01/11/1993-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council Minutes January 11, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Net Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman John Berndt MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie BraxtDn PRESENT: City Administrator John Harrirlton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Craig Waggoner, Fire Chief Bi11 Murrell, Public Works Superintendent Chucl; Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Stacy Seagraves -Sanger Courier, Jeff McNeill, and Keith Newton Mayor Armstrong called the meetingo orcler. Uourlffffffanrr-� gave the invocation+ • r by the pledge to the flag. a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment #3 - Caldwell Tanks - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank d}. Payment #4 - J. L. Myers Co. - 300 GPM Water Supply Well i . - # .. Seconded by •uncilman MadderL MotionMari 3. Citizen's Input -None 4. Presentation Regarding Lake Ray Roberts -Donald Freeman b}. His concerns with Dallas, Denton and the Corp of Engineers handling the lake level at Ray Roberts. Mayor Armstrong stated that she feels this is more of a County problem since this is not in the city limits and none of our tax base was used to build the lake. She would not recommend to this Council to get involved in any issue concerning the lake. If for any reason it could lead to litigation she feels the City would not be in a position to get involved. 5. Presentation -Fire Chief Bill Murrell -Introduction of 1993 Department's Officers and Report on Firefighter's Association Fire Chief Bill Murrell introduced 1993 Fire Department Officers: Craig Waggoner Jeff McNeill Calvin Tipton John Berndt Alice Hupp Keith Newton i - Assistant Chef - Captain Captain Captain EMS Captain EMS EMS Director Keith Newton, EMS Director, went over firefighters' funds that is previously referred to as their "CD" and proceeded to introduce a graph indicating the percentages allocated for a Benevolence Fund, Medical Relief, Scholarship and Operations. The Fire Department also donated "Jaws of Life" to the City of Sanger. They have paid the remaining note balance that was remaining. I Mayor Armstrong. and Council accepted the donation and proceeded w th thanking and showing their support to the Volunteer Fire Department for all the work they do for their city. ,onsider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #Rl�93 3oundary Line Between Denton and Tarrant Counties € 'r)� 1U A 409 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF SANDER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, OPPOSING ANY CHANGE IN THE CURRENT BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE COUNTIES OF DENTON AND TARRANT. 1VIotion was made by Councilmanlt<Iadden and seconded by Councilman Berndt to adopt Resolution #Rl-93. Motion carried. 7. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton advised City Council can the following% a}. City Administrator advised that the City has now exceeded 1500 water meters in service. There are 1502 water meters in service, using a population factor of 2.8 per meter, that would indicate population increase of 165 in the last 12 months. b}. On January 7, 1993, the Community Development Grant Application for the sewer line replacement on FM 455 between 4th Street and GNB Bank Building was reviewed by NCTCOG Regional Review Committee. As soon as results are known, he will forward that to them c}. City Administrator advised that on January 25th he will be attending a one day seminar in Austin conducted by Texas Public Power Association on Utility Accounting and Finance. d}. City Administrator asked if Council could schedule a workshop in February to Possibly discuss street projects. Meeting is scheduled for 2nd meeting in February (February 15, 1993). e}. TML Legislative Briefing is scheduled for February S, 1993 in Austin. City Administrator asked if' anyone who wanted to attend to please let him know 21 days in advance. f}. Final cost on Underground Petrolezun Storage Tank that was removed from City Yard totaled $11,567. The engineers on the project completed the reimbursement form to the Texas Water Commission. It is unknown if any cost will be eligible for reimbursement. g}. City Administrator talked with John Mears from Hunter Associates, Inc. and he advised that: the new well is pumping 300 gallons per minute and will be completed by the middle of February. h}. Swimming Pool Contract will be signed tomorrow and they will have 1D6 days to complete. i}. City Administrator spoke with Billy Hill with the Planning Department at TPWD and they will be interviewing applicants on the Z9th and 21st. They will be making their recommendation. They are getting close to awarding bid. j }. Sidewalk study is almost complete and a report and recommendation will follow by next City Council meeting. k}. Sales Tax is continuing to show an increase. 1}. On Mr. K1ine's sewer problem, the Public Works Department is in the process of replacing sewer line from Elm and Pecan. 8. Any Other Such Matters a). Councilman Jenkins asked if there were any specifications regarding the proportion of metal, glass, and brick material used on the new building that Mr. Bucklew is building. City Administrator advised that the Board of Adjustment approved the construction and the building was described at that meeting. Councilman Jenkins thought there was and he wasp°t sure. b}. Councilman Jenkins also asked if on l2th Street, between Bolivar and Elm, if these particular streets was more dilapidated than 13th, l lth or any other street. Public i�Vorks Superintendent Chuck Tucker advised that it wasnIt a City Administrator advised that it will be considered if money is available when they start on streets. 9. Meeting adjourned. c9dc GL�2c cam` its° ecreta ®®G. GOW`ass ®_ VOW L as - • - • Mayor i ®®®®®I�F�IG4S •. w MIN!]TES: City Council Meeting February 1, 1993 CouncilwomanBraxton, Councilman.Kincaid, and Councilman John Berndt PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry boast, Steve and Brenda Wooley, Linda Hood, Connie Shrivers, Jeanelle Hardaway, Alma Livingston, Donna Elkins, and Jack Richardson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Administrator John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. a). Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c } . J. L. Myers - $3,8f1.33 Motion was made by Councilman I�rncaid to approve Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input -None