08/02/1993-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: QTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting August 2, 1993 ., _. _.y Mayor Nel Armstrong, Caunci.lman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tammy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, and Councilman Jack Richardson City Administrator John Ham.iltan, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larr`,r iFaast, Garland Thornton, Jeff McNeill, John Berndt, M:erwyn Tucker, Bill Murrell, Jeff Jackson, Kim Wilson, Craig t Uaggoner, Jim Conley, Bobby Swan, Calvin Tipton, Alice Hupp and Delania Trigg - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Administrator John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CC}NSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Payment - Phase I - The Architectural Collective, Inc. - $3,iJ34.58 d). Award far Volunteer Fire Fighters {Awards and Presentations were done after Any rather Such Matters.) Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: Mr. Mark Bolger addressed City Council concerning the construction an lath Street. Since the City is gutting in a new street, concern about speed limit and whenever construction to finish, wanted City Council to possibly consider lowering speed limit to 2fl m.p.h. 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding the Texas Department of Housing Program) Submission of Grant Application to & Cam:munity Affairs {HOME Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open and asked if anyone was present to speak for ar against. Na one was present to speak far ar against the Public Hearing. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding t antract and Maintenance Agreement on Operation of Safety Lighting on I.H. 35 Between Texas Department of Transportation and the City of Sanger Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to approve the Contract and Maintenance Agreement an Operation of Safety Lighting an I.H. 35 between Texas Department of Transportattion and the City of Sanger. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Matian carried. F. City Administration Report a}. City Administrator advised that Ga�ernmental Service Agency, at no cast to the City, is resubmitting a grant request to the 1993 TCDP competition. b). Street work an Bolivar, Seventh and Tenth is proceeding and concrete has been poured an bath Balivar and 7th. c}. On Monday, 7/2�/93, the east side of town experienced a water pressure loss as the system had a connector leak from the new Lane Station Nell to the overhead tower and a valve on the downtown yard primary booster pump malfunctioned. The system has been replaced. 7. Any Other Such Matters: None S. 2 (d} Mayor proceeded with awards and presentations to the Volunteer Fire Department. The following were presented with Basic Fire Department Certificates: John Berndt Jim Conley Steve Hollingsworth Jeff Jackson Jeff McNeill Keith Newton (not present} - Basis: Fire Department Certificate and Training Coordinator Certificate Bobby Swan Calvin Tipton -Training Instructor Level I Philip C. Waggoner -Awarded Unit Citation Mayor Armstrong awarded to the members of the Volunteer Fire Department who made an emergency call on Hazardous Waste Spill. The fallowing members were recognized: John Berndt Jim Conley Steve Hollingsworth Jeff Jackson Jeff McNeill Keith Newton Bobby Swan Calvin Tipton Philip C. Waggoner Kim Wilson Ronnie Swanson 9. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary )�G Mayor �,;c�w' �� � r„,� �. `�P�. °�, .,C,r �' : f ._ ® s ®® r� ® .,,: .� ��° "' C� p�� �W tr � c S a�9��®®�9