04/05/1993-CC-Minutes-Regulart MINUTES: City Council Meeting April 5, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman John Berndt and Councilman Russell Madden OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Jack Richardson, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Sanger Volunteer Fire Department - Craig Waggoner and Alice Hupp, Sanger Middle School Teacher - Ms. Roseanne Cunningham, Sanger Middle School Students - Aarin Boswell and Rebecca Atchison, Frontier Waste Management - Benny Johnson, and Sanger Courier - Stacy Seagraves 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Kincaid gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. Z. CONSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment #6 - Caldwell flanks - 200,000 Gallon Elevated Storage Tank D91036E - $23,943.80 d}. Resolution #R4-93 - Support of the Texas Hydrofest e}. Proclamation #P3-93 - Sexual Assault Awareness Month f}. Fire Department Award Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. 3. Citizen`s Input - None 4. Presentation/Possible Action Regarding Earth Day - Ms. Cunningham, Sanger Middle School Ms. Roseanne Cunningham Sanger Middle School Teacher, introduced herself and two leaders from the 7th Grade, Rebecca Atchison and Aarin Boswell. Sanger Middle School students requested that City Council declare April 19th through April 23rd as Seniors of 1998, Purple Pride Week. Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton and seconded by Councilman Berndt that the City Council declare April 19th through April 23rd, Seniors of 1998, Purple Pride: Week. Motion carried 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Frontier Waste Management Mr. Benny Johnson was present for a que:stionjanswer session. After much discussion regarding regular trash pickup, special pickups, recycling, etc., items to be fixrther reviewed. Mayor Armstrong inquired as to the 30 cu. yd. boxes availability for the new landfill. Benny Johnson stated he can set 30 cu. yd. rolloffs now at the landfill It was noted that the fee schedules for these boxes for commercial customers and the landfill will be discussed in Frontier Waste Mangement's report to the City Council iVo action month for Council. • i a 0 .4010ad •i i, The following bids were received for the new mowing tractor: 2}. Case Power 2019 Airport Euless, Texas 3}. Case Power West Hwy. 82 Rt. 2, Box 30 Gainesville, Texas West Hwy. 82 Box 30 Gainesville, Texas 1111111111 mm (Tractor 4'7 hours} 3 day D elivery 1Vo Bid CASE 3emcLt Tiat we accepti • • • )n the mowing tractor, that the City pay the $9,500 down that was udgeted and pay out the balance of approximatelv $6,000 at 6% nterest for 24 months. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Bid For Fence Enclosure -Municipal Swimming Pool Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Jenkins that we authorize bids for the Fence Enclosure for the Municipal Swimming Pool. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance 03-93 - Regulating Parking at Community Center/Switzer Park Motion was made by Councilman Berndt and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Ordinance 03-93, regulating parking at the Community Center/Switzer Park. x �•� x � � x x x � ll i •' � x e, i x D x,I M aLejD f LI Motion Carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Interlocal Agreement with Denton County -Contraband Motion was made by Councilman Berndt and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City of Sanger enter into the Interlocal Agreement with Denton County regarding contraband. Motion carried. 10. City Administration Report o City Administrator reported on the following items. a}. The surplus property sale on March 1Uth netted $1,921.5C3. b}. City Hall to be closed on Friday, April 9th for the GOod Friday holiday. c}, Mr. Gerald Stone met with the Library Board Monday, 4%5/93. The Library Board reviewed the preliminary design which is estimated to cost approximately $373,044. d}. Work has begun on the pool. e}. Vernon Lane has donated his time ;end his bulldozer to help eradicate some of the tree problems with the egrets. f}. Engineers to be present Tuesday, 4:j6j93, to discuss the well site. g}. Engineers will be at the next meeting to discuss the preliminary drawing regarding the width of streets. h}. The next meeting will have mare information regarding the pool draft operation manual. Position for Pool .Manager to be posted. 11. Any Other Such Matters a}. Mayor Armstrong stated she had attended the Isle De Boise Park's Grand Opening. b. Mayor Armstrong inquired if the City had heard anything regarding the marina City Administrator John Hamilton stated that he has been trying to reach the Texas Parks and Wildlife. At this time, he has not been able to talk with them, but will keep trying. c. Mayor Armstrong mentioned she had received a letter from Texas Water Commission dated March 26, 1993 regarding the landfill. Several matters for the City to take care of at the landfill within a sixty day period. d. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that Sanger still has a chance regarding the Wastewater Grant. e. Councilman Jenkins inquired regarding how the new police officer is working out. Chief Erwin stated she is progressing well. f. Mayor Armstrong inquired as to the light pole down. She stated we might want to contact the Highway Department again. g. Brief discussion regarding the Chamber of Commerce Sign which was located off of I-35 that has been removed. 12. Meeting adjourned. Cit�r Secretary