11/01/1993-CC-Minutes-RegularMINLiTES: City Council Meeting November 1, 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro -Tern Jerry Jenkins, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden and Councilman Tommy Kincaid MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong and Councilman Jack Richardson t: ` .. ... � ,. ..tip OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public �7orks Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Garland Thornton, Craig `�47aggoner, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Keith Newton, Eddie Branham, Delania Trigg - Sanger Courier, Pam Bloedel, Mitchell Danielson and Daphne Swartz 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Jenkins called the meeting to order. City Administrator John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to approve Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input -None 4. Roberts Addition {Brook Glen &Fairfield Circle} Drainage - Presentation by Residents Residents from Roberts Addition -Mitchell Danielson, Pam Bloedel and Daphne Swartz were present to disclxss the problems they experienced about two weeks ago during the heavy rains. The Swartz Family experienced flooding that caused damage to their carpet in their home. ', The emphasis was on the creek that runs by that property that is causing the flooding. Mitchell Danielson addressed City Council and advised that they have contacted the Highway Department about: the problem. Mrs. Danielson's husband wrote a letter to City Council and his concern in his letter was that the Highw�xy Department has added extra drainage that has put more water down this channel. They were requesting the trees, weeds, a:nd cat -tails to be cleaned out of the channel. The State Highway Department has the drainage plans on what they changed on Interstate 35 and field changes. The Danielson Family felt the Highway Department is concerned about the problem and hopes they will do something. Discussion. Mr. Hamilton's recommendation in correcting this problem was to first get the City Engineer to do a drama€;e study plan with instructions on what could be done to el�eviate the problem. Mrs. Swartz and Mrs. Bloedel were concerned as to who is responsible for the damages the flooding caused especially to the Swartz's carpet. City Administrator advised he has contacted the City Attorney and our insurance regarding the liability on these damages and the City is not liable. Mrs. Bloedel stated if the City was not responsible, the City should have taken the measures to co.�a�a�t whoever was responsible when they had complained before. layor ■ i contacting ir the Countyfor s possible t 4 Agreement ossibly use their equipment and employees. He also apologized hat it had to come to .. situation like this where someone damageseceived Staff instructed tc cantact City Engineer. VIarshall is vacant. DiSCUSSlt3n. MANU111• _* The fallowing bids were received fear the Dump Truck Bid, 11 j 1/93, 2:VV p.m.: aal E5.12% 't ! days) ! ' if ' ,! # days) t 5.12% per cent interest, $694.04 approximate payment per month ♦elivery within ;f f days.• t'i by Councilwoman Braxton. dotion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to approve Denton County t � • li - 'r - • : • i • • - 01-luing • i . • i t ! i . i i s t i' ! Possible Action Regarding Resolution # • 9 GarlandMotion was made by Councilman Madden to cast fourteen (14) votes to Thornton. • i-i • Councilman is � ��� �=� ��.: _, CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R13-9�� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGIIR, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, CASTING THE CITY COUNCIL'S NOTE FOR CANDIDATE{S} TO THE DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Madan carried. 9. Consider and Passible Action Regarding :bequest Far Use of the Community Center: {a} Cub Scouts {b} Girl Scouts {c} Pathfinders Discussion. Madan was made by Councilman Madders that the City deny request af, {c} Pathfinders, far use of Community Center as requested in their letter of October 7, 1993, but to allow other users, {a} Cub Scouts and {b} Girl Scouts, because of the time element it is being used an the weekdays. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Madan carried. lt�. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton repari:ed on the following items: a}. City Administrator advised that he has asked Dan Almon, the City's Financial/Band Advisor with Southwest Securities, to prepare a basic report on possible :Funding options for future street, library and water/sewer improvements. City Administrator hopes to have that report after Thanksgiving. b}. On Wednesday, Hunter &Associates and All -Tex are scheduled to make an inspection of the street work done so the project ', can be finished. Staff is still not paeased with drainage, alleviating Bolivar Street, sa they will be discussing that specifically. c}. Garland Thornton also had good news concerning the Marina. He did confirm Friday that Mr. Harber is in contract to build the Marina and his son, Terry, is already out there moving dirt and work has definitely begun. d}. Chamber of Commerce is scheduled for ribbon cutting at Cindy's Salon tomorrow at the new Bucklew Shopping Center. e}. City Administrator reminded City Council that during the first part of the year, they appointed Larry Yoast to represent the City on the EAS Committee. With the passing of Senate Bill 632 Extending EAS Service, they contacted Centel who later {sometime in the summer} advised that the City already had EAS Service and the City was eligible. The City then contacted our attorney in Austin who is recommended by TML and Texas F'ower Association, Jim Boyle and himself will be sending the City a letter on options of pursuing this matter. f}. City Administrator reported that there is a drainage problem at Mrs. Sons, S(1(1 Willow, the construction work an 1[7th Street has diverted more water to Woad Street. The long term solution is curb and gutter that street and he will be visiting with Mrs. Sons. 11. Any Other Such Matters ssured him that Oak Street will be done. l� h gINUTES: City Council Meeting November 15, 1993 NiE1VIF�ERS PRESENT% Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Jack Richardson and Councilman Russell Madden � E PublicWorks Superintendent VaynardHyde,DwainPoraykal, and Nick Dowd � exas Waste a•- Randi Trigg � Sanger Courier Payment ■All�Tex Paving, Bolivar/Tenth/ ` $94v719075 Vlotion was made by Councilman Jenkins and beentakenof. i !:carried. 3. Citizen's Input: None 4. Consider and Possilale fiction Regarding Awarding Bid Far Solid Taste Services