10/18/1993-CC-Minutes-Regular} _y ` _.Y . City Administrator stated it was in the budget and BFI came in under the budget and 2 1J2 miles ere added. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins asked if we were getting our money's worth. City Administrator stated that for the frequency that we do street sweeping, we are getting ou:r money's worth. h}. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins also asked about the problems with the officer's portable radios. If we are having problems we need to get it corrected. Councilwoman Braxton stated it was her understanding in executive session that the radios were working good. Discussion. City Administrator was instructed to check into the radio situation. City Administrator also advised staff to prepare a report an dispatch alternatives. i}. Mayor Pro-Tem also asked about tY e keys to the building. It seems the police reserves do not have keys and they can't get into the building as in the past. Chief Erwin was to send a memo to City Administrator regarding the key situation. Discussion. 11. Meeting adjourned. n Ci Secretary MINUTES: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting October 18, 1993 Mayor =8 6. - : s Y ® s: o ® m Mayor NeI Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Council Tommy Kincaid Councilwoman Margie Braxton City Administrator John Harciilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public VLlorks Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Esta Ashcroft, Edgar Barrow, Cindy Barrow, Jim Jt oodall, D elania Trigg - Sanger Courier, Alan Calvert, Doug McGowan, Justin Calvert, and D ill McGowan - Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman &incaid gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. ZMXTT.L Iv Payment #3 , Paving,r Proclamation #P6.93 "Stay In School,Off Drugs Resolution s !rrSchool IN Vith the exception of Item #9 and take no action on this item. 3econded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. s • • • •Police r reason r vas due to that fact that the reserves no longer had keys to access thwz buildingolice Department. He felt since he had no access to the he an no longer perform his duties as a Police Reserve. Mayor and City Council did net discuss this item since it was not on the agenda. # ponsored by N.T.C.O.G. •'.. own by ! l�1SCUSSI®n. Programafety !' promotion • r N.T.C.O.G. Seconded oiYceibiol M.?,.dden. Motion carried. see i ILA �y "ONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE a_ CLVk Ti� Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to adopt Ordinance 015-93. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. o 'der and Possi le Action Regarding Ordinance #0 1&93, Cable °sdnojo jaalunlon puu suoTluzTuus3J0 41JOId -uou .mo Aq ATluasazd pasn $uTaq sT TaluaD fITunuzuzo3 aT,II uallo vwtj uo uoTluui.TojuT ILuoilippl3 Iuasoad oI .Iluls mollu of palqul sum uiall •.Talua,D ALlTununuoD Io asn ioj Isanba.z �uTpTu?a.z pamollol uoTssnosTQ zalua �LlTunuzuzo�j aqj Io asH io,d Isanbad uTp.Tu ad uoTlay algTssod puu JQPlsuo� •6 paT zzuo u:oTlolltl •pTuauTx uuuzlTouno� �Sg papuooas •za uuS ,To f%4T� puu fs4unoD uoluaQ ITITM aoTAI;DS ;)IIZ JOJ IuauzaaJ ?V luool.Talul Idopu of suT>luap uuuzlTounoD Aq apuuz sum uoTloW sa�uus Io �IT� puu �Iuno� uoluaQ - aoTn.zas a TT.d °luauma.T y luoolialul uTp Tu ag uoTlay algTssod puu zapTsuo� •g •paTjjuo UOTlolnl •suiNuar uRu:TliounoD Aq popuooaS •saoin.Tas ?UIIOAoa.T apnlauT pinonA IBM u0T4331I00 alsutll pTIoS s,l 41:) auI ioI pallTuzgns aq of lusodoid azijoTllnu of uappulRT uuuzllounoo hq apuuz suiA uoTIoyq •saoTn.zas �uTlo�a.z .ToI uanT� aq uoTlu.�apTsuoo jol ITounoa AITD passaippu IIuToTlsy ulsS •sjW •uoTssnosTQ sa�Tn.zas uoTloallo3 alsut4l pTIoS zoj spTS uTzTzocllny uoTlay algTssod puu .zapTSTzoJ •L •paT.T.Tuo uoTloUtl '�OH�IHH 2I�,L.LVUtI s,��t'SIlS �Hs, O,I. Q�,LV'I��I SNOISI110�Id 2I�H,LO :7NINIVQ�IO QNV ��.LVQ �1lI.L���,d� QNV AIIIISVU2AL HS HOB ONIGlAO 3d 'S QN1lASU (INV SNOI,L:)[IQaI S,LVU SZSISSOd UO,d ONIQIAOUd 'A1.ID SH.I. AS SNOISIDZQ NSJ.IIHM aOd ONQIAOUd 'aOlYd'3dO S ISVD SHI NO .gOOUd ,d0 N2(IUfIS ONIDVId oNOLLVPQUO,dNI AUVI SIHdOad HO.d SN0I1021.0ad ONIQIAOad =SSIVU IN:RWdIIIbS (INV 901A lSS SgSVD DISVS ,40 MSIASH UO.d ONIQIAOUd 'SHSVSHDNI SlVd QSSOdOHd .40 S:)IION ONIUM6 ib[H 'SSDUVHa aSM,LSM NIVINSD UO.d 39NPISCIlO ONIQIAOacl `•SlM3YgSHIl6SH HSIH3NV&4 ONIAZSIIVS ,40 SISOD .40 HDfIOHHI, SSVd aOZ ONIQIAOHd=S1.N�UII�2IIIl i��1 NOIIVDOrlgV ISOD QNV INflODDV ISOD HOA ONIQIAOUd 'SSOUVHD NOI.LY11VISNI QNV INSY4dICI6:R QNV SSIVU HSII SDIAUSS DISVS .d0 NOIIV flDgVD UO.d Vlofll HOA ONIQIAOUd 'S'IMS USSI OSSIIS (IszIygslI HOA :)NIQIAOUd 'ONP IIS NOI1dO aAIIVOSN ONI,LISIHOUd 'S'I'IIS AgH.LNOYq S'ISVO NO NOIIVWHOAMI NIV ISO ONIHI 6SH wAIIgISV PvrAV aSU DISVS .d0 HDLLON ONIHICIbs2I �SNOI.LINI.d�Q ONIQIt102id a�85-�Oi 'ON tAV'I DI'ISIId `Z661 u4O 13V NOLI,ISdIAIOD QNV NOII3SIOad agWfISNOD NOISIAS ISI S'ISVD SHI HIIIA SDIMMODOV NI `SSoaVHo NOII,VI'IVLSNI QNV INSWdIn6S QH1.V SH (INV USII SDIMSS :)ISVS SHI UO.d `SVXSI `U:90NVS AO A1I31 2HI NIHIIM SUOIVdSdO NOISIAS ISI SgSVD AS CISDaVHD S:SIV I SHI ONII.VZIIOSc'I SDNVNIQUO NV S-vxal `H:aDMVS .d0 AID 96-91 S# 'ON RDNVNIGHO •suTNuar uuuzlTouno�l Sg l)apuooas •.zolu.zlsTUTuzPV kIT� oI .za9uuu� �1T�-�ala.z puu s�luuTg IIu uo .�a�uuS Io f�I.T� l.TasuT oI sT '�IoTLIm palou uoTloazzoo aTII TIITnA suoTlu�nag uoTsTnalal alquQuTldoPu 56-910# aouuuTp.io Idopu of uosp.zuT4oia uuuzlTounoo hg apuLu sum uoilolAa ayor s concern• the Community Center up on veekends which is when the Communityused more Che Sullivan Senior Center was considered roups to meet, to free the Community Center to be used by citizen 'or weddings,reunions, r. projected to be completed Friday the 15th by the contractor however, the rain, during the middle of the week, has delaye 6,1 the completion date. resignations in Public► • those two positions posted. nice. Cost was $2,174.00 and lien will be on property. not oln t e agencla, can we make sure this be added on the next agenda? • ractice and that could be why the buses are parked there. mummml 12. eating 6- ai City Secretary i MEMBERS PRESENT: Maycar PTerra Jerry Jenkins, �ounciloman Margie Braxton, ��auncilman Russell Madden and �aunciiman Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong and Councilman Jack Richardson