12/06/1993-CC-Minutes-Regularc}. Mayor Armstrong inquired if Larry had taken care of a line that was down on lath Street which belongs to Galaxy. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast stated that he had spoken with Galaxy and also a doorknocke:r was placed on the citizen's door that had complained about this problem informing them that the line would be taken care o" by Galaxy. d . Councilman Madden mentioned that he had noticed that on lClth Street whenever the street was redone that it was lowered possibly about three feet. He inquired was the same going to happen on the other end of lath Street Mayor Armstrong stated this was done to maintain the drainage. Public Works Superintendent Chuck fiueker mentioned water was shifted from Bolivar to Wood i;ri order to maintain proper drainage. Other streets affected were Bolivar, Willow, Wood, Oak and Austin during the street improvements. Mayor Armstrong advised that any drainage problems that develop as a result of these street improvements, the City will do its best to correct any problems. e}. City Administrator John Hamilton :stated Dan Alrnon will be present at the December 2Cith meei ing to discuss financing options/bonds. f . Councilman Richardson inquired about the police radios. Mayor Armstrong instructed staff to get a complete report on the police radios from Chief Erwin. g). Councilman Richardson requested ;staff to contact Ft+t1M to bring their property up to code. 11, Meeting adjourned. City Secretary _ C / F . Mayor > J ifi' e. 'u S a ® •fr®®®ab MINUTES: City Council Meeting December , 1993 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, and Councilman Jack Richardson MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins LAW! IV it ■ .E S E 1'17: ity Administrator♦ # Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill,Superintendent Yoast, Chief of • . 4 Mrs. Glen Ervin & son, John Mears - Hunter Associates, Dwain Pomykal - Texas Waste Management, Jeff Danutis,and Delania Trigg Sanger �, ♦ � is • _# • ♦ ♦ #' ♦ «#r' gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. r Disbursements Zichardson that the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: l�Tone Garland Thornton made a presentation regarding the Bolivar Street Median at I-35 with cost estimates listed below as recommendations from the Bolivar Street Median Committee which consists of Joe Skiles, Terry Jones and himself: 35' Bronze Flag Pole $1, 160.00 Installation $ 300.00* b}. One 500 Watt Lights for Flag $ 300.00 c}. Landscaping $ 500.00* d}. Irrigation System $ 250.00* e}. Pavestone or Similar Material $ 250.00* f}. Monument Type Sign, Brick Trim, Concrete/Plaster Insert Worded - Welcome to Sanger Established 1886 $19200.00 Total Estimated Cost �,960.00 1). City of Sanger 3). Sanger Bank Jerry Jones spoke briefly that their intent with this is to enhance thAV vlayor Armstrong mentioned she would like for the signs to have th vlayor Armstrong thanked the committee for the work they've done tem tabled and to be placed on the December 20th agenda for further IN a liscussio a d r)ossiblv take action at that meeting. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding-,,,. airiage -Roberts Subdivision ,..r� L." ._. :mod John Mears with Hunter Engineers spoke regarding drainage problems in Roberts Subdivision. Mr. Mears mentioned the following courses of action that can be taken to improve drainage in the subject area: 1 }. Check tributary for blockages at Clear Creek and any upstream location. cost minimal} 2}. Grade open lot south of Brook Glen. Drive. (cast: minimal} 3}. Clear and grade channel north of Keaton Road to Fairfield Circle. Cost: minimal to significant}. 4}. Replace drainage structure at Keaton Road. (cost: significant}. Note: Though cost significant, this improvement is recommended. 5}. Concrete line critical portions of tY.�e channel to increase capacity. (cost: prohibitive}. 6}. Approve all plats/lot grading plans with relation to local drainage patterns and prohibit development which increases downstream flow rates from high runoff coefficients. (cost: minimal}. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Madden that the City do recommendations 1, 2, and 3 from Hunter Associates regarding the drainage ditch on Keaton Road. Motion carried. �. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Contract For Solid Waste Disposal Services Between Texas Waste Management and the City of Sanger - (lf 2/94 - 12Js l/96} After much discussion regarding the contract noting that 2B-with due clause insertion, 2(C}, page 2 under B, it�:m G, and on gage 3 item d, needed fixrther consideration. Agenda item tabled and to be placed on the next City Council Agenda with corrected changes. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Nuisance Bird Remedy Plan Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast mentioned the problems that some citizens in Sanger are experiencing with migratory birds especially on the east side of town. The following items were mentioned that the City could do to help with this problem: a}. Colored Streamers d}. Using Fireworks b). Thinning Trees e). Spraying Trees with Water c). Hawk Silhouettes After discussion, it was the consensus of Council to begin the remedy plan of thinning the trees as mentioned by the Electric Superintendent and to keep the City Council informed of this situation. 8. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the following items: a}. As a reminder, the Christmas and P1ew Year's Holidays, in accordance with personnel policies, will be observed on December 23rd, 24th and 31st respectively. b). As of today, a total of 24 single family residence building permits, valued at $1,516,250 have been issued for the calendar year. c). Started today on the water line development extension on Eel40 Road. ). Any Other Such Matters 10th regarding the flashing lights. problem on Jackilu between and neighbors Mr. Tipton's house. It was mentioned that one of the .. placed high on their fence which is causing a drainage problem c). Mayor Armstrong suggested on the food inspection reports that they be placed in the local paper. d). Mayor Armstrong mentioned that three applicants will be interviewed for the Fire Marshall Position. She mentioned that a committee has been appointed to meet with them. Mayon Armstrong noted that this committee will consist of herself, Councilwoman Margie Braxton and Councilman Jerry Jenkins. e). Councilman Kincaid inquired as to any further developments on the Police radios. 10. Meeting adjourned. n Mayor MEMBERS PRESEI'�'I`: Mayor Mel Armstrong, Councilwoman Counci an Russell Madden, Council: Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Coun Kincaid