08/23/1993-CC-Minutes-Work Sessionx ' a :'" "fi I1. Meeting adjourned. City Secretary Mayor ` tr. 'j as4 g: . MINUTES: City Council lorkshop ®' August 23, 1993 '_ s r''a-...... ... ® MEMBERS @ , ° PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Mac clen, Councilman Tammy Kincaid, acid Councilman Jack Richardson MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton and City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Proposed 1993/ 1994 Budget Departments: a). Revenues City Administrator went over the revenues and expenditures. Lengthy discussion followed proposed rate increases in water, sewer, electric and taxes. The following rate increases were discussed: Electric rates from .a579171 to .59° 161 per KWH Minimum stays the same Small business rates remain the same. Large commercial rates from $5a.aa for first F KtU to $5a.5a and from 7.83 per KtUH to 7.99. tUater rates from I.Qa $1.8a, from l;aa 1 to 4,999 to $2.aa per l,aaa from 5,aao - 14,999, from $2.2a to $2.4a per l,aaa from 15,aaa to 29,999, and from $3.aa per l,aaa to 3a,aaa+. Proposed sewer rates from .9a to .9 per l,aaa in excess of l,oaa gallons. i e city as Rept Me same tax rate Torp• t rare crease was .4702 t . 0 % of C�. Personnel i t -t .r i • t ere • discussed. Administrator did advise that certain obs do top • valuationson •' • and if the rest of departments t • also. City Secretary replied she had recently done her department's evaluations. Councilman Richardson stated that Step Plans are essential If City Administrator wanted to give a raise, he should be able to without City Council approval. Step Plans provide incentives for employees. Discussion. Councilman Richardson stated he was still working on it for this fiscal year. Mayor Armstrong discussed that City Administrator's evaluation had to be done. She asked Council to study the Administrator's job description and if they wanted to discuss any item on his evaluation to let her know and she would compile it for the evaluation. Any tether Such Matters: Mayor Armstrong as �a "i i •- 't • • ri- acrossa a,*tist Church. • b}. Mayor Armstrong did advise City Secretary to call our local gaper to see if they could possibly do an article on how fortunate the City is on our water situation. Mayor stated that our citizens need to realize that since we got our new water well, the City has not had to ration water like in years past. c). Council discussed changes on the annexation proceedings. City Secretary ,. V x` ®er0XAS , Mayor