mail and be given a time limit to come back to the City and to advise the City if they will fix the house up. City Administrator advised that this would be the first step and depending on what is received from the property owners will determine what course of action to proceed. The properties are on Railroad and Kirkland. The property on Kirkland is already under tax proceeding. City Administrator was instructed to get a report from the Fire Marshall and the Health Officer, then proceed with notifying owners with copies of the reports stating that properties have to be brought up to code or liveable condition; otherwise, building will be torn down. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Lease -Santa Fe Property Discussion. Santa Fe is wanting $100 a month for leasing the Railroad property on the east side of the track from Bolivar Street to willow. Mayor Armstrong advised staff to instruct Santa Fe that the City only wants half and that the City will expect them to maintain the other half year round. Item tabled. 13. City Administration Report a}. City Administrator advised that he :had received several complaints from the citizens by not having an alternate day pick-up for trash during Thanksgiving Holiday. Consensus of City Council to advise Frontier t�7aste Management that due to complaints from citizens that a full week was too long in not picking up trash and for next year he has to have an alternate day for pick-up during this holiday. b). City Administrator advised there are thirty nine (39) bid packets out on the marina. Deadline is December 15th. c). Letter in the disbursements from Caldwell Tanks and Myers. Water was found at approximately 1100 feet and will produce 300 gpm. There is a lot of activity at that job site. d). Dill Spore, our auditor, will present completed audit, December 21. Council agreed to have a workshop, December 21, at 5:45 p.m e). City Hall will be closed 24th and 2�kth and Christmas Dinner will be December 23rd at noon. 14. C?ther Such Matters a). Mayor advised TML Briefing is always interesting. Encouraged Councilmembers to attend. City Administrator advised if the Council could advise at least three {3) weeks in advance so that flight tickets can be purchased at a lower rate. b). Denton County Day is February 21 and the BBQis FeY)ruary 18. Denton County Day is the following; Tuesday. �**Hovt�ever, the following Tuesday is February 23.) c). Council commended on how well the park looks with the Christmas lights. 15. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary OW 06 ` r® Mayor ram -