05/17/1993-CC-Minutes-Regular000173 MIINL7TES: City Council Meeting May 17, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid +UTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, John Mears - Hunter +'r Associates, Garland Thornton - GNB, Terry Jones and Kim Clarke with Chamber of Commerce, J. P. "Vatson - Editor, Sanger Courier, Jane, Kenneth and Fate Richardson, Dorwin Sargent, Bill Murrell & Keith Newton - Sanger VFD 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. Swear In Newly Elected Officials City Secretary Rosalie Garcia proceeded with swearing in of the following: Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Place I Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Place 3 Jack Richardson, Councilman Place 5 3. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to re-elect Councilman Jenkins as Mayor Pro-Tem by acclamation. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Payment #E - J. L. Myers Co. - 300 GPM Water Supply - $64,222.28 d). Proclamation #P5-93 - Joe Skiles/Community Contribution e). Proclamation #P&93-Joe Higgs/School-Community Contribution Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins: to approve all items on Consent Agenda except for Item 4 {c) payment to J. L. Myers Co. which will be deleted and discussed after this motion. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. Councilman Jenkins made the motion to approve payment of Item #4 (c), J. L. Myers Co. - $64,222.28 upon acceptance of the I+Vell by the Engineering Company after a meeting with the two contractors in approximately one week. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried.. 5. Citizen's Input - None 6 . (11). Consider and Possible Action Regarding Fire Key Rate For Sanger Bill Murrell, Fire Chief for the Sanger Volunteer Fire Department, discussed the Key Rate regarding homeowner's policy premiums. He went over several areas of improvement to reduce the Key Rates. Discussion. 000174 tatt was instructed to get costpump house to sossibly lowersome • Chamberof Terry Jones and l�fm Clarke, members of the Chamber, were requesting that during the Sanger Heritage Sellabration and BBQ Cook )ff, that the following streets be closed: on Friday, 5:Q0 p.m. September 19, 1993 until Saturday, lOwOO p.m., September 11, 1993, Bolivar Street from 4th Street to 2nd Street and from 2nd Street to lst Street, 3rd Street from Elm to Cherry. 3treet to Elm from 6wOO a.m., Saturday, September 11, 1993 to dotion was made by Councilman Kincaid to grant request for Chamb + + } • • .b+ • s • • • •Braxton.• +carried.. sKNINA 02*4ft4lief$tWtS} LI • r • r • :• • ind refinance it Current a.. • is $43,869.42 and the Library )evelopment Committee is prepared to make a lump sum contribution f $20,000, leaving a balance of $23,869.42. If the City contributes he balance by • • depository bank at a 'avorable interest rate they could save at least $43,000 at the total life f the note as it is right now. The property can then be taken off the ax roll and it could mean a savings of ff iow until they break ground on the new library project, it cannot be aken off the roll. }Widing .- #f a monthmoney iow being used to make note payments on the note, however, these • • • •♦ toward the reductionof } or buildinghe qayor Armstrong did advise she visited with the Library Board and 411"101114010 MU w } )iscussion followed concerning refinancingl :ommittee will be instructed to transfer title of property to the City. Chis will be after a $20,000 portion is paid by the Library )evelopment Committee and that the City's note will not exceed 26,500. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids on Streo Improvements 000175 The following bids were received regarding paving improvements: Bolivar Street (I-35 Service Road to 13th Street} Tenth Street (Bolivar Street to Austin Street) Seventh Street (Pecan Street to Elm Street) Bidder Bid No. Tenth/ Tenths Bolivar Bolivar Bond Days Seventh Seventh Base Bid Alt. Bid Base Bid Alt. Bid JRJ Paving X 180 365,152 370,158 351117a0 35,455.20 All -Tex Paving,Inc. X 120 336,805 312,555 23;185.00 23,840.00 PJS Const.Inc. X 120 343,855 324,695 26,008.00 27,666.00 Ballard Consulting & Contracting X 150 340,564.50 NO BID 22,084.50 NO BID Dyer Mat.,Inc. X 120 345,665 NO BILi 26,386.00 NO BID C. Watts t� Sons X 150 391,21� 382,219 33,567.00 42,230.00 Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Madden to accept All -Tex Paving's concrete bid including the Bolivar Base Bid, 10th and 7th, for a total of $359,990.00. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Addendum to the motion to include the utilities and engineering. fees which will bring the total to $4Q6,QQQ. IVIotion carried. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Bids on TrencherjBackhoe Combination The following bids were received at 2 p.rn. on TrencherJBackhoe Combination: �Termeer Equipment 1Q39Q Bickham Road Dallas, Texas 75220 Case Power Equip. P. �. Bax 61Q526 Dallas, Texas 75261 45 Days $52,936 (incl. Int.} 3Q Days $38,75Q • ow bid from Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to accept l Case Power Equipment for $38,75Q.QQ foi- 4S month. lease. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 11. (9}. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R5-93 - Short -Term Financing for Street Improvement Project Motion was made by Councilman Madden: to adopt Resolution #R5-93, a Resolution Authorizing Financing for Street Improvement Project. CITY OF SANGER, TEAS RESOLUTION #R5 '93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEYA.S, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS. 000176 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Disposal of Brusippings Discussion. « �• s1 11« 211 greement with Mrs. Anne Kyle regarding the disposal. of our brush hippings and in the future, should other individuals want to come in ind do the same thing, they would be considered on an individual asis. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. •r against annexation•. the Community Center DiSCt1SS1On. «' . • • ham 1U*K1rdgt IS •• • Tne S Tiding. ristructed to send letter to Mrs. Graham. Mayor Armstrong also asked if staff could check the air conditioner every Friday to make sure it is working for those citizens who will be using it on the weekend. uly 5, and August 2 from 10*00 arn. to 38.00 poom. with the stipulation hat Mrs. Graham be instructed to keep the building clean. Seconded Councilman i• Motion 15. City Administration Report City Administrator John Ha County Commissioner Don Hill called today and he does or Railroad Avenue and Keeton Road from Duck Creek (Austin Street) north to 455, as well as the Countys participation of constructing a 6' ft. wooden fence and storage lot on Railroad. He also talked to Mr. Rosenberg and due to the Legislature and • «, • •lot Billy Hill of Texas Parks and Wildlife stated that the marina site s • « # « • • oLka « problem with the lease. d�. City will observe Memorial Day, Monday, May the 31st. l�. Any Other Such Matters 000177 a}. Mayor Armstrong went over the list: of the Beard Members and advised City Council that they are usually appointed in June. Ordinance states they can serve six: (6) years. Some will need to be reappointed if they are willing to serve again. Mayor Armstrong instructed staff to write a letter to those Board Members whose terms wi Mll be expiring and who can be reappointed. They can advise us as to whether they would be wI lling to serve again. b}. In the first meeting in July, the County Commissioners will be appointing members of the Zoning Board and the Mayors of Pilot Point, Sanger and Denton are going to be appointed and there will be four other citizens to be appointed. Mayor Armstrong asked Council that if they knew of would like to serve on that Board, to please make th and she can inform Judge Moseley. She would like that is a landowner on this side of the lake. 17. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary OF MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: s OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor City Council Meeting June 7, 1993 s anyone who suggestion someone Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Councilman Russell Madden City Administrator John Harr.�ilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Public �N'orks Superir.�tendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Jolene Wz son -Sanger Courier, Billy Jack Hollingsworth, Steve Hollingsworth, and Fire Chief Bill Murrell 1. Mayor Armstrong called. the meeting to order. Councilman Richardson gave the invocation which was followed by the the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment #2-1st ABC Construction, Switzer Park -- Rest*oom & Concession Stand Facilities - $31.,417AS d}. Payment #7-J. L. Myers Co. - 300 GPM Water Supply Well - $10,92L10