06/21/1993-CC-Minutes-RegularCfty Council Meeting June 21, 1993 1VYayor Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Councilwoman Margie Braxton City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Garcia, Public iorks Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Garland Thornton, Kenneth Richardson, J. P. t h son - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Kincaid gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment #2 - lst ABC Construction -Switzer Park - Restroorn and Concession Stand - $319417M45 �3 4. d). Payment #2 - DRS Contractors - Switzer Park - Municipal Swimming Pool and Facilities - $18,623.19 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve items on Consent Agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. Mayor Armstrong stated there was an additional item to be included for payment in the disbursements which was for electric cable and other necessary equipment for work on 19th Street Project This item was not included in the regular disbursements. Councilman Jenkins amended motion to include this for payment Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. Citizen's Input: None Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to Commissions and Boards Plying � Zoning Commission Appointed Place 5 Joe Bell Appointed Place 7 Peggy Haski Appointed Place 3 Mary Bell Sims i t Reappointed Place 1 Andy Garza Board of Adjustment Appointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Reappointed Allen Sweeney Betty Jenkins Franc'le Sullivan Ben Weatherall Fred Yeatts Mayor Armstrong asked Council for their possible recommendation for two alternates to the Board of Adjustment Reappointed Place 3 Burl Bourland Reappointed Place 4 Peggy Sanford Reappointed Place 5 Randy Petterson Reappointed Place 7 Ruth McGuffin ibrary Board Reappointed Place 1 Esta Lou Morgan Reappointed Place 3 Helen Bounds Reappointed Place 6 Dorwin Sargent Reappointed Place 5 Sherry Muir Reappointed Place 3 Dorothy Clarkson Appointed Place 4 Joann Bell Appointed Place 2 Angela McDade Reappointed Place 7 Linda Hewlett Reappointed Place 5 Cindy Richardson Motion was made by Councilman Richardson that appointments made by Mayor Armstrong be confirmed. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 5. City Administration Report a}. All -Tex is proceeding with the paving improvements. On Bolivar Street and on 7th, they ran into a problem on 7th due to the excavation. Public Works will have to lower a 6" inch water main on three spots on Pecan, Peach and Elm Gas Company also working on these streets and also on lath Street. Electric Utility Relocation is completed on 7th and Bolivar and is almost completed on 19th. The engineer was here today and Public Works Superintendent and himself did meet with the School Superintendent regarding the project and process on 7th Street. b}. The new water tower was full of water, it was drained and they will start filling it up tomorrow. The computer controls will be installed by tomorrow afternoon. The telephone line is not in yet; however hopefully, everything will be completed by the end of the week. When they fill it again and get a successful water sample, he will keep them posted on status. c}. Sales Tax Receipts for the calendar year represents a 16.5°/a increase compared to 1992. d}. City Administrator reminded Council City Hall will be closed July 5th due to the Holiday and the meeting is scheduled for July 6th if it meets everyone's schedule. 6. Any Other Such Matters a}. Air Armstrong asked about the marina. City Administrator advised he has not contacted anyone due to everyone including Billy Hill is on vacation. b}. Councilman Kincaid wanted to know the status on the Street Projects that the City will be doing. City Administrator advised that they were scheduled for sometime in August due to the pool. work. Councilman Kincaid also inquired about whether a resident can request for curb and guttering at trieir expense. Staff and Council advised that it can be done at the customer's expense while the paving contractors are in town since the City cannot do this type work. 7. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary U Mayor